IALL SALE 0F PUR-NITURI3. alT TM E "Wauconda Furniture Store. So Ijd Oak Bed, Dresser wyth 24130 Glues, and Commode, OU y"**"« 16.0 liedsecada, Pull site ................. .... 200 Up ,%I-Steel Springs, auy se........ . 1.50 Handsome Ratian, Rockers ... .... 200 up itolld Oak Sewing Rokers ...... 1.50 S'ewing Tables ........... . 75 croquet set 4 ( lal .... ... . .65 Antique Finish Dresser ...... 6.00 Full Line of Undertaking Goods, Always in Stock. First Class Hearse Service. M, W, HUGHES, Wauconda, - - - - Illin4,is. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK or GRAIN, PLOUR MILL STUFPS9 SEEDS, ETC. À» - ALSO --»» Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. Wl SELL THE WF6BF6RWAGON, WHEN YOU WANT CALL ON WRIGHT & SON, Libertyville, - - - - - Illinois, T =lte .Most gWatavt and unservlg Republlcan Wc.kly pnbollabed ytdeay uc1 always be meied tîpon for faim and houe9t reportN o! * ail political aWar. The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies Alil of the News and the best of Current Literature, fI la liorally Clean, and as a Fauly Peper la Wthont e Peer. tlocf 1h. Sest Magaines. Usa Pouthe' Deiument la 1the It bringa to the temlly the Nws fthb Min. Weutd aud rives the best aud ablest discussions of ail questons o! the day. The sl«wosives tweive pages of rading ontter eacb veek and belng pubiished la Cicsgo La betteredalîtd to then oee.ls f :he peotln est of the Alleghany MIs. thtan any other paper - $1.00 PRICE ONE DOLLAR A VEAR 5$1.00 The Daily and Sunday fflenf Deiy by mail.............14l.00 Per ýear nEditions of the Inter Daily sud Sun y>y Mail. . &0 Pr year their kind............ Addrees THE INTER OCEAN Chlg. TH E 4"THAN NiAI. Lake Coun ty Pair, WILL DE HELO AT Libertyville, Sept. 15 to 17- "HappyiJack" - TuS' d"ur Wili be at the Fair Sept. 15, 16. and 17. and give exhibition each day. He has a record of 2:09 Greatest attraction of the age. rhw Onwenstia 0f Lake Forest will play an exhtbitton gamne Thursday blo C b.. Sept. 16, at Il o9clocka.m Wen the Firet and Second Teams, and If you want ses some,,Vin.horsemanshlp, corne early on. this Wand seelté,amne of Polo. Arbund thé,Co unty. WiSC. CENT, W. W. TIME TAULE9. a 2 480 80a .9W 42 6.81 82 Sa St" oIln gaa lilla4,0 411 30. 1 e alUe II» BBsaS .t Uus 80124a s U lef 0 stop unir on -tom-, Wilis. 150 i BU40te 1i1l 7OcB . 8 0 1 ,21 04 SaInrte Peter and PxUlle Churoh. LIumarYvULa.LU. BUNDAT SERVICES. Viret Na-e:W a. m. Eigb matB-10:Wa. m. Chureh IBd7 am Ck visa1821a. a. end 1:50P. m. Prayer Meettitg Wededa, evantngeo. y. P. S. C. E. usai Sunday evoinaat :48.Junior C. E. ai 8 o1CIMIL. DumON c4mPNo. 'l"E.ILw. A mest month. Dl. Gemm. vOC. 0. 0. P. No.s84. meai "Soucd and fourni Thursdas otea. Guo. A. OST. Sacy. 100. T. met Tbureday evenina of eenb veek. LaurBTuE Bacz. C. T. J OHN G. RAGAN Peet 0. A. B.met aaudynisht on or belore full moon. E. 8. <ILEAKOI. omdr. 0E3 C B UEcEIaL. Adt. Mal golngSouth ......:04e.L m. 8:Up. U. lMail going nortb ..............in10 .. . Mal over land by stage errilve a sil a. M. deparailtU6.m. Mire. 0e0. M. Beafey le @poudng e fav days bora. preol Meyar, oS Oicago, la vetlng et Hopy Kuhleakis. C. M. Gorbe n sd vIte vers lu Waukegaa Wednsesday. llasNelson, o! Chicago, in sending e fev days at Fred Holconbes. lira. A. J. Kng retumuai Suaday1 evauiug Itoin a viil villa relatives et1 Carei, 111.11 Prof. Wlch aulertaluai bis brother,1 wbo la principal of the Deerfield1 echool. lluuday.1 Oeo. Hasu * sud L. H. Ltobtiljd were smong thaCicsgo visilome froux ibis place Waduasdsy. Juo hlngge wbo bai beau vorklag et Pslatine lma topplug bero vltbhmie Mater lire. Hrschb.rger et promeut. 