CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Aug 1897, p. 4

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408 DID IT "WITH THE SICIN 0F MIS TEEY." Vie. Talonnant Chasse* s Unilque Toxt teal'rench u Moquentleud i'owsrtai lersson-Finounragement for Thomis Who Consldcr'i heir Camssi ipetess. 'lu, Wockly 6Sermsison. la thinsdiscourse utftDr. Taimage Io mighty encouragemetu for many Wnho cou- aider lirir nncase irtpetia. tbs et te Jobrxi%., 20,. Ioi eitraped siti tire skia of My leeti.' Job hiai it bordb. Wiraî aifi bouls sud hereasvenienîs anti banbruptt.y arîd a faot o! à wife ire wliredl lie n-as deani, and 1 do Dot blame hmt. iliI Ah-ir n-as gone and bis boues were dry. tua tectir wsstsna aws>' until noting bit: tic enamsel seemeni lefi. He rries oui. "I ar ncraped wih tire skia of my teelb.' Tireebian laien moule differeure o! opin- ioa about ti is: age. Ot. Jeromeansd Schulteux and Dtrs. (boed and PIoole and Brne@ have ail triesi Iheir forceps on Job's iccli. You dort>'my lterpretafion and sa>, *"'ata diii Jobr know about lire enamel o etefetr? le knew every- tfingaboiut t. Dental aurger>'inAs lost as ol as tire Partis. Tire montatf Egypt. hibumasnus ttf ses ra fotîii to-day wiîir golf] illing in tfiîr l-îtb. Ovid and Horacte lantî (t uuiouii at uais]bfms wrotc abouttîflles Impuortanit faromrs ut tire body. 'lTîo tier ltrtîruking ctunpiaiîuia Job, I1tliil, ht.a iemd u exaaperatitîg ltothbachi, iud ltlistingf iisblnd nu aiixit tire iîîhhînîîî-tifa. - lîijay, "I aisro.luen. withithIe tu tir mît ' î-ti." A rery ftmtr-ni t ylilut.jtnsny. ,)mvitîba litait>'ndit-11îî. Ifuît Ili-r-e ri- thlinlnti îf metsi n-luiui-j iotpiles iavreî -suaftifr tirir attif. Tli-vt - aa ini' a li-th le part iti ltitt ,lîîieî uthndrusseîtiaîrou liiier liai t fuilîf'n i-natiieltbtt,.unsdoit inlrrliy ishtli-.s ave tii-j - Thisktî l'onritoîce- t i- ]heutîy a ltf feri-ut figurre s, lit-tue..ui ysai utiar u- - ple are ln nistuely u- A :-nI-it sea la in fa yeaa ti gel fia tireafrîr "t tire COsil 'fiboufs barv' ahovei-l tff. Tbe lnesmil 'tii O-l. Vîn -tiinmure flic lient rt lié)nargnr onu titr fat-o. You alitel doa-no'stfleAr-sie utftt-essenel allerbuaitî u -oh. yîur ing-reuoutil tire forbial fougiue tf thirfe beginut)licteflickt of your barimlasd soîî fer-Ilirhai ynun rit fait li. n a-h o f ie<thle lit-tîtists cqetîle bb.k ed tireiiiallurns altl.->' liîk tirey haie roulai fnr uie ntre. 'l'ie b'ai sweinigs iuritr j u. '%"tti troilitifit i in arenast r-il Sutonute iriuclire urstiid It templartton uintitItiy are'psrfrafiy cr- sumed, luit atter il get off 'aaved as by ire"- Butl ik îte fi gutre of lob s linîfe bot- fer libsaiit tnit eraul, bu-r-irai- tire 1tlpif bas nut wmrî un oeint. sd Isant ftu abuw Joli, if (jil wl hlclt it smorne monîîîalie ia rroo -toit Oftr thit-ira-I i liiindaie nemd nsa. «ifirb th,kisî.,t tlîc-rrtii' Iflina ts -a>' fmr umîîtu' tut looîk a tirerrossam astr 5îtof ttb fîkt thi u iti. M un, g-ntîr-.tramtalt. I lov n.>mmr olat tiu taber-onie ('risîîi 'a aYoir gît os,'-r t tire tore Und su>,', "Iraiintîutitlni-n i î-t cirurcir yesler-uay . Utu roiîsîî- s tt rade say, -T ainsitntMi latinigltf bar,- been eulwitf-dul la n) sna- t lait sur-s of mînn.' I mutir this Iersiti t'iiitîr1 descrilue M ns i.ase atai. Il.i- jrie-r lr' - Uiîngs. le Dr-er lsugirî-t in ol tMoN Iniproçier te) hîîngb. Ai 7 ire e.mld tilt an liour in clînreir. pcrectiy (Inîtr. lte.kiitg nfiber fti.tire rgbt lionn(Durthelirelfl tit sîraigin u th ie oyes of tii- înieîî-v. au-t firougblire uîidirstond tire rirulr-tut iutn abotithit,- tonnaI tiierres. lie Drv up#et stintg. noirt ot tii-î. Ile hiýNît, ILI. th,-Lirt- litîiîni tf <bia 9.uagrauuîalj- lat Il - t rt. i u Msilien thlie niltlr MDe. elr-cidemi. liers, ie auînîttier uneîho i ei tairtodmin i leî wîth ie ttuni-h rt rolalie tpiril. lic kteht theire r0in snsu ulîvmr.lusi* ifhiev foulerd hui allieng tu ler- odg-cof ft-e bonuse rouftt , ai-t'if lire r-nld bInaar-omu self.Tvin-- NNmus i itîbrneia: i t- re diiv Dot rd-. nu) fr-ei-t- iu-ul t li drti. Ilite hoyhcoclwa a eltitg a-rtes otpr-j.-- ment@, bis nîaîniî,,ut Itimuerer-It-su . iris nati slo ver-; Niatîrul lBut i..ulut' e miii- verfed tvil u u t-vr t it- fi- aoi s&Y, 'VIt ri vti luttthlichtAitru-hte tords>'.-Yuutuv ltntas> 'Il inslu- Bible! l"".1îr rut f u ttitu - '.u ta "Nu, I tu-l é the iru Ivo liec is.itîiti cbmir.Vlit-ntflcsrn-luIs-"here smmmlii for su rs-u]Anlk-ivgliutliant ttc emuinse t 4'ittitar!"In otitii-mordusucw o-ll adrtit ian u slut i ii,- isitul l fmr- suunenrie Utti tu tritlttr- u-nlIrthe (', fr tiers. 1Imna;b1- n itf iisorit-N iti hinUe r-ut i1,"- r nînui.lii le mmmiifltîts ml Sundaj. il ii si,l îîha n. it,intutti imitait.. becomiaji('iniof n. a n i u't-tI--.iud Nt you m; uuîn3turu-f lo-rit tefo,,t u ba&ve tIais l--a iirii'tuîtimti irouv. 1II tîu er-l honni ai9, <fffrimt ai fît t Ma>' or Longiîtliranjcir a titi rtp thir lts s nd lifter .a I hiîlî-emone tisîtm. tnupiltng !r lire netsNN isltlitimrbits t uatgit i stigla-I fuair. If ta;t-t Ii, l r.'ittd tin t- r b leîîd Dotfthe riglit liatui ututse 01 ît, o t' ,Xlott no stin-m t Xi ursiotj, ui to - lu t-e rreI fui] utfli. futire tlt iilt iteliriglrt irv-- tien, tht- giNel utt iha tmîîu. 