CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Aug 1897, p. 3

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me UV .carccO et Ciy ife-0uags et thei roagae la filasceairneslowrs boy lote bepefl 4adot.ami sheptl-1 Mc*galmto ung e mn lte vn and ne ho est le Provcrbe vil., 2 lat. te isugitel," le potila lutic vesce er manuar -btcie,tl uete te the odtl deti aicaiThc ex tiinks ho la -~tu a riei peture Sie aieaovr &ilWdIw . o c ili retel d leulilane,, but attce Avilis uat fi. be@ clou. la MMe.bloc 'li, sud moes end ditia"le n bnthraeiboresmsudlSte a dee- fem&ua"d vit veil- *robe te es fallus il.,sud -cte h - lI.pp"eifd. Be Maur a huibete direst on hi t-mpt w vit th lui ldeiloirs-am iiorment, bt afier aville in- - iii lane busnandsw tartil* dim l " lus, land ulie adcliu et makilngan excarglon late al ho lias benudrive. "se su ex ta *0 aste *Pte blumeee m ua fr (68Wu Aerered k vive ongit te biame ýjbeUO»c« bat desrfne tai.Bocety àraietmin> Young Men i ut keeop ni ppeal- ~sorne.Wlatever lie yoursolar, FOIS ume remrnasuveilaau tiens, îY« ment ie Iand brandy leIo ia y Ftrienlc, 700 usi uke as astdean, je muei $hovcas «ep el. tetamala ail 10 -MMuai lIe las.e fasimale a bomdue tbs. If jeu heven't tMer .ybOrmov lty«eu asf orrov, maie a fail..cti-y en eshirBet hm &Bsd tic-e a bill frei a bon- du5 et hbn ihei. Yen cuvil h ave te Mie, te deceptien a litti. vhlle. li a fe, Mnte orlu a yccr or tva jeu, au "hoien aistei. Nobed> in b.iehurt by %il eadoW ü ie b e iviser. TOU leur- ý«vil nefbe lamage." B> tiat awtnl ,»cutirn i00.000 Mois bave beon slaugli- L tllinfor tiontan ogiteted for ton- Stpa eye« bonraa. Tinte la nef ing hru &iel bout herrovlme moueir. There in LieÏÏaii*bac mt sotacme e.bon- mevulmoci. Vont etat. have heen ffltE ou a orowed dollar. But thoreaire tvok o o ethirvelmoue>, mouer ber- soi dfor thc prpoeiof sutrele etkeep- log 19 peigtmàtce terpdnia sxpense su souey lattewed te get tbut wvilc 'jo. eau deovibout. Tii Ontma rigit, the eterla uncet. ut Io* lave MOneyc-agit *t rieur evu te bu> i cen olt aevenplain ai" lien yon boni-evmi. ne fer s dand'@ *eilt, Ion have tae..hfli mt revoilenOR ,« -ci e eel <damgrade. Borney for lm .. meete.; dat May h. Weil Borrov lieor tbe inurie.; liai tip yomprospecta «ver la te wroug drection. 'holieBbie distînctl cassticerorroeri laosrant oethfeleuder. lit lua badleat, «Wtbfhngs vi eou bave te go davu SOet * Ober treci taesecape meeting sanme one lomyjove. li jeni mc kuev vhs la Ibisdecpotlamof hoeinlutadeif. mers et tien vould keep eut t Il. Wbt <11< domt doteor Lord Bacon. villi a mmd te-- evlng shorethde cetures? Il luducet bihm ta tolke bribes and conrlet himmoît au & crimisel hetare ail ages. What id deci de fer Water eott, broken heard nt -(Abbietfsord? Kep hlm writlng outil i -bad gave ont lu parlsete krep tuht q"dg Itavaifrtrmbi. piurpa and stat n Myan. Better fer hlm Atfhobhldmluded the -mr alIth lb.d rilseled ea,, th *replace t Abboeaond, 'Wastc uot,Wvani Gaios laDéit. Th ictrouble in. m e rena, fiat people -odeto undrtenuthlb etiies of going la ~ t, ti dthatfoi enpuriase gonds vit Une expectation er paying for tire>, or g -lute doist. vhich you caunot cet, yoi i" ctajustsgemrlà enh era. Ilf1go ieo fnana.d urs i viiDnecapaclty ue uha -tom them. and no intention et pariait foi -lieu.1Inue more diaboncet thon if i g lotote ctere, sud vira the groeen.fn la fumued tic other vsy i1lMI My poreti vwiith e articles etfe>rehaudi.e anticri 17 offaiux. lu the one casel1 take ti ~ icauts time, anti 1 take he tume o )is meamnget te transter the geedtat nij bonne, uhile Iu the other casae I tue now at the thne et the merchant and 1i va mien Myseit. anti I transiter the gctxd iVitieut sny troublie telim. In ouie o veds, a encak tif itlant se bati us mn a ha tracte debt he urver exhuect Yet lua il our citiez thcme arr fanîil.i w vi meve eveni Mlay day te gce ic -ngmuliti te other grecera anti mis chopuaundi aiitecaniea. Tbey ove evrn boA> vlthiiii uf a nilie et vbere tht <i ov live, anti leu t sy tbry nl mer ltsf a distant part et the cty, icding bonnet taoly le the nev boume, are btl teueld dy hi day iy fie Lnockuug naIlil tolor et dsasppolted bakereanud butceo amA dry gouda dealers anti urwspaper cai ier, anti joliareakei n brrr jour pro a-essor l. Yen de nt kuow. Ile vus Srangcd yen shenîti net kuov. iMenyhil yeup mec r ua@ aune te nome <itai ser fethbe lfy, and ibm people wh li a-oiytilng te Brul have sent their wugot j. nI stopimei tiere te sollieibe "valqi bi leM utue ot the nov nclghbor, sud lh th. ev ucDiglibor, iii griet compi -erney and an air et affluence, order, tl f- aet ce.ks and tiheiglct prlceti uas "id- te tosf etthe cînned truite ai erlmpe -ail h. newvspaercn. And it debta will keep on accumulinlu untii1 2 g ils gonds On the liti> etnext Ap lia thrn fuaiture cart. ne vende, tiat no muuy et oume -«MatsafaIl lu buminess. Tbcy are avi ,4WA lote baukrcptcy b> tiese vanderh 1-sb Anltheme nomadsetf dfy lite. Th, bla thîe grecer out et tie greenu uppl *lbmie then sîck fie physiclun wl aidsthi d:ring tbelr ir tres and f vir nt toufie euelthbobeed vhcre fu Èevoeveryioli vicu fbey puy the du :et nature, the aoir debt tdci ever de po Conmerc-oi lthie. --Nov, aur Young men are comin op "tJ-deravd tat@ofetcommercial ecIi 7U.vuaalier u11sq sur o sud MilsA to>hi ie volA te nme, 0"i Ivltest a alle tSIcamcae propi- ock n t et tice M. Ail fila maies me coleteus lat regard te young mien, and 1 vsnt ta Malle thon ne,-vu la regard te the contcion. etorunpsyabic dibta. 