CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Aug 1897, p. 2

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ehratntion caflletvwe fa- cre iid411se000,- lbage i dia ovmwtumantl v énotelo of oiotl wtMdi or à ey viiilhe antimel> dis- la **ery quarter. Tua amrp ra- -et 41 DaprtuanLt et àadtlcltmr lu i pletog a Uëthbstlate pobatn eur aflar >ear the, ship- at-'ilug resua m be-that tha de- ha antoo loy, ua>sbut neverthh- C"J.l$M of gatleirlg data la tÏd mevthat ubtainadirIteraes et, It i.aof a m.rSt abat. iathox XbeqoadeýWfI lai a Prer te DW. à bul.ubfor Klaedyke auldme am *boboi ýÏ*dsata doutât. 0f the lb.mmisqS m t Au &ak-m, ~03 vemstmn. iiabonu M iblecb muterlie miv. rt 1.daadl peines. luOlr 1%f But lah net .je seiot 511.Star- teumebcosi ieu a thei bornas te jota h hdi-eae mfor th.eau el MDorado heuli sâtstie it once 'tbay have Mequtevmgeaxplmak et tie Abakan i g lene laxnuvit gatting béek i -mby as bot imaedlatel> -W-ie h f.ipamouey fortrampoertaiou and Se d-4abpr lotoeliim at.Over ut« m tea ;%Mile mud ChuSeat baemisev eilieb. tung the. 'eu cses b haveshoe ,'eB Je the abeamil lueS if a gm- m mi la amy r r- el%,Zwato, iete e fiition «'i-oeoOakland, Cal., mad évilér te sac whetbeg there va. thr rubi sales m Loote S*rfl.le touai tha out- Regmlss. -.MU: "I dvftaen M ~ss la si ya fi-mai Dyea ad ~as.The. day 1I IanDyeam lera iS1aafmirrs. Tiro ver, thome uf qUliE.Tii.lait funral vas hhat t JeI.u, ub bot séfcle lb.momt DU& - noi e R.WB* entiral>' out 41é*teeteff b> tire sithte Party trou ý*sft Se tole, and vas abat te Au thaad vas heid and the ver- hoUeSebmiie. At hauvt a e ias t »Dymansd mm I mao ie." Sr. m thee dveter. avtio, ta" ou ti. tuea n t; mou: and b= Whou W ini mt kesltmta ofis55S ta"ycrime vhes ~~t 2food beeme imarrmye.Te e 1 E -00 White pois sud dowu te lah lPsaib et et theliaPmaissd tâcre lh a swae 1 -Meu or slgt amileste ci-oms St IuS h t, . amstt." Voent la Captura&i9 Nu <Se-mmelum te Ioduce caiuiers sa' 51 l e loa tileay mlatevil- me-ut'Owe, 111., vera carried outamuid1 t sctent Tuamday aflernoos. =ea ztiaigi breamrt.400 strout, aalaso 0d utferplveces h rlsg- e the li nr. Sheriff tandla piacd Wnty iapt ubera, ameud vidi nm- mmd $-Wi& liai bay)onets, acrosa the Ma q - Tii. u d dputias vare aie- $*R.guathedi mine, viiere 100 men nt vrgetligeut cent. PýreidMn lb. colonie utf marchai-s *oueid -slip tley mambd th1e villate peeideut acide us.mmonY. The strukers lu th, *P1Os grsped theit mmmnsud the *tbeuertoi-ce01t umubers puiSai 1~l~Um.myuOr 'iiom verecosd- IrUbtamed. fiou thii places. Suer- j uslméid for tbormu, bt uva ails Ptendic et $ha Cl«u. eflo.a 8aan tsilAg Off Madobete 1i etom Bîahail Lamaf.: W. LU W. OS IILttthsgo .43 --930 2 Pfaa 42 1% *b56036 Brooklyn . 8 .844 Wmad aos. 38 lm 3iu a 1 di La e" e- t e m emsibob«. L W. IL *uetmacs Voit laguts ik4daadan as PO0* la,347 4 1b Fumae. u t e b~2,1.0 aunes bc. *st p lTU7oo amm o 1w pompa r rD kmhla W* igs mehabaud. M mmmi oua proabL là f.ll h- & «t ph m bAvt Im tMoceeil, Gagea, anImw MWe Aisammirli -sudoCherMeli-meo Ports. TRA'IE oie TUB UNI>. 0AU tt Ot het iaCeut ryReport IStat ef Seltar limes, cIL. G. >bon & <4.%WeaSij Bavfee-0e Tradi le: 'Iilnery ce raportig li wi-raSnotes larmesa 15tiie andmi iidYt 3Ml brljmt a" prospects. The gi-est change lu buiness nmpbaaqitedby lis prneuce ef a multitude or boyars fi-oue &ailpaot tia country, bj lSd- state- mels of lhe situation ai liair houses, ami more torcubi> jet by lio hcavj par- ccime thbejara making. The @trous ni-t la stocks, lie gruw e-lbokhnS carlnct and railromd-eersiugs lbhelheny sticola- tien i wai proucts, but mont ofmi l!a vheat hava ugadiathe-teek ame of ant, pantis luterea<.veu b Ioaoe vie remem- ber lie npvari rush la 1»1. The greal c rop ani lie haste of foreigmars te buy Il stadsbhp viav of ahortage alse- vhara, have maieth e leck ueuoubh. Takig of profie b a poul loverai lie pee brea cents, but Il mttt-mari rose tire cents."' ALL DP leD% it TRLMULIIO. Bartbqusmka tu tian Paime-tulcie. Country W« tismtresa. A"idtoual dolmils or tha great amet-lb quake mn Jase, vich