CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Aug 1897, p. 4

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~et c168. sales ve 6i sud 25 tuba staie&. emiitee atie te prise lIsivee l mot 1m410; a 170. Botter ulitirmun w.. t'u baon&, calculaisd for *0 aM offciSi ducumeul 4s mmd. public b>' Aidmsu Roosevelt, au oztamulie -adb>' ommaudler Bailas, ha th$Iloso uho oliargeti OUm wu nfot condaoeti Juasm et thlie Brooklyn Ns?>' Tard ~eaydrommors of irouble4 43t .odi 10 ibat off oct. Mr. avaitgo.. furilior, meumy bc *e a followtug outrseS roua o»««commenta upou Oomuislder teliberi: -But Ih ln- svident iâtât xem effeson forthlIe attacha upon Bo.u0We,(h ConstruQtot laoumge If Mé fro oklyn Navy Yard) la ta bc oi* uinlath tact thst ho buasdonc odly bat 4-Oho ih«iadoueo vol!.- ht voulti ueea litiez-floumor Blmck. am of Ky,, one of the moi tadiemi rv s mla fBot vithout lufluano. Ob *6 6»pgsing powera o! et let 1W 4$enMmfi ntiee prisent I*xbsmao1m. A any raie hmstla Sb eumiueif o moçt gouarsi»'pot ~ifOh te~u1mie u nofie. of aaiio lici W ho vus 1 Clii.! Clrk LaOO" Wbll the coutrovera>' boeeliu ýfflr, ithon seceaisy of.h and Mr. Blacliburu, tesn si et varmesi porlati. fi .jUMWudBla lunu» of MI"a rIlWadismlsasll tatitfi âmadonc is wSaumior Blsokbum,' sud is i. *0 bat &ho oves her relusaimia. 018#40-40t5of EX.Soumlar Bimoli- »*Qjà hee l aqitruiflo1lte otullaeosaseconud iU #S tist eoMfe eve37 de>, but Slmas Md to don>' omu m 0Ioliha. vho Mi gs li.oft hlm. Aterne> . r4 opulo d lte, lima .n.oeai"eb> Msfaesd Ez.Aastlal trmn. ot.fiireproseml- Nma a &Bosou IR. a. muà pyon rau mima mers tcourt pubUicity la emwpetmiil"g la wScon. m6aB e Mud more exp..- Oxdltaoe Buremu of the OPteami r«oeul>'opeued & A Q ,oe.upon vietîct aMounti th. ~ .lnieuded bcb. si for- a an sd the louest bld WM $8.6w euhdbfor th. IL" Bloch priens.vould aMbe - __so ----oor-Lueh.peroli of 04* NsaMpaiau opeu litae yea la ,sud ja te cot o! lb. guus 0*-aouMd upon thea. carrtfgos bb- mach more thoan te carlgea, lte QUOIof lriag thea .vul #4,00M &shot. Porhapeatmter SB c'sot allier than u sulprovo. lanhum" u m t a ilahia bo lesenthe uater of vra astloua lu a pomtou.lo Malte 2 IHM P-tO-dAto methodm. »RO Dosfow being made b>' 5U mCommisamouer Povdariy $ÏtV te coziug la thoUniod Seo et haw emhiass ula mve .w M he expllsd trom Hurapasu ufider the atylugeul regvila- la fore lu couaeqiuaace Of of the Spaulah Prima Vii e a uaed villa sage * >'toso uho kuov te vomk- aur lava lu doflng au sud ubo remembor ithe of a deoremiued effort 10 mcli omIug ofaI otorloua suitasororal yens ago. alI-pr uovod Ibal lihoihm *asd vu vell eduemied, lecame 10 the. W . for plurposee oba" 1 ha e.trip vasau"matiea uuiw *opmuporu or eemieed lliaycabekepioutassy if 5IU lb.> ave aveu IMMand halle " boom k« iM amie Dar BridgFie l. iodWa>'B!emom am m 's aera unabla 10 biea Chia"ssemi, bsfls Wng over the bi4p An ýýuDay via i.b",i mre" uo, TV» ,0f Chbes1gef, vislu d ien" is blr. iei. irt pcreliss4 ksue liOeieialurd t"i Wotinesmy. 