CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Sep 1897, p. 4

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»4I ai4 thepout-aife.ilLiisgi Ilela s eoud.elasemau5.. MIMNa RAT»ÂvEaD iLova Ourna> CAIMON. 'lMEY WERE BAI) MI ;%Nr ME ORMER INHABITANTS 0F Et 1IWORTH AND HAYS CITY. »»k t te sixtias tu. T2eves et ab*e Citi"MScutt00o evn..v- u sm fDb.cunry. Ï5, "Ellaworths i" aisett'd a brakomaut 60o Union Pacifie rilway, Kansas di ên as tise train avept Ibronglu le Pfairie valley and aloved up ai a ie. totSoocd sbaded. prairie @oie vutmruKanasatavu. Te the lait;ce be esm ass lange sud pecllar buli 'àè dou tise oulairts ai th. villag "What as Ihat building" I askred the psy ierded Mun Whisahad lina Mymeat for the last 20 mailes. 'That la lb. Grand Amy graul a»i building," ha asld. "11 heloniga the old soldiers, aud tisey hold a reun: thoa orery sramer." 'Tisoy have pieked ou a very qui toualuiin is ta reudeivona." 'Tes. <is ld a quiet taun nov, bui cona romunter, 30 years ae, vison El, Worths vms bell's ahitacrc. TYo, wo: tissu <at, for al tise cuiediesa gai enuin <iaisevrninthe aixties ceuld bave bem oaded au ta les ban bel hait notion. Tintes vas migfly duli Ellsworths thoeandaysvison tiser. van voek fer <ho caroner six daya in t Week. sud ho geuenally bed ta wu erortîne on Sundaya lb vs. tise toug est Place ou tise plains outil tiera rossi ioved on'uwesl sud tise bille: tcgb§6 gamblors sud ibeir temaleOnto Pamkfsfl Moved on tauIHaye City. Tis «Io caroîral eofrme sud <ho ocntre ltr slIng tise graveyard vas ixanuferr <o Ray aBt todsybotdstoweun , qsâIet sud rderly auas Nleu Enjia: villae.remeotbe bad monet the isys sttled ieru nBlvertis perra .111<17 sud becïnie quiet otseum -- aft tbI ea.reidaut of tise groyas »*ÀAno Bill, seout sud taugis, toc %P&a Permanent recudeuce oui yaud bamoum. s b@Màr ot ite drop on hi Cam kt sudadded about tuao uneq fa 8L1l Weigbt lu tise shape oetleu WWmaiivWoee 1< ould do the mut gSa 0»08-k Chorloy, a Sali hreod Che '~~usmntougi sud goneral ail ran e= ~ homaasebcme a quiet citizenc 0place visolth"y plauied 'cm tb» délya au socunt ofaspancture pz IMtohlM by Henry Whitney, mientf. t&;M11 Il'OOk (WllId Bill) gainai hi fan a Rya Cty, veut of bore. psddJin Ourr, Who laer onMx aI il edn Porte,,su do,,ntiàMu Mm 1m,,Tx.knev Jin Curry vison 1 ýWîdçel oqneexon Ibis read. ReoS 40»eMsme-d ofa aomans. mrrh b1eMd t <ey Ssltled doura lu HaU Çà* <iîpkain a littho restaurant <ber UM oU va aMeimen Of notre .eldloi ~ e eut rt aya. The negrot t u et <Jim o bcause ho reinse <li ton vl<h mesi ai bis bous " Msitarundta c oua= oui ih ~Ia.Juinvenot tauaiOb-ing. sud vise qhouit U31016 am a army wun deci ~~t.i<oss. orent 5Wffd BillwuaD as er nuMsd dl ~MWkillinlisaday. Md ba migts ~tslrllonger if ho had net peu.l 'r- -n T N Bll.1,lik. ail mou ci WU ossva lvaya oxpectang trau bi '.ahivsaiuayaon guatd. Bi iforyn l"~m over sllaved hlrnselfta ogel iotaf gaqltionvisere 51. kocu oyesud read' Mewolvme ]loeumater aifbise situa, <las, but b. dîd allaîthe drop tuob *nhm tut my kuouledge. 