CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Jul 1897, p. 2

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MIED BY KAYOIL dm No %OTu»«pE TO DOREuSMINIE.& Rjoomb 0<taobarouet tei *er-*Krveilug fer. a Rotbe4 U Ait Publie MmU111111 saveoegu, hoad ai bbc Kalgits et i-afroinluCoumbus, 0.toum m%- tas, ..nhri bu spoke len min- ta ulorra wben the- M0yoa i byPlu- itapped -aili public meetings or hisesafmre disu lhrmo persns u"eglag t a ch metisus nen ta dia publie pence. Preolilcul copiaithe prolamation toi i..Mr. Soverigs nportod ta Rtehiaord that 100 hies 4f Pohntas apologlSd eda ina tor put I tue Mayri, and hat C4. J. S. - iet heBrowning Qoapay, COlU- ensys1batra-namii u. Boveneiga, peoiegsei ta hlm ion die a of aithe 394m" a Us-aua I Moe mo i*io pausagera vbo ariived la W t ydimstoamhip (Mesgne Ju"*.wun Atonio Brava, a Cu- dept, a"i Uaudio O. a" m m e nenpoâl clP-onr n'ainid: ter eusa aitho 3?h¶e bia thres. Ch. glooserBV04lve, vot tat a m kinsea ekena n'eu4 Ma i dl-ne fltyet lthe 1 Sls, via ~e armc he 1d la lb iPubha t lm lus e."e M ont y dia the vsallltletdion vn isCubas qcotios. Ho itlsie eppiy e etCh Cor- Cubi, ma SmeroneiCht an ~deema uitat seéeà a 'i ega"e ieelffubecrlhaus fla lidit o nt ca Its s i l nan diggnu .f t 9uaoun0h.Mis*, dm1, b. S i y ivs- ýmss.caidasthe li det. s rouflalu- I« u. «Intiamae fies Fart AtiiolIbef Cikiae adil* h tis sau More0f lb u fflalu évi-lu ..3t4 - .40 31wasIlý netaa. 27cm' auMgthef di methis tlub@ 1» 21 W&delb35n40 ;-4 M I C .....32 32 ... diG2aLuinRsp...231-40 ...4I 1 WSoMlupol. 2742 ,nhe .18 317KSaa Ct.... 535 i Ul *os te mmbCsi e rof the V.Casin. I 8asuro Insoit ai.Colora39 ý« v as bor.48ai Ca lb roit Mou- 'àîmfflose Bourt oslufrmiC"ictcu ancotti bniest i= 22ou exelurcli tethe plesero lb ea. ue Is sFleosr isace. 'Xi" 4a docithbm resaitvii h.d'bint à1ait ueborWhe iote orumi.ocu Wur. T.ue et theTalasse laii wit bota teluh. Prtticauli la ashe Wet as eh Waibiuan.Wi*aam e not sxmTa J.. sga se taa hul iat t. ~4"trm iaont ia Chun tmli ex Dpje T. eWi t p afr11eoffsud Dr.Telag frieom Che isouisa e u.r tarteta ahigtoerlai ai benti ifér )w gose oa ru eh vel r hbte 3,W Kci el ohi igsdDriabuff 1 go a ent an atrril. stla à u lo.nil Viot aCti.tate Met allconsulsamoing mhina, n'as kbil- Z ly eigbtnlagCleselnand Wil- h ,,46na %s ag, moani rtuaiug torm O n miciila. Georeaou t di~rivirasaavsn ahneponas usl #MlIer partions in the montaclu dis- ssfValomuo. Tir e inebea aifsonwlu J.pqujold il Crilil i-Cr'n-ik. Ana-n ad ýý4jML*pqacts sud oa -h et 1Leadmili.. coup la a Co'ker. É'Iémit rop ai ihIsaui jeur lu kpoktipat.d ta he o voiCi20,00,- Uiaim WeApia. @vlng h lb. mlii ISom * 5çOC"ii t »W hat odcea.S.,s L -05 artOis .tii the aimstatez la açgobd t muau sigss kt Pfboom s ai ouat the duu pon' teh vits ' a the irllhatiom a et lsu ml Cha "a mait l heii qig ta 0f etmaihtets tot Ose Vbiot th"awu teiCm - e~tO eqmp@embeot s for hauts that ffl ho lu, oi MWis coeutries ila*tho R0*0O5h'" bM ta " entor foeuor1 wu abl Io contrai. lae report aua ttehio assutngtle condtions ai theontblt et tboes«ggesonotglthe rausiahislu* erosse la Our oxportgtlaa et whflt ta enatOnAM&a durlng tho dode jilst chas- ta. muet ai tawhist laoben la i he whent gontur "it Jpnand (China dorlng lbhectir. fisca l msy107.joat dlosai, mho.ild re. la laeattod, about 1,000.000berrels, oqulvalont ta mae thon 4.».0000 buihila eti Vbet. The -&»' portion ai Amorican tour sont serasa the Padie guer ta Haug-ii,anad la thence dlalrluted taothor Chieuporta. 'em- portaeaitlgour te Japan. wshiteconalderahîr «malU« than ta China, show su i0creuse iurlng tii. last ion'yers Ptopoitioiitell evex giouter tbu ta China. lit lanati- ited that the total exporta af wist gour tramn ti.coutry tajaps» duri the fIscal pour l'ait goded smotid ta 200,0S) barrais nTeoexporte oi vheat lu the grain bave bece cif ta Japso». American vhmealola sent tea er Acteia lu to am aibroad and islcotte, but net lu ver7r largo quantitisa. Oifildal statisties ladicati that thei cictyi 0 Japa for whist production bas$ nat In- ctsaaed cummennsurately vîi dthegron'th la population, mbavlng coatantlY lucrans- lui; depeudeuce spa. the vhîat fields of oïIaor countrico îor Its supPly. Clear3'. thome-orIental countries art e 'eu ortb the attenation ei the American whot- grevrer. om.eciafy nov that flussa. Ar- gintia and other great vheat PrOduclng eauatrlss are cmpetlng vlth un90 sttag- Ir fer th.e Mrapean market Cieudyhe Place. Daiet the Riceaet la the World. 