CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Jul 1897, p. 3

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pu fai te là cro wh the d" C3APTER XXIII-Coatlnued.) ardm j traveler. but a-it the et-els e i 14 Kiidaaaleft the hanse viitii.estridm et a Bmani ahomde Janrncy 1 a ftifht. date odoelies pepers clapi tlghtiy la hie Tb@. station marter bitunaeit baiedbraught Iss& Re put o xmiigtiemuattiLard iLldonan't'ta-o tickets, andsaati -O-it '0" tou. R.partil frontÂmathwaie wcapnton e-actly Opposite- lu te rouc * fie colving te oung matis assurance : wu twre auig "rn, set Ouat ho wol opresent ettie dune-f hi« t hedor, w romot to POrtt italbe given at The. Crags fletave- :a'dim' sort In lits vatk,, and. laokinit al«gtheplafor inthe direction of th. tm.agent'a gaze, hie mmv a tati aivouan, hah- i At miven o'clok Frank Armta*hwite bly dresse-, i.wtb a limp lu ber sail. lbmd timmeif t the great baum. Ilothe. platformn hur-le-dl7 tramn the tiouii, Witbed lihaie t iiarrwly, adIit iiuitd Office and get: jutaa comportaient bv bd '1o bhlm scarcelly credibie litiLady Il- Oif. Fank'a heart aseeulttuup n)ai, of t-dan, oxcted andi iweoccupe-d sa MO ite ~-reeoguized thîe figure. lsdy Kildonan sl 'Witt couldti luta notice thbe Voent chante muet have nat wnd of ber bu.bua in-it- ý,1 but hushanti, ilci, insteod o! vestins tendeti put-suit, andi invente-i au ingeniîîu. hi m-R emtad to have itenfidai uneie t-e tric-k as a reward for hilm. ('roimouî p ~morulai. Th. eotof hils gueirts notîce fîonid st-i i ntil the- a-amati oaedth ie dî.r à ti ugheir surprise ai meeting a raid, a01te-compartme-nî upen hersetf. thet, eeuman. lutesd Of ile klndly, geil momde tralght for the nearest firsM--:au t: trlutd te -bain 6ey svetOe cuetoDed, e-at-t-jre mand nt lu. The go.rd B%î r a sahut to aluiupon the part-, snov jug, -Telle jouir afls!"'Titie (,-îItri -sran arger by fleritbarrivais. Tihe lait Lord Kildo«mu's handlOrion hisc adilîi,!î-r. *enterawsm Ne-ilCrommot, bis face lOuo.- sd1 bda~ tmg mores duan and haramaed i tan ever. theirPlace»c.lo 7hlm aise voie sunfien and ishlmsallua- skiâ The 3oiîrnye 10 ivriio oi-pufor iaakMd slckly and pailiti. houri and à a laI. Kuoiîw in l uhat î,;rt At zbat moment <inner vas oanuantai.of te train the twu î.eras onîu T Armatitwate-wahatlid alked Cide- truc-k tAie-y verehad tmte-ed. they foolî,i -echeaileey ta t-he- lady ly bis Bide, th~e- it e-ay tu, satt-h them int a closeie 1 w&l s1ke a banquet of Roaliste ur d it,- . Iwtht I î-lng ice oi-t u tai- ! tIna he-lgn Of Ternoir.For. betorc the- sudtm h--n ]ý addiedtIo di " seecond course wa-es aver. Lord Kildonan llwe ltiAsteo led ultoreti words vhih,bearing Ia doepl).a folios-a s the pdtclu, F .u th. SlignifcauetotuArmaîba-alte es.ty, l i lmn-ýbe rol tu îand rn. irir;s I Nia u hat Lady Kliloan's doom wmm filed i w a nii er row>asenti hd icî,rain reh,- no urilysu ffollaa-îug out hi* fane-. hgher anti i berraiaul-nd tu-d-aras.i,%-r ai inh btesummoncil ta thc guiltinte. moment orî e r ail atI ros c. Wis s al te aid 8colcbman ititi muidfor is owu halipittea. for ee-t-y oilIes in.lequitaimnut indifferieut l t.tha-t bsppiuets. hsd leentrirked. aildra. f o:- c- M o-s n trace- o! suapiliclan: - fourbithe- rong a-one-. r- "I vamuotag ptoLlverp00l agaîn Tbe- set-e drlvlng down loua rds -tteu- t-morrolCruemmontfitaOse. ato- u e tdoc-k» tbrough a Io« part of liv- ir t bumýessIbat 1 forgat a-heu Yeu weOt uP aluni dsrk strees lin_,vitamit 11r-r the otber dur. You vont midmd owlceac. tcviatofb rtcvii0, viii our he adilei, wkt-b bis usual tur- Tect -tt- m st, itau--, *î am qulte- et jour service, jour lord-"W naIhet stnr*a-it iîat- itfaî sli." umaeroi lteaget. -bie Ldyfea- bouse-s. targer tbact the- îthera. vthîhb Rildmàtn, frouatieat-ber end of the table- doorways that huitiuni-elcn inij.Ing watled andvitgnme wtfolnlvil t eyes. ail hatatsomne, totd t-bat tbey halj fo-nie- dise tat the gentlemnNomlod thelda- ly od--aplu- a bttte-r position lu titi- w..ntd.O ý&»jui th drwic roaiImdKilo- rank noîcd t-tat tbe mat and t-he wom- nsbreakint tinrentiebis ueul custool'au tbey a-et-cfolloviug. afle»r )».c.-ir.jz wom ton. Armakthwa-t telleve- itatIbis tbc -ais %-9laiedbalbrought thet.oaiel a-seiluortier ta morten th ii.soiary bout-, lwyoanbent gnc eidtmd, a-rbon ho a-ould have notialg ta do but to fron-tylime 1audibe.a agac eiiu h-t imoatiover hls purpome, antd over the se- f rni de- statme t- bin crtDr. Peelea pipera boaldirulce-d.Ar- 'biFt-e->-Fankt hvire b-iug fn.ted mtha-aite a-aile-ilfor uopportunitY ofwItlio Frank, h§h euîe-u. afoaking e ahm spart, andi a-as elad Lord lna abtwlhe pk hi whem S wilien. a tes minutm after their retura dînent t le a babatb t"he i-nîî - Ills<r- ta* the druds uo rom. iebit rein me îet«t c" rt-. eanwrd iitu a trmlglt tn the cArner wev ite en-.