umdeail Iodla tremblie, rec.tved la recesî mail aivis, cetral thenSrImioreports ut hits nci!lti. lia bogheru fl.MgalAmaand miCachier thc sboeka oatlneatfor moue lima. TSe morttin uthea chera buis lanastietei et fi-eu4,000 ha1,00&.At Goal Paru, a 9ti a ae ieati-ujei a aaiaad sut>' NT* Wineelokth 1eeart5h l fured uni a. umaar iscovr1 vl uaimtamiuid. The eegrapliofieaetChiera amdoIl oce buIldIngsere icatrujdai nd lic natives vera toreeaIntefie. fer. lhiu-lives. Vie coublr>'ih floeud, a. the a ertbbas subsidedaientug iahe anksetuthle Brama- puatra, couainsgaccet dammge tu lia cropi. .8liiar reporte are recelvei trou nasa> alliar places. The tiret bloui shed dursag lhe prescot minera' attISe vas that ut Jacob Mort, e drummer le the McDoali baud,.lime trouble loch hePion Ckeek ipple, la Pennsylvanie. The 1,000 ulnuk- ers lu the camp nt Pu CreeS lefi lia cmp at 3 a. . nik diniei loto tvo sqode n aer, one hody euthe march- ors saint to Cauta imaihoo bouse and tha odiers tte a nai-s'honme*. The Ceuler uquai e-as heaiei b> the McDonmli inu corps. Sheriff lovrj ramcei Ceuter about 5 a. n. Ha irova froni Tuntie Crack EbY vaY of Monroevlille and mmm met bj tDepot>' Sarlif Richards aaanunhar ut rdeputles. Tii. marcheas ere stoppai amid lie sbariff rend the. Iouuction ouner tmode b>' the court. He dies, oriarci thc àstrhkera h> ratura lu Chil-ciamp, Tic men .peld oMe attention te the orde- fer m lime, sutndUilchBiRlllngbau attampleailu olemi 1the mar-chers pose lie sherif andiisa dp- utile. The daputies closei npani maea fuis td, heaici by lieebsenhff.anmoitic 1 Pgoelns tfrcea ma togehar. No blovu vece strucbsuano e epous iravo,, bul thara vas a lirelj ictiffe, duiimg vhiha Suhi di.thebinde0f une et tic hand vas pubed lots oemphs Met'a face*mi bc vou baij'eul urnt thlb. iabI cys.Bloi leva inhia stemmumtrouic ouai, mut tha Ilghl t iiloui checkii liepouilles, utruhg meu. Thc uberlif againraid lie orier ot court ami orderai lhe crovi te disperse mai appami la court Baturimi te maireamser ta the bill llid. The mcm &$'alu refuneda" aiJuin Brown va. par- tlculmji Pmuuooe lu hie oppoaition. lic vuà tresImi ith arreat ami mitai- cousi- erable argument iuriug vhlch ha assert- ai bis rigit te bc un the publie ruai, Urtaii Bâllfighn miudlte band &sain triai te force their va>,poiltltee aerff and bis deittis. Vie ieputiem agaicloeiop ami moyai formait. More pushlmg smi idbovnugfoilea. The deputiasbied she.e ruviogami pusilng tedia rs bath. outil boti bodis vere dlosai>' pack- ead il lookai fur a lime as liougi seri- eus troubla voul toilov. nai-iff Lvt- àmailsordarai Cbcu te, disperse ami tittet- enai lieusm wiharrest if tediedinue lu- BtauîljY obey. Atter nome hesitation tha etrikera novai bacS, turmeat and mai-chai beS to Camp, -closely fuilovai b>' lie srIfand mihi. tiauties.Emos A upacte, iispatçh truaMilan,, i«Ys liaI tbrec anarchists ver, ari-asted liereandmitiat the police maimid a neuhar of iocuments, bombe itnftlxp"osne. The documents capturai &ythe police, IC la fui-lier statei, lhiide lettees trou Caomm Casarlo Sentostha amessin of Prasi- dent Cart, andmoi etro Aclmrlto, mho ut- temPtee te "asm te KingHumbert last Apnil, fler ar-esta ara axpachai to foi- loy. The'Stnîlan, police clairetbey have eonclusi-e- evidence of the eistence of an Iterntionml enarehistic plut. *UMm.aeaidDecil. Afler cotthig bts mite's diroat Chai-le. ILMor oiiot Chicmgo end" i$s ovu artl i rtte hj sioug blesaif vil a revoiver emrtj Wadna mornsag.Tha urier sud suicida occurrei bli te routs viiera the couple lilva mt M2 BacRusmreat. Mae" Mlford. 14 jaes okd. miroIetau 09 enosaituaitdiaboieas etlbar fadien sud »»ther. 5h. notifiai the siiegbbor- bout, lis. Cliffori và as i eume rouansudiCiliflois aune eloutofbei-. J0M maceriteii amigy. Im aDense Sai Alderma Wilim Mansier 4t dJiicsosuiyet uotesrpte court Ala eslgb taale leuie =jaS Who U sue bcdluai liai lisueil &W,00 hmbissoei tie i. au oisle oriluaSa" m ixed tic pslmet ai O1,00 âne ami .in.liday.' 