f~"f4I>Bfjet-aIsusmqy quarrai la OMusus. ia desd. INDM " 09. NT ceaci omuamyg -VoNwt .1cet ttvk on a Before ber destin the. iSMa=4e un ie CemmetsVmUr~ mort atemeut, la wMCh she èeonor- * WOMAM F*20hubt Tne.effots tao viet * scrts in-bos= mhdlir;ftthnr tram &Il blasse &bdud l mmet the. Pittaburg andl Uhleago Ooal Con- 1hi;ason a ccident. Wttaemse ta thé Vieil e.pay t Oramglevlle. oc. a a halit tatement wre the motber and brother of mlle. troum Osatouvitlà,, 4reulti lu' the deuil girl. The fatlier, Chales Sur ?IE w 14TuFM G tter fralut an t «t. part .1tii. aeMdPafliby bmtruede, eaied I. a47 yerolde. B.Otumui-g to sceomplsb its objbet. Whoa u he nohome longcriter the. aupper bout ho foual @pread that the. évictof,& wers te builit' .ottilng had bien gavialfor hlm. Ha ISWOLEAS BGARD YELOW tempted the viiole vlecity'about ile fleur lt. a race andl harshly upliride lis «WOLEAS EGADSVELOW ville. Gastouvllle &bd orageraie hecoe e vf. William., thii1year-Old son, veat #qVER SITUATION CAL.MLY. wildli exciteal. About 7 O'CiOck tnbit te hiei mother'a resce. The father gra<W tventy deputes tram Washingthon, Pa ,mre amngy atiisliterférenlce, andl, It lu the. charge ef Chiet Deputi .losPh Wosusai, suatcheai fronu the table a large dptsfýrom lafoutel Quartelu An* EL Wetbîril. remoued FiIlyille, vbeft kerofena Iamp ad hurled Il rafil At hi§ ~yeaM -Flmm Oigluatefi et they vere met hi a larget rovd Of tràereson'. face. Vedete, the dnunbter, lespeai ~-*m Uoemge-Utaie Tva & ansd tiertriends. Bach devilt wosnaiimd te, ber brother réeaue. The lamil mitard @UIU img*U U utiroI QurutnO, bu wt lua Wncetef itie ansrvoler,hi theUicoy'. face, but eut bis head .everelY. Thei Quranýý ut u aiteet tis he tTierbeldedTben It explodeal. The burnlug o0i1vms - by 100 PoIli vomen, tc@"ee lu On them hlrovu over the long liai andllglit »Ire"s t@V"caesi.lahe Cty. andl the deputle received rOUgh treat" of tic heroie aIter. luau Instant ab. nev Ofreant caiglt lis second îiund meut. They were gradually f oresd b&ck, vaz envelopea lnlugamen. Mns. Bayersansd Ilamdsy moring aaud. aie breere of ex- amd lually retrested hta atoutille, 4ya-l Burt rushed ta the yoliug etent tht prerailed sunlday' mornintil vere the ver. foloweai hi a crawovdif 14-yar-aotetb hi a ad ~idgmf. At tirât there vis a disPO"i- about 200 men anal vomen. At Gastoni- voh is escun . Whe liahes bI altan ten telouevatowu, bat n heu peuple satl- ville the délimties tuait refuge lu thé. office foiey dllento attse lame, but Itvas tc Icunop niottera and roundl that there of the comptaiy, vere tlieY ver. képtiatde. MVedelaanson e s edrecOg- mm ulSoly seven imported cases il yelluW mai nlgbt. Thé. building vas bombardial iti.Mthralsoye eonl hie lutheeit aa tat the, ibad l>tu ivist atne sud bricks sud an occAslOual iuJured lu tbelr efforts te save lier lite. tueiaed as ta six ur thent, they <ecîdeol chattwona reai. At 7 o'ciock lu themr-WbT ~ ~ <~ OLR t. vait until tue condition shoula bcoiie tig the trouble ci the uiglit reiche ett i- - irvtdbefore tuaking a break for mai wlieu thi deputies sallea out irculFpebrOt nust orn fe ar ,Lt. There %%a#, therèfore. ntu their hesiegreaiquarter.sud startodta t U.4..5b5' pton OleAdv. t On bumvy uutgoing travel asîd ver-y lttla in- Orangeville. Eacb oua carrie1 ieas oriesUldar Cble AlviCi comlas. The natives bave, cantrary to chester ln is ibandsansd bis revo'.ver Xumsn thr CiayoBohatrds orcTrdemanath espacttions, flot beroniefrigiitelle<il ver exposeai, but these laed no terrons for the gou t Cabao o atrdeof TrIemet oth *i existence or yelow lever, and w bat- belegers. Hîsded by the vomefi, the sa ut aot %c ipric oreet er eweoedepression exisesla due to the tact trikers rushed ou the dePutien Wtb uads'fo closlng riceFor Decemberl liai business, whlcli vas ;10 Per cCut. tanct, clubs snd plckhau.iles, andi biovs îd for dntSeptember For a suposedl abore the cornespondiinîoutil of test feu thlck sud font. oui oftha bg vomen noeu deI sepr tberveutand oIl av gr4m, lias recelved a seback as a recaiitwtdt ii lefommth et i" auds oexemrprlug gyrations. nul sttlgave et the geueral institutioni ot quarautine