«tand- sto-. i ieclt. jng b hie-If. vaa-ciîîg rosimont ansi 1.td1,n thlm aet,-rLot-i- i ,Iit i -nr LuiiKildouan -a t-be-y mvrcdt-maiedr At-tathua-iti-got ,at. caver a! a "brilaiw" a-hiedi a Young lady latitere for cu.., ai.t L,rdt Ks!rsss.G a-mperfarmine on t-e piano. uniie "e e L oie u,-- elejeer affectation ot trilitti t-tiOtioUll is-îa iiedsost tha .ri,, whilch Lady Kildousukuc- " est l bouta- 14 nstoke on ih omsme, Ftrsnk thtaneht lbe coulildete-t ,ugij by th@ lie-t of his lati, uand htoksiu 6e s a uein romn t olN-bis -egs eagainst a-hie-h the agenlt -SS Pro- , I drule Ioiut a-en,~ u.t tenue lrd Kililonau folowe-ilthe- di- the e- aito tyo uu.-hi- iit. -lv- "ectiOfothle- due-toto res ai hie-came- updrîvs.u parties be-t-oal,.îti b-orp. tat -Have joat anyihiug important ta de Lire staje-i asi-..tlme. cand lohe-î, .-> si to-mot-ruaovreemuug*?" lhe askeut, laYing bis cae t lth.->- did»It miss ayc liat-pen l band villa more of command tas" i, a ve-No it'e uots ,, fral fa-e chcutii-m k tint, un th. Young mat&shoillder. r< fes a.5,i.tet-;bt o -Notiig wbatcvcr, Lord Kitdman' - sep, 1 kn Lis t-ciand c 1 tknow te Il "The vii yu cae u Lee- mrnettue bume you s-sut, thuugli yoîî do geltue to il bt-hen sil euone aitp uaison n-cc-ut tol l nthbe-ue-xt at-tr. t knuiwn eut i-i beten ix nd alfp-"You1-1te quahil>. a-nil heo 1brinsg te-t ma ei met sey arvtbiug about II1tbink. toail tptp su>iswy t' laft8 ln body. Brins- your ulster-" tptpemthsaiihaias8 in Ifrua wattMe, jour torateblp. of 'direct ihe-y saute. thîsngh its onlj t-be L-midYounug'unsi tarsiemteadires.- course I anm t jour se-tvice," esa, '1 take your anmer. atudl gi-e- >u a And bis bout.ite-ad of t-ilint lmoffI soireign au areant-fs- mudLd repeard; o1eloceen and b ait: Kiidonan. qus-tly. -That a-iI resitord,- "pit ti"teutweft in.our i-cnfide-u(,-m. itli t nut? %%-ben 1tri-- pue, tn," nd jet tom ttun -l i gie-you antior mvenro sefau attet- Armatha-aite toolk is le-ave. I.drve li ai-k to Limeîr-cst. Are - CHAPTER XXIV. ai --djî -i? on the o tlLwinlg aftermson. t B quer- Wlt i-.ndrboeir-sta--s -tor paît six, Frank Armat-ltaaitc ramecTtis toortre mnîta bock te The Crus&matian mm aà sowan Thiloqu>- too# ioo hremnts strteta Ina Ai stdyvbrsei~-~Kil- sd wbhen Lord Kittissan and At-ma- dauBe. jutlth,@ ongdt-k trae Lgor k tha-aite returueil ta Btauktt-eet, te-lier-u donsiitb loe-nl-gl. wktavellig. Me sousnea-bou t t-by a-cm iursung Il diffpsil thétabe o" imw4 Ivloiin - Hepeareti. Tiey s'aiked te wite- Iengtof greoteil t-be- Young mon vît-b aSt- theumiNet lookitug for Noc .- 2as t-ebe - al i the bad andi a ratte-r grlm utile, matnbail lui-kil>- giron ihe-un au aldri-,-, "Ab, un jot have tidecîiedt tedetI a-ic-b ord Kiloiaacaume-oId ule dih- ma, a!itvr ai," lhoai! nialuasuittinc voie-,acte o!fa-hi-h t-bey iree in ce-ri-h. I-r a vit-b a ort etfe-tee-rie-onsatisfaction. "Are tong- lime ttiey ltokte-clilavain. Suri- ruuon proparedto tairae àajourne- with me-?" bouses . stilltai îiecitrac--cof ligure-i 1au pre-paredti tadowaae-ver 700ou thi-t-habit>- r.ooufl d bv pesLard Kldonan" luie-n nuntiere-ilatnd the-ti rnuuit-td ut I At flit montent a servant appesred sud raudoinnTbuîre-aet-e liglts in a fer i. informe-ilbis mastertal te pita-ton a-as doua,îbuît thre oai noithiiig tii uitle ilu eti the door. He raie, andi siatard ta Ar- lu their seat-oi. At tamt tbe-y hi-ard fa,,, utiavalte la pan eout betore hlm. Ie-ps couttng qutrkty atins Ii th t-e-et on Te liewomniaons t-be- glry, erosseil te-te opposite ie of the- yaman isto haol, and gatIlata t-be- piaeton lu perft e eme-ai iy te-glimpse t-bey cniiitht of silence.-IltMt-ainlt-oArmat1kwia-aIe uini hlm, tui be a-ell-esid. anti of thu - 1) ego they dtraie along rapidî u inte dot-k- caileti *me-recuable" ilams, l-n,,ced the-t nlom ltait thim mourutul anti ujatitous ronalluamait brushing liant tlien, anilo jornerwaas ike a pilîgmage-ta fetch veut up a nart-avcat-t or passage wieiti homi, tic deati. They sirtei the Lead Of divided-tone ofa!hlimuait bonmes o! the- titi laie ant irae-ut-tait along teOrtlte-rStre;, rntmone of thbe-large-at. lu the aide. vwindows o!fte large biouse there was@flta [t vaa a M-ad nie-t. but i-e-ty clear. , snagle- iglt. Lord Killoan grippe-il bis e-oka e-jeoiehtwasi gondi enauzit tot- -ampauona atm.tott -tne-nou, excita- bleu toalmaie ouItiat a vehliele sute dis-litbtwhtesasfconf sov tance aead a! tileul, anti gins - in lt ,,ry butnd -lthi te ifcut in flicmu-ar oïsue direcetion. vas Crommon's Norfolk o t-bett-anger. rTe latte-t- as gosftn ewt. If toppai. vitit a very amIde-n aboati of!flent aire,-sfy thet te-y bcdltint-a t " punp, toalsloa- a figure ttai seerned tO time ta e binapolli a be-l, sehie-h gave a opig SD&lir trm te vajde tu et e inetatt, single souiti.ike-t t fa mutaI 4j.priti ld Lard Kildattan lu a loy gang, anti. turniug te haulte-o! a dbar lu idoa-ha-bt h.sais.,anti ohej eil i te-g!