maais Im m m@optaa UIIédlWl ne ralendihimeaitf i. dttag po.lia't H iocter cama i, snd boiteout a caïd, cam- lHou ara leur" ba saldinlua ucal voles. "l'an von sidtoacaj'ou.I bavle beeaun von accdy that I aimettOsligb I et sending for jota, oaily kseemeit saree- 17 Worth whle. But as jon're haro, Pa- hapa jlnueafinit out uhatla l Uicmalter uiti me." The doctor aeni ta ho ulndow, drew o p tha darla grecn bllad, aail let la the day-'vet Y listapon thc patentes face.O "Yeu," ha sait; you cettainiY dont jk our bast. Lord Kldonan.Wht b ave jota licoudolag'? tbh I1os.sus. BXVII-<(Contiaoei.) mu liai.! usflingly undartcok ta becoote already." hl i', in A inial volesberSuerdisa. Stea ga .supdaaithe tain- a"Wel, Itîsmors <htan 1 cau. Iha el lwawa «h wiabenet bydbe'te drouauinesseme lte die otofdn tista 1av' bedigat ubt OD a u. 11enet 1bhWas &buadavancali lowarde uoaianlaoui. avery dey et my lite for theailast two i YUaffect ta crédit me 1-9"be at l.t teSotthKesntnyuI al egiviniyutisa a 4s* a tesson. Tour uIlt?&r diW*I ua5ltd e 10 labha ume, îag draaghtl*. then?" beieatifferont wo».bQt M U mie ald mt boit of t-l . "Noeardild sucb à tblng la MY lite'- to iàsaiDfor jotagrill os. OM t5otf it ltaMIlilas prospecte.' h al teP nth rn ak tbtveans You, oaiuisclaftt c5 gtaid o14Iill. S'4 nt con- WillIenjon e ws hea and hou jou tirat henmMr. One- M s1AI à wu daltlntla 0hava DyX liegan to feal lndhposeitT' 0.hustie-forplae ie w uu cili «ma, mihouever, anal1I 1*11 us. at uiglat. I waa net feeling swa yenauseticea.- biMm lI iase of marrying ber te muda laclined for wotk-so 1 fouad utuen J"I Wat dyleuman? yee74120 Nid Crosmt, an tent,sentit- I set abot IL l tbas sometimea hep- hibidÉl'dtdu, a I Uongbl, Who onty pensai 10 me laîci luatest beaiayanditul- havi learnoit a secret.sud 1I10131%4a MW w. ute, hoiteah m tesity platatt nlgh-I'm groulas oIt, I suppose ýlej ia te Ucmont bancal aun Idé» l ié so g àed absand as a gurY -sait I'm ifraid of spiling My book by -~M e.1wu 1«." avtlng ulien I'm net ln <ha vola. Ton bus»Mat? Spcsh ott." saiCra- 1MM OUiMmspameed, ad scemed flor a sec, Dr. rmathwalle. jota ca't enpect Aaa lotsvolce, altb the amdeica muU5 tia b tioitan the goci cof te pat saytbing but jour bail, jour mot bf.a dituperiaadi mais. latiMMtdbpas. Whea ha reomn- maturait worh, before thc notIe of lbe Aan la dîfficalties. Tua arc uatng id lis 1m"ba sadead wsakd,.ad il w«ismea of science whom I1aant lu catch for fimigseta trou joursaif frouai. rdmi uN s grasî effort tht ha ut- my publtc."i tutiri 5w deslg word, of ias tory. "No. I qiite sec 'lbali snid Arma- air sbt Crosmolt. uib a I ¶ 85w lIat Neitanal Aphra Diglton hwaite gravely. lu bisnblévocables ib a belaiu be-aneiuri sucsfi.artis. but 1I -"Soa ben I1huit bai my whisky anal ta bis iraI suspcon tlIaeei coM mieaeiva thal ha uould bavseaatera nidmy biscuit-I geneiraly fataa Wo Uie urong, i4 A" lsau"ds e t i U serlouly of ber glass of whtisky toitiy aI about haltepaut 'btMmr. efore ho vnturei g obusi M ai groun out of cildhood, nne-î iait Il ra<her helpem ni, ork than We Wenlladed ta edo. a«i lm lIaI ubsu dias testonce îarrhcd" Bn -, hau rsshyrortoaln l a ste yafl-*-'&a iseezpassecitaitdaent on amith "ýQulte no," sait Aruaihuaite. as ithe 00"SOaia la starvinsgjour lte. Isvmu lied, lis a statmer volce-"tae wouhit lent remarhua made wilh a suggestion jt i e as bsoritexaggriea t ilssanitduty for berUniter- raooy eoswapeluite-T asmsiDr. Aiumawaiteheiî. at'uatael . a l; t tl rtn efr ei piai, , Urcerment al Iac. ba rudilblé bane ianal spolie aith decii- "Idier tlwiigberOIoh i 'me i lyspalgouI ta yoD lulm a w atlaei-'tiat 1 ami casting ne my usuel rosI, feeling ralier itroway. I M W b au 1 inene if 1 'r-autffra Kldona'a charaicler. liecamo dizzy anda sivery, anal before long ay~~~ mà Vaimeriene Abra à% abgoditoas on canvas, ruas-' I was vllethî sha." wt bae -(Wrthe diretas ois .Debv bdt jeutcs eoe h mfliseac ttUicoutset." luagm'adiattion by looks tahihen- "ouz, he ait <homone att s bouta dt t.,asat salu no moi la e b.pus mi.sB"ide"saot fel; at lana, m"'tesgo.ishavt had it oe w. aouthea di ~.tu*thsgha sa m .yi.ahy IaIbua ays bean my opinion of uer, mnbmo aehi aoslitluhsh *ftué-isig.vîlra goe sanl aamthi etgo foaaof il &Iace. but nothtas ta @Peak of." fi V-sbeseviot etohé hala1,bavai. E t la. cbergoq uencs 1rAm & Wel, Lord Kilitona," said Arma- aig .a*a préel,Çn Btthmohui."e sllc i.m s eees aAflmay Ibalz la , Curiouslj contesai voce, ci li~oaut efa t a bouclmm dnsbara ealerIfrond.ator a short panse. "I belleve 1 eau pre- 1 o:00 eUt yxsI »u i fil, j&eueera gral en nnluch-vont jour bovns hase attacha agenm wq eu1ee'," of ii' aàme ti is arainseau, u'el k- When 1Ite e icnoîl one coming on I sdm511 s "aelmoI Wa angloft liis root as I ceuli ak our permission tu &pendt the iight vîî loto6M im