CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Aug 1897, p. 7

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m e MW U I- qwwonltwwle et 1* UM t Ostet~isabout lm te aBt tt*c h ême «o»«tma- tbol t 111111W *W he no ta, titrea"i a S1wt Pm ape, la mom*et 4155e ef e the pll- waoMnioame le hW igesti belle a-ý - tetise lojal holsty-umie vhs. a.n'ru. temua u-lai trouble, amd hy tise etbts-a suohufte eue,. delab"agedasu -t tbe eatUfluis vaued dauy, &a umber =tu l m sa M. ua gravseMd Se dqmw aeately. lith nBces- -Won . l u Wmieretaidtise aoiK- taile auimaier dataamtresglngetisaé basm fleisa6ma aboliid1th CW omg t 4beeggraduai grovO e Ittr bse 0 8" ldodomsuby 'sbm Mla bâbo Un&page lattse book 4W hawtidge hm a i iffl b à aum d levou" tn aets va h «tc Mo lgba u a o - fiaèceet sundaslty la a wM ld nd Me bu. always lad tise Suris h M I*MW ether, isil aver aMwoed tissUdaotmtbaiop bahpmsse.-Mue a tait eMay,, vieS, lspIesuMlý vealier, aIa>. lysbea a vllov fhm W" st4 kazi m mg. Oug keituitarua Mai v-I.'-aise hMmlle atfrou barmus aMdiMWnva ceghihu ate gi.n. lb* moirg te Mt am.I a WM t h nag for Il. B> 415* .etcoaxlugî" i f ailg this Wll b.aie£mgr tlocil l1» come 0<1.81 te t wiuiov. Mam ida. , visia sitiag os tiseporeis tisa cat- tMs broulgis a berr> for ber and tai la Put Il:la iber moats. Vwlsto» s ac 4el Park la Chic". rWI le ~dellaistuh ie eouvealr book etfibissleatifal spt cor litg disirib- sited b> tise Chlcago. Mlwaukee sud St. ' Peut Italira> Company. tiu a Metgait- cent publication of 90 pagea full ta ove- Iownug rîll deliclous hait-tome picnres of une of Cetloasmont eharmima places etc reit for citiacas et the Great Be- puliic. No trîbnger vstlag Chicago sisouîllie wlbboî ut cp>or tise "Souvenir of Un- coin Park." It eau only ha procured by enclosisia twenty-five <25e cents, ln cola or s postage satpuu, ta Ueo. H. jeefford, gen- eral passenger agent. 410 Old Colon> auIldingt, Chicago 111. Looislng th a Job Nov. A BSotisra CaIlomia a taner fgnmed out eue dry day tisaI h. Sud valkedl 800a"mlse ultlvatIng au orcisaui.Ha tiaepon soM bis place a"i moved ta town. visera.theaOta>' Pneu. gays. be valisi M00 msto lad aemetlIlag to * do for a liIng. tu thesurmevgoid reagl t ICloSike. Alsaka, wagse have reacisi e sigis as $1 a da>'. «MW nmev mllpmo6" »Ve-&W- a" # ma e *tai»"me a. h- Th.e t*uw 03010elà% dwI et a toie onaa E é OsMaMmutf4 onmg " JO of Cienpst le.h tob àU«o sb i. u g i fe mad-Sé m IC p ibaboW n beds t pain m t ess dhnamehl a usshie- s-dai tur oVS a- Ob »M en peti w -of em Ibu in te mo am m % om saausiai umbuis e t in us tissala tiiamaa" ileumrais trests. 4 aeudi Nt Nas -tisa cold stoiage discuter ai ~ - 4"5 Weelub -aIr have b10 ag et tise ns.n.t.s ililI. ire Slâi ersn eulaid oy, mi sBody Putt0aI, s t lblatise blteR7 f etCsgo heutise Bai D -tofunal«In e lbi. qrtmsal baemaie » 4 OWMflallgOne uansovnaudonc! a" i Sef -man> etstors, mrtna omplores, 5.-0=it Voter biais ami othersInjumeifortiser D~t -maiS tisevsecond ettisedise~ta. EzP ! Thse duai: Dommage test Jaesb SIsaur, pipanmatsof englue cou- 1.5db , S ltrmen pipeman cf-annime leuissais4 Coupas & ltervas vplot Unknbaa, tiswn ovIt thseriver by PIed lune. tis far ftise exploion and irowaei.. M Sige 3t -huismia, a diver for CbIaI tis a e v Swadlekd.mbàgamditIlla fianed ha lanclansi.beue dme*i -devea tisechiaib Ushe IAm las uesysasi S>lI Mmt beafl-ee n e. mTisa offic -f ise e. S uit,-tisrao mIdi e, ami Temisi Lal K esUW al ul lediluigured for liteandailaid the elevit up for -mtSe. Pftoufeat- e.ies