CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Jul 1897, p. 4

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Eumerd at lb. peé-omme aetlm"rv 'M'los.a meseat-ohaMaater. AnvaarIrmc UMmcIRA=» uon r ppi crAn...t Butter Ou thlb.B Bord ai Tra Monda>' 4a. quaoed nt 14j ceua. That the combimed cvi.. of Japi ani Spain Canld do mach damiage ic a time, boud th. cambinallon« ibose tvao onumrlq agama the Unté States ttuaout 10 hé mytblng moi iluboatial thmm mm Englièh dreant.i dmitted bp everYtodY-, but an th Other hand, everponé vho inowa Ih resources 0f tii. untry mors tie thte ed vouli b masthUe san whether ve louglt lte Ivo eouatrie combicedt or fougAil unetaofsAisin vctory for Étolsaam. The. lait Elv«an md Hrior h"t Ai a provision directimg lb. secretry 0 W'ar 1o bave a pmelimiary erantin lion made as 50 th. poWebllSy ani cot a1 a ship camai frNM th. greaJ Lake latAite ocen. Maj. T. Wi Saymasio4 va. wu rered 50 miethb eximinstion, bui reparteod»aanatt5he ,indertming becaume 0f t. gré"at , 'Te reporsta.yM that tAie béat route for such aecnal vanid be by vay a. Niagara River, Lake Ontario, Gaeqo Oneida laie mmd Moawk and Hudson rIvera. Mal. symions eapreaoa te opinion titatte Erie canal, vhen eniarged ai canbemplated, would, Il New York vauid remaove restrictions ai t le une, give commericai sdvmm. tagels Practicmlp eqami tutAie abAj canal taI vould coata&bout 200,000,oo, The referencé 10 the fines impe.ed upon tbe Cirnegile seel Company. ifor furnlmhlng tAie Goverumntc«amur plats uat up ta tAie required t iandard ade inlatéb be debate onthle amendinent b lbeDecenoy bil limiticg thie price. ta b paid for armar plaie, 10 13m0a ton, -braugbs Oct àasttenent irain E.Seretarp rHlerbert that aurprised a greal mamy people. It bmd be.n auppo..d thas tem fies ver. ail remitted Ay Président Cleveland, but Mr. lierber "spatiey ver. paid, or at ieait lAim $144,000 va. paid by th. Camoogi OompaMp, vAilct'vu. thie atount 50 vitich the Origina fimea cf $52000 v a. rduced by lMr. Cleveland. Au the RamBe hma geed 10 tthe amecd. ment limittmg thé cogt a1 armor &0 $300 a lau, It look@ ai thaugl the armer trust. voaid sither bave ta furnish il aI that price or caotBttmau. Speaketr leed la getting much crédit farthlie victory von by lb.elRoue Cofreeson tAe tarif bil. la coin- PelAibg tlb.géanteConfereos 10 abandon theSeéate sugar schedute and accept vaiIlas practWaly thas ai lte Original DigleY bil. There la Do question that gmne 0f1te crédit for thîs remîit belongs 1 lr. lieed -m ils il"ue. of the lieuse, who deelared early anmai tSha"the fele sa bga, achedule wvs.entiray toa favorable 10 thie tralmmd voli nat hé ac-plait bp th. Roua., 'ven if lte tariff bil Ialled or Congrea. va. compelled go remain inm memaon ai sommer. Titeir aetAon vaa a fator, an Important one, butà a greser factorwuva.OrkIingalanat lte Banale sogrý'ar hedule. Publie Opinion, regarieaa ai poliis, va& agMlmat A frointhlb.dmp t. onatante vere imovn, mmd thât -aireaiip vitat mad.t.e Sonate coaiereee amreder. lMany Sellatars eacgblt the drAft of popwu setiment and added their ianunce -ild dvie n fayot ai abandoning tb. Uc]popular scbedaie. The Umwn 0f Proupertty. Tbe Chcao Journafl lut Monday me: The mut itapeful anea hmS lia been received