am ot solftg Waffl.s .~. fot want to.. We, are dolng a nice fittie business with a great bigstock of 'lt Weather Uoods, such as Straw Hats, Negligee Shirts, Ladies' Dreas Goods ln Lawns, Dirities, Chaulles, Etc. Also smre nice styles ln Tan Footwear. For the Cyclist we have a fulll une of Sweat- ers, Beits and Shoes; aiso Underwear and Stockings. We ave -m d Clothintg. innav lstrecoeved our mev U.. of aaiples tro Un wtisvli- kfown a lodrlg bouse of LAMII & CO, CHICAOO, umlnlg thse lateat nove lte na M tiesa vloua grae ofFlue Woobemant correct Prices. WE QUARANTEt TO FIT AND PLCA*g AND SOLICIT An KARLY INOSPECTION. BINDING TWINE: 4000 Ibs. Manilia, Standard and Sisal Êt 6k, 7. Bc. Watch fer a Mae cm, et hvalry v. have COe U mia. t ay taise s.agthm sgo"d. UEO. F. CARLE, Rockefeller, - - - Illinois. Furniture. Furniture. A larger Stoek han ever before, for thea SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. Anything you may ean fgr in the. lne of Fumiiture, Oileloth, Linoleum, Matting and Window Shadea and a new fresh lino of samples of Carplesand WaII Payer th select from. ~ This Imam Beautiful Ce nte r Table Sol id Oak Polished Finish and Brase Feet OnI1y $1.95 A new lot of Iron Bedsteads $3,90,and Up. White Enarneied Chamber Suits. Ildo noteout pries on mny goodes for a veek or ivo at a hlm. and thon raies then, for a long tii»., but alvays keep on wiii ithe rock- botom pricos. Quick sales and mll profit.. UNDERTAKINO A SPECIALTY. WILL KNUGGE, Rockefeller - - - - Illinois. BARCAI N AT THE Wauconda Furniture Store. Bedroorn sets, Antique Oak Finish $12.00 Lounge,Brussels 5.00 Couch.Corduroy 7.00 Soiid Oak Center Tables wortn $2.25 1.75 Iron Beds worth $4.50 4.00 Woven Wire Springs ta fit i ran Beds 1.35 Sideboarci Antique Finish .1000 FulIlineoaf Baby Carriages Canstantiy on hand. I positively il not ho undersold. These Prices P~or A Short Tirne Only. UNDERTAKINO. Prompt Attention, and Beasonable Rates. M. W. HUGHES, Wauconda, - - - Illinois. The New Factorey Will not make Buggies. WilI sot el Lumber, Coal Grain, Flour, Lime, Cement, E&tc. The Propeàýr Place To buy thes. thinga is ai WRIGHT &t BONS. Thore you viii find jusi vhat you vaut ini auj of th@. alove named lins.of goodeata price,. hich defy compe- tition (quslity conidered.) go when you come te, Libertyvle To Do Tirading Cali on us and see what we oan do for you. W.'i tresi you right and viii have yon, riding in a new buggy for les. than it corue o keep your old ou@ in repair, a -lic -1 s .UIos Wise.cGR4T. M. u. TIMI ion se s o. M 8013 82 4 0e alois soa 0 oà60 tIVillabies26 514 41é TAULg. GOImO SOUTH *D..lY exoept Bunday. a stop only on signal. a&m. a.m. aon. p.m pa.S. n Prt. lte Vllalos 18 1129 433 go06nI 1 7 33 Ibo466225 22 là lit* 710 1 45 09Id 1140 sea754 12 02 à5go' il 8 06 1 12 14 as 1 10 a00 10 d Sainte Peter and Paul'a Cliurch. i.IMETTVILLE. ILL. SUNIIAY SERVICES, liraI Masr-0ea. . AOCKEFELL£Ft sOe1ETIES. CONOR ATIONL,,8urthSunday mer C ins 103a m 7:80 p. im. Prayer meeting Wednegbdar evenlnm. Y. P. S. C. E. mnet Sunday evenàflago L :66. Junior C.E. eta S olk. DuNJO'rb Camp No. j124. M. W. A. metet filkt and third Saturdayeveningaaoach month. iD. GsRFFIT. V 0. I0. 