CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Jul 1897, p. 5

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Wil" Pay You-. TRiuus& TA YLORps, We have a complote line ol Oroceries, Canned (Ioods, Fruits, Vegetables, Fresh and Smoked tleats. Triggs & Taylors Libertyville, Ill. pring use N O vercoats,, and u $15and up No trouble t» show Saiples. FRED CROKER, Over Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. For p rafiý ag -OUS Delicious Ice Cream Soda..... Go to PICKED U P HE LLocai items of lntereui TO CHICIAGO. W dyrth 8:87 asa .io :019 :.0 & W Wsi9tn5..î4 6:31 5*Id Li yILLE 831:16 la 1.30 ieu Hnot &11:9 lEt 8:» &Wc &4Aei 7é :8 ixii &.41 6.28 8I i :64 ats 12:64 :3 Chlsgo 80r :0 MMtis.Lil a:se ta FIlOM CHICAGO. P.m. p. S.M. 51 Lv:ïlsas.Ua. un eli: Mi* it &v4rei1*u1ns4:64529au $Mic Hloudout s:u u ale u R t M iris LasVvnLa nu.# & 72u146ic varreto -*"ii 4:11 iei o urnes Sasu aie ici Ussel irval55 U 5 denntes dalIZ. a denotas Sanda, ou. Cuisi no sca" 5011e5i'atrains are dally ex- OVNIiAY TIIAINS. Lv.jjbertv4 -Sp- .r. lgd.~~. Lv.Chicago au p.&m.. A9L*46tvila. M. No. au rune monter ouiy. gcimg iouth. vil nlos, un ma" nm s ollava-At usill 12 l0 u. H."wotb~IlI ll; isee M"; arlas eais: libermerveerbold 1:4 p. M. s.~ ~ ~ ~ I =, :.<~rveCId 100 MW. s. m Mris.Helen id. Hootar, af Chicago, Js viaiug vih is. A. C- Frencb. Misses Wller sud Pnuner, ai Chticago are gueste of ie. Bait Analin. John Billard recently compluled tve bridges on te Meormick propurty at Late Farant. A. Hutchina, of Wintt'gan, visiud aunerona Liburlyvillu rulaive Ste tit of Ibis veut. Mr. E. Chase sud farily, aI Ut. V.ernon, are speuding te veet vitit C. E. Santord sud family. Fornmmler gooda &I greatly iedued prîtes go 60 M»s. PaOT1iS-E'î If WiI Dyrnd, af Ciicago, retnued 10 the city Thursday sitar a veets vieil vititLibestyvila relatives. Miss EliailAppie! vrites Shat ohé Saratoga, Cal., lait,Titursty loyngt. Mr. W. M. Dymnd sud daugittar Mable, of Chicago, are spmding the vet vitit Mr. sudUMis. Wm. Bymnu. ltead ltaada. ou raOm mye money by teeplug lait ou spea bualngs oftered by aur sdvertiiars tram vweut to veet. LUis Sherman canghttseveral pict- ural tu the river Ibis veut. Ha gos oua that veight over four pounda, Wednasday. Acmte Camp No. lu6 vil] give s picu.ic t Diantond Lake in Bilinstiae Grave, Frlday, Auguat 13. Loot for future notice. A Party Of Libertyvile ie lierimen wure il Third Lake mat Monday sud returned 60 Ljbertyville "loaded dovu" vwitb itsh of adj tinda. Ray Iinbbard vbo bas loren an uznpluYelu the IIIDEPEN.DEN'y aIee th paulgbt niouths bas âesured a poaition vltb tbe Douabue & Benne. berry l'nbhishing Company of Chicago. The board 01 directoîs, af the Lete County Agriculture t§ocety, yull meut aI offiaceof soers&ary Sslnnday and appoint awardîng caitlmittees sud transat sncb ather business as m»V conte butore then.. The bigbvay comnmissianers or pathusasters altould sue ltaI ail the noilous vueda &long the roudaides are eut before they go-Io seed. The nuv lav anthorizes each lsudbolder to, >is up the roads about bis promises aud oharge the tovu for bi-4 tint,. 111 urder 6w aftond su opportunnly tu attend camp meeting at DesPlainas neit Sundayibereatii bonopiescbjng services ai the Methodiât Episcopsi eîcire etter moruing or avenlng. Thr u nday scbooi vill muet as Muuai ai noon snd the Epwoîtb League st 6.45 P. M. On aecount of the about erop o! viteal lu the Enropesu coanlies, lte autloot la 1ha1 lte prce a01viteat vll lucresea some. Ft. Il la sald tbe aid supply la nuarly exhastsd the vorid over, and ltaI tbe uev crap viii bu callo ieta unue earlie tan usuai. lu ls likely, ton, lt" corn viii sdvance soma. Par ibae se O!flte farueus aI the country, Ici the advsuce corna. A number a1 Liburtyvilian have te "Al"ata evur" sud titreaen 