lan Chicago aince.tAie begnIng of lb. bard timea s inta&t -0ancring thie general improvement througout lb, agricuiturai regiona 0f thie veat. I lai.. either guesavori cor ProptlcY, tie muon tAi te prouperlty tati, but a genuAe recAitai f acté and figures. PrOffperous Fermer*, Notvithatattding tAie bard tAin. thrifty Mlamravi» ake mon.. 5'.Frk TC. &.. .. m in". -à.. -- n bart. i2aStilO IL.Ermesi 4iova, the popular Yoong arcititect oDimmd Laike diii lb. caipnter vuri. levrence Titus bai a large ev, ban Anu vhlcb &0 shiee ha oob,1 fart prodUctsanamimachinery. P n Ulil, ai Giner, vs. the bau. cirpenter. Wm. D. Kapplé nov bai a largmr barn than any of LM Ii eghhom .Il la 32a72 t vtA 22 poste, itevp irammi, Weili iraced; the Plansa m bihs ovm. J. G. Hoteber, 0f Grayaae, la the arch Itect mnd huilier, villi i force.of carpenters. Thepy raised t n 2, 13 inin- utes. Tuesday, Juty 13. Thas. ltndd bus a large nev bon 32x7412(0fI.LiHe mmeoba l iii Studor buld At beeauaqe o5ev 1e wsu sure ta gel a <oui job mmd a square day'à vork. Mie Studor the& joUy, ohlouabl"e carpecler, abiy aa.Atd by Ais mou, ,la clp off te aid bock." hia just naed a eev im, 2laSSal, for pred S8"111, the Wrrentoa Gîove biaubsmlsh, and 3.0w Aiela at vork on a Sm. mev bouse for the Mme Party. Card of Thanku. We bavehy exprea. ou, gratitde 50 thie =0ete Long Grave mmd viehull Whomose n41Y avoredun. n aur rosa trouble. Aaum WOLF, CAR&, WOLz.. EraMSt ufor tme "Mmno. Tb*. Ad 901«lu mt vAU lir. Beach Thumiay atamoan. liMr. Upangle, or pastor la ejoplg a Iro wees avacation at proeut. lir.1Kuebier anBdiMimilvisiaisméhia brotbr as Grapals. itetsua, Mir. mlirn. Rerbert Chamberlin bave go..$ bohlad home lan Vemout. Mrs. Frmawon'h, aorMmlvhr,las vlitlmg er Bdater, lir. Ohamhmre". àanumber 01 te ponug people are akism i voal«»Mo.of h. B» e tvis. CiaraDarder and ber mother made a short businesa trip io Liber&"yvilut . Ada mnd PannA. Batterfi.ld, 0f Belvldere, have been vuting aetlin. Dean'. TAie aolal gîven hy the Christimn madéavor li e vomi a a muce.. la evérp vay. ELber Smth and lira. Havkins apent SundmyvisAi Mr. mmd lira. Gray at Libersyville. Mr. Md lira. Geo. Roberts, ..of Wauoomda made a short cmii at Frank Smith'& Bandmy. Athouy Putîtm's brother, af Kmaau, sitrln.av, af Pulatine and diec. of Chicago, have been vimting him the lait 1ev veeki. EVERETT. Mr. Edrard Kanit, af Chicago, te the gueat aiflMr. EllavortA'a tfiii Y. 13. Zerver resotued van ai Mar- shall Field@atater àa Iraves avacation aon Priday 1la. ,Michaël Bolger dedicat.d i nos barn by glvimg a dance. one clght 1mat vomi. Ail reported a good tAm.. Michael Bediina .doing a ruahing buies, tu bauling gravel iront Melody idtag. lie ha.novnanlomded &baut fIfty cara. Mr. E. 0. Pratt, of Chicmgo, miade a fyAng trip 10 Everet u Wednemnay. Ht. danghter lAi'viaitingwt l Pmy Ellsworth. gvtiMs Jus. Doyle va. very paorly lait vomi and on Sonday vent 10 thie ity tu conanit a pAipaihiau. He la reportedl sa. being mumeh bIster si lasvrling. ia. P. O"Eiaorta lacS a trip ta Cincinnati durimg t4 pait vomi. Mr. Ellsworthi h a eei n Cinciltuasi 'for cktinta ettending 10 buiness at thet place. The bal gemes played an Everett dlaunand la5st uiida,.Ijatli eiuited Ain a victory for te Evmeti. Tite boys