CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Aug 1897, p. 8

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Trade1 is getting to be immense, and we of the opinion that it is because handie the f amous -Big Jo- Floui Another carload of "Big Jo" Just Received! ~igJo- SOLD AT Triggs & Taylor's Li be rty ville, When You Corne to THE PAIR Drop in and see our Stock of JEWELRY, WATCH ES. CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, DIAMONDS, PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES. \BICYCLES, ETC. ETC. We employ an Expert Opticiani, And have had a very nice business in this department during the past few months. If your eyes trouble you, corne in and consult Mr. Vuille .FREE OF CHARGE. . C. R. SIIERI1AN, Libertyville,1 SVour Patronage I HAVE SOME BARGAINS IN Pants »Suits. My Pi-ib.qs Defy Competition: Workmranship Considered. CL E AMN NG Over DYEING REPAIRING. FRED CROKER, Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI Fr Deliclous Ice Cream Soda.... Go to F.B. Lovell's -~ LIBERTYVILLE. INiI~~ 0F YFRIDESCRIPTION hil ROI TIsNsadMI Pt Shon Sare1 Prof. Miner Reuans. E.1 )UlOIS 1Aln lreelpt of R. S. Local items o Interest to l'cityville R aders. EL.! ealf ontt PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. ic î.gtinuprîîaofa *selîooi'. 'rof. Miner' bad be*'n el.eteti Locai tems o 1 nteest toLibe i e Readrs. 'Wbut o% '15 to faJiiing el fndi Sn Ec'.ry to reigu. iib, remiguation ~7j* 44G444444444444*444é4~*44a* hateîen withelti as long as pouaible, ln C. M. &STP. R. R. TIME TABLE. Mir. and Mrs. Harry Vil'ent, of Chi-.lo aes î,f bi eCotisminpîriu npal TUCIAO imîited J. B. Ayers and wîfe this t suebsdte sPIcplb To CM.A VO. M agî, eptOmb'r. A jîbyieians letter R11-11.uniîîM:36 ..l tm.57 W"tk. a-Compacied hbis resignatiou voucbing Oîni.îl s 1 *ii .R, .VsIwî,tl ii 2' SI r3!. and Mrt. Jofin teatton 1.4t for for Mr,. Minera iuaility t,, teach. Alrr.'5::11,:1 ifi 514 l:Igiii 'Illirmiay Vlicr., tliey wil vinit 1Prof. Miner recoinmn îieIe unother .I-1-1TYViiaE .E tir,7-15 1:5, 4 5 t'n'i,,t 5.Si725 3 727 5:11ln. 'Strattc,,î's s% î,%Irâ. John icandidate, but l.î.'r f"iîdle hat E4.iràtt 5:44 73N 1244W 47 L: I,,rl)liy, 1* fore rettiri sg t' huiam. aceeptedj a )îOâltilpn, &n(j il, anot er we 1'a' '..' or'$ s " "' SMr..J. B.l NIa,' iii iilif,. t Ci îic'goe letter recm l'leu 'te' 1 sti il an îtber nan. r. }ON CH ICAGO. gr.Ctt.îI L.îir'rtyvi it. lifi sî,,tis '.week. 'liefîre ltshii.', get'ou,1 r e'în ndutioni ft l . 4 1n . .M V* ' t i» r- M ae I ii t ijoi i e d i ejr «mo n a n d i'ae 'ed E . L . 1>îlo i,, I l.1). Slo o p s diiti.1 44 1: jys "oltilig". datiou fns Mr Miner who exprenued M:42 10:128455 6:2 7T§ V:27 Ca'.îJiîîsIRay and i 51'le 'ft for thier a hopie tiret Mr. Slooj)s wonlti arrive 8:stu 1v(: -M Ii:45 617 7t :72 Iroi4iS 'ii.iCurtIwMon- bef,,re fis letter rei'ommeudhng ;tire War'-uos 1:45 e:tii 7:U dy.! ' 9: "i i, s'l~rtvst eo candidate titi, as lbe consitiureti Ws'iw',rt s 1' 775 9:42 thMIigaunrelativ"i-s owî.