CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Aug 1897, p. 11

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AT TR-E Wauconda Furniture Store. Bedroomn sets, Antique Oak Finish $12.00 Louïnge,BrusseIs 5 .00 Couch,Cordu'oy 70 Solid Oak Center Tables wortn $2.25 1.75 lron Beds worth $4.50 4.00 Woven Wire Springs to fit Iron Bedls 1.35 Sideboard Antique Finish .10.00 Fuit line of Baby Carrnages Constantly on hand. 1 posit j', ]y wil not be undersold. These Prices For A Short Time OnIy. UNDERTAKING. Prompt Attention, and ikasonable RateB. M. W. HUGHES, Wauconda, - - - llin-is. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 0F GRAIN, FLOUM MILL STUFFS, SEEDS, ETC. . - ALSO-- Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WE SELL THE13WI3BIR WA (ION, WI4EN You %WANT Bugies or Agdcuti mtmiil1ust CALL ON WRIGHT &SON, Libertyville, - I-- lilinois, ait political affaire. The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies Ail of the News and the best of Current Literature, If in Moraiy Cdean, lad as a Famiiy Paper is Wtiiout a Peer. It itrry ColtinnsareluIIiflt Its aYouths* DeprtetIlaithe If brne ogthe11familly 0the Nw et th. Etîre WarIdand cives 1the 10,1 and aIk.t [Wvusslons of al 'îueBtions of 1the day. Tlma tirOcs.u«Ives î of.. rva'1lg mater cadi woee and b.Ilait pubialld la Chicago . ltxter a:ia,t..d to th,!neclo of the ieoi.le west of the Allegha y lis. ti.atan y 011,r Iloor. $1.00 PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR $1.00 The Dîily anlîl<indaiy Prie of Dal l'y nmili.........40ji.'r Edîtionie of it, luter Iialhy and Sjiby'aill...... &.6)> 33 r y-r Ocean lire the lîtat of tlieir kjîîd............ Address THE INTER OCEA'4 Chcago. TH£ 44TH ANNUAL Lake Co un ty Pair, WILL 1BE MELD AT Libertyville, Sept. 15 tÔ 17. New Attractions!l Large Exhibits! Good Racesmm- 6"Bappy Jack" --- The Gu 8 m Wonder! Will be at the Fair Sept. 15, 16, and 17, and give exhibition each day. He has a record of 2:09 Greatest attraction of the age. BASE-BALL! BICYCLE RACINGI Baae Bail Program. Speed Progror.m. A puise of $4(13la offeied by tle WEESA. TMJ11. Society 1 tu e wlning club". A N. -330CliS Ptrotlg.......185. entrance fe tif $5 Iliilo be pald l'y ailNi..2--3:00 ïIsértIa.......63 clubs Who duleire 1.3 enter 1the contes* o.:,33 lasrti ...........2o00 wbic)i wil l e sdded 10 1the puise. sy oreeil4tht1. ev'I Pure will lie divided as foliowa:s- 56e60, 13 Bni)i pecet oWinniig, 35 per cent 10 aaLlrtvi. I.Hioej per cnt utho red iid"C".ed b ai, second tud 15 Per 3wut tu thirîl. Ilta.a '0Cil t ntrm..0M33r 01 Ail entrieg nti e imode before ~1d whcgon tiy aia'o 8P. M. M oî.day Svjt . 13, 1 8.7. Ail ciîîb< 010 .Im KlcýbIs r ii. lou t 3j ninatlice eoIoFtttited of>1pluyers reiding in Lae Cminlty. Players wi& bc, Tuusaoay. SEPT. 16. admtted ta thie groinds free on the 71 :e1f.