0 liemsr. Bray & Katz, 01 Aninglon Halgbis, Ill., havaea.oured the plnmb. tug coutrect for the uev Htel Barden. L. H. Litebtield bai beau hustlng1 during the put vaek slltug a celoadi of erockery for Akron Pottery Cou.,of! Akron, 0h1o. The Car vîll be haro nezt veaR for iallvory. Roy. Oeo. B. Spengler, pmalor 01 tha Cougregetoonal cburo o! livanhoo viii e reaac Suuday morulug et 10:30. reachlug et 7:30 'by the peetor. subjant -'A test of Plandahlp." AU are qgosdlaly invitai. The annauel leclion of offceme of the Congregetional church Weiunsay @vouugssept. lot resulted masfolove:1 Trustae, Gao. Hardem; Presuier, C. Ml. Gorbani; Clark, Uni.- Bergboia; Suuday achool Supt. J. H. ronkhlle; Sunday sehool orgesisi, GrgeIl orie; Snnday achuol iresurer. BSO BBrg. hors. Wbilla mou wveo orklug lu tb. grave, pItbaeu miles outb t orao» lu Tiday one the banke caved luasud whet mlgbl hava proved e fatal accient vas by chance av.rted. Thremn, Claude Dreaeau. Fred Btuokies sud Jo. Kng ve under the hauk. Dremea sud Stuckie vers ouly parfly covrai sud maneged 10 Cravl ont. tyleStuckle exlrieMad himxeol!f£romi tbe grsvej ho feltthe formaof Joaeig and tes@moo ai possible th» mmn shovoled thbodya ont sud probably veresmot ay 1 qul3b about l, am tbaî are sure that la one minuta mono lb. boy vopli bave beau Bmohaiad. WAUCONDA. Mis Mggle irvi inleou the 51ck liai. Notice M. W. Hughes furnitoread on IbIs page. Miss Avis Cook bas been »pouding a lev veeka et Volu. lilas Eaily BaeeW"va aChicago viator let Prlday. Orton Hubbsrd ratumned troua the cty lest Wedn.sday. . A. Goldng vlsitad friende lu the City ths iraI of1lb.heak. L. . lFaume, of Chicago, vilated friauda haie laelt Tburady. MiessClara angesviiicommence bar achool 51etcoeilie Monda. Carl Eioksen, cf Chicago, in vlating frisude lu Ibis place and vllity. Mr. sud lin.. W. Tord, of Chicago, are vtisting relalIvan.1la Ibie place. lire. H. Golding la vinlg vith lin. snd MUn. L. N. T.e»» ééAvondala. Martin Mursi,* of Cbicago, vlaitadl friands lu ibis place MeBlrai o! Ibe week.1 Nies Mary Freund vwiiaecb the sehuol aI Silocuni Laite during the fail lurin. Sydney morse, o! Billinga, mont, la vlitiug friands sud relatives lu '1h18 place. llasSadie Hll returnad tritlb Ciy Saturday. libe vas aecompai.d by bar ulter. The BarriagionUnion. yull play the Veocouds Indopandautsaet Oaks hall parkt Saturday, Frank Oroms vo boasbeau vorklng lu th. Ciylb.hestlefavmontba reluruai home Saltrdo Ur. sud lire. Henny we, of Ivanhoowevore agoste o! li.nsd lira. Wm. liable Suuao. lise. 0. Wsuggs sd femly vbo hava ha.eapanilnig e féàv veuka vit Nr. sud P. L. Corrr ntrma est mâTbriay. lir*. H. ILXugglesansd llasFlorence Bngges vent to tha Cty TPuuiy 10 putchue eaos, stock oif811Mi iilamey. Mr. sud lirq. 0. W. PatI. P. S. Mille sud Androv Blank vent go the etty ltuoeày 10 attend the a Sulo 111 show.