CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Aug 1897, p. 5

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am a *WOOOflAN. PalilSsi. rihod a the pcst-offto ai Libertyirlhle1 DMilasas econd-eaas matter. 0"0ON APPLI- Il~e on the Elgin I ord of Trade jamdayvau teady. Offeinga, 4311 t«bs; sales, 25o1 tiub ai 14& conta. ouera on balance of 14 cents. Butter lat veok 14ée, yeiîr ago, 14J@141. Administration May Come sud ad- M tuliration may go, but the Secrotary ofth11e Navy wba doeunt itnd it oposmary to-iusp)e.t' )DIeinig aong $he Atlsntic coat duriug the vacation pasuin ay,; to0Loum Cl~ fice. Secretar3r Long, abroad o! the Doiphin, bas gone tu ceni bis official option upon the nval station at New Ludon Conu, and tie war college ai Newport B. 1. 'Times yl neyer become 8o proaper. ona tht an abi-bodied mexi canu au idry gouda baxc,deuuce pluiocracy, onOgt rich. Thu retir imoprosperity almply meus that meu vbo are viUl- llag ta vork viii bave lWortnity and yull recive goad pay lu good mouoy. Tbe 1dle maiandl shiftiess viii bo as brd Up lu gaod imes as lu bard Uies. lucre are no ngefor lazluesa lu &Dy sort ai Unes. Tberu are lois of men who voxild give mueb tea bu in the place ai M. Samuel C. Dunhan, ulio bas taried foir1the nov gaid ieids ai Alska armed Vltim a special commission ta make a tboougb Investigationi and report *jusi vhat be'learns to the U. S. goveru. bouet. Mr. Dunhani la a miulug expert and lnafatacbed ta the Labor Bureau. t vas kuovu that the goveruieni lnatended sendfIng a maxi au ibis erraaid, but i vas pîiîposeiY kepi secet vbo the man vas until itar Mr. Dunbmm gai tated. his lanot expectod ibat bu vilii hoableiota mue a report beinre about theinfiuldie of nex year. Ixdividnafly the office seekeis vha bave crovdod tho lobby jusi outaide of the Prenideta office, On the second iloor o!-tbe White Hause, MaY have lacked the veight uueded ta gui vhat tbey vanted, 15nt collectively tbey vesbeavy euaugb ta have made the floor sag Ini tbeconter toa adeptb af four ibcee. fiai the crovds vhicb Pireuoted the ouat roani, vhleh la diroctlyanuderneaili, on i'esident MKley's baudabaktng dayé kuovu the condition ai thia loor as ihey vaited for the Prusident, Ma. Me- Kinley vouid have shakexi mauY thousaad leuer banda, sud ibero mighl even bave boon foyer alliue-seekera bac 1hey beex iniuormed ai the danger tbey vonie oery tme they tiîed ta sec thie Prosldpui. Workmeu are nos ongsgd lu siîengibeunig tisi. lhr. New r&xeouilysComînittee Maitins 00" Pigr". Arecetlymextionedln ISsus DEFfl umur, 5e Labo Conaty 8014ers' and Saijas' Monument Association bhs piaced al ai ia maters lu th banda la at oocuive commitiee anthorized tu proceh vitb the vok. Thsconi- mitoe consinsaof Ho. G. B. Lyon, ebalrmen; B. L. Piagg, sociotary; Hon. C. A. Pariridgo, Capt. J. B. Bracher and Arthur Cook. Thler firsi movo bas beau ta get the aid subecrlptian liât eand books ta- gther. Wiie all ai tbea documnts bave net reached ibeni as jet, ilioy bave secured exougb su ibat ilej bave got niattera farly- voîl lai baud, alter a ball dazen long sessions. Tbey find ihai ibero la lu the banda of N. A. Steeie, tramurer cf the asso ciatioli, about$3.7511. Tbis