CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Aug 1897, p. 3

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WTL INIQUITiPES m F _____ sd gatbpeetboir reermts wth vU bossa. member et the close ofi sur civil var hoin but tbIs marches liesprocesson f aile vie- 1aue glt'enteprles tereon foot, the. Oflt TALMAQE Ol Si NS THAT Nia:..liselu ddel fai ht. luslence, and uben proeeda to go ta the orpbe» nad wldasi & BLÉt AT THE HEART. they idro liste th. grave <er i ntmot o f the. sldera and sallors. Wha i the< mach aoumsd asfilie edlek of the. dicte. Obh, mcn wlo hadl charte et thorne gilet enter- hutte any jtbavefgone dowanadoler i!' priossrare for the orphaas snd wldows? Look utt hase men ubo were ue ic.hlhy Wby, <bey would have aiowcd <hem ta SnblaI a Vices <at fleage wlth prospereil. Noie <beir forehead is Ileke.] freeze ta ileati.lapon their stepe. 1 haie Ri Litte inlls si Grows ta Feerful hy ea ngue orÉineiamebt Weil acer go aD. sihbinla ahrlty vhlch, for 1the sake 1 Xnrmtc-8.vtre Arranlguusrnut oiut. la heii souts are pluage.] t beaku af relie%, ag prtaenet safering, opens a galle- lilt Enterprisen and Stock .mnbling sbieb wlll nets-r e ilte.. Swing Open, iag Jas' <at bas swal.ewed down gw - -thb door of that mans heart aad Tya".it a machtiftttse vîrtue a" flood penilple of mil of uîtidsrs wrgglag heir ladsscruta- Ithe. couunnty. Ymng mulae have aoth- Our WeekuT sermson. hie barrîîr unili you <rn auay and] bide. ing ta do uitb <berne <ing. Tbey atiij Dr. '[aituaige ini tus seriuaci depits <the tfur fai-efan.]tssgi God ta belli, yTontt for- ilitriea our appetîhe for gaine@ of ,4ltin i .des bfoi, hich evil hbit gatis et il. Titi- e o ma taiIis evil is unadver- chiance. IDo ane of twa tigs-be hon- ~ suipreniii(cy aiundl,shows lî,w iindi luftord.. 'l'le eommunity dates net bher ,of t. s-t or die. file ,re cheatil .!tob min. '[exte.fouaih V., sNleudefrauded In gaming establishments I hai Laesccampllsbed m.y obWet if 1 put cif M5 *'iN-.wauto, fte tiat dia n asil wttilireu- tit failseaoagb tatelliof t i. Once lin 1 ou on th., lairant. I lea agreut deali 1L vrlta a iart i1ç)i.' m*liiie, bawever, there IR an itxposure. asnesser ta fitîlthuan 1< là, ta gel up d*alu. Mw 'There jitnusaine intiquites tlint onli. -b wîîen la Bouton thec police swooped UuanTbe rouble ls that uhen .011 begwn ta go ih, ýbsatt mueùîîr. Afotîr aliftlinetof tbiir i gaa.îàg estashlbment and found in itatray trin <lhe pat of dle ty ey are spl >M Wtk, fie n'ui, liliisLaiiinds uittle-the repr-.setatives iof ail elassesof ctl- ote y: uiTb-r., no un a iery trylng taole rpeled îuillianoncti. Thede vermn hlave zens i lb.fthe rslt merebauts on State nel bard. Vie. ac-iicrnd My respectabil- it T ut sri-îtgtli ettoug ilh,.gnanse Irougl a astreet oth l. aieAna treet gambler: sasity. i canot retura." And <th"go on tan- lit Dia,-es .- Buitthtb-ne are allier wben Buliuck. the cabler of the Centrai <il thry are utterhy destroje.] d . 1 ellTo, trag.s iîia tailt tbiiiseives UDit ta nlirai,! or Getrgia, vas raund ta have flairtrieuids, that Ced <bIs zmoment, bylis ce glg9aatiC laiiiîartttIn&Il iti. 5' boitld Ifil f toienalt$103(M0 tor fihe purpose of carry- iioly Spirit, mil change jour ctir, ns- m ii biii,,! uiiti h iîî sîl lt' iig ut.gauiig practitsf; as uhena arouai; taire, «0 <bat jou vIll! b. àdiffereat man i rltbere are soiue iliîiiuiîent ta havit suc nman in one of the savifgu banks of Brook- lu a milnte. Duet m-pi,îi* f (-Vtif laitil,> t-ffuilyn many 3-cas siga as rfand.]ta have lTse Palsuoflafet,. Utils fientî îay iii-exi]tl toiti, siti a csait tulen $4010[1()ta ourry un Sgaming prac- Yoar gre-at vant-ubat it ? Mare sal- 'et tapen. ii'oppose- tai kiio ota tîawIby mta tiees; As wbi'uia man couitieteil villa nary? Higher social position? No. t. jtfi agreal i The ficrinf ot faf s. ib i laisWallistre-t itîsuracit .-mpany Mous found] will tel! Tou tbe lgmâtttiant of everyaman, fi ashîlnte.] ii ntt<boi ,t ts- wlitî'l)Onta have sîoina8%O0000ta carry an bis Ifhei.bas ual already abtarniact-it li thei, poll apoa n- loptiiitl any exertitin orf ,our gaming practices, bat <bt la exceptional. grave ai Co.. ce there auj, toia bave 11 tiugera. Thi,.sîf Reil lin b <ltail, iiiy ori ig esemblogr. laten victime tathe lsinu <at 1have bcen loi whlb yi-u Ionit1 easiiy Ruelle btat a great Geuerally the uouey leeka silentiy front reprceuedling? Ton arc lu a prison. Tonte many (rtif etli-,hreada aret- ueratiuid. the. ms-nihats il fin helacgmesters ruaiagamuat the valilofthIis prisonan ad if 'Z'hea3)totiliasvc aroi*e strnt n ungitat> aliet. i bitieve ftlet oas- ai lb.main trio ta iwet out. and jan fait, snd jon taratIl iâtaiait .xor b3-a ut li ampeguil. pipes laigti is asitver of niquity la arouad and fdash agaanst thether va!! t 1 sicataI,,- of flengl * a ino a, sud j. exeiotemleut of business lire, la il Dot until <er' lablia.,.]on the grat-seud fi. Ae cat stî,,r t i htiia, an .s18ifln-sntact f<el the majority tof teI' -iîltd on jour dout. Tonvotif neyer gSet Il rot1 b mreIý-im-siy t raw your day gambliiig bouse n es sw Yorkarc-riîjout in this way. 