î ir îefiirc fim aa superlor muai for the place. itîsl (t ix u 542 iuu going t.<> îiwî. After "onmideriîîg tire matter it was 'lînote' siî]y. Ms, ..,,f.',s , rphit) I ydevid"letu <engage Mr.Sop Pf Wil-n., sw,u,,ma 5,.i r !,itr i. , . n, .- Noi Lt. a wateil fai*t ry. 'l ik. iocî . 1rof ýý,,tHnýmy 1A. E.Jack, of Lake, For'ent nvrs ':îtH u.a site i n L iertyvi lie ;-,i y luit fec't, rt hIor tol HUND41AY Tand.J 41have been hure loiiking ",ver tire, 1 Lv..hh'~ncîhi.- 454 n Arid,irt i li.m h'-ui,,n. l'ibe ciiîîern tu kliOwn 18ing Mr'. HIOOPO,-&iig tubat lie plueed i...S,.a, N, .n.Ar hryit 7.( , t'iflta.1"Wteb1 ,inibini evei'y confidence anti respect1 l.). ).04(u .r5 p 45.Ar.,'.5g I.,,,and itiiat ie was r044e o if.tue >et 'i , r,,., au,îs t ti un itoadrnastir Carrill of thI' ýSt. Paunim tudi utsi anti ail 'round mni turtied ontt I&lal Us 4as '11W', Aîi7 12-'. () 7 railriia,, IN tli'e tii s W-cIi scc'ul ly. îi. iîiw,nthvla. 17. iî,rus.- Ian; Wsrr'n- . I ut tisai nnîvermittiriyears. He spolie1 t'uji 12.: : ll,, r. :15; E"'t14 b î.ipaiiîeil hy the 'ari,'iiit,t of il,(.uî'W hi giyof is exeî'utive' ulilisty anti 12i4i; Stl.ri' niliJp . 35u; ,sriv,, luInChiago ai fatîîory buîildings t,, I.'erieti'i fîor tise esrlîemti-eme of pirlîsie in the sebool S lTris .N", " 'a 1-b ai su Iii' lr n.îSiifr,nu, aui1n lut"e T (*""<î,,'tr i(lete.! ' rî,îîuîasui tatedti fat ae'uiice L"rii t lJhfiag,. £ a,,, f11r191,l7:00e saitüb011 ttre priiierty (it that i'ini'ern. lie là di îi î'aiîî ng s.n, ll' oa' tii 0; ,45'iv 754 <il.'hi"f i li 7.14,g a.n,.i,, ba .av.'i WtlogoM«.i u W. C',lliri, <G. W . Merrili anti H. Il. 40. Sloops im frîîm Ijava. Ill., a arflhtri herijiervli, 121a.&u.Da- 'i.iIE. " 1 lze, a. Mn. .re,,îtrueî'trîîms graduate of La e<, orj"ir University1 auinad na er'.î'11 o f tise Kt. andi huastaugit fotir yeurs litiFulton Villagfe officers. l'ai!rosai, acre l inLicrtyvîlle lant coUliîty, Ibis stute. He las receiveti i".i ... ............ hIL A'ri1 i'ridalo iî,kng user iri'village, tise the degree of Bac-beliir of Arts from i 'u1~'. Jîis'. .i,.gr E L bslI. lew diPL't et,'. the ubtuve îînivermity. Mr'. Slosops lm a trC. $auiu'ru "13111y"'Lee guI tassgleiîtiup bctweeu Younsg rusil, neuuirli'd ilsmciurcli .... C. 1«iicî sthe' E. JI. & 'E. and S Pauni truekm ut utin'îilîîr.4hip lieiîig Prembyteriau. ......... ......a.. . E. b Il', 1 1ui, Joulit weî-k, sitis a frighteuîed Mar'tui .....M. Fr'oIisuaiTa c ofFco ho'rs.e lie sas, drivung, antiin consneht u ol aIn' L JkýITYILL LO)G, N. 492F. & iuenc 1$ badlybIrîiied about thin Sounetime before falic Hamilton l A.M. itrjlirComun-ti(nm ind 4t truiland tioll(e".and ilmbuConstructunionintuc(ii u spanyy Matîîrulays iA f cul, mth. VisRing r"teBi" unlulwîl.kWne.Il. W. BULKLEY. .1. ie and hues are a wreck. Hie lu flot will native their entire plant trous J Ete, s. siroubly Injureti, howevei', anti wont Hamilton, Qi, 141Libei'ei'tyvilie. 