0. Y. No. nis. meet seeond and fourth Turadays o eaeh montb. H.C. 08T . N C I0. 0. T. ureet Thursday evenings of eacb veSi. Là uat Dooî.rrri.a. C. T. J OHN 0. HAGAN Pot (. A. R. meet Baturday nlght on or betore fulmoon. J. A. MABtoI. Corndr. 0OB CHURCHI.LAdji. mailgonu South ......:04 22 p.rm. ilI golng north ................. io:o ar. Mail over land by *tage arrI veeo 01l n. M. depart4 at il a. 1m. ROCKEFELLER. Soe Caries ad in another columu. Win. Berghorn -au ine-Wankegan Wedneéday. irs. iH. Burdick la entertaining two niecea train Chicago. Misa Lottie MeBride in apendiug a fev deys at.Kllankee. Mir. and Mrs. H. Beir visitect reia- tl.vea at Lake Zurich Bunday. John Evans apent the Fonrth wlth Ir ienda and relatives In Wisconsin. Nia. Gertie Carie spent the glariona Fourtb ai bier aid home, Abany, Win. Most Of Oux Young peaple spent the th of Jaiy ai <rayalake ai the Wood- mens picnic. Mr. and Mr.-Chaa. Bryant af Chi- cago, spent Sunday and Manday witii Win. Neyer. J. H. Croukhite'a larlly, sla C. M. Garban, and famiiy, spent the ifith at [Linein paria, Chicago,. B. Barlieli accernrodated aven ane humdred cycliasand plossure aeekena Bnnday and Mouday. Auong lie Chicaga viitors Wednes- day vexe C. M. (iaxham and sou, Wm. Knlgge and Dr. H. P. Eving. Meuara. B. F. Linmhause aud Henry Elfboxg ai Chicago, vere the gueste ai Mr. anà lire. Bnck over the 4th. lira. Chamberlain, of Waupaca, Wis., bas reiuxned haine aller spendlnga iev daysviii Mr. sud lKra. W. B. Rfch. Nezi Sunday rnnnng and eveuiug 1ev. B. D. Mauson, ot Chcago, vili preaci ai lie Congregatiousl chuncbé. AIl are cordially invited. Carie ha. a fino case of eveleny coming 1*4be usezxfuture. Hiesasys it viln eouisin èvenythiug a pensou needa iu lie vay ot gold sud gold-piatod llnery. Iudependeuce day services vene heid ai the <ongregaiousl chuenli tast Sun- day eveniug. The chape] vas appro- priatly decorated, and every numbex an the pnagxrn, linang, neading sud recitatiln, vas iuspined viih the spiit ai patioitisi. Ail seerned ta teel the glony ut American ciiizonship, and mauy nesalved ihat with (iods help they vauld walk wortby tlieîn hîgh caitng. WAUCONDA. Fred Wynkoop retîîrned ta Elgin liday. P.£E. Green, ot Chicago, speut the Fourih vith is parents. Mn. 8. lReynolds, of Mcileury vas on aux aireeta the tiretiof iaut veok. lira. P. J. Gieaeler vlalted relatives lu Weut Chicago the lirai ai the veek. M. sud Golding entertalned viatar. train tho cliy the tiret ai the veek. Lewis Cole, ot Wsukogan, la viel tlng bie moîher lin,. L. A. Cale at prenant vniting. Quito a number tram ibis place attended lhe picnlc ai Lake Zurich Buuday. Misa luth Nevilie and Della Bammond vene Nunda visîtara 1mai Tiuraday. Kiam Orace Reynolds, ai Chicago, la vwitng relatives lu tilavileiiy at prenant vxiting. J. M. Badge, oi Chicaga vlelied fionda and relatives lu this place lie Birai of tie veei. Mr. Y. Harrison, ai Chicago, &pent the éti sud S1h vitb bis parents M. Mnd Mra. B. Harrison. Horace sud Chas. Walls, ai Chicsgo, paid Wauconda relàtives a short viai Mouday lait. Mr. and Mre. B. 8. Hsmmond, ai Chicago, '@peut Bunday sud Mouday vith Mr. sud lira- A. Ok».. Mr. and Mr&. Chus. Wlcie sud dauqbter, o! DePline. vialted