1 isomiv la Iii. calme ljAiL.AusVal vria mi. vaw gmam& ad. Maty vraeWresiatt. Tii. M "ti.M"uoKaty kab" va. vre- ei n- Csddo Mille, Tsaxe& Illaunemmis emut via rmonaitha ubtlesuad bent lie rails. Rvey car eotpIthe r ileeper Wuvai lamaioner. W. HILRelUis, basgsema14 vasiklIa Il Oacta Wiamt Crep la Sh1ort.' The iheat troor utlu"aisIbi er vii tell mhor t offeadlsber espeJ > 5,011,000 Lumbels, but unie.llrib sar>'f rontsahemticc ro pp romiseste ia ssasasiiy larga. IbroustCoder a Tirsa magiEnge. ib »Men Uu 15. "sudtéon ti- dm-»l titlas, «ilame 1é tact m taRrefte li ,ai aenBs s oh Tb anà tS W ss le hsse.Wltbout pDeà ubuçl4 ainsm da ploIl mapeas to e semt te las- -7 possible arelli smm» a gel treiglit moi iloutôls &crg"s the.dinide. e, Italiluen slprct5.rub r- Theaduai bae-eauPie Heni t et s- laas moa"dia Ceum tTons, a sepheir mm King Haubert, vbWbgi-ev eut et state- a mne made by lb.Pice remmdlu the coolductofaisheitalin prmairees 's-Sa er. captera ir K ing Mènelek durilathel. - cent ihastrus cankpalgu la AJUshila. tuenirpilc etaI5 o7cecSanowy uunhig ln the Bols des "m aux bout tus mils fie.tPuis. T e gt va* a dosporate e- ont. The Prince wvas seriail ooadat le and wa. ramorec fr-onteild boas de combat. The. (olaet wmaa dlghtly vuesi- ai. Certain croice] pauma.» deanle crac mlowrto regard tie amUair marluni>. ami ie- scribe tt ni.a"sriberhhacdent' outh field of Sucer. A majority et the. Paris- liai, howver, tront it asmac Intermatiunal 1-varnt of the mnit rmglc limpoitance. Thse vlet l t ihe erutofthebher, a"i bulla- lu tfroué hie beasida are raid vth basaIS- heu Intereat os the boulevards. làiFocS it , 180M 18«4 ou the Wow - ossl,0#" e 10 ms"o J. . UvIýa #aTevastock aOCOIMilo arelent et Kiesma C -,bois Seuult lu Osngoil o0>sbo, i s a oir bog diven averlasmi te K whiuera lber -wllb.ta maltviter end uarketed the. follig rpring. his Immense bard hbu sbeau dlnided Intu tireiva banitm, ehbou vblci ia drîrcu by elght men. sheiop are alloirai te aralse aloàg fia roaffle yeach day. The driver* are furnised wltb horses ani canmping outtil adi uethe. sbaapi- est ut niaht the. shepleeda sleep hi îtents. The banda are dri van about twalve miles aport sud bUt. Kuowlun expct te raach Kenai mi t thebea» 57 October. Bir r in5 dia shaep orerlmmi iamates ut chlpplngi hem by rail tdia cumimo enarchant wviisae aperhapa 000,asm the transportation charges troum Oregon to Kanas amouaetot $1 a bonsd. Immigratittaticsg. Stmtintlcs presiarcd i the Tramant- De- upartaient show diat 2n8U 8imalgi-anti cama over imst year, ami brought 83,M1. 241 mi thom, an average of abut $1 pei- hemi. The Gerai-uo.ere mure thi- 'ft> sud pommssa more mun a i the jou- mats fi-eu odier counties. They brungit orer vidi dieun about $88 a heud. Thera vere 22JM33immigraents trou tiit 'countrY, maidite totl m ouy broght m'ith dieum wm 0838.128. Bath Clais te lies Wdovs, d Tiro voman, aach clalmnu gte b. bis , iium, &-e strusaWaatfoithe.-astteami um nme of Daniel G. WaMiron, a veteran lu hiealrnrlaJoaliMay vhe va.tthe' vonen, Mury Parkbard Wmldrusî, Sas ebeeo recoguiai as.tha vidov b>itheaSu- dpartor Court Nov coras«autiiern=m who daims ta be tdi a Imul vite et Mr-. Waliron. Decrasin .pateomao. TSare ara 400 tever saloons in Chicago Bnv thtire verea aYser mgo, This mtacet la sevm b iahebouks et the cil> collector. For the lest perlidorthe car- vo rnt îmar, endig Ana. 80, for uhici lia «records ira pracetcmlly cumplets.» 0 . mla 1k-nses bava beao lainai. Fur Uic esrat Pen-oi at ear %MO00 lceumm ere Itakenoeut. Jeune te Be ilepi-ei.atedte Pairu. The Gorerouenlt ot JaPen bas dacia 1ta estabulmsi a legation la Penndoi bs, ai- mrami appointa Mr. loshl-Bumi Morata n mînitar raidallenta ainaime accradît- ei lu Meuico. Ths le tie ieat mission f rom Japan ta Penn. GoeusKlemitySu Clais. A private lutter girai navs of ithe catch et lie mBoatier Saute-s op te 399, SThe- best of Inchihai foiloved th e mau die tour schooners heuri troumi adkullai l Mutevha ski" ouf uhlch ara vurdi tron 001000 ta$401000. Fatal i1 uiluttfibane.eCotl.. WiII Amya, brother uf C. J. a. à e, of rChicago, Wvasuhot and instamtly huai Bnt Durango, Colo., bY Dr. W. H. Winters lIn