'fher-is ouly ou.wayt t attention a luthe >tuailt lir,ý-la ot latIn- rliîiîy ta WVal tret? Men go lat., g.tting oul. Tbere la a key tat ca un- m ruce tout rtf t'bît-lu that ialghty iai,îuity Uice ettesct ai stock gamblîng, andi,. oik,li iiilprison bouide, It is 5h. key ofi7- le twited. nitocet-mea,n ntheadyucuce, trra <bt they plonge Lotote<lac mbllag the. bonse of David]. Is labthekey thnt [ so fibt hila swî-li t uit îtiiyat rutilera 1an.]bouses, a, ubitumitaare intoxieled, Christ Mes nt b I is girdle. .If yoa yl ai- bratbi-m nd ,fi.'tual- iiterreal iiiisut-hà a tîbe),go iata a titller saloon ta g- ,r o it. pt<<at key tathe lcdite discustitn. bt titatt i-t,,-,an,] mten -sdrink. The -agitation halls lawtaase. 'Zbi t liii ,shoot back sud thw door will s ib ftt efîîrî lt-i,-titter looktlt i titîthe stock takttwhea te chair asrnn- swing open. sud ionu ullieb.a free aman In lnelei,.dl ii.ri.le tateiiNo ritittic, Wattynuit"or **Rocxk Islad' or "New.-Tortness <is lab for y"u, fitding aulne, uit, wauilal, alat t:tîisiîîtfr li l b-('etrt,andthe tat ataI of te11l o- Trrfallier-stadsla tfront doar, JeWli fii nu 13SI h.fl rcia ttners bananier, an.] the excltevveat of straining hi-s eyetlglil <o catcb the 11,-t larntt i Uyl-frIi th t- nikiig *'corners," and]getliag up "pools." cinpiseofiyoar rara, an.e] teraitf'nlas lu a t l,rltiimii,,inlrtYti ti ii-turhitly Ueni a.]" ajugsoe, sd "rbk ro sas i talit be. sud the harilsaor tcren suce i iIl i si,î Iitil tbat bli liabuta -.0, andi thce ecitcmcnt aetcs eare cil truîu$sud ltse feet free! Titer Camsion hv.Ictnîtî'l lr.-<uwrids ,*-aie arounatinlucurbtoae brokcvage, sud the are couserIes! gemble-ra la bsaven. The, ben'eli. L*iil.rb,-rr- ,rc guaiitiug ests-b- .îî.dit,, cicsoai"Buis-r tirse.-Buj14er gllit temi elc aiflser!lapon flte green liaiu)ets lhyis le tî,iaii.There are tf-u,, .rake 'e!" 'How many?- andi Laize ftsher hIlar.] aloca. ;ntlie laver -8,j»0 îr.fîstuinti craOualt <tfail thes- making or fooing et 91.0011,by one op- of Cods forglveaess <bey vaste, off al them an siiîfiuestablrshmet» 1.> l hîîes rtion, outilstsu ata go me, adson j <eir sin. saey quit trigt:for cmrth]j ticndo u a ote prfes taIllet., tet?sî is-goasap <b.eflght of staîre, amiibouat- j taks-s Tbey trie.]for heavrea andiwon bea-tu. - m r-r Itig t e hcittiuuia-r a.t <thedark!j co,-alue& Mood- î' it. ere vistlbs a ebsand fiaiheavrea becose héyairmes-n lichutt.rtd Mrnesa, aly terrilhed sitle tîvard te head of the voret offeadfer, <a has. bat re skitto ideci tr ailu st aUes bis place ut thse roulette orte It ila aband], si clche.] àsIf tao@siie. lent ferat table, But 1Canet tel! Illfis pvo- but oclapresd as il ta drap il beuesdletion. A Gldeti Dn. ceas b la hlrh mmn get lin tibs cvi. A Ollier "on ai ae a shore sud ma"j he Thbere aile iraI ciai moni ttittt ,îuewint ho New Yack, He vas a Went- athoasol, bul the se ai Goes love-eter- -Tou Stp aI 111e viay -outo! Broadway, srn mer,-ant. 13o veutit mi sgaming niîy has no plamuet tu strikc the bottela, N1ew Yok.lion go nir tbe turtle oliirs, bougie lian Park place. Esfore moralng ie au.]lmi'nsily m roiaonboeufd shore to You ring the bll, The iserie.! servant hai]lstuil hi musey srnvc $1e, sud e mauline I. lieles llftsd by then lotrodtî.rs jan,'Tie swats are isaendiir muv-.-.] roandataoutvllith <at dollar ilahsrt ofai ait.e Compssion. Ils uraves tInt..]. Tih- mente!,, are of Vsermntnmer- bis baud, snd&fier geaville. caughl sttj i-s- te lb. honais ofaithe reuleenset. The. file. 'rite i-turss are "ii-iabtba'a l>euà:b more pwerfial!y un.]., thc infernasl Inft- argensles filet sali on Il drap anche, aet ant ~tee' " Do Sir'» "Dent-." ai,,! Viri's uatioo,.lbe cause up and put doua lbe dol- sani.] the buuderinig suiva at eternai vie- "Frozea litegtn of lit-Il.- 'a niot apptrf, lar duel crIe.] out until tbey bsardbtuiwoy, lîtt&las for bal Mâle Who ste pieule secti-ititht. la.#. forfnh, ieplce tbriugb flite salooa, "Onethbousanilmiles dtivu ta lie inaI game of lie s&dpuIs ber.s inte routte ibt,,ite- ti ,est. trli rainu honie, and] my lent dollar ou file bis limortel s*oei on tbe ace wville<be e [set, mna t flifte ple-ofourniture in gamine table!" nageis of Go.] keep fie tally baard, andi the united st. -t t.'s.'[hrc i-n e ta titi slfIcl Vieila soà eblgDc. ailler kînitu and quceas sud kmaves and lu a u-î vIe- u. tri..-,o!charge t.,)ibe 'ulstty ears &110 for sermonie purgoses mii,.des are- "shufite.]"and 'oeut' an.] the guele oi ià;à fiA ile pltesie vaiooand it acnipaij vilt h ierf opolie aiganelacude.]. hoverag esud inpeadlug 9 and] whoi-s ,î, i-ngar s uiitîtuoans ls-rrtt NeuYork I visIle.] ons- o!the mont Îbru- vrlis diovr l<ehb n bastbat Ithie periil.'îot .,,î -Tue ttefi-i-.,,iliant ilaîiilLg houasain thal Il>'. Il fera batik ai eternai darkncrns lutchlag <chit as tn-r t ig ittiitti t. i-t t ta -as ni4lt, an.] as vs-came up lu front &il dw a tol-L vie arl.bodstie are 1itoît, * iv ai tar- ithrfitlt a-r,- ,--asldank. The bliinda ers- down. te Segrs *"lofa-n 1.1 i,, in t )t-nîi. .,i <ansIdotri an gurds-..but @fir a wviapsring Short Serans.e ro!iter gunlr' -r fiî tif.tlîd ci. -lo uil,.td,-c iti the- gnars! aI the dont- Trtîtliî.