12 wbat a bhli4osea peoongrs bat bock j nu nratrsco Stramtho Cloudyke Veld fields la Alasm yi inou, thon the voalti ei that district la beyand conceP- lion. The sen.tue, hba tangible evi- dense te a ok tp their stadies lu the shaPe of scha fSled midi gmldenut valumil at *300,00 ta *80,0*. Thia novEldorado lie jant saisCthe lini lu Britiah tirrt- tory, and niai Farti-lil. nlb.theYuou. The. atrealus la the raglan abonud -ltb ths rellovmetal. pntali riches cen ho ~lco p slong Boamsa cieek. 'The es- citoent l dearcrihabie. IMon wha ent thora poor six:nmentheangoare golng away rlch. Labor la s esc dat $15 a day and board in pald. n'lth 100 dois' n'ork guarant.ced. Tbhe etimata oý thie district la tblt&eu mile., n'tb mu ague valuo ei U300,tu tahde 40-foot daim. poREu WAR AJLLIANCIS. lipas adm japon sald te Nova lian- . o,"aubesi.a compact A dlspstehs troparPatgt a nevs agenci la Lo"is njathat inquiri Kt saAmer- ira embassy Cher. ba lieltad a Osufm- atlas et the mraith t diaGovarmat& at Bpalu sud Japon aravrrangeda ofenslaallianco agaiat the United istatis. 'lia terma aftdia ndeatandlag. Wh"e la far the matual protection or Cu"s ami Hawaii, provide liaI la the ent ai anactiveli aggruuslvs mars- = tow «nf iOuban al- frobe or pawumost n *luda aa tienofa Cho ~ ~ t= laa s alnsandl Jlaffnlshahdeclaga ar amlaeoi &and stthe tlltf ta taa sd"sami]make hostile d»Ouatratlan along bath the. A&tiastie and Pa"&coat lios af that Country. ____ Chiens, buttarlaa manufacturea h ave .haufletogedis.-ta test thes constiton- eut, ai dia anti-batterlna colo- lav. Tho' VUIies M manniatarlng and "iras it in degince ett edisIllol satute. "But- Cer vs. Butterie WittvIlheiatiteOfai& bitterly, contestei lavauît, vh wU iial- tiiately ho carrlsiditnl d tiles suprema Court toir imai djndfrailn. Aceordlug ta Chare Y. Klght ar tary atite dia , e I msDirr Union, ai routa viiie ho mnoct foiri thsit'Oi the doslesa and ussutatuu» 'Waicolorai bottatipo visbava vl.l&tte i Rlor ian' passaihi dia Met 1Laçl.latue.The manufactureraiwviii v e i--hac ta tait-thedi.ldlty et dia Set &sM'mm momlient airstauiaing tuls uncctt- tionaUty.ilbhave decied taef Idiah «mstthe bitt a.asudare la Devine dAimajed hy dia tact that die SoPremo Court haa once pasisouanàaimitela a &»d daloui t coastttlna. Now points viii b. ralued ih die proapetva ltintiOn, sud a difremt .ioaut i la xpctei. Buelà lavsaMore ihvly and Sl la probable It wn ho a e eauor more.wotai.diadis- putai point lhsettiei. Ma1-t"e. dii Bina 'illcontinue te asb ttas.ansul "alot j iglon', maithat la vby dia dalry- nmamlmn tirmo p about die matter. ta.arec.nD"mt Che Ian' Ch"ab aored na bard ta posa la hapruggahie, aud have ongagad ableataornby$ ta looh aile, Choir laterese. Datamss, manupeurlngla troun the 8400crmoeies la tha West (hclsilng Ch.e00Mlain aIa.sud tii.î are proparadftara long toale. Tii. Man- uteupmjs ib ava piant' aitafonse, &d dia coaseneoco lathora viiibh.a battis of Jugal glata. If thq daiii union la vinà- dictivaenabugi Il c»n ImPilothde violt- amet mihdisnon' btt«eelIan'.The c'ai- gi aoontlutmdoalti la haied. aPOInser- nas!pali,. one la Chat butter la colored hi dia »me proes au tterlno. And n'bat !s lavti tui on lalaaviol foi an- tChe. A second Point in Ch« thdia Iantl opeaa islation, lu dia Internaor iOse tndastri aBd agalslnt anather.A ibrd painlt Chthedi.bll vs paaod stter -Ide- nlgbt-Cha bicrfor sdjauruentaf the legWsltutl:.aad Chat the derh anutha diloi rasdlng di net rrad irau.uiie aiLa tua hhi but tamaa e. ThIs litaila- gatian landohtcdiruaiia eOriginl billva woobetram theii eig clark' dailm _î t*eowunltestâ * Ai ato r -&d two ah*.qo trimter 8" Lt 4105 loge. ?bba suaots aen the rooceta tho? IIWlie :atRo eproe.m. thouuh the euginfer lsaily Ides, at the tUmeo w» ta brlug bis trab » ta nnulRieurateothe bchdulé timo as possible. DRIrNGs ࣠:iou Off SLM Arrivai e ablWu flvan wBottis. rab plo SCera Mm. No wonder Baaottle bas gons stark. star- lung m eni a sl. The. North Amerleau Trasportatlon Cnmpanî'@simteaer Port- la9d ra.îed that port baturdoy troin lit Mlidmasitilai trleast amllion .end a 'Quafter langa"iduel a. treight aal iitiy- elshwt ma&board. lame ai the miners have wlth tuuai PS,000 udanelDt 0eue of th-m bad les thon Pe0S0, very dollar or whlcb bas bien àtaken firal the Ci luiffe .vlthlO the >,eor, mnd oftimin hute lie laIs biâthatrabulumy rlcb r aisthat mimoat beyond duobt Wiiinetth bon- drida -1 thoumoda more. la tbe cap"'@n cblo aMere thrie(-heate and a large s fe fllfdi with the preelauti puggeta, oMt ot il taken ont at the ground in lima thon tbree mcntha ot mat wiuter. la aille the Duggets range tram that oi a pes, ta a guinea heu'@ eng. One pecullar felatuire Sa that the big strikes were mnade by "teIi derteet," whlle the old iDelnrs ai maser Ye-ru, oxperleuce, sar suferlng in- desribable hardahllsand privations in Alaka