0(J îlai tir disi belît Stion sied .'unr-itutfiai. show un lîMtuticfît sftue Ort on dterigit side of tire aîîup. $orne or yîmu ieoniug f0 Gtud orl bave ta run egaîrraf skepticail jnoltin. Itla uselea.té on peoulefa sayhi'artantaitifing tingta itfiose wair rject tire Chirstianî religion, t cannut sau>'surir thilgs.b-- n-iai proces nof r tfatiou or trial or lac- trayal yoîî bave coulte to your protieuf rtfe 1 kto- nut. Ticre are fw a-firefIo Ilounr nature-tire gare o!fie heu ndrthti Ï gate o! the heart. Tire gasqe 0f Jour ioaid lel ocbcd nmb bota andi bars tirat agiar-b-- angel coutid not break, butithe gale of > our ienrt swings ensal> on ifs bingits. if I saau.ted rour bcd>' niib wncpons, yonr wonld muetf ne if b ncaons, aud it Wold ire eWord siroke for en-1rd siroke and wnoiired for n-ouud and irootifor blooti. but if I1r-ture and nirork afibe dooer ot jour bouse yonî open it and tire me lire limat seat in yoor îpartioe. If 1 ebouini corne eta jon non-,sitiran argument, Joli iouhti answer me aitir au argument;i I witiruniar rasm you n-ouîd ans-or me n-ih acsl blon- for blon-, Sfrobre for trobe, but n-heu".ý I corne andi knor-k at the door or Jour benrt j-ou open It and na>,', Cornme n. iy brosther. and tell me ail you kuon- about Chritand iraven." tidaM la a darh sd doiellaal lraasd.Let me "aY that iâis Bible se cither tartec or faise. rIf lt hli ee we are au well off as yoD. If it lbe-truc, thonrawhlch o0ful enfaer? Let me aimai, ait whetheî jour trouble baIs Dot ircen Ibat jon conjounded Chris- tianit>' în-th the inonissteut character of some Whîo profesa l? Voir are a lawycr. ln your piofossion tirore are menu and dimbrrnestleva. la tirat anyting agalust the taw? You are a doctor. 'Ibore are unskilled aud contemptible men in your profe-ssion. b,0tirat anYting againsi mcd- lettne? You are a mort-hauit. Tirere are tirieves anrd defrsuders ln your business. la liat snyibing agalust mercirandlse? ltebold, tiren. tire anairiesof charging ripou Cirriatiagity tire % irkednens ut lts 1disciples! We admit somie of tire cbarges n galnst those wiro profiens religion. Sfom@ of tbe mont gigantic swlndies ufthtie pres- cnt day bave been csrried on by inemîters of tire churcir. There are mon standing idi the front rank in the churches wbo 1would 'lot lie tr.umted for $5 wlthout goodia collateral socurit>'. The>' leave tiroir busi- ness disiionesties in tire vestibule of the charia aythtey go in and sit at the coin- muiura. lUaving coritluded tire sacra- muent, îhoy get upa, wilpctire wine train tiroir lipse, go out sud takre ruilthelr stri wbere tirey left off. Tu serve îbe-devil is tiroir regular work. tu serve God a mort Of Play aspeli. Witir a Sonday sporaige tire>' exixet te Vipe off tronstiroeir Iusi Iloas alate ail tire past week's inroonsisi- eites. You bave no miore rlgbt Io laire s.t-ba a maris lite aa miwcliIen 0f ni-u jln than you bav-e tn taire tire ta 'iil irons snd split timaiers#tabat lie on rte leau-irai Crarro>', ltied lsas s ,fri-r an Anîcricau %amp. Itlismfiole tirat wa Iran s lino irotoocr religion sud tire frailties or tirose wbo profers il. lo you riot tee riant tireBible. turc if ail in al],as abaout tire abatIuttl ut tfice wtrc lias r-iver s%"ai!'fDub. oukntw sur lttttiir f bat lîlsas mut-b fri if? DOlii, 0l ot fhliik ripoiOlec N ole fbat lits iilit lias itoeîii tielleut? 1i(-oule tu juawîr totfh bandîjs r etedeil foiearn joli. I ntn irarit1lhi verise ii tb! andtinatire îuhr hanr-îl Iirhave o îfliig. 'Jifaili- n li il iisiil t.tîrri-icr fort-f ir jufst as atoll tsý niii y ther baud j)tu cari lit il tbook tht e abotter. 1 iun-ite yofi bar-k 010 ftie goûmi oui fîisirioiietIreligion 0 of ilirfafîler. f0 rie t9.oti whurm they worailiîied. Lu tireHBible fleY rn-ad.i lir e Promises on subir-r foy r-oued, to tire cros n wbich firey irong tlîî.î etîrrial expecfatlousn. You haro îlot tîîerî happy a day mtice you swoang off. Ytu will ot ire happy> a minule unril you sWili irbat-k. Agiiin. tirere inlay ttc Rorne seio in tire arf-rlibf jîffir a Chrristian life ii bave tii rurîîîalltlr>t taonerfufi Ias.luua and aptie- tire.. I'-riraps ifla a dîspttsiriotr ltarger filatayentîhavo f0 coîitend sagninst. anti ,srit.aps. wie in a sery serious muod. jîju lierîr of simetUiâutirhat nibî you teed ritatl>triont swear or diei. I knuwa- Christ ian ornai vio ivas otite sel xaspe- atil tîtatlire Raid 10 a menn utsmer. q i-a tibt tsDiar il YoUut> toit, for I arn a nii-iulr-r ut tire vhurt-h.Ibut if jou evili go sualnsaire my psrfntrinusntess ivili sol-ar :irlitî A-il Your grand resoltîtiorîs i#r,-rtofttr,. bave halva auratii taffers byej- 1î1iula u tf te-luper. Non- tiere is no barm ili oeli les rondif YOoui> ly mai orsîai Yuu need tu brie and saddlle alume bot lire-a îîîli sni-làs d a ittitht-m ride du%% lan iîliiafl sud Tiiove are a t,..tî.lltgg in tire o ovl wt-ougirt te lie îîîad nt. Tirere ira ni, barm ru getrîng r tdh"tL if 3-ou îiîY ttriltuîgfotire ferge tiat hia bi rt-etis ammaerlig. A mon wa bias rt- i.owe-r 'if rigiresindignation ai.aan iuîln--lr-. btt le sure il in a rigirtos in- iliguîiatito uîot aàîutulancy tirat bmurs itou lurrari-is anti deplfetetire Rond. Tiare te a large- clas tifperý)atai n mid- lire %%o rtîbaesf1il irernltpetite riat Niert- ri ru-it- lur-an-lîarliîjd ut a tamie 'hettl f.- irid-ir i i jv. fo nu ,-tn 'i il i-lii Wi l ti!M.- Ibey ir i-Nw l'ai ili;; r tla, ltiitiil iitr- fufr arma.r l'le. tir i-ti lietled .Nt-ifr yoarâ agit. 'ai» i-f 'tP l rt- t r> irffît-ea ead u o ill. 3 )vtiey iiarroN 1 -u"liswithlie skia -)r >iutîr tttir." t bd andilytur ownoOUI .el ' yLilwtta n t tire étruggle is. tJmuipo- tvîît grave lias puUled tut many a soeul thnt sn l'-per lu tiretmire alit oirouare. Tbey inth ie ietitir of irtît n. tire rriltittie %% hîîum t tit lins rescued fronîtirhe tirra il or .itiididlbits. If you tis day trruiai-k iii tire sirtug arid atart au-ew, <baillii aia irfie ariesa.of ihulnlai, blp, %leu williiii-llîntime for 'tu iii.'