CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Aug 1897, p. 4

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râs S8? eEUBAI<. À . y. itam nt Prt" Yorek Ocu'e la St -T E N i fE T omnet a microbe hi unhu.ak mWn dise* Ib, raquetîe. 1 an aedqtivt bat * aaton g, devqealii A dlpat4 1te theNew Yor-k Rerati IS i4tila wbeh iternes lu eitgest franc e.Janeiro. Bruimaye tint au-lessgeoly. IU&ppeWatly t ti.trui e t the IUO'theatie iutoematio.r han reacirdtirât titï .bum"àn bloti.a drop Dt whielà il -mime te the effect that More thon 8»00oldiers i upon with sertiseuses. Yeatta* the -':IN SPITE 0F WEYLER bave bien kille iln a big battie near the' reti corpinwles, andti t ma be ttia __________les moI. than 10,000 men, ail weil arme'. li the luitltutlon or diseases, whlch tsilae aLftaeked tbhe<overnmenî troope. Wbole rncrote. may lic drectîy reeponsible fur. yONA MIELTON CONFIOENTLY EX. brigades of the soldier ere i~swept down mince they neime upon the blondi of eIcélY mai destn-oyed, trampe under foot au the pern aprefürence to titat trom, pwetet PEOTS RELEASL viteorlotis fanatica, wlth wld. hoase l beit organlama. They propagiate by *bouta of triumph, parired over tiera. The the million lat a baittiarkened raurm, but fulextent of the tome of lits cainot now a strof Out g meman dexatif. The. moutii Xe li0ite et BelicoleTle 11.Siteuid ha to>d. TItere la no reagonahle deuilt. li the grentest orgait dîscernîble la the wiilg e0TiliaDetoeAvoeu Actuel however, that the Sono iu killeti on lotii microbe. Beyond ttsProfessor Rand Ilctllies l-iacle a. PayesTore ides la more than 8,000. For mitestthe hannty sgewtbiivsiaio, CismaKeuasMineraS ltrike. BltrndamollitConsultor in strewn wth ' f l et 0ue wl thi e n estigatof the dent] and dylug. the <ovei-liieflt swhieinxy eea omcl. ti.wrdo troope belng compeilei to lisse their ddroitmc ngnr Woodiordse lotb Mod.estier. on the fit-id and Osee to meve iliemselves ORCS B N6 The 14ý Lotiestt bt nnt-as a.this fi-arconiplete destruction by ti r- OEenE OSED tiroan lifvi...h.l'lt, werfîil sar ifoflic-tanche 'if the funatcs. When tc eregotVrsesWI OtSa00OOMr VultelitHleS i« Iî.iug feit es-ciy day rit Of the awfnl iattie rean'bed Rio Jalneiro thon Lent ITer. Npaî in. Notwiheaoding the Siailsh it waa consitiereti by the preldet nt rt R G. Donî & Co.'@ Weekly Revtew of tiffseit, of lIer. îlie ,- ti.-ling ail possiblîe nunitr7 and iltissaadeedtatu»seti the Trasle gay3s. "Dispatches frointaimont av- tia pr.'ai-nt lîtttilit-,. lîetvéenîthe -two minister of war tu the sceene ut wcek y No.tiie ity of Importance report coutriex. *lîî Melonidi alionie tinte wth 4,000 nen, who are Dow gathering. wthout xetfaIpome i s- ago in an illlIi.ttW lt CabnaiS fortres: Tb4y yl carry witii thein agseat $tore e.,an tentt oceaImteoenentpin b 'bin he tlw> tcékcaadi-eldesi deranti for of siiiiitnition sud wilt ensteavor tou<is- nroppntisfetoceank'too a n shei My libei-zv I will lie vi-lcesse. 1 have it Surissejthe taariciezfront thcpositionsa îYhey cop ptis andIns tresakof te untngthe uiethe iiiî,t ilubIe îothuîrityItiait Can- now iiold. Fighting ha, been In Progr"qca diios atdmtralew th anuîr o evas,. anîiiiatiiog%Ir. Wottstiard's mis. at Canotieor for several week.In the* condition, eregati y ne lawFitasd pro- slun t Sta îîi. up.î ik isarrivai In tiratit meitime, white the fanaties fought op- gresse it gatlfng rnpity aud came.n country will lIt .-it hier wlth ainnr er for larntlY wlth littie heurt, îhey have becuEs-nteiccmn srnt ferk the retraite if the Anisrit-ana -uaptîîreti n gatherlng iheir forces froint al directions. couat mini-r. probably fora-ards the alloi- the Competitî,r. t'fuJovpiq will îlot Malt The reault wam the final attark ou tie trou of Uhc uniformlty plan, whleh Proie- for Mr. MeKinli-x to sel.' When the Govri-nent treuipa, whiehI ld tua uch 'iseta relahive Mot of the cause, of mauch aewa lr't rnathed Spin ini regard ta mwfulrt~et. truggles. Borne confusion in caussid by esentm e eengly contradilctory-by elos- the action of Congres% in denintinîg the ALL OUT INB OANOKK. lng nf laîrge cotton mlii, whcn rnany fitrer reteaae of telie el.,îîoos-ai virei-ttirei- iorksa îr-etolrting and by de-dînelitnmone intige stivît-te Sier, la [toile pros tie MieOwners Close Their lihafta toaîtricse m-len ailhert are ativaninu-but the case. r'it, juiige latly refused ta ii 0lly Avoird Trouble witia @trissera. balane le unîîistatcably on the rlght mule. wit the î,rdt-r. A seeiini câble watt met The mhcclff of Wuodford County. III., Thteumont inmportant ciecnt ince the pas- tolling hlm thrat inl-ss hie tompliet