CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Sep 1897, p. 4

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îl te pot-offlesai lbotyvlltis. thoeIb Elgin Board Monday ffM offeringa, 3<10 mtb; Il vers lie; huiler lât vee .mlàl for "a ean &go for 15(t,16. civil service commissioni wisbhi avay money ta psy for auy ou neect.d with ils -0 ou, elther lu Washington or1 iwie vhmu sncb information uMay ý_ýebâ ha ibojit psy iug a cent, by .4reoling tbe U. S. Civil Servies ~jtmn.Wahigtoni, D. C. The Commercial lireetory, lassud by t»eBureau of AnerlicanIteptiblca, bIas aied Havai1 wthoiil vaitlng1 lot vthese Snate toact l pon tbe liaI!.i ~la a band lbook juat issued by tbat1 tmurean, la aprospectus of Ibm Oommercial Di>reclory, sd a liai Of «w. counîries tht viliibe preaenled Sbeiin, snd lu the ]lut la -The United ttes (ncluding Alak4nd ilawali.>' Thi bilakeeping np la date sud a 1111e ahead. - illier gsomebody bas hoe mislaken about Utheaaiaxy belng insuficient la t e *ttract a lira clans mn, or e lot of seacond rate architecte are Iryiug for thib position af Supervising ArchiWme o tbm TreMûriy. A sîecil examina- " &ô alla 51 Iisoffice la blng bed sud n e fai, uesrly eigbîy architecte 'hsve »rntined Iliemamîvee foi' exaiialioe. _- 'hlé officiai bas emarge of the erecion :« aU publie building. Ironglionî Ibm Ono o! the keotiest prohîcios yret teckled by Attorney Gmeral Mieoenna A.1i te econstruction viricié shall ho eplanaid upon Ibat portion o! Ibm nev Sui UIulmpoaing disrminatlng dullea. U wm vire!erred to hlm hby Secretary ïGMenometîie ago. for an opinion. mbem alter lan ofvaut Importance 10 5 Ae Wo are inlerosted 1h our io"ge commorce, levol-vIng Il in *died, revenuel b lteiteut o! ~.l00)a joar. ~The oxperimen; of alng crrier pfigeon. la aiiy information tram oui W*vréips tu laud, vbich vas tlied duinag lb evlutions of tbm Noth Agsaile lquadron luIbm eAlantic off 4oCharles, vas Baucb a complte ~~esthal Ibe Navy Departmont wvI brafte, rogularly mabe use of those >lirafer novacurriora. The neyavas Si this .case Sliben front thm flaap Xèw ov!rk te Norfolk Navy Yad, anud î L4#U Ibero telegiaphed 10 Wahngon tbe.pltag the departmieut informei mi svO gery niovomont of Ibe iquadron. Fiance la lhe fIuaI conntry t10 ualyi tbb ju gvrnment of lie dosre la seure beb hfcrms of roclprocly provIdmd for VSY the nov tenritaw. sud the Frenchu k*babmador ha. foimaliy appild for %4ba»daction i hem duy on articles e lPrieub production tbat lihe Proal. ;det la autborizedd b main by sPtoclm&Utou, benever, in bis discio. %10%on h. consldera thm coucesaions _ àlO e a vrrant sncb acion on bis put. These articles are limitmd tb hss.dy, champagne, stliii ine and verMOuth, snd paintinga, draiups Mnd alauaxj, sud the reduction of ,, 417 latuabot 2%.The French AMbassador t4imise ugiven notice that hi# csiouentry wshcs ta negotlatea e4 .eueraI xcipîacity treaty vith tlb el, nifledStates, lu accordauce vlth tle prvisions o! the