-llPeig daatqplay ouly. The Socety No. 7-2:4A C"iasTottina.........m3 b e rve11 ight I.. deciare gamues off Nu. sFe.lralitunning .... li (m if wetb'r ils uî,favorablo, anld no post- a:a E,.3 poned gaines wll b laleiyed. No. "-:365C lsTas Piy......1 .i Bicycle Race. N". iu-2:.e clae, Trtt g.......94 On 2soîîtenber 17, 1897. ut Ili aI. m., NO. 2-T60oc158 rul........"n tue truck 111i bce leared fur the No. 12-Fr5i3-for.8ii Trtii;ilng......... eO benelit of Cyeliti Who desire toi enter F-raeratao-Orbise narso &glinu brei and raied onfam th. bilcyclo e . jbhS ocety offers LsEy intyv1haenyrroedn Purse 0f $20 for ibis event te be1"1135 lrm.' BmIn tivaded as foiIows Gb" per cert b tltYlIs uld bave never won a i» 34 Per cent î15 r&-Ail"Ail ontrles wll1e subject 10 1th., ~ 0061 ~ lIrd. .apiirovi of0ltheCtors. For Entry Blanks Etc. Addregs, JAS. Me- WOODJiANr48,.cy, WIBC. CENT. Wt. R. TIfME TABLE. Dr m vPM am W 251 25 4 05 Ft. Wt 88» e43 1,20 806 0049 048258 20 Iv 982lea &31 il37 Lithtia ne dis go37 8 0 noiefeiler f81o03 lit 46 aI4e? ,Oils 0 ~ nLk 1013 2 s820 904 us xîCý 1810 1A $30a J Lake Vin&a 81026 SOS6a615 10 20 a0nim0 BOUTS 9Dàlaii 05601 Sndar. Il stop only on signal. a.,» .11.M. r.M p.»pi. ar. Frt. Lae Villa 703s 1129 4 *19 64 111 Rollins 1 os 4 -1 Gray L4ke 715 1160 4 6 914 1110 Iokf.Dr 7223 2260il 4 S 62 2 12 t.ethton 7 W soi 13do rireView 78sa 102 à8OR 157 A takid o 7 59 ô6il 1 02 Whellog 8o5 6 2u 114 Chicago 9.15 110 643010 48 Saints Pter and Paule Church. IBERTYVILLE. ILL. s UNDAY lSERVICES, First MARM-8:uo a. n. Ulgh maos-10:30 a. nm. ROCKEFELLER SOCIETI ES. ÇONGREGATIONAL Church Sunday sor vie 10:30a. n. and 7:20îP. nM. PrUyer me.eting Wedisday 0vî,elngv. Y. 1'. B. C. E. meiet liundaY tuineo at 6:45. Jitniar C. F. At1 a oloi. (JAON arnp No. 4124. M. W. A. 111 nionth. D. GRIFFITH. Y C. 0. 0. F. No. 815, meet soeoni and foîrth Thurdays of each nionth. W1LLKN1330E. N (0. GEo. A. (OT. Seer. I0. 0. T. me,4 Thursday ,ývnin«q of coeh 6weok. LESTES IiURDîCI. C. T. JOHN 0. BAGAN Post <0. A. I.Lnict Saturday nlgcht on or befoi' fu moon. J. A. Màsom. Conidi. OB Ce§uoCHLL, A]t. Mlail goîng eouth .... 804 a. Mi. 9:2 .33. Mail golng north..................:03 à.6In. Mail over land hy staue arrivtelt 10 A. In. deýpaits 81118. . ROCKEFELLER. . llberiff ieu. IBrown was liere tbis week. Commuunioni services 333e week f ront Snaday. Ed ititzeitbalei left hi-i, Tîieiiay for Lausiug, Mich. The new addition tt. IidtIardlnîj8 'îeariug coîupletiun. Miss May Norton is e-tu.naiunlg a frient) front Carey, 111. Lyle Gorham Iaés gone tu viit frieuds anu) relatives ln l,îwa. Witt. D. Lilchietd and daugbt.vr. ut Long (iove, vistdti reistives bere lait Sunday. Mn,.. Peter Litelitiild Is ent4drîiliiiilg ber iter, Mrs. Long, asndl ulher riendh~ f ront Chicago. Bon, ho Mr. sand Mis. Lewis Lit.