CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Aug 1897, p. 8

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le. te a tUaSO as m sap lie &c'y WIfabaaMlagtets «Yes eeu eawho undersaade km h flacea tengdalOrdcc: fila baepeec -1t.Îeai nar gmesa, e s te a »ed no cxpenelvc te laundry; thea'. = ~ waieaaa beulel1« unai br ewn memillas. Tai do won f1iII etaib tw.-thrds ftzl et wafer dlamoveamcake et lette1a (wbi ~wlll met fade lthetact ci( esesadd lif te ftacwater, miai atlnue hiaaisigi1t, tiame&Ms e I wafer, tbca la ble ase 'h. wrug, ail lba eare-b, uhahs and bang lu the @hi Whady n ale,mand ranuoo - in iatA gowa launuaried Inl wey I umalaftp-ehanal pretty ommer, HLZ.lit PARKI À LaIke e-or1 lina a Reltim aif < A reWaiatable dlecorery les-cpi ftrcm £aaka. Soute golelprogptai severl monthie ego rasazarose w eememdtbea laitof oil.Ifwas by linuierable eprnga, sud fiej r'auDallg mouufnas were fllu ot Tliey broglt %amplesa te geti WiLsh., wireotestss pressi ifte lt a igli a grasde as sny eos-cat ouf of Penntsylvania, wa-IIs.A Ses eaimpany won fcrmttsl andlexperte asent op. Tliey lias-e refurueti on steamer Topea, saId teir report ,More thon boa-fatouftflie trot rcpç l le sud fliaf flere are enougli oit eoal lutheli ditrict te suppîy fhe wc ItfIle close te tht eeana lu tact, fie Perte say tîtat tht olIonze out lto Mît wter. Tcj rale-O I Tri Gccin-O Auk leur grocer to-day o show y package cf GRAIN-O, tht new fooali hat fekea tlit place ut eoffec, The dren aay drink cltlaat inlury sas ci flac &duit. Al wmo fry It lke GRAIN-O hace flamfricli mal brous Moche andi Java, but If le madef pore grains, anal the mnt delîcata si as-l remiesl.iît iaisaildistresa, touilla utflace priceea offiecs.lMcand par package, scIai by ail gracers Tht govermenls of Daamrk te d 49 l power tai lcp.agrk-ultaus, t y ivitng Wtormton cf ei milcclptiua ta farmer*, but by aer ezpeamintai fanum., ehool, etc., .la by ap<oatng anu ailtun Slter. wiaie- bas giron ftle g'ea aatlatactlotaandl las laes meat crti approveti, The Penasa S oiety cf CGerana mlsfa reportetIta frecelaItume lin Iuakcitan inct'eeenlemember frcm 474 te 501, ninefy-seS-uof w rerelve-alsupprt lest ycar, STiAKYSAcADEI s rt et oap ,let. itht iM tuaI. rteta 7f ors Staût sur- attf, e of irere. athe ,tha u'tap. ad llevalogtmnt orfieIMtCs. James M. Woolwortb, the presîdent Of the Ameatc Bar Assocat ion. la oe oft the eadlaag Iawyera aof tht West. Hielias prarficcil law lu Nebraska for farfy yen».easd lits repufation bac ex- tenalddf»rl4c..d ftlieboundarleaof INebraska. 111e fefler before hlm wea a law>-er lu New Yor'k State, ad Wall an emIlueuf eduestor alec, For ma"y years lie wtt. the secretar, of ftht board .f raet a etfIe State utlveIrgl' f y. Youg oolwortli waaigraaluated froua Hamiltonta CoUrge at 20, andi b.-, gan ftic practice of Insu at 2j. le gave ori ou a e nIl- tavre won uecv-ci-salutic Enit, but lie alI as paea-rredthfe hreexy West. utudi u'a- ea If. f0 Omaha lu 1854f. Ht bereame- tuy t- wui ot toraaiy awon a member outh'le Ii'utitht tramnt turc. andi petl nt maatfentioan to pol- ts", Mf es, but ftbe fasluafua a uoorthflicRame Os- dld ntat wlu hlm from flm lair prae lt- td25 Ie asded th le t'amin u sa doptont cf flacCtnsfîfufion. Lîke litfa ther, ho dittg lins faken mach iltenet ipublicetalu- , not cation anal sers-taimorne fne as a regcsit erery of fle ic agi eacools. Ma. Woalwairf a itig lasa wrt frai e.wlat. prluclPallY On adai haes cotcerntal wi th teInw anti Stâfe mita- toour.Ht fiaspullieci eversl att a tdremmeca onu et ltotanti soctel sci- dIllyecie, anti lilda iteret of L.DP. troa Racne ('ollege, . I i f,)tram tht Jour- Unaiversity of Nebraskat, sud D. C. L. -elgfroan Trlnty Coliege Turot-ofo, Ouf. le s-slIp le n Demorrat.,a ilican Cuecnt Condensaftions. Tic new Huilein etisumltliouiftr 1i , bycic lhniaînOft afnuiline sapots. M aIg.t-ta W a iputlafliffa utnetaly 't 00f 00pi-el l, hast leu Lan lait]ne. -~grass. I lAn od saettf Pat-ilamrt Ifiea tla price of ai suIftiti flie qttitltofeta wouemas o"-el e ut- 'dhi," tht-bltais beig flat Of otie âye-at-iy Wluscte. 