are atili lcobing fors a mi Ibalcant defeat thent, vAilheAi bhave flot seen WAi msain. Of Mimas oraM md AnnaaSteelc DAxon, are 9h. geA.0of lMia. lia Aragt aSPrImieme Lodge. - -1 Bon .EW. Coon and fmanly, cal Emm W. H. Dow, of Waai.egm are ai the 1.liii. veeei. lilas Imgales vho ha. beau asi l BuUWtaiIem ep..rtod for thto dtp aile a i.Iightfui riist etshe Mate. Beyv. W. 2. Tot, D. D., 1,05cr o Christ P. E. churcit Wauiemn wu conductte ervice as Plimrose Lodge Dru.. Lake next Sundap, 330 ool Bel..Mr. Barris, 0f Grapslabe spobd tntroetiglpof «Rest Amidal LAi'i Activetes" ai lb. ont doc, amlvlct uanday sftqoeoon mmd wa. flowd bj REv.lir. Barri%, of Mulburn wtt m« esrneat elaquemi appeé alMises Carrit Chad, CaO =tm les Mmd lMU] Fttsanmg songe. Thé attemianoe va.luarmd the service intar.sàng mmd profitabe. There vili hoea large sastmerlnga llsén 10 Dr. Toitm»«I Oalb« anmd ta nunite An lb. beautiful Protetent Epimopal church service.. Tii. deatit by drovnlmg of Henry ScYder on Strday afternocm ai Druco Lai.emut a giocin ove, the ccmuumty. Nev.î belote bai&my on. dlovned et titis lage. Our younî people are careful and vatchil againsi accidenta. There tan11511e saAlng npou 1he laboe bnt raw botée abound. i'o< irequonsi'y acid.nt. calme from cue- lesamm.aaor 10ttom Who are cot acoualamed 10 boating. Every effort vua made bh Ails comradea 10 savé Ilir, Scydér. bat lanvain. Smturday In poutff ni bealthan md vigor he va» brIghsm"d Ahappy AnuIeenment of lte ansing sud bis vacation nt the lai,. la a moment ho paised train eath mmd v. are remlnded ai tAie ancertalnlp of 111e. r. OA VSLARC 00 t19 ES. Who vote cmcampngonteas,. or the or lk ver. ont la a bot Mmd verslearn. Ofav. u nsou or cm I. - 9 SaYe vont dow amd dld mol J. J lomauàum W.. on» p agmn. 13i8 comymiona *J. A .Loeao Boy. 1aboutai "a ,mmm drown" but thie S ? t m O 1 m ?to l7. D . Oe x E aal r m o e eW h o ve r . w a tc h in g , t b n k l m g i t t er dru ab ~elTuesL72,ia&HIla joie, did not go te lAie resomo. Nus. A. X si Be. . The body va. not rcovred nuit]l San-1 a Warn;bOy. dY nmo, vhou t va.taken te, Mr. o 0RÂ8j1~~O.i No. liEW. A.méel trovm undorlabiMa.lbdàmt an md e o g?0 oC r ar rayevoempif e .prepered fur hurlai,, Whou hie brother h mon . v tv .. W ho vms notifiait bob t teDBné Island. 10 Oaomoa Bimoxm. CieriTih. youg mmm amd no parente sud thie 7 Mzlonbrother va. thé oniy neur relative. 0 seondSe u thsymath ofthie entire 9 Ni. umu, .ome. emiut. Thé pienO, held by thie Emalern Star ComamAIOIUgura ledme r- Citapter of Wmukel mmad Ormysiake nt i,~V~J~Uà. W B1i1mu m a , DrcO Lake m uauay wva ogréaI y uada o Ien aI n stuP.m..sucocel.About a udred people vore it -thére inclading lte families sud o Mise Moud, 01 Chicago, fa a visitor ati rlomdm of thé members. llasOllie Gray lake ote. liril of O rysime r e ived the M . ilt of Ch ic g, s eo at ~ n u the ladies ru..! g race, Ig ekwihiMn. be Loflua.Pet éo Éedoro Amberg recelved thq pris. An i veb vtAi is.both th.eggrace sud potato race and Xian PAivott, 0f Chicago lalte guesi Becny Bul wînklo reeeived p rime An tAie I iber coain Uma Louisoeilicb. biscuit race, botit boys being ftain Mia. Palmeor, af Wmukogan, la vieil- Chicagoa md'living with their parenté tm in A i.Sul btbed n Druce Lake cottages. About the j. j. Longbaugh vmlas u@aaéîî1,bout part of the day vou tjie dinner la buaIno..Part oS lait vomi and têe.true Piiety fle.