-Ii fieldl, a girl baby, Tuesday. Aîig. 24- Lewis is baPPY lcdtrdifgly. Fred Brated bas returneil to Ida Grove, Iowa, aller spendiug a tv-su .bys with relatives hiene. Mn>..brastetiaiol mother sililoueve monldy. The annual business meeting ofth11e Congregatioiial chnrcb wîil l e liolul next Wednesday evei-ing. Every uiember of the chîîre h iii reiîîested lu ho pictent. The Pech Social thîs Friduy evon- ing. A musical and llterory prograin bas bue,, pru-pared wlicb sione will bu: worlb tIge priceo <f admsîission. wlieh in uîly 15 cenits. Coule andi brisîg yiîur frientim. Mr. Siiinir,,ovf the Cîttagu' Irgali Compîîauny, of Chicago, acitiîî.paliieui ly hlis elfe, calme out fron1the eîty oni Iheir wbkeels a few diîys ago 10 upu-iitia tv-S days at Diamondi Lake. Wbîle "u the rondaiArs. S3itiiiirbil a tal fru,î ber subeel, and during the ruiiiai,,lir of the trip luiIbis pleeîplace î- that ie fet qitico kk. %3fier rivig bore il sas ioievrei huit one- of tlii large boue hlairpinîs sie wîinî- lad peiiv-lnoled the scalp, oLd Al sas îîest- sony for ber Ulýi&pe a tu-w days t the C'entrail hîîl iundeci.a pli.sîu-l.înscar. i4,iilay illiei'iig ot I0:34i Mn. Chlas. King,.oft%%atiegoii, sill sls.oi nt lthe Congregatloi rulî-ui.ih. iTheWauîke- gai Y. M. C. A. maie Choîrus w1l l ig. At 3:301). 'lu. lhî-i., suilI bu, a nu-eimg fur mnmi 33,7, uusIltusl 13 Mn. iK. l. B)uck, l'reidtlv othe liWalîkîgai, 1. M. C. A. Mr. (bu. Blitoui Sîiti,,ofîi-î cago,, tuliege Secr't.ary of the- StaUu Exettive Coumîîitteeo Y.M. C.A. wili deliver the atidres, 1aud the Wau- kegan Y. M. C. A. MaIe Chorus wil siug. _Eveny nan lunRockefeller and viclîity shounit attend this service. Alil mon roni Libertyville, Diamond Laie ant itvanboe are cordiaiiy inviteul. At 7:301 a roushng song serviee wilI be belol anti at S ticloci Lieu. Muton, of Chicago anti others will speak. Every une is cordially invitei. 'Tbis in t10 lc young men'» Suntiay, udo not fou leo attend every service. The fllowing nameti gentlemen frin Wau.kegan uwlti be preslent: Louis Kraft, Piere Barmiore, Cias. Ring, Lou. J. Yeager, H. 0. Lampson. H. C. Palterson, K. S. Buci, S. 8. Hatburn, dary Sîripe, A. D. Stîlisun. WiJI hBennett, W. H. Dow, Dr. Mmmeir anti J. M. Haskel. WAUCONDA. Jus. Uas wenh ho WNauegauî Suîîday. Watelbim. W. Mugbes oui usît suoci 0. M. Fitch siarted ffor BuffaîlouMoun- day. Miss Irene o liitla visiting frieuti iun McHeiry. C. E. Meadi bas mo',ed lut') 1ht Slocosu bouse. p lra. E. Woooihoume w ent tii the> cilj laitThurstiay. Miss Sadie HiIlIn is pendig a lem days in the City. liarr Fuller weut le. the eity Tuelî day on bis wbeel. 0 Frank Green, tif Chicago, spent Sun. 1day iWaucondae. S. Van lyke, of Mllenry, suas o: oui streets Iunday. J. W. Coo la building ant aiditiiuit bis blscksitli sop. A. T. Gilbet wam a cîty visittîr Sol uxday anti Suuday.« H. Siep of Laie Zurich, was a Waî: couda viilor Snutudy. 3) l ' ill 011 fChicago, ln vixitînl relativesin lu Iis vielnity. Miss Pearl M'els, if ivauibus, wasj Wauconds vsitor Satuxdsy. e0 Miss Sadie Wellu, ut Barrigtou 10 spent Sturtisy lu Ibis place. jF rani Wyukoop of Chicago, 1 spenting thebeaeok In tis place. Oco. North, îof Elgin, vas a Wauconil Jviiter Mtoday antdiTnemday. 