i iîii telegraphedta t Gov. John IL. Tanner aak- age ufthti new sotit, hich wa, gien- the retieisthewiold lbe arrested for in- iug for Blute troope, as it wae astateti thal erally antit-Ipatei a a-eck ago, ha, heen subordinaetiotn. It is expe-teil fiit wlh- etrikers In large numher, were rnarching the îîoîrkci ilîcrease in foreign tiemanti In another tt(ek Meltnîtfanit hie etîmpan- to Roanoke to compet the miner, ta quilt anti adallner ln prive for whent. Wîth iona, brokien litii lîh andi pirits, will work. The Governor refuseti the traquent, croit neil s till favorable producers nîîîy watk front their celle.' as no trouble hati occurreti, but aikedta t prîubably rt-lIte morethlng litre 880000.O, Vl'ILE AX CLIEs ip otlfledjq came of disturtiare. The W00mnor-t thn lest sear on whcat. Corn ÇCESM PA TO L ntf.ýgbU ionc'110h RoIro oe or-M700- andticollitallioetdvanced, thnugh reporte fard coy"never îlfnesed betore. Ail au te yield aire gnod.'" Ucîtls for Forelguers Kfli.d aud lu- 1»bt loua pîjiCÂRoeA._ atirits lared la Amerlea. js' 1é.ny-avýerniàeleiia- ORtBfED DB RITAIN. The Treaaîîrl pe rfniéni bis tîirned t Sie the towa and kept guard aroanti 0ctte e ViiPa 6elt oreûtc 1~pn~spo2t. o~ îj~~ a fIsad of Palmuyre, of lMa- teObCrlstopiier Pchmidt, Ro kf , el~ i1héeMUm1ning1egKi(Oa wlnGrpIsu M<b mia -ema"nty, thte muniof 13,000 afllSiti gmca were tisu op t#e Sant.a o 'e oidi information of the action & the indemnty ta hlm for injuries suataineiluntracks nortlb ct Ioanoke aMd about 'mle British Governiment in taiil ose.o 189 front a tifleiiot fired hy Unitedi away the men stoppei to investigate as tt of lhe .,land of Pall'fra, in the Pacific ftstes millies. Pebtit waa paslng what kinti of a receptions they would rmeuinbas been recirei ai the gltste »-, along a puLlic igbway nsear Fort Snell- cene. The party was madc Dit ut 4W01 " arment froint Minister Rewall at !Hon- lug.M na.,whletehle millier, were fi-ins 500 men troinithe mns tMuls. Rut- -I-l. 1z,__ ,t. --cîycnte_ h civer their rifle range and w. truck by laud, Wenona, Streator and rotilea. The 't-à*'-t ut the egure or thaeSlaud. The a utray blles. Hetans a subies-t of G;er- threats matie by theme men. were thetactionu f tGrent Britain lu taking pommea- ma"r but wheîî tic appropriation wîîm serions damasse migit remnt if tiiey vis- seio ftciluda htn0,floi made for lia@ relief Ctîngresls expreaslv itel the place anti much uneaslnema ,,,as 0ittdors, the submi,,ion &t an annexau- refuse tat admit liubility in ani-li caesfrit In every quarter. Juat after day- a anti madte ti fent rentd: "Relief of a poib- iâttte visitra ent a commttee te Coniulio treaty ta the- Senate by the Prtésideut. j t eran>l. 1,0 pav onultif bîîrnîiî suit withtie officers of tic compa. î .cniirt eyagiiatb i jcofdrto tiiîtrfrnc i Ii-l neiot htte none hm Wasbin&ton authorities. NWhether it la qutsie-aiont iîîîlthotirefor. 1nte fiteinthat t-old realthere untîl titirurintendedte t complicate mater, au as ta man Governncnit, nam full intiniîlta-." t-te. demande wcre completi witii. 'Tle cont atae uoffanesaii ravh avalrta- Teitil easethnfnlyed panrthentiecided to suspendt uperationa.snanutoisealaiganaa i Tic t-îl tipartnen haflnlly nîdigviag in conpletely to tie demantda of thelienu pai tie Salaun qusition, lher ae- anotier inîtrnîationîal Incident i3 liti>."ii rminera fromt the neigiborlaiigtoI-na. lut r tion la icutarticttauof the igheat impor- over to Crient Vintithetitilait-,b,rg4 on antti e tRaoeinltance ;fitifuture ticvelopnîenta ilIl bc thesum0f$11000asinuemntyfor theiti- ly, the shbriff has releascit hI- depntles, awaited ws-ih keen intereet by officiais. ng toa fli b,3 amobti tr-e tahiait mtb- anad peice once more reignit in the to ni Ju-ct. Tite rair wre Iiurenzo iialatdiîîo. Uncie Famin'.Expeasea. * Salvatore Art-ni and <iîilmépe Veturel- MOURNINO NitÀR @AN JOSE. iflm i.te c1iniol in Washiingtonî, 1). C., let. andl liii> %vere taken out of juil lit-thrat the exitînditures of the-(tsenîo Hahvlille, Le.. about a ycar agt ant i Lttle Illinois TownasFrarfnl Visita- for the nionth of July have, cat-edeit $W 0 Iynched. tion of SLorm Blilaire eatb. 00,000c. This i. a gi-cat lueri-rei ove-r lhe VirE CHADORI> WKTH MURI3ER. A cyclone on'errilic force mM-pt pami iorresîioîdinir îîonth anat 3-car.Tipa San Sote., lit., Thîrsday nighLt Thui ettet f-te pensions are neari>ly .ti,.Of ]Minnesota Men Kiliciad Attemno t n iîtîw t,, have icen kiedtirue as fol- whiîcltis the ]argent aggregal tirat hum Made te Crema. Bdy. Iowa: Mra. Pu-muel Brownlee andi three been paiiandlu ly for a numb&-r cf yeîirt. A Redavooti