CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Jul 1897, p. 1

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Vol. V. N.40. Dr. Chartes Galloway. Office over LoveiImaDrug8tOre BOUM ILO75U i TO 3 AND 4<TO i P. M. Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over TrIgga & Taylor's. 7 to le & 'D'2 to,4 and 6. t9 8 11-nM- 1esideuce on Brui0iway oppoite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, SDENTIBT. Office over JW. Butlers bIdg il,,,rs:.a to,12 a..nd 1 t- riîp.m. bAILY, Libertyville. 111. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DIENT IST. -OFFICE AOURS - sW 12 A. M. i «) & and 7 w.8 : ji. Grayslake - Illinois. W. B. SCHAEFFERS NURSERY. 00e mle ,ul l,î i,- .iLi Co.. 1:1. FVui.bdai >nm,,,T".<iî' vin.-. and Smailrito <.t My- pri'ws on .ciiii, ., Dr. H. 0. B. YOLING. Physiclan and Surgeon.- RIsIiE9CE OPPII'iTL EOIIN OTECL BEIi. Gurnee, - I - lilinois. O. F. Butterf ield M. D. C. VETEIIINARY KVHOEON AN4D DF.NTINT. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. i SO&TIESTLL 85A. IL i TO $ AND> 7 TO MP. M. Ilpeial attentonl >psid té, thé tretîmenl of Chroole Hheiimatlmm. Rockefeller. - Illinois. PAUL macCUFFIN, Attoriney end Counnelor Kt Law. NOTARY PUBLIC Lbertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday. JuIy 16. 1897. JULY MEETING. Supervisor's ln Session. R. D. WYnn aelagne.C Wlen tbe Board came luo nder tMon- day AtuiperviKcor Anderuon vas chosen tluîporary Cubirman snd iîpoîiimotion 01 Supervleor Walte, a comîittea vas appoioteil lu invetgute tb. malter of scatîng the tbree adition&]l assislaxnt eiiîervimorseected fast Sprln 1 IL tegu ownship. The1 omiiieu remaiued lu conturenca for ciTr Ivu bourg sud a hait, aud thie waitiug aupervîsorg began 10 ompee(t thaI cumetblng wv u lhlb. ind. Flnally one of the memiiers u1 the committee eame ounduaked Menarn. Wyoo sud Aodge lu come loto th. committee--oom. They <ld, sud lucre the siituation was expiained wo tbcin. Waukugan lovwnnlp lacks 168t votes ot hsvîug s sufilcielîl number lu enitie t 10 t'eu aisistaniit spervîsoris. kiuw th mîstake watt made at election lime nolîody knows. An eîobanraming situation bsn anisci, and the com- minIce hdati u upleaxnsnlduty lu iîrturm .il w sa s'ed beinby 1Mr. W ytiu. He inne>ictely si-ose snd ssîd Ibat b.iug yoituiger insu Ihan Mr. i)îdgî' liesî,îîl<Aresigli lu hiâ Isf,îr. Tb. ,eolumitte,'s embarras- nieut vioc clîuc.i1,ted sud lii. resigna- to tîcci ubiidledlu thue olumnitteti'5 repocrt. J. L. fivayer was elerted chairman on, the ist bllot and at the scccnd ilsys sselon uioiitiîced conimitues for the ensulug yesr as tulons: COMMNITTEES Ecîuli7atico 'f Lande ýWaile. Iloltje, Straig. Etîualizct>i >,t Lot4.- )ady, Thoms, bSimupson,î Eq ualizatiîuî cof P.emunai Property:- Cocok, AIIdetsoII. Titleney. IFour tatd Pour I arm-Neville, Thuom", Adamis, Clame w luuhîgtou, Miller, Bogan, 51*1. Charitieh.-tamai, Esston. 