eud the Northwent Terrltory, have 0111Y a iov thonsaiid dollars ta show for tjaelr lahor. Fortune emied teamsinu ou tue lnexPerlenced men vbo went loto the mium ngdimtrict* laie liRIt yenr, as nearls eil oftbiema vire the maît forte- Date. SPALIJING WINS AGAIN. S@«Und Triai lhealta asel>ld the Viret. la un Acquittai. Charles Warren lipadiug, tormer presl- dent oi the Globe Soviets Book, of Chi- cago, andi former trensurer ofthteBitais VunlrorstY. bas again been declareil hy a Jury to hi innocent ai embezziemnent. FrO Ihle time that th,- Court gave the Jury hia instructions there vas lîttle doubt in the mmnd ar sujoni as ta the otcome. Telitnte's Attorneyand the attorneys for the densue agreed that thora vas nothlng letfor the jury ta do except te returu a votdirt ae notgoilty. The Court had naid that lu the agreemeut bc- tveeu-L4padi and the univeralt'Ytins- tee hY wblch interet wms pai opon tht tonds ai thi ualverslty thore bcd heen eqtl*bllahod the relation of borrower and debtfr, and it could make nu dIfforesc vhat the trinsurer dld vlth the mnd. n lntrnsted ta bis care. The Court hadl aise aitated that if the jury belleveil that Bptldlng omed the money i ralaed upou tho honds ta meet the obligations ai the Uiversity then hi wus net gnhlty of em- beaiulement sud the jury bcd no re- course. Il vas a question o a tenit. LINCREX> PROU A COURT IROOM. Mot, albm&a s lueaWho Murdars s Nother und mier Roba. A Moutgomery, MAi., specini says: Tburadsy MaJ. Terrel. a negra. assauited Mis. Martin Thomas, a white u-amau liW ing lu the country Ove miles train Elbe, ela. tlho vas1 Ilin luthe bour vitb ber 6iinlaod j Xhor the a»- nuit the voman V55 struek lu the bondl sud throVu on the hed beside ber slleep- Ilufauet Fagois Oi Plue wood worm thon Placed Ripou ber b7hi hebrute sud sot O Oira. The liames attracted #some pasa. oies-by andl they rascued the vomnlu timo ta get ber dylug Mtltement The baby wu& roaated. Terrel Vas arrestid ami w«a bring gIro a proellmiaary trial vbona smab bruite op the court and bobk bin ont and honge ihm.. Resartea sVaiture. A dlspstch ta the New York Wald tramn Landau sars: '"The bietale comn. msson la oneaf ai slora. The general impression saluaut thon lun a position ta kaow la that the reporta of muccomalu 1 FPrance bave heen clrmntietd la aider to ree®oudhe the American public tn thoe es penditureofailarge suaioa ofaaocy Vlthout reanlt." Dopilels "0 00 s t roma. 1 Tue se'.'nth international convention ot the Baptit Yong Peopios Union ai Amerlca baosu lu Chsltaoogs, Tenu.. widi abaout 4,000 delegates, sud sougé oai tbe maet praaiinent Baptlat leaders lu theq couty are prasont. Butter RxisaecBis Crimes. A dlsatcb trom us yney, N. 8. W., na diat Frank Butair, dii Australlan bousb aundrei, nho vis ceptured lu $an Fran- etaco, n'as .ecuted tillai, Hc con- imsi la b aing commttd tonrmur- daim. __ 1Dll*ied bu a Caîlîse Irais. Mms.Harriet Watersoai11»20 Latate avenue. Cbicago, secidentalhy Ibruet s bat curilIng ýon Iota hor eyo Weinesay marsnlabn ile aile vas curlingheer bahr, sud as a. nesult @lie n'iU proabhly ione ber Wight. -, ,__ Soe. te Ouais. Tbe Rlublîcan Langue coumittei on place sud i lme ai nixt convention bas selectei Omaha. MAKMET llOAIIs Chcgo-Catlî. sopma. ta primc, $30 ta $525; hbile. mbppinugradses. $8.00 ta 83.145; obemp. tain te choir., *2.00 ta *4.23; vbeat. N. 2 red, 7Me ta 70c; carn, N. Z 25e te 27e; omta, Na. 2. 17c ta Ille; iye, No. 2, Me ta SMc; bttai, chaier ecramery, lic Ca 1&-. iggm, trisia Se tu 10e. nov ptatoes, 45e taefiQe per huahel. hadianapaiu-caCIo. siipn, *100 ta 1&.00; booss, chao llgt.*3.00ta *3T.5 ibMhe anunon ta chaIee, 4&00 tae M76; n'heat, No. 2. 67e ta 01k,: ri. No. 2 w'hite. 20e Ca 27c, uis, Na, 2 white, 23e ta 2Ez. St. Lols-4Cttie, $&W 0ta *6.2; hoge. *3»0 tla 4&70», sheep, *3.00 ta *4.uo: w'hot, No. 2 Tila to7&-. carn, No. 2 yeIhov, 24e taMac: enta, No. 2 whilte. 17e ta 18e; rye, Na. 2,382e ta 34c. . Ciucnaati-Cattle. *2.50 ta *.00; haifs, 83.00.- ta $3.75:. beet, *2.30tau*4&75; n'hmt, N. & Tic ta 73e-; cota, Ne. 2 iii. 2[c ta 20e; enas, No. 2 mixai, 20e la 2?At-; aie, N. 23Me la 36e . Dtrit-Catle, - 2.30t05m*.2; baI, 1&.00 - ta $3.75; csbeop. 2.50' ta *4.00; nOes!. No. 2. 78c ta 70c; corn, No. 2 yellav, 20e ta 28c; cat». No. 2 vblta, 24e ta 25c; r., e 10873e. Toied.--Whdîit, No. 2 nid, 70e te 78e: corn, No. 2 mixeil. 25e la 27e; anIs, No. 2 white, 18e ta 10e; ryr, No. 2, 80e ta 37c; tlovrn itl, $4.26 ta $4.3 Idiliwuukee-Whent. No. 2 âprng. M5e ta 77e: coin, N. 3, 26e ta 28c; anti. No. 2 w-ite, 2lc ta 23c; baley. Na. 2. 