GRAYSL AKE INýDEPENDENT. Vol. V.. No. 47. Graysiakeo Lake Cc ,unty, Illinois. Friday, Septemiber 3. 1897. $1.50 a Year in Advance. »r. C arlesGallo ay. IAk Prohibitionl Picni. POLO AT THE FAIR. LAKE VILLA.,O LA E The Çt*a me la WîghtsUroe - rbmaaJones in quite ,.îrk athie N. tobiTweed and family, (If but is met n rovlt'ag.rve Nera. v d ' Cas <ui eg otee UOW UW EOUI¶OSANU TOSP.W . Tueadày lu LarieseiForestg. il presrit. I r tuyein s beg .h t s e , A. T wu eeittFO I; Lake recently. O ffil ov er LovOillsDrugtorà on thenortS sore of Gages Lake let Onwentla Club 01 aisiForft . Ir a o htiicesî(pite e asa vsle w tlb ATth 1 thetir eighth annua i elme, sud the Perlbape Do tenture 0 ho!. .RinniAiRe t e<pe t hrrhoeinCiagalen&ln LibertYville.-- tIlinols propitiosiVreather, excellent speeches county far viil create more luterehttirev. lt Sila. o ntol, cnpndtasthe on u Cttagate. ln ad gond snglaig contblned ta mtethan tgýme of polo, arranged to lie Tu .ye , pf Iowa, lmdaY. outiMr.andis. Cleyiat a tge are Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. the event crisoofunuoeal enjoymlzt 5bnreday morning, Sept. 16, Mrq. F.L. Lignt,, ell. e le y. 've tie Carivi là U areà r office over Triggs & TayIors. Their prowfas vrascarrîif tout De lainons Ouveil Cu !ae Mr.. C. Thorn bas ret:îue 1ra uB N. fA jvol dltult h adoil- r"i»iC_ Ih-potet. ol My o amllalylir ist Ii hiag.N M. ani Mers.. <ustave Riceeand Mr.our Fali Stock of Underwear advertinas nca rbe sb1*yo os-bc. Ms C .uiisrw"t teCt . c. Elcha. tglxaIikr . 1tous. & ld m I . o8 P. 1M. prohibition gaLtherllks I t decrIbe a bmke onhîrsandc. irs .c. iuîîMrWas n ie19t auslImaon Boadway opposite Park County. Dr. j. E. Cobenour delivered The ground la three or fourliuaded Fridy and Stnrday.Es'altieentat ae atli Nr. . a hs a.rivedand omuata thle L.muvrtYVill@s, lis..S Ueopeniîng audrenaetIl o'cloct. yards long anid nealy an widii: the MisgAs IMMaDe aizeso me Hc-koîy lall. the best stocke r f rdth .Mera ra b Mv.W.M.ltnyth gal aeeach nmrked by iwo Pont, ihCw, juta ' hoelA. Richardusudaittve. of Liae ilatrading public. otGaes1jke HereIèIL wreoih fet&Prt mun-weeks vîtil lierntoe, Mr. W. s, rkill. je« days vîsht witui ttilattera' sîster, -ATPOPULAR RC S-.. Dr. A. Lu TRAVIS. terse sudW the point, d.ailng vitS ed ou bis% pouy bolds ln bis banda psrSutlndSewoatn-li.4.WBui. »W» M sà»lOÎP- s thesaloo pro lusal a mauner %bat atout stick baving a cnîved book a ed te Intittut iWaiikegaiiilent wee.k. Mr,. C. J. Pateis0le gave a yabeàiîug IP .o4a léi n oi tifpa &0 b te deltg hted bis he arers. A ter te the lo ver end. T he stick l it long Fra nkt H o na nd Rmm ii lich M a uzer vi i- pa rîy ta ber lîlead e o i t l onda >v . c ,3 n 5c ue" tto! chronle