CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Aug 1897, p. 5

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~1iL 1*îes & A VLOR'S, We havé a oernPlté Une of Gn~cr.s, annd Goods, Trlgp & Taylor's Libertyville, Ili. ~aeted: Ve* our Patronage 1 HAVE SOME BARGAINS IN Pants ANL)U tS. My Pribes Defy Competition: Workmansluip Corisidered.1 CLEANING - DYEING - REPAIRINO. FRED CROKER, Over Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. For Deliclous Ice, Cream Soda.-. asa a Go to of lnteréet to L [M~ 44444 4414a C. M. &Svfl lTfTLt. Lake cou 10O OAG. Ku a udsreit as s a.snte a bc siteil 8 au um lm s »M ausMOn stop b] 8:4? ellle o aunm a. ac eaam ym Oi, m us> as ets u 0:10 iron il. the hop 1 CtUus is usan cig ises UC au lm ru asé M *4 aillm *miThé ia sis * Ais 88elog era w 4wd. t-J 1s4doet mo" ~ a demaies Sonday otly. gires te thé SUNDAIT TAffN. tlir ens- abStjvu8:siM. ndt«»m geTMb no. le runsaSu oevispav lla Mbot eau« ofa« tOulAb7 battîtvon ec .- O à7 L r p4 Prtin's bh P. D. Vilagelo s. vew oeompauie ...ien....................... DeVany, au 4 ra. ~~r~LJ. It. Indellitol; Trsts,..I ULe '.j Ut and o Clerk .............. ........ebrn àetyu Tresserer .................... Crtgi Pos.màajiatre te ............. L aéis A liverym Mur ....................... Lreb-sepasasthro m ay bouwdi L~?rYI~< ~@IlWh. ~ P.ô inormallo eile fon vAc"inaMissils omh. pos-anle Miss oliotI Cepot, f Lal *pufriauai b pouudbaby obos luay inva u.ela vEel. . o. . Mr.ehm, 0fBritOl.WI de"l SI. Lur Th F « o i uhnr 01> rsVtiy ,aosur Iead mtI prises24la 27 Mus. PROtYNES t!' c Ni" vousy Gridloy, 0 Chiago. tS e John les vie mi" m »Mel. i 1ho Um DatC.Poupr, ol p ngle. is Mies,] inuesto loi"'rctatSudàle Iis Lbeolyvll p(utd abby.)or. u s igt.Maeragit& Un. IwL Cuetro ue Couuiy, bet5 uaie tusvai ttng i, isPearenra, ts rs i5board utek 1ras C. P. es. Mr&. . Lote,,of Britol, is.,4e. vialiA bses vitnwt,1er rothrani day omoil For s, ues ds ol rduedhudeied. Miâa.MAY Prle B.d ou Chcaoou énéral Ime la aetsbr ln intosd b5l week. grai ev er MrU M.eCt Pritoris f C. C. BeoiteMnCh dayfenof o'&Augusi oradten. LiaflyiO B w. . Vladîitudfoe tnIolawh orne camNeo 1761in soldngit' g villah nount pnis ail il pou misseit-T y bis LU4 LFiaCty Pi, et-401. a rie, o N. i bma hty land. Bifsrme out, t radinl lu.. seller, ot1Bidon ileieltalig e à buntb uit Ch. Aaslaeseril 0fteand. " . JOh a'l tel e Waodmeub pincieurytro Fr.L rid<odyt i aoni 1cmb ai Boi a vu bya bul ark e tng if au @ flboisaw»ea <et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ovr ning1h uy i Nbts The rtyvlllo LoigerAsocatsipnura 4 bu. 1a Tsday a noiu usta u. r vt Litlebas Tbe nuei sssin 0fîleCout sntef lia T1C.uobord rsttu vin n0ev... on. hol erMneAsa3 ais eWaberesn sud.,Ind mmd bu i con îtn lgmbon. lsvqlgoeim aed Thke mOvo yaiSonaIdlo 17s. lotEvorbodiP r. porlia . ituPostai kAthtu gpys bl laauinofd utei ara vypisi intree. ai lb. Bopelvsbonnvi e Bothl0od a iboB aur saI .15,nd v mab abu vii 551 fot Thehe b.mul pne "yIm Friy ut boul gairl 10 iiiLandona voai gel ovrr in theMary eurs o ilNedaska aLertin ottend o II