. urîd flcu turu 3r jIuf. If Yeusaiktîfîr thirrpardon, lirey till gît e if aud sa> tiry ,ai tr;y3ou ag;airi hbitl. faiting assay agair i tnder tire ver. lBftî od fovives ticseuty rtîtes st-sn t-rt n. neveuti ltîdreil i tii.>t-ea. ttitijiitis lai'tire fi-ii ttiinilfir meý, b- ois tti i--ii 005f. n"tite' s llliitiflt- ii lîr- litjîi isi-t tr ut iî ~ircît tîMhetînt oo Ir - 'i alrNf ire Sfi'lî.fi I iitiiýeitflictIf tiaiet ilralile ifor a r it lit' rtît11i ltai k 'o many tîstu lv-t lt,.î rî,oif tire fongur- and idlîtîoa tuait d-%tt i rfi ih barîde of destructitonIt r f îtder .-iteir cireurnatnrîoes ire breaks afvoy, tirre "tîi lic 1uo sport in th irfliiertaking,. aru hliido>'eujo>-ueut, bît a Strvgkzle un ,ith t-berirerstiers niove tfrm aie te ',ieundtend rand ta-tnt aud teateir for a î-îîîtîîrt tifiity tri get il, a bouivier strokre. tnorfilNi tirutin inal effort, îliiiraw irtiil- ltoit- re disfeoded and tire reius statnt "tf.anti tireblond stfarîtir abstîrtiry hîabiftrailsatulier lire kuee of tire s-ivor- t-st-ttii ai 0fraf as "a iti tire sanr0f ic 'Tie bamp Emmta, bouuld from Gotien- 1ttirg tu Ilaruicir, 0-as iailiug on,. ivien ie) maon1tire lookout sai s mnetiig ilt.tie pronounceil a vessol boftom at. 1There wss omtething on If tiraf looked lire a ma guil, but 0-ras afferward found t lie a wiaving irandirerchiof. lu tire sifmili bottrie r-rew pusired oui to tire wrt-e-l antIlround fiat At wasq a capsized vessefand fiat tiroe mon iad een dîg- zgt tiriwsay out firrougi thet oiorai of tbe nirip. Wiren lie rossel capsizeni. tire> iail no menustif escape. Tire vaplîrir lotok tiisperikîife san1durig sny thrctîîglî tire piluks unUl tiisruite broke. Thiret tait nid rail ana fortuit. wsiirte-iricir tht- atleniplcd 10toirp tfi- eir 0ay rafl otor flic itar-kues, Pont- ure uovkiîîg unfil iris bamnd oas o-cl rîlgir itaralyzerl. and r -tifnk bar-k faillt:arud sir-k. Affer lon arîloitous -or-k, tireligit ri oke firroffufir fthe irottolait f tire suit). A iradkert-iief BItg Tinuge. 'The ottesi active voicano la Popo- catepetl, or Smoking Mountain, tiirty- five miles sonflast o! Prieblo.Xlex. t la 17,784 feet above thre sest les-el. and bras a crafor- tiree mile-a Au clrcumter- erîce and 1,000 feet deep. Tire muat extensive park la Drer Par-k, in ftie environa of Cupeoliagen. erimurk. Tic enclosure comiains about 4,200f acres. and la dîs-Iden b>' a amal ris-or. Tire largeai pesure grouni lu America As Faîrmorint Park, Philadel- lulia. n-udt cortains 3,Î40 acres. Thue largeat body o!f fresli water un cartirha Labo Superlor. If la 400 miles long, 160 muties wiio at lis greatest breauli, oundiras au ares, o! 32,000 square mies. Its men deptirla saaif0 lac 200 fret, ond lia greaicat deptir abotut 900 fauioms. Its surface la M~5 foot abovo tire sea. Tire largesi tunnel ln tire norîd la tirai of St. Gofirard, on tire Ue o! rallroad betn-ecn Lusenne and Milan. Tire um- mitl of tire tunnel la 900 ete bel., tire surface ni Audermati. and 6,M10 foot taetirtire peak o! Kaatclhorn, ofthti St. Cîpibard group. Tic tunnel la 261 1-3 fret wide, and 19 feci 10 nhgs rom lIre ficor IoDtire crewn o! tire arcirci rouof. It ln 90% miles long, 1% miles lonîger than tire Mont Cei. tunnel. Thre largeat trocs arc tira manimotir broca Iu CalifOrnia. One o!faa r-ove n, Tulare Count>, according to meaure- mont made b>' memireri o! tire Siate geulogIcal surve', n-as siron-n ire *2711 fret iigir, 105 feet n clrcuinferenco ni thie base aui 761 feet nt a point 12 t cet above tic groslnd. Bome of tirs ireas are 3761 foot iigir and 34 feet In (lameter-. Some O! tire largeat thaf have laer tfellcd Indicate aunrige of trou 2,000 f0 2,500 years.-Tire Worker. Il. Rider Hnggard, ftho nos-chat, us a pnutil lu Iptswlcli ar-ool, and a de- srIlaed as a tal. lanib yoit, ir.suIfiîa llîick crop of uukcmpt haîr, irar-p tea- f rres, proutitrieni Dose, and cyca n-bleh liai rathler a wIld look buoitiru. Ir birs classes ire net-or took a lilgi place, ond boili iissch-ioîmafes and ils mast tors ooked on mlm ais a rathler stuffd boy. Tirere are ariails actuaîl>' reseutbling thorna. TiAs apecies r-cmalned for a long finie undiscoverod ni. mUAa clos. observer mn- one o! thea. thora n-aIl Ing irouad thre brani. ILLINOis STATE NEWS OCCURRENCES OURINO PAST WEEIC THsE1 calmt psy, lad wlsa rm lMouday morning until Bat*rday nighî yleu are dodging bile that leu eanot meet?. Yeu waLik day by day in unceraintles that have kept loir buain on lire for thc past tbre e ers. Borne with les» business trou- bles thtan YOD have gone crazy. The cierk bas beard a noise In the bock countlng rOom and gvne ID and round thre chire mani of the Bruni a ravlng maniac, or the wlfe bas heard the' bang or a pstol lu thre bacir parlor and gone la, stumbling over the dead body of ber husband-a suicide. There aie men pursoed, barascd, troddeu down and scalPed of busiiess perpiexities, and whk(h wsy te taxe neat they do nlot know. Now God wil Dt lho bard on leu. He knows what obstacles are In tire way of lour bcbng a Christian, and louir Brut effý,t In the rlght direction bie will crown with aucceis. Do nt let satant with cot- ton baes and kegs and hogsbeade and couiers and stocks of Dnsalable goods block op leur way te heavea. Oathcv np aitleuor energies. Tigirten the glrdls about leur lions. Take an allouâtes lok loto the face of God and then ssy, "lie" ee one grand effort for lIte eter- nal," and then honnit sway for heaven, esoePlng "as wltbthtie skln of lour tecth." Try thîs God, ye wbo bave tironght ihat God had forgotten lou. Try hlm and aoc If lie twill ot beip. Try him and sec if lie will nt pardon. Try hlm and sec if hie willi rot %av@. This -or-Id in a poor portion for lour soul, 0 business man! Oir. iîîd 3our pence in God! Make onie mtroug pull for ireaven. Short sermons. 