Ueia wdsa table te',l5t elua»0 . =t iu w Gimii.Pmpulit whee i commelt MY bande,.ftoes mise v as dcmmt* lait et the biset loumm.ne EitS Dr.Peum s bin 5et tG. bom abseuelbefère the table reëedl Wa VI& rwmur b MM erts Wh ,sires b lal a prier rlgbt te the doers ta f *ort&"' Lffd Bilimms liMm tgbemseaml nm .wmm sam e ebranei er peedi- lIes" be mum ecel. in a I £louder John vll e oeil: 'om»e te sdoctréeNlain 1110AL m ufl tbave tbose papers.. F rmsk ce)d ly .bop. adl vIe Gey ldo realelX~ esa'.boume tbey cOu. 1.58 end t~~ ae e s t e but âmeiv mots « 0 - at-ieiem o , ilra h ~.a W,wV« roeffl lu b"i e~t th ds amc Arma&= g e.di u hrs ua Wnt' m ln 1ftertimm. lo4ke ~et blietoh 'ie &M » esrs" eok .1Paeu s ut tas. sudi Ole P hIlhly tuaà Sotelmas ld est i s out.1-0 teltei lit- Ume ~o Wh sxciefbt, ubéduroe -asbond wItàILa lokbaud 31, f.. ollor m5 te nofer M am ulte Conoëel, ]w turmmtdîns.ic i" rkcoeullmnt resst. tactle Vis ISVevi lp dth e mp sul peeCOthenomImmMd For beaVW* 'e sels. '. Griop to lU u li ute ud wolmidia sot trou& bigmmes tl» emoi er' ssU i yudry lIps.lu a rattlilflgnustb Ve . àlert for ay s»MLd.wba e re cos voire. "F'or 1 lnew tbat tbey coScer- suddec o*isbad to th.e r err , or te the certai wb uyMrwfer' 188t), bons Lau d ourvay ef the fumer _- u* Mhaiate yieldeldiomeV op idieut TIbi lbc Voui stop fod5hotn; a"Ilk' t 1014, àword, snd Loe rdmIlleisu u t effl A. LO - peevgalag lad al . etun, le - 1-4lthat for a moment totteed, pssed, viit h a be ter Kikmm Sles w idhi osed o076s, ho step- & cold lncluation te the lady, out of the g-tih - 1e »1 117 in ud blair out dis cueilles bone.Kenu .ar Ga t o ru 8 du the table etthefS (Te le contlnued. iHei '-w lu of ils sofa _________and I Thdote rtae ltotemrtro.NUTRITIOUS MOY PA LATABI-E. glt R h alot fit-omis, onoitoslby dey, but Tit . uAreieae IeBee uî F5l l rendred ttling lu tGe slence o h et l&' ra A* aste'of@l<8 .ad. ~m, ~ ~"~' ~ ~ AAnortie t u a recet description of NI ai Oifly aU ile.. Tolb. rp oetàcrick« et.G îluftIn h l uensquarter la coule 1 1MBdMdcracking o thé wooelworl. the scurryiig ars Jni r.e et mien, me of tIns son" cw ime iigave an amuulns accouni of an odd ne M * etP&, sluost deaienlug dstinctes i Arma- American wvbu aslived there fer' msy midi gouffodhel'a 15 ialie an heo oo by ith e or, learing years, andI basbeen the ecoinstof Tlore bd 10 fai the drarimeof iseov" bresil s&d feeling end t riend of bis young countrymn thetle 0& etillal n &ire&tAtsliel o istane e bodiotandi othere wbo have been is nelgh- elece il »t i SPapaOÏ d es n bhitaceb heerd whié follovlng teUicdicult road -lu1 js »Snto 'l soueihog Wb" golMane ur sound muId thifend% to îrtliic eaucceS. 1, ow s beugd ulto lfie' roa5usa-et a board Suner a bu- This diy wo rnuhsw ,* a v5otIe1 ma' Ud, toUoie prue.tly by sofi. odtwo frm bsvd pté te D is, feofallsaisl, thie uncarpetal g- kowIelige. has been nlcknatned by the e fflfi l m etifiler . *W Beu wbsek rom i thetudeuis "Dlctonary 5nyderr was,àa t~10doelàl a.bse vothseevote neliber renilenon~f Paris <urlng tbe slege. Be- om~cutSlu. mmsrens1 - wbd blc wlis v ery peor; luleed, le posseestidot coulVitisi.O.di.0i5r istil quteeflât dollars luthe vorld vbeu lemp, idi l@sdot jiPemab5sd, et only the lnventuteut of the. clty began;, but &e -* a chdi.et'brigtli hgliotile table. bc dterined thai. wltb the exorcise mm '1K1 Ua mii ntaldler Oe eon. the celllug __ah.,.. ne fwtldrev fuit te ar etco. of proper foretbought. he coulti make M he âmeuer ef thc roorn sud valis, sandng op. tus sinmarry hMuthrougb the siege. rliens"a tllima astatuo- 0f course bc krev that the prIce of * OO w"vas b e doebaille rattied sud tmd, sud food voul son i ise. .55 iudeed lidlii. 