-t-he vafi of.ite bgboume, tilappeat- tI a drive more low4y. The pause ttogahrpdraîial-olnie- ed lhe c e-iclO la frontl wu51t-be s5h0-t Lord Kililnacaanti Atmat-b -ie- rmea ut Sdde oil, acting milier Lard Kil- up ta the door. B>- a>- yo! moonlie-hi 'e lu Inructin, Firantk libye-i te -ie-b pie-me- il litte nara-centt, anti1 111jflâilbSbeta-Oeu tiuta luct-es»e-util shovedth Ae a-coda-akt-k liho haitit>esd1 olmNoetdk carl a-as unditinguishahle Ilu itpretent-laus t-be-y sa- ta thoIftio! the 11. une-. On tise oikirt et Brink- Joan a umail barrai wiutioa a-it ne lilit0 mast aber te fitst fea- stmggling inif iIciasugge-ate-t-a wthu y -via ond"a-hettwars apondrlu ai- hinti, anti unier te bell te numIte-.1 romdwbJh te crf mppred a n very sutail figures. Lord K loan tester. Vtntcpatnitpasiplelltbeloenit-etsi-aniatkI ii i!i bm OÏ leeg pu 1 «Seul hi b - ati wmiti lMof boum tbey tat Coulm- id aa propmred for t-be stuta-l h cet tbal.r cyei when, dtued t he sciund ifvole.. wkio bruite upon tteir i«M butn tey puilcil open a baloe-oevensd ring doue-an lthe le-iatieut enorthet )»sage, lte-y enterai a mot, t-e te Dm- tiere ot -bic-b a a mosi unbearab>- oscontiasag fout-out ive *mail rard aLieu. Iitit hard>- a glmnce at the piay- sr lu titit-nom andti vibont rleiM e-% le youug meu's tnraitLard Kilulocnn usoseil lthe rotula s doct-5j, be-fore hie-b hîîîg a thie-k e-attin. Baline- 1th15, se-y pamei thraugi tloge-lter. Tte sîîsrliut lthe> now e-nieails ti-it larger titan lthe tirait. lu addition ta tiall tables lintti o!ltheCarners t-m'tI- alue-J one long table. t1POnUa-hiebt-be lit-aIilet-re-at o! the assembi tiras evi- vtlly couci-utraei. Armabaiefeulite eider mnse-ip tgttea ou hlg mr. Me lookei up quick- [.anti fe-it asif lho badirae--nturned tot ,- Fotoa-ing the dIrecti«on f lthe Id uagl' e-yes. holieaMWCrosutl.his faIe .t - d le-ida-ltb motion sutiet>- andl de- suit-, standing sutong tbe itulookers ou ah. cippocîite aide uf tbe niiim, iiats-tîing, noî thte rtdu. but an inaslguifi,-uîîtiY drema- 1il noan. Site-ttcailmittuliir nf-xt bat ont ,,Ihe deia!er, staking lie-rtole-y, salt-h ýz iltc ainu-. s-Ith thitoailidl ste-ndiues cj in nit h:uiî. TlsrsiigithtIi itekue-s fr lier vs-i. au Ariiiittliuaii- ivalîhet, ho isin tn- i i i- 1trrî -i i-slash Hâtke- rtke ,iflit 1i,t..rn,-atit tteîttiý-k black e-tge i. ts. i,,,a t -e-il rëd lit..liitty au-t, Il s -Ii f b, ii-s -,,in cp:te ofuit is te-an, t is. su tagjer.J ,uîand tîst lthe oller tu-iii ur-t iii thi-r.ItuaI reum a-tom -i -t-.-ftl isix-lti,ilie oiiîhavtme eho,- i, a- ihte i n-ln .tatlive of tthe pas- ifir l Ii.i - s-oI îtgtc- but ino- iicîklî: îe and f.t-m ut Lady Killa- , r its ,nlîi; site ai, a gtariiiet; if r inii -,st>ir-, 11,1fruit <-huic-e, but lbe- n.-:iî%sui intlter tik.sid, lin-il bY ge-ucra- Iii- -t-i-dthtift. f;s-tivilir ant-stars, si noltîtmg ht it if ntit andl the tf 11,i- ut-o ut st tr--e-frnm t he fout- e-y i--, Is t,1 t-îitiuithIe- ic-esf rutu. lit- tu urcrainigt'iîîî lIloi:liet-fe-- r i ciI t,, )alît-sitl:liet-exhtaliited ti iiafie-rt- liii it c ic ivrcpoolt: aitWata xuul A-I sdieuaIalIihber briltiant e- -N aî aslîiî- out-i-îig ashttite-but titi ,.ast-1.îîi ltit- ic.i titf her ardent, et- rae-ti- i itit iiintare ei-otientrnitted lu the e tîiriîg1iu,itllt, cM, Ihut ini the verr pres- if-s!hi-r hîlihcni. hi-t-jilîge. site r.iliisiIa a t,, iamualu-unm-ioam, ne if i. tutu I--u-o atiite it ii-andi br- r, i t til fî,r ise l]-, -evei hsugbc ni- e- î :. gn uit> t-usih-dt-ru-il a-i ýt-e-at-ct ,rliiaitîusiiii- us ith a fut-Iiltai ttain hiîî gily. t a it,]muk.andl Ire-mliing. i..îr.tK:iiî.iiit i.,iskidaI bim, meeting lie. as-. -mt-ik-ne>s iiithe-aid gré>- ronix ,aer Wsinmfor ye.- lte Ou7. is a lis, i ,n-ith aat»t-ungas-cent. Aîuît tt-y mule Iheir waj uile îiuiî-lY. dist-hrintiiîicaxls e-x.-stiîg nuot-smat-e, in- s, the lirt r t-i. l r0 o - il@ otinliedt.) STEERING BY A STAR. mutaii"càn Lee-p bhe Course Better i-hlmVWaxeth.. lue-asCessesas lit St. NIitalm;ilui-tu-lm un artîs-le an St I Isuti sutii sus 'l'lit ialt orc,s-fsr tii t t tet- bY -- ii iutisIt s s- e--trus-t->ou as onle ctuutilsfut-t. lc-ni 8la ustter. A s. --suî t-lia keeuli tts chi ii 4e- on 11ai-, - nuri, t ujglit. ifit t.