t le eibi e 51 tr ele ou gares *0 al- &*btîl Aadnfnle spob Isel- Cbnl. neimesIl upbata lin*BVi Ot Ag e thmiae oetatimetIta a e 011110 mocepîlen fe CriI aemstetu îl Eue.e Pîlat aet Wean norerait it Ve Le p emiutt TbeainsCom«lrc.su utIaltis luc.]aimaI w70 eirashaîlDe 'W tegphsop iet I bol Imuldcolet! p 41 thre 1 Ubel I Joketch sud a ruie ar ic u I rmai.vla fma*a tuWont onesr er l alda!"e Chb sIusselia sI re ail ltentebige luth.I ts.>'eOt CîlisI. ton fnl lIa hfacth they osemIP cou Obelo 1 bau bavedu anO t .Chist e ut naene asbor itl le bu niscotmpnlbt o bes ou me ait- ulnatlo foJeln e reeed ouon seuls l im le c;syeyr l tensorve Chrit us 1tondenopt nisbooklet anes ebt bisîcru. id1loetLaeeogb Aile lI batîbJothn@ selaut Ina goueral rode MrIons îlealinolsbogIt rltus ttgreaeusaun utpr hussilard.e Aoè ethisnrt. inuibtaliatcaptladth- bisY ornleis'pou eau bant ool Ymilbave 11ln1amdiadrastion2fer0themoummlatdIl er aniaciLpe< tmal 3.1)00 rs sopel re l bal i cil»l e. Sa île- bavejbin in d Meti v-kfur i nageiutet ens ,lu 'Monait o ame upac lothen atrslaro-a - CristIruswsnb au leineyebeean emit- e S>ale p allr. Naaonbtrni "lium *0 me IYnes d ex nsecluit.anae MMiDaai . buttlIbre as ad za ub Asi NàsagIl ne baietrou vs tarinespi- bildeteu th ewhaou, feltee veut am.sudm250,Ha0lmicpnoai>neyerai se s prd.ILcetont slal ouast tit e- blImbura. TIco>' nreorhair ereen Cte wuov et os belng a iomo sop ut a - 'b«rmw se 1er, ontI aser poncsba 'a isecme t ouasusNa Ietuaro 4M* ehllgiltaitdoU aml cr ainera imitra *oàb aftyîle boaais u bnr l&rond. ,Inh I miesl dt ancta>' staning lu ,la" amIacla t ereals à AMan sdle- ecad t maUm»liat iewee e tntsgle-1 ~ttlManeonthae: 'Il>' taler vas avmon- hF u aCail es. WIo a aur aer MMa irig orLa rem a trinsta n. soieu».-stah isyt. "Wbredrypaon 91 scbo»of uChri as " er rade-a "aithemon"dAima te andea ot e aou- a «WeslcI >atuia, nasu seutiaîgta W.m ~Omliea!ateIl& on santîl e art! drir grmn lthe eàîu; ege o u Lodng sî 1a imane dheale st fou t dig louo tbdlescfodesutitaerea-ytbing laun coe- Otiaed o. Ibilaoleug ontaondaisng b ý odde im..nul>' fot c"Mgbfor île ta. me cant s Ptsclse iln a rit leIeaIthe benai o sarinîle>- thollotIlouttor Chrst ul etocu hlm.ean.]the s, "Mtnîer adea mye gguCristWre la ru îleodiu paslt.g vounmn pressingintgb LU ue 'mav" mpthe maitntono h ob îlei he e istl garmeniut villaen ulo landli MM lbe ttett r Ianai ONewYork.ate » ui b re rbcueuontgle lui r, ga lof aIJudestting Jesus s launore y Thle111ee, op releotuarpil>'es tmsr u îr laîeCdo ist freinthIie ~ave <siar lA Ipoleml aiete n vl ,~tva 0 u andî lîlîa. "MY le hu te &ýVm>alaon mon AbegJodtres tîle>' ters amo ;4*m tn e e, atnov tal I h1ave corne panmtns , ea. prepsing mthen! a>- th týi ard ai Isauet 0 mcb lhe lhemllor » gement."prcsIodrn. lie le ab-ol idsettailolubel ones us, gDi îe* P ltleo hff 1ar me a f i tectb, lo&le v>'.OhvIa ie Jeeso matoe cr tele chiien, tam eg e laggscsr lawam u Cast umtrîoimîrol, but hlm k oe,»ion vo"Imt baveu - reye rLantuniplist lult mawlt, ualie0 % we ien lu he opp te, a pour .aglagInInra 0f lie nt. iiboeu owm, 5and uis, lat b.ecoi - aI *0 sam1 d ot eelimeter Jo a 9Ï os tlaeCrh eer. 