'I rbw IlsboIslfv5pdo OE 5Y t i ttbulous figures; but le laid .og*isl fit. uol dit Aumadmioâe b.d to boule lu. betorepeuplc baui tbougbt of sncb W I« oba t wi rapulsa letie restie o- an article of diet, or of lie inevîtable *, wmm laWiii.PUR ltewrs in, and lok round liai ils luirudor. At lestaSure ap- riselun vaie three boitleof olive on. pite«rifus. leitpbti5y memolM îi a Thonu be bought breati from day te G. m 1oadsw luoi thelots ilat Smie evo or- day, as le required lit; sud soaklng It th li Met the aperuiestibejusd d ei lering lu oit, and îdding snd stlrriug lu vater OfW of dI. liit Igli--a wmma'gns, outil the mess vas as neerly comblel is*slIOÊ 1*9 u Oim sely sud libdy - rthe bot Into soup as oil snd vater confitile eew V nenai>5 theline"r es. Amadumle matie te combine, be liveti upon ibis nu- Uss'W5d5 OtomeIn tildMsbal drawu trilous but unattraclIve fare unt Uith fl bond the cartelu si"e ou in ring sud alpeme $-»« eek "I, tbrou tbie.leefippedl Immfraubis cor- alege o as ueariy endeti. àîm teiglt mer said Pm"slte dâs otha'aide e1t te is bositb did neto ufer, but be bc- fix slrolad reemi. A& e le an heo. mv lu G. gloom cmeet aist an desperatoly ick of lu thé,yo ili aboumo-ov dibead of the bresti and onoht t heconiti endure It bos m outfan.dlm G od.a Uc eu-no longer, sud resolvetiupoli a singie- ewt "; at ,%Jm atlr4Mr uant" h bordbanded sortie lu search of a "square 4 l et; t a "ow Ue gnommer.uund leho fol-meii." Ho beftthîe cty secretly sud 1 otlassi a sofi vuai'.whlquer: "Gndvalket bokldiy op te a Germau piolet. X»*'Iast ue t, " A Àmema iter thecertain mov- vboof course challenged and bated 4 jot ouvw. 51 ialu. 16a"I Gbely returnel. ping it, but vas pcrnaeded. veu finaliy - tpee ose h' by we le <eood iheut taunia« conlued ibat he vas no Freuch spy, masse; bw à" Mml m'l 1 fi mm ôvoiol but ou a baf-tarved Asurlceu. to r I hes*0 410er, Mdl sent dulothIi ele rÎY. le mmuebis accomplice lu a barmiolS «di IlvasS U Mt lb« t otipsbal ied ruse. ier rau pst hlm and madie Ltua Ki. avmi' GsiArmde b lle»osute brosthe a 1551 fer camp; thc gentry, vhoee te ob r d e r s e r e t e . 1 1 0 v n o o n e t o p a g , ' I .- of011« Ix Isied hie pin siter hlm. but lu the air: L mod -wu r PrauArmiebltg mave about egt sud qàyder arriai! afely among a l Pm umt Wd'cl a"k su d eeiafteovd ard IrKIl. muc-atuoilsedgroup of lulable Teu- on t amme, in hW eçn4 cmmei n rous tontcsOIdIier. vle gave bIm a beart i l 4 t e»* ie b l 1t 0 14i l é l à " g i s e t e T I c i ' f e u t e l h l m u p o n c b e e e e . b e e r I r 'bée ilb ' lib WI &ouitft. bldabut ose eotlutg sud frsbeh bisandatIndecti cuiertain- H 0,w et lle b utt l MiSd bhmlubhm roeu vhille b. dems vRtttlefro ii ig ic irî -lAmbenre MonlgoemeRils vse sohe outbc ofibot the Il v su d AsmadWivsite w mi W el le ttéue. ai" fllelte returu vithinanw bila tbuGe, baste's uite mlgbi bave bour, as he boit pronled tle oplhglng cou wheei. Ieras lati lut boudoir fer a novel. Wlit a pieket te do. As a consequeuce. tbereco eubttul shakoef et bcnd51Lrd Kiklo. wvaos m nai n guard, suddlinyder bis be% gletebisasm lafitthe.ceeu, bui returne tesm. won- a a1a balti and detaineti. a ut e slolt g n OOiz« -tb ilu "O bewi4 But bis plausible tougue couvîncet for 6, tk., del wlthth de«imtnt Ga ber lady- the.second picket as h bal the firat, - Moue iees umaltp wv aetelî hnbl assel.HBe d se and ils ruds vas repeated, .wth the 11% »_ d. oub i be di beaubont uiof tG. bonne, igogeees iat the. lugenlous Snyder pot il - fer ber dicos vas lylng ou a c>màr tnet W ldbeen empty vIeft be veut l in hefiret wuvas time rniuiifor the gate - o pdr giO.H oster. orvr.tateh rom vblch le bad origlualli' emerged. ~ sel, q *. outi meke somne explacastlon durlng the Tb$ FrenobuitaiWho, reCeived hlm. 0,11 mad e m»- W pntlugand pursued apparently b hw o~~e Thia she diI. i fact, 10 ber gullelcu rille-abeta.ý regertieti hl as t he hero lmseb.nd's a Sisaactlon.bi telle«g intthai or a marveloumocecape. sud ver. so G. gr ma obliibal ecuowu lunils iiornins rSO0itm oelby admlratlou of bis test that * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~hy tue uiu o ulle a . l, ts ront their ovu alender re- Ssuer la Il; I,ê e lloolel o erro LSh rMdsourcesprovided hlm vîtu another bo N nffr.Armaivalte idi boks o ot htfear andig ~4 ~d uo.dy n tomt Mk visieze"mty, M m p m mas e mifmot tolcavefoodma-h mn uoedy n .t l hlm aslowe id ber busbSsd foir a mo- lu many veeke. i battu »Oet drink mont. WIeut le vas reay to leavo Tiei.n» a abe s, *1. ave a 1CmIog u iesrounof utvisita te bisléusas Tbe mêee abc tolovel hm tamen o the lit lasldom fibt a ront maIolugreat- -N =1'. ' TiGes Ie es. lors ur il A...- or thon bls vonk, and ihe followlng im mie a&fert., iale grasl'tle pprtudiy te may: @tory f rom Dr. Max Mullero reminia- ImlsnsapeU Ls"IdY KIllOu&14anltaie te me. 1 am Dot ceâces lu Cosmopohis yl mot dis ý dmoï for Four eeeuty, " yeutn lu. 1WIdutsve prove tbls fact. Ouce durlng the long ~ you If 1 coul. 1 uit eennov if you are î-aatlU« Tennyson vent te Oxford, anti t.ready te save yourselt. Ot you muet Dr. Muller lnvteti hlm te dinuer and ~ 551.,~Work agfainet youroe. sud lot the gool lis 7 Te bat. slt casquer tle evi now, t one, or Il esf ViG.e" vl l e oo laie. One more step lutG. My vif., a youmf bousekeeper. dîi ,_-faS psta'. undirection. a" ne piser on cril ber bout for our unexpecteti gueet. Ho Mi k:bv hu-ca 5ave 7Y«. lT!. 1 Implore yen: 1 con- vas kiiovi te le a gourmand. sud et du bae_ ur yM t t!! Isser le vas evfltiuti put out by Hie bipel oestdieeeword. ii simot inudlug tie. mesvti ie ls enon wns9w barseMa. Ser aruneo cé lose te bs u baife~e te on.e cpretooesi bock bcar bon s ole Ii et éiF wt 18- Be vau plae@&el. ovever. vîtu the "O .M d gsutid Irscll«ose.O5 ilcI ld à osi un- vlut 0f a chleti, andidaIt wIth si >« 'sfy tasi nt.onyirvaugeo beng a peelt-laureý-T 0 bouge ps 'u "ISp mlotheG.moeotifor grmft efforts, as a i lM e egmrellyreevôl the Ulivc g," ddklgt' oeter; neilher am 1 la tle mool 10 b. dc er-viug et a chicem olfib , M rd ,tael mlii. jeu ulloper suset oii ns The.nexi mon at breaskast ve 0 ý» himftelielein lu mos. our patients muai b. usit- u uie lme Ifol'eosbv kug. I bave comas te sec you Off. prai', eerpmid ueisotain 9% gA mled, juat lo me bave Gai plessre." - bo aI. ..e;a lshcfe Our l As be vas reforming itrom bis Wb~ emet a Utle surprlued ou îd Mm 1 "- " wt- Woods. , e came face tet face itI o ut arrvel te se. hlm vbh'7 thil Kàâsee. mudugrailyi. Frank.