0. Itun<ler, (il Chicago, visite friends1in Ibis place tant vesi. Mir*. l. ReynoldulatfMenry ý me aI«evdaja luib hspi Saee1mai ve@0&. lmasI veek. unr.,0..M. Hiil 01 Chicago vlsitedl relatives in tIbisplace Frîay andi fflnrday. Fred WynkxW, of Chicaou, vimited bis parents, Mr. and Mis. N. Wynkoop, lait Friday. The cbjîdren wlo took part in the cantata iiad a plenle at Blls l'oint ]ael Baturday. Elmer Monaban, of Chicagoî, spent Sunday wltb bis parenîts, M. and lirs. Jas. Monahl. Mr. andi Mrs. Cayton Poweis oaid mon, of Elgin, vinited I eiatives in lu i vîcialty Suîîlay. Mits. N. WHyiooîp, Misss1,odle Me- Clainî and Frîîîk Wyîkoop soroIitiî.g- wuod visîltia Muuday. 0. W Pratt, C. Uiswol, A. T. Gili- bard and L. liniilsrd witncssed the raceA aut Chicago Saturday. The teachens îof luis place andI vieli- ity attouded thei>touchers' iîîsîutue ut Watikegan the lrt îof hie week. The Waiîcodds Juniors piuycd the Barriiîgtou Juniors t aI irriugtou îMou- day. The Wauoîî.,îa lc)y, were de- leated. Score 10 10 13. MILLBURN. Arthuîr Spafford bas8 cnie borne f or a short visil. Aifrti Spafford bas returiied lront bis îootheru trip. Miss Carieo ater sibI îattendt tho fair at Woodlitoek. Miss Jessie Strstig ont ster vimited Somerii, Wis., recently. A large number of Watîkegan people are camping aItbe Thalu farmi. Mrs. John Strang bas ieturned front ber western trip improveti ln health. Misses Mamie Thoin and Jessie Strang have rctîîrued front Lake (jeneva. Wallace l'ieree, ouf Winona, Miîn, le viblllng his siotei Mii. L. Il. Starkweatber. Dr. Tamison bas .bhowu muchi enter- prise ln connecllng bis uflee witli Wadsworth andi Laie Villa L'y telephione aI bis owu expenso. LEITHTON. Scbool commences next Mooday. Burt Betig wattsaeei orounti here lasI weei. Rtult. Liii wah in Chicago I&s4 Tues- day on bumîue,a. Mns. W.. 1. Smiîth, of Chicago.,là visiling ai J. A. Masou's. Mrs. Mary Alanoî doue. shopping lit Chicago bal NN edneaday. Miss Maltiee LUII wos visiAlug fieuda un Antioch lai't Siîiiday. Misti Gruco LIIi wet t t.Chicago Wm. Pocklington, of Evanslon. ii a, th3e guesl. of Mn. and lMrm. LUII lost Fnl- day and Saturday. Mis. Lieu. Anderson sud daughter anid Miss JIlia litgal), of Chicao, are' visitiug with 1D. W. Gr!i sud anti sily.1 JohniiMurphy sand site, oufWaucouda., were viaiting t13e former's brother-rn- Iaw, H. Ciondt fanîily basI Tburs.iay and Friday. Mnr. F. L. BonIwel vwuan i Wanke. gan Tbnrsday. Mms.B. A. Douglas in on the alisMt Ibis week. W. B. Oliver open$ Bunndy at the Farron Hous. Chas. Peppaçd in visiting bis altar lirs. Wm. Booi. J. or. Huleban and B. Sharm vere un the city Monday. Miass Maggie Pend41l in viiting frienda la Ibisplace. Miss Marion Payne, tof Ivanhoe, la vlsiting at F. L. Bouwlis». miss Mabai Rieiffli9mspent sîîîiay ut J. A. Kerr's, Loo ae lirs. Wit Snytler in entertalning a @ister froni Chicago Ibis week. Francis Neson, of Chicago, la visit- ing ber salt Mrs. Win. Snyder. miss Mae Brown ln visiting ber sinior Miss Anie lBrown of Oak Park. A îmiber from bore attended th3e Institute ai Waiîiegan Ibis weei. Misse. olive Nelison and Brdie Blacifoîrd wero ln Aîîliuch Tueiiday. Misa Cars Wallils tnd Flossnie Ker speut SuudayuaI l'leBail iPrairie, Win. Mns. J. Bro'wn and daiîgbter aie spending a few wee:i at the Farrow Hounne. Mrs. Ira Snydeîr lias ben smici1the test wek but nt prescrit writnlîas btter. H. Holbrîoik and daîugliten latie, of îloaant Prairie, eallod on Laie VilIla fiiends. We are glad ta replort Mns.. 11 shulîls mach btter. 