CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Aug 1897, p. 5

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TiO TRAM EAr Teias& TA VLOR'S, We bave. a comploe.line of Grocerles, Caniied Goods, Fruitï, Vegetables, reh atnd Sm oked rleats. -Big JO~= SOLD AT & Tayior's Libertyville, li.1 1' il Vour Patronage 1 HAVE SOME BARGAINS IN Paims ANLSUtS. My Pribes Defy Competition: Workmanship Considered. CLEANING - DYEING- REPAIRING. FRED CROKER, ar Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. For Deliclous Ice Cream soda~ a a 9.a. Go to F.B~LoveII's, LIBERTYVILLE. PICKÉD UP HERE AND THERE. Locai items'of Intorest to Ljbertyvvil, ReadsrIs CM.&STP. Ofi. ftTit TABLE. TO CHICAGO, BuAi .M.a&m.a*M .n Russell &6 5:11048 Wsdmworth 1>57 820i :0 e 44 on m" : & *80 ri, a~o- m 1444:6 . 1BON CHICAGO. &Ma.. lep.U. .36. .. [L y 1L e . t5*1:0 Pau m:204:0811 " MA*4 :11:2 91 e S4 S dU :41 ait 17:27 2 leS 4?m 4i497:21 w ms'v.a lis tii60si9:44 8:42 :26110 ~ isdadIl. denotes undar only. il arninarsain m(l x BUNDAY TRAIIS. ;- *lrtvii. me-.M .vhleo lt k an li.0oeoa. a...Ar.Muetvl i .n o.80 n MauSnda ro111. goa sontitti toio inias 1, Mv:-A tami p ton'a: Bnd utIk, verttiDeergl 12:is; Bhfrmtnc ZM tas. ri n hicgo ai 1:4 . nm. W 1jtettuCheu." ie eldj> a. m- bherlerrsilte 7.04 arrivec <hioego 75 a. n. Màoý.80 bave. chle.gotais. nil 12:20 a. 3m. Village Offlcers. Pr,skient ................ ...C. B. Averilj v '1.irn, i. J. Hot. 00t K r LL. DuBols. Tutu..(.it.Shornm~atiuei»ÀU aUoway. Ciri .......«............. W. C. Baumboru T'rourer ..................... W. C. Trlggs Poil Magistrate ............. W. E. Darti Mar.r ........................ M. Fno"mian L'~~y~1~LODON. No. 492 P. Yof aeuh montAi. VIaitna bzmm S I.W. BLELE?. W.M. at 4ede's 1o e ra hardvmne etort. ilting netuhbors a+wvars veheonue. Ck. aaàgV.. 'VIRinnt 0éoé 0f aven.vood/ *ho 14 luviit Ing 1. B. Ayree&Bd vile la sicit jtt viii hiili eve Ben Uer lait for Fairflid this é4CGC C4ilI 4Q4d pIC5SUYO 5trip O toin dm75. is. W. RUMVSta 1eindaugbter, of Mrs. jobb Eoysé sn 1ufering uil i anaond Lake, by misialte svaiioved an attack of toedlltis a tabiet of corrosive sublimai. the :7 Ms evOtt,Of Chicago, vsted with Ot :1 hlsvaak. Dr. Gnw I 1h. sueath imad but for blé, 21 Misseg, Dot and MaY Sellîanck are enO UmeiY aid, ber erru, mlght bave 29 jOying a two veell'aoutlng ai Druce proved fatal. 84 38 Lake. Shit W"@#$ienaiMcat aià]u Mr. G. J. Lamarre, o1 Chilcago Iola iPTIE.f tnonbusnins s uopplng vlth . The. Ladiles of the M. B. c. id Soclei e Vullîqa miy vili give a Lawn ficl ai t th parIo.. E.6 .FI04c0 FyeteCont, a. * 7evenln< Aligni27- if nu$ il . H Flnn,01 ayete ouny, a.,pleaUSnI hvill be held la the Church. a7 diOd ut the home of!là, VOIt. by the Choir. The Cornet Band1 3&John Lancaster, Wednenday. vii iso b. 0beteaentjand furnish munie.. n, Gje-. Bond,'aooompanhed by hh Cake and 100 Cream viii b.e eved, isiater Ema, lmie fur Franklinviile, puiCe 9en cents. Ail are cordlly in. )i. y. BatrA&Y, tu b. gobe ivo week's. vied. * COuati SuPeriniendent of Subools, Chas. Butierfleld vas the vicimo Marvin, of Waukegau, attended the. whai