CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Sep 1897, p. 3

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08.DR. TALMAGE ON EU- PLOYERS AND EMPLOYED. 1114 TubaithelaWs-out u pet>'sud4 Iheman 1. a DiabolieUne sud issu Nie Ueua.ei Fer tir a Lbor Troubles Ojavbj ltaeAppiisu onetébeosapel1 Oui' Wookir f Poumon. Dr. Tluages platon seling thre la-9 dusrlal troublesaou unr day la selt oth la euii son. M&a Icat la Matirew vi., 12,1 *Wbateoever je roulirletI men uioul do ta 0% udo joli avenuntIrent." Tb. grealet wre ire ulti Ias miter a lel belveen capital and labor. The ulalfeinaso Ilire tiraI roichi ir atson la ecIlerthe Tirt> Yeua' S-n, ftonfIlleaa wuaem staes; ,ilsa as-arouthlie lire1 euea4bta; illuoaàs-ar realapirrie. Tire dBas etem la Iris counltrj, upon s-boa n us" boniependeai for hor!ing tire bISMa ofutpus-en anad tue &cling us meail- attlsbelveen Ire tru exteemes, une ti- rnlalebng. and If Iriags go on aetirhe saine * tll e asIe>'are aur Soins,fi l nlieb -. fl FmSlesg tor re e roi b.hanuoumidle -dam la tIs coiary, but &Hail ll h verj uS or vâu-yflpor, princes un panpers, anti -M --lerutr vili hoeglvea up ti Polaces an unik.vei. A Great Coslot. The anlagouistle fonces are ciosîsg la eni euciraIrer. Tho Pen,-rylvanîa rni ' sîlies. tire telegrapi mr iorna' strllea, lIre railîruar employonts' stniros, fie treata ufthIe boycottersansd tIre d>'naaliers, are enli skirrmishes bhote a gulerai engagemaent. or, if joi preer il. sumpas lirrougir the sutety valves ut au 1»110oflS ociety'. Tou mai' îuooiîuooh lt; jus may sey tiruliis rlatoublre,lireaun alun chIr, s-Ilry lîseif IluleP; Ynn t, rnu belule Il by ralliai il t"ourtemism, or c> oiliia, un St. Simonia, or alhliism. on comnunia, but tint viii tntl binder lire fltact rsIil la tire mli'itlest, tiere iiket, Iii amont terriflie nat ilema culoni'. Ail altempla t pucificati.on bhver ire tend tellure* unr! mnaopuly la m-re arro- geot anti thetrades uniona more bitter. atOlve unsmre rsgea," cri'tIre employez. "Ton shall bave les,' ay«tecpiliste. "Comptl ae lu do tes-en r uor tt inlua -da>.'"T saral tol more boues," sau> tis tirs. "Tiren, unnen certain cadi- doen, ve nIll o oek et *IL." an>'the"e. "'hnyoa shall stirvt-. e," stlos, and. Ire wrun grainaly nansait lIraI s-unirtirey accurnulaler! ia betlerctituta. enale Irnt hoineas-radical change s-e ca" bave swon ln îhjs coutrj 4,100.0W lang e>'mn anti roren. Nos-. 4.000<»< bom>'peuple canoitho kepl quiet. Ahl lie etistmenta of legistuatures anr! ul tIre eentahulules outheitchis, aur! aillire &ail aur! uvy outhlIe UnitemiSttesta cn- am ke.p 4.000000 huirj people quiet. Wirt lien? WIilIma s-ar bets-"eo cap- lIaI anti labon hoe settieni yhaunaitrois- dom? Never, Tue brus- ut tIre oim@Ie- calmes rmore îgir, Ire fieftorthle oir Moeaclicirot But tIraIwvirci htitmunroldouurcanat etilee vll ho accomplîmbed bluyt'Iriaian- Mr if il lho giren fulsu-ai'. Von lave bsard out medicities mauporerfni iban onie drof, ili altop a diseuairad retiie a pa- tient, sud I have lu teil >-uu liraI.tac drop «tSay tit, properiy adnini.tereul. ojl elw a&Il Ith~roes utfSocety and! givo recrvudescenend complte eair lu sau dlaims. *'W%"htioever je roulirtlmei" * sirouir!do tu joli. do jou n atu a utbem." Is@hal lraI show jon Irus-(hiesquannei luteoen uronopol>' anr!bard s-urcauint le tupirer!, ad tienaI1s-III sIn us-uw tII. conroveerou Ilhoieseler!. Fuaille remedies. la thtOral place. thoee s-lUroutme ni, pacficationribi tirtouble tirrous ngi u 001ragaitnat oiermen n-i-e- Iy iranse tbey arc viei. Tirere i nutarim- beu utsa rades union (in eanr tirht wonîr st ire nu-h if ire coumd h o.Inuctimine Irrougi r tihmate linetion or 'mnnungir mu it cuent ot proaperily a mnans-bu had nolhhag cornes lu a lai-ge estate. anrd s-ete hlm arrogant sud supercjtiîuîansd t' ailag people b> lire thma. maus sther "@pele "ook mhi' Iyhe lb-mt. 'ibere is uomeiisg vei-j menti about bhrani nature s-ies Il rames i nie top, lut il ainu mnore a tinta ictu ho iiIan il lea asin luale pu. 'l'irntai-e those s-bn bave gatirerei : greut etate Ihrîugir traur!, andti!tier tiretare millionairea vin have guthi-ria Ileïe fortunes Ibrougb turesigirt iii regard-u lu changes ja tire markets anr! i'raîu,-ir brillijaut business tacalty, atid every dollar ufthtiirr ette inla n riet aethe udolar rohià Ire plumben gela tir netrring ni pipe or the rasoitiels tue iiil-llnsg nao-al. Tirer-' anc tiose vin ieep in poerty lle- cause out Ieiroun-nfoulit. rire, nit-bt bave itou s-tii off.mlutirci' gave immun- salves lu alrong drink, on Irey amokemi ou claver! up lirci r ning. or the ici ii i beyoutir!Ir ea aic , nihile olicra ou tire la- m ntc ages aud it the saure Salariesu- s-Cnt on lu competeaci. i Inîrs- a man s-bula ilHtetime compîaniiceouthiei poverty anti cyîng ouI agalnal nic metn. virilelire irisf ien-pu twou does and ciresamatinamue.sud la uel tu i lie chi rolb hi bsiy and heer. Futile 1-firrte. Micas-bersasimi lu David Copîwrticl * "Ouppurtir!, mi' boy, ft incoare, '21) auil- Itagandati60pouce ennelsea: esînt, miser', j But, Copperdu-ln, my boy. £1 income, ex- pensesa 19 shillings aur! 6 pence; reaumt happinum." Anr! Iront an-t vait inînti- Indu. ut people s-bu are kebt poor.because tleîr are Ire vidtima uft hieir orrur impruvi- Wdoue. Il i snabchoricI, aundIl ini dl u ho epour. I prteal agalut Iis ontI ce>' s'icb iean neinal those wo lirroirgi tcunomy aud soit denial aur! as à*uity, have conelu large fotca'e. Thii, Mmbardanent ut comimencial sucmness oill - Seretop Iris quarei ets-etticapital -.o cllair. Nellirer ili tne coutal ho sellier! hi cjaicul anti unaympathtietreaînienî of tire lahoring classes. Tire art lae s-hi r m oprs ut Iletas Irougir llry sert otiiy culîle or drafl borsea. Tueir tien-vo-aren nothig, thier dumetie coafot ins toli J u, hem hbappînosa la ntiing. Tirey havi n more mympalhy tornIbetu th.