-Tic reigu ai trutb vaul.]t ~loaada aIlqtiekiv.i, î-Ir iik e ir, admithe.] inhitie ehall. an.] ihencec ~rulstî ntt5t erinI., îh ira ielit,thIe parfois aroua.] oas-table Iiaea tae.-nwe u, -a a mi t, r brid ..f1-1 ,loi Tel-astoun. jeht ir Iin, -nia mlilfe, vel dres .!the 'useaori iilg ta get ta bsaven If vo in shr i.1 ihét-0,i' I,:l:i ri.goig on in sileces-sas-- t, eau gs-l Il lay liing Il? Ther. la no ~Yeu M t.A tit t, at. ht«l, I- loseetttitllon"chipe" n ficgant. a lime btnow, Tralli la lifre, and t vllains f that ii y-'- uti - a t--tuii,o:ifaleri toas-parloind ite revravinrî %vitsi.ranfnai gel the tauth by lIng on 1>3- coulin. lit. e ileitftit i'theti, t fiit bai rflte icruette'labdl ib e ouhb"npar- s!ylug. The gras- n l otthIe gala ta lm- thse grisa mn.wass a 'tf thoutl, iti' l',s-t t -r.lti-of hese mn-. e wl-ns-tolieturtily e. r. arun, et,- nlrante fmuet fi-r rpfur rtbt. titri t hir'. cl ,tu ua a rso: om vrt jilit PblIaephlD. Hrcus-.eho or yttir ibodîy seil 1,- thlerai-,itl I. Ii> ttiue ti1ssn,- ilkeni ai..]bruitera udt, th li- trecltr ni. îumuliti ,slt.-r. tantyi.tdr.ed some vitre goiag <bs-m Culture aund Ignorance. -Oltut-e and t YTu ug. alt)iu fiaitîic fartitr erle]ii ti irtrt-i- of vice, bt &alinlant upon ignorance (rom ime immemonlal bave t th robe)itliittct Itli la ia u, ths-table as iarge o o emaI! fortunes macs-.] îesu t van rTe anc elevatesaend P 700ou lt-t lo, ttihwrs !!-tti:tg tiioit-,ifl~î,, l diii before hemn. Oh. <bave %ls-a,, niancîpates. uhîle thte lter degrades ý-blLmIo.-rR s N ii,î atltll-iii ' ttf atu'tt awfully soinu in Ithe silence, sud enthrallas. Be onyour gusi-. ,dire. minrtîl r . al,I a nI. t-ttlUtgtti ufiaie. -î*zs, te suppre*se.] @motio@ans tth ieso hewrad ton fleurt- ii nti-s aIb-i 1 te- u-I tru'aca oue locha..] p. Tbî'y lentti~vlsc there ari- tiuuîîsnîoIIlo tir îîîî:în i-t a.ny 'apis n]îby I.L abore sau, iput aide <the emptatian ta r hcaîi1îie, lt1,'at-ili' i ii tt'titrîtîtig . , sati ir s-as tus-y net Ibeis bot-as, ni>rastluate-ReC. <G. C. lougltan, -<bt i' in rti î-îîîititt 'ui,,ra-' ritliitine,,,< tontiagrâs an.] btuses and landes antI eii»>IscpalaD Hoboken. N. J. toa jrs-rrliinii. - Tre la tutit a-i-tc ktrl ,u,ie a,,i fainiIy rnibng dova mtaointi î>tthodoxy-Tbe s- t quarteroaif<lie ;of sienutloi tei-r. "-' i-i-iugenrs" a 1tuîsi virti-a. Aah tanslire uould sot bv is s era jnnttnt etr a isnp aI rnpiiit,,tî tîtte fnlitc' i-tr. fît-tit-ýe., l,.rtiît i tr-iing I l int prns-te, bailibe 1tent!>- the. ge of <las-decomposi tien lit flhitrî-t,, ,aillan -so, uiige, ieith, i--I 1ot,iar-aotctianiedby te police,' if lbe a toioy n a. i otoa Ipre atnd i, iveti fi-or otte ileti. lits aslti_îuan spposeil ta lheoan a (lriatitt o tudxy n adai rhoo oaine. 1-l,-ettfiii!, itiat.!tititttttit rctuc-Iorf ,Lmrvration. Siame oi tir-,,- f"itIdsare tuzobline loto riuiaec.-ry. saul 1> itîtî.- Itre etiigh i ttiitifeiîititlait, WotirnIb> 1,ivale eyi>, some tvrnt i t, r isicre. Tbc hlougt ai ta-day willI enougli. cr,ri itroduction, sie vers-titesinutsitothl>'reiscla plane uhere thers- vii! Th TIc cli«ahtu, o ltamlbl-. iletIt- îttrost thé ills ntlims-utlThe IN~i,. t,.,placet nD u... ffor atthodoxy.- K owsNît , >. t,.,,ne t in iut si e att îiier ei-flttic avtoletlrme. -Nons- geta fi& atafJohn pial.let iMineapalis, Minn. rope orf it. b.ut t,,,, ,c tîttttue - , itli-r' -, -cfliot tflrA-c tmndatetir hy bfiifte 1 a" the, 'Jin' us trc in t iiiîsii t e i tî'r d-i - Isrun-' rees-E vrt'body ybut s-n Idiot lbaiea all. Vve- tin itiii i iia 4i xý t,. V, hlt i-,,-cs,%re tîîr'na tltiirniait t rt,-i ti-i. I irvohave duiinile notions s-bout1 Ibe I.'iit --. it-îitiif tgii u t u"'ttatt i erîlf t'i. iythlug that la a crcata. The wa>t a Reur ea tiittei,'ttittf tit 0«.-t' t f tribleiatnd mut- t uimors- infiif'e ,î,dors jon lman cmadtcslibulea leiscm !ager. lht-lr-aiie i , ,Il g.lî i 'ti-ti lie '- tttetable and et. flot ni-re imet-titi1 creet. If a manu belonga to a 3umigfnmit . ut-t fr it-l, cffei-rs e-iffi, ittiIi, im ay n te nrii-tte taille agolfr îoitit-u patty lie ha a pollîlca! croit,. pmnapettoit t'fir ii.-f'-ti io i,>-ii iini--ingI.h- '- i-tnt- Wh'ýe& t a < lattot-It, but flitnt Iru otiy hâit orittiiitliiiig. ,.,utiitill .q. iiufi IiX i i;ngnonc-,titu w- e-silenuce h'iut nu-i.bfrttrs-icig fe 1 sb,uhl fi tti 'f'1- uorr.a.reli-iltitstirtraiits ltaîk uptin flhc' a-ent--a,! para d nthý ai frtesin hn who hui leb'd itibe'-l al w stcellt1ire nvilI.It th ,-s- .F. 11. 4tasdt il, ,Baptist, New frtltalot, ska!iirin sî-tr î-îrl r, . ir i -t . , ttpirt> ntitu tIheir sefu». iiYork 'ifty. Ters- ,,rî-tct l hiti I ti-i .aî fît -itc (>Il<i, iitic'iusa plne!'Nit oîîe nî' aail tfi., i-aitli.-Faith due ot-s <supplat feu- Ia dris- n tt, aitn ,t- le f flttiî,-11,-.f-t t, ,a r> o!tîuit genilialitniSe ibatit-rr - arUt.but atit, f 11hla tieusvhs-t<lac a rbn p Irlîe it o iti 1icittitit, hiittut-db.,cu tos et,! dorfsyathyuttîred olt-n jaf t i lirMens ta thte s-bres. Not f lina it s îîîti. t-t iniutifin1uic. lii .,--.4airfleatucgotut. Sm fHorace Wl' 1 ou>daes Clanistian islîlagis'.tus a sali- tics-a, rr lt' tr-' $.leat>. Iitti 'atit- il.