'Amhler ver.I by bea udvi t h lma tekngt sîaili tltcmadw he Fosld? As dt t.g.proessio. Henaimetersara '1 m 'uet lIe 0 u Christd et he l tire off . "i oaa m ii t sut m *0 tafle .w a onmunler ls mae theiebdn, asote Cash ia iIls tIMenations the pmaaege ? f his as Gailfcorole. b lirbe*" gbis e raed, aldfru --&m mibepalk ue Wh>' es, - Pumasb, tIn et oannatule.l on a b1l. hué t.and couiemnt- joie Mr, "Bbis, ai hi Il. eut- *41M e uhe in»tme , b? Wby M7 Ct.,1 ImIte, çu ee y«,, MVOI sommil s S To,- te.emtmi e.u cseuii e 0 y"u psb, Fo '14- l vas ua- mqdwbw Xé *M bmhdgu p trea »lqgumtefaRgoel Mai trucs alithe- am ONa*.aula gIasiou aeh m'Ola u;mothNb1 aler hébeisor adivin- ty SImeesI sud uelaekhud at in ail tUmW be'uiaIt bavthe*0Preoablenues. cglm~Cait vas vemisefulat.his ýwdeuu& i.TA.people beiIsufnicite bolllIn sud teelabcaills..Christtup- -U maio âOu se bot proebla ugtte bu dc mie. lIere vas Ibis Pesa- blyaboeut big pmcelg-lle pese 1mv iit hI.assant Me lutlos kms taefrei- ko eilg leor d"- am u ethit, frouesai«4Inn cams, traesbn BIate. Itroua bard oseiles mellslla sdellor. lRsw 1ev palpits et Ahie day voait bave allsvedlIm es* tramant B. e elibave bon. tallid a- leiguli sud tauliela t.lsstyle et poesing, aud yettbe psIea tehsaut blen, Timo n iJevilaIlabbi dt bave preaebed eost*0 obiset Olivet S«WypoLie anmd aster Mt osaudise. TIe philose. plein oncereit at hlb mifioUtouandi aid4 "ThIsy Win Vsdor 1%e latîen ctaclusluothe0 elle o Ussheurt! bin &l. tubagil Y" eeers maysbspy asparl li auia 0?s Bop- pme y«eo Iur wevma w vIeoer muLet bimaivawon oieaft of uhat le meaut rIen b.ocumparei the0Iluiesaof beaven ritI laensor iea5t?@oppose rom Ibut the snbaossi Bahermeu. wulîlthe0 Bal uldsesn t 11cmbande. te- Il Ils waeà b. speke 0of the blngutn ethuron a@ s net? We spemi Ihree justeli.col- lege atnI>ltaig ancient myifl agndo IhreeeRcrs lu tle theolagical fmnr- Iesuingliw eu moiae mrmon, asdthleu ire go out tla mae tle uorlt, aitIf ve conutl do il aceoctîng te CIa ode's "Ber- monlalag" on Blis 'Rbetolic," or Kaumes' 'Crllirbim."u t e wllte valid go> ta pertition. If te sautonoîllnaie, ire viii nue Cianie and Blair. We ose a s'rsclla iglI. W. muuWo ontàuam ae thlsw nsd pasoeugers. Ws taitollil we gel on sur Bam cap adeaI anidBai mur allnlag «carsnsd lIeute puait ont imethodiily uni"scieutlBcalltIllwhe nme plain ahocesman la roue BLlingsnack anu ith îbrolen alork ctots ot dgete lime cwandI passengera andt bringu iem &smore lu atl>. We throv itown aur tel- leste ima-a atd ml>: "Wluta cidicilous lbing taemare mesnlla t a>-! Ton oUgîl tn bave donc Il uclentiBecalli snd besoîl- tuIl>'.1' "Abf mais tle aeamn,*'If thoemutiera bat taleaiutil jy0u gl ut nt, finu beaus, lIe>' vrnitldave gont te the 1.011e.." T'h. vomI ef a religions teacler lx te "lve ms. nd tIongI evan>' lau et grain- mer sault th muappei lu îlenderlak- lag, und tIere hl a olng but sulvand- nous snd hiumitonng la île mode, ail bail tu the n t ho sates a soul. ClarIeata Cmpathy. Christ, lu lia pfla<liug. vas Plain, esn- est unit r,,dcmtniii uympathetlc. We cannt droguosnmmnhlI.teareen. We cunot drive tblin lut t h uttendof s culeclie. We vasle our lie"a i >'- Ing te elé hSim vîIt acide inutad ot the steet bsasyconb a09 teaospel. We iryt nobealembrabpplea do 1th ea-it ai pomegranatis Agsis, Jeaum tas vondereul la bis sa,- rots. lTe 81%sM telin au-J tle csi-l clhilsilinM m i flr ezbatel bl m. BWaI 1I capoea Ise fu 9-ta the aea! No, for ilat lunuaeetlinealuit-Ilulta à NO. for îlt acunméllln'cu egua vIlla lion, or bludles titI Aurom .If ont thora ubouhit le tbmust tbrouglâ jour temple, yon Woald teint, bel le-s ta a vIole crovu made trou the rlauns or épina Cbriatl-auafdlhap, Onglus thoras. l'h. mob makes s c-oeo.Tle>' Put tovu tle long lam. nduton Il *07 fastes aa haier boaum. Col hlm ai lst The".baute, tInt have hetinlg kisineuesanu wipîinay tearm-hoar lb.eimammer dnivlng the 1sikies tlraogh thesi. Thuse tqst, thit lave been gommg about on min- islrullooset mercy-batwed against tle cross. Tben te lb.