Falls (Minni.) apeial gays~ childreîî; Miss Jesmie Graves, visitiug Mr,. The dellc-eiey In revenlue for te moutl that John 0'Connell a well-knovnî farin- Brownlee-; A. C. MclDnwelt and bis grand- l.e1.0000,anti hadSIt not becua for er and prominent politicien tof Wetlne son,- llite foll"wlug people were ,eraoulY thc abn-armal rercîpte fromt cuetont s'aid towanship waas urdereti at bit farmnbonse. inuured: Chailes McDoaveli, Mary Me- internat revenue mince JuIy 1, ow. mute1 the Beven gambses in bis scalp tere tic immne- D)owell, Mi-,. A. C. MeDoavel. Ban Joe deire lu taire ativantage of the exlting diate aenft>ofiati. After the ilowq escaupeit danmage oniy liecanse the ,tornt lower rate,, composr!t with the nefs tariSf badti et inflicsteti(CnîcV clothing rose nortit of the town andi pasaed above act, thia tilclency, Il t. catituateti, wonld was sattîrniîedtl lh keromfene ant ishit. F laît an bouc Inter a measeuser gaI- have re-heti $W,000,000. The draft, home w»as-te on arne. Statencnte of tires- loitediombtas-n and reportecl terrible de- npritnhtic tîasury hy the War D)etart- et his chiltren male ta the counîy nîîthr -ufrction orlthe sre of A. C. McDewell meut. largety on accounit of Publiceinm 111e a ~bthe- effet fihit Mr.l'Co- dsumonît-ti assistance of aurgeons.prv et.agraenely8,00(0 Iles wlofr h- îc leiitran.wae tie The Meuota-cîl houesteati aas uttcrly de- whlch taalen a muni largely in excese of nale authler of the horrible tragct!y. Ille moimeot, tiihe otuge einut lown front its ti mît iynet nti count tht., * wifi's anti1atby ta drink imrong findt foîtidation anti tore to firagments. The early ia th-- fiscal year. The receipt froint bisabue o be an th ehldrn wMtebarn hati miared the arne fate. wnaThe cy- critmiesanti inter-nat revenue have trop- bla abulseinflubne n a vdte idrcn ieclone #aiec «truck the farnt ut John Mc- pe-ed below the normal. aud are likelY tb no t er Ia in lule.a aedie e DoaveIl andi destroyet hie bei-n anti fine cointinue fuomne tinte. Thon far the tenporarly lan. -wlnut gi-ove. Tic boume escapesi. receipta for the monthr fron ctlstoingex- "1«i i. tnda oofi l Fithre clubs. . <ed 91110X),000, awhite tholte frotninter- tioowln etsadngtteci.eéatsr nubee al revenue are nearly $ltI.JO000). a the. National Itambaîl Loague: The Twcnty-itti Unted States Infan-, W. L. W. 1, try bicycle corps reached St. Louis. cou»- Masses Hie Own Gati. MBouton-..5M4 2N1 Pittsinrg . .384 44 pletlng I heir 2,000-mlle ride frumt Fort Dr. Stephen H. Etnen ianîow artili- Baltimore . .53 27 Chicago ...4 47 Miaoula, Mont., in 40 tiays. 85 of whlch cily producinst gold fronm the baser met- ktninuatl -..52 :> Louivills . 385N) aere actually espent un the rond. The alis la a $bop on Staten Islantd. Colt anti Nlew York..-. 41 31 Brooklyn-.4 4 4 corp S eft Fort Minords, Mot, ouniune impact, he meys, toc. the work. île for- Ceveland . .45 37 Washington. 31 51 14, 23 la number. In the paity wCi-5 ther allegles that bie ha. oIti ingota of tii Piaepta41 45 St. 1.i. 211 Lieut. Moite, Surgeon Kennedy, Etiaard artifcftly produedt gotti t0 the T'nitcd - I. Boos, the oiiel reporter, anti 20 Slates Remsy offie., andt tat il ha@ganod Tb* esiowlag of the members of the multier,, slcsted fromt Uic four couipanie. the test ant ilbeunpatid for. In tranismit- Western League te .amuiarized belowe: tationed ant Fort Miliota. During the ting tir. Emmena ulard a greatlitinot, W. L. W. 1 trip one of tie men aas retucrlid te Fort Mexîct»osilver. Indianaptolis. 57 27 Dletroit-45 4ýt Misoula, on accout t net blisn able t-) Colombo*m..-.5 .301 Mlntucaîsîtli. ID 61 e-epup. The tai-st twelvc day, of thre tti, lHas îSO00 Meuiber0. Milwauakee -3 CUntil itaîîittd waere riny anti dieagreeable. but gootl Theinst &Sellerai cottvcntionitof thte 02 58time was mate, nevertieleas. It wasa Youug People'sAllance of the Evangeli- Bt 'aî-'536 Ragnsam City 26 64 îuring tiese days tiat thc main dîitie cal Cliurth opened in ltitt.lînrg Thora- MURILI> -IN LAVA. of the. mottntain. Ma. crosseti. Mas eil as day. wlth a large atteindance of delegates thc greater pîart of Montana. Ticre avere front nearly every State, au M-cl ne trtin leurful Fs*te fmany phillippine a feu- pleasant tiaya twhite tie troupie aere Gcrmany,Japmn anti other foceign courn- susit NedSes.~ in Montania. - White crosslng the Orote la- tries. Although one of the youngeet tf Advitv-m rcvtis-ett nt Tacoma, Wan., titan reservation heavy rai prevaileti, young ps-tples societie,. the alliance bas aay thineta volta, Mayoni, ou t4,. anti the corps waeastuck lI the gombo aerrly 110,0(1 memiers in ita 2,000 Phlippitnîe Ililgnt0 iman fitiise. Frut-imut i mihutfthe ftnie. Ail the aay srua branches. t(iqnn t-tii*tnt1t-41-J-tl le1'2;. 