10 depait for gold fields in lte Kiondyka district. Charlie Smitht vaulda't mind dlggiug s tuv thousaud dollars vat of the yeilov matalIif ha cauid fiud il lu bis gardon, but thints A"at 10 distant. Fred Croker vante ta go but lasoS buiy building trouiesaI haUl pnieu ho en't gel avay, vitile "Old liberrn" la going, sure enougit. Siturt needi a littie gald lu bis business, sud thien tt's a mighty handy til ul bave 'round anyvsy. He'@ gaiug tu tatu siong a shovel sud canya bsg. Al that la necessary las tu siovel thte gold into the bag sud -"Sheit" cau do 1h51. Whou be gels buet lbc'&gbing to buy a ralirostî or siait an acaderny sud "Igel nlch." I- F.B. Lovell's, Constipation LIBERTY VILLE. 8 l uuf« W ru-b aS~ Reuoiutlons of Respect. WHEBEAs, Il bau pleaeud the grest Consul of the Universe to nemave neigitbor Jantes P. Williamns ftrataur ntldst and WBEE.&SA, In the dealh 0ot uelgbbon Wiliams, Acnu Camp 178, Modern Woadmen of Amaties have losi su active vorter ln the cause of vood. croit, the cammunity an tndustrions sud lav ahlding citizen sud tbm home asklud aftectionsue itnsbanad d atier, Therefore bu Il Resoied. fhatleAme Camp 176, M. W. A. uxleud ils iteartflt sympathy ta tae vidov sud Istiterlesa ciildren ln the boni afitheou greal bureavantent sud rsy Haovito dotIal tinlgs veil glve then t sinanlàton0 hat hair greet a&Moition. Aud bu 15 Reaclaved, Thoat as a mark of respect ta, the muauony af aur sate noigitbor Williams lte chtarter af aur camp ha draped lu monrnlug loi a peraid af thirty days. And bu iS fther ReecUed, That a copy aI these ruaolnlloua bu spread an the recordis ai Ibis camp and a capy sent ta the Litle Oem Pie Chimuey. Indiaai hie for teeping your pie crnS tramn soastng as u mca tram iunuiug ont lu the oven. Try IL. 81. 1OioenUBaN HMb ROUTE. Min@ii MANpOratagtON co. the LAtIE CorNTr lNDEPRIOIsNEisfor aia heel iarera' publication. Ozo F.LCHICaL, City of Chicago J. W. BUTLIKR.f sud rebulli propeller MA K . il.* OUISVILLE. Joriucted bu the Merclîsotw evry Thursday. Btyseni St. Joaepb aud Bouton buter-Creanerr ........ .. l.(9$ 1. arbor. tDairy .........e10(9 34 = ",oen.. '..... . 0 a li S xcursionsl Potatous.Per bu»be...... .....i<O 8 «,,vudockî.toutofWabaabAveuue. chloe.o Wood-dry. pur o rd......8 0 vrrmrîgaiel. arrive iviorts'at 1:3a. coal-Hard. vrton........O 7 0 i e Iavîns resouts aI 4:8p. m.. arive Chicago Coal-Boft. pur ton'*...........dou 42, betonraîr t 5:88p. m.,datll. Regnir saar- 0" uper buabhel ..........t o uerslso"eV"a att11:80 p. m. daily anat1p. Ospr bua bole ................. w 49 m. Baturdapi onuy. By thia route the touris amuperFted....... ........e000 mm esdirectî the.rut oftse iclfla Bran,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 pa0o........ Ot sFruit Belltsud alao tIbm mset armlng a"m- MidRiigapur Ion... ...... 90lu01555u, meir sait reg" n diSant 10 Chiass Geuelper tons............O uai s s s a~ s s SPECIIIL MEETrING. ERE AND THERE .Vllai l Faiier.Accept plat of Cdok'e Subdivision. t to Libertyville ReadersiLiDF.ITYVILLEC, J ['LY 20, 1897. B..,oextin pecial session Tnesday nihfrpurpoffl ofacepting plat of .ýB l»' illr inhapy laher A. IB. 'oota subdivision 10 VI loge of Bih"Mle ahpyfte of a LibertyvIlle. Fulboard preaeuîexcuept 16 P und girl baby. e . Moved by Oallowsy sud DuBola ihai Bora, finrday, July 17. la Mr. snd Prusident md Cert bu autborîaej tu sa Idris. Tho'mas Foley, a girl baby. approve a cortlledi plat of Anul B. io iNTTa ijrs ci iColtasubdivision 10 Village of enthOO<i1t, " Libertyville. Carried. ail voting aye. si ibsoOc.4-2 (aiiovsy and IuBois muov@d tu ai F. Cleveland, reprusentlng the adjoitrii Carried. as Autlocb Mable snd Granite Wors vasu tovu lunt Satnrday. A Plaiant Surprise. là. erme@ ae buy hyingand There waa a pleasanl gatherlng et au Liberty ville