1 gitre yeu a parsîrapli trou. My eva expo- My Brsi setulement es pactor vas lu a village. My salary vieu$ $M ad apat- cagu. Ticm amonat scemed .norclous te me. I «Id te myscif, "Wimt, ail thia for one lest?' 1 was atrail et gettinug vend- Il unden ce muci iuoecnty.1 resoivird te Invite ail dhe congregaion te my icca. la greuetfvtwî eccl. W. L4-1 gE», sud esn.e oiee cbruf ceui-- gaiea lu ail the voiA, sud vouftl;nofi- mu e Mten gond tom thon. ve pilai l tic iMmu on the table. 1 neyer couplaeo the undtesaiu. Affie end aetsMx mentha 1 vas la fiandeai dempair. 1 tannd timt vo net ani> hadl net the surplus et luz- un..s, but ve had a atruggle ta grt the neceelities. and 1 icarncA viat overi jeunmin Iran,.. in lieste mv. hiielt or tee lote, Ibat jeu muet ameleaure the M»ia. m mnu body bre oteju beglu te eut theeclet for is ceet. Wien a Yonng maut vIWifnl and et Mie. havîngtheemautrf et lite, Sge latonthe n.ntractionofet upaymble doifa, h. knovs amtlut. viat beoce.Fer fie mibe et lour eva lappinece. for the mie et jour gend moulis, ton the male et leur immortel cui, for lods entre, Yong min, as tan as poolble hep neut iI isrmluIeUs yemueMon. Bnt I ilahiUmYoaungemmartmc leugb- tara tirueulhiri-clglon. Taiee mvay a Young mma's religion and leu male hlm the puyi et evil. W. ail knov diat the Biblels the ouiF perfect systein et morale. New, if yen vent te <etrai fie Young MaaI@ M"raptaire hie.Bible mvi>. Hov eIiynit tut? Weil. Yen viii ca-e taxe ia reverencu tonrfthe Sciptumes, jeu Win ltk.&Il doce Incidenta et the Bible viel eau lie made mirti ot-Joeabsn vbale. Samsou'a ftes, Adam'a mib. Then jeu i caricature eccentric Chnistians on iucoaslateni Chrnti.nm. Thon yen viii pas off asjour ovu ail tfoie bîcinejed argumnicts ugainst Cliatlanitj vhich ara es oid seTom Faine, as olA ne Voltaire, as old as sin. Nov len bave capfured hi. Bible. and leu have takteai. mstrougeoil tortneas. Tic vay klecoeaparativlv cijcar, anda id e gates et hi. coul are set epes la lavifaLtite t thc slns ofet ofand tii a mnovs o et atsit the> may came la suad drIve the sabcfoton dol, ccami aMent. e A steumer 1,500 miles trou sbore. Witt braken ruldeendulencompase sud hui Icakine Ofilgallons fieheur, in hotte> aoff han a Young men vben jeu bave tub Ilied hlm et lie Bible. Have joleeenôn ýticeti boy d«eacblî meau it in te ltk bawuy tic vorld's Bible vîtiont proponi 1,a aubstîtufe? It te meaner thon te coi >te a mick man and aient hie. medicine a taoer than te culte te a cripple anti stea Ir hie crutch, meuner titan te conte t. a pen pier sud #tsta his cruet, mesner thanfi eme te a peur nisanIluh.he leva, Il in the vorat et su lamentles t e teal tic Bible vhlch bus bora crufcb an. teMedicine-sud tod sud eternul home te sb e>Mary. What a genereus and magnani lemeus hominem. infidelity bas gue nlto- sithi.s pllttiug op cf llfeboats anti takin, reâa>oftire escape. amcdtextlnguishiug e I iIghthousez! 1 ceme eut and I1saY t rsncbi people, iiVhat are you deing ail ti for?' "Oh." thel saY. "Just for tua. il insauci tun tii sec Chniatiaus try te bel li ou te ibeir Bible.! Meny et thein bar aot lornt unesl. and have been tli d t ,athere la a resurrection, and ti lai suci te 4 tteuIl thonrathere viliiebrne renurrectior n-lauy oetttli have Is-lieveti thut Chmui crame te carry the burdena andti te al fi ri vosinds et the vorid. and Iut l. mucli tan t nttellibani they viii have te hoe their 0w savlor! Tblak et the mene.f ding le ever icard et, then go devu 1,000 t underue.tliit. sud leu viii OuI yeunse deut the top et a gaitra 100 miles long; a 1.te the bottoni et the stair.mnd jeu vIl thicti i latider 1,000 miles loug; dheu go 1 90 the tout et the ludder snd. leok off a pr 'l eiî,lce bâaiau farneBsfront icre fe China 'a anti yeu viii Boudthe liestiquertera eofti S mennesa thuf veule roi flila vend et i DY oidi ceintet in lite. ita ouly pouce i 'orleali aud its only hope for lmumrtit. ReShaoghter a Young mas' failli in Go ce andî ticre ia Det mucli mere lef t tu siangi 4g ter. k- Physicel ma" Moral Wrrchm e Nov urbat bas bedoineethtic lacghtr if el? Wel, tome et tice> are in theIn fut Y r-s or mythter.hbouse, broien devc e healti, vaiting tea<die; othersaremienlu] it bemuîitau. otiers un-e lu the ee>eltery, t ,%milli-er, tbeir bodie. are, ttor ibeir sot