513e wss lu towu S.tirday. A numuier of t13e Yonng peoole bore wili attendi sehl, ut R)ochester, Win., this year. Mr. andîtis. Warren flook spent Sîîuday witli Mn.IlIo.ks parents of tbls place. Pole o'Bwer bas iotiîned 1W bis hoin u <raymlaio af 1er speidiiig the sommer here. A ntîmber fr,.în livre attended 1the sîldiera reunion at t.raysiaie Thon,. îiay antt Friday. servires next Snnday as nala, mo)rning service etil14:3(1 a. mi. Sunday scbool ai 12 clock. Evenlug service aI 7:45 p. nâ, P"ALATINE. Bert Sutherland we are sor ry to bear IN qulue ick. Oscîvar Benîlen si:d fumily visiteti friends lîcre recently. Mr. Pelons, of Arlingtu.nliIeighls, w" in 3towu Ttesdsy. b11.8 Naper, 3of Cbicago, la vitittng ber fi-nd Mamie WilIianis. Mn. and Mn,,. G. H. Arp& viséiteti John Aýrps ut SIate îlompiîtal, Sunday. Dr. E. W. Woiid son fnîîm Caifornie, is Viilîug blé§ parents lu Ibis place Mis. Henry Heise invlsltiug ber l.arouts Mr. and Mrs. A. IL. Baldwin. Mn. and andi Mms Wrllz. of Chicago, are gue8s of Mr. and lie. Soflon Ibis week. Mrs. Il. Sclierdlng speut Saturday and S3undmiav ,.uii relatives at aI 1'î,e 1iraok Shaddle anti fanly left for aou a( e, Wis u "uLv-. -e exteuded vimilt at Fortiver, Michilgan,. aeWn lait weei tue visit tbe foriers brotber i iso& Deliorah Couper lasalt nome ut ut Ibat place. prelleut reatîng up alter ber wander- Misses Anns Liii and Effle Butîter-i.gdîrgLevaton ield weutto10(irayslake on tî,oi hues Walter Danlels retilrnesi front a trip fi Friday tu. pmrticipato îin1the lu Duluth and aroî,nd tbe laies last soldie', rennbon. Il Sîîàday aler Ia Weeis a ee.vigi The scbîoil direcîçis inform lis thut John Firbes't of L ie 3re, s e c ul îl i c o m m e n c e n u v - S I î I î , i y lm a n a g e r 'o f t h e t I n i o . ,l t a n , i s l Alîg. 30-. S, ecildi.,n telre y', 'Ir. id î,îr i.wn .luring t13e pat woi. books and bie on baud1 wbeil fteueiîl MNir. Curper and Mis Belle bave rings. reltunneil froin their. exlended trip lu Misies Erma aîd NVtrro Elliot who the South m3ilb iniprovoti generaîiy. htave leeiî siiltilg thi0 îinîilMrm. b rani Nhuiî.i, 0f <hicAgo. lias nioveti H. <3,03,left for tlii home u t SMoufte . i .1ai y leîti ttbîardsotiiî iîld- lienî,l, uiiana, lasI Tbursuluy. 'l'ey igui.alian a utvlty storeunitfii,, were weil pleased wtb thelr visit uit n v-on future. malle as uimler iriojuls whlieni issAiesluîilo iuetao huie wo #cî lb, hiul oitîm agai 1w 3of 13,r sebuiî)Ilateswitlia a iady Onof u ecihi iiIg enr ieV 1l T.333tifý(ay allernu aî si a g.od liur lîîisiiig bis file ii re fa-t Si&iiioy Prof. and Mrs. 5var. ni-urnoîl fri lu trylîîg te.l board a movl.,g lrîeghîthr .ldgtrWvuidyAî. traoit,i b,tu-tietrai road. lie luit blis t1511 'rîî. iIi tour tinehb.sda 5C bioid suit fr1i tween tile luoving v-r. s.StenlPrf. ilî. m bsrielil IL was luciy thal Itie Irait, w,,. moviug SeMtrnBiie th .slow ier lie Wi,ild metIle oung the M.Bud, one sîfthe 8.