CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Aug 1897, p. 2

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Rockefeller You're in Luck' If yoîî have not as yet punciîased a'97 Vîec. ('ome and get îny prices wiich will explain the auove assertion. t lie aulv 40 invas- ligote oun Cycle for 189)7. Yeuî are smure 10 10 cou- vinced ut yourî gosai luck'itl belîg enleld t.. sevurp nt) lx-rfe a wieel. Second hand wheels taken in exchange. 1 have a few Second hand wheeis now which 1 wiii seil cheap. WILL KNIGGE, - - - - Illînois.1 BAR GAI NS! AT THE Wauconda Furniture Store. Bedroomn sets, Antique Oak Finish $12.0 Lounge,Brussels 5.00 Couch,Corduroy 7.00 Solid Oak Center Tables wortn $2.25 1.75 lron Beds worth $4.50 4.00 Woven Wire Springs to fit Iron Beds 1.35 Sideboard Antique Finish .10.00 Full lino of Baby Carrnages Constantly on hand. 1 positjVeIy wilI not be undensoid. These Prices For A Short Time Only. UNDERTAKING. Promapt Attention, and Reasonable Rates. M. W. HUGHES, Wauconda, - - - Ilinzis. The New Factory WiIi not make Buggies. Wil not oeil Lumber, Coal Gâisn, Flour, Lime, Cernent, Etc. The Proper Place To boy these tlîings is at WRIGHT & SON'S. There you wili fiuîd just wiîat you want inî auy of the 1above îsamed fiues of goods at prices wiîich defy compe- tition (quality considered.) Bo when you corne to Liberty',iile To Do Trading ('ail on us andseue what we eau do for you. We'1i treat you riglît anîd vili have you ridiug in a new bu'ggy for less thsan it comte to. keep your old one in repair. WRIGHT & SON, Libertyville, - .- - - lllinois*l aul polîtical affaira. The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies Ail of the News -and the beat of ýCurrent Literature, It la Morally Clean, asua aFamily FPme aWtbont s Feer. ,~teo th eatmagazinu. lU VyosatiosD.parimnoet la lthe It bring* ti the family the NmofdEt b.siesW.etd and gves thse hast am alotdIcusInsufal austuu u tseda.Tksistsrêo.. gves tt4svawgo5,hsraitiju at r eivlà wskand btisgpahiblaês IChicago lx brtlrmiaî,,t-l ttl e4l, p.uile w,st 0ft the Allegbany uts. tloaO soi ther t'ai r. $1.00 PRICIE ONE DOLLAR A VEAR 1.00 -ie.0 al yiait.............4.0P,'* ,t unl y Rmiail .... ... 2» ler iear 1>5y . .d..u........isu . .0 Per rein Ahd.ssTite INlUR OCEAN Cbbca.' f lsiqyilsAràs,,N% n0 Inveriortt>iis,,l o aene. .l. , Cixa or1t lu aIl loll- bearlaîgs, l)?,t- 3010f c(isoso il:. -cau't vork Around the County. WIBC. CENT. R. R. TIME TABLE. amn PM PMn amn Ch8ca asu1 25 40os Fit. se lle sol a 25 M neItio sl 06 si oie 8i~Lk 1013 828te6 t7 906 a ak 10la82 54 6 on 9 s Lake Villa 81024 oc a1l16in520 005180 SOUTH *Delly Aeept Sonday. 15 ilIononlu on signal. ILi. Lin. am. pin. Fit. Graya Laits 7 là Il à 4 45 914 i1106 Rceelr72M 1150 48en 02212 25 k liliton 7 325 fi O1 12 0) irarie Vie, 76es 12 02 à ON 12 67 q ta.klse 1 89o6sil 1 02 ckl.ilr 8 051 5 su 1 0 Clleauo 9:15 I120 0.20 19) 48 Sainte Peter and Pau'a Churoh. LIBETYVILLE. ILS.. BUNDAY SERVICES, Fîrst Mass-g:oe a. im. RiglMaso-105) aILaM. ROCKIEFELLER SOCIETIES. CONGREGATIONAL Vhurch Sund., vice. 10:30a. . ansd 7:30 p. m. Frayer ineeting WeduesayeVeninge. Y. P.S. C.E. ineet Suday eveuingo ai. 6:4a. Junior C. I. ai. 8 0,01ok. DIAMO ND Camp No. 4124. M. W. A. aneet tIrst and third Baturday evenluga of eash rnuth. D. GarxvwsYu. C 0. 