ELge in Pas-Il. BecrIBi Cilaf.Svamla' ite earl> pais Use peu- TiSasiras. aIls efFmo Psarupsh. Ha vas lose tae aiôi eber sen au avalanche of mai bot *Pmd4bwb ilmies and aislilg irala UleeLa eCh vas VlU&d on tise iesis oftishe igis- yu ou sU emsped itIla svaisbrulsas @" Ber. loba1 Imure. tas evirai ma Ion wu@"ieor dem- udle: 'la eWTermr. - 26.000 ISmabestea wldéSa lu. . ...... a.. lapSry 18 -L8f -....,.. M .Usli apae 4 oeoreaitsb» iB- i1 t nkaJ. ti a ge- Z ila5e51551Sntége a 14isg theplddb> 15.r»o eshe«9 BarI m. -He d.e- hag ordthe ibien. ssiu- lu tores. Sfayns mt i » iss. A.WS.mté mIbwr b> . M Rodae, ill Sudabe C.a isulgI. aas sbu sal a m mt la W ieh- *b liseM xa ures. ie a ver tisaI@ tho lams e fui>ld laseraies. PIREBOAT PLAYING ON TUE BVRNINO ELEVATUIt. -Net a slUglepremoaltlis 0of disaster XM KBIEB'SLL IE marned tise men of thi airIpeadiadoon,. Tisera ron a hrigiter slow of tihe avent About Ch»"g.ocf Z*. fer as fautant, a rubllmg Bs if the in- _________otaler cf the airtis ras lauiimg ielirat ts Us Retlna, amidlien Use aist rail van 401 mifumi efor 5155 ia era emi aculatpreeWptated on h.emis c f Use flremei Oni se perBoaceI rallaf outil me> yeanisuda fer spetsters maci.d escipe tle "go M trouble vas CbBi5g5Of Lits. Ore limai iuireily estaillise S> tise 1 1uSed TLydia .M PlnkisaasVegotale 5polnce. Tis aoise ros differeat trous Use Composa& mi reflefsamnt asout m- u-Plrelagroar of dynamite or- guaPer- hatvobato ct der. but ias effects rere au desil>. The"e wova ae lboom, a eMacisudcmieilie- Pound, Kivard Wesilake. a acrupaper man, boule of r v wonstanding rîit Ciiaf.Bornietvis mai hvi ~ tise rail collapemi. Bath rere caverai 4,5e O6- wvIlShtie ilam materIBi amnd rsisa bli- - Il . >te lie erantiselten. aiiiil "U1> Gsi! Thal vas tise nareil 1 have -I havicaenséte il, mi li ategi leadier, and mev,isf ai tueaibock, la Use lace et trlng emiers. - int th dleaisInthe vers t reacue. - -lpe hMorto L as- v et <Repose. muais 1 Afles tlisaemails mcnt toppllg orer, bave better heslli Ciws satiBe.a.uri, blindai ami bleedini, tluma1lever badis la uiagred frrari and aaoulte taIs men ~ lia. Ifuel11k a mv geanup ta t .pv hlmc. Lilag on Use groumi vera Mre>. 1 % Im a W e ent p, SMce Of icinred MOs, c1ylm for hellp. b0W trouf- 1glenthe omPu" Beat tUais.»etfmhte-heat brick. au1 tise «Mut.1havi iOcUUMwami sud aiîrea aleeting srae Io mon, bornai te soeralOfet7 Mfnda e au- -U o util aoUslmg but tise bonne vera lef t. li 6t ureiqaulta. Il 1batcm"idme 1 paBStentant isheu ja ftra oce ,. wmater atlkhe Id ht dabris à mas u me"-Mm, Eof.A Kaiuu Teme patrol vaguas ami tro Imubeunu mare soon lu serice. Tisa ~51httevmMena' Go. h. m«m seru put on .tretebisvsudamiLiant. MaDocahi dlracti15.1 tise rgw sS Brve t once t a ediErient Soapitals, As the last victisa ss urs-liedara> tram Usa sceeaeofde15 csi detruction Ibo soris of removing the chars-aibocies et ttise e iramen trout Use ruIna l*a tomasop. B> tissUme Use floidcetrater eoasied off Use runls uffileali> te ai- tisa lremea andi sut> policeunen te atailtiat uses-ucl otonesadeai. lergeant Dockerssuhtiaet manlte fi da Soiy. H. uai a lont poean IlIftIng tise mon -oheetlug tleoueaisde, visan hadihacoyrai th e mabe ofCouges. Tise bod> rau -î - ~.- t.a cmoehlmgpoulblou and alomai that fng vas rnialg risea tic manssof Îk ell in, te eus-bis, lie ras klaotfllaib> Ma Selmet, miicis la> nthîn &,ft et lshieham It was bi.oisble te iliagulistis e baroud bias et Scisur &Rd Bsamen -ap«ter.Ti-lar asde b> idè a ieavy - Seaubai allea scrons Use eck cf oue suet floue bodise. Oblt Breala directei tisa Smes ta continue Usit vomis, and nettoutil -atis uir pliabai Sesegone avenr as t.