- uap cover 0f the bot tiish. ailte Icar thep !ALOR AND RR0i.UTION IN oceplERATE OUsti£ se» Vrith VOUe, and the UIWts frrieaI et ils Natien,* VeSessus. in Alexander Lgan, onbeof naturs'a ns,8 vas horu lu Jackpon County, eh. 9, M81. lu a tlgîti' draina he I a commandîig robe. Wbeu h. bnd Sup bls@vornd he vas raissl te a se' group of hIsnation~s statosen. nand bc continuel ta suatain tle respect bia hlantelese valer bail wan hfinon ettthy fBell. Nîntedt i t oteslie tle i tu otbis countrymenit.le migai- euartes lu dini civil caupalgutuai k te evenuilsommer ef 1884,and, bh ont evarde t ulvliory, le for- duî4i tle loteand admiration of bis ,er, laho itterirard env vltb pila n iheir swnrih hi Iefiahu muitiîituet is feuîtesan's clair. WiVth povers mted for future h1gb service lie vas nhy caieil ou thc 20t1 ef December. te ecange bis togn for lis ebreuti. e are te iniluentinl tacts In Joldý îgnn's listiuguied career: e ras of trisht stock,.lbisftler emi- Ig froinIrelaul t0 Mnrylnd, .ta ncty, te Missoru. te illuola. visattetucatuid.at n contuon st-hool,1 îy tt totor sud ai Shhlol Coliege. e rvel lu tIe Mexicanunr anul ter the- Meilt-u vît be tullet law. [851 le vas gralunteil mi Louisville venelty. nîntîtteil to the bar, andI le- ,pantner of lis oncle, Alexauder M. vusa nov dcveloplng tuegifts tuat le it a man te le ehouen te lest. etfore lu 1852 andIn lu1W0ho utcail Illinois Legielature. Hoe ws aac tet iîosecuiugattorney. 1SY2 hi rt-noved ta Beutou, Frank. mi vriOver. bu e m teg bs citaw sien. otylglhe iI fot visI pay vlcu met en activs duty. Preilent lohubon ap- ontlhmminser te Mexice, but le ddie Ieboiter. lun le v as electeti as a Rtepubilcasm te die Pouiei Congres., and vas a mal- aefetlu the impeacînteut trial of Preulat Johusut. Be vas electal te the Forty-Srst Con- greesand vorlel yoD for the reluetleu t île amny. Hie %vas eleet i.te theVortY-eeMotd Congre.,%but vas choses United States LOOàN As COLL0F orIler ILLINOLO. It liaiutWar 1'lcure. Senutor before diii Conres conveneti. Hie took ils seat Match 4, 1871. Ho le- came cbairman of île COntitee On Milii- ian' Affaira. Ho lad ille th le corre- @pouding pcsItion lu tue lionse of tue Futy-lIt-st Congmes. ni& ternt xpîrel, he resumeil tle law lu Cblcalgo. but againwus elccetd 10 tie Benate to scceel Ogîebi, andtooboiIs meat in die extra sesion conveins March 118811>. Be vas re-electdin l 85, af- came ont VU bit ilurti'»meut, sale vbhiu veut lu la the morulul midi 200 -tl. Tvent4et l lîlluls-caueset yul but fittesl - Loo" iti amebt as seil: 'Bigbt sud kift. dogntandi lefi. 111e a veavers &but- île, veut the Arwmy cf the Tennesioc. sibvart île seredel ays.amiti haita" dont, ebot and shel. bledand tsars. val- n~~cinuton uetvorl et revsge, tun vas lu the lloody toils and falrly Legan becéme, as le wavm iy in guo- tics, a lien rouseti. Late that aigbi, lu ialklag over the Iucidents et tG. dey, Lo- gan sAiqi: "*1 maIe up MI minI te vin tG. Sight or nevr cocurnetuiailve, for bad! our artny suffered l lest tG. people ai bozs neyer voul reailse 1evdesperate vas the strouge aalant sueh gret dds.