'Their A Ml CAMi' No 17n, Ik. W. "t A., fl5'4't. get In a trop of thaât kinti uguin witb a site la locallei forth of the St. Paul A( finit a~ fu<] Stird"'f'u-'b Muftiaiodte n w ftervr ai Wur.Imn'sî HalurcEgcrrstîuclaurr borme fraiti of the cars. i5ltU rc u eto lcrvr o',r'-. Viîilsng n' lghI-'r', lauYs A.l'uuu..rcl Thmswr C. 1 lii Eùmt,. V. C. Lew Hanblywaus ierioisîly Injuletidlretlyouaite tIse~Toniwr 114,. Kaias,2l..k kluit Fi'iday îight hy heiug *struck" Tisir arehitet was hetre tbis week t'ilit,,l tupýrniiMonduy. by fisliorse. lHe steppeti hurrietily uccompal~ yaS.Pn fiiiat into the itull sitbout speuking to tihe locateti a switch, whicl htie ralîroati li'. Frank Pont, of Cuîgo'iliteti beaf4t, wiiisbeconing frigliteneti companry promise to put Inf imoediate- Rtoirt Ray asud tamly 8undîay. struck brut downandt trampludl on l wlieu work wili bu commendeti on Mliss Alive Locke apenit a res ay'. ot him. Lew is recoverîng nsowîy from thse building, which lu b bui 15OX80, lIwt msut vimitiug lier pâriiît'. luiEîaii' bis sbaking up. Forfîînately nu boucs steel fraîne anti brick veueerui. Tise 4btMi. acre lrokcîi,, ut Ibi@ conmplexion ls truck runs thiongli center ut building. lai, lîniîdred lisloîf gi'avi'l asre teinporarily iinpaired and iehcuses a This coucurn bîii a pabent refrigur. bjalulcI ul .îspre'ul on Lake mtreet uemt cals,' as lie Pruumîgates mlowly a bout aloi' car, 1)7e tolis antisteel bridges, ',Ifitle' 'enîetery Ibis aî'ck. the streets. bealdeuumoueuusinor articles. Secret ary Loreuze of the couspany was hure Thle L.skehide Ceiiettry Auo, iiti,,u onucf ut ,r ezchaugen fii a rucent faut week anti mid tisat work would be Millit-et ma 11hNlrs. John ulialhoir line sasithat fit sunecessary to strike1 ne ontebidg u a Frîhai' sfteru'ýx,,u, Sept. 3, ati 2:30. a match tu indth ie incandescent lumps comucffoitn uitig uta Miss LaCitna Jeatt. of Clicago, i50 Lihertyvillu. Aforesaiti cieaugu onaiterjio"wcupn ptl wli,, bus been vimiting ouI frîctidmin halls trom a village Of magnîicunt dis- : Itcli. Lilirtiiillu liai retîirnetittu icago. tances. "ýdeutrit skulu' antd s towu Pick Upu. 's' oik u tîc iitri t ci'y cn.pump, anti su getting ltogethur 0out of Labtîr duy titis year cornes ou Mon. I eltbidn rorse l y l îtî riashy a8suumlng 10 crîtîcize s city day, Sept. V6, anti lu the uext legs] wihi lie niady fur occupaocy about i. t ait ,ries, acaticmy, pialatill holiday.- Ijti,îi' ust. 'ahuscectrie iightîîîg systelli. If lmu sit Eloudyke lm u gresit placte i hunhii' Smithi, Freil Croker, sudt othier for "-wehl 1referveti' peuple. One msan ilf. .Eger i'il a filiiac"e ti M air tiiiig, t,», nurierîins t10mntion. wam toîînd ln a perfet statle of l.jal;raiis Sui. lMaxahI atu .l ui liiîîg ri,.ai ev.' iy A nitribr of ot ,ii îug arcie nepreservation six iusonthu after lho wu@ fîirîacilt ii.a itî'r. t,,h il g o' if.enditigfilse'faîl]asîtd inter frozcu. Inroit.%Viii. iC.iudge, pimiiîîtl.,, ,j"'tlis, iii aîteliding flb' letrtîptlitsn Ain exehange recently gave notice Inranik iii Sili',,a,i tuhi Jago lfi.iîr"u illuge if Cicalgo. W ercui that iii cae a toien buggy wlîip won hii'iiay. fi'. n.,thei g of ,M r. " it oti î.