CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Jul 1897, p. 7

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93 a bave eve gu e bUrft ~$.. su md r Méusg t. *a. . :iW.tdaim tt t < tk*t MW M oue. teste»»y. It onetsi viii mm cocosanmd baonU&eu ta = a.lswcatlng. bot se, oeedu te«t. R te 001l a qurammd" bà*lrnvcte vUselatmuié tw aam@. A $1% "oe.tipbom Lie. The. Mcvtelcpboâelia. beeen Ber- lin Md Dudapet la 0w à certalnty. for work upon t vwai begun ou April 1, Bail ii b. canilen ouat «Ch a rte th the eUtire nue lia viiib. laoperationk by the moth ef Ucptembr. To ce.e dite matteft workva.«arbed elmul- Mw»ntia thirlsa VoltmLThe. te- ta kIegh eft e las vIii b about 0MD mUas.ut Itu(er- mam terrltory. 50 la Aa.tvlan u fela ffd tii. remalnlug 207 mile.Ilulion- M ry poper. The totl cmof t is tel tp1 me»vuii mot ouceeé 10.00 'w, nNMEYoRIK, 'TaulamRerxpSemeo .WmS - ovarAls A dîtl, thrObbiug"i. ba seule eftendermu r md het lbu dovm linlu. sid, vîti m" oceasbon i ehootimg P"aildlcla in atou * m uablom Lin lilic oumd taIt havéglamet pasbovaaorns .veimg. IN the l.irantaeau" tovad-tin- 9là Umaho ttie ovry. If Ii.rot cf 7«ur bous aIs. 4my aM.. couhave It ixei nt once; wiy Dot pr lue m mop501 10 peur ovu body 7 Do yau ilve mil"au avay hg= a do&. tes?1 Tien t ie cl te more reamu Suiiy pou bouidai-. te>d to yourmeUet cuoe, orpou viii musombe couthe Ut 91 your iseiL mot î Ot t. 1"1 Fou-. meit go, viienoucoi your own Maxbol&au bgmgiqd le o. . vili gdvlse 711 vithtutmome »d vthiiut Pries. Write let..mPukia Lynm, Ma&s,*&sud er *nli pour u=iP. toms& Rr experle nlutrcamg terala ls la grealer tru am pohms- lIving per. *For nîna pears 1 aufmecti itir à- ual. veaknem luin ttavos-mlt i. I vas lu bed ass ymyear vlt.iicoupe.. Thésaeua egu tezqplastii pç%m&SL arrauegeut desigu- ad br gftade coams t la aivange se thmt itias thc jaugé or 1.0esofthei locomotve .'iicl vili deproma apiatom l lladet authé enemmames by. trvsp.ullvce t 1W bclg mg cqtor Id cd. or rumulng tmuI or slow. Te te .crlader ir la atteeffleda wu, P5E115(ÂTId m&At A"Amul ammil tube cunuing 10 the vs±t-biox, wbenein tiere ln lomed cter a pumi- miabdebell or a c.mmptiore, and Il(t10 possible "ta boli niay be uneao auta te-o of t.e ovc .enam-olglrt andi irn Ing-usay be depeDded upoo ton notice to tie watebumet ofapproucing dan- gcr.-Tbe Car. Wiy Birnum Col Llud. liera ta a curion.stMory about lthe fa- mous Iveduslt aomgabres. JeonDy Llud. Ooldacbmldt, tire Se-edir entsa- trices acrompanlat. bad gone to A merl- ce t0 meek isfortune. hI ad been a brard psnting, for be ioycd tire singer (ire qferward mmrrhed hem), and the result a-a dîsppoînîmnict. lie aa about bo retunhomie vien be met Ban- nom ami coruplaîneti te hlm oftbis 111 loch. liarnum waas uqually unhappy. lie mad tied evenyti(g-"etrcu. vIe- lu in 'rtuoecdsocers. educateti apes, learned icturere"-hut mi lu vain. Tien Goldachuldt augge.tcd tint ire hnew a singer ln Englaud a-bo mit 1w a Amrnenla. "A singer? Pmb! What's irer nmer' "Jgnny Llnd." "Tirat's nn m."retorted Barnumi. "But tai ngs hcaobifitily.1 *'Gbon ting ton ber, but no uinless ton me." "But are's tire grestest msinger ln En- gland." "Better salllfor iber; louI ae'il talk about omthlng cIme,"muIdt tire prince et managera. Atter a virile &peuit in lalk on otirer sobJrtcts, Golducirmînt returned to tire Umio ethte Otaries. 1 also sufie-d attnci. s-It taliing of thre vomir, wv va-.'For Go<a uke." Bar-num brobe in ireai. tlrod Il tirelime, iratisncb impatmlty, "ieve qme lu pence ilir beadasihes s. le mae me aimont vild. your singer. W. bave as man>- alng- Was mabe trouble t elu corniiose, ers a here are sands on tlic acabee." eud vas hiosted nau iadly tir"I oma "Pty," rephIeti Golduchuildt. careloss- hougt 1 hatidssups. 