CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Aug 1897, p. 9

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You're in Luck If you have not as yet purcliasetl a '97 Wheel. Corne and get my prices vhieh wiIl explain the above assertion. 5$ ,.eam ,AchCoci 2»te, Crauka r anti owdkeyleus ?Eigdouuel4t 1ll1Ii ble t stailîie ltmi 'ywlieul.ltte- i*ra lu aIl hall- berlga îu.t- pioc.cîs i hit eec' orkloi' Second hand wheels taken in exchange. 1 have a few Second hand wheels now which I will seil cheap. WILL KNIGGE, Rockefeller - - - m $ De mure 80 inves- tîgate aur cycle for 1897. You ara sure ui ha con. vinoed 1of >our gooti Itci lni bing enalil t h WCurp no perfeet a vheei. Illinois.1 .*IARQAIN AT THE Wauconda Furniture Store. Bedroomn sets, Antique Oak Finish $12.0 Lov.mgeBrussels 7.00 Couch,Corduroy .0 Solid Oak Center Tables wortn $2.25 1.75 Iffl Rdxs worth $4.50 4.00 * Wovn WIre Springs to f it Iron Beds 1.35 Si deboard Antique Finish .10.00 * Full Une of Baby Carniages Constantly on hand. I positively wili not be undersold. These Prices For A Short Time Only. UNDERTAKING. Prompt Attention, and Reasonable Rates. M. W.-HUGHES, Wauconda, - - - - IInis TheNew Factory Wiil not mako Buggies. Wil not oeil Lumber, Coal * GOrv.*n, Flour, Lime, Cernent, Etc. Theè Proper Place To buy these things is at WRIGHT & SON'S. There you 'will find just what you want in any of the above named Ues of goods at prices which defy compe- tition (quality considered.) Bo when you corne te Libertyville To Do Tradinlig Call on us and sce what wo can do for you. We'Il treat you riglît and wilI have you riding in a nev buggy for leîus than it coste to keep your old one, in repair. WRUGHT & SON, Libertyville, - - - - linois» WEEKLV INTER OCEAN. tooday and eau aivays lie relleti upon for fair andi honeal reportsaof au poulical admire. The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies Ail of the News Ênd the best of Current Lterature, It in Il a IUiy Cloan, andisas a FamUy Pppr la Without a Peer. those o9 tho Bot Magfilas fLa Youtus Dpaftmt tho it bhurs a, ithe failir the N.,'.ofithe. Sar. Wssliand cives the tist and abent dls'usions of al îîuesiicînç.ottboiay. Th g4remltvffl quel . Mmo! rsadiumattere4kiliwuek and bdsg puNiésdin .Cbhlug la better adaW 1i to the -nSets of the îîeoîîlu wîîsî ofthte Aleghany Mt». 8hsi Mr <ittier e. .00 PRICE ON£ DOLLAR A VEAR 01-00 DaI i unda>' *. o!Dl b by,i......" su Inter iv mail......... a ra m MW be bot of Aroufla tn* u@Urny. wis.Ce. fi. . t isTAULlg. 10 43 as.m ses w.,UmuSai et ai lua suis 84 4e»S9."38 o M a M26 804 eui loet colva @MMv *Delly 'exept uudar. i Stop onsi onsin. a.u. S.M. am. .m p.u. A.n Flt eai'Villa los Ille ia o& il il 'als 1 ce 43 lt esoi 1lb oe toin 7 eai. 0sesi lia heagwo su 110 85se10ia Saint* Peter and Pauise Churoh. LIMIavYVI.L5, ni. SUND)AY SERVICER. Firei ltasa-8:i0. a.n HioIt molsa-1o:se a. u. ROCKEYELLEN SDOCISTIEB. CONOREGATIONAL Oburoh uadlay mer vtoSs UUa. :ào p. % Prayer meetIns Wednemtay evonins. Y. P. i. C. I. steet flunday evenna t 4:6&. junior C. I. At 8 oclok. montIL D . Gaiimu. Y C. 10.0. P. No. am,. UeBl êeond and fourilu Thursdaya of se" month. WuiLLKI<100. N G. H. L. Buanici. Seoi. 0. 