CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Sep 1897, p. 5

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Our Flour Trade %mqm:7 is getting to be Immense, and we a of the opinion that It is becausev handie the famous "Big J0,' Fleur. Aniother carload 01f "Blg Jo"9 Just Recel yed! SOLO AT Triggs & Taylor's Li berty ville, When You Corne to THE113FAIR Drop in and see our Stock of SJEWELRY, WATCH ES. CLOCKS, SIL VER WARE, DIAMONDS, PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES, ETC, ETC. We employ an Expert Opticianl, And have had a very nice business In this department during the past few months. if your eyes trouble you, corne In and consuit Mr. Vuile . . FREE 0F CHARGE. . C. R. SIIERI1AN, Libertyville, Ill. lVanted: Vour Patronage I HAVE SOME BARGAINS IN Pants ADSu its. My Pribes Defy Competition: Workmanship Considered. CLEANING - DYEING REPAIRING. FRED CROKER, Over Bank.- LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. £ ~ For Deliclous Ice Cream Soda . MgAGU%& O ip a 9 Go to tierprl ndfu hetnt ig i bsDo You I<nov' PICKED UP HERE .AND THERE. - hooteuip-n9advryhn IVaise tnt,,tl.shadcç. Itcotnsista o!traits- Local items cf 1Interest to Libertyville Readers. *ferrIng wlîatever trouble yon have to -0 onen;canimaW, 'Wu at cotld be C. M. 4,01P. R. .TOURTABLE 1Correppondent aofl:d beur l ln ce, fai o tale th fe lshand T h a t N ex t W o e s TO HCAGO.nd that wg ontuIbave aîî ctumuni- îîepezastry :at snd labile pretending lu .e... atious ]luàfOxt weelk iy Tuu*sduvy îlgbt.el'aresitlplace ih agalust yunr hrow, luitaal 'sa9:39 511 n4:5: Threhieve Y. Irsalf l'y glilg thsebead- Waditw rth :V7 5 : W) : They saiy that guolti lnleft laying aclie tou the est, Suppome "oie ban 9: les à'; trai ndlol u lit aratb9:6 ti8:4aoinl10. uJliulk.bu htate'nflot Visely batt ob tel oft tat'er. LIZTVILIE 5:5a'15'i " à 16 <basthiat profit là maii au,,liait xever 6:4711 2"o5 ". betdrnooDtnetilei 6:30 7:4 iris î¶i:3 21 i melons. lb fot seud for the doctoro' or bd &M tU" 1h:55 5:4'1:29 e î ruh ptcti-aî'take disagreealle uediclue? Nol on ir od 0,e l'cm ;46 :54iS l 8.1R.1.31C4 ICAGO .I. your mubïscrpîthijle attending the! agailîtt the diqtuîrbed spot. Prentoil Lv.0 -46.6ts..0 'Ka tFair. We want lu kiiuw voit, aurywsy, the sch gues trou yon to the animal. ________ 9:59 6:X) Iand *jutaIiDow are, lit ieeujof u,riIey, l itn r rafu ual u .29 ne 1«1le5et41 &:l17:23 10:16 Yi r Ie r pain l Jfy n DaRdel 8:51022 4:47 6:17 7:27 921 fuuut te always are. you are amiused for the reat ut the, goaoe 649 frU :10a:, :4< 925 Tlîere are fouir lîurvi parties afiernuon hy teatc tttpg 10"6 &"it:1n'il:&wtt,>intetd goiiig tl t Alaska gold The' mure gerieratas generosty. Ton Wel l it is, and sureîy you wili need a Suit W îuu : 6 :96 22. Il':io drea i tb itheev tarhrmdor and yliiar ema Sll oh palvrroeClothes, Hat, Sh es, Tie, or something 1denotas d 8l .sdenotes kuiat unir. mies ecuber, theY're lt Ii diad earue4t.' upotu the bornss hicit have kept jon WhmnuaiioarkPMraaui..ilirx- 'îernîua ela "aei. saeuga.Fnuutl.tettato wear te the Fair. 'sspt Sanda>'. ieruieWimeâaeugt.Frintl:hece BUNXDAT TBAJNB. Wedfiug saniversarien follut FiraI !dites Dot ItermiJt of the transferrence Lv.LlbertyvIfle. taapin. Ar. Itoudunt 5:ôp.m. ýcuttou; second, papen: tlird, leather; 1,etwaii humnais telngm, or eIse tisere Lv.Ubertyvillla. 510 5.