emlatsuto h feur lIdau opisse. DuceLak lIa"In buggdy a sat lae.uou5<1, is boise Nllonda 9c Teomlas. harl a ich mu là-eyg, vui28e t auffgl adl,,tndu Pistlasaline luboosl O**u-d"rae F.B.LovelI's, L V VILL.E ma» rabt ape. i, 1411. hou 0,0,051 beae ef Ie15 la voeU, tw«07t.oas ~b"more tIté wu sa mie tIizas anscvin lednta aringlbtoe Ml buesbave die4 in fndaaa b«< cholora. The value et wu U0,M0. JlaseMM mlI 40 Iper sent et Ils loge T1ue&-Eeraàd ls sIsal mft> actsof ire Voces sa. Il Ssthle msavyla of NUvauhoe unytllugbut m lM me iaoy aue adis ho " "sbsOn. ci mm M. looeatalgave mlmi Ieut eCopelsuIs mdapAig. 1051. Aà.mou u",vu stapoul au.11la id *bus. An exellent m iten me. voe. v esilmus ii soMsbu in naeuio.M. 9. colby Ma rea&dfor bia bousete aCocl Av. Md moans ore n the toundaton lot F. bouma on Orehard Ave. Mlligar, -f Si. Louts,,lie., Md by'bis noie, lm B. M. » ~ 09 aig u P. Grbbea Il and imbiLius ia Mirn"t Uelsi alt., for vhcie li lu boeomiug lamons. roe Liberliyvhte Veinas. 9fer UbIhiago. sMd'meIn Bounette of &IMofIhuSf m bieo]u SI. ie eNImms-m i-«'s~ L,5~ ttomselaw fer aa hmf mat ]patte"s Êmilr. Umus e hem uttendta. bt or, W1, ofhsccI bssvatrng oas a Ir. giosi oomasa, ia OoeCmrnd&recl.utiy Osu.inte I a9 tan 01 mules, und W'îo jeu leo«"lafor bu Of aSU the oblata, Mu- ibornMz li«Uel Isavéraee btout maimeqai, but vo bCr b*od'mules, allhogîvwe rd ci sush u ace. <hI Md Wlf rotSaed Ihm -e iouMI1y, . Y. MMsSTIns. m ezt.nded visa wil rai. s.i. VhlgWt -u ho "l14ard li.. tau Là.5h" khu bure and têt5esh. Ulng af deprosi ta sue. busias sarles la mu"l te". IaM 1. âiler relured te e fhem CiicsgOTussdsy tre sIcba bu eem nder thé alsirnt ai ey bseptsL. or a rtoerlng niely Iem opsuation peefarasdwvile in on te.ruai 90 permenout aler a long ioge 0f uni luvadai our tovu Tues. [n "uda aum c sosua Thoy osas ovur tboa eta lot oui pasyo .haut aCct a aI th"tpisse Md Uy 10 reqastehe preoas rybody" uet tIsAi void IexullIlin. 4ddb Austin, Iv. yeos01 a. Luellu Austin, of Barng. l vialting vitI John Austi, mury, of IiséPm"s. l aisau. dWsoeod oloulder, sautsi allins broasa trio oun M. ,lsee.Ho te reovostug avever, md viiM uilano tinjury tramuies.1 a Bollard roturnsd lait au. m Ilobron, NeI., vbers ho k ig frlinonda. Ni Bollard nue trop ai1vIse sad soin n.k Soms vIsai vwu cuilla 0o aces. The coin oîop la catél7 lar«sý Ne maye foimers aimjubiant B.d ouraged vyth the prospect of â». m, vite B.d tva daughiers, ste, of Oahkamî, Via.,en fGeo.WVigU MBd fsviy. 1rnboas viiremoember .s gsaii peiaear vIs for Pkld &fier the St. Pai meé &i&ispoint, isa fienis m. Mr. Jous a reurud te the frut of SI. vesk, but ajoin bis fsmily tunsa1MW 21 of Lieutenant Danilt Dan. wus drovusdinathe tle sof rin lut iSndoy aftermosu, ted M 1:401 p. m. Tasday. lndoy the lire.»VIOnE ows mhIcadivormoihod t*" Isi. O hU.u OSI. Mla detivraIlse opeciug ires Ttiedq.voulg tIse vau a graed Iode. Bega essie.oeaum.rmed *eiaulsy. auy proaas em er. cri ».d puhm are proume. Wtd. nadi a amumelo f the OuIoe Total AhetlmresOsiee a arived ud Ou hhvspu omlsionue re bogsSItaBIïS Ia mviealbridge suer the Aux