ohvis , * m 1 DIomulia msns ulU my own cyea. ut e. 7 . JWle asuei nî l dirous et Ont 1 cas doesthng- "Wban Yeu Meail coming on!" echoud th sra retjwi ailet ami lras- He soppld. The. slry ums over. But the patient lu surprisai.PIC ~e tboitllilsa, Forleaitelj, tfies« asa amfr wieh Araathualla .aTes; I beilove, hy a calcualon I1ea ct maieeia mpearame la'May I1laeu uluet the danger for Lady dtes cf thc previonit sttacks, I cas sud- aber, sd gva ic.a Kltelar ha asheit. out uhen Uic nazI ullI le due" ag fup elsaethons.Dé «Net ta'sbtat n.uird tbe oit doeton, "Dear me. dean me, hallsn very cleverra *a vulsa sablorrait te Arma- hrdely, dmmlmg hiinsalf togrethen ulithcicit Lord Kilitonan. iatatoniahmantad &Bdi sait ie h eacl- a Immilacva iaUeUtritonof nslectance admiration. a msisig ubni t ~ te partw»lilie sret, ubialit IlaiArme- "Oh, nolt 'bcn oae bas tadieti hoes ~ejsctrea. 'ias etiy«Unl- lImis m Ua ths tour IaI ho aigial par- Uihngs," snid thc joua dicer modeally. oA bi miniateris s && apaUS 3avi@dilaco e inhma ttan aIL.'1 as be rosa 1a go. "0f course, I maylise ~tfcroasant tatlmg spart te ais reuliraM; I Caanett llk mora to- urong. la ani Case 1 troagly adinse jou n maala a loua, «rrnt voce, atatt. I ulian@ jOta again to-îorro- net ta mention joan Indisposition ta Lady louards hlm ultiaan ex les, te-maarom, -.Kilitonas tntil us bave tounit a complets .etre amnd aitmstrual, wlicb iI aea 14,sannet saBlo each cure for ut." papait by cne of rneca 6.eface, thememn paritd; analIlb ua,(Tg ha cotinnad) w» aw- ag asima seu.o iuty anald________ rsemsldbUhay, Whadouait ly a grave fean, Brfc a CHÂPTER XVIII, fiat the jonager cluseci Uhcdoor of te BblUiclwy ong htli.DI -~as If Dr. Peulslebd soie lnh- sick rom habin a, m.His nind bi biétes amntielwbay herhWtblebisweeasobdb «lim; ibe, jw*i>emiof et Uc at that lthe aven- ils last golem* uorim ho bad just boirai bave fecalmrs. WIit a gon eoilureg " b is jouDS colleague uas of tru te d: es am sesoua babys nase h bas a ~lpot fia sut ler OUe The nazI »mrnt. tirait out ly bis hl&% foeied-ome bat guas rigbt our rétda thsî leafaehoturn-e i gbî's paIre, Frakiept lote, suit woke te the bock of ls neIk A baWs est. p~aajtra te amulsa-e oppremueliAs seea aan beakfast mas over are put cen for am sset, aelo&yteae- *«* citncà areqandatious ion- ha e wmmlta mem Dr. Peel, alo b.d set Ieve its greasiexpalme of ceaeL Tigs hi bunlot aal ervna an-ase, but ube ecael hlself te ha propl>iuaeas er. luta eulaumu, not li bs strl 1a anst- pn u-pitopinabsd. He Md ith agrave and mi p u h ybesbv e r m= gt tuI m go e opoair," i trouhisi£ace. Ual b. uouli end tArma-ante.billeebom vemta- ~I* Itiassjn i, l tmat. ta lhe Cross uilh a note for rive&. ubida gIves tise ta a emgaiclo. , ~~ttbareC, t 1tS,55Iiir LayI Eginan, t h ar b5let-lci « uO5a It e lIai I a 1 boulaido. te a Point «If yjas uil i kldir banal me that wnlg baseyns, whchyeui ebflU»tusexa.-G. r*amJ*ic t fcertain eus, uithin Cam anmd s paelle Iuil uwrits tbénote," press asttonlshmmt--eroed, neo o, Xe 9cëioe. ulen an, reialonag Ignor- ho.aditei. by ia anitm and l anguas. et Iboasta gmrsm nppert&Mse, anal îy alit This he dd tand Armsthtyite tank the about. It bu 1a moulut. Io. uiciW I tai1 irtnreitandt eveu ditasateitlete0aa esioi ffl'r isvsia 0W bNsIthe lii. bt et lofcertain bide- lte n tr f frbsvst abs Ues for putfins ils bas"a"su test î1mbt the abject ai li ich I enu-patiente&ami ltu ThiS Creg. togethen wlth ken .penciha, col. M ult Tn rmmbr te wods HAPER I.places ot COaI anal then odts and enta ÎWss 4 L't on rhen ietbe ie ssbadtbt a rth ondagman ~tiait îîmay fluai lying abot A babys e gu scretse wblb 1 sas 10 learnaif I I sabr1ha a frte1on a i~t ail bort1 do nul uish lu ta heep bis tttougbts ilsit on the mas- moult la b>' fan the mout uneful of lis Speurt confidence, air; but I absîl ha dies of bis respective patients even tvilae Possessiosi. The baby bas &1so a de lIoi jeu If jou ail al leat let me lu Iboîr preesuce; anal uheai ho aas stand- Voce-one uhiel papa spelle ulit a ce W uhat Ihave touait out for My>- mus by the bedalde of Mr. 8aaderaion, ubo capital V hIntae dead heure of nlght. At th ad vins me as u ni> futurei con- livei In a enial bouse not taondirait that Urne Ibisa an Indication of colla or Cf latie mater," yards train Neit Cosmont's reidencc, he anuueasay mbnit, If tho latter, cen cIwse jeur' .siit theoloitmata sol- COuhit carcelj keap bis attention tîuthie bas tounit a way teh haI il.Aarueil orud bitlorly. "Ltelal you, Arma- lumbago whîch usa the snhiect in banal, Frauclinan gays thal musi i i stol It a lb us jinablity bu mova iniafor Ihouglal of tbe mure intereaitiuag case i naconlu Ibi ishar uhicit brokeai afeu teps auaj. ,bys atroublit ,breast, Animais are O wuu, %iadsae me tale refuge ho- On, Coimng out ofthlbe villa, boavaven. be