&m. Ar.cbiý.lu' s2a Lv. Cgl oaat.mAr, harR, tlith, wuîuten: uveth, golt,,; tnl, oîdbcwldespnead trouli aî.,da Lv.C là3:4 P. m. Ar. betrvill:op.m. liii; Igilîtii, 911k aud Ilieu. tfteeuth. great lixreaae du lltlgation. lo.30unnsunds onai.goluig tite0 a cyi: ;tweutilsts, china; tweutyiftîL, Commtted suicide. tollon inal as(loga: At 15e IFlItA p. m. Wadsworth mi2:17; urneea1i:37; Warren- silver. tirtieth, Pearl; lortiefis, rilby. J)lie of Ahîtuil bluvsioraca c"le t54s=»dovnt12:36; E tlý,&wû l tieh. ,golden, aeventy.flftis, di-loi , eîd 'ed In l làsgilig làiimel! 'one lgltt 1:4 o. M i eu aaî fot It don t lseem a" thltîuîxgliY stvPeît' îîî eek ilit a MîontPeectîliar way. Corne in and see us. V/e ha e a v y co d a oefld 0Ollago. L»evs "d :@ve>'@eud uuey bak tt Wuciugtit Thse horst' broke louice trout his stal a5 f llt . . ' jiiao7:5 tJb<î apa'ebit tiare aie îiîougli sudwaliîdertîîg lutt, a coru lleld ate his plette lne, and wilI seil you at Right Price Utriveuu ILmevlue 15Mu a.m. 1,.rfajMothat ine é,Sait detroys uine rilltou ti! 'lisen lussttle bis aiipper sud ..........t................ C. H. ÀAv'rI Il Thios.liera. 1. J.Hoyt. IOO Clark..... .. .. ........W. C. avisr itarebal .................... X. Preshman L'Bz v'LE LUGILNo. 42 P. A. M. Degu mulr nostion 2na&th Ual ygof eehm nt. ii. tg 130. r silOl9d. R. W. u i arn A CUE CAMP No. 176, M.W. of A.. mots Rrai and tlrd Batu'rd,l0fi a hotit ut Wuodmns Hall over Eeshrwr stoe.Tlstlg nlghor aways wpeQoe. CHAR. Kàlatsa lrk. Fair neit week. Mm. Eliner Dnaenberry ln coîtfined to ber bed vlth rltýumatism. Mms Lee Pah sud mother a eut tu Houer,, Wl,., tibis veek. Mine Ethel Sanford restiméd lier Peho.îI dities at Jacksonville, III.. thia iîîg 1lt uoplilp. 1ILà!asfat.l gIves a meager ides of the lmntiîe baîidliug or money lu the Vuitc'd Statem. he attenîpteil to -"roll uver,- sud iu su :iliitg matuage-d t1 get tht daugtlig baller nolta around ilm ii eck sud une ut hi. hl,.,leg.'.Wh...,i neautin' tht. tiausage-makers have rased a bu ist! ales ý iumnul u about tise affect thie Lnetgert case bae uîorning bha ws 'deatl as s door nuit," had oin trade.. They say tht for semé algcruld unexplaIuabla rassoit thaîr clistomers At The Fair roundae. do n<t care for te beatfully mottled Everytbiug la hutlatid sudiîstle et "unI'k sater' resdlng a ctlttmn or go the Libertyvîlle fair grountds, sud if abot ta lndig u 3is. îîager lupresent Indications &re net altogather uh slsage vat. amies the coming fair wI aclîpse ail The 1. 0. 0. T. gave a pescb sud previotis unes. The grand stand, l creant social at the borne of E. J. judges stand and dlning hall arae Mdadole tat Frlday eveniiig. A goodly ;epîandent lu frash pint, and s gide. numbar of Tamplsrs and thair friands veranda la being built &long the east wara lu attendanca an'd ejoyed tham- and uorth projection of the msin baIl. salves at gaines ou the lava, which Aready matiy horsaman ara here wlth was lluminatad vllh Japanes. lanternas thir>'herses. The Foi Lake Stock and presented a pretty sud pleasiug Iarm hava f, herses lu training at the sppeasrsnc. Thse lus('lous fruit vas'I trucki, Jimmy Otîgan, ut Wankagau, relished by ail. 3; W. J. Wallace, Libertyvilla, 3; E. J. Ninety.-nina onut fevery one htîn. Brown, Libertyvilla, 3; M. H. iuln ,lred catîla kJlled lyIîg htnlug naceiva LibertyviUa. 