Eheumattail. pieuic dînner" John R. Hil, Oliver eaoD igb tu toneli a hall fon the ground d <raylake ouniliier wleels }'îldaY AUg. 30. lir. Paiera'sa iud te Rockefeller. - tîlinotls. w. Stewart sud James H. Shaw wivthout the ridera tooping e,,mewbat, ulglit. yacht suroiud the aiss a flaiu1e sty'le. dellvered able addremae, interspermed and bie must tu- prepared tu sioop tu lils Lydia Litwller, of (traysliike. l'ne yachting Party given Key the Drw~O .Y U G itb aneedotea and sapt illuntratioaia, rlght or eu vwitb eqîîahreadinessa ndit 8 1ywth lier idter, is. Il. Ladies' Yacht Club sais a grant thiti remnarta Seing dlrected ut and la deIve tbe bail backward, lorward o NJ14ElaGbsn bsgusutîiii ctlcse abutlitri ig ttnuan nesy 'ilhysiclan and Surgon. dealiug chichi wlib ibhe liquor trile. miidevlae. '*ie liall ln droîîped meustbe saiteesele wll spend a sit tirne Orchetra, 1a1 Chicago. o e aIWBC5PP5ilLUN5 OTEL5situe. TheSe gentlemen are oratore of more groîînd Midway beiveen the goa018;sitb Mst. L. Hughes. Tueadey maiiug, Augunt 31, Mmr. OwUne -- -- ---- llnos. titan odiliaiy abuity sud hearly snd tirets wo sets of ridera. geueralhylY aout Th, Lake Villae iool viii1 openi J. M. Fiecere gave a basket Ptiaiucta 7 re"e p-ueevdne h ie nec ltgalpfr Nd ouday, September (b A il ibD. Il. Ia large usmasher of învited guestis ai ai o e "ssrn s s $.0 ar Dr. E. H. Smith, appreclation o! their heareis. Tbe oncle endeavoring byhtiealia orepeaied Subt i bxpe ugt as ta tpd or liNtauqa y, a bîoiigalo tiur ha DETS.Arioni Quartette furulahred vocal muaic srotait le drive the bail tbroîîgb the lioelieuter, Wln., vere Miases Maiule iepoiteîi. 3 style taies- lace and congrees. office over J. W. kiutlSr's bldg approprisite 10 tbe occasion. h vwas ensenys goal. A a sategnard agaînat sud Mtarthes Richards. Floente Kerr, Ou SatuiditY alteruoon o! lent veet de:Cal 'Bxk' -good lu Se ihere, aaid ihe elgbth i tiki uriug the acrmmage the legsisud lMr, JoMMPenujobn. the horne of Wilard Uauiito)u, of!Ladis alanusee our Box aîiSoOs m.DAil.Y a&nnuil picutei o! Lake Conut Probîbi. o! the poules are ibickly bandagod. Those wh<î gradilfed ifron the Lake ,yutiatbe seefpesata'lrPics.$ .0$A5 n 30 Llbrtyvile. a sian unumually succeafut Tue game lea avery exciiingonue aaid Villa ScItool mat yeat are san fullowa' làtherug.Aubero'athie relative. rP ula rc 20 26 n 30 tlon ish. rd4 errue il ai rd triendm vere preseihi ud ai, 1____________ -uonie. A couservative estimate of the requirea aupeih horp-aeniiilh oun sî ihad,<cîud îerport agood urme. Dr. E. V. $ARVEY. nu.ter asteniug la 7001 and goea ta part of the playera. The Onventala 1M..Mib kifaal "tttinSgr. ÀAChiago party, eonitig o! Mr.A OFFICE BOUEiS - Impression &0 prevaleait