ne- Iaiiff. This lai prvdem that Ithme realles shaîl, in %' aditon tn besng ratted by lbe Sénts Me bc .approved by Cougrens." Ibis la tIbmtirs$ lime bliat Ibm cousent 09 Ibe Bouse ban been made necesary Se Put a lrmstyl mbelI,,ct. but tlimaI reasou uhy it May ni t ac sgoc Preaeul indications are It Ilth i. oulre clvil service 1ev sud mIes vil K be pasaed upon lay the u. . Suprem, 00ourt libmtheieaifuture, sud tlise à» jamore or fens repidation amoni Sgoveranutnî afic3ass vba hav aUPPOamd tIbmmslvmo s ncbaied in Ille liuio posilone, nudmi tbe praoeti] ciffIbai 1mw sud the rmIea prescribe for île enforcemmul. A lest Ocasinla bO 110d" o! Ibm suit hronght lu .1>lMdrtlo! Columbia Court, by Joli $1 LWoods, af Louisville, Ky.,t pýteut hlm immoral by Ibm Posîmasie tle)Rrin, s position la Ibe clam, Mdservice vithoul a" chargi hsAong beun nmade Agalut hlm. Ti "I Mo vas la have homu hoard laturdsi gtaposlponmet for oneo v.ob v fs*d s-d obtined by tbm counself( tbam POSMtmsatoi dereaIsd fil M uce thatno matter hov il ma ýýÎ"ed dbV Shi@ court, it inla l J. L. Fl berhba #ocee la Lake. Villa vbere ho assumes Ibe agucy. Soiry1 tO shlm go sud cabr lhuIes i"ka Traies No. 9 sud 10 have lieou dis. oontiled. Nom, il sud 14 have chaugsd tins.. Thare are no uday trinls ex- cepstlmitk train. Maried, nt the Buffalo Groeà cburcb,, Sept. i, lMr. Tho.. Lynch sud UmsaClle Pitspstricb. Mr. Lynch vas formerli ot Prairie Vlav, but nov ieiides et Lake Vill,1 sud Mima izpotnici. ta su AnUngIOn 0Heigt. lady, Thmy ara bth wvo» sud favorably knowu alhis'bocallty. Afier a sbot viit at Milwaukes Aud Foudulac lbey vîllI hom bre aI Labo Villa. The youeg couple hava theo boen viabes of Iheir many friends. A.QUEER LITTLE ANIMAL rae AUtst" umekNIt Gaas s 5a11u ][a 0ai x«. Autmu liacetiiiuly bold. thm palm for qumer sud uncoullianimal&.,aaYo The Literary Digest Oblef smoeg Ihese in the duckbiloe rnlmthoihychiuavhlcb Iyduey Smiihdeaoilied sa "a kind of mole iib webbedfatsdthd ll OfMet duck. vhiib .gîtated Six Josepb Buba and rmndealhlm mieralle tou bis cIter inabiuHly 10 decide whmlbor il vwu a brdor alie"a" lt wau ly --meil that Ilva proyedl belond a dout ihat ihia curions animai lay agg. 1km & bird, lbough Ibis liad long limon -pot" liy travebri. lqov comei Ibmnova Ibai Ji bai a aIma on ie@ hlud leg, capable cf huIla1 by lis polaonoua effecla. WOi quoe fracs The Lanct: - For a long lime itvwu oualdemd tu0 lie quisbarmlosi sud desitute cdt&auj vospon of ofoumo, altbongb the bled1 leg of tb. maeoavere rmedibà povorful spur, apparenlly coneociedi vith a gland. Thon the opinion wvia d- [vaoed Ibal Ilim migit lie s wemo&,- lied ta Ibm poisonous armScd tmabei mopionsansd heau., al etwich pommes à noul et bypodermie pcisou syringo. Tbougb one mot of obuervers amrtmd tbth bwuvthe mcam, suother set de- nied Il, sud m Dr. Stuart deiormînod Io buiye ibla question, if posible. Ho M- celved tvo independmu maloette wbicb ,oincided perfectly, sud front ilerhêo ccluclud.e Ibat. et certain almal &Ua evet., thé secrtilon la vixuleitly pol. mcnuc. The mode of iltack lanet bY scatiohing, but hy laterai buvard mois- meute of tbe bled legs. Tvo caes ame reported lu dcg.. One dcg va. 