0. T. meet Thursday oveninga of eanb week. Imaa Buanîcs. 0. T. J OHN G. HAGAN Pout . LA. H. Usa Baturday nict on or before full moon. J, A. MÀao!. Comdr. 0 9 ClUUUcziLL. Adîf. Malgons .oUtb......8:04 a. uM. 9:22 P. un ma] golng aoteh...............:6 Le. Mail over band by stae arives ai le a. un depwa i U a. u. lilas Laura Dolîtllet rtaining a fev Chicago frisada. C. W. Brin"al, catier o!i te Drovsr'i nationalbani 0f Chicago vas han Wedneetiy. Henry Burdicitgvas csUeiat 0Chicago lut éaturatia' 0 iil hia broilher vbc la quits il. li. lrs. Jaisie Porteoni spent Sanda>' at Libertyville with Mia Parteoue' parente. C. M. Goricanta bonue ia beinî rapainiei. lit. Spoor. of Wanbegsn, la doing lb. vont. IThare la tleba aconcert itovu eat lionday sud Tuestia> evenlnga, givel b>' a traveling troupe. The recoeniaboyers have revived vegtation anti tsrmeruhereaboute art beginning 80 thinit a good corn crop Possible. lima W. H. hinIggansd daugicler, Miru. DeW ahti ramer vers Obiwcg vitniir Tuistia'. lira. Kramer vil romain ihere. Winl Kuiggs lasmig nmewvbeals Lyle Gerbamt Eddie Joes anti Fraa Cronitiite are riding 'Fov1ersm purobaseti of bim. Bey. Ueo. Buck, Lyle Gorham, Frani Cronkhiie anti Lester Burdicit left ai titir vhsoln Monda>' Bigât for Dea Plaines 80 attend camp umeilng,retu'n. hIg the next mornig. Thora vill lbe preachlug eai 11 Chapel net Sunda>'mrnîng sut evonig b>' tsepator. liornîng subjectu .'Thy Klngdom Comns.-Bien lng aubject, -"Time sud ite Use@.* A ans cordially inviied. lin. Corbin, Soeorai agent for 8hq Wasiburu Croby mille, liueapoliu van bore Tuonday antiassures us th& vhest sud flour wv ie Blomch blgbo i thes course of a fsv vesits. Acothe indication of prosperity? lins L. H. Lltcifeld la onlertaininl bar moiber Mis. John Glesson, of Id Grove, Iowa. Mis. Glasson, dangbit lin. Fred Brasteti anti bunbad arrive boeefrida>' andi urpris liMn Lltchfleld mont pleaantl>. lMr. asu Unr. Bromeilaft lMande>' for indie: Lab, 1N. Y. Lut Tueetiay evanlng lte Junui Christi»lai jdeavor societ>' beldti1e Surprise Social la the Chapel. dilogul&e 's aongauandtableux ilastoil about on. hour vas rendareti. £ver, numbar vas beartll>' applautied anti1 la isle 80 u»Y'a more enloyabî eniertaimment has nBot boau belt iI Rockeeller ton mmy>'àaday, anti1 vlll bie a long lime bafore thora anoiher ne gooti ualsas lte Junior ehoult i gve Ili, llataIevo s houl expet a balter enteriaiment for on Juniora neyer do sauytilg b>' balve Afer tbe etertalnmoui lemouiude au, caboevas erYod. Vice Chapol va tastil>' decoratei for the occasion i 1e colora o! ticsoclet>', yllov au bIne. UmneCbrloli Hnr'deu isu prond 0f ber Utlile baud o! vîllin, workerm. unIer lier officigent direction thons lilile onas ara aboundlng fi gooti word andisvoni. Lest veoi Thurada>' our Sunda achool anieti vitb MliUburu an Urslake wcioola ln a union planf sI Druce Labe. Thers vere aboli mlxi>' prient front our sehool, as about te msaumber front lilhibun Ticeno vers nol an man>'from OGrs>' labo. The day vas s near a perteg plonie