CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Aug 1897, p. 9

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ggi u.riy Ail t orBth - ba it 5est laiLoft- LbI. "te BeD m'pped DeceUs Oesiend Lot ls Wer. bte heu upon Cuba Spain ebolmet lis final Possessionl hi World. il t tilholda a tlny uses hitfy as a coaling mmd feunti a continent licronsa m»d teck possessionoftfit MM ofetbis aovereegn. Thon ~mS'the NevwWci'Id. But ýIur-nmloatedy took pas- Peuple carne frein HllAndm tegether, finally ralieti e i.Untedi States. 0091sent aha hati diacoveneti 350 ~eetoma great orient. lTh. e- IMIMuerm roat wonSogee, bethli l 4m"dSeti Americesud there mlmimimg Ironda u Ltheceltor. stale eh wmad Calfornia, FIer- stloitral Arnerlea and ail the west- ýtO pft of éutitiAcieica. lb4U te. cns nothtng. Cuba la 10011101117 loua frein ler. She does p t feonIl, netien does abe gai lis ïsUSUItS. lTh.eet of North Amerîca b»p&md mvay by-cecqueat, by grani t %f Perca«..Southi Americo, true. 1111U1,81tâlarda IllrnIn lt. But they àffl torilked i depeudent colonies and MS IMIeRa auChleens, Bollelans, P.- ImWlMManmid Coiornblans. Thay love 08011, but ticy love thenselves more. 1I vi m ot pay direct tribut., or Join Me bW erennt. il muaiontaon witbdrav te the 111605àhemisphere, wberae h. bai e bkWU Utile peninsula, md confine lier. 1» liai terrlory and a few mie ms. tati» yq le be.. h leiag Northm and St Amerea ObMh»a aievn ot auch bail gamanal- . IM.MWtue 5,. nin of beriso h. wum a aw. I» w- - - X4etth muies roubel«g à Spaula eeumtry becme -part of tbi. Uaited States. Oulitrnmia vas mdded te the United BluesIi la S, atter tise Mexi- 4ea . struggle. [i Qmbr~ad thse. Arnu- msa tam that la mcv divided npbinte six Mtates, mud in l1849 h beram e Tsrrtory of Californie- A fev mm, nov kmovm aà *"the ferty-tliners," vent there andi came bock vîti suen a- teundlng reporta et the richnu ofetits fruit, the. fineuees cf lsveoti and the vmrl.ty ofiIts ore that etiers ataxted eut Tiers vere f miry tales tcld et lia glItterlni m»D. ln 18W0 hlieca"»e8 Siate and acon proved te lbe thePurae of the Unitedi Staes, holding moue! that cenli lie tradeti cff vith ferelga eouatiefotr that wvilcb the Unitedi States needed. Netier Spain mer Mexiro voulti bave ported I vti Clifemau. nelndliig Oye- gem. If they hati knovn what laY there. The old BpmWlh realdents trled te keeP the secret. and fnom that fart corna the. rormatc Bpanlsh Mates cf the west AMERICAN MUSICAL PRODIGY. mis Augusta Cottlew Amas the Werl'm or.mmeat Musiciens. is Augusta Cettlcw, the American musical predigy whcse beume la ln BSi.! mise AUGUSTA C'tTTLOW. byville, Il]., la m&id te b.e,~ i< foreumesi muneluianathe ôI.A ihougli not yet of tbler studles, eh*î heu nugedto te aue mand delWgttbtS leadin, musiciona o Enroue viiih a The steamer Lucanie, whlch trummPhed In ber race acrosi the. Atlantic over ber rival, the St. peul of the Arnerlean lia, t the pride of the grent Cunard l leet. The Lucania la a vrntable leviathac, te use the familar figure. She la M2 feet long and ha. a groas tonnage of 12JM6 tous. Sh. waa laumcbed ln the Clyde-that borne of ablp buldng-and on ber trial trip aie ran at a apeed cf tweuty-flYe and a hit miles an heur. It laIm rpsible for the buiman mini te hegflintoe eaets the tom elbematsd by sucii a tresemiona maiecicf matter menai aet sncb a speed The englauswblch iroe .thie Lucanie acre.the. Atlantic ma eofthe St. Paul are of 1l1O000bhrse pewer. The. shlps averaserate ef speed lu ber voyages te mmd frem Europe la a Mite fster than that whieh @ae mamde ou ber trial tripe. As long go au 1M03the Lucanla ram front Liverpool to New York la ô day. 7 heurs and 23 minutes.,rnaklmg the. record up te that tme. Thils bea, lke &Il the big limera that doferry work on the Atlantic, in sumptmiously fitted np wthln