în a honni buratu a lisare, unrs as-k for a lita. ora ý*fier tuta cit. Wben Jean Vajean, the imgeset benoofutVcor Hugo'$ writnîblrg aflee a lie or auffern anr! brave tirdur- --ant, gues hlo iacarceratioui aur! ulttI tie>' lap lIre bookr ahul sati ay,"Gooi toibievw tire aflorutComaoasla 10o0- a Iihpeuple lu Ragîar! I 1 la this countey the torei ttbt thetatue- s teles tiraI have diachanger! bandae rguerd ao or bad reesosas;obeluctions on tire rail oi trackin lafront out ldaight express trains r! irecause tire offendena doetrot ike the Pres- il Mdeat of tiere ompauy; striâtes ou amip-va huard tire houîr liey vont golng 1 saili, or p ln prlntiug ofie, lire buttie paper vas et tu go 10 presu,. or la mises tire day lire cool la rosa t3 hoedelivencul, or ou bonse scafoir!'e( auge an the iruilder raills la keepkîg bis hl conract-ailities. ane oly s bard bloro un tIre beail ut Amerlcan labor, und r! nP- Il pie Ita armeanamilamelits et a nd! ierco ti ls heurt. Teas sprng suddeuly upon si omaploycra, andr!violence,. neyr1kun haut onutftire kauckle of tolilon put Ont bi tarthing of vages bt. a calions palmt.Jt Darbanlin viii neve cure the sronogsaOft cvilisation. Mark tiraI! I Pnedenlok lire Great admIrer! anme lad nc ris palace t Potsdamn, andlire n-h slver t geix. Il vus owned b a tailler.w He efeérer tire mnert tres. lImes tire vains ig ut tire property. The milie vuir! Dot I tllke it becanse il vas tire old bomealeur!,V und Ire telt about ai Nabotb fatlIabout hiris vinoyard rsaisAiai vanter! IL. Frelelcu thetGretliras a rougiraur! terrible mal,& anid ire orderer tiretaillier tutu bis pire.- l ange, andthétreking, vîtir a stick il a ri hand-& stick vît i rirci ie somellne stbuc ieiris omers ut stat&-scirta1.0iIs9 minier, 'Yow. I bave uffeeed jus hree uimastire talus orut iraIop t, a»d I' ou n*o @'Isl itill'il taire itaYboro. t Tiretaillier sid, "Your maLJestYjoYiu roo't." â"Tes," sulultht king '1 viliit taire i." 'TIen," said tire allier, "ify leur inaety dues taire i, 1iliouns You la tire chaneerj court."~ At tiraI lireut Fredtnlck tie reant ieldor! bis infatus demand. Andthe tir ot impervioua out-. rage agalusltirhe woring classe wili ye la cuver hetone the lmv. Violence andl cou-t Irary tlthlea,-viii nover aceourîisb i anythiug, lut ngtoousssud iccrding lu tbhem lav wiii somplisirIL. Looking for relet.r Weil, if Iis cunnovra! htroeraid-otîl tai aud labor cannot ho seltlier!by huînunn aviedotu if to-day capital sud labor stand . ritirtirirr thomîs oti e<cbuthbera tirot-a as they d-il la limne for us lu took sainme-r vire., tse for relief, sand il pointa tra ml tet ro.eate unr! un!ptes oneibandl on te broadelutir sirouder out cspitl a nr!put& tire otiro n lthe homne- spun covercml ahoulder t 1011 andr! mYa, ritir a voire tht vîlI grandly unr! glor-c ouaiy settie Iis sud setie everyting. "*Whaisoever le roonir!tIrat mon saboulai du lu jon. du yoo oven n 10 het." TIraI in, tIre lady ufthtie bouseooiraviliiai': - muaI Iresai tire aair! lnthe kîlciren ]ntau a i vouil lle u o tretter!Ii 1 ee dos-a staireanda!Il vert u&Y vurir 10 vasirsud look mn as-ep, unr! il verethtie dnty ofa tire rriid la tire ktchea bo preside la tins, parlor." The mair! la tic itchen mt 1 so': *'If MY employer seams nu ho murea 1rtuperouïa tha 1 that la Do finit uf bers.j i &hanltot tri-el ber as an enemy. 1 roi have thisune lndualry aur! fldflty dos-n gaira as 1 vouir! expiaitnrm mi' aubordi- sales if 1.irappeutied hotIre vite of a surk Importer." 'rie os-ten utoaI roti miii. haviag taken a dose o utriai test fone leuving homue ila tire moraing, wili go loto bis tounr!ry. andrs passînrg jin vla ecallem tire puddlinu 1rota, i. e nili te a nan tere tripper! to1 1the niianr! hosweate'uland exhaustedr1 S ih tire labor und tlie toitIaur! hoie wli amylu lm:"W'y.kt serins lu ho very hot4 la ietreMYouWlO'Ok von' mucir exhauster!.1 I 1hoar yourn ebiîr!Jla ack vi ceirlet rayer.1 t I you s-anI jour s-sues a litho e eriien 7tbjs 'aek. san as au puy the nurse and gel their unijejues. J'atI rme m l of ice1 atij Ime."' AftIenas-hile crash gueà tire mohiti'mar- ket. mur! there Je no mrt deio.uud for tire articles ranufsctnred in tIraI irn siili, and tIre os-uer dos nul kuos- wbat lu do, ilie38, a1'hali I1top tire mit or shahi ri n unhait uinie. tr shah i eut doron the tueu'm-rogeS" lie roira thefluorr ut hi. countitig rouait ial dey,' hardly knoor- lcloat lu do. Tuniard evenîng lire calta rail tire laborors together. Tbey stand Iral arounîl, sine oith antis sbkirnbo, orne rill toider! arma, vonderîng 'a-at tire boas la going lu do novr. Tire manufactur- ermya: 'Mca. lines ar very bard. 1 dunî iiinke $21L)ober,' 1 asomite malle S141.5uebow thlin lna o mand nov tor un-at s-emnuufacttre,. or but rerY lit- tic deinnur. Vou see 1 arn ai vat oxpetîme, aînd 1 hanve rlIeI dyoin together thua atter- rnoua lu sevaat juil ronîr!advise. 