'atunn' Ibis, limes. Ibm symptomi lunchli oaem- blleg thalle ot hem or boenet poison. The dcg va.s vldently lu greaslpain sud drovsy, liui ibere vnotrimom , on- valons or MabWrive Ih la woeliu ct noie Ibal a certain immunlty moom oh- Minale. for tbe dng iuftonmd lems on Ibm meond occasion and 11111 leu on the Ibird. T-vo cases or meu heing wvcnded au repoted. lu lb ho vbicb the ani- mas voie irritiu.-d, one by belug @bo sud hsudled, the. nîber by bing liandlmd only. The sympînrus vero thbM me a. te tbm dog. No deathsamaie rported in human beinga, bel four ialu a.o" . FIRST SUNDAY SCHO OL. * r cntRakes"a. 1 la rocuntleg the miniâtrtilcns ot John Weley le Georgia, wbeim lhe fa- mou. preacher aowmd ibe fOnt mod o Miotb'aimin luAmerico, tIeBoy. W. J. lact. D. EJi, in The Ladiee' Home *Journal, cla.ia l Wesley e.tabliabod the fitSucday col uinm the ald ut Savmnual. lau connection witb bis ob- ror laliors. whbi ers Iudeed prodigion., 2Wmsley, nmnaiter bis arrivalinl Geor- rgla, le 1786, liegautla piovido for the g uudayabol Iestruction cf Ibm chul- dietcfthe plilh. Bis davotion ta chîl- dieu a" ime. almcsl amounted la in- fatuation. Chidren vexe ikevins equal- ly aitached le hlm, aab ove iu Ieir Intericurmo vith hlm. Both on veek 8days sud Salibae ogave no 111110 aI- etention la edecaionai vork. Au a pre- 1limieaxy lalior on Ibm Sabliath hefare Ibm J&eveniug service lia requrd ilam tu gconv ie ocburcb, aIiib ime ho catecblaed tbem thoeabgly sud ici. if lahed Ibeni vitb dditional teachiel hmonthIboBible Ilamîf. a lu tbm psent Wembyan Memral Le churcl inbuSavannah thile a sSonday ea macbol m uta vehicb bundrada of sv childien crowd for Suudysyruiyon. nu The original seliol vawfu les nnumber le but il we. unqnotonshly the OirsI Sun- day achool lu tbe vorld. Wben, laugli liy Wesley, il nnmbered betvean 60 sud Mt75 icbolars, bul from ail acounustoa i ry verofew if auj Indien boysinubisaear- la lier classes. A veiy bigl a anlority, Sir d Chles.baReed, M. P.,* LL DE., o!et Im aud, i cearly of Ibm opinion fibltii Bundsj irbool va. the irâI foueded in he the vorbd, sud that if sutodate. bya Il half century themascer initruction ei ne Robet Baikea at (lbouce.ter, Engîaid a. sevel as the frsicboob bu Amoiu sg ulionRaffles' plan whicb v abta lishledm n Ibe ity of New York. kv - - - « _ f BASE BALL. Camas to ho Played ai the Lake Caunty Fai. Enlrie clase Mouday, Sept. 13h, ai 8 p. tut. purse o! $40. Enîrance fmo $.00 l tolie sdded tii puits.. Mns.y divlded 150, 35 snd 15yenrcouut fpurese. Ail players muât le hons-Ilde esidents of Labo Couty. Thisa l a iperative. No. I mpomled playem awifl be allovesi B ay oplay under auj circumnatantcea. The nIt, Saclely rmaserves riglat la deelare gamma tor aif if for auj rossons aatisfactory An bue arrangeineula cannaIlie muade villi l'v ieassu, ,t.