- i-le-un, tliat .Isilisu-i-lit> du. îuuk îulusast. get a bgys Ilis-A B ot-rlthe ocuuua ltthls ail- oit wo I mm tnstaet -t5-11tl ildgee. Foan Iuthe-- ie-Iuisnti lthe,tars, anc lte thta pilltai- of tire te ;(-riiture. Titi->-are le titIt in lthe d it-otise nIe-lit.'lthey tw-nle- giod-t.seitl lii-Jatri as ho utsi) alet or anstaludeau i the butta, and it lak *"gaaa-momng" anud *ilui1ui.ty" la) hlm -Ith dayiigbt. Itlta obve-ioseltai the -tai or "off" mo-e- liai-tsi o! svemeI cia lie-more qulct-ly sIî.tc.utsuilby -a etatl, lriglît uîljeclkte st star uitaid suit-d Ihon b>- Ile motat- arons coie-p o! t-ta horizon, oPrla>- peet- tue- it-to t-be ompass-bax. Titesaine ai-ls-lt maîriner wha-laild me >about iltat-autrine thbe lene-t-ta o! thte off tant la shoaue le-gm b>-lthe lit-e o!fs-audit d aititue t ouien i- o liii-thecul Iin t heulutt- i.tsl-to laîtîlus gale tot nti lue ss t I-i-- lrw~ u) s>itan, lic oca-assnual>- at-ruek à WItcsh atial bot-sutthu Iue u-vaaii *'te ee If tis anr Lad Muoed an>-." H.e -sua, il g%-ntsa~uctts-e:(ýo6k.*' isthilr-iet-l Wiietîr. btii-ts tewsardl of lthevess- on -se-it-h t aaesaine-; nitlie votahi iup ioui o! tis e t-ksgalle-j amîid- stipe Hke a se-cl botalIng up titrugit a tbote lu lthe ce, unit proi.ed lau spin ytirItut iu ilthe lockouline-s fl outI..Luand lai,!" anti lins replieiltualthe oMce-i-s *Wlutei-eai-?." a star ai-crt-h-e rock uot cthot siner utsy te noteansd lrut-tglut bun hlItaUne-it tlie Polint t-lu- cuiuuantilu l niitiutr b-urIne- aIttu le-. *The itar, sala a -eaptin ta nte, "limase appet-en4l>- frontsiatla aest oota itatI su-aen a-e lin-d aur lire-t starwa-i na longe-r do, a-e select anotiter. Titis istahie e-seaieltt al but the nortit or jalest-r,sablebh lutifUne 'tnt taO et-taill eturlu t-taclGrmai Beut-or Dlp- det, anti lthe atIla no sîaltltatitila a e-oacIguide for ait nIgtt; anit ae M-n e-iela de-ee et--ro! Iofete-ouassina b Thenortit star la, ae- ourse as traie as, or e-ren t-uer t-ban, tle ati ucur- at-e couaai. tTo t-be otite-r tbiug" t-bat sallorite-te-et-by,the compose@le, bta-over.wat stemm Io tae-le-t-rie-t-y. Te- pt-aInee an e-le-et-tic lebt Yeu roquire a dynlamo; t-o -in the dynamo Yoeuneet e--e-tm. You miy te itea-iton your ntîAst bt-os or baud; boltthedirectioni f rata a-hue-h ilblowi Yeu e-aii--e-cePt ta essee o!fttheregular tinite aInde, or saieipf you are up la âte-a-re-icll oanlj tram t-ho composa. Then ty ma-Ife- closelta t-bevint -ou e-an keeta ounlta-t course -litout botmenI i the compase. »ttlthe se-mnuturalty bave q large se-oumnlation ot- ve-ator-bore; sud ba additilon tt the trades'" ibere are. cx- i-e-ptil case o! viole-at sitot-us, erttaia reguîti-e-. iuthe waindu lIn ct-ttain ports o!rltae-e-ai,nitlcertain uuliern riscurvine- signe, alillthe hlinmsinan t-tata utIlise-, auttiti beuat-teanibmele hit te dispenase a-ith t-ho -oîPIIIaltogPll- e-r. Foribalance, if Iu standing noulb tu rasandthtcHornc, Yeu, see- thie"lia- ge-riuuii-Clouta" (bre-ht Palethes lu lb. 3111ky' ta>-) directUy ab-o-e tte aIP, e-tango jour course for lthe Stralts ef Magellan. jl baby's siomacith lnmat ausa-ea-kas it; st-mm; lut'a-n no marc digest tuod fil for adultu titan Il ean do thte ork of aduita. ,Theo fauter uta-j holu a bu-n- t-e mec hl son oit an a-alt-. but t-he ipalher aoonlt Iolirlinluaprolectin-t-the ,#Vmffl 4M »obikhn ý LARE8T GPe GLOES Au hinul ni.Cmeotima mopre- sstation oew o Ir art Oifoco George C. lichroiber, of Linc-oln, I1i., la nov couple-tmg aWh" le says lamthe largemi goographiM lglobe llnte a-ni. Gradua-ed froua Germait unîveoia- îles, Ar. 8ebrie-ber la not only an ex- port mapmaket-, but la au aut-hort-j on geogtapbj. A 11111 mat-e titan tht-es jears &go h. ccncstvedte Séesi cf building aàelobe a-Mot a-ould urpeas mil otior globes mot oeiljlaiae., but lni Be-e-ut-ey anti tetail. Ho bildmati. several aphe-res adlu Lnase a-nil de- ta-Il ta te edîna-ey se-itol globes, but bc visietataouttie hlm ovaiefforts as a-e-il as thome of atheri. Belus o! a mechaitica t-w-n af mid, âcbt-ieber îîrepmred ti plam for tte manalor îpbere- a-hi case, sud ha-m @ys- tenia-icualjy put thonlu operution. Thte irai &tepla as t la mthle frime o!fte globe. This conalateti of a keleton af raelnt-on roda radiatiue train a st-e-I pipe, a-tle-b factmst-Ae axis; t-ho pipe- waaiperfot-ateil anti te rotina-et-et-e- celvetilottaIl, hoe- scamreully gradu- atai lu le-net-b Thon eontmon te-le-- e-taph aire a-as ue, a- neta-atk bein« wi-ven ovem te onds o! the rada. A rîgil tandilfairij smoot-itsutface ita-lug be-en titus fanneil. h. coi-erite- a-t-, ne-lt-k a-it evet-al laye-n o! atout building pape-r, gluitu eee- sie-et amioat-bîy tthle-mutface-. Iten the globe vam a gra$ait-blae-k apte-re live feet Ln iiameler, the exact chape- e!liae-eatli, be-le-lg 4 ttijfia- leneil ai the- poles, Il a--mmrend>- fer Mrt. Sce--ebe-r ta be-e-lua-atk upoat. Not mucit tintevam re-qire-ilta la-y on the luteguntent of the gre-si mass, Tue preparan ion usai la o! Mr. Sce-et be-r'm de-i icua. lie bai nsedti oatipuip andi papier nacee, but nelt-be-r waenat- latsctorj. Afler