-tf un ni.-I living t a. P iarentIss wold di, ssii hall ta, Of bis tIngeris smashe i by a tu kev-p thei. chiliîreî st homle anti failing railuami the diltetiîi was ihlgedi noCt iiiItîthym tulu îaarulîn(jtl11e ti New theui ni). deput astiio niaiy ilo arond bers on iatt Sumith, tif NNs,îegan. ocuîo- Sî,îday. ']hocyîuieg mlan walu gîven paniied L'y Missm Lutta Esol,îOîf Chies-_ adviae as tlth .dange-r ho w,î iu. glî-uie e ilit 3itijeïr subivi, andi wvre Buît il sou-sos4&4sthuiaailie du't gel guiists il Mn,.. H. be-hier3iiigs 'lien far witb smoine utfiîur bo'ys sied Ihey StOî,ilay. ougbl tubcLui înig.ied. Ths ratiroad Mrs. Mary Giesi-, tif Long Onove, couponiy eau prosceule parties boiard- mother ut Ers. George kenhier, dieti iug trains wbiIe moilg. This Bhould at honr nume Thurtiay, ageoi sevouty- prove a lson to the olher boys that two years% old. The funenai services wero tbere anti saow the danger Ibis were belli Sunday morning at Long Young mon usas in. Grove. - Misses Porep bave 1.-ft for au extenfi. RUSSELL. ed trip t.u Chicogo. l'ronm there they Ed.Higey isietii<eî,sia >0 ~1 '> 0 vsîtluMt. Joe a short tinte aud V day.Itoue there tbrough nîrîbern Indiana day. home. W easu wlsh Ibent a Pleasant Mis..J. Siocuin ulm vîsitîng at (rant voyage. Murries. ev. J. C. Hutcher and famiy al- Wil Mllvli, of Evanston, mpent tendi d camip meeting ut Epworlh itnnday at home'. Gnove ,one week. Dr. E. W. Woudt Mrs Wil olives lit enlertainiug rolua occupiedth 1e pîlpit of the M. E. tives front the cily. ehîlreb Sunday mornlng and detivereti Buffalo, and 4tarted on Saturday iat un lnterestlng sermon. te viil relatives there. 1 Henry Knigge i. about lu bnlid a iR. Chltteddon antI lamliy vlited lo- reoalenco on im lot lu town. Hienry ativese ut Anlioch ithSuîday. Bergmuan bas the contrant anti will Mis Ma Litlewen tuMilaukesooli bave it underway. Mr&. H. MissMay itti wint l Mllau e Myen will also u bolti anew nesidence on Wednesoday for a shori vint. ou ber lut vacetiiîy the tine. Missi Ellis Murray la mpending a weei Herry Thompsun, of Cuyion, Misses vituî ber grantimoîher in Waiegn.-Leurs, aud Emma Donbon, of Evanston, Arch. ChUI, ike, and Barris Sivers Mary Caraon. of Arlinglon Heigbts took ativaulage of the cbeap rates la Mrs. Lutge, tif Cbicago; lir&. N. Allen, laBîrdie Mtelr, of1 Evanslon. visileti of Dakota anti Jobn Bray, of Chicago Mable anti Elale Chlttenden on Tuîes- were registered at the Wilson House y dy. tbu peint weei. Edwin R. Lincoln was marrled te Y PA II.~Miss Lalîra May Pedterson, of Lange». W lMns. Gloms lm entertainunglber sono' heimby Justice J. F. Flbert at bis WJldow fromt Chicago. resld qnce in Palatine Wednday à p. MissNode Wil as on ni.f The happy couple lefi for a- lissciî0sentWoberlvasatIon. toLangesiheim acon afttrandi enjoyeti a Cincnnat to pedber acaton. trip t:i DevUls Laie Tbursdlay. Mir. and 1. Cbester Woffliaitits left band badly Mis. Lincoln wili rectite with tbe bîîrt lasI Tuosday wblle adjulsting a boit grooms faîber in Palatine. eon the tbreshiuig machine. li The board Of elucatioll announce The raillIe of a bicycle belli by WiIMoudav Sept. l for the openina Of O chiey Vas a greut slu.ces. A large Our public scbools. This yesr l crod wâ pettnt nd it aila goi>d inaugnate tbe f ull four yoars course lime. In blgb sichuol whicb h I be similar Miss Ida Metz wbîî bas been stay- to Ibot pîîrsued lu the Chicago iug with ber miâter, Mn,. 