- unhop. Look, look, look! wl, li lelP Ilan Dot? Come, men et Jenialon, 70 base dent lac bronihitaIlte, >-e wubue Iel le lenlet, uho wl yl hcIb hl, vIa ulI miehe m weapons OS île soldiena? Noue, ta lelp! Hallegcarnet aucl a closefor us, mboll te refuse la laies aur cross for hlm? Shil lJesn* boum the cross &loue And I ilie. orîdteofroc? No-. tbere's a crama ton every anc, AndtheIbsa ncross for me. Yo n kunthe pa-ocesa of ingraitlng. Yen bore s Lole imb a ire, sd ut Inluthe brsuelet ofsuotbca-troc. This tIcof the êrase vias bard sud rougb. but luto the bolea wbsece île aila vent Ibere have 1leen grattait branebaso e telree aetilfe thal nov le-ar fruit for ail nations. The original ire, vuitter. but the Iramebs lugraittetl were sireet. unit nov ail tle na- tions pluth ie fruit sud Ile toreven. Agnin, Chril-st wu&imnierful la bis vic- tories. iraI, aven the farces of nature. Tho mes la à a rli mepuîchre. Il sualloved tle Central Amerlea, lime Preniient sut île Spaniâb Armada s e sail>' auau>- fi tbal ey2r lotoled onl. The inlant bah., une toîl>- a. terrible in lhefr vratl. Gall- lee tbiu s rooset lunas m n eoterwhelm- lug, and Vet lIaI ses ceuieit la ie.pneu- eueanilchot bis teet Hoelaie-ail île tazatoudutuliti. When le laclonet, tley camec. WIeu ho trowed, et, îlied. Theeliel of hie foot mute a. indentation outh lIeaiid itaer. Meicalsciencs bau wroughl gaichangea la mleuxuatie limbe sud tisase blood, but tIen the muscles are enflai themot no bumn paver cau metare theman d uhen a 11mb la once deni t Ila deat. But lors sa a par- alyie. iesband ilfelees. Christ mais ta hlm, 13tnelelhfortb hyliaind!"' eut ho ulte l t ortl. In thlee'.lfirmurj how many diseases af limaI ielle-sk organ bute been cuneit. But Jue caps ta one hora blini, "Be epen!" endthîe li4l t ofleuvenrulhes tIrangl gale.s tist aasteer b.toebeen opeus.MWIe fMtoet sua»c mar 1WU1a tins, iAj- Zensu"alle. mdeot tUb sà vodi. 4"de-Mo". OO 11ligp -à« wet diibme a Wvoilug tIe«*the nqImeu gare Meut cuid change a&,MD oftvalt lut.a eask of vice? thNN sud 'a an thé i rait* of Ithe.5,11 leaut 11.:"0 im wllib.tlmjrplsgusl 0Ogeavés,1wlllt detrectipar But Chaleitis lkmern>'Jy u gum. f7ie vSleaub is, sud le amut If. What la theflatter bla soff Wby auil tu uaaiww a 1' a»ter vl .puumn aueItl Ilesoversi foeChiiluimai surc tanaIploqosltj. e u*b ahit 8pals, miel PuM*4î ulaai naialbsM AD Ie mps f et lIn ans met II uieWIe am mws uts mol *omb.eleybuc tr aslmewloig.the lattor = duey lb Ma viibave @»eso oll ut dm h wilcam bu osne -am sT"lb. toumils.of lb.he ali vi wIlt mlglater laleatries, but lIta be sa nMinugof bellots.Priatlag pom viiit Si m ylliers titI sgenrs but 11cre shial De toitI es. ah. irs". lai lais, la coasltuloms, s change, dunscelille isboralmy, sasa au ln loi-esChalut shah"hoesfle dentai. let îlot wonl et th e eli teerat-so begis in Yeu heart 0 b. A Xss«» ba i, a J«es ieng love vag otconje b Itla -a ibeautitul moment vbea lvi sons Who bave pleige aeh scI .1 anit baud sandiIn cluieb uni Iar bens of marriage procluamed. IN sud moîber, brothqàanaDisMtersai Srornai île a.th e rinela net.f sind lauren Ituemm Ilthe ongan MI ait ani mu>'cougratulatiana ther sonh athotitet t osber. Oh. ibis migimt ho your marriags dm7! a op, immonlal ueull1 'hy Belovet coin net ble latrotei. Jeu. tretebesi lis baud ast mmisI vilillve îlee an eteMamîing love," aU pou nt "Mi Beboveit le mina, a"i 1 am ls put your baud l i. RenieeortIhi b Ne trubla *bon PaenYou, se lime yoqr lm BSie by adéhesearthbnid aie la lv e wrca l et t*h iaeus beavenly ganses on1tlb.houme vith redolence uni sU the organe or Gai forth tl. ueditdlugmarcb et eter Hartkl "ThU rece et uy helotail boit, le <elb, la Ipies upon the s tains, ablpplag open Ithuflar A huIbn I.'tIsa "imlea vaoa le a star," la te put yos1 la the boud lIat nove 1thester. Our Plans la Lite.