unIt known to ha susceptible t0 the lu- p la <e ftour waauiafroni evils 1 coutWais Urpriaed te10 iaithIe buxora Nainay uecofmia.ntaUcieblen oRi aitAn coulai nul cura. Are jon avitiai fer hm. wi<h s face full of mys- almst, the baby ca e ticrcumventcd as.w, kuowing so u aci as yen ido, lu try ad importance. Il aras now pontI that way. Sorne peuple bacina lit onU 01"e trou ho post ?" four e'cloek. anddtlb. lusIs ere tiicken- learng ttietanotas of a nator W the. ccntrarj,' ansavered . Arma- las touards oveing. trument uotabyhe inieut. Not go 0 Alé, ferrontî>', "I have concedo - Oh, If you peuse, air" <ho ba', as 'la baby. Take an>' oriinany babyj m avor at'oiigly. that I1avas lrouogî sono ai he camo uptap Ia are she aloui, four o'cok lInbe moraring. Il wakena ilèwthe express parpuseofaitreleasing iviafapec feuusu h lotr wt Crosmout froin tleunappy cîr- cob, * menu jour herse waatinat bre. andt UP, Il la tasulleit by the silence, Inig-T stances lu arhichb ein planai, andt mater set ans te aiak if you'd be- gocai nation succeaits, andit I beglua le cry. s iaotesth y >it las the ohject I love auough toalep arer?" TiIs iltae lime 10 brtig out te musie- ta geast mono 51 haart ta aylîiag lu ".Mn. Croamont sent for me?" sait Ar- al box-sat liait M. Bezicitluky'gasys il *onit. Dr. Peale, *ou munt aura-h maîbuaite, ae; and than tle Infasnt ileepai. A piano f ae uitb me thaI ber inihthalai dan- "Yes, air, :master iniseif a e'aa jasIt onie la, taeprofessorsasys, avan better, but 9 -Ton bave influence with ('ralsont; liach froma Liverpool. 't'& about nimui- eltiier boives soolhiug syrup fa;rbc.- in %Alions te retain yatir gunit opinion. Incas, air; be'a goiting iuanigbt frib- litai. One nocturne neurtralîzes au- f 0" nt iudace hm t0 sent bis ulfe eneit. aieill ho mal, tor ahe's bai like t r, ra tliae?" thbe eait to-day, andabheJustIl@& hie re othler.P W, e lc ike t th.,l' l'oan saaith asmlga uoietinaca, but ntnulIfas he 9 ,,i, aintlv a esrtenas, ait aoohaio k e at. ill. Claracteriatia ongs.& Tbaey ucre ushlaglng ieste roadtet- Uniter Chirstian Influences tle songo 8 aa'ai hc;"lo save lier aouli te v varis ho linge bouse, Armathwaiate avilI of tae Fijianstre fast bacomuiug oh- . E tai in dakzer, su d 1 ami houait by bsbo l'sbille uver is srm. At th slete;lantem tle national chanaictere h "e ber fathmiarte mtaat'yhy lia-r ail este Crusmont hunaef met <em, iookng foutaitexprassion. Titoso soaga, orc .1hagatard, aort ananlsoa. Ia o yLiait>'Kilitonain F""Oh,1Igasy," hacliegan. n léamehi. sulab- - ehes, as Iiey are Caittei, recourt b>' rapt. sallon mennair, "I aantei teto peah the tory of soie suaient beo, ot nomev he edanger for er-abat i. taI?" te You a moment. Wbere sera you go- mllarycaimpalgu on naval expedition, a t'sceret witicbanoitait ho ing?" or, porbapa, ot a peaetful ioblnt ex- Iksoavs acept hersait sait me."' T"TlbeCs%-a;1Ibave a etter ta gIr. cunsion. They arsgenersli uns ort bpbad. Dosnt e no-LadyKuhioii n trom' Dr. Peeh." eranings bj tho' men only, ubo &asu. ~~abnO Des'thokau- "Fri Dr. P'eer' Crosmoat appeareithefrlbtupsl n tthi og l'eu sabh learu I in good tîme- hit anibous, ut reliovei. "Oh!"'Ho IOW but& eatailluslua lt uitlao b. thr lar lrat-loakeitdouta on Ilie grounitsitvand tit on mat e lidup i larolunil "te LI"gri ansit.e ahr riagIhtm- bsmssb,"Wgng ntere ognlmaslsa i tf t t g rea the on e ..nrrtive la bts.n.,.d..Thea noir. Yeu uon'I stay, 1 suppose?" 19 a lbu, monelonous voce. "No. I havai oui>' te aait l'un sn au-end otheisazoom. Oms niasbegisthé glr.led Croamont aad bis aite "Weil. anal theu, If yon aIl, jual cali thonL a feu more., tM fin ali> i priment as priate lunatle asylum. hapt ber. on jour uay baat. COn ycau do bava taken il UP, aC*MPany ile IbaUlt f s:lo - -r. --a'--a-be,.a Certalnli'." etclhoi i iel at.uo 4LADIS TH i OLMORATIO STATE O U",WMa88 TIKÊ OF-HIK agresi opM lecommhltea itfe ur TICET W 050. standing iitbM Iuas ob. suhmitWd au a snpplementary report, vwis uaaliisot*l remprar Chirmn Soan Atack adoptait by the conventio. Aaoibr e- Poaicî of the. Nepubleass-bil=S s er li ahaalmeaa ad Us@teat CentroIs lbe Coaveait&Oa a part cfi te plattoru uliheut a diasul- -he icIcket end Platfomiiag vote. The antitrat plaia tide, "Ws deciare ail truste aidmosaioWIle Stilv.r Their Illoirau, bostiead dangeroas to lias peapbhala- ?r Qovror......... HoraeaL. Chpm bolrette anditaastanding menaeta e .par' rr Ltsataenant Goveruor. . leIvills D. 1Shaw Piltl of cOur treme ledtuthmàBaand W@ r Su pramai Jndg .........J. P. $prisga detanx ticvigorous amforcemenl t oai& 0" r ttoe yeasial.........W. il. Dotr.anti-trust lau. and «haucadithleIMallla tssTamsr..... Jams Ir. Wil» In Fr Boa.rd oftPuiblie Worhs.Peter Ml. Detan. latlotl a la necêaarj, for tbsir immeit Pr Sebool Commissiaser. ... Byrona H. lutil andt final