17li-aion.-EdueatJori Is flt mercly lit tire mater'. Word froin bis desqk te the' pupils senfed In tbe forme bofore blent. Elucatlon la lIncserything that tende f0 develop tire irrman mind, te v'iiîottletire iumari hcart, to educate. Io lnstruct andi perfeet mari. latier T. .1. Coriaty. Catirollc, Wasbirigtou. D. C. Nicure', (ift.-How muci r ofgood flie great and thre lesser AIghts thot we se n tire iretveria bringlç tusu! Thre Joy flot orily of thre cireery day, but the rnellow lovelîneof thtie moontit ulgirt, and tire piace anid profit of oac inliithe ecorioni> of nature-rirese are good giNs. -1ev. C. A. Miller-, Lutrran, New York Cty. Matter.-What la truc oftmriter, whirih ve ciln sec and irandle, le truc of tiraI rnseen Ifatter,foe.XIt eau.nent ire deatryed, t la net-en lott. it ma>' bce active In tire waferfall or tire sun- beaii, or it mi>' lac dormin lutire coai mnie or tire ire, but 11. la always pres- cit: II la neyver lot-Rev. F. . ltchenck, Colleffiate Churcir. Çew York C.lty. Men of Old.-Our eld mcn dream dreania of tire peut, o! tire "godod I thuya'wiren men werc ironest and mani- nie were simple. Mcen wbo werc breaklng up tire prairies and openize patirways throrigirtire foresi migiri have grtat farilta of ciraracter, and let be lrserved b>' tieir ndtions freon man>' of tire temptatlons of our age.- 1ev. ii. C. Edaali. EplscoWpanChi- Cligo, II. F-or Young woroer.-Young wouietr hoitan it fteylrir good spirits and good flies. Neyver outwcar or outîlve tire1 frtee, rlpiing laagir, fthc unconacious sorig or tireirappy face wblch makes your youthtril lite no bcautiftl. Boar t-~ surishIrne and irigitan so! lire te mariy a wcary fatirer snd brother and nmany> a jsLled mother.-Rev. C. M. .soutigafe. CoflgregWtonalist, San vrarucisco. Cal. <;rilt.-Oir. conscience, tire revision- ary court. condemnlng or elcuslng, Wire la tic man ln ail tris vat audi- once wlsAo never toIt tire pangs and paine of an ottraged conscience? Oh, coriacience, tirat sometiing witirmn me tint willnftlot Icienecat betimes. tiesigirtire table li richly loaded ire-1 fore met Conscience, tbat sornetbing1 wifin me tirai ouI fnot Ict me slcep1 betirmes. tirougi Uic bcd s8atori and ttowny.--tcs. Sam Joli«. Evangeiut, Hawkinsville, (Ga.1 Mater-lI and Splritria.-Every bu- ' mitn beig la a twin. One eof mm la hiis materia.1ibody, tire otrer hiis piritualt body, wiici justt S tire materlal oeue, and If it coutld bec eeu wold ire round f0 look justIlike If.Tire spiril body' lN tue lovribit, Important. éeorual part of tire twili personrijit>'. Af dontir thet'e two are soparatfti.and tire enpty eartiîiy sireti faits in ifs f ni-bs anti moiders back Io cartiranid dusf -i Rev. Y. Marshanll L-4w, Adventiat, onk- land, Cal.1 Strie Newm i.B,-ef. lîttîn-. ill iaii fia-trtîi,.' fi. if PitruiNur ijém-tl.t.ui.- ,vIil lî,- îllg. u l-t irlli lmub: t a li.mi-ir lII tîtu i lt atnffeninug îfuu itnît ianîmîlu-le. ilT ' ll,,u-fuurd lSiutgttt- t-Iititîig t'-uiýinnî t-tiMut n- allertItii nt ut i ut- tni. Iiu mlut ntiitu tut . itjlluiîj Nidtlu . it mî -n-t it tt ut ur mut (lut Iu-ns'-itiîîtslit Ituti huIit l-t-ig omut;-t ilt hnmbIlý i'ii sit l-'ii i W .u-it. t it jurutfs 17s 'tir miiI 'i t- li iii- it-i l ii rrvim-nA u-uîîmé. pfttu IIIt.u-. ti iii i, t Ilît nd ut Mlu tt' tt. lluieI uui- IIîi ,iru l- siuîne î anti tllg frn-I tit- éîîitgt iand fti l lonNuau laitl-ttîi(u fivbtr uuîimunomwîtu. Thie, i fui îuîrNîîitué,ur-rt-ftrnn lînîru- Nitir uit. w. l ' Ii l.]u I t ft i t I.. iubtiliniti tatl-u il. A ti t ,, ý,tt tt u t'l Ic InI tii- sVain -fft t .) lirumlu it- tf.-i- - -l hIt sit m fi- Ilitru-- 'I ii- Ni-iitt t u ýf l.iuiiIII %ut. ito t-i bs il lu-tîi éutîîuun otf rînii tti r-thiit-a evt IiuIItm . t ii (iItitiI firt, r - ftutu Ii n. Il i-ro u it îîtîéf tin utn mnt.,t I 'ltc1rn jé gi-,tf fî-jtîiu-itu 111g mînîtunf tît-F f-r- Thins ttiii fus Itiv luirut-st l-I tu ttir -tu ii -ton gr-uît Inu iii fIu t ltr-"tuîtittîn Ili-Id ut,îui-nle ani ti tnily ît-îtiutîîlit ifuittn o tf thl.- tîur-unur. ueits --r .Ititvtrtu. liri- nt tuin mulmnîmr utr tIht uihtY-tirtot lriuulîuv uor alndîî tttr."TI-s uin--t- mmlu i ins fiaft( N ivImity tti i eIle -lastt mut alarge-rumnls- of blu ilî atli-tirs lii-.tîtîurit Iuîuilm-r ouithteo.-gsturu- fnmn i (jQunill i îîtic- nt i Iilui.- a p i t t-m 1 .ît'm tiitîtîtittî iîuttmu n iut-ttfilt-ttof dul--tilltt -é-gî iii of.lg- i lt min-tut-n.0stog.tmut r-u d nutîîu lit t-ltaluighf î-1 uaîlytn Salintu- daytii a idi a i l tI imeuttmtt -rt- suutgl>li- mu fuir tinuir u t t- imtr -,tf cmun nuits , M ithiii-,- u -tt la i tnt- 1iWlMoliîj Bitl nitu tixtIs li-r-t' tufftolîuîiîîgfton. Onîrd rîrmîrunt. rlosie order drihlisari sori n-r on Ihe rifleranuge constilîuted the worb of tire firet ils>. col r Sy 111.01 iiver Treffie 1. Throtenc-i-Vre ef lhe etate Fuir tjronnds-Peorn. Grirnn Men '.%faie Merry. Trouble Ove,- "tir hi-a ring on thicrraifltliniion for ait tnt- jurîî-niînungîxinet theAirîllîîgt- Of Emt Ple- orna fr-mni tirniiri lueIfners ttf Farm cri-m-lu n-alniai mîtlflu- Iliins rivenrtraysa fîur lmý fht- cUtnit fi -m ,niiiissuuiu-r-sofutfIhi- Sfnîe, uoins ti-glt ttîlfcrre- .1 imgi- l'itrf luitugirotuthlie Circuint Couirt rt Pl'ît,ut i oniîîî'tioîu tf tire di'fi'dantîtheli alnibt- ing teas pX)talporiî'i ttil a Iter urlm-. 