ve tinte goeeon tuî rtributiiîn. Net mn, l a rostieit for a yotiig nittu -be sturt- eslite îvitb gotilLhealth antd gocul edueuti, liaitl a ('bntian exampir set hie>. and c les inrttunity et usetuinesi. vie gaiheneul i it bis treanuea anti put tbee> iu eue box ai pt tii-n droppei lif lo thle aa. "Y-Nov, hitvin tuis uhOeeeslanght ie te iit,-stoppeti? There la not a permon v ce isnet interested inl thut question. T n aObjuet oet uny sermon in te pet n venp tehe ineicb e t or bonds for your o e-nt b- fente. Walt netfofr Young Men, Cir te tian Assocations te proteef yen rs chirtche. te proteci yon. Appealluîg r- (led fuir hbp, take rare et joutrmcit. d- Flré, bave n roue> momeviere fiat y r- can Cali jour ove. Wbctier it bc t le boita. or a runti tic feurd siony u et cbrap lodging I enet. Oui> bave ti me one rue>t jeer tort.. Lettîîet the d ne siputer or uelean tep ever die tiremi, na- jIf tb.y cuire up the long ilighi ut *tu le, Iand knock et fie dour, meeci dem face pia- tace andi kindly jetlBrilyrefuse th he uaimittanice. Have a tew tamily pertra Mu ou tir Watt, If yen brocght tbcm lf ihj nd trou> country homle. Have aB i he ou thc stand. If yen rau affamA if s h e eau play one. have anc Instrument et & nrii sic-iarp or Bute or cornet or eîledeai violin or piano. Every e>ornlag bel mr- >00 lente thît rfome pray. Ever> ni; lun- atter jeu cone boue ln that ron> pr rigMake that moont yecr Gibraltar, jour ngy vutopol, jour Mout BMeu. Le-t ne 1 On r wpaper Conte 'ie fiat ne -ho maujmore than yon vechti show a ce' tbe te cou ou jour tuile. m r- Take cerretoryourselt. Nohedlr g vh. iii toile care ot le. our belpli t uiht coue up tve or tiree or tour tlgita pal status; jeur lirlp viii ree>. tirongi root, deive train hesveu, ftont fiait4 ilunWol cmtneoam pasgf hen are c bout- Op a hissait, - ità but a roe Ourte woek vIel. lJmwAi- salgbt an ld ieip thos diep vimg. uaAcr. Ai. vi.. I tomA yen te taie cote of youreitfouenmeunierotaed me if j'on tieugit 1 muant jeu are te dcpend upon huma.n resiton, wvidch ma> lie sivil lnat* cuaa t ft* vi»eum-Or sur>lb. biovu> eut mi tIbirt gest et tempis- tilen.Bemsinla@ fisenmttde averd et the Lord Qed Almhebi. Clotie yeurmlf lu dhat psnopii, andis00 mlii Ot liept te confusion. sin pays wv ii etier in fils vend ueor thc mcx, but ugit thiln andAri-utbellevlnt Rad riahit aedtrai toies yeu la mity t isre gisfalt. and Ln trancport timeail the nit. I ineyer sha ferget a proyer 1 heur! a roeuneMammaie mmnuteienteuaag". hi wm» a very art pgo«, but if vua tremndema prayeri «0 lotrd, belliuui W. anditifacever> eauy te devw-emeail se bard te de riiitl o,, sp us' liat prayer, 1I vfiti en,"bacctic surtet (led and reeched ilie ut. And tinte are l0 S m vho iave tfandi u-Zw00 y**"g mesperlaisWviehave ftontou -Muat ver>ding. If la ce ver> esu> te de tornmesd&sece rdtotede rit, O tnielemYo ung min, O predigal Young meis, 0 bruit« icarted jeung ma, di.courLagd joungai mu, vunde Young man. I ciumuend ta jeu Chitit il. day, ttien bot rlend a amen ever hai Word ilanuauce.. Many storlec are told ofthCe eccentie PF:rso Adenms, -ailator ln Lumnburg, Msachusetts, for ever tony-Avie >yers. lie wuia mut wvie e haiSirter von respect train ljneta s amOUa Lftmbi. brother clergymen,ud viacu lulicosce va. videly flt. At on tme hie wct te proaci lu a tevu sme mlles listant tram Lunes- iuirg, and tepped ta epu.the titai u a fnlend's bonne. Ih va. a cold wintol nîght, an"the clergyman va. bti tîreti and ugi->. If via proposed l t h ave pli jers ai once and tien supper ratter wvilci fhe mînister could go dl- recti> te bis lied, and gt a long lgbt'i meL ot.T islie sgtccd. and tic tam- -ily vers callcd togetier. Tic supper va. ta conalt mainly ef st uiiflan cahes, wvilc vers mt te bah. 1on pstici. la front Of tic ar. The jparmsous matva Opposite th ie hh edoor. Ik The service began, but le s moment -Pan-mon Adams sav fiat '»on.het cakes bild fille. dovu and vasbhuma mein. lHe psused sudd ooked tovird hie khSteca, Wviemetd unoonscieca o1 'r any culiary crIels. -Mms..Blink. i.e b.ld. graevoly, "v e are told oteac.BnevBlas tu pra il 1coupet belli neeiug thât ontcoethoce ýexcellent cem saburnlug. 1 vI. bthani jen u tattend tu IV, il The coie vas recced and P.rmoi s- Adanm reumd bils Selpture readil v0lwtb an oaa> mid. 0 Te eacl vrk. ýd Tic reul vomi betre tic Ciltlai e church te-day la Ce show tuat, vi -the gospel et love bai dicplaced tir -gopel of teer, le ha. donc ce la tfi r lutereetf etilgien Chrietlen living. li )ftbe paf the gospel o e rn retraiuli me andI soiev wat the @ume til preduiced men wiage livra vere fillec Id wtb evercuce and hope and benes re Tir gopel of love. If rgitly proluit ai ru, muni lead te a protounder revei in er, te tuler and parer hope.sud t 0!grenier bolliraas. Otherwise It ver etbetter te reluirate the ou gospel o fouenr. The frecdeu of tuis nev gosp no lu net a tiraving off et tho netraint