0. F. No. 916.nseet àeeoud aand fourtb Tbursdays of eacb moth. H. L. iBu aucx. 8 Wîe.cmon NG 0 . G. T. ineet Thursday eveniugs of m veet. Loara BuaDica. C. T. J bHN . RAGAN Pont G. A. B. ueet Saturday lgbât ou or bel ore fulmoon. J. A. Mânoii, Comdr. 0 E Cnuacnn.x.. Adit. Mail gon« south......8:04 &a. 9. :22 P. M. Mail sons forth ................. 1003 a. in. Mail over land bi stage arrives atIol a. m,. deparieai at1Li. ROCKEFELLER. Mis. Clark vas a visitor at Tisos. Cuopers lust week. C. E. Burnsshuas ectlred the contract to pint the ne, botel. Mr@. Klver vlsoisasbeen ln Chicago for some lime rsturned Monday. When yon decide on buylug a wbeei se visai Will Knigge eau do for you. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bryant, of Ivauhoe, vlsited at Mrs. E. B. Hardons aet Buuday. C. M. Gorbam sud tsmily attended camp meeting ai DesPlalne entlia Suuday. George Lindensan snd a party of friende, of Chicago, are Rare spendlug " short vacation. Missalienlena Lang ac2ompauied by " frlend, of Chicago, are visitiig ai Peter Litcbflelda. Fýrauk Lange returned to Chicago Monday murning atter a short visît witb frieudosud relatives. Mrs. Geo. M. Bessley bas purchased a nevwlbheel sud in 0028 sdded 10 tbe9 long list of ridera in ibis tovn.e Mr. and Ma. Matihewosud neire, of Chicago, are stopping att 11e Cetrmal Isotel vhile spending a few day lhens. J. R. Cronkhite epeut Saturday and1 Sunday-aî DesPlaines viih hi@ family and attended camp meeting wile1 thRue. Mrs. Bessley le! i Thuraday for a ahori vîsit with ber parenta ai Trevor, Win., whlle Geo. M.- le away on a sbeep buyiug expedition. Mr. Graves, ofah iRelranof Barton à Graves, of Wankegan, vas bere luat weok lgnring ou orne buildings that iRai are to be erected scon. Lester liurdick and Miea Facule Cooper lefi aturday uoriug un their vReels for Esi Troy, Wis., where tbey wiil visit friends for a te, daya. There 18111 bc services ai thse Chape, next Suuday iuorniug and evening st the nana] houris. The pastor viii teks for bis subjec luiR te morning "A Message to the Overcomner.' Ial the eveing 1ev. W. W. Clark, of Chicago, State Supi. 01thtIe Sabbatb Observance League, viii deliver an addresa. Ail cordlally Iuviied. Strangers visitlug lu the viciniiy are especially invited. TRe Ladies' Aid Society beid lia regniar buainess meeting vlth Mrs. E. Harden, Tburaday July 2g. Mrs. Walter Morse, treaurer, reporied enougb mouey ou band 10 psy ail bis tu date aud a simi balance. Tbis wus a cause for rejoiciug. Mrs. C. M. Gorbasu, Mrs. Geo. Bme ansd M,. Walter Morse were appolntecd as Social commîttea fort ieuai irea mouche. The Society declded 10 bold a bargain bazaar eariy ta December ud&Il vork outil tiSai lime will bc doue with that lu vie,. Our <Japel windows have ail been lited vlth vire sereensa tÎle gifi uf Ladies' Aid Socetey. Thsej sscietY meets nexi Thursday viib M&. Walter Morse. tOur Junior Christian EndeaIvor SooWey sent six dollars to1the blidreus Home B ociety- Chicago, lust Mouday sud tkere is more- 11-foli,.- i Istate List your proearty with me sud I wiii fiîîd you a customéw st, reasonable rates. Among numerous choies bargains 1 bava thîe folowing. hliday. Eev. J. Clark vas a Wanouda coller Tunday. M. W. Hughes veut 10 Libertyville Tuoeday. mie Nina P'ratls visltlug relatives lu the city. Ms. IB. Maiman visited relatives at Lens Friday. Work vas begun ou iRe telephone line Wedunday. Mater Thomas England returued 10 the ciiy Friday. Mies Sadie McClain is entertainling guests troam the ciy. Ed Payue, of Rtockefeller, vas ou our sireets Monday. W. Evanson. of Mdlienry, v"a Wsucouda visiior Mondsy. E. T. Taggart in viitiug Mr. sud Mrs. J. Taggart ai Dundee. Ed Cuurtney, of cary, la sitopplng lu ibis place ai present writilg. Missnltosiua Reyuolds, of Mclienry Is vlsitiug frieuda lu tibis place. H.