-bnt would meti: 114A cPlîerse vale te' soui ouhid bave been digèrent.' I Cahled ta tomporary commniîd of the Armui'fet isTeiuneuse ai ibis critical Jutucture. and iavlng by aimnt osup»rbe. tian smlii.exerion an ut urepldute suatch- cd viciori' fron thG.very jawaof t ent,. h bas alusys acemeti unluai diai logan sbould have been immetilatelyI' ..ewslied hy tien. O. 0. Boward. Thtis vas on tle recommnentiation of Gen. Sherman. logic va. the iypical volunteer sellier, dis ilo of bis men, sud the ideel ofthticwbucle aruy. Gen. Sherman. boveer. alvsys du.eeul Ilsis at on the piea of llownie's bIlng a West Point man, and tierpere alUlu. Insiraieglc manenver. As Logen sppeauill et tle bIttie ut At- lante e eappenred leiail tuee maicto lu vblch lie particlpated during the vac. fHo vas tht ido of tle ommn sol.ler; vhen- ever ble mas seu guiloping rekbeeaiy lu tic mont cxposed positions. is long bocks floatlng lu île uitid. île men *et op a cry of *"LOgen. l'Onan; ve'l foblov wbere the Black tl?.ge lbd.!"1 Dr. Itoler vas vîti Cen. Logan turing rîle cadlre war. Hie declires tuai une of eloganus iunrked î'haracierisit-5 unshil 1cure for ils men. Dour in atie he ei- àpet-tedthem tu ilgît, ta dire atuis 1-. hiel Nioniseti vit-tory. At otuer tintes GENEIIAL LOGAN AT TUE BATTLY, OF ATLANTA. v - _ le n 851hen'sa presidebitial elt-ttor ter a meémorable- fight, elgoalixel by tic no commander coul bave been more si- tue ltiîchannand Breckiot-udgt icket. Ioyaltyand endurant-e ef Logan'té faitbful tentive ta question& of food, sbelter endl pi nu 183M- ns a Douglas Democrat lecm-cnt -103.'l hospilal t-are. Dr. Itoler relates au ici- i Conigres$. lu tihejiresldentlal convention or 1884. ample oftIbie vîlch ocenrred ai Hauis- k In 11h10b e nt egutin. lu Chicae, [ogan received for President. ville. AI*. The armyi spenitvo or turee si [He n'as a Douglasi man lu lie presi- on tue fret ballot 63% voles, BRie- nuonti he ltre la violer quartera. Logan p etial ycnr of 18(i0. botut -n le beard necueutly belug choaeu. Logn wn-a nom.- n-n popabar eveu vhith tue Southerneru ze Soili ihîeuîent-d trouble le oaid be lualeil for Vîce-President. and viti lebist-uc beenuse of bis f nîrnesand genlal- o muid giculder hi miuset ta have Lin- sesociate %eut doun lu tht- tefeni out of Iity. One or tht- Union generals, nov dead,.ii DIu inauruurit-l. w'tith arase Graver Cleveland. une ku.n'u boesympatuino straugiy mth In Juil'..184il. Lincolu 1ad accession 0oLoges et Atlanta. thelie -ny,'ltY. îtb nluFederil uultornt. e i baode, oni Congresa vas lu extf trse- 'Tic moment luntien. Logen'. csreer Tis getupenl and bis staff bal been qoar- a Iou. Troope were learving Wasàbîngituu vïchh es culptor bas ciosen le deluiet leredin lua larve mansion iu the outzkirto 'I or the front. [ogan qi tthe balle 0f lu tht- monument urvehit- atCic'agou le of the town. t elongel t0 i Southeru s vît-n lue lotk Gen. MePlernslîi c-u gentlcman ta ubuni tuat particular gen- n maul nt tue imîtle of Atlanta. This n-ms tnurs 1 ut-i ie tîtucled. lHe promised t neofthleloodiestt tlceîof tue n-ar, liai -iîhe suad his staff reiuviltlb.t Il une dci'22, 1864. Hoodh ailsut-et-t-i use sittuulil not te ocupiot f urtler lui'1 t-i Johueéton lu conmnd outhe Confei- tblieui'i). 1'ien the- tinte came ta mure, r - irate fouît-e.and lieue 'ene intreucheiliîouevîn. tluere ut-r- mauy ait-k sud 1 Alianta. Cen. Sherman, howeven. ib nitut-l1ee tf tun.Teoh liieviug tlant tic enenim haderaconicil lie tiv-oilalltbusne suiable for a bospîtal vas v - Ity, onmiereil MePerou ta more fuirwari lie tîli genutleman'* mension. Dr. Rater ) i n lie direcion of Est Point an'i over- colhed olu Lognsud rt-laid thecicrculât- i itke tht Coufteatei. Major Gen. L- sane-es. Logn t once »aI: "Wien hit gtéu.commntés;ugthe Vfltet-uti atm t-n mîîoeo ta o inicet vteen Our frienilsi corups, n'as orilereil te pros, tet-nemi' on udaiilotîwotilded seldiers. l'Il