- îeauidlat a man drIîped deailInofu r Imeie3 fCa] ttI Iagvsu - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I , isiul-t ue.,,iliteuliof ticCodetI ,' ii -lIitniels,,fi,,aoîî ltasiia May sin 3:,r i.N Wi.-ts ,13 i tif ,aos -a nue tl lut,>ei.-citlab o,ts,-e ut 1tl'u rfter fuet ndorgts-iading af aurseives. 1 baei i s 'îeîth'.lI ile. i tni uftlit tai hitetiitbegan n lnuucd:i, hiy tto-ith.accamding ltas-hepoet, la tho - J4st tIi tîntthtinties. foli iîlZ3t .%ttert - ahîs l,,'etrtir li ere tIititiori'alît . linoper ttaiy of munkis,. Il tella un -I Il agaimi-jumt t,, gnitt>iti. ti tu;tu-finor mu a lu-fit itut-i ritiase.]ta test tbe mat- %%-tintt viare, uhenie wc bava came ubseard.I ci airr cs iig himo il vas onlY huîul,ei an,] wbthcr vie arc going-Cardlns-! Tien tl.cere c ttenm t-toiit, Ibî,isl'Y,, ftle tti'gItctiun ual il Weald]lbe antair ;lîubons. CatitolleBaimore, Md. gluhh'~it'l sn- eor irgai. It sitd ,flt- iyra u<b-egnunu Boterefand] Creed.-Itf 3- avnt ta Tht-y alwnys keep t-ui. 'lbrynievcr lrnik ty vrftug away fronttei, and] Ibea kuaw ubal w. really bels-ve mnd] wlat enugoaf i , tiblianiet lir bnigiletit. tti-y go ouil.saine ai hem ta tirs-ms-nheir Out-belefs nrelly ms-au ou Eist nat The>. do nul ce te dune sao itieli taît e>' griff il strîtai drink, saMe ta ply thteoWk at our cnees. Otan creedsams-hpi!!- neu te dotllar !iriothle (lice,. nti fir t'tuitrtIitens ipeu, an.]d s anre hein aoffphens'defWlione ai vhs-t vs- te filetthiy watc a-lic uesprierin t<b ,- u-. forhunes: s tins-relort t<othe suicide'. "a, I îls-.. sad If 3-au vant ta ou oboys Iooklag as if dea,] otil file fWr ta-ixs,, toIser, tiut ail ging dotes, Aun!that losphr nertou lefgot -Thousiafri Sof Young mi-n ii l.i- ht-rela-tf c'rk prueeâdayde' l>'day and] suet by aIOtfielItrptaubeefgoa na gotain lires. practict. 'l'uy gay u.>': .nt lrbat cent raptl'saeys o one in las- the eda, but If 7lionvs-nt tuamow 6, Wei, ni>-saiary lival s-ongb tl i aloirmalt, 'olisnater beita vonad aroon.]ai.jvitat v- e iily belleve go <o tbe pta-sy hxury. 1 dont gentirugitfront la>. sua." But bave mat sine titreade orflituaItr-b)ockssad go toi tbe bym-book.- r.O-. officeon @hap. I ouglt t,> bave finsr catvloe bsen twiste.]? ltv. Lyman Abbott, Congregatonalist, Mkprtmen<s. I ouglt ta bavs- bs-tIern mes. <iii t Fotraes. Br-ookyn, N. . ght ta bacsenmons- icly fiaans-l ci- 1 rraten befre God lae gift t nerpoidecs E= , 1 ouet la bc ale tia enîs-nait i nu> ai aur chies ubici have s tendenct- 1 The Power orCntet.. CLIP E 0F TRE UN.'test .The. engineis and bse enflre s _____________and eypi7thing masde ready, wben word camne thal lth- ire was code-r centrol. eOON PARTIALLY OBSCURES The,- fre nriginîîtes in an ttndprgrnund OLD SOLVil iinthe tbaement of rite Mwîhigsa City Barth, andi If,,.Ua.piîtîy, ,ti,-as a tintrand îuot r'ir ra-,iit.e.u.hii. îan- Kverst Visible i n theUitled States Il e,,tLn ,,, ct lattio- i.ti.Itfor Witlinmoked Glasethe liiery Cre.-u- erpul (if tilltg a clin, tth ,î.îhtha cent and Louer Ihbodow Could lieu talta, s- l istheIi- try. Lul c,',rried beauea iezhted lissnterta andBatssi,nist tar- log lthe ait. w ilei theh. mai-nexplided, s.-ttitn irelt,, t he- ,l pritt di,,n.I n an Suon lna s Sadow. îinstiuthe b.îiv at.t si.ii,.masosofliante. On Thnrulay. bî-lween tlhe litîtrs ,,f M ri 11 si.ii. ,*ent rai standalrdl tintethe n. s, rithe' , culise ut ber .onithily oil if lathe nspassie.]direeliy ,î et e cuntil :ud]the-Suu. Tiiý .- ,--.qupetîîî- v s an trlilse or t he Suu. wl... i. tr ia il- tbruihiiutthe Uited Starts,.liti teîohe~ Wesit ladies, Ceitral Anwrm rit lb.natherru h ait et So-uth Amî'ns. îl~ i-r il gîsa portiona of the Atlanmtic uacean I ll bit lbhe Weill cissit of A frit-at. T ij.. l-Vr» wîhhin lthe ,lîtrî,-tm hbannd! Wlltti THE lt? IllE TrAItg. ihy lits inluginary lice .rawn frronit th- pu : art ar New NMexieo ,t. Tanîipit-.o Thei. uidésill.r-is tii.- s sit iw-ame ig- ai tb-ncet,, Havâtea, tt.Nisar t itetl. et 1lssi.t ll,,n eIx,oi su ad 1 Iitiitlm aiel Laise &IL Rosisse-theie 1 the lteii e tl,,îîi ig vt , i oltire lwfrrcthe 1 of-, th e amariassuim.! u u ,irn.utIthelî3e ,*,i , Ii, ,it lia,! :, i. eneil. I I, a ring nf i lre.Ta t bfire t titt hi - I l k,î-i ir,,.lî, il t l a îii.fîiiire-tl stiii,-r thoî, tir-i,. sti %vtis o1i-,,fr.irfîýty. li,,tite. l1,i-iieig tîts - s rtw t0w itck of tatlt tji ina. ,-nl-t,,,tiuttr,1rut:. itel and,,lanc.iai teàceri l frot thi- etîrtht. liirglî t-, tioi,- utta ift 1,, lits, fatf- rt iiuse j-tîhîtiiuta crif fsoi.-oft li-ts - lir 'l'lie î- t, it i,, io of tis.. tire- l i%,, litsi the, a t-a lte i-i, l s my s-asis , hasve it.,-,is:llit,,tn.Zlo ilisr- o. ,t.r, ft i. ,c--îrg-- tai O tiisa1,t.e her~ is- hni .,-r tîhe î,.>f ils.