1I h ak l ,ca y. "Penrapc atter ail aonithlng moenai bottleisof[*-dis IL Pukh.maa Imgit ibe donce with tire Saedir nlgirt- VfftegeiCompooi. muid everai of jugaIe." ber Bluod Purifier, nam nonrpletely Barumi eped te bis fet. What'a ow"& .It la a wisoder leailUliaI I19" iitt 8edzh-"' mci.I s sll mlvayc *ve Mn. FPi - "hst'ma-bhat îhey catl ber iln En- bhm a 6S15 of grattude hfeir kimi- gland.' -ââ 1 v.uid smivise u mile-hsuifas- "What Isnsire clle'!r te tels.ber.' din"-Uà& AXU "Tire Ilvedisir niagilugme.- ornu, lmmder. Y."Te Swedlib nîgbingale' Write t - once t lmIssJcnny Lînti. I ylengage irer for 100 concerts; 850,000 don, frtra voyage, and living fer lhree pensons. "Brut, m dean ftncolyou buven't heard ber!" "*Heard ber! Wirt tire dcvii dei I budow about M%.4e! Sa-criai ulgit- .aikdg boa InfaIel Immemaul And you. anlueky ma wobh MM rctch, bave valteni Inov betore te ad Ielilogmer Mie. tuluca. py- Boy 19 Came te, ne Victoria. tom S Tic primate hâdi iren bold by tire prince liaI bieilbed guod biltorical En- gllie usomes tint every oee ould un- derstau& . Wt Ibtler mne, ire thougit, titan Queen Elizabeth's. He - mlldiy auggcted "Elzabeth." '*On ne - ~ account." nId tie prince ragient. "Chmr- lalotte. mter pour ryai mtier andthti ebllti' royal mont." "Certaiuly nu." * A aupume. Tic ofKent relleved ber teel- mu. b.ltii tlun by a flood et tears. 'fie Prluceua thes clu is Mary blsest ber andthie baby criai. deilgltfol ammi This spurrcd Uic mlti archbtabop. ug lia. amy *Wham nI Il pur royal irgincs' -nbtvae pro- pleesura to conînaDdr Whl' her mother-te naine?" !'Victeria,.",msa-ereti a. tic Duke et Keu t. Buthil@ interven- thon vas met ry an irte look tram lhe ragent. Tire Dube cf Tut-b. seclng tiraI lie cirlaening must irehaultenesi for- - -- yard If it vas 10 ibe gel lirougir a-lh ....... ...... -----at ail. boo bnilmaitInou. *"Alezan- trIa Vicoria"Anti au the Qui-en uit- ed beng kbrinluhlstut-y ansGeorgi- ana,.naliing naine fur tire laut of lihe Geonglan dynasby. but leus sulîmbli- foc a gloreas reigu ot sixty years trou VlcIoria.-CotemlnemnnY Revi. To realone scorcîtes lineu take la-e IODE - .~OenOns. Peel sud asuce tlieu and îex- 11,0k ~ obeaWMu s.UeL.i, tract tic julce by mîueezlug or pobîtd- bluV5s~ it. Tien eut up lhaIt an Ouce Ot luîOanlslc twhe.~ iIe soap anti add lie ounces t fu- esus~wmss hm Ma ees c'm arlir; mlx iti lien tire onon Euaes4si l. juie and iait a plut et vinega. Bitî ~~IL~S5tU.d sr a t Iis composition wdI andi upread k U55i5 edm. a-eu cool ôter tire scorched part et RT a-t-ilAOAOEMY, NaeI5p.l)0_ C.Jsmpa.bsinlds. tire lînen. ieviug It to dry tirereon. eNV ~ * se et Aferivrdwasusi Ittie lilen. Pil Clothes. Thre good pili has a good cent, lThe vin coul serves Ivo purpo...; 14 protecbse ire pt.en- abllng il te rabain aui il rene dial value. and it diagauslte taute for lthepvale. Borne pili ombte are taochon-v; thcy vil nol dmssolve in thre etomach, and -te pille they cover P-as lirrougir th. .putornas au rzmlciasa a od pellet. Other comta are toc light. and permit th. speedy deterioration ofthtie plI After 30 YearO oxposuro, Ay.r'a Bugar Coted Pilla have huen round au effetivo aui f Juslt reair trem tthe labor- atory. 14'. n good gil itir a good coat. Asic yo>r dz-nggint for Ayer's C'Oathartic PUIS. >15?. putpartieularsla Aye'u C.rebouir, ls pagea bot.aift-. J -. Ar C.. ovait. lIa&& SYRIKE OF OOAL MINER& MAY SOON END. Agacuens UtvtýauM«une iOpeva- tas-s la Ncas-Uaalu ef settiennent le vfl e. 'tIatlesai5"Aameese-- giesrt ouMabshe coulcs-pbetema. *telles mal De Sttlei. Tii. end et the great oge e ef usale- aM ecoa la Wigt W. P. De A1036. president o bhc NewYoraki mai Cleeland GomsCeai Comipany, vhlch conorrubas beau freely blameni hyr ival Qes-toru as respousîblu fer il tic méilg tr-oules of thc lest Ilieeuâctalh»e ceme to terme. witi Uic arittratin oeu mlealaa. Connes- aluns have beeamdceiok yli 1m a"d enoMekliy by other aemiaus. Bis -tam- Oseua mitumty" asamatlasitreen ln- dosd by sereentatives of lie atrilicrs, and ka luoinebas nceded tram iis pusi- tien denumadlg the