that tiboir Buffalo Counltry Club,and the managera tlhproYig ad]. and Mise Sylva C.arpenier, are TKY N 5 @ta 'aA. I toasd ita s Pl. Partyinl a bsck uumber. o! theArlue Associatilon are enjoîlug a fiue outilag, piaylng tenis§,Co. eeseadW hl o St. V iulei~l ~yachting, 'bathilng, Ilisbiag ee.Co.0 es an W sh gtnSs, î,-aylk foittahe lu securlng theri foi a garnse WARRENTqîN GROVE. The yachting pati given by the Iryta - lilinois. Mosi Services ai Rockefeller'. ai the Far. ire. C. Rocis b«retned to ber Ladies' Yacht club ait1teeIjineuta WAUKEGAN. Let Sundai s Party of nien froni the -horne in Cîao .Satiliday eveniiig, Aug. iiih wvxas W.B SH EFES Young lieu'. Chîtastians Asaocationh o! Lattor Day. H hoîi< *'R bas been grand ances.. About 2tOc couples NURSERV. Steau eld moining, afteinooai Couuty lerk Hendee boa laevdq te'ziSetoS ntaan. eioe h hp aeceinad Va' eslj ' , 4A Une mile @outi o! Lýoua <iiuve P. 0., Lk su Mr fWan gnreizeahifl*hte ere seived. T he Lakej C.4uflV CUyf sid evenlung service. at Rocefeller. Itom Springfield% aopy o! Governor lr. Chas. Cr !Wukg, Thie aocial lteld ai tbe homne of lMr. C, ulU5ad-m.iaIiLtaT lra irî.ý The ntorning service vast asdresa by Tanner'a proclamation rnairig Mouday speait Tuesday vtie re. P. Shermnan. Cleveland on Stturdayevenug for smuass. * * Iits " Fruits. Wil Bennett sud Chas. Klig anid Septeniber 6. a legal holiday. The ed Ilu dîllling a tubular veil for James was quite a anacens., doubîlase the JIijIUN I 10 l oet~lesonealfiiedato. Measre. Lameon and Cogevall touk goveruor entea iilto a"uin<f itYRD. dandy veather kept mauy avay but charge theeutgsri. The lte relation. of!tutbur sud capital and tir. John Austin. ot Lîlertyvilie, tbere were a gond aygiedWIIOpn tLbrtvleIlnoe o. F. Butterfield M. D. a ftarnun 'vae occupled i a service daciares that visitelee l governar of vasusi, ibis vîciitY FridaY puîcbeasiig thar. deupite tie gloonhi outiui. VETBIARYsUMEOE RDDENIe. fi8haYoung men. Those attendiug Illnois lie yul neyer enjoin workmeain At as pcsil nt lldin o lieuo!t ien M rand r&.a ï I nd y e t i be u 8 front Waukegan Vrere: Chan. King, frott a asauibliiig and dlscnssîug causes Ms LUS1YIm huu'5 BeanetM.S.BukChicago, are visitliig relatives Soe Aug. 29, u the bluffs lu the rosir o! WM enet K i uk W. H. Dow, o! diastisfactloii peacably. Re closes ibis veek. tire aid Cedar Island Club Blonse.Wt acop ofC ptntI tr tr. Dr. Cogaveli, B. A. latborne, W. 0. the proclamationi as !ollovs: -1 tîhere- Mr. Ueo Waite, «Of Rock Faite, la theie van. preseiti about ti!ty lnvitedt orso orietn nsrcos -PAUL MacOUFFIN, teinson and A. D. Sililson. The fora enjoit upon the citizens o! ibis viitlug bere witR7blo mdater, Nie. Wui. gueata and ail naf a