and in really, a float- tmg palace. Bbc le a aiter shlp ta the Campanla cf the same line. BLOOD FORETEIL8 DISEASE. lieart le met atromg enougb te pornp the blood malt mabeud. ln blood of Ibis Eýurly ysipteasi M., De ktglly ort the ted coïpuele. otez appasrtte ltecoeguled ueier thi e àreeCOe5 T'h. doctora ef the fuiture WITT proe-i bly b. the preventera rther than the healera of disease, Msy the New Yen k. World. lTh. early symptcine of dîm«es can ncw lie obeerved mno long baforé ' . the actuel slckneae mets ln that the mal- ady may lie averted wth aimat aliso- lt certalInty. The epproacb cf almeet ail the rncst dreaded dîstosep. It basn 0 beeu foumd, cen readlly b. detectcd liy oheervlng lbe comdtloU of the bloud. Tit la bellevedl thu, If men wonld have their blood examlnad hy blood âpeclaI- ltt as oftem as ther dentiste examine- ther teeth the prevalence of dieese cf a! bnda wauld lie very grestly ne- duced. At present tbere .e very few blood expertspe rclng intme Unted g ~~PELBS States. but the Mrende of the. ew science daim that thie ovel trent- li enetangid lu a maisaof web. Tii... uBan ta.k aellkely teoi cig the muscula veina, 017thff ea Sveina get a whlle If the vens of the itemn are oi etrocted paralysie of the limbe la te b. expected. '4rucrled Jutigmeut. EuglaMmdla aupeurfomncson the. plano.e. F*e&beRU0matiomn efthe heurt la dus ta Me eeUti7 tmhu blet.mable tote ianpet Iwo years the iabeen studYý' -tii.preseuce cf dimi on cuber ertraneous :4400 bieelfiM4 eully mnd govcrn ag entier lierr l'apport anti Puofeianuatiér ln the ilood.Thi. s otten resulta baie lerosemm norean. Sh. do.. h liy Buseni. l'h. latter, whan a5ltetihl y-lu the rupture of lie blod vesels. si 11ua10MPollcy tuataleva home ule isa Cottiov for- thea mout cf ihW Wlmemtis exiromeous murter accumu- Mll mlameta bsocîte iDdepeaidence on charges, eplit: *"Cuule, tuer. cin li lates te a certain crient Il produges a convulsion of pain le pastg thbeareet, anti tends te stop the action et thai j -u nlacraus onflen. Bleodot f Ibsknt -moy readil lib.tlagnoseeti vhn seen - -uander the mcroscoea. Theé blod et k ' ~tise human ayeteni ralireatilly bha ean- - fti ly eI.ctricip mnd allier agents, anti c»Ab. trend ett aulfarelge miten. The - e~~UBA *ÂeefT Ime mmy ot be tan ditant vian pao- - ~ ' pIe vl! bor eier bleoti regularly ex- et thé dey, A physiclan vho bu made omicati andl clemnet." mvral valuahle dlacovaes ft ccrn- A XNagase illeu. lue tIse effert cf canaumptien cm the The une. et muguets for lifticg pur- blooti, midtt a Woid reporter: poses anti au a suaittle tor clamps in ' *lit" la nev posslile for metilcal raplily exiending, andt tacieatue ea. mont iveaded dînlauses muny menthe or îng can lbe pîctoti p anti carrled 'f even yenrm liefore the oniinary eyrnp- areundthte @hop ln vemy triklng. Wltb tomsappeer. This nov scence, lt tbe li preces Isoles have te hae horeil seema te me, vIlAIln tîrne revelutlonIze le messes et metal ln ml saris cf etit mhe ontcthdaryorte of eantrinct-ant iniconnnlnt places anti ai angles ment f thedey. t ba beenfou segoibat very otten lu la ncamry te ntic recentîy tbatth. blaed met oniy o!fm lm psfrhligtedil ahn but et montaniumale glves ummufta-to- lmsa ork holding liatioIn machIe t- bIe algs efthle apptcach of diette. potbe lvert. mthe foppîlcatipuetiii important diaconaiesin tis navpraleeetirmtrfa bsprpose scIncehav ban ati nnemly n as a long stop ln otivance, and ti IL mARK PORTIONS SHoW 8PA1N S POSSESilIONS îIN 18W AND TO 'AY. France and Cammony. 