sIgnature of 05 1per ceat et tic cPerater e uacer%0la iail enfateve. This agreement vas approve43 et tic ceateonin l Pitlsbucg hy Prenîdetît Pal- rieb Dulauan ad Secetary William Wmr- ner of thcUtlli Mne Workera of tire Plttsborg ditrict. Tbey promlaed tu a- lcit tic iterest ut the mniers lu tire plan and ta isu- csery inluncue te secure the reqalred tumber et ignatures. A clause e-hI be ieretted n ta h agreement birldlug tire cooaractimg parties ta cuforce il lu cas it la foumad se 1w impossible 10 se- cure thi lornement et 051 per cent of lire Operators. Precidient M. ID. iatchiord cf thse Unit- ei Mine 'o es vs e clled ta Pilîsirurg trou Colimbuus lu conter vti lie local 9eor and it la f reely predlctcd tiat Uic resuit %iii 1w a gemrd votera tu vork la lhe oCar future. Under thc terme oeticheagreement Sir. De Articomect uta 0 Igua rotract vhlclrie- l rimg t a tscondition ut truc *nlfonnmty lu the Pltlsborg district, c- cordng te lie plan t.emulated, but tilci afl e igireecu mçunUicago. Tbc cou- tract pro% IdW$ tial thera saiil b. ne rom- pany tores. onest meigit. fair sescen , and thc removnl et other esil, long ern- pimineniof b h ti nec. Tbl- mateernmtmoreover provlde. for mau esumet uoro-tcntb or a dCen n everY tan f coal praducci hi lic open-. strs. 'TiIs mouey viii crel. a rendmat bc useti for Uitherpoc Of prectiaig tic uperatora Inide the deat agalacb lie.eo .*mar0t ÈPow. wo Som z imUss- oemuhedtrou 1h01,De- bute esem4dcaate White Blrch. Wla. 3t« au.rsdae e et heai Ucsinonu&"a i Chppcwmu have bée» implacable tocs. making war opa. noieanather at cVory, opojt»M7ubt, snd eondUu irspelmciàvlth a brutal savager!l iati emid abusne «M an Apadhe. Deatir by torture et b. motc borrible klnd vas the.oetalaen*at. ot Cil tives, nad knovledge et Iis emusci listJ long vartare to be marked wth deocu- amil fut-y. Thre original home or lie Oiip pewas won lu the. laits ceuntry mow divld- cd loto the States of Wlucoa &"mmdMk id igan.litere thc westrn bossech et tUeic faemons Aigoaquiu fammly ruws la f"o,t nolcd f-r bs-vcry amaimlitsry sMAhe1à iigh orsier. On bhe veat. ahem cow la Mirnnta and tic Dakotas, vas the home 'if Uic powertul xsioOrtioux mae à Bloody raids vere et tsia carae outil llnuily, aftir long sud dlaa.trsu wart arc, the Cipteve s athored ln tsrce and druvYe licir ecuculs."laie in ne- sota Coutntry, trou vhlch Ibcy vIenu rc- moved to Uic Dakota reservutions bi Federal lroops lu 110. Te aad chaâg- cd conditions have SmcUewed lieetedmeno The (:hlppcvas have ateici dcv.t. peacetul pursuits lensorthern Wiaconsin mnd Minnesta, aber. many oftbehm hae feasma.ille thc Sioux are hcld lu cuntrol on reservations far beyeusi 1h.Mlsslmlp- pi. Bcing unabie 1 orue togetlrer lu con- filet as or old. owing 10 tire supremacy et Uic viles, tire.Indiens novwsnt peaco. It la yeara rince they met la ateai va,- fat., and the hcad mnen have corne 10the conclusion that, as turther igiting la les- Possible. a formaI îrety oft muty ulgbt as veil be ratifed. This la the excuse tes Uic pcm-e powwov hcld at Whitc Dfrth. Tvo olnudred Sioux have madec lier my set-oisa inemota and Dakota tate urdeuvons at White Blrch, travellng ou ponte and cncamplng outinlaaborlalmal style. *Tic.. met lu lttie ais aetDia- marck. N. D.. and liera coosoilited la one body under Uic leadrship et Cbieff Red Face. lu thia party are a nmber et notable charactera. luludiug Stting Bull. e-aughter sud Chier Biack lie- Conter ma»agare fam. '- FIrtithic eremoa part of thc pov- rov cam te eformai huril orut le tour- havk ln tokeir eUcend outhUc e r and »Utrie. Al Uic Indiens vcrc .cated lua cîrcle around su oPen grave, and ori»l Uic mousicians mad discordant nolae vwiti ROAST DOG FESTIVAL AT THIE BIG PEACE POW-WOW. te outslde. Thic miner ln turu wlll their tom -toma the singera chanted a pence adopt suitable menaurea to proert thein- son:. Thia over, two Young bocka mszeh- seve and thir