'lire -anîîl lit quesloià w su-n dur ttithe putrpo.t- ut turîiîîg «tire course otrl"arm enceir, wibitb nerllioe t ifhlîîb. Natîtrahi>'. tic flos ore ted-a a immntfthei,' nîtnîl anu trame n' simpeihi-i. 'hi- village i- lispîltes the rlirht of th ir toinniiîîrers f0 inter- fere Tire r-uuilnluiioni neiamieat tire bar lit- r, roven i îî nl ft- ýditti fillitiutf. -m.11 Hope for D.uni.tto. C. N. Travîmua, uti-of tirhesîu-îof tire btik of J. .1.r. l'nt-k-f & Sonuîi ut Eti n-arulsvilhe, waiii-i tiliti lait Dltî-nîer, lias retrîî-d fîunra Iril, tii Idahotiandu M'ambiigtmiî, ulc.r-e $300<,01W)t of tht- tic fuiriefinrnir tlifi)t'> NN t stît. H ou reloart filei i tIr.' 'îtfîrfj tuutt. hlthsontflittie hotpe lu t,îî titieirn-trur e r at- tir,-miadu w i hittr,itur -,-elN ing iujver 35. cenufs tînt tiueudolair. Nihr. TVv us repourts cina mu-fthfi,- $î,ticuitSIlings Hati i, veîttuitn-,i nt 2,uSt tît lut-oirtlilî'sa îi a ttuuiilt-r-,f tt b-v fart- laitin t ir,-liti Siliilir t,îluru Ilcr at vu utn-tmit- hI, l --,tt-frnt u î, ttilt. î-il uailîîu-îtf tht- isiiu-î. Ctin-t hoir ix-ikanni- t- lit--nn fi u- lî-mi ivtat--iti t. ani i u n'tiumutiuti iit t i tal- ft utlfrý taimat-rvcstin. haul-ttrNIîs- rt-Inivt t- al Ili jîî-vcfint îit l-î i lii ar. tut il ut tIr-ur ilin niittst iut1t aitml]ftut t»t-future- in liu rî-r iutitl tu-nt 1'eori. Grisi, ttcv-s 'tIne Mweire 'u'iîu-:t toui,t.tI, uutin rmark oniiiu l'eî,nîîî Hupau nifutt 'nnin- 1.111f nr-itîî .amulfur a imutîfîl,- ui Init a litrît tiîrItNs ler vit-i Oois-î UIoiiîes-u Niui. lracItf-ill il>- t iaoiutiet i nthelii neu-mîbur- oftleb.-iutrul gaie Ni ý rfime-i tNt- r fut j',liit-ituti. Ml. 111a,1s1,11. Nuhott uynîî u-t o a tunuiiret-mhtt- iuttmediî htitr tî'îun-rs fuit a lui-en t l a CictiWr-f isiturite tilui s -r'uni.dt fo mmv tNto utrs fit,'-tîhtnîl h iu-îî cn-A r - vrot înn'granî. es l,' tir,- îuaînrîr f tbt- boardtr iorl a itetm-ttlr- gotuimtlfi. Thern- su-ont- ni- oltnh4. l oii-rr nrl-th- Vanv- if ct-urîîîîltsunt laniunnv sulîcîf. Forti t 'if-nailîs t-itis'itîtratti>- otre fui t- I'euriuî nmlrke.t Nu, gmaaltîily mî 5virat iii- tii tfer,', butiflem ntetut tire sfrorîgn'-sft it anîit-crnl msrk(in-Iii lu- Fir. ounaze Fuir omnan. l>uvinug a lietvY tîtrut aIi Spingifieldh lighifiig ftrýt-Ili tli- latrgemliantîron titi' Stitet'fîtitr grtirnuuia. trclrl4ib>- F-anutk I'illat-itv Nttisuppillies5 fn-ti. tir. itir-- lugt fit- (aft'fir. andrtîmiuîafrotil ibutildingî aîî sj-ts lt- labuilingris luee ti Ni. uSimteif thi'.trgt-ioth lt<air gr-îîut4. 'Nru sitirs titi, itt-ain i oirte i ttua fiitiiuîiii.g. Iirn,oNi uvfrtuffu- n-iNy htru- ieptrftîetîiul ...r-i- il tIýjtheiminse Sl su-uv'îi n.-mi uitîltnyss at-tnduni mr- bUililinIrgo. lTt- limaitis $t,(tnat. l'rient Turms" cr-acher.-" ftttti i .f 11>l tutnti <'Auir-t. (Iliiugit, euý-ur-ht-tI tutmti -n'li-hiritîn #,itunntoarti Vriuaituttitugoi ln-Soith Pf rkl'unir nmltv Sa> - iiol u- n-i.tInn- va.titi ltttiltu-Itit- l--rtluIitiitttsîi itinifelrmu N ltuti tai talitnu tut titi- liftin-tii strn-tpfuti e raiftin. I A-nre bu- ri-litu mml it-a ri arn litîtr- tmufmt hue -1111cotutilin.îli isiduntt. anh N.i ln lie fît su it t't tart-t-us th Ifit bf infg iitiela nulwlit aeluîvg Ni1pincter] sgatiNýt irtîiî. writnu lTegru-mît, i...mitritienbt-tias st-f lit,- fllijîtmrtu tltt-r-n Id o ilir cnho.nsnî. 'liii-> Ninu it. thefit loir-Os thii lit- rirtufaf tiI -,chjtltilt-ttmttkt, andii iitijg vt-i tallit-i mu. l-immrte ,u,î-tuaIi vrrtlittit' ftr-tif îs î Ittn . nu le uN,vr. luit. itimiii, iî ltutn nîttstur hinistin-t- uigctt $1 tîr tîtn-nr-traiti, trimé 'tiii mIl t.11t lîttîn unItiltuat untu-t-N .uu ait-t1(aiitht-re-ns ai gcuc-ilt-I fru-r.ý, Mlloil'oison fniEdnFranis lIAtt Ir-ttiitlu u,îîurtnu-ta. ltu nialit ku aLi-jîlu- tf suitni-imiil iuulktr.-"fI-tlrt îI ltt vtundîft- , i iii- a . i 1 Mirs. Mary Ogea la deail. saed 00. .murîtUTj-A' Qf fll n-as a pionrer of Kiamunni'.I1. < LJT E UÂiJJLIISjaja.a j . WItillia iîl'aek of Chicago rranb n-Oed_______ efcr-iolidiluto i siiihrotIt hoor as oulu uffuir ,iar-. INTERESTINO AND INSTRUCTIVE Thei. (uiîtrullcr ortiheîC urreucy se>': LEBSON. liie 2tttrnatinlailli nîk utire Sîfe are' ini s1tleluiiliriottie. 'hluaîrge' farut usti uf lu-ir> HBerer kellecîlous of an tievatlng Chsracter ur-,tîr- nnmurmuien. Loa.--, 10 I- -WholemoumcFood for Thouaght surlnver, $,Itî. (imier- tf fine is uti îudyîug the ScrîpotnnaA Liessmon Ia- Itl llanuu'î--.Edmfiii lSi. fPierre andni tellgent>'nd si tby. wific (tirtur:ttial hînu golder-niwoddiuu. 1t sasu,.fo, Ausinait 20>. 'lîi-î i<nsoreulu-tb t f b-tv lîrenrt ironie .tudeu Toixt.