11> Jtl y 1 Êtire i>Omiitg rein ltarpered tie progrea.o uttle ave uMabe bundrti nîlit-t aere tendtat. latvr ad- the copany, anti many hartishipsaase MMuc svdlsMrie vice, vial,,ng Kog muiti tht- tîtati wtult trlaintaitof gooti watcr. The southavest- The haratineuse Carrera mistble bout of moailler l-tîcnmid, sud itt ilt r-c -it, cecrner of South Dakota waa, rosset, Presticiet McKiley, that le te lie pinceà ant ilft,-t-ns-illatge-s liaitt be-n dttI-tiedtî ao taurs biug oscupied iIn that BUate. in the Itate capital at Columbus. 0.. ha. Mletervi , lit a uas or tfertile atThe mntiy roatia aere awful. anti the arriveil front Naples. tiogeth- pît prairie bebitie the ruaiti was a fieldi ut tluita. ________prickly pears, mailing travel un the wheels mAXEET IVTTO Ainnost Ripe for Mtiur. very -'arefut andt tiresome acrk. A Tic trott lîtit avaixî bave bâti a ittrd etretchaut goond but lilly rond wasa atraick Ciicago-CRttle. commea toa Prime. tinte. ltîiu of altiisi. tte., anti they have afler leaving Etigeutont, anti the rilnf romt$800tui 5.50; bros,, .ippintg grades ereateti ntîueh trotuble in tih- past tcaatthât point lu the Nebraskas Il». aas matie 3.ot to $400; .beep, fair tu choire. $200 weeka. LbeN(lsiüIl,-firslhavte licen sînt In short ürder. The curtis pasaci tirough toa-$4.Wt; wheat, No. 2 ret, 76e to 78c;: andthUi troophe art, it a v-îry bunt way. Grand Islandi. Lincoln anti Table Rock. crr, No. 2, 27e ta 28c; oats No. Z, ide ubc hsîlesippl bave fet tic intlttiencela Nebraka, anti out ef that Buate io ta te 8c; rye, No. 2, 4()c toa 42c; butter, very run-h. as thcî- have btî-n the vie-inter Mimsouri on July 17 ai Rulo. As a avhle, cbirle crcamtery, 14e te 15c; eggs, fremi. et the mili-ra right along. The %tares the rusis tbrougb Nebraska are gorni, but 10 ta1e; a»W potatoie, Toce aSoc lper bave bhtiir lolprt. the mien il-trcatcsi anti fer firn belng levei, short, aresep bille lie- Inutiles. renghly nact. tng coutinînally eueo-untered. The mrtin Iutiaaîpolle-Csttle, sbipping, 8&.00 te acrose isouri er. bati ant ilyan Rouspects CasI lotse jais. aith the exception ut a fewave regani85.0; hogs, bome Halbit, la-oute $400; lu Harana mnaty airesta arc bing aeree t rst on thti entire trp. Awiîy Rsiiet comniun ta chirle. 83.00 tea81&75; puste u on asiiin. anti the priaon@ are froint the rallroati the country re-sicante wbct, No. 2, 72e ta 73c. corn, No. 2 fui.Leihgt roumtnent lobacco meni -re sere itilnoptaie, atttirauurelial l 10- awhitek.1 8e stN. S eite. 1 arresteti s-breied ith "irre-gulai-ities@' anti tarinregartilng the rmati, coulti lie gailut-to 22e. put te jli. cd. Tic ditanecoi-est on'the.ti-fp wm. t'Lýouils-Ciittle, $3.00 tg JtSS: b oust, 1,900 mile,. the ai-erage iunPer dai lie- $3.00 10 $4-()6; abcep. 830S té $4.00; Var SoLke p PerL jg 52 42-3 miles. Ater leaing tbe Ne- aheat, Ne. 21 79e taeil; coi-n. No. 2 May St ~ ~ ~ ~beaks $n er.h a mnti bills the average avas over yeliow, 25e- ta 21e; oms, No. 2 white, 1I& MN AT JOLIT AND 4t GAIN A MONI-T. DOI1em a 4eimeeed iby Rupluyerm s rew lseikuas "aer. - W«»sAre 2*stesi11<fomi 01.25 ta the. Oh Figure et *1.50 s Dey, Worintîen lnamli the stoue quai-rie, ai Joliet &adt Letoint, MI., went on atrike Mouday niorning for an increame lu Wagea of 25 cents n day. Tbcy won be- fore Uic sun Mient dotsn. Twetvc bu»- dret men wio iba-e bren iewlng lime- atone ten bouc, a dnîy for $125 avIlI bers- after receia'e 01.50. 80 weill md the secret plan. for the joint uirlslg heen laid that aithiri haIt uni heur froin ttictime lic tirst intimation ut tlie Prolecteti ulusenent w». gis-en the compadiea, ai 9 ocloci, the auspension of quai-ny opecationa ln Lt-mont tîndiJoliet wé» compllete. Tic dennunts ut tic mcn we-e amide knovn lti lie offelicisanti une hy on. the qi-iries kieroenimpîtid0f tbe Men avO iio dlbt-in nortultig for tavo houre as if thcven eM-t-Il contet. A butitred ien (iisut work nt quaurry No. mont ant i lugîtrîtth le trike. 'Ilici mnarce-edtlu tlivtie thter îuarriv-ofuthtit cornpony 81141l hîtir nirivailiat eîîcb as aa signal f-antita-îorimn - o10jointthiu. When te ntginueldirny i-achedthett quarnyfi-u i-lliîiijjjis $tullte Çomupiin>itl cd by Ilei,"i-ta t-> ia ieniioy,-s. Il plia- i-ad-t trotigi Illit- tllîge atitti littie ls- onstrattion tandti listiîid, lie inajîiritî- golng hole î-te îai .ail le ic --ut uit rat Il Mas exlý-t.i-l viull i a lonîg conflit-t. InJlietiihîa iichliîlvaneslult:t-l The enuilot-ca oftif 1h-- %Vîtern tme u-Cooi. pany, îi-a îîîs-luhi-h tthe me-n tai-ie nînîtt bitter, at it i-I l utI -:it-i- STONE STItIKEIS lHOLD)ING ed tic wa-îu it riîîin thne uth,-ar i , MIni quit ta îrk tail Iîttairiumenutllo s if ct 5er exs-Xtintirîî- iLs-t-a1bah i t. 