30p, lu zze; iii, No. 1 37e bu 3&e; pas-k. me",. Buffaio-Cattle, *3.00 ta *5.2è; bffl, S3.04) la $4.00; sbecp, $3.00 ta f44m3; vhenb, N. 2 a-ma, 7«c ta 78e,, coin, No. 2 Yellav, 30e ta 32c;ota,. No. 2 w'hite, 24a ta 26e. -1eV* l'oala-Caltie, J*3.t0ta 5580;he,- 8.0ta 845; ohecié, *à00 ta841 n'se, <a9 ai IC taS-INafi EPOHLEg»ugIN AIMAL - -ESION. t'mett? orneasi »slsgha boieh* Vartid ai UoaCiiCnamasAtteàà lie CMVetes-ao5lt Itosag u ptit eMi lgo-choatioaoa. Oolsi b, Csoilêso. Thoraila Scnly saly eaiImportancs la h. Unaled IStatas or caada tbnt vis »Mi iqarmeUtai at diabig LeogS contentio la Taronto. DY die lima dia oauveellonn'asopn@& aibrtli alies.MMnon gadr. tisto weretouri 119.0)leligte. la Toronto. Ami tie, veIomii marrlrns. Itn'asthe Surst cOnvsualloS intua hlstoryÀÉ thla Isea MW i ISal aiai auratas"TU nweelanger las auYpraîilaus gadirl to r jbldla àonetliai u li ia Me aCthcdlst Cait. The contingenta trom Nev Voib Statc and ver. tue bnent Broolyla st a large alcloatian. Clorelani saM MO dailegoles.Whiee .dlagatians frais Ch-no States naurar ta Casada n'ose the largeat. Maur cama rtrm*BauOran- e"caanal a stnong delegatlnU cmeafrroc BosC0s. Tue ftnWestern lStus sot large continganta, mandiaheaudimU lis@t« e i voîl reprseulai. wvileM«x. lmo sont a number. ]RecopIe9theofusylslarw. Tue nelcome lu lxhuoraihds dtt an Canada ponerll wvs rmqst sponlaneous snd enthînslastlc. pioît aud alther de- auiatians burneai out ta reccîri the vis- It.m. Tuera vss a big montlng lu tue IÉM>'hall ta velcome bbc delegatis. An addreàs was ilmhvereil by A. I. Hardy, lic Premierranud attorney genesi ofi(On- ari. Heo vobcomld em ion dia causa dir eyilrecenCed. sud wvbtuChaibad came la atilbulale, andl hecausmnai>' 100,M)0 Canadienusbelongai ta hIr se. clety. sud hai taken the lame vown'do subarildta thesame pladges a. the ,7.000 ai EpartlaLeaguers la diair own.cou ntny. Naooc, ho sald, coulditenir upon Ithe wonk necomuplinhoildaaing tic test seennon elgit jeasa h lsogue Othoruise ha. vltb amxement., Il rai likea s tatry tale. l*vas :uderabood dat nsauf aihe.priea. elpot lm&lan sd abjecte ai lie sOciet rn'en. lI Mort. hlpfmtness10ta usclre sud ta atheis.on, lu dolai. grotor culture, mor. î-anoi plely. pesiter service ta Otbens sudiào mre tharogi hkaoviedg ai the Bible aaiong tCe ouetaa, chaity compoaci ai die youngeî memhena oi die Metbodilst Ciici. lie vebconcidieu ai-o§Jacase dio vire nelgiboissud rai- alives, andbhocsesthey came sas riemia. Tuai ratîestld the pick and fower or dia yOuof i at active uni paveriu ehorcb nhleh la esrcealy leu induential anblely lu CanadasItoan lulie Unitedl States, aindl ailch lbnougb is ctvty, sel sud spiritual lite sa adallng couantly la Ilis mllicais ai mîmbens anal adbireaita. Some ie a wailîke feeling vould flash up hetvei-i l aaggaa-sud Ames. but wuolil saubade on gobr second thoogit ai- mot ca19-tply As.IlInsoil bien anauscal. Tbîre ccii hine var etweu tese Ivo tareanat Christian tinbionusoaihle curtln. The mauulftaces ai the tva countnies wouli lul thetant resait prove tua strong far n'ai. Othe on' Vendsai ece. The Rev. Dr. Cannan, tue gonenul sup- orlntuenoet h. Methodiat Chunci ai Torouta.,nlu suclaquent midresa et mcl- camee nid: '"Mthodlsm va* proirdcnlllly prepor- ai ion Amenîca, ns hs Ameican couti- ami wu* kopt for paplar enirancbise- ment end persan&]l ixeedom. Yan sanîha ai lbe greatlalkes, anid wvisnrtit. qually poesess4 ienli s ad guaridiem bahd.but unader dilienent tarins. Ton bar.e eonu mouanebleal aituidisa inlathegreat ra- public. vo on. wonkiug otrepulilcan aicliaiiam uder the lupenlal standar-d ai Croit Britoîn. Oui doctrines are die smi. We gretlliadmira endilolve lie nation ai Washingtoni sud LiAcMofa tusses S. <Grant sud Stotma'll Jackson -beroes bab; ai Mtieî aud Psîkbam;I ai Louitiellon' sud Whllllen. Ws deligbl In lis tnt--dam, vi triumph la lis moral victorien sud ne canât It an enspeaksble lavransd houai ta gibet is noble sans and daagibara lu Ibis grand Epn'rti Leegue çonvention."a Elaquent reepou, full ai the spirit ai bradiirly loasaud eaiillowsbip. eupi- chalybCn'sen the people ai Anglo-axan blood anal aithe ChrisClan taidi, n'en made ay Blsbop C. C. MeCahe or toe Métediet sIEplâcopol Cbntch; lie lBer. James Thomas airltIa Rock, Aîk., foi h. Methodiat Episcapal Cbuncb South. aidiahe Ré.IL A. Cran@ ai Bombay. an hobsî t ai ia. - The mot important tenture oaibdis tcon- vention n'as di. tact thasI arragemeut* n'en mail, foi the. oailion tram an lu- teraue"lta au Intereonatinental convn- lion. This yeux di. Bar. Simpeon John- son, repnesonthng the Wesley guill ai Mianche*ter. Enlisd, came expressîY ion th pua-vmo transforming tic diree-talil convantioîn ta a iour-toli eue. and the next convention wlcoasâtairdelegetes iran lhe Motbadllt IEpiscopal Chianth. lIhe Micaila t leoplSouth, die Methodlet Ch"rc oraiCanadas sud Cie Wimeyau Churci ai Eugland. A massage iramn Prasiaient McKinley n'as racelved b>' diegPwanCb Lanue afil- cors. Il was read hi Dr. Berrynanu ot Chicago. Then kt the salI ai the chai.