11cr k ber, iucej- Anderson, Fletcher, Cook, Ediîcati',u Hogan, Simpsoni, iadY. Punblic Boibîlige >olge, Holtie, E.astou. Feemsud Salanc';ýs traîîg. Co'ik. saidCuuveai'sig. oaSvle oFireF.Wri LAE-COl'cBAN, 'c r tiun A idtii ucg SimpimIO, Libertyville. Il lois .ciui.- 'A u i,'vý- Lic'enxee l> -ItJ1" Slrsuig,lccg. L113ERTYVILLE MOTEIL swunuP boudu Ti'ffpey, m'lier' Elegama Issit. SMatcsaaftrd. Elcct'icm ul'ncniutie sadud cgei ot adMW iI.ntdieh5*t. LciIn- bomua,, adNAi.eiville. Dnleg-roomaiService First Gas.4. jCcuiuuiittv' . elAe e il Co. tillAiens It'.',a -t.r and I-c Ei<a,,cu'-'aI Ltcîn, WsIle,Lamey, Tnaî-Wrc>MaceluuaFletcher, iluning- TI LLOTSOIi & PUAN £Y, .oa tc>u l>dge' Il'ni itiig anud Sauuuiy liu , LIBERTYVILLE. -ILLINOIS u. l~-Oi col W. H. MILLER. I muieîr', Monument. ToNsoIIIAL 11w La, j it, n '- c ccuuuîu.v sil-ilit Affl"'. 'cc'lit-il vccn 'cyccit s cleaushavi- or a Iti'>u>met lit tiîc- c'ulrtl licise li'Ini gccl huai- cit cuil on 'li. guiu Tuecccny ofkUcriu>i, I'm. Chales cHoue. ucs;%*so ul ti Vi Aitcci 1înc'idiiug. 'cA îuu of'i ct he N-Xi.c,"' W. Ct. 'ftrgs Hi- Ittc>e ccuuuiiite sckc aud>il wiuieciîîeu u .14(tci u,'1-p"'u utv-i-y 'li-tiuat oviiig tluitliiVaioniius cpiuiloni eeung, >,.>' ifi., OieuigO.ex1,netttielthat a c, uiitti'c'le' alipcult- Wau -l' .1110>e *A gond oi lctoi- aplogiiu.i il t. l"fli l,>aiig iiiiiit tic luy i' iclt tIet ci leaitc[sudpiu-C . -.Lycnu. .iIl Biclier, i. A. tii-e l 4î u [l- tiuiY. J'Igel('bliIc'larlilgi', Il. L. Flagg id Athur cltiu'e anut:iiit'tgo 'lipOp. <Cok. John J. Longabaugh, Sjcktor" .GraysakelIllinlois- t Es t cu reeeipt ci! 12 ils. 1 in lu 111011V.%on 1o5lc ig ona ruofthbbcA 1- xilIieHat a sate-ti ers . 0 mn cct 1ra tic'ai cvii- ma d ei. tu agente w' oiue pi-uc . Addre-i5 AoEXc-NucmiH HT F-STENFH. t 172 N. W ESTFN."N.È 40-4t %-1 5.i,fILL.p Fly Nets and Dusters. Lelh,r Tebu ,-. te. uc-rucar ..........52.0I Rawbltde. 72 lesi- - ---- --45 8îngle tloiiiil L',th>.Bluggy Nte.. 1. &St, ni Si-.............. ..)0 Lai- 1>îctes,Sa uc a'otu>'ul d'..10i CHAS. KAISER, Libertyville, -Illinois. FQR SALE. Pu~re Manilla PLY rOUTrFk-nd SISAL ginding Twine, iiiideialv IY ha hast grade made. Focr FilSuwiuiga Complete Stock of 'iiuiothy, Alfalfa aînd Mitiiîni ('lover Seeds. CHAS. STEMPLE, Long Grove. LAKE COUNTV *BANK... Wrght, Parkhurst & Lib.rtyville. Mlinois. Cot the Thîstles. EiL1ToulIsuiEPENNuuST. 1 doubt w'eellîi-maof îourtai-merst] ~cn'ider wvlb sufiliîeul Aupurtance f thi- tielle questioni. Wç ou Ibis ich t suil sri-el danger o! loeiug the Use oft tIc-grester part cfi trtai-me. I realizep Ibis frount the fac-t tuaI une year 1 psud $11 foi- 'ttug Mtlsti aI une time sudF Ibis year 1 have poi ov>er $100 besidesa piuwing oîp coosiderable muaiov abhere lbey acre su thick il vas thei ..uI' way tu siit>iuathein. 1eui-ida îîuy fa oi-fc!everi' thiseuhi'speuding rinai'euuenugb if lil wae nul for the seei that comaes lu lb. air trom othar peuplesi farine. We have un excellent1 ccusclentloule Thielle Commîssîonar 'ebo le tryiug tii do bis dut' sud sae usalIl fwe al co-opunalevihhim va eau gel iuifut Ibi terrible Pest tna feNv yars. They are lu the meadova sud lu lbe ual lield andinlutlb.pasturus oudinluthe hack Iotsansd along thle fora, uvary'ereansd part. ThiAs i'ar Ibyare ai-elu y gsi-ian w'eare thai' neyer venu hufura. Wu ai-e guue unleme vu make a damperae elfuort nov. ()nu trouble la va genetalli' volt 100 long butor, cuîllng therm. Thay shoot- t lstand labtrthan the lIma lb. blusîiinstants. 