'fe li tlt.fexiirta utf cOtton truna fila countitr -> w-tnlu17M,. lu sritch yt'arcir b)iag 15at amentfroint Charletont i e - ul"'a' XMA itslwilt tirrîrwm e Wd aot fa-ottu 1ull PL0 ndt'îlphn and otat frotuaNewr York. tmm Eset-y guegtai aa Nors-eglan wedtlng tL bringu te -bt-lie spresent. lInîîiany j'eartinale lig cf butter INthflic auol tt tla t and.,If fie utarrttage takese pince lu i- @Iy. ter, enifil 1or troxcn uenîct laioffiiei). A workingmnaiue ('li'tlan ceangre"'s - maet rtc.utly In l'ara tsilan tis- a us>a si-leme tonr aigions t liuiflsfeutra-s tiou of ssoakingtuen. 1-'lteeta tuuitdr drk'gattes, t-ipt-cient itg, it hm i alil, 0, 000 ted',awd"t re '5i-nt. Tht langeauf lcîtIn Francs laa hein but Ithelicbelfry etfflic Curti ofthfli Sacre I leientt lu P'aria. If weiglis fatae- ty-ciglit tous, can lie heard af a dis- taceo fu t etafy ire mles and lifsvs- bratlcnulaste clIX mnautes. wftrmein le wlat tht rairosti saI f riit mentst-imaf e wli a e isoa luI Flet-ida thIs yearTh is aequlvaîcut f0 3,000,000 mancIs, a'hlcli, if Placet! eut to taind, would unake a cluin of wates-enstl ", m2ilies long, A s-c'y culouiatsorttof enferta lui ent Stakes placStes-cery f wo years In Berlin. Tie lasdy at-i sg paluiters, seulitot-s, eligeria, etc., gis-e natticy tintsball. front i ithe icmalt soi le excîtadeal, thotagli maty ladies sdeopt a masnculine garis. Onteutflteeballe le siertly f0 " l I d. iaitti' do8tuluta mîlIl e ari> Ialett'u!tila vetury. l jet 'l'iTe AntttCIgarette Lcngtte lis If a 0-mabadges w lîlely dittittuteilnmung fthe . b. boys ot Ncw York City. Starly es-et-y s..gaamauar erbeol f tt't' ha.s a troug or- a. b" ganization.oatrong tas te reauit Infilic SbreokInit up et muay of tuec lftte Jointe st ithere cgarettes« w-rat cotaInlu Rui land isiti isi-s atlla oaganzafioua ira' - t'-rbItag Iithe tuetet-et fat'e lttt tel- l-de ows. etYgr~esIaa.Dfirlgtpe liét of tlie polli ca m- DOUèLI pali Wpt fall a wel-knowii broker'. 'Q IK 1 wlfe cllaed iMîo aa ¶lecaiso a athle .C'. table of a "swaggef"' New York bOcrd- I~ mi usa ~e îta s, tg-house. The man, gettlug tht y'rgt of the argumett fld lier lie dfdntt Vs.. deaNJ 050 to taik to Lier. KIae ddd't là,e f hat an aadIter lunflice eniag beri "bub"i 'lim i'aiied thleet ier man to LUa room anid lield hlm wihle the womon horsewhilp- ZWb;sped hlm tîll she goftlred. Hoe prccured '~ ' pliotographe demoastrating the effeet- GOITRE lee I ocf lie r blowseanud ahe lise been lOk r4u No 3 -97n-o v1ud 50 lz' I Àyera U raulll. 1IAn selfia. a" Mn y c.a rmsip ho beaIl.I 1ameooumipt ha nm aulai moulai bave0" amaibe ces wu iAytesar» Us TWearI"-JAs.1 la.m bomvtI% ]Er"* a. la5 lys w.': WRI"I"E BYA WO ANTb. -muoes-m om$n-'wW fth- MILLIONS ON SAVINOSa " *A alog, a da m>- klogdoeea fer à dog' Buildling sudi Leam aAsocetlom TU la the geuaral criberp.. orstbavt Lengue Veste et eroLt M SIDE OE8ORIBES THE OREIT prmaeclf v pa'ved a failttre lire ase a Tht UniteadStattes Leagate ut Building r KLOF40YKE OOLD AEION. aiMa«" uf traaaepoattlu. 