~~a~the citieraM gatlslei tisaIail Use iodlai mi os-ls et thse Vire. Tise ongleof Use ire fle Inielalte. lRe- mati> tuernce dis-la mre Introducea fieIs thUsastructure ami tIsee tenr have heen ~ la ia sycrisaibaicondition iL Ula thUe hleu are isug bigi lanterne ta guida Use - vokmenla theit labs ad theapresence ettbim bas ivesrisa te lie User>tisaI a a i bt aeaney emmm lincoutacl vlUs M j tise dri dust apibaot tise plaenIà», Tise ase oft tS building cadt leamount et a. ut visiabbai comiregabai ltu every crack and co'-ncn appéale elattir opla- lom. - MBIy of U the isam ofis ebusa felt rChirieunr Wasington, lad, rema, cd word the aolher algisitisaI lie vold lie etgged if lie preaclied agala. Re vent prepared. and rIen lie opeaed services tlaid a pistai on escis aide et hie Bible, an- nouucing thsi lie wouId defend hlmselt if neeeseuary. It ras nul long before s dislurbanca ras eaised ainue oft he windows. In ran instant the minister commenced li-ing torard the window. le scattered tise ronghe, but oue ballet paisai tismugs tle abdomeu of tbe 3-yeur-old daîgister or John Standiford. riso vas sleeping oa une of tlie sents. Thee Utile girl la dcd. IStan- diford refuses le procecate Walsteln. Te"d is a Frose LIMe.. rTise letter carriers of thse City et Mex- 1ico are now using bicycles la ielivering mail The lMeitropollîsa Electrie Company n1 Chicago hoe fsiled. Tic Ilablities gamnant te about $35,000. h'oor collections art said te have cansesl the asalgument. James Gerali. a well-knova aportiag enman train the PacIlie reat, vias instant- ,> lyilîidaitChickasaw, 1. T., b> WillIe aDay. a strangen, lu a qîîarrei over carda. 1 At Phuluicîphia. Daniel Melian, aged 19 yeari, accldenialiy ran bis bicycle agalnst a 1er atoîce feue, plunged headloug over fitlain Wiaslckon creek, and ras Tro Ohie firme, the Cani*lloling 3,1111 aCompany et Canton, O., and tise P. Hauy- den Baddlery and Hardware Company of Colaumbus. have sigaci tie Amalgamatesl Assocdatien sale. 'lhe mat cf tis ummer conferences at Egaat Nortisieli. Mans., tise general cou- feremcefor Christian vorsers, wnu cn- ligne ath SBept. 1. D. 1- Moody wnu have charge of tise meeting. rJoha M. Fborblin and Lorea Saemple hava beea aipoluted recelycs re ttise prop- c) r11l ew Torir State of tise Anenican t Puhilshing Corporation. Tise llabiliîiee are 1408.000: sseIs about $150,00o. Mayor Piala ishan elegraphed an invi- tation ta Preideut McKinley te vieil San Francisco. Tise Mayor ha. aise nireai fCengreseman Loud, requesîtng hlmn per- aseually to aelise Prasideat and gel troun àhlmsi possible, a favorable reply ta lise invitation. Thé hIer of B hamnier upon a mail ceiledas$40,000 ire at OleuN. y., sud ceeven mea aarroarly ecepe-Jbeiut abnrned 1t0 demIs, lise men vere roofini- aa 35,S11-bs trel oil tank nisen il ras dis- jce-ered tisai the cil liadilglited tron s 9spark cauded as aboye. lepresentatlves cf Eactem hop-isuylng irnailàs e benin laCiehais, Wash.. $av. erld> ad dslayed gr-el agerneis te make contrace for the 1807 crep. ite- cently tise het quallty sold for 7 ceats, abut nor i8%# cents and even 10 cents a polignd la oeereli. aod the latter ligure lias been rUfnsaa-iby several Parties. Tic pros- pects for- the growIng crop are exceed- tlngly geoud. h A beaulitul spectacle. neyer rituessei ahaefeent Tacomna, Wash., ras the signal rlîgisîs of the club of meuntain