1 undarstaini muni' vOl bu pnosacntei sud fluai Ibis seasun, 1 hope haiftIhe tarmara in' -the luvnéhip If lhey ara gulti'. we havi- au icCileOt, mavan, lav sud 1 hope il 'ell beu trîcîli' sudsvaely enfom-cau. Onu tai-mer should nul bu, îletroyed hy bis naîglhor. 1 kuuo' thec,.ccmnisslouer la vslcbAng mua eltlc'y aouifII1 amn guilty 1 vaut tu b. pua uuiebed. C C. COPELAND. A Gond Bugguy. WIth doubla collat Steel Ailas, Co.Sprngsa fIit;Aces long sud vsrrau.ted INurvai'boteansd' 64J lu. long round corntera, soli vua panel d eat. Wheels avru or. coiro*ad baud. Trîinla 'clolb o«leahar. IFourbova l9. ncévhiq. u IM Ibort tn$dg., itbl he Ip6 ..Thou Shait Not Lie." Samn B. lBradbury, editur of Sthat remuant of proéperity, the LoIe (ousfy pafriol, gm@srta tbat bis puiser 'bhas a clreclat<ii of 2M Ocopieti." An another part of the sheetnteliemym, -*Thlia paper goal tu more humes Alu thie counly - Mach week. than al the oth&r papara comblned." llradburj's deganeratlon Auto a communà circulai- lion lIar la tu be, deplored. Ha may poaalbly bave g.rees avauof the Iat two issues, by meaus <of a receiilly coîîceived ai-Arme. wlîereby ýe turulehes hi* advertiserms willi copie« for free distribution. s 1ev liundred extra papera. Hie assertion &bat the P'atriol goeh Auto more bomues than ail other papers combined (we takte Il ha meana Lske Couuty papers)flA a-lie, .et. Hia trsntlc andesvorto10boloter np by aucb Ampractîcableansd npre- cedeoled methodas, a rapldly dechining circulation la indicative 01t ha sore @traits, whlch ha, lu bis tardy awskeu- ing, finis hîmalf, wbla bis childlsli prattie sgo the Patiol havlng s larger circlatin -than mll othera combined," sinacka of glbberlng idiory. Ora Stanley Auphyxlated. Ors Stanley, aged 41, was !uund desi at Nipl-risiîîk Monday nîglit. Me was lyîug un hi. face un bis b.d sud'tha cause of bis desth was asphyxia. lir. Stanley had beau inu1Ail haalth for many years sud wvs ccustomed lu the Uns. o1 chloroform, by inhalation. Ha bsd taken ladosa jtut hafore him ieslh lion- day, but the amount taken vas amailer chan ubnal sud could nul lu il- self have prodnced daath. Coroner Kîîighl summoned a jury consisting of Edward C. Howard, furemaii, William Stievens, L. B. orice, A. Il. Storm&, L. - M I Mi. dm tro M lo di 1 lie au de c a t. I a I i SOLDIERS' REUN ION. Oravalake theS Place anid Auffust 191 andI 20 thie Timo. The executive committee of the Lake1 (îonty soukilers snd Sallurti' Associa-1 tion met Au Wankegaii at (. A. R. haill at 1:80 Tuedly atternoon for the pnrpoa ee et ~f~isd place for Ibe cming aUni~A~ >ii>etventy-llve coinrades vere presaut. The meetingj va« called 10 ordet by Capt. J. K. ]Pollock, preaidaul. On