'l'bey bave te )Associaftin helî lifs aaei. conve-aiton il lie houeaed ln lente iniwhirba't in askepf, l>troif. l'reniideut Nleici I..Broawn I Tht doga, hoirevea'. lire oaa next tai uth- resu hia zitutusidda'cias andl 't'crefury A, Tacbr o th Inian Drssealug ant.]often glakree sfttishing ti@eThtIH. T. ('i liar eof ('iciainait'ijaoattd ou A~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~e Taca fta nIn raa*relative salue placet] oma uaru anal doge is fliccoîîîthîîîoutbuilditgait satatiai- .nu Olecouraglmg ofthIm ew shows h> th te«tliast 1I co t s rfas ez- tfca'eaidauaaliy. fl 09lderae andiAdyfs.. abe Tendes- peaaiecl mata Waintr aip fît Klotadyke la'c Brownf fialaliaifeal tu fhe lrgas c. faut te SMer Asay VU ENect Suine gfor uaofhlng, but bard tu pay 1.16venatail faîr izatton ut thte-re t i'a ja rsItitaa fo r - a doit sdand l!teaiea a coatati'tatepsy flic Wtrli'a Coaat'ýrca fBuiilingand No Dresse et Rame. $15 if iaythialag bnlap tîu thflanialIl" Loan nsîiiaktaat 'itt in iiiItadi h Amnong drloueli Klussyie, tMe uewly Misa lrieir gis-es ta good report tif 1recataht ia-tait Iicusugaii-sfi'ilby Itrra ir disL'ovre.d gola l flai Canada, luaitlvt he ahi asaaae and «aturaist tifhei camp%ile aent Il>.xt",'vis.: "-T'e Ameia'n iu liaa thet Alaka &euaidari-, %%hu irite balil uritia licra'relale'aci' ifi r a a' att Ciralet'hfe'Saftigatralofutiatîrieai Iilta'iaTi ' waraalag letbiro te thele- frietidu i civil- (t y ah' iew o o aamut-a' irinarriouuflt- s iihsutto ai utll-ui siliîîdop fu y afl thetfer ixatio. lenIlas Anna t ulceota sgrîtd- fldsud ltI le Tshess 'fac ineara, leaicetfthe Unitead jffas beii'pa'i'i- do aate et theC (Jiveaiutai'ofstChicaigo, who maire nalaw untot tlv4tisei--. sud at11 tasit- denat qaitiaril t tfe'aftif Wiliamaaed lismea icnlAlaska a yecr as at each l >' cecpf ife uuwritteut maiiilt'. Gaurge Jordan abat tîcia' Sam im Itu it] f amoms thIe Inadianaadrr Gaveiment #Ct hOEN aiser11,4h3,318 tlwelling huiit'aas i, h te: aupie . e isbw oica t Circle REOOI. wouîduniaelln àdouble aîaveuera-ihg CitAd , u ette. dWýiaTeChameac, Rapream on »à« Fourneround flic globe fhelac risî uda hoplug f0 "et rUse if ricli," W.'eeted by Mtmca-nnte.- Pre-eldent Brown gave a lengthy aeview f aile wrif'es ns follows: Tht Chicago expres uitf leelîand, cf flie more salieat tfenturesc ete tac "Those ratw icavlaag tht United States Cincinati, (Chicagoaiand Ill.It. Luis Ifail- wiif the itrotras of buidingan sd lbanufi for Klondike are nimost ae ceraily coin-- wsy wus wrccked et T'ltîiiraîfuwu, a ssci5attcion tr aou, fia'iuc'itiausd of f5i lingtu f0lar'ship, privationan sd sufferlug. Friday uaoraiag, Fourta' si'a'ckilltîd a-thfelicmutiat-l i-t-ituerircal froa fia ir op a- Tbey entafulpossIly Ief boe.betore thtet'lgltand1 eveeral slit]y ijured. lThe tratlota, Lie smarc] ahe'pasf er led Ouf pr eloMag 01 heflic uag gecasonandlfhey dend ai*: Enganer Si-fbW'nleow rtfleeu a itom-buildiug onae, hbutralliera - sUl iatidercry fot ut groua know u f0Crieeaebarg. lud; lruiit iB. Ca'akmort'morft a&.rgc-a iu a-ritua, fn which ucîîrly ber. 'Ili lgid sfaked of ud! tabeldi by sain' oaIitdanaapolis, andl f-aau uudentfiltd ail tfl a liutle hldlsflta nt triggii'. emoe xpvi'cec. 'rhey will fl fd uiandl tramps. Wsge ti rut-ra th e latndi l a criliceil ladging su iigl aatd scarce thratif: wil teke Tbem v as a dellber'ite plu taf0 waek tht duriagthe flentsfefw yea's $5ttX xt Sor feu limes ase mut-h astht'- a.tus lit ail o tht builinuî ascieflea utflit'Uitfi'tStltes'. k Tht exa'-ui'ave couitfae ir's-tfaan of fiporant taille uof iti'ifiiii.nîcuttr- I sallat dud aimtgtaiftr îSie97. eus î'aiîîg thîiae fie Statcs %%oelat'lsart'uirt' refurlists f le madeliy baidinîg atd amî îuuas-aiut ioaaa go v Aiaa'ia-Item- mCSte. flua i-sht"ifii Ararfa il l............ 7M', _2fCazi i îii.627'4do Ilfasafs........... 