1 balleve ihai metheti bas been of great service l, __________________________________________ I mmy cdaIm the credtfic ret dîscer. tiealog vith the armer of thse new l -*»»Motheii. (vereor Caerai. NVi- no tait cf business ltwaan mlet.Yen erng thea raigerme of ithe drnodticrulere, Wben a portable drill, bey-m ea'er, la ceupleil wîth a magctîn clamp- d 1111 RgInS Dmne la upon the oilm are mn otist. leur musn delîgts me. coximuiltln, lng devine the icoal condItIons are rea al ,'spetý anti ber baud upon the If I coni b. of ony belp ta you le yur , "la oali aesary ta sec a drap or Ised, Dr. Louis Bell noc.ctly deennlbed h Xiine. but abe do ot "grinti" the' ce-eer I a"oI do ail te my po'wer for tva of o an's llooti inietia'he microe- dilo hi atr.I cnit fae »«U r empel tilleulte pey more thon ycu. Ybu mîy toto oy aiti as a cort- ope 1i ntier ta foreteil i tiease lUthairîetbsptea.Icoltifa 16W mli have te pay to ther ewn esy tram an eIder mate toa younger aclentifin ccnuacy. Théesîeat motothr md is a nverem-drvcdrlI. ta- owe nit rthey yen. "free." one" Miss Cotlow baga ber musical sympucms Of apoplcxy, paralyois. beari ge authen lth o univenlaeedo u ir-g do @@ale le glviig np lber western lande tudias u1h yeanofaet g. Ai 5 ahe dseuse moi rensutuption mmy b. e or d iaietat 'eepc-t on asa. me p.ii god dmis 0t maie ar iebt l pulic Prm tat gnied very eotily. Tt wîîî, of course, ly upomiao shîpa plate on cther mass ef tu mmot se goci. l'h. ontIcloin f tineie hvasLn denanil, Ai 9 aie va. ho madlî>' undensoti dtt iiîla veryAraniha rlla aveon a Thse force h MSe Eleb avr ill teil vhetiser &eh.plsred le charge et ProfeosonWoltacim cen thon b. utjuatetiandi clamîtetiby baloffitai by thse Culian aruggle. Ifef Chilcago anti bean ber studio, in the simple turnîng af ia key, and i wilI gil Ilils U abooltItely 'borkt h yl i ha lnmony and couteopein tter Pro- t -.thon bore holes up to an lochl n dlem- T Sas femner te hîîd in a Blte of montai fesser Gleeson, 8h. ploya tue met tilt -'asfsta - -nb sflywrkd aujeo-t tns n trefor fcutmgeta oey h tra ata ucnh aeyaotd m~ficu-tomusic brantiestayvaS en lh.earbole mIaIr welgbs cniy about 200 u.ioato coma, But If she porta New Yrk musiibns with ber perform - -d.Tca otal ril n ml w5ub X&l'lîa kau h ei-g0erntng, acah, OfBeeven'a8 concerte la0. aze- pauctis Tee r htab e rila lnuih «I toignestayi.uitfemmu l aheb thiia.plts wt he'hma 1- a magneîîc, une învaîuabîe in general et.hlminedatapmyluov <lua, ciesîna tlinee y-ars ugo. She beu latey rmachmne Flaep praetico. and le modern aa's irt lots, linle earty pa't <f tunnesi hem oindttecompoiton. lier ' bidn tok-xgnnin .male MS eer-lury, vas the gret district cai- firet plece. "A Romenzo" fer vIlle antiuligwrk-nierngMgzn.I bg ia-h Loulsana. Spain bail guti pane, n-mu bought anti puilsieti lua nytle olrîn L«a»natu 1762 f rom - the French, emn.3IssC4owl dubd-AitinSlio.1 vieeelgblaly dîscovereti h, But wev ytheGam-mmay. sise tteur uduletiLnThe Dut. of Ossace, arhile vceroy I iapeleen hecame Consul lho gt Leuisl- ly tic. als poft vrprdcil tNaples, dellvered many ilualci ant i slbock, and the big "Nov Orleans cleven juigmente, l'h. case le relat-0 mmir, and belli them ecue.. Tbis Coei cof Trolley Power. ed vbere a yenng Spanh bexquhlie ~e ialteseuthern ati miile alde nfomte nunomati Bertrnnd Bolus, n'hhllo lumghng abed alloSthe UheiS.ts nivs A al uo rmtaanal re- arounti luithe busy pant ut the ctty, vas lerg et ti nicedhSat peesanIwstporisetrthe ralînitati emiuuniners oet mW'INaGo IIMATI5N OF %TU B 0T.rnnagaini by a ppter carryleg o hum- iiiu br"wnd S etalea e hftlindueNev York anti Massachusettanfornemi- lb. Umîteil al etthe treet nmulway propenties mnch casier te treai amy tilsomm ifit mudl.etf w-coit bs ahoulder, gein Uited3 hytates g I5.000 she atlcsie h lnti ae e . ilcoveretih laitsear eulisg- The porter bai celloti out, -"alete Il lemii tat ti' Sshows qu e st anuo n. le. nieler an- Cnopindn ogletoetetiwuy, please!" several tîmas. but vitb- «M il inseti laturtuSai ihaecoul<.l egcdtio nscfroe i, ic.lh le t ram iuhe aptenrance tof the bloot a eut offent. lHe hadt en triedt tegel