CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Aug 1897, p. 4

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ftYLE ~ *Ore ai 15 cent&l Qualelloli ducided thse market 144 ]lutter bot wook, 144 ceula; ail,4 5scents tu' 15J cents. *L 1Preston, Dretor Ut thse V. .S. la a truntwortily propliet thea -u the prive of aiver Ma ii.ElYt liune tIlabout 0nW-f0tlh 01 " pejist price lias been eboppad ~lspeaking ofthe cmatas, M. las s uâ. -l ses no fisSurafor w1gtviatever, 56 conte mu Ounucela eurlret quotitiofi. Il Sm8 XV pnontint wiai t mouisl *dl110 4o) cents un ounice. Thora ~aAidesnd for if anywhger; China ~tlbuying any, Japan la out of thse ~lsmand there seema hto bho fr ~èadfor ic in assy country 101"Y ejMat, even to use as mbsdway 0~u5g." Other mon ci prominetice * ~ho have atndied tise oliver qumaoUn lS« anmd csrueatlv decUnis tu Put thamoelveogon record a. Postively -as Mr. Preton doos, but nearly everyj Uae questtoned visose opinion ba '"%lted $o ucîghti o'pressait grave1 doubla about the future of alivor. These tlai» o1 ecretar! ShOrman te WusJIu&D ndstci is urenumPtàon o1 bis deléé As Scretar! of 13tSe it hi tu4 when almost tha ont2iea dssdssiltrstle1sOn vwaàaiJ î atledth rumor mil) ta worklng3 WUime. athoufgis Ur. Shermuan1 ý4ge@ stisaihid rturn h. n igu-1 '~~mpe -wht vev» - werltbocausohe f t like ilu And Ihat1 bc jbtends working right lhrough lthe RamIof the summer, unio« a spoil01o! *5iiM etiser shouici drive hlm asuY4 --rhhiothserUtie rosi. Most of!hIb rmsesrare eonnectldinu90=8e "Y1 vUiltflan sd Hawai, but tts.mnaY bq Iseesus ofothe roportod intentions el inlister Boyalu hodockr. a protecltate over Haaii, whioh vas Isacugislon ono o! iast woek's teamers, cr boeause of Beretary Shserman * laviug ficially notitied Japan tisa Uis Unitoed States woutd fnt guarantee tîs. «Mning oui of the verdict 01 t h stitration betvoon Japau and Hawaii. bomsofo!the jactas brolîgis out in tihe bouisga nov goîng on- betore thse PalAtOffce, lu whlch John Weddr. bars à Co., arc being aUlowed an cppartuutty tu show cause whY thoY aheuld noi bc dibarred from practice b«Ur. tiai office for fraudulelit prqutices, aiold gr"sy interent thse Javtors eftishe country. For in- ism6o4 Patent oilice offielisa havi ,It@Oed iussiof the more tisais3,700 apgflimiiioiis for patenta tIflloci ithin 4W. #14asin Chat offioe by Wdderbnrn il Ce., more tisan 1800ha"e bossu ,*aobeolyunopaientabie, for lacSk o! iallIy, and the patentablo pointa An à large numbor of tise reussunder have beau of auch au s ingnificant nature a slot 10 justify thse inventur lu psytsig thse cost of obtainiug a pate nt; Md4 oisaltho irm lbusasollcitod and Iin ýmuy, case.secured addiîonal tees for tpplylus for forolgu patents fer lis imipatenisible devicos, uselli a soegisi and obtainod mouey for1 advertissngtise sarue for sae,,muthr knowing; or iliroughi gnorance o! WbIsaujetient patent at<ùrnoy aiouid have knuwn. Thse Interî<ft lepartusent in vrestling wilS a nov problesu, vicisviîlo i does iot involve uny groater or reaily important queàtion ini more or leu jiseresting, beesuse iu il are tangled up the fIlciai fortunes of ;wo in. dtiduala viso have beun omitsaled, aud conllrmned by theo annte, for thse usas office, sud