1: Adam Vogl. the shocl trou standing too close te gan, 7; Frank Duenberry, Liberty- Our Store is full of Goods, and we are selilli lots of 'em. But, we want tasel more, and if Honest Goods, Fair Prices and Square Dealing counts for anythlng, We shaîl do it. M. B. CO'v0L BYCO0 Desalers in Fvervhinu. teck. ire fonces. Ilfefrmera vonld un a ville, 4 nud the Oskwoud Stock Farm - - liré. C. N. Dnraud, of Cicago, la gi'ulw Ira avary six or aight pota yl send ove>' i5 Saturdny. sind more vîit lier parants. Mr. sud lMns. E. W. tisay vould proient tha king o! thair are comJ~ng avery day. (Jui races .m etv Be lu o s 'Psrkbnfixt. live stock and &s sava ltaoi>'post.,tare assureti. i e t v l ,Ilno s John Austin, gir., entartalned Mir.. lras>aph comni s alsm grill tras COLNTS and Mra. J. Lana, o! Chicago, tiunday trou talegrapil pole@ for the protection SCOL - r adMna.of their poety. Wtt WelIs bae bean aimeent tihe past IF YOU WANT TO Mnr. E. Prica, ut Chicago, viitad Not a word appears in the Iowa Misa Clara Bolles cuuumenee-d sehool with lira. E. Faruhant the tiret ut the rapublican plaforu about prohibition bere test Mouday. M k prenant geaI. or temperauce. Thia appears tu be thae ticîtol la prograslug ulcely udar ak Dusen l ofLakeconclusion ut the thole malter lu tihe Prof. Stoope management. Fuia. itubt. p sn barrthy, u thaeone lime prohitstory stata.Nu probi- Ban Mille>', Cisàyton mitapl d sut <>LII Fotirt. ille elte cl bitio.tnnparty <ut the finale exste lu the Henry Vnilla eeepleasaît entarlent ma Libartyîlle restives.4I O <Ialater anotiser the pro- Frla ternoon. Hariso Hetciew ofCai-ad 1oiu Frlday aflarnîsin a ltterary socl Hariso Hetchw, t Cscaeta., bîb'lry tatlîtes bave lîeeî set a"Ide ty wamorgstsized lu tbe fonrth roont. tho bas beau vlsltlng Tisos. Ellîs tht or reudered luefective sud local option Tht otllîers lecieddre aie folow: Pieo. pantsiot mnhretuirui fu)Iowa Tîjuin- îbclda svsy, utuder tile tille ut tba Rouy Wright; Vice Pros., BesieBond; * ". mulct" aystem. Se., Edlth 4 nIby, Sergeaits-sna J ~~~Csrruul Urldlcy. The oocietyviiiet iBorn, Fridsy. Sept. 1. tu ru.I sud Tîtere la absolntely nu ue lu basting regularly un Fildaaternoons. p 9 girl, ud Tom. well bi's etting . em fruit into thoa,sya su excltange. Or aitt) ualicioîuain Itent, eut theia li.rupe i,îl Mouday niglil. As la renitt'Z Mm. T R Y A SACK 0F ~ 'O> Sumply fle a twille tring 10 a tibv3i> lostasd tripes ail! ittIluaI atve (ju.Wrgh, .W. Paluount, Lester plal d poono kulfa, and place lu the 'buildntg fl)iithe iitjury eau ha ne. Morne sud t. C. Buiklev mervetl lin a tise cîld jar sud pour lu yuuîr inuit, paireri. Tise iag in a billant iessun in jury in the it' Y Ctl ourtlt Wîilkegaiu draw out the'Bpourn sud msal e tune. patriotisin. Any se.t (ut thia kindin-u-____________________ Tuesay.'u oi tnt reaka cngl janb, hîsternuptas scb s essoîi sud celle forth Tueday Yoi wn'tbrek asinle ar y fllecensure tfi patruotil peuple. The electrlc igit cumpany wîbb r un utethuit, thîle many jars are broken dîîriuîg esch nlght of the far ail ulght. by tht' nid tay. Il Voit lugf vt'nr COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS. HOLLY inteasitof ahuîtiuîg tlwn t 12uoc trieul the abuse plan il) o, u. aîlyîu LiBESBTYsILLE, ILL. SEPT. 6, 1897. as rusioinary. t ilt ba agreeaàbiy snrprised. buard met lu regular seasion. FuiiJ L OR Dr. Bophyand r. Yrk, f Ch es.i I Parkhîtrgt those naIl ln familier lboard preseul. BrohysudDr 'io Ill, C ics. unection witb ueanly every county iThe followiug bis tare