Includeo thle county appropriation ai $2,000) sud tbe innd ai $607.50 raised by tbe Waukegsxi Wom- ana telief Corps. Ibore la asen, axounting ta tva or tbree buudied dollars lu the bauds o! tbe cammi tiae- men. Tbese amonuis ii abortly be csled lu. As soon as the liai eau ho cbecked np aud veriiod, ail nnpald subécriptiona vili ho e ked for. The association bau lain dormant no long that there vil h omain rinkage lu the liai, aviug tu tbe deaili or ro- maval of aubaqnlbons. Tboro are several buudrod dollara, bovover, ihat are coliectabe. In addition tu ibis, a couaiderable subecriptilcumold ho ra.lsed axuong patriotie ciions@cf the cannty te vhaibohematter banover been fornially preseuied. Wben lue assocaion made lie spoclal effot ive yesis aga, largoly ibiougb tb. peisonai woîk af Major H. B. Va»l, o! Highand Park, a gcodly number ai peuple ve given blanks and booksansecured subscripiioxia ai con-Aderable amants. Mont clibese voie rotunxid, but a iev are ai out. hItl «POclSilj roquestid tbat any persans liaving auj o!f boe books or blauks retuixi ibom te B. L. Flagg fereiary. Waukegan. Ih la ao aaked that auj poisons vho SailA 1101 funda helonging te the association, or vbomsu xbsciptions are tili uupald, remîttheboaniotinis, vhatevor tlioy mmy bc, ta N. A. Steel, ireasurer, Waukegan. Bore ls vbat aur excbaugos are aaj. lng: "Farmers, If jon ii foiiov léssInutructiaxis yon neod nover go ta tbe uxpenso te debarli jour caitie vhhr' novcommenclg ta grov -P. Bny a'ilve cent stick o! canette POtabsd as@ tbe lîtbe borne make 1elastigu f a tinhg aun1the Oil. we t iem vwitb a litilo vater andd mb tliem ovor vltb tbe caumtil stick, and the cal!viii nover knov ibat nature intended ibat it sbould baye borne." A Chance for Butter. F. W. Patrick, vbo la largeiy lu- tenested In, butter factorisluib ist locality, nov packs bis butter in square sipruce boxes, ion expori. The boxes are about 12 luches square, are hine witl,, .,faMn aper. and bold 56à1 Sberifl Brovwnsud BellBleU vere on aur shots Tuenday.d Mis. Edvin Cook, seceoxpaxied b3'4 Mmis.Jme Wbestan la spendlng a veek ai Lake Buff. Loar-wedaesday July 18, black voolen shavl i vhSvbite checka. Fluder pleame bave ai Tiigge Taylor,, LIbertyville. An excliauge hlievea thatifU tbe nov vorananwvucompelld t6 aittuin a sireet car on asnrrov a spice an abc lia on ber bicycle there vauid bc var i camp ight saa. Arrangements are cnmplted fort a picleie scb asLake <CnnatY Wood- mou bave nover beretafore vitueoad. Everytbing possible for theoenjoyment and looklng ta tbe ontertaiument Of an immense crovd bas been aiienedt. Bee bills iss Clara Miller vas takon ta Mercy1 Hospital, Chilcago, laut veek and Mon. day nudervent a aurglcal operatian, *ben several pariîcala ai decayed boue voie remcved tram one ai1lber sUklda sud the boue acraped. Tbe plyi ciensa pranounco ber diseame iubercuiasis. 511e la attended by Nla Churchill vbo la a nurse ai Mercy Hospital. John Buydam, Crît. Visher and Wm. Davison vont ta Diainond Lake Wed- noaday lui quest o! Sali. la lifting tbe sueber, Davison mauaged ta ulp the boisuxlicentiy ta iliîcv Suydain sud SlmaeU oui, and Cr1. -"vent wlhS ibeni", Ho lei forth a mlgbiy rosi, and alter bis abondant avoirdupois struck tbe vater boata broko froni ln caxsequeuce af the commmation cansed. Commodore Footo sud @inter, ai Fart Wayne, Ind., are guegta o!