* P. Hughes bas raised is bouse sud la puttiug ou s uev additiou. Mrs. Jas. Youug, of Palatine#1 viaied Mr. aud Mrs. H. Hicks blasi Friolay. J. E. FoIsome, of Bastings, Nebrasksa, la vialting Mr. sud Mms. Hammoud. T. Grovenor sud C. Golding vent 10 Fort Sheridan and Waukegsu Sundsy. E. B. Neville sud tsmily of Grays- lake ver. Waucouda visitors Thuraday lest. M. T. Lsmey sud T. B. Sodi, af Barringion made Waucouda scaili Sunday. Q'sIte sanumher of our aporiing men atiended tise Rorse races ai Chicago Saturday. A. W. Reynolds vbo bas bisen vork. lng ai Harvard la speudlng thse veek ln Ibis place. The people vbo bsve been occupy. ing the Glyncb musiion returned lu ihe city Tnesay. UmseMirniaBealey, ot1Mcliaury, vas thse guoasiof Mr. sud Mms. C. B1. Wells Mouday sud Tuesaay. Misses Edtis sud Lola Turabul are visiting Myrtle and Avis Payne, uf Ivaubo. at present vriing. Mra. Geo. (ilyneb sud Chester Sowles sud Mies Lois Harrison speul s tev days at camp meeting Itot gei. Th2e railroad men are axpectad Ibis week. The presideut wiE briug bis famlly aiay s white and lok over ihe grouina. Mr. Cleveland, ut Aniiocb. represeut- ing thSe AutiocR Marbie sud Grauite vurisa trsusaeted busiuess lu ibis place lensi vei. PALATI NE. H. Lnerseu vas lu Lake Zurich the tiret of the veek. Win Eichmau la vith bis uncle on the tarin In Palatine. Miss Wanda Wadhame la vlsitiug relatives Rome thia week. Mrs. Frankel returued borne to Evergreeu Park Mouday. Henry Krape sud iters vlslted ai Mr. Fred Porepa SBunday. Mr.snd Mrn. Mat t Rchmond returu- sod troin Wsiermsu Monday. Mrts. J. H. Schierdlug made a buai- ness trip 10 Chicago Tuenday. Mns. F. A. Smith viisied ber bus- bands parents ai Genou Tburaday. Charlie Gsi sud George itather vboeled to Diamaud Lake Monday. Sylvester Wilcox, ut Chicago, vas a gueat ot Mr. Bruwn tiret uf the week. HeranuPurep bas recovered tronm hie ilunensansd le able 10 voris agate. "Ol i lory" vaved from the lag polo Tburay lu Ronor utLo4gan day, MinesLoua Bîcknsa la aioppiug vltR Mr. sud Mrs. Bortz for a short lime. Tom Timvell sud lîruthor fron Chicago wero gsaests of Bye. Owen tiss veek. Mis Gertie Lytiebasltaien thse guosi ut Mrs. F. E, Hawley for tlse.pitivo weeks. UM Wauasaiaakîr, of Chicago, wax a guesi of Mise Bertha llaratausas r,' ceniiy. MiassChristine DIanlelftou la viitiiug vib frleuds où Chicago st prosaut wrlting. Mr. sud Mrs. Wriz, of Chicago, are guesis ot Mr. sud Mr8. lettons ai preseut. Misses Byrile Smuiths and Mattie Rloberts topent Suraday with trieuds la Chicago. Mrndajti rs. Taomaas,' ot New Orloans, are viitiing relatives lure ai preselat. The Sunday scisool pieute Reld lu Plum Grove lest Sunday vast su onjoy. able aflair. Missi Della Smiths reiurned trom visiiing frienda lun oodstock sud Harvard recently. Russell Joues and a frieud tnom Cbicago viaitid trienda lu thie place ihe puât fe, days. Miss Mary Dauleison in vlitiug vltb trieudo lu Wiscousîn, vhere @12e viii namain four moniho. Mn. Coltrin an old resideni of ibis place is visiting friends and sc.luain. tance bore ai preseut. Miss Minnie Hcnuiug returued Saiurdsy tram Chicago where ebee topent a very