1 r ont montîta lu it up tIr, ii, because 1tIraI votir! force yott ouI t oork.ard yîîu iave nuirous bleu-nvr' titiruliind 1 lko YuG nd om ru seomtu nulîke eeandamtire t birnsaruet ho looieri crier, sud yoneroutre nai lii atter as-bile 'vanlt a nàew dre-sm. I rdrunt kiro s-iraIto (lu." 'fTlwit a den'a l r aocnminute or l'au e tîaidilion mneonf t hi- 'a rrkinenu telua ont ta frounhie ranka utfIis fi-losandsanyr. n "Bonss, )ou hareobleu ver' go-,,! luai, anti ai whien youupruspi-reil re irn.'pereî.anîd i.niriryon are lu a tigt plaice and1 I n ,l sîrry, slanî e 1aie girl lu nyulatizmeri-tir a oir. 1 dont kiino bowtire ulirrs ton-. but 1 prorpose tiraIrot take oîff 20 pecent truninn iagesand titir hî'n tire timon get gon yuîn rouI rernamben us aurd raine tireniaganu" Thtes-orkrno ok@aouru touiis coniradeganaid soya: *"Boys, 'at do -younsai' lu tria? Aillii t avur ut myI' mrrl- olaionu oi a- ai'e.' "Aje, oye, aye'" abolt 218.>voir-e. eBatthe ibelil o'ner. gettning lunioe noro i- maeiiery. x Olpes irbîn fitvery inu,-ir, o an atr1ak e coinsd It Relintu bpneuî- -mutilai. ad Iredie%. lu thteiiroierion lu Ithetom tuirnre ail thé ourkrnen. bars rali- -iîîg doîv tirir ci-Iiei'k*a nd off on tire agroutîr!. but a o uar iretre tire lroession Ilgets lu the ceme'Inry tire isives and lire ti chitiren out tiole iourkretiare at the graît îvaitirg tur tire arrvail ut tht y ftin2raI pgugairl. T'in tnisten ut religion tu ai' bave delivereti su cloquent oulogiti 0hotore thiey sîneteil trour tIre bouse, hait lirhe uroat itirpressivi' htirnga are raid tbrt day hi' tii' rorklîîg ciase standing aroulth tir onui. Christ-% Injuadt . drirat îigt ini ail lIre cînirmna outhlie .ork- iug people roltre lirOy bave faiiy prntyera e tire iviohoomi sudlthe orpirnrage lu thr' mlrnuare reîemireretl, No gloittg r- populationa look uver theion oneofutIhe this Ton teMMIgelt lmui uli and aMd yur Sert baud, jour ulgirt eje und! your ltt e>'., jonc alirI cee u* r our lefttan, uto phj'sioiogical amlaulrn. Nov. rire.e e latis tu hogInýla Our irres, la Or storeS, unOunr fanais-nul vuîtlagte thon peuple tu do lhir dut>'. la Ibere a ivergence nov irelvees thre parler aur! Ire atcheui? 'rirntire la soneting îrong, titrer la Ire parler or tire kilchen, perhaps lu botir. Are Ire citrigi la jour stort I-nîto aglalitthlIe irm? 'I'irt here la sornetblng vrutg, elîhen r eiar!tIe ouaiter, or la tht private offlice, or per- uape la bolir. Tire ren ai uItutth irerud to-dY la te tulillment out tia Cbriatiauilke taJune- tin, liaI roricr ie prumulgater! la hlm sermon Olivelie. AIl Ire poutical teono- reIais utuder Ire ecivanltet tlireaovens in conventioa for 1,000jeurf coant settie IrIs cutroverg, belvaca monopolj unr! harr! vurir,belveeti captaland lbubon iurs Ire 'Revolutonun>' van Irere ru à irevy plece uoflimhrn te be Utter!, per- baie, tur anme tortrels, a8raiàacurpunuLI ras overeeeag Ire rourk, und hie vas»gt- nug commnuande lu corne auldîers as lt>'y littiri: '"lenve va>', tIree! Tu renter' WVel,the ituberoua 1ton benry; tIr 'eunnu gel il up. Iert vas a gentle- mna rlding hy on aàihorst, anr! ie stopper! and cuir! lu Iis corporal: "Wirj don'tYu help them lifttiliat Itir e lac,0 ieat>' for tirnste tU lt." "No," be saîr!. "I vrun't: I am a corpora' Tire gentleman gut off Iig iborne aad came up te tire place. 'Nov," ire muid luelire aidiors, 'ail te- gelir-jo ireve!" aud lire timber vent tu its place. "Nov," saidth ie gentleman o lire corporal. "viren jou bave a picce ut tmhor tueireuvy for tir enea lift, unr! yon roat iclp, yoa seudilute our comi- mandberaInet." ltvas Washington- uo, ltatinlaabout *Il the gospel 1 kaOw- Lire gospel ut giving sOmehady a Sf1,àalift, out ut darknoe», a, Iift ont ut tart Ir lt. heanvîr. Thait la aU lire gospel 1 kuîo- the gospel utfIrelpIng somehodi oel t [ive. ",Oh.",gay@san eenn, 1"talk as >-on w-i, tIre lar ofut emond ami snppiy viii mogilete es. ling until tlirenofr u tilie.'" No. they roilnul, unie«a ]d miles and tht batteries ot the Jîîdgîueut day are spikeal. unr!Pinto unr! Proserpinie, king aid quten ofthtie infernal rs'gloas, take full possession of Ibis avorlul Do yon rnuow s-ho supply unr! demanti arei Tbti have noue iitre, pantnership. and liej propoee svladle Ibis cartr unr! are awindilis il. Yon uedroroning. Suppi>' anr!demar! stand un tIre ahore, ont un one aide, Ire othor on lie uIrer aide ufthtie iteltuat, unr! tirycidry ouI 10 jua, "Nuow, yun puy us viral vo ask ion for getting Yjote lbshun. or go te Ire bottoa' If Yoneutiau orrow $5,000 you cau ktep trua fallng la huai- nes. Supply unr! demutir! auj, "Nov. jon puy nexorbitanîtisturj, or yjugu lato bankrapte>'." Thia roirben r-mrut ofnpp aur! ibemautai sy 1te Yu: "Tire cropa are short. We boubt tnp aIl tirerobest unr! Il la laur lin. Nov, you pair our price or suanTe." Thut lm jour magnifieult las- ut supply and demar!. Bupp> unr! demuar! orn tire langeaIt mila Gu rth, andi ail Ire rivera roll over thirnvisl, unr! mb tem hirîîpper Iroy put ail Ire mon, vuemon unr!cildrea Ihey cati aiovel ontut rbte centuries, aud tire bloor anr! lie bones reuiden tWr$valley s-bile Ire milI grinda. TiraI dlabolic liv ut aupply und! dornar rll jet have te stand asde, unr! mateur! there viii corne tire las- ut love. the lar ofutco-openaion, lire las- ut kmndness, tire las- ut symputhy, tht la r utChrist, hlave jnnu no ia utoftire coming or utscb a tute? 