'lit.1- unity of lhe alrikc - ta nurpriat-tlutheni elnlloyî-re. Fitlloaiung lenlte satuistioal i story: Eauplus- Western stotit- Coipasy. ,u-aIont -441N Western iMotneit, ittii.'Auti- - i Joliet Stîtue-span-y tliai - t Gltube- Stonie tî,iuîiy----------1 Tuas&nulier of it-ani iarike-.f1= Tiheli-lu It t-e.Joliet stucriiî'uau tic secondith lce inumc, andth tic ie-s tItis tint.-ax ite tabutiecci-îîpratiiuitif the Ieiînt as-rkinou. Ticellow taes Mini-t ut lhe Western Ploue Comnpanuy. wahieh inbasiaeîifîîstl> refuntidIto puy $1541 a day. Ottiave tinimnics hvbuc ici- i ulng thii.antiot, baut anniiiinuesl tirat îttîr Aug. 1 lis-y avorikithuise ttîdut wage-ariti $1.25, in ordci-t on tt an etlîul fitling aill the We-ati-n Stone C'omp~anuy. Tire Jotiet Stone Company grttesi an ii-ast- of 25 cents a tlay niltbthrintetif the J.uîîe- trike.luit let week noticits ua ne-nIia it eriît ttiaIlongter-affurdta10puy mai-c huO ils big comîa-titoi-. Th'e- aillitigneas of the othor ct-taîîuics tutri-a thIe-i-r mn fairly indiu-er! the quari-y workere itramiite in foi-cinig aitn ieneavit the lbig cîtrîutrr- tion. Pbile yi.ymptIy aas ailaa-lhh leeti- ci-s. The cillas-ns tif Johet anti Le-nitnt have uteito at btceasages tîit lt-e qtnri-y taborere have lencul: tfraintyear 1tai-ea- outil tbey tire inautlienti) iilis-c On. ln 1892 thceaonkunen aere reccising $1.75 ri day. Nexat emr tuis waa rat ta $1.54). This ycîîr tbhtther r i-cihiin bu 825 waa mati.-anttithe Wesern Plonc Ctoin- pany waal reterant bu conîîly asiti tie wighe, of ticuther i-mesuanti nectabllith lhe 1)0 sells. Tue ,ru.seure broirght front ail aite, utt thec Weseiri Stone Compnyim nplled ils ofliers. arrer a short ooiisotatiou.ri-i grant the dem-nanda of tir(- mîike-ro. An aion astai ietir ,ttiti comipanies lt-arîis-t Of the c ion tlicy aiunouncedltit tht-y woutt gnrutthle ni-w seule. Tic Onuleri) coudnut outlir t ecasa gratifyinig le the men avitipnijectitl il. Tic qutry pctptitntioif lutlstit lt-.Mml ot the nilnioai-S. Ittn'Iliîltht- i-snîîiaine are Pwcd.-M ail Irish. Thuty rcuî fatmtlles- ant i mtintatist home% on a îmaximumnî v.age cf 81 r i ay-whleh luis bren for nomec tiime 81.2ý- imI lich mnitn avei-rage for the ycati of btcween 70 anti 90 cents n tiny. FAST FLYER WRECKED. Twe Traîuidn Kled and ive Peu- . aenueeavotelly IUjurd. The faîst tiyer on tic Kansas Pactifie Ritilavy a xasnwreeked t a ylight Tinte- tnty noruing about fotY milesn@88ttiOf Denîver. Two C)trainen acre kilît-tiOuît- right, lire piiegenger* fually inuureul anti m'aut ther-. badly hbrv. The tareek was cathiy a waeeotit. Tht'ens-ay roail or the iglît flootesittic treainoiatlcuir- rid out a Istionutn a maît lbridige ta-itît gains 1omo-nînnhe Ci-cek, bctween and Stratitîlru. Thc traittwaxafin fint- anti taoa, runtiuilbnt the mciai spe-csj. %Vithott a-amIncthie englue jluigeil mlii lte ablyme, folluased by the niait!andtais- gage t-tnsantdlteailier cana teeepilet] about rni confumion. The cîtginiceatut- pletely ounlei- -fer li atmost the aitilc of 'the Itreau, anti Engineci- W'rd u under t. Pli-ange lu saY, tic fireman e,- caped (ilat, but ein lareportes! to he badjy hart. Thefatalty inîJunrs-tiPasa.n- gesw r ndlag ainthe foi-yard car.Sce st:tI erepillutpassengens lu Uic Pull- Agitant front pater.J.nJU& ALI.iAAI DIIITlie Mesidby Cblesge Peepie Rea4jî.arteurs for ierecUOsptOl ff sb- 'ILLINOIS CYCLONIE DOIS TIR. seriptions of itouey, pl»vlsbonsanti clodi'IBEHAO las for the ,t4irvlng rosi minera of Illinois have heen upteuat 386North Desplines etreet, Chicago, hy the committee appoint- jilas c f ,. C. MCDOWet laEs lestroyef cd by the Fetieration of Lahor. AIl con- trihutitina tailiL e receriveti ant i tltrlbuleti aud thsemnmaleCrasesi- Ssii.. tiiroîgb tat point. Terni anti Manglefi. Are Sesîtersi Tralles unions tbrouîghout the elty have Fat sud Vide by lbe Wian& accorteti libi-ral rempuente to the appt-aIs mnatie by lherelief comnilttee. Meetings Detructionca BstFa e . of the saiions organîmattonni aere visiteti A cyclone or terrifie cnergy suwept aeros anti thte nectie or the miner, avere laid Le- tie regioju aicunti San Jesse, Ili., at 7 fore the utemlanrs. Mauy OuthIe n'lion* oclock l-ritiy eveuing anti lefî destruc-- gavoesubstantiel anms.Mthersa ppoiint- lion anti eticalinn Ifs aake. At midnlgbt esi coînltîca toëtuenlista snatliy anti as-set-sn oeï-tUe atere reitortei