- man lirme heaty chiens vere iven for Qnoan VItoria anidiree for Pl'iuent MeKcîei. Thesa vete iolowed hi a combiai cbeer fteiatva great rors. aie INSURANCE WAR. Plaît Roweon Cempaule. WiliIPave 09,000,000 teo aiIcy Mldera. Waî basm een iechaned amodg die lire limemi)e companiedalug business lu lniluolu, Indiane, lova, Minnesota sud Wiscansin. sud a eut In rabe@ ianging trou W ta 251 per cent, acecadng ta eiaasIlct.tlon, bas bsec auuauuced. A consorvative estimate pinces the generai eut et on-thiri of dia mtirea arnunt peil for lira Inouratuce policesulu thec lire States. Ou ibis ont-third basis. sud înk- hng the amaunt ai Preailuma poit lunIW6 lhe e raStates. the iollownngtable vIll show' the savingteta îalicy holdcrm tuis year if dii dîhI aaong the lire inunaanc-o conupauesa la tought tea sfia»a: Illinois------------------ $,0ml Indaa c.................11e8790 Iows ...............-...... 132,212 Mginuoti-----------------..1,230tT~ %Vsous;n-----------------..1418,437 Tatti..................8,91,507 Tue goveruiag comlimttie ofthde West- onuuUnli.n, au orgaunisaton or the etrong- est nupanlis, ceveriug al ai thc West- ara States irona Colorado ta Ohio, open- ed tue cou,11et Moodmi. It vas folovoil b>' -clelaiou ai IL. H.Garrigue, gen- oals agent ai die Merchants' Ingnnauce CompanyiroaiNewark, N. J., hat b. vouli meet lbe reinetiona la dthefOva Statueapro- pae.i by lbe union. Thc property awners vho have ta akre out lre insurânee poli. dle. Il henoit bhith. igbt hit la icugit ta a finis.Arrsioi ugains the union ~smpnis ar ali ier soUnw, sS Tb~uhls-m Oelg *Rb 4h.ut4@M del. athot Ieodore, litee emuulggpite The. hàcdsç«wýIy sud alabomt leicarat. ai Olti Auitoriumovia cup"Wet ei la et 10 w0blc, lbtheuraie etuDèm., y.& OtLa ee s*«a accupind qualtofl raoirs- i for l, On t». etrsera veta estelà th cer. asitipsabsem ndla dia gei- loi &hore vas. th.e xellntly traînai char ut 5 vies.. lua eaurtmailos vs, oposed vidi a short saug service. led hi Dr. L. U Hon- voi of Fort Wayne. lad.,formoar lsecra. tairieihe bordoftngera. Thbalm- monue. odimm ojlokd *Aatblatlelly vllk 1he chaIr la IW sinifing, ua Va oat n'sve 'ai lnspmela barmcap footai tirogi the b«UilngtAt 1h.cllie ai h. -aut servie Dr.Rosanaeaiad dia Odi Pouaet and delilred a fervent blavocation,q aftor vblie Prealdent Chapmas arase ta1 Idlivr thei. peulug sddrss. Iio&owleg lthe pruildent sidrains ofa velcoe, ail loquent sud lataraating, vota tic. dal e s tlion'.:On ha. buit ai tha charolais ai Ohattanecos. h Dr. Il. B.Garrett. patar ai the INlit Bajtist Chanici; on hehait ofthedia ptlat Young Prophées loclety ai 1he. tp sud Stlata, y hé da 1ev. M. 1D. Jes cif ]Knoxville, Teu..: an hlib or ith.dtii ens of Chattanooga, bh broaerGeorgi. W. Oelhs. Dr. 1. W. Couley oraiSt. Paul, Mieni. reaiondeal ta these velcomiiag ad- drosses. The report ai Tiessurai YFrank Moody af Milwauke boved evideuces ai great- et economy sud btter licanciai condition than balaie. For the îsoî onded Jus@ 30, 1000 a comparison oi amats aud llshliies shovail a dolicit ai $4»1023. For the euer eLdeal Jtqnc30, 1007. slter s con- sorvativa estimai. of assaets, tho delicit he reduced ta 8,37 il.MavlËowng a gain for the r of i0308205. Au examina- lion of tho repart oi lie business man- ager shows s gain duiezg teniuto recelvahle or 43,M87.79. pins a redoctii aifladebteduest thle amount af 8317.30. The boarid ai manager@ racommindeal louae changeas nho econsttution, vblch were afcped sud approrai hi die cou- vintIca. Thue e change. ferd tea smont eamplete union aor.tafrais ai dia Baptisti Young Poe'. Union ei Assuricezvîi the louthern oion,byieihe ia oees af bath sare coaslldecd. and, lu maklog this nev relation.vllh the Sodioernu i. Portaent. sepa te departaients vera Pro- ridai for Ch. North, the Sauth. the East sud Ciao West. te hi kuav hoeaitor as dia Daptist Young Pooples Union, North; Baptlst Young Peopes Union. Bondi. etc., lantesd ofies bIeetoiore by dcpart- ment colora SPANISIC JAPANESE ALLIANC(Z Usanttece Csay Mth CoassI ef the Ualtela Casa at uçotilitios. A diupatb b ram Paris ta a London ns Sîc-11Ci nys IbsI iuquiry at an Ameri.