pleaut week. A large number o! peuple f nîm bore vliuesaed the uuveiling o! the Logan mauumentinluChicaga Tburaday. Henry Strokor sud fsmily returued fTrôm Lake Mlle, Wis., Sunday and report a good limeo but poour ilsbig. Jim Baker lis contlied lu is lied as a result ot a severe mtain lu hie bsck vhite raking Rsy on John Wilson-s furia.f Rob. Msser sud Sain Suyder vent flaing ai Lske Zunric Wedneoday sud sncceeded lu eatcbing a turtie sud a Mors. John Palge eenisiuaed Mra. L. F. Elvidge, of Barringion Wednesday VOLO. Mm,. B. T. Basn, lgiansd bar ban aister of Oraston, lova, are vlait. lag C. G. fhuson Lsd tsmlly ai Volé. Reano's cirons viaited Volo la" Tus-. day. _Tiser. wa a large attendauca lu evenlisg. Ailpromsounuced Ilvery good. Umisiale Wood, Of Gais Park, bas beau visliing ber grandparents Mr. Robert Paddock sud fsmliy liSe peut Mr. Alberi lisgisi and Mms. M. D. Smith attended iRe Eastern Star pieuté ai Druce Lakre leist Tuesday sud report a inaUime. Mr@. J. D. Fox bas beeu visltlug old frieudsansd neighhbora ai Vole the puti tev deys. Site viliusion juin fier son sud tamily ai Belvidere. Mise Wlnultred sud Master S. B. tusseil are speuding a te, days i u Waukegau viib their graudpareuis Mr. aud Mirs. Simeon Russell. Mr@. C. Dillon sied son Witt speut Suoday vitb relatives aud trieusis lu Chicagu. tMrs. Dillousa nelce Miss Leura Fard aecompauled ber baume tor a vieil. Mr. sud Mr@. George Huson spent Snnday ai Huson. If you vieh fiue fruit sud ornauuentad trees, also ail1 kiud of amal truitesud lovera give George a oeil. He eau oupply you. Flue veaiber t12é pstgeais. Msuy of our farmera are fitabi»2g Rayîng othero bave eommeuced bsrvestiig. Tise dry spel vas brokeu by a nain Sunday nigbi, tbe tarmens as vwell as moiber nature rejoice. Mrs. H. B. Freeman, of New Londau Win., bas beau visiting relatives sud old friande ai Vulo. She la tbe yongast sister of the iste B. T. aud E. L. Huaou. Mauy yeara ago Mrs. Freeman vas a resîdaut o! Volo. tbien kuuvn as Forkaville. ~Oth Dakota Pays Off Ilis Vebis. --tux FIs, 8. D., July 13. (special> T'he people o! South Dokota have lu the lâti four years, paid off $50.t,00,00 ut their debt smid Dr. D. L. Mci(luney one o! tiheboast kuowu tean agents of the stat , ."sud they are nu, gulug off ai a vany rapld rate. As ihiugs ara nov going lbe people of the Stae, aud especially IRe farmena vili &con be veil ont of debt. The large crois of the leaitave years, coupied vitb the close tilme, bava bsd 112e affect of givlug ihe people su appetite for getting ont of deRt and tortuuateiy bas aise glveu liSer the ability le do Mark Russel, vbu nepreseuls a luan company vbicb bas several million dullars ioaned on tortus poperty lu Souths Dakota, adde bis tentlmony 10 tbat ot Dr. McKluuey. Mr. BnaeU's compauy stands ready to and la auxions lu place trous S,'iO,00 tlu$75,400 yaarly ou South Dakoata tarus property, but t12e agent complalus Ibat bcecau. uot fiid taisers for une-.ibrd ot tise amount be vould lite t10 ban. "-Our company bas 1,à41tona lu ibis State ou tarmu lands," sald Mr. Russelli-,aud vo bave uot huit over filty toreclosures lu seven yetrs. 1The compauy doaes fot ovu a tout o! land lu the State sud nover tout s cent on a ios.'