a duel. Arey va. accusa by Dr. Win- tees of alieaatig bis vifée affections. Chi-mgu-Ceuie, ejunh-en tu prime, S3.tJiite 06.0; bots, sipplmng grades, $3.100 te $426; mieep, tair tu chuta. ,11 tuo84-N); viiat, No. 2 rat. SIete flc cora, NO. 4 27e te 29t; emas, Ne. Zà4lnc ta 18e; eje, No. 2 45e tute c; batter, thoi-e. cenrj, 14e te lacestea. trosh, 10e te 12£; -Wau putatoas, 0Me tg 75c par Inila oul-,Catte sblppig, 03.00 te $5.00; Jhot', chiea ght, 0300 te 04.2; aa.,p,, ommuab coies, 03.00te S&1.7 snbet, N-. Z 71é te 79c; coi-n. Nn. 2 white, 2Ze te 2cr;-omIs, Ne. 2 vita, 214 te MJ. S t Louis-Cattie,% 49l05.26O;boa, 03.00 lu 04m2; abouti, P.0 te $4.(X); vrillatNe. 2. Sme te ef; coi-l e.2 jailsu, 26e de 27e. cal%, No. 2 white. 17c ta-»» 1h, -lW &2,4eau a0". OCineb-6-atl-CetU» la, 0e.06.0; bog,-, 48M00te 0".0aba> IMM te ta $.0 erleetNe. 19 ne te SÀ&-cura, Xe. 2 ulliXed,2@e te Mc; osta, Me. 2 nlzed, 17e te 19e; vp-eNq, xl44cte ée. Detel-Ctti,#» 10te45.2: bogsa, M» 0teas04.0;ASep, 0«.»te 04.00; e-Sat Ne. 2. te 87ec; on, Ne. 2 g»ip l e Ucla, e. .2 wie As. 0e >. 45e tae., vle 0 TOisi-Wb«.t No. 2 rva, 87c teafic; son, lNe.2 mhe& M20eta 29e; est, No. S vi, 17c le 19c. i-je. NO. 2, 46e ta 47c; dcl oaad. 430 te$4.40. Xâlvekee-Wbeaî, Nu. 2 sprlog. kroc te @Be; r-M, NO-8, 27e te 29c;esta, No. 2 wite. Mie tu 28e; rye. No. 1. 4&c ta 47e; barîeî, N% ZMc3e tu421% perS. melon. *t1l~ AU BOt04 tovot. 17ie tlie , A*u 09mth Cle*aa(Bveland<l".c"os ou pouareL âme atownship 40Ai>U ronse leadu Ibsai.tbom vIiib. pataul&W b is desss.. .esus vmklaa or drivg aegtha lp b samot give a stis 4be iuh o u dso Tié i ,uIU nt tulpt te break as the eutap s« 1h ststkem saotil he salut bu tasden hiquestion, but asmue- .d =t la dt tue io%. top tho mmcbua mduupasming ou the. co- pgs mpoet.No ouneviii b.allowai on te, omam'mpeoperty uhe taillat. bave a pesasigneti by Muperloteneot De Allait. Thorearme, nov narlj 0MO mou la tb. camp et Pluei% Crack. Atter the mtimj at smuâdj Croek the camp at that Point vam abendoumi &Bd the men vont t. Plaie Crack. la mddition 200 momari-- md truie Belle Vernon. The, tmrie inerem lu tic number la camp »ha. couse à short- mga of provisions and the, men am hagry. It wsadecided tu have tih. vomiea mareS, as the Inliucetion did mt imcud thees. The, orer et tha sheglifte si-iest ait persooa, biiwarar, rearad a change la the proursui adtliai-avsanu marcS. Bberif I*wry mid ha would dispersa the woman es quichi>a th eoenmeshe lu- tarpretai theouvrtsorier ta menuet esjilanmt ouil dia men but ail whu me- tempted te interfère vilS the De Ai-uit minera in mny way by a show or forte. WEY»LKR tqiVS.8 T'Up. Mes-elems, O.mstab adr * Cief geoluse mts OMCs Tii. Ha"aaorraspoodeut of the New York Rerali mays Se bu iearned on vbat cemeate b. thebbet atbert iat Cap-_ tifteUnMMllyer ha. sent hie resIge- tion tea mri.« la genevllj belisved te Se tise. Thar. haudoubt tbat the reugaittnuor et e. Weîlert due te lia *as.samtlua7 et Semor Cane- vue del Castille, Uic premier of Spai tbrougb vheea persoual <Iita sCaptala Generai Weylen vms retaiseai la Cuba. utf(an. Weylen sreaisatoe hn a csupe for mtitactlon amng Cohen sjmpmthizars and raconetrados. vwho, in tha adveut et another chef of the loyal 13pala, troupei Cuba, sac ouly relief traim hhe "pollej ut Conciiaton" vhicb han rasî,lleila suoutanfring te lia pk- Cicos ut Cuba. limeent Spenish reverses lu Cubeanmd Complcations dahav âeamripen la the home govermment mIce lie mantlou oetie annCa nota iciCastille hava ou-. ioubbcdly brougit about the reslgnation 0f Ceptalu (toerai Weîier, comman- i-chiai of Cuba, wvie vs appointai te diat position Jan. 19. 18916, lto iaysa mter the Bpoclsnh cabinat bai recalied Captai (aneral Campos. 