CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Jul 1897, p. 5

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TO TUABE AT T RiUUs & TA YLOR We have a compicte lune of Grocerles, Carnied (ioods, Fruits, Vegetables, Fresh and Smoked tleats. SOLO av Triggs & Taylor's Libertyvi pring uits 0 0 D -- -. Overcoal anmd up $1 Ma No trouble te ahow Simplei FRED CROKER Over Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILL For ID Deliclous Ice Crean Soda. ... Go to F. B. Lovel1 LIBERTY VILLE. Ot8gR1NlON i s s s e s s RUJSSELL. XI', L'a Cg iwlord now rides a PICKED UP HERE ANDTHERE. whêo Ev Localistems of InteresÎ to Libertyville Readers. t mJ iwaukegsul f or asromw(lay. Miss May Little. or Jauesviilp, Win. la visiting ber inother Mr' irs. i C. M &ST P. W. R. TIMi TABLE. Acine Camp challenges any tonmin- »r .0 ly ui ostoai:a th in g )'q guseit *&lu5 5I54: 1 for ase suitabuniMin preo s e Wadsworth 8:97 5120 6:0foica ugtuat ize. Go to thier pic- Hebrou. arte iisitiuàg with lire.Arelà rnn .0 58 :20 ni1 vi 1 ndwtnisnIhe fun. Svr LIETIULI aie 7:16 1.30 tsWhiie AciDe may Dot be the lorgnesat isesWilde anld Haibarg retUxned Bonou 5347:26 1238 (Mn,82 1:47:380 12:u :64 a ap ln ibis couflty they are confident go their home liî Chicago lent saturday 4:90 14 1420 8 :3 ley can pull other Woodmen off the aller apoudlng two veuk,, wtùAle &h6mr 0te 8 :401&.0:is4 :66 3o earth ln a tgof var.Dlosaii.lA lln m l Chc FîRriv CHICAGO. 1 ra. C. P. llook, of Antloeh, 18 seen nI FEO CICAO.Shirt Wajns ut :-ost at MElS. ,on our treetu every Tnlursday. IhI M. P.M. .n. .PROTINEN. ift ha a niner of puplia ln fiilevlclnity ît, l St .se 8:0 h triltea nes asrather pecullartat ia n hnvocal and ineotrunuentatmusiec. hobermvllle &28 IW-.18 :1 :17:2à r.teiee4 ne houd sandforveln 0 t i ned of snoh trainling plii :34 1*2244:47 6:17 7:27 9,21 tetreagneaoti tndfr o uld do veli tu give lier s cati. veau1 8:42 1&.28 C426 7:1,11 '-27asa tme wîUaou cbemicae inîhe tank. Ot 10j£ 4l:U 0 8:0 467:406 LU IA H k.~rYILLE 1&44 6:61 7:10 Il What gon tethe Money IrîveSiedIV N O.T ur ne 'ilse 6:11 9 doing our citîzens vhen tu came of: Il r@. J. L. Cuinberl»ina visitad l riends aEworth 9».106 elle 082flre th.eangins Io flot lu rendins» for i tockefllier ont dey huit week- BususelI<arve) 1118 :d2 1,00 *eenot< "]y.immediate mie. Ast a pump Itimet Mr. Raltb Spafiord, o! fMiburn, calied Ils denotes Bundarfliy. aetiMr. A A. Payntes on Monday of this Whors Do mark eppears trains are delye- aIl requlremeinta, but lis virtues neas8 ee eeptBunay.cheinical angine are certatly hindi- Rey.<G. B. Spengler return..jrrom 8UNDAY TRAIN&. caped thronti negiect. Who la to trip o ot s, duys in (lîcago nMo a~ fv. :U..ArCEondunt oi2 &. Mlle? day of ibis 'tek. . V p. . reIII.: e ie pm: The Y. .a.C . lgi a àîavn The second Ia b e-bunin: W ill, Il. No. 80 rune Surun ir. Baotn hof il !hr loiagotdtra ui stop o sigai asnetovs:-At ai Moi Friday evenig Juiy 30. Ice crsafl A numnber Of thie (. A. R..Inon ud ~~ a4~,O ttMqeerfstei and cake 10 cents. Evrbd .othera attenuled thie exerecîses et ti, 1:6 P.MTe.8arvsnheaa cordialiy invlted tui attend. Wlveififlg of the Logan Monument in O Train Nu. " han bee lalair =ut roue FoàuET-Two good berne. Ceiies' Chilcagoiat w tek. Deurrfltd to Chicago. Teas ilofft 7:00 this office. 40-42 Bey. Mr. Clark le exprc-te'd tu spenk Vi ILM.o. 58 ave. 10; r C h icago 1 :0S aru elrvife ja i . P' A parsgraph la going the rouinds ofin dhe oregingoiî 11w rvbnuet o t2:20 ILm.________ the pros e the etteet thait a nev tais, "Hahbath Observance.i Wiii the «-boss" ]et YOoi u ofAgUSI13. requirea farmners to destroy thie weedsneAgodlyhenumb-er o yong poi i Ethl AstI issuterug inhluthe rondi &long thelrpremises and in tetecm-mtlgai Drucei 1 Etel Astinlit nffeitig withLake, lest Sunlday P, M. A report aC 1 touialitis. the eveni of their tallure te do 0so, fine address anud gouud singlng. 