CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Jul 1897, p. 1

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J - pvud*rnV Vol. V. No. 42. Libertyville. Lake County Ilîlinois. Friday. July 30., 18 97.~~~$ -I50Oa Yai~rn AAva.n -.--... ssm r.Chartes Galloway. OffSs»verLoveilaDrug8tore 1 gmpg oU a àAN6 To 0Bp. M. Dr. J.L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor'.. 1 tO m a. 2to aMd 4to ap. m. eidena. on Broadwa~y oppoite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over J. W. liutler's bldg Bout*: t, a.r&n. and 1to a 1. m. AAILY. Libertyville, 111. Dr. E. V. HARVEY. DENTIST. -OFFICE HovasI otol2A.I. itomandito&P.X. G- rayelake - Illinois. W. B. SCHAEFFERS S-ý NURSERY. O0» mil a@uothi orLong rove P. <0.. Lake lguit5hadeand OrnaaoantaTre,.. (pe. i »laa0 ant uailFruits.. OM sur prisons ollmateti stock. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. and Surgeon. -5MmNOmPPOSITELEEMAN OMTUL Elf. Ournae, 7------Illinois. O1. 1F. Butterf leld M. D. C. VÇrEEîEA1 UUMOEOI4 AND DENTIBT.1 Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. spuelai aention pai t 10the tmumat of Cronlea Risumatians. Rockefeller. -Illinois. PAUL MacOUFFIN. Attorney aMd couanalIor Ka iLa. NOTARY PUBLIC spSw attsiention given Collections andi Cuntoyaoscifg. Oruso. Wrru LAIECot'NTY Uauî Libertyville, Illinois. -1S1ERTYVILLE HOTEL abmuuwu. ba -m-, 0" sai> suglahI* thrmsghst. lug-re. Service Frsi Clama. gimdltuau1.vs f,.acyci lt and Comnuii r TILLOTU@MÔ*FUAnht.Po, cor. gul. Ave.. &ytitlàux,Itt.. ISERfTVVILLE. --ILLINOIS.f W. H. MILLER. È TONS'5li AL T8T, Wrbehi yon %,.4it!. cean aioavêeor at uair tdr l il .s,-ieüryda 07 ".. C..* A . 2 Waste& Ai... ~.ed octor itS o y m'or.ýut il.-,--et h anfl prme- Usoe AnL. (o' .-itopen bLY Joh n J. Lonigabaugh, t &ti* stoiro. Graysiake Illinois. S inroceopl o1 15 et.s ou Ii imail yoîs at a*ir ofth11e Alezander Ortopairs 26 renfte. Tisey1 citIlthîe Loninin stick pin, stae. genâ anted. Atdres- ALEXÀ'I>ER HAT FASTENE, i 172 N. WEsTERN Av.. (Elt'AGO, ILL. .FIy FNets and Dusters. jimase6 Nets. per pair .......... iSe N't .... d N e rs . ... .. ..........iit. .. ..o. 5 CHAS. KAISÉR. .Ubertyvlle, - Illinois. FOR SALE. Pure Manilla LYMOUTH and SISAL Blnding Twine. uoseulably tisa brut gr-de mad". For Fail 'Sowing'à Coniplete1 EIOCk of Tirnotlîy, Aliafa and S MedJunt Clover Seeds.1 CHAS. ST EM P LE, Long Grove. A MAMMOTH AFFAIR. 1rhe Attendance Wlll be Enormous If the Day sa Fair. That thse picitc asud barbecue wbloh vii bu giveio Augusi l4tlo. ut Bluff Cty Park (Georges Grove) Wauuisgat by lise Cooks Couuty Bopublican Marohing Club yull bu one the biggest affaire tfsat Wauxegan ever sav, ft. already aiured. 4,000 tickets have now been eold in Chicago. andtihie total attentiance vil probably bu ton or trelvu thouast. Tise day's progran isà. araatiy begun 10 aaume ddlile shape anti a day of much un- joymentlai.proieet. la tise morning there yl 1e a parade at eluruit 'clock. Tisere viii bu a big barbecue dinner snd epeeches by senator Mason, Congresenoan 0. E. Pos anti others. Guvernor Tanner viii probabi! bu present and deiver an addruue aithougi tisetuîre of tise prograin lm not enhirely