-"Tsko ired,anud bonare fuir fit tjcio. nt oveotisoes."ILuire 12- 15. l ftu-r t his Mri v ti tu-oîtACbhigot prtut- Pal'aniOgposcd ai Epiestus isnlire snnêtje 1MY li u flui o aof bu-t nuuîrvs int stric-ly on tuf thia lessen, Auts 19: 21-34. Ve nuns fint- tubndîl.nîpionl. if lmi ii nîtbe tua try rtiurrnl fa lie narrativuse itirhe Acte, anid iut dnir-e- igirîmasioniauîuîîlarfuers atbe up thre sînur>' qX aîls difficuif>' at nnfr-îusf. piresus on accumnnuît itufle makn-r o! <'r itnsoun r.riwaysavse nttracîcal sirrines. Tireor-Cals betacen tire last 111ititlîîs ui- utlifry hiercbants tu l'i- lessonlitiiiAr-fs tesson-&)éand tire prestent agi.. Mniitusu- uet ltuyers from n-boit'- mnit ire taretull>'revien-ed, if lire puplis >.itlr*, ;it(]l ut-I>' iy ii bhmok the tradte fu- are f0 get an>' cicar-iden t ut 'îu's eu- fuIr-r-i-t aigit. ru-or. (ïov T;Illfýrlin issI4 prclaatin iTe ovents Inlu'rvt-sir nia>'lie triefi>' titlis -fi tmn-l-topilticda fur ildli eturrizcd fron theIbeuok of Au-ts. iiiCaloui Vollt, Teilay No. 2. fr aa fllos:Affr ep!utluag a y>cansitsixt lutt ts lîum~ .in~tv.Tti'nuliy Nv. . orrnonuilia in Corluli i A. 1).512-5-lu, Paul a tîulrnts judtge tu soui-ti--Il1unge John wsac@ Zihsi-as acr-nsed ilbefore fli. proconîîsul. Ctin.o Jaohi nogn-Camerîi. ltl.rop wt ut tire Proseenution r-aile fut ntnbig. otilN Jtuiu Craubîr nhl-ultntunsiruiao!senir u 0Gallio's hsck of iutoresf I Ar-fs 18: a-est (itflrnrikfit, NLrgzan l'ounly. agoni 12-17). Peill ayemo unte finie longer andm 1h11 seuansandt i nîtmtus. Ile ana apry ticu deparîcd for 1Epirasui. On th'essii tattIjul> ooî n ece t-lu-lenhuîli lt t f0la, it-a u pÉ011t-dui t Ceiitt-bne rieurnoar 'mi nul , innuiuiot holi ib au]bise bntiihoirni in futliîî,,î I.. M - r, s fra1vliti saiesuitan for of ut 5oa-. tir e -Oitfnture tuf woit-lan Dot l Chcg fir-nu,iras ltouarreî a t iXI- cii-or 118: 18). licehiyedth una eshort foir. N-hî.. andui ,mllu,ltrunghî 10 (,aies.- nt,'n-i Epiemse blig ujubaste fu)(t t-u-t liiirg fiii)mnss -rf til hrge- of ais-Dring .l"nisaleni i i rite tr n f. ast, itiuai 1F'.nn)i uior-gm-il Lîur Ibctecithur filue finsover ur Peufei-jn Itigut nlitbiMitirCufhi'crmugo ui 0iî-n o e s(18: 19-l). ISuilinît r vuni Eutbcis tdiret-- I il nuittiiattutti t nii. Vile lho le for Cîri-sau.ire wNittfrimni fie latter otit iniit i té ii s ro)t thuîi'snîu iaI fie nazI- place-Ii hirst uinnduri saIrttl the mu- tuto u tt rcoumpiîarue icaliluit-k up ovir r-." utdtti fi rtefnrnet i liA utionir t un i b -io fuir- a i rri-(,Itinîr. (18: '22t. lTom uulttI tht 'ond missaion. Wila I iuinit oftu (ir-tgobeli itiree ar>' ofnrtîei. truumlu fî i f hbis i ean-mululdaîtghter Th hr onehgn1,alndti 7 latuinuLie ais mu 'tedtuc'uîiti rugit and flirorughniicutrvi ia toio tmr,-tfhi - riglîuoj NN iirt-l'.h. iîltt ie.Te lutt- girl n-as fîsatua und I'Iryg>itm i inier. oestbluihiiug i t 1<-t tui deitit l ), t r il)vufm mîlut aîue rar. a Il l-th a-i (flm' : jo it. lie limon, "bau- mît Pase-l lronîgitire Upper rcoutry, in iii Il ultni .,j tiir o mlii. oarua djits net'b, iîisrtt 19 lu. Tr r ur- ii au huiu-mgt'tlet icr-u ta.Mii:in R triti- re iflue incident<fîlinoladrweI dienitîe, tn -o tnîmitutinungtinfiina i luipitliti i..a. îiu iraîh tifiilcrstitud Johns@ bptisnî, Imith fluraiimmuon-a i riu'-edset,]hrtike n tnudorstmnding John'sapropher->' of tane miitittlfrîoIttré omîtheireoff ankie atini n-ho sui lto lliN, nd no alkuoslnug oh lier tftti'aloii unosrlut andm i rnles. tire ol>' Spinrit. Afrer fheir Christian Jtlidgi icil o tf tiit-' Uumliiah Blancs ttia- bapitisu.1Paîul laidhiisuans un filern.anti frit t'ounrtit Spinildll ueidcd four lire H101Y Spir-lt rame on fheml(19: 2-71. iioinlltuliig theu sîuliiîy f railroani Thon, for about tir-ce muntirs, ho proscb- mulo, renrylt 'W'bii- Ciitnlit favuir cd to lire Jen-s in tire synagogue; lutil ttf ftri- Cuiriansutincennotes ltuilrnd. Tire furtirer worb o! thâf serf seeniedu pro- julgnintt-tNN f ggvngsî a gondi mari>' itaile (19: 8, 9). Tiren for tn-o Jears he nlîîîîîsîînultîlîv taught anîd preaclKien,'-naiîig es -bealquiar- iggie ('mntenro rlîuuuuuusbed a goi po- tors tbe building occurpir-nib>' mie Tyran- nlittmni as ilîc.îs'u-tîu vini s('hit-ago store f0 nuis as a scbtOhI. 119: 9, 10J> Miracles assouciait- mo f11 îl e menlinmiit iomueui. acre n-rougbt by Paul 19: 12). At tire 'iht- otîlmr nigluf aire su allait auh billirdend O!flthe"e lao j-cars ocrurroîl flicdis- bu> tilt- tut ierr 'iunriIons i n salon. fîrriance -hir-b in narvaled in ire liret Poulic t-it-se wf.anaoccidentail. Ail the esaon. Tieso r-vernIs munaf lue gune over, i-r>Iîi i- n urinkhing. ai au>'roeein sufficlonltefail te nmbke Theî-presi-ultîroulir utar C'nrlyle is thrireuncr Iluhelien o0f ailflhe r-ocraI erbrn- nuait aiSt-e 0f lire mentsen. Tiere hasn O109Y ut fie perloni. beion ii) reiutalifor thirt>' isys. The corn Explanabory. m-rotlu, bath>' injured andîlmnny fields are One thig aortir rotiring about paul's fin-tu b> nie prevailing but uinda. Tire meiboda inslittlho coualantly unze-d tire itear-rsndl ppl ie l il shbe tusaort, servicesof ut oers, n-heu a lesnise man oitti lo thetifruit trofpilit. sotîi dbave feli oblîged te go blein l Oinî t. Iiuouasuilpeuple îîffordedthebbcspile ou t tler and more important dutiea. f'iares trmul>' rotulianruer Clinlon. gain- Tire aorahîp orithlieEpbr-sini inna (or ni-iC. l'hurnrs, suith ierîcai> 200 o!fiis de- Artr-mis, as bier rame a-as lu Greeb) tn-as sî-nuinnts. gatiroreti arouud tire tamîl>' one, of tire ibinga for n-iir-rtfe clty n-as taînt ai mn, Sunda> beIng hîls eigirfv- notlci The tenmple n-saone of liremoe nnfh ilrtithiy . Atitresses acere Imade caleti"soveni oundersoftufhe n-orld." Il b>' lItv. Jantes Alvin Clark andi tuera, -aut marrIe. li hfietnia style, 425 fed in lengfir and 220 ini breaulti, n-iiircoi- 1'. White, aàa cil-burinn attorney' lniuns sixI>' fret irigir. Tire iooni usen ('îrîui antI ex nuunty suerendeut of a-as dypremsanmîd ceular; derorationa n-ore scîmel or '(faWitie Cruiruf>, a-asarreafeni lu ricir colors, and there n-crc paintings ini Carnui on a charge uif arcr-ny sud cm- and tisatues in abonudance. Tic ramnei hu-îl-n'i.White wu@ guarilian of lire imauge ilself, boweever, a nicrasa suppos- Youmngu bira, andul ie la aceuseti of nisnp- eM lu havo faloen troi tire sby. suas ex- îîîriatirng fondis blctngiug fu thti. tremel>' rude, esru-ed trou n-ood. If rep- 'The comnilsauniersltftlie nestern hoa- reai-utot iaina a: an orientlalmirer than pifuit for lire litsam- i ' a elrfwn bave the (irecir gouidesabuse graceful appear- itai-th ie toofraci for tire erer-îion ut anme ansa itîtresa la sefamîliar lu an- thbm- imoaetibritck puma-rr botnnefor lire cleDi nrf. Iîtlîlsll to enîsards & WalIsh Con , Certain of the r-iefs of Alia",: this xturin omay rDaveuport. towa, col c slarliis." 