bte île I tht- lefitlIant, white Gene. Su-hofielil andl Polt Of the voondeil,' andI mmediatelyi' -rThomaus more tuanttiet hie righlt andtI riler%4 the boise te te useul for hospital rt-ar. ?ulcPiersou soon discovereil thîu ot rne1Kc. -Shutrm-iutl ha een compltitli mislt-d. and As un instance of bis unfsiling coontesy -- c~~oded-lega4tn'a troop 10e go i bto Positionu ti lte eet-bi and, m tecialli' 0 te nuen for hattle. About noon. the firlng hnu'ing anud -hil'eu, Major Mitchell, one ut Lt,- bt-conte g'ensrl mil along tie uine by tint gau'w .,lId staff offit-ero andi a Bonrdl ot tinte, Mt-Pht-ruon rode out mlmoet clone to Trede mun non' in Chienago, relates tic tubservo tiec rrylut outfi osorilene. lufoloitg icient: "Wheuthe urmi' nas pueutingt hnîuugh sant-row bridle petit lee tot-mîet ni Iitille a Sootier o - t-eepon a atray cmennisu of Confetler' ait, ulose luhut ud dsons n'eu luntht- nies frein, Harde;'@ corps. lylil owu lu Coiifetlerate army. appliet te Lot-un for tie woo.té. The ceptiu commndiet Me- hprotetton. She lrt-d alone yul het-rio Piereon turee tintes.t Inuit. Mclle-aon. daunters, sud vax afruid tuai theeft- JOHN A. LOGANIl . 1111pos bhc0 a detac-bnt ~tof lis ilY mugit bc mOheuit-tinlu omdwaitLo- onW,=,."I.t,,tOhibhis usual counteotus tan- gan ni ont-e atationeti a guard mi 1er Cong;@* sa, -ised the troopu. grabied m uer. lîtteil lis lai. Immedintel! efiter bouse and tept ih thene util ithe arty linnd uetued ai Bull Bonn utll tuere percelvitit-bis mistate, lec t-tltld ieuovt-d. rere extra gooil reasona for Ieevlug tht- burne, vas fired opon n d klled. Logan ut-rer mouId resti:the appeel ef field. Cent. Sherman at once ordeuld Log-an, île outldwli. Atter the bitter t-nnpalgui Hie returutaIllinois lu Auguet. re- the neut hé tank. to tale rommanti. Neyer of 1884 nu ouI volunteer, tante and Iroken stigd lies est ln Contres., urgansedel didtà geucral on eliher aide lu tue tonr lu leniti, presenled hImuelf leture t-e Thit-fius llinois, und vas mateielu years' var îispiau' more superbé quaities generth ont- evening. lie preferreil a te- colonel, Sept. 13. et courage. lie brougît order out of queut. c.împllîuce with wbicb voulti bave Hie s-ns t Belmont et tIe henl of lis ht-lnsanl vicier' front deteat. The ut-us plac'ed Ltgau lu the position et an appîl- ovu bot bayoneia.anul tost a hors.. He et Mc!Phorson'a deat bavhî gRlu preail. Lo- i-tnt for lavrrfront, tueadministrationu. led bist-calment ni Fort Heu.r'anud Fort gan ramieti thet- roupe viticth cri': "Me- Mut-I agiated atithe old man's aori'. the Denelson, ntte imiter smault geting a vonul thît dIslei lt, tor sonée time. Mat-ci 5, 18S1,bh e btt-ine brigadier- general or volunleera. Tht entmmer tue people at home salI, "Canto lad, Logan, '---- -J and run for Congreas" anul Logan te- plel: "I lave entereil the fiel te die, if- ueti le, for ibis Goveruteul, anldut-rer - expeet te returu to peacelipiireoits on- - tii the abjectiorf ils vît et presurvaion L bas beemo au estaîlileotfact." lu Crani'. nortieru Mississippi cant- -- palgu Logan commaindel île tuird divis- Ion of tht- Seventeentu army corps uner McPbcruon. Be va* made major geneiuti ofevuet et ort 26,IM. ianoî,3 Jackson and Chamupion Rille.lHe cm raupî lie-.itito-g *'U.1 minIted MtPherson'a renter ai Vicksburg aned tolethe assauît ab the explosion etf KF.MBERS OF THE LOGAN FAMILY PRESENT AT THE DEI)ICATIOX. the mime. ie caleéntu fret entereil tue du. ,aud le vas tale Ul ismlitar' gov- Pherson nnd, reveuge1" Logn trot omoi- t-tnerai et tant excleixhed sto-mili': ernot. otandio that f ant bslackolétlon ofrhu%. "I have neyer astet a polilcal favot la Noember. 