- I1 ho acf lvacila. a Pboniaioauslug I5be et *wWbg¶tonlem 'Tbur»lay., The vert 4. néeSt0OWbart v- Juir.Th. y 1ed lte ville bansuad deefatd thons by sa Mr.aMd lira. P. *L. Houghtos Met vith a voq isadciUMtSusidW. Puey wve ,Msta gbi. lIteait t1he hm» et J. M. Clvk wes te bore« beacam ifngbtam. They vhal.i lteé bW sidel lboving lir. aud li.uoghtte thé egrenai. lis. !t1gh1la y séi1ovaly lnJuWaI fe feansd bande. Jas. Adanste nov vorkisgam ulgbt oparater aI Lake, Wis. Geofge Osterman. et Chicago, vlslt.d relâtives borelait Triey. Theodoe nasKBOBLeOCicago, viitai hie pauente hai e v.. Mnra.F"«erm vsiting ber daughtar lins. ocil et Libaitvilla. Unr. L. Tuller vas 1h. guento!flira. C. Hyt afevida"sls"tvak. lisRaIl, Hob. le augagai ai teaohqrla the Vilmol iléictl. Pet« e" uh la bba acation trou bis de" m a .0k etBoden lMa1 eajoyiîig l. i ebytéking a trip te Kans City. sehool opaaad laitliouedy wllh a fe etteadanca. Mi. Wl.k bai charge orfthe. apger roousni le me mpos rosubsO the position sastoucher ot the laverad. Thora vill be antles creas ocial heli et the readeoetMrli. E. S. Mlke aPiai vang<Sept. 101h, for- the parpMe et %M108fonds te bnilà a idavalk mm b.PiéBbytsrlsu cbaich. LaIoteybody aud. Mrt. sud Umu.M. lBoinobere rouneol Pae.ia t Ismsuabsece 0f two veeka trom man extaoltnp tu the wss Who". %bey vIIhi8 umlo liam Falls, Tencuto, 1.W loiR"di Isai ton., Tb.y report a vY«7 enjoybe lime. Lest Tldei dur lowa vas throvu ito à sf81. of peeozilmesi Whou- oùe ofiîl e yung men prouinent.la socity pperadonthe principal stlestsvlbothie cosi sud comniosd Io geeticulato wlidly. At tint It vas tboughî 1MaI ho bai snddmaly become Insane but Il vas lasrnad by dagreu thst sucb vas sol th. cet.s.loue ose bai plsad e placôet0f fsgrat olly lmnbrer chanmeabout th. isesof e bâlbiklan1218ceat pooket sud ha ve siamply looklag for the peamos Who dld 11. At lte la'aest vrtng the youg insu bhurUlaisbista nd la gongsoeound la bis hirl sisevea oki fur lbe perpetrator. About îhirty citisans alleadai 5h. epeolal lova meeting lest Tcasday whlch vas callai for the purpome cd adopisgsona pIanfur procedure aglstha lovn.e. pboërd of aduca- tinprohibitiag thonfronti isuing Îou.6 lfr the construction o! e lova. ahblhbBcool bu1ilng wblch la lo be Iestd n Higlan Pak.ire cliussani the lova board of suilor vase appointeas maàcommilea 1te &t for the, latereut of tha tovu of WesI Derleli sud Il lan udeietiood that lgpocoug vilI bc conoenceminl the cicuit court and s atrong effort moade 1teli is " lova o! a ltufroin vbethe b. iluoens derive but lutile benest. A lange c>ovd getbured et the bal grounds lait Suay aflarSoa"su vltnemmed su axctlng gane halveu 1 th. GIuviev club ami thu Denirsl1 Colis. The Glnvlvs ai"com» vIth1 su lmp edhttery atheb.intention o ilitbeColeofftIbeerb. At the endioa theo Sf112 aiug et fiea1 o'clock, vbich eccoedag 10 previons arrangement vas 10 mark th. ClO«ofa the game the score tood 14 t105Sla laver of thaeenllâeld boys. Sot vl. lag 10 acknovledge tha ,snperiority ut lb. frlaky Coltsa the Gloaviaw's inisti on ominung tbe game w1l thIe reasul 1MaI tbay vre deiealsi by e écor f inl16Swhile5the lest ballof siathb nning vai not play.d by the colis. DIAMOND LAKE. lire. 111nest SBlows viatai Chicago