-God bu- lu his Iloigimiafor &U et ne, am oulliasi sotmlg fatorc«eht t ve an vllingtatehumble oua. ani beconea thei.lb. 1111. ovo ths ronde, vwi e warhalsa the snccses. W. abouli tale eut gilac vbers Gai pusu.-c C. ID. lin, Prembytorlan, Phluielphls, God's Help.-Tarough fChrit bearlest laid eau ho cumuli, th lb est sorrov maenb ione, the am, fao ean b. ovreorns vilaàoun. tîsIta apeOUCUtIcaomnipotent bec c btaluei tran time Almlgbty 0 Rer. J. K. mon4gotnory. Preuby,4 Cinclinnati, Ohio. Claurcb Lifs-Blanit lur doný latI a etua, soital adusc ie groutîlf et mcsrWe il roui slro.g am leaIlfilt Ioata bigb pUMcs t trt& M Mhomesla womit, or t. vorcblp vibthIaii roboit saints lu bmeai-Eor. C E"lnt.v, Metbotiit Stiaifori, N.. Luc.-A fui-ma seomefa«o mucl; b.lu ing 10 ste tani upan&" hNe place. So-fsloi "gond lut*"' mn meldlanlmtlig tfilng, am t. itenfulli juat, for it come only tu Who deeessat 1It fiais peuple i tbey ooght tu b.. A suee.Ruli blet viii floDow @me 15w rter trust taeliac. He viii bai bis lnutL-Bey. A. MeKouzie, Onj tionaltut, Cambridge, Mmla. The Laove of Goit.-Wbo luaia comproimeni th. length and hou tb. itepth alagt~h ofltheloi Gai? ttelu geordedthIraugb til malt part ofthebe arth. W. td every l1.05et andtoBaer, la the Milng brooknirln tle Bonga of bhl the. joyaus by-aaing of au m lite; lin the aunbine aidthie dta tle iteviroa nd tb.eanoufako.- T. L . Bel, Luhoraa, Allcutovn, unuaedI Oppalnittcs.-Thert qulte respectable people, Who dome nothlnt Ibal wuu partiei wrong, but Wbo, ou the aller are condennoit b> the record at iunsd offortimlitica. They migh toi the lungtl', 1h7 elgntibave et the iel, tIeY>'might bars bu Ilthe ssite ligIt b1=0te de@Mli itarlume-, 1hey mlght bave ben, nmsna s anmaiee sWOrM1 tor Iheir leins lIlf; but lbep' Ili lbemodee-nov. George Rg Mellotiet, Camabridge, Uue. Alanuleveubodi loews tha lest way df exttaclmg melsl pa fntrae Ilse, e a hueetoRa mai net. TIa Miesl, lowent, ofet for tAie puapose ama t~ Powe e- M. asiWirn >sçIsl&W liaoomevlu- at.IsiW.omi but safl sa tIne doute" touai the ibot iste 014É muaet oaMev Ted IeoqitaL! t5 Jbrneoglld u he Ia ÉiO*4 la wot40«r Anhes )00& à& pat Santal le mepi U» «dm Otm th.eba k..- *a té bauce 0m UM umble w ti ce IN STATES SNOWN BLACK BICYCLES ARC OARRIED £8 BAGGAGE *Mt yqur grse at molgit tuele. to leur o«m lo, 0W TO AOQMR I SILITY IN jho«. ThiswW l im1te bis thumbe De- AiestaB _____ k wa«n againat telower part of Your POà Ou Vs aus wl,- 1.w-neutu chet. Then rive a qnlck mai RAfé "vin&legs e h aetins,an hote et ho- whole wslgbt et rour bod aciy r Sbave Ustleg Persnsm Due «. Tis mii prsthe air outbis b ebry? The ibols stemrtof flbitsga ilveet as Weil aé pa i l. off, nomalter ho-W !bsre l le mattempt lbaveplecti et tigbtly ho Mar bbelix& D téÜle ou*donee. Boglnassne a mi., are no If clutebesiame"adthe body and wu. fervous tba tyaI lar to mate à dive, armei, le». weil over yeur epa n sile but chage ther mind e r raclaliyth row eus amn la ou alawud rei tnatOu atr and tom t btoanaawkwari at rimât angle tep, b , or izawr orne atm 1P lulvesayewbiyai b batb., l'In, wu Ithma i " = =ut or the bis noMe