'Ti Imatin. Ivaspreos nsd lise nez EMiol, BilI vas vas gene s iril uben thenscand lirsme u ealax* I VilI tell yen tise @tory Of the t'vat Vu Pa rLDt. No, 1 nover knew Bibl IOPbull agunntukill unemituwas h mtdotons. o, orthere un neoISOn vs W 10 -Mn thse pece snd quiet Bill ai. vagi bsulred for and vauld have- gOSisblY if ho could. feiocbly if be Mm& lun Curry vas a couard, but bt 'Wn ietexned tuaraquine a reputaiiolu as* bainmu, mand, sasBibI Hickok bol, M» cM-pionsispiP ftIsevarbd at ti liam a a llon. Curry lisaught àb magt S.foly non a bluff on Wild Bibl. "00 Sent Bill Word b. vauld bib] blm sagisI, maet eha hosd nytiin oinsé;Bil, bt Curry isad gene list ..ttklliag busineSs, sud ho propesed t' bel tise conater ai tise stage sud abaw <téoRehovas disulaYiog euergy sud api, Îllatde lu bis bumines. Bill paid ne ai. Î-. 101tien ta Curry's talk, ualtconideriul himIn iseclos& -"0n. dgy 1met Curry On the gtre@l 't Baya. eWee vînsioa ssaloon kepl S'il a ulitIle, nervOUeexcitable Germun. wm'y aWtr' Bilbelfort u d long, black b9b 1001»W op at s table lu tise bock but Ofs e the roe-.Bis bock vwu tbaard ýO. Mut'sd MYself. Curry ulked ove ..->be table, standing direeily beiind -ý a aore MYsuy ou uspoctod visai ho do ho had hi@mguu egalil tBIII'u sdoi d, 'Now, yan long Sale ~'-.Pr.getyou, sud yen're egn «b .' 3111never issted an oye »Sa amunis, but sMid. 'Ya en ul ,10bUot à Mm deun vîlsout gaviD 41, ib» te deiend i lis, would *ýWmldu'î I? Wbui siscu did yo wsolm u sdancing arannd ~Sp gJin ta put op bis and Billteashako Ibey wonld, ho vould stand boume, ubieh propostion Nmcoee&Wild Bill sud .160k bands.saler visici Jimv , 1 IgaInotiin Fois, OMId deat vaut ta blil YOu, Offf ambend ta gelsà roputatan à ow telli of tenderioci ber. Ci U-aY iigger seldiera- Go ft m thIohaMr- si t BolMls. - nwe ImO tas «qpech, C. i1 Wigitana of Chlesga, viaitot Aa" tbs remoh brIbte op tobea ÏÔ. u)1eo a au 5nly-arooutoriainini ril. iSs vIsai. emr e ro1.gueste braun Chicaa I' 1 IUISN Ite heur a" bdal lila sUad i'ar aitakParkt, M.puio"mb the aIle mobilden way. epent lasi veek et "Thse Codfl..Il PPLI. 25. yca th utu l i re -7y lr. jiginiliton, rpoitrimaler,,bas NO Ins a~~.treted hinueI ta aâflue novaprre% 2c.P. ish àd&Tise Ludies Cemetory Socl5<y will (Th" amam brun " eli &HP meet vus lilms L. 0. Cremin 'Tibrsday ffla es uardlng vimo.)ofai tis s eok. A"d "d 5ys, -"HuaS 56 nive thall" Mleuare. Claire and Roy Edvards au EN 2e psyers lb. lttleillisa rcoiupsied by theo lmîseMande Bd. .i.s- nie prayorfl ttile ehllrm myr... sand Frele MmcLatihlan agent For Ouim 0ise sMd sautsud ay. cd tise 01<Setielr'a Meeting lat lad- Ana bwy l &" b __ docks Lake 'Tisradsy. rA nd b5rhetio e oale "The relativesaf Mr. aud lira. 0. W. Elo vs vu ny M»etins hamro tePMsy Hamilton, aifBRollns, gave tUmemna vry Thepriyemthelitie hâden YI agremble surprise on tise 2Mb lu houa fils -Ilet wb.oehta ew York Prom aioftise Iltisanniversary af <hier mur- niage. About 10 0'claok A. M. <he TROUBLE FOR MIS HONESTY. guetsebegan te arrive by tr"ansd 3 on arriges util31 ver. poent auda l 1vi Th.Nagatigo r et * tso l the appler, jollier orovd vouald ha bard ta lx wiff, cty by Ise a9"0. ind. Thse younger ladies apread tables 'y A queer <ing happened to asme for the fenat sund estableaf every de- î~ id ally. ighlnga tamscîgr. ~flcriplion vexe piled lu tempting axray cle ilid aleyligtlu afru cir- Ituntil mta lo okvas euough te malle val wmocly on af thon incidente sest 81one's mentis vater. The presents exoie Intrarel <bat migbt Sappon ta uMY ana, nmeo and very fiue. A