day os coul ice ba atoi Bruce s Grovo van choman antia moi appropriais Place eould net have bas »eslcied. Everyousprient o.eed 1 enter lMo th. spirit o1 the dur an place sud if thora vasone on th groun1ds, olti, yonag or miteg that dli not have a gond lime, vs ha' nemoardntio!ftem. Thora vore quie number promnet ftominvanbos an Lbortyville. Vhe day vas spou aecordiîcg 1te Ch ones e A lahboa lng bll ploylug, or ullllug qietsic the bocks o! the la, sviging iil hammoecitsoing lb.egicoalor drîvin a vhsI b.rrov 10 a ivea poit sn bihitifoldod. Ai diner tisoe ih lies opouati their vs» ilist bas e anti @prndthie aspstsug ecteuts c nature. tabla, anti a~lro1v. HR& Milburu hull offsred thauba, fi justice vas don to Ibis pari of t program. lMn. Gondy's ie e regam i among 1the goodti hinge gsenvoi i tisset. WAUCON DA. H. K. Harris won& ici the Cit>'Mli day. A. IR. Johnson returced 80 litseci tbis veot. Orlon ud ILswlsHubitord wveut Chicago Saurds>' Mr. iimg% of Darrngon, vas Our oaiguai imaw, ra RemA, o et M in. la vialU liMa. Nzq sudlr. Woodouêmt~ELiE *U Ch140Ofy Ir . a. Mliillean su ie landi the 'jas. Itaussuno.of BEalgo-, made »a,,Harald auretiStophan Druoe's. Waucda a visit TuusdaY. JTheLadies' Aid Sooiet y met a Misa Boa Morse, 0f tellier, la villira U . Feeman ClonesaThnreday of th] iug relalve. lutIis place. veek. - Ja&s. lI~Ill sud Frank Garland vent Parmers are very busy haying, bui taWodM* vis,,e dnesdaY. thayalways have terne for a pleara lra. Amty Smih la viuting M. word for the city viatote vwho throu ani lira. Grtmoldby ai EliigvOod. the lattes. J. A. Noth and T. l. Or veutto 0M. andti lrs. 1. P. Rumsoy, of Lai Labo Forent Tkuray of la"t ve.b. Forait, andi their son Wallace, also U lira. Vau lyke, of Mineaota la llansim, o! Chicago wore gueats0 vlsling et M. sud Mis. a. C. ailes. Paiirose Jiotge Monulay. A. Kirvin, o! Fox Labe, vma Th leutri-pil i tDrue's Lake o! tI triendsansd relatives lu Ibis place Tuée illburn, Rockefeller and lirayhlali day. aunday scbools Moud>y wva s îî sti lia.Dela WlckwirO, of OakillU, fnl aSsairtlu every resipect. lu. ia visltiîg lier motuier, lirs. M. George Elsworth Holutes the nulf Kirvin. liaa singer o! London En iand wa gn tBunday ut PrilirOao¶.ciîîge; ait lira J. T. Roue>' vent 80 Kenosha VlI. anti ire. Edinuit F. Ikelge, Sunda>' ita attentdithe funreal of a Ccago. nepav.Milas Orpins Jonee;, of Lake Fiea lu r$- W- B.-lcClain andi Ear>' boasieoin vlslting frîeit sabout LI Harison vere Lbertyville vi"sons latte vbo vole gla t.>liinée bey pliena Tueay. face sgaiu. She has lieeu ne M. W. Hughes bas s fine linuo!f ock. Mia. (iowdy's ant(i i,. 4rnce's. tng chairs on baud. Cait anti ex. The Gages Corniers plievaso ho amine thora. baurdy utI ruo's Lake anti ail weo Mr. and lira. Olienhort andi faiiiy. on baud sud happli passesti the tin o! CIcao, amrte aguesta uoflMr. andi basting, at hashal, ut gaules.,eOU lgisa. C. E. Souks. anti U vare pleast with the odelgi Mrx. sud lira.G. W. Pratt, lira. Oeo. fui ik spent ut the lake. Prsti Jr-.sud lira. H. T. Latiti eut t0 l. W. Yagger anti C. H. Fltxifugb. Wa*qan Monda>'. Lakte Forent, voeeai