streeto bave a particnlarly tebouug Of JthWisiveu, th enao 14 deserled appearance ihese del . buing Iof flin ai Misa casmion. si A gang of carpenters have been froun ber sojouru lu Sonîberu California, n4 rkiug ou tbe nov depot iblis veet, vberenBite ent for ber huaih alliat a aud the structure slovly assumes inuea qpis g.MissMiller had Do tangible foras. intimation of the gatheriug lit bad O A girl fronta neighborlng tovu been planued for ber sud vas agreeably nielaims 10 bave îeceived anD 01er or surpriacd. The evesng vas &pent lu marntageu by telegraph. The olter social chat, gamnes sud singing. Jgir la daim &bthsiegos tbe proposai Hefreshmeuls vere served sud a t hrongbir he masil aud ansvered by guneral gond lime vas hall by aI l.m a.ielugraph before tbe man badl tinte ta Millera many frienda vwere glad la see *change bis mmnd. ber again antong thent sud 60 jearn w Our village board lu aceepting t ht able vas mnch Improvodi n heait1à. plat of A. B. Coots subdivision diii go Tie prtY bruire up about niidnight tbefore tbe "lirsI grade" bait ben mode pleasad vll ith 110 veuiug they bad by Mr. Cook, whlch ls coulary 60 ail speni. Those prenant Wviie: sprecedent in sncb cases. They did Msss tât hweer wih vewt4)usng"eMale!l lii,Ethel Ellîs, ibi boeve, wtb viv 6 nsng ic e lDavis. Luis Smith, Idirt Sole fromt sncb part of Cook Ave. Plore Colby. Murtie Huit. as lte village shah grade, 60 llin uthe Mary Mason. Norla Bntturfild. *Park. Dot Ochanet. Ms. ochanet. Uida Le@. Thera viii be IbraeS god races on Msers. lte Anlioch Driving tract on Satur. bIlo Churchill,. RI llis, t dey, July 31. The avents viii bu a JarIlorle. Frant Kern. yearling race, a tva year oid race aud illWriglt. Frank Apisiey. A. H. Churchill. WIII Geifmas.e a 2:28 lrai for a purses of 100.00. En. iaenj. B. Mller. t ries lu the yearling sud tvo.year-old races have been mode sud entries in Misa Ethel Wisner ia visiig Foi 1the 2:28 trot v.Uilue viti the g enre. Lake friends. tory, B. iBock, ai Aniocb, Jniy 23;: Shirt Wajd i tcout at Une. Il ta von renebering thai no IPROTiNE'b. tg paper la printed for orne persan o CilY Attorney L. P. Bauna sud vile, mare titan a botalis buit epoeisi7 ofWoukegan. vire giieste af J. M. for ana persan. People vho haecone Waodrau andi fsrnly Thuredair. very much dlapleaeed vilitsonetlhiug Qutesanuber oaImen in lueuasioa they find lu a neva"ppaeaiouid homges are tau se»u about Liberty. rarnember trthe kivarythlng ibiS ville of laIe. Tbte barse mrt een dispisaad tbem ia exactly te tifg te> bu mproving. that pisasai oiuabody vito list alu Mr. sud Mna. Frank Praline attended Important as tbsy are. te vedding of George ePuiSaI sud There te no denying ltae tact 1ho5t teMUss Minnie Gango au WêÂegau lut potatuobug l il s iiJear matng a mash.Tuesday eveuiug- lug record. THilers aofte sali itse _____ memories inn back, ihtalls entury 1 viii close out My stock of suruiner declare tast hey bave naver sieau sy. MllluurY et 50 cents onrithe dollar. thing UeIt la t"NiaSUre. Paris green tMasit. PaOTvNIas. sud Landon puorpla do notsseanta tOI 1therna sbey loruuerly did. Wheiher Millions Brought Out of Alaska. lte bug&are becomlug ned le> il by a "oy tllued reports coin@ tram procesa a1 aclm&tlon, or vbelher Alaska, of fortunes made by gold ukaeàdruga arie aduiteiated in noS mainera. A dlsl>atc frtrmSans Friminisc kuovu, but thee stomentin Atrue. iudei date of Jiiiy 14, noyé: Foîiy Nevapaper publiahers veicomie lhe minera tramibte Clondyta district tact Ihalthe publication ai ý"ada o! lu Alasta reacbed -Ibis city today. tbants" la on tbe vans. The praclîca Tbey vo ru vestiterbeaten sud ragged tu praciically olheolete and viii@non bu- sud looted flte tramp@, bust they coin@eso. 16 bas uothing tu commeud broughî vlth tirera nestiy s million l, aud Ils departnre