je-ars o! experime-ni- Iug ho laveule-ila composition -hie-t sers-es the-put-paie- bette thitn a-ny- tht-ne-ye-i uise-ove-red. Saduat st-tted Lu tirougiteeese elot-i tnt-il illa as fine ase fiant-la mixai viit lte ciesi grade- O! varulat knovn la ibe t-al- andth le-enter covet-lugi e- a dy. SehB-i be-r eoverai te- bigspitere a-lt-la a-y er a quarterct-f an lue-h deep ot t-hlm utate-ual. Ta-a or titre-e veeka' tInte sias t-e-- quit-ai la dry lie- surface titoroughlj. andt itn the ie ca oartk commence-il Fît-st bce-mut-ke-iloff t-be-deeee-sof Jei- lt-nde anti longitude vit-b matematla securai-y, tien laid off t-be e-att-temut-- face- o! lie-globe- un halfit-ne-hsquare-a, hait! an lut-h on the elobe be-lu eequiva-- lent to a de-grec of latitude. Hlma-ork at %Valenton. Ils latt.wn-ueu eu ofthei hoodmsomest enhb etisCh&~- eago>-be founded, *" It very propeiy boira hie name. goBe nos flo ot wltb being the aUtbor of the Plan ont et wbich the niversity grow. Ho on- dowed, tram his private weaith, thé. chair. of Latin and of mental and marai pbiiloopby lu the amount of $50,000. and later Increaaed that fund ta $100,000. He va. the fi:tchair- man of the Board of Trustees and accu- pied that position for forty-two years. H. was one of thie firit ta advocate the emancipatian of the slave.He voted for the nomination of Abraham Lincoln Bt the convention of 18W0. ani wuascoan after sent by the Premident ta Color-ado ta fll the place of Goy. 0OU- pin. Hi. career ln Calor-ado ince that time bas been a part of the. histary of the territory andi the litate lulim march forward. He helped the bulding of ber ralîroads. lthe developmtent of ber mines, ber agriculture. and the. genorai growtb of ber cotnmonwealth In a mani- mer unparaiieled by auj one of ber citi- zens. LEARNED BRITISH JURIST. Thc Ne-vu A ppalsurd Lo~d Justice of AppenIi1. Ireomat. Mr. Justice Hoimes. vito bas Just be-en appointed Lord Justice of Âppeal ln lreland, succeetis the late Lord Jus- tIce Ba-ry. Me la said ta be ane of the ablest iawyers andi most learned judges on tbe beucit of Great BrItin. The ne-w Ir-ihjudge ap ye-arn aId. wito wirs educateti lu the n«' halls of Dublin University, and took LARGEST GLOBE LX THIE WORI.D MADE BY AN ILLINOIS MAN. te-n pt-eeeda systmnl-atily. andl for the- Ia- eourse lu a e-ami o! sevorai tLe paI imre- jeitrusLe lisaspent e-leht >auag te-n a-tabave -Ince te-came heoure dait> relarng ululamtp o!fte fantoun as bat-tIters a-nil nbatp-vtleti nantit la-ayen lan Dublin anticlaevie-re. He The mlapi are ianre-ti-tet e-ny orean. , ss ca-île-il taete bar ut ttc Klng's In luke andtirive-nbeig i-tretaiouto! the- lu 18a1, anti be-unte-a honchet- ta 1879. -tut-fae-. AItlue-a or naies are- e-u- itwsaiealunlil 1885ta-t t e ea-me ge-i-d on tLe- surftacesu-tht cia-tp point- s quI-en', matUmel. 1i19tale-uta rapldlj M.a nooalu antat lin ille-ilsu-t-ta îilt, bnougitt hlm wuslih lnitttta aplei-ateeffet ant i sa-n abis native cllj. Front 1877 te ttc,, alloa- more ute-ileate mnautcneaa of 1880 Lecduil te ponit o!Solle-tor Gen- ietaLUliain Ifthe- nantes a-e-m put ait e-ral for Ire-la-ni. Front June, 188m, ta a-lnuupeu ant i tk. Thte rouie o! ever> Januaty, 1880, te- as Att-orne-j0e-n- i-utl-iai a-nilcanalia inte-e-wordluai- e-iaifor Ire-tanti Vite-n Mr. Holmes curutle->-repremenle-t, aias-e-lus lthe-stooti for pat-lamntna s lterepreenla- vrt-nac teamnip routes. lîve- e! DubilîiUnive-rsiyanti aa Nul coulent a-lit makLatg hlmglobe- ciecteti He estlfor thatlut-et-est fronm lte- lange-it o! lit-nti Luexistence, Mn. 1885 ta 1888. lunltelatte-t-jeat- bcvus sebrelbet ela-tuaite Las preparei the- madue-a justice- o!ftteQue-e-n'a Be-ne-t ]')stat ecurale- mats exItat. flla8e-ai- for 1 roîuti. Amone- otite-r offices be bai lot-t-io! of aps la itusmouse-, anad not a fille-utlmli ta of privy aounclilamr, ta îtta-p o!any importance la pubîeil tae-t tie- c aaiappoIntadInla1885. Jus- t-tut he ome.not procure Immetdiatot>-. lice Homes la net a evere jutige-. anti Titis one- Item o! e-xptase- lias coel LIt ean unhout ta enjoj a jlie- on counsel, hutadre-dset doaa-rne-ien on tte court. -be-nlie oppo-- That one- persan aitottil poss4fsu soffi- tuait-y preaents îteîî. ent patteneo te compte-te ulule e-eai _________ aatk se-em e-a-teely cedsiible- lMr. THE CA NTILEVER BICYCLE. Se-htelte-r bau bmd ne fiastans-e ln lai-the__ mectutacal pant-o! tala laions, ai-o balaMr. Nie-hall Pede-i,-s, aune-, Caus cf bis oung son, George- ( Sce-beonilsJusm te5h5iulu. Ir. lia-ujoffe-rs tare be-on madse lin The accompe-nyluz Illustration la Qtcbtelitet-for luis a-nderf nI prodluctionota m--a a ptotograpb oflte canillever but ttum fat- noine- bave- bec-n connidhlnti-ce-le, one o!flte late-et noveltie-s In M.uie la a-1Idlaeha-ie bec-n off e-mut$5,-cycle- mntruc-ion, a-nd lit Inve-nt-r, »0 fart-hie- globe- by a Western unal- Mr.N te-taIl Paietmca. One a!l.te e.