byt noiea bell hiun t ibIs purch e gescoitinsmb a etc The table y-car an more bafore aaiy ceugb sesln. îthout collin, but hia bondie cughtt leil bvouel ld avunnihti ther tien can mileagoiper yer acnd thaeucof tise At tis emrly stage the bloot i wll b. in tue yonng man'% velvet ios Lat paleabed crefers gnatly. electrîn poawer por mile anti perr ueun-ecit f1mI o.l. on 'shghyIdgat gray- granules wih mla rund i nd dthe pre aresteti TIse vice- lma mmuni ols vas Mexina. by no- ge. -Of lbhenîut'] nrm île op- the lîquor of the blond. These ofien ray, vbo biedprivately Investigateti the qqita 1813. On thai date Mexico de.- erating lois thon 250000 car mlles four caîhect In round patcbee ad lentii. motter, teldtheti porter te pretant ieho 41affabertel trf e. Anti thon hegan o ar.elibtalung peu-ar et e cet cf Ieu tierelep Inte ret clla ant ieprrveaie eu asdumb, endi ot the trial te reply hy MM nsottes et vers. la which mitlnue than 2 cents per da, six baîvean 2 ant iolng tisses, fermieg tuiercles, The signe tu amy question tIsai mîgbt b. *hsIied, but which reenlial lu Mer- 3 cents, fine balveon 3 ani 4 cents, on famlor îuhannuît m illi cf coosump- pot te bim. *ma ledepentienne on bard md aune beiveen 4 anti 5 cnta anti threa at tIen le turu feeda upan IheecelIs. Wben lIse cas, came on anti Bolus Unes in S l158Spain tant heavUly by moe thanl5 cens:of tNei Be componles -I bave feunotithai vhee e long lime bai madie bis remplali, thé vl.-ercy vb an. operatimg avr 5,000,000 cr mlles pe or rft appeans sharply dlnltilng the turnedt t the porter anti ated bhla j«xaiatil vos Spaniah iornîtony. But yeor one obtaîns the poerfr lm boslloci cerpusclas the patient a euffn- vbot lbe hai tasamy n repîy. The por. Sy sad et Unitedl Sates Congress in 1845 tien 1 cent per cer mille, tiree baee in, tram thé iniplant stages cf apop- tan enly book bis heai anti matie signe Ibamvas purchosedt rom Spain. lu 1 uni 2 cents, anti one betweem 2 anti 3 exV' If tbIsUn limeb long ami sbarply wlth his hands. ain debt cf 17,50,000, wvbil$ce Men. cents; tier MillIer ligues are aIse gIv- tiefimeti a fatal trot. cf paralsia my "iv udJgment de yen vent me ta et m If iculi muVr psy off, anti en ietween theaa limita,.l'he Brooklyn soon lie oxlseteti. but vheut Iselna.e v einst a dmmnmmm'"astet tbe ilale allowesh the Unitedi Btates te tate e Hlhis Company bas the cheapeui - . nceroy. -»«» if It ivoul assumea ti delsi. paver. 0.86 per car mlle, flloyeti bl "Oh, yaur excellenny," repîleti BoIns, -MW wba as vigencua opposition autIse thse Bimgbamtam vlth 0.9t; th.ersi of '-fmlinig Jute the trap. "he mon Is an Alm- 4b@nàa mtIse reuntry vas ln a tate ef paver fer Maisanhuceita roada 1ln- pester. iasure yen hie la ot tiumb, dommeW iltreus, But Congneasi- la-rîdas repaire and depredaition be he'1..efore lbe ran inte me 1ditilunctly beard uSeS. sand vithn'hau gu*sd resulis the station pleut vhila8mott h. raie Of ' h Jin etyout. Matre vay.'"I U&tMequsut hiiory cf TexaismIsewa. the Nev Yort noade.--Street Railway la lhn"si h Ieoeeny i OOMeby hli netlo% a errtoryof oural.yen beari hlm mit yen tu matle way foi' 818»W 0square rmile%, santicme ai largen10 hlm,vhy diyeunot? TIsefouitoetible M (Mile, Nev Yerk anti Pennaylt'aula Wîid (Cet teu. *, accident vas emtirely vitIs yo'nsef, eu li. put toletter. l'h. ol adt'icetueset witb laseti bi ~ anti yen muet give tiI poor man ceci- isriglsujanwblle bati bec, pur- .yes ln a French restaurant yull have IL penaition fer the troubla yen hae gIn' i e i pable aS1819fan $5,000.000. te b.e glven tu prospectilvaeetera al an hlmtulu ingghlm here." Ieu e ve. 07.00 square mles. and outtioci foets lu the SontIs. If varlety là hole country vas mth len egeto- continues 10 becetmnorae piny dovu Thse Czar'@ Sisynesa. «*a Mdmineuurais. Il vas rsl4eathe teee.Ras itueotfi olhulng