clîmbere ykuownansetise biguines, trou' the emur- Lcapped ajimmnit of Mount Tascoma, sixty mil"es ara)'. The aiglit ras clcar and fa- avorable, and for an hour beforc the flash apguetirad lieusada cf eyes and isuasdrds o!e fidi glaises rare traînai os thse Xmu, 4.. .iLh f.. k..iu.iA.lnt BU MBDEATI'L Victime e f<bu rVoslenuw Foi- Cui aie sudViallages lvee.visule amlliatout e WlaaaleeLa64 Viese. Nature'. Avraiigîun. Ais eammi aM Tacouia, Ws.., b> cltessea- mltisa i Ire issadri aeported killesi up tu eWuila th1e record oStishe ten- ribla oatbs«aakotise gicat Voleamo estu Mayam, On ISelala819"Of 1LuzOEa,~On0f tise Pllippil Omo> .Tise silat et hunse 26 ibIs roeuo ema ironing- sis saisenanam lave a I.le-is.aaegastlties a" mimmas ibreisowia upai cousidearl>oves 100 foel aboie thscrater. Tise mexit daY fit-aix boiltismreterecoer ai a con- sierable dàstaise and tise mont retent iletutcbes te Bout Konz up te July 8 *sied thsaï:Dot lalissa 500 r'esse s ova te bie kUleL l ras robble, saithe dimpseteillae, liaIt teise-ets cfea ouid reachis lto tise tisesania, depenmils on tise lengtis e9 eruption. OnUsai datec Lava streamuaid sassibsud" mer-ledth.- citlesof Bameaay Malipot and LIse>, and tlisir destruction vas certain. FIlweu maîler lova.s e- iveen tlic-aaandithe rolcauo i aiSeean de- slrcy" aunisco res0ftise agrieullursi pop. "ltlou badl e-en'-eecrwheimed visile at- empthg tu eesalle. pole e ei-hlssd. Th@e aolnlatioe about lise Mountainsela sstatei trtic ver> large, ber-nise of 1h âne isemî,plantations ini the- alic>-s rail- atiisgtrous ittvilere heisîofuttehe eet qusli> Suera 10 eniflai-i-cin iproded. Tise nativscalire in deasily fete offunuernp- tion, ami haotemedawayssiis«suon ne tise flamest ruesali, ,îueair. liticaseetfba- irais lb vas Ihen ulot ot, ton lie lava sausi doveriloreailutu the sale> helov lise a troubhlaitiser. han> villages ad âine plantatione«lias-c been rmpleteil vuieil lu lui., ani ache.. Ma> ciibha.tlrta lu eruption tiiteen rimes sin-* 17160 ci luong litervals. Tise geateet lus, ot lite snd propenty ras causai] by tisé eruptions et 1706. 1814, 18M 3ami 1871. Juby 6. 1881, tise rolcUp nb<i& ctiergain andmi sualemieuoiu of lava and steaniave oecurrei more or lmn contanti> evar ince.. Warulngs or vioeut. otbreuks ara eul> isillatisa forioff erlhquakes or lbai rubilis. but tiseme-eeDot experiencel inl Jqae. STATEMENT 0F PUBLIC DEAT. Reportl for Ily>Fisora sunlacrersu ut Uver $0,(,00,01M Thse montbl> statemeot et the publie debi Ihusard lMonday shows tbai the deil lais cash lu tise treassury authUe close of bruinemasou Joul> 31 ras 00M.446,646,. a Increase during the monîli of 00.790560. visic Io le ccouted for b> a rerrempodilng decemse in tise cashinlutie treasury. This deerense ia lu cousequeoce of exception- al>y heas-> ilaburuements. Tise debi. In- depenicuut ut tl& cash,,wrus decreasci b> $3M0610- The ebtinlerecapituiuelcins tolera: ha- terelit-beaelug deht, 0i4-.3413320: dclii an vlii,-h à inili asîeassed sine na- tua-t>, 1:1.'ïwk4t,340; debt hoariîîg nurionter- est, $377,761,442. Total, $1,226,4613,102. Tise. lorever, doses net Include $5S8,513, 953 in cectificastes and treasur> notes cutatanding. :w-iscb la offset b> an equal aimountàetcash intle treasury. Tic casb is ciasàoi as fllore: (old. $178,024e- 777; sis-ar. $521.74.,130; paper, 8149,- 420l92; bondet, diabitrcng offces.' bal- cacas, etc., $18,753= 2. Total. 