7 181191f.732 80lttai.4 a New Jors..... 'mm 4 iilfIf4 ii97.t Iadifania......... .0f'.,1.7.2-At4 %si.f47 in >iee- 'Yorak -..... fi1 ' 1 . 3.i45'2.917l Missouari-.... 2aïm 90ria f.1ii, Niateaaethusetf.. 122 ifti 2luii2 - " 'alifforsas il fl iif 1 7.9-12.311) 'iiairta 7 2 lOsae 4Kii:flt ......ases 41 7,10S 4 ",4:1 u efalae- if10.45 2.77.1r-16 maine.-----------34 9.22#1 2691.4-86f Other Staes----------.t302245 15,2f156w0 o t Tatala-.... i(4.77 i f0 t5l 551.w.&* ixi - GHASTLY TALES 0F DEATH. - tmavatliu ,AltsmnyGoli Beekei'mr f0 thé Kiaudyke lNeeton, b Seriousn àw bas coule tram Port Towna- eNEU. LA XAWHEE TE TIPACROSTEIE NOLN TAISB EGINS. serailreitafeothe Kiondyke txcifteeit JUNEU. AASK, WIERE UE îtir _______ ____ asd ilfofreccueeanhorrible situataiontafat c mcli fortune f0 aua's'le utu aor- Itrelu. tas e oupliug panihal lie-ta drircu fic h e er friture srill controent may tunity ta re-uru tfer tflintTherramis ltoi t eaRuiteli oa u a iliaitt )peuan sd guid seekers en route fo tht arefîr El goldinluKltiad>lî-gold lu abuodance, alrt fliruw ittantfiltfrain offthet rasekneifItorado,. .4slenkntwu l»s, whleh leaia rleh enoutilaoaanotait aimis tu y-eld trott amsuiee tt pl ipii. The a gine aud tender short distfe-fro unseta. l ic he iaat- $100 tu i.$doie per pan; but it lenincd i 'rifi-sd tflicmil, xprenss iul baugage cara tue poiatffor tht oserianîl juurur> to)flict diMieully, niadilun acoualil saiy, cmied vea'c thrtwtsr frua flic truck and wreckcd, Klonils-turregioa, ait thare, aeeoadiug tf0h glowly, sui thliatfora'the uavcrage espairi 'ricTs-ca'oac sud W'agtu sleepig cias flie'rt'p'îat. is mitre freiglit jileti)r aa f Of erd atilg;rta'tht'e Iritita re sattiwed op ramaluislatitihlce Imk ati tannotietthet'hle aviiitul'ttîree tf liai cairriersa citaiI lfIc e i- %ca îI it huihalll tiecu tan- auseuîcu'r ia ca' tioaf *v liar, nîfitotgl tranais)."uîrt sc'Chikîsîf fîlira ig t'ilifa sea litg inaothr a'plinte n luaiaka sd h' 'yand tiivey L aaing uap. eiotlia. lu thet 0 -it> srru'a aidieslie- oc A a'tlotftrain wirasûrit frt In ldisuapo- tsieeuaIls-eeth lac la-iit Lauke-Linderr li sf0 'litown sud uits mun ausa lure fafk eac cleiccl a au' wurîtî salmad, tip tua' tu-luosati sud flieu)itr plinfts. 'Ther t traita vautsuaify criwld ss-aab pas- t l'oiauflt f ti tr raifa'ruaat h i îtti N A,ý i(d .1ttioruigl inveis-tigatioauanetuthfli rai îs-trîîfîrm of tir ti-.No stfrmpt as tmaulîti- fuith lceieesor lther tare I Eftrtc ie rect, snuittio uadrstsudiug o fflic puuî cati licaeverftined. âcua.IshT AT dtUiKOTgîtx Ac. Britiash Dorinialuai sltus ily atusuduuaîî' fir osatcliromn, usiaîg f0tflicruafe ovt- KIattia> lt, luurrici)ftre antid sakri tff fliclais, saidari' holding or woa'liitg tiri.T'isuvasa crl>' laitue niot4itict, antI t-oitsvsuuai'atty tarcouter lias-e tai lit contenat ssith tfl it-tga ofthefleud aida "There ure ouly four miaiiug mouftm Mla>, ,luticJaît> anf Atguit-af-sileeau fta utht grounta es-er ttuo oîft utu-s than tiro or ft' oanutnçu-half iîaet. lThe reat ot tht- yer the eil le lise a evliua rock. It laieoauutal fhligfor flic mer- cary ta ml VOI tor liSdî'ga'e bltow zearo. T0 go pfuu)(tintg bfuî'u ayMe or afuir Auguet tent-uttflicheilte4iou, sud int hea four moasiI lias-c sati-ul if ina mattar cf abouat titaee liaitrsa nda>. lTe eld"'t a-e liai if liti uter -as tU5 degre-sa le- lest zero, but mlî as flic ieathir was- tua' Aiakaiftrwac quite collcittjugli ftc tuake ue fi-ci the uri-a tufgond, alit fooal. Apropos outheflivlsing liera', ifla st-ci routugi turt