the coli- lu lBa anurions satire upan lîfe tint S@l ml«meic of tue New World and n'as ment lunencht oi f a Maryland physi. the Czar. ibat dreaieti, aufl panson- mgei for the Spanish Eater, uplon can. lmtely- note-i le icNeoren Sun., e, representative et paversa bari' vbM hday hitva. dierovareti. a "rmbbi maîmns," gîven te hllI tnnia - ell-mhgh aupanhuman. Inlierior ef Ira- Bgialid, il tila hiie, hati beén lt' -by JudgeIM. S. Brîngien of Nov r'0 cousuditiona ut ence the tiarteut mmd tht' gaqmesofetcountry' trous the original Icone. whieh tmmci ot tuelie a vli-cal Mot neumiy dellnedt iete a ne nmma- mont anguat le hitory, anti abslute dleu ovme'. lPart a-Ils prseent stow, ________ diate danger, l'ils syaptorn enu t ton meulter of resolirces ut tvo grenu nu OaiMMUterittor t g h se canse. the tc elymn' rlnig~<~b iectnered lonig lefore tIer. l@ amy ioniF-for France la atiIbla moment the o wited te lointhe lingiasI. olti MMabsoul iehaa nuivation o e '-inication oethle &dtidisesi.Ou auienthnslsoliaoe- #____ 0$ tenua the reic, vsbob am*o the metcunlousofet lie e blond ileste, amiable yeiilg man, ufflntieul 1euS frnt iseSpOnal.A gineat allttie myupeus are.the e vb a ml le ly o usnashynesa ln th. présence Wiio m a ba ibai anoperattonu ce t the Wooi. vu*staittedç"ay, etut u gera,,snd cngW vilS mu il- ou or etpartrmi. ho tllis he la ouhiiottt etg« .yis!tiee qsav I. nm- MIsO pilissI ta te»metm . t be UsaIs Db s sme il#. L"ait DU" i Atter tveuty-five yearae ofbard wvan %lng th@e leveesa et Sutm St. Leuis. Unce ldJabauthe upudlpute4 champion **Ooaten" catcher et the. Up.r par Missiasippi, bas rettrefi frein activer operatienie. aays tbe BLeuLawsPost-Dis-r paInh. PUne Eb la 8 era eld and bua eatnhimi frein the arme et thé 9 rnghty Ptier cf Watera t body fte, overy p&nkanlamy that pays onouad hbis 40cr on Krauua etreat. The routrmry current breaks eiirply off f rom the. main flow about ive mandt a hait"blocksba bab ithe lti unle's home, and aveepa bock to KnOnes street witb consIderable force. l'h. bodiles et tho. tîreti soula vho ae* rtsth ie Mluluappi's boclai are wviil he spool In annli umtes' as te earnnit lise tItIs cf "Dead Man's Eddy." A fieating body muet b. very nseri theéIlinois ahora te escape tIs s eddylng rurrent, andi once la cernes lu cenactmet usfi acoranees jury finda occupation. Netimg tIsai loats lbeu beem kucyn te Set away atter once en- terlng thie .ddy. Neren.ilai 90 per cent. of the vater'a victimea mi'.ounti, and hero Ilai for a quarter etfa century the élit dan» bain plied hIe grueamre voa- tion they cmli "renci&n'." For many yere Uncle Ehbhati a clean fieldan mm ny a "bcedevu" wme gIron -la the. one-stcny eiianty on the rIver bamk whcn business wmm good andi profitable. 0f lat. yeers the. profite tram I"reachîn"'Ilbave fallen off large- ly by resen.of competticn. It vou ibla cornp.tlticn, bowaver, thai brougit the elti ion the titI. "champion reacher."* Witli hie 83d birthday lasu apring cae rheuinatlsm mand sor. eyea, but tlll ho stnck te hie post until bis rt'ais vitis tbek sabarper visions ciearly outclassl'd hlm. Then Ise pu*Ued bis old boni h!gh on tiesoeatuned conflded te his niece he wai donc. ý"Yesir, I ain't Sgin' te neaclu no mare,' maitithe oid dorky. *"h elc'î no une for me. 'ause de.. oIe eyes la gi- 4MJ' tllm and l'ne. t. a good bg crlck ln ,*noilay. 1 cernes riglit hoem twoc>ry' fi m eas mgo, on' l'y, been round dis I se &Potail dat Ui.. 1noter ha prot- IJNcLU £B JACKSON. ty lucky, but reuchîn' la 11k. any ottier trade. It bas ltseoaaartintles. Soine- times 1 gats $10 and $20 fer a floater; den at othen urnes dey only gives me 15 centa, l's. found mli kinds. OId mem au' young men, wornen an' gIrls lot wua purty and ugly; w.hite folka an' nlggers; yen, mn' babies, toc. Ba- bles don't puy mauch, neitiier do men folks; mlggera nothmg. Ef you want ter malte noney, remrh oit some wlIte gale and women. Dere's mnein dem almost every time. Dere's allîja some'un lookîn' fer 'arn and dey ailus g1,ea a paourMau a litUle smethia' for Mla trouble." SENATOR FROM TENNESSEE. Thne. B. Turle, Who Succeed. the. Lite labse, t. Hhri. Thomnas B. Turley, nî>polnted l'olt,41 States Senator froni Tcunesee ntri î. of the late lsaan G. Hlarri, 1' a iv*.