18M8, leaoncceel Sher- .nibtai a funme ef tire ntd flur'. lHe frot tiis administration and 1 neyer ma incomumautd ofthde Fitteenth irmi 'évas evryvbmre;tIl. bore overed vyul mili." moips. la 11 h le be .abvaue of ils fe nd himseit laileesanti buinlaiel The pion vobunteor vtale ont 0f tue ron Ari' f et heTeulemasetaiRes.t-a, repos vldagt;perteffly mnuprehelieI *e eabsbe anul lisappoliel. Atter li ed Barde et Dalls udMdroee G.*ceu posAip~; hivblu. e2% rdele-*oe f*as au heur the atrSm egan to mbqtc lu Lo- f rom us sliee tgvorset Kuwme Menu- lemmth 1 Po% L tplsalls»1 W=fdvw» 'gas » Il". id.JHarosead alate ai». .0- 4I As,-0 ,~ IuA'l rn 1dslWdialllllll gupleIon qui: getiisadi le 5i1 e~aept-ha~'4,tMeýe slý 1 Lott a "Mi e »M ail od Pgt Gte intiM- Tl40UCHTO WORT14Y Cf CALtU amui wuWIlN. ive Vol vie, Thi Jews on in ai sug h le i abis grou eqes as t vert sent Ailq ome talk se t tien dld rigit relil Des the; or su, of reg rer suhi ter! for lie ot be reg o, tho vi he hie cl of ta iu nt th di k' là hi 0"so , el w hrs h Wmy ns taI-A Lm" lestod Cselsse, co ort belame». dn Teui.-"Goela a spiri; anldite? worshp bimnmai el:wrmoh1ila l ut " la ulud."-Jobu 4- 2. de houmes, lhftolnluActe 17M22-84. bs fr ls subjeet Paul Promscblnl es. VollowsI te Devea by hostile ataoiTbo.mleat«, Ist on break- ap is vorlt. Paul deisrsiied lte go aAdieu.Be let dueand Tltuodi Wre aUd et off la ]aIeM travelingte lpomi'o5t and tlore ialleg slip for eà. Alose luiG.theaben mtitroPélis. ns case, siwell as byvins. ile eu vant goseaous for IclUtIJies urInIl-ibe apostle's hert noyer tail- lmn. nitesti, hif lanetiuP tn rigbi- a.I al s iu=uade it PKy libelle b Ili G.uumberenes statue.and tes of god. For some, ayi or veeks or'îcd quleily. preacblig ta te Jevs ieer synagogn, amdI isinu tealtle upe er cartons Oretcinluthe public ars or agora <"marlet Place"), Jest the Greel philosophe anti teaebers te a-trutonIed te do. lie picire pe- ,te lu Acta 17: 18-2D le d«oubli' ein. Pilosophiclliscussion et vdiores vas a fitveritL-outt8ticor peotion, et thc laboure classes. vWII leroI unIethîe shatiel porion@ adi ld rutsip or metaphysice or logie Jît the mont! hepueneti. W. cannt de- e uit hein Paniul pràfiesent CIrîs- ity tao sud a people. Certally hoe 1net alapt hlmselft t dima er es ta ,eu sur of île sete quiremet of itournes. Ueti as îey vers ta sou iions ait nev toile, the prfeaini Of easud sol Resirrection" vas a dcil- noety and evakeued ther urloety. .string ta ber more telihi of de Miller. pcoutiocteti Paul te the billopposite eAcrepolis, luomse a.tue At'opffls. "M urs' ll." lere It vas tGai the pressecourt et anelent Atbeus bld ld Sesieus. "Even lu the poliliddetay Athens, tbis spot anddiis court were ird e iehi'the peope midi supersttons verenre. No place lu Adicus vaus et, ltl for a discourue pon the mys- iee of ilgion. We are not. owever. regard Pauls& dicoition he tue ÂY- t.s as a foruma t 4fenoe, le a trial lb- e t.the court. N'or le tht-uv enytiue in ae p.