-rtng 0or in Camse01 ai Mnr more or bos ludouhî o etmr a.M oig~ ey weat..r ____. __DUNSey Wesky Cup Uîlein.Strayed Horse., WOOWyCrop ulletn.bIbave se aId boy hose, whiteosao 'or lneokeding Sept. 6, î197;for bu foraboat! i my possession vhich liteainlois. alraymd lola myfildIt!Augut 29. mmpmroure versged fron, 1 degree Ovuer msj bave se by slhing ant! :W.Oib5 la to degroos anti payiug changes. 1 mnuioe norma nsivluoconcties .J. W. W RITPET, Diausont! Lake. 9 ltufal frocs a trace &long thm $0 ret iolches i Deuque; Bull for Sale. vea1cfDm11,11>asd Gundy 1 bave s Ihreeme oad bull, grade m o4 lver. cm Ibm bt-$&. Durum vhb1IVian e I La 0 n.e ilaa SM aI iNo veut bas 1Vmry fiue animal. C&Uand sue hlm ai my ini ers ae miP <04 fam tva mues math o! Boadout. U 1la.smln thePAa1acx BRAauta. aR! The Saies et llood<m Ssisr=l Md l lluol ali.viA itsu MAINESVILLE. H. C. Psddob csllbed on fiaonds lu Ibis vilisgo auiddj Dr. and Mis. Mickey are coulemplai.1 ing a triplae Californie. Scheel commenced mouday vItb Mr. Toiree as teachor. ises AbusaBHendee opoeed bon Scheel Mouday, Augut 30. Cbaley Tamker la tho prncd poa. memor or a braun ee buggy. mm ra. sterahall sud lin. Parrot have purcbaaedDr. Elcb's faim.9 Md amilb, et lova, called on old filent!.-lau anivlelenlas: eek. Mr. De Vo la havieg a nev cellAr enider hie boni., &amone npairing Mima Unace Battlershall neted Bat- urday from a viit villi relatives in Chicago.4 Mn. and Mia. Parot, of Chicago,4 have beau vlaitieg vilb relatives here roehtly. Mr. Gorman bosigli a born. e l.h clly, aud rtunend vitb IlfBxnday ai- lernan. Wit Parker returnod frocs Chicgo Priday. visb tva boises, vhicb be le- tend. la vieler. Fred Mdd, o! Chicago, va. Ibe guest oa!Ida paient. reoeetby, sud hi. son, Fouler, accompanled hicsborne. D. Rlcb bas purcbased libm rnideuce of Dr. lllcbmy, vbmrm ho intenddatla movo hie tamiby, sud relire frocstfaim. ing. Mra. Hfenry Wells and M. Wells. asaer, lira. ileblie, visited relatives le Barieglon sud, Waucouda tbe peut veek. Mjin Bscheot(Ianmely ha. retuiued la ber home in Chicago, SudMisKim aite Gormua accompaeled ber, lâtending te remau uovral veoks. Charles Acon, recmntby o! Haine- ville, but late of Indianea, caliod an finonda boeo, and labos bis daugt.r, MisJeunue, vbo hmbas imn mayiug villa ber graudparent., vilbhlm. WARREN. John Woo bu ha. ens mlou a vieil. Jalrx. Walter Duulap entertalued Ihm ;.C.8. lent Wsdnomday. Mr. Arthur Pealbersonbaugb bas Te- luruod frocs hieIova trip. J. B. Bra&cher, vba bas ialurnmd front tbe Bunffalo eucampmeut, reorate a flue lime. W. 8. Price sud wvlm teck lu' Ibm vbalehscb excursion ta Mlwauke sud report a good linie. Amoeg Ibm Te coul Chicago visilar£ Wrm J. J. Foozor, Rl. Grant, J. ClaP- baansd Lounie l'aller; ase Mesdames Poler, Wlbur sud Dcehain. We uudeiataud Ibat lue Ssngatucb Bridge la considered unsaf ansutops are holng iabea-to r eplmcm Il vitb a nov