0867,- 961= A2. agat vilcbtisera are demnDi liabililien ouiirtandtug amnountlug te wit 9&4.470,ili Wavels tle net cash bail- ance. la tietreasar>0M3,016,456>. Tise mmstl>otassent lasuci b> lie di- rector ofthUe mint sows liaI dntlng JisI>. 1007. Use cinage executci ai tie Unied Btates minis amounîci 1 0070.850, mu follors; (lii$377,000: slver. 1100,000; misn coins. *M,850. Duriiig tise monts of Autat thc large accumulation ut goli hailllon i ua îtsFrancisco, mhicli nom aount& toi 14.W%00,0, Ulbc woeked off as rapidly as Use cupaci> 0of tise mat ril permit. The cramage et standard silver dollarms proisîbl> nil b. rautaird about Sept. 1. l'ise montîl> comparative *tâte- ment of Use Governaient receipta and cx- peaditurci for tise mentis et Jal> aber Use total raccipte tý have lberna03,02î.- 364 a"i tbediaburmemeut. &0,0100,908, iearing tise aexslutofexpeniiture over te- ceiptu 1,0304.This eicicin le m- eoiiLted for b> alinormu l> ibeavy expea- ditarea lincidenlt tis e begining of tisa rier tiscaul year. As rempaisrad i vilsune Use neceîpta vere inereaseili02,442,056, and Usediuabireeta rsere icreasci b> 027,100,4. Dnrlug tast month the te- celpts fironienatoinîsamoniei ta $10,- 9006»1. an iiereuise us rmparci nitis Jul>, Mn ofu about $5,000,000. The in- ternai revenue duriug Juil> lfait jicldc $19.767,031, as comîuaresl ritb 014,30- M3 ton july, I180. Bill> Duke cf Baltimore ratits te try is i dl strul.iany 135-pooul mais. Tommy> Il, mnbas alrcuai> begoîîactive traminngfer bis couiug figbt wrab 'Kid" MceCay. If as> of lie 110-pouuuders wnah an en- gagement, Joe Batemaîî of Jersey City Iu wvillng ta figit thonnt. Thessicnonieoict isoudu- about e iuuntis ago thastt er IMabr and Tous harke> î-ould figis uiîdcr thi- ausapice-sif Dan Stuar net13 lîccu eritil. Casîati-Leouu au u.aliat if tSpiku-' Solli- Veal nIl posst r. orrteit for lieu'lus uWi' hoie iîgtbits, uor anyluodyse u-fi- the 10 îouid cbkiiîsoishii i rt ihoesurld. Haoser SelIt> t"Kil' c blrailluer) aspires to u-cous-theivetlr -ilgbt Chain- pieu ofthue ivorlul. andia stnariter las challenge-] Coiu yle ut Chîicago. Once aime ILs-i-ole taIS ut a fili be- tirera Jacek McAulife aînd L.sviguo. 'This talin lavit iabout uiuirtnt us the ilIs about a Efiih betuseeu John L. bullivas and i 'tz-immous n ii. Ourlaig tatise tari Ibat PolI>iSmithibas been nntcbad te box "Peullir" lmenl leaien, tise proposed ecooonter betrecu himueit and JoiinyCriitii. uviieh vras ta have tera iccideil ai San Franocisco, bu. be+n de.'larad off. Nom tint Somus> KelIly iotposçtail$1,- '000 miii AI Smillistaubind a muatch nitis Dave Sullivana, there ls nu reanon %-b> theee tu-ohbuans sbouldîit couic ta- giiiser wîishout ielsy. .Bullivan bas aliso Pl ladl $1.000 iti lSmih. Lck liaidemi, île Brooklyn hauban- reiglit, i-ats to mcci Jimmy> Antison. betore uns! utitiecluîb&b in San Francisco. Maiden la tond> te prit iaforteit toi- s side bat of $500 tu $1,000. Tic alaint ta taise plase vitlii tise next Mlx reeuk. Thse Ittetinfsoratilon rhlci s abeers racolyifrura Peter Jackaoa rua beouglit b> a usportiig mas*ho arrlved liera f ruit i,ip lisesqa' day. nae Midat îaj lai OsSoaliamidolinsver> for: bsmS% hihW Uisemb CON a"i Celt Cimpa m a- ýsm the Law.' ire. et aawït ï, - ea taçihodur la tise Us.ogui Cel aColsCaii'e , aie «se-U«e. Fbsulagiss oeaaalindue ez i ktisavUnd M Sates Court ai Patssi~W. Ia,. graated a arsipiai iactflon ueetrallg BigaMe V. Di. ,and bis asama tr minsAary vax lher- w.t. S r i t Malslatise .eaONUs. erth Os nadatlui et tis efsty et tOs MesongaisCobe an mi aiCompan>r et I twl2yei, eftiser b> trespag pon tha eoom et lise camps. or