suppregtOMa Th'e Ohio Démocrstie Blute convention The varions casdidates for govamnor teId la Columabtsusu"UicemontlIatgclj uer. placad la nominatic o isfoos: fandel ut any mncb occasion mîice the Psitt J. Borg, by Alasu Anatraet$of Um- vil war. lTh. acu Coluambus aiéito- ilion, wbo , ouchad lor 8Me oeadd*s a0- nain wilh s seatng cspaclty of 0,000. beglance ta silret; Judge Allay. SmaI- ai just been coanpleted for thc conven- loy of Wyamdot CounlY, br OeIL Z- B- dos anditsita cpacity s nt equal tu Finley ot Baicyrua; Allen W. TIttrua _________________ orraitrnklin, by Banton ChIlien; IP. P. D)onavin of Henary Oouaty, by Dr. Gar- rett; Robert T. Houg et HLighIad, bi Jonce M Lewis; H. L. Chalams0etJae- N son. by William B. 1FUX tofesisat; Judge Samuel M. HunIer otfIchingi hi John McKweeaay 0f Wooatar; Judas Joba M. Vaninaclr of Rae, y 19. P. Garrett; Juitgc A. W. Patricka of Tuacasuas. bi inuegcMitchell; John 0. WaltY et Starka ws ithdraun by thc Hon, lohn M. Mon' net w u iseconuty uas calta. Delegata Iteci ail'ColumbisaaCounU took the Plat- forta ioltUicheroll of cotaities191bau coanpleted and plsced theb. mnatf Mayor Jamues A. Rice of Can*.on belote the con' ventiou. Jonc Lewis withdtreu HougIFI tiafore the ballot proceedeal. - - 'a~ Thero ucre M 1>votes la theconvention. ~i'neccaairy 10 a choice, 480. Tha first bal- rlot remuited: Borg, 118; SIMaIiY, 128; Thurman, 78; Donavîn, 100; Chaffslazk, 241: flatater. 61; Vananeler, 29; Patrick. Go; Rîce. 113; Coagneuisman John J. Lents of Columbus, 9; Gem. A. J. Waruier of Ma' - J riotta, 3; John G. Reaves ot Lauca»Utr, 17. The second ballot reaulicit Bmalley, 40; 2FOLtAEt. CHAPMAN. Thurtanai 45; Donavîn, 851; Bise, 142; -Hunter, 13; Patrick. 4; aloane, 1; Lents, Um denannit l'or admiaisin. The nau 18; Chgî'mmn, » 0. on motion or Judge itorium waa tacautitulîr decorated ith tISaallaal' the nomnation of CbaPaas's u buntins and tplaints. There was a pro- made vmanions. fion of portraits ut Deaacrntlc leaders Ex-MIoate Senator M. D. Shaw us Plac- about tho ustîs. but that of Prenident cil la romiaatlon l'or Lieuteaat' Governor Clevelsand uas flot la Uic collection. by ex-Congresaman F. C. Laitois or Wata The Ohio Btate convention laisI >'ar ahonata, hait penaltng tU ilatIe coatice -ais not as strongly fur fre ailver asnUthe for the proemtlton of'-candidates for Ibis anvention of Wedmoaaiay, amui lathe con- office lb,' couaaiittee annve i th lMr. veation ono ya at 5 thora uns sonne dis- ('bapma. Ais no other candidates a-cru tnlisace heaue of a miolitii"to urc jiresgel. enatur Shaw uas aoaaiaatcd te picture of Clevelani tolatheiiwn'at." 'he 1 yî,~ cIanation, pture of Senuior lirice es ava-l aisnt of ;bher, goii Deaaocrate awaxiIs inig fror uIo usIon Anet-. te galaixy of ha-roi'. Th ii,'fiatr pir Ihr. iaipsuade a v<murons speech ot rt CoLUMltrw, AUDIT011t][rM. WHEIIE TIIE COXVENXTIOl WAS RELD. traitle cVi iaxj. Branas as theo cnter j aicr-piaut-e. praimialig 10 stnmp -evan - of attraction sikdi hai crf tlei'laie Allen ctîatj in the litate la <ho Interesi of ad- G. Tbuenia -a, qulte con-pivlar.- Lit van.4 rsnr. uben John I llean ias Civaa-1 ten. Finie>' aitemptaul te tvopen. the fu- ai hea.thIe Oian tal-gation lin Ciis-.. % ion question, andt have Il tahea tronm <ho W. W. Itoraîn as niait,'chaimaail of table suit reatainmiîiid lu <ha central comn- bhe State central r-aimitteeandsit e sasi uaitta-a sith laiavcr 10 use almotst re-elacla'.l Tuesitayninîht b>'thîl Ma-ean îed dosa. lut prolested it th mucb aiaencs-. ahîle iDaniel aCinwia us- ig.orutillic aras f011>' hennitHe aras Ian re-elctdihaînman of l'elitaitiee x- f)Iaiaieit t>- in. Wsrner and Chancee aiaullve cbuittlî'. i'iin ut<ho smanitrain suit hedaa When te convention ssii cal-atooa-ai lanoke hanse. Allen 0. Myers, remuarideit der aI 10 a. ni. la> ('iairman Laurlîbu,-' ta-de'aattethat they batisaIllit<ha outgraltliatea the' Pary>uthIe sgît' aofil cîestiain lu tlImnonins. suitif <lIey ro- bhe limes aidthtecentiiaiatic contiaavaaui catasiitnait iansd recognizei t<he star of the part'. lie maile a speech for free- lteiau:aîley uant renoguize tle Pop- lie. ra aas offereat b>' 1ev. E. L. tiîtai undit-uise tabcha aliemocratiat cou-9 Rexfort, pastaîr of the Uni-ersolist veuitio'a. Olua>' J. Coagrore of Cincmn-1 Chîirch, uni thebioan o. Uinia -utta- -u ati taihluasea, litorsinat ail Mr. lijers hait1 nîroducedu as lthe temnisrr>' t-liarni ait, bDan Banal ol' Crenîline, a adtive ut the coanventioui. Mr. Sheate aiaaal an, aaiit that ho vms there te ga> part: tlast is pairI>' sas at Ibere &&king lfor Sîla-er the Kejassite,.