'ben yon do nul holice tIre Bible. Ail the Bible ;a fuillut proîniAffs on ti subject, ar! as tire ages rail on tire lime viii corne o-hon tutt of fortune roilI ho glving langer asono; tebu- tuanitarianr!ndtvangoliatic pîrrposes, unr! tirore 011m ho mort James lenvnesanaur P'eter Coupees andr William E. Donigesand George Peabod>-a. As tint dtne cornea there viii ho more parka, more pncture galleries. mort gardons thravu open ter tire boiidaj peuple anr! Ire wurkiug classes. 1 iras reariing mn regard lu a charge tiraI bad hooti made la Etiglanir!againal Lani- hoth palace IraI il vas excnive, and tiraI cbarger!tmonslratei tire sublime fualttrat lu Ire grounds outliait vealtr>'estate800 pur familles bave tre o puan d 40 cro- quet compaties, unr! un Ire hait holiduya 4,000 pour peuple recline on Ire grass, roalk througir Ire palm uanr!ail unuder the trees, Tirat in gospel-gospel on Ire s-lue, gospel ont ut dooras ortr just as unucir as indooam. TiraIlime la goiag lu corne. TiraI la uni' a irlulof s-but la oing lu ho. Tlhertlime in going lu Coule roIen, if Yuuu hue'auylbitin a ,un ionie oorth look- ing at-pctnees. pitres of senipture-you aii-- iing lu Invite me to10 raure uu@ae îîîîm, you une gtuing tu invite mi frieuds lto cir' tîarose tIem. uard you oi] ayj: sie 'aI 1 havi een iriesiedwritIr. (bd ira. ivonnie tIs. anduuivifrcas injo itig t, t r, ruesatari." Thâiras-guapei. tShort Sermons. Schooirl Tnelihe-% r3l' grave rn-spin sitilitii'sr nest umuon tire publie seîiooi teaujien- lu înpirluarigtIhe yoir truco tîn titilihciiun-y coul-ris. Tireutue tu-nu-ler ittuet devole tir, entîco energien tir tifflttlug tire murîrilti'of cildren s und li-o botir for stla n lire lill. ln-. l-reilorlck B. Greul, Itaplial, Wal- Toil titi!Wealtir fIitt a ffc ainui- ies lin New Yon-kirai-e retan<d thiri ivitti for uvor 100 yoamnn shows liraI tîhi' iorluUscies of ac(iliisillvoeness are atili alive lu -tirn-bioun. '1oukuiow i-oîv lu kei'liia fortune otne itltl low tire vitltw of a dollar-tdvr'hotu-n utfaieat. 11ev. Joint Il. Panxtii, Vl'n-erian, New Yonur City'. ConilînloflaDo 001 tink a n ol iitaiiless becuie lie iras l1111e ivit. noir tint yoîî cutan manage ut foui ireinise lie kuows itt11e. lie la like a mlind suaire, Iii' ivli itrike or-eu tire ban ii iat tou- self oitlîisear'cotupnpllot5, ovn'ntirougb ttir c leyuur suireionm. lin-v. 1). 'M. Beuhitutul'uesluyton-ian, littsbîài,'. l'a. Ilonie.-Iiriybe yOU have s. tnon lit lte olil irotte place anidiniokemi nulthein'pol o'one me eold ibouîosel8oom-aotirlnt letI now mut lte tttilitnhtrlounîjlgnd n THE SUNIJ1ÂY CRQOL SERIOU8 SUSaIEOTS CAREFULLY CONSIDERED. A, Sebelarlj Ugepesition oftheb.Lesson -Tboughle Woelbi et calais Reàec- ton-Halfams Boira S1tndî uof th- scipurss-41ne Wel @ponat. 4 Lesson fosr UsPtember 12. Goldea Tsxt.-uîBe Ont overcome 09 "nil, but overeofe evîl roitir goomi." Rom. 1 12: 21.t Christian Livin la tire nubien t i s lesaoti-om. 12: 9-21. The letterte otirse Romansvroas wrlttes trom CorJein atire opring utr5M aceordins lu the mtel clore- tîulugy. la thre hla lssos wre letI Paul la biacedoala. pmorblr lnPiriliPPI. On 1IsW .Iourtiey f rous w0bnu luCorlatiLRe i wrote secnd Corlildirs. tourom irîcir tihe last launsts vas tarin. mirurtly betore ho left I£Moadn forueCueintr. Tiren bha vrent sunIr tu Corltir and speat tire tires. vîinter monthe tires.(me Acte 20: 1-8).i DazLrng tro.. tiru e ntra hb vete i Elste t.tirhe ýàtWMo (slageaersli supposer, jaqd »«" e b ie proved biy cote- purion ut variant Da4sages>and tire Epte- tle tethe omsan& iIr yarehlidlong- ed te vlst fBenne and stesagliren tire cireirwh"ei ird arec.dy been planted tire,probably byJ eviilotîCristltia$trou> Palestie, tirougi perbape bi' Gentile Chelstlans t rom AiaMiner. Rom.eroas tire capital ofthtie vorld, and Paul lotiged te bave Il made a seruter of trac religion au vel. But lire immaai@traits of tire Jsrosulema churcir vere evldently mure Important jusl thes tran any3lting ete. Atter tire errand lu J.rualàn a betrer ufth ti.colsctlos vas ticcompllsired, haIrni- tender! to start as son a*possible tur Rorne. As vs learu later e was ilder- ed and delayer!, and reacrer!tire BIennal City only &fter long Imprlsounet, and then oaly as a pelsoser sent op for trial. But viren ire rode lutirte Romans f rom Corinli be kmev aothling ot the future; knew cily tiraI bi* heurt vais fait of uni- Iety for tbern dung ise entoreed delay. andr ltaIire muat maire rieur lueîiremnme ufthIe fuadamentals ut Chrristian fultir. tiraI su taise teacirers mlgbîdraro tirc *WEI. Tire book of Romans in one of th irenci- est houka lantire Bible, unr! une of tire Most dîfieat. By dîffeult wedo nul meustut Il sn obscure, but tiraI the macler? utfle argument equlres bard studY and close reasolasn. Even a superficil eadlng te- veals ma isnlated passages of beauty andr potrer, but to get s graap outIhe bookr as a robue nothlag bat wrer Iii su0ce. Happlly, il la nul secsasary fuorlthe under- standing outhIis benson 10 studY tire gen- erai argument ut tire book; for thîs Pas- auge la taken trous tire latter part. roiîci consista ut pracltical exhortations, tire connecllus utfviric ithiirtire precediag argulment la nul veey close. Romans fallu lut tcru learly mucher! divisions: <1) Ia- trodluctioni, 1: 1-15; (2) Doctrinal portion. 