appiaacia thereto or lutlng Its employai u to sîka or itertérlng lna ay manner whatever. ether by msord or deed. iD the compaay's affaire. The test of the wrlt covehis e- eryllalng that cau pouslbly bc eonstrued lato a lDriDgemeDt of riglits of corpora- tions, ani pructically prevents aIl futire agitatIn l the vlclalty of the Moongai miDest. At Pittehurg Wednaiday, thse linerait lD lthe mlaem'e siie centered on thse pre- Illimary hi-arlag betore Justice Bemmons of Turtie Casais of District Praident Pat- rik Dolan, District Becretary William Warner, torner National Vîce-Prasieu Cameren Millier and thse other mlDerie offciais wbî. wera cliarged by Buperla. tendent Thomasn B. De Armit wlth vint. Attorney William Ksünan. rapraicat- lng the Nqw Tork and Cleveland Gao 0041 0om1*ny, lied ta bring as avillence tise- Inunaction lssned hy tise Bupreme CousA agehiot lthe minera' leaders duran the De Armît esikie of 18M. AItisae% ima Judge 8towe of Allegimeny County rafisaad the injurncîlon, but on the company's Bp- peu] ta the higlier court the lattar grant- ed ion a technicality-. Attorney Kaufman argued that as the lajunction denied the minera, the rlght tu congregate on the publie hlghwaye the tact tisai they dld congregate tisera was unlawful. Attorney William Brennan, raprcienting the etriklng minera, clalmad that unlawful assembly wds denied by tisa statutes, une no lujunetlon, even b> tise Bupreme Court, could nîîllify it. Justice Senons refused te show the InJunction te bcqised as evidence snd At- torney Ksufian shook bis Biat under thea Judge's udse. For a fer minutes there was grent oxeiI,'ment. Thse testimony nf Sheril! L.rcry nie favorable ta the sdrik- ers. tic saîd when lie ankcd tbem ta dis- perse nt tb. center school bojse Salurday they did &o. Superlutendent De Armit'a testiniony was not dnmaging. IS GUILTY OF WIFE.MURDER. fleakar of 1fetavis. N. V-, la Convicted of ianu PrumieAcld. Howardl C. Benium, a young banker of Batavia, N. Y.. bas beco found guill> of morder lit theB.frut degree. h ras charg- ed tbat lia poi.oned his wite wrus prusse acld. Benham'a trial Insed aearly Ilree ek.. Benisam lu 802 elopad rith and married Misa Flor- euce.Touleman. heir- esu, 16 reors of âge. At tbat time lbe ras 22 yeans ot age. ln December lait lir@. ltenham ras taken H. C. DEiçAu. seriously 111, and on the nîornîlîîgotJan. 4 abe died. Benhîîm gave outn t i-nternent Illat deîîlh ras due to rhenuntimsî of the heurt, aud the coro- ner decided tbat dealis ras cansed b> atrophy and degecu eration ofthte us- cular tisaue. latter 1 ' nîmora becanie fur-4 rant thâl Betiboîu bâti purcbaicd pros- mic acid. sud lirs. Beubam's body ras txbumed, aud the verlous orgaus re- moved for examina- 'dis. DfliAii. tiosi. Posion was foond. Beîîbîîm ra then iudictle and was pacetd un trial Jone 21. TERRIFIO I4EAT IN THE SOUTH. th. Tasapratira Over 100 lif Maux Piea, (ciang Oriel a ffneias. The South ini. celterlng In Intense lest and tbere la mucli suffering on accuai of il. lu Kentucky> tbe thermometars regis- ter 910 de;cerrss sd upword. lu L»ulsvtlle there base been several Prostrations, coain of tIlimstrioua. Ih ras 100 degreev Vsednesdmy morning, but a tbunderatonu ý!rouglit the mercory dora ta 80 at man- cown. Rteports tront pointa lu the tarer Misais- sîppi vailey show a continuance of the ei. treme heat, wlth omie or tro exceptionts. Memphils brole the record for the year Wcdaecday wltb a maximum temperature ot 100. In Arksansas the beat le terrible and tbere le