leni fiayas fat tirre s nu iack of provisi-oni. Actrtslly fhena- fivscandtuti tiera has-nt fte ue'esarit'u of lite, to saen ofhiniitoutthe cumtforft. If le inilxioraillle to get treali ment. It la imply satiattea ofc enigooda, anal thene hnuse tai le hougttf front flic trnadui postesofithfle Alaskas Commerciali Coti F ay or tse Auea'i-an Truiusponfstiui euîpsuy, et the compuinir' prudes, andtt tbey charge s-lat titcy plesse. Oue doli la' s round for flou' alatufandalputai tues (fg thet uanirra!k tGanite hasnlierai uttet-y dtriv11tSfrtu loe Mountians. FiaI are frosnu iglit mont ha lu thc ycar. Once ina a whiteoyoau eau get treal mient ait 50 cents s pouait. Tht taesh ment sacai et mat, Chiritmaas dintaca, huis- es-ca, ctet $1950 as îoaaîd. Tiacre Iran gula tucugl inlutht fatef es-t-sf0mskc Ift e a desti esiglit outhe mtsnacli, ou atcia aesdily set thal au taperirsi-ti)mitier'ht-t- basa lied te lie enucresatati lunaider fui lise, What aitulal lie-orne ofatender'- foot' if Is t-ne>'to uIm gine. I coin etcliffle iii store for flic man sWho gef e here alter or Iste lu Augaaet butt artlshlp anal pris-a- lion, Tliee trairkenu ifltht gelai tes-ca Y.UKONcx sat!taaf'eOUTFIT, kti'p floklng litreaiadtinfl uitx utftrouala- ie mainet-eahI douliees contiaiuef iIi -s-- erytbiun l'a fronen aip au figlt f lat it wili 'be impetaa;ible f0 do anyfhig but liuager, look natttht mýoon antd wsif fillI dt May. It le t0 the interet ofthetfransportat ion companie tu encourage this miaratiun ut tht peoplet iorth mInce tht>' gef thetframs- partifon nioast-it conta abaft $150 Io go trm u et tie toKlonduk"-ad besicles Mcef lnterestiest Coteet Ifui- een un Leke Miibga., -X Thie BflouiTue aht Enqulcea' deteetral flue Patilidadea' ut Cliceago l itn ua's big rar-con alske Michigau. 'r'hi latter - ttandoti-il tis'heufattna' W ukega, u0 andu. rt crslug lier otugiaies, seaemer] beef 'Tie c:,rt wss made at 9:30 t'viock lan the morinnaft upuosîte flac Egthouse l in h, outer'hartloa t Chicagoa amid ath e 3~I~', ftstrlig out ibattes, suas-aag of thngean ad thr clicering' tf crossdeauun huard the mies-K tcinig I tiliattrous raft prerait, flic Eiquira, nman titre saili prtailly lie msuy ut tria ots tiiil uy IW. J. tjiin'e utfBuffalo, anal gedyifuesrwinter. ture l'atsuider, i t-i byF. W. MaorganT hel'icAlaskai Commercial Compil>-. tuf Chli at:uit ip4ti torward anid lie-aat hiehlifitairnrdy ta-aimflaiaus tîait ther nast a scitiutg rade eerawoittiesteti ui tutiexuaii tres) îy ther Yukon niola tasif La ke Nliauhigin. tii-er boatîtsian blilalea,is tlolfg tii ift i Nuo tt-ittutt-rav s-îvr exvitral eoeh itercaa lioss ca fotchîek the rash b>- tltt', Jut îaaiuu ituI lut'u -t.If e fua Eltsfa'sc t fir roîu-ttfa. iiMii au> uaas heai -t îit t tit c atirto t i' tui-con Laike Mtichigan. laRtsi b>-liaid route,îafr, ii zi ffuriiitsi bilttulsfior cnf sjurt shoot It titiittig- ia-ient qitaionsansd a'tufs'a' loiila i. gietmtecet Ili nfiut madle flicMoisis Estu sm te a rt i'tleta-tal]il sîtulintre- alualairis c a sfanaution otie,-in lu uth ltut> s u1ort fifiasut-t-i-tiairy' for ftintof ikit i% tlan tht' Nafulautchu tir La-ctiliet-aefir(ean ssd a-e-ha lu gel ott Iuîîaît'a'lit Lak le lire huot-as iitîtbactnîtul]atltiedidoit-ahfîir Be'nnett for bous or for violent situa sast fs-t>- s-tiltota.sfit'ietua ente. Waiit tlil siiutîtlealuitus 'lh- rit-ce us arts itd-il afttî-tutlonug de-' tuf Klçhaiker' ifstili blui-taffrI>' ifiuituei bii f'as f0 <-vuit-ca. Iflîwaxtaigra'd fhatt ir lfui-talutftacftinftietht' i tas-tl-a.tua -t- tus-ar aracfflu'ettsiuug >1 dt waxitof0precri'at utigs, I atuiane or liotts. flic