CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Jul 1897, p. 5

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w"'i Pay You-- - TO TRAM EAT TRiGus & -TA YLOR:s, We have a complete line of Groceries, Canned (ioods, Fruits, Vegetables, Fresh and Smoked lleats. SOLD BY Triggs & Taylor's Libertyvile, Ili. PIÀANOS AND ORGANS Corne in and see the Estey & Camp NONE BETTER. C. R. Sherman Libertyville II pring its.0 D Ove rcoats. Over and up $5and up Neo trouble te show $amples.- FRED CROKER, Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. For Delicious Ice Cream soda..... Go to F. B. Love11's, LIBERTYVILLE. r » MPIKED Up HERE AND THERE. Local items of Interest to Libertyvil1le Reade rs. C. M. à ST P. W. R. limm TAULE. libir i at4 dat (.(Mt dat uns. TO CHICAGO. OTN8.f a.m.aL.Ia.M..M ..P.MI. At a meeting of the6 TovwnIBoard of -&s26 &:il 96:67 Wadsworlb tî.7 8:w &we Audigors Tuesday nigbt Tblstle Ourflse91.09 ':"26"'Cm 6inr utr11 àkdta Warr.nlon Ir 1 :,:14 Cnmsinrlulrli aOlIa Liruaavvu.a ô:29 7:16 12:20 4:14 su assistant b. appoirîtai to nid hlm nondot 4.146 :26 12:341f45:» :Il la bis dulles.le vas lustructei 10 Deer lad &607:44 9:12:4 6 :06 34 I4brmerylile 604 7:80 9:j6 Mot 4 :001 M be a manl. Olhlcso(arrtv-,) &â.60 610 10:66 1:46 SU o Mai Kohner, proprietor of 1the Fair l'1WliCHICAG2O. le sending out severai tbouaaud ball- a.a. 'M m' m P-10- .rn. an.shel circulera, virtuel bargaiu Lv.Un.Pnua.1t 730 :46s5:2 Lv. Kiînsie Kt. 9:110 6:10 bulletins of!ie b is "isg out sale of ilherm fvl.e 6:26 1184:41 6:11 7:M 96:14; ti.Zerfld 6:34 10:22 4:47 6:17 7:27 W.21 auIniIer goods.Y 0f course we pritited &.42î 60710:2M 4:56 0:22 7.13 6:7 a toadoul 8:40 W6 5:0 6:47:Z6 9:38 aou. LzaauTVvLLR 10:45 6:56 7:1') 6:4 Wrrnte. 8:66 &:Il ~Tùein anailiiauîiieuti<uted rumor Mzur '.0:0 611 641 coureont &bat several cottages arc 10 b. W aorh :10 :26 6ra1 BLusaeliîsrrlve> :18 6:432 1üo16bulît on tbe syndicale îîroperly. work denotes diMy sdenotés lluuday only. tu commenSce mcxl yak, by Chicago bere 310 arkaeiw rîa r'dai parties. W, are Illisble 10 learu vho SUbi)AY TRtAINS. th1e Chicago partis are, bovever. Lv.Llbrrtyvilie, 6:16p.m1. Ar. liojdont &:op.m. The InDarua»»amrin6azizous 10 LvA.ioa<o 5:26 a-. o&LAr. àrtye6:j1a'& &i .davote 1the proyer ainounàt ofattention Lv, Chicago ma46p,. .Ar.LlbrtyvIWi.5:306P-11- u. th1e crcamery sud dalry internats of No. au rue Sand1 oniy. song souîki. wviiiIbis section, audinvites factory ovuers stoP ,n s"anal as Oliýo-At museit 62:07 Li.nE. Wad.worUc 62:67; <Nrn.,e 12:27; Wagrra- sud dairymen generally te senucinl any Il 12:30; Iloud.ut 12:6; Evrettl2:42Deeràeid Ies11 12:40; llh.rrn.rvllt, 12:2:: ÀrVsenla <J 36Mt Itemst tInay 11e of interest. 1:44 P. Im. iauy of Libertyvîlles »date eiders Dsclillte(..blaao Lave Darlai ~ took lath 1e circua Weduesday, --)ont Ncr.,vile1:6;suve <blee 766for th1e clilîdran'a ske," aud oue arres llerervte12:2 m.Derfllakindiy disposed "-old boy" borroved 12: 20 . In.