- versit>- He lute-nis taexhibibt t-etue-ltemsi-te-veluibis ameetin, défera ma- globe- aut teParis expoaition. teriali>-fottrahleai-dîna-ty bicycle ta EX-GOV. EVANS' USEFUL LIFE. thea-e-le-t. Ca-tileve-rs range lu - a-e-le-t frot- te nina-pounti racer In a Vounded s Town and s University- snd Hile e loltColorado. Naetman bal moret-e-ado a-ita the- grosu-iluand de-velopment et Cotoaado titan ex-Gave-mon .John Evans, a-ha due-I -eenlIy ai bin De-ni-i-t-horne-An lbian b>' birt-h-tae a-as bai-n lu 1814- he- bail unusual ativantagea fat- bis day, lits talthe-t-hoe- e-altit>-lie mletai itie-aicine for hic profesasion, anti lu 18311 bee-au pracle- amaug lte, plane-rs of Ilinois. Ttaree ye-ars laIer a- eut la India-na uad la 1845 be-cante- ezasasmRAN Ilalse-i-e-La. w- eIlt-ar roue-b une-, a-hb oe-gbm fauttues peunila. -Tht- coust-ut--on la the-atcorne et t-Le-Inve-toisde-sire-telumue a pot-- t--msent. Mi-. NIe-tait Pederson te a t>uuo, mailîg n E n laau, andi he bas be-e-n a a-b-e-man for tve-nty yere. lIts ides aante, enjoy lte comtort- of a - -~~ - itammoct- on a Ne-je-le, a-hiet a ae. compliabe-tiby ltse use e!fnIi t- tinga ou a-halet ltee adie remte. Ttc front fat-t- are att-a-ebe ot-ho r ie-mlo!flte-trame by a pivot couneetion EX-0-ravttati Jolx Ei-ANo. a- th-e top sud by a min-eg pivot bluge a pr-ofesser lu uila Medîcal Coilege lu ut the Paint aboyai lunlt.ecul JuSt Chticago. Vter e-m . ra-luit eleven a-bet-.t-be lover pari o! the fr!kmou je-ara. Bewa-mproainent la publie- joinine- viti t e-ank tangue- gaeup affalesandl a-as hlm@a-rtltht a t a apoint murthe top et lie tteal tbotomodnet 0fthe gia-t Mettdist lu- vh.el. Tus caeod6a glau Ibem.- r *â<t" Ibm nUteiIg, clm -a mITeuro mutng oto AROUND A BIG STATE- BRIEF COMPILATION 0F ILI- NOIS NEW&. $e-hintz Fallure ulavea a ieitila@ la Proapcrty la Chie-ugo- le-rasi ie-ti1 or a E-.Crmmcti Father-Declsion 1 Affeclilug Fraternal flesefit Boueetlee Unique Flam.cimi l Dsmiter. 'Te It-chietîfaittî 1ru-otuticl uke-t sue- ut i lu,-tîotst-itiirksiel tisuthetitniu cil e-mtile-rs lita .huieiuu-tît,-ut i ,icg,s receutî y -iuil-mîuslîgishaus -l lu t-the- w1I u- iill->ut- i-lis raes, il gît- te-tc i,5-tltri tiittir,. a liacit sae-aifuiui et paiitllliu-u uf Iuit-et siiîle-t-ut-forhbetl- dre-cs s!ftit i~,i uiwanuheu-ae- fort jeat-m tu-it, uîikintg partiîua,îînlc suillilui- buttass. iii uîitirtlfte-,sSuhitz aliuwnhî,-t lb.> iis1sitiitî s uîîîright n il tf-s utouthsa tîm ihie-h iiu i is,- cte iesl-ne-i- ablite - l ututîaau Ihuir pt-tua-tty>. l tiiuîr,-ilc o! titni-uc lsst-c s-s-ieucol î-în n eitut les batiiîi itheii, îsusn,-îti ti> lia,,- ittisî Se romisse Mtn st him ,-uiidentu s Schilitzth b,-> atu.Ili> didt ild-1.i1il tu'i-cctie) isreeu-i ie-. t-ciu-uttcfuir lliî- Bsu tus .Iut eus his n ilus-> tutnt, , î par.t, iotua tlitthic luit- listlu-thu-> iloisîtis Ilie->hu su- utliii- satte-ur t-to cha, l.tu-Il. 'ihcyiy u ,e-sntitthet lis-t-ît.,nage. are n-l unkt-îîuscnîha u, uitIt,-> aeluie u, mnîuî 3, tîu,ss isuig lh-t- luthr us> tise- ut s ev cvr--is--tappli-il autht- utrg-dge d,1,la aisloitit t-isu-oit-lise- 1it-ut-t-is f4mielts- tte- i IisteSuhit cu1iilsilihae.slt (huit- iIt,,î lagstc eti-,celi b>- biiitz or ait aIs, u itt -la it tI4i-iuc ultehelin ont siistFi Iy hau us- ltlthe tle lsutaîî' tat rs-îrutcuîîItithI l,-hlisecsuetiable- lu, ac-tuttlai lu-b> i-ist -nof- tIsl londstct-. 81.1a le- Ilisette-r. Povvr'ety, liquoir umida Iuîuuit-t-t- bniis-cl lu faI,tal-uluîue-ionluilse out Lur de> lit i119et 'iV,-ul 2ili atrt-in.Cicagoi'u. Iieutheit dri-asti t- lkexsu- ucle,-tuintfat s lil et- t>wlgIi i ud EtittiaCiittutssiî héi eu bt-o brut, lls-sîîu-nn dil iii e-Lite-l iidu-ill, Comptounsîshasuttii, nr,.se im-esdl-lus anti bis %vlt-.haltilui-n c-t a- n intl itts-îî Comptt.--. utpouni8 sa.151, mometil, but for 3.tira sî,u enleeeliiig t-t-ilt suils gt-oerl,-m s liiheuCountry a-it a bot-uc cnt buggy. tSlx wese-saaithe itîiirmele ilh bisait-i, Wsobilas lieit iupiittitag hitu mince thi-ir tuant-luge- tht-ce or fouit- ,-trs age. and lsîld hi-rlte iîttetiuddlu le-aie te-r. Mnt. Coualpitinmattoil>-agns-cu, butt-efitme-i la sîtr-iaiuul-r b,-r 2-year-ctls girl. Caîaîttuu insistaed uteIbu- -ttiiy st ttceihisi sud kidale-si lb,- iît-utt. T'riteloiet-du t lee i-e l gwa. _?ll f. <t3tuiltnesg-m tas tltetheo ib iaituirefusai ta ire- a-it bin a autan aîîîusre-îtly augerai the- man. Te manitsler anid niteittaisuicide tal- Weighly WilLa-.a Wese hatd. A wuanut Whosîu ai-gbi 250 ipuianud hati a itandi like- a star hum loit be-tb-hm bondi ti tthe t- sla>- ai Puaik toutiasd >li-blira seulite. Chiecgto. $ite-faIt-t flooded Ilier uurrsouiiiugis witli e-r le-ar,, andtosre lte air ssithlbi-r ltiîititig. The tras-i su asyc>itipitltlie-, ntîs truiedlis aIlenutiosu frosntlite îpa rade tt,, liii ituane ot fe- i-oew(. :bi a.