1: loi : 1:30:(8) Practiosi exhoîrtatios. 12: 1: 15;: 13; (4) Peesotil messages and cour'ltsloti. 15:14; 10: 23. Thia great proposition ufthe epistie. as everybody kauv, a, tirat salvatioti tirrougb fulthIn laChtirnth ie univereal opportutilit fmaukiar!, utGetile as rool as Jero. Paul proves traltlirait tirere in nu salvatiot inl any otirer course, thon expiains the Christian plan ut salvaîlun and lis cousequescos. ThiaOUcci«estire fiet ceveu ehaptees. Tirheetofthtie bookr is ira ed un threecirapters by tire word '"thereore" la 12: 1.In vlev utfail tire protound and inaplulng trulirs roicir Pul ha tee euadlg, let Chrisîluns pre- sent theîr bodies a livliji sacrifice, etc., suri tive wortby ut tireir callong. as tire) are iaiiorted lu do lu unr leason anirta content. FtXptsnal.ry. iisimnlation"': tiraI là. hypocrizy. Ltit love ire rithout acting ur preteuse. "'This little sentence implies more Iran it maya. Ixove roa. ao prevalent. und!a strongly ciracteriaed tht chureh, that lie rho bldil nul rostempter!luteaimulate it." -Ailtlire verbe Ibat tolIoro have the ideat ut co)ntinuons action. TIre sort ut conducl that la bore preacrlber!eist teulho a mat- ter ut occualotial remembratice; it la te bce a lIte, constant and utiveatyiut lu tove.---Cleavîag lu the gond la bere rep- rerieuter la tire original by the word tireaniug lu glue, 10 cernet-a very alruug figure. luInronor preterng one antioier": a *hoiy ornolation' lnu mîoalfiab deeda. Il la nul "preferring une airother" la ur ase ut tire word, but preceditig une another tu tIre effort te do eucir gober bonur. Com- pare the passage la 1 ('or. 13: 5. 'aeek- etîr nul ber oron.' Tire Romans are ti- hortedluta ire fervent botir lu the outor imufesttoti iai sund la thIreloer Soîtece (the spirit) outhtie divineiy given love. "('ontinuing instant lu prayer': liratinl. reraiating la prayer, lu spite ut uppirsilion or diacouragement. .l')îattibuling lu tire necesty of saintei": rather, sharing lir te tîeceaaitY rrf tais:lthe Romnnsare exhorte! lu sharre lire sornuwa as rotlalrehejoys ut tiielir relheeti, siarlng Iboîr necesaity bhi givlug is-iat couil! ho spared.-Hospi- tnility i.nule merely a pleasant social se- eozuplîbimeat; it leas Christian virtue aud drity. 'Blesthem roiicIrpense-uto oun': troni Ihe sermon on theMount. 'Be ut the saite mmd": Ibis dota nut eouiiaind unIfuentîi ut opinion, but toi- erance snd hubonulilti. "Mimd net bîgI tbings*" ta a way utrsayiug, "do nul gîvo tun-b tbougbl le uotwoard social dlatlnc- lionsq." Thissmmo up thterohole passage sud lu- rdeeui the wrolo prinaiple uf Christian liv- ing rolti regard lu outroard conduet. 'lenchiale Hints, À strikiag cutuparison may hoe mode ho- trocon thls cirapler and 1 Cor, 13, rohieh roo attîdier Borna wceke âgo. lu botb the Ironie la Cirristian love, but la tire ter cirapter love la considemi rnmtIrhe point ut view orutheb.pool sud lire prophet, whlle la Ibis Pui ls tire oine shepherd ut mca. ttht studentut irumati nature, tire lover ut seuls unr! thtbutter ot evil. s-ioae wrouds are aullor! lu lie actusl nec,!. of Roman WRECK8 THE BANK. cantiner Noraton et t he Inatitution et iîbusand la mîssi. Charles A. Norton, .etshiey sud general :manager or the Batik of Duranld. drote ip ta b isbaik Wt-dueaday evening nt 7 o'clock. Wbenlire carne out hchadl on three overcoats wlth bulging lockets md carri-A. in hi» hand a griî.. Euîetitig bis *nrrî.îgo horlrove away t-, ti,- orth and han ioI N'en seen sjlw. '17lruialey lthe dbora of the banik faiiod tri opnaai tire tinual irour and an angry 'r-owl stood about it ail day, walting for an oppor- tuni-y to wilhdraw about $M0,() on de- poaîo. One of the heavieat deîrr,sitora wan the tant person who ssw Nortonu. and to îîrn ho, ajd howoulr bc bock tn twc houra. Norton in, 0.3 only si fugitive butos uorg*r or tweuti-xeven notes for variaoue îa,.,unt., and aotbing dellinîte rat mis, ir gtatè'l uofthe amunt tiraI ie will bc found sirt. Norton'@ crookedneas and sea re- suit thre suspension ut the batik becsrae kflow1 through Iris rediscountlng Borne pa- per witir the Wlnnebago Natictial Batik of Iluekford. Wilson A. Patterson, a prom- suent and wesltby fermer, camne tu Rock- tord tu attend the county fuir. ln conver- sation with W. T. Robertson. viIcîres- lent of thre Vitiebago batik. hie ,emarked Abat lie owed nu mati on eartb a dollar anid thougit ho wouid corne dowt and % penid a littie mrier with bis ltockfrrlf rýetds. Mr. Itobertaouttoîtght differentîS. and takiug bhlmn tu bis oOfco sowed tissua note for gM00slgned by hlm wbich the batik bit securod atsung s butieli ot rîhern. amountîn n al a103,000, as aeytto? a lin of3,9 made lu iti lir.,ndi Batik. **Tbat's a forgery.