4goal r s, lu Waukag"Mlmbis 1bmthmes psMb ne pose n a tEp 1 Il% à . PI0 4 >edhib OhmS Garibliua!di Malt Mi, 1maist ida>' mud oafled oun alliai M ihê Meachane."-Piladelplilagrise"ta Inqulw~ _________Y. Slirivor and Ch«s. Wilbur ssci itou Cham in uer ol yoijseelss h. act al~ MrolutM.31gbOhe w o!f hm eauon r>' slaiulusatsi. qasa<iii theb s10k liaifor smnttimze imauol beor "5 caie(vii mele), mdI ialeno veil lb. patfeu da"., but -sam ahêlalseli 6..qusltl. fs. erglati In rprt bursais. botter ai falbs."Harlm Li..promeutl vil ag Johnu Joffaro the veiresamu lreer la la borna fhi mudlemi n lm..luattla localli>' vitlli t achméine agala 4odtWb 4 pkst 51 tb meae verli. ihis eusud doinug gondi vork,ma WBmS palsSes médical menuW a ud nL CMark Citandier tealao lhreali. s hoisusue w tbts iuugli uo,o o lg. la th 7«2&For big Cailornia alorios nm 000, An Ohua >'-Soliaubeor bauiasracesil> 'z'eltucd Paus1eva ntisin MMo lai taho fron tihal ulue. lie vs ooeol ss ai mem Wm basa dmtrou i pleasetI heceamat?>' Ilaiiho Intudeto eilbis tarae hors sud. uuove ai Hee.saau. *thora. But vie trust tfmI afler cool ROL NS.delilermatia vilI n mtékiup bi ROLLiS. - mud ilimi I la "101 er front Sciauber'a Cliarlas Un>',ciWoodalook, 9bd Thte lawu oial eai oe. Sbsuber'a aenstlu u l w eek, la Tuemia>' igit vms qut. a aucose Mm s <br Amiof gonti Lake, lacoMdaielg ltae atiter. ,Our pi stayag m Utali T>'loa. oto!f eeoieae sud cke vere sold. al .,hp i oUmre..0o!GagesCor- The Gas. quartetteeandiArica not W*.mps ouds' lera. quarteo.a!Waukogl m wauednmre 1Èlýflý ue selehlns.Enme Kuoz favorod Iha>'? t1iIscChtc5ga. calisti um villimorneo!is lua Seleotiona la on frlans ia e'moveek. readiug sud apmking. Wm. Wiltou nd ud il>' ara etr -________ talang a boutof boardors. , WHEELING. iM. Jamen Winter% is entertailng iter fatber mut brother tramn Mande., Mr. sudliraJohnlinBaier are rusîlcal- i. fng au thior tara turlug he vr. Vre. C. T. Larlug. sud sounlRay, of veather xith Jo. Becker. Lberyvl! are vlallIng lits. C. Dca- Fine vesther for lbroshlug sud lte 1111e, people are bard et 1. Steamers are FMMIS M"mbananti major laallng lanmon directions.. fioeFoyetd.mol Gages aI4e, voelte Fred Selp 1h.elaudard Cil Coe. gue«Wo U a uZis*Mg ueds>. aseut la kepi ver>' bus>' deiivarlug cilstobis nstamersatoundtheli 1mI lirnts auom dethvome bcounutry'. gopurclised suotiterhars te sautiern ut ar a tatel. lt ltrdy panieti b>'Mr. Alcax anti tBiflY >, te. day lait anti b>'the noise lte>' aie luruedte *0Wakegam Suada>', atra lta>' muettot1listiasgrand lime. Loi. vek'acamping aI FourthtLake. cf fu al't il John. E. H. lMsonutls given up runulug the PALATIrNE. Gliicaoga of Our lesding batela. Il la nov occupiati anti run lirm A. ama in ounlte slakli 1.. bu' Gearge C. Snytiet sud Y. D. Wil flverasu m lf Lako Zuricht Schidltt under 't.enome of G. O. VWedbssla>. Suydar & Ca., bot trustworlt>' snd lira.0. Affpansd sau ver, lu Cazy>'pronlueul citizeus sud lfutêure titis >vil! provt labha iratIclais pluei. Tt> *W&Ù-Maevua aIstington vialtarAt 1" Again thea merry veddiug belle Bot, l li. ud ira W. Siorugring la ur ontln. George C. Snyder Uorý>1 Mr