asnured. Tiser. viii be bicycle racing and a bal gilme. Trains viii louve lthe Wells mreet dupoi, Chicago, ut VAS a.un..anti 1:15 p. m. Tise round tare trip bis been placed ti a fty conte. The cominttee whieis have tise affair Is charge are as foliuwa: Cook County Club, H. G. Hall, chair- mian; Henry Spoare, H. J. Cadier, ILF Johanson, F. A. Brokoaki, and W. H. Amlp. Lake counly Club: W. 0. Samsons chairnan, J. L. Breveter, I. W. Books, Frank WisapleemiludC harles Crapo. Farmuis Feel th. Coul Famine. Fron Jolie& oomea the report tisai tise iarveal of oate, ipe, andti visaun tisai secîlois le about over sud lise farinera are couirouied visa àdiMcuity more perplexiug tisai loy pnieus or HeesianÉlile@. Mla lena tacis, Gags are n bude, and isot a pounti of coal tu be bail 10 uperate lise tlislers rs. Au Iuterviev vus fariner, ail over WAii sud neigbborlng counile reveai, a trnly aiarming state of affaira. The thousant acres uf grain msuet rot is tise field orsask. Bucisa codllioisq cas scarcely be cousproeested by thue osistaequaluted vils thse subject lu allsdetail.t Want Revenue. EliAn ppet sp ytuse Chicago bulletin. aman ufacturera propose lW bnp luferlon grades o! butter, wvasAi t. anti mil tise botu rdes 01 ovesmery boter vih Il sud place il u tise market. Tfiat ihep raIl lieaboieIU, do Ibis nt a unargîma of profit ablout equal <m, the pr..flt <n oieusarguine, andi lis ns koep dîyn te price o! eresusery betier sud sîppip the poosi nsu wyuL a clteap grade 1t.utrl tiimîssir sepeperet t-,. î tIse prie 't!fsreantery clown ln re'.euge tfortlit, alti-colon oleitussrg- urm in ,1. citAcishaesdriveis tIseusanu- facture oi tisai article ouutftIse miarket. Cheaspr PIre Inauranca. FrGin oecissiges lna atioiuing tovus vo nsoe &btistire Insrace rates are beiag "coi' riglol anti lti. Agente at Harvarti doing vhat As kuovn sas lIe -"nanracecoupciuhve beennotitieti ilot tisa follovlng big reduciions wîli Se matie is tise rate u1 lusurunce, but bhiss iii in no aise oed It he palicles nov is force: On dvelliug, sud privale barais n conmetuion llserewJlt. and conteutte, 505 percent off prebelit ui riti or specilie rate@. On cisurcloes, sc'bAoi hanse, court boosesud tcontente. 50 Apar cent, off prosent tarif, or spaclile rates. Ou bricks mercantile buildings (sol contenta) occupieti uoleiy for usercan- tule, ofibce, publIc bail anti dveliAg purposes, 25 pur cent, off preecut tarif! or specilie rtes. Tnese reductlons do nol apply bu paliclas lu force, or tla tarraproperty. l'bis changeoLasmade o 10uut tise cous. ptiltion ut Inaurance conipaules tisai are untin tsi. comspact, us bise cons. pan les lu Ibis compact have, isutiau estabiAsiset rate ut insurance andthie ontaide compnies bave cul rates for tise purpome ut gabblng business. Bp liis reduciion o! rate the oaid ne campanles propose 10 meut Iloir opponenteait li o ungaine ant i vii gAva tiseina usury var An Ibeir isuatha for business. liera's a Chance. The lRane Couuly Fair association offiiais are ln searcis ut a couple viso vîis 10 gaI narrled aitiargain day raies, sud vili aiiov tise cercuxony to bu perlummeti ou tbe groundis durlng one othtis io aya of tise cuuiug fait. 