wbo are both on thir way, by <ifersit routa*. tise scane of tLseir future offiSiai labors; but the offiiailabor utf one o! tisous vIi Sbe lsort lived, ah bis resignallon wilil ho >deamuded asno a stise ofinciai qapffleaca stchs up wttshlm. The *W$rylas not no complicateci a. mtght bc Oupposod. As soon ae theo Snndry Ç1vil appropriat ion bil, vhich ,~i»oried tise appoiumtmu of ý,44&Mcàua V. S. Cosalonors for ý4 M became a lar, sénator Wilson *tWaington, suceeded in gettiîug W. J. Joues, of bis State uomtnated tor 'eÇCaniIsaiouer ai 8. Michael, andi bis ýoItin vas promply coufirmoc. IEM r. Joues Wrote 10 seusior iag tisho bcdldu vest tise a"d wouid reitusud the aoified tisa Secretary of the la oder b save lima 1Ur. $*,Skephierd waa nominalei aud 4 tad setredfor lit. NiOJMaI gol eaittoaejt haVkgt -â las'iportai. $0 lt4ý,poil- the.seîtrÎ >fusm Mima ballffues, visa hagagus~ui d5 ber ua, bat allril . m Mmgoer. aLIIm gr Our pstlhSal hm"g~t Mi"as an isser. vW o bs aa ha et&ro hso Mr.W.'.MaLahis loo sud taily, cet samiili, GS=IM , vlaw cifriand. ber* SadsW. Ifrs. HeRë=Marba, of Chaso, là atâf. (lima. ,li <tstMuY rors, uoeblada lise LieWs '.piaula at WisalUneasI Thal 50w hall I.a oa rmai mnuer mort. The tree cone;t gidm te very attractive. Tisa Ap mlle plavel thea DiaMnm je ni= mt unday ahiaiau Lake. Scre 10 la 50 la faor ai Disoil La". ifIt fonuia nucertauof your OAiffl t A p ls a s a n j1 ai o u a g . 81 1 y s Mola do'l ise uip, sud lhink thoy eaui do a vl)sa gauy Anober aino vIlEs Dire practIce. Weekiy Crep au ittîn For nortbera MIlios for wvaak ands- lng Augut 9,18M7, a rendormiby lb U. a. Deprtmnenl et Agrcuitule: The Tiatempermuleo ay .ad rois ~ ami abore'b dml ism; 5au litm glit, olarad fievimaS lu iuulwitalagW t Mr, liillage asrmmm1bgadi" 1k l'mm "m"ldtmAta.u. 1- nnfti tise,.a 5 tics Càs t»bu 9ur tisa ttISs jmaimsml *ýi nuis. Ca ba-"b vlw# t lise miAs. uIMltýW oonehM0ba!)wMflho.bayond ttc.ten, vomlibgu tt inJury th BIh of Sapt asud'laIe Ahi4.mi.,ola *»1 dela troulotis e-pt. 10 li, Id of 11mhmia oe«y ha oct. Oatm hroming hm .bOO misulIvinthue Ive rapldly sud contionu. a Staa ntufa<it, a 10v repbrt ruI; poatoma art provi g OUR 810-oe a tallure; paIers. sud <marnt iai more rain; apples promlang well. Iw »uiW*m Loosi Intandaependaenoa.. Te' iton - thea90 Tise following latalo»frous tisebouiI0" 51 151il AsseinuuArtisansu ad Ala pplicabla to e 189.ils mtisaIBul tis oealiy. It ln trutis trous "atarI laettheS»W510.1,<el fiiiah,1 1vllb samoral ib ls bos els j s * gd and accuama a maforlty of reildents An vith. gaItiIlor thia and erery vllage lua thse Oentyl. biuiiM b» »W" Wre t noS se0tiser voulti hono sei" tuais fis. aMatUo tiing as "isard limes" hereboata. MO â5àI a a Fondcer deepiy on tisese thini: 'vlth eS1te, p* Tise alort-glibted Pohler sursned St o éc5êi, -Tisat je liii suons o! Ourr smailicousmuties le 0ucutaulytîs b.mivW aioenS a eactt g ainst tise prosperîts of tise village WMIl tiethii P à lu quesiion. "Whss'dontounr villa grow? Ma", lu tisa caRu gays Dr. A. after 1hobas sont au order tua s ?a 5MWvoleyat catalogue housse for a buggy. lutoad o! ja lIia chua, ap pairousînlug thse lucal dealer. "Itho mer- loi da I»qutai I chants t X wre cuti publie sulntod