6 Don't forget-Anlgues 13 ai Dlemond anthorlzing the hlghvay commis- On lent Saturuiey evening occured1 Lae.*lotiers 10 cut tht veeduisand chargoe Il nIeu ftemont pleliusat and lwoli ar- thf Lake. in i tht property owners. There rangeai parties ever ield Ini Ivautiori lire. James IcoGregor and chlldren je nu gusncb a 1e. Abt bi fe the occasion beilîg tht birtiînîy of r:a J. L. C'hamnberlaln, lie beng maede the are violtting M ilibnrn reiatives. wa before the irgfdsture, butit lled vietAm of un eiîjoyatuie sopriso. The U Mr. lo ndes a xecedo pssg. ain vas very beautiftiily.trimed wltb U M re Aiito ndrus l execie ofpassge.. iovers and uî paxiîeee lanterna. Ouests[ * hom Iron Montna ibs wee. lanDuai~lie a jndgu' holul that Poker: vere premeili froinMonitrose- trs. J l *Jouet Balytow, of Wankegan, tIln chips vere tbe saine as money, snd Faruswurih, of (bicgeu, besides ne-ari: sacted business In Libertyvilie Tues- fined &an for piaylngcardo fortbem. a hnndred frons tiis tieigliborhool. Cu dey. Onii'tcso h rsnrofrdAu excelent lunch, conisting o! 1er- Onhi%(ecisni te rionr ffrecresin, sevecet kinds (o caltes and quani- for Misn Avis Jenuliga, or Chicago leab tuPY bis fine viii> chips. The judge hues of u fruit sent front the clty, ,as guest of H. J. Catsr's famlly the prenons Vas luna quandary. He could nîot take'served toail. Every orîrupent a vezy cai week. the chips, hocaeuse tbe:court wouid flot Piclosn eveniug andl es tbcy returne WtustAer homnes vished tMr. Cianibor- Harry Joffey. a former soli known cepie smnyvlei e<l in mnny happy birthdeys. merfihant of ibis place vas on our nlot accept them ho vas fiatly contra- I treetst Tueay. dicting bis own dealsion. Bo as the EVERETT. . asiesi vay oui of the dilemma, he Thie Lakeelde Cemetery Association diamnissed the case. Jae. IDoyle, who bas been on th, sii muet Friday afiernoon, July 30th. Fur annimer gouda ut greatly rediîced siklilDueitobariidga. ,bv.frueer, of Chicago, sipets C oin vith Mre. John Mecormick. price go te Mua. piorîsuat if fil daya allA ber)siliter, Mrs.Zerwer - Mia. James Wheton andi chiidren, A. B. Cook and mvile are ViSiting tbis veek. of St. Charlea, are apendug the veek relativesatunthe east. Frum the Hert- Mr. Mlody was calleuf lu Chicago, wltb ber gaher, Ed. Cook aund fainiiy. vord Iaiy Couantis, or jnly 24, we clip durngthaIter part o! lai vtek ta atedteflunerai ai bis niece, Anna Mm., W. E. Bongbton, lormerty0f tibis the tollowing: MONallY. place dled atilHighland Park iiunday The sono and daughiars of Wliard Henry Lancaster made a trip te the < 1 and vas bnried in Lakeslde ceetery Cook of Hsdai-Ansel B. Cook, city on Monday and roturneul vtAlte . ahlvcbeaday.h ak M , B Mdouln,al oChicago, and M rs. Eiien enu trot lu auy ciass nov. Yeuterday heiveen the heurs of s. ja«ggr o WesHt auford held a Te. hlbyn i butnmle n h eigAt ana ton s. m. the eols.r eclipie union yeterday ai the bomne of Mr Ths hyigIlabutDealhersdth waevsbl.I a -l atil ga. Willard Cook moved vîtishienoise of the binuders may lie hoard oiD ae vasvisble Ilvasonl a ailaily front addam 1u Chicago in 1846 ail aides. liayjs a fair crop but grain eclipfo ln ibis part of the continent. and tis As the tirai lime since tsites i lm reported ans ieln g liglît and short. (G. W. Boardmnan, veil and favorabthe ileetdren hbave aJilbean together in Jus. Doyle bas hiaits beautlfuiL i e t vl , knwnheeaousofVa rIlic.thier native otage. Min. A. Bl. Cook. 