rafarrad 10o goDwr ntwàMnay--i gI finance commithea twho reportidLU the doctura string uf rttere ai filetainrti lu this eointy predicla there . fsvoraîsly un saina sud on motion ut fair grounda. %ail! haaitunupraceuleuteulatteuidanve at Oalboway sud Krm bibIs tare aitowed ut tîte tainrîîext ueek, if acathrIni>' ud warranta urdereit dratu ou their lirs. Chans. Avarill sud dsîîglter1 favorable, owing tut a couiiullu tî f rsetvef- oraou Clara retunneit trou a Ivu teeka ircî tneetfiun 'l' aleE . W.Dugauberr,.....i... cicuétnemrheamngwhe i teD. XM':CoiMilk...tO mlounu with relatives aud friedits t tisuough mnner un wblcb if lias bea J. A. Moore --3(0 K e o rcy.o Wabter S. D., tst Sunitay eveuiug. 'ad,,tised si , ests en . P. Fshr.. 150Ur Preaehlng ut Presityterlan ebitrelà feeinîg Ihat "ttuout ntIiily have, buti'tr ,k Wn. Brni ...... 33 5 a orBicl s-. inexl Suîuay by 1ev. (;. 1). Helivet St anc coniluîally iiupruviug. MWetiien M. r" . . i 71(M hîli <i Wywrdluh, lulIeWright & SCoul ...... 'Nl Stor ofa Wywad YUt.*'lu i Arumir lu fliteofetith thuL iew Bibi ut A. L. Ilurge for liglisIservice evellîng. "1Marchig ti, Cauaan.- Schnoaîck sud Sain (alboway acre 'ou,- waaread tise amoutint to! 41.67 lesa $7.10 Tl'li W. C. T. 1'. Indiesn' reulc a tempbtiug laîîuhinin lue,' tntt for tive nlgists non-service ton on F.C a M T S N lut l,,tr'elirc ,t îlrsi!,elitiaiiasslu iseilO-iimotion ot DuBotis sud Uailows.v filel reî'aplîîuu, eteahr l lrmlo baie nLlartyville ha ve ith thea clark. Butler Bldg. Libertyvîlle. 1111M lu tisa tul hall biant nighe.lA a" go ' îurrent tîîr sotte tinme pont anud ltent' . B. Collîy as vilbage, treasuner preo" too early t., allîtofa t il.,Il use beaun mutetconjecture s. t,î ilss uimittad tîa fullutwbng repîîrtsud.qun accoîuit Iise eli or uexi leeiî, M ilI , uthltety. Vare itfurîieil andmotion o! Ualoway sud jDuilîisvas <'Olialit iuili. tha tireaccepted sudd plaet uon file: A o ni voiai êm.rebtably, ta lite.geutilleil eu ou baud tlnt report Ang. lt IsISthi 1 (.eo. bond snd Mliss Eiuua Btut ara i-egu)itatitg for tise Pur'htase (f the' Itcelvat ituring month trom liceses~ U hometroi ttai <-cten tn, ad loîetor pnoperty on Millwaukee Ave. $44426. Pali uit uiulg mOnth I Geoge l reatng iiîterecl g djtoiiing Joe Bitlers lbuildintg. Thlîy i314b-111-. Aruttnt Iunlîand Sept, i N Geore is relaiug$1315.1o. anecdbotes afvxer ntosinedeet ultalîle buildig in The bond ut M. remlin as village It mnay be a little tee hot ta buy lt now, but' as c9mnpred wtb tisuvaut!Illinotis. udî,îloittoftthein pirciaingtbat prolterty marahal sanc street t-onlâtiuer Wtas t lnspect our lino of Mon's, Ladies' lar yat Ilinois e '-aI niand wul lI put in s large stock ut balrd ad itoumotionof ut lloway asu taretTosllhinoias re1tasappuvel anI psca ou dren's Underwear. You wiIi be surprised Mr.EiaehFrhmadMlt file. cheap yeu can buy It at the lir. Eizbets Frusan autilir. oîtl Imm prenlattîre, but theatilt ilI The bond ut A. L. Bunge was licCrystle, tho hava been vtsitixîg uîterializa. la problable. prasenei sud Iîelug'approveit vas ou the veel, aira. Fsrnitsm goiug tul MILKERS AND SPRINGERS. ou file. F air S to re . Boton tu viit ber daugbter, and Aire. lt a iaagltî' , ~ On motion oftNle(;rmg(irsîdUlo licCrystle returuing lu Kansas Cty. 1e aeIh ete m ft' s, aîtifi vay th.srW..omite eta uc- abies Under Shirts .................... 