andtitr-epar- ,istl¶tce. The majortty ut the cotitribtit- soinsietre iaevcrely injuret. Itlta Prob- tions a noi-es-cvet have lies-n uit-ash, aile thî it hre Mere allier casualtie, la but thc heatinjiarle-re liaisbren olii-ned liti outlyilug distii. order lu gis-e tiose a chatnte ltaienon- After îituy ut terrible lient, lie cloutis strate Iheir usigpaliy for the strtnggling be-gan tolitlet-fil)tlit fanlasîle fatrlue at miner, a-btt art- In a psitioîn ta gi-e lPr-- abouî t ilîîî.ok tndtheti air gi-cI thik and isieons butt tot mney. The ill,.enî,of Oîîîas,.TIi,- lit-a ->- chiaelin the noi-th Chiraux) lure mitnifestlng a disositioin te aîî-iîtî rj-ît durck anîidurker. Every lie libetal. on ent lîtsliîti-ly fs-tres! the comntg <of a IltiIllinois lbe mille uttrtavase prae- c Mlttî- iitut7 ot-lock ulai-tne-ssfell tically itii-calcd tbe vis-toi-ytif tht- inines-re etil opa-lto h le ea-tii, brols-n here anti in tht- grert suspe-nsioni. Of tînt-31),M)510tht-r,' t, -lt id Iitalling. PStin, aih a mneisra tnlnd iit.lalsirerstiilloytl in tînt- rush utail]i or-i,rvsais' a ttrnato fi-tnt the tite fully 30,.M)O have ali-t-dy ltil titiavîtnoihî, -tu-x, iît; with itl boiting and tomaiiig t toxùý ssh. *Jisl>-tavo mini-s iarc rierti-tI iliuit,. -,1:v--y tînet-i-an tor a llae t-tf lit ite t wociktiîorth of )t)oiîîoin. Onu- utf soti-tY ie tt ut4e-kiing refungei-l ncellare. lt-ste ix nt I)et-attîr aundthelies-r at Liti- iMon uJoste t (ia daoj u e ita dîny hes-aîse ciedit. 'tie uit>imine tif importancte Iln the t'l tie- ofiIro- iutof thle toasn aind mother-t ti x i-t iiltMblon tioprit-itlealu pi st.ý ,-lltIs-- ýil. ~~'tIniu..î Cittît n ci-ciy t-tiaow liere liat i lt"mti fti-r tieIpassagîe cf tht- the îultietitiiluiîeil utwork t the oi-ra saoi aiii t iii i-ugei- nt-l tlt elluitg intîttht' or it,-lîCl La e iiateriatly iticreasedth te toit o -a a c ùii î,îr t .le'rt-ptirtcil la-utpi gi-s,,t ht-j eiitîlo3-i-. ttlia -,i.î It -ti,-t licol ite.nitrougit iThelîlof t ciniiigu tif the coa ext ik- c'aifi lit- fîti t o, A.C. M- ltti1e0n l t-is in iithlilt t, ungi-gstmris-t bitas iti cic-i oîs- ltllt-Mrtuilt- nliih, aîaunbutinoneit lit patialt rttr>-, foirtith DeAri-it ettîn- tliiilîistitldit-. f msoi-gi-cl.. ptiuy pai-tiIlt-y a-idmit lt thte iuiflte A tsri-- ii-i-ut,- wi init iltliclie ci-cki iunîi-- t iaiint Le oleýrateut utli-t e- Ocf i lit"1-IittIl. 'Ilî- tcyclone --huit et nildi llii,- iuiiu-ltt lome- ibM-n. mlti k i li- faî im ti aIflia îit-hc-rsiue andi Thîtsfi-t the- aîrikinglmiti-i-s liav-cbruit , - lit i-i ut-iif l.ii iig a ii i tti>. tot cii nIl i btiim.lth aste, litnter, attendl- '1-1wi-t-;-- lt. ,ll fîti-l lîtiiii'ti-ati ni thi-ir itîîait-inictrI t-1i- -cIl M un.stt -ily l-îîii thfe lhtanste is-i bit,,, îîi fritîitefsîîîntiution anîtorttîiica fratioî-lt . lis titulît-ne andtl îrfitmire sit- MI. li-t i t saini t.îate. a ndifis î-ilitît lutoîîuttif sîttit. 'l'le .*.Verticc-utpants - 0f ~et lii- JLou-- M di-i-illt-s, undiltheir lt- j -~~,g gt iclo i t iiiîî lis-i-x ee stttereil abtot '-- tht- ruiiîii-tlhiii.,lcnd. TIlree itjureti - <- wera-cri- i fi-oi theruina. C'-op. t)estroyed biy Hall. A t-sruilisve liiletiiiatpasuee ieni-r Siiox Mnii. D t., -arly 1-riula>-riornitig. De-l l at i,nil i tii n iiil anit ba-tsl-ily tliiiîgin ilaslîlili artîîti dGitinuetin. IOne 9' Cl n- t. -ii. i welin "uta. itirues tîîî-ktîsîtig i t he-îîî tthe. 'i- hiinlii ta iîîi--hlt hhn- etii-i unatt iii t.i-n i eiitln-v s %ilt. Inle u.astiiîîistt- tliît ftillt1.(ti.ii at-i-,f cfrîjîs îîee WITI-l A BULLET IN MIS MEART. ~~ t AChicago 'Man Initia Feu, ta Lise teoa The ussi, l if t iiro iiai-.amut ed nyil lai 0 t> tiir Il.» Ni t,ti its lit Waa (lt. Cfit P: B. ci-i,-uîhl wattiii t Ittgifin i aî-- tpart tif bts îîîtlîîîîî.lii à,mcdc -u l etîtîfllo îî..y su>- lI asliti- otit- ii-iWuhaWl---renîidx-a iti liie and-tiitîc> .iîîiili. -uîblavhie lx-en h t' nîtiamtt i-el iliiî. A rýitlixiiipi i.en t-i ~~$ ~ta ki-ii ticiuait,.a. 1t- iullît ifitdd,-t' J in tiheurt "lit-e tiiit-lfî,thtre ofut heî- t-tinl liai tiie--tuo-tors Lelîts-c thîtt iailute esery AN OUII)Out MEETIN. o-uunlîf Ikl-ne as-àu, ltrotitiuuc ly fîîr- til-r xî-niîi-s-. la i-o,,foins-ll>- iluled attI itudes a nilac-tiona oftifeus aiiki-ce bia-te t-il i a Oh-t-st tf wMlî tîiho ti lltht pr lut-et-i, bit -a-efrintiili-ti tîny pc-Ii- i-l tdi-ire .sitig. It i.eocsn-ti-Jl'ii 11 luit inîfiînit t his-, natt-r sinînilu n ci- hiiai- i-i-sttu m-l Iîig ait front thecu i Itins îîîîîhîr as it-h thiii- nire have Let-i tlia-cl di tufhla mhrike-. '1,-wî-îiaenui-t-tiig cfrutinîrnetaIhliii- l- <ct-lu si-l-lhiit- vu .he n-ýittldttnî til tartlti ctl and -îîlîîî lly tht- lnr&cesb gînti i-iiuîr -?f lt.