-Clsicago T'ribune, July 14, 11117. TIsai portion ot Souath Dakota whlch tis traversed by tbhe e0t Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Hailway la 1the liauent sgrleuiiural sud stocks groviug sectioh of the western country. For --Letters Fnom Farmers." pnted lu pamphliet luoin, lluely Illloalrated and descriptious ot latin lands, addres 030. H. HEAFPOEV, Generai Passenger Agent. Old Coiony Building Chicago, Ili. Nu, isibe lime iol<ok tonbornes lu Souths Dakota, wbere land in cIemp sud good. PEOPLES' COLUMVN. A VERTIBREIENTdI-Willtei b.lllsartl,. n ltimIs coluan ouDt o ONW .,r ,d. 16c.,t. 25Scnts tvo lfflu.!R. Adl.itlonal vrasis,oae cent per vori r t Isu 88ehait ,east pp-r word es,.h additional Issu,-. F RANK AIS'l.EY-Has jiit aarels-h A n.-, machine fur sbs.ras.nlnuhairI,i, aud wIl sfsu tan fier 75 g-ails mi,,as tu naake tise ilp as god ais n'ýv. IF YOCh HOIiSES TET-.,.aaxiiac *there leoas oaJ f,-low at the,, .Cot y FIs ra, vlo und,,rsuds tise haslaSese F R ALE:-ltoad Gratr lae, g,cl n Ftlion. Aptly te) E. L. Isulois. .14 4 FoRl SALE-bo.29.o. 7a5or 117 atr.s ,of got,, lmî,rovei land. oane usîl., esi. of Fr.nont Coter. Terussasd psrtlualars aidreist or eail un C. Lorusa. istf F RSAL-Lot 50x52elu LIl,,,tYvlllt, villge.Vory ,lemlrabl,. liiotion. gnod dlasg.Can le h,,ugbt cbeap for oas). CaýIlâ r1deslnps~~fi..Lhis ville. ORSALE OR RENT-A nin- roi bhu, 'suRid goad barn sied balf aere:laa., .g-1s W'. llsud cîstern shade &neitfrait tre..,s, wlîh or without furnttare. 'Wlll vacae on short notice. Atpti s t 1suaPIENDENT ille,. 26tf W ANTED-Posltlon or. tains hy aarled muan. Industrious aand vifliîng tu work. Adarese replies to tRis oMeie. -0 F VN-Morniâg of July 17. lange hinait FNouwNouaiau4o«. Owuer <an redeent b r Innu description and sttlln board Bl.1 . Tupper. nigbt operatur. Deerfleld. The Great Producing Stallion GEORGE 0. 2:21', No. 970 1. Standard onderb hRtrottin«ansdlpacîna i0i88sIred by Lokel.dAsibellaiu M1 tull brother tu Haroad sieoft au,> 8.) hy Baphietonlan le; bau.Fanny B. s test paclasg mare i a sou o!flIeu. M. Patchen 2.234 George O. ls a ebestnut borse. a sure tunt getter sud Is hred as near lîke Geourge Wlkes tise Weat sire ut trotterë, amILis 18possible tu George O. la Oie ire 0t the iist. a g&dsonSln 2.19M4 sud a nuioer ot uthers 1 vil satlrd George O. at aur place In X~eftry1 -,ai l$s per amare payable lu csabor aiesb Il t liane uf ervio.Earmé fut provlng ln fotaivii h e eotlUed lu a retorD seboson. TiSe steve prioe is final. Breed tu V orse that bas proven biansoîf bohta otter and producer. FOR_____ Furniture H. C. PADDOCK, -- LIBERTY VILLE. ILLINOIS 1Triumph Binders. Triumph Mowers. Buckeye Mowers. 4 Crown Mowers. Keystone Side Deiivery Rake. Tres Klnds Hors. Rakes. EtaSectinhad Knlves for alil knds of Buffalo Pitt's "Engines and Threshers t Swing Stackers. tBuggies, Wagons, Trucks, Lumber, Coale Tile, Cernent, Sait, Hay, Carriers, 4 Rope, Binder Twine, Etc. G.H.Schanck & Song ,LIBERTYVILLE, -- ILLINOIS# I i Midnight, 2:174 FASTEST STALLION IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS. No. 414 in R. A. P. R. Foaied November 12. 1885. Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, 111. If you want speed and endurance breed to a hors. that has got IL. TERMS: $15-00 to Insure live colt. Ail mares disposed of after being bred. Breeder wil be held for service fee.-Agil colts to be set- tied for soon as mare has foaled. Midnlght va sisred by Nigger, ba by PlymnoutR Rock 2:301, son of Hil1's Blackiawk 2:311, ire o! Bîhan Allen 2:25j. MiduigRi's dam vas by Starlighi (pacer) 2:173, sun uf Mcl<ay Hars 2:31j, second dam (pacor) by ing Pharaoh, sire of Blchbbll 2:12j, Bavlsy 2:18j, aud otie boiter tisan 2:25. Thîrd dam Ry Etban Allen sou ut HuIs 'Blsckbavk. --,rDecrlptIve."