-cll Itet-Itof a really pologeti'c iracler." itepanaery. lonul': idreos vas not. then. a afeu'. lima--iqf or of bis ailt. itwuse x- sition of te latter, lu sacb fume as ti' Sgoraspeil by the leareru. lie ladilai -dy i.eused tht-r curiosty; lie deoiril lw in in their favor. sud lf pomallle. ,er an.e t. Illa lueiun t h lbadlme- Sre'luî,i tiecPedîlof hie Introdueti', -lien lic was inlerruptel. We bave tht-r- ir' only the- merettfragmnult f liii Intî'oi'ed tei say. This mnuet te remnu ert-i by those ubo are nluiled toi claitu utilsn nrds ou ibis sacsion n oepier! rà paullielsiii or tnu i îor sima-e o,.".* He n-as juslteeoiiîî 10 te 5bc I wn-h-the- people bIjecvted. Tint es tee the, tase u,,w. 'Flue couunîLiot net of Pont la nowicre more evîdeot ihe lieu re ntroiloctory sentences. il.- t-as lent attack tle toile of tie Athenilun,o ,,l this alieuate tth.-mo.t ,once; non moi-k hoer c.-dulty ln bllieiug ilunse nuy î-ivnitle.-u ust-a , i. econrteously nu-- lovîedured ftatbey were rery carefol nrelig;ous observsncis-for t-hat, sol lt l'tu superstitieus" in the mesing of se phraeu. At once lie pleasedti t-. ilioui havlug recoîrse to fiatlery, anti le the wn'ai' stinl t1is meusage. A ueu errhlis conte, mys the preach. m;tli hfth le voriti bas asiuc inl te dari-mes, reeablug te selunous of Lolalry and Ilh otier hunten transarre- ons more cisrply than under the oit dis- pns tion. (fud !ba il ne t "v în kesI i' or -ovorlookeil" the aina of men in Gowsns,' of ignorAngt tent, but rather graciouly- -liboidin puiliment. The- rigit of Christ tl udgIe. mnd tie rnaiiy oft tit judgmeet. are prove'l. .-corllngtoluPaul, 1>7tG. rcurrt.lî,iL. 'lit om-ttraltact, let ue notice, is pro- cuitedile) ~the apoui o 10 Iese tir -t.k allier lMan tue atoitins deetl of Christ; thouri ne enrnt louht that lecviiold have introdiueed tual later ln bis iIlr-n If ie bail not been interrupte. Tie pn-ndhullc of lie cross vas **ta the (tirt-k-i fooiha,*',n$ud te sougi Orluee- (-le thîir wonder sud attentioer b! i, i,uoqu,,-nuii ot the- resurreetion. Fl'bi- known lIo thim. fil t ai of lie phoenix. -i)tiniL4 ie penutu of ibis iden. fiut Pointii tuitt-nlnieii the effet-t huch lt-e tuîîtî-im-u oulil have. inîtenîl if hing le d inun 10furtien iuqulry. îlx'Y int-béd. tir refusei ta lîsten longer. 'The - i'e-lîunlngof tieC thurtlt i - ari-ont frim.e lt-e"few disciples, onet' f tirel lîi,%ootf .!Aliena. A phloxophio-:îi triel iset' attributel to îlot plti.'-ýl aie. imp uortnt part lu lie lnt-Ihî'tlu:tl hi'ilory o ! tie midolle nges. Tosce esMont. Pul n-es ngentlemn. He refraittei f rom uetedlessli' offeoding islseuorers iii nuerely Iront polît-y, but front le.tlncti'îî' coairiemy. This ienet apparent ln tie leu toriaed version. tervihlihe la modlein cuit tie Aticuluns "ton euperutiliouc.' but it te truce, vertit-ee. Muni' Cliriîi- tin u',rk-r* milittProfit front hie exîttu- pie lu ibis respect. Earnesinesus oiwtii exct- se loorla le s. 'r ere otiY bte ite s vben itlelajustfible ioaojucal tu a etrion ai n ioe or lu a manner vit-n suci une- ll,îu mui1lole ordlualii'celed rude; but tbis cuituot be tle r.ude. Jemos a a eway-i tourtoua, intuhtic igbc en aue of the word. tiîîugh ulen le baid te tenonne-e. lie ileo.ictl. Paul'i religion badlmtuyuraides tu ih. lie coubdin troduire a set-mné byiri eeg lut poeti'. Fien tint dse"raille-. Hie mm-ud aise speilk 5au iu foret- bty ns 1 aais "teh. -fisfailli Iue n ilî,e r t s i s. anli o cf tht- vunleti'thie lsclaraieri: The clitns of heurers te vIenthle pote lu Atbt-ut a sstrilînuli' parallel iu.tudy hy a clans of people vIhe dlble la&il the uctvfrude lu reigion sud plillosophi' thinking the nielves bath loar u d ili-