'monîument ereu-ted, Of Seuîtefî graniteL be yv le knov heeaboteo! assa, Mchtire. C. W. Cook. Mfr. Mendson and the onfi ls lot tri tht ceuntcry soutlil of died ai thut place recently. Deceaned lev. Mir. Juggar, vere sien preseut. Evere tin IluH. 0. Saiyarls iidth a a brother of lire. C. C. Bulkiey. The latter liait been an n lvald loy near-, work. Dacig nu godgaesai11e-ly six yeurs tbut wvsae e 10l ai tht Night operutr lfornherger in taina hg Hw S moDncngark, godguat i ucet cDa'table and euJoYed tht occasion very a vacation uf îaiî'ouîîl-i.!f week., îluîlng mon Pak, ngut 1. Eclint dýmach. The Moaste. Cook and Mond- ebien time u-he- Intentix niaklng dresse@ are a ellure. A gond baud son have been for Maly years prom. Milwaukee' e viei, îlso St. Joe.MiA U u ln atlondauce and an orchestra in tht inently ldeutifsed with Clîlcagos huai- M. Il. <'orcoran lenttiing his picea U U eveulng. nle@& intereste. A yesr ince Mr. C. W. the depot. "e'T i Mrs Jaee lliamu reelvd fomCook was married to Misa Mary F.1 Dont bec urpried if you hear o! Mil ame Wilia& reelvd fontFairchild, a renfldons of tbis city, >M. H. O'Boyle liavlng started for tht flc o b ibrofte M. W. of A., a whereseeas many trienda. !Aiaasku gol tflildasnome of tAiseilin o check for $2,0114 thîs veek, the amount Weather prophets deciare stesat tuemornings. Milke tils it c goo0d of ber deceased hushandes ineurance in "genorai outlook' for Angie ndu thiug and jnuit tht place t -)gui. WeF o bave not board vhether Larry Browvo thal order. September la varm and dry. Shovers intenda 10 ride Dipoit bis bike or Dlot. Maruihal Freshman scoured Dip hie vililfair of course, here and ihere vltb Wiî probabîy llnd oui ibis veek. K tire engin.etlondey and got thinga tu tomporary changes ta couler, but hout 6 i9 order genercliy about the englue sud drynens wyul dominat1the country The Mdway For Sale. I bouse, and nov ail le le reedîntsln gentrelly. Mnch of Octoher vîli ho TAie Mdvay Restaurant and Dance caseoftre. h eame, raine aud generai autumnai Hall et Druce Lake, tht pleàssentest limcasenotofk lire. aea e ,,ort ln itîelake regiuuns la for cale Ed. Coouk at a vluahie horste hne ntmkn ernpe ara ce p fuir csAi "r 'n lilserai terra. 10 Bars Soap... Thnrsday nrnlug. Tht cause ofî lis§ no'rtivrd before tht lIItliait of tht Apply to thse oifer, A. liettinger. On, ontil. Heuvy sturnis and freezing preniilses or tii H. C. Paddlnock. Rai 2400 Matches.. ueath puzzles tht veterinariens au thie t e.S) ytestiu cut. Lilitrt3 vilu. 111. tf brew ikbtasottmdigthes last part of Uu.tub'. u ayttWashboard ... vilrsuenvs ik . cormim, eyn t beier prophuts.InCo lcen r, eîddnlv l1um8 o! i uir hiuunierus, usenarc u- i Co1WaannIBox Gold Dust sThse uts depot li nearing comple. t.-remteui ln!u eriîng culftent contri Etnjoy tise cool breezta iludTenture, 1 Broomn..... tîuulî Wile it usuot vhat on cîtîzena Ihuitons Ironi local patie. uuîîi jtiuot tu vour snttrued ner'ue,,ut Waukesba,, Wauupan'a, Flfelul,Usuil other 3 lb. Box Starci bail boped for, il might bu vorée and bet teneited lîy ncb a move, fom is-su- restnunWliconsuin Stimmer Resori,1 lu tact la botter titan the average ossa- î,g an elaborate pamphlet ltA uits of temly reiuhed uuintuiut trains rtinning 8 Bars Lennox Si tion alouugthie lile. varloulsq prontett remidences, business via WISCONSIX CENTItiL LINEýs t:; 3 hetsTa1 Preablngai reshterln thurch blocks, etc.. inttruilitraed with ai (le', Duluth. Our bouklet ~Vacationî Sug. Ilb Mxe Ca i unday ut 10.30 and 7.30 by G. D. aription uf it lertyvllleui înstureiaisd- gonflons" tellen yuuu how and vbere tu, b ixdC n Heuver. Mforning Subjeet, "-Personal vantager, as a residence place, lier fineit go. "Our nearuint ticket agent caunES Pkas Corn Stai I UP Excellence". Evpnlng Subject. --Fatal minerai sprluge arîd miles of grave, in *glvp yonîîfuriher information. 