tises' te a*= te'au bishlm woulId Il ahlp lu suddtit up a uew toWn mb. ' anU" sais Fermer Moadows. afler glvna hi 0l taw s note for s for austeel range sld tu hlm &lOUI a pddlera wagon. "I wististat vo lad t.lim a a botber sud tîvlen vookt, papes lu Our ou b«iiqp ~Ubai towu," complans Bsnker Bands. afier Stislv 5*ept"! lettina prntur ontrut fr êlas ta a New tisUemio m 650 York conoer. luait, ý o Me mi .lf'Joues,ithe hardware dealor. vire ounIs' e&VM ofdàbis n# oterprlslug ho vould roui s big store down eb v ay et Bd On Nma tseet. baelaIws'er Capa». ater thoosmsqum -t wrting to hie cousin lu Chcago tu oy a mme iieimn refrigeratur sud lawosuower fr leuait one of thse mamimotis department sors. 'aa y uU mbei pocullsrthiug. Peuple bus' everstistie, vastln& s s th possl'ma ftmtise depariueni atores maa bai ven ddoua and catalogue houses ia distt eisud isd$sis4miislci et from perpatete and rresponslble edlder. I"u tssAa-M an sud thoncoamtsain ocanso tise loal dealers imeulaà lbs$ pe gu are flot mains ans moeei. Tise bison of mt.i lage fnelgis local Interdependence la ootisai eema »M. eut hmvIsg ecMiqlla evîdout on Ita face, sud rotvo esmt muati » I a jWf»M. ho eubisod mbtiste cranlusma o! a gaod "l.T11.11 <Cilý"p maus' of our raeuslellsbi iard and_____ bitter oîperlonee. .Great Ourse Pr Theoare mmass, points of luoafsSlIiati orl e tiOMima b', sud Injustice isntise trestaient o! tise average country' merelant h ie farmoers o ti "a n nolgisiorisoor. Tise fermer buys. lverai io»ada* 1 isusdred dollars vans o!f hardware for oas Hoo" mPille. front somne distant clii sud tison eomplalna b. SaS,. i* S Hum bomuse tise local hardware suais causaioeell isma bll of a fewdollars vous !ci ttnwre un long redt ase ehapîs' mn adier»tu tu coma sonesaseropollîsu paper. Tis eradeni on No"lein taflhp' melgihor of tise amail ruralt.etmioubd Soear is 11111(1a0* thse fourUlttie fta lubi. md sud tisb ersda perisaps ho ca mm oea uvlUogieil bhtlMMus116tb 1. XYoueca alwasobuey for cash chemsu p tei« e~t tissutor aodit. îsnt II; s lite ns ' v cl one rour part tW expeci nour local remualer ta sS S"àe b s'on goudaà ou a 'tedt b"asl lcompettioa n leliimi vitis cash prsces? 2. our retaiser I le isls' dependent on 0 ruer trado. sud Muai vitualls selail sude tuou on oua guarauteu. a.s'oun mmt taka back ail igoodssowisg delae parlas lai or matertlL If son expot hlm tu nmesitly ti prises.,tison lu commun farnass'oùq eld l alony hIestW duplleatoqusliy e t tygod. ansd alsa sllîna conditions m- ne responsibillts' for dfct. l4U s. Suppose a iuudred famrsm n utisa habit Of bu ylngseM ot fs o!uoda sael*CeIS roar frues the hardware sud Implomtet 1 pnW depanlinenta o!snoe luotor9nomls Ward &5CO.. snd tisese marneam barSen a Ls. ia Worth o! gooda apioce frais tir klocalerIs. WOoIi INOW. la t Dmoilt-evdmt tisai àvtèue 'non hongit excglavels' o!lser loc al er 1 15 hoecould selltiem at àmueis oleemarula 01 profit? To-das' So e ha.ta lIe go ti 1,bs Profits of annual Wsale, $6.M.liAS Iî reueved tiesaotra trado lu iHUnila territor s iiveilisuod vonld hSte kMIMm a ' on " sales mgtlou fl a nd U tisenq. semor would un<setloaaIsly eeehaa maierW ol eit therot. la redmed prlesu. &. Tisemoues' Usta s nusleio!r OM Ecami tnda&10teMme