'lO sncb a couple tise association viii donéate tise lIcesse, funambtise inuister, carriage, floyers anti a genarous loi ot turniture aud isousekeeplng artrcle- enotîgis 10 gîve tise pair e goud tartinA lite. Tise firsI good-boatlng couple viso Splias viii get tise job. Thistie Commienonra Nolo.. Notice isjsereby given tisai persoa bavlng Cibada tisties on tiseir pruperlp, are notieti tisusine fmuet bu eu clor iletroyeti anti Dot lait 10 propagate or go 10 sesti untiet penalty of i tino of lot bs tisu itellnon moire tSsun one hundreidollars. Tis notice applies Milite 10 public igh. vapsansd 'raliroud riglot o! vap is Tavn o. Libertyville. Tise igisay commlauktners bing liable for tIse taltbfnl performa.nce ot their sunit ordiales uiongîlots lie..Tise penalty for non-obseuaio.oi liselav l u snb cases provideti for rauroadu lu miore »e.r, tse!bobng blablala sea epl natisshisa S S~ no noa IW O. A Sad Death. Ervine T. Alberdiag, thse neveu Jeai nid son ofMr s r,@lt . .A. Aiberdîni mot wvtbsàand deuils Wadnosday Jnlý 21. Ilieleft borne srtiy after eut Ing dians a 0spunt a tev minutes Ji play wvts orne of iyonig cuspan 10Osanti vms neyer sean by laieparent again alive. Later lu tise atturnooi bis mother became ailarmed sa to li vellare, as he hati nol returned thon XI vms not ise ua10rn 10 romain araj more tian anuisour or no et a tAmi vilisout rna4ug knovn i.bis ers abouts. Hiam notiser conué'lcetia searclo for hii, but Il vus ini vain ishe va, jolned 107 ier suabaood es aooz un lie urrived I rom Chiscagu>-at elglo o'ciocis. Theniegihora vere notidWe and a genenui sarcis inetitututi, whiet resuntet inl finding the littie fellou beond foreuoost lu one ofthtie electric lîgisi conspanysa polo bobes about 10:3C o'ciock p. mn. atishe corner of Lais streel sud Ceinuiety avenue, onlyà blocks frouilois boume. The cornpan3 la erectiisg polus for Ils vires and tise isole had beu ndiog ai lit point Il vas lloougbi advlsubl ot;ul s el tise poleoeai liseplace, ao ihe isole val left open until Il vas decided wvise aIl voult iebulucateti. No aise vas »nemia tise tineofo!hie faUling la, and as thone vers aboulîseveuteun Incise. of -vatu: ino tiseisole lie vms Ozoviàet. Duputy Coroner Bepisoitisn, of Palatise, vas, nçtii1etiof0fhUse aciduis anti heitiai lnqueni over tise bodyp Tiureday enoma lxsg. The jury touni tuâaitishe chiltit deatis vms caueei l y iallIng lna àpont isoitlof t uncovereti by tlis iti coin- puuy, and cenauredth ie counpauy for so doing.-Barrtagton Revieu. Cet Thair Franchise. Another hiAkn lise trolley ayaiuis tisaI ls grsdualiy Seing buuît up to connact Chicago»MinMlwvauksee vau forgeti immt Tiurmday lgisl visn îloe clty couticil of Laise Forest graeod i charter to the Blqft City Eleetrie litreet Raivay Company. The new 1section ai roat inlute bue ou@anti s quarter mies long, ant i 'i rnua tisrough Laise Foresti on Dupai avenue, a treet paruilel 10 the Norti.veslern trucks anti about 10<' yards teint or theux. Thoe franchise la givu for a peroliof Ul! Iy per, vhch int try pears longer tissutise fruciieas o! tise other se. lions o! the Une, but tIsatinI offset by tuee mad tIsaILaise Forest Js lu gel greste cxuspeustion tIssu othor