*iieniy Keîn and iamily. Mr. Foote in ioity-eigbt yeara cf ega la tbre eet five incbes lui beighi and voiglisfe ii y-ail Ibo, fils sistor la tbirty-elght Yoarm aId, Stands threo ict and five Incbes and velgbs ifty-!onr pounda. Tbey are fond ai cyciing and ride vbeels buit apeclally far iheni by the Fovler camupaxiy. Tbey are brilliieni sud intoresting coue verstiloualiata-ad tbe attention -iSola diminutive formes aitraci duos ual variy ibem ni h e leasi. 111e> "00 miore ai the brigbt side or lie ihan oinary mrials. GU RNÉEE. Change la posimanters ibis veek. tate and îeiurîied bome lianday mornig.. I h N t: t s i "Dojoî knv vy te ami "str-.......................... «,Do cbandli plnssthamstrdangpounds. Ibis buttor la packod ex- in tiroop ag te Alasbas golsd flud preasly for export, and sold ta a iiim anosae om eni "armyol ildraieugaged lun1the exprt trade. 1h la et- Ni sâk@ on proinet ary otice 01pected ga build np a ioreigxi maket for d moee whohad uli arrved naur American produet, tha iHi coin- 0 Wasliugon. -,Nu," replied the other, pte vllb the AutraUsun marbot. -1 dont, and the expianatiaus I bave iSould ht prove a auccea, s ibere meni of the sndden change ai appearm ta ho Do doubti wIl l fmini i Programme have Dot beenuai81Ilbâtils- a nitfrteSrlspouto u ietory.. ýwj,,sadtefrtfactanles. %Wiltb e proamut loy prîcoi: speaker, "i eau tlit jaxithe ruai ai butter tbe prospecta are good for reagn, but yjaxiH ii i l d ih in auj etablishing an outlet ibat vil proved uâlicimi record. h vwas in short the of permanent houei tau the darj lu-A fearthugath1e troops volild gel the teresîs iof aur country.-arengo i gold lever sud deseri as Soonausehe>'Reubacs gaI vithîn nuach ai the goid; il vas ______ eouclîîud itgibe average eulisted HALF DAY nian ilaa not ai the Sort toasuccessliiY lor.Mtr ie JK e vaige Pau thnough aSncll a tempiation &asrelaveeskuvieitting vouid mneussuil>'b placed buione lins. M. Gluanon hanslier ltile grand-1 Ilien by their lroximit>' ta the stou of Chicaga slaylug vith ber. Kiondyku goid huniers snd ihein lira. Haciman la mîllvery alck. Dr. auddeuiy acuuired fartunes." Talar la the attonding phyisien. -«--* Misses Nada, Dalay and Neida Wolff Theulasaipniip vas knacked fram tu a trip 1 Mlvaukee0au a hast hust Mouday. under the indu8triousN evsapter men 1lMr. sud lira. S. L. Trlpp sud Miss vho bave houn eigagud lu Mann- Ifabel attundod camp meeting ati !aciuring nuiss uhowlug the cuniaint>' DeÉsPaines ist Sunday.j aisa var lietweeuilie 1U. S. sud Japan The dance t D. Spears hall lasi by ie oi~csi nuoincixut tibai iaturda>' uvenlug wvas vuliatiedd Japan bud sccepted ithe proposition o! sud ahl report a gaad lIme. Ilaaîlta rbîrat ihir ispte on- Mr. axnd Mis. B. Mamaon, of Waukegau, Hawai t aritrae teirdispte on ud i..Wilcox, o! Washington, speut crulng the immigration and ailier liudaj vith J. A. Maes onxily. lavs o!1iHawaii. Membeosoa!the Bey. Gray' viii preacb ai Ibe church administration say thai Ibis gaveru. evry eunday morin uta 10:34. 