sud phsèd tbe »st ecu, at a ua- the murn, lime paci.' the Po"eet the Mars. baud oa s schic uMi P"éotoisais rucal- This will«me Mm t.e o lbia mo"-b 1 r14 for boemilig purpomes, and ho., bui fi at . imit REmil gUiow mats,. Obft * »enause 8S et ouliy l besomesel mi jar ~g, butbe ebealla ft mebld tlgtt roule elutmi l atouni lb. bely asi p..i.arume., I n oflstuand tum. e..amtm la an outwaui ami upwauir sie, la sa. wtlcI moto wMiiiuf e .amu. T« mai11 lb.. procssée l l s teetbautes w.aw About the. nta w0y et twbg à Po am PM555te abore la t.»surmm byMab. mureltln or u&m eà lsam amauwlmon. 0&, a peur lad wMftbafut si& l - e.il p ~~~ute pe s boter wlt thé b oui lub tumrD 'tutn os puface a»d lot lb. dridulni ose eu lis beid aïf pet - ~ - ~ bis arm@ about your vnué. Or, If loi art -very tren oug, boi f.op wutIlorne revu,,.aim ad uwfm wltheb.otber. Stumble. It han often beeu fema ain Bdrne good plan for twa persans te hold a Umay ltaIf patient endurance Io a 'u towel out la front of the diver te slow ti.thlovlgualthrlua- ' h9 v 1gh ho minI thrOw i lege ne. Tier. nover wu a groater errer. 1 lu orderle maks a cloan dve. gnftrnele oflan so contemptibles ne te 'lb. low dive le about titres feot fi auo te ruaI wih cowaydjet. Etil la forth the surface. With the hands &ver the theesmn t progfreeslau mmsi am wlîàq heaittale a deep respiration, sud lain otais.Thme aurMhvecwM .tialos Voud, leaur lb.hesalit suttace throw the ft et rga a defoot wgrtby et I th ougest IL ahore th. e le rtheibea&dla enter- io ln# the vatet tuMt ta bnis upward takeocuslmpame.fué an e- a ou coma .le the surface. The t ta s ia f&Mi - man a f.h k 'prettlesl blul dite lemamde wb.u 100 again«at iLwbetbsr lb.ev«Il la tbrMt- - 4sptlng far oun, th. body samoat lua à*uijg lb. natioWs prosperlty or mdi- horl5o__alelatl, adallow tebandhit ual rlgbteanmaiconforts. and arme ta e-fce tuarla dnthe valt, . w. ha, te an couatautl. v Slanmakig a t.q 1bhdve the per- that exiat for the protection of thekw nmus.fomerchausse ** position et lie ahidiug ctbmsn-hls protection Dmt uiy lody hy gstring a peeullar quirt te bis o Iléait propavly, but et confortof loe, whlim bauthe sfeet of &botins buith, ofm msals blm bâte, the mats er ndAMBU. lThelav, amre the b.wbMe ennm- Badersaaretale. by ruumg &am ity, for ma ps a mes et. Tber jumping off assba ni. O-dLTAbe ila,. ontmý,vlointstWbp'P »««»s 18 utralghtideut a au l gdv., aenuance, nqe la the a lmoet tous sud ther. le but liat, e plahou euter- bujtuliecomunev, -M S eto wes. ldlfeencea4"Insinuae, utssoc Itsenmorul degradalle lIaIernns ahi RigMesmawratl lIa wi voemrep or t. lîssif oewmoy voeuaPmt denMay Mr e vil la tb5lrt rotsapd ut-. salves a"itaillai avila. eompeRil e b Pa. pomiluta of mes. Mmelay4an us t the of ire tînatovercono rervA limsy Relus.. t taixA lady, ridiag ou a car on lhe New verul ork Contral Eallwaî. vas ditstrba sthln ber reaallg he im contersation et mau e Io gentlemna.occupylag tha eat jet rjo&-befors ber. On. of them semeete aho a tudent of smrnecolles% ,on hie way *rIan, home for a tacation. Se. ued mu" profane agoago. greatly te the lairs mettle.annoyance. l lifé eh*lhought ah. vouit reluka hlm, b, ontund, on basging pardon for hât.nflpt- e te log, aueffthe.Young stuisit If b. bai M the ,yels, màaai, 1 bate aatersi theb a th15 n151KG TO tuE BUEVACE. tanguagsea quit. weVaL i ng the wator. Divins feet Brut and Do iote »Uimi palHhr th gl sttlng jump, wllhb ande lauped -Quît. iu h o indas."d m or e orer lobes, are &Wsosometluneapmen- aWiIl Ion .s iata 0 om la somersaoits make backwards or for.