employer, tro thusnie ed about thc circie bearlng wth th mia1 source of danger, large hatchet made of wood. Behid thern No Feds et a hnretage. the braves ef Uic two nationa fel] in line A Pltsbnrg diapateh @*y@: The fercsud lndulged ln howlianmd gecturea amp- of a cool ahortage, whîch causedl a seramn- Poeed to indcate their great picm.nre ai i for the back dimmonds and à heavy aaalating In the CeremonY. Then the med- adranve luntrices. la 0,cr. and uniens the Icîine man signalcd for quiet and thre tom. minera' trike continues l'or matir montheshaw*k Vw sOlemnlY lowered ltoe the a famine la not now expcted. There in grave and covered with crth. The Mo- st present an abundance of ecominl the nment the lent spadeful of eartir wa put _ market sud thousands ot bogheiaseeni tu lu Place bock@ and squas Jumped up end bc available. Operators are lu dm117 re- be4n the peace dance, which vas hept1 ceipt --f lettera tram ic heminescent and 901*9 for tht.. day, and mghts bvithout north of Pittaburg offering tbeni large Intermission. Day sud ulght thc dauce quantitics of col t f rom 75 cents to iras kept op, big lire@ belng ut as bon $1.25aithei mines on treiîght rates vary- as darkaîes tell, and the weird affect oi lin trom 33 to 50 cents. While the visi- the ha;Itnaked, p.lnted Indiens circiing bie supply on tire MOnongaela betircen about ln thc flickertns llghta vas ou.e here and Brownavill1e dors not eceed nover tualie forgotten.1 7000.000 huahela. thre operators sel cellea Bnlrg hurledt Uic tomahawk the Iu- eau lie made on the Cearfild district, diana next hadt a big barbecue. lu vhich whée cool co b obtained without difli- the dog banquet was Uic crownlug Clory clty and st rates au rcasonable aa could of the i'owvrow. bc expected. The present qoottiont for coosi mn from thre mine arc from $1.25 tu IN A TEMPORARV OEADLOCI<. 01.50. _________ TariE DBill Coaère..AAe a LegawW&y BLOW IS DEALT SPAIN. fromuan Ags.em..e, The contereeg on thc taritbe on Treechat ]Report un the comtittur themnacivea Wedne@day a ilr or-d Prlausser'Cou. .ther spart than icy iereaM tre fur Another blow was struck et Spain Wed- nîn, j Uic conference. There vras nu meaa. it la lu the e to f a report trum 1immedinta Prospect 0f agrecenent aud the Beatce Foreign Relations Cummitteo. mrore than (une member stmted that the. and il virtually sls Uie Prealdent to lu- entanglement va. loc h Uat Uic sottie- terfere lu Uic case of the Competitor pria- ient miaht be indefinitcly prolonged. opera. A Wasibngton correspondent ay thatj Mennt-ir Davis. chairman of the mmn- rom xiU tiat ca» bc learoed there bas mittee. rt,1.orted the followiiig joint resulu- l io a gerberai recension tramn Uic partial tion: *Tlrut the President lie empowered agreenment@ ruade on Uic more important tu take siich mensures anin hfi. judgment articles totil augar, wood, bides, etc., cao May bc e scespary lu obtalu tire release lie definitely ixed. Sugar la stili thecpria- fron thte Spauiab Goverument of Oua ia ottonThbe rptser- Melton. Alfred O. Laborde and Willam scit tieconis on The let reptepkr- Gildea. and the restoration of the seboon- tîeed tehind tltem. as holding out for thc er Comî'ettor ta ber owner, sud to scIure îtounecnarger sehedule wtliout sol change tbis hc la nuthorizcd and rcquested ta r icSnaouqut awc ploy ncb enus r exrcla.suri poiecrminr-d tot tu yieid ta Ibis extent. T'hé as may bre ueceeaary." os ofre nittath ceds Tbcereport rectes ail the tactso n ouecnfre ua iatUu ahdl have been brougit out in Uic Comptitor muet lie defiitely ied betore other qucs- case, ber ownersblp. capture and the cdli- tiolis chall 1wtaken pli. aeuship of tire tbrcc men named lu the One ofthUi other questions of sccoudary reslution. together with the prjecdîngsImportance apon which sharp differeccc thua fer liad by the Spaitlsh authorities, bLaveoic aUcSnt mumn o thc trial, sentence, etc. a tmi) ts on stocke and bonda. l'h. Thc eprt charactertaci It a "mockery Hione oî.