- known luwyer of Meîoplîl<I.ý. lie ii:i caver held office of anr kixol. île 1. a memben of the. 1mw lrn, of Turley & Wrlgbt. Ln 1870 bce was miarnl,.d to Mie. Irene ltayner, the. daughter ofithe laue BIIllinyner of Sbelby Couoty. MNi. Turley la 52 yeara cld. He wmms not yet out cf achool wbeu the war came, but he prcrnptly eclisted la the NMaynari Rifles,Cocmpany 1, One Hendred nand F<ifty-fcurtb Tennesade regiment ofthe Confederate army. He fuglut ut Sli. lob, andi wu ewounded then., and lue was alec wcunded ut Peacli Tret Creek, before Atianta. Hie was cap- tureti la the battle of Nuabville and taken te Camp Chase ln Ohio and lueld there untll Marrh, 1M6, wlulie ho a exrhs.nged andi retururd to thie South. At the close cf Uue war M.%I. Turley en- teredti ei Univerelty of Virginla andi nmOUAB B. oUBLEn, hommane a atudent t feva. le1870 lie rmaonedttemuphis andt îltnCiy bas been hie home aven incn.. An Unfortumete Adunealon. raadaai" lf-"Wa'a he a ther rLinubantife(ahovthCoieuis te nov? You're dneadfnlly nrua-tenu- peret." liuaband-"The racn lase oliominalyl dnilr' Wfe-"Dnhl' WIy. 1 mpped np on old ebint wv it tyester- 'day MaiIl cnt lieautitill"-Tà4.Blta. A vomon aus irons lou-n la vOMe télui a 'Masla ID fetue;. et" ABUMs BSnmarnk's areule reia*k e e yeaas go that Gerusale ~ -eVle mad by a soldies on hait puy mand o retired te tattoairney la me longer cor- rect, @lne Prince Blietlohe la (1e man chancellor and Bunard von Bu- 1ev Pruasian mimimien -piferelgua a* taa. Tiie ltter la the deacentimat et a long lineisrcfllra &WMudatesmen, anmd mcv occuple. tbe zmie position is fotier diti twenLty-tive yeara ago. Hie may b. nonsîdered aua iset of uliai e- tveen Bisarckrnkmd tiie amparor, ha- naaseh. la hlghly enteemeti ly the. for- mer andi vcry ranch hlketi hy the. latter, a position viniiie l e etgreit ad- vmnhage la the. reconcillatlem heiveea the. former chencellor and the emp.ron. fient von Bulov entered the, dîploosat- le career lu 1874 amioeeoftthi elais- mats lm tb. torelga oene, mmd con vai made s.cretary of I.gationsa, servlng lu Bila raparîty lu Rome, Parleanmd VIen- na. Then he va. made mlIsiter pleut- potesiilmryeaiBuciareet. Bubsequent. mEsmen vutmu1v 17lw as ambassador lu ,Rouée; as r4Sthat Position, acd oly 48 yeuunu olti, ho la oe.lIad upan tn flîl the bighîeel plane in the Prusaion diplemotia' ser- vice. Hie polLtical convictions une un-1 kacyn, though Itlaà labned by tiosei vii. kncw the man vol] ihat lue le Ou10 muchi of a ceemopllian chorocter te affiliate wltb tue n.mcticcury feudidet vie nov compose tue "tilne cbi- mt" et the ('ermmn empaer. Ou tbe otian bond, ne lîberel pcltcy enu b. er- peoeat fromn hLm, becauae bis trsiciog au vels bis family traditions ufitor- mlIy placs hLm ln e iecocseraaIs' renta. As sncb hie lIkeIy toestand fer a stnangly developoti protectiva taritf, as veU au agoînat blmnetaîilam. repre- sentlag la bot.b respects thi. peracuel palmry of the ecurr. Ha bas boid veny lîttie opporiuclty te îpose as a public speaier. What lie bis don. le former yeam In le .Pinslon dlet and mn tbe Germen relcbatag vuas to reati tram manuarpu bie carefîtlly prepared speerbea, whicb une descrlbeil as cuar- vela et eegaci diction amdcd ean eut logic. -ORATOR OF THIE MOUSFl" Jonathan Dolli, of Iowa, Enicya tust Picmuugbietatm. Thon, are macy lilliant mien and speakers of nmuIoUeul ncpuis.thon amng the