no prospect of relief. Pres- colt, Texarkana aud Warren each report a maximlumu eniperatiire of 100. The lient wave nowr prevaillng ai&and Vicksburg le the hotet outhtie season. rhte tcnperature ranges ln the neighbor- tiood of 100. la St. Lmulc Thuraday the temperatore ras sllghtly belor the 110 mark, lu soutirernaIlinois the îhe.uom- eicr liac regiitered 102 l inteechade, aud harvesting le grenti> relanded. OUR POPULATION l8 77,000.068. An Officiail nite la Xodî b> thea Actamaioftthse Tressaiy. The lateui offIciaI estîmate of the popu- lation ofthtie United States la 77,000,06K. This ie made b> the netnary of thse treas- jry, an IllIcer whose duty itlàla et llxed Intervals, ta report ou the per capita cir- culation nf mncey lu the UuitedStaiese. He estioates that the present holdings of moue> are $F2253 for ever> inan, woman sud eh.lld lu IlleUnited States. il'is esti- mate di*the population Is8nmade b> the use of the ceusaus reports for the preceding dccade. Crtalit fixed mles of inereuse by bîrti and lmmigratiou and provision for deatha and otiier lusses aâre and the resultiiug emlinte le arceepted as ofIB- ciai. ___________ Ncwe of lInor Note. At Cliîcopee, Mass., lu a runaray, lire. Mary B. Kuaîp was killed and ber daugli- ter, lirs. F. E. Tattie, ras badi> brulsed. Col. Neille Ely bas been a Tennessee colonel caly thse.. reekesand gate l a ît to hc the moatI popt.iar man un the (lov- ernor'e tlaialeady. Mamide aa âle 1 oinwt, aged I0 1 a d 14 auWhi -",vsb vi. derî ehum ianduismiOs c*4 en-ouI le SaBaie and lis., eft iste *a 1h.510 viser.the yomg ibail viabalmiop te tom hlm ont aiso. tTaisookng thea chain. Beely etarted tb drive tse lbene ouit but h. wosn »« la 1thblorofer 50111< aisdtomaiuo e fe trmai nd wlth an augry bellew. BeaIy lia4 @"«hpg us blch tb detend hlanalf a"i the buU bail hlm at ie smer>. PenM in atise ,mrrow atall, ithe young mmis as kncked dowm by a terrible ilirust of the blnllscbomne andiraupied upon and Jammed agatuet the parti- lion. Ha crled wlldly for lielp sud bruvely fought fer hie life, but tise cdds mare so greetly agninstà bta1 that tlee wn as aaUhope tfor hie escape. la tiese arrecoitne o et tcall, isowver, t h. msddene<l beau i ai ltile »inte tmaove about. and tis won tihe tain, ands a ivantage. Hie cries for hall, luIally atîghl hie employer, sud vill a pllchfork he manageli to dis-crI the' aimale attention SnflClendytly1 permit Peely tb crawl oui to safety. Bieading trois, a score of cutiesand hrulas ef rom stise booSfsad borne. Seel> van hurred to the liospItal. Lie wmli roeeeer.-Philadelpbi-tlRecord. Te'> Aleu,* poot-Mase. A powder t>.,e iliaken Slo the sboca. At ihül seasois your fret ted arollen and hot, alad get tlred casll>. If yen have amarting fret or tigit chocs, try ARenes Foot-Ease. Il cool. the fret sud miaires walklng easy. Cures snd prevents awollen andl areetlng feer. bltere snd alions spots. Relleves cora na sulons of ail polo snd gîves resi ami comfort. Try Il to-day. Sold b> ail irnuisnteansuehoe store% for 25c. Tri parkage IfREB. Addres. Allen B. Oitusted. Le Boy. N. Y. itiepisaut Reeoned a Cild. A strlhlng exemple et the lttîlgence of elephants ras seea n l ilddletowo, Con., the other day durng a cîreua parade. A amail child on itresi street g«t awy from Ias mother and toddled ont loto the etreet. Belon. anyona coulli realîme glial 1he child wrs Op to Il wan dîracti> la front of tbe herd of elepliants. Everyone expected Inate the 11111. neeracsei ta dealli. but thse leader of lise bard careful> plcked the habe up vftli Ils Irunk and awung il eut of danger. 