gourd lime lu AtUY d 0 g" O, 4 Al 1ev. A e ns ere lnte'estlig and vwtgros" Commonweaalth tu observe Labor Hutchiblsui. v etmmaen by Mlr. hs. Qtumia, out. TeB saheetsl.ig ite eniwl icaesb mN TAity PUnlSC aéentsddby people frous Rockeeller Day, th§a îear et1&11 years, lu the spirit lMra. Lucy Palmer lias returned to The fautenioi, ta !the seaan vas Buiness thcomnIglàbrces okepn, u&Mi lier bomerne uWankeiia, ater a the cunuio EnalsR brachesBoou.eiplnInstinct.Mp i $g UU vm oUe-Sa"dIl o dtotrioy adi at adfriepups o ItctI iit bore vuthetaaiuii oi L. Ilusseil. FonIgla boie Se had but Cus.BuI§nes AillmeieSo Brtband aaid Typewrltig. *pseal IBeliOl <YsaiColeetaihob.boaillbaher meetings o! a lite Instituteil, aaid Iaîlng slde ail other We are pained te- recard the deatb twenui4lieemiantes tu inake bis ______________ anê CUUYiBUd8<~ nature amn te arnisani ea; future dates. buaînesa, la devote the div ta PatriOUc o! 1h,». Faseriier o<in lsplaced, vho train asar vitaeeag the ladies' yachtRTE 0F UION OmfOS 4 1US IÇqY rh«Y~ ToIm é aeeiully Se productive oft imlenfisineo u e naoiuuititan wvitcli <ied Iueualay eviiute Aiif<cst 94brai". lie arrivent lis Lake Villa sudRAE OF1UrIN tbrt ile Ilîlinois. mueli good. unoue o! grialâer moment anid mare iscb7. Mr. Fardier wu. lu the civil var. bi v iFais asae.Ago it llTeriitl0 weeks-Higlt Saiool, $6.50; GranimarSeRoal. $5.00, par issu. kr*vVlIlO, l~~~~rgiat ih ffuue ew i n sisa Mnier o! the Moidern Parce ' ne lia 5seiciuaaei 1.Hg eol 1.Gaua,.0 prenan vlS umisiuiiicau fuureWuiudui of titis place. Thie W'îod- Mrs. J. Lyte gavesa yacbtinig party LilaERlYVILLE HMOTEL xow ai Rofldoutî v.aI or vî,e bave ivs-r pre"u'iut-]fil ent- min havi a m..ull.efrmbil) of o<ver aone oiti Thuraday, Aug. 26, tiu ber friîe liM cii i-4-it '-k-Higb ScIool, $7.0b; Uralntar Sbout, $5. Parsrsi., There was a lv.lyIssue' i t t.auiluuiselves f.,r the "onsiuiratiourof the pet)- h ii ticitdand tiiirs lme iOrsi ieai <n the Ingi'eile shore, leîaviîîg »Oame Md ieuiioîuik"tay t.Wa" une. if!the îldesi mets iri the camnp. S.lii'c steie a euelaiie parti vast lu CALENDAR. d 5WIYl.alst taSageSi fuii tudeseloli usiîethuiig.i*lub. '[hi' fuîîerat wa% belul Tlurfidai frram prigreum and lcalliîg firtMensit aitîlTleriuiopeum Mondai. Sept. 20,'97. Winter Tarineds Frlday, lMar. 20 'W. Dltgr eIrvBiNie Frot Claub. 'ihe prinie ligure's inithee mee eGILMER. luie bouusue, the liiinreiit being in the 5 o'rl.uck. Aienjîîyed a file sali, liii aFat] 'leîm ends Friday, Nov. 26, '97. SprîngTermopenutndyApilI.4ýe. liead-lIasateîsf'r Ci'iI-t sel C'cuum*'ri'l h'iik Htaay, s~'luufrî'uanun iji F. <rommleta vîîqislle hbis e %ilutîusb retery mc1ieking gsomulbreeze. %Visirl'ermoupeu Mondai, Nov. 29,97.1Sprlng Tarin ends Fridai, Juns 10, 1& th'C et &S. '11 Rilaan.1divtin.we. Flie yacht Adiirai Van cap.41zed «roffOA viRinsSpectal Terin-Teacbera'»otu rl l.l, N àFUREV.lisoes tuenchC Il.A t. iso RN EE.Tiidiiiu l',luit iib rive e nit a iHLIDAuaiîl C>,r. Mliv. Av-'. and' tkus"e .