8enor Don Valortanu y Wejier Nieo- lau la, and for a loua lime ha been. une efthle moat coumplcuous figures lu Open- lat milltarj bîshor'. BHsl ie han beau onea ut aient illtary triomplahemuiSai mîbeuptai lie pacification of Cuba elaht. acm munths mgo. sisace mien failînehan iaen bis fate. 8tep b>' atep Weyier has limbai lia huder o ut bebgimulng ais a huilaicap- aln. reachlng tha position ut commander- in-cblet, ani meartug a ceit tial bears open il avet- ci-na.and avery badge of nilitat- honor kuovu lu Spain, Bnve the"o rasai-voitfor royaley. Wlthall lhiii, vici bas baen broumit aboutb b> a career hat has mat the fipproval ofutnabone hlmn lu a skhe bas, by reason of bis uschei, ami tiroungi à ncrclcam deuermînaeion tuât han brouabl mon a auunai-rranunta, heu cnlei **he hulcier." Hlemetnhois have bacu Spcnih, sud are Consistent vltb Spanîsi histut-. Wti n au runad mi iiipronhSi merciieaauss, Geus. Wa>'ier starlai te crmà hediaCuban rebellion.- Heaillit trocia lia maie attacks, hoe burmai and otiera-inedestrojoil Provisionualie triai te ularve amdinhiecses uecded. Ha plansedeflaignu villa hlavana and touS lie flei la person. Tirougi mnt et the mouthha lu uici the labtint bas continuai ticre bave heon victorias lu the dispatchas uni liera bave beau dc- fese ihe fili. DamhS bus bean ou ail saiaes-in tic olei gomi et battie, idieu ambusi, tisa bai-aiea builins, lb.ter-lutsta mvaup, thea iaesebradils camp ami a.e hosplla-jet the rahaîllon i-anls à lviug, activa, ageessina force, and af, tai- a jean ami a biti of flhllaa Captait (toma Weyler nov resigos, lesmn ihi umuccomplhai mtuaitfor anothe- tte lmkc Morris Epple, a 14-year'ud Daytou, 0., bor'fount n revolver In a box and, tr$p It un ituiolph FraiSai, agai S, Staei l lustati. Wallace Campbel uf New Vork, Suovu as "Wally de FPi-ronst" an acter. iisund- déieuintt ho, Panusyvaui Ralromi sta- tion at Chaster", Pa. AfreliPeur. mho urganmlithe. LiAene- Si-ana Society amd iebaibeenfuit>-evan yearlite leader, !F demi, igoil 73 >-cm Ha vas Iastrumentui lu irinig orer lie flret Germen Opera Company' tlat vliltad lhie countt- In 1861. Buvard P. WUe>' ei Chicago, assistaeq cashier uf the Unitd Statas Express- Company, adMci m Nttie Sbulteri,- duhleof Me. and Mr& JamesiH. $oul- tais, mci-. mmci cC taelant., 0« Bar-ry Blmylock. a m.ll-Seos jeea. bi a mrore ut paralsielsat Bmltn Ont,, mnd feultrucs hliam'lote thIe ri. Ha ;uni takeea te .oapital, viaerep>- eson mal hoiie lIhiel> de. A chili of Cpal asehbuiy eti saboserSapzla Port jet New Yt, o ent a= :.z2 1'poe; -l atock al bp vi ne ias i*epoelaeim.h ~ ~ VwIie~v mi Si" 1 -'-t- te Iipi-orlue an objed lesson ufthle ia »moi-cadmiproducllre industries urthli Tramms.Uiguisslprmloo. Ueft heacat et Congre. pprunib>' Preslduat Ciarand lauem, 1800, the Tros-blielopi and International Ex- position te giantei recogniton as a na- tional A"d iternational exposition, vili Privilcgssfor the adiècilsu et foruain es- bibi.ts ret of dut>', tia slgt te stili nsmoi-isbmodale lirouaf lie UmiCat slabes pislotes, baimIl eir pri-vieés ber- tutoie-SgmawtgCeinterne exabaiosi- tilas, phlinlg tbeVeltei S0a1ste par- tiaimste lua. axpootios 1w the eruethea, of uitabio buildiy the plaelaet Io*& va. ch, famt$talc ta maS, a pi- humaiuy apgruelma t ecoi-en lie cuit ut rePresautatioe t thaTrasm-Uaalsapp Exposition. Thia aet va. pesei et the lailahiva session uof890, and ile la cas- isuntirl> aîsed that tic Letilature dia tomlog Muuer vWini Iareau e cappropri- mtlon by net DMp eba 030,000. Th%0Lest "altom et Nebiaska bis pprprlnea 8110000 for bniUèms mieliiand . & loi- cela bu apgis-pilate #Jt0OW for a bond- lag and cxhlbltm. Mentauxa ppropivatod 015,0, ila Indiidumdcihiens have pleigda ikUe. mmount, maSia 810,000. Utab appi-opri-a 81,0SM. tiai Stais a"i territerles vi end larga Sfttle e- hibils ns a priate ent.iprifse, voimmop- un their legislatos-este volmberse tiens inera. It la preicteidial the miAnsex- hibisi fios thestatas of souli Dakota, Colorado. Mouas, Ida"bondosaihmivO b. thc gi-andest exposltion of lie producta et Auerleon nias evar mmdc. The titi of Omaa ai cootri-lhtei 03,00 throusbilskaPark couuluslua aid vi doubleisa cres,. Ibis sUmte a total e. $100,000b>' expediltures for beenut>n amilmps-evlagathe mposlClu. grenade and approacbes. lerete before the otieulma day ofteh.ex«position,.ville Dougls Comsl>. Jý Wh"i 0"b l inte out, viii lisce 8100,00 a poeitioni bouda. Thie reve. mue