-on the grau mmd oh, a W iI Richardson, of Dton vitd ht a lot ai gond thiige t10 lee the 9hlm brother Orlando c&rýý lotsn knie rem " B" feonade and sandviches galore.À veei. lamber tbob bouts and bad a ride on Thie little son of lMr. andlira. Fid the laie and the san et ail tau sonon10 Doolitti. va. qnlte &titi last week, but plemée the pienicers and everml even hia Smuel entirely reovered. etaid mt the cottages tintithe cexI day. lira. 0. J, Delly, of Dovuors Grave, is te gutet of ber mlster lira. Wa.hburn 01 Haineaville, and other relativs. L IOS~T T AR à Mr. Dail, lo mode a haity vigiti ILNOSA AR ira. A. J. Leonard viaited several days lanl veek vth ber parente mnd 1he raIast Fair on Barth Sept. sièters aI their cottage et Lake. Zurichj 27th to Ont. 2d. 18097. and misa vitb relatives n Barrington. The voïk of preparatian for tbis Mir. Samn Ltviler mmdâr. Receban grand exhibition la very hmq a 1118Mber ai buardera for a veek or satiafatorllp,and thé promlum Hist vith tvo. A choir aof arty boys ver. at the aggegale oflerings of0614MOin cash foamer place and amnoat an equai premlume have beau distributed tu number nt the latter. aimost eveay Statu An thie Union. Thé Ed. Jfe dee a . in W lacacin lu taI u ffrail i oîn lamode ta conformi a. veei attig UP machines. Hla in neWrlly as practicmbim 10 Ihat or the employ of the eering itmper C a.,Oai rd'a PFair, hih 5111I lu urs a Chicgoforwhic fim le ha ne Opgrenter unifordtlty An éxhibile, especi. mchinesathfopevt ch lree be h. pally An the livo stock classes, th" herêtofore. Win. D. Kapple vili dedjocate hie The afrerings fat the Fair Ibis fai] nov bara vitlt a grand damce. Priday are a. follava: night, July 23. A fin. floor an theetei......ii ...... ......... .e on gt............... 2W v0.atedplny tir o trp thi e cr....... . ie.e libtfmtitl t tieatr o f a good ~~p..............2.100 orchestra. Pni .0 1ev. E. A. Harris gave amire. exhibl. Panrt odicte .............. 8 tAon 01 moving pictures pjuoduced by =ouure 700 Ailsmagniacape Au lh. Congregatlonal ne Art ...a . ..... .... 760 cburch Maonday evening, preparatory to ;Jextle Fabrir's. ....... W mtrtingan bi tOur. lie slarwedout iary and Pantry 81re.> Wedeaday, firaI going 10 tthe place in Attrac.Aons ............._ W is onsin her e hee form erly lived . ATol .........r A o We trust ho viii have good luek in hlm A Phé %m endeavors..Hi# father 1ev. fi.A pe ted during the veéb fci te Han ofMlibunviaited h. ,Tue nual exhibition, laibeing rrmgd darieyM. iao, hm Usu md viiioon hé mode publie. day.Nfgotiatansare under wv wlhthe Mr. and lits. Milan Northrop and managers Of saule of lte ieading daughter Genevieve, Umis Minute attractions Ibroagitout tite country D)erbyshtire and Merlan Smith drove and thie spectli ealures are ezpeaïmuI front Ieloit, Win., lait ve.i Friday la bc more numerousanmd on a granderI leaving aI 4 a. mn. sud arrlving nt 9 P. acale than ever before. Mmmy appica.