fortunatiy diii fot prove a fatal faunera] l!rei. W. E. Davis oident, où hi. farta soutibveet of a day. iown Monday afiernoon. ais tonam 1: C. Hl. Smthvwuatu Arlingtun Helghiso becoig frightened by a ubreshing i lutiweek and wrote insnrance on Dr. engius tu opération on hi& faim, rau, Beta.roeue, ini courge o! con. avay, urovlng Mr. Buiiorfleid oui and d birugilon there. severely braising bilma&bout thee head F- iB. LoVel laipperlug asud renovat- nad i abouder.. a 003th 0 ombsck of bis drug store I viii closout Mny stock cisummner apreparatory cc putilng ilu a stock of MilineîY ati 60 cents on thie dollar. glaspaniset. f MUR. PuOTINCg.. gla" Pa au tc.Do.. Qaiio ay broke ground for a Vuc Taylor sud iii Leiieau fltshed n., bai on bis proporîy, corner o! e ai liang Lake, W-ucuuda Tuenday Milwaukee and Park Avenue@ Monday ahld brough(t hume 6 b'lsck basé an(i a and expeets to beglu work oa is i new thue pun pihuel. h ouses tua week. The. structure viii b. Kingsley 's train rau loto an open ivto @iory, frame, and ail the modern Bwiteh ait Paclflc Jonction Tuesday iirvmna imbnoeti lh nig lt, derafilg t e ce nglue. Il vs i r e e t. ar t<i ngb. put ril. ih . 10:30 bfl or e tth e train p ulled t t lu i h u e tc.II oae mo at e sî p e a d it o L ibertyvile. bous iba o ll ty, a m ont e l rs ed Thia MM .J.P. Wliam$ i lnprovlug lier C07eît yul put up thie building,. renidence onuOrchard streei, raising the roof, ta allov of two famillie»aocupy.graitDrenalng. log the btulidlhg, Mr&. Wiiams vii Ms JohnlBoyoen in prepared te Tont thie lo ver roubas. Maeviiad aviches, *acs noveltles The annual renion of ithe Dymond- loch U plusand WbhCantu Austin laililes.ccured yeeierday ait natural hair. Mrs. Boyson acqulrad Jefferson Park ai the home of Edwin her knoviedge <f uhis business in the. BIWARE 0F' FRAUDI Borne unknown man, represent- lng himueif ta be ,%n Opticlan and .puportingtabe soiiciting busti- noe and workinig ln my interest As canvasslng ln Lake County. To my friends and patrons i de- tlire to give timely warnlng. He Io a fr ure and simple. 1 have but one man on the road, Mr. C. Vuille, whoalways presents one of my carde. Mr. Vuillie euan expert Optlian.- and the attempt to do business on his established reputatlon is of Itseif evidence of 'hie superior ability. Vours truly, C. R. SHERMAN, Lbertyville, Ili. &imple O4 Libertyvîhle, MI., Aug. lB. 1897 Libertyville, IIinoisoi IF OLD CROKE bhould drop onto a GoJd Claimâ, ho W":. have the Jaugh on ihos viWhohmaup *1W- Yukonx. the laugh on compeittoru Who try to uds,.i us. They ean'tdo it on anything u mt. 60e Sirav.Hai........................... ..8 fc............... 12o Dreas Lavn» ................ Îe 22e M d u Tablecioth ......... .... la 10o Dlmiy Checke ........ .......... 7 Me White Aprou.......................... 19 5 0 e Il I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 3.0 O t and Vent....... .........28 M5e Ligit itummer Tien ........ . . 19 WOC ............. 