trom, eahhbllors pronhmea to a b.ver las. Te date more -io- ha&been a&net- tai ta eXhOMbterhas va. takesa etath Allamataexposiion o p ta lire. moulin prior tote o pulag o e at es. WIATI'ER IN AI.A . he ,-s ie mdîCresRe ioa. t UDer the. direction eofSsci-atari er AS- rlcutur. Wisocn, OblaMuoer théb vesliar bai-eau ba. maie publie easate- ment in îegami-i te . imate of Alasa. %a t" statrumetMr. Muoea rni: hi elimete oetthe loterlur, isclndiila i hal deslgnatios pcacticali, ail ut ltheeomt-7 except a airue- f riun of coasam margiv ani a.e terii-luiy ratai-ni lu as te- peate Ainseka, l une el cati-eue iger lu e-ter, vidi a brief but ralatei>'hbt sommer, eApeciali> vianthe ski hefrese trouCoui. In tiheJloiîke rion lu ulivintai- the mn otisstou9:w30te 10 s, M. muid se«& trou 2103Ilp. n.,;1b totlilenali ut dtvUlglt belma a*bnetuur leurs. B.- memberlcg tbat the aun rivsabut a fev degrees abuoie the borizon and hat ktlaus vSeU>' obecued i ou a grest many iays. *0 elaucter et the vlnter menahe m b. asaUl Imaginai. lu the itriof utAlaska ta. vioter set ln mi-il suneplmembui-, vians ov- siteum W eSe efltu Iii15e nuntais ani paemssas, ismava>'duma»m «f iose satO P mu Imposibean amli tuveler vi la oritaken by>' uict Sf luliaisedfoi-- tosmte If homempes *Mdikis lte. mev- alroi-s ut îeetrits oeety lacari ma moulu frm Bepteuibar te Ma>, oc"Md".. ,a bb haensuadmat about 3 a.m. and set about S9u p. la Jwua i li-ls.&bout 1M0 lislie ireieg ssii pel ts a bout 10:W., glvng about Itwft hune r tday. Mtt aiddiffuses IvIlabiat liaremaijaier ut the lima. Grouni vas heok« fotohle puegaatic mmii srvie. for NewvTorkS, whiei 'Ci pousmeffi a-ct repaires " opettie 5>Oct. 1. -The exoaratl" va. heguuteluParS Beu, at -thea point wmare the tubes mie to eculomtoea.geu- cmai posotce. Viah tube aîstem yUl pro. vide tvo mas baeon eNe oYrk ami Brooklyn auni qlgt oliea lasIntLe fer- mer ciiii. senator Maou uf Illinuoisla popular mteiu a b uane liccaus of bis efforts lnabiat o e a i-cogti.oretthe Caban arme' te belllartsUBotra" Palma, lthe od oftlbe Cubau ata laI"is onu ftay boa 6tnto ta &naboutaioum a eet@, te ha flsu te lb. e mteva Ulule deulti- tuile to .I tthe file kttia the prgcy et ti ~ o~ jmiy » a i 1stbgl.i *ouiee. I re lba bq. aerenth ma i aal aemti.s ati rajv et Wtoie ro utha ki .ffçt . 4 :Tb*, a 0 etaWia Il a et** the ome vI enkad thaï ntsw4 the Manm m. oi ehb It0 à bmb a th w n I Ah ebmb vastvu lt. £SeM th r M Il ad Cicoalad OàU0 ComPang refitsaito psy ti aW.~~ met. A bitter ilubt wl b.umi4 co*res by tihe U inela gin te. neyfor tbe îtrikem New York and Clevelci and mpmW », Indirldual contracta wmu ailu lt . n .$ ,, are biedlug and tiglit. O».ue etlb riso>. la that Iu caseatheb. u nqelA W0Uo toiuaturl>, ageluse the mriit 01 hoç Inayj. Illersacrifice ail vugfst « M in Ile hande oftheiironîpn, t. . " .-0# trice 'resitleut Deon orutth ii io Wq . an,, who miii Snake the light fia tbewcag. for tiie me%, considers grosir llaiieMW"m viii moite a test orthtii i.glt>ofttheuse.- tracts mliti die usen as cari> ane m liaý le "Y»78thoe empnny violalte tbe * Iwo antatices and 1t tiey bave tbei-sby dionoived ail hiuniabuigatloua ae tba* men. The auouat due the. Baudy CneSt minera is ibeir mages fer thIWO ivtue wccks iu JUIF>.1 The minersaore acting ila epeamtsSi aud orderis mamner and aitbofâch mererp mais meetings bave ben eu lidurlog tii, yack ne violence of auj klud bas beau threnteued. TO WED MRSLANTRY. Autit. Prince Who la te Moa rite b "Jersey lUI,."- rîimaEsterhazyDe Omimutha. vie. 18 ia.entouuced Sait bon fred Mrs. L-9"t to Sbe altAlelaa aueldcharneter lu Bs' rop. îlthoagb met veli iimoo lteA.... à«m. Hl. puenet, luamautrisand la very favorabi> 5mev. kt the. court ot bis 1 uss 1 1hut "-4. _e oima > mmt.Thee. et io l i-:m. fbar%, bond Ndami ut;waqBgst tuy :=MuSai $1et#Mt, *euiitbelt C e b. faljêis Cacrier, Sond eut; P. J. Cas. bail laet e' ictbond. V. a Vlawama, 5usd> bsdly eu; C" MME«,se bond eut; lm D.,- lImaS.eut aboutthe lui; J. OSlem, eut about th.ebad, 050,5fiairoMocts leud6 Jadue Geai o c Isle andi bai reedai-m blm daea iauving the lauctiou vblçk eataminsitho e elu 91 15 moi- êtui Woodmoet Asocric trout retnovins the books mni other bekloluof the baui odice troi uslutom, 111., tu BoaS Island. A specimi train vas itarled trout RocklIlandl ovar the Buringom moai fer Fulton, ci.rsjlaaabout 40mn. véli aiaie. Tbcjreaciai Fulton abutl o'cloek mani marchai cp to lhe Woodmam building lu mlitary sty-le. 