Mr. aaura. C. A. Bapi. éstuirday and amnady. The dore sud honse ovned by lir. hiedet e aI [ie.Corners vu. bumnid ta th. grouondlIet hlday moring No inauxn.. Libliaie Robants lied the mia fortune ta luabouà. tan test sud trasture a dib. At preaent vriting ai, la saiuingniely. Mr. C. M. BlISo! Chicago, apent a fe eys la u is place vliting hi. parent& Mr. sud lira. M. Bll. Mis. Balle returned viib ber father. Union aervic.s ver. hll lu the = ptatchurchSun 4Roy1e. J,. a Dobjos, of Oiau, 1Iw wuv.tle former ptatam 01 lie Daplat churei deiveed au inlepeudence addroés. Mrx. Z. OseenWu.very aerlonaly injuredlu1a t uxday b Ia unavay. 't" home. bfam figa ned sud un tibek s iiu lt troat *6001 boue. >Oue 3ba* s «44 im. . ded bon 0" fié Vmatbiaîm Q»e. Pas..dror e,50 Cidoag bit Misa Carie liaer came home ta Maed the bourti. 1. Ravean, oi Cailtrnia, viciied ftonda here reoentiy. Mr. snd lira. Ullrich are entertain- lng Company tran, the City. Mine Lulu D. Sebvermm net 10 Chicago Manday te vieil sick relatvea. Etenry Klipp sud A. O. Bobverman iatoi a business trip ta Lsgo leat veei. John sud Wllie Bees and familles frrnm Chicago apeut Bunday vlth their parents. Misa Gertrude and gîtra HRadIer irain, hobaga ane vlsi4dig ai Rov. H. W. Oaat.n'a. Mm. Ohard and tainliy, of Chicago, vlelted ai A. P. Wheeier'a Baturday snd Sunday- Mr. and lira. D. F. Wieoior, of Libertyville, vlitod their sou A. P. Wbeeier lui veek. Mr. and lir.Chasa. Phîllipe, ai Wauiegan are viaiiing bier mother, lirs. Enutingion. John Snmmerteld Jr., aud famliy, tran, Aigonquin are visitlng ihoir parenta at $bis place. Mr. Fielc'her Clark aud Misa Stlla Andrews, af Llbertyvilie vere pleasant entiera bere Manday. A number traeibis place atteuded tie Woodmeu 'a pioeaietrayalsie. They report a grand ti,0. Mimse Fannie and Zoa Morne returned Juns là, irow «bconi aI tie Illinois liste Normai University. Mr. Barman Meyer, teaehor et the. des! and dnmb asylun, at Detroit, Mich., la visiting triends at ibis place. Mia. Milie Butohinaon vlalted a veek arnong relatives and triende ai Ibi, place. Shte returned home ta Elgin Monday. Mm. sud lirs. Aug Knigge retuxned gaturday tran, Sterling, Ill., vhere ibey apent s veek vith their danghter, li. Be. . S.remen,. Mis. bFannie Morne slarted Fridzy mroning an lhem vheel ton Oencva, Win. 8h. viii attend the convention of the. Yaung Womeu. OChristian Association. PA LATIN E. Bd Kztigge spent Thuraday lu Lake Zturich. vin Williamns ha,,just neturued tram his vacation. Mr. Blly vaa the trai aperatar ai John Ivici reiurned ftram Cleveland, Ohio, Sunday. B. 1B. Lylle eitendod the Waodstock race. roeetly. lira. Ray Wilson vio ted hem mother ln Elgin reoenily. Mart French laecrnpioyed lu Laie Ziurich aipromeut. M»r. Speot, oi Rockefeller, la vieil- ing relatives biers. lirs. Biggs returued te her home lu Paria, Mo., Mouday. Atorney BI. bruz, ai Elgin, visiled trendabere Menday., "ay Fox, fxon, Irving Park, vliolLed frienda bore recoutiy. .r. . Heine, af Fart Hi, vielied Mati Richmnond lasi veek. lir. Morgan Johnson la eniertain- ing fionda tram lte outh. Bora,it Mmr. snd lire. Guoa.Audormân, a daughler, Wedueaday, Juuc 31. lias Maud Dion, ai Chicago, vas s guesi a! lra. C. W. Lygle Suudsày. lira. B. K. Bailey