39 75,e.............el Cail and see Our New Cloth-Top Ladies'. Shoe Lateat Thlng ln.Shoes. F. C. SMITH & SONY' Butier Bidg. Lîbertyvîlie, IllInois. Seiz Schwab & Co., Are the Largest Manufacturers of the Boat Shoos in the U. S. Mr. John Woolidge retnined to aliov of publlahlng pariculai.s. tuait witli vlh ellae couid von hlera. Naahna, la., Tuesday. oleSherman anoance Banies o0! vatch chais and linsarse Mr@ Water, f Cicao, lsétist f hut his fruit %tore vill be open durlug on exhibition ai C. il. Ohermaneo F. Sanborn and famlly. bJieahuehrmfe.yul , eeysoe Mr. nd Mrs. arrson rownarewaysiw ind tAie bustier in and ready for 1fr. md MElin. arienson uaebusiness.lie Iinuds bandîlng a large Pick Up.. FoS mmmer goodsi greatly nnduced qumtity o! poes. T on oeai nover 1e1l ht>w a girls looku prie« 9guS Mite. i'aoaîaa's i A tievapaper rumner tutfie effect that ai the breakfast tabla by tihevay @ie lire. Belendor! and granlduon thie Wawkegas azcette and Dai oo0kà uben *halite o ui On the porch Edwin are gaueiof Mi@. F. C. Smith. Herui, ex-sonate, B. W. Coons@ pro.. riiihe veann. lire. Warren Heath hus returnefi Party. havelbeen old te a Ufr. Hall, ot Itlah reported tâtât a lakn of erude pe- fro a isi wih er aret'setKenonha la current. 1fr. Coon vlUnfot iruleun bhs beau dlsovered la Alaska. Elgin.. denty or Bori lie auihenîîclîy. The là la aux mues long by fron iv o t une ruinor tlu ndoubtedly veilifounded. %Ide., uni la upposed te b.long tte Wllie MOrati, o! Chicago, nepýhovSadrdO o o! ie.A. . Lvi, l apndtgI Thai nev dejait presente a vory gond Ben5dO o veek vigil her. appearance. The. fine vide pifOM luI. Fiace i Isa punleshable offense Mr. and Mis. Hietche,,o CsadOf vitrliiai brick la a decided improv. for anjone Co give Infants udron la, revlilngfieua udres Mîenmet over thie uld cinder valk. A4gent ja n fi fludf nes. seib In Ubrtyviie.Dultois ifi conitortabiy settied in hie lie ordered by vrltien prescription in q uanteri, andmiamchi eased vith oignaid bY a 18iY qali iaitdmedical Mrt. and Mn.. Soi. ieisey are expeet- . thnlgu lu geucral about thie station. ms e d homne tAis week fron their extend d1AabrdeMssv anurg nuait iciNew York smâte. e' iNa iuia Churchill, o! Mercy ACabig(Mu)wmndrn Mr. lHenry Morse viii make hie ilouPItal, Chilcagu,,srient a few daysa Mn o;se ie -1 e iI witl ler arets entwee an acom-a allonge tao st*nd ai a vatering trongi permanent lhomie wlii Aits dangler j1wriiurlier harentndlast thekhaileaofom- lire. J. F. Clark bereafler. pauied by a Young lady friand vent to bne@ er heandameptote d o! .ier Dr. roph, o Chiago w. 1Lake Bluifuiforan -'onting», before aboie as ey mme pte dnrink. Hr Di. iroph, o!Chicgo, 85 lu retnrnirog toChîcago. l tl rcia hinhoy Libertyville Baturday .iouklng mier Poor hue felow. A baby bora on hoie horse in trgining bere. Wats lWilliîams returnked t Lbety1 ipbhlphaid betveen ithe citiea o!Toledo Wn. Cater arrivait fromlMinnesota ville tuât aeek. Watta has beau seek. sort Cleveland has boom chnisiened WediieM&y viii wenty-elgit biad o n i orel eoia Wanignwlh the name of tue sieauisilp. He ante kessdapigr.d Fox Lake and returns to Liberty- iivmyaugtuublevU catîe, likes ad apingre. ville te entei loto the employ of ! wnao! Maelo!g Nev Yo lr Me . Ch"m. Bmbcock reunmed Ails detes Tillotson & Fnrney, as