-I s Gttra.ten. i'ley Ibea ulhh- "Tepeupla ut Ohio, sandit daet. of tle trata bas mailon. Union. are tai bc congrustulîa-tlion tim,. l'or fruPrenia Judge the lirit ballot ne- largoe sami-iage, fui it a in atcovenlon sulleit as folloavea J. 1'. Bprlggu, 4551I. N. of reprefaltiat'a 04 f tleb ule peoptle, <ha- Abernalt>', 360%aî; Lewis D. Johutoa, miasme'.,suit naît orbosses, ut trusta, ot 541j; Saeth Wcliy, 138, suit John J. Bar- syniticate..o or0f irai tolofheutitene- par, 912. The seconit bbIotresultoit as uoism et Wall ait Lombard aIrai-t greait. follous; Spriggs, 613; Abernathy, .2'.2. Tis convention comas, front the commuin Hsrliar, 7, ant Johinson. 1. Sprigge mas peuple, anitnaea ils uili'giumnct' shunet, oa iminaicat thein. lIltetiarespea-tais-tnt a anrait John J. IHarpa-r a alifaloug Rcpublicsn., il offerste ietaconention lanut 'raledoî. s-bnvoaýi l'or BryauitndBeuall lent jean l'or thnt conventiaon ms an t caiheit, or- on accouaIt of the silvor issue, anit la ati ganizeil or caintrolheit alun theliailne' rof co-operatlng ulit tea sitocates ut froc wbat lbhe faîliens of ltae Repuhuican psrty aliler. taugil, but mnercI>' to olue> the mndaica For Attorney' (eneas, W. H. Dore uas ta do the aill of Maîrk Eansa. it la ex- nemnnbei th e secondt ballot. pettei t hat jour temperary citairmian For IÊttae Tresaurar, tho firit ballot te- shahl strike the 'kcynul>' caf bbe comiia aulteil: Charles Mpenney, 30; James F. campalafu. Weil, lIat 'keyoote' shail b. Wilson. 2451; Char"e N. Gaumen, 17t6%; souaitail un s silver choral. Il avilI be no David M. Fi'sher, 2201,baid Johin L. aieu noteélbut a prolongation of IbsI anani- Kennedy, 237. James F. Wilsoaus ail by <ho national conveation aI Ch!- nominalet on ltae tiird ballot. eago Iaîsîînimmer unit une ltaIlias griaî For anember outhlitaBoard ait Public hn powerarnui volume since carnied in s Works, Uce final ballot nesolt: Lorenso granit diapasunof more ltan 6.aiOUM 0D. Abel. 270; Peter H. Degtiaaa 501%: voices lu <ha poils last Novaember." George W. Ditasman, 1121,,ami Hughb1). Juat hi-fore the convention avais callei to la hrke, 15i. Degnan ms ominateit. ortar ai large suit cras vaâcanre nato bFor Mebool Commtsaîoner. tii. liraI bai- the hait as ornementhe e cr.s-ulut resilt; B . C. Ttaralpseed, 40; James oif thoras aimdtas dock lnathcullng 16 tmin- H. Lece, 171; C. L. -Bntmhangb, 184; aIes t t o'clcack. The spqccb et Chair- Gleorge IP. Deshler, 15; Byron H. Raai, Oan Blouine was requenl>- luterraîiteit428, ait P. A. ]jama, 13. The ruies mare mit h hwlitest dentonstrations of ap- suspendeaidatHart mas aomnlateit hy plaume, üýeasIIy in lis refereaces tu ail- acclamationa. ver. A motion mas mada 10 ladonse W. J1. James Gulmora aif Eston preasenlait the Bryau ton thep'eid8libil nomination la report îaf a coatoreace haitlecaIbathe19W0, but ander tho rultas of the chair centl tcemmiîbeeandl a coîmilleea tram ere us as suhathtute for thr.echeons <ho sih'er aieab helatter foarBeyan, aricb acre gisea uli hmunit asheit fer represeutstiuai un tie lickeI. '.igor, &fier ubbabibhte conrealloisait-ad Juitie Gilmore t'aought bbec malter bu> unit nunneat. _________ the province oft<he committea on ries. andal ngtestei t Ibt <ha conrvention tesi TelegiphiC BreItIlts. wlIb themotter. A clameor foiloweal. Chargea bave lisait maie againet John mhlch increased waren s siautlar request Gooaw or Minnesota, noanlnateils ft, mthe i'opulhsls mas rend. W. Pu. cousil geaeral li a bnghai. Cbhna. HaceL'. ciairman ,of <he Cujahoga 'Jbe Banaebau adoptait a Joint reecia- Coolity' ielegation, oppoise in l lpàalko- lion for the loanlng of 1,000 tante for the ed lataguage auj coancession Io elUher lthe purpos of the G. A. IL encampmeca it elîrer Republcasuor the Populls.and sitLeaveiiaorth, Kan. nauvesi 10 la> the special reporta on thet The Chatoen Lliographing Company, table. 'Jbis propoaltiomi mas reeelvosl ulîh hicit mas orgaaizoit about tuai jears agi tunaultuous applinse. ,Mr. IHockney'pro- ais lte sccessar of <ha Oreuîl conany, ceateal te auert Uhat the Chicago niâI- made an azelgsueh aI Obicagi te Ai- foru u ws lranitenuig tor iy onl- to bert 3L Baker, stand upon, anit If a.aj Ihird or tourth party usuhot lu gel on <ha>' coult do san Speaker Racix bas deeliteaila nom ait bal onlj as t4emocrats. lte pro îimity et thc ratura ef the latIf Tuo ci!vet IeptîblicassIlathe audience bill frouathe Scnate ilat be mil hae nu' arose aimost loge<her buaaunibwelter able tu attend tUc meeting of lbe lapait' thai more 10 uniterotitad <hai t<ha>' era lican clubs la Detroit JnIy 1M, ubarsIl nt satex. ChairmntaSa oa. ada-iit u wsexpertai he mould rac an addneesm tha gentlemen tUal pereanahi> h o uad Public gamblis la Laille. Cola. ihâte,10umcàa epràenlative of that Party' bas. probauli #*Maedcix -lIatfibleu. on lb. ticket bat b. tiderstooi tho senti Acting uidn ondera fSoinJWigu Owens ment cftlteeitchegatea te bauttvransIotefutheIs Olat..