rellreeentatven la Congrem», but Lt la geu.i'lly concedadt lat lIon. Jona- iouà P. Dollven, of tih. Tenth Ioa District, la pne-enilnenily tii. cramer ut that dlatingultheti body. Mn. Dolihu-mr va. alectedt tthe Flfty-Blrgt Congre"., andi ai that ibm. vos bot 31 yeurs ut Th. first rec'ognition hy tueIlieuse ot Mnr. DcIllver's briliaui lovat isiespeech on teMli scKinley tan- I bilîl, whien even ilînse wdeiy d!fter- mg ftram hlm lnpoliticml creeds gemer- nON11*. JO-IATIKAN P. DOL IVER. effort. SubaoqUenty he WRas invite-i te Nev Yent, vhere ln i18WO le spoke ai thé Metropoita Grand Opera, Ilouse. Persoaîy hc la hantisonue. about 5 feet 10 luit cieax braye eyeu and butIn of! obestnut hbueHo bas a gond nonîllex- Ion anti le bis mannribere le a bletad- ing of thé oldtitme seuturn chîvalry viii the breeîiew ofethie ltote cf hie adoption. Hils manne, le confident, 1l18i geptnres grucetul, bils voici' deep, reso- nant anti penetratLng. Nid Cala Worte. han ilati Dog. Accrdîng te the rottures insu pubîlalu- ai liy the l'auteur Ictîtute ai Paris, fuliy 10 per cent cf tbe patiente treatoti there ewe thelm Injuries te the bites et rats afflîctet i th hydraphobla. Theso weundi are consitiered b>' the medicuil entrcera le attendanco te preseci a greaier dognea of danger thon th. bites of mmd doge, net beceuso thon. le uny dfference le the virus, but beaane., ln tic firai place, the teetb ofetsat.hicg More pointai thon ibese of <toge, Inflini a déepen veunti, anti alo e Iuiie ut mai dog uaually fasiene bis fange Inte the anm, thé boni or lb. leur. white a rat nvarably lumps for itie face et lie pereon itmtante, lTme cenT cela- tets are far more cxpooeei le the fa(-e tien lnetalber the orme or legs, andt banco the virus entera into thedr-u taimon more raphdly by icans et a bite le the face iban Ilinougli one claeaabere ln the body. It îiiy ho atded that lte reiuns orcfthe Pasteur lestiitte ton the test yean show that 1 lier cocu of 1h. patmens arluebave submInltedti ten- ulves te ineaiment boy, been bitien hy !nad eave. Iy"donit learsa te Iuugh ai trouble, 3U Mont bave myhiug tg Iamgii t Trornblimg moitai': "Bir, 1i comt live wltluout your daughter." Cnusty fouhet: "Nonsense! Thene are plenty et trou lunch joinits If youu ant te bui them ap."'-Cleveland Leader. lie: "Whmt la a crmnkI?" Bbc: "Why, a persan witb one. Idea." He: "Wcnld yoesllmeacnok'f" She: "WhVy, mc; I neyer gave yen <redit forblaving one Ide."-lllnore Snu. Ihuusanil (groanimigi: "The. rlieum- tissu ln My Ieg ls eonmg agmin." Wite Iwiti sympathyl: 1"0h. Vin sorry. Jobnl la wentedte wde soine abopng to-ésy, auil tht la a sun slçn of nl."-T'ld Bits. nu la-day, popa, SOMltile Ethel, au le ram te meet 'r tiaillner lb.thebail. Did ha have a bill?" "No. papa. He d luit a piainl oa,."-iouseboid l'euihen: "llow inqny divisionîs ef& inakimi are ltee'.?" lobby: "117 w famy. ni in di'lded lotu rte .people ho, er a living wlt-lout geitlog lit. nd those Whe get a ilving itionl aoIng lt."-Cuur'hmînxtî l'tiuîîUîr. Bob'"l den't set. nîîi<'Iunue lu rMy iidylng Ureek.' klis fanI er ."*Wby ,ot, mny son*!"'Bob: *teî'ortling tla mi ceenta. there ua'iit nirolîg tu b. aml ;reeks atter awhllie. I tlhîuk l'I iltuidy arktsh-hlarp R'siouaiil'utble. 'h wonder," cmiti thei.fair-uahncd muid, lf there -mlieb.aluy imur,' love viien uonian La tIihe ko lîie ie-r cf aon lu inteikieçt'!""" Wlîat.' saxkel ithe pIEiuatir iexichelor. - lIvl. gotilt, do vtiriîliîc r-îî-îîîii :utrer. "lere's atttle7 cm c.o! exireries iettcg."'Wa" i long ago yod <uldnat litre a inmsenger boy tu himrry; iw. simca thsy'vt. pot hlm on naluke. Imitve got te fone hlm 10inkmep h:u tfrod orcihg."I'àhideluiioNorthi Aines' ML,- A bunicrl apagayly opon Uic cli, of n Onibus andI crieq rhoerfiull> mte e coudulecUmn: "lv tIi" ark full?" "Ne. ar," replies the jovial cutuduclor, "we lve ke'pt a li-ail for >-oi. 