n" et lite, but a pettille et Impulses t t rigit lu their place; itlai.the. reedo- ir f ethCe on. of Qed. Tic calilante eu freedom n lu ilci vu con bonor Go 111 beet b> srvinttmmon et. te r-A lseeCecreat. ,' lit I. a blesned secret, tiis et lvin lie by tic dey. AM oeM cucrry i. bu iti drn, bevever hisvy, atilitta in Anj ose econ do bisi 'cett, bave Sbard, fer on day. Auj ene eau 111 @w o vetly, patiently, levîngi> snd pure until the ua goeesdovo. And fils ai tiat lite ever reulîl>mnsmteu& -r-t oa ne little dey. "Do to.daY's dut b- lit fo-doy's teuptatioe, sud de nm lu veehen ant i dstract yout.eit by 10el le log torward te thînga jeu canuet ae r, undl couMiu lt underatand If y-eu OR ý1tbee." (lot glves us nighta te îlm ed dave the curtain et dtrk»ef On c1 ýO lttle diys. Wo connet isee icel1 Or, Short horizons make lite casier, ai ail give cn anc of thibecu1ilsecrets id brave, truie, bol> living. er la the fleur ot Temptation. liii To eUze tiaf He.wvi a lucur ci 'lr ator. our dal guide and trailer, 0 on1 fendercat trîrnul, knowa ail thiugs ai -l- menuns l use thai knovîrdge for c ris goo i tfull ofceimtant. It U ia belpi to the boum of temptatioil. Wr amrec mi, viei ilkely ta jimuti, by the roc, Fou lecition fIat tic Divine ryr la upea h, andl that ail tic confflurutes et ,fa sin are oreseeilbyim. Itilaalit at lu tbe tiay et trouble. It la onsoi lis lu soute degree, tu ho acre that G 3d. ineva vi> vo have heen asUicted s bie oy gond cmn ho made tu recuit In !te triOur bittereat trais. Wiatever' mu.s les dloser te, our Heavenly Fatîter la -on preacit permanent and ttitam [hi bouei sud our eonilomeu cOtiat Rd la ai-kinle ai r0 aasii-iovi au- icipi tu blud us fiat te Hlm. a or __________ tor God.ckiz Palo îht Mont girla are plesned toie ho ho ay. bautlf.j, nom la k dimleloSme t S-Young ma te aud ho la spoita of bal baudsmne. But If ve rscu l iiitf fire liai are ansit 1a a eus,. w. s cruiuy ad hat ilfltemmetirUes lse cOuiPlOiOor eveuinciofet eature I not vo eadultebut a nervi malle, a Idat eto expression, a 'frani. hoacet IoM reaihi the cueracter ' e icPerno $tlt pt m» oueobl lt. a ebeit a es %uaii ,Immct va u mikbir*li -4l ni0sdait NOIS NMW& §rive Ofle whcca heet te Dc istoaoml dte l»ile te Ferd the $tete-Chicago Trolley Carsn Horc Kilied *MAd liejdci ny. Illinois vhest Crois Vals Shrt. The vhc'st cropt et Illinois this Yes yl faishort etftrntiing tir people oethde state 5.0<10,0)00 bushtels. Tbis la tic offi- ciel delanation la the bulletin insuei by the Sttte Bourd ot Agriculture. 'ris estimate des nelt achedte the demanuda forer el. lit other Werd*,Ilîlinois viii con- sume il the vbrat produed l'y ita tars»- cen this year and viii ir cnipslidte drav On aurrouuilanglSas". fer a deli- clcncy of ever 5,1.111,000 huieie. Tic offiiaI bulletin a.1ev. an intreuse le area la cornot 2 per cent roc, the ine of18M>6 glring n total ret7,1>82,000 acres, lu nortierreIllnitihti res in 3,112,410 arme.,lu central Illinos 2,83.000) acres., andinluthe fsouthera divison of tic Stute >,029.00<> acres.. Ovlng te the unfavon- 1able asring corn n-as out phîtted el ntil front tvo te four veeku latîer thonîmcaa. s 0enht iflelanot naite oquieiti.s>average 9condition for thia date, but dunlng J.Icy the veather vwn# very favorable ton il& grovth anti il hmbasdei p marie.Cunle.. ieJuncii by enrly fros tir 1897 crn crop et Illinoîis promises te ie a "record break- cer. A tev c"nlities la the fitste report chiai- buigs le the cern.unuually in ieoldi adjoîning vbgut, eutt on ryr. but noe mvi- e us@tdamage bansecren doue by thi% peut I prevleun te Anx. 1. le 'utnam-Connty e i gm bave donc someinjun>- tu corn,. lianecu-k County ruports some ern seuld- cs, white the croithba bee u-it ciryat lu- -jureil ly toni in leJohnson,lPopîe and Whie cî-iitl-M. ('orn, u-ils naite badly lun îîiP-ulaluiiand Jtsîdîlph roun- tirs. Ofte ai ru aredeul to, ninter vbent logit fou. 1.Sh7.iilt) acres. ivî-n one-bif- 0 Sr) pen- ic-w val,-tru-l and picard r, i, lt-inonht s5X.tN i) acres forn banvet. I- The -va cic- i i-ll la-n ai-rt. untthe- mini- *hunvtitcîltsai, -îe--i tîth-lgivii.g a -croi t f lb,i)i.<MS Iuhtelso of Appelilw Ptalities of the Trolley. The ('ltio-go hr onlce iim: When yl the la'uttirht(o f the inetî,unts rene? %%'lburwnill ti- claumg or the- trolley car gong ceâe u ring oct the drati kueil of kt noue tuddler. tout yonng te bc atone je the stricts i -i-u if tise nittly nîîîving cari 10vene absent tbeefrce>? IV at tereau- -- ieons cailieudohtntiby rompanies tanti li city authoitien to lesaff t a rat the diuc- tf gens n-blcb bover over every honte ini the mnnieipuiity? WIVis ateblanke fur tbrm - et Thewr are que.tions viih are beiig ask- it in ey a dankend hote lu Chicago. *e Tirne bing aiknti by nîthers vbolt tear-dimumed tryes mourut tir a lent one cruilieultu osudden aies terrible diati nut der te ibe r,-.îniisa nbcelu ot the trolley ncar. 