Ivo dais 1h18 veek. lilas ilUa Rouse. la! iSuuday for Waukqsu vhra she wvil attend scbool Ibis vlntor. Mr. sud lir. W. Boues..nsdNie. D. riSa are @ponding a fev dais et Janeuls, Win. Ph. e otory Asocitions viasi;a the frs$ Thurnd a uOctobera e i boo f mme.J. Ajieson. Ni. sud Mlire HOnt0.1bave morad bock tu Dlemoud LaRts. At premeni they ara topping vltb lir. BarIleIt. MUn. H. . Goinisuwasenninned to sterling, Mi. lest veek on mconni o! the sarione Isus o! ber faber. UmnBeoR, o! Waerloo, lova, wbo boe beau visiig ber sister lira. Efumes baireturai 10 oicago. UMisa irne BillnU l tertauai a nuben of inlende lest Priday evanls et s dame lu bonor uf ber 161h VOLO. J. W. Porroace vas a Woodatock -istior atinai sud Sundsy o! 1esI Termn% ara bnsy threbng. OGasare vany good. Iome bave cosimencai 10 ont coru. lira.3. Hogen reluruoil lust vee t l bar home ln Wauk.gan biter aeadlag auvenal vekslu tacountry. Mis. Avis Cook, ut Vaoni4a, peul noieral deys lest veok vlaiing bar Aal lins,. AJ. leinpsi aid [aully. MMaio aSitllb tuiuei bonie lat Waisesis, *amsspendlag loeverai veke vrw pimaanly ith relatives lu obleego., lr insdl fre. Mins Sshulîls, o! North prairie, Win., wveatha gule of Uaqbt 500e riisy sud Saturdai o! lImmt ek. Ni. Veri locuni, o! Usuconda la tbiabing in oui aelgbberhood, hie machine gise. go"ci satisatIon. le.. Huaeshailes thei»asn. lir. Abet - lagIht 1vWtlld Wauke- ahm vek Weinau4eyntumralon ftiay bou" lse b t lih g muniac lr te si l £i. 9indama snyior socclpaaidthani home for su etasiaiviit. Ut t Bvesthe Croupi Oilidreu. SuveVa-Se havP ea Ie4d Madur euiouarac-1-n trusfer y»" RDofl Bhmnpueluase ora btuder. Geaffl £Rue ta bavIng bisbouse Scbouofl 81fer th. fali teaith >veî thlrty sholars. Enrace Wells le ading s 1ev day. vacation vith bis ftmllj. Henry Orebbe sud fenily are enter. taiing Ivo yoang laies trou ste iai. Mis". Proclur etnrva.d froix the ncth vitb a Iue car bad of0f ovaleut useR. lir. sud lire. Steilord,, of Obiefgo. are vlitspg vitii lre. Dean and famlly foraàfitr4878. Th. bail sanie botvseh Ivanhoe sud Minbars on Batudayreenitel tu riotory for lillburn. Prof. Averilloumenced bis Bohool ber. lest veeR. Baverai frucs bem. bav, gos.e aay te attend sobool. M"y pof oupoug people sré Ieag e'&grain,tome n m eoer ntherses astudenle et Ifeloit sud avanston. Ph. Cbristia Endeavor social baid as li. L. B. Egyat*olest Puenday eveain Wvasi veR attended sud as1 sagaibda g- lime thora. Ph. manuel Pbank.ofezag o1 th. mstl15i7 soi.tî yulb. bah aet 1ev. Spealor'aosn iJaflernoon. TIeS Pasteen re1vise t4M 15e b«m @sbodaet 1isecaurca ie n1 be mou*S Na e k 1a tb.basé; 0f the ,eh 3.t wbieh vil greatly Improve tête léchaof t* he chh«asllUas the Th.eOanvetéry Aâoallion vill glve a peoixsocialat tb onne .oflir. sud Mrs.Bosc onTlieufy evening sept. 149h. Everybody oordially InvIted ta ba prenons. liM m nie oudr.ycomnienced bht soncoli thelb.Svandistrict Ibis useR. Phoin scbool houa. hmu bee r.paired by putting dovu a bandvood Soci sud a mev ,poreh huAit sud painted. Frank PTit"scpaliner. Ph. Ladias 0.meteny Society mmit. ing et lime.Gnabb.'s os Phureday aftarcoca vas voitt.ned sda lr.JdAnsmuit ilaw GU RNBE., Trsd icCrckan o! Een 0.ste vialtiag-at J. E. braebp7,s Ibis soit. J. W. Smith and fimily