1ev. met viii have uotliing vhatever ta do Wade hman a..ppaitnidilit elsevbere. vitb the ariration, unleas it siauld LET ON fii ta ha eanclîdud.beiore the formnai ET ON aunexatian o! Hawaii ta the Unted Theocoal famine lis etllian. Statea. In ithut case Japan vauid d4al Smoking il aimd tg o daugerous ta Tobacea. dlreetiy vuit his gaverumeut ItlC E. F. Buterlield van a Chilcago viitai anuexatiai. hat Saturday. Give a mian au lueh sud ho vi»l .Nov ithuthe War depariment bu vaut a giasaful. deided mast vbat sort ai a uniorni Tbe last aummer montS o! 1697 ho- tSetâi4rmy olllcena moly vear vlien gan lest Bnuday. takiug part in officiai fonctions ahraad Bobi. LIiand tambi>' drave ta sud a young maxibas bad bliseli Waubegsl ut aiMonday. .ppolated ta an bonoiary mliiitrj chas Buiiertieid sud famîly wbeîo ailice an a Govoînoîs staff mIe1ly erinluWaukegau lInt IMaaday. the purpose a! enabling hlm ta vomi a Mr. Hy. Teuerstein and Grîandaon sbovy unibonni ai the court o! Spain, vere cil>' callera last Monda>'. vbore ho hmbanbon officallj tatioxied C. F. Nuta made a f tntrp te Ma aattache ai the U. S. Logallan, I oiigus.,ca,.i* .7 mem abut rneforeiter onge«, Mr. D. W. Griffith and M. Tom agois bou lme or lîbr ougeas iavlson here lu Chcago let Tues- the Preidont airithe l)partmnent ai day. ltais ta fit tbiugs SaoIliai no diplomatie H. N. Mlixam af Dlamand Labo represoxtative ai ibis country abali be taok the MilS Train br Chicago 1mai alloved ta ceai auj ailier Iban , Saturday. prIvascliacus e'éciaibes vilbe in Don't foîget the Woodman PIenir t Blamond Lake noît veek, h t il ho performance ai is dutios ahraad. a grand affai. The adoption ai gotd Wlasdtilusel Baiinaad tiaffila luri litile burg bj Anerieau dîplaniata sud Ibeir bas lon euormaualy lxavj during .uerlage viii maSo uns as the laugli- tbe mai t tva mntb'5sud continues tu lng stock o! Europe. Thie greateet ha ao jet. Our agent MeGismoaneesd oui car Inspectai M. Nulta bave been dplomate ibis country bhm pradueed Sept qulte btiay boe.ofs lais and aie thonght plain elatiies good euaugb varkig, tiilaise e ai ughla. te tkini.aud Bon Franklinu ovon The Bond BeputisUt sud the Tels- »stucS tablem Quaker elotlsos vhile lie grPbDertmentof!theb. E.J. andEB amasrepeaeil neusabrood lu ' aauroad us=spltcbed Saeation tbe Wso IebusIt oas -a. 5.~ dept plalt!atm eréenat vooS vblol If he'Ruf- roubetu th 1e~&te avicoon. The or- * *eppme soean.vo "bo munbal ibis. usa vbile tb<ia« itob = = 01OU Owy me.Thl1d e ma Des moines, lava. B. B. Galpin, ai Chicago, vlited oe lut Tliuraday. Mia. M. B. Lako visiiod lier sisier tu Wankegan Ivo da"a 1u&i eek. machines are boing bue- tled ont and ropatesi for business. Oea. Bebauhor ratuned froin bis trip to Caliorna 1mai rdaY moaing. v. A. Bo.abect, our former station agent nov ai Evauston, calied on aid frexds bore.Iat tidmy. Harvey Jalnn an 01 realdexit o! bhis tovu la bore ftramthe ve.t visit- ng relatives sud traumactlag business. M. sud Mi,. F. B. Young, of Havelock Nob. vlitod a$ Dr. Youngàa 1ua Sun- iey. Mir. Young leansu ad enipioyee of theC. B. Q. & Blaiirosd. WHEELING. Heonry LIps bas heen husy înaklng imy for Mr. We IMii. M. Enitie lnaseiling a good maxiy binderis, and Se in happy. Don't foigot ta