'rbey ure aiekd b>uothens uand 9 tallhers doicîred te utcb hi- dtvelospme et a a h l bie r me (f elh. imba troicî dheimontc-eîag-». 'he> cao secdaily dent-ts îof the feurfuil perilu iin hy thei ni uittle ocîw, lu the mutilationiî of ,ue or 10 more ot the victimea. s1bey kauw bitti-i eO thon uny ithi-rs vhet iflmlu Ioauîffer .0 thrutnch the agoie*eaantd probable dîatl In et thein- îhilîireum. Tbesequestionsarun ýd pc.aling the autbîiitien andl compaiui 36 sla. Boyotaiiied girls los, ivua rnaue Ad shcrn Oftheiir inîba under elre-umniu nhlcb aptîal., but cuider wii- the train.î mu-en e phieretlr. Since Mlay 1. 1K)-4 up te Jant. 1 et this ycîtn tony-une pla-a r-have muet death umder the vîtclsutfeuie te trol-y care. Foîur hiund u tndl fîmty Te t. o lu-muni have- fllîîmvictintu toii -- of dents frttithe earSilY tex cil boys andlgirls arc' îiu-,l tu tnge rut-he. tate sîîîîîly the- Iplou. oti hgasotieoff u>tdc te the n bu-i-l. lOttht-eacctidtents thc ret ,ils ordo-Iisilosethâ u rlis Mtitier ceut liai) pt-ced ti,-ilîlrte. The agi-s îof the ltti a vctinia rseged front letsshth 2 to It yi-varx.. tluy ver u îe te the fart fibe tht- vitna nere engageul le struling ride tic the tar. or imue tbîr vebiele Mont ot the tdeatths hich reteuleddin nt stutttly lucre et chiltrînurbo vere rne r-<oven-hile paying le the treets or uhil, Il ttcntî,tin to i-ns the car trucks vbel cfr the c-ans ene runtiug ut fu aperd. Soint r.e n-renlie te he aîîîî-î night catisritb: -1> the-t- eî,tcuiig uîî te childreïn te r- jeont otridanger. Fenwe tre directiy trac- Wl- e t ielcist- on the part cf thi ride >1 tic a In- the i flc i liet uiîtal iml t setlekm reuion fi Sa inioîuco('uity ttu hîlî l itu Bail tuic aiih. I"uilj 10.0.10 înlc re prisent. TIhe fC'ark ('iuumty Ti-uher.' ltîatitut tdjuuned utihMarshall. îftt-r ti-inuses îliiî st-verai n-ruko. 'île îttriîîlattcc. n lan-ge- Snprriîtendmtlcut urdte re-port the- udvtîînieeet:i-nciuniîglng ateîg at eiliii-iitioiîIliUnes. I itu-ileeeled tut i-cia trutnufrrtm t hi- îînîî-rt y iuî 11-ria îof tîl etn-ti c;it-s. ruipoan d thltii-l'ruuria (lmîî sut-ar Cunliaul te ilh-.lGluîosue Sueur li fiit Ciuitlaicy ,ît Niw .e y. "uie vu sidet-n tif uthtifocnnrci. 8 , 111U5)mi et tite lutiter 0100u Theie t-ica-Dwirntý-iutcco 4'aînuîuati et liteuct and gsiîliiig iitu,,i, nmîîtie frot Quir t'iu. uiiu Jîo.1 It iu nittitti'd thuit Ille -ciilluly w I io cully l.iggrtt & iii-yi-c' oId bîctucvtiiuild ing ausotu as vaî-uii-u. %Ir. and iti rs. Charnles Kf.Siîuît u4f("lu tun i-e-bnmuterul theic sixty-toth n i-aul anttiveruarY Sutîurday. Mn-. Stouît ins yeitmu ilîl and lis n itei- k M-. T'i 'lav tu-i tt-oue grnndt-lildceit mad tnt gr-it-grcuimdchiliIrt i -vitg. Tlhe toufmI Loti- ci-ide l it CantonîLivtent- fîuin ytin NV. A. Shrnaaîti. xgritil ut-u'itnry tmu trùa-eît-ntif t rtir eolîucîîîlof liiirn 'l'niiitî-u, n-as arn-ntutsd ot li-ui t th iiumig4ititîit ftie rnd tit t ns-u- i eîl mth ibIe tof zctt't t 18 1 lu clmituied ly IlMr. Sh.-thiitî's tinit-ti 1icuiui--iltiois lu iitîiblY i.,,tu-mtuini.] titth ic îattn etiigit etuiiluthave bet adîteil vitblii lIe oi.ngtitioe. S.%. M-Cc1,itmul. ouîîof the eiîrl se tlîms uof Logaunt'euty, dued ut Mtit puitoski. ut the uîdvtuiced tige- uit77 jeu and 5 3meuitim. Jmimus ituime.a frouier living uvi-t1 Elgin ' ilcui 'huniiiuîunimg. On Tue dlty hi, andti bs vile caebttaeil tlîein teu rtlî uediitlig ounvenaryanti î-nternul a larce pairty it gîet. As M. lFitch ar(iso te re,îiitiii i lthe pneuc.iition t<i duunnraervice lie -vius striîkîn vithhbu diseusandîîiever nivet. lie n-as li lin Scetiaunî l,- 5, îîur onrîuith chaîrge et tir îstîtte tuf Sir Geo-rge Ki hock. Misp Floisle Eclîl o ntkkce>er mîtt Pekin coupter abolis. tvus nuit ver by Santa F'e fruigit traie. Onec fouît w et off and site sutait cilinternui junie. thiri yull probabr.- pruve filtal. Gev. Tanner lias uppolîted tir falu lug tiehegates to rehremeut Iliisa t t bnationali prison congre.., te be heiti 1Austin, Trxas, Oct . 10 tea'20: George1 Torracce, Pontiac; 3. M. Tanner. N nard., John K. Pierce, Kevaure; Tho 1 a W.*lScott, Fatirld; Frank Glul Cicage; Valent lue Jobbt, Feoria; Iý Ckanls IL Heuersn, Unlverslty et C esu E. Gruiem Taylor, CieaLgo'TI ehgicmlU i7. î,ami 4uin ML. Be ýü- W-»VI atIS»Igi > fie& oi i Te uaW LS 3~jt au ~ centrai lituolu Mrs. Mariha 0. Sbhcwaod, motiier eof Judg@ David B. SbeqwOOd. <ied at Elelu, SERIOUS SUWIECVT MOU SUL.LY . aged 98.S. he wonsoeo e e arlirat Yftl- ooNstOEEO. buth dent ef the sectien. or plu" vmiomt ,rPanàk A. MUloI. a. igu ,Painter ofet.-- 4MULt4M 0q i Beardatewn. was rond on the baik et A Uehota,¶ÏÏEKO01iiin et the, LmssU est men. Ha-la the latet etIBW the Ilinois river nt that plare, lit a fit -Tbemehtn wortw et Oli s ook- 1Bon1anza Kbzgclam eo 1011 - .. .. .. ef depondency he toek arseni. lt..