-Court a , et 01d"Iat? reontien, Ibm lIson>'of thMair usshetm usguidi ven imbllng aitabUlel supriad it>'çcpmeat-l ehl nmou isoleem, t il.air, ýïeiiS Osa, i' t Wstuarrtb et tutbe lia.»Na'W49=«Atqe àiar dOO#apILATION 09 IL. mois NEW&. Vrillage et09 rie lsais a Bad vis-Six Chicago Victime te Patrirotie Me- tbuima-Tsyri Mant Kilts lIMaiY -Bla'oade Hvea aDis Week. rire Dura. it i..a B UlidIng A lire broke out la the geital nierclia n- oise store of William Smith lit Erlie Mat' arday forenoon, apd lua the threcbiouraslau «Ilich the f#alie@arageit nucontrulleal dare(' aloresandt twelve dwelllig hougies 'aa'tc Iestroye.l, but the departmaentat Lynlaal uvs. brwight on a speciai train. il>'he- roic wark the big elevator and the rail' tuait station were naaaeat. Dring thet ira' coverai men aud women xsere loveratome hy thent ansd ouneaut the latter linlilt eipecte o tirecover. The ire li nit- posailtuto bave beuLaturteal by the preait- taire ezalosioaa of aoulne tlreorks. Isiasi estlnntalad rorn $1500 to $20.000, wlth ittio luatiraice. Railwey n lslass Itormous. 'a"saanger business out of Chleagai bas beeu elîrmuîîai. ciîy ticket agents da'î-ar- lng that itl hat tacn the gra'at'ait minîe thi' eliofitthe' Woarls Fuir. Thelirrenaie i- maaid lfor ticke'ts a he en tlie remutofal the Ch.itilan Eiideuvoar a-aueutian l ini'&i- Iforiaî. Ticket men n aiiey aala -.lace',i illeepaiaig ila. ieir nouhes anad have wark-'d ful oiN fo r ual' titn iglt anaaay. 'Thie Christilia Eaala'evir liimiii'aximlaikaly tu jiradaii'i'atiîîe iiirpaaimes. llia'e irait tli'.'., itlasl l i a lio aivé' Irika'ai ailtlîra'sais rai- orlitai taiaa-uriia Iituincas aaaIih'1 siealier'. . "h w ut seaI.I iai r cina- poue ealiatcri iiiterIr unabala-it't, liait thei aicausilaior'airaar. thaiai Vtttiif àla nu ltîair (al iraittI atlaar tali liti 'ria' weire rai airai i i a.-aandpemd iint, airvla'e». Oaa nany rausis aair c-arsraitra odeale a serve am aaciraai 'i rearc liiii lariar caria. 'AIl Alalir Il 11:1 ,a l ia ahin îjiona liastt lia Ci' cllag alaitalNainh waiai'ri ali thie Bu. 'liaagîiai cairîia-l iaaa'tail it(liis- iiuia ,tl it'f Caicago. The Itiaila. laii lieiale haiaaaal liantt i iay aarraad 2iNi x Irai l'ulluaaaaai illi'l ailla ieulelaliait, Coloarai- do. ritac Sauatail'ai, il lai ri'al :111lîilaaailhlai C'alil'nria n The*te lgîanaisirlalas bo,«,a,'aile i'Chiago ad Ndorflhweara, mwilirau l111aaia'a'îarai. anal ail'he liarliaginu. sabîclaraia ab-lt Dinaety. mlot Wave la Fatal. Friaa.........---------- Hatiily--------------------- Moudai>'--------------------. t; Toital------------------ -'17 149 Ia liais lcliit rtaable -imthiainaitaitai end rstral'inh a lit-ua, t' the siaxa' hueiortoa, n iffa'nasig îa'o.aîlîaaîîaî-?alat il> tli l iiithuho t araI - ilaiitti'ia ail liau-ru' '.-alier'he iaailaay aiuaauiriaunli du-a ul yat dza. Bu iat tli aisuk sanild -a ai o lai, lui ta--il ailrit-ki-a by itlac lii i ha-jait aiaaalcîti-m1wi ll lui îluîx "t0sa i aidth li'falfts iîi'sar-ru-allaa[taillea'onsm liai, aon ic inî-aaudia v. laa tht.l . l liaîiadî"sriaintutut i-ae'l the air jit la- for',iai.dîuigia sautadi> - t l-r,' wtsi arailI- aoiin 'ila' taialî-ii an,- d utahe i'ia-r- nua.ta'r ilidt ni si ulrasa' laavu' --S. Thai a-ia ii'i ,-vi'd h lamIaî aifl lita-a. Il Inouglutic lfrasb(,Iaî i la lel t, llI" ary suaitfaillit. candîlra-taa Iais, tala" wer cr otau palsai t alîfg. It raille bu ill't foar acaia. John M .Newcomb D amalt. Ja-hn il. NewucIniaun uîhld enu's ît ail Elginitilt 1riitay morluiîlg. asatal7t reu r.Ilea')andl laeu coauaialaling lai taof I a uanlieat a inierma ltaIa I sùiaau.IP.' sa- bîstaîrlin otVeleru an oal.t. A. IL., .aa' meavr-Ia tica'the (1, ld tieri' Assiaaitain. andaal uitaa tioauiliaactiva- part iliils san ml i lia i'ttil(s. ite Oaiera-i'ii .ii -il i ' ai aal i ofai t ett'li . sai al tudot he hir-,Ic ria'a'in il- lginii--aa ia>lt 184a:. lit- la-airaitlt he tiati', acualdiata îaf birtîlan d alentit of iaaa u> af the ,'Isaîau kila-ul;ta lîha t urn i t au a an d (tl -ats- - lia111 iF>5 lie Miilai seu rncai l ofta i ha- E-lgi i.'am a'it illy>sudai u li l its su' paîolti tisrlt.îatîa t aicliashaiten' lie lIter c-i-aaii sa ua-iilit-n cal'tihi'Bairdt oal Edulati andutl'ar alaap -air'.tala aeunetary oft latiiial I'taatalie a gna'utiarnt oaisiilt lia -a t -atiaia i alh ia aii-lalie tlook tct-a-the ilalancait 1hs satInait', ta-iurvis ina. sas aira- thuas ;oulal. witam ha mari-il inluItan- cava- nu15. th IxDe. Six dadt-mat'i, Itut i l aitd girl.a. 