- fa0tut I i'te, tp i ro rr-gi.,n ftta.l -tpe il c.Is 1 iir atd titi- lurgie Iilljîne hot tt veî, r, t e <'entra it-riran ,istrritt-fri , lu, Ih1 rvii, 1 rusa t Ntr-.t, t,,tir,- it onti-, i te canular itandti ! ýhe- i-'iti. i i-l i- .eiiti, -iid, îîi s,,-n,,tii- eeel il liery ring Ittitfotr tunîna fît, ,ttt li rie. At 1 enklii's., îîd it i- oiit, At WashinKtiîi iti,!d,îennn, 1hthil,- tj ii in-,ti '-,titiii,-ri ir ,t and'. i, ihe Il -lStates iIshinta triitîii, tii,-rlihait1ifiai, -,ir lier :iii butiget~-toirritfi:ît 'sale- latttitde as NVa,iiut,,tti îi ir-t-. g îrn yr it,:,, er. itiitt- hliiiî -st' lei- PANIC ON A STEAMER. i ti-sf:iiel ,haLor. in il H. a i-i> i. - -t , lt- ' i l u ttt-s.ti'i'.-r i ,uîs ',-îtnt-ir - liîn, . iii.tst - tri ut, a - - - Mta~2iY~f4. - - --i A!aPEAItAN(tE 0F TIIE ECl.tuSF. AT ITS BE.ST. tnt affar tram an s-dilus-atf th--unm. A atunaur'an uigiluand .]caeia e w of a rulîtur ulil i a sautel by tlas-passinir ai Iveut> meni.She k-fl Sanaaboutlraid- tiii n tutrin rougb ltt- anti'#saaîat. Il< mgit lTut-suit, muilgilan.] iraut otînt m as visile tram ecen>' pointa tiri.(- earrîa Lake ihausi iil the ture of e bowling gale surfnate tram sehichthe-umiouniselt la vis- trrni iit- iortbweât aguîluslte protesta- iii,. et tht' timitIbt lin,t-i-t one cîture hansut thfii aseuui-s, em.Wbcuout aient ueitut-liiueis- orthe es-mîla. Fturtbi-r1nuti, natiuIe uliles lbe captuln !teid,-d ltrua antar eljiewhs-tien ttalioaspartiel. pre- baik. tiudii as tititabaout tiarte mules seuIs one--andmthe li e ms-saparase tl e- ut Fotrt Gtlrienî -su-muthe boat sbrunk a ert-> uba-rs(rn. aau mutrier bt-reitehi'nla-tr.i-atttuof i-un 1)îvss(etttie tîm Vigilant. ttut-, ,iuttbcn l Bsrson uur 'San Fren- I inesitua thltr-tv the paaruit-ms oub ai cisc> or Ru,> Jauneiro., jettr as tbe abat!,,,, hbuir rtbs, aimd in an instant ss-meti and ut n tnt. nat upiuan Cbouise iippe-trirlthe uhiiui-tinmlastnt attire t, -mn-ruabing tran- ianie trala vbaievc pouinto! sut- t lbnusil umiY l>' ult. whibt- imuiimhve sn-namuried. triai-ciiut, A .,urt a-ihuxe lan,-auaî- ,l t' Theli weeuî-n i ru- itir-al teb..offi' hue îiaseage ai the mnioiu bea-u , isandiît tct-a IbN,- <biat t'vrytlhng ssas ail tiue suit. Te, su--ct ait-n taut lactoisitiutt- gta d l iery Otne louok rime ta gel fuli>' i-n tit t<be rangetu-nex ight. Ilusas attse ul-issu-l iiind]aurithie,,lncu iaulutautl itu- xacîly bl-lilai sain.- rieur In trymuitu t ctris-ate it-rat-l liebtat ilijeel, a. a tri-c.ancnetant se)fgand ii. t einbrt bu--r îulî-n, tsi iuîg bt-r mtliti'hlas-t-c>. las- t-s-e laixactiy in lumue -itIihitu antutu tufhe iii,, sudmianiiu t tonati ut taitso t bouse If Is- moyen,, rim <his liit. t-fthalus-trit uutlsally pouidinutlihr-aisus. tire rigit or the left, tht tri-e chantger, ifs Sbnitti>' ati' sar.] ont-'oft htr tsbei stwa@ positionu stuireterene-taothh tus. and mls,,lunuuk,-,u L t> rlikite il lgand sie s-bt-o hiebasinuovcd toa ecertîanditance ici,,leftmn aiienlirci>' keiphax condition It s-t-se,, slloirt-h-te),urange isiti. Ille,imu,,.sI iuu ntiiUukintla louidiiktw-ua 'T'e botuse. Ian1wtec fai esuihr telulinle eu-tan-i lihet biera<t)rt-ift buvard lie stmi ireis.tant bonnethe moon us thc ('u1,iiii tharn,-, flter hait an botr t-e. .tiie-lbout at-uek <the bettet itr, ndtnt!C- Stacothua moion ia a corripauatit'e>' antial ntttti uer 10 onemideu.,- althe w-avea leuti, uauly abouît 2,0<1)taules l ,.i.i it-.l-. h taitng fi unbt-t. 'The urittaiu refniait. wsitestht- d ,tseter cf ti,-ur. l u-ut fît ne t, la t, lu-li u t>botaltîntil t!aybr'uuk, Soon ut ut Si imtilts, tiere .s rlonhtiret-art b ututiii tfit-t- tti> tt-ak ail masatnet--ns ,-t-n. ttun t-tînt fur g,-thîîg off outIle range- -,flu-iutult, ttel>'ivoiren au..d ctuilren t htst li tire u-urtb in p.ta.iit.etht afin, 1h us , toiîg t..k.', i soru. failoîscul lu>t ire ufutu, ait obser-ver situatevî Thuruiayanywthtt- nua, itti>' th le cru-v. The is t-i--k,-,It-r-a onIllet r ta ilte miN- lin.- ahi,,, lic .u se a,, s mîltuit$1 ( t îand i,,aur'uifuît u-at,-' il u>, at Havane, <ls-e tnaa tjpp'murul 1lSm. I. lit u uilt lu, 1877and ne- tut h-l ui-ect> ai-rosa the sus fut -c nu2tl ,1 Silo %us it il.-tut maovine si.,ag tlitracni' musni,'t î,u tbh-diaturain "Moona Putti.. n til.- tTHE '"TERRIBLE SWEIJE' OVING. rtet muu i,,,is-ated lu' l.thirnitis-Oneuv-t- r1nttts-ue only previtntelt-et-cilla-e frnîum N.ted]Cycliet rastld Aftcu lucime îot:&] for <bal obset-ver, an,!tîathi as Lonae-m>llance Conts-sI. tutt t tci onciabeing aht s-r>' .euinl> lit- .1 uI,I, î . the- ternrible,- tittde,' gi-'tt i istace traintht-t-rtt ii, lut-t- l lîîguufitt-el.. ,at.,erura paren'itt-it- etîs nt ileuslau.a hiuitta tus ng itn ilttutT ttiu e-agomin.,t 1,- la tha tif <aithe»n.litIitittuit-,lit- t-din ta ns finlutwhic-i ie Foru:tir bserver et ',taiittn liii' the i itt. i unturiei tusc. hit. IThe tia- ratong- s, a. diffiTt-,s-t.'to lim itheittiotii,.,,'c wn~s umutlt,- riît-s anth fe ,-wtt r-ttt-t-ilit.,aredtlItopuuss .loîac tti'e i, hurt>euhmufugî't! i.-sttlit,-tit,! t stt->', imuit-uci.5AB, se, tltiltatîîîîr i ltt, juisi ______ t-t-tut-bt-.] iu aiàm e'itr. Autii'iie te mltutt lîtltau<t- 51 ia s i tli it ttu-vr -f hf tli, raunge. 