places. Tb@ couspany bas untiertalkei lu pave and uaintain the streei ujong &lite hune s!the trucks ansd &lac 10 light t vîllo iucandescenti electrielilgiste. Tise csipauYty ea&Iwo l gAve te clip ut ils opion ecibLer $10.000 luncash or $l5tlttA orls,,bostis Tietracis isto s m.ngle tone, runuisng (in tise vent aide .! tbe sireel Inhteati of n the center. Te grautlng of tlisefranchsise Ci-. pietps tise ruglt-o-way frtmn Wauke- gan Éonu, vitI tise exception o! tise elrmp Losiveon HigbiatutiParS sud Eviinstan. Tise nexl place luis hsa franciseo iliiSe sougisi An Gleiscue. Thei cnnpaoip expecte 10 isegin vork aI oiseeliu 1he section of the toudt iirougis Fort Sheridsn,. Righvooti sud htîgsianti Park, as use franchise usure requîres tIse vork ole bcompleteti itpJannarp i. Thse vont n Laite Forest vjli probably tout 1e taken np t11h nexi peur. _________ Hilnte on Canr.ina andi Proserving. lu lise Augnat Ladiee' Homet Journal lire. B. T. Borer vriî«ou on-Canning anti Freservilig.' At 1the nnei o!fiber iessuu aisteinrpiaizea tisavalue oi securlng perWatly soisti antidireas fruite andth1 e cuusty ai gtting tise Canas snd Canning appurteilunss lis readinese a utivaisce. "Tc provei breasage vison tillisg bise jars,4' lir. Roter advlmesa t bisey lbe aippeti "elduvwis into a ketile of bot vuter, rolliig ihoi nso tisai eveny part ns, lie qnlcisly anti uni!ornly heateti. Fbld a dump lavai, place tuntise boitons a a pudding pan, tison near tise premerving-kettle; stand a jar on tise tovel, ant I f the fruit la smalA atjust tise funnel, 1111 quickiy 10 over- fioving. Rnna aheaitei silver kiufe araundtein uside af tise jar 10 break sup air bubisisu tisai ay bave beau caugist vith lise inuit, anti atjusi lise tulbuer, tho ises tItise lii frein tise hot vaten anti piaselb ut once. Il arge fruit Ib vwitis a vooten spoon, arnanging tise frul itot ib te veiglot of une piece viii not destrop bise ahape of aiobiser. Flii 10overflaving vus Itheliîquld, vaten or syrusp, anti lasten tightiy. Aflter eaing siandi tisejars ontof a draught ovur ulght. TIse glas by that ime viii bave con. tracteti. sud the lds vill, lu con- sequeisce, lie bouse. Wipe edeh jar care!uiiy anti givo tise top an extra Iun. Put avaLy is a cool, bol colti, tiark Clouet. Aitlthe end of a vesis examine maisà jar oareiusly, vilsout ssakinlg or tilsturblng more tisais isuco.usry. Il ypundlithie litesiightll iudented, the contente iree fromu air bubbles or iroib, sud tIselilquli etieti, panusay test asuiret 'ihey vîhi Leep. Il pou doa nat flut Ai sa, open 1te jars to prevent burting. Beiseat tise fruit, Seing carefuti to biing l 10 a boillng poiut, anti ru-eau." Vonusay hauti Use varitiover ant pou viii Bot finti aioiher netîcinu equal 10Cissnbiain Colîc, Colora Mdt irlqe*mIya b ommaus lAT WYM DRUCE LAKE. GAGES LAKE. lr ls Inglle 1aitlise Bnilvlnkle'i. Jon Brooks dled listurday uiglt. iB Mr. E. Webter lea agSuess et Kr. Anali' V8111plew le iitlng Amy ly Taylorâ.. Olaphain. 