- decirîreil Mr. Pattersoin, "I owe nu mouey arnd bave nover aigned a note lunrny lire."'Theu Pattersoti went back ta tIre fair groutide anid toid ut the forgery. nmong othera to L. L. Norton uf Duraud. whirlanot relat- erl to the batik cashier, but roho bail $4,- MO0 on deposît in thre Durstid Batik. Rec burried lu the City, 1ecurerl the tasteat teams in toron and drove like mad the twouty miles tua1>uraud lu une irour atid fitteen minutes. lio enteroi tire batik at 3:45. and, wrltiug hlm cbcck for the amsoust ut bis deposît. soositliat the Car- rency. TIleliaitnmade a race .igalnst a train aind beaten it. for at 4 o'clock 1L. . Morrison, attoruey fuirthe Witinebago National Bank, and 1>etuty llberif John- son stepped off tire carn and roont direct ta the batik roiti tire bundie ut 39.000 ot securltlea. tbe larger part of wbleh werc boguis. -Tbey had a warrant for Cashier Norton for forgery, and ivere Iin contfer- etîce for lwo beue witb Seymour A. Blake, father-lu-lar o f Norton, who la hoasLIY inteeested id the batik, and with otblera côtiaected roltil . Wben they came ont tbey bad a tiret mortgg4t ou Blake'* fine 240-acre tarin to cuver tiroir $5,iff0 dlaims whlcb îbey trsded for the $9,000 worlb ut notes. Ilocirord laroyers cairng ou tut tire batik at 6 ianttre evenlng aroused suspicion. and soniail sorts ut rumora roore satoat lathe village. Depouîtora ire- gais to assemble aithe batik and the get- est excIteusent prevalled. Hill & Çileld- setir. stock buyens, roio bai $2.900 on de- puit, met young Norton drlving toroard home and stoppeil blm.Ile Z10W tietla ho woonli go home anîl Bot tbe utoney and lu five mrinutes corne iack and poY thets off. They waited lu valu and finolly -.vot lu ltockford and aroore ont su sttacbmeut un a stock ut grooda owned iry Norton nt Pe- catonica. Tire Norton tamllyl naisofu the Irest kuoown la tho, county, the tather, Oscar. robo ruas a big store ai i)urand, Rien beiag Iterested wlth Blakiknlutbe batik. The institution roag atarlod six years ago, and, il la clalrnod. basntmade muoy for its uotiers. July 2 the State Atîdltor lssued a permit autborialng a State batik, sud citizen@ approve uof tire mettamont by suhscrlbiug liberally for stock. it carrIed dedouit9 ut about$30,- 000. thpesavinga ut mauy tarmosra. Young Norton bad the whole usanageent ut thre Castrera, and bas ulwaya borne a gond! roputatalon for hoasesty. le aras 36 jeans of ag,' ros boran and!bas llved bIhiruhle lite in Daratir. PROPERTY 0F ILLINOIS. Whet tie Aseeanors, Foisd, Conipared with Lent Figares. Tire State Board ut Rquallaatlon bas reveived train the public printer tabulatei itaiteweata ut assoasmottamade by ait couniy asesors lu tire Stato of the tai for 1>197 ou ail Classes ut property. losr- pareil roith tîte asseantment t f18M the preacut stotomnt la as folloros: trast9,I.lO842; 181>. 1.112.004 Vali- ne. t161. *1.ti.1.unr 10.49 Per iread; vaine. t8916, *12.,t0r8.782, or $11.3per oar!. t'attic-IMM7 1.5w. M188value.$1 tO.5ll54. or $6.58 perthoar!; lu1. t.mi4,15>t, raineý, lit.. (w6.9216. or $6.49 per tîoad. Motossuad aas19,90,192; value. il.- 004.872. or $11. 14 ~r bessd; Imt. 94,00,11; val- no, $112t8 or M1. 15per hear!. S1icep-1161. 446.8. vaine. $:184.740.,or 82 cerito pcr birc; IWO, 136 ,816; raine. $410.- mit. or m8 Conta@ prtîcand. Iloga. 1897, 2.00,tff:voliie. 82,M5.706. or liti 9r tRend; 111. 182.15;value. $2.- , ).82. r $1.!>; per reait. Franciea1617. 28; value. $19.016. or S118i.14 ermet, 18M)1 54; vaIue. 11,4,or $W47.481cr, Otectiadac 811.$21.886.494; lm11. $SM.- 5711.714. Atgrîcilinrai la.r1 1 rn1rlt.etc.-1897. moriiya of othiera tissua bukera or brokera- 111117. $8,630,410; 1IMM, M,1911.180. tlrirîls ti!tcand 7.$1.059.630: 180. $5S1... 'reaiîd agrestat, ut nenuienste!prop- ers, -18911 34 IMM 89. 8M.214.000). sirari JrOgate value uf persona] peulsp crîy187.l«.1o.113:19 120,42816,i 1tisrtioveil lati!- 18917. number ut aires., 2888.11:vainc. 1301,204,530. or 810.43 per arree: 11m, onibe ut ac sres. 28.761,640; val. ne. $0.9.7..or 10.65 9cer acre. t1trrrrct os18>6>7. 5,801.3112 arme; value. n1it)tit. or $3.8909Purse lm186 5.825,111j acres; value, *30,270. , .or $4 per Totaol sggnegate nurofu acres lu tonds-- 18M1. 34.6m1.738S. value =11237.358. or $9..%4 licr tare. 1811. 54.5ff,768. vaine 19.,69,007. or $9.53 par acre. Improveil townitndClty lvts-IWtI. 657.070, vaine $22690Wope 5O ertt 86 6a2.538. valise $240,66K.81 or 81M8.82 per lot. trliproror lrtd-8 &3 17.531. value17.. 366.268 or $44.611per lot; 1896. 842.988, voliie 138.11211581, or S 4.29cr1lt. itallroar! peopeety. 1897. ageregatos as toi. luon: Personal property., 1812. 11: nutuubr aces. ot land!. 6.5, vaine $440l.759. or iff4.11 Srracre: Iota. 1,1026, value $2.31.or 84 ~jer lot. Total vaine raltrotar properly an 2.173,11). Italîrear! propert. IM9-Persoalpropcrty, iliffl,761; landa. 7»41acres, vaine $440,755. or 1<1<.72 per aRe"; lot.,16,w vaine 18751.752. or *4511.76 eci. Total valise of rsliruod prup. ervr. *$2,0115.268. .rtal vaine ail n.rpoty saesd. 