-an oanssay laire ha. licie la eonimatlon aofb.the rrthât the (loy- erumeuts af Siamîn sud Japn haye Ai- rnsged su affegsîve alliance agalnst the United lSbabes. Theo terofaihe uder standing. which la foathe mutual proe tien aiCulleasnsd Hiil. pioride the lai thoerroln of mn acireaggrmssive more meut ona tbe part ai lie United OIte tendlig toardi nterference lu Cuban ai- fanaii )rporisbeaaci lu bhe aunemntion of the HlavsislIlands.. bath Spainansd Japon sisli delare van simultaneonsly against lb. Unitedl Sîtts suad saolimaire hostile demontraliana aoat bath tic At- hantie snd Pacifie conat inesona ht country. At Washilngton, 11(11. crehonce ls Pse- id lu the stalemout that the Spanala and Japoneui Oorenuts have entened lota an offensIve alliance alaast the Unlitd1 Stabes fer the mutual protection ai Cuba and Hawaii. Mr. bai, bba f lrat assIst- sut secrctany. dlscrdted tho repart sud regaindeilIl os Cao Improbable ta diseuse. '-The Stabe Departmenl basna Informa- tion concerulug the rporled alliance." hi nild, "nnd 1 don't hliera there la sur toudallon toi the statemiat tbal oua bas bemu enteed lto." Bath the Spen- lai and Japanese mînisters area esy tram h. city. KICICED TO DEATH AND BURNIED rao am li ero 'Wrdoer ofaine. Wilmme t eni Palst. Tasu.. Ner West l'oinf. Tenn., Tuesday at- Ci-inoon, Mile iens Williams was round brutalli muidermi lu thi venddaoser ber home. Thuradai uttoinoon Anîbony Willias. ber monderai, vas caplured -ara Pruibton, sud ai nlght he- exptlated ia crinme lu the trects at West Paint, .9 the jreaence aif3MO People. Williams wa-sariddlid vit babllets andl burned lu h. stri-et@ ot West Paint.hib ody Coing biarneil teosibis. Botorea a*hot vas ired lthe neatra va knocee down sud stamp- id ta dpath. Thon die crovd tefi bock and thuaaie, ni alldpistals imed volley attr volley il bhlm. The crowd then aathorcil wood, sud, building a lire aven bilai, vatced hide pyre. Hon'aaucb dom. a bundrei Pound$lsof Ice veiglil Psy la the coal Industries la realiy s mattor -Pl minet importancem. Now, nren't those nîe àays for any o e ta ho calid upan taea-aniy ovor the prie. ac coas? Tue1Dallas News sayrs tbuc "vild oais are now savu by mnchinery." This la harrowing. Actai Beteliffe is strauglY suspecteid ai a desire te ebtuge Ibm sezofaitbe motber- l-lsv jaîhe. The Iluffalo Clorer mye: "Tuere lauie more punch in John L. Sullivan."' About evoiton edmnutes.. Tha punch aoer theotalriplexus dilifora Conhett jaat arat puacicside the P,.Ii. plejius la doîng foi Sullivn. 1Arlohei hot n'nve la comlug. WiI the bretiren pieuseeliée and join lu siugi deTHE Ne LW - Au ummc m l At"&-N &abai et foefi.a.. tpe Imm hiao iolaveVe-iememrle Maies Vhwosea Aitacias ousaga scoa.u-Vot 4l"Indet tS ]Report la Adopta. Theoeliniarence nloat ou the tarif bill vas edoptad by dia Houa. abarttu atter mulgbt Manday hi a rate airIM ta 118. The riait vas accoaiplilhed atter tvmlro heout ai cotinuons debate. 0111Y tVo speeches val, mode by lbe Repibicaus-anue by Mr. Dtugley in open- lus the dibol. and ana by Mr. Paine ai New Yank lu losiug IL. lua&U te. Deoa craie anuilone Popullat speeche ver. made-Messis. Wheelei ai Alabama, svausan of Virgulia. Bali fTaxas, La.- bars ai Teias. Kelly aof1N.-Ch Dakota, Frleing et Gcorgie, Handyî ai Delaware. McDawo'll a Oio, Berry ai Kentucky, Baliey ai Touas and MMTtinof aiTenues- see heinu thie aiaes. Tuh- atir schmul, a-as lie maiu point ai usisacilt, but the mont lateretiug tea- tare ai the debate oceunimil nheu Mnr. Beslley andl Mr. MeMullIn, dii tva rival Deniocricleadcers, craoil svorde on the ,îuettlon af ortbodoxy of tho teriian' mnatorual doctrine, the formmr oppomna andltho labter cbanapioilng Il. 'The gtlleîies n'en cran-de- up ta the ime the vote asatou, many distin- ulaibeal tccalle being prenant. Âmaaîg them woie an number ai Bostars, siveral meantarm ai the Cabinet and s iew mont. ber, ai the dipomatie corps. Eveiy Itepuhlcan lu the fHonse vho n'as proneob vob or tohe report. The 1)runcrnto, wlth lire exceptions, votial againît the- repart. The exceptions yené Binydoan rei Broussard (Lýa.), Me-yer CLa.. Davey (La-) and Klol>erg (Tex.). The Pop'ulisteanud ilver men dld foltrote salil. Mr. Shatiodi ar Colorado aad Mr. Newlanu oraiNevada (silver) absînlun- ail train vollug. and Mi. Hartinan ai Miontana (ilIver dhd eual vote. Tue@lPop- ulIsti ba vottal agaluat the repart veau Baker, Barlow'. Ilotblu, Faier. Jett, Levis, Marshall, Martin, Peter% Siamp- sou, Stron'd sud Vinceut. Foui diil ual vote-Hoarnd. IKelly, Stark and Bouther. laund. 