'lebi for a achoois. A diplonta front our scool 1number of weeks bas relonneti homoe viii ho accepleti by the best tof collegou to Napervllle. andi admission Witbesat exitmintou ig The sehool bhn"la.l aluso lavtng a granted. The attention of parenta boom uno new oeufs andt taclierst dei anti puplis of sironnding towns sud a are ortiereti. beiie othern ecemary districts% in especially callei to 1his Improvements. tact and thei patronage soliclteti. ie Lat Sattnrday occnrri-d tige soit of___ itob. N eand aguilist NMci Sbchen- Auctioru sale. lu berger I. ai Walkegan. tichoeîîberger The unticrmignet. ilI oeil at pulic waa due $5l and cot for giviug iRob. aîîction the Fred Gleske fane,tins sud 10Weiaud a cut acrossthie fiee aII a une-bal!fIniles uoth of Long Orove on d Aptakîsie bas docIdedto bave a acres, Saturdsy, Sept. 4. 18917, S* edboom"as another reatidonca la being a 'eioci P. m. The farim teveil ereeied. Tilta thb. Iird buttiAnirimproved; gond buldfl la l90oW ut inelaprlng and oAbaisae talked of. conditiouu,. cstelin, vmil. -abc. Torm Mibo Wibrabeli44m 6" vamete 1euhmi. Mm. GMUOU KBtU110 ije boltoug* $0*1 o~14 a.G Liat your property with me and 1 viii flnd you a obiox reasonabie rateu. Âmong numerous choice bargains I have the folowing. Lake County Ferme For Sale. SBiaitferme1 one Mile Dioth mires ail tilsd. niwi,,e leu, moe Ilproved farm on bauies of Gagea 7 roche houa», barn 20x20ft. IL, Lake. Prices 080par a aor astea. halanot) ou hbi eltern; rpouns orelr long time et iow raie of lotereat. fruit. ricli so. plndid lo a lieu sue Iniproved fan adjacenit LU Thinilgard"iiiteu. Laide. Lberalternio. Lbertyvlla City Property. lu) acres on Mlwaukie roaîi. hfl, lâe. hanu, gool foes. 2 good .îl w,,il.gîod ,H l lifsart, lut Witte 'iglt r3onm iodernl 1 li20 mres tîmber. Prie,, 40 ler mire, l'rt Moo.d Weil. eiterts. ehade and lfiuit 1,653.balanSoo nie 8ut ar eelt. ..b.oî. for ea..h. or 3333 rationablit ternes. Oove and Ors alake four milles fl3rth of Fui eal,ý, new iilklilngio 4feet. oheau LWelvil.Neil Iniîroved undor g3od cash. cLaeIe of oultilon. no g'ood Cil t03.k or dairy fai.ur e îllgcîlga, 138856 ota rn 241 tiowlng Weli. Trisllh.ral. 1.. lmiîirotvedFanm. <iioleiir"gale). 103 w>e- WANT T'. TuÂ2'-Choi.o, mire corneridic a.juseeto1 aWls. <eîtrtl fi. IL. Station,, ut Lirm-rtYvIlll for té3mnilJ liroved farm 14@ F"our fatn n bVo!root. Township j. WIIIi.a tà,.u.i3diT.renoe. t4iverai 'liole.' arti4 lnAvon Township rvaaa Ura Grayciake. FOiR SAL-A chice lot 65 bIy 177 A si.klild fieai12olm-r.,0 5.i3m,lt t'>i' rlîe 14cs. Taylor laie. ivslaIl a ,igi, Want tu I mut a g.,od hoiji.. 