-he ind ie-a-cc si-iin luA lheîîlîc (illi t>- I --it- I bn tî i kiîîg înîeu-s aci-s, Malhetit-i-for ait àill-ity set-aiirndîî iio bu- Ituîra unaiigi tîs-n îlit ait ilua lîîngtue, talIt-li î,lotf nîuant-sen-veil tsi ati hi- tilt liii itlntffiasmIci lite igisit lilit-lt. WESTERN STATES WHEAT CROP. Actuel Ficures tfor 1896 ianti cou senvatIr ît-stu»trefor- 1897. 'lii, s-t-rNe-br-aska hanUete othie vtn3 fruuut r:î iiamucaut henutIrtticinug Pltti-. asillu lit-c slîtî,fid (trop of 35,00>0,- flt bti-uiela ut ahrinlil af-4ita, a-rigiuig o.tnriett-twotilielithe thlecau-ne, anti i5.1151,15 Iomlush-le utfaainnbîr Whe-ut, avilci s-lîl as-s-nage tM cnty-ut- butiehela lu the uns-c. Tii- hable- givenu beIuta, aiiîh his Lit- nctsrîl's- *u-ualliiltcl. 1mows it-lnlailI surîi l .oîuy. lit Nebiraskua sandsî bhil imsiig thcStute tus a wiiest pro- dlure-r-anttil 8 nulut et tborne in mind tiat the, Stluiembhattoutrank hi-n are nînint ex- s-liieiiy talient NPts,wht-ru-aaNeirasie. i.a acoutr- of tiuverallteit crujs, cocn lhe- iîig lis-r in incipal pt-ottict. Aii-u uips furi 1*14aundticonsatrvatitve eetiluii1997lii lm. l.....i5t),90 il495e.6 Kaneat-----------..40.Suiota '#):.)u4452 N. Daluta-....42*10.600 2084501 Nettiasha- -.....40.(Oi.htaî 19.390 WIti2 il. Daikota-..... . eoesî 27 'M4:w)' IluiuT'cnnltîîny ..0,00> 2<i, 4 .....,u- . i)îi 2.001,75 Tutus .. .....7.55i,tnaI 4.l2t.210 Sl0.O..............11 4473r tinr' r -------,710.OM 10.247.141 Ackai ...--------2, tOO 1M10720 Califorel.--------.... m, ho 4111.5l (I hilrail. .....----4.tow.eO 2.u?.8 Wasillngton.....-t,000,Ol,> .35,102 Ntevadîa----------2 000 80,amo Idaho-------------..T0.MC 2.441.112 Mntme.---------... *00 .20.24 Wyoming----------.... 001> fll1j BUiLLET IN i iLfleON5 i"KARTs. rt-amnst i iit u iîi au ult iontru iti a lsîîl,-n stfstiabiiedtil i h ti-t-ttst thoit m-sil go aittIt unitub ils gcnac. Tie baîllett u bt î lisle by >tiI a ilei-làofI twaiînuita btî f uhocs ffiîîlie- auctuii-i-. Tit-ioi b p-e nelei the -ritainlilunt. tr mi-k aivu tl uirî,uudte i-heurt,.îandîlIodg- scit i)t-ti it-cihle venter an lelft t-ni-s-eou A sou i , luitl anàiJîu cuise as atonce- kiii asti i V-i-iiit. w- i eu a fuin-er vi s1jitttinti tliil-ti t -'le Iballet enit-ro-iI luhe aui-ta - muhi- lu la s-rss tItan aîu silin s ui-h- ittirt-uîîtiie thnlent-. ity o1tIi> s blii îaî ai-Il el.On attilie-t lu a-tili-k it ai-k aniiitol fi-oui aniusn-itiairulpitînt- or h bute lit-i i-li thii'nnatliiofllii, a tu-il-hlis--tii . 'The- lîtlle-t inlte lit-tu it, iiitet cc, dit îlot kilt hlmu. lut-ugthe ccivil wasi-hene lys-n- il ew tkibuii-ýtut talit-e sltiirswe M-ci-t- tttiiithlet heuir andîttlit-id. Anul a vehi-- lut strbiaied li(- tanne silnlity la nsoi-ctas. ht t rt-tninialiii-. Iota c-ci, for auy humanu biig lu luise-macsh cendurtance. Sur EdwMini Arnold, heitea being ta itot. lmi n portsnîan, yacIttanîan, tras-sIer anti C.-list. Tht- l)iîclu.-e utfTeck aîtinde anuiuatly $71)00inn litpilanthrotpie taork-ou-ifti lte amotînt granteil ber liy Parlumnent. P'rince Albert ut Belglum vilI ehorlly ml tei-tIiio ut tturof tieavorîti. He avIl folîotî le - ioulc adopte-t by tie prescrnt czar. -Airs. (ýlunl"S-Ptea-rt Par-nell, wltilow of the Irlistaiterin abaout 10 take aloiber ei-cel- nut Tremnaton cuette, near Lly. Elten Tii-iy i li er aulograpis for 25 cents ecth. ant io-tb the nions-y monlo- taituut ailI entiow a ciiltt'e hetinb an Eng- tisioh hottplal. 1%i giut t srom ff bbcte imperial Ortici ot L httlilan icen titded [iti tidora- tloia of thc Kietive utfEgyptbiy lie Empetatf. utAatria. Mdim Maii->RachelI Dobson, lstt danghte ut Austin DobIfa andniàagraulu- ate or Louitisn Uivierity, has jouitida mmioaniy sttlement of colloge avomen in Blomblay. The Hortàiatural Society of Sirop- iime, bonglaut, b-s taie»n oon lseit the expenso of erecllag a statue o-5>4arwia at bis hlpiaçm. Sirewsbur7. 1Tt po Me Nia CbteageCbal oomeeN zoef fie Pitsbuu ÇotreON lièe ewere aevsral .nud m eil et the meeting lu Plttaug iof j " essM efl ita toie &so».aetiouloohuig o M a aettjcsncnt oif the. amibe. col. W,. P. Rend, the Chicago operator, lofttheb mue.- las la diaguat because the opoaters pnb. enat rsftt.ed to try t aide ltii. te IW stead et loing Urne tnlkng about "mil- tormlty.'" Col Rend crltlcibeti Gels. Jeus Littie, chairtuan of the joint tirbtratim board, wbo, h. laid, tnstead of beinig s arbltrator, was an ativocator. Otheut@p. ci-atome nttacked (Len. LitUe for lntiniat- lng tint sont. ur the mine owuer, ai-e dis houeet. Tiihe acne wa, ýaramatic wben Col. Rend exclalmeti: "Tiien Goti speeti ion la the work," anti left the meeting. Me r.