'iiat bol lUmlin there ltoula for tUi ouke-y!" rid Buis. "My cliild.du o)(lilliioh lie lias the nec'e cf leisevenulce lu raia. blioéelt ýyour i.'vel?' -I 310sure bl ieas, au.unbum. W'Ii3, baiv' y.u torgotten ltae Ime tii.- elevator nia lîrokeîi. low lhe lîmnilsalthe wvîoie- <'i gui tons' urIt Journal. "You ay hat you wani nîoney tc, uy fulifor eaIîuîgry hmon wboae face Von celer suîw ul u tims dilài?" 'ye8, r," repmlIed NMeuutd'ni'ig Mîke. -Wlhere lihe?" 'lie*% slaudî1L" nîht liere., a theh.liatling r r'îly. 'l'm li" .'aghmglumî Star. 'I laeolsîen'.l." si h e Ia anPe youog tt:ln,, 'liai luIr Ilite mlin Who asi Devin uînlî'ij îlIo kîmoîrsamil about 'orl4i. "'t'ertailiy," cuid thle unlap- py bmrlaelor. 'I"1 th lit nWho knows Il about reoineri asho ufieL oniaries."'- Cin*Anaatl k1nuturer. l'<t'wlr: *"lr. (Ian. thusIsen ex- ample il ubltrac'laon: 5ev,-t, boys vent owc ili ivnlen lu bufle, but ive et themu liad bsenbl.d Out lugo In the water. N,,w. 'emn ou te-l]me 'OPhw many ee u "i (Ian: "'uem. air; seeec-- Michligen niveshty V. nIlkle. Iilanlous liin>-. 'iueer tmp,ipal. Al*n' oi lit 11na fer liailppes yll. 1ljes c a Mont i .loja' ýiglt." lefîll Durin: "Wiat Il Oz i Y' 'EgxI> ni- ins lyle' de île" Olt i raliruad dowm2 here fer us free Aluî'rlceO -itizemue t' s-aikovn" ei York Junal. ltij>iggtce' wlfe d.,.atIndu <n n e- tang îossalOf! île latel key amy lion.,' îge 8e1~r. NIîekioli."N, repiod lira. Meevktoua«Kh iibas fotund a ,etter îî-'y to uîîak' saure tabler lius- baend mti3-s hule:'fier tdonk" "lîa anIt! lîS"hle basî uuie i'(- lîierP Off th$ -'liet uiîNIl,l.'> sl lie,.tnîmteiL liced take uîdu-iilL'Of Y-ou quicer bhan a wilif Iflh, aw a chanoce te do .o.". --lw do y oîî knou'.thla t?-"I ov.erlieard i iîamud lils il!,'nln a argu- lient lait taighu.t aid Ilaîlie e smw t liai mlue. wan gDOt ug atend iof iiîi y-e yeîll-d, lAok unt! The>'Cs a fictIve."llcas andI 1,'ifden. IlvuilI>iiawson: '-rinoy. ali t , iua.i a lolllunailne ainloI hal)y " Et-er- ett Wre4I: I-'«'e îî'sirenge mbout, t.; r sth Ae ilime -:ley Ilire vasledi hal nts'etîu vsoot' wlel they t1lnk cf Ih." 'Tne îaat(i'<'t" 'Sure. Duoit yod know that mont; of 'eauluhas peci iiuciz lves In bord wort."-Ilot tnapolis Jour- -Judge, -woiîid Ihbe aufficient cause for divorce If a fluan refuseilte let ilà wn-ife -we'or blSoiris?" -'lhat La aluso- iiitely a hypoU'tlCthl i1 ,&etLOn," 88,1 the leametijuri»t. "that l a udly vont conlidenatiou- Tuie wîuanw'ure va to Wear blooméers la neter thiewvEXIMa wboste li6nd bni ias any say."-aacXwl- cuti Evuoier. Wvenry Waggies.'"Dia fesmilenMIt. f naIe racket ia bons. 1 pleketi up an oie Bunday palier terday, on' 1 aae de vlm mn' are drivîn' de mec oui ut de J*bs." IVanderng lWIllie: "Dat'a tuff, mluut lu?" Weory Wmggles: "INet by a lotis alici. Ef de avimin ieven glt mtioin.ý ail de vont lu diqworld, 1 wudWtn't i- surpied et 1 gai munied"--New York journal. Gentjlman (ta landlady): '"Your teme are very hith." 14aneledY: "Butcn' aider tue cheerful vieweW," Geutie0 mon: "-Chcentii vlew? Wby, tberes a comoetery niglht opposite; 1 den't cmi.1 liai nory cheent ni." ILmmdlady. "l)b,.1 yee, air, Reflect bow Cemfontlu' mnd ciieerin' l'U b. Wheou yengaisteOut 9'ý think tuai ycu're net ihere.*-Bottoug Traveler. Bon: ,ps. what la a wisky graghtw Weil, ouy boy, a large savelleti sati; mormn iha oulreson o! great mmdsud den waeaith, a dI.sposItIon te figitaàm14W. twiee yohîr aime; aîi aptnteenfan mailuýt thîe woriM lu arp,-ar loliaideti amd te iii revoiv'lOttraîlidly:nuY onetof ieni niau lic IlnoPely caliel a whisky'@ tralt."-tý Harnt Llfe. Wher. the uOOni"Bd i ed . --i uaI bie aw!ul te b. broke a oui WVest." - -1i dd'i Ibd <n o. l1 data goati suit t c lathes, se 1 Protmd

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