'laO bit., ýtii tîusuîîm i i li l he CI). Ils oripeta-îgu' 5V li liiha%, j,t grmtntd tihaut-r iaiu,'ta ftlit, siit iii ps cumuRil thiers- vaaui havet,,bt-t-ut f et-lupsu' Mluch"et oît tti-eeIti'wti s-tlipaie tft- un obseryes stili tarIt- m., Ii. A-s nbick la 18 thIe ulest ttalutli. or thtsin. v is-t vus vsiblisnit hua îI f ci tire cuttr>' lsk iplae-.<lune t he, li ris'. i, here havet tsr'tu s-t .rultif i e-ielfna chh uset-imiles-fromnt orbe, parute Outhlie Unitedl Bruta'els-. mîThe itaWt of- t1~lcie as tht- .tliiuati of 1,S7,1. I tvsas uitacrvctiftrou. lh. eu.linui ai ils-ast- ndut!vas riiitftil, ufit îietifi re,,ulta, Per mare frequeut anr-patrtil es-litaseu. lis-arcu ushics btic. ,ct'in bitîltu cen>' vitk. A total et'ltp.- ixit-aetue carcs-.and t! 1slanot tfeu tliiUltiie sitadows ft-om t ftaillebaemett'e-titrildh>' tie saie làaiahin usa huinuîr-ulyî-ua MICHIGAN CITY FIRE. Onse Msn KIlS.. sidFIeFamailles JOUX LAWSON. de losuele.s._________ _______ On.emrien buraettI ta cth in a butrribls- mile. iAwsou rade a piacky macs-. consîd- unanner,mauother suifs-mine troansectroe rlag lbhecaundîtiotis oaire ,-content, atît tnt-ns, ses-srail averStolue t li luesic f ai lisie,! s'iti e terrifie sport au the boune naptia au.]tirent, a priupsrty tuasior$70,- strelcb. 'lic 5e11 day bs- vas prostraebsa 000. an eu<ire biOsi Of tuildings luauebes an.] bas nat beau abtie a ise tram hisild an.]rive amille@ houmc-t'u. Tht-etire the sinc. itatuces et a lire irwhi Wealnitday JahlaLsso. vas barn la Sues!.-,Maj thmitsteneoUi Miigan City., lad., iti d- 13, 18r,. lIs-cslnmensetlridiag ha 1891 struction &catI eauultedila ati upomuIt@an.] di, bis, beat uonk In long-distance Chus-ega tiredeganlms-nlfor assistance,. t-vents, Ils- vaus naIs-ilftonbis terrifie Au exsionlin the<b. icblean Cil>'BsabaurIs, sîliclirepeak-u!Iy von, bila avie- au.] Dor Caulmsyui plant reeulte, li tory tram s oeming sure defit l sceuse the i he lc w"vas sulaad olul>' b>'tire of litsmi-usersasmia e Inas-r k# diterate persistent efomts aifs-vcny able-botIied cis- ecailtaýli e scirue.! tic titis lcbhhihobuis zen. Fur a <la. 1< booked.]as uft1h. entire bones- svs-ncse, tiraitut ts-e mii cil>' vas <oaho sacIIhceil, The lire vas Svoàie." heon.] conaIo, lic viud hlgb, the'coiua- bs-sr fireinen amiable to mairs- an>' uiuîreg-- PeterMcNally, the IBotoun fviaigner elon open <befdamnes uhicis burues! boue uha modae an sttmpt ta svon <h. Itaglish and,]apperatas aat! pnsbed <bols- way Il- cbaanel aun Setuvdayt-and! ounemmrl l vend lbusiness boum ean,] reisias-ea. A tuakitoutil ulua hre t milesOuth ie s-al for asai&slcetelegraue to Hsau- iFrench couet, in li guo.] eutuultrîii. lis mannd, Ilad-vus»*awcred unfavoratîly bas recativeaît slarge amahue- tof w ueta- b>. tiseofficilasoiflEt place. ubareplie.] istary <siegcm. tIn t <ey coal,]tual *psarenyteai hi-r ep- paratua. A meage ta Chiicagoa for beli, rTbe bumiiesu mes of lgprins Vaulley, Ill., hroughit an immeitae respnmue traonbal.] aameetinig et Utheity bait and! ceree ObietrSva-nle, vie startuil eiae Sm- te bny saet-lau.! aofiant- for lbhemu-s-dy pemries 40, 42 atjj1, in cs-,.5iciAssistant minoa ns h tisIcky. The farmner,@airlPut- Clilef (lpio[n, o & alir<.tite qulck- anas (ount>', a"mus lie river, eue galia Iry pmeawrs.steclalai fite IMîla aCea- to dausai. &W0buiselà or nom. ILLINOIS STATE NEW! ot Sr ltho« We oW __________i agial 512 3ears. Tht- deernased batves a h îusitunan. u] tour ecildren. OCCURRENCES OURINO T HE Thé, harntt omiess, rye mu.] wbeât, PAST WEEK. at-ttitd Joliet isa ven, anthle tarnes aret ttftuoelwitb e dufficultj mare, pit- Pliig ihan lbu priessor HenulaflIcs. Anatry chls-sogo crovil Bca. Tua-4.nca l au t, tk. aals are lu boudies. an,] Whoa tiblbacilas Hane ilanu- j fit taiiioitiaieaitho he baud ta opéette gpaldîne 1. Fo.nd uiti ai Fia-e- t ht-it-iuit bezzloliggalete F.'s.The-,tu-,-aion of lts- LoyeJoy menu- besslng S<le Fedsnient, t-nift,-,!by tbe people ofIlinuois - tutndtif îtoiti heb.mmary ai the. <rut r P<lcks Hies Kife toitea H,çre.s Iliînoisa tuiittomfarete seh, ull take Jainca -mutiu. fat (,atî ttr-ed tiiPait-ut O ilt.Nos-. 7 ns-t. vlcb vWitt serve bisl Init,,ia.tal a hte's l iustilIL ac tie tit, xitth atiienay of thetlrs-ge.l tuie tti i-I t lie t îi-' ti t iheti- t ilî w it-lt -'e:urýtt Lu:eje>-bis lus-. bis î.îî.tMît.NIol-hael < tih-s reo- ,.ii ,ftuIf tie Rockiar! httlone <lac sîud,,irt i u it a iM m ,î tuttiall tit i- o I' l i, t 'fiuatf y stas sel,] la>' tle ulos -ct r> uug atu santîuthe ijol nu, i titaia-, idin ha y the Ps-pis-s iIs-ath ittilhéuir imt,'iu. Isaac !lt, tt îutt uefires-luns-at a jndgaaent s peili-:, letit his wagin andtuhtrss-Stifli- "i)te f,îre,îl he ,-umî.auy t0the watt a ing vittu,-lie.. ..ntlutin,'et,muteruça-n 1<1,,, k tris-k. lotug. Thé nautiontali 1urobttla c>' anui is'tl , r-îtei. t tut t-t',! trtt atn,. th, Lessver iii n,,,, ' acissus-. s ioag Coa îtitivni-f-In.,mi ltiloirs 111, ut i. muit,, Itite t 'lulago ognlt eiome aan- liluit-. iCi..t imug arrir-tiani oéit i , e utlie îue luis haîd antI sias vlttllna oe hl atle~~mî,~ti-nitiitlui udrag bis -Laaintn va.,.] thcu i- supit-,!Ihoffuasmne . fnîtuit 4 i h-I,gil)îtcar, an uikaowu Mau He pi uniaeo i t-é tife Modeit elle.,t 1"'i.