î-osed tire ameudmeut. but the ot a trial." The affidavits of the partieis fentors, wite not wedded to It, Insist are cited tu show tint tbey irere coercedl upon it as necesssry for reienue. Thc loto Spanimit wnters, In which case they Hue elu îo resistiug strenuously the 20 wcre pot amenubie ta Spanisi jurledie- pier cet duty pinced upon ides, and tion. l'bey acre nt subject to piracytheticante ime persistently holding out and inten'led no net or depredation on tire for a restorution of guony boite, cotton sens. por sere tirey stîhicet 1tire Spibn- tien, etc.. 10 the dutiniie let. lsh mîtloritics on account of alleged ce- A Senator who tnlkcd v '1h some ofthUi bellon. conferees @nid: "l'bey a-e iu a temporar Tic report tiren snle: 'Irraspeetiv r i deadloek and are tied up al aiong Uic sol of thic foregolng consldcrations, thellise. It looks as if the ituation might conduet of Spain. as herclubefore detail- n-main uuchangted for n week." cd, ronstitutes auch demi aud detoi of J Vîtile thia uppenre u lucreancorrect eut. justice and soi-h an actuel infiction 0t Une of the situationthtie prevailing Ii- injustice Ipop these mon ns ta make it tl.ý pression i4. thut n seuîlementtof one or two duty oft Iis (lorernuient tu demand cep- riportant acireýdulea n-ould 1w spcedily aration tirerefor Irresipetive or ai,> at ollow.-fd rY a couffulete udjustuient ut ail airicir tlrse prisonersmal nybave connmit- tirer difficieures. ted pitalite date of tiroir capture. Amin.i tire anes utrepration illcir ougit to ire TelegT5mphle Drevitien. dernaudled ahould birte crlease of tent Thet1tienent lu nmnde chat Miss May captivt-m.' Seutretnry Evarts lu quoted t lto o1 f Ng oiisetoed1Uc austain Ibif; position. -like u ireeter. An cxtensive augar plant in belng but The Nar> Deprmeut lsuabout to uni- n t Long Island City, L. I., which willi b. dertake ta get more Weciternt bood lu tire operated to light tire sugar trust. nnvy. To ti end Lieutennnt Coruniand- New York City cirurcir sexlons are In er 3. M. Ilinwey, with n surgeoni and n danger under tire new laIsa if Uiey ring boatswain, wiii moole a tour ofthtie latger tîteir citurch belles itout securlugvper. Western cilles mih a vicir to securing mie.. recruts. The unirastop wW b. made et DuluUi, anmd then Chicago, Milwaukece, Captalo Cel of bbc Bersaglieri bas lu- Toledo, Buffalo and other lako citlas will veted s rite, frou vblh el.hty aibots a ho vlad. The plan la te oMsuteupoumnute malh.o redt ibot rcmoving the. EsgMmjtlm Oes l ic.. ïbeplace. sud w>seépiou trous1 thesoouder. Teste of Uic «ýwseuavas moin, o e uth 1 e 8w "M r* belug mde bg l.theB s a a -J M k a e e b I I s a I I 4 apât uscecslag Patte Reneausb ths Outpue t l eS5 tenslgimpgelaI giilegy 6 Wcancum W b.." Wtekc et Chiesus, L Ti'ha Idesut t"i autieainataefoaiir tel te re. . u coeuqlesr et tcae ee g kvmt ra CuLjrlal cwuuamed desIig -umia WUlrpitau tire demassifur mue 4d thcmmcl teulr bie gasoumde. sakees ai tire (lmtat wheel, bave th. àrgesI4 ammd welaffldeuil lhe Most us pleze Ipljel incase la Uie w.sldI, mi cm g eo e-u a ro» Aîlitetaltoue or urule i.wn O e àun, or aàmiraplete .'u»te au" .bicycle Tic fuileoinigucesaism caeu pt actuel amimant et Uic rinci paprts ot n»AterlaI ued iy them urlut Iin the mnuimctuieof r eut bcycles, dur- lug oliseusun tr e mdcmues itgr trs.. . th" slis f thrtwc tac- trveluatie cul. TievUse of mle to rtn. cr oUgk tei a rly asi rmohicaa e t st. P'aul if plee nl aaa ligir Ie. The. sipokes a ere Made La thelir ena tactOrY. sunt required 780 mlscet w vie, o-r ensiOO, ou reaci f ruiChicago tu lÀncola, Neb. - W umies of brsscted vmrarquirci fur roiiptles. 