'Lire becs are sometimes shipped on lee. se as te keep theni dormant durlng tise journey. This le particularly tise case wlth bumblehea. vhlelà have been taisen to New Zeland, vhcre lhey are usetul In fertilllxlng the red clore. that bas been Introdueli loto the colony. Hall,* Catarris cara. lca*,mttutk0al cure. l's-ce".3cnin. If parents would be moire caretol about tbeir raIS before their cblidren. their taile tiscu' would bave more meigist. The lranka teck their naine from tise Francisques, or baoule axes, wblch they Ilrew wlth deadly effeet. aia Mye 5'asu eDr1. XBISsaSGoril» - » innot hu' In> =le miatbl.B moia i bs ocpe i sg ycr aoh.mnaiav1u, giors s. Tsasuspofe la andi ont sd fte us reths sh ileSt be uau tinse o tita-.nd istsle. 80h rdae mev.o the ise Utor e r ani hbeslle. Chmn 'Ou, nseele i b. rl» cufisisi>t, sU4 ien lag b r. rIdaba llvi a lite. maa. TCl unTisas.. eNiai io. and &firvigCus Ae. tigoe i hUle @seieBiit tae buielne Ioisé er.I ast>e ut tulisevs, augette Bant> ppeîe aiBteatitila ueu netebiere beilslta. h a u xthesc TMr . Ile a Foebisuulflsesl. en t tban a oe0 pe Matsy i rts h ei tro iseimTafi antent ais Iuo.laColoriadio, rre»4 O ebtuteflle.10f Uetgm eucithoneatscrtofe>l ropeui Aateries, ot B tims .1 ries ni-e ileiet.ou, loaTe>in olaadol l>wea pe(gtIsua f rAINO, te drInk ,tai tis te pae tW cilîdranda rIn Il vbut t ats re llas tiaastiLAets packe ofGRAIN- baithea brown of ilocha or lava,4 but It froni Pure grains mi Itise eute siomacis erfels llu tres. V tise pile. et cffee. lot p pet package. Sali b>ailgavoetu4.4 Thera are shoot ou. humdus4- eft mon la tic avers. hme aud jet se important la III a 1> amali qiiaatlt>, Iai Il dl ls mtcnded mii very cenlOmakg Btikisgham'a Dye for tise-.~ ian be applied misen aI bose. tormly auccessful in colorie. tlaek. Hence.lieti rent pldehti Vermtout sud Connecticut cotai lucre lu 1785. New Jersey *"e>80 cliosetis ithie same lu 17I& 1 h. il ri-reemnîclPI@o a re sin sumptien ftcand riie.-lire, MN Illumstead, Kent. Eaglanei.Ni,. ,l Bome ver> lag Irit a beai' veep fruit. ANO IIÇfA WB àIAx SCwhusp IFau UAI 81qinT EXCLUUVE US£ Ou itÈIgRO» ** « PITONEaSOAWWOIAM"oux 1 m a= Za DR. SAMUEL PITOHER, of gama, .--eochsi toisa the orilin4aor tof " PflCHER~S CA8TORI/I.' eh. aS ha# borne and doea moto biar th. fac-simaUe oaimatibreof 27&S. is th. oini'«PITON ER'S CA8TORIA, whick h»a un.d fin Ah. homnes ofth. mothrs f et um ofor Oserab via'.. LOOK CAREFULLY ai th. wrappe ad au 9ehalU the lcLmd Fouahave atways boul. %'<<phs.. anéd &a he Ah. ailer.oOfi4a't4 pop. Xe ooneAa h thority from Me toi.».M Mr M Th. Cîird' Comspany of whiei, CIa. H. FdAef Pruafdemt. Moards 8. 1897.' (-scea 9I.,SIB Do Not Be Deceived. Do mot endanger tlie 1o f your chlld by accepting a clseap nfrOM vhich sanme deaggilsi may ôffer you (becmmse h. mukes a few mm pe on it), thee îngredlamts of whkh oeeu ha don bot kzso. "The Kind Yau Have Always Bought» BEAUS THE PAC-8IMAILE BIONATURE OF Insist on HavIng The Kind That Neyer FaIW dYouý ALAGESH&d. Win lifghteathe B f l ihumanity m»CIiii do savwi Ingr of dAoitvolent ifîiga =ovmimet rma»w tem vS e t.1 uLSimIm2 ,b=use la !-- -- -- j- a n is nmth t- (lait lika caady), aid of Ueve-famln mu Mae Of the Maost g-,uiSietantà d the mach ci ai »£ OMMI&Sà.FroBa]by to Deas,0k «'IF AT FIRST' YOLJ[3N- 8tJOOEED, TRY S P .0 L AU&. 3AND7, rNO" 1 SEPT. 7 AND vit21, trei OCT. S AND 19. t ÉrI Am1

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