'liaiother Populiats n'ira absent. Au anlysîs oftihe rate shows that 1840 Itelauhll,-na sud b Democrats votoil tor the report sud 106 Democrats and 12 P'op- Idiots aJalnst lb. Expaceto baalei 0225,000.00(X As totahIe qauestionofiravrenue la be raiNaI l'y the-bill. ii. c1iagiey îiaibed ont the dihlc-uiby resaibting tram bbh- large an- bic ipaaary iaportatiolns. Thea-il IeII t year, hi-e alcnIabed, wva ain ie *223.4NJ,- tii>. *5A0.i more diaeu tIhe préent iaw. I)icc *40000.f sOi hoilbeen lousinl Ibis years irenule« by the Importationis af wool aand igar sud other Ibii. the loIr -in uubi-la g as uleat luthe bill. so tdat hlie clulated Ithbbthebill Ibis jen n'oîId aoise *183.5,000. Tuae Treanry Dopartmnut, taibut 10-s.47 pounuis of irns, aar testing 901 alisiers as requoird ho make 100) pauni ai bard fn-li-i.mande publiecas tateascut estlmating ltai cugai differentilne sfoi- Iawns: Act oai 1h4. 19.82 cents;Ilions. 12b'aîh . '33 cents; goutte, sebedale, 11).83 i-nbs: Conterce cheilule, 13.I)2 cent-lasier 100 pounda. Tbe tc-iiaving inla s ummani ai the changres ainde hy the o nimrenosu a alia schednlt's. The conterauci eileat the Sonate ail valaoma( 020 lper cent on bie's bu 15 per cent, sud ahda taproviu au foi- love: "That tpon aIl lonthen exparteil mode ftrmpm.atid bides diereashallho slavril a diawbuck equasl la thesnmmât ai duty paid on usîcb bides. to hi pald nuien sait- reguaitons as the Seetary af tho Tien- nrmay preithie." The tact vas made operative Iimmedate- ly lapon Its passage. The changes lu bbe vool sedule. naode lu ,-onterence. Icsre the oiles ou disptued Ite-ms us tallons: "lI'aaa-nrap)b 354. lThi duty on vnaols ,f bhelir rt clanssvhlch shall bhimlniorled nabrid l.anl ho twlee ahi amoanut oi the chaIr t,. vblcb tbir voulie hosubWebIrai- îioiled na'wasbed; aud the dulî oun ools ofi bhe ireI aud second clamseswhieh shuli bi imlwortieal scoureil halllie ho bee taies the dutyc tii hich ahey n-ould lbe tulajer-tei If imnparti-i uwashed." The coterenre ra-tored tho Hanse rai-inu irstaI ndlsecond ltss vcai., ",lnagraph M7. Ou blankets sand dan- nels for unileei, composeil vbolly orn lu part t oal, vaued nt nat more basin 40 centa a pounil. the dutyr pi- puni *hal ho the juaam as the duly liapasei hy this net au twa poumis o n aashoal ool ai the lirst ec-Ian anillaaddition Ibereta 30 iwe! crut ail valarem.l "P ,s~nph 370. Ou lotbiug. recdy- madtie, and articles af weaintugapparel ai parry ,hcecrptioni, madie <a9 or maiac- lui-il vhotly o Porta. totsltaot vyu alal st pocilir praîldeor laui Iis act. co;uposiiIwholiy or iaa Part ai voal, th tIcyîl vpi-ipoaud ihal ho tour times th, i lty iaaposedil hbis set au anc pounil ur aaarc.iu ool of thetiret Clans. aud la Adalitllî lairta (0percent aid vularri." 'nu- tCtli-s an caipets range froaat 18 cc-a>il ai .qnre Yard to 60 cenuba a quare The ltocIVr<adl7 Clausme- 'Ui1C- rt.,.iîr,city 1roviau n n aigredI-ol .ii ar-r-c-e camtans Roule utaithe lItooa- ofilliaara tsse Stnateandtmayhi, la-ruaýi-ahla-o.tili&liiiy clause ofuthlie pro- a,io,a 1. lit a'lieb empoweas the Presi- den toiallmta aaai-aadlyProclamnationi the lira- alîlonaxofV li iCt pravhding ion the free lalt,tihon ut calteer, tes, Toaîqulu or toanka . haliaid an lles hean@ camlng troua aia)* couantry vhieb impose@ duties ulcidla 1aîalietgt5outhe- United Slate, Le mur deeal, o î ec-procailly nuequatl sai Then-,OalIe r-natrawhi-h lbe la Ibus- coaiowilet-iltaix aine: on coffre, 3 cents a ponuil; ou-Iraiff, 10 cetl a pounil; ou tonka hcaa,t 50 Wceaita i a ouiad; uvauill aas, *2>,I 1ffliaid;oaa c-ails.$1. The Presileinl nt-qîire'l la net nithin tva icars hn se- canrig tiarse rriplOi-tl l rade thiatues, aud the%, ilrc lia bi subtiiitt&d la dhe Sonate fan ita nItihiition. Articles are ta lc neducmd ta lihe astent of 20 per ceut in diese treaiic, uad the Preideut is sliflically aîtbcîrl. '.l ta enter lato aegtattousi il' îE piC rrtaiaiarticles upon the Tite WEKi S OlN U -AND I'ousicj asee Ceep.oa.sivmOlaa ta" cenons sia Pe»9i& Leumoe et Lober. Tha seata n'as la a d.dlock fer 0, c- aali bahuWcdnisdai, n'l bhasissqes ai s etanaltill, vblle milsa aith.easeul salis andl ctbei pallametsry exPuietb ver. rmrlmd ta. It n'aadis t la b f' fart ta saac-tre action on the. rmaouimm 0 Mir. Harris ai Kausas, de@sigin ta gu vont Ctao disiposIa iurrusato te liti on the o llon Pacifie nielivainuar lila tenuss oi an aloeguil agremt. No *80 vote onathe motion vasmSrai. t lnslly veut avoir. la theliou»s. . Hendersa.n ofIova aikeal uusulinoaseau- sent for tic couslderallan ai a joint rla.- olution tl, permit thm irecbion orai aeais pomry stuio on the ftutre site at fie statue af Cen. Shenman, tor tho urecCiS et vhici a contrai-I has bien Msde. 'ne raoolaatlî,u vals dopted.IiiMa. Cane« ncoyed frO-o4,caurrence luadthe cusa amendaiccnt itathe general da.fliybill. 