ý in. They visited Meeral ilmys thie lions have already been raeived for familles of Morrl and Woodan d stalle for live stock and exhîbit @Pace returued'uesday. Sunday rai aPant fot fatin iminerY, vehlicîen and by the vitole party tuluding Mri. mercantile diapimys by th@ leadlcg Itorrili and famlly in Wuegan. Earl manufrcturersanmd dealers of the Wood oi titat place mia pent a veek State andc onftr. eI hi. uncel'a,Mrt. liorrili. Ilu fact, thie hllm ais Stale Fait ai 1897 A very sud accident bmppened. at la exPected la hi a reeordbreaker and Druce Lake lant Sturday nigitt everYoue sbolld maie Ails arrange. Ileverâl Young men from Biue leland minte . l viit tii grand exhibition at leasltvaw days during thie veek. Mr. George limon and immily speni Snnday vitA lra, . E.L.Busonan md lamiy. C. G. RuoS ndci vie visiled rela tives t WOdtoci lthe later part af lte vomi. L John Curryamcd vile, of Wuiegmm, are vlting relatives and friendm aI Vlo mmd viclnlty. - Ma. Imogece Booth accompanied MAse Bos. andEmater Lae Enson home iroin EI'gin lieS Bmturdap. î Among thé improvemens lu au r neigbborbood v o ctioe. r. John Vaiey bas. bec remodeing hila barn. MnlirIchard Coimpton 1As an tb. ck Hat. BAiela stapAng vtb ber dauliter lin.. James ln vito la caring for ber. Mir. Ed. Carpenter, af Elgin, "pnt Sondap vAiL Vuoafrienda. lie and hl@ siter Miss Editb retured 10 Elgin Tuenday. M"m. lasae Fairweather vho bsi bean viaiting ber son near Vola for sontétimme leturned 10 ber daugbîers et Waaiegmu lait sondar. Mr. A.Ruht and lii.. Mary Baught &peut =ndyin Wauiegau wtt rela- tives and friends. They found lira. Ratugbt inneh mproved. .TAie lamiiy n the ie 111e cottage have "fotded tetr tenta lie thie Arabe mmd ai siiontly &foie avay," much la the gratification Of the Volaitea. Dame rumar talla os aur boys are thiiing af playing hase bail Sonday &iternaou. Sot very profitable businomé for fariner boys. BelIer remain aI haine and read the nevmpmpers, Il vouli hé ntch mare ta pour eredIt and yoo vaald bc much more thoughl 0f mamd respected by your frieîîde and Oorreapondenta eau grettly aisiat un ln ma1img their home paper better, bp sendimg lantheir items emrly. il tsi.. tAme to et tAie 1 type, remd proofs mmd maie up belore thie paper eac hé Printed. Belween Seed Time and Hai-veut. 1a8a g00d OPPOrtumity 10 inquire abut farming lmnda An SautAi Dakota, only one day's ride frant Chicago. Bountilul crope af Wheat, Crn, Dri.y Mmd PI" revard lAietiller of the soli. A a stoci mmd dmry eounty Southi Diiota midi ail lAie varld. PraI dauis garin Immoa vilb nerby mariets eau nov ha bouglât for $10, I2, $15, mmd up- varda, POr"MreMd thl tiheie tel Ilaves. For turther particutars write $0 Gao. 1R- Resftord, Uenerai Paisaeger Agent. Chicago. liianie. & Sl.Paui Eailvmy. Od ColonY Building, Chicago A. S. Murrayand Wife aséetsle Hmdgh w l». um'etm. tils. eiftea MKR.iURRAY. engînser for Kmt lon«Mercantile Co., Sprinu- sld. Na.. rritu* "I suiferai frein ph,!lcia. vit ftbenatt I bmce al a Ihsica veaciSumauble l to*Umd t up vL I ~ kg Dr. M i.. eIeL My Iseil emosp afmoi.Lasaime Dm.EIUMUIOLQ,, ".Ub . àim ROLLINS. Fo tb Laie boltià&soverli ovlcg vitAi guealm amongtem beAng lMessrs. Opie ted, novelint, mmd famlly, J. C. Jacqoesammi faiily, C. J. ScbAmberg md famnly, Win. Gately and famlly, H. A. Svaay and fmmilp, Mesdamnes lMircusanmd family. Morgan mmd famlniy, Vablett and son, a&l af Chicago. Eveclng enlortaimmecla are given on