roll calut executîve comiittee, it vas found but t'eu ver. prasent, Il. L. Flagg aud Captain J. Kl. lracher. On motion t vMascani Iath"lb.emembets ofthlb aelîtva coumittea presenî fil] the vscaucles. Arbur Conk vsssppoiiied lu place ut W. B. Blistt, J. A. Mason iu place ut John liorphy, sud Thua Slraug lu place of <leiga larden. Grayelake vas the only place Ibat ashai for tha raunion. Inu lsd, thare vonld have beaun une of sy other place asking, as It wu@ thie commun destre that il go to Grajilaka IbIs yasr. The commIll e reransd on retura- ing reporbai Graysaae as the place sud Thursday sud Pridsy, August 19 sud 20 à@ tbe limne. The committe al»1.0raported the tollowing comiittea t0 ha la charge ut eail agub-commiltee "Adful charge ut 5 àil retinioti materas utGrayalake: John Wicks, Henry Dombekl, E. B. Nev"ill.1 vis Vil in, tré cl th4 wl bu en en El' ai i ex L gr ai vJ S DRUCE LAKE. T The Ladies' Aid 88eiety mes&aI ira. Chardi ibhisve 11ev.lMr. Euuyontvwe a guesi et RH Mr. Stephen Druce' "Yila. et li" sCatharla. W i# a aguesl et 'a Nis Pratt nt Prtmrc.Lodges. mis" Ginupla ls t*0gussi .1 mi"s aruper. aShinta ndfge. Omb 01 the p loma~5 iplafes on tb. WARREN. Mise Mabel shopard, of Wilmnelie, I@Ited reistives in Warren lsmt week. lira. Gjeorge T. Voie bus been visAi- àg ber hrnther sud family la Wauke- au a few day. Mfr. sud lia.William lBond, of Lake lIa, viailed their chidren la Ihoir Id neilborhood reoentiy. Sam Miller in erecling a mon ument ithe liullhuru cemetery 10 the <moi-y o1 mimaEmlly Thwlug. lir@. Lisete Voie bas been entertain- [g lirs. Oenterman and a lady friand rom Chicago for a week or more. lire. Ohute near Grange Hallin 51111 .nflned 10 ber room n ufering from ho effecta of the unfortunste faîl a&he ad a couple 01 montheamgo. Daniel ilarmon, of W aukegau receut- yarected s handsoma monument An varren cemelery, wheieebIs vile w&a erled a coupla uf munthi mgo. George Uerrity hme recaived hie eglue and boler and bas a praclicai Sginear placing bis mâchinery An imillion as bis aew butter factoey. &&y sucomaseatend the undcrt&king. Mrt. and lir*. Id. hepird, of Zikhorn. Win., with their daughter ad buhand, lMr. and liru. Egar Waies and two mous bave beau ilsilig Ad lime tManda sud relativesLa 'arren. They attended Ibo grmdusttng aercas..of!the. Waukegau HAgb hool. Warren frienda congratulate Mima Loia ihepard on ber- sucoee as a IraduaI. ofthe Wankega i hA<ochool. lh was valdedictorlan o! ber cisas, the boa«e. liuuy oftheb Varmeitee Ur. n inattendane si thé. ioeig exeretses ln Phoenix Hal rarday eveaing Ina. 24. Arthur Iowlianmd 1mi17bave weai fom WaukegauIthelb.home of 1r.. Phoebe £"ly in Warren. lit. Rowhing bas reoently ptmmted a mik rainer te be usa on .hiping -.e ad in taking quite extensive erIers [o oonty rlghta. Baverai oftheAl >11kt shippers el" im Ila theb. bc grainer lhey ever usai. Wauftouan. $1 .50 a Year in Advance* AT w- w *' RED HIOT SALE LADIES' Silk hitts! SALE PRICE 29C. CHILDREN'SREÂDY >âADESUITSI ages4 t.10 years, worth