MdMr. W. Serig u&a srioti Aug. lutanti vl! lie- a dsuglS. & fier bc bout and boaoaof 0he Chiai-. Nias MIgnul eauuig la visillug a4 go flouse. R"sbusiness partnfer li. bbot as averIt.Schitdiru a fDonttle 1.parI> Mr. iaafféeMmd a a bussstrip 10 for lit au lisarrivai frontCiicago Ciicago mai Taeti w.vitre vas uarrioi. lie vas lm sMV apor al ClIloago, laviall. seraded b>'te lt aBs orusibond la~s e a .Rnréaturs. viticit stervard playedth At heo veug - . - sud a largo crouti tgo" possssilon of IM IW .L1 la lrking for h ite boasd lis a marr>' lme dancing brolker - aieproseut. suddrilkfug troc heer. Ma>'yn lve t. uow open anti long, bhatppy anti prooper George. li ia r op f Deuil, Iowa, Wss a gnem of Mun. L. Puulut ma ok. The ales ao!fHoo-1s,8sapsa-illa Bd Poskei sud a friand f rom Chicaga are te largoatlinlth world bécanse speni Tuomda>' vilthelatives.hors. the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla ane Pied SmASh vli rouI the liose wOiderrul, perfect, permanent. formIr Oni>'oeidb>' Heur>' Rulaman. Hood'e Pilla are lte bîeat faunil>' lilasMary fOffotkamP, o1 Pluin catbartjc sud liter mediclue. 26c. Grove viaitdfriands elst Sat- dey. Thistie Commialonersa Notice. lir. and Mm@. Schierding etutueti Notice tlàioteby given tamt persons fraisteir bridai trip Tituredas>, i avlng' Canada btlem on tieir Aug. 12. propert>', are nolifle thàltImme must Walter aud George Lytllmirenti b ho 0111 or dalr.oye d ot a ttlI FortShBleridan lait Titurada>' b vlil propsgala or go la se"iI»der poual>' relatva. ofa mflme't of nleus il in 0mot mom Blanche Schietdiug oniertined1thonliai co*liudreti dolal!rs&lia I.ou« lay blnd fom Finon, Il., 1uOtiOl lik "a lapublie blgit, trimai ramEcaui, 11,:w5>'a Y&ruoad tiglit of umylui Tova aoflbertivlle. lTe lilghwAus JaO" Woodtie ,o!flte tit utlers a-u ontiaous I big iiablit fo lte Ibis viiiy là agiaut o!flie brotiter fmilb!ulparfotunuce o!0ltasitr D. B. Waad. ordinaies mongtis liue. lb.penai 0110 Eugfeklfg sud John Vîllaffl for iouaobssevsue o! thii lu uuch mat afiue tinte ln camp et Twuncass pîovided for esiloati. la more =Zr , i. nver,, lte>' baug noe b i fine of Mimsea Bath and Vernie Salmonu vesDualle ibau t l>Dot More han tua guetteoafa!lilaslintane fiîzau uiluhtmfdtdollu&a Cicaogo Over Sumddmy. W. BtTVSEIBLU, J. W. Siebbilu a former réaldeut of Titialle Comimiolaer, Townshilp o! Borrington ie a'i bis bis helalLbori7ville. Sepqt. 4. SPaucet.1OW14Au«&. 4. lira. L cliletdiug and dau!itee sud lira J. H. Shilrdiug open& hum. daY i frientsa i Wsmkogan. W L eý Frank Bilkamue Md a fted Iront Ravlng b.d yesayerience in Chicago Mame oui on their vbeihansd -1 $Pout Sunda>' ulîli frieuda itore. the Wei1 Digng business. I ami Dr. Chbes P. Geudtmot. dangitir prepaled to do tbis wérk au short. anti moar, ar Cicago, vote nus~ otice. Write me for .tatas and 0f lit#*" ssu'>' Sliiig mc.y. CalusiliaLatge No. m4), Cour o!f Sta R00»r bave mm *~ ninety moates O1ERPLT I Dum tyChanceuile , Vin lu u5 leoafill Llbertv k lios la lrganiation tWle iois John liatauer, fB. latter.popalma ««X la la tmrtltu bua»lm o Hase> W lllage iie iisW e A- é For Idlng lliois lare ondo# Il a'*imfto! u. lr ImRm.1 tlila àhela Tlirmd.yoiue*§ai Rai5 ha s 4& ýGî , bo! amlutadeoeuch!I Weakl, C Mv.5 dtatti.Vu - ,1 Aug1 hW? Mt IV a h. «sept., lite uS aom ufl= *"sal"teIlg *overamverqtug ba ce&AIFL4c 80CIEtq0 jteIk4CO olAty8. PINO ivo~w e ddbar b*0 m l pl J. Loiea oe. on *' eU. ý utie, *e .Md li*. aim ie~ tul a : Immh. ffl î1suaiWmeVaeh.