1Mftihesjokes, fuoke »Wi d ivmn uiing tre piaccdinta a9"90l(r lu tre ould reaecir trm Chicago tu ire, tky Mutiuet euver- The cranks, if placet!d e cdt oui over a distance uf 22i miles. liberued 37, ien ut steei foreranirailes.,tibeel extes suri pedai axies, ad 19 miles of steel for @st puos. if tbc rima that ac-re used in thre manufacture iW Crenceuts ln '9041 mcli plced oneUr pn i the t Uieth veld make a pE119'u0 (ct klgh, 41,000Et hînte thaPikes 1Peak sud m=ct the Uegr of >iount Eilas la Alaska, vioc.- sumoîlt ha@ never yet heec reced by m-ln- If plared lsa s talgit lime, aide by saie. theae rians irouli reaci a distane- ot o2% mlles, âad If tietises acre lIte they unuld maite a âime 77% miles Inciter. Thse steei terging used tor tic crant hsacrg onthle, &111 aeels veilicd. Iu tic teougit, 113 8-1() tolusumd wbbu fin- linci, 21 lit-et as.boutia 1pite vaste et 91 9-10 tuslpd-lngm fe llai. le rquired 32,,84 quare test et sineet steel te make the Cresecut hoiloi toch spreekets, sied 21.8761 square fuct for the el etulmpluga of the he#d and ceat pout clamups, or la ail enougîr Ost sîcel ta rover aaeaof 1% acre.. Tien,- wcre used 10 *lies of con g ripa, 104 mlles oetlIînii uhs. and 28 Umlles of steel vIre tepnftmc oether hetor, br..[.g. Thi Iahed chana. end te ed. would rec 70 mlles. aud Uic dîfferent pi csof vlsich they are cempeeci Weald aech 237% miles. or l Il ag30l% mlle.. the distance trom Cicago te Cincinnati. Thre beartuge ut 1006 Crescent. rsqurpti 13,11107.300 atefl ballat. wblch. if place' le a etrsigit lire, aide by aide, vouluf ranch a distance etf5%mlles. Toela- tire chaI. mmd dresguardm on thc ladlI2 Creseenta manutacu nl180rure 434.150 yardsetf cord, or 2463% miles. enugr , aslow sa ali boy 1tealmund ou mgo sand Si bIs kic alicre tic people ln Die, Moines. Iowa. could see. 0 au sip ý1y Creaceuta @nid lun18110requlred 1.410 r42 botte, snd 1.488.07j5 mots. havlng un 0mrtgregate veigit ot 23 tous. Sixteuu sud ue-qttrter mile. of upring ateul ver- iuen the manufacture of âAadle prlugp. sud thec saddlc mnd tgog bagetogpther ued oa 177.83W sqa e t, or over 4 mere. o f Icthen. TWbe total velgt th,. compiete bicycles wau 2.W. S4pounris. or 1.191 toua. To craIe these bicycle%. = qîled 1.2M.,740 square fret oftolmber mai. u p I lu iece. wvhiwould makf s distante ut 1.139 mliles. or mure tan the listante fromt Newr York te Chicago: 72.- 718,M toeparte sud distinct plc"esen- tered minthe construction etf'W0 res- tents, sud If ail a-c pc pmed lu a atraight Une. end te ed. the, vonld reach front Necw York Itaiume distance In the Pacifie nflm iesI of San Franclsew.-CreseSnt Bulletin, Joli 1, 1897. ClaimteseWlii irade. Tire Cirmneme ln Auastralla andi ciao airea sndbirne luChina tor tbil wlve,. aud irmrgalulng ta quite a mat- ter of business. Tic price of viver la Raidtbcire tlllng, beennue tire ap- plY la excecding tire demand. The Ci- nâmen a-hbeu they take a notion Il mmrry, write toma matrimoniliagent In Hong Kong. One Ictter aasmafol. Iow-a: "1Imuanta-%Itc. Sic muet 1 s maideti onder 20 Jearaetofage, mud muet not have lett ber fatier'a, boute. Sire muaI aise have ncrer rend a bok, end ber cyclaibea muaItire hait an inch lu lengti.", Tire la a regalar tariRf for tbesn ives. Tire price of a Cine» vouan dellrered In Sidney la $1190, bot IwI Cinese ionien only coul $80, liera. fore, tire Cimes. Import tire voruc lu couples. Tic Importer neyer secs the wonien iretore tircy arrive, end tien ira gcuerally sects tire best-looklug one. Tir other lu sica-n aroud a number of veil-to-do Cirmnese, and atter they bave Inapectcd ber osire suubmltted 10 vba, ny ire ealied public moellon. PoInon lu lthe Coffe. Feir peopte airo iabltusUy drink rolt. tee, ueverai tumes a day, realime bi@ amount of poison tirey are distrlbutlng Ilîraugir Iheir oystem. Ail coffee cou- talas caffelise, and lire better UiecroUfee tire more oft liaI slow pisoni. By exper- lnietîolig miih pure grains a subatîtul. for fine coffreeiras beeu producen i.laI calcd Grain-O. Tirealototing about Il te hurt tire moul delleate symîcco. It treugtieuu tire uerveesud i. nourimit