One Dollar each.. Sale prie. Another invoice of those popular Chocolat. Shoe, Coin Toe, Ladies' aises at AT W vYNNAIe Cor. (Iene8awdWaIdgemSt. WAUKEOAN. The Lake -àq.Couuty Acad Hughes and u. D. Durry. Kr-a Molay', moiher of the dceassad, Wtt ilabosea th a wmwcottage. Thore a' danger of the gaicou!B sne sC l id ta findlng him lying on bu- bai, lr. John Br vr trikeui heicstriha bAing fit la Wankogsn. Thé ha = es;Tusda 1.attarec ag. coal spphi' ai tbe ester votksilvu %#"loge sud. Near hJmlm is'àabandkerchief The Cchoir bois râed go Wsuke.-loy sud the cis uthorties arc e . " ro vhicb ha lied inhaida Smal g__ Thuradai'atelW isys ples i lg &round all agrest rate te fani a T a h r ' T AiND n c notait of cAlorr'ormn. 0. E. Notion objjag. 1uiv 5 UPPly. etlfed bat he biai benucali dby lt. et wl.chimagobu cOm Thle latinéeshast oflasI Inidu' T a h rs m n g %,h Ir. Stanland su ed theicbody' upmon pica 6ai « Dcvcliyn Park ciaimad one viet" la Iise vlclall. WI pna Ietvle I t bock. Dr. Paton, o! Chicago, las. mai far trou Ibo C Bouea. orgom y DtAehaiynt e uwu vorpeki.g M ondile n. uttn,00nu veuila abay fili on lbtGh au ai aini opiiolnltheyIdirec am neTenMeur.n. h miutnes latter. *bs ootaeinit use hoo! Tamla isell ra. vbthheir lira. Mlaen licOlori' iiad Mondai' With a FaCulty of Three or more crsathea thedraeuantause w utcio- fmleto a sdCia eveing M Uic tamli' home nser Fîve C m eetlsréos îrm vile te diect cuse v e a. ige Alc a.bS Club houes l'ai Points, aga i fini asi, lr@. icclory'C m eetIsrcos The jury retuina averdict oudt el unir. Whtbam %@@<one lu Chicago She bai mai17 relatives in"Ibittli. Colleve 0f lii IlWo avble cambool 1111116111 ha ave sm aPWnttebparIornîd161OnThe liuearai vas held Wcdnesday Pofptheor C urse ub lie "bc&$,1q î yahyi.Wille'nas eavl glve hlm greal morning at lb. Corduroy churcb. Cure Wnli at t mr* Mir. Stangla'wu v as efle rer trom troubla. Waukegalan tobava lake cueursons " olell rs m u».r.M,,, atAnna sud lne uad hrotouiu ru- TheIMLadAfl Ad-aocleti' ara dia-m"In ibis nsommer. Tdhi steamer ieve the painî. Tue dom. stken by hi m u SnaIir aand cienterlalomieut, Quesu 0 o Ai k a-initcraft vli Stolbr 'eî cmrs h..trso hitc w dondai' nighl vas compaatîveli' am»suPrOtbthIe uuallawn tata ai Mr. s earrying cipacily o!f30-yulgive a Bi id.a n I omrsemohors' terma 1ti raouillo aiw Drucas Dt u grct ave.asetbre.-hour fate excursion M onday Msd nd wuldnul u iajî hav casaiSuaiay wvan suideal day u theaite aThurmiai' ighta i.url theb.seeson.Pe7aCshl vnc....... latb. H.e wse 'eaU knoovu AuLakeansd visitera vere noumarous. A Oood music and dantlag viihiboa Pi «,Cs aAviS.......... ocînti' sud veil liked. deligAilfui change altar tha burden- f auluru oft he excursions. Thuaniai' Rate of Puton Par Mirai,............ somi ealbathr. evening of Ibis vesux th. boWjoit e Par 'ehs, ........... The lowa Anti-Kislflg Law. Ham 'Aijuon guI caugbt in thie ueeursion 1Keuotha. The excur-1 CALENDAR. Thecoletiv wsdm o Iwaagra: Suai' evenlng si lruce Lakeu1maous8vîli, doublleâu, hi a populbr FaIl Tarmnopens liondai'.Sept 6,W1. 