stinntr ss iut g20 tulveusar i-up). Aade '"ie 'iea a sitli chiiat flair uutliis fri tiïil i.laestitiatuil Itat mitre thta1a m'1bRhfa-, es aoeripros-isiuunsaof luit> $5,000 baiusl tia-cnus tgi'riuon tht' reatuit b> kintal ieret iou ieua aid Dison suity. lUt- EXCITING RACE BETWEEN TRE YACHITS ENQUIRER ÂN D PATIIFI"<>EIL. flicsduia'rs if licîîîuîo' lu tilat. iai-relief stitie arc aqaa'i'iliy ecikfalisîli- Bufli of the' yachts wer i buitat yîa r. cd tlaî'rc w ii li e moe ighasly talest'aiitell The Euquirer ws iiîaa'iîilulaiBuffalo of thiti tdrush, of the cafainities f flhc sud coiis Zt O. 'lu Te 1 afaîderrwon Chikoot, lu bllidlug blzartia taid of ti- Itjtit ilRacine snd eot at$75,(MO. Eaeh earaîîia'aftatiillu the' lundredatof tidus la 133 Icit lotig.'l'le Pallitiitdtr la 18 pitatile utiles that lie lacwnt hei fi. iiiu- fret at thlic luit aiti 11wiEnqîuirea' nue fain plisansd the Yuikon. foot lest. Theiti'lsfiiîir linssa tai bîo- ut fhli nes of thtf ua httti,'ip. whiir A FINE WHEAT CÉOP. the Enqutirer lit&a cs lipper' hou and ait os'erhing terii. Thie Yar'. Tield Wit Undoubteillî De. Above the Average. Istrew. wth tqkeleitonuRpre..evdfotth rn hn Thle wilîîw aof Lieut. Sihwatkii, tht' gicpsftht ceis'al roua est aSot s-ct Arche exiplorer. bitig inttersicwets Betn-tai rtluMon t lc urghwan d teoptlitis tou Harbtor,-.Nîi-li., cîîitterniug tf l Kîiai rita icraag ii su tht'cmlithie dlyke gold regittats. svihieouaiary sitelias yi'ir, Ie.Th rcct, wilrlina ho avfei repatdl viitd it he habiid mymhlaieîî'the rop ronsidcrabiy, exca'ît ;l te Gos'i'rltaiieut shîtul iftfl)fIai' fiait' ,ç iiirfa tif Miattarata and fthc tro lia k,,ise, iiniigrltttpitarît ito theflr gld ild lu iw licrefih' rainfatl hua heea fo exteansive. Alaska. Site aiaymthe' iouotiu pases iriiiaii i iowlaud le fiooded l Ic he 'Il ira' tr.11wisti iIhe lia'sa'toiru fiifoatu- Riveir vaii'> îand es'ehathat oin the ulîla itît laie iiiiero perght fnu ethe cod, its nufv'ra' i tore or lesesfrouna ahery toarent, tatela . ')ar sa-vialial tI hile fttl-'llg nidtd ilal aeeutuanacfi c he d raeltiai f0r Men lcRoitt ri'iitu. rat l. The 'dsmatge, howi'initialîf as- T1he tits faf traia ove 11w ai'taFîtle iy havi' l'ett atare si-t irt- andtîlmla are lise re!it lieid Kauste City lniai inaittil IJi h lia i'dlunthe iiihi-r si-tionus wshi-a tralf Wt'iittt'tty. Ift'sar'li'ia itseiregîrs, Ille rît o O lis liy îtcu'ii'i atndilrotirtl tuail t i-s relansad reilue"thefi fui lattint-b-" t itlia ith hbug,a, hi-It iiivv b iîeaîaî toiia tt iaxoand ail gt um City friîtas rigiiita' fist. F"avtortleit'w-au t liiinl fouirtI'i'i îîrit Eoai-hsif huiui'a ft livrî risu'rj ili isrgi'ly tuf ti r mSi liii it-~ ii itîjar andzîl tliirfy taiiul'a. 'l'e traina juiry las Ia-at doneIlu ii t' orifiiii>' itvetfakea theii-ri'guir ilîasi'taer traitifortia l rus btik;s flacyieiklia MIùiia'aîta aIlletii ('atifîirîia nt Nantaiîs City, nuit will orkifa)jkolse la actitfir-teul ture4e-li170f)t,ttttf ain tiaîtl iintrititflumail sud cx- hushele. piree 'î'iec4,. la litche tidîfhwca flic ratita titits btiiof u e - --great bî'atit tfu tht' iriraî. lI sati' tt'c- The bliak ur liaiiutb Sptinga, Ark,. tiatua flic coaphinlat le Mode thlit the cioeed Utn dooresud uamcd C. 0i. Itford wliest waz beattena duwtahytle&I&htut« Ss. asieelucAssete,$l0, K;Itabilifles, the dowtaîourlbt 1a.daai~ tulu *nflaOO e t wblcla.sbout s$26,0 in aitan) d la .càulln e m aiafaLatu o fo c ta vMu. daoujt.nd barlW g 4mrePgo hIûng OauIf. A nltatBff7 taUI. vleaIli -- '. "we Mohtamamed" Iapnplatim o f the Win bu e lgwbted WtI4& ~ ruatlh iEmpire hm blicouver, aptly cf tlis beautftl z Sq. Wop"he tuf0aimmeinst eult«teucota- uted by fthe Chlcago. MlWauiia >aileify: iflat, ia fact, a s-at Mllitary Psu!ltRailwey Company. 