-bis nelgbbors offspring, but vhodde Puzzle. sake ha sttauded for va can only 8ilocýrarea cane sud a cIgartte and plie conjecture. vaits vîfi a nianulai slntd..Th i4h., Induises lu slaug:and unscrmlylal e e btol company, billed te aud lava woman's saigami't al. arrive -in a short lime" faits 10 lierheaing ud ol nnlke w3tycse'rt imelarialize and 1the Chicago Moel agrasivlt ~ Bampiug Cosâ. plant la stilil mpty, 1 n.'n a utlait cl m'an W et" yIi, i vblia e are ail patienlly ava.tling .0mal. 1 it, sý-,!baller limes. au the imottainîiar t1mb). with Tonm SmUloa ass e eoea sud Hl ansd JacI. SmGloa aln a eoee Nb' Ails tbsn 1-y thelr gîte. naines snd from 1the operation enccasltated by 5166iapé gu on th.e bail: 1the reroval of hi% injured cyc, an tu 141.' 6 ses muooarhly useforthe super- L i lout by aga&W. lMr. Uallevay fluo,îa jman. F-, f -th. l.' t'.rIns VI MelI0te on.. is là fortunalely able tb mca much batler ssl<or(,uns sb.nocl. caui.Iban e or bis friandu taa d drea 1' - i asiécht fa fro«., ski îuuîgev îers.'îInî lu oe, and Idthc. 1e reniaining aye, a trWcy f,'' s 'ranim. whicbha bad for Jeara cona.tdered se 01t muau. ier suierfluity euhl niglIly 81w Ie.oes alimoit bUind, go flete a bottar vision d...'Sn ,11d when abs fere Ibat bhilt- bernot. Ith- lie rcalied. Wbether or notlie11 skie sobs ,liîbî btterli. viliibe able te resumne ltsev prlimee 1 0fégenus hobo,.very a uenber sîrsuge 11e camnol se Jet delermine. 15 sue. Skis peepa oreumaî.ectly under teOie bd. for feax of à burglar bhd. At a noW ise I ight. she jumpa mbt a trunk and qictkly shuta tice Ild, And vben s fat. arten cakbege venu conisa irenenadlug aMons 811e glmpir taluta. Nov to vblch sel tan Wkeu cotenplatin aiâl tbhe fat*. vbsl shah vwe say or Iblul? Ls it l osstbiovs.,found ai laat Charles Darvin@sa nlnlk? WiIll is&th11e probi.', soit., aIvbicb vs lotk aghmt? , - lu amen iorder of aooýoiy sh uid the' vomn n' i. ,as,? j A. F. Lumber in on the grouudilffr 1the nov J. G. Lamou, of Prairie View, vasl ou (dur ttrets nTuesday. F'Ou. E2:T-Two good barns. Cal ai ibis office. 40-42 Miss Lillie Morse lx speuding a fev ith Waucouds relatives. Fred Crokers mare '1Ancieul" in iroud mollo-r o! s ine colt. F or sumiu,'r goodsat greétly reduced Pri.-c90 g.' th o. PicOTî'S t! mine Carnie Doueliy, of Jefferson Park, la visiliug James Triggsa family. l'Le Misses Vinicent, of lMarcellus, Idi., are gue-sls o!flMr. and lirs. J. T. Ayers. A bail etorni visited this section lie Moo.iay afternoou, but 'Iid au serious damage. lire. Dr. Kulght aud sou Tom mere iguslt o! Frauuk Mamsuaîd fainîiy tbid MrN. 1Bd-Il morne aud son, of Cbî 'ago. ar.' gueâtî of Ed. Butt.'rtfld'di fauiiy ibis we'k. Btîlter 0o61theElimn board or truc.e vas quoted utI4IIIce ils lislsy. Market lurm. Mir. S. B. Uraier aud vifs. o! Stuttgart, Ark., visiled witb lirs. E. C. Pelon ibis yack. Chaa. liabcock %lie geulal expres agent on Kiugsisy's train la euj..yiug u exieuded vscatlon. lirs. May Christian, sud son Parker. of Chicago, are viaiug ber parents, Mir. aud lira. Samuel Triggs. The Presbytiî In Suuday schooi aujoyeci Ibeir annuel picnic aud outtug at Druce Lae aTbursday. 1Ialîl close out My stock of summner llillinerY ati50 cents ou the dollar. t! Mas. PROTINE'S. The Lakeside Cemtery Association '6:11 meentvfih Mrs. French, Frlday at 2ý33, JUIY 23rd. Il la deaired tbal ail abould lb. preieut. A. H. Krarner sud danghier Lottie, of Webter, SouIh Dak., also Mise Millier, ef Vhicago, are spondiug the veek at C. H. Avril's. 1. 