mtropoau fa ntar. , vue ti[es him nu furthls oSue51. viie culte a respvectable EMourt oathtisaigenc tise local isrdware man ouebook te hlmri tise shape o taxes ton a soisool visie li. bealdenCa daiter ecalua bS @-041014io or for elecie flulstuglua àcompmayla wvitosMr. Semdat own* stock. oasMpOb rani. sal nM. Iledata s. mm q mleanaof à place of verabi hlg1ter or fr "ardenuw m aiimi * t Eaaident's lUtie plot cf land -or n theoasd ailer *&y& la flut. tia seareair a local mbslvo 'mer t 01VVi "imommenlYIts""Y'us'tmai esM % sode Ba O. asi àar 11111S ,1se t oema.fleia Votera aue~M 1 I&seA" zmite a iM"! asbse _! f t2 W ~$t-éO*Ï - - ai 0 "y imaibu» wis lotaet Omb a ci bo amm l- MU e 'MlkUa My. a% M Busi uuiluubmi Mr *maIma -« m;= t.biet mXpmiNa 'us.n«-end* Wrightla-il sauraI -, Mwa imTemn. E isea SulIvaa' WbM sIqMd Eiata Movus Jala~ ~~~l Chi-goiaaiouà vp ffi mmit Fa"ue" i dCeg,b amiAla ~t th Prmeu bis-alr DamShrs li V.alt3.' mmeta ut Tawbab siDN. m br sU las Woimes a "e, mta etmi all Fhdayn" fsI EoaWtlisbom Chas. Porvo suMd faaâi, 1 aui gon, ara ipmng l b. ve*vilSbu moMle, NMM Maub iswTa - Mide »M5. E58«$"N sILM MWUpu loW& atlqmoo *am m <tNma aisCamp «dsia a trsvu,4m tl mima uraw4m t. iSoekaumtum boeh."di alimu Imet aMolale i~~ 0< Ià,* eutCa cea Mbm,aad 1tri0v W aioWiVaebaaW auisa b mets Uligt ISA4m s Om, Vis.; Im. 04Pi loifS* Lhum, Wisd,M.8 lN 5~~ O 'v A t h .& iu epeCishefe ftai*U.u etilemuet #ro. u t Umm tbm. la las» ba WWneO bé thl sua Esmhed Tiet Md msSa m 09 Ib. olom aet lsm Sb ltsly I.«,"o'l 1 ly il t-aa mgsl let gmYm &Smsllia am la ait @u esrUm ss* it l» OM*Um , ma ail mion ai-mind oieute nom l nkl t. 0. n 4 lmai iEmS. WWIrb. m»W iuwae.U.*uM~ M 1 w uit ou ve or. UU Dr. O.,,B. Ii*w. - mii b.~ att l- ~0<a*ê aitguo Milo Ofo Htmua eli -su cs mul. 1 ,mituonmaa, nlmat20. ue Ucisiaui aima4aux XiLcmelpaaisvambysmte Ami . . .... .............. ........ - se. - .89 .4, "t LIS .4. .0. .89 1.N .0 .80 bd Eat* Linoe t on*.- V"oe 000" p lS - - OUR - OuIW UT B S là -M m s h aprs .. ...... . ... .... 1*11mW 1.0 Tam SNp .a.................. 8 . ma m . o................. ........ 1. 1 Ife as"510 asbompi........... ..........1.1n M LuB ie.. ... . ............ 7oa iUoNmmaa Ssm....................... lie U SDAMS 0000LAUNOit BOneM. Examine These Ooods Before PurchasIns EI.where. Brick.Store. F. HM Kuebiçer, ORAY$LAKE, ILLIN4, Thm.vsell uB «e mMae*ea uSe àa, selleii aa &PrIaist Bs o c i"bM 9QL Thé. <tSemble Am ibe et c ()Y" à-h . t.mMe uhamma uomebme dev lalb t e md. lngly 1" ev polaet Son.le odai th 5aysi robs Orov, momasI.. tuhlm ttev hIseailmailesameeimuL«4Meeor Gente W ll. 19OU011RARE SARGAINS en LADIceSWI4EE LS. HAYC YOUR EIS »TESTED« FRE MltvullSibN'*doom l và@ hm.mhl.gvitis iua mariaiMOftmmi lrmasllis. $ M MM~ UFi b. ber. fuiday Ai<. . »-M diib. piu"ite mm& lieuare *«ebleilv» is lgkê am nakaatharougl i-« aailnaaim fra« e irg.aMU YOM tise ai.....hh roeamm ee aupabla pdIe.. EB., Sherman, RAYSLAKE IILLINÔ ýTON e OffR OR A SHOIRT TIME ONLYý LAa OQUNTY INDo m H ND. md Sa4ayImIg Ooam ma lm . ..........e.............. fil, tir fi min,-X 0le wua tt.s w.~* - s i. p n-S maige 'p s n .. s - s - CbIliVDaa..a*j ,p je. p~ ew. Um .m. 1 al

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