entmriened Mr@. Liante Abbott, of Chicsgo, lent Net Vom e rc.ntly roturad froms Kansas vbere ha visiatdrelatives Ibr e eke. Mir. L. Q. Hardeety, of Buff.alo vas a visiter lu oui lovu lent Wednesdey sud Tniday. J. W. Gray bas purcbesed a nov borne 1 replace 1h. ose recouily Rllled hy bath vire tscing. B. E. Joues. Jr. a former resldent of nur tovu called, os oU friands bar. tbe latter part o! leut veeR. George Deaiel gae.the roof of bis sîsystor a good substantiel cons of pain$ theatirsof 112v veuk. Work la progne.elau uioely on the Applepard realoence vblcb viii n hoe raady for 1h.eusensc. Christian Endevor vorkars ahould remambor thconty convention et lillburu nexi tUrdaySept. Il. James Farrell hu r.cently Mmed exteneive repire os th. interior of his bars. W . D. Wsshburb di 1h. vork. Pupile atnding Waukegn hlgh school ere relocing (7) that vacation Ie ovar snd bard voit .gsin confronte S. P. Rtoam returumi lait veek tois a trip lu Wiaconsin vhore bc traval.d lihbcInterept l ! b.e ovlng mAIR strainer. UmiseColis Stafford vas re-elootad crmidaut of the Cbrist"e Endlevor Octy at the businesmeetintg lait Wedseaday eveuIsg. J. W. Smiith sud W. Dl. Wsbbum viii soon ,mbarklulabthe owllngu mit atrainor business, baving secnred sveral ocoun s10uveasva. It la rqportai 1MaI nosoo!our local honsoman bave autoreil boises lu 1h. race.s et bhefair nats vemA. W. vlsb theum ucce sud a large pure ase result. Our vest aidle blackilth, Jao Dady, has just liihod a nobby llght wallos vhlcbh.abaibulIt during the C tl Ivo petrs et odd tinea. IDsa beuty sud wiil ber Inspection. Wbile returulng 10 his homo lu Chicago on a bicycle lest Pbnrsday .Ioba Welcb vho hmbons auvislting reaives hars, vas Ibrov itous th. vboal sud snateaed savero Injurias aboust hea amsud wvasesonfroin Jeffesuion homehi rail. Ealph Dady secompanidbumonuthe.ttip. LElITNTON. The Leke county fair niutveot. Oui agent ta tb. prond psessor o! e àlue roedeter. Heury Fenaretelu vas e cityceller lest Tbursdey sud Friday. Frank Wilmingtou sud cousin voe la Ohiosgo lest W.dueaday. Among Chicgovisiton "lst rlday voe W. D. Griultb. Juo Krucknian, F. E. Butterfiald. mi" k L.wlliamsa, of Astloch, vas the guetof llas atia LIII lest Tu.sdey and Waedey. Chas. Buttarlleli vho met vltb an accident souetîmeamgo va heuarleI to b. up and arouud. D. W. GrilSth sud famuly drove tu1 JsuesvJlle, Wis.. lust Saturday 10 vieil the iormer's parante thora. T. J. Dockeryur night opeator vas promotad 10 train dispatcher o! t'h amoud Division o! 1h. E. J. à E. ruilîcad. li r obt, LIII sud ianghter Aune le0t tûr a mont&'&viels esMineepolle. lienssslest Tueniey. W. vlsb thein a mie j<suwaey Trhe ,Lake Ctt MondayOpe t lemberld 211nlà With a corps of Competent Instructor. Ph.Buenue Cnnedningviter teai »1011114 ou r»ne. lb. comm on liab lbrancUha,nBook.ke.ping, Pmnu« cor. Business Aritmetic Shooela sud dType eriting. RATE$ oU TUITION: rail Terni-10 weeks.-Hlgh bchool, $8.50; Orimmar Ocbool. 