îghy cîitisuiciii thîî coursme. toit returueul hîefîie itu fext issule it i i.t.iiitu t,.,i ,f Lcîiît',j ý,uVe oiiy regret thiat utiiers(Ioflout go w5tIod publis tie naue tof the thtiet. i 55ili ii s-n u.îîhayandiuido ulitews li. Soiie of the [lent Th-- plaie îIemigiiatedu wI5 tle huc'k opu lililiayt Aiglis'i.t f amillesu fl iI.irty iji l- iavt' îatro n îzed ysrhtuf tile uîaîer. 'ihe' îext mortsing iIui iisu i7liiiig l' s-tu iu,, r is-tl t îehlent c, Ihge andi we b.'ieî'e atter the ntîî'î' cause ouIthe sniglit IV ruisuVatý,landih .u, us-si I uhisut.aIlh laivt iîî %%, Il plca'.1 i'îhstir te iavii îg bc,'î iery drt seventeen boar, i putiiri i tig s acati u Xi rvi','ilt. M r. t). M . atm't tlie l'rincipal wiîîp's aîure picteti up lu saidtibu(* _Nios Fuira Miller whiioha iiliut- utrtfie College' puits ouîtiio repi'cuîîa- iyard. Ati tili there are peoîple who itîg ier sist.r, Mn'. Il. Il. Egs-r tic titîss coucennuiiîg liis instituation whiicb10 loîot bilieve lu ativertisiug. l>a'.t ta,) usuuutbrtis ris-ti , bs-lir liiiuie are niit îtric-tly tirreeýt. liere la the way an exebangu soundu lu M rlsi,,t'_ u. ait i bîiisîay. Solui eîsey anisud ite sceumlarriu.u y thre trumpet of distreus: -Parsons Mr'. and Ilrsi..i. W. RIta sd graînd-Ii. ,iftheru ha, LevilThsyî'r, Ot Littis knowing theuelves indebtedto b Iis tmoui, Of Suthe-rlandi, Iiiaa.sli u iavefileld, Newa York, urrivetii îLIberty- (silce are requeitil)t call anti settie, h)eui l'.tiîîg îlti fnieiiins titis ville tn,,u New York#tlait week, Al thoseeintiebteil tui Ibis office andi viiîît let or bîusgs lte hrt t te liere Mr., ist.l'.ey auîiite have been 1not kuowing it are reuluestet to cali 'n%,,ju i itg tiir' paît six acekm %Ir.hEtiiey 1ansdiflnti out. AUl thuae kuowug 1 rigg, à 'lrayîur au'î' ri-u-tiiig a tw,,, iitl .Mr. Thayer wîlh ]cuve fur FIat themeives findebteti anti nlit wkahiuig htlry brick han, liack ot thîir .tre'. IliîasLake, IMutana.iii a tea d(ayi, gos- tiiCeaiare reqiiestedti laty flsou@ i lie strs,ttirc sii lie 42x4.,eet, (iermy ing by ssay outhilerlanîd, lowa, ishere place long eunough for Us to catch tireu. h ,îrbai tise u,îîatfor r aniatitii-wy ii l, e jishiiidly Mr. hi'lsey'i Ail thosu abo are flot indebt4ti are1 5 ,rt. hrtier, Willibsu. rliii. expeî't o rçqncsÉted tou<alanti get ludubtedu" Iniusg tî L. aIoliks0 file w flth aui 5 hurlie Hurnoroiu Smtliebuof. prpe. pL di, tlise t ut ofvetiesr'tuore il lsb î.tsrleî tint wîli asit al portly appearance, nquisitive de' lrile irci li' iuti ut ,un t ftiin ~ter. Sou l eciare', A. Il, Cook wauj muanoranusîtiiît intellect, h ambillous orulîîî,irv Ir seltî-ui-r. hit tbiokii tl ias,- t,, tak(i a laek '..:îI alien lit' geta or notbinig. He aupiredtu 10become '.511lue af.siui. uiiry i,untlit, uter uu'tb îwlept'tt uî, iustuîsl POtusater not mauy usootîs go, but l,,*ttlif st.iiuu0iity sii ,t lis ui.'htales. there were others. An our reporter Si ~ii ii~uI'.