4- D. B. Mlidlleis anti aily, 0f Ed. licCleary, o! Chicago, ls vjfillln n, Evanetois, are expectud ilt s. Stepieis hie niaISer hure. D)ruces tain. vei. 1;eîî Mars11, utEaosova taAubrey Warreis andi Barry l.)urand. triende Iere lsi week oInvalida round tisoir tout appetites ai The Laisîlie Aid Aeety wviii ueet lu bruce Laise Friay. Aug. 5, wiulireBt. in A fiais polo was net in iront or isiAuePel.bsrlre . Primrse Lotge oneoevenlug titia IronliservAiAis Cls. illsgu,. n, ,yveek andtihie nuIt isiuning vere cMubsa Colta Iliagsotl o roundti eaoral buis clinglng &0 1the paielo Oadst onu of thoeuvsitveiglooti verkw hrelatives in Evanat<>n. 0' %%ken Insu tise boas, by the soes uon UmsaEdill owailng was e gue@t o! s hils bock, tippiisg the boum, ut etaUolm MmeauFilmai. lestiveek. Ilonuces. ]ditsm illeGlbert v1miteotIirlende lu A party of i% youug people alont sud relaitve& aetonaVille last vouS. kt Bunday as iret. Dlwiuiisk eut tise rs. Jeu. PhIpI of Plymuth, Ili., nons aide of the Lake anti pranounes la invi&itig frieudms udrelatives hure. ilAt a deiigisîf i place. Tloey ver. AMr. Ury. sud its. Pacey, of Wilmoi, Win.. às anti Bru. Harry Duraud, Mr.sant isia attâumiu&tise trouerai of lUr. Brooks ou w Anbrey Warren. ]dise iarrite Deraisd lioId andUsilr. Mii Trovbridge. Tloup vere Ca deligisifuiaditlion tu tise vîsîtots ut WAItee eavey viso bas been vlsiîiug Athe Lakse anti mabiit&il s aocilsud friondu serureiurued tu lis bomu s ýe religions f unaîlous. Chicsgo Friday. a -'bore vus a gruaî cami e te a ÀAParty of Young people from bere Primroue Loige BStIyevening ai nedtecamp meosg.tDe y around visici gailoureti a largu tisrang Penes lent SBuîrdap. ,diso sng, pisoyed Insmtrumnuts, guitare, Bain Butter antiMser MisBecule, t.mandoline, etc., and lit. HBale lrom îof Chilago viaited Mlra. Tho&. Jamnes > lire. Braver&, allneipugsd faMlly Weuneay. la inuaian enlertiisedti Atsharmonica mime Beatrîce Witein Who hue been It olu. Tise patty udjourned ti s hâlte III for soinettinsohan goue t'O Chicago houx ail having joisut I lnaisiiig op a su receivo inedicai treaulliots. ho '.soimun hie ol to bruthisiaingit.' Henry Burrton, ni Grupslake. bau 5 Tisera vs.a iurge aitendune Ai beu tsecuretiase toucher of tise (mgas ir Prinrosu Luulgs services Sunday afler- Laise schaol ft ie coeslng peas. ynoo i isicis otacuduclid. ly RI .The usurai 4îuday acisol pieutc Uir. Toli. retotof Cbrist P. E. ohuro is viibucibelli feu gaiurtiay on lise af Wmkiega. Dr. Toi preachati ispen mnaid ie of Druod Lake lan Ar., th1e panabie a.1th. Caomt, a iisaiy andi Drucau grave. Everybo<Jp la Iuviied tappropriate sermon. A qurtette 10 counse anti enjop a day of onllug. 'a sang, coirposut oMr&. Warreni, Miss ______ Fais,Barry Duranti anti lr. PrattiA KG N and ti tiheclole of tise sermon lire.WA K AN AUbrey Warren sang a beaulifl A ira on lise soniis pier cousei amu r solo. The chsoir va. soupoueti of Lake alarm glibu urnudti u Sundup mors. Forest people. The usual servicea. ing. A large bislw u* burnedti u theu vil buaiseliinexit Iuntiy vison piarrieur shore. Hov l startati ls bot clengynmen iront Wanisegan, ROIk- nevn, but asusuai, trampearue sus. tuiler andi Mr. Barrit, o! Millburn vili puciso.XIt vas htise ft tire is tse aupaist-Wanisegan barber. Iissha beuis teterminleti tu have tise Wuiskegaii viii isave a trolley day War Bong concert Mondgy eveiung oois anti tuieskeap rigit up