- Ale uaSi bîreie erl . G .. Sclweîilais ka ri tiiu ti C.M. lBrouwnu as i ('bicag.u uhluai- ast l'undaly. 'Il'fe teLamî-r 1i wiî ent libgls De-. 24, '97; sud ends Jeu. 3,'98. tve veeka, July 11, te Ang. 12, 'M n o s o e g b s i p , d r o g a t o y t 4 ) C i t w it vt adi bbe lr e c r u . ,'h m o i e b a rdd t ..4 r es 'l F or«f u r t herrf p a t i c u l a rsul aa d d r e s ss tIETVLE'ad beenfuesvaliita itfor yLiiitvîai l Silay. (trsho )gI4nx oa hn wtgt egesaadsr Je eh Millo..luegiElgin laMiuiay uad. The yacht belongm toulMr. W. H. MILLER., tua i udaed Hatehawa, uaiiy b c ii'tugo lsISptuîa. 6 hIo diitead (if telat as vas reporter]. Henry Klne, o! Chicago, su a infle H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, ToNSORIAL ARTIST, CBench, (ifmed liaiavai.asuaiai g her Lsbyerluetyvtd rens nlte ir sdtoy fmiics rp muorulug a"the dî.poi vassurrounided BsandifIvnrelsatae. ives ylie clibrevitsat wfri e c. i ie oIt uutory if ebet1îop When yod yaVira c n(-ean ahave oralh a Mr. amloirem. A. 1'. W heeler viitaie îu eaiedi 'i'sals ee. tiigle.____________ good bair cntt'ae -l ~.l~ . y od o!t fariers âaaiiag the relatives ai Gages Lake Saiday. FreulIccrackell, o! Rvansl<în, mitnt The ladies' regretta came off on OFC'Asa. arljValo! taie uillk train, Couvay Borin, alMr.asid ie. Henury Wetuur SuuîaY wtb J-. Il Bac'bei d fauil'. Saturdai, Aug. 28. iu the forenîîan at cEOiE 11.5!)"<iFarmet iusseif 'alîlia louded rcane. and lasi Suiîay aiirning a baby bouy. M"s. Henry Wuitenfulii, otChicagmo, lieui aock sud vas veil caitastedl Nextoorte c I*rggg811@ 8Or"receutiy vlisitu'd relatives in ti4isThe bouîîuia ver. eariîed ait by ibe on hu'sWe t :'a-fievo'iî dur> proceeded tae flaîhaway'a bonse. Heny'nîi<ju<,ouf Minnesot.a, iiv~ i 'iîlity. Liais Doonu, saied tiy Musa Marioni 111]R l ..inas sud $' u ' Hathaayiwova se, his famlly leing lng bis lrotbe.rin-lasa. Fred Ibes. Ne erlSnîi ctraietuu""uker aitlira. W. i. Lyfarit. Su.[cal-d WHJE.N 15d ih 1'ASU CAS GET psîîy frontWaukegsn tbe latter part slpi uuf nscod ald yMue lu remporta, tu. Cmna's invitation onî frienduL iblertyville Tîunrsday. this week. Jeauiicasd Blie Bropîui. A New Stock of A GOOO[) FULL MEAL, Htshaway cauise<ult and va, feieul Mis. S. S. Wbceeer. ai Lîbeiiivilie. <A party ru!Moxugumeri Waîit & (Co. 