h,-siler. thevae ,0ibs aotNw orkasille s express mesuenger un Kingley'#i Harry Oslovay bas returned fruin vessai hbes yt se City o! Cliih train Monday, &iier a mnthAsrecupera. jauevine, Wij., vlierelhe Amabeen voai ut. nmth iy fCi ompioyed by a telepAione company M. C. Bius00, a former realdent Ü, vhicb ln puttlng op a Un utai&at Thie city o! Chicago covers mono Diamond Lake, nov eugaged in bref-. piace. We vere miaiu!ormi as to bis guoîind &han &ny thler City in fille 1nlesu ai Rven.ivood, vas. seen on ou working for Mr. Loriug, atimosas to1Mr. country, baving by thie addition of streets Munday.1 Lorings hvng a franchilse tu put in numerona anubaerefend Is ares o! The Epwurtu Leagne o! the au electrie lightiiog Optera there, su 189 square miles. Phiiadepbla coules Metbodiet churcb held tudr ennumi anuounceditoa previons issue. Harry Dii, vitAi 129t, vhlc St. Louis and Outlug on thie eout babnk o! Gags uays dflerent. Nev York, or ratier tiat portion of LakeThurday.Ne, York eltuated on Manhattan Lak Tursly'Ucie ban Moore and RudelIp sland, have the samne ores, 61 and a J. Sehwengul, o! WAeeing, vas lu Krumha expect te start for Alaska Phfacin tovu ltednesday tu coneui Cus September. San knows a place viiere Si Louis Humorise: The. editor lied Smith relative tu Ails elevator 'goldi growa' and Iruaaueedlng ath nOs&lpeuoefbigtn at thai place. Charlie lusnted It, of lîttie for every day use viii go aîong h tlpaml laueo en n coure. e plck i, avin beome Mpruedover bY a mont chaing lady on a TAie Methodlat Sunday echoul heid vlth sain'@ tales o! fabulons veati te uonaidiured hio quî ut. a eplet tiir annuai pientc lu Wm. Caiera lb.obtaioed vîtAi hardly an effort. Wt oi nnerdby suciea comimentul grove north of towu Thueedlay and the Krasiia viii pmy &il expenseesand as g i u vrb nbadlgtul yotnugsters hâd a royal Roud tiin uremiuî;eratlon Ban vili pilot hlm to the aIveet creAture3 and il fate had tumbied gaines, et. *'gld orchard." ber loto oui arme vo donit knov bu vhat v. would have been perfectiy Mis W. Drb, o Galke, A lamp exploded In thie jai o! the wiilg to hauve <ied riglit lien and fornîerly 0f Diamond Lake, dled ai ber Insule deîiartment ai the connty fari there. home fa tAie former place lest Sat. lamt Wedneaday night, and but for pigVleii ltl ioos day, internent belug lu Diamond Lake Scuyler Appley's timely arrivai on tAie Ror ning.altitage, ola bor ni- cemuer Mnda. cene vouid have resuiied lu a Dng londmy nlgbi, lu an effort tu get Italpii MaeGuMai, o! Chicago, viiid "vicked bisme." Eectrillgitoshsou]d hoid o! thebooks of thai body, blovs lis brother Paul tiis eek, going te lie subiiitited for tue prieaent system vere exehaugeol, firesima exposai, and Drue Lake thie luttait pari o! thi e ait the county fanm, au<i the delay of the books voeo lnaliy throvn oui of viiere lha vhli ..cmp out- viii a our board o! Superisore In orderlug the vlndo,ince vhich tino ui.y niumber o! friands. . . theni put lu moly b. remponibie for a hava not been sean. The. Intention .TAie . . (. T. lýMoge vili ioid a serions lire,.vas tu daatroy tie records and compel Dîme social ai