'WiarTerni ai iy. 'I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u, bucletv i<u !lv ud aila»pend tha eveing l iIamesaeuofrecreation duringb. sumai-tATerni suds Pridai', Dec. 3, Il prlagTcmop.asMImq àusemîtled at the stage capitol, are nulnigiorod mer. Wbu oiîldone byIlîlinois noons lu Il la plaugnai lu have popular van Changes Ihat are o! 1h. ulmosi An- W inter TèrmOpen» lIond&y, Dac. 6, '97. Spring Tarenanis tnliq, l rogresuIve sud paterusi leglalatioui. ong concert et the Gages Corners Portance in Wsukegau ara lu prospect SOLIDAY VACATION<SpcliTer-Tciehisseg h i ing bas beii declai-ed by i' cintîosachRaol tiiy evening, JuIY 3091h' st te Thomas Bransanidlitou tmiory. Magna Dcc. 24, 97; animaids jeu. S, W. frive h, july Il. teAAie-Il ai vrion timn aua meus b w e hich yl b. s greaât enlentament. 'The changes viii not b. moie immedi- Frfrhrptclr drs t vaion lies s s aso byvAicAlTho la it iety rInsis lnhaali, but lbe next year or two VIiiFrfrh. aiuar drs uiacrobes are tranamilted fr-m thelng but thie flsing lhrougb h. e, ofbigchangea lu the appeaiance othe &a&a front balveaienicbras H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, l'user to the isse., sud vice vire v ersa; sud the eauaghter by spaarlag basmi orbasuMd lb. brske e& bamtr. anid notvlthutandiug that microbes thie affect Sc deplete tb. lattes o!f nal. Where novwmîetchab a beau' tract LIbettYV are declared Sc bu essentil Ioi10a"mi- isltsJsnile sud EllsaaPals, of covrai vIth bugsh.. sMd a fev loy tion sud besllhy gi- ctb, and the Lake Forent, ver, eai naroeLodge aheds, 'elîl stand Ibree large tognodrica. cauios ugeltin f om pyscinsovr uva iénday. They are iniuatrioua amployAng 150 men. I ili hob.but 1 anlon sgguliu t omephmiriur < boys sud laher boys sud fine Ihe nalural gravIi t sa orth hat kishilng may bu lu sa certain allant ingersan s u 1e gentlemen. busine.fiuabg aeeeiis, lb. suthorîties o!flAhe mata CAUrlagas cameabonluDrucea orove A couple o! yearesilgo a gentleman sm of lova denouticefil as a menace 10 Stti'rimroe Loiga g«roud nulshudai crieredaismilsîtas yacht of tAla public heallh sud have anactai a lsv aftarnoon lu a long procession, briug- Douglas boit factori', ta haousaidhi' prbiitugth pacic.inamereso! people. The ios ai. on bhnmoun ariver excursion'. For saine proilbtIn th prctie. . vAluAs,il usoetansd aloI sand a large reason lha tallai tu carry oui bis parittl n fi in vary probable Ihai kilug in coagrelon galberai aitlAie religions o! the contrcciasud nulil a ev vweebas tt r ii being carrlad 10 axcema lu Iowa; but arvtiom Thora Vas excellent paak- go the bot rcmslu.ed n Utmt iory. the citiren@acutgliat;greal data kuov ing hi Roy. lin. Euuyon folloved bi' Il bas nov beau porches"i hi'tho from explence thuga ls a' la inopera- Re. lit. Harris, uf lilburu, vbo hbas "i o Eb"-Ineli sand Dougla- lD iraetlgf mm cnvetiad go Fox La». Tbcy have repaici e s dg sentiment. lova had ton yearms Inspiuea lotterllirîe. The Milibutu thecbhait, ibe colore bclng 