1807, $713.745.717: 1896. j 1,)1463. ÂROUND À BIG STATEl' BRIEF COMPILATION 0P ILLI. w NOIS NEWS. *mellah Lnnac ommislsis l' seeithIe Atslmu et Kanahskee tf Blg Company Exceeda ls Corpora- 1I tîvi Privnera -Hiler tliplodea-Notes , (lettînu ]de&* for Lr'ndea. tr An impratireent aItlire Illinuisaëit- cr Hrpa tire otirer dn axors ti r -'kl ut JruiutM. bMcflougsl, chair,,îî if tleIn' Boardm ut Lonaey, ut ldonu. fils eîrr.mîrr tu tire I'tited Staues in to irisnt-hiitimne w bospitit, i-IIra vies- lu su-ing irtesa liaI uîr holise,! l'tua'in Aniit, r Institli u ts of uilnon.IALutnii .)t-rhanve sevotentis-insane irospitalo. <lie liu- C Ranidi-enosfutlandl bave bruiri iteriiucýth lu uh! i-il' as a ile. and hotldirgs,'a iliil, ho ere'r-i'rlaita sut of At0,<tl. 1 present itîrer etelgIrI manne boallutils mIto.du ireiltig :M).000 îiatIlout-.n.l addition tu tirese tIretarte,11<p1aients I huardi-do rivately at the expeuse of tire ùoutt. Tire nn'îv nstîitions art de'sigtn- tii for thi-se al. Tire Kank-rku'o' iitîsl-a iiotn iuîunosaod Me. CIoîaltavmny Ill. ".id il waste r- arexl approanct u a miolîl rt ny i'ie inrpe-ter!. île iras in- terna l li tir ottrîage ytei. %s, ' luiie woiuilI rer-rnmnremrî tonrn Ironîlirînb tîunti sctutleisane case.e Hat-t oeparal<ve Purer. K 'hFlniiunia Iailr! aad larehinë i' Commisin iiia urepaing tlu îuc'e il sgrm ua l t iiti,u Stockrardsi -naundr!'ain- it C(rin y l,un if 4 'ir-,r. Il i laciitd, tt utii-nrutheû ni mibs oi-'ctî'i i îni ate pt.oei-ali in»lvinulîrtinng th' la".tof ut ther Sus le îîy oing ot ber thoîtns ennilrd% husitîî su, forni- itnh t 'as iier-ntqmuent ma 1s n-nllu--tiîng nof-ti iii li- ftrr i rk ieinug ndoun, la ou-n'rnring tigrtrtmiesoru ii iii tr;n-n-k b ud ejgirt>-nitre aille. stiming niaC ,1 Cminty>ha. ni ling nuit-k mi ntîsiuln' ti quantit>- tho itnimn'. itoe, igt irat. irore n. coUIolau i trer cîuirmoiijîs fi-uni Snnuthr ChIcR t-a the iu'plant ont tirheum g.,ti Sen-Ie Compan taBrlidgeporrt, nuitl o-irer ti Plant la opernting hlilit i xlimu-l teont f tire Pauttoluvaoîua clri1roa ards i nîl Chicago for transplortaîiuîu luolirer eail- roadu. t Cokin. chool l1.t)eelded Os.* il At alnmeeing ufthtie Stole Boaîrd ut Ag- c ictîltuinu'tire exihit tuf ut "tooking %eh, o-i 1% or ueparluretit nitirhe conintg SînLe fair o-as e.niîireîi. The puition rîtf-tlarge f ntuirher mut oumen fuioriug lire emiîbuy- ment utflira. Ruiner tif Pilade'lpie a l taire charge ufthIis deîîartmeuîî bar! battu laliheooe tIre boni. as s-la lonefîvor- lux tire apploinltmenI of %ira, Siekies ut Chicago. Crut, Judy, iu urder tlu ire dus-n nil diarard, mirvu'nl Ibu lIe houd 1 providt for sncb uni exIibit, approprIateIt *M00fon ilo use.,ad appointIMrs, Satin- i der* tri lie charge. Titis motion s-ast uÏntirotisli adopte,!. This viii prove One of Ire mont laterestlag depanîmenta I of the cmlng Stabe fsir., Formur!Dear! ln aie Bad. J. Il. Conin. une ufthlie oldeat ami ment iruowu eltim'utaof lIer-atun, rotafoutir deui in heu1. IH retiritu in talnly guor ireuitiramidroiea calie inlutlIe morning nu respouse rame. Wbeu tIre room wsas on- tered ieho sas founr! lu have dit,! during tht ulgirl Mer..ourlnana umost 80>-ara oId anrd barlresidoml lu Decatun for alali- four years. lie s-a qulte pronineul la Buniai' acirool andr!Msamic vok, iuvîng aorte-i as Stale premîdeat outhlie tonner assocation. unr! s-asgrand intlen ufthlie Maturilc Gran(t! Laitueutlîlinois lua18f ami ISÉIfi, hoing th lre dot living pail grani master. Mi-. <brin tierveni ont ses- sionr in tlie Laiglature in 183<-5?. Fatal Hiler lExplsion. Tire boliers lun atoo-tory brick bIrulîn- lng mîed as tire eetrie ligIrI pus-en bonnse, roater j.umplng atâtiot anr! genr'rai mili ut MIrnton, hies- tp, killlng trou pe-ule, seionoli' injuriîig anriher aur! ligbtiy irurtitig nîbers wro minire sanning itan tire place. Tirebuilîdings-as compietol>' s-rocker! sudpi""es nf Ohe' mon atiar t- bora o-env biraon îtredg of na-i' ceverul bottais in lie vicinit e hinu dam- agoni. Thetoîp ot the tus-or. 1,ui)fer-tÉ a-. wonvuablos-tioff und! i-on trriit loo lire ifles.riloîgine bicek. Fineniaut Ge'orge U(im mcanîrol explaunthe ( -anse ut tir.- explosion. Drive sontlTrompes, Arcula %s.thte mi-tue ut aihleau-ie- ment tire onirer nlgirt. 0f laie the tranmpa s-ho are un'ailiug Iru or Irhave IWrolull pltunilereu tire gardn'unî Fr-pitent i-oui- plinto.ahave bot-nmode hi' fermie!*& l ving non-nbofuthuie ci' dmîtcr-tiirg lIre npre- dationsa. Sheriff Bagln', it. oh,-r liii"e- lue police force anu! eight s'a-unîtd.1nui- lien, moule aa i nulruthie' tnrinae. tii ni- 400 oif tirot 'a-ri- nri eutnîtl t t hi'e r- beinier! norhirard. More Perger!Poiper A otucre. N'a frîrgen! papier has couleiclunlightuliii lire Irranîd batik Affair, îmlîarge'rtmount binz beIlli' yChicago, Bîlîril mandl-rie- ponItibonks. lIrerseutritivin nirftir-n- een nn i ung un ftrners îvhnae 'lote's r e, m-Id rt colalorai f tnn i nid nn'îr- ]y' ail forger]. Nontout la hilin-ver1lu Irrîvi starteti tnrr te KlonilinInun. I'csi- dent 1S. A.IBlake', Norton'. nthri-lrv onyxlire o-ltmoire goulime inr-a nf Ci-nn liora &u fer as able. FuoluAoke for a Heaume« Fltoiinu ciirirs bave almlreta*erl tir junge 1 CentorutRoek Isiaunr ilnut-unijettec un lti' the legs-i taîliaofuthie tr-ouble over the, proposedr rioval ort li iCm-n Hmiis' uffice tron u ltion. îandîbamkingbehlmthîrî rthey bhoeris-ietel huaveîm'aofairheiiritig buInopen courrt ut a regulrutîn hnu, ivtnrtIre rtunîter may ho detetauuted ipnîlitilmrd- i&taI.efiers in fiet. r lui-ny MiliiColi't, Chiago ou tnroulait deuid in NeVok, The bhum