- Lt relplaor. rnu pu is a nrds tram a board or salisurface. -Wrine. e oknda o oyu bwon- Tbe pieusgedifferu trom, lbe dito lun "weai« la0 b o lew stad pu ý h toj Iat the farmer la maie bond iraItfromnt s'fg .Her wber, a firm tale-off, the body boing entire. T'he lady vas net anaolaiMWimore Sat--[y>-free trom eplng. Ton slmpîî plonge hI the ungoulemaanly langoagse ofthis thtan luto the water andI liae te the aurface would-be gentleman. à dien by the golding of tbe bonds, wblcb are P>went Decluon. presa- heldi out la front ae ln a dive. Whle 11, ntent.of holng Infloancai by a ln the valor lbe body la Petteclly mo-. bau> unit uniteineit feeling, vo bring hi totilonleus.Goad plongers ean gilde 'se. cler thaught ta bear upon il, vs shal dh' euty-flve foot la ibis waaî with little 'iad that the aly sopretn. ani finali he ut. rDving la absoluiel>' essential ln lite estio@ f cnd o m aivr th cosylo it lu savlng, il bobs neceaar>' treqoenîîy linotwhlchvho ay th.tperan.. h balh- to dive for a drowning Poison. Its Nt ble saltarprano b ras. lita s eential t10 nowjue o 10 lb whole vori approto or iiuspprove, nor Stient pfroO(iI aud grlp a droiog persoandud n whethervw. mai or may aet con- tri, la how to releose onesetff rom thelr oft tinue la futurs yeus to mantala tbomn -Be. tnls ftalelteh Th flloingmeh- uoelves. muatI h.ntquestion, but -Rot. fata o. owngmet-whetber sit1h. pflî5elnmolmet W. h.- - .1-ileve ln aur lnmout beart that soch a ,le are j course lte true and rlgbt one topur. larly'larlyIf tib hn00 our guide-If any other blaud, .- voles, oppoaing lIat af conscience, h. f tbeirohcîed-then vs aot Lna dellane of oor itbaveowo moral tentse, wbîcb la plainly the e viit-ana pplng of character. Unrougt aira en ofThore are man>' relgnlng soveroigna bat terat tbe present Urne wbo bute noter Ir o te j taksu the trouble to h. crovusi. ris, Among tben mal h. mentionedt1h. Germa- Emperor. 1h. King of Itly the Klug of Spaln, 1he Qoeen otroi-k lamai, the King of Bavarla, the King or Lt the. Boxeur. WadlesCb..rlug ladlcason, d'Ma Thes narutabutthatadttedb>'4 1- r eli vtL îbo-ife-avig sevIceot inglni od t t ayeral ai bon dînelote. Sprovei Il ta h. moft effeeite d ni t 1: teat of worme. teeg 1 ha regrsltei lIat tb. direton 1re ___________ TmoUGinr woqrTNy 0r CALM Wtl Bté uv REFLECTION.bermt o y auitlegnap b Da A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e opsstltmsiaa stst e t Ithe aloebr ive.Lng ai,6"Whaoe lt n" necbicaas, bam1llted a roaid-A la..'.d asA Ccwde X*-seldon bon equal vlew or the.Mané. mrie v.tn lessois fer Auvet 10, cerning enelberwvn Golde rt.-"ll'et soetus lvetI le bhg vite. -ne buea bbudcI."-Roim. 14. 7. rde te, i Ahotainlng fon th el.betfothers ln the niarried tsu iuy sn subjeet et thls lessn-i Cor. S. 1-13. Two sîsmtllug matemeuli lernons nre bore neleeted tram 1 Corin- .ittie Svam ie lu thlane berase vo lave [eut eludei about Bo far asute Innov Patcrs minlstry li Comb"lA.il abolit otliaot f1he Wonsa n eeunabuhorenseubered thial lhe epimîle i.. I-KATU lr Va» vrIlle.about tsve >»» aler 1h. msIwJ an- H.là& sgte ls nud lu leseon 7, vIle Paul mt Klesa .7t Wou et up&ssum on bshm i eshlouri Mi1eh.; " ii5mt Joaras. Lessous 7 und a llrov llbt ilvao lu.1f ou Iv. iapsutust featunes et are the &îl e .8JI l. M CornlulU tbaue-4t@s ieilty os tae a, icag fooit .8,0.4 eidl a niother e.UoMsIela No. <-4DA CALDI of lt» beles relgion adsud baem are Mrr. 155 te Internai rivalile.sudd Xivlsle, cmoj, giise IL TIhe uiSt e« Peursthouein tla