$bavas cQueaise, vo bu# NU. A.N. iMp t.e demrdepmaetbut beauluaý geaachulNo.uo vi! grN*" yer pemi muSid le das> am i.~bu eac pae#Iuoou . hr Nzv.i vutpibuee v i.liplq W-4,m e.M of5~ ia1miat M AU X h; 5ldalfIlg! 0 VW:80et - A. et. ley ruv allnta- or4yoake Villame Officièe. EZest> nimbeu a goél1$altas t Presldent........ ...b lermnbava sapselsi m im TrusUres . vs ea d b>'maceMa Mob4 'I= Trutee a â 1 tek. rac. îolluot%, o!AaS!cb, uho me !Tressurer ..................... iL Neville je do mc cauplsittorgualai, bu Sob 1,0l100 tulstrate .......... 1.....C. IMorde gîing a doe*h mevolm to bcgo ro lieral ...................... A. memun tliàgbuof 17 b . vaefyy Oberi ........................ £ Shaffr. Thte dfflmair>' &peu",- b>'13. 19. b ý= - 7- Ua'Fe"ygoal. 'Né16gaveabs sivir lias. Alce Dahsl, of Libortyville, itBlOthe Ste .or9es, X. W. o! A. spent Tuesdmy villa Mime Witiehead. sud B-. B-.0o!A, &mmd PesasuistiOMM Quit.s lage nnabe o! esciera ovfacto. The VOcaI umbeSddby mil% CAuIe lrg nmbr f 'achsCliardwveogod, asou eyals re amse to laite thé ozsmnation Tueaday. &iha lujg bu Weili kvu Ie mot mi"sHooper, o! Elgin, accompauied Commnt.tBidh.relveti sevarsi eu- Mir%. Smith, o! Volo, ln théeatantern cotes, shiovwntheb.ppieclalon of bur Star ChaptirTuseda> nigbt. iur. Tite solo "Till W. JI** Ur., sud âtre. C. K. Shterman, of! Lb-Agoll,-" W-5 053001A1là-ue.Arthur ortyville, veto the gueila of B. B. Bulkley, o!fi4etyVlllo, reudes Shermanu and CasmiusDoolittle tiis-v-1 rtuit3ttiOiiain lits free a" « sa> week.maiuer oll tig mach applaus, fne Week. uW» obiliea la reapm o a u eume Uira. peti>', 01 Elgin, ho bas b0011n cci lme. 1Roy. Marisanode m feu tyiug villa ber oaotlar, lita. Taylor volchauma lremarie, uhieli vers von! at Weduoth, the pat lu, h.vildlUaâ réeéveti. Prof. Sabla gavaees!i villa her 'saunt, Mrs. W. B. ligIe>', lent carnes poltk e, hiv ver>' lusân, sud vook ho le&o wu Sl led ou agalu. lUr. .MissesLucflo ksud Clore Fautan sd Sabinuw»as» es > atebfore sud la ai- Willfr Pures, of Chiaog, lire viifng wPlalatdIo Irutl ra iai viii ft@. E. Be fSherman hoË. pagtIvo LaM5, bai fibai b>'su>'unadsgt, va, veeke. Tite 'viaitotias Drue Laite M utSite vloliat, l M»iTvsa. during Chir ais>', o Chilcago. Titisygmw1 orelve te wld mea tis mte t<ci eaSey" The annuebulvent feial aW1 Muaic, sud lte uanue a u hlih ii. lield ln the churcla grovo Fr14.>', Sept. .aiupalafeflte srnso a mi 3..Agadptgravilbegvoa bolimeut voalti do credll80 su>' cf aur aflérnoon andi ovenlng. Particulus ra ,ztvIolIas. Mer tbnci la perfect, ln neut veek's peper. I botichnique muaaiMnlsd lier styla At thé pissanlt tins Weduoaday-a.m. . rllstic Site vwu encoreti agaauMW pomi preparaione are blug mode o&fainlit e udieSbelng oumplaisol> thie réunion. Themnuviit lb.he rrledsus>' villa lier kllfulPm.