'fie Asiaru-ira are fuir $14,NWl&iTh fe hospitai ahir e ready>'ton mon r-bosco ariuonl>' from lirs chier lui aî-euîîîîuudate 20.W paients irn b-ebru- Issu-nainluproconsulnr Asmin Ionsuperliteini arr.fie gaules andifetiasî eis ld vver>' yenr lu honor urthlie goda andi lie IRoman er- 'lT-efîmlIoilîgofflers ofnire Rit Bond perir. Thibeare ciroaon fr-uni the ivulth 't'rhneAssoci-atioun sseno olreted n a - ie cltîams ut cîliar-re, milre, like tire Rouman (tuti-t;'uComnde-r, Sainriel NAc-eriey;8. anîiir-s, lire>' nere retiniroti 10 proi-ide for1 V. V'. If.,. . C.tollida>': J. V. C., Johrinte t'ohxhbiions at thir ousn euenne. C unnngamî; surgeonliW-X-O. Eusign: nas- 'ibînoeNibo bani il lic hetnvie once 'rio ittifatin ugeon,î.Williamiî Doaniug; cbnp- tairreul lie litho ofur e nmefoflirfe. 'fie>' foijn. lit-v..IJosephirBell; qnartermasber, suero iucr> muu mn utfofi- (o. XV*. Hu-eis-. specliumg olficer, T. J flint Paul bai frlendo antîmmufirent shoit- l 'al'airu. bittvrapidi> tire grielirai@prnrdi A'iiruii n uai tated otuion. s, air-rotlet l Ejhesui aîndttissitîmunt ns surf "r haoi, î iirked Up liurpis a r-uni pieturre out o it (uth sti. o it-sof Elgui hi>tire potlice. lie inuits i.-u thleretd for eorne resson utui ututsnu tiut lits nanuuni.aaM ivîmîut t.a-lt-r and ftfMest out f uunn. amti unwaillirg tu dimeuir-o Ilimfinn- uls ma I t î-ar itrrunSterling. lie Isiif init souie t'xcitiuginrcîient. 'l'ime surd mlieî' i unt ihunrg NIondayluu t tint placeîu' ltla or gthIis lui§etueseonis Iolutireflua, umml-uud ilcr-i tîtbittg mru ntîil bir e lie Juuts dosuotu f0assuthe iuiliItititir- t miii la nsit uni Elgii Il is relatstaHuitf fAeY luminutao syi lîtytiti s theilret'io ut mmc- tutfiit-toiadt fimj-scaiuirit fat lue tfumsa am itiums i.-ith e blimi îl thii luS lun,1uisrlufandihlli retîuerîti> Nsli-h n-os i- ftu vrrss-ire rs- tuttuf% lo-cn îîîimt ntu alvnit iisum eup. If tht' ut Illeolieteil Jr-si-tir racm-o, t fivur hui- mi,ll* 'tor is ustriu- lue waslit-idiobtnt mur-- hoiiuf. il reeks umdmiii fansîiNnrt' tuit fi umîtîrit ft r-citltElgini 'titili' mhcr-îscimî. stintti3 u îfusingofiNi uni ('ivia i - Ii fiii t-flort'esloiueîcuj tf i lotig trampj. Aletxandeiur'.-t Iteurtlt sas lui nutk- bu-r mtteiu luin tut tht- boin ig niuu. fini it f'it aiiuuf excutsefor bus crnun,' imotice mus a vainaiît-alî. gruiu-lnmuitlu't-s aulodtheflît- neru->rt 'lu'hlusitî umîmlu>' anil uumîarms tme untr i luit> luitrît "'ar-huioiinte', thi'r-ist f mthle efîin>, vs. :: h 'l'ime S'mlkluit mt-if Cicam-ngor",>"i-umtsu' u I ulu-krk," N i ti,'spe'echi iuieitOnl flic î csi'r tiof li.its jumige &dt t rtmusilsa s r mmî otre nimortntnatuîm lau atimît tiuul)rleitmltuul lin t . iPaurla>' tîmmujuthIs Irislitiji if his titI,'oiutuul in- m-umjnrtstaof bIhie iukerfonr dotertii diéma t,'. lie sws nfmt-pr omutilt.u' nilic nu-' agtiit> - Eajnreseinmg suilii nigestu faitc mrdo, îretml'î Nr liuli- ::111.t1lt', [litsnîîîsjvs w int ieuidsers-in- unini> mltulrotr imponrtanat lut i. lue ou gît tî -itys -ttns. bu- etrainici fronitîitit a" 1 i huttferire cnîiu -ui'tht' rî-cumlur.' mr"'rime mutg nmutihmrî 'I us nitrmg, tiittit - haoemelor.'- Ili. amdrigsais N i milfili lii' lts-' 'ukinie sailt a eumarru'louhd, "lItit lliiilg Dot mg nl ni'-f0tire toondaiies tuo h .la naruiitiogiugtier the' uiislitic hule- tf itjizet-D,luit tu thiieirîprnue'nuce, vrmnîmi' lu-td î'îlrît ê-rnîoyerrn mre suberIiug nie lugthlirîofitufei r-ve ptiîlt'iiielitt îvinht t;, ini tire foiter mîtfear>' afur su niant>'thir unfrisi nîoerfnulnt stus tutu usfonîu'u 3uti-trutoffuuiful servit-e,. 'ie arnoulut fiinmu'founit fa rioti-rmansud isjtuer. or of unir amirtagu austin uecarne more tirarutheîîuaee. No inîf,'r-te i-aun lub tIra ssi 1îmîulliie Ii rufond and waienu lie firn intum file ci> rt'cordh' er uf i-i symputhizcd biuttti egainu'iru'blng Dip uy irooks 1 oiîh ol'i, for iris îî uni'spu-eci nus>'hum' r-mut liai-il rua> titI>conurse 10 avoii tire cuin-lui- iisinîi>' îsfiit n nicevrn utlifian: ofuîî'îîrtumtiii>ar-flons lui> lu flitr. ' Lut if sers-et u atl juraf as ssî-Ii1.f t'mlklinc'fnrtirer asserled tlui be iraniTecînt bHier*. strtitI uîm u ir lior$9a ee luHgairge r l Comîpare fiene facies of Deuetrius irrmmîi fmu;fui $h a uerb. o aoseb>'aiti lirose outhlirî,uor dealers of onur proînmotionmauimlî ire iecame siiicossivr-Iy finie,ani shrow 'tire unblrusiig seciis lienuumb eciu'euu- $3îu ,000lutr alu peler, 0f bicsuppeai. Hrlog ouf tire futl; ofthei lin uliurs. ece rnul$3.01)a Ja l'Init hnumait rini. su-iricis capable 0 ur-h ('muiimînes îus . is utai$1,2110 a-ieuen persîiion even n a higir state uorci "iliih li' tre'rr h elopusiion. zation. Mtynr .ngg- of Julilet -1- la oulr enrri fEiuuege-nu ia There arn 7,000 bicycles regisisesi St. P'etersurg. A cyclimîr ballet han proved sagstt tractilon at a tirenînleal portorwm Mllini. TVie (berin n-ar depirtucait Ih"4 tîrreti 5100 sadidtionîl milltary bIsqusi tut h' fistril fîtedI amont Salililfil t 1 fîunlry