'white, 'euh probîbitori' liqur lav, but îîwvas nhir aubaautifulli' mud shoru er. ma-roomi Irininga, Mdli Isla aprtti' Pr aîl R p e b'. verwel observai bacaume it bai nott sangs hi' MissFalesansd hi' langerm@crafi asWvll! m a peedi' ona. Il l PrBanlaR prl ....... ver' Jamie snd FI ehaiae, o! Lke Forum. hulîl alter thc pattern of river boit@, Beut Qu&Iity Machine 011 per gai.. public sentiment lu accord vltb il; The meetings promise 10 ne popular aud bas a big piddle vbsel bbai, etC pe ah oir. . . . sud Iis yaar ftt ietinaimelivu su ad profitable sudo ver' langeAi' 'hich je fitci vîlAl georing, liii.a Ba oprW hB les....... or tbrea decades Iova poliies attcndei hi' thusa vho amanrunedili' bicycle. Thea motive pover la fur- Good Wood Hand Rakes ............ la antirel' free îrom tempurance ranch tbe chnrcba.hes . Haisna ulbai by a tvo bornespaver hlprman Good SCYthes and SnathS ............ agtttviiiw Ospetak g&iazii omt bbath kercoesuaenlu. Thle boat la thirli sglaliit.sudals Mn Hurri, u Ori'. fel oer il; ltctVigi- Good Iron Weil Pump and Cylînder lIbisla ope i viihb.prient aud out lb. vbeel, saven font hbasaitu GURNEE. spemk. People attedt rom tbce'il carry abou Iveuli' passaongers. ready to put In Weil .............. a Clifford Hastings Vas a Chicago via.neghborinelgurcbe, ililburn, 0Gag es i nai " ýTabuità." The unma is 1 ft Bambo o Fish'Pole............. 1101 isat Mondai'. Cornera, Orsysîmbe, comlag fromt mUes pronouncai "Tsake-lt-egayi." unrLa p0 Sov..... Normn Brovu la visiting relatives arounn. 1__________01_____............ at Spring Prairie, Win. WADSWORTH. FOXLAKE. 4qt lice Cream Freezer.............. 1 Mies Irana lMcClure rclued 10 Chi- PMad iMnrh.ackl5t ilaert Wdi' lerno vton. n u cagolast Mondai' morulog, -Mr. .. eo h @e it vlaeBei lay as a 'Ialo î iitt Cali and sSe our stock Of Coal and wc J. A. Bofimmu, of bocacran, vas lu Whle Moran la atiU ou tAl a lekliaI. Athe beavi' aboyer, aimeit s del. tw oun tovu on busineas Mondai'. Mn. sud lira. B. Mivais have uoe lai sundai' eveuing. sou The C. E. ociti' bas strangai for a removed te Chicago.MisAsisTcdo!Isplei lavu social sone eveniug naît Venir. MieliargaratMillet le vsiln vlUiAenbTweco s lacetra A. Fletcher, o! Chicago, Vas a guestfiadinWbkg.Meeas"àSh li. nsd Mrs. Andrâw Banedict, of Ibis chuilýuf trg tant Suindai'. id lb. sctvlce etthébeAutloch Christian LIBERTYVILLE, ILL- Wankegan, esilai ufriands bure lent Il la expctd thal tb. crearyi' ilIchurcb udai' avaut%«. Sundai'. b luopentiou lu courues ora ack Otr lir. Gao. Wat adMmiensAlice V N O.ILE Thora viii be prescbîng oil Suodai' tan ma. Oranger, ut DigAton, Vare tox LakeboNH F morning sud .venlng moas u t Ithe Misses Marthe Mernu,Emma RIat visitens& luda' aficrutoou. 