sud modem utructure. Tite Prohibition PFlavas vel aI-, teudet! sud tbe speeches of Stevart, Hill, sud Shav vere voit imcmved. Monté hy Ibe Arien Quartetva. fine. And al luaail vona s sceme. Tbm gurnee school opened luit Mon- day vilis hr. Simpson agate as leacher vhlcb avoaks Weill0o! Ma popularlty lu Ibis lociltj. We uudersisud ibat a mucclilanger number laerolled Ila term ibtan usal. Our soboola commencefagile tâte veeh. blb.theacool lu distrit No. à pieaided over by Min Pearl BrniIb, e! ourumo, ranch ieternat la mutilent- ed amang tbe pupill, wich speae voîl for Ibm teacher. The newo iat bave arrlvud and vill las plaoed Inuppc. ilion seon. loveraioof arnes joung piep ejojed Ibe excursion bc Lake Geneva laat Ssturday. Ase ietimd lualima la pailicipate lu the surprise Party perpetat.dl on Leenis Potier tu boter of lis 151h Birtday. munie for the occasion vs. furilbmd bj the diurne. Cornet baud. Aloone fiue aelectboei vere rended by e Da1.011 vhich goes vithoui ayimg are alwai good, after vhich a flue lunch va. lu keplcg vltbh rasetreMi. Pellmrainouai gecor- ou bosplality. AI] depsrtod l hsb. ing Iheir triend Ptter many a returu a! 0 bte happy ovet. GAGES LAKE. Herbert Manchester vigitiet hi oume tst week. Iciioal openet! Monday villa Henry harron sasteauler. lira. Muon la vlsiilg ber daughter Mrs. W beler iaIGilier. Miss als lbrtîbi bas gone te E vansten la attend scisoof. Dolpb Chard sud vife, 0f Chilcago, oire visitons bore lent week. it Herbeort Phelposud Mataer Lillan, of d Chicago, are vlisilng relatives be. Ada Manclieater iturnmd te Chic.- go lenI veek t4, ranmm ber voîk tu ir teachiug. g- Misses Leone sud Elvis Olibmoro, cf is Chicago, &pent ttunday vith Ibeir nparents bere. lira. MacLacla andme!!mily wvi bava speul tbm summet bore rolumned cita their home le Chicago lent Fniday. a, Misa Viols Pholpsansd fnimut Mise Da Eastman returced te their borne in - Chicago aller spouding s ev days vlsiling trieuds bore. la W ell Dirsooin e.. r T GRAYBLAKE LOCAL- NEWS. Mis. Blienusula autbold le orecoive subauIptions sd à idvr.nt@ k for j eeîa nu n wvu T m o e r , for J bp rf e u &g. 5 enORber for rates J. J. LOUOeàauGeoy. Na.. A. IL W=Éley gêOi u o ftiBaturda7 evenn 0 Evaaix Nn.5Y. C. eOs.. »»oo0. Clar. Mua Ba09s ae.N.A on Orayaemufl k UVlOfir. Prouldent ..... ....... . . - S eman E. ber ........O. . e Ben lerk .................D baffer. W=a t =aaC r ap e auppir lea Tbey isuepuhsa rae lisses orhedieic f viaba captreciproomtmd vill recltmm, soue'. %seec e. t.à hi viaiois PrenonsieOrMM Mesd MeedâmsOrceai, TsocU, BOOb, 1-w. Ales, Sa bmu, soidmI, l*vP Mavls, Kulrn, Lais sud M£nom, limadule Oonnmr, Callas, Eoays, Heideob sud Lats, Dr. sud lin. Tbompeon, mms Dr. Bostnice Peaoe sud MIme Peai.. lits.Dr. Albuigbt, Dr. Beau sud MLs; Beausudlin. UPham, o!e Vachogan sMd lr. sud Mr&.. etchad- soua sud MmIs. umsoftVole sud severml Onsyslabe gentlemeon. ROLLINS. Msxj Hoob vlalted Anioeh fInonda Glja lev attended the