'here vili lie iîrre rae, fiant the Ail yoIll'ltu'tt Mi.. .y a îui*uurousAnus Tliuuane.slieeuupluypeui speeit at Suidu.y ciii Nincela Hîtel an Satuiday, Seput. un. Ahiy'uî .uu 'aIlu'iu'hIu. i.ul i" y lurivhumConay'John PMaine, <t hiigree (haove,tlook fîlensitsbaie. Tiî,'e yl lue a ladies' race. geîtle- .A Il FOJR a,5CEN4TS. was stuinuel, hutNonesrenveied Charge ut the <ii uer lactuuiy Sept. Ii. Jit unPcîi'îs<uu suuî1peI a curloat Ia nssrac'e sud a race,'ta iîe salîl mut offUU AND 0 Nufficiiitly ta procure a revolver and Rimer Goldig, a! Wauoouit, vue a preascit Amy ta Chicago parties hat by',the i. viuig yachts. }sîay aitd*R AT% c« . Ji' s flIg), Restaurant pir§ueCouvai, vb.î prompli "ake- pîcssul calier ua ilMres sI..w(legn.Beliw u âlebtoi h daddled' tavard boume. Haeatitaradte CoasThuiniasbilnt the pasi veek j. IB. Biacher retuurni t rounig ip Joker anud MaclAsforutls duollars a Su WAIJ P.EAPi, fotdo u i era sig gt liaiuluiSiuuysdr' ii5 st, ta Ilemailud cnder yachting (lîut)< T U ~ f.ronti. d5 adlntote heTu iit' gber îsîiimtb"i uat Wauîike' 't.Buffauoela On Osdoor norti .1 lu > ILL. _____________,. itb Hathiaway clattaring along chose gai.. tie tinue. Tbe suice' letwrelu tire lsylueli îand 't'uîNhai t-e i bis voke. Acrossthe fields ibey Fret Assîurosîu"1tiiraiu fur A biug ciuuwd ttuîuiu'uoi the PltuîuubIlul 'ceuîie, Jr., vas vai Iuy tire May- se ettoadie rlhottakCbîcaguuat iiueleellet Ssrui-uy e5'i'u- tiiuui îunic et Gages Late last Tues- hlilIy une arsd <ne-a!eîîul fe loppotarug" w-ý n' day alierisuuau. a îuutly caiulesteilrace traushinoli, Vealer WI1.1( uuuC<oI- i' e raus Frant 'Itih i usfluubuiluding ia 'fle iiirnee siet Warren hallteannis tu CuluîmbiaBay andto ta et aide îfultf r . ua' ' ,iharose the prairie fHathaway gat ir in large hoise at Lake Z.uichb fui Mr. uet at Sunitay uad as usuisl thi bonse. 'here vus a gale of will(Ij.FOR EITHER J. J. LcNsD.500i. oucciiouSl gcht utaisu, noua o! vhicb Helfer. furmer van the gaute. Jeuwig u teyachts sare vii-1 G, ayslako, Illinois, ttuok efeci. The tlrnely appearalci' of Nias Faniîlu' Murse uttuimi'u chiirclu JuohuniMcClure iecîiveui twu 'alisslauuuîeit tS i ylultJ. Adasmi;anut Stiue Lîbetiville train, on tbe mplug" s t Ruckelclier iii 'uîg ud vniug, ul('Il tie frttathe îîuutb thus ieek sud Fh'isiîk(hrISIIdlsalithie Voiiedoi by nu et as.1Dst r paitastopto the tionttiits. The Suntay. lu 1uic3arlug tbem fu' Chie aguu nartet. Ctit . hmeti. a-i ets adDitrs. k,]'le regular buîsîiess uîeeiiag uufthe l'lie 'iizeiîs ai Fux ,uskpend vtiîuuty S Lesther Toass uIu ts,. i-r piur ....... M pusengeriseray the novai and excitlng Mss(rare Masruî, <ut (Guges I.alm hita rdevu'.eymaiii eevrysryt iér ftedaho ba cise. The train.' vasteppet udvsanudureulr uî itî is PlilSuutlhstierulisuAyM. 