tAiehomne o! James The reguilti o!01the tarli? la, whlch a nOv Meeting for the liting of Clark on Tnesday cvening Ang. 24. a&but& oui "-cigarette pîcturiea vîîî b. temher&. A good enteîialsumonî ls proDhil adi hatled viiisaailsfaction by thoseeWho Loaitr on the drainage canai ta not ai. a large attendauuce in deuiiad: . bJect tei Aiving thee inds of boys together apicute. Theuanvho pande Capi. C. B. KtI.lno, Of Topeka, Kano., undt girls «fallaeit iii moine o! these the dynamite lotoiitheohies dniiied la visitait vlth F. (iralibe and !aily obaceu .itle» heretefore plut forth by the. rock recelves $1.60 par day for bis Sunday. Hie vent frain bore to0 the muuf#ciurers. This regulation perlions Job. Hie rame the dynamite Wauconda ehere hAi wilil&itbiiforbide auj offer or promise o! -'any cartridge down viii a longoo ra. relatives befîîre returuing th £anaa. gifi, prise, premium, payaient or lng fIsuc1 17 y s fr olt rs s Libertyvîlie people vho atiended reward.' Wbeiher ibis also meaus an morci saimd. Every tino ibere la a tAie --Lime" ai Waukegan 1itSaiurday ipîuvemik lu tAie qtallty o! the premainre explosionble adocked for are seeking morne seqinssterod 000k tobecco or an&,theu gain lu morale the trne he la loaiing la the air. sncb vieoin tiiey May "my uhingeansd fron the suppressilon o! tAie suggestive ia tic aiom, ai leasi, nov goiug the adminlier suth liatisement On theii phoiographes canuot b. dlsputed. roun de. pour j ndgement warrante. ___ LI BERTYVILLE MARKET. The Bout Pamaly Cathartio. Corre.mted by the Mrehanîs every Thuradai. For a genaral home medicine. Hood'a ft S Butter-Creamery .......... x13(ohàl llaare unoqualled. They wvnero i- Butter.-Cboiue Dary.......... tu 41 1 pail for hitynuand %bey have ea ~ l5 SsEgos. ver doren ............... 100 là!oud eniir.ily uailetactory wierever Cot. erbuhu ........... o, i, roblsbat they arir îéaiiya oe Gnound Feed ............ 6 modicine chent. Tioy semim jet Bran.verton .... ... . ... eScleonOMIOt. ýj1U dlls.vfer ton ... ....... $go se 0 NemIéa, psoto........ lien Chmubogý 4 Oolle Choffl aaM The Do you need a go"d lEveryday shoe? Seiz' Top,,NotCh 01-50 ln moMe'.opa'#èë» $125 lns. Dotw lals m M. B. COLBV & CO., City. Dear Sirs:- Please send me by firet delivery wagon this mornlng: 1 Pkg Breakfast Food...............10ec 8SBars Lennox Soap ................ 25e 3-'lb Box of Btarch..................1l5e i Bottle'OiIves....................... loc I-lb Can Coiby's Diamond 8kg Powd.* *Oc 2 ibs of that deliclous Che...25é i Dozen of those Fine Lemons ....... 30e 1 Bottie Bluing......................s Package Naban Ceylon Tea........ 150 i lb Very Best Côffee................ S»e Pound Package Bird Seed ......... OSo Package Minute Tapioca ........... 100 Can of Potted Ham ..................10c, Large Package Postum Coreai ..... .28c Pound of Pearl Bariey ..............à" Bottie of Amonia .............. o16 1 Cake Comnpressed Ygast .........02e Yours Truly, MRS.BLANK. Me B. COLBY&ClO., Dealers in Everythlng. Butler Bldg. Libertyville, linnois, ,%IWE SELL THEIR SHOF.,65.t_..e

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