- rnCiet-tithe- "id man- w iai, kitiai. 'ibiri- 5Wlcn0 t) aer lit-e hlma, cult Is, bt ,iab ets- i lu?, Jitt tb thet-01(1tn'ni" t uirîsu-si)t. Ilpit -egiteil90 liounntentdti out-e-Isud. IHLm face-titi tel brigbluuci t1h- igluit bI vit ie, a-home- saitlng tluri t--ie, surîttias qulu-kI> ase a soral tt c-uhsuîgu-c u.,.or iluaa tmeak a! sunlight. li utuii l pd ii- ou liste "tutu uisas,.'"uslisouit-s-il rnue-ki ly.uand tmade- nil mlgiî iii-hm îrgîr l na siui the>- -uilt goti, îLe Iiucleandutiste- the- iret-sitrain for tatou. Cou Refuse te Rattes. A ie-ci>iusiis retict-uilb>-J i ttige- M. F. Tit is-> ictu-CirCuitlCiort o! Cuook- G-ais- t) rec-i-î,iiitte rlght of tratert-ul i-i teittinilcîi-ieatu u-change te ratem of aBcianstu-tin allaitnat îîîs-îaîerst-ft- deuits hoelt. Au.ttialont bas ne-esr be-iî passîel att1itc'fr, iîY UaIlioisou mrt o! t-e-o.a-i. a.ltcthurtitre îtly a te-si-de- risiotiiiu lui-n erStîiateet-ltg Ithe- qtu- titun. J i-tus. Tilts->xhîiitîg oi heofut liltrest te, -vs-r>- îu-îiter tif aa ucemsot-it- ty tusn thii-s SIîle- su lise#bna sutulalite eiiàsît-raw tC-t-efst uit-i. Il suu-ils pritiubi>- not--istit ttlit-e--t-uiinîbuosithIe îsi,îg gucit ulcllis uct te Sltîtiti andmauy socle-îles e-.îîî11m i-lufut-uiii i l er th ie Couut- tr r,-fîlieu-u-ruetfrt-tisrîuat basuic-oie-ittssi-- Liesc lîii - lucit -tiiictrty siiîg t-orJuge- StAite- Ne-vs tu Br-le-r. Att-redI bisu itîss(st- ltu igtasou, ecunlyt jug suo- uf theuCie-s-ilt Co'uîrt, hcuctii-eeitcel il suie-r ish- fiu-ltyet îthni,- Iitsauiiigttuii lute;schoe-tuaiIfut-hetîIlttlc ixW'Ilt-yanUntti- e e-rail> - lstti t). M>-rc, ni-til>- slet- t>ituitus C-'ruit Jaude-,ihaLut -ilgiteu ft-ttilis- fieuity. .1 ii litIl.- uruiîiing utlit lemutg Fr1- uIliy îuîsîts--i 'sl lt(,-kcoli o! tientî Ciy ands .%ts r> Mu letîsu c ut Ilannibual. Mut. lis 3tutu INs-sua ta tiiti eius1h tiuitoititl and tsielii- l-t ut-ciditIhuit chu-i- îîtlîl îlot rt-iuissue-. 'Teiicouple - e tg)tutitt uc si,- îîîîîrrlu-îliuso- I î iii ve i-- e t ur isi-inuil h-ttite- su-s-tun- scipet-- t-usee-titiil i u T he, 'liii-lt-I- -naltieul lis et 9 nri-iii ii-ilositin dutig tht- ce-ts-litn> luie-tlt Il I iîîîtîîu. -uttit-te-aiteriof lte t hic-agii Iimcuussi.,use-lu inthe-Jolie-I peu- ltItlits>- uyimitert-Is.Fi-ti-tail ma-iilate ut ta-o t-ut-c fuit-cseding oustmeemollSet- Ibrougit liie i-tses]l.iKick st-amt,. D)uulop tutu liee-liti ltisilu t tti- luuitti es-e-r aiue bisc e-nisiill nutu. le liomprsetically 1ta ltika lues i-rt-uintIbut ecomnfinemuent ban 1tlitt4liés iciiitriilig nervos, as lte pt-risncîîlhurtit-c bledhope-ilandti ie lu .u-atitcs!l atliaurlouutitg. Dunloup aa lb,-vistintiuit- twîîîpîîrulytie- atreiakea eotre seiltdlisetird andîtfatlione in t-s-sýin. Tihe ii-iilicrueut!te prisaos nie-l iclu-u cilI sîruii îdltais lu refe-re-oce lie tic e-uIc. }'iilaats't- s onrei o!ftareliniie isstuires-ilnlttc--ue-slitent Dlop in a alit it e-s-t-tet-tlt-ccclsai-ea!futind.l le-heu nuit cl-tu-!i andsiil la aul>- b> a gre-ci effort tiîtI ho -i-slic trouué collamsinut allogether. Ai au iusk-rutilgig ae ut! mlle-s i.!"Boit- nie- l1riit -e- Chut-ili"t-" iLtiithIe lne-.1îîi.1frti'situgl - t -as £714 gi-n openi>- der$ the moa- testai in lteedonnai. Ttce.Joliet Board e! EdboàlioMb a-ti ttc City Canse-il furauBnapppiltl te, $11000 letu mn ttepublic scituolsamtj Bllelsdloye-rs n G ar-fieldi Park at chi- ie-iha, e e foc in lthe-persoa ef a parti polli-etisus. aWto. Il la sati. leinssistai hi lau, 1r tliiîeealtera a-ho doonet have mie- thoil,. A klss or an e-mitee, il. cicîIs,ty** sen sa-y, costa more -ttan a ('irrisî,- nrie on ttc boulevard. At le-am thlc hasi t s--athe e-xperieue o! soute. ITheis tiiIinluinsurauce râtem ta# ste-tii-k .10101t, t-sd afler seve-ral meetings oîf the lis.aiiiagents ta mainta-in theohéI rates cvir, il agenuts are nov a-rltt-g la- alsirni-u-îilte eut rates andi a bitter in- cirltsieussi imiscpectediamang tAie-ageta. 'The es-si.,b i. 1et- cent an da-e-luge, 331-3 tii-t sv-ut 0o u iies, sellalntbouss«anti ii< 25 pert-eni on brick e-rt-s itisîeu sud viole-nitde-ats at-O 1-1,i-lail Quînr-y. Hient-y Bt-ocke-kyer. a riufliiisst fumier-,a-as dravuetiwite t-.riiliig S n ee-k o o trzetack. Charles .Kliie-.sît-. au ultipae-ktag hanse opera- lu-. sc,îîuiîî de-ad la bis hompe. Apo- îlitiy i. ;ilti-ge-i. Mm. JuasenF. Koobler -as klt-ut-Iii a ruaaay accident. WUi- lifiiit;. Clbe-tt, for seven yeat Por-- i ult- fuit tîuey, did ustdde-ttij IThe Jîsiiet pirison autharities at-e attOt- hiti-itictie-y for 8unday set-vies. Ever ailltui-li,-Prison bas tbe e-nesablistOti chtîpel sa-t-si-es un Suuday have be-on t-ee lui vlmtisi. TItis hla na chaugedteta25 ru-lns athiiion. icket. of admtis"ia iltti le i.htaluai by a-t-it-en reqiiesi Be sîru-mtiil u the- aat-ten, and ,payaient@ niucl he lmite norlater than IP45 a.