lng 10olnd sudYeng attie. Tic immîll est chlld con drink Grain-O mîtirout &DY bmd efferls. Wile Iltante@s lii sud ha. tic ami browu color cf lthe fiuent Mocira or Java coffee il centaine ail tpare nourinirlng grains. lit route ouI>- 00e-quarter mn mach ns coffee. Soid by ail grocers. in cents arnd 25 cents Per package. Ank for GraIn-O. Ming alantes ia Grenier New Yerk Wliim thte cirarter for (IcitrIr Nom Yok't-ýkWo a nu el ltie salarie, oi tire.. of betr tttîttak-ipiil officera mliilh picoter tli't a po'd te nnwctirer put le 'erraiýt. with thre exception of itih Prýe-t IOf lthe Uu'ted flatte. Tir ta rwi e-cebo-e $1'5,t00(per annm Tir e .oxytbûr conuelmitl lgel 815ý 10Mo. Shahs mb toour Uiioe Alle'& Iaot-Ease. a powder forte teet. Il cure a puli, amollen, ammmc- lug t, ant ilntantly taies tic albns out ef cocus andi buonsn. It'a tie greuibi-u coratort dlcovery et tic age. AlleW's ioot-Ease Snake#s bgi-fitlg or- uci ahrees tel enuy. ltlua acetb£i cure tor sn-eatlug, cailous and bel. tire.]. achilg fi-et. Try Ilt-day. Solsi b>' al drutgists andti sioe alores..By tuuti toc 25 cents, Lu mîtuapa. Triai pai-kage FREUE. Atidrenta. AII. E. Oluistcd, IA Roy, N. Y. Mumalos for- Woluen Prlsea's Mnîzy.les art' usi-iloniirîfraciory voulit en. lu[ire lu-ont ttiarittvaIt Cologne-. Liit u 3vi-ar ilun îutzuu-nIgil-I us fouît.] îlî-lit u lir uv(H. il wti tliitu-il t hutu tlier denurth won un rîtiti tuit livttre tuu t t pt- To Cjoraîiu Sprite andi Pmeebt- Burîhugtun iRîntovIa IDenver-. A tirougl idseeping cor tu Colorando Spitngs. n Pelî,,viai teuver. in utînci!- cd to Boiruglun Route daily train icar- luit Chicagu 10:W0 p. n. i. 1e., 211 Cfepki treet. The barber, like tire detective, inugn his ustomeru. PUJRE. MEA T14T POP MffANS-d BEAUTIFUA-COMPI.EIION Ip RisntslmcalMicrobes Poison the Diemi ami sbI vi.. lbis Dovela ArecConalîpsafli- tm - DivettcThernOnt ti Euklnu lb. Lives- A DansTW Lively. chutes l -Beauty la skia deep." Tirat an site«. bi u OeM Bemityiglablood deep. mmrtable Pl A porion contipated. aiit a lac> 11,cr, aa liin bMous mlood. d> steitic toutah. bs ls pimpctiUl s pIcs sund liver spots uit(]a suit etiather oaliguit1 complexion. htade Nuo ne alt a turred tougure. amlimd bliaI a de hicalli. a jauodiecd @y@. cou bL--ireutitulbtaO » matter iow perfect are fatani uçi tm oaai S Insee. The nant To 1w beautiful. ta beoute besutifiut, ur ton bàd h» ppcmaiu Isestituii. tire bot inisut bire -pt the plate i pure eud free froirr bile.,tmirube», dLs- of a trlgb's esegertus and other Iminrities. lhe mldila Cascarets Candy Ctrrtle aii ldo il none uniL for îou ouickly. itely, uaturally. lie> never grip nor gripe, bat make tic liver livel>, IreVeut sotir toîtînni. kilI disieuse A Noci germa, ltoue op tire bowcîs, ponfythetire 'fi.t@ blood sud mkniial tIItings rigirt. as tirey MarycAA siuid ire. 'Tieri beauly cornes or Itsel tbias Usp and l tos>. siocaliom] Rnoysand tri t'aucanebs to-duy. lt*s viral shovwn tbey .do. nul waaI e saythey do, tirat & mgeer. i viii piteuse you. Ail drnntglts, 10e. 25c Acadeenlya or 5(k-. or msnUed for price. $end toreus ot bi hookiet and free sanmple. Addrcss Ster- ocnW linug icmcdy Co., Chicago, Mronrent. lihttuny CeL, aw New ' York. ~. lie AugelauBird.l. s uici M'ben îraveling la lire torestet tdbraasir. Gulana andi Paraguamy, l la 001 nn-- rotumon to emccl -ltir a bird wvie. hl munie greatly reesmbiec tiâ raIc an Aun, ru geins bell mien licard trainia disance. Mât Vanne The Spaullardis el Ibhis sîngular blnd At th linsc a beîl-riuger. though It uiay ire &Un 7li nie appropriaîcly destgnted as theic « w Angelus blrd, fer, 1k the Angelu am fis bell. l saheard tirree lime, a day, niorntng. noon managit. ls song. hut h whilhefir c ailideecription, consista as thcab et sounda Uike thc atrthkucet a bell, suc-a ccedlng one anotier evrery 1we or thncc minutes, se çlearly sand lu sncb a suOn- The @" aut otautter tint the Ilateber, If a trau- trn g gen, ImagInes ialmct te be Iucan as" aj ciapel or a couvent. 