9. T r e bilicco it leh for 1the -D ' 1 4 tu ia game lo b. playcd oue. ~uids July 18 betveen Libartvilansd Derfild tearm. "-Neil" Prie goas on Mals ay rajolciug, wearing eue conitiioîîs broad oule, ail becausa a girl baby cama to gladdcn biseberne lut Wednsady uigbt. to iTake Are-te ayt.Operakte ,10"ysa r es1m @mais l This in 1the way it goeas. Wealwiays vant the other fclliovte deo1the right Uding vhcther va arc viling te do il ouusalves or Dlot. A Minnesota adîter saye b. vrote a strong article on pat- ronislng borne industries, sud uaeof th1e store keepers vrote bc hlm tbank- hlmufor the article ou tg icîter head prlntad lu Chicago. Agane n areminded abat il las a queer venid vben h. 111mb. of the îrut of th1e alatemenasin th1e !oloving item, ellpped from anexehange: "The yeuag man vbo live. vithin hie means, drae-. Iug plalny. pute a pollsb on 1hebraina v11ter bis boobe shina Or Dot; and toila boncstiy for hie diliy b-ead le suubbed by what la cllcd soclcty, vbile Uic yeung man vho beats 1the Wlo1r out ef a cutavay suit of clothes, get4 bis otd motber te polish bies aoes, vith a fev dotvas lu hie pockaI and a The premîu batfor th. comimE fair w! . ho iasued abount Anguet lat. C. M Sceenerboru la seillng 1the Little Gem Pie <Jiioey. ludîspenaf. bi@ for keaping Jour pie cruat from, aoaklng and jufre front runuiug out ln th1e oven. Try It. C. X. Sherman made and praeented Ilttie Mildred Poole witb a solid goid ring, lu recognition of'11cr apt execution oun1the piano aI bis store on several occasions Iat veek. TheC (ounty Lodgc of Goo. Taniplars vas in sBaston aI 1the Prenbyteriau cburch Tuasday afternoon sud aveu- ing. At 1the cveniug sesion a vary entertaining prograni vas preseuted and th1e general public invited. The hutterlua iav passed by 1the tant iagisistù~re bas bad th1e effect of driv- iug some big facturies out of 1t1e state. il la te ho boped i vilibeueli the farmers sas ruciàau vas axpeled. Boule people Ci]bis la hsi législation lu Ibat Il Injures 1the faciory mani te put moncy inte 1the pochet cf thie larrn- or. But île praîîy bard 10 suit every- The nevw ,« relative to chiid lahor, vblcb vent tino effeet July 1lia vary strIct. The employmanl o! cbiidren under feurtean la forbldden. Childran betvaen 1the ago@ of tourtoeu anId six- tean are required 10 bave âge aMdavlla bafore being parrniiied te work. The empioyment of cblîdran coldar aiteen years Ofaeat ai aY extra hazardsomc cunployment la f erbidden. Thealldveut of tha varm paroid, popu- larly kuovu ase the ailly eeon,' bas brougbt vilb ispauunugualiy large crop of nonsense, sud ban beau msrkad ibis yaar by an easny ravival ofth11e airsbip fake. Tvo men lu Indiana are said te boenagaged in contructiiug airahipe witb vhlch they hope te solve tbe problem ef aerial navigation, and a Bt. Louis man propose le build au airablp trolley - lino beiveen that city Mad Chicago. Wbat an airsbip trdlley lino la enlY a man froi Si. Louis eould explatu., liyes London Circus in &Illes mammouth huganasse, aid hugenasa coualallug cbilly of a braea baud and large sPread cf canvas, sboved oun1the fair grounuds Wdneaday nlght and altraclc a fair bized crovd. The Ïlleged fuanYuyso