-Ma. am eî.yet obe Oalltorulaa gem yc. pcgoftw- Marcus B. Merriman of St. Joseph, ipen-ieWUSei eoreges* tb on1ý paymnter of ail Uic Burlingtounhes in WU Sfi leot e sgreld utc U. o M i s s u r , d i d t B le u i g H o p it a l, Q u i .- hl , t c o n d i t i n s l a t b r cy, of lIrîglt'a dsease, aged 48. Lossos fer A nue t 22, a nc, et coure, vctr t mifost 0 11 The large grain elevatur at Maquon. Golden Tezt-"And now abideth taith. la CaVOi r !N«M4o.crma, eh owned by E. F. Wing of Eimweod, and hope, charit7. diurne tire.; but the greatest Ameuican tulig Nu.?lmte ceautainiug a large amnnt of grain., ebdt"..I. early."- Ce.ommes8 burned. Losw, $5,00; aurauce, IRôOO. baWcet: The Niceliedeet& of Oi.siay dSoitabt u l J. A. Willoughby et Belleville ha. Bp- Lv.1C, 8 -8 i cue tIforula VO ld ag£ 5004 ý@M1 d plied te Srtretary (Gage for sppointnieiit w"ngthii.epitie ws u» iy dlseusocd »M eca li>7bellcsUOwVbSflmm as collecter of Internai revenue for Uic lmceweeh. On. et thec Imputes in the suffered foelitket feed. BU t tic thirteruti> Illileola district. William K. ehu" et Ooath whleh the letteos a.YoUng fertune hutf WiO eut te on& Murphy la the present colleter. wttt te rectify Was that concecwins ltocasfrein the BO.t, il b. oxsuet A <ainage suit for 528,000&gainât the th@ relative lPm ira Of et 'PlitBM hi. yseurces ana strock nethUI& e odu Illinois Centrail taliroadad eue for a j i At iâleP09offi. mkbt ai ntlenacIwrite " e b. ie 1bc la hâte nmm&gainât the Mobile and Ohioe ctel, te. la e i or12 Paul sets the Moner te taku il. Aol". Raiiroud vere entered l ic e ft. Clair i Vtte? tlght i i@ de mu meUmmU a u t County Court by il. 1. Roges, a te,- tmlbut in et catisifedte lounve thcie dîerm . or wai n stieo -o graph operator of Bellevîie. iRogers questlen tioro. HO wlseso te Pot the year the liven and laWiestuar 1uo laiuste bc a victini ef the blackilit. vioe Matter ef Chisltian living ou a a iluTieofliate Wàfipdo . foçw lste Taylor. Jr., aged 21, a wril-knewu I ilber plan@, that i icadersa may s'ecaMd mlcerable. Itebe areet tUq Young ma et Vriiwon standing near bwtrbivd.tu di iyael u vi iiOietptBel M the <-itraucr lrgan at ddca, mneuor pet> dispute*, ad umai hoadteu-or 1,000 milce avray ro the e tea aadoeatei i e scite strivc for better tdings.. The toi- g". Who, vithont a moment'@ wanlng, a le*in ehapter la the more oexcleit "I have reaaen te douit ticerle" et. rock weghing 3,000 pandefell and im.lilacpetlaIstndath caught hie>, pinung him tute cgreund, wî"ItiPopltauitct ul@ ti hetiMarvolone Unglm where lhe <ied wthin tee minutes In h gI@ n dUc itd e h e wa> em la einP u -s tM ~ î le e cc . D presence e f the re c ning party , w ho w cre e n i a t héc. excd ptidncd fl a ey u t t e l d f fs-ve v d u tÎ g unale o rnde bnx ny ssitane. perablec ef Jeueand the lent twoebe -Made tierauai1Ibave &kW&"c haste 'Te Elgin. Carpenlersvile snd Aurora ters et eovclienlo. .alsidrd 5miuiCioe .trco , allait lnu*omulbW ou. ltalway Company bas been erganlard lu tiis light, osliterature. Ik la Wordi carc- glos$ contalncd i.avy depeiseltc f - with a capital stock or $500,0W,. ail oetofi .tudy. lu evrthiiagbuttte lit 1lepenocameIs. but vo know Judo ut whicb la aubscribed for. The purpecapoetrY, lyrle poeotrY.If t hwesin laHe" netîiing of tic pocsiblbinccet tiche 8ý arr broui onra. autborizing the unie etbrew insteait GÇreek. ve aboeiid Cli i k ry. The.majgrItî e ofpetona vi the varions systems of propulsion, the car- poetry, fer It ha. thc peralieliau IndAgo tb.1-. .«M>e ti . te k ft 1e l& rnage cf pasaegers. the fnrniabing et rhydim that eharactera. Hebrew potiy.__________________ iight, îpower and lbrut, and thc e So n. Itcr e crticamigt laqulte why electricul appîjunesn. It in proposed te Paul, vho wn à master of tic Greek exteed the fines possibly te Lake Geneva, language, and undoubtedly familer vith of truck. sage cenait h eght lu strict uctricai 1tnatead foring one of the mnt suivent tenu-c-»e>lyrle maire uted te the tub- as weiliau the olde*t organikatbon oe t Iaject. W. are lncil.dte hoad ath kind ie Illinois. the Mec humies and Trad- ddmt, ter it i bard t e ne h < old ers' Suviegs, Loue and Building Annuels- ho Improvel ouse. SBe ofet lin. lu tic,> of Chicago, wbîcb July 31i reporti a Greek ate lu tact capable et a sort of surplus etof2$=810, vas showe the otiier asie,,and rol &long vidi Uic mime ex- day by the report of Edwnrd T. Gieunon ucte meleyd iat à senitive cor heare cnstodian for the Rtate Auditor. te aven'laour nable ilgila version. Thec hap- deficit of 510,Z23. lThe Immediatehet- ter uhould b. Icaraed by heurt i b vri- fect oet the reveiatlcu bas licen tureine bodî,-pietetbiy widi ',love" la place et doublae t the integrity et certin o i hanrti>," fogaI Ifla a pif> tbat the - iradieg officisi.of the eubarraased ma-lîttor word cananttlb. retaiued la litsâne daution. ohich sid , r1alu n aoid Eagilb meauins. eipirte investigation et the businessa itxl*.ateii. ...iodeun -il.drut en -Me tOS 'l.g*.g,,a uC su--ad et Ingls"i sicer its mncorporatfen in 1873. net Uic physical tengue, but the la.