Stephen D)ruoe Ths e "phone vas complotait Tue*. Monda>' niglit. They &Peut Tue"i dey. Th soMonc la siluatoti ut G. c. at Prlmroee Lotige ilahing, etc., au Eolert% Drug store. proffUuncedl Drute's Lako a beoautif lira. Tampharo andi daflghtefl, i$pot. Mamie sud Haie, o! Elgin, are visit. The War Song Concert ut Gagt aing relaives lu Wauconda. Corners vas largely ttende Mhon!de Mmi. H. uggies, lisas. FI .orence evenlug sud Was au lntereatlng enit. Ruggloa, aud lira. toh» avitad rela. laminent, lisas Carne Chard and iM tiveàin Gayalke Pkby.Waton, of Chicago, sang solos, ai (iraysabe Frda.Mils Mary P. Prutt. Mi. Et]. F. IDot] ThseMidn uPark Minstrel Show of Chicago, vitb a inoehaas volce i sud Dramailo Club viE give a show ini lartaineti b>' him inging. Neti Haport Oakland Banl, Saturda>' wgbi. Brasai Gowdy ni Everett liaraleioui liMr. Thomas, of 8the Bavanavooti maI'. lir. zEvictoit] but' lie gtit in choir la atopping ini Ibm vicinity. Libby prison sui it . i. P. ittilos>', The choir ta oxpeoteti non veait. Labo Forestsut] Chicago, utidreîte 3ev. 3. B. R. Toisoni, of Hastings, thea audience, glying thrlllig remne Neb. »reischeti Sundisy afiternooon sud CeDuce01othie var andi the battiefiel evauing lna1the Baptiat chutait. VhsEpworth Loague tat havt realiz M ias Lawrence, of Dlamond Lake, a snug sum for il* tremary. Mnd Mien Fanteo Morne, of (ihuer, Theio uit oor service at Prylînri vli~ieands a b Iis place Tueeday. Lotigoeut Druces Lake buîîtay afi Mm Mi.E.W. Wogdicou» lis otertain- "couon a "vel atteytdet, as wsittal, a motermiier ani roiero!very lntereating. 1ev. E. Harrit, Ing ber rteo ilhiburu. epoko brieli>, con(uitit 9Deepwator. Taxas, ai préent vritig. the service, anti vas folloeitl b>' il Imaa Gratis andi danghter, Mm. -W. L. Andreck, of Waukegaii, pastor Laura Gales anti lre. Z. Stearne, of the Baptiet churcli, whîî lirt.awiit-.( o itabona (Irove, vere the guests of lMr. strouig povertul uit ehiuemît-setýi- sud is.e Wm. lisible Tuesday. at]dreaaiuig the Clrlitans andt aitltlu 0The King'& Daughtertaranapractlcing c'a>'that cuovet] thelx heurta. (ico 0for a Caitata 80 oe givele In the near Elsworth liolmes, the grLat oratos future. Pains and lime aire flot beiuig singer o! Chilcago andI Londonusa oipiredtu t make tbis one of the hast the olf tant] maode the nîttalu utt it eutertalnmenta ever given lu Ihis ervîco au linptesules'ud)ntibueti place. tenture. It vas a grandt privilege Ths Waucontia lndepondoutsaplayed hear hala. Miss Carnie ularil, w 9 agame of bail vltb the lUugwoodu, alvuyr. ings lbeaîîtifully, ren.iervt] t i lait Wedneatay. The lutiepeuidents sl TeesaGeuIiiFrAu von easy. The score vas 24 b i1.Thle service wiii lie huIt] oach Sund ýtTha>' on a gsme fronthe Barringtoli ai 3:30 anti sili ho ifterestiiig t n Unions lialurda>' at Barrington. The profitalel. ocoe wn16 to 14. - il VOLO. sGIL.MER lira. E. L. Hunon Jet spenting a1 P Boy Joues rides a nov vb elt. tisys in Wankegau wiilu relatives a le isZo. Morse e I.vlitlng relatives filads.llîoHgu.o akgn ,o ai Wauconda. Msa îg rlaies oaîiof niea ' lMisa Bia Brenton la; dresmmakIng ut