'Slîimbers". Communion Service aitihe village and trihuitary terrrîtary. J.48. C. PONu). G. P. A,, Milwaukee, Wls.- close o! mornlng voruip. 'The Idea lea egood ont and shuiuld re-' b. ltev. Bernard Feeney, Prof. of The- cetle encouragemeut. Iflale etimcied C. M. Schermmurhorn lui selllng the F. Ce Sh ology eti Mount. St. Mary's Beminam-y, MW00 ill bu needed for tht pulrpou.e Little Gem Pie Chlmney. Indimupensi. Clnclnnmttl, ofliclted et St. Peter and and $20 bas bêten subacrîbuil. hie lor ketplng your Pie crusit romn Puls church lent Snnday. Afier vlsit- At the nDiregular meeting of ouir nhovend T r nt riun n itB te i iug relatives sud lrleîîda bore Monday village board acontreet wel bas beu e oe r t I1NOIS. loertturned tu hie home. submied tuail parties couctined wili Robert Omnmmit rtsbgned bis posi- Do doubt iebuslgned, autborizing tAie In -tion as treaseurer of the board of high. Lihertyyblle Electrie LîgAit Co. te___________ wsy uvommInii5s ltsi eek and John lurnieh and mclntal,î 57 lîgAts uuu our Ltmherry vas made treasturer tn bis arteete, ut $10 par annuîm for Oech ROUTE. utesd. Mr. Grummitt succeeded Ur. ligbt. The village hals $78000) ivested Llmherry as president ofthie board, lu ln vire, potes, etc. tjiid uelîjauda iOf tAhe * . ~O u r lau-i (rummtt and Lhmberry *svaped" eompanY a ieanoîîsllr lier i-tit. <if j- ~ places. interet until tht doitsil Asciu'elled, - Harîy Gallovuy bas buen empiuuyed elbicbvii tike lui the îielgnluurhoodf A d v i ai Janesvtillo, Wts, the pastt Io veeks of severtecu u Mnith, lîululi bya company who are puttîna in a Princbpal aud Iutercet. 'lise villagef ilarge slectrlc llgbi plant ai stAet place. by filet cuiraci vlturaiiy pays for! sbsd& The J*asville papers roter tluiAmi asuseuLetul moutillliti l,î advenue. p rso anerai oecilia. iaiylame lngTh ou _11-asopotde iîîtht LC Con.ape r uerlUIi. -l iî .....u-ul au un u Date, îs'î hubbhel...............lme(.n lu Orounid i>el................65'-' Bran. per ion ........ .......suie (Ob isue(1 middlnim. fper ton ............i 980(4 lui 5i Q Mn emi Peur ion .............. .4(a ils0] Io...........8046 824 tSkMkeffdper 10...... t8o00 t 2 ....... t e am n ~48 em also Wluu av t l lu i . ns. dulbirandult 2 P. in. Sutîinuu's uunly. iiy Unis rouît.-thot tuurlet riu'lualr.ut1w i. iuami uof Au'-Mlobitinf lu ii Bu-lt unideis'ithiilnsq ilistmmliîg Kum. mumr suunt region suijamteuf lChbuiego. 48 River &L., Feet WahuhAvemue. ýf good things to Eat 4 rear can be found in,ý :ock. Our linos of GOff s, Dry Goods, Hat$ i ýps, Boots and Oh-o Happy Home" Clothilu, e way, w. have some * Li bargains in ýClothf! nderwear. Pants, 0verf hirts, Neckties. Collaro,ýi .affs, and tÈiiÏaiV )rcomfort.and luxurj0, .rried in great varl.ies., We are adding'new 900 astantfy. )LBV& - in Everything. ..-.-.--..- ........... ..................... oap................. efoot Fly paper- idy.................. Lrch ................ 25e loc oc oc 25C 5c, 100 25C M1ITH & SON, Shoe rertiýsi ng n good shoca. W. could q!q at a big' rfit just ooç.'.bi trade. ed ra e right profit and k e~on ough sme cute the other way. Wle paire. the prce. BEWARE 0F FRAUDI Some unknown man, represent- lng himseof to be ,an Optician and purportlng to be soliciting busi- ness and worklng in my interest ls canvassing in Lake County. To my frlends and patrons 1 de- sire to give timely warning. He ls a f raud, pure and -simple. 1 have but one man on the road, Mr. C. Vuille, whoalways presents one of my cards. Mr. Vuille je an expert Optician, and the attempt to do business on hie establlshed reputation ls of itseif evidence of hie superior ability. Yours truly, C. R. SHERMAN, L.bertyville. II,

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