- Midnight lnas Ue eoai-btak borne, standing 161 Rande, veigbs 1140 poou isl veny heavy bouod sud alrng muscled. Ho la s naturel pacen, s fiue moyen, aud Ras a kiasd, geutie dispostion. Hie Ras paoad a mileienl 2:08, hsll In 1:03, quarter lu :31, a 2:04 gaie. fila cuité#isnlumdeury eounty are saarly ail pars, large sud amooib, sud sbuv gresI speed. P. W. Slervood, Midnigbt'a tormer ownen, lu s re- ceut letier asys: "Ho Ras sired a teu, cuIts tu Missouri, aud I kank for sne out tRom togo lu iRe 2:25 list or botter Ibis yoar. I atanted Mldigbi la 40 races in aIL. vinlug 30 tiret mouays, 6 seconds, 3 thirgis, unuploM 1 sud dravu one, making s vondeif iii siowug, sud ,iuuing a ulce sîsun of aouey. Dnning bis races 1 eaaned bian againsi sncb uotad borses as Pidai 2:0j Stormu 2:08j, Jordan 2:11j, Almroni llasRav 2:12j, RichiSsl 2:12j, chamois 2:124. Loin McCîîndy 2:14j, and Willie Rtussell 2:15. 1 amn surprioadhb as nouigui s record uf 2:10 or Retter, as ho bad speod sud ondurnce to do il. hi vas vih iRa bumnea above mentiouied ibat h gave blan Ris record ai 2:17t, sud conld bave marked him 2:12 Rad I vlsbed. Ha nover flitRed bacisofut tird place." IRree of Midnigbt.'a colte tuok filromiuS ai lb. Mcfioury Couuiy Fair lest fait, sudtirst sud seconsd ai Laise Cunuiy Pair, lucoumptition vib sa lraBlofcolla. IiSey vore sbova by S. A. mt, Laike County Ferme For Sale. 1 100 acre Iauprovod tarinou banks of Gagea1 Lakte. Price Mo Der ace, P'art caâs alhlar.,a9 long Une ut lum, rae of iteresî.1 140 acre laproved ata adjaneaut to ThIrd1 Lake. Lhersi ternIs. 150 acres onMIvwaukme rosi. bouse. ir1 harn, o. oo femme. 2 gsd v.i els. good c s. terni 20 acres tim ber. Prine $maper acre. ,art (50,balance On time at s aser cen~t. 120 acres hait vaY belveen Wsrrenton Grove sud Grsysbake four miles nortia ur L'hertyvii e l lanproved under mood ..tateuetuIîvation, nu vastelandlIront] siock or dalri !onm. nover falliîas osrfaig asnd flowlne weIl. Tenuas liberal. 1aurovsiFarna.Cholce Bsrgen. lis eacrés adîscr.e0tusWis. Ceutra R. th. iStation, ai mnuot reasoaahie termet. Four farina lu Vernon Tuvusislp. lievers Illioide tarins lu >Avon Tovuehsla Grayeilake. A splendid tfarmin 18at-res asjacet tu Taylor lako. Invetie t tio rare hiargain. Wat en agood boaite aud fCin ln Tisa J. M. priefaim. msoace on Mil- waukee Av".. 1%4 fuIes sti ut fLibertyville: Seu acreo on esciS aide ot roed andsuai acr,. timber aotieriver. WIU selI wbole s.r huit pol!î,rcbsser. Priue,loyw; ermsj Saan ain onse aminrtso raaasI b oa bue arn s2012mfi.good vISa là bhl cguiru roun orfasrd sud r trut rio soir.Siul. buS o a LbertYvîlis Ciity Propenti,. Rslfa8c,, lot vithIabi oisi inoderabhoIlae gOoda w-511, letern. saide ansifruit tMsas .tbesp for c551a. or o.n reasunaile terme. For sala, n.,, building 2254,ffeL. slbeap for ChOi. lots 60)1»o fret ai trou s uetuo 50 WANTo To Tsour-Cholte acre corner lot lu Lîtertyville for a Ksasl lanrovesi tarm (tea w 55) acres) nearltmrtyvlî. or Milwaukea. I, WiII iai cash difermec.. -AL o- Subscription News Agent -as»- LIFE INSUTtANCE AGENT. If you vaut t Boy, Bell. Roui or Trade hReal Esate 1It vîli î,ay î osîW eonsuall btaiy andl Smiday11 ios of the Iuter1 Ra are the best of r knd........

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