linot Imett. Cà«go .marr vertssmalymet je apparent at fait. We Baies veld the vole know liai t esilàbote koowîigo" '0551rage vifs, that ha hi ta knowlelgeof et btrac abowdUbyMd iit wltite No. 21te us harmiesmenaof et IdlIsrefervol te. Tl'hils marriage la M apeelle, le le remumbemeit, le ad»oug TIc>' are gslng te pi the" lla h beian eburch' vIa Me only fuel na e omontIonslu noing eoeb et, bue* es nlînedtetaridiculelte r- pies et 1.1vai ea&sr brethreu. He aujs le esl, "Deiet hbu et fyoue sePer knowImW* JOinstberaume yen happeti te- boIt the e,.rtfft poeition about the Worth- lesenezs et the pagan goda." Sncb Inovl- edge lina*egedît t0 thena if they a *w ev lt mole tho.ua oerbearlng sud eceraiul. l lu loto %lut buildeti uap ("cbarty .4110- eth"X, "If au>'risnc iblulthal ho kuowett an>-- thlng": theaWI I.,. IhlultI e kots su>'- tbing perrect>-nad tcompletel;.tIis, le an indicationof tI&norance. The wude, and truer kuowieige le lbe kuowledge of a maen wbo leves Ced mand guides bis lite by divine prniles of charlty a" for- bearsute. ,*We- diau's' lat an idoi la uothîng la the vontd": a lie Paul aud bis cedre are A agreed. But le accu Ibis trulh trmam vand), bletIttpoint thon they. - ie cal aford. thougl perfeeti>- awaro oft îe-tact tatet, le doter laeIbhe crtils of otbere leua fotuute, beeause ih cous en lm -Ta VAN op »me leict lnsomaenience. Do cea ndur-, ta abe@"l from îthe doubtu food. aY. bevee. U1h1ii~U~gte note lIat maue et errotes-alu. tle Christiam st the sari>- eborch blier- acet ot Bates, and et thal lbe Greek mai Roman gode didprseccution for blg have am actuel existence, though au cviiha* ben renmrkahl spirite wttIlimiti pevers or vhoulas- ont l ahke e paient. &nhoumen.tet1he "euch tt-cln. e0 u ors" of the iraItfomur cenuries heliîth"ther mane haîr gra, viet. ttwonu aeul t ul Ignell l punile. He le clem, but affectei Ithe peculations et the bml' hnfci othodox ahm. TisIawonaail coaryIon humanli of Ithet tle plain teaehinga of the Itable. tbe mang ofthe . are Pauluwon a ver>- revermnt man, and t aa .I er"Yet ha qetytemers mentiou of the nomset oe emryM ([ld or Christled lira te sItea srt et espndene yul a levol eelumlle, me1er. ilmec. ~bave expcceei lu tl varieutonue tu masy places@s la Meris est sffectleD for hun lage. Nov b. begins te expiais why tIoe a 5hl or sa or bis rendera tbo 1511tae coueceutions ai the smre lime, objectinso edLediputai practice shéid tins 00a menti hv em tgte .opinions e tèvatic tekTr T'h. anason it.. k Ihat tIe cencessien peu.ne feu011bas in o erymal.whffe hb. v»«e a ue " ,Imati the te %ma'$conscience lea »S yHeho ineIlly del grest. a i ie ye "Tlrough tby lsowledge": tlim ai, te- the day bc vus am canse thon, laingawsars et tle lntrnuac hamlesaneof het cfoot, vwilully lendest SSl" thy brother Ie do au net ubic bcle eels te Lai,.. Leader 0eý h. wrong. Net »Ilî le Paul wüing. for Iuctio lb. weal bretiene aube. la use came lua KuEnaV. Dcli tlscrlumlnaling helwaen mmee. ,but evon, gmae liaI le viiita if need le, t. retrain altoçether fr0.plsssreganities animal tact. te mabe assurance douhly nue& b>' Jutge Jack shure aut oroit Iadingsau>onancstal>. lHe tecnaceIl lae I l'eaclns ime. nunt z =rinm lietore procecdlig tle Iac b Iss a ~if Ils priel iho tempersoce leemon, 1th eadscer mbould gel fectnaily sîlikg dg a ficot rasp ou the situation thicl Ilt w« rlgh.Cogncerulin tritien te mccl. l'h. vaut diffarence T nue t lu beteen tbat sndthIe temperance atoe- la eslstaailally tfta lion n lecfcourse evîdent; l ln unlversally 3%,E. »Rase. BPI