'lTaeFulton paople albe accapprisci ufthe mura bY lelepboma andu-one rendy ta defeni the books and papers etthe bhai office. TSay vere atei by a large force front Clin tan emd Lyon»., hein neighbeins cities, lest aeroa« dia Mssissipp. 'Geaeras linh ttu.o. A semmi re aminua. as andiei and base laid te tapai the Invaders. Wham ha train cri-rie ha rack vu tom np on huti ides to prevant their msacs». A Rock Island min cut the boa. This vas tie sigal fur hostlîlies. Maur shts v ere fIreanmd cinha, rock. andcafmisles et ail kimls usai. Quit. a mumber ut Rock islandees are mure or lois bai-,ome very maverel>. They securei a fois bouks lie- fore ti. vwer. stoppe&, but vcre pemoei hi thair traio b>' armeaidories.ic, eil Atlurney Johnsom orthei.MoidemnWood- mua, ilugimeer Mitchell et lbe speclel taisand a nunhar of otISon are unier Auptiso, laiema e eaurs 3. Dl. Andrevs et Clieago, attorney for- the citj or PFulton, vent tu Sterinog en a MmmclSLtrah in ndseredeu n ljanrtion froudl..B. Mcpicran, moster lu chan- car>, vhi va.nacrompauli bj a i-e- @training order. It awa. serrail mmcdl- *tell andthde records utîll oovremaix u- fIII ICenu b.etriai lu the, court. liait Coea"rmai teud 3. Q R500% Doui., fettiseOOmer. lime gi-calfSet, pi-olougidfer sm loog, go remuva the beadqaart et tahe aModerna WooiumutorAmerlca trous Fuiton. li., ta otisar peints, ba. a van>' intismate brmr- Io na Omauha, inca tot ct>' la novltse Soeaof one J. C. iot, uho astabliehaid diat order amd sterlethedia ig gt bj maklng un effort te hava die records of the organisatilou reinorei tea(Omaha. it won lu iliO that the. Modern Wood- men ot Aincrica vus orgaulsai under the mus utr Ilinoi.l' ic charter azpressly sdtllultci thal the headiqmnrters ahuid b.e locatci lastdia@tais ofllinoi. As1 Fulton vas dia born e o t li.ehasaiccla that place as the. heatiquartere ofthe or- It vasi 1800, slaven laes Inter, that a.e W"cmoutaschange enteredi Boot's heai. Oumha wvmsuce cboomanmoie e ee liat place a. lia tature hume of bis cous- pal, vien lie aoiianly iscovarei tint the peuple of Flton pi-oposcil te baveaa vord to masoiet the umtter. Wben it«ot aelemptei ta ramoye thc records trous lia tevu b.ierani nterrupteJ by an lujuuc-1 fUni. The casaevws deterculue hi tanor oft Fulton. Ritolappeli eu ndthe Supreme1 Court confirmai the decimion. Thhis lht1 had provokai machblbttemoassinuthe or- ganiatnen d tiiera vare mony vbo vere romatisatdla pbaveitoût aet daheai uto the eidler, wmih wu@ e.sentaly an Illi- nois institution end viiclmlbe wva nx- loua ta reinova b soeaother Otite. Tien a parsouel flht wvastsarted ci.t itout taousct hlm aus overclgn commnal' 1.t or supreme heai uftChe Modsem WooimýUu. Tic moctter vent tbrougb aIl lthe Stm.r court.smaiditoor wsvini lmuly defeated.c lia et once veut te (lucha moi startec e rival orcer knov. n thle Wooiuen oft the Wortd. lit the pon eu e b ashi moine trouble sih tie Omaha contingen- oft dia order andisaone of the neuberit aeadiemaiformea a mcordcr, deiming tiat Iloot bail pcrpelnited hiuseit su son-c ara-iacommander uni vas dageucratiua à Il luto a nea-min affair.à The light lu kea» the beatiquiares &î Fulton ws smit reopouci util tmo Ycar. igo, vioc, iurng thii, lwiaukee comarem- tion, tie clityutfiRock Island, Ii., offerod to foisabthe order a permanent building ai Chat iplaceIrt aheaienquarces moi- brought thore, Il mas ucceptci and thce records ouidi-ad rcmovet]. Veoin a Pcv Licus. While ceosslng. tie river et St. IÂ,tiis Frank Colline ami Joieph Kelly wenc drowuci by the capiains of their .k;f. George E. Stuart, properti- clcrk lu the dapurtutcut ut chanCties ut New York City, la short lu is mccouts 06,000 au.idp mlms. He lemt on lhc races John Gordon, mliii. Lavis Nclsmon, the mcgi-o vho, mariai-ai William Alleu ce Brnswick, ML».. on JuIF 115 bY clubéing hlm witi a gpn barrai, sad i mn uscap- lui-ai lu Luousa, wu& honged bY Illich-v a Michael Devine f;amly uhot Alexander (ary et Coon, auOshainosa, la., olo ua. Devine'. vite wvasmisa sllghtiy vunsia. Devine chungel (owrt>' vtb breaking uP is homne, le uurtcnier< lt ta dia sherlif. ti Ail gambiing rasorli nt Juin. l.,< have bien elaaaed and ileeshal àlorgan maya tbey s@call ot lha opcnci durjus isT lari-. lie aise iroitoeastuestriciiy cnforee I the alam alcue mlav. 