*le' Thoulisailuilfauturitig eiipany heurs maîsy conjectures of fote as to l'ie tuluuigLili.rtYvillians, are ilian-getting lu shape to ritamî, sioay. A "abos bo- he venturedtheIbuopinion i tegýaîîlia.ututhe tahi-br, iti W tuellarglrte î.iîîuev. Ip tire falli)bas Iseen 'Pise. lu prusenetut Smith ut a recent %Viitkgai. tiismee: Rchad W $ti-e, ou eacisfluoor and milif;iic.tpslieun- gathering in the Furmers Home that tuiul Jeîe t 7istuud, l.t. Padokdeseul lasulare li lalce. Current Churlie woulti malle agoot pustusantur, BI, Lyl E. Bonu,tMaile A,lieu, F.igene '. turniiulietl by Ilîcir uîî dynamo tirat Ssithu store W"uaafune place for ls. Siut, Aiîdie \%".. 'itattorîl, Lauîn,îiitieui. Lea Schanet anti Hsrry tiailoway aire the postoffice anti thut lie iîoped berry, Lydia Smith. suisd ,thei's lius'y doing the nece'.sury pîlie itting McKnley wimnîitn't jeopordize bis Ilhsall heeuî iîstenoed t,, opsen u about the building toi' tise team us di- future puliticai chsances by faiIi'ng to î'buuili the i ,îu'a iusnit bulilding ,fi atîrs. etc. The compauy are remov- graup tire situution. Thiratle wied tise sisteriutf ier-y thii wiuter, a iusg tîier stock of mauutfactuîiet gouda for an expreusioîîtos iiiso o E iel,:u,-uh uperbomliti its tsclties ant inlutîner wreroomls ut 232 Fifîli Ave, of ha&uardent admirera there prenant,F c rpi 0of irlstructor,. to auy fi thi. Cfiagtu Libertyviile, sud iseieafter waibud pstiuntiy though lu vain as thse se lion. tîaiug ti ire hlay In finish-. su ortiers wii be filicti trous lere direct, atmsphere hucame usomentarily moreF îuîg buildting the ideci bas been fui' Chicago sud western tratie. Tbey trigiti, and the quietude so densuad a4ian'1oneti, und the iichotul prujecî eau silip trous here by expruss unr loes ppresivu tiret lie distinctiy heard J ist poîset I iutiniiitcli'. usouîy tisou thier rent for tise Chicago grass growing lu the back yard, Il Tule Dyissu-tiAbtn unîîî ual famuil y ot'e amuounts tu. Slow but sure p)ro- aus awfîîl. Just i break thse miell anti ro',iniiwas beld i utthe bonite. ' gresu lu being matie ut the Thomas gel fiis foot ont gracetully, ur t EdsIji Dyîiond i ut-eferson Park last fac'Iîry. Abouit $15,000 woanrth uf reporter vouclisafet tise Information Thuirilay suitas ( tisan&4terstii , iu.biu-' , nt u lc, 'ivhblujetisaI Heati'supeople were building an tièee evntswas mot enoya lcî'Iv tissur hallt of ihat thiey propose uaddition 10 tiroir store anti wondoeed iiccuoiîu. ~licr ~ ~~'. iiting fl behore Octohser lut. why. Clarlie thongist they probably oeeasion Thee wee "wanted too," then "-frozu up".aiid tise preseîit, andt gaines, raîces anti aiiig Expression of Gratitude, reporter withtirew pondering over thse acre iniiuXlged ili by theu happuy gaie n.Tofic tt'kintiandtivoliongttuifintssituation anti how tient tbsquare film. gatse'iug.anti nigliboru iliose asulîtance anti self aitis Smsitis. 511ec l 'lise Ladlie.s iofthe M. E. C . Aicondoicîîce lunonîr recent atfliction we Soc iety aill givu a t.awn Suri il ut the so incereiy aupruciîîte, we taire tisa Rosolutions of Respect. 