1BlohasiDuidiai i. ahl oble &round BpcrvMigc umko$M 1 Christian obureb. sud Oscar Bauget tram Milwvaukee The people of onrlté111.bmrg veru a&plu. itrin hme Sof W.uble X% EsipAi Chttendau, of Russelllwu@ in anvisitiug thair soul lit. Henni' vari'sorti' as vellas&mach surprisedite Bousevleaara ver u7 ai'putulua up TAlheumsbo Ou on Onvboutbunmalust Btundayi'. lairu ofthtAe of lit. Ora Sauley'. ~trtihe days.. tormole2aiA. G. ebv«u Ha la prearing lu tare pussession oi Thie Wada'eorlh hase hall club bave Thoas vlI ho premhng hyIder TAle inteuse bal last veak cauaeiMissu OrsManas.eair the Joues tarmn. conaoidated vitAl thaeiRussell nine Darnes, pastor o!lb. Lake Vila M.B. coadetabie miniss.. vtitiiighme uiao iraÀ"6 ThauaCmiisola-s oi an d areDno pngo any i'ue in Luit :chueh aM the sehOl boume Wiu. Mr Ch.i Wo n.. bubeau on the 1 pant a e e . .me doel' ________ ieveuloag, Juli' 21. W. hope Ibîre dsikt tbheP&"t vk.$pitàwg aïkD X Notice la herebi' given thug persoasWH EELING. viii b. a good attendance. li. JameaSwAan ls vorking onu hihen .r .Imraiis Aavlug CanaiaI.shlatea on Ibait n ai .vr'acThe tox Lake Cametari' Association old amm n 2v ovuci by Mr. Heuri'Mr C.M. ammam prpety aenoifedtugnoe ue r.Nel avey le.met 'llwita . Harrison Glbert Thuna- Orabbhi. O m, y in procryar uofid ha aiemot oes Great London Shows vere dey otlait veek Vitba goodlattndanoe i~u afili omecis d ay bu oagteor do tooi'ad sudernl ty l ou i'1.TAle maimeeting vill, b. vtl hlirabItter crop bléan saine axpected in be. m ltHukinmM 4 pofpatfie o u goue an tonner pnly W. baiqulle s shover Sundsy aven- Frai Book Thonadai', Juli' 92. ug liarvestai. trm Elgi2, vistaKtaiPI Ibsu one bunirai dollars.Thi, lg, Ut 70e eau bardli' notice filou TAie Mont Brotbars eho bave beau h unnla llsllui s oaver sommi. ootice applias alIi 10 opubie blgh. thegravel roade. holding meetings lunlZae Coaal'bave vaTbheealest Sunu'.tAe Mna lh i e 'esys sud rairosi rigbl o! vays lu lKts. six'@ bouse building la golng oun5goU10olgonàtiu torsà short visit Vili ul or u ugay h « a l O8 Tov o Lbatyîla.The, higbvay raplili'. TA'hmv Im rhnave' henthetsalervbcbUei' ara Mmd relatvs tront «aubegflandmihit. id bhmp lakt Il commlsslonara hi \laba1 t ~he coplsei and lthe bousenarly imdd. begig a sertes of auoelhg iiouna 04<0 Verre ont ta attend Ala-bunla. B..à"VUIk fatlbtulpenfammucofuthIisb The. vasons acident vhicb oS.Grave, 1twuni. Tli' arm votklng lMr. Chas. Beokwtlhs mls aceu o ~t ordîna l onglbhislins. TAlepoeaty entai tourth ci jouli'ta Waleraigwlg. noblyinAutle chrisIlancabise sud i4 la 'white lh.driveaLmi lb. a1J T m fA's~t tol furn.oba.rvsnei 411b814Wvlu a»eh Ho Vase lîgAhta sa cnnon sud th,1h.elb.est VI i th li vrIe lb hnse ianit laolit. IWtnse a meu 1 ll'e a. 1casasprovidai ft railrasisla ta povier blev np sud morc4ied ?a&face 511<iO5ismai'ttud t e heaeven m»d one fMoU40VIL Tbo'Ve'e,. asu %seves. ,Uiulhiug lable te a, ine otfiai'.ey. tAlitlot may ieb asit. vthout maceh dauf agebtag lame iai leuth a 1117Bolire o n. atvo TAldewon. î'.Budai' School pc ~ . ~ Mora inN 4 lmdoiedollar. aia elll li, i n.'. go v ocis. klath 00». u k1111110 W. ahm esfis, 'I mmli e- ....1 ha, Il me"' 's-j ut~ -OS .80 .10 .90 .ob 50~ 1.75 "a vus. V. lvu. -rj. 1 1 1 ý ý m ý a&. Àý ' ý» 1 1 IN'e l Il

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