Plaieriver osu lmhi irosi. Tlmwpc"hope »srie aud tisas#I@ qualy, no u sith.ese vhsehé nev Ovuisée bridge vu os ut. Itlel nomor ftes he uw alyspsy bait Me oryssasfer buildig mesi bridges mat e lma 5et ououlrestesns the %mêler oa le br»ouglbat"e the loperu e t Ibeir sI meetng. A »ws brides ste me lI#as pices end t>e esaIlUm oaf the presaibridge moeumsUiae mmediste action la tle maser, Sbire eomt utlMxs, P4aviuwn. tg O. . blermu smaisdetendaul la amsit beought by ths Vaverley Bel Comapay for analleged elan et 078 et Bodwefoler betoneusaBce Bergboru lest VeEnesds. 014 SiOa "goS lia m"i -av" sud "vent muer osmpany yul a veugas the ieule being lIai ho aboved sud oxviaSef th e ll«wesruabhis bAil foi 0»La35 ordamages @agi" l hmtcou.. p .uy, vau rugît sud pasper. The bispel. people lad 1lo e eufl d ith $0 imidd0f thsemiginsi sait. af M7 sud heisuo@s u deb te Sb Ir la ths amnual 0f 081.50 sd "eost." The eSse vili ta &miiproaafflty le appel., illhougI il deelalos a .1 m orne lsolg Be evidunosla. V. J.a«aleag livinlm ou aies ou hies Ilet Isldevolopine a Imai us msproporUlo. .Tho»n hubi bapd depiewm thésulb.fase180mrs ta nent I4 el a ususly Ba, et le permiseof coltinaento. TIlhtsing 1 drain Ils Wailtîe oer aspb«&~ Wal iligtggtuaba alabisI n ls e0us. teot aIll dépneoi4, opias 1se lek a steesl et fpavoi vhielvoel urM on tls auplesamoisture. Initesiof ",1 the vilu-mmisuel a vaof devgviner 1h51 a"euwy itiosa, e. mrâsesbut epout vntlla eau. misel, lomss nd la faitutrmmsami the avampy la"d tle a beati l"ae ý lii celo 00my *saof aisass uiumpet Soi otecme helI lsacer eWma Thé a h"iM -ilSwu é v.-an ta *8ls soi n the Emmensa. TIsy hamete sa" &bonIs &donsId £Wu'i 91b mbamernsMd lue ni *Mvy - %mm patalso» or davm a s teggyth".5 1107 avse e is uMI: lilso Iet ai aslom. tlsy havepwetp tei ta T , d e U aou »ta mea wVIs Md alé as indd u pablesMoutil 1 abîmeéuS 1ea él" hm ouS frm ssa oetse.slsoudy. , TIs Japsaurip lait gsnsout tiers gS mmVeayvashlnid th m o Blesir 1ldM. by peedIng tàhora u fcl Ibond M.d àlnsthé1e op egei tBI boessBsodu>. Thonsi telis9h. vimmal ut ai be @oup Mmsd - ouesvessa dmw hervoaeMst et dosce. Buie, vab ele amoisBMoa mia tué..MOgI sd Se obusni oWu m ils andmaverge dlp IMs gal * dst Met cun.""elees17 ruh tis » albeS aer bu" SMI ooci"usom japmome écp, vWh" te tan if am*@% Mdsud vilUavy il lbu bers "m Tb*Vhs oeaes irldo sImr viébinslua uIls ans e s. l I *amta pissslldim obmw nef. Mo . 60b"lce thesnue sud "sM Ils et es " ,%BoiBI a s"a lum " âé ca ahBIsulmseeau" aIse Ithe0 *agmet ls roasine sler, Md 8al" s sou osi sué pond the dirS nMtaet51mb altom lt ilmme 'limma4 dame. pond bhtbe lth P m - @boue% an tbe Ispomda 0-Bu- Uls m uais a roms The primeur Minci Btshesmbais. maIe rimaisre vIlé mails 11. ia paudMesof abcsair thautgh ace %censrai. Tb$ hasseidair.,rlslag là, le M Wer i gieselmenporionemet nie qeues uadita eboade, mm wu a&seW dyn" ober u le ued, Use - aiopt MOMO=se I eru *94, ée Umm sivm a imei d~laIt e "b A e the ai0" e au et sond gianforiaise polom ce tomier mailt ii dSbéo eslle4 nI'. ,wlpass ailIs end"> bb i d18e bslr t %*Mea et Blet mm àdua ërif étade et ta l. to mu*% Oisé asisi. Libertyville. Ill., Aug. 13, 1897 M. B. COLBY & CO., City. Dear Sirs:- Please send me by firet delivery wagon this mnorntng: t Pkg Breakfast Food...............t10e 8 Bars Lennox Soap................. 25e 3.