universal 1.but annaying tram tise mimoanstuciln good lime vas ceclared and ilvas I iput Up<n i." issvls a feeling of reluciance ibai thse kri "Leboati14Imd <bhealler ici- Party llually broke up ta returu ta lava,4iuaklng <houmevec cao al, thier bornes, afev of<ho gaests romaiin *Il wuva riding on thse eldctilc, id lug oyer until tise neui day. liay tbe bd maly adlult etopuievs couple in vboeeSonor thse Party vas g e]ac,*air" mtopoie a giren eojoy mauy as hsappy reternus of ."Oh, yen ocualder yourselt a jIde?" tedy loet reuIarired oue af tise erovd. W. C. T. U. Notes. 1I certaiuly do, sud 1 lt iber5me The Firat 1897 Quarterly Conference li 1 th<tI1sppxociated ber goW 1l0" .But af thse Lake county Union vili be held Ili rny admiratiou msde na, inpression. at Wnnconda Sept. liS, cornmenolug )rThe Young voman hled iso noi ues.-itieBatatcsacs ngting ber tare ready, and 1 uatcised ber taio a.m.ath ptneur. m ' Wsise deftiy extrscted a dîme trouber Ladies brlng lunch sud enjoy bise fu Spacketbook sud lield Itoen the palm et a day. lupreity baud, ready for theo cnduter."lir.Csrt agtvi odc M "tYonvwerebit isard, Baley." the devoblonals, follaving wiilie tise te "Thon 1 <bougisi me oet rn 5fore, address af veicome by lira. Jenule Dkand m-1wun holding a neusppr lu Robertsa, Precideut ai tise Wauconda g my baud 1 ruseasd dved doun n lta uo. ie ieMYpneviib i- pocket for anickel. TieSooductox cua. no.Atrte epue tb h *rs aiong sud, 1 handed it ta hlm juat as business meeting, noon tido pvr. I- MY vis.a.vim nid: e i 0ou.rand consecration isônr.1 lb wn lm -Wâtbas beome c y1 cna be senvod a& 12 ocblock. at "Tiser. Ê ai ea erlug nholerhbad, At 1:30 p. m. Praise service sud Mdwhlch vu ne longe, coupied by . the Devotional paper on aceutilie , s pimeof ailvor. We ail loobed fer 1, lenuperance instruction and tise flo mihut it bled disappearéd, sud aise found av ylr.Loa letvl ne nickel vils uhbsaise pald ber tare. AtIa ) r.Leo ietvle tis-tat moment I llpped MnY baud luta Discussion, "«Temperance in thse terMY verontpocet nd oua thre heHome" Discussion led by lira. Villa ad10 cent place. Wells, 0f Ivaoisoe. Il Ho oold yen identlty lti"1asked Couuty Proaldent IlSopard vin on.clle f tise boys. preseut our vonk ai bthe Couuly Fair. lez ..1neyer carryMau neyluan oulide Loyal Legiou talk by lira. Jeonle Just, ipeeket. Èeside. iiad 2501 beon lthee a ofWaukegan. Prnicpala af our order as marnent before. No, Iknew heu lt hap- set forth ad cali made for nov ad pened. My paperisad wvisaedîit boam to mypor ta <1 aî% i"r. Panas Woaur. 37d asW aiese urprlsod? Wsat ddas uof May?", anttl!yuai ie i t Savon th. Craupy Children. In . Bys. 1 cn't nt e. disaelemanid Seavlov, Va.-We bave s splendid Mt Pace do't oirma he emakedsale au Chamberlain'$000gb Eemedy, il <at no anone ude iy appearances, sud aur cuatoriera comlug frbm fax àsud se loped il vas ry jirag heglunlug and noar, apeab of it lu tise bigist luina lite ai crime; tisatif Iledbeen terme. Marly bave ssId ibas thoir M as dle ol e aer ciildren would bave died ai croup il ~ hadend Iuaul ua bae rturued it Ciambenains iCougis Eemedyhbat a àr <o ber, but thal prohaily I "Wu <bt been given-Kellain & Ourren. Tise ise sualIected mes, and a lot more, uile 25 sud 150 cent ises for sale hy F. B. m- thse fellovsin lue Ibmeier nats