and aigles' vliitd viih lira. il. P. Williamsa Manday. lira. C. Vebe sud childxeu visited relatives a R hockefeller tesat eek. Walter Thomnas sud tarnily, tnom Chicaga visled fiaonda heme roceuiliy. Mn. and lirs Cuttiug and son, ai Austin, vlsiied tnlcuds bore mctiy. lin. and lins. Pratt entert êiled trlends tram Chicago uver &ùe 4ib tef J uly. lieu Wilson vas avArcome itih theo heu& Weduiesdsy sud bli been ponly Rince. Mr.insd lire. lHenry Reitzman, oi Hitîran Brothers. are vlitiug lu the souib. Mir. sud lime. Enovles sud daughtor Mabel apont the 4ili lu Arlîngian Heigbte. A. G. Smith veut to Gjenou on his vheel Salurday tu vieil finde cevun Buuday. Missi Deli Smith yl viil fiondelu Woodstock and othen places lu the »Carnfture. The M. E. Sunday achool eujayed a very plesanst pieutc ai Laie, Zurich tat eek lir. Wadhams and children frrat Chicagaoyapnt Wedueaday vitb ber hnsband and other inda. Misse@ Myxile Smith1 sud Maile Robert» are vlsitiig Mm. sud lira. Henry HeinaetaiBoivedene ai proeut vrlting. M. and Mr@. Brocivsy have con,. meuced hausekoeplng sud vOl b. taund lu the fliai onutheosouh corner iront Thnxaten's realdeuce. Orace Bray elebrated bier sgeventi bixibciay Wedneaday aofilenvýeek by. entertainlng tventy-ihree a! ber little triends. Ice croam and cake vas i erved. The Ladies Aid soiety ai the M. E. chuxci gave an lce cream and strsv- berrY aoCiel ln lhe church pal ant tThnraday ulgit. A nice pragram vwa. givon lu vhich Miea Carson, ai Anilugiou Belgita, gave able asalat. The cla&" ai '93 af Palatine HW~h taBhaoi met viii Mm,. Floyd GOdRlut kWedneaday'eveniug. Tbaugh but l,e oui aftilie e vre proeut a Very enjayabie urnme va. apeut. The spaclUons lau a. llgbted viii Jepene. isuerna. here,hmntsnw ere aerved. W., Pf~ U UOsaisl nev bars OxMêv.h f îd '. a» aI.npin roof. The.IWEW l»e? 'the bea »sd chap«$t neepaper *ver publlabadinl Lake Counly. ý ie là a triai. Ton ueed look no tiltller. W. publiaitau the Itews.,' lira. Baud Fritschbu he ii. argeat oaotus bed ve aver MW. hlatea large monnd riprapped l wih atone betveen vhiqb 1the cautonfindta oting. aMd tbrive. Sih. alaobuhaaamouster century plant. Mrt.Iftach la a oultured lady vbo deigits in the. atudy ot nature and bas rare poetical gifla Thei. licZruiDRNT bayes ta regale lia readerd vith nomneoftlier talented productions. liaineavilie haa been and May yet bi.. corne the blrshplace ot1ngany noted mn. No doisbt vlth halt a chance @ho vauid a.tonlah Laies conniy and the vorld. Watayeer outil the . M. & St. P. Ry. la extended through bore ta Nipperalnk, Lake Geneva and BI. Paul thon rosi ongage villtalle a boom a ftuntain vin taie place ai the aid tovu puulp, sud Mayor Oea. Baller. aoli ii relgu aupresue aven a daemain secand ta noue. Lant Sulmer one af aur gud eidren va. aicil vlth a sovere ovel trouble,"maya lira. B. O. r. gory,ot Predorlckatovn, Mo. "Our doctor' remedies lib aitllai, thon v. trled Ohamabriaina Cole, Colora and Dur- rha.a BRnmedy vhicb gave very apeedy reHet." For sale by F. Bl. LovÎeLL, Lîbertyville. J. R. BEAcEEE, uimue, L. H. LKOTBHIIULD, Rackefeller. NotIce. I viai ta annaunâce ta my triendi. patrona sud the public in general gliat; tbe pharmnaey law requires overy