-lb Box of Starch.................. 15c' 1 Bottie Olives ..................... ,.tO0 1I-lb Can Cotbys Dtamond 8kg Powd. 20e 2 lbo of that doudcous Cheese...25c t Dozen of thome Fine Lemons ....... 8oc 1 Bottte Btuing.....................Oie05 Package Naban Ceylon Tea ........ l6c t lb Very Bout Coffe................ 88e Pound Package Bird Beed .........O06c Package Minute Tapioca...........tOc* Can of Potted Ham ..................00c Large Package Postum Cereat....... 25e' Pound of Pearl Barley............... 6c ,,pIkge,of Amnonla ................... 100 t Cake Compressd Veast ............ ,Oft Vours Truly, MRS. BLANK. M. B.eOBYC. Dealers in Everythlng. Libertyville, IIlllse soldrponto, a Gold CWau,="w Yukon. WB 'JOT th. laugh on conipeittora Who try to 11,61% us. Théy eantdo it on anything noM u4 00e St..v..ute....................... ..îl 66, ..................................47 Ilies . ............................s Is e " .. ... . . . .. .. .. . . 0 1120 MsdraaTableololI...................1Ie 100 »lmiBy checksa......................... le ne White Aprons ........................... 190 m .0e" ........"........... sn $83.500 Coa sud Vout ....... .......... IS l8e LUgbI Sumer Ties ..................... 190 58e" ...............n Cali and sec Our New Cloth-Top Ladies' .ShM Latest Thlng In Shoes. F. Ce SMITH 4&SONO Butter Bidg. LIbertyvtI»ll.iUed Summer Uoqids 10 lae suid White Lma...................t l1%eY7«4 Vide Perceles.............. * - j eeMmd lie Elgurad White ticoda 10.... S86B.d Ise ? ne Ladios Shirt Vaams.. .e......... lu toc and M0eLadies OilorsBala. ý............lbs 150elMeus xIr Fine Boohks ........... 6M iensaaUeaters .............. n "0e Boy'% ovesBars .............. s Ise sud Me Ail Sih Wtered libbou .......14& 4me PUaraol......................... . 11.28 laie.' La, 5eh.....................M Bic lovetasuMd Wretbs.. -....... lé toc Laites'Lealler sudDuel&Balame8 V»s Mena BibbeSd ravere................ se large lRed Hsrdkebshiefb Sfoi............lS jPtJelly GlemmssPur des.................. 0 Md Croquet Bein.............. ..... . Z 350 eest Parler Brooma.......... 11, m8 BsBlouas Veaie.... .......... 38e Boys@Buen peste ............... .... m' 20 dés Chimlue@*$Um on&ies-oruee« faaplem iu Tamiadl *a Ou "'m v~ 1ra $0 se.te"."Mour ......Iii $0o, Some unknown man, represent- * tg Iitmielf to b. ,an Optic Ian and .purporting to b. sollciting busi- nets and worklng in my Intreét To mWfr 6 and patrons 1 de- sire to lve'Iiy warntng. He la a framyd, pure and simple. 1 have but one man on the road, Mr. C. Vuilte, whoalwAys presents one of my cards. Mr. Vuille le an expert Optician, and the attempt to do business on hie establlshed reputlon la of ltseif evidence of hie supertor ability. Yours truly, C. R. SHERMAN,

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