- Seveal esr agoa Mnet guageon f etnansd amuis, are mmot. The Severl ye" &ag a Munt ernon ides erttai.verse i. net precieii that womune dd ivini several thonaaud dol- vhici i. commeuly nndersteed. Paul dmc lirs'te Ilre Youneg ulees, ail teraeueone motSay, 'Tiengh 1 speai> la lauguage et L cf wbce> dird soon aterwBrd. A fOurtii tic highect bhnian eloqucuce, and even e duegliter was bore te the parents, and te et angelle beaut>, and have net lave," Joax v. xsCgsv. tiiis child wa@ give the sanie naernas9 etc. Hc says, 'Tbehoa1 ibave tie met *thut et the one wbo <ied. laster Uic will remarkabiceutward ien4 etothe ed"-certain te bfleu. lacet SrMici u. à wa@ probateti and a guerdian fer the three mont et tic Spirt., »Moly,.goan nuerk Ma May tre very rid ae tcbiidreîîn nied ile i viiwvasappolnted. l.led amftt ttngues lnclding lie ver> il cr t tcuwo'at auand the sbire of the two living childreli languaet ofti@cangelg, yt if 1 have Bet w ieasre fer h «* wasnî,aid te the>. and the ubare et the levé, tiecuimeng son" . i gu84 f e et bard t<>on es i 0m'p pu deild child was paid te the tat born. Nov yard power; It la talon and hollow; it in Severn liber la th ie t ai l affg ont. Of the original legateetoftice lli i.oundng brags or a dlangini cYmbaL" lu tact, tic hardont k" eait *0. te'*w raibout te brieg suit in the Jlefferson Coun- Other spiritual glftta oliew lu ordef-. .1511> 8euarBI7oe.thce 6 tle sf1i rty Circuit Court agaicst the guardian for prophuer, whicilu athi. connecthm en us aAt bout Wvile asc mim au"e 500 on b te deuil ebld'asbihre tics paid te tir liv- th utterauce vhihc la a more or leu. c- or tvcovii lla" sotinai iîg ebld. The au\eunt lnvolved in août statie state ot divine oracle*.,et meuh i "My advlce te tios o re 801019 te be about $1,600. predictien et tic future; the understaud- fte tie yuh.n lelda je to e M.9g eOU bins. Charles Gas4. vidow et ChareLUg et myterle.; ait knowiedge; mîracu- getpiLim&dpr" te (lis. whe died oeeweek age. committed lou@a luth; Dn@Of etthem i.a asores anpepgit plat. Thsd e iae astewwli * uniiide Monduy night nt ber home at St. truc Plcty. Paul assume& tiat oeeBray 1avei 4. tili, ly tsking nmorphine. Tic rontishow Ray ef these enter indications et bot fr t wwe " and*Ocld k uthoritirsansupected tint the bato uar %l.POr&nacai tic power et tic Spirit, ad for many menthe. Tbrole certatw te i%> rendravena fer a gang et thieres. and yet, it wtiout love, May b. implî "nedi- b. aRscaty supply Of foo endsot IWi hîy inventit'utiou di»ccverrd tiat the bouse lin." Alms-glving isneosure aigu et love; No eue sbouid geovieo laBot gembsu wa au ,-td directly over an abandnerd nether i. vounatary martYrdomi, for atiser againat areie veatier sad:4&mg.ust cou ciimine. An outrancer wastound icto malirecd troainalove et admiration, or atarvatsou, Ber vîthout reedy uaIL the mine, Tier,. urnixhed rooms vere come ethcr unvorti> motive. "Chsiity Tic velisud troug i lUsntiraily fanl rfcundi] in oje 1ea lt etb~arnerssaxes., uffereth long": or, morelitersli, love la better tii. tic veaI. A dco" ieug minera picks. etc., wvrnehiddeu that lhed large-ieanted; "magnanIma" me av shmlm armA ot o bren stolon during the last ye.n or twe. it; lové-ee otea e ow luttin, annoysnce mebaestdmeledybotg, SThe place le thonght te have lbesen ta rcle U i.-**ls had':*et mereil a skiwd i ii te- J toM tien diii If A W"S Gsecret beadiqîarters of the Quackeninc i dspoitien. but active lu liai deeda. "là bcd a tieusand dollas, a god eoa.tN- brothers, whe are nov serving tîme ainet resalliprovoked": the original ha. tic tien ad ne vIft aujelldros b. c>? a Joliet for counterteltiug and for robbiag Wue et bitternea,sourneas; "doe net go tiere or mnj'vhrc. e.neyerai country posteffice.. Charles Gen ievsho itterucas, sourne«.;"dae net bc- "1 have hors te Junesa" ud .0w n' he died a week Bec, was a prominent cone a ptcmpred. »mithlag ibolt tiie conu>ticheMO&- na chiireh member and un oeh seidier. Propheciesaboiselal, L e., they s"auine cm ruÂgos aut u Mrck I els?4vI cl longer b. needed au a sigu. whcn men have te traverse. Mou viiipt*cbI en Frenzlgd by Jeaiccsy, Charles W. Clif- lIrsn more et thii Chistian lovec vi aelediaciega "ar 9 hf e tord. kuove in emBruni cirira ati Chicago la Iiitely hlgher. Tic girlt et tongucsowshave te oug oegcc lad e ce ie v, as the "champion weigbt guesar," et shall b. donc away widh for the same rea- ~iat tbre.Peila'd t the throat ot bis vite, Lottie, Wednes- son. A tde hant words, "whcther tiere b.ho bouoruaousll deàr, sud a #enldeW et .