* m 0is thie dia> for s-hie-h the tickets are lW iiiiiT. he eittg eapaclty for v-e-laitnla andituil mlthe varien reset-vis the rilitît iîc-ali au>- andti al tickets issuei. The- cituîalt-eport ut te-finance e-u milIlet- s-f liie Chic-mga Board o! Edue-allue t-urt-he >u-it- ende-ilJue-30, 107 i show the hoird liittiai lse cmrnant'jTl,4;- 442.41) -.1Of titis amaunt I8633,015.08 a-s e-cch butane-e Julie 30, 1M9 A total of, et,3&4,2 13.1-luI ae-. pendoti for lte m~i- at-tes - sitperiuteudenats Bnd teache-n of priat-y gi ailes; $351,235M96 as .zttoni e-i for te- nalres aoithe snporint-eademt undt tete-bers a! lie bigu seools; *M5- 164.56 ws apsut for mitolai teiimm. a-dh intcluties S8457.5 for thés aeimi ut tthe-etees ai the Chue-ao 4oum 8e-boul, f135.167.6fefr Germai%. the bal- nItre ig for munie., draa-lmg, pkhenlcs cultuîre, kinde-reartens and demI-muste me-oots, Mayor -Harrison o! Chie-mgahmsigni ttc anti-le-partn-ortar ninmempas- e-i at the tstmeeting oftai Ibmboltusel and tii-y are loua-rlanforciami subjoot te- action lunlte courts. Tisat tbey a-Ut hW testai b>- thit eresos fcimettile ale-mmi3 matie-certain. -Cor-poration ComsmelF Tiotaruusativise-i the Mayor lia-t thémit la a douit sas talb. legaity of the oe cll'à ae-u'. ail the Mayor d.clduté.O lte courts teise.tue valhUty o!fté ii-J ntivesrmtlliethnsta kilt ithia stl ity i-etue. One et the ordimopu>- i-e-tsete-mie-a steil n:yste-e Wb"- grueerIes, provisins anti dryr gouda a&M offe-reil for nie, eoiepItapas payumd « a île-e-se, sud lhe other maies thé a provision regarding liquore. Bath a-Ve signai bis thc Major. sîtperinîe-idcnt Van Cleaso et the'&a- mut-Bueedepartme-ni bas asai atalbetau staleet asbovlag theeondtien ons1>00. 31, l&XI,.of!*Ilutraie-tnieuefie-oso-, cle-lie-a nltho-ize-ilttuoe lei nais. It.shows that tier ane mltr et the"me ocletics, andt hat iheie-tali-mexeso turing 18911 amo829083947; total die- but-neme-nia, 27,981; anoemal it o ta demnuty a-tte-n dut-lue the yoar 0101,- (156,0l00, o!fa-hie-h $116,5O1,200 a-asa-ail tellunluinais; mmoutit of llmtiytomr. miuatM dotring ibai year, WH,1380!> o! a-hi-h $50818,770 wa- in laieinl; Wm le.îanlty in force- Iee-. 31, 18fiN 5 ,I ,- Sw141.75,o!fa-hie-b $498 81,380aasil Illinuois; amutre-eiveil trausmmuto lu Illinosis for mrtary imtiemaniy e- pense- iurpoiaeli, $4jC.5l8. l'e-atla- talla s-matti lu bh esolety a-lie-h isa nov thie tait- of the ltes. A mentitua linr. Bile-s Batker Mc5<obrtu was unliteainlamarriage a-lIAiAmibe-s» Marte-il, a comparative ste-auget. ra-b -e-tIte-te tht-e-ejeiasasti trou iprilig- bliId tti perate-t a nursety. Mia- Mar- te-l lavery veelthy, a tiaugiâtterofithe lte- Gs-due-r T. Bat-ker, the. mlloioule The- eourtship vas short aithé mume-fl t-clis'iIien cinhorate. TU me-e-fl taonke place in- site ut the este-oug»oodam fronîti liv-. ie-tee t'ta- s&100 M Ms~c WValer Bllier, ber brother. Th e--àx t-laie-reaulti lu . sonousleavlmg the. hitîe. litsenuty Mireit bshem oe att-une-i- yanti friandis belle-val Ihnt ho suë us iîntallyubolaned. HReonze-lsd a t-e-ioui-ir anti suminoni prumoat <II- zns e-ti ore hlm anti de-mandai tuat th"y kte-el atudisoik bis pardon. Mels ationsa luccaitt e oalarmlng liai Wodn.aday hé wa-sctiaion ta-a a-rranla for commsft- titig au aminut itehhltait ta do betty haraan-t lu detalit o a hahle nov la jail. A baIl uttempita bolop W. Y. Vas Bast-k. t initier of lie- Bank out Quit. was uade Mantini. Tvo strangersnotser- esi a-hile- tee-amble-r vas *"anandi one se-te-t lumtotecash a cehok. Au Vau Bas- kirk sileî.pcd tu tue- -litdoa-tbec other e-eo- lue-r tht-ual s revolver lato ies fmcs, but lte cahle-r recehaifat- Ails oan uevolver anud e-aithe- drap on lia tan-lIta. I'iie- lied, tank poase-maln ot a herse atidcar- rIsuge beicue-I titaMt-. (libardt, a-hase ,-iildren ae-re outtirivlng. Whippine-op tite btirne, they matie a .feflratm desve forte citunît--. Thecries cithoe-balu ittitactil te attention et thé people ou thse- trcebm. A number c et un tale-e-be, ou born-bitek anti lu buggis ol p lbe t-buselTe rabitemahueldtheie cr- rit-ue acuti tire-n w a-lan t ton lre. msi« ln the-coiuntry andt oobttee m colhs lie- ofile-rsanti eitliOia«M.111 i1tliell, uxring amitis aIelo.e-age. Wbmet Silueir umutuniiongavo ont théer a-oý tde-te-t. Tise-jgave itheaunesait «1nukai luJacksoansd Hart-yHuare-iandti sabnt la liect,4>îtt Ne-w York. 'At-tii-les e! incorwata iore-0 lienu10. andîsioulba-rste-U Ntaidoampaay

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