18 laa guliti or brut herheeod, sceording tt lueentf Publietnt t" f 966 peaguus tdfflu hut 1cr cf "Tht Sualtan and illan, Stillowitag wlfladelicicua baf-lai. Wts," bcaind to bey the coinamanda of itm utout nut Ceefbou'e Mont charnelles nuprme clef%, te geik-ul-alaii i f rrsorf for citizens of the Gra puiie. te Sutîan. Every lTa-k oughlaf i a No atasger vlifluig Cla"-go cetai.aomae, fo lic a pricat and aiIfMIar sittaout s cepy of the "Souveuir et ~ri Remornberitug fluact, Sie dliflcota Park." If rau aly be p'cI rmdiy ind'rsftnd the ea2c wifh h ih eneiusiug tweoty-five (25) cents.,lin Se spit of utfanatcltiat h ruaeinillu utitaze saumpe, f0ta, . H affousi,- Suait pottions of t ifs taptre w lîcre the ecai pasaietager agent, 410 Olai 'ut-ksitare lintht majîîtity. sud flue Butildintg, Chicago, I1I. doeandlty wt whâtii 5n Ont itr- Parihand lier Obeltak. edople nal oliéa lnffrheiin U- If the oeligk ID Central- Park wuml diiee pofiew-t1hmase alat flc Lu 0blitreatcd tus Parla proposet t tacne ti ilaf Imay aU -ligiotue ta-lier Clrepatfa's uaedle, f lere waaflM tsîleafion.______sgrltofclaral esllg Av-emu a *0Actiona-e.r:;îit.ut'orher expostconcf IMOL A dormant livr,,or 700a eut saffar nillthe One 0frflac propostiionas la tuib trtures incienrftaon a pa'stogeh hllîlie a- ta'hog henel hhsad n teri. Caustipatton. Iteedactira, dyastrp.ali.- Oiittueil ll' tual ura'e tougat. satar brecta._paf atnfuhcrilit i'Iaeede la Concorde, setativlw0 de, wiii edatouleli 705r 0 gf i't. tl fuaugifate1.slnati nsa!a îa..l tht reculettrat t sgas f aioceth hoalleixaato ndlsai a iasfctter'e atgoaeh i ittera, asti ri) ce rit--fclîglit ounflicsommirit. The e»0i roas ttrelief. ifalaria, ine 1nee gtntrso hepooa csipiclut. sers-sufuces astidebility are j li ef rso lc rpmln tcsroaagtaiy ratauvel figthae Bitters, tfrikliag, for If will be utrcepsry f. i, tatadir fiaeuuhst andti sork upward frie, Maux Hamor, flià hotf Tht Matai peoeaTae -et-y pla lin __t__e_______ apoken. Hall Caime, wlao la their st-C Mnicucarr- their mîtidalafne ta b. aica-leageai hLtaalan, tels a goc to 1ur3- muet part tiacy cirry thiaca wate«4 of aact-amîu>oltlNefiiditfwonan inflie con tent lttc eIgnorant ot the cannum aIs of Mau it o couki aier liesatiin- fo u sflt lila saiate id wlUa lier ItrepaeWr. Ontetofthein. enuîy tte ictttît tîferlor ciasia aeiaig Ioýutto it-ate, ealied te saythintug fu iiea flacpasaious,lite mi gol by. "-Wel), itued-)y." aeega .dcxc,. are poiutlug. If la eurptial andl Ctit bihiu"ve, and almy the L-tI ep lieu-lit fteasef kuowiedge a a Stat a better man Lu ycur place." Nex t ~watchfuliy observant of IUM ey b' lie uccessor camne t)am ber. ma y hasve gailtdIna uathe wlaolë ___ l'eil I hopeP the Lord lias senit a itooti efan active or es-eu inquiliîe litS-* nain," sie anal, "but there'a atne au John Foster. goui fliaf coresas eim that geesl." Try Allen'@ 1aotEme, Hall110Catarrb Cam'. A puiwder lai bc ahaken ito cthtemae. tetakolt aeraaly.PIs 5eu At tht, acea your teet feel ewollen and bof, anti gel tircd eaaly. If yea tavec au*rting test or tiglit *bues, try Profeesor Forbies caJeulatesa tt" Allen'a Foot-Rate, If rclOe actest faifcataraet cf tht Ntle, c i bga Nne ad malles waàkLaig taty. Our'Iea 4 repr,-ents 5M0,000 horse power, &aad. d& preronts awolien anti aweaintg teet, Iow Nue, 35,000 harse power. bisters andi(,allons §pots. Relievea ________ corne ana l bindons of .an ps.liaanal glV5i a cssareedurisapd et anal romtcrf. Try If to-day, RaId tnt asanal