330,1 iara, lit Lithcrtyvil... Subscription News Aige TheJ. 2M. PrIe,,fac. 2mo iwr30 0en Vil- wauke3, Av.,IX 1bis n u'. 03,1,of i.lbertyvillc: - Pue liero, on emeh dd., îif rond and iifi33 i LI FE INSU NCE AGENT. tlmie.r fmirom o 1erIv.ýr. WII, eil lhoi, or l'at to10 3,t l,3rehati. Prie. l',w;: Loib. Ilitiil. If you Wisnt L WANT To TOADri --Agooti 100 tb 2004)Bu33, Soli. 116)1> or Trade Real H. C. PADDOCK, LIBERTY VILLE. ILLINOI Keystone Corn Husker Iand Shredder ...... IHusks corn and makes hay of the stalkg. The Sterling Snapper and Shredder, MAio makes hay of the ataika. Hummer Sulky Plows. Brabley's X Rayýs Sulky Plows. * Bradley's and Deere's Waiking Plows. BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. Lumber,%r&o Coal. S SALT, CEMENT and TILE, Rope, Twine. Etc. SG.H.Schanckç & Son, SLIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. It 18 always gratlifying t3. rticove PEOPLES' coLuM tmgtimonuai for ChabanitlemuGoll, choiera and Diarrboa e R-D-ly, sdan"' TSE0N~~îlt, ~. li 1e udorêemeulIi i font a 11 ,3i0 fnl'on9 od.U îîbysliclan Itlaluespeeîally nu. *'Tbere .,Int. r"1.wi a'll ,nL rd la no more stlsf .isr)y 1or ffectIve ,.,aei, a.dj11l,nle:i.. ~ ~ lO neniedy than Chsroberlain's Colle. 1IFou'Y<ilR HOUISES TEETH-Need Choiera and Diarrhoea ilc.medy,' ith1relscob l,lfow aI Il,. Counr wrltes Drt. Il. E.. l10ley, physleian alo.i hio ' s in. o pharirmaclit. of in.V, Mo.: and "s hoe ît AE-e 043 1". , !rmii a of haut tî.eo the tàîe' ly I lifi "%ri mic al o. 3j3 .îo(F film ly an o d I luli ,n bis .lrtg mst ore .o .'lS î.I ur foîr sIx yeurs be. sholll îerteiîly kli uow For »aile Iîy F. B. Lo%'Eti,t..îîerîyvvlle Fi, 0SiE i.> tor. u Ue J. i. tiAo0Ei, Oninee, I.. Il. LM3il . r> I'Sr 3,I ,laUOl F ut A E , L l haiid organ In Et-A cohiîns. weighlos 14 le,, 1)5 ioi.@ St tg _____________ ROUTE. FOR_____ _________, TRANSPORTATION CO. Overatlng 1the Mupirth Bie Wbesl steamers. City of Chicago City of Mlwaukee and 113e newly rebulît pri.p-11--r CITY 0F LOUISVILLE. Bi-t wmenChîcago amidSt. Josell i alI 1,nton $1 Dally Excursions! on return a81m:30 p. ni., :hily. lt-icuî.or teaut mi. Saturdays only. By this route tlhe touriat nomihes direct t13e heait of tl.',Mîchugan Fiuit Bell and theniostcharmlîîg suni. mer rsort reglon adjacent tu Chi'.ago. CHICAGO OFFICE 48 River St., Foot Wabaah Avenue. J- il. Graham., Prouldent, BEN'TON HARBOR. IiCI. In Cool Wsconsin Enjoy the cool breezes antird .r yoiur shatbered nerves aI Waukesî,o, Wsnpaca, Fifielul, or soinie otîger, fumons Wîs§cousln S,,immer ilesort, eaally reacheti on frIff tr,îius ruuuîisg via WISCONSIN CLNTl1tA&l LINes U: St. Pauni, Minn,-olis. Asbllatid andl Duluth. Ouïr bookîct -"Vai-tiîm in g.: gestions" telle Jou l ow ouiîiwi,,re t133 go. Tour gîsroslt Icket agent eau give yoî furtber Informatio.n. JAs. C. PoND. .P. A., Milwaukece, WIb. U ndertak ng, Paints, Oils, Varnisiies,I Glass, Putty, Go to ISAAC HEATH & Lîbertyville. 11114 F.BA"IRSTC liaunfa*urer of Marbie EVERY s- DESCÉI

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