f 1the clown saVored cf autiqnity vblle the cirons proper vas a ncnentiiy lu aIl but narne. Tbe indulgence of a good natures crowd and iheir patient endurance cootributad targeiy te make thinga aeem "circus like." Whatever ma" or may net ha aaid of 1the circns, the balcon ascension and parachute îeap vera a succeas. The balcon aseended '&Ml th1e aronaut lookad a ptgrny wvbc 11e "casioff," spd abet dovu- yard at a terrifie rate, bis parachute Openlng met a1the spaciators vere baginungtleth11mb-.the tiig vaan't going go verk." The bon feature vas-ail rlght." MahT.. LibemaL People Who tllke ail thinge literally arc aPet totreeld un other people@ toms The mam Who waiked lu vhcre ho MWv a sifr6 "WsIi"a" wsu wu or- cigarette in is mouth tu a bell "heeP deri out, wus a literai nian, end seuvwu tu soeiety lu Ibis biesaed yeux of our bo vbo vent imb ,a pavnbrokar's shoy Lord, eîghteen bundred and uinety. a" dmanded 40 shillings hocautbere aevan. wuaaplacard inthevwindcvu t&&red: ~ "LSe et this atobtfer 40shillings. 1 Fred Lee vas preseadil ito service -1 loohcd ae m," said lhe. "spdnov by the circus people Weduenday'M 1 vent My £2." Fred did not prove a "bowling Tb. muaI amusiug incident vs have succees' in th1e roi. of lrnprovised bad in that of 111e country muanl hom clown, bovever. lHe vas njulned ou vbiie sauuiering' alOUS a CÂty street, a veblicie respiendeul lu relé point, te *Rw A Ugu wbich vas attached a docile iooking * Please ring 1the bell for tb.' cate- pouy, andi as 1the procession, headcd tr rfetu o 1vmnla 1 by a brasa baud, veudod ls vay valke<i np anci gava the bell sncb a tbrougb our atroels Fred vas "some Pull that learely came cut by th1e lev." TisaI docile pouy suddeuly lents , lu ew minuteau augry faced developed a dispositiou of 1the cros- man opeued lahe door. cul sawvevrieîy aud reqîîired lMater "Ara yo1en hralmaker' auked 1the Fred's uudivided atteution te) avold bell poiler, a geuersî amashup. Ha got monre -Yen. W1at do yen vani?" ~I"I sav theanotion, se 1 rang 1the ball. -'cou.icnsed cir'us' in 1the short limit end nov 1 vant tu knov vhy yen can't 0f tits linules thon eten bis youlb- ring the hall yourseLf."-LonDdon Tit. fui ardor could appreciata, sud I1ere Bits. la me leasî 0one Li6ertyville youlh vîtboul au ambition 10 be a ~-cireux You mnay hunt t11e vorid oser spd actor.' you viilnet flud anothar inadiclue An udîatin 0 val audababus~iequal 10 Chainb.riaiu's Collc, Colora Au ndiatin f wat andâhrkmwi suad Diarrhoea IMemed yfer bovaI com- resorl 1te WgetouI o! payilux es. A plaints. l la plemauat, nesand ral- fev yaarp &go a company of chicago able. For sala by P. B. Lovai.., men purcbaoud forty acres of lanîduer Libertyville, J. B. Blincus, Gurnea, the city, ripe for subdlision, u'hic-b L. H. LITCnIFIR.Ll, IRockefeller. promiaed tOissu more tiluabie lu a fev yeara. lu ordar te boit lfort11e raisa, 5f.WttrYttd Dea~1. E vlîhout suy axpeuse, itevas proposed te 111 te enlire tract out for a cemstery . Witb ibai end in viev 1the company x fP 0 ~ lf0 .UI formed lteeli mb a cemaiery Associa- 81.JI5 UV luiU V*II *iH81101l lion sud dedicatcd 111e propsrty for ROUTE.9 hurlai purposas-e-emeteriea beiug9 exempt trom taxatlon-procured bbe 1 