ver. guy- LovaLL, Libertyville, J. X.R. iACîcn, àd lug mes. But you con bot yaur bottoin Glirnue sud, L. Hl. LîrcaiELiàD Rocke. dollar 1 nover and any vaman'. money feller. su ad relurufil talier agein. Net much, ne Mary AMI. "-Chicago Tiuîes-lerald. But Uitile btter vas ofered on tise m 130 Th"W"b.Elgin board of rade liauday, only ed 3o byWh ,ff00 Panuda ai hici sldlatIli conta la Tisebardest verked uaheuemoen per pouint. Luti yen lise prie@.wu a. lu tise uarld mare m ersua by rm6alcn b ave te usais&bout s dosen dremTes fro n1 e17cns liseir isufanads, sud ilumucisan overy Mau vears pantaiceus or drawexsnoseM" d Id buggy tisai they came op ta bie neck Twa Turksvwere nt à renci banquet. h 5 fllebase 0 a clown lisey have plenty Tavard tise concl"son of the fonit a ta ta do. Tise wasahng fa usnally doue lu Frenoisian nelected a ioeibpick fren Dfoeld veto, aud etteu lu running tise tray nur im sud plitely parncd le âre=&s.Tise auses are pomnded vus lise lrsy au ta his neigibar, vise, hou. Opuddlesountil tisey siine fllke a ahJ5 ever, Perernptozily declined theo ofer, ra rnst rus troasChisenlauudry. szcbairnug: 'No, tisank yoi. I bave a'Tise Japanone rip tiseir garmeuis already faten tua of tisa accursedl ,y spart for erery vasiig. sud <bey iron <ing., sud I vaut ne more. "-8sn )0 tir ebibes h y apresdiug tbeison a s ancisca Argeusut. tise atboardsud loaning ibis up sgai et theboum ta dry. Tise nun tes tbe Senatmarnsd presidente have cllrnbed ifurlublo ouitaiftise clethes, sud sine 00a iigis vus pain enangb. Dt becaune L ftenbave quite a lester.Tise jap- tisey found tise places especially agoe.- sues. varan done ber vnislug ont ai able. but te vîndicate their msniseed la 'adora. Ber uastub in not more <bau eut 're&.-Emerron. il kx incises iigis sud h about as big n autndén tise average disbian. bbS .*he'robe redet gets tise dli tont oethbie lothes isy rmb- NIUipveritilsed blood. Hood's Sar- - bing tisent etueen iser banda.dshe saPatinl a li e Ono True BloôÔd soxtutimts Uses Japmnee ueap, viici Purifier aud NERVI TONIC. lel fulaifgrosse, sud varksawaay vitS _______________ beler bare foot. Tise (Jiinesle girls deo inbteir vashing in mucisthe sme vay. Admnstratr'. Notice. A Tise vasbiisi1gypt ih Uually doue PUBILIC NOTICE uN lrcby 'el ,ntsaI lbhe *y hyie men.Tise Egyptisu uaabeuman r' ubsrr l i,lltn.larOr the foctl, 0 stands naked aunbise batiksai tise Nile JbHr l'~ae llatn the County (0u fL t.'Couty.ia! a tort ilereof ta 0 sud clapa tise vet clauses, vitS a nomise Wboldn at the Court House lnwaukegan1 fllke tise sal$ifsapistai, on the amaoh n sluaidd ounty. on thse lirai a af %tone t te ele f te rnnig w ()Otber n"xt. iol. wheil and viier@âail staes I isecde a tse uningueer, nrsons bavlng jilalna gaDntaad caestit asuucis fellahs vainu ashsbpound cri notified and roîueeseto t refnnî the tise dirt aut ai tiseir cictisesin theise moCOLas SRis, Adminisîraier. t-FreuhcisuenPound tise ditout vilS paddles, aiten slsmrning lise clauses p eI .15 î g change.