- merty-go.rad lias slrsdy mrivad fanusiace. Onlta uliols h. e p aud la galliarifg lu the aihlng vwu aIl %liti cult e izzda Mtd rnulu nickela froutlta 5amai> boy. The flot fIniabeSti l RoEy. lMutiasdsihtsd olturcit POaPîO vil! bav.e astand mt the sadieuce ullt m ber et flous whieh lle>' vI semrve, comutim rité.vîi' lis flugui-cpe, ubli lait aver> fo arasasud cuite the ler fraeeilh One ln a gond tumot. I0 Orete Masd les0 cream; btriàdou' lafrguéel iadm s ko 'vers sedt, 09! ihli nt e mue>'. lu thée Wôca s bal! ridWy geauinu eflOpart0o Thte hliwvms roudd t bapper viii hé serveti b>' îzpeh te ulmosi, litote belug noarcel'sia"- camnp. Evotybotilnvlted 10 came ilg romf. butli' wu à sgoo tiuinft sud jou 1he dane. covd, sud veryoua doolmreeth"litae Campe onti t emaeolvss lua ei.lalu. Lat Saturds>', after s long sud palm- grya».Titrelodggs vi alti fial Illins, occurred tho démtof Ut im 2 r moollual l.uebal Win. Derby aetlier honte ounlteWest lit W. e1 A. 2: .n sensudal themi aid o!th lae.Barial taok place lu urds'thelb. E.N. o1 A. tha,ec6.d Sud thé Dimzond Lske centerer>' bagnIt 1h.ourltTuesday, Msd %lua CMor , romains o!flier labo ituabandt. Panersl Ho he b. sec nd fu btiThius- services uere coaducltedinl lteCup&: e-dy. _ _____ galions citerhAit Ry. Rr ris omelaîiaag. lira. Wm. b5;ti>', for. EV U Toblsaed a meri>' Miss largarol J. Baoton, v ia moerl TrobledureodueBau- boru lu Patna, Waalingsa n IP Nh- lod fol y., Jan. 4, 1832. In 1835, wunbut ssPglla 18 theo-One T1mua load lirSo yeara oIt, ciaocame. viit ber. Piatidam udNEURIT NO W. H. PALMER WATRRLOO, IOWA 'Ssud uesthe mN o, f NMleuo pvu batluo- 5 Dr. MiesfMrales. A XUOH dm .autalvai'. Inclm comaputl. Mtr. W. EL P~,metifa watsIoc, lava, vaisa 11vu ai aec WUi a nauvons ticuis o! the biaschla lais.. uhîclidevolopd luisesivous prm- blis. 1IW"igo weak 1 eld Dot itup. 1 UtS malep for itesy. xcap visan uder the Ilaofousa Fur four montia. 1 se. ed that 1Imightdit ~ugllau Sald I boat 10 iuptick. for I bat mylle isoaub ee Be. tlas' tumeOes mmli b U ildeug.. Mmj naidir a pctive aratea, fSesI boula bifir Moma>' atua BoosoniBU» s"d Seevu @Mttrotfe . iiappuellcn D ML~m EDxICAL 00., kha% »^ :AD~R$ lu.- riIg VOMKMANSI4tP. Dr. O. -B. Howe Treala mcloulfcai»' anti suoceasinli> b>' h. laieal approvet maotia. ailÙ chrouic dAeuse of te lange, luoMul tixtont, est, nom., stomacit, livar, kMd- neys, bovais, vomansulaIorgans. skiu diaess, ocrama, ales, sai thsum, scld hast, teiise, psoriais capilis, psorisisa ycamis barbot o) ringuora, iterpea, aoelem, sud a&U foras o! outéaeouarnuptlion, bloichu, bbMek itesabcet., cursdpormaueutly. liolee sud superfnfus huliit uemovoti virliaul pain b>'elolrolyss.- Disesmes of lte ervous sysien, nenmaslteuim. locomolar simula, po gressive paralysie, beadmeite, neuraliz Se. Vins dance',mitte Insomnie, spi- lepa>', trod b>' German molboti and olecltolysao. Bbeni&Umi seaut., articuler. mua- dular. luflammalor>', sud mitummtil geul pcsllvely onted b>' a Dov Md succesaful proceme. 