bodies of four paupera, buried one tu escb corner, and 1the cemery vas mode, Tbey did nue drnm up auJ more trade, uer oeil auy lots for buriat purposes, and the. ailette city ef the daad vas sur- reunded hy 111e homes of subarbanites, matiug 111e cametery valuable ter sub- division purponça. Thselimtebadl cone vben 111e bopes and speclalive pur. pose@scf 1the organisation vas 10 b. realized, sud ibey dissoived asn a emttery association sn udct 1the TRAN81PORTATION CO. cemetery lute clty iots. The city opsratlns the auperbe aniboritien got ente Ibair lillia game nide vbeal steamers, a"d mode th1e '.cecetery" wvu.r- py City of Chicago the back %axes, The fouir paupers -AN turned ovar lu Ibeir graves sud srniled. City of Milwaukee and tha nevly rehaut Propeilar LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. CITY 0F LOUISVILLE. Oorelad by the lisrebats every Tbursday. Belvesu Chieuge andi Se. Joephiubasd Boulon Butter-CrYaaaery .............. 86 64 402 aror Mihian Bulter-Chbolas Dir y s.....r... Mluh*ga6 ,Zg. pe oerd............. 0@(0$1DaiIy Excursions! Potatoes. per bushel ...... 25(o . 1leaviug douk. fl oftWabash Aveuue. cbieago Wod-dry. Per cord --........300s 3660 every mornillg aI 6:26 arrive resonts a :26. - Cea-lad. per ton.......... " ' "!iegvinugresoritl :611P. im.. Arrive Chicago i QCo&rBnParbn......e.....'. 4 00d 432'on reluru et :301P. nm.. daiiy. Regular steamt- Oorn verbushl. selld ...... 28(g suar aise iaavsëai l :30 P. nm. dally and ati321P. Oate. ver buabei................ 18(9 19 . Saturdoas onuy. By titis routae1the lourist Oreuad Fead. ý................16 lé reaibes direct 1the beart o et lb. ibgan Draa, per ton... .....s. u oea ou nFruit Belt and "ale mue dosarming suni- Mlddiias. lier ton ........ l 4 lu 0:mu-mýr reoet eon adj"et tu chiusgo. Cors Meut. per Ioq ............ 0e1200 nom .P" m 15Ibo ........... 326 IRCAîccur ? 10eiba 40 'l4e648 River t 1, FetWaS55hAveUme. NieL uSIllapr 1unfIe ..... 66 J"4.000 .ttWlei 1814: L o s I!AI That most domestic happiness and quarres Lit at the dinner table, aiid that low grade foo mnakes iow grade men and women. It may not true, but this state of affairs can be changed an: happiness reign by using h You are flot so warm But what you can cool off ln one of our fine Hammocks. Remember we have a 'ieline of Summe Go-ods,-a-nd in fact most everything. Il. B. Colby & Co., Gret Bargains # --TMITHi'Se Apron Ginghams ................. 4c. Men's Large Colored H'd'k'fs... 5è. Men's Socks ...................... 5c. 2 Spools Thread ................. 5c. Men's ,Black Hose 4to7 ......... 5c. Ladies' Vests..................... 5c. Ladies' Black Hose .............Oc. " Glovies... ...... .. lac. Tennis Flannel................... 5c. Men's Colored Bosom Shirts ...49c. Knittlng Cotton................... 5c. A Job in Bicycle Beits wortb60o at 30c. Muansd Wite, er BisseaadW lte Royal Ceci Su-mur Drme uogode.i4c GOm it.............9 F. C. SMITH & SON, Butler BIdg. LIbertyvtIIe, litAi DO YOUI ~ WANTTO MAKE MONEY? MID-SUMMEN CLELARING-$ALI CIRCULARS*- ~ Or, send us a poStcard i addresa and we wliMaflg The Pal. ci our .E vfthyow you oew& r, s, TFi I[YO[(RPlO ilR(

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