alleget by udvoeales of total abstinence tris vaRis Ibat aI-abolie drinks are lu thenseltes lteju bain te the pbyeirolly Injurions. snd ihat their lu- arrestelau antsa1 I jurions c flects do net depeni upon tleie tbuentlmnes¶ts conecioutious acraples 01 tbe peruon ubo les vii .i t. îe oses Ibei, but upen their physiologlcal eastitutsiltih propecties. Tbe ment offeredti dole, and belpeu et1 lb on lb. cotrory, wuas mat negod asun>- 'Ircenuts et 1h aller lment, uot oui>- la the opinion et Paul ateit0110t hel -are a andtmnof o Ids Cornathien cenders, huit corpeisme capital. T In tact. The ouI>' eason Paul urges frtiens udire bacà nbtiun rom Il. use la 11*1 thune spotîls flu Chriatîlîna ubo regard lime conamniptlon of underslooi. ad uw nb tod s'a trong mant bchotempted cpae. argtIcl' q te net ngainst Ibeir conscience in ibis mre- wIlileculIaI juil spect, and lhus open <b.eîvsy tu aImer sud le tlereat. ui _4 graver Iranogiessions. Aufor3acev a Therefore tle argument ber sedmyet h sulathe lnte~s Paul ebould bc orge.] as a grouud for ah- lie jul4iedton 1 will sinence tram strong drink ui acene- lIaa etIsut, otall oui>' tben tmons lajoucilon. compniet b îlhe other argumment baae.ltî hg octosproe on tbe iî,jury la seilf cose.] b>- nîcolol. judgs. If Il caete Il je tIen oue in argolnt uilb a persan trs mn liiti îvbo ds helbatmter clama lIhaI the posi- v1e'uea re L e 1 lion set forth iluthlesbson Ia moalnt p- la« ivot.151aud I î,llcable. lI eecbngboys do an ctînîr>' irmte ft Sada>' sbool, oune woni uld not nmong lu demane»lIsadey thetn uonou-competeultaequestion tle confidence lualime eoe scieutille *tiauy ou tIi.pint; sud ~itluedumprece. set îvould b1 vccy douhttiil wistom te COni own baneadso@eu cede, evu for the soit. ofargrubment, îlot wear delsnched *na posihIy - moderate driuking" mn> not bc orth11,11 pont5elte 1 in, ilseif 81% ns crsbniuu. A broadir epplicatlon ofthie lessou thon DIES TO1 t,, the one motter of beverages la lIer,--Charles XKeorr ture otnied. A grenl moral principile, vlan l13teSM the interdêpendence ot mankind, ia bere Charles inoin, as enforeed. A siill greaier spirituel princi- deielditle uhoot bli pie. thb. wurlb ot a eoîui for wbom Christ ilaturdai ha cash, dii, lestduced oe tb. supreme motive. Albreehl & Giembo suflllcent for Aumy sacrifice. Cire the Words ciel,Bfliedst îrmn ibeir ,,un fulswing, and let the opplica- teothe buîclers, il lion, for once, toke cure of Itueoi. 1 cck vas s lons.e Nei l~on -"The Excellence of Clhris. Ibis note 1 wW ib. lisaLot e."-l Cor. 13: 1-13. My vite viii peyJ A limmusen .Mmy>'Immsune mou Nolhlng an usbheau sanUs but the Wedoe, mons race or mant. Gemg.pnaî flash refleet- celteit joi suotler oit ligîl, but wbolM a ilamonit Bail comparai wlth an eys flash. Mwoeru Ipfnnot emnile. This la a cbarm thIel evea lbeî Cannot cdab. his anuot inusl, nom an>' living thlng. Il la jut ' lha prorogative of man. I lal the ligbt e- in~ ~ ~ ~~~6m V1 idte b aob le l i tmee vini ho amotber Iany. Bals.e essiwf- e. ne le m awoqieu. amua laeai kehmpaugp, b kmAsdwbu ib. W4- aliereet 000 b- masr . k IWIleekhW* 111 amm~i ht- mvlby tut. 4*1. 11k t lIaI t»~ isi m nimiasits el valet msrdungtu Aha"b aet bu" 'A DOFL oru tbe Jsceu m lu- sliemoa th 0" toimt dtIen hisud vIse, b. a rthe bsclea b- th Moultsvaspmg tue Igmtei nmai -wU& re euotamed,* Im b- lvau il culuAom k st leuyMwe, am t iuiel PAV ont » arclissa ùmel tle Pa mid a ebhié mu eo meutlm merls%, b. m le ssiien M. "Wb.u e siÈ"bu rout-lIeî mye. ,rame A. kabt ou1e. PA 110 fbl f bW a