vanitinvîceltivsan'.IniNu lirs Wm.Hall. lrs. Lois Avery anti son l'an] visi, o. lise Anus Haciter, of Chicago, la relatives at Oak Park unîi Wattkie Lk vitlug at J. Beas.thpateo. A. G. Sehverman tLook a big trip Lu Volo leaflot bobtilt lier sinier tom ïkChicago Wedunamy. cm etShe nov hbu a iolt-ph<iîitiilloîtuf WIll Wheelor atteudetiam metLake. Hurrah. unre chiem % ing aI DeePlainea Sunia>'. Volo. Herman Fisher Jr., antiuliter drove Wu are havlng finîe weatlierà 80 Blghlanti Park lsut bOnday. farmors are t)itîy harvestlîig. Gr He arvetihig la progressig nicoly. le good aihongli nome rusteil. coni id @OMO bavayei@heti cuttig noata., t]olng nicely. bg lins. Wm. Hall entartaineti her siater lire. B. T. Husot>, of Elgin, anil . sn ud ml> front Chicago recenil>'. alater lira. Alibottuîit ueliand, LU lits. John Bens anti sono from lova,saud Misasliary' Kepple, ot Elé Chicago are vistlug relatives bore, matie Mm. C. 0i. Hutsoui andî fanl le J. Pankonlv anti vife vinatid ber lying vieil; tant veek. 8, parents at Arllngton Heiglite îast lirs. William Wood and] îiaugt t Bunda>'. Malle, of lOak Park. have been viait r Mr@.Frank Thomas etes (i br t ayalako anti Mr. Paddock' r npa furit!i ,tVolo. lil a llloacconipaniedl by nehwAmos Turner fron i evidoro sont lits, C. Smjith.hnov viail reeutly. relat Ives anti frient]s ut Waukegan. g9 Fred Gros'brother anti tamil>', o!f lMr. anti lits.8. B. lifusa-l te Chicago. are vislting hlm at preoet chltru.o 'iao aeiens r, ie wriing Lwrne.o ia diug seversi daya vltli relative, d. lia ii arnt.o l nifrienda at Volo. lir. Ruitaeili mvtn: idLake passeai t trougb boire tout week #,Othe clu>' inda>' evenlng vherc oY(n ber wheel. hîtîisan excellent position wttli y A solliticoik conte' tablé troce vlth Studebaket Wagon Co. Mr&. Rue o anch ean o! baking povtier .t A. 0. anti chidren vîll remain et Vola ,I SObvermana & Ca. ,ometlîua viitlng viii relatilves, A lira. Smith vbo visitedtiber daîughter fnlî'tdut niti neighbiors. e, lira. R. D. Cook retumuedt ast voek to Mg ber bore ne uWla. . IVANHOE. rY J. L. Lincoln vas vllting trientis The tain biunda>' morning vasi IL anti lookig afler the Intetests of bis benelilcîl to gardons, also corn. le doge at this place Sunday. Chas. Wooltlige bas bai a littie 'n Mr. Bd. Cook vlited at hie sons a bok but is nov on tbe gain egain. ItB. D. Cook'@ Saturda>'. Bia taugbter lis A.mthaihe ao ansd ber chltiren accompanieti bim. Te ileilr.J ye aiV Id Roy. andi lra. liasman from day. Ur Lombard, Ili., came bere Wednesday Thene mi]]h lie two wet]uýliîigs M. t spanti a faww veaksamng relatives. veek.' We art gîai to have a L id lira. J. Bitter bas teturneti ftom etptlmng 110ws. Lîi,k (,tttfc as lova. ira. liamman %s cMary itter charivari or Isco lome. n sud ber huébaut i vii coma ont fromt Albert Iitta and Mies iertha M d Cihicago go Uv. vith berthIis vinter. iook In (hicago tant ifattîrta>nuianti l LY Lester Morne sud vIte vialtai rela- avenîîîg drove Li Waukegaî rtuIri gL tives hers 1I" eait Tuenday. Mismes home litnday vlth bisi bride. DO LiEn Morue andti la Brenton acoa- Misa Jean (ionty rtinruti tn la panlod thoes, but