lAie grapb&pbone imîerperned vith seletious front bis avewoans by AMr. Opte Beadi; mIsaviolin and gullar renditioma bp the schimberg familp. Blood and Nerves are ver>' close- ]y related. Keep lte blood ricb, pure and heallby, wilh Ilood'a Sarsaparilla and yen yl hbave no nervananesa. Hood'm PUIO e hst alter-dinner pili,ald digestion, Preventcouatipation Remnsons Why Chamberlain* Colle. Choiera and cdlarrhooa Rem- ady la th. Seal. i. Becinse t afforda almost instant reliet la cse az Pain u tlb alomacit, colle and choIera morbus. 2- BOie umeinAsthe 0121Y remedy Ibal neyer fails h the mont severe cames of dyenter>' mcd d larrboea. 3. Becauie t As la e only rentedy gltI iii cure chranc idarrhoea. 4. Because It la lb. acly remedy that viii prevent biliaus colle. fi- BecU i t la tAie anly remedy tbmt ût ure epidemicai dpmmatery. 6. Because itl astbe oniy remedy th"t can alvsaébo depended upan in Cases of Chiera Infantunt. 7. Becanie il Am the mail prompt and leliable medicice An une for bovel complainte. il. Beemuse i radacea no bai r.- ute. 9. Beemuse Aipiemac mmnd smie 10 taie. lié. RecensiIbuhaaved thé lves ai Itore peaple titan aalioter medicine lan thé varld. The an md Soc ies for sale byp F B. LoveAl. LibetpvuUe. J. il. Bracher, Gammee, L.HR. Litcbield, Rackefeller. Hackney Blaillion. Par ai or eId, one Amprted lieS- »Yp aO lon, siait yemrm aid. BAWux. i ?gLbtvW0. ~RA5LKUi.C1.NB And W A RareO PPOnoIt. Do pou wiah ta pnrchaie a stock ai general merchanduse and a nie. busi. ce" as ea Pretty littie Ilaven nLaie eoocty? Stock all eau mcd new. Cheap refit mmd rndoubtedly ag«od chance tü maie maney. (iood reason for meilig. Spemi qalci. Wil hé old lot vintlmei vAîwl Avetory. Addrea. IXODEEDEr, Liberlyville,1 111. Dr. 0. B. Howe Treals clentifIealp and uceeastuiy by tAie lateat maPproved methadm, ail chrOale dieneaeaof lte longs, heurt, Ibrot, car, nase, Biacit, lAveir, iid- cepsf, bavels, wamb and semuaI organs. Suen diseases, ecaema, sitinglu es at rheunt, salmd Aefad, etter, poarlai emtpiA s arlims ycea(barbers iteb> ringrm, herpea, aasîer, and ail forts ai ectaneoui etcptloc, blotches, blaci. honai, etc., curedl permaneclly. Maies and uperdtuana hait remavod virbout painby electrolys. Diseases 0f tAie cervona ystein, neuraitleclm. lacomolar atazia, pro. gresslve Paralysi,, headache, neuraWga B%. Vitma dance, ftlalie nsoma, epi- lepp. ,ccred by Germme mthai and electrolysin. Ebeomatimanmete, articula,, mua- culaI, indaiminatory, and theuattle goal POMivelY cured by a cev and anccemeul place«.. 0. B. HOWE, M. D., Office aI Motel Waodstock; suite 28 Und 29. WOQDSTOCK. - -ILLI NQIB. tiOIRS:-îo t1012 A. ai., I1 o3 amdi661 8 P- x- EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUN. DAY. MiY hé cosutei Snnday. frontil tu 10 a. 1 toI P. iM. ai Beat cottage, Wauconda, 111. F. BAURSTOW., Manufacurer of ,Marbe Pasturage. lPlecty ai good posture far toci on lit Morse atin. Ij miles voit af Haineaville. Apply go 39-41 ALBE T (lios3c E. Notioe ta, Palhmalera. Paîbintters mcd averseers, af the township ai Llbertyviile, are berebp reqcesîed tu eut il Canada thimîlea, bora or alter noxAous reedi on thIe itighways of Iheir respective dIstrict. Bp arder af ColmMî5iosERS or HIRnAva We oeu ou, eti. lin af Volits 0" Wrm"pmatasPrce ia« hlU nImbe vegp, gamn ars argamn. ALL GAEMENS WIT13 NEW STYLE BLESYI& Waiate "bt Worm 60............. 