'Ilhiis the ti'licatarecordl cul tIhi'giant crt-ka-r. île toy i a uuni, tIti'reoni, c-ndiîal l- a tle filued taithl lats-ilt îoat lilit Nat1 ail cal'tht-na s ena aitiams il'faulaid s tlit I uccuret lhcauda> Sutie sa-na- njtart-i1 tho day la-fora' suaI aied ith aItlIaniisisp of lithe lhraition iriaig itir maimatm stilleit aars. A'lonag silli thea lntlu.a s liait outthose swho ruas>die'. units larget nuaiban ai t olluara sbi sIla-ar tle imarksa caf tem i utiTeiaîuasiuna throiîghoultIhe' >ers tai cu)ie, Fartuaaateiy tiras sere ' l'wa d unthllostht ud i- ,char s-ara matit destruttite ('tii-f Saenia"s meaîeuuMrc Vigilant ut 'ai îe> bâai a-arcaiy a hIsze tlu batte silli thlit tincînuti cumsidert'd tarth the ighliug. ____ tate lNewu in Uef T1he Waili Coual>' Teachers' lusiute clamait s ive dayi' session. Over 500 t'aahi- ers sera prasteul. AI Joliet the CiansoiuiitaaSteBleu-amni Wbre Comnpany claiaed towsuî their Joliet plant ton reptaira. 'l'ere tiena oaa-r 110 mn'wonîkiîîg 51 this plant sho sere laidî off. Hlenry l'stes, cal'Jacksionville wsai aid'- citeil tpan for tIc positironloutchiea' îhu'îa t>' unader x-Judge RIichiard Tales, én-i 1>' appoIehued cilhctor ual'revanue furantîe soutitendistinctofrIllinoli. John Shau disiappeara-itf raina lis hume acar Oi;uierts Bunitd uait bis friendai tre foarful ca fotutplay. 1He i22 >'osrsobit.1 No retaun la kouan l'or bis iteparlure. Mone>'tasdue bina frouta buicumpoyer. Ho taoiua.othlug but wail e uara'. Fia-e rerosne re itroaruict flChiago Tuenay hijtle seekilus relie'r front the-ex- caîsiva liast in lb,' salî'r. beng seizait ,riIb crawles oulla li the 11gb tempera- turc or thein Iodles. Oneamansudlit t--onu an aporalestin alroke induceit b>' lest. white ava.iler s-as driveai tenaporarlY>'in- sane andîi anuS' coaliieeit sbhbbccotant> bospitali in danger of brala fuer? birs. Alexandear iamor. ot Uritan threav th conebtulaof ta pain ut ver>' girond lys la tace es of ChemIes l'iilles, a truck garitenuu. île will luisieteigîlt faulî ejes andt mai>'die. The uomsn sait sIc dit the teadin osaf-iaf case. Emmtas Oscbner, ageit 12 >es, wse la- stanllj killeil aI Joliet hy comiagin lacon- tact mtlba gnj sise of the Minniamy Ligit ami Power Company'. The chilt matt watéhlng Uic funeral of Dm11 Wag- nn, s pajmate, ubo wasa killeil boaa large. Aibent Osehuer, the tather of Uic clUllirecelvai a tremendous sebocl la walsswelaglie cli. Thea coronrsJur 'boa o Xonhiw ILwghh&Do, P~.went ?U~or in inermu of J,782 over lent vair. It n la l:imsd i tal"oe-oixth of tbe Pen- pli, of Clicag ride bicycles." Tha, other ilvelixthsl gel more ecrane by doloant. Two thugs hllnitfolded iMais.MarilaiHo- Irain Ia ticdoorway oft he Hailylr 1'amlîY Cbira'h et Chicago linuday îight saIdrob- bcd ber of ber paie coataliing $95a. Jaiite David J. Baker o aiCura,. a-ho w'5 defeailed flor re-a'et'Ion lia liai Mi- lrenie Court of Illinis baistuniîiiii"a bis inte.ntion ul' reaaoviiaflto Chlicaigo 10 praila'lait. "bat W~isconsin nimlter tyhai thiaiks tint"th' iÎlardeui ael'Eden ai aslocateti soîurth t ?lilwokeea maiy lieable t u itd il there yel if ho wili only coite far eaaiiigh aiaati. A. Wall.aiaian, preidenl t flth Gaies' biaFuel Ciaupeuay, diataisnddeaiY on aa Pasiiiauer train. glinre 1M 8ho huait oP- <ratait largo qua rrla's ear Ol1idtone. lie leiaa'as a wiow ait lire chlaiilac. The houte cuf IHenry Genicrt. a (;ales' biru cigar îaaanufactura'r, wa* citacroilhy I)targljlainadjewelry worth $95MtOwas tu" en. TIhe planader iiuladit laimanilringm, s gold 'anteh cund îiatinad bracclauts. The iaaaiiau aneal sa;aiie ofwaaces aI tbe Illinuois Steri ('o»nlinym workiira Joiliett libee borne ais tant yî'ar. T'eameniand ali tirrnemployeir« areboa a aiil.a. '[ilie rî'faartm luitiare Chi«-ng ait aaaliag liapelaitiie the eaffaai7'tiantibeîrt a'st rouble analtIa ailiitauo a. wih îrîsîi"t a 5 trike, aire wjthliit 'aiiadstiaîn. A frilg'a'iiaaru' airaui iag saiswan ln ivibi-h ai' ct.iglit laî'rmiiaagailia,'d at l'ai- rionaissail itiattua ai îireaiiatiiihall rieur Ilialbara'saisais. îaîrîhiîatEssaastoniiOLA th'eaihaareo a' a' ake li a-liii'ai.ia iliîy -sal aîtd. fallias ait ilaifasa, la rled iteliai' îal a'irghi lra a rar!ga' it all. One ' inas dii. Ail sari'iiijtir.'îl. 'l'Ia' awliteadr-if ai'ma girl ca'at ali- rilaraen sthie raaaiaiy lit froit ail' iii.uns' rji.ia ii dthile aiUni- naalsud at'ahe îtrriieIîa. lini liia l ie ait colain. lia li fual .atti. îîl 'l'asExiaiainr Laîî hvi>a a u liai %ient si lnag aimitout a uailfaletaxa ialinat onain isah-ah 10hâvea' lia aaithy 1ledi. Ail cof tle Chicaagoiami arai-ra i rea'ii'sriaag tla.'r tesa t Han l"rui'laio an a l' n ias in fear cof the passage ail'the' tan!riaf i.liab- fairete eaonslgiian e cîlîl raai'ae i ha 'isu. 'enrelatsa aipotait dita -lait'a lie iuialosel wble tem, nu oin liai'f ree'lat. ('hlcagoa'$ deah rate for the aaa'.k "tai lsa u u id.1 uns abe i,>t'a't evar ri'i*ir led. 'The taotail aaaaaer of d'ali âai i t'raitlatfý ont ail causes a-uaS42. 'Tie' lr-nin-' ai'ak 431) atjls were reirli'iI. '[bia lncon' iaieri'd aireuairkahla' ,'haeiaig. aindt l ei'ai;gmah comnia'at ananas 1hyslcliaia. lDr. Iteill'. Raimsait aina .i1uaar lienii, alJeitui tie iesthhrate lent ueek la thi' liii a-Siever mrde l'folar a aa'agia wi" a4ki nul' cil>' of l' hairga'ws sas,'In the awarit. 