pharmaciat nai ta lqave bis drug atore vithout a reglsiered pharmaclat lu charge, bon.eI rnObiged to give np autaide practice, but Win continue ptactlcing ai my bhrne, lu connection viib my drug @tore. Tbauking my patrons for paat tavors and hoplng ta retain your fture patronage, 1 romain. Youra reapectuly 35-4t T. L. KNÂÀK, M. D. Hockcney tallion. For mie or grade on0e Irported Haci- ney Rtaillon, elghilyeara aid. 5AXS1L 1. Paps, LibertyvMle. PEOPLES' COLUMN. vwords.1*oeuts 26 cents ivo liues. Addtlonalword. on cent per word Siat lSoui.hait cent per vor e"c addltlonal issue. CRANK APPLEY-llas just.purclîesed a aneuia hnefor aharpeung shair llppers and vii hrpnihi for 76 o.nte su, as te Mate thei llp a godasne W. fiF TOUR HORSES TEETH-NeedIina there lm an old t.*low ai the .Coutuî Fa.i who understaudsthe ulp.s FRSALE-Road Oradier In good condi- Ftion. Appîs' (o E. L. tI)ois.. 4-4 FOR SALE-io. 2o.1t4, Ysor 117 séîree ot gaod lmproved land, wst of Ersmont <joter. Terrs and isriluulsrb asdress or eail un C. LorTum. î2tt FO AE-Lot sxiinluLilurtyvllle vilae' Vrrdvîai- lction. gnodi drainag. Can h- l,.,,~i.h.-ap for cash. ville. Lbry FORSALE OR RENT-A ulue ron bouse Isnd good.bari, sud lif wreland.good welBand cistern msade suditfruittreee.wlth or without turniture. WiII vwAuae on short xoutice. Aîply at lsauaEoofIc. 36tt Lake Iorvst. (fuitab, ii-war.l vili ne pid fll-r. Leave ai Luis oCte.. W ANTED-Poboiilo .tain Iy married mau. l,î snd wîfîîug 1tu work. Addreas r.,-fii.vtu, ibis o3ce 7-W5 The Great Producing Stallon GEORGE 0. 2:211 No. 9701. Standaril unler ioth trotinur and paeing rules. I-ilh1yLak.-lanl A,dnllsh 3i1 (fuI brother tua Haroli mire ut Maud S.)1,1 Hatubl.-tionlan6i10: bs.u. Fauuy B. a' tamt ,,acfnu mare Iy S mon of Oeo. M. Paohen CoorsP . Im l e -tnut bore--. a sureloai icité-r sud is le,-d s" m-ar Silo. eoro.. Wilkes t.hiw krpa vIP3 of ott.,rv. a Il le1. sileto g-ýtth-m. j-rgý .- O. the sin.- otf-ght lu lb.- îlot, a gr sund sou lu 2.wi ansd a nuIe-r of othèrm i viii mtand <leorge O. at iny lace Sn McH-nr. II. ou pi er mare- payable lu cash or l i nai uneof e-rvbv.lam& ,net provine u ntoal willlIe). ,ïtltii tu a n-tuTu Tta':l i,.-ati«,veSiric-e l i.. nal. Bre-,! 1. a horp,, that fbas prove-n hlm-s-lt bull. a trotté-r and l @élIuer. FOR_____ Furniture, Undertak ing, paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Etc., Go to ISAAC HEATH& SONS Libertyville, Illinois. EfIUH HENETIALIO Ringmaster, Standard Bred. Register No. 62, aG04. W'nguieter Io a d-am bey. I8.3 tbad Peiïtetbugo u r tiaeu land- Sire Lor nIth M,àNorthUDami Cc te Wak 1-List jour proporty vith me sud I will lad jon a <ehao.* reamonable rate. Among numerous choice bargaine I have the foilowing. Lakce County Parma For Bale. UbýertyVifle City proprtar. 100 aèe lmPrvred tarin On banIts of Gaffea Hait amrelot vlth eight rouesmodem&" Laie. Prim O per acrepart cash. balanue good vel. cen. shade, sud boitto longim At lov rateo011ntrest. clise, for cash.or on eaaOuabhwr la5 ameeImproved tarin adjacent ta Third For %ale. new building qm zýo. hffl lIMe. liberal terme. «Ahi. ila acrea on Milwaukee rond, boum., large Choine lot,, 801110feet Kt fr0. n t1 bar ns. good tencea. 