attend tbe liremeusa dance sud plenie lu Brovn's Grave, Aug. 7. W. C. Sternardsa Concert Co. vili ha lu aur village tva eveulugn, Ang. 6 sud 7. Tblnty-lve a! aur people aiteudud the Waukeislia andI Pewaukee Lake ex- cursion July '25. The Wboellng Cyciing Clu4 w iii hoid ibeir tirai annual rami race Satun- day, Aug. 7, iron carner of Main andi Dundee ireela ta Biown'» Grave. Prizes and handicaps nai jet glveni. Our iremen voie called out ivice vithin the 1ai t a veeks: once bv GRAYEiLAKE LOCAL NEWS.- mrs. Sherman te authorizod ta reet subecriptlonsand advertisments [ o h7 nz»D» lcodr o job priutlag. cai on ber for ruiesé COMY$tAKE SOCICTIES. IAbert Bitte snrpîlsod bis frlonds ___ I by beIng away to Wsconsin Immi R IBINCOlIN ,adge No. 115 A. P.& A.M. Bnag ad.,igbokamare auoreomuictifl aturdai dym oln are oveanxg befre full mouD. maxi. irs. Bitt asan Bvisiter at Mr. B.LITWILEB. W.M. Proctor's previona 'ta ber marrlage. J. J. I»<ocssuoa. 80<3?. We extend many good vishen ta the QOOBIB Dato . .Order gautoîn' happy couple. Chtt eetf' sfdhird Tu, sdY "vefl Otrmeti.= V., Couic to town noat Aionday ovenlng Mats. E. B. Bfaa.' teaose enxos 5show.Bis voxidarfii Mus. A. M. Wama3.Y performing doge and birds are vortb G RAYISLRE Camp No. 1341M. W. A. mOt the admisionloet alona ithe juggling, '.55000nd dfourth Saturday evmningao! otr4néa t euhr w eschmonh. E»rm]CVILR..C. ear &goandgave satisfaction Dont ciseax nooxa, Cierk. foigot tbo date, Monday ovoning Aug 9. MIZPAH griTp No. 286 . N.-A. me0t seclond Miesa Mary and Joe Coasinan bave and fourth cma vejuaeoli tcn1broiurned ironiDavenport, lava, vhere Mas S ilAN lMs. W. àARVEwi. thoy have Iivod the plat yoar. and Be. viii iomain th Illinois, No iboy aay. (%ONGBEGATIONAL Church EbndaY 80r- Their inother, Mrs. liste Coamnan, " I 0 Lm-sd73vbu-py sý'ýwo visited bore about a mouth, re- lundar voinaet 6:4à P. M. tuîned ta Iowa. AiMr. Ordinann, of Chicago, vba la orayulake village Officers. atartîng a candy factoryin th 1e base- mient o!fP. H. Kuobker'a nov building, President ..................EB. B. Sh-rman vot te Waxikoaba tant Bunday alter 1 F. Ç. Wlihur. 0. Barron. bis family, vho voie tempoîrarliy ai Trusteea .F.v.BtusaI J Ik. Pevankeo Lake. Tbo arrivod liun- (o. Rchardsoni, C. B. Harvey. Troasurer ......................iB. Nevilie day ovonlng and are maklngMArs. PoUc Maîstate........... MIviNoble's bouse ibeir ahlding place. ......................... A. eMilen Tbe M. W. of A. and Ili. N. of A. Clerk....................... Dr E* hsiier. Camps viii pnbllcly dodicate iboîlr - nov bal lIF. H. >(uebkersabuilding - -Tburaday evenlng, Auguat 12. Not Tho Ladies' Aid lSocety viii nicet niî teWoodmen sud thoir fionda viibMis W.B. igie Woneaaybut everybody la iuvlted te corne and Âng. Il. beip dedleftte. Tbero vill bc a good Airs. W. B. liigley speni Satnrday progran i gven in tbe lore pari of the and Bunday vith relistîVea lu Wads- ovening, after whleb lgbi refreab- Worth. mont@a vll be aerved, and an bour or Bey. Hlckmau, of Chicago, !ormeriy tva iyIIi be apent lu vlatlng. of Bpring Gkrove, Wlai., speut sevorai Tbe Grayalake Hotel guemste b days o! ibis veek vîtia J. Murgairold puat veek vere F. B. Iticketsan, and famiy. Mllvaukee; E. W. lirooks, Waucaxida; Mrs. and Mise Hunt and Misa Iugan, Aira . ;.. Mclteynolde, Aira. Dady, of Chicago, vlsiied the past voua vitb Ars. Faikner, C. C. Bomes and son, the faulillea o! Messie. T.