'Ihe motîian prevaliedlanud Messrs. Cas- non, Ncrthwsy andil ayera vera appellat id coularies. Mrn. iîi,-nrt moredin luhl. »enta Thîaraliy a recdasdertioa ai Ibe sdi.. ufth Ibe 8aue ilulannsingtthe reisltios diritaiat hi- Sîaraary ut War ta pie. cec-,l l i- herosltrnctiou ai a brmkn'atet et Sua',er,aCl. Tlb neaped the long- etianadi:air cc-atrîaaery aiver the locabion ei a demp %ciler abobon onIo ahlscltice coat audnd Wlaouexc-lbiug dehbe btelen Mn. t-cVnt uit iM. White ai Calfos-nis. Tie motiaon ta retYusider wns. ciagresi ta. Mi. Tbîisît, .chairman ai the o is- mailtre ost International lExposition@. S- curai the pansage laft he joint restolto. aecepîiig ahe invitationuouthIe Frim" ntpnhle tac tuke plrtIt heInternatioali ntpsbluari sn liUi.linM. TIlima seconed th.- pansage outhelilllIn relation ta thebâtli. ratat@trauispoitallon ai dis- tillédl ,îirasasd ilectaing ugscb spirite la Lbclajc-itei State l la litcthesine exbent uas npirite diatilleil lunbbhelSta. Tue H,isc did nobhiig. lu the lirnate Fidailie sa-alris st- lotion rebâie«lug ,a the Umaan PlacidIWMil- rondl ,aa faillai-n #iaeîunx(41. Tue rouler- enure a-a-p (ou t in i leliîiencyuapptropriea- lu blIvu waxanyslcereaî. Mr. lala sali thei- ê o jnar eanaiplate vasnouatlIncluded lino aaaiir. Njalina bailbien donce f'n ahoattanlijec-l rarepa thl bbe toasta cit.aaliani sacti-d i cîlîvelr het the fta-ntq a,aid nua-.aoslden amy suas aur "X)ifotaaaaor'nthl, r.-lx>nb waxs agnepoi bic and a tiarîbor e-tr(enr adpeti. Mr. Morganu ua-tinc-,l lb- aaittalo tai ofa nesou- tlîaa n-aîai-aallng liai-Prsialut tfor linorme- thonr aui i thîerrnria t fAIri-ci a. H. Hug- li-t, aY taxiYa f tha- 1 icied Saules, hi lie Sic;qiYilia a, ,tbaanltiea,olt ilaveai Sept. 46. ll9c. Ona moatlaiion M i. Pu-tlga'o-w aio itita uckalt hi-billwaapasse-I lanive lit.. o-fa in at 7mgrss ta a<a 'prî en- 1,-red l iicali-s -thaIe ite* o uthb Dola ansd .Nelcisaka npeatitgbbh iiaUar."erI-,i Iahe pical i c'ufenea'ý rilert nia the gineralla.iibc' ill sud bin-n aaîurieliaa the .-nle ui,"- 01-lit ixiaiz the finorlit fecîlt amra piate ffîr tha h,'aare atie-ghipe ns-lat uid- lac ilt*$;0per bau. liae aonurmia"riporan thIe tarnt Mbi vus adoapteil hy lIai-lionne sh-aitiy sitar miduigbl %I.aàilay hi a vnti- ot V45 tua liii Thîs eelipsos ail acenlaaîas ie,'da. Tii tillait " sac--neetiplibed aifter Ivelve §tour's ofi c-otianaus autiste. But Ive spchz's ni-nomader by the Itepublicana. ana- hy M1r. h>lugli-y in ,,aa'uinig the debate, suit aine by Mr. l'aiue oai a-w orkank a chils it.I. uail ton Da-uocratir sud on poprilbit speeches n-ere made. Tuesngur st-bidule was the maiunlpointloai asauL. Every li-epublieinlinhe lion". vbo n'a prematit vabaltaî r the repoian. The homo- cmlo i. nalative excvptlaaîa. vouea- gast the îc;oct. The exc-eptlins arpeSlay-- deu aoi 'r-uns. Broussard o ai ldanain, Meyrof a4 loaiiaus. Duver afi Lulisas aud Kla-lerg ai Texns. Au analysia cof the votecwn hows IN)1144tcpublicaus ad Ove I>eoccerto vati-atfor the report, amnd lo0; lieniaciîs &sud te IcuPpulste agaiaist IL The hariff contar-or- report n'as pro- sentý o tIchIe Mînte Tuesulay-.uLialtte. proarm-.-',manaismacle ala il beyndltIbmfor- niai oaacig , abount bvo-thirois oi the ra- pont. %In. Tiiiaia penîr thieotened a fllilçî ,.îabitlinexl l)aii-taiaî-iif cattona baugiat anal -îliantii-en ee ual iistered lu ahe- frelist. Liai ahi- hanat n'as regard- e-I as.uîauicsbatit tilaîl. The sugar ,ui-ilihiai-no oeta-sicie-ha long dealita, aoiat tLe liamben aaendlaient allie brougt aalt ttnîmunaeal ricianifnta-asSenalote* Trîlai i-ual Pe-tlgr. FAcrly in the day the Icaac paumai a joint resclublon au- thoailzingaol nIri'qeting the Presidault th laki-cci ae-iait ta-piothe mos- ufthlai t'aaupt'titacc priwitie rnt ism. et Hs'.-aiîiai. lrppri-seubative Mitchelat Ni-w Yiai k hais iunarouucv a bill lu the flcceIaî~lc i-alaalailsh it ncarniricy rioer final tcit,- ah. ni-cii-îiia ciUnitediL se andailtn-:'-talno aates oi 18M. Tho fond aLail ii aîaaitalt he- start *150.1[ffO,, utor' whala l aaat iiivier .10 0allait Cote- xîoof cioddalainaltîe ra-uasider at Uuitad SAa.C-u lt-aisalr aitet. 'Titear it sahl bc cllla to caia lime te lime as Cie lli,tavri'.h,-aahlaueexceeds *75,001l.- 411lta. laid -lacil accu ir uggnegate mare Ibas $2M.tîiC.'lTe taad shlli hi oued lat. ia-a Uie ta-l tebs sud lncosuv notela, ' o. la-la acbthlcalbrolaueil, oxiipt lac exelîiangeafor gala1, ta hi deposted la tbe rtmv-sir',iîail. Counatea the Geass. Cacal(erIlcîar3 'V. ai E.aglsnd sa n or I'artiaeicLt teredal hebgeiell l îic Il)ud iiliei-ouîiteil, outilthe. sherifM ai thie e4aaaiie'iwere re-luiaed la fur. aciila ii aran teuilcetstronctecb goaci._______ ___ Pssslng or lb. Skir lDnai,. FrnaiLe la doing o.way wllb the sit dane ani ticere lman retul-n te a ivoret lo hi. tigi attplt-lIanai, sudaloi-

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