2 gaod wdia. good cia- eacb. tern.ioacra timber. PrioeSu poracrepart caa. balance on tica Is a par cent.-Âa- Mii acrea halt vay letween Warrenton Subscription News A Orov*>nd OraYalakafour ilea nnortb oft-AND Llbertivllie. Wal Improveci under gaod J siate ot cuitivion. no waate land. good 1 General Solicitor stock or dalrY feai, neyer fallng eprlns and] dolis Weil. Ternu i. îeral. mm Oole arai. U acr LL PE RIODICAL admn na Wis. Cental a1. . Stion. e moat rsaaonble terma. jA Pour tarmra la Vernon Township. iPuiblishers LoweaiPt ei deveral oboleestarrme la Avon Townshi apar Grayak*e.LIEIURNEAE . WAU? To TanaB-Choce acre orer lot l I FESRNEAET Llberylle for àa«a0ai mproved taris ite o t l1 0uVaut go u &Orea) nearljbertyvlge or Milwaukee H. IB. iuy, Bell. Bount or Traielealom WIi par cash difference. k viii par pou tu conseil H. C. PADD)OCK, - LIBERTY VILLE, ILUNOI9', ITriumph Binders. Keystone Side Deiivery Rake. Three Klnds Horse Rakes. jExtra Sections and Knlves for ail klnds of Mowers CHEAP. S Buffalo Pitt's Engines and Threshers Swing Stackers. Buggies, Wagons, Trucks, Lumber, Coal, Tule, Cernent, Sait, Hay Carriers, Rope, Binder Twlne, Etc. IG.H.-Schanck & Son, LFENERTYVILLE ~ILLINOliS Midnight, 2:174 FASTEST STALLION IN NORT ILLINOIS. No. 41-4 ln R. A. P. R. Foaled November 12, 188e Bred'by R. H. Pooler, Serina, Ili. If you woW speed and endurance breed to a horse that h& got It TERMS: $15-00Oto insure live colt. A, mares disposed of after belng bred. Brooé wilil be heid for service fee. Ail colts to be *M tled for soon as mare has foaled. Mdnlght vasdrite by Nlggam, ha by Plymouth RockI :301, son ofai BiIiBlacihvk 2:31à, aire of than Allen 2:25%. Midniit'a dam vwu by«taxlight <pacer) 2:17t, eau o!fIclKay Bars. 2:31j, second Issu <pacer> bying Phasob, sire ai licihbal 2:IljBavley 2:18%, sud othex. botter than 2:15. Third dam bî lIban Allen on of Bil'. Blacibavi. Mdnight i.esaBis oal-blaci harae, standing là# banda, velgis 1140 pouada, in verf hesvy boned sud strong muell. He la a »Ournal pacer, a lien. moyen, sud ha. a kind, geneie disposition. Be ha. paced a mil. lu 1:08, hailtlu 1:03, qv*Mrte ii3, a 2:04 gâte. M&a colts lu McHenry oonuiy are ueariy a&l pacara. large and amooti, sud show great speed. b. W. Bhervaod, Midnight'a former avuer, lu a ne- cent latter maye: «Be ha. sired a fev colts lu Mimsouri, sund llook frtom of Ô!thenta ogo in lie 2:25 liai or botter tlesayeam. I altbe& Miduigbt ilu40races i &, vinaing 30 Brut monsys, 6 seconda, S thirda,unuplacel i aud dravnaone, makiig a wandertai shovlug, aud vinning a Mnsm ai money. Bnriug bis races 1 stérted hlm agalnti sncbnoted bars., a. Pidli2:0%*, Mts 2:08%, Jordan 2:11j, Almôni Bssbav 2:1i,Ricbbeli 2:12j, Chamois 2:12J. Lula McCurdy 2:14j, sud Milile RusseSl2-.15. I ion, surprised be basoal tgoa arecord ot 2:10 or botter, a. he bad apead and endurence ta do iL. Il va. vili the hornsaabave mestlaned Ihat 1 gave bhlm hie record nt 2:17j, and could bave miarkea hi, S:11 bai 1 vîshel. Ie neyer liniaied bock ai third place." Tbmea o! Midnlgit'a colle took Bipre imtin a the McBaurzy Couaty bain laut tonMd aué sriedm second at LAeaCouuly pair, lu compeilties v*' - lrield of cols. Tbey vee oyaw*by & A, SUb of Mngwod, 11.