06.90, pur Wlnter Terni-là vesks-Bu"ie.s $1e. ligb Sebool, S11.0. rimmll Spring Tarin-1O v.shs--Blgh Ocilool, 17.00; Graminar obool, . PO M'i Tom opens lionday, Sept. 20, '97. Winter TPauendes PMdaj&lm.' PSaU Turcsuea iday, Nov. 28,'9W. SpringTe*nop*.iaalind,4 Wlnter Parniopéns lioday, Nov. 29,*97. éSpring ToernndasidPr&,&W 130LIDiAT VACATION SpaCi er aii- TschoW M BafIlus De..24, '97; and ends Jaij. 3,'08. til,. ueka. Jnly l, 10 AugRz For f urther paticulars address H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, LibertyvlN I Keystone.Corn Husker and Shredder ...... Husks corn and makes hay of the staika. ho Sterling, Snapper and Shredder,' Al» makaS hay et th.Se u. Hummer Sulky Plows. Brabley's X Rays Sulky Plows. Bradley's and Deere's Walklng Plows. BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS.. Lumber Axo Coal. SALT, CEMENT and TILE, Rdpe, Twine. Etc. O.Ii.Schanck & Son, LISWLE_ 1 OI PALATN E.P9OPLES' CoMP "eph Sangler la aending.lie vana. A»YEaisMEudk-'W!U *6 lion ut home. 9-1 e colu aof butooeva~ Louis Krloear, of Chirago vlited NI5Wula WO OI d~7 oret :eWord Issue. a friands hors Thurmiay.em* adilon»alIsue.1 Phe Owen trucks are the tCee sofJIr Voua5 ORIIES TERMW-.'! fust driviag IUkase days. tine lagoau old felo. ut thoe 7fl MiaseMinute Oodkalcbt vlsîts.d wttwho un&lrslads îLe eumnes. friande la Ohicago rengly. F r.vd nd o» aileç~ r. Weaba. of Wankegen vbted Terme 1 a-n--lptk.=~i friande hare over Snnday. vaIedo o %. Ilire. Bigge and daughter geturned FIVSAE.Yr -Lot 51 .& Lit fr0.x Parla. Mo., Tburidey nlght. draibanes. Cenh. ogbWU~ UmissAnale Hlieninngut Plunit y5BPUelle00.1 (irove, vlalted friand. haes atnrdey. Mis reamBauttiarand brother Ir. Fo!M ALE-8.sond-hesd ormea ving ame vialting friends in IKouch iChf- nFOR S Addr-l ha, lé lira. Vandglt o ulnuol 8 OREENT lHouýseîdtanehà b er dangbisr, ire, tC. E. F t15dese ru. Addre. wI Dr. and lirs. Iidemanu, of Elinhrat, IFo'SLAorebs s4 vers the gau .1 nIHenry l<neggat te- ehurnig. erme oa I. à canuy. CRU. %. iei o lir. Henry Blcuies, of Plnmb ""I Orova, csied on friend.. tu Palatins sunday. lir». Hastingsabuheaaumed bar vork lu the sbop, afier a vatlon of vo F __________ monthe.FO Umie Lulu Abbo , of Woodslock,ba ba eue aeteechar ln our pub- Frue lie echool. 1 FrIt re M lr. and lire. Wicho, of Des Pleines, vers guainof Mr. sud Mr@. Gema eUndertaklng ovrsnnday. Phe Ladies Forgiel Mtseouary P i Society met w 1h U. John Siutl paits, Wedneeday P. li. l las ii. la et ber post &gain £3 looking as freeb as eà<Iaiy, vith vor ÎÈ 'juS, veitiug for ber os nenal. Mir. Thursten'a dangblar Who basuris e 1.a vliîngI enirturned ltbr bome luMne ulaPnsdy. li ad ra. J. L. Seansd Ums ls Sobulta slto Prof. linyser vliad vîibh (1l friands la Michigan raeuntly. Nut Wlt 8roerIceiabrated D ut his third flrtday byeutrtlnlg numbar of hie 111117. rlade Wdns- tc dey. Et. liats Richmiond bas been eollettilg a petetion for waear votres ad the Propelae ahallbavse apleut I Go to John Pink eold bis mutaimarket, to Ijm R. B. Lythe snd Witt Abigrm. Walter Lythe and WIJI Abîgrin are ISA AC HE548ATH.' îrunig lb. marRai, va vhlsh the " "' Ra vWilson 1 hqnis.on the sîck Lbeyile lU list tletof t=aveek, but bas re- oovered f rais1h. attaoR and retinud 10 Windsor. Cad. here ha bas hune. nudar hisCur. A fralgbt train Wvasuan off tbe tracIt nr AI Siuh'e and three.minu er. bady hrtivofroChOicago, rail road *t moulais. F. A Maeri oeO rlBtilOil5a thice me o 1 sd Cou rt f =or1 miisdlitlirom-1 u.i vaelsemà. AmuoomI li. lma. Admnflftiaore Ntto,. ~vu'