remainati for a more borne luinlnesota Tîiurst]sy a ertendedtisât.spentiing a fov tmys viiihbem t %y_________ Mis, Chas. Beckvith sud faunil>'. id de QUENTINS CORNERS. The Sonda>' echool picnic bl(I ut Who cau sIt more questions thon a Druco Laite by Rocktefeller id bicyclat? Mlulbun nd ntcomtnerom ibis p n. Fred Ricier la 1the prouti owuer of v as mach enjoy --i b>' ail vwb o atief Mtci ctiglaaotfnae APTrAKISIC. ne rlncutighaobotrs.aht] P. Vantine is a troquent Aptal lu Wm. Smth hnbahl a nov bog viitor.' ta bouse on bie fsrm. (lviii Frillmn, tif Chilcagoi l viai d Our chassne factot>' la gettîng a botter hie nucle. ho rois of milk Ibi4saummar titan Dunai. litse. Weimer, o! Chicago, bia pu Ne uRlugh'a Bron..bava bought a uev Apna otagbe wbote.lrpeetd Sbinder and amover. Tbey ara bustiers. Axcuintt vaus h ersitut Our blacksmltb senn e t lots of ecrina aksa w vok. int b. bis vont antirceu are Wond]er If that chair ut Anlt ,,i rsiturli at @;30 il..n.. liii y. h. cii lRri- tMît- î.r alm ea ivi'v ut i1:30! p. itut. milïr mil et 2i).. ni. Sau.riarii oiry. llyis iîrouti t4Iiitoairiot reaeh.i i lr.uet Ili. hat otfti.à lIilgan Fruit WItit and alvo thé anet itermJug iiru- au3r r-lort miloun adîivyiitgf) (uIlcagi. CltIA<iO OFFICE 48 River St., Font Wabash Avenue. J- Ml. Graham, President, SENTON HARSOR. rlCl. In Cool Wsconain Eîîjoy the cool breegua andi restore your shalterod nerveâ at Wankeshia, Waupaca, Fltleld, or stme other fumonsa Wsconsin lîtmmur Itesort, eaaliy roacheti on fest trais rtnnhîlg via WISCONXN CENTRAL LuNES to lit. Paul, Mnneapolis, Ashilanutsid Duîluth. Otur hookiciet ' 8,iî,u Stg gestions' telas yon iiow anti virtîri go. Yoor lîtareat ticket agenît îîîî give yon uî fther Iufornistiout. JAI. C. PON. . OP. A.,.Milwaukee'. Wl,. Go to ISAAC HEATH& Sc Libertyville, Illilnc F. BA 1RSTOI limuiufacturer af MentIe and Gran M on u ni e u' CEMEIPER' WOBK EVERY I>ESCRIPTI 1 si."q is List your property *'ith me and I wilI id you a cuistemer st ,ut reasonable rates. re Âmong numerotis choice bargains I have the following. ut Lake Couflty Faim. For Sale. lmailt arm one mlonortb cf Galue.U*aail tlivd. Dw nua 411%,_as lOt sure lImproved trti on lanka of inues 7roulen oua.ste. hroixil ft.---o 3rI wla le Le.Price MO per a!re, part -ait. lîailr 1,iii l Itirn; roit Cg îeisa' sd ua ,k, long tlune ut low rate of Int.rmat. finîit. rIîvol -. Sîdenilî lcion fer a- 140 acre imýprovud tarma nliacîfnt to ThIr.l eert.lnlnat. Lake. Litri rm. ta acres on XIlwauîkuQ rondl. houa... î.r Libertyvilie City Property. qIl barns, 900,1 funoeu. 2i guis, ll.good 3 Hlaitairilot with 'ight rooni modem bouse 4a tnlOsc t rimPeM085Por aur.'. l'art gotul wui. l, itrn. oliadlu ani fruit tresa. gocsh bIaneeontime at 6O pur iii't. 'h-iai.fî>renîiui.or un reaaotal,uteriras. Of 0120 a a, fl itWtty liftween lWarrmitoiî (jove und (rua st-kfour iuillîc. îî,rtii or For ..î.L, ni-w tbuilig 2uxat feteb eaîl, fer UbertyVIl.e. l, lnimprîîvoil itler âfood Mgah. t, stat. oiulvatien otu 10wuAeltîi 0i dastk iry ' faitlgs ln il tltîiî ota F111110 tît at from i N e Sto ' tt aproved Farun. CIIolIMllrggln. lui rýia WÀNT To TaAiîa-UhoIî,iî aer eneor lot tu et ajatient teola Wl .