to date A Aug. 2. at Gagea$ Corets churcis. Il vils tise latent lads. Tise Bluff City a lau 1bu a papnlar pâtrlotlc efiertilu Electrit Street Iiailvay counpsuy han Menst. Consistiisg utf iumorous, teutiereti the iu ofil tino ta tise La-s ptirlolle Mdti ar songa anti ruota- Counly Hospitl society for onu day at lions, sou, dueli», quartette andi a date yul tu bu sannoneti. * choursea andthie oisurch vilii tiubt- Tise Board of Buperviuats viii go leuslbucrovieti. There viii Se dovu ta Madiuon Couutp, Sepiensier singera Irons Cicago. aptin 1.P.16,tu liptirat coIst1 uiebrate 1t1e iiumayoy0f Lake Forest, la expecietil tarokovai of a 1490,617 debi. A big bc W~nt. lir. Edie wvilitell boyho stue ila xpected. Tise Bupurvieor 1gorc ,ki'Lbby prison. Ail viso viii go in abody, havlng been invltid attointi éjoiceu tisi ey titi o. by tise Superviuore of liadison oouty fTise enterialument VUIibu under the 1 EdrArd Farrell dieti lues Bturday at rana«pce. o! tise EpvortbLone- 't llis home, 3â6 LaSasle avenue. Ciicago. eze tr iâut if tis e votisar 1irn ail ieinou eo nts appropriselecreuse andi leusuiada Or. au 11 e nsyan ui sutsv s utthet viii bue servi. sisl vsAlaiSnaui oils t ofcria lovu. saunsrona frieutis here.lHe wvnas ROUND LAKE. brothur of lira. John Doitmeli, sud u à ereHentice la oltertainjug gues nucle tu Dr. Foley. The burlâitrouk r frin he uet ienostlia Tuesdxy. l isse Aie<Oranger, of Dto1u, n.1 lthe huiase ssion oi tise boatrd of calleti ounfIenIsbore Baîurîîay. spervisora tise city put in a bil of $150 for valir nsed autishe Court Houas lira. Hinbbard, of Duboque, Iowa ansi .1.1. TIse cuonitte ut cairos vlibied relatives la ibis aeiglhitrIood îunghttIse bill exorbtant anti after tes.entiy. ais extendeul discussion cul the bill tu (jarvooti, tesan andl Williiioigt4us S$1A unir recomonded thtIsit le ai-F bave sbartoun liteor yeu&riy ork ut loweti. Thoe claia eoiiaittvin ait. lisreshing.pofutSiprvibor» 4lutulingto, ml- Frank BIarnard, fiuînly simd îrieuds utf lot uid Hoïga. Monday nigisi 1he Oak Park are oamping ont Ae Lballk q ut sOr as gut I off th ie thiTatYI Roundti 1*5. deu4zens ?JI tise coumsty buildings. Fred Humlia, of Lae. Villa, andi Wili County Clerk Hendee carne su tiseF Fain, cHeryviitel rlatvesutbreachi n tise extreiaity and paidth ie Falu, icHnry vlsitd rlatves.1additiouai $30 andthie $3 required for Round Lakse recuntly. tnrnug un tise vatergIi Al la nov Ail vore sorry tuio 10W r. A. again peacetosi ut tise court hsou». Tis.mpson, frAundusud cloui, aise 1ev. Ur. Pardes anti choir vho outertaineti ln royal style vîtis nuuoeroum songe 4TH Q I andi tories. Thseoare tiof tsys. E. C. Berlig, ofi Chicago, wu@ tise Fariers are busy as bees Iheue gucat 0f Il. C, lltviier ov1rSnqld#Y 1days. 1and calngit a fine string nifiss10 ir enDvi eu 0 licg 1a carry ioine vils hlmi. M.BnDvsw uCiaots A party o! bicycliaselle te mIn Tesiy fortune tu loue one of tiseir number sud Milas Muttile LIII vas&t te cip lent any onu flntilng an unkntwî body by Moutiay. roaiite pieue Intorun T. C. aid Tisebu:: o the tisresiser viii soan reculve ruvarti. bc lheard. rTise leaders of lise Woodland cisurcb 1 H. N. lano vas a Chicago caoler choir gave a rucuption et bthe reudlezvon,' lasi Brturday. ai RountiLake lis Wedneetiuv evening. MAr. E. Weiakopf ant i vfe 'vere cipy Tise oveiing vue &pont vIlS imusic anti cdilens let Tunsduy. gale, ftr iics eijincid ak IH tluer, o! Chilcago, was visiling MoemreI.A report a goudt' lme arommumi boee la eveis. and loile tisoy wiil coine noipeur. 