Ladies' Aid Society Tbuisdaj. Umss Oomin speni severaldays of lait veoh luaOhiogo. L« yP. GlIbenI, o!fGages Labe, luimdayed as ROI».. MhemAmeso, et Saed Labo, viaitet! trenda lIollinThunadaj. wit Derby la on te Ibm 1mliaI. Dr. vliied vith friends lu Chicag hi meo n inaliefdiflg bile. veek. Sidney Carfield in rejoioing over the MUn. Phaleu and eilidren, of me-. arrivat of a little dangbier. Henry, worm the guestâ of Mr. snd Mmr. C. W. Bamillon, eniertaned Mra. Sams lvtiler. frieuda frocs the ciiy laat veek. Boule nahermen out 10 S. LItvileis E£y& Hamilton, et Chsicago, vilslled ,%at week cagbî nmre fiue lias ber grand parents hore lait veek. weigbieg 4 to ii Ibo aplece. 1 Ophells a atilonlail&gfain asPeter i. and UmnGaine., father andt Rings &Mlr a biai stsy luibmthe 11. siater o! Mis. Shaltor bave ioturued la Boni, Aug. 31 . la Mis. oyston 1he01 home ai Rousion, Ohio, aller a MoKeuzle "e Cors Edwards, aslain viait of moenuor might vask's vIth the mon. Dr'L f5Ini7., UmssTurner-. 0f AüUbloup, vi bua The Buanet Offering of tbe Conu-libeuviailg relative., bore baa return- gregaional cburch lent Fiiday vu ef home. àvory encoafnl boUs ileancially sud Minute Drury vbo ba beau "aing tsoeialy. Worthy of espeulalmention lMn* W.*White mt Fox Lako han relura- wia the lecture by Mrs. Larbi inlutIbm d home. B voiiing, vhich Was veîy good. A.B .ltc ia ok oaOd a W. A. Lough and famlly and tipi. A. D Rih let wek prch Bond snd family froin PourthLàLab boum and lot of Dr. al. N. Riekoey, of bave ioturned la lbe clty. s Raine«evi. The Dr. lmmodiaiely purchamol a lot on Park Ave. of John Y~. Vende Edvirds taxiod Monday W lob@and viiiprobably buiidtoroon lor Chicago uhere ibm vlU attend In tbh eai sfuture. We wW lbc Sied achool tlii. inlor. lag have Dr. snd Air. lliobey na rosi- E. C. Sable, 09 Autloch, openàed lisa deuta of Grayalabo. Tbey vii lirat go achool bore Monday. lie succeha as a la Californie fors lenglhy stay. teacher meurealu a good achoal Ibis TheoGrayslike botel viailari Ibm vint.?,e il. inboad as Anutoch. peat voek vere: T. W. Brophy, X. C. Doolittle snd fanslly eutertied a Lawley, Wm. Hi», Thorulan Gilbert, bout of friends snd relaive. lait va". Mr. and Mia. Burnof, Baury Simone, Ansong them veoe Mr. snd Mis. Walter Adami, Will D. sud John R. Biermail, Libertyville; Mr. snd Kra. Gleunon, S. Nevcomb, 8. 8. sud A. C. Bairstov, Waubegu; Mr. andKr. Barrett A. Adkinm, A. W. Wllcox, Chia. Jeeba, dangttrs Xli and Lacis Came khaeider, Omo. Thayer, A.1 Belle, of Chicago and Allie Ccnninghamn r ricoon, alàof ChJcago sud L. A.; Mlîburu. : ray, DeK5lb. Luat Saturday nlgbl lb. many finonda a NM. sud lira. George Thayer report a of ]Miam hale and Lacis Belle Jeuka flu in Ue sud montexcellent dîne u mmbmd autItie borne aetOimlui tbe cl ans ob ont aitSn Sillinea ai!'Doelittle sud gave them a goncine Pintakie Lake lasi Seeday. Six or 1surpriae party. Dancing vsle. eigbt dufferont kindi of ment& sud dclged, la munie boing by liarp and meverai hindi Of yeseleeors edorgan. 