anr! c-ntents, beInnngingtg i Willam Hoover of Flos, nene lextro.ned bi' ire. Rqntu. Lane expecbo nul enrlieit rf il15,18.8) pupila iu tire Chticago t ins Bbeibj oa Wllle Deirolee ot lage arille "Scoccir fi. -6 "IlilaiTeIl" miser! Ils uart augenonl>'voanr!ed TIrorua sW f S t. Lonis el Xeula. Soîther I llinois bas iceà sui from ittother bot vave, the mtronî' sterng 103 li Ire airado.k l'rotessor J. C. Ament of ltwkIt iatiý vos e-ton! presideDt eofte terultosm iocnr-l ciroot nt Alvu, 0. T. MIif blot Colt, WvirU assirt bi an nu- knos-a assassin a vek sg, il eutgo- i-nia- 'liere slaunoeltv lu tir e uedener. Go-orge Welr, a Chricago geais trimmpt., vas cul tu pire« b>'an eletrioe arU9 Ninu'ty-lirird sîreet surd Both Cileas ('iriles Kuener, a parole paient 84 lbe Cook ('unnty ins»aneuyloa, Jouaget ml ire ni i'rvuic un tire giovadi al vUe lcronerd. 'rie drainage board bus reJe«ter!anIl , rida tor lire voir dam and lad uete t, Lock1îort unr! ias orderer! Ibat cew O ui liug:neee James Benatsas killedt ai a roreci ounlIre Coul City dîvisaIetutlb* - Ciieu, & Allaot. TIcs irai! ien piai mn thetlrack. Tire ateatu barge CiI t fBéagarla flic oay tranChicago tl uffalo «»,! 17,9)(.) irshels of coit l hrgeul ea*. ever carrie! ou tirelaites. Abouitune Irndre!dasnj irnulc ose. KuUftinted iti a lire ntl M06Wesl lLîdl mtre"l. ( ' ircagu. Parrotu*and mmb Lé the' ri,mue store vert rescee,. A outltlurecover posemion ut eigOty nreutflaoulun uhe s-est aide, la tire hut if tIre rtiheerp district ut Chicago ef* wrn h trlin tire nigirbonrbuor! ut4,00AOI,, nîill île r-gun mbortly. C'harge-îs ut atbempîs lu solicit bries là neirîilf rithlie soutb lus-n asseesot byai'- legi-iýlrerentatives of tiraI officiai veM. mardi-hifrire lire Finance Committfe or tire C'oi. onl>'Board. Eut-lftht--b1,00-6 mcmbof thtie Chi- cocu Firein's Mutuel Aid Socltyboo mlotnatenl$9; utfiris puy tor Augal e lbn farnl;es ut the six liremen klle Inuf t»lb Nur!lrregîera eleralun fin. T'ie Chricago, Burlînglon & Qulaqrnam lu Chicago trots Guteesrg Weh~ ulihî thîrty-seven trais, conlta=aq ccaas ut trelgil, vhlcb la the iarget iiuO4V ivuni la tIre iIstoc ufthe roand. Jolu tvPadOildresldlngs ean Snmae,%. fildr! irasbraker tireIbitgsipple ceuew! vIlà oentlpicked lahiis oreirnai là b Belle-Dotrà vanaetj, veigru trltF'; ounces, and! la lie unr! one-baît lncirei- diama-ter, Spring Valletyiras trocomplcte MU fe ý sciruol teacirs, unr! theappaie laaai iy s-altîî a" e.vial the efeet lm vien tire effort la madie t u nir the jeqi ides twrshoot la tro differnaldireli , lire mmin ie. -- Tbree s-urnsprêe! theaedy bpa lnes lj savlng Ivo otrel'roomen, irîi*!I* und! overeome birstanks, teous a lig l e Calumet apartiment bous et eea3. sîreel anr! tirellinaois Central l~ Grand Croaleg. Mr. Harrit Blue>'died ut Mofrj Hea pîtal. Chicagos thtereaît of,*' UUw round lalilete! by Hm"g Duakwe M8' ut Jealus r, et Ire saine tbuvEI = bec bnshmnui, Richard Store>, vie .!ý Ire same yard wvire r &. Btouag %a pired. Mes. Edmond Pemar vf.e Pour station agent ut StL MaryVU b>' a trainoer Ihat villSe. Ohé huahaýnr! ere niinsa elr anr! Mes. Psrm -e n-rrs breoU lu tire maicmleryas Ire train tirem. Thte elvator aetiMadisosnU "Inrq by (ire, etaillng a 1lues0rit abol* The building wvasaevenlj te« lg. rutraine! 45,000 isiels of rbact-- ing but tire bhoka utthe office vas e.lud ano lierce dir! the lire betomn un setý ly dld Il »prend!. H. 8. Tanner, attorney' tor Mm à, â4 Sheppurd. causer! à sensation ut ?amI filint lantire Circuit Court a pnee*#7 suit agaîls Mr%. William Bilt eh'rI 000, clalming tirut mes, Bbeel bas aite tIre affection$so ut ebonbion, parties art proouinent. Ail tire records. ibooks. papoete1, the Suprerne Court ufthe nortireml dilvisioni vert ahîpperi lu Opelrtaliati. roquire! trocuras le ecunvej tlas vIricirbas hotu uccumulating for the M*" litly jl'ara. AUl business pertalmlag te, . coîurt beretfer wviiieb.adaineasit16, Springfield. Articles ut incorporation bave U filer! ritIr tht Secretenj utfSMile tOi r# or:tiisalon orthtie Ptkla, Taett,I Peornu Ialroa!Compas>'. Itla lu r pusd ai- u ild ami upeuste aueleetle lWe rondm, cutrying passengens, U31ileî $411M mati., cunsruct bidges scrostire 1%"%i river. oe. tram Peonla te Pekli. capital stock la $150,000,.< Tir? Oral suit tor violation rut the id rlgirla bill, passe!etuthe ils se qi-lb Stat,' Leglature. vas trie!btl.~m tjre Thromas 8. Graves, O aV rl justilce ufthtie pence. George V. Lao%, negro connîy commission"e iiof 'Ii Conty vas tire plaintiE, Dýome lire i"iertd the saloon ut A. e i-aili'i for a drink. fie vus loir! It chat hlm $1. und! he ubjeweletalupoila prive. 'lie suit toliorci!. Juice d isin esoil lIrecase u sut vont»r nomtice ufthtIe court. I ai tempt viii hoe matie b tant Ire la.r A oMIrotesaiepoiannlng oucurfet l tsmly ut Houri' Mitlie, flvIat a* trorpotig.Tiepioi.Ul.1 ndnulnigtertd ut gebatla scetiubit,!cteub>' Nqeamlit tee amfMr. Miller. lOse -dà a ruit oftire bahj girl, gedlSnI» là ulbers ofthle faucrnl sbe oMe, a u serionis condition am.: rlfi'. Simoa, ADMI~s, Oe auir!Agnes MlIe-uni S.PbW sti-vaent. Konau Ile« rl hauve at"inlentr ihepeomN- lînlk intilligetlte tisItues, ut# AI Aiton une tetZWUIi ouî,rksouttire l"43 "u

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