- )ts"Masmer" ta opaleas. g" Tise primaxy cause uitihe laubao. Iraviug hadyer xren l kMotine presre ubicis marka the etoninthie Well Digging business. I amn c,,ter sud eahîlibs e cyclone ies. prepnred to do t.his werk on short 10 dPension et tise air breugli excS. l otc. it uorats nd i tomporature. The beated air. rliog lu tce-'rt e o rts n ta -1l4 upper ragions, li a ortinestimatos. itl Fli aer condensad it Itclands, sud MWieu- dudynmioactur laadd,,d, for HOMER FELTON, -alà patle et rayeir, lu omenmuing, Libertyville, - Illinois: f gires 01 its mdlcm et latent bait r ESePOUni a raSer buslibellules, se. ______ ac0-ingtu ProfeserTynd"aestaisgm m-0outhat<o unelt i v@eu~daet csa "o, s0 th. ameunt given ont ubere WeAf-à f0 <the I»8PUNDUN? filmOtdOWUfor job pdnitng. 0811on blrIft rmtes. c= ro0ci47 uaimtonoa suudai J. J. Lo»noA>uoa. Secy. SgQBOSlUB ,ter. & l oOrq Etra '.'Sau nesiflui sd mdTueaoyoeîu Mas. A.IL Waxva; sS. I'!EYSLKE ampNo. aIm. W. A. moei 18.doou sudfouib Stura veninga 0f EvuamuNarnis. V. 0 GueuguSaoooraCcle. mas.¶neond ConoswBATIONAL Cburch Sunday mr haO m .&adad 1.39t.. M me Undre euiêsmMetp. Orayalakp Village Offlors. Proiaet..................E. B. Sherman f0. 111luiartisen. C. i. Harvey. Tremaurer ....................... Moreille Police Ualtrac.....................C. Morse liarbal...................... A. nomilleu Cerk ....................... Dr E' Shaffer. lira. BartMeoa euteriaiued ber COUain from Elgin several daya tii veek*. Mus. klugbait Nevillm enterisined filends front Iova tast sud part ai ibis week. liany iront hure attunded the proisi- biblou pîcuje on tbishoka ai Gages Labo last Tuoaday. giss Soisie Whistehead vistai vilS bise famillY-iflir. Jas. Palinar lu *@qâa~ose,.ýaysof- luit veeb sud ta. liMa.John Wasisburn visitad itui bof parota' lu oak Pari t "veekj lin. Wasbburu jolueti ber Satnrdlayj evening. -- The Ladies Aid Society viii aeot AMaOUS ibis veok' viosita o Chis- go ve noiied liesdames White. Thsyox, lMead aud Lofiu; Mimue Austin, Murgstrold sud Wilmmre; Mesa4.lOftus, W. B. Mexick, lHarey, Hertel, Cquverse, A. Murrie, Prazior, 'Tiayer, Doolittle and Shernan.. At <ho preout vrlting Wedueaday Mesare. Barron sud Brooks bave not yot re<urued fro theis. G.A. E. eamspmoni ln Budala. Hope <bey bar. mot got tout ln taoe shuMel. We me.tlu roeipt af su olafl souvenir ai the 31.6 National Bicampient G. A. B. ut Buffslo lu the toru ai a Buffalo isesitiserougbiy deaexlbiug uih baud sine Illustraîions tise city, the . G.*A. 'The prograin for the Harveni Off.,. 'nu tday i(plday) 10 nsfollava: Opeuiug at 2:30 P. iM. Sang service led by Mise Chord. Tbauk*ivlng service led by Bey. Gearge Buck, oi Rockefeller. Hvening pragrain: out- daar Concert, Btarlight Baud, Jubiieo service led by Pastor ai 8 p. mn.C0rnet solo, Ney Lamnb. Lecture, subject --Tuirkey," by lin. Larkin. A cordial iInvitation te extended t alal. Grayulake arrivais ibis weok vere:. Water Adams and larniiy, Chas. a. Pîthin sud tamily, Jas, W. Koiib, Arthsur Johnson, D). A. Syrne, W. E. Stearna, J. 0. LaSarre, W. G. WeuA F. 018110P, Patrick Dizon, Johno and James Bairetow and N. H. White, Cicago; E. A. Flood, Mi. 4. Biryant, JoIVet Bairetow, Wankogan; H. T. Hey'drick, Peorla; F. 8. Syrnénus, Kenuasa; G. W. Adam, Racin-3, Wis.; V. 1). Kimbail, F. Galland. Waocouds; J. A. Anuasusd Jas. Adams, Sterling; lira. MaClary sud daugbler Edilis, Abert Schoerre, Walter Luober, Oxford, O.ttb ; rn wîsn Mr.a. i. Lt icitey, 01f Hainesvilie. Doit Wedneaday Sept. . Lit î Ua e ? ~ NsI5 .s a large attondance. "Tises.atipe, aighod tise canvict, "niako a Mnufeel