viii bu vieved dollars lu goid datvasbed train the witoutreget.Thethoghtul ernnsanda of the mont marvelous mining vbo vishus tu express 60 smmpathiinig district the vorid bas tuovu. Aur frle»da sud ueighbors the obligations average of $251000 each wvas t mii vbicb bu reaixzes for favors extuudud record for a fev imontha exile lu tfie iu lime af burealvemeu yeil sud aPo afr nortit. SJ litely voîdud note tbroug lte fmail or Tegl m& ordott n by mensonger, ar i ylsy in a fev pile sud looked titfe pellov cura. The yods upon lte tiret occasion ibal bu -totl I eight of the ireasureSa over fuels iudabtud. Ther@uJe no aiher 320 pounda. Tune most lucky aofte polte ormof cknwiegemnt. minera vere Mr. sud âMr. T . 8. 63 polie fim f atnoledentnt. Lippery, vbo broulhi W0000. Mis. The slteau itovel operaled by the Lippury vas tbe iraitvarnan ta cross Lake Counly Gravul Company ai thier the divide from, Jumeau 10 th. Yukon. pei bere tipped ovur last Ssturdey fllte stoud the bord trilp perfectiy. about noon, sud tbeu ompany have ex- Tbe tonies tid by the minera fuily p3oiunced cansiderable trouble lu beur ont tbe sitateinta modelua lattera iigbtiig the machine as il veigba t rom Alaine. The returued fortune about 38 tou). Il vu thaugbt bat a' huntersaay Ial ai Cloudyke vagon 'vrecker' froiChticago vonld bave gor e85s a u bsdvii 0 bu brangbl out, vhicb vatuld trivalve i days voit guarauteed. Do litile uxpeuse. -,Bush" Ayurs the ____ veteran houées maer 'vuas 1mai1 pl nCool- Wlaonoin paaled toansd prent*indctiou are EnJoy lte cool breaxs ansd mrer ibal ha viii "Put har cu ber tes' -bY your shsttered uaras at Waukesha the end of the veut. Mr. Ayure las&là!Wsnipaca, Pilield, or surnisotiter adept Iu bis parlicular Une and those; timons Wisconsin Bummier Resuri eaaly Xmeced on ltstrIains ruuning vba have obeerved bis manuilvers sopvia WISCONSIN CENTRAL LIMSto fer bave confidence lu bis ability la Si. Paul, Minneapolis, Aal"adu aceantplieb lte ltan. Poiunately noa Duluth. Our booklel "Vacation Bug. ans vas hurt, altbongh thIrue men l gestions" talla you boy sud wvit 1 vere lu the cab vben ltae machine go. Your usaireal ticket agent mau gire you tunther information. veut aver. Thte accident vas consedl JAs. C. PaND..0..P. A.. Miwaukee Win. by earib avlugsaa sd allovlng sa jack acrew t10 lu front place. IC. M. liceimerhoru ilalling the IINTO5I now are doubw sé. Bl 1. COL.BY& Libortyville, Ill. die Dmay~ SA TURDA Y, JU4 Me0 Table Clatit........ Mec....... 54We" ........ 13e Apraus ................. 10Lava.................. Ie ', . . . de Glugitama............. 100 Mixed Csndy .......... 10o Baille Leman Extiset. Ise ' Vanille ' 20e0BSmoking Tobacca ...... Remember these prices à aurday, JuIy 24tl 47, '"d4 410 6 100" 0p ll"3e l00 peulM. 1 lb àk ' . I F. C. SMITI'd Butler Bldg. i Reductions oi We are goin tirely Nov Liii Shoei tMhis I makes of Before recelvlng the.ê0a" close out our pregent lino, a fGreat Re4uctI On Men's, Ladlýe bno c zLýî.,SH0ES AN Another Lot ofýtl Chlldrenls Sh aeand Russet and O0 1o4, Whlsae' BEWARE 0F FRAUDI Some unknown man, represent- Ing hlmself to be ,an Opticlan and purporting to be soliciting busi- ness and working in my interest ls canvassing ln Lake County. To my f riends -and patrons I de- sire to give timely warnlng. He le a fraud, pure and simple. I have but one man on the road, Mr. C. Vuille, whoalways presents one of my cards. Mr. Vuille is an expert Opticlan, and the attempt to do business on his established reputation is of itself evidence of hie superlor abllity. Yours truly, C. R. SHERMAN, Libertyville, Ill. We have lately great reductio in Ion Lawns, Dimities, Straw Hft Wrappers. Shirt Wals" and ail classes of Summer Goocis. These Ooods WERE Wonderful Bargains, b"'

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