- N.- Wood and F. Harkmanter, 0. J. Mobaak, Auna J. T. Morrill. P. Carroll, ilarriot Kitydaki, H. Cragg, MNias 3lilmore and W 11) Ray rode ont Pros, W N. Gunderaon Mlg. Co tram Obleago ta Grojalakeonox heir J. A. Ames, F, sud. B. $bon, H. vhoollabt ai urday, but returned by Hanse, H. Mulligaxi, A. Stanr, H. 5rail Buxtday. Jones,8S. Myers, J. A. Clarke, Chi.- Miss Weber, of Lake Viev, vas tbe cago; W. B. Alvoid, vltb Reoa Bav; 1guost Of Miss Agglo Bulinkie thia W. J. Allen, J Balrtow, C. N vowek anid both those yauug ladies Derry, Waukegan; D. G Webster, voiee entertained by Miss Oivette Atiaeb; L. C. Nellîs, Russell; C. G, rM<o..1il Tuesdav. Wlnter, Wadsvortb ce ladies o! the Chlircb Aid Ba. ccyvl give their annual iavn islyiai A. W. Haivoja ibhis (Fni- dayj- ovoning, Aug. 6I. Eveiybody vIll be veicome. Dr. and lins. E. F. Shaffer bave an gueats mi. sud lira. Gainer, ai Ohio, faiber and sîsier o! Mis. Sbaffor. Her braiber, Mr. Gainer, vbo vas alsa Soie, bas roiurued, on tue second nlgbi a! tbe re-unlon, Aug. 20, Grayalako Camp viii givo a genuine bouse-varming lu iboîr nov banlainthe bannofai adancing party . Aiuzpab Camp vîli furnlsb supper, and a gaod tume la axpected. George Ibayer bas carpontors ai vorbL buiidinig a nov parch on tue iront o!fbhi% building ta abotho place of ihe aid anc juai torn dovu. vîli ho a double poiuh, mncb langer au icoi than tbe aid one. Aia Jane Lewin, veil kuovui tiIs vielnliy, died ai tbe homeofaiber aleter Aira.John Greeioy, ut Russell, lent iedneaday morulug and vas burled' Pridj. Site 5lielng boon an lnvalld snd lier doatb van not une'- pected. Sbo vas a sister o!fAirs. Brever o! Druces Lake, Rev.W. M. Slaughter, OP WK5T VIROiNSe. Wnritss Of tha e neflia ReIv" rm i. Musa' Retwowratif5ml51 once by Christ. Birk about niduight, IL )IMM.I' Btomative Novine Wl buruing a inniber pilie, chicken bouse N1)laruenîlanîy adapti te the. restora- and chickens, and a amokre bouse. if tionn a at btbx'ken down by bard it keeps on thia vsy it yull give Fire meantal yack. Ko,. W. Ml. siaugte of Nov Marsbal,'6 Vet' a good chance ta train Haven. W. va.. vrltos: "I smatered vith ex- bis men. t» n diasinesa. du11 and mer- "»%ab= ada d iepiosaema My beaut Thistie Commissionera Notice. Mu me.,1tvu short of Sceatx Notice la beroby given thai personas* ad suffeced Mauch bavlig Canada ibistios on iliir aInMy loftiaide. propeity, aie nxitfled 111* sane muas$Madiina and phYsi- bc cnt or deairoyed and nualebuta aemeD e prapagate or go t10 500 nuder penalby 5 1f i loeured Dr. of a De of Dot leu ibantenxiar more Resiocaiive thaxi oue hundred dollars. TiIs -Ns, N w i. z notice applies aube ta pubic bigla. anS Nerve and vays sud rarc.d riglit cf vays la Ple ad1a Tovu of Liberty ville, The igbvay uno vards o! coni caninilamoxierabeing lhable fur ie maabetoastrtiD. taiibiiii perfoimae ofai 50h s iL ï kxi4W flManconfuse5 !sti ordinale. aloxgtia Une. The penalty li a vedlaBpwotP May bouttroubles me for non-obsuervneof the lav li sncb » ume and 1 ssi en fOCU wIyVoî. cassprovided ferrîailroads la more Dr. IMlee' Kome5«.armuid by a&U droi- »ers, IbeY beinglilabie bc a fine cf Ulma ndar àapoativ gIiaratSO, §MtbottIa Dlot leus ibax ifti y nor mmre iSsutva bsnM or mensr xaftuded. Sk bon W. BtTTTdolars.ELutd . MILMI MS iCLoO.. lai adt. huureddolar . BHuart anS NerveUUZDIAssa C.