amail. ' lir. Gardinler tob several bus loads Tise kind wnan wisa bad carne it ai bis patronso,,Dru,,. and Grayalae the darksome place toobeer bina snjlod and gave thein a daya outi ng gi Fox 5<istly. Lake free of charge laut veek Thora. "Only tinlk," ahe nrged, -how da.micis oo tiey venld h.If tbey rau Lent Friday lira. Thaler entertaiued téohrwy -eri ora lira. Mauuasud daugister lira. YostInlu aucountry district af Gernany for tise day. Tisese "ades are sommer. "11817weddiiiga" were in vogue natil lug ai Crooked laite, but tiseir homne rOcuitly, eu ue 905<PAYlug for bfis OU- la ln Evanaton. tertalumaut as much s nho wculd ai an Inn sMd ihe receipte beiug plced @aside lir. and lire. J. 0. Foretainadlir. ta estop tise happy pair l ine"r nov and lira. G. C. Furet, or chicago, wero h-ne the gueba of lir. sud lira. E. B. Quotalon, air, Ios god (bina. Thone BSerman aver Bunday. liaser Wille is a mmuntyoa ind inle ' lamical Furai visahbaueboe. ire.ekan"quoutioe je th@ parole cf Hteray mon rebuoed Saturday. aa ver <heo rid.-Josnaa A.S.Mkisray and Wife qieioredte Ns.ulh yvor. m".o' ielta. ln N,'e a R- ML'TRRAY,egineer for Ksei à M ouotree Mercantile Ce., sprint. Ieid, Mo.. vriles: "I *ufemrsdfrm flupaia. vws unabie local aurnylg vus Out, arleadlstros. Troated b sviroa ibjaiclana ithOut banedIt, i baame aimx" a phymlal vrock and unabia te attend le .yo vok ekDr. Mlles' RetSoea *nbles becullar Io -A adro. We beth Dii. MILDM MDIGAL 0.,Uhat li ADRSut dé TAËQoring. OR KMANSH IP. '00 As Up.... Dr. O. B. Howe TreantesclentlicUly and eucceuaduhly hy bise latent approved metotsda, aIl cbroui lo sases oi tise lange, Senrt, thrait, sur, nase tamci, livor, kld. neya, bovels, vomi sdat sexual orgaue. Skia diaeaaesi, ecrenia, abluglea, malt uSent, acald isost, tetter, parlsis caplila, poraînis sycceis <barbora lich) rlnguorm, horpès, moiter, aud ail forma of cutaneous erupion, blatchos, black. bedetc., curai pemaneutly. Mles and superfinous hsaïr rernoveti virbaut pain hy olectrolyais. Disoeamaif1he nervous system, neuLrasîhenia, lacamotar aMaxis, pro- gressive taalyi, headacise, neuralgia 8". Vit= 7 aue sciatie lusomnis, epi- lepsy, cured isy German method and elecirolysis. Eheuntia, mente, articuler, MURs- caler, lnfiaunmatary, and rhuratlc goui paeitIirly cureti by s nev andi sltOcesul praces. Office at motel Woodatocki Suite 'COMBI NATO N WOODSTOCK. -2.ILLINOIS. A OFFER . MOURS:;1lîol12à. x.,lto 3 ad 6 o WE OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY @ P. m. EVERY DAY EXCEPT $UN. THFf CHICAGO, INTER OCEAN AND D AY. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ... Miay be canuulted Buudays front 8 ta At tise follovlug remarkably 1ev figure when "celubbed" or ordered togethor 10 a. M. aod 3 to86P. fM. at Rosi Cottag, Weekly Inter Oceman d ludepeudeut, I year.........................81 06 Wauconda, 11i. Iklly . 1 . ..........I1........4 70 JDily and Suuday Inter Ocean and Indepeudent I year .................. 60 The IDEAL BLUE FLAME STOVES are the Prettiest, neatest to operate, use the Ieast oil and-oh, so handyl Try one a week and you would fot be Wlthout IL. Same ls true of top bugges and surries, as weil as al kinds of hay tools suce as mowerL rakds angdtedders. W. wiiIoelf for iess than cost now. Cant tatford to une an old mower when we can put you in a new one for about what thetwo slcklesare worth. Cause: We have more than we want. 19 Iba Grauulsled Sogar.................. .Magon'% FruIt Jars, Plna Dos........... Galion Das........ Can Topa for Màson Jars ............... " ubserà .............. ............ 4 Double Sooeta Sllcky Fly Paper...... A. 'a Liplpnd slor.pollais.._......... .... 4 Io Kenomba Crackers ................ Cottellîarp ltrsv Mattlng yd....... tandard Printa per yd .................. MenasO00Quailty Undervoar........ .4100 .36 .40 .50 .w1 .03 .05 Do 25 15 25 3. TrERMS CASH: F. D. BATTERSHALL, Grayelake - - - - - Illinois. Worth Looking Intot Fon vou. This in au opportune time to boy good gonds, wrien yon euboy tisen rigbt. Pruces are away douit on the roiiowing; <iowd livraICon, pen eau, Puuîpklu pen cau ....... ..... lipiced Sardines,.... ....... liveet liot laktutg 'ovder lper 1? 2-ai Satle N"sulla Ixtract Wlld Cberuy Phsphate pkar batie .... .... 1 Can lllackbernlem ............. Hires Root Suer.. Good Large banaoutas pendoz Girainu Saga ..... ........... liens Balbrlggan 'Undervar .......... F. Ha Kuebker, Thi -Wund Of tesëSua. *30.00-PROGRESS BICYCLES-S3Q.QQ This viseel ia one of the bosi fade viseel., on tise market and sella ai a prlice wlthin the reacis of &IL. The grasi lumble ln th. prie of Cycles haa brougisi ibi, handsome machine Gown to the ezceed. ingly low prico of SN).qW lMade wîth Royal Areis Crown, seamiesa tublug, flnely nlckele<l and eoameled. Laies' or Geais' styles. SOME RARE BARGAINS IN LADIES' WHEEL.S. HAVE VOUR EYES TESTED FREE. 3 ri Vuille, tise uptiian vise la Meeting vusb sucS a~ 0ico.. irouigisout the County yul hocisore Fi losys &a& 27. and i lU ho pie":.dta muet alisahoare troubled %rM hi t eYeolglitsud mna a tisrougis cx- aminallon ire. oi charge. W. oei 700 tise glasses hi) rocomàmende ai rusanable priceas. E. B. Sherman, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. Wo can nai refrain froatinlg yonr atteutan ta bise tact tisai voesi bisai vo have tise prottieut lookiug. mont durable sud econaiclal DLV B FLAME OIL COOK SEOVES.on »b0 market sncb as Idoal, Puila sud Nastional, sad at prices vitie rese of &il, as vo viii agree tato ndais, while ibey 1est, ut elthuî Utbertyvie, or W0auoude, ,Or ahlP YOn direct on eider 1 complote Il ite Plame stove sud oven, resdy ta0lr"i dItuner vils, for oaly 81.il5. TS.y'aU h t.lie a bine flameuibbbhe Omte 01o -11 'O, useln your lampeansd dOn't Mclu,' -- sueil ue bit uRre. 0CeKI-aIl ji . 'h..ap, haudy as uasi ho lgbt ierqcîl, La umn. Tear loed doaler may gay <t <Seh Vustysteumatios l cum','t sai i sud lue bise aven OR. Laugsias m- We o0il7 charge 19.75 vîtheut oves. We bnv oatir stores lu ýtise saine toua viiorevo isi aur hlaob sud tunbouts sud sisces viib sue cutlnually larrir- Ing et Lbertyrvile sud Wanmoda we tend If you ploaso' net ilbo, la q1ua- Ity sut prie. Ladies' labo style hani turnoti floxible soi lo bîsok mmn ft m65e, la $1.78. Large Uinofetmetts boys sud misses cemmon - a i. chos cbup. Burla vire veom uD,4 Dalle, harvar,,cors pLaters,60l1Z, -vatora,. rakes, movuc -waglon.bloles agiouoi0 htagya »94 eui =e. - houa, ailuMIIL I. à F ri 1 Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. 10F.tAYSLAKE. ILLINOIS.

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