- l ut-fittithé- tliceisan.] vaasgo baally horst'.. ficîuk sud ut-ut c il aitilI t Sa o i' ij> rdtuitlin- iiid, The fat-miijuitofai slettîn. Tliiiititintîl h,utru. lit, ss ua otinaui sitîn as e laun,]ry sîurnauu tz I..thét- nudmul i it ittit-,.o e tmark trpnuiets il,,ruffru. sthile iuîuoin bis coliear pensons i-i th# s tt-t-tttut îi t-it huit a humaiarot-iteunaîtuit.. Vosel. l. bisl poe- mer f. Il,' tea-il thételit, fe tt.ilima utîtuilui t-ta ver,- nu, jettera or papers ta tht-uit lin saui tIi.the1ti-uti-,t att u to ut theCligkt iuîîîoi.u ienîtiîy. rrtwii tm.- u u - i, î f-t'cvi-vo,N',îi ,iut lt-. iCittifli, rmt-niy laokee-ier Tht-t pittlitIt-tui l . t hi' 15t-iftti tt îuoillctu,r furît- h' ern iOpera Coin- -t til sitii a' ut ut- Niisu'l :amri c ., i le,d ii-gtuilty ta an undict- lui-nI chîrimg hbu t.-h i-nibeîallng $11,- etrct lo. OI-ator m sutet-i-,- >' iulge Burke- Oi d t«r;tt !,,l ai: nt..îr%th r, )tctiý~t-:: h:nî.:o î)ui irhiniaant la the Stuile Nétc.(;tr,. ýýoÉ,r. l--uîîjýnteutiary uit Joliet. Tie mont-y ie iate, ., ;.[ i t 1 1 it t,,ilie au e of l it i- titlt-zzlt't]ius %atill to.ittave been lîjt a vrs- tensu.a tt r'hl-. ilo--,-usu ir tutil> tii- ti,- nglti!uuiulig tabetitaiut in sacuclations. Inititta la-of-r tii- -t I r-,ilîiik. utr, - sih tual.,'cun genier nupmo.ur mn tandr- iî fti allait t îrau- tru ezlfîth'.i fitltfi'amns,îuinutJoliet lhei 't! tragt,. Blit-itia, 'ru s old 'Iuit, 1ih'ru It.',, i,r bas-t! ('uuIn saien .-.-tei i ,oN -t-.a t.' lti t t - ol ) ltutr c-ltt0tii ,]s't-iingv. V*,e t ; si, ial il'oYai-i, titIkvltuî,,aua, t-t,,rihem, coaumt botiîau-- Mprilain onnil Guilt>. tti, id ierst-e-t oîu brick an,] su,,, TI,, t. ti,I,tut l ius ht., ,aItiit-lt, ilttu iTfî i eu-a <lre it tifthe largit Bitt kun tspau i ooltg, Lîiil,, fietuirti iîmu i.1, 1a îîmîuî britttff a illeoft- tn ulthe ruts- anil bimut Thet, 'It- tittrjt,- 555t'oilo,- ,. t;, - f-tIiuîîd v.-ithbhusinesis, te lb. tîîtzIi, ttt of $2s,tiomu suitfu ,u' ,, , ........ tIrit tii,, ui o baîf-bundred Lotter toit>f-iitittttiuttat wluthsýft1, t-m tnftea .il t., lui',l.s5-ity i , --lit if-., i. 'lk," hetu, ul. itrel, toias fotmnti' 'l'it- fîcu!àtit>'inu iuiirisiiit ut ît fuir frfit gelilty ut, J aie- innî's court at Claicago ot(t' fi-te., t-us it thi.,îuilittftitiu t-. (itutheiiioiller o!fWiUlliam Body ou the l'nter lhe parole-milte, lauelletittfthe drainage-cui iau.]bis pualusument lied aente-nce. yulldeî.-î,ulon ltuhe uooo,a--ltt iaipiusrnnucnt fanrltly yers. Clana sitar oftuf:liii inîoiu-n. Tt dils-s nut î,,îî,s Bitîn",, ttho veaslt-le.!as an aceeesnory ta tieat lbe ssiiîgut tii thii.itîlw4inn> - îig <be nurriler asnacqile..Ike il ail. triame- is iiiet- tkullu 1,tuthéb,-Suîîr,-uu,-t,. bhase bitem fiigning lnaenlly. <Oa, aiîol,lus .î ude-Dtuilie î(titi.lubistricts-axaitadeclîn. ta gel ap lu tion Ibat thii itent' -ami-i. atualted SîalIdiigtfom tht- auomnlng pnaeeellagsn ucourt, de- vbs-î,lue Ityptuloc-uiiti ti-elbonîds uauaI iemanuliuuetiet sdtute hoseul antIl he consi]tmaai.Thei'Sîmirei-ai--Coumt dtIr- hal hil a gond sles-p. len1 coiei' tuaîmit h-irm-, tut it wil îu A doubls- mq-uls-nos-sur..] etSprnugfield ie nome telit-letor- Sîailing's fate ie met. TuemaiIm. James Mingte, a bar,. <rader, led. Iftices-erdic-t igeinst beint lm selta tintrtuii-d of lte, etlie. Th ic tue arM aitiés-lue sili notl ietnt oi!thet vode!. rlt- Mary Brisco. ati ber infant achûr Tb.y bas bteu idicteil. auni-tlclo!fIlte sre kilît-.]b>' chopping <heirn ul< Globe itavingn Banki. founrs-ecliigztermfs- a hatebet. The, vaman tit!not dis uallkt lia aitlsie kiit-wlaItihéIrank lbailtiuiÇi- some beumrs aflen 1h. die.] vas couuiltted. et-t Thi..bas bs-ci uts-neconvictionanus-r The- baby tis ]dubwen ionda. Mîngie bbc tatarmaiinmg ibau anoffensie. an.! tihre bas bs-ni- lIng vith lhe voman fe oin.~ lae sautiier.hite. Tt la saidt!hle cause oit tise troubl iras bon refusaIt la live ulihhlm s=7 Toug- Die. Under ahe Whecis, er. Miagle bas iccu arteste]. Blonad as An uniiti-uutitis-d uan Ibrets bimsnel ap- toua.] an bis cloîbes and!lihou a u uiD on the Ira, ks ('entrai IRail- ai lie cit>. uhea capture.]. He dentesthe ronati ahl,,itngtt indtul trasm uin b>'a chargit, The vomsan vas hu$ 19 yss.rr paentg-ntrait,. "ihit bnti> as uagled l ad, almult >utu t--ttiiou-ii, Caplain Fallan ai the American Vol- tal. Ii.entb lisai!-t luleni iistinfly.Ttcéimle-ra iras playiag a guettand sulging man situn,-a shirt Ia'uuring theétiii ot P. eti('hucago sehea a big bui!j began ta WV. Diuî'cnoti. :,--Maisoaicveu.uEr- erîehs-a iIstunbanc.He grahibe!ber ly ' u, lb,- iniu-îtti it' ta"llet lti,-gumtar and deiaded: "TbeW'l Be a Hot DIckeratus,enîbonneandî iile-ti iir at.iiutliultg T'l'in uthue- (ld Town To-ulgil.îi ¶iure ta st. Aflî-ngis uinltit tîmn, Ir. . sm tis. a nmtulte millaten. A jaune icllov sein- I it-krso trt-ct-iut,-ul it i. itl une.