11sf rohmecisvoeséerved min and 500 people utai ov ai tbm lble..lais boni sud everyone declared a Kira. W. B. H406 Wyovb@ a.visiting la louerai good lime. Mines Jecei i Widsvoith aompmeled ber brother. beave for tbm clly Monhay. sud fansilm tu Sb* marne place. AS. Murray and Wolfe Rtneurid te Ne.IUibDr. Uas' Ilmaera. tl .Piovle ILE.MU IRR AY. ngi e er for 11M aIà Reuire.MercantieCo.. sprnt- sa& ,Mo., avîles: -inmou"d f oe ont mis diirem ea sasliE av"ra pbhydelausvllhDot 1 .sI 1bsmmMaM~ b s iaiSl vm"sd imablets t md te wm d v *-Wh ec lnDle.' Matamvo kta b vu. veI. Mi h"t aae»vm oai- lmilabaof La Giggs pmmii as te mib. Webaths lmVnme bbe 19 Ibo Granulatet! Suger ................ Ifasona Fruit Jars, Pine Dot .......... 4 Gllon Dosm..... ..... Cse Tope for mesonJana.. ý............ "luliber...................p.1-. 4 Double Ibeels lllcky Fly Paper.... A. B. Lîpali t lve PoUa4h--------------.. 4 Ibo Keecha raobrs................ Ooilon.wpSr iav Miting yd .... Ladie. Shrt Walats patternei, te. StandardPFilea pr yd.....-..... Mes SOc QualllyCundoir ....... TERMS CASH. F. D. BATTERSHALL. -- Illinois. ýWorth Looking Intol' vo.vWoiu. This ta an oppo»rtune itute ltuiuy good guls, vionu you eau huny tIliniglat. Pri,'etare- awa.v tiovunouthe roîlowlug; (lamaI Syel Conpenrtmin te l'umpklu pur cati . ....... ..... lipiced 8Sadines... ..... .... l ilveel Biscuit Bskisag Powden par l, . î.16 "a-o: aIle Vanilla Extraci......... ............lic Wlld Chrry Phosphate penr fil t,' I ('an Blackhorrlee ...... ................., Hues lInt limer........................14c (icutiLange liannunaspen dii..............l(bc Orale Baga ...............................14e Mens@ BalbriggnUnerveaàr .................. Fa H. Kuebker, - The Wmi of tb SMu S-30O - PROGRESS BICYCLES Se3QeO This vhesl ta oneofo!the bas& made weesI on thie market sud amls ai a price vithie the reacb o!fa&l. The grest tumbie tu tbé pruce of Cycle. hblouglil Ibis haudmome nmchine dovnu lahIbmexcemed- lngiy loy prieu o!f3.00 Madie vils Royal Arcb Crovu, amcsle. iebbug, Si e icbeled as u euanled. Ladma' on (etitlesl. SOMIE RARE BARGAINS IN LADIES' WHEELS. HAVE VOUR EYES TESTED FREE. Mr. Veile, lb. uptictan Who la meeting villi su"i nia. w acceas tbnuughoci Ibhe ounty viii he oe Isidmy, An,. 27, sud vili ho pleaaed tu meel ail vho are lroubled vit.. I.elx oîesight sud nmbe a lborougla ex- aminalian fies o! charge. We oibl jonUse glesues Làe rocommande at renionabio puices. E . B. Sherman, I LLI NOIS. Dr. 0. B. I-owe Treai. scietiflcmlly sud auooeWaully hj tbm lateat appreved melliode, aIl dllroule diaseaof tbe lange, hbout Ibrosl,er, noue, estemacb. iver, bld- noya, bavels,, veml sud sexual orgaus. skie dlmeaaeu, masema, shiegles, sai rbeum, "d t!hmad, tbibi, psorilas capitis, paorleala iycOsi(barbets iteb> iingwenm, herpe., sasser, sud a&U ferma af ocuineona ercptioe, blotches, blackb. boada, sIc., curai peicsaeentlj. Mole. mnd auponfluena baix îsmovad virboul pain by ebcirolysia. Diemae.o! tbe neryoua îyst.m, neuruaieut, bloonor &taxia, pro- gressive paralysie, headache, euraia as. Vit"a dance, iltti lomi, spi- lbopq, uret! by Germean motbod sud mectrobjai. Rheumatisa, acute, articuler, mua- culax, ieflammalry, sud rbeujuattc goul podaively auxot by a uev and succesalul process. 