'Butl It terne tOUI » liaI bis forant lhe lc cbpei, mad tie pou'of @ benl a bird.qama Tic heauty ofthtie Augelus bled Wla jay, mnd as wviie asanoa-, hesîdeha. lng graceful lu terni anti stt lu me- tion. But tire moet curions oruament of tire Angelus bIrd la lie tufI t fbIacè arcieti teatirers on ils beautitul bead. Il la conleailu shape and sbout feur luche, lu lengti.-Froni tic Goardian Angel. Nlature Doauneous lu Texan. Grand olti Texas la very kind te ier ciriltiren. This year'g produel WITT gît. le eaccir nimblaut Oue baie of Cotton, Mix boahela cf vbcat andi forby buabela et ern, on. fat heg. la-e huabels ot peaceaS, twcnty bMahcla oets, oue.- quarter et heef, tiirby doacu egm, ton cileenu, cite turbey, Ivo pounds of ioucy, 1cm pouda et vol, hâtit a mut- ton, bait a hochet of AIrihpoalees, tveuly valenmelons anti muny hblug unucccssary te mention-Dallas Nevs. Tii... Te a clams erPeuple Whro arc lnjured by tbbcs c o e&es Recently liera ias beau pLacelluaiM the grocery « steres a 0ev prepeutie calied GRAIN-O, made of pure gralma,ý tbat tubtes lic place et coffce. Tic moct delîlcate atmhrnmbeclvs lt Wtbout dWa Irens.,andi but fewu an1.11Il troun ce- tee. It dccc net oust ever oe-fourti as much. Citidren may drink It viti great benelit. 15c. sud 25c. per package. Try It. Asb toc GRAIN-O. A Bsamy Estimat.. If Uic entIre population et Uichenrd I. consitieredtu l be 1,400,00,00, bis bruina oft is nuniber e of hum»helffl vouiti veigb 1,=2712 lous, or as mucii as nlnety-mIx Irenclsti.eoft he erdilnarp aSz.. Hall% Caters-b Cure. ilatt hi Irtcraly. prIs là amts Windows and mîtrom seau hc mad.el te auie vitirnt long paolaing, If&Mitr beIng uabeti la bot soapguda hep are nuirbeti dry vltb a nocuspper. if thc cara ufthUe baIn vcre madceaàpaue ot a lady'. educabion. me aboulti ot ac~ en many gray heada, and Uiteets fHAI's Haîr Itieeer voold 1w nneess.rY. Wien ticre la a crack lu the alove Il eau ir e nted by mlxlng asie. mand 0C suit aitir vater. A Seottisir meoiber et Parlilanent bus delvdt-d a lecture ou golf, ln vitcî ire tracedth ie gumo te lite Gmt-ten of Eden. Gooabert-y fon1 la a corruption Of goosicirr- feule. mîlleti er presuesi gooe- berries._______ __ P Pia'% Cuire ton Cennomption la our omly medicne fer cougiru and eolda.-Mm. COu Belz, 489 th ave, Denver, CoL, No,. 8 18m. ____________ People miro poses tlie virtue e1t te- tring eurly are net alvay. th i raI 1 tu risc lu tire vend.'i dci lu baka ai M$04t * hm. den er u..Iuvte W aa"top hide mera Md a Lapparata u nmmc I MUvpý cla pascing vould proCs *i pemlng 111e *butter et bc ou - ring tirs ftls-lgit. et dey, he touaitint tic bue- eu Presse* ant on derdqhmg ne touas mmexcellent d'ml ftam deer. il wuvas lala etoftthepreviona nigit, vw s vltblu mlle. ofthec amus. àTome aLadies' Auadecay. «y-tilrd sciiool year cf lit Lesdory, Notre Dams, lai., eptember dlii 11.11. But "W. mi inatitutions lu ont- la" md tlme-ionorcd sud succemUt, Parents wvOl Sud lu St. IMar" ra aciai tu vhlii b be raiI ber andtueful buowledes an- llIY taugit, as Wel as &a le- r te and iicatirtl retrait 4 Iallen oft hoe.eunobllug vOmis Ic go te adoru lii. temalo. amUble miower ofet .icta scély fMU tu Coat, Upul. los et a dcmevaim eymp > me iieavy vili éldn. *W r ist eevas a "Ob 'et 1118 1,- by gret drape et ~ Xnh."It.Ily CM ruicbmg vsltu Sylug bom e i Mromikabie ineitiv eud beauc meiavy vAU ucMwAàW, rpeut la l la biuu arM au i. eSt cilla, et. BEbma$ bar @M» Cie doute& b t m m ~ Mai; uit.s- cue iw AI,. w TIqhbpi sa tbeWbu* -Mgr*-auWkfr- Md Iyu NU M câ - -A, e wam mn - ha PT.? 7AND; ff. à ANS- Do You Know that There là'S ence in Neatness? Be Wise and Use' - lb, h .. ..l. are eh.theovhm e so -Ob- vplîa eO P » . I WI se gA C~. a Q . à . I G -I L IRE ,- m --i- M. R. .. larm m -r 1-ý 1 1

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