1lobt. LUI adt famiy apeut lent ITbt'ra"ti 1Lais. Villa. WARRENTON GROVE. gWhal s tue farnars viiilouhve P. Devine, visa vas taien sîîddenly gtting fufr tlreshlng. fl iltveuis la able 10 bu ont again. QuI borro'srlg tise INIOEPEN1ENT. Uir. John Devine, of Chiago, viieti Bellot subecribe tor il poursuit. on <ld fienda here oue day lest veek. Mr. John Wllilmaund Abert Wilson lLitle Edwvin Eyaii ie arnevisel ur-. ere Chicago callora lasi Thnratiay. provet afier a »e attacit o!faltene. Mr. Jno. Peigrif t andi taugister Nullileare lise guesus of!Urt, antilira. L ieFretin Lomunn ipent Satur- LUI. deyandSuaay ihlie paent boe. oea. Mitchell, o! Diamonti Lake, lir, anti lit. Henry Rungerisrsuk, souk tise traisnibere hat Fxlday for of Waukean. are vteltlng John Loue- cifto. Mr@.anis. leado Gr .i J. H. Shirley. of Deurfielti, Air. Will Aploard o!Gnneo, callo<i on everai of ont pouni lades spent Watiisestsy vIls iber parents huredouing lut veeis. b aor aie. !Waiegu Mie u ie n anti Pugrlft, ot Chiicago, Mai and, o Wakegn, ameoutcane oust ou bar vheleiist Baiurday on hie bicsycle anti spent Biintay vlhsol0 juin ber aliter vbo l isitsling at relatives hors. Bolot. LI'is. lieas. Gea Hulcisinson antiJ. Our agent F. E. Giasacoe ibougisi e Chevalier clpent Balnrday sud Sundap aisot s vîlti ducS on tisepond rieur us Druce Lakeo. haro lest Tueutiay but t Purued oui to lira. A Ulicis andticlltren, o! Chi- hoS a nud hseu. ogo, are vislllng bore vusth r, anti Quiso a numbur of aur realdenta eulos lits P. . the cisuap excursion la Waniseai8 Air. Fruit langerbraîok, o! Wanke- anti Pavauisee Luise 1mat Sutiay. Ont gais. spent lesi veS bure asetise guest teen site agent being unong thon. C ofG. Hoffmister. 1This hesue»of athesg ear viseni Abert Buing vbo vusangelionely bise Young lais i ait tîmaîr bonS. vlth injuroti Sp a full fromn a bicie ialoup111 filet cicken, picisiet eugs. lemon piew recoveneti antiet voris agal n. sud ie creans sud Invite tise Young s lira. Glagsbuugh sud eblitiren, of!'inu 9 u gà1apieiste antibite as Il. Cicago, viso bave beau viiting vllo Tise le reaur social givon by the IW tise tamniy o! John ileybuck hava te. M. E. cisurcis at theuhmoi f BMm.p iturne to tr iebse orne. Darby uaIDansunti Lais. inetiont I .4oin Loosman oslano!risorse@a viue bu 10e quit@eissucceus. A îltsa ua vus itabh efi10a nover rail uvay. Tbep realised. The vualiser vas cool anda rua agaiusut Beiiliea blacksmilh sisop pleasaul anti ail proeuesl enjopu i isuriug bise corner off, andt lieby ilounusîlvus. siopplng Ihen. Fortunantly nu oneu Tungetl ive papera thift nfonth. l dSOS To Close At Once. 8 pair Boys' Tennis Sllppers, rubber sole, at$ .50 6 "' Vouths' Po 'op o os os .5ô 23 " Pwen's 9 o s e .60 Il " Children's Tan " Slzes 9 to Ili (Always 801(1 et 1.2.5) .55 13 ~ Black Slippers. sizes 6j to 8j (Regularpice 90c) .55 62 " Ladies' Tan and Black Oxford Slippers, 1.25 and 1.50 quatity, sizes 2j tb 7 at 58 " Misses' Tan shoes, button or lace, Regular 2.00 quality-if vo have your size 1.25. 