0. B. HOWE, M. -D.0 Office at Hat*) Woodetacai Suite 280 mndi20 WOQDSToCK. - ILLINOIS. J~ ~ uS WE OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLV tiOtJRS-i0o 1All. -M. 10-ati- bTHmCICGOôNEROCANAN &P. m. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUX- TÉCIAOINE CA N DAY. LAKE COUNTY NE NET.. May' be canaul totmudmys Ironta taAt lie folloaisg tNkb>'lau figra iefi 'qulbeti"or tglla 10 a. M u ant 18 P.mi.ualRea" coulage, WOOUI luer Oca«M biItdait, l yea................... .it, 4d 4»)>om 4. 1 ... ......................4f wauond4 l. 4.977 suwd>'inter Oomd i ndapoutamî1 >'ISt....................les wMsat bavere &M................ ailla81b4i 7o' -- S.............. 'si N 81.11................... Wrnpaibu*a41" WIUli iany " f.mi or TrnW , iat une atone-. hall ftgwar pm A1g i $0 gr.atly redoecd prioee ln ail otherittliterv findinge. FryikDo- - .*- z -«P .2 hUn Koep your ON OUR ITIS 7OIWvol YEN Od ARE TUsE Ladies'$1.26 Tan lippots .......... ......s a - 1.50 0xbiood . . .... ..... 1.15. Tan Si, .......................... 1.10 Bayae's1150Tu sSbaeal...................... 1.10 1.1Lu $hou................... ........1. w M ens L o l ...0... ... ....... . 501 ALL LIGE? P AJOT DaRE O 0DS AT liElUCED PElONS»: 140 Plias. D'Aisespotr'd .......... ... ....... 100 100 Opaime.noirae ............. 70 Il - .............. ......194ie 15 BARS GOOl) LAUNDET SOA .... .. 9ne. Examine These Coods Before Purchasing Elsewhere. le it: Thia ubeel la osMc09Oi4"aiSmais uhls son ltae Umtarelandtins! et a&Pries viffla u leremeli c mi. Thées t tua bislu the pries ( Cyolssli-sbrongiti$buhm odacanemacinme doua lt sào Sd- DUI> 1-y pries o! 10000M agIde tlb loyal Arcit Crovu, sosmies Sublg, fel>'ulealétsud nam lLadies' or Gents, iaylaq. SOME RARE BARGMINS ON LADIEW WHIEELS. HAVE VOUR EVES TESTIED FREE. Mr, TuAi!, telb.pil Whuo la asdlmg iOh an,'h M"1e6anuneas u ulibOuita oeaS> viii ta herm Pridm>'pAue. là, md vii>ho.pleassi10 o mliU o are toubied ti l hah eyesigbl ad mska a hoeougl az- amîla. free of charge. Vo sel! YOn the aguaeho rCoMusandateasanabla prVau. E. B. Sherman, CGRAYSLAKE, I LLI NOIS. NAT ON Trhe iDItàÀAL BLUIE LAM4E,, the Jeg, off and oh, çmo-han It,. Sa laI true of b such ý* asmwr aç Cmnt 4ordto ais an oIê iwbat til. two s9 n .wl mt nantauf M ror methan w.WBt o., IW O eunot tarmuf.. cailoü siUWo K1 ba bottlitai va faW momlduable md* ec0a4 a PLANE CIL 0COOK SE0VUSi iN&onodsuiand nt ffi, uthi hau, i elàe.btpA a ompler-o I Qç etPlaise dovaa re Ioat 0 i'SMse vAit, foouily 'rbu ail pr,l'îe *bluê Sma wl mffloil.voC ime a tumap l'o-mtoke or m01.11qopbit: SItlibot baud>'and it api local delr =y' .' l b tysîutslal Sousmu's», sud n of. LAugl i -Weui>' elarlge 89.16 vithoat. 'We biyt 'abo ivs i . sMm yo wbr lv eBstfmlaokmmutila! »Y a"ilsudPrice. Lsalale a;le iU~dseOUle g slebklw iêmi tr. Sha u mues . F. H. Kuebker, ORAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. il - ý- 1. Brick Store. ILLINOI'S.

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