1Iurus aili uhilucr la. A-o ttaahie, 2 iiss .......t .. -.. .las e 't eîk. Witt u im tug. S ih '4 tIiýsly Nr.uuu'u- i sa ei F i evl i t e cuui'k lii ...i-Runl ' .s i Hah Vin vs captuiet by a clever «tI-,l eiitgIfI.4 H 7 BanlrIu Nets. .asüuruallt athauayedegace, aund hia gun con- Sli criluir as ritth ie W- :r u i. 1 'tir uitilnedlvas I oseul luThiurhsuI f.i'l-iuuuuaOR Davis fai su'.....bu.....u.u..o..u......r...t....u..o-901)u-coupesvdeai9uWy'.luCsiuF' uNU.lsudsîupes'lJ.uul <ut ibm Iluideil Lot, Dusters.a iiew a..ilecateit....i4)arresta have !uuluwd.- Cas.trnIiIibs enwrcllYaie rn aiesvridsy ttiiirtespriino h Lav Dusiers. iu N Clins. ubp. %N,,ek esbîuri homeeulbuunu.Sîi<av d of,îhiu u! iicorder Se vas a C,,4 CHAS..KAISER, WaukegancDufllU Heeaid. Maelenudrwshbewit.lid1sJIev. dl iardsm, o! Mlliurn, lispiu ntdiewe ais advievsiwi'd uiiuinalihi-d eliguri(,I nservirai ai tSe hanse, Libertyvitte, - Illinois. sudNpaîBritge e sealhs thet .'ellibogga. attar vhich the rema ver.wr ---A- _ À new elbridgeAssurme t ie Achoo bouse sqiteltlsVOLO. luilereullu the Antlocit cemeteri aia ds eten A4 E Cnev 00steloetridectimavrte in lira. ut . Kniggawsqil I at Loveli veather, but veiy dry, filue saiR Modern Woodman hounore. C l n c h LAKE ~ oi$.0 ltS rce v r Seveetbut I r n rvisir ue ilI tiiuue 10threaR. >Ira. E. Howarxd ulîtguve au Invita- Desplalues River on Rockland Roud. mpdyunivn.Mis John Roslug Vas e C iraguu viil- lion parti ou Wedneadsay evening îo COUN gNThe contial calîes for tona abutments NovwIsglthe the tiesta uîî"Y a cîIiuor an Tuecdut i o!ibs eek. herl m i narounnithie lite. AÀ .B ..1 Rfe ig, saliIt of roadwsy 18 hsreste ud tbe place tletaiB. 1). vMr.tRay Paddock adM.So luvute Call brison t auce inth LETVILE IL BANK lent sceur and lenth of bridge125 Cgok'@anolehoestay8t<utDtuaIn baIli<unl hieeReatononene1.ayoofatatanavsud ________________Io_____________aILL W right, Parkhu rst & C o. Mr.aetMrclea.rG omsude taug w o!dobridge 12l5 su Illnoi. eet. A comiittea consîstlng of i.sdlr.F irusaetkigve.a jig wvhS s gîssa of santer ou bistreuid. -___ Librtvm, llioi. uprvsor SrsgýEutonan Hlerarle af bis cutber at Long (rove, euiuuu Wilsud George ltoaIug vere rsllng The Captain dolueitis et tbe Mineola NotIce. JINTMS.,.....' ----- al§bee apoined o ntsu on-tgaIsvary skaiutpieseuilwritlug. (n frlaudslu ieiosba a couleiao! days Saturday evenlug, Ang. 28, t10teiba t'c LE='is'o or OONTACT: IytcW re Sasbeu spoutd t ai l cu- Mies Jaunie Gruos whba Ssbeen last veet. astiuulebmeiitoa!ail sab vinesaî Lutlytc rnleshuuiuiurs ommîuf iersGrum- teuf ie tueI Caasa resslu s S IsseS ~tres~BSrîlg juniton ali CrnmsaoiirsGran-visulîg relaives etiuhis placrtuiiuiaiThe Volo publicercoilil <loens Sep- lie recelvad a diauuod pin fronith St iSinuUIe taiuuiuslawl P a ab e i tm iLuberri aud Austin, an dt etober home listce, ity tst