'Theiniaist naarliea'îl4'ircii' a ai l'îaîaaainluthe da'sulaa fraîna tjiiaiaiar>' di.. lu lai-ta'la'r the oban limat i i'a Calhllaslii>' 'ru esis, aejin,- huma' a 'f au-ràl taiaaîaingî ntI flima ne lia li an a-nl la <'eri. aitiii,' itai>aitia fier ail' anfs-îia'slaacu aime alai hi- U-aier faiiiit ia u.tiol a;a it-v.ra 1-raitis.. aai aaa ut u el,' han- '-.t alalIr anl i..iitai-ac i i naaa c-s ail ,li est fi 'nd 1i,-ai-aniai na ntal haeaimof-Iilo -a. fier-laîa nrail- ii -i ita r-si c'rtaiit f-iir-aa ira aliuf2 la. iii-ag uI t- or, hu a', total ofzte2 lunrethileu elatiai ulain usi*cana- of'a pain>' cul 'auclît î'nlica, liliaa'ni 'chti-s aintlalsîwnas Pars nk luincai-S -uila laglit otia t he chutes. DI inmsoîne (iffhie trimai a sin- aiit th îe ilitl' beate riiaht-aii. ait. itiaîrilaitutaber fret, opsel Ita- but. lbratsinu-,ail ilothIe ater, il wmsi-as ,, jsas, i'a iait almi ai r- a-ueal. unlii'ti-h - an thea'Iluta-wsas 1lahaw ntiuit, niatilala't %at tas - ie ani-a-atfii ct tiîîg the-utfata laille- iis'rxsa ota. %[.aLds'ay eî-iiiîg. a a-, n i the aaattnantsi ilthte cliiteas t -"a mîîmntia-,l hb>- ai'eag iiuiili'i hodI>' fasui an,,h Ilatle.i htlin sala2t t-a-ana cal'agi- th,- nîlardenraof lats sita', iai'aii ait ales- taiir Nluti a utlit lai Salii'ah' ta iaa. Ili.i tulaarliiiin..aaaiI'a ilu'_i-aaai innaîriauthe tnsawintu 'of lthe jury iiirié-i andt Iliait liaii) is(a iiili lia, trie t'i al miis la-rta air -rniitlout fle doIt-ast' î-lu'i'ala chaîrgei-at lb iavins sasaoultlei s tit, lait at-lila-r, ratîsitas laer deat i h-iata fa-ut uta>s. PubIliclc ee'li1ruiagingha' agiunst huait nuit ihere lanaranch î'xaita-oi'lal ait liahe i laî a l t l'lia taila i. San,ii"aiiis a-rîiî linmss been aac,-ssoh- ed anîaas li- h aYouag aie til'min of lhainn- tiagaau a' ailltluuatninaîî i lit-Aahip hl' lhe aiiîaaa %,ery thuat Assi-saýr Alu naseîas a-ilait . a ou roranlini'ti'l'l' ty isînîii lac cianlal i-u u iniikeig hia roia-dma. ilimîina'aiîaol'the ria.l avit ôl lhe -;ty une 1aaîî iiag l'ar uiiaiitl5 n lte angalm itant l it sIudialMan> c1 imeani orc sticartalla ggntic crysaillé tf'or liaIh île>'havea- sign-afitiai nsuiiiiallie,, 'rIe' are ail lu- puuoitiAil>prou-si ila nis.owat îîill havi' tai canibraltu lithei'uicaî fondîuîatjl thlma mahi. tis's*ipr Alor ait othîr sssa'aaars ot tIc a nî1tual'gay 'it41acliaifsioulaodin hui.luat mii'oare ranchili halita'r lIai tIi'>- terea'Oie l'ar tga. Eaibinuates n iua'spopuation miae b>- accauîaatsnultae anlla,>ail'the- 1 .. Lea- aide I>irt'ctorY C>Ialthla'ace tle llgorea' at 1, e,51 l'be avor l lalit cîtaupiet-. buIt the reautt iinaît mIla in eipevad. iffc-p gri'aly villi the esîlîniati. 'The estinilt showsaitsuina-rosaeo! Tij.IXa0 ver Insi l'a-ar aiait ecedegreal>'the une aimita ate eu bcanlvas cal'the cal>' ai-an Coi-. îIletiî4AtiitIfiaie the coampiiers lie- ileved iit the lenru-ase ivoulitliaeait l1111e more thm ;'1,l!4iC. Tokiag theIi't. ceulse of tf'lc Igl'es-jears as a b.usi. tilic-r3 utaitlei iireataly conpmya'si'ari liaitInuea-ensilaiof L)100 avii show t<li fil, po;.aititiloli etf('litago has passithe mhlSl arnk. 'Thîae dr-tony Ibis icat avilI catiain ualt liV pages more ttaa tIheiaina' ait1896 T'he ltaakfaird îeSn rlt-nlng Company lans reatitnei tah iylaOf corn, takir.g ila hi.iSbi tîabels lier itay. afler a palla] ialîuit-Io',ti for a mnont i forn repairs. 'i. omlciai fte tacol>-smille aI tbe cmnia flintahe cuaicarulain inkiais ut going lutc tle I nîlut. A hr-nrb ot pruiuiae 'suit, in shaeh dam- ligesiut $'20,000 are siket, wavai ha-iIn lb. Stiluerlon Court at Chicago. Jamnes J. iTaîtnimeni ut Cicagoi, lIe uel-knowm stock braroker, ipolitica ienindclubman, la anuide defeniatan sd Miss RoeBrady>'ou Mo~tifsPa., appears iu tle noie ut plain tiff. Three lrîatpads be'i up Oie Babliflar ai rCbicago said robteat hlm caf a saîchel con- tniliîîg $Mil. He wu@ giaaiei hy tout aisu-ocltes. ut b>' a qiik tamthbe rou> hans caipînred lthe pitaniter unit osaapeit Bt-hOueý- keapsa nsaloon, aidascarnyils teîoîan e0hlmm homle. go far thera is no tllicstioa of auj in- rtentionn Uic Part Of thB.00coatl mineca 1 t BbomlluIO golng on a StinlLe l auon »squenec ef thc ordor of Ucarctry Ryas, A large praiaotioii et UicBleoulsgtm inermamo uion màe.. Tberana, la sirel n, ucnumetmitsi satma b";* 1& 00 putI b- oir>te sItils -01 Worth of th* uar pachage, s ,,ean Hassel, 'gle vielii j Fritay, #dry goblat1 Zailor Mt. 'SLugget or g tWas a regula a yelliwtsla and alir. Il l 'erent f romi m'ras $42. The i'anit VrohtaiIle p' £y a'illli's. I ea, the,'1)0a1 'figure ianlta '00' le pacuilarI eftly uaIl oua vila, antal PaWi'r in aI tha cu an: i &neq a 'lhla lbout to-dlcla ta b OeTruc *Que * sd eux rs ,L w =%il -0"t