-a al apptlad- Llbertyviilo. sept. 1. -* *THE LEADERS. -o - IN - hlerchant ~IoIg STYLE,,-FIT '- WORKMANSHI1P. SUIT$ $1,5.00 Adp By ts Record of runiarkaliie cures itlaîi i 'arsapaliia lias ie,-onio thé' anc true bioad i puilier I)roinentiy lu the publiie ye. Ceit ouiy lloadi'a. I4ood's Pille are the boit famly caihartlc anid liver medicine. 2-5c. Weeily Crop Bulletin. Th1e ioilovîng report la sent oni by the 1. 8. Deparimnt ai Agriculture for veek endlug August 2, farnonrilieru Illinois: Th1e veek ibnougbout the nortbern seoan vas verni aud dry, temporaturo averaged ironi 2 ta 3 degrees above normal sud riniali eonsîsted o! lîght scaitered aliovens, ralu la geueraliy needed. Work progreaslng lavorabiy, aats are cnt and suie ihiesbing lima been doue, viib fain yîeid snd fine berry; coin continues te do velilu geneiaiiy lu tassel lu laie sud lu roasting ear lu eaiy fitelds; rye andi barrey are beiug iliresliod; baylug la doue; pestces and gardons are nued- lng ran; patatoea are puer; biscklerry crop siotitned hy drynesa. Dr. 0. B. .Howe Trusts wsceielaliy andl suîeeiuili by the latent approved methols. ail ebronie dîseasemof aihe - unga, hosrt, ihroui,er, nane, siomach, liver. kld- neya, boveis, vumuu snd seinaI uîgaus. Skin duiseawes. euc.ema, abinglea, sait rlieum, seauil head, toiler. pnorlasis capitîs, irsonlamss sycomtisbarbena ieS>t ningvonm, herpes. zonten, sud ail bonus o! culanuons erliption, blatchea, biseS- heada, etc_ cnred jîcruisunt>'. Moles sud superions fbain reoveri virbout pain by electrolysîs. Dimeases ai the nervaus systrn. neuranihenis. lacomator utaxia, pro. gressIve panalysis, Seadaclie, nexirslia St. Vitn dance, selatic inmomnla, eiui- iepsy, cuiror by (lerman metb<,d sud electro>51s. ltleumaiam, sexto, articular, mus- exihan. Inflamnisar>', snd riheumatlc gant positlvoiy cuneri by a nev sud succeasiiii pracuem. O. B. HOWE, M. D., Office at Motel Waodatack: Suite 28 and 29. WOOSTOCK. - - ILLINQIS. iýnd Wrappers We offer i entîra lIneofo Waiata and Wrappers at prilas. vbhlcb iiimake every gaixunt a rosi bargalu. ALL GAJIMENTS WITHI NEW STYLE BLEEVBS. Waiais that ver.e......... 65 and 7o.. ... Il and $1.25 ....... $1.75 .................-. Wrappers tbat vere ...... ....9.e 85e anid 31.041............ . $ 1 75 and $2.1M4... ........ L Cilida Dr....etbat v1.75and'Kr)c.. ........ $1.001 and $1.25 .... 1 MILLINERY. WIlI soli any Item ln aur Trlmmed Hat Line at one- haUt regniar prlce. Aiea greatly roduoed prîces In ail other Milinery findlnga. F. D. BATTERSHALL. Grayslake - Illinois. Keep your ON OUR 01(OS FOR YOUN SENEFIT WE MARE THE FOLLOWING CUT ON PRICES. LadIe, 1.25-Tun Nitpperaq... .... 1.50 tibood Tanuliboeos...... .. ................ B-s 1.26Tashoo . ................. Mens 2.00 ' .. ALL LIGUT FANCY DILEiIS ((I(liS AT HI 16e Plisse DAlace per yd ...... 