23 " Men's Tan and Oxblood $3 shoes go at 2.00 aWYou gel a chance on thse $1.00 given avay every bight: &ac on thea Lump Io bue glion avaySept. lot, Worths 8@.50. 'rheisue iou so 711boy uM"«ao a ai- aresace. Bevural oilise vosonurs-have bouglotun 50 sudi 75a pais. AT WYNN'S-, Cor. and Washington St.., WVAUKEOAN. To those who contem plate patronizing the The Lake County Acadcmy During the comning School Vear. I wish to adapt my Program and Course of' Studly to the Best Advantage of the Studente who attend during the severai terme. Please write me statlng the Date you eMot to Start and the Studies you wlsh to purtue; give Name. Age. and any other particulars. RATE$ 0F TUITION: Illitiui% usooieS, cash lu ativaice, pur veek, $1.00; POTt bu a cIf vese, sli. 141gb Bcioool, Silo grade sud aboye, .76; -85 (iraniznar Scisool, 79b grade, .50; 'W fiail Terni opeun 1Monday, Sept 6,'917. Winter Tarin eind* Fritiuy, Mut. 1Il . Pul aîî n eds Frîtiy, '9.A,17. BpringTr op»Mud"i. ni,14,11111 Wtiiscr Teratopens Mouday, Dee.6, 27. Sprlng Terni ends Frday, gloe 6,10. HtOIDiAY VACATION tSpeelal Torin-TeuaoiN.yrmaDiEu liagitns l>ec. 24, '97; and onds Jan. 3, Mas. 1Sva yese, l7 1l, 10 Aug. 12. US. For f urther paticulars address H-. C. PADDOCK, Principal, Librtyvlll, Ii. Some Strting Prices Pure ManilIa Rope per lb...........$0 .*8 Best Quality Machine Oil per gai...... àO Best Copper Wash Boliers ........... 1.95 Good Wood Hand Rakes........ ..... .10 Good Scythes and Snaths ............. .90 Good'îron Weil Pump and Cylînder ready to put ln Weil.............. ..00 iOft Bamboo Flsh Pole............... .06 1 Burner Lamp 011 Stove ............. .50 4qt Ice Cream Freezer............... 1.7& Cal and seS our stock of coal and wood 0"o stove. WARREN. oaig lit. Petargon andi lamnly, 01 Chicago, SiverBu, 04I Bundayed t Mut- . Banson'a. flniah. abuntao ?. Mr. Feutisers1ubuugis, JO@ and lafuerUb«@-e.m b wsi 1* Cham. Claphain voeeChicagoî viaiiora 32160 fas i Vih IIIII '., ý» tiia veis. above amedantai e le- Ç Wu are gladt report W. 9. Price 0f mil ma, lsuolu*bu, j ý hbo has beu oon th ic aie laI or Bore nseu a days. Th rt«« b une, inucisbotter. 1n onu bout and fety4v .4 u . IIany cf Ont good cisogns vore glat IL .2. FloodWho V"sailiMb or~e la bitun thal J. R. Brochser la agaii onithe bdlgrpssuia. ~ ponutoer of urîseandi viii enter bra"s 1l=gtueMW ias, iîpon his dutie.lan a few deys. ftS UsaPulO 00, uSais Chieken thieve. are operatig hors» l5isUstol somuue . abouta. Clos. Wilbur isadtiten&y aChestbrewue.Aà."lu stolen groinlois heu boume la" Sunday im,«Idh 10 sigisi, ail tise hiboisho tidbut csonou. athat e -l liaI your pop. roady for obien ofstock lse"1 teltU lst6.,. tberu ltu roàus.aï The lectnre givan by Prof. liorrill ai baiauce le~ ma.eW* oirange Hall I1M i aturtiay eveiag vuabctseFloodi blghiy appreciaiu4d aima thse solos bY ifsa Mottsa th olUNorton, ai Wanegaos, I" b i~Su,f e-1 9.- -- ttns 5,. -eV" b; a quai Ili r%%Ivançe»

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