65md 70e......... S and $1.25 ...... 31.75 wrmppereUM l wS êee69.... ....... Ue Mnd 81.00 ..... S I." 3 M ad $1 .6 0 . . . . $1.75 maid 82.0 ........ ChIld' Dr..... 1118w., 76 Mmd Me ...*..* Il . 1.00 and 1 M.25. . . MILLINERY. WliIoeil any iteM ln Our Trlmmed Hat Line.l haîf rogniar prce. AlSO greatly reduCed pri ail Other Mllinery fIndinge. F. D. BATTERSHALI GraysIake - - - - - ON OUR - - LLSQtOWINRUN pfwgMOer.g Ladies' 81.26 Tan Silppens. 1.50Oablood" Tan situes ...... ....... Boys 150 Tan SAiaes...... Il 1.25 Shose . . . .. . . . . ALL LKGHT PANCY DRU8S 0000 AT 16îl iAm D'Alace per pi...... lUe PanueSat..n.. ......u i6 BARS 0000 )LAUNDiIy SOA.... t. Examine These Coods Before Purchasing Elsewhere. F. H. Kuebker, REIDUCEO Pli 8 .8 i.' i., 1.1 1.S i.. se30.O& PROGRESS BICYCLESJ "him 'wblei8AsDO01 tbbet Mad.vitomia on thére Smmd et a Priffe vthl the rmmh f ali. Th é grm ttumble n b . cycles has brouillâtoh anoe machina davn 10 thie, SUglY lOW prICO a1 3000 Md. wit Royal Archh Cown, a tnbing, itnelY nicteleil and enâmmold. LdiaorG(ente' p SOME RARE BARGIAINS ON LADIES, WHILERL HAVE VOUR EYES TESTED FREIL Mir. Vaille, thie upticien whu in Meeting wittj aîiý mrket! mccc... thruughont the canty viii behobre, Frlday, Jly 30, and viii ho Piommod to uleesmil vhou., traubled vftb Ibeir oyeaigbt ad Male m thorugh ex. amination free of charge. We Beil you the glas»s h* récommetis ai remmnablo pri cel.. E. B. Sherman, GRAYSLAKE. ILL u...ýë ý. E FE FOR ýA SHORT TIME-1 à«V&owif td" ilTHE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN ANC .à te LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. .. lmA.kmuow* % At thie faltovimg romarimblg 10v ligure viien -"elubbed'" or order O.A.On)W,&O- Weeklp Inter Oeesa mmd Km .penét,1 a.Pw ws wu B.. D 5y " . ".. . 1 . ------mmd Sudap Inter Oemm mmd Iépneîpa..... The 1 DEAL BLUE FLAME STOVES are the, neatest to 0pr the least o11 and oh, s0 hanclyl Try one a week and you would flot b it. Same la true of top bugios and surries, as weIl au ail kinde of -h sucý h.hbwers. rakes and tedders. We wilI oei for less than cost n i neafford to use an old mower when we can put you lu a new o.i what the two slckles are worth. Cause: W. have more than we w - W. 0 acnot refrain frais attent on1tulb.hetttha&l th"t ve bave the preti IMuet durabe snd eeoy4 PLAIE OIL COOK 5 marS58 »sobuns 14.1, National, and at priou.V 1-4, « ve viii am tu ,Oep 1mat aI e1her Lig *.Wmcouîi, or ahlp pan dis BUOomplese Blue Plame aIo p mdy segel dAner rîti,9 lThe Y m11 promue a bine & «me1itpan use in your dml sintîie or sineli uni 't lengtb ls bur. cOr lacal dealet inap e aI«eve lte aven on. la .onycharge$2.75 wvi W. buly oct slaves n ite rhere we asel aur black a Mmd iboe..vhleh are 0=00 l'a nt aLibenSyilie mnd W.i iéuAd i pua pléas.'no olt l*y and prie.. Ladit lais turned flexIble sole bimel fIraom e. tu $1.75. Largea boys mmd mimces ouseO shoes champ. Barbletjr, 0nlàUMara. nmoem. Mon u meuntea. CEMETERY WOBK of EVERY DESCRIPTION SUIT 0 I-p REI Granite 1 Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, IL

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