Sit ai. tembe r btS, vîit Miss il le Ford, o! ladies a! Ingle mita. lira. W. T. lIa y. ofrm hivd l t f hie u d rle t mumn-or PputsiP sape m i , th xp rie Sebma.. n.Ly e r@ rrk rMr.Lt. iluat the s n i lue lai, nais w e a à C.rtificates liaaypnsblie aiborne aquisli lira. 1ev. W. A ScbweiisiiandlCbliogo, as tescuer. pl.Ms ye ie.Bî erteanuSd thos ier u &aoilof Lake on Demnafd. by counnu sud townuship. Whiute the daiigter came onu mn excursioni front Mien Cellea Msasnsdfrilent ils'iuîtoneimMi. omro, ia.C.1u997t Sa. fo! ibutie iiigu astlbrdaeronf Reasevenamus .uctris frSîJuiasilbîli aprmently dlsablauby ecimated Collt for te bridge la $4,0W0 Cuviaglou, 111.l8 ve. lc eil util. o!ndWiene oti r ehag aeis lpisaCtlutis Lraxsomeliuutmnm'iitg geaber Ds0hasmsr<I g S sn dt tra rllbl soîca e re nfrmdpeud a fes seeke visiting relatives relailves nit fiandsrinVol ilie usal ijul ouerRendentet sa i eetfiet frnveibesucsw ieifre oe eek. tw thue Saureamm-, a iuilou o ll.o sai itaithe o!aceu rtifat, ftg lik 4' tit$3.000 vîtî do IRe vork nt itMr. J. W. T su ad Miss Mary Weekly Crop Bulletin. uuntraw u thun loinest iespuumsihule iledar et lu Cam ssesseidaiti àma M riaHrman Meyer retiîreed lau Ietruiit Raitoude boduttterecliof Je o't'mî MotSin klno., ofuu CortHua durWlu ut: thet bcc)l esbultdetia fgr.tant Modsialtier spendtrug tbe tat t aaiwukegan [ast vaetk, returniug enlour Agst30N89 iti Iliosfrwek(o! Cortuamdea.or bIsoit litai11e1 ~~ V The cntrant wllliSe let sepi.t. o. Kmer lgea ive erae. .hm nSe y nig uui 0187 it f uwy1 out 0. &bsean da liemfinhr sm ent relistivesetat. Bddes fr it or ustTa <j n »Ou Culeofu ______________ Meyer le a teucher a et Slleutc! oraTuhuesel 'P temperate vas aligitly belosa ise planIandgit. onlysoon-uThssai Baar,.Ssi linsig and TSrenlt i« fei are bo nmeueiontone ansd dumb ssliim M. and Mis. Slmo usll ominneuiu ru! tm nurY iumiiend scuimriso a eroid. the nw aslts or ftrb suastau W i. t> f I Psi Yoiur1titon dey îîiî àhierbaud badly lsceraled atumgadvstu hirsu i neyomrmatlunextrerne southreru iutiesdigest taeiPlc;ut ans, and ail bisif thm'y tedison ddrea- .yilliwnuind owl a.Miss Corse MlakiieV 'suo huis taîugbt Ituisell ud aisîl ly several dasa rlas îîfrontvtwo to ur degrees sîhovehiudet-siiuui fthtaa nî lue ubc ioigiiil.uuI.i bleediitug, sud auffezncg gTes i pin," tRhepaityear tiiiChicagi.t, ndli., mspeut sieli, ali)u csîimtg an oldIlighbors y o d aalbcetra o r ieitiueiu*l 4q8o h oait nedu ae, sam mcm.. aays i. E.J. SchU vîtI Maye Broc. lIte scînîm r ai shiàuul aI Vri1ucentral sandltrimmituê. onnues OuutllgSi cattaet luuusI Il. Tuataa. t anhoe YO FNDDrg o. S.LoIs M . l rasd pet mîi 'mî vuutlig be giiu ~li iayKeuiuic auui.Jsse eie elovrs sMILpr't ud a*TVd uiuo*,"r"' . s