(entral i' .l-. bOtll) lit ~Lltv'rtyvil. for aa ait liuproved faimutei 8 Most reaaoeablu tere., id Fouir tarcis lu Verne*. Townsuipi;. ù m-Puer "iteti îîifruTt. IL er iluvtlaid cloiiufarainln on T,wgî' -il5 tlue muar (Êraiakî,. ANo W., A ,plondld fara0a reRems aui'nt tii Subscrlption News Agent li- Taylor iaku. liovitat .,to titis rert.. Iiruit. J Want te rent a gioIo oiieandI lare ler oLilmcuyrilie. LIFE INSURANCE AGENT. s'a TheJ. M. lPrimufanam, »Iurias ou Mil. jay làtAv. igal, euh fIrtyvlîl.1; If yewaîîît t 1d00 a0le, oui laeasie oftrnad and -iihubl.Mii r'rd uiEt tiunber acrosil the rivir. Wili v-11 wlioI. .r By el in rTat etFle lut M arte suit pu11clasur I n a t. rInevîtit ayyo t'5 ,iHOCePADDOCK lai, LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS 700, - - - -____ rie, ,o Triumph Binders. iii Triumph Mowers. AI I zed Buckeye Mowers. ,one Crown Mowers. 4 Keystone Side Delivery Rake. fThree Kînds Horse Rakes. r of Extra Sections -and Knives for ail kinds of ~ 2 Mowers CHEAP. rge4 aiu4 unlir th. Buffalo Pitt's Engines and Threshers ifi Swing Stackers. ite 16 Buggies, Wagon*, Trucks, Lumber, Coai, e.1' 6 Tule, Cernent, Sait, Hay Carriers, 4 Rope, Binder Twî ne, Etc. (ILH.Schanlck &Son, 'Gis LIBERTYVILLE, .ILLINOIS$ ited 18 .totleuilwaya gratîtyitig >t't'uve PEOPLES' COLUMIN KsiH elîonilifor Chln-iamltrnn t cole~, loi Choiera and 11J.1rhîi' t.tiianiA> tIEiA-lilaiars fr IL tht. »I"lorm'fi.t itt ý uIia .' A..lilonai word:a phyaicti n aevpîieiaily vgo. -Tfere 1'r rd.rîir4 1les., bliff estâtlier wf and 1leno lbore sati.vtuctiry or effec.tive,t~ aIllojt.iî rtin remedy thuI!('lnàubriai v Colle, i 1 la ChoIera antd Diarrhîîeu lt.itmî.dy,î IF litt IIiISI(TEETU-2O.evl ftl writtosslit. Il. E. ltolîey, phy8iciiiandu.tIuî.î.î n îîiîl fîilfîw at th" .Uouery haiNse hait pluitaaclet, <f I lutiy, Mo. ani us * h "rîîrtii li ,itsiau, lia îîud ht.hlini*ly it ie eilFtîî SALF 0.i40.75 or117 *01aorOfgM fatuly andi eold it thIbiglrug stre1 liir,Villtl n i..15 fFeia ire r. T-In artil.uIars addrem Us1 ,y . for six yearsL et.onhlitl certîiniy know. -11nulo C. Lorre:. cl i'aFor saie hy F. B. LovELI., tihu)rtyv llte. r,îtlAILE-Lit eceir.., in lbirtyv J. IL. litALHE!t. (jurnci ', Il.I. fTCtHI la .-ry d'Iurý1del.. î.uUon ga iterl FIELD), Rockefeller. .riî.g.ti . iitlIîha.for .a itlng .1 iiliKiIli Hliii The Mdway For sale. 1.IUI l Meidway lt.îoitatirant andtD and liall ut Drure 1Lake~, thte piosan )end- ROUTE. rî*.,îrî it& eate n.rtaghons la fur si ani cil.-LI) for cashî or on Ulierai Oe med ~ -_- Aîîîly it te ovuier, A. teie&agr hruMiseuor to iH. C. Paddoc.B the ~yLihýrtyviUet. lit. lttf Furniture, B RAAsetORON Undertaking, - thisaide whele ',eanrr. oraCity of Chicago Wad City of Milwauk ee Vanse, Ilt tite and t hi îi.wlr muîîlit n .' 111115 CITY 0F LOUISVILLE. Glass, ) irBtw.e Clii'tuo andl st. Jîilîi ed BIîti. ler litrbir. Uitilunnt. P ty atltut, $1 Daiiy Excursions! uty fiingion ot ot Walîsvli Avou,îî.thag Id at iyiry mnicuat t:11,. ari iiir. t 1:30, Etc.,

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