greyaca cf flicale iy aIl ilrtggiats anti alicestores for' - o ait gldt fliena.btfmth a Trial package FREE. Adalaeas, Allen rernedy ndi lnic Ue H ii.Uf-u S. Olnased. Le Bol, N. Y. aerr _______ Lent of Napoloon'a Saidcrs. Jeweled embrodet7 lae at the w The lattFreuchi aursulvor cfWaterloo cf Its popin.Mtly, VIwi tact PM"s t'as bauquefetilent mouflaaI tiehomolIfs tiowmfal In fthe e arfuture - lu France. Ie uasine InBaillot, aund des age la 104, Ht ws22 n tetfic fiantIlieve Piso's Cure la flae ualy %seý if tht bail le, sud, thonh imauy cf the cisc thaf wall cure eunaummtio,-à*~ 'renchi froopt wore yonager flan bhlm- bi Ros, %illlnmeport.Pa., surv.18bý sef, lt aloue lis lefttcf Napoleons hboat t Rek mot ever, quallt la oms wi if 61000, vidual, Baid lue-k ailI pursue ycu if s-ota casa- Hz..wl.eemw-0asaa -y titi'bandit cf ycutar unrcila duwn. TME IRUT PLAGUE 01' ÂuGUST, 1890 Mmt, Plzkham'a Explcatlon of the tlnuuaMl umboir of D@8» 1111 Prostrationsa AmoDU Wooes. The Ilreat heat plague cf Augaasts 1896l, waa mot wltliot lb. IescuOnt coulti ot facl te Dmoton infthe long litc - the death lrcuglicut this couantry, that no mai17 cf tIhe victime were wonicn lui their thirties anal wcmcai betwieen forty-live andti ffty. The women wli o escoumbealfo flae pro- trcted tient were women whoa e eergtes wtre exbau teal by ataleicngs peanalica tai taefr nez; women whc, faklng no fhought of tlcmseîvea, or wlic, attachltne o ian- portanceo W tiret ayuptoaa, sllcwed thelir ,. female mystean tu boaom ruai dowai, Constipation, capa-fceiueappetlto, ttst imee fos-ebodinge cl mvii, vertigo, languoir, aa el. nesa. eaecialIy fanfthe mornsg, an itwebini ntucation which euddenly attaaka one et mlglat, cr whcnever lte bucca beomma overlinatei, ame aU waraiinge. Don't vwalt ton ionug ta, builal up yctir strength, that la Dow a positive neoesmlty E LyditlE PinkamaeVegetahle Comapouund lia&ape- cila curative powers. Toucannottdo btter tbuntucommence a course cffIahi. grandle iyth m* of lii;et yhptasmayoi wifllse by the fcllowtasg lettar wliet tan"~ ame tai Mm reCxa, andl how ahe wm. eu": "I have taken Lyia IL Ptakiaaa Végetiblé igte paoind anal thiuk if lantthe best msaita. fasiwam - thse world. I waa no wenk anal merveilleth" 1 toul - - I ctld mtctlive frouaione day to theo meurt I bo > laps.s uarI andalelccorrhuoeaanal tIiosaglatIw- lnt Into cotsumptcua, 1 wcauid gelitaloai 1, I woulddtiet. Ilied draqgg p ains lintMy bok Iamotsesation dewai tu My feet,, sd nomaany is feig. Peoploecaial that I lookmd lInceabs a -womn. Doctorat-ted tecure am, buttaUL..1~s givn u wen hurdofthe Plkacat mida&e Su gt a boffle. I titi tot "haemach taith la 1I, but tsosuglit I would fr, If, anal litmode a new w mmi# e 1 wtbis casaitget ever, lady lanflie landte 0try Il, thr lb di& fuit mmw"d assora coulattdmot " .e'8.LS.f aCvale, Baker'% L.adaa, Pa, lui FANDAM MO ~~ ~~75.O' 'l si, Closest Detailed Inspection.e Every sing!e eue of the many parts cf a Columbia bicycle is paased several times tbrough the hands of skilled wac'kmoe who examine if ini the utmcst detail, Such an elaborate sys. tem of inspection in expensive, but no expem n s a red in building Columbias. They are as near perfection in adjust. msent and finish as human ingenuif y can maire tbem. lm9 COLUMBIAS, SMlO HIARTFORD BICYCLE.S, $50, $45, $40, $0 cow 0$ hy amy @av. iude un- mm POPE MFO. CO., Hartford, CoM. caw fldefrocfauMy clusimidemC. tby amm n af e«Olea Ho AUO. 3 4 SEPT. 7 4 fOCT. 5 ý 9M .nliness Is Nae P ride, îtsN ýnesty." Com mon Sense Dic- tates the Use of SA POIL [iOý

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