35ec toca ns oh expressiiîg îîîr gratitude. N>Et"S paronuge Fridlay evcniug, Ang. 27. W. E. 1)A îtsAN lA i rliu v. î7À,fi lias' picaseti AliightY Lad] Ifoiit llestsant ilil hi e helt i lthe _________ (,soui' Ieaverdy Father, to remove churci. Mîsicl' tiecblr Tsefr2m our inidal; Mru, W. E. Davis anti All i crirlà.Musc b th eloirThe LIBERTrYVILLE MARKET. NWHitEAs, lu tise death (if Mr@. W. 1 ceruet band ahil so lue prceîuet anîd E. Davis thec Lateaitie Cemetery Asso- tnîrsisb imlihii,. Colle tii,,!ici' tcuam Corru-tti'ljansu, -ry Tfitrs,,ay. 1uistion las foat au hs oeti member '"1e wil ,cîuîîti iti'e17 ent,ti Batts-r <resmerï .......... utv', I8î6 anti active w<rker Thtiefore bu lb wil h meve. Pie- 1) ent 1Iutt'n-('luu,i- balsy .........10t1t". fi4 Resolceti, Tisaitise Lakemitie Ccmî'- arceuordiuily lîîvitei. li Egin. iur d,, ........1u,(t4s 1s t4ryAssocia'tioni extent lis sineere l'ttiurs u I,,,h............a 14 s". aiy, oiyt ~ trrwn uîi PIEOPLE WO0N D E R4 At our codstantly lncreaslnabuslness due'ing the hard times, but cannot explain it. We can: We simply rely upon good judgement and Spot Cash, to fi our store with goods the people want. We do flot handie any trashy or undesirable gooda, but guarantee everythlng as represented, or money refunded. Caillln and see us. You wiIflnd a large stock td choose f rom, and are guaranteed right prices and courteous treatment. Vours for business,. M. B. COLBY &CO.g, Dealers in Everything. Libertyville, Illinlois. pF OLD CROK3 should drop onto a Gold Ciaim, ho would have the Iaugh on those who j!oled up th. Yukon. ~L~GT the laugh on coxnpeittors who try to nndersell us. They can't do it on anything in ourln. 60ecStraw liste............................ .. 49c 58e " " .....-............47c 48e " " .................. 37ce' ....................n 12e Dru sLawns ............................ e 22e Madras Tablecloth........... ............. 18o 10e Dimlity Ciseeka......... ................... 7c 25e White Aprons .. ............... Ise 50e". l".. ............. f $3.50 Coat and vent ............... ........... 2.50 25e Liglit Samuser Tien......................Ise 600e..". ... .. .. 39e 75e " '6.. . . . . e Call and see Our New CIoth-Top Ladies' Shoe Latest Thlng In Shoos. Fm C. SMITH & SONS .ier Bldg. 3.arly loods. Prices are advanclng on ail goodà but we bouight some Fafl Gooda Three Months ago, and can now seil them for lesa than the present Wholesale Price: M en's Heavy ilibbed Fleuse Lin ed;i 5e Boys Extra Fine Msd "evy le. - shits mim 3438)........... meui Cottoni noce.............. Fleece Lîneti Drawerm .19oe 10e andtIli2c Twhlmdl Fiasse Llano lues Ribbeti Vesta and Drawers worti Flaniielette. for VaisI m dDrue. $3 50 adozm i5r pice . .. 25e: ............... i WOOI Bicycle Hos., neyer offereti 75c7 Extra lvy Biss Overs tfl ~ below SfcThsePair prices..250: 903 ............ ... u Citidreus. ItibsetiFleece Liued 55m* grade vus bib ........ .....e Seamis Houe, Fust Black 10c: Boys Bib Ovemals (spd S3 1)...1 c arry a foul line of Btationery and Sohool Supplie.8» . Prices before buying any States, Tahlets, Inks, Peneil, ]M. 1,ýý TI Plour Libertyville, 1111nois.

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