71-2 Miler Hut Y&potere totuMalte arrangementîs titI Babies Heavy Fleeced Vestes......... A.BI. Cook sudt wit<- retî,ned itfIl, Cater, Libetyvilla. 48ti L. Webb lîî regard tu drain. 40.Lde exr hav theire.anern tip lnt Sturda, aconi-Triuctea Huyt stated lu tise huard 10 .Lde etahayfleeced vse&pnsl tici t'litarn np ld Sturdy, ccutit.that a certain parîy hail agreedtlu panieti by Ml. louIs muflier, lins. A Cure for Bilous Colic. remove iirt trou (Cok Ave, lu pail Banow. Mr.Ctook reporte a monuit en,- Ritsotînce, ticres-en C., Ga.-.! hava for 15e par1usdt. It vas thon muvaite Te m Boarl rots. and himole ti'sleit finîibeen aubjecl to attacîs ut billons collc bY licoregor suit ilyt that street ~I I I U .for sevarai para. Cham berlsuît'n Colle, commiltea make coutlct it sasid stoieson tap. He' lmef'elinig tuitehini111-Cblera andl Diarrîtues Roei ty ln th" party for movlug dirt, also to ptrchase Morale heavy fleece iined underthirts...38 lîruveitllu houilli. ouly aura îelief. Il acte 111e a charnu. seait for aeuding park. Carriet. 50c Merale rlbbed fleece ined shirts, sizes One dose o it gives relie! then othar Aeumlaina ta" made ln regard tu 34-38 ony ................................. Ail young men sud yotug laies' reaielles tait. (j. D. Sharp. FOr, sole th!eouhIet o! drain trou Dr. lulght 20c chil e' ibdfec îe teié«. aboutit have s kîîuvleitga utfIbusiness by F. B. LOVKI&L, Llberlyvilc, J. Rl. bonse on Lake slreet sud on motion ofIrnsrb efeceiesokn s. affaire. lu order hosoecur@ ibis, a fawt Bsscia.Ournee andt L. H. LiTdif. Oalovay sud Hoyt the menal au a A big job in children's ail wool hose at 15t, munthaspant in auch an institution sn FIELD, Rockefeller. inaîtructed tu nollfy Mr. Kingsley andt and 25c, Worth double the. letropotitasi Business Collage uof * omet bc attenda tlu msait bas hecome a Cotnb nespe par40ad O. Chicago,ilihbcasplandidi ivashuent. LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. nuisance. - 40c. weel shawl fascînators, goodI slmal Shorthanfi, lypevriting asuit c orritad b>' tae Marliani" as'-ry Thuraday. lioveit by Gdioway and Sherman 25SC. aiereiat branches tborougbiy taught. Buter-Creamery ........ ... S îlaucm$ 21that the Presideut appoint a coun m otdS xn an i ooe Nov in agoui tlime tu enter. B,àttAr,rCholffl Dtlry_ .... 1h uiteeaouthirea lu examine suit pur- l pre aoyyralclrprs gs ietar dozen ...............u(hIll chasea alotfor village pnrpoaes D> 5puey's eaes.. . . .. . . The Elgin, Joliet sud Eastern Rail- Putatoes. par uhttui ...... .....5(4 '7:5,chausa pricn not lu exceait $70. Cannitd 0 .by's etr ........ tii Spebr-Wood-dry.,illr utîrdi..........l:3 00t«; ta I Galloa'ay, Shermnansd licGregor 6.5c. Men's sweaters............... .. -l va Cfhia o ' Oa-Hard.per ton ... .......674 le 70 rw apitatasscbcmis. w. haxe added te our stock a fui Al 161 sand17 riu ivo excursions&idaly oltoI a o.......eraSIMvi y Gallo'way sud licOragor L teen Wankegm ansd Libertyvifle o ou.praboi, siîelbed.... 29 lai, aatbyrequesi the. cizoua noiify the and Fancy Chinaware. Cet Ou r d" , thile fair. L'eff Wauak.gauta 9:40 a. GaIs, par buahal.............. i18 e ivJ village clark of an, ltoiture o! lght or a.eit~ p.m Itrnn laeGround Vend................. tl ' ihsfalliug tu hurlaion l etcrie -bu" inesa1- . W,a, ndmi 86, idlag.u: oa:...X50oldby Diasansd bRt aatte * u.ýPr.1vol ........... oseic F.B.Lovell's, I LIBERTY VILLE.

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