- turneti to bis hotel, where ho waa watai UPOn liy lie arbitrators, avho urgeti hlm19 reconsltter bis delermination not te haveé anyting more to do wlth the, meeting. Another st-salon vîulti be heit to-u»orrow anti tiiy needeti bis nesistanee. lie toma tbem no grod coulti renait front the meet- lig unlesastep>savere taise-n taseitle tie atikte. W. P. De Ai-mit anti other operatora de Dot waat thia. The chairnian of tie meeting awu& Alexntier Dempater andthéli aecretarY Thonmas E. Young. Abouit O6 Per cent of the railroad operatars a"i smorn -f the river mine owner, were pre. eut. The river operator, met in the moi- Ing and decitiedto b ave uolhing 10 do *111 theo meeting or unlformity, W. P. De Armui afler the meeting atimitteti that If the rirepoperators titi not agree to the uniformlty moi-entent It coutti fot go tbrougi. R.e dmitted t nîot os-ci-95 per cent ufthti rallrîîad opirator, aere preadat anti many ut those M-ho atteottet tilt no out of cui-osty. Atter the meeting hiait been callet taor-> ter a commllîee of nia. avas appointculte, draft the nnlformity agreement. Col. Ren-d anti W. P. De Ai-mit avere nieuber, ut lic committce. Tii. commîttce reponteti late ln lbe sftei-oon. One clausRe lu tbé agi-eement relateti te spe-cillcontrac-ta, anti momy of lie ipérator, liîiîght t tiis woms for i-. De Ai-nît'e apea-lal Lenetit, Atter tie report bat! lit-t-art-ailCul. Rend tiffcred a mimority ert-pui-n aili-i iaît wnihtie gmeeili andi amnue coutined etiaunUiormsty. Coi. Re-nd want- cd a conintee appoiutei ta conter witi the mîners te catI a joiet convention for tic pu-pose ofcosmpromlslng lthe strike. The ciairamn sait "Iala, the meeting liad bec» cathetito diacua. uiforrnity. ait portions ef Col. lt-neas smlnority report which deait wlth the strik. aveulti bave te Le elininalet hefere thé report ciaili e receivet. Col. Rend moii bhtidLeen la- vitled lu t-orne lu Yittaburg to discusa the ettiement outhle. mrike. andichai-acter- uret ail lb. lalk about unifoi-nity as hum- bug. lHe potketet i@l ielait, anti, a- Inut lie wailtd have nothlng more to de aiti the nsa*lering. walaketi ott. Afler Cul. Rend lad reflredthte meeting liegaz, .tiiaussingthie repot. antd only ni--t a.far au thc preamiles wbes ana atjo,îrnment avas tai-nutil tbe foltowîug morning. G000 WEEIC FOR CROPS. lcttlcrinig coimploîtsit.of ItacesîV*e mais, sua ilmcht. The followlng crtîp hulletinun lamease& rt-pots uft he dîrectiri cf tie st-ra cili. mnaie anti crli estins: 'lTe .-ei lias bt-en i-ciy faivoraile ta ag- rieultaratl ntei-t-ts on tie IPacifie coast, anti generalhy in tic Stiates cf tiec tentrai valcys, cast Cuif anti soutIt anitimitdl- Atlantic coasta. lu New Engluint. Nea Yor-k. tieIRed Ris-erîfthflicNorth vaUley, anti orer portions of tic Ohio vaIley tiere lias Iteen too imuci min. ulule drougit pres-nls &ve-r a gi-e-at portioni ut 'rt-andii li portlins0f Arkanmae. Missouri amd Kans.Inuthe hsuitîTînmed i ate bot aintia bave provetiiujîuit. Excessive rainai-cv canseal damage tu grain ls *bock In portions of lie- Ohio valtey, Te». nsast-e anti portions of the mîidle Atîatl PtaIes sandi evere andi timaglng local aloi-ms Pis(, ocenîrrsinluportiona cf Nets Englanoi, New Yor-k anti New Jersey. Coi-n Lbascontinuedti lununke rapi groavth in tic Plates.ofthle central val. loy.. lakte region, Ne-w Englanti and ttti tic Atlantiecumant. In Ioaathee crop lnas re-achedthetic aring otage tiere in ample- molture foi- pi-reuln nectIs. Iu Nebrasa il contiu(n-. late, but la gen- eraîty in excellent condlititon. lI centrai anti oulie-ru Kaneas cocunlbias lîen seri- ously inlurctt iy uhItMid, and in ata. caueing' serions lnjoi-y tltate cor» ln Texne anti portions ut Lonleinna. Cotton ha gencrally matie favorable progressanmdtila friiting aWeil. The ai-ci-ibas hot becu favorable for cotapeting wter tabeat bars-est avhere unfiniahed in corne-ofthle motre tiortlierl sections. Spîrinîg as-b-a@i.been iInjureti by esceasivi- raina lu North Dakota, but in Minnesota. excs-pt on luw lands, a"t in South Dakota, tie outlcok la promIs log. JOHN RUSSELL 1(OUNO. lteWaa ec-aily Apstiontcd Llhroria of Conireme. - Neoir f Mn oe A wintitortin ls-w toin the Episcopaj cinirci at Hliaton, W. Va. J!u» Ors-y, a ni-gfo, wa, lyncieti nesp Goltrille, S. C., fei- amaulting a <lildt. At Wîlkesliarre, Pa.; lightalng stru* a poavtei- magaiîne, cxplodîng tw*nty toa of powdcr anti kilting Johnt Rolas, Cardinal Gibons of Bitimprreêevd mwwhalbis 09 nWtoamvtmlalot mý .f ,;;

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