14iC opaline Moire ' ]M4e Fance Satoons "'* ..... S mi i.', HEDIUCEt PICES- .... . 7p .. 72c 15 BARS 000>0) LAiNDIIV SUA ,.. .2. Examine These Goods Before Purchasing Elsewhere. F. H. Kuebker, Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. The Wui*of mthIbmSosons S30.OO PROGRESS BICYCLES _S30.00 Tbis vbeol iaone 0! thee lest madoiltieeaOu the nmarket suddaeiis ut a prive. ithîn tbe roe,%o aif l. 'rue groat iumle la the,-prive 'oa Ci y l e s b a sb r o g t li t m f a d to m e m a- in e u o v u týi r th #- î'z e e d . I..giy iav prive aif$3M.481Madie wtb Rayai ArcS Crowu, searies tuin, ng.Sly uickele-,iasudeuamelod. Ladies 'unir Geutm' sijies. SOME RARE BARGAINS IN LADIES' WHEELS. HAVE VOUR EVES rESTED FREE. Mr. Vuile, theuPticelau eho u l eilua ailhiècmuh marked ienii es rungboîî thile ouniy sîli li.,.liern. Fnlday, Ang. 15, sud viii be iiieaod ta ueet ai l bo are troubied i vIl thoîr ejenight sud imake a tb'iuoigli ex-~ aminsihin frot ui charge. We nt-i you the g )laSui,-slie ieoi a'iaa ,a, aeprieeh E. B. Sherman, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. ACOMBI NATON OFER.. WE OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY 8 P. m. EVE1IY DAY EXCEPT SLN- DAY. j LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ... Ma>' h o nsniiedltîudays roni 6 taAt theo !olaing remarkabij loy figure vben -"eiubhod" on ordeîed togetlier Neklj Inter Ocesu sud Indepeudeni, i jean i 10 a. m. sud 3 ta6 P.M. aut est CaItago, Daiy . ................. f7w Waueonda, Il. Dily sud Bunday Inter Ocoan and Independent i jean .................o6 i The-IDEAL BLUE FLAME STOVES are the prettlest. neatest to operate, s the toast ili and oh, so handy I Try one a week and you would flot b. wlthou it. Same is true of top buggiles and su rries. as well as ail kinds of hay toole such as mowers, rakes an dtedders. W. wilI ssii for Iess than cost now. Can't afford to use an old mower when we can put you in a new one for abou. what the two sickles are worth. Cause: We have more tlian we want. J 10'p a-, atteun uth a Uct iliai vo baci ai ibat vo bave the pietileat looktu moi durable and uconîîmitmi BLA FLAME OIL CiOK NEOVER onf muarket msncb ,esIdeal, Iurixi a National, und ai prieisa vîtisi rtmub mi, asvo i ii agree ta f,îrulab, wv tbe>' is l. I elberLiturtyvil. PWaiitqîiieiî, .nr siipjuin idirectifin ai, il ealIiu.l .:11wii'Firîne atuve rnd 0vi resuiy to .' ,t .1iiîuur seu, fir uly $3. TAie> ii i fu , liîî uiuu.fitim viS) saie lilias, M ii Vlir lampesls doint mu -' aiîîîIlimui. lbit muni h e ) ., . h-11, iauiy effet['imai rtfilîl lung hlt, lre&. Tir I' ulealîl uîs'~V ilIl anmd i, v-tlîu-'vin if i.iîugh st hS We ot l-il lrrge $2 75 withui ltow We uiu îr clie thé!ii-âaie bte wheurt-. v,.c -al i r Iiauk snd ià bcwS audjl i.u wh lu i ait,, uuuntluuu,.uiiy ami lui; ati.i1lientyiviii,, adn coî 1 ud 'uîuî leur i if j ým ji onit f.,îl,î,li e in qu iy anda ri' isla idsylebu tîiripà."l i.-xxl>i l soieblaukaad tg groin, 6.5e. ii $1.75. Largce lino of mi bîrys sud munisse', conîmon tend a ighuos cb'-sp. ban> wIre, voyou VI ,nails, hardware, coin plintera. o r aos saes, oywens *~ tbs o.ieae d on iN« boues.~~ a.1 fr ___ d fi 1 ;

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