- ! trif lir uî'thersusler an,] ttrsed Thintteaa luiual)n,]a iin. 1h'lit- . mi tiiallit linuîsl inîu ixt>' seconda. s-bile lie Valua- 2-4 t-i-sa ,iui t! t'lI-ot-ena u-iut-a, tcrsa tedil.: Stik- la the Naie t t eLuu-l.ul' Th'e ms-euer was(erge Hi. ores.]!, cuntl'iif. ('aIer at. liqagitIer fram the sruaj, oviae Tît'h.-auila isu>it (11.11i- la-iî,uaitl. nutIne -hiseaI.! compaulona mis- s grues-r, tvaith t iunî t 40i Smtih 1 .- tr-at-n i e lcvas laken back lite<b. piuîino,- ot rat-t, u,ug walsas îniul n i.] Cenutrail in.,,ks itii ultuuiut,, t,,. 111 i>axhitig ioun,] a cure-et a bigba rate titis mf inti', pîîllîî st-t- ,'.ufiîIuu t uc> hivse (ta!gacte], ae<'hicago, Burlagtum an.] Qula- ton ltu-inrh-tit(Is a m,,orrlîr n.>otery. 1Tlilsia t>' aitob ê-ngiac jumpe] the tract white feor linls n,îu ui taamaire- lîs. u i ti lu,-ir buitutl iuutt utrain ai cars st the (]aieaburg Iall 1 te t et-,,iasîbugmîht in tt ,suî-l., Monday. WI1l a aserless ut i-é liait] tir. u ,ima,'initIi tronît ofa tateîu terti,- irnilus il slaggered ahong. blien, ntuit ettulittaslife. lotit uitinvtigalion,,,.9histeus balance, plunaelbe.]loag tiun, wtIich,oi t -o,unditéel uit,ua-hkt-'t fiait- Ils- tclit-ipmmbîkîuent sat! hure] Ilself ily 1iItI-l.e-l atrutu,n li.î,-,,,-thonithtiéin lthe s-uit-na of Higbland]taire, a mil nian t, t t ou ti lay:. , irit> ut eilaler.'T'he engînenien lumpeul fiar thi-ir lises lual lan lime. Siltciman @tale Ns-vsin Brlcf. MathIl Iakins. ridimue an lb. front ai lbe Fis-i tf lte îtaiî .truera uit .16iitl -u- s'îîei.e. tovasetitras-nbilue imutbe air. Fait. cesas i -i ,umimn figroua $21.!44 ,,o' ing. lus- otrueîk the bnack jusl la iront of~ u,> ltituo4ut u'-tiite tuuatii- nluz col.~i- efast-mavînir engins-ansi as eroisat Pt-,-.itlit t îîu u-iutut irt-sttenu. heta ,deutla ,u-muatlils irbeelu iua< as i<toakI ctarriersa t,,k téfî it,-îîîr itio he courtstoils inalîtui î,p imthbbcle. fupe it>uuu-ulit lii t-ret-m.Inl>' snuc-s em-auitu> ring lter. imas ighl- fui. toi accuidetl et-Pomis, resultîag la lhe Thé prot-[.--is or thé - It-lu îîft -,. ,y, t îî,uua it tillantdseah aiMina Crac. White ticse i-ret-,iritet(hunit, elle i,- react oi ft('unitL'il>. 2) jean ut ac; lie tatal lint. lutinit-liefrst huit ut the,',trrut uijury otutMns. Peler Spunck. sud siighl vetur ut liuî a îmîll'ia suirpus fir iuiesho lMre. H. IW. Kineboif. As bh.y duivils-airtu $lKW4ti-, ts il,-nt thlIe ,,t--- stfeeriviî,e dowts- hebill a portion af aîuîîîiîtiig î'îîe haI yeui-f L in îîa ,t cIthé,-lia rv,-ss lirais-. lel<iag the buggy run ai Mi,'-~ tirls,,il talm agau-.i. tatIthe- aninilt. Tt comaus-uceal kick. tiiilu,lot ui-uey îî,nuîrîî a dilite i,uthI-sxtite anui titmuuiuuedo-sn tbe-bbu!. Miais aux uttiti,. h'r ft,' î,,,,î,tîîIf jité th'. NN'litu jtîa-ttriiing amlt<bit back et fu l it-it rIif tf -t t i gmu guit tu $1 t.,241 tutti-nr h mii il, lira. Spr n d .Mrs, iCîrcboif fith îu-iounî,uîtiî[:i a u-utc vs-r,- ltrti onit. Mr. Slurck suffer-tia 1,1wJ'aploof iliagoarc1 tfatngira-tume a! lhe sinil. Smal top oraiber 'Fut va, 'aîi-lfut ie 'tttu -uusit-toii tittillttt_ rtemj in c,îts-rlin-d. Miss Vshite urn iaftt'u' ofilftt. ltux ut. - lrt-itend ii i t .uîlh eu tratits. Mrs. Klrch- au to.- 1't. toi li, présenut t f ii r , ut -fît-fg s s ittittudiy shakitu up an.! bruI»- tuu.ufaii te tpilifîmiti ifinwti tia , Luilotifila nIt i-e,! sitlla ins.nlatasiy T'iuiai lutsia ti- lîttdi'1).ut t <ri. thi, ý iujutni',. i-ti u usaiu'tît ttin, th' , Wth uan aliged shortage oai$38.00o0 uiuti--tiuttionbxeir a,'î ,,,>'itî.t- .,.iIo. liaitloio,all-g-nl dumin>" Jeans tan The'iti-ta't;iu' laveti-i,.sfr> t, -uusuiisuitI lurgo, anutults. and Ite-thirds ai thse bon- wth it hi. ddi utrngnî-usuîhtun Ir-ilti'u rcute imu L.reboids-rs la detaul< on <beir fnîtuithée ,'tet-riiuititt î.,x.-a ttuli h t,'rtniIparnuttuta hoeaffale ai<be Mes-h.ea carii-r,. ttund Triltera' Savinge, Loasn anti Building -Assucition lis-et! 5as-srat investigation, W<iilliam 1,eIui,. f- i-rt ,-yumatownshaip u c-iaurite i a nu ile..i in <he Circuit roeeeatr vttti itntiuîiut lu, the-affariof Couurt ut Chicago,. Changes are madle <bat South Pit ism ,yâu,,ri*,t,,Iy miuissmug, lts-eaffiner, ai th, assoc.iation aIde] <b andadu-nsftit h its ine t 'Idu-it an'recati-r-Ises-rt-tan>' to use tbe suacletyas s fcet!, taineil f>hl taiituiil>', Hlélef t honmte %51-fer iothes-latt-r*s business ea a huüdter sud in ienît lu.- s xgîtittebuintiuue for iil.,>'. nsîntneui'lttn 1Ila cbanged <t Ihe se- lItlti-ut lulis lIsttitlteunriti. inà ""a viii i n hoIs l ,,ît-litdi>insolvent sud thal lits lin euit m.aluug l,,kie tià.i aaa ,. l]inutittitsuruna,.s -taulit tuof =000 existe only ONa ai lronis liiutui tit-lt-il uont. siliidtittpalmer .abt]bas <hie condition nf lie tiue luit setufrd hanites rithi-uitil frat in, uu,. assta-iai,in coatenbt, acordîug te <h. He li. laxamuiulete firie -tubangtutti'-,tttupiainantstthe Sbae-Audîlor bas auti, He bas a itultnt rai îiiiy. Hé ut a lus-t!tiec iit>' lucesse illegal sat! lu- t-vanrit-u.rndîîlbuilî-m, trtper îîmac<lccas. A. Lit.,hS'inîl. ,lîo-pa.rtiu,-ut coamandeîir . puu-..enetainalaon lb. Sautaln Ronnait

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