'sI If Jupon and Spain navr icclie launute tor- the uibusa uéoft hransiiucee aina the ramt ut ciietvi wvll iueassa Pet,-t] tormanca vbicb itiiboat '"Don Quixota" e uni -Thc Mikado" combiai. A ponltetawhlcb a hammock swua < brobu andtiell11saros the alormu of Las-ri lie Faits, lhe tl.yai-.old mon ot A. J. Puit. cl trou whleb hae disi lu a feu minutes. C As a remiît ut a conféenlce between tic mlniite- for lie colonies, Semur Cas- tlli, andi tic premier, Daer Canovc@ dli Costilla, tha sciame fer theecuitome s refuorma for Cuba bas beau modithi. ai countiry. lMr. lsngtry*s prmosective ban. boni so 5-4 acursaid, but it le a ii liaI b. dues nt look or ted lbis iga b>' tuesli jears. Hie- iimanriage lui pnovuk e MaMd of comment ln couti»aellJourusis, but it la bau> yprobable tual PrinmePaul e-tU csre litie -liitithejounaml@ surabute hlmi. Mon. Lscgiry's ireucn divrce gras lben fret,10tu ed. OHIO0 POPULIST TICKCET. meldle et tiche u dMac llOie.te Ces.y fer Geveras,'. Coernor ...............Jacob Coter Làeutenant (love-rur.. . orris Witcomb - Suprense J nige----------.D. C. Poiserol' Attorney Ceserai.......... C. A. Relier - Stage 'mesurer-----------.F. Mi. Marries The abas-e ticket mvisuouiustei b>' h" Ohio i'upulimssnt Colmsimbus lu onaeoftha. momu amcitiug cenvantians erer he isil tige Otage.Il e-a aturbulent asyan,ed tha efforts of lhe police mee n ceisag Io pnaserve a semibieore of order. Charges, a-ara maie that SenastonHsnauni Jos R. licLesu funnîsiai money toanid lb., cause o utit-fosmoa udauion..respec- tielai>nd ici-eral figists mee n ulgeti ion ths Iloon. Tic umiddle of the mat rcaent corriei lha dey. uni nominatab Ilseir ticket, hende b! .J-cob fi. Cuxal. Cbarges of corruption ocre opeuly mai" agains delegates, who. Il is aleged, i- reinsi mono>' fer niroii empestes. m06 s cemmlttcc vas appointai! ho lnvfttigate.- Mri. Cote>' adinaseacinlarge ratification. - meeting me the State House t itugbt. Anthasny Hope, thcnorohlit,ls eculenr oa Amatira go gina i sortes ut rendisses. Jams, enimone Couper's oi hon»eut Coopanstou. ,N. Y.,.la toa lama IneJte a Park. lira. Marlon Crawtoti. vite or the nsov- elise. bas dasrk eyra and guides hair, a raie- combluauiou. Seci-elat- ut Stage ani lira. Suai-m ma-hi celebrate-tiair golden veiding enul- verar>'nt-xt jar. J. Net Hosblo. Senater Hearmsoit nlîîumg p»I-mer, Iboaigist ho b.demiltefor fitten jeanes. b ean founsil iving in Meaxico. Friends of Gen. Lew Wallace are go- mie musncglng Iis icamspaigu for dec.t ion ho bbe UniaedStates Baae ta mmc- ceed Seutor Trpie. Senaar nPcttigrets, rie reccut> luit h volet tauaporuriiy wmile midressing a. : icunata. oiltakea alonîgi-est. Haeviii KaIli for luai n u n. 2. Mark Tws-in und lis idaugitan miii spend lie rinten lu Vîenna. lu otier liat the latter moîy recelve msical lustra&c tu, trous Prof. Leachctizky. Mlr&. Aicianien Canpell, %idiir oft 1h. büuier ofthe Cempuellile sect. vieS aur nonîbens osaec1,000,00 comueni- coadnts.t ce>- atl etia>-, W.l'a. The rssemoble Horatlo F. Cbief -Justice ofthIle Suprema Court et Misissippi. is n menuet ot tie Buard er Eupernisons otf Warren Conty, Miss. . Tiare le n 15-ycar-old rîdow nCe ovung- to, Ky. T'hiegirl o-s nisrriei a jean go ta a hii-year-ali boy. ail thc parants consentlng. lier hustunni dioel7 nfeu Unlucil Staes Senneon George Friobet bar ut Mausachustta onuit SeoiterJu- lo C. Barrow& aot iehîgau arte ti.' lut mudrna Oraclela 'Wasigtwi as

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