-day niornilîl, und then ended his owu lire kuoviedge, it $hall veait h say.", Paul food vlU b. neceflal' te support mit e by pttieg a blet into bis braIe. The speke more trely tdan hie kncv, snd a vheu the tietinoiuctctle 40o00 Ide- trugî-dy occurred t 302 Runsh street, teacher (et oider pupila) wvinifamilier gree beiov zcro. Mca la searel et n brrr Cliffcrd end bis vite have bren wlth carl> church hi.tomy enu trlhlntiF gold viii hovever, brave sil Éuuuae et runiiiig na mail retaurant. The imme- illustrete the predictien b> a sketch et perile; ticîr plnci> vIhi hotl> testcd la or ,lat, causretfCliilond's set ln aid te br whst in kBovn u a. (lae@i.i.TheGreci tieoYuken region and la some camrne r ai due to the di*covery eftwtv lette,. vnitteu word for hnovlcdge in guee; and theis e. . te bis vite by Policeman (luit. A. Penner. (luaesa ere men vho held that thc truc a'dd te Th'e letters are harmiras and re.pecttui end efthte Chisltian lite vas te attalu "_ in tone, but Clifferd sermed tc thiuk Uic> perteai keeviedge et the mysterlcsofe the A POPULAR MILL.IONDIRL tas contaiîîrd anuther meanmng. Abeomali> venld. Tic> held thet (lot vas tecexc-- ris ji-alcus et his vite, vho,nerventhelesa, uwos hauated te communlcate truti directly te Cl. *r YI. Crocher Vi Ren"Il iii ccniadered livlber tientis sud neigbbors men, or Indeed te deal directly viti men uinig pla um. ramaci, a.asa excellent iveman. Clifferd va. car- lu n au> vao; seyc imagiued au elaborate Coi. Cia.. Fý Crochet. the rallroo m, ied away tîy rage, sud atter a long anti aystem etrintermediate spIrtual beluga, or magnai. vie died la Bas Franclamem- a" bitter quaîrrel put an'eedtt their lirs. existence, net separate goe, but forma teuily, le reported te have. cis tie pe Waîsiegton Corringtce, the milionaireoe manifestation et the eue Geti. It la mot popular man la CatetOlai. l'is e- tamier cf Peoria, hanaacncmplinhed thr periape te tiece that Panl refera vheu lasu nextraôruinary lrcunutmWio, ha nu dreiietof bis lite by providieg fer a uev hie upeaks et jmrlacipslqtiës and powers. ve tti attu cvSvc ee ud unvrrify in Peoria. te rosit 51,00o. Bomne Gnotre veut no ar that they iewoftet tcSotien>Fa u cieprs iliii eîtire fortunîe. gthered durlea a long ccnld flot by auy poaaullty lie callcd den fte uhMPcfie alliPO lite of toili o i e devcted te the nom, Chrislîans; but for hundreda et years the Company. th e mi baiel cergeaa [y. Geni bc .tecmeoaete oeatic apeculatlous. coe>blned vith on ticslope. Crocher vasbut dumas. sctonil,y bea ing liecammeme orring-heechees et the l'lateelc phllesepy, ield et age andI vas Wortht 84000.000 tuai touî Ir stitueard nie nsit>.oft iiinbe svay ou-en mauy Christian vnltem rs. o f et bie vas loti binu yb> le tather. toireutî-ted ordbIs l onîra tea ra eeiibcu et ofAlexandren eeofethde tathers et Chartes Crocher, v' îi utni Swbere lbe bas toilcul fer tty-tiree yrara. the Greck churefl, aud oeeoe the miot ton, Stmnferd lad IHophina, dceloprn I-Edueuition on sen ethicul boulein ia thte brllilaut mn that ever llveii, held .trong- tic mrlo acilittes. la camltrali. fanduummitul principle et the nev unîver- )y te this doctrine tust geosis, or coin- oce lirt bs aglO.60 e ity. Srctarinine> iii bau-e ne place piete, nitimate knowlrdge ot Christian Cohrlbntdi.ttiV c viii isvaisgl ilbeausvri trcth, vas tde mont important thlag li characteristlca, sud upeuChie boltett go , m nioeRa abngo o-lite; thougi it coutl lho attalucd oui>bhieb.bulideil veil. Au à eudihIe ateW ive rlngfî,n heurtes in hlglier eduuation for Uic cultuned trw, ville the "commmen peu- blti, ininlnOfli ld gOilSVOcti de ty tb,- fir sex. The coedutet its affaire pioe" muet ho content viti ordinary unain. hlm POPUIc.r He Wva lever et a*W ,l uili ta. m,deied utter the plan et the telllgent tati, vhlch ho placed Ou Ama cilotie., au athlète iaisait, abd gaus M>b Sfounder. m-ho acquired aaU bis educatlon lover levei. Sec hov ail dis gouttsu il*ersly feXail sportlnm erprlsc. S ail âauy true> sebeeolsanti dnring ltervai. dhis huovledge, has vanished awa,'l If va. preldeut et the Ol (a t OCl b Itîl ot reat ce bis farn. lWashington Corring- anythLag la settied te-day IIt inthat tic.- ______là____________ ee ton itnov 185 years nid. lHe may lîve a logical specueton l sictly enaubrdi- rg- mteure cf yeurs more, but ton ivet years "~te te Christian living; tiat hsowlcdge It le bus bren tbinklng et this plan te gve vithost love la verse tian valu. . Se tit uther. the edcutlon bhe«Ic oudnt get lu trOni i. tic feudency te exait conduet h11 is y.îîxh. andtibe fial> has rmnired teo ahe befllo that ve are lu danger et go- en mike arrangemenits for dhe disposition efgtoiterain thst dirctien; but tic facf bis weuitb lu the vay lie ardeutll desîne.. remaina, proved net oui> hi Pau. s tate- se- Jietone teCiaoplieat li ment, but hI ail Christian histery, hi hi- un e h g vtCh Ycag oieatolieolegi, tirimodem oeolofl, dat nurnlsi rcugbvl yugMn. Bute@ viii love, vhat Heur> Drnmmod <lla "the lr eyklndiy makLe hlm explaluho he cen truggle ton the lite oe t eca la caren- mntanîîeight vive. on 500 a month? tual te ail pregrea., sud ilaOsaeofthfli

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