0. B. HOWE, M. D., Office ai Uebl Woodelock, suite 28 and 29. WOODSTOCK. -ILLINQIS. MOIR:0to 12 A. M., 1 o 3sud 6tW-OFF R FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY D A. 1.EEYDYECP THE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND May be conaubted Bundayi tram M la LAKE COU NTY INDEPENDENT ... 10s. m. sud 3S la6 p. M. ai KesI Cotlage, AI Ibm foloing remarkably loy figure vhon "clubbed'" or oidered together Wauconda. 111.Weekly Inter Oesu sud Indopeedeul, I jear ................$1 Dally .. .. 1 b".. ....4 70 Dally sud Sunday Inter Ocosu sud Indopendoul 1 year.................. $00 - r.relbaliMl The IDEAL BLUE FLAME STOVES arethe prottiost, noatest to oporato, use Having had years exyerience in u ».mdrbomwUieutisItth tho toast oil and oh, so handy i Tr>' one a week and y'ou wouid flot b. without theWeI iggegbuines.i rnbismwnormua ofuadai38 MsIL Samo ia true of top buggies and surrios, as well as ail klnds of hay tools prepared to do this work on shor such as mowers, rakos andtodrs. Wo wil oil for loBs than cost now. potie.iredt dotuelafo rats and~Can't afford to use an oid mowr when we cari put you lu a new one for about estiate. BU~V@S Toube. ae de ~wbàt the two sickles are worth. Cause: We have more than we want. HOM*UIàlLTON, l llbood. Hood'e ar. We cojnot refrain frocs estling jour HOME FELON, aparifla la the Oa. Tnp. Blood - IN -Alltint la Ibe facîbat v omtenIaune Libertyvitie, - Illinois: Puidier &mou ResVR »mmal durhabve st!e ornesl BL1 1ý . . .. . . .. . mt d u.abte and econo n.. ats Saniborn &Co., Leading. Tallors >«IlGents Furnishers. Cali in and see us next week while, attending -s.. ri t ---AI 'i marbEt a UUchas ima, uis sud Nmallouai sud aonI prat Pavilin Mdo Naioavel, aegre«a fu rsh et &Uy a , e mito ltvil4 *bor Ie lestcd, oahi p jos i dimet o r - i coplote Bine Fandireov od es 1eady la g i leinar vilhanodcmlSSA, Teaey mîl yirîlince s bIc. frane 88.86. gamo o&Uy îîîtiea le ljour lampeu dame 011 il ose la imellmpitMrs Iol-oil . .spor n!j audou@ai bms Plgb1lieugtb 10bru. ndju h Tour tleg1 oal re.rca bilt F-Yueaysl dalrsl Ilocca" utb*k Us amtia leaeib lvof ug«lbism Wed oui cthare 19OI.75 vilosl4oves. Wm oly ucae $.7e Ibonaia ova Webro o u loes icr thac mt Dbel sude v ubatm wuchaco ndualm soiv- and aIoe ihyvilla mscedu-W lead i y ple andl iolloW, l ltd I su ieaies laie201i0w. t Ity Md 1à hlpebu ai ts= frcs Uc. ta 81.10 Large Md'1104 boy@ ansd totale ne_ ahdb ftà&baBar 1M Grayalake Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. GRAYSLAKE. ACOMBI NATON OFER.. . . . 1 1 . a

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