rcgimelits. The' National CyelWsIs UMM. e landu le tontr-sling Uicheaal or e*g eut ralwsy charg er o ls tuabuniIs>' lie onue. lu a men- bleycltA,.1 the nid enit Mud udei, Ilse oons botttl trssd orthe tire U Madie pq, A fier two prsbUlaasy- - llîree mont hs eonianemcat Le jail Adoipb L1Lcieut h.eIo sausage mskor, wss pot un trIal5 with tire mnrdero!is fe Tjitbill ln tireerniscot big asasge nmber iras deelarW attorneys., ex-Jindge M'Illiani A.. aoti Albert Phaien. tuot lie- furtuier delay. Rthf btire BIaI feiue lîropires>' tirai1,000 veirghi- lit examined, and ibat s week wM liî-fioerire trial wlî hcgla l einst- Th'ie tlttory of tire stnfe Ie that iadnteutbiis ife te accumpsny hlM sleseping apîrtmentin the faer>' sud tirere sfraoglcd lber. Tbn-à thitgbt f0 bave taben her hody tb,: inisument and f0 have imnaerse ltla Ouled wiif a solution of encetl4 boeedf0 fthe boillng point. Wlaat Pd of tire bod>' afler thua procts, ~lt là lcged, wss.gatbered iogetirer &aid il - lut o tire finuce of eue o! the.àfl boif ors. Tire lire lied been bspt uptu -f ontofo!tire boliers lipoa express- given b>' Luefgert f0 bis- Franîk Blalk. Tire SBte ha sda.R-& oral oxpt'rirnul in support of ilils --ol lrîiefgerî'a attorneys will aise -tpi nment witb rrude potash. Wltb the reàqW.,', ie>' hope ucecsfully ta combat th. ti timon>' 10 ie intrtidmfed b>' thc State XIOM gartling lire disiniegration of a Var yot a soution sirnlar ta ibsi round la in tire sausage facior>' An wirc Lneigert's reriains are alleged to 0a ireen deslr-oyed. Wbiie tire trial in in progresa dtIl A~ ail ove,- ihe country and Germany iUS searr-iing for Mis. Lueigeri, wlb been roporie t f0have beca sera i ¶la - ons Places silicelber hnsband'sa nsU of these bave been run down by thepa~- svho claim to have proved t'hué iIp fttundation. Sevortirelems,il lin 1 defeîso iropes b>' tiere roteratioix of atones tipoitirhe witnesa stand, to i tire questiorn of douit ln the minds or jilr-jîen. -- REMAINS A MYSTERY. mca Who Kiied the Michigana k Couhler 11,1411Unkn@wn. --- A Sirepirers, Mihdidspatlbsa s~ everytbing laI la atÙrrnoD there sAaes murder ut Bank Cashier Btvbet falînre of the Fanmera' Ba nk atMI Plealxant. togeiber wib tlié mur4ot net tire whole euni>' on edge.- mn>' ie. Tirere la a settled convkà tire malde or a greit many thatttiq tive for tire crme was not dise - f ront a delerniinatloa to deatsey boobs. John Y. lijan, tire owuer --, liait,sasys the amnai orf naay i5 vauît muai have beca les" tha and it n-as ail take . Tue boie were tVu draft registers, a dst gêerai Iedgei and a cerfifi ato a> Pont: register. Tire promlfssory noaet the vauli were net dlstiiihed. Aitesb4 fhe miissing books sreigbeslad lsA~4 fiirty pounde. Itlansoi elcar bey ithe could have an>' value. excepi u ld ei4 w. te protesîlonal bâaabitobbe or et 1 Person not lnferestcd ln dealing et- fhey coatalned acconata.MU. 74« St f utlir e ould Dot tlink o! any puroin n-uuld bave n motive n gcttlng rid e boks. Tirernurdered min, la hiea statemoul. accused ibree mcen of pni nonce la tire county of belag hiWaqslj Tire public anneuncent et tIes n-ould make a great sensation. W liff and tire prosecutlng attorney bait»S told thai iwo of tire three werc a Illow mati>'miles an-a>' nhen the e cifl, a# commit ted. and for that reason aoiasessini have )et heen made. Whefher ao Sirubie ioîually dld recognAso the marg -e ert% it saquite evident tiraI tIc>' epus upon i hm b>' surprise. ltimor ha. creslited hait à dosca dAVsu.e-,' eni persona on tire two ronds IeUlnâg#ç*r Shepierd 1 Mouant Pleagant vith qs4* -t1 a wagon lu whieh Vere Uircc mea dr1v4 pýi rapidl>' tonard Motiut Pleasat. heiwçm,. 4-:30 and 5 o'clock. Min>'otlier sensatio-, ai rumors are alant, some of wblel*441( ho sai]i te have been concelved *hsas tbu.tîd State ha nkîng commissionter IFrida>' mm*-~ litg r-osed tbe doors or!thec Peoptea Bank WOMANS LOVE UNSMAKEN. Sophia Levi's Rar evâticotleer ISeed Flancs'e Nnea Mis Sophbia LevA.,n-buse home i la j- Blnomirirtîii. lad., bas showed rare do,.- votion Iti)lte nemor>- of the' nant sim loveti. Her aMaurecd n-as Thonmas Met- rili. for iviose coumpt der et Lezlugtoa5" Ky'., Jacob 8. Harrli- iras bren seqaltiedo Miss Levi attendo.! tire trial ai Lexhar-. N% 1.ill. a slent and nus- //k n o wun npeetatur, vhiose deep infereat Cllluiren-ho sire -ns5,- MI.&S LEVI. h oîîs not until th.*- suthîtritias tnixî-înuv o fhquireBaie joNveiry bIiîfîîgiîîg f0 ber that ber Inter'7 esf and îîrîî,' tei-riîie kueuvu. lfairirtlly Miss Levi paini a parting viill f0 lire sptot ws bre lier lover n-as kilis. Sire cîîreftîliy lnobed over Uic groaiid. - otppiixthlie distance frornlire iree uce edn ti tire pince where ire fell deudilr Imm tuvo balet n-ousids in irie bncb. and aisc tire ditanrce Harrisabailistoand in m ndrtihie dimlat-ce lho cran-led on hils hanlbp' and bnîcos in order Ibsi ire miglit h. wltb- in pistol abot range before ho n-aà dlscov.- ereni. Mis b1,evi lok paper andi peael anti carefulli sbetcbes tire positions. W*, wuitirire onlstIvo- sod. on fthe grasos il there in stili seule biood. and s~ brainchesiroi ab iore shere her Ieveaihl Trie snîd she ahI plant in tire yard 91 big hîomne, îî -il-e as ire u-Irare foriamà o-îtch ifs gros th. Mi«. Levi awii "'1'ese f tngi 1 abilpreserve ns ramois ftîn' otf tht' titan te o as n-as te blV bien îuarr-ied rical mîînth. I do ne«Idi 3 safnglait îîgrîtabis mernor>' for thislaoatiom54 1 lttlieye lie uvas misled b>'sonne pe*IW

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