sud struc lmo tebiolvth It, lu- a gnou exa jmpiengf ta $1nlvssizaed ste oaure@ against îlis citY. 1-p toe ll lctiug serons Injury. Almast every man gltbyumugo$1itia.iue peemet wrtlng the attaches ut the board la fie posse vas ct sud bseating and or tva ut the openiug. Decomber tiret or beaIthi auuounce abt there bis been sevenal yene serously hurt. Oua ad i went throngb a littieoftlits parallel bar co am siinl thc situation. There are rtght band almogt severca by s sharp, exercie. svinglug itseî trund go swlftly mmily seveu cases. Noue has yet lrol--atone. The officiais or tIe Company sol flt atit as difficuît ai tintes ta sec vheth- 0f ata, ol he uletis f-ot ifeteal no lirtiier attempt wili lie matie ta îvlct er it wss beal up or head dovu. That la darçrere ni a favorable nature. It thi minera for the present.stas peroyrtmanel limnr-ythis gand h aybecomlug eîidet that the tir-ât sa efrac fcibn ptebrk cm fo yellow lever oignated lu Ocean GUATZMALA IN A BAD WAY. aud oer the hesits of tb. bersvho ~rlns mu dia ailailir pootsinvelong p their bauds lu attempti ta stop) Iiul anthe ltctiotr titslace .Wer BrmemaAimntsiCertean-Mlant !ta r.achiug the dollar msrk. Frnm 96Wk tx.b th iunfetioe inabr pelac-e. r.r e Falaru. lei>Otd. toa98l4c to begin wltb it rose taeil8%c, J. M Parellothedicta case of eugetNewsrecelveti tram Gutemala ls te> turued sruaundsud venýt bock agalu ta MXiiu Wot oattw aeso egu ah ffect tint tiié countri la lu a bsd vaY 98%ec. Then it droppeti ta 07%c aud rsi hirexlslug tliere proceeded ta Pis- luanclally sud politlclli. During last trainfiltaluaà graduai vmy te 97%c. lut,iegu reports tuat talte slckcte mauhh the folowiug taitures vane report- F1rom thc latter point ta 90¼C vas the in Palabatchie wsi.maIarial frver, unI il- Frelerico Chaccu, $flO,00, I etiso work of about twetî minutes, sund thune 11.1 tiare le mûi danger tram that Point. Blana,1,700,000; Enrique Mento. $1- fluctuations ver. sal ithinth tir est ive Xt Bilcal. Mis., the coudition of affaira SS»Oô; Ascoli & Cc. , 1000),00; Ratier heura or the sessiou. Chicago ricelved an regard thc fever la not mîterialli' & Co., 800,000; Victor MttbOus, 82,- 269 cars, ouly tvelve of thtrau contniet. diange tramn the former reports. Must 000000; total, rd,00,000. Ail of tbese Mnneapolisanmd Duluth receipta vere 406 et tbo s sck sre iaîproviug rapidly. The bonses hsve been extenalvely itgecd cara, againat 1143 the correspontiing day .s.dtlons of sut are favorable. ebf lu the exportation cf coliteesud ther af year before. pN» S 0V EONGEKR ln IPLENTTlr. Central Antenacan produts and thi lmit -portat.ou of merchanîlse. Beides. a Maaied sud aurned. Wb»«a.geuamas itavea Eiher tirent ntomber ocfifrme have pe nuder The mont disatrous railwaY vr"cl Cha Tuat a Aauly. for les. amonts, Tiihototal la ueanly I$8,- tuai lias ever bappenedl n Colorado oc- Wod ereta T mFort Atusn Ws 0000, but ila atriO. misleadLng, boy- currci Frlday mornlng, a Mllie and a hait hIbM.t aher thiautouc au annut- froo iver, betonné il représente Central Amer- vest of Nevcastle. A paengrt i Baihal, whist aied atcone ta loiktlenu money, vhic ins very iMach depre- colllel wtli a stock train, vrecklug bath VU« as blond mortel, Mes. Leura Ar- clateti lu value. ltila Barrios, Vill a o trains. Bliortly after the colision Oir talissarre hereai ta death. notwith- président aud vho declar-et i lmwel die- bruite eut lu the ruina. The mail, baggage alstheri Wos aearly 83,000 ina tur of the. r.public twa methe Rmgola and express cars, intuber, day coachb md atbiidi ber dlugy bcd. Wltb the ixcensiveiyunupopular bicause cf hi. re- a tourt a eeper were bur-ned. A nu-bel, li.or tus ecentrir voman ends a cent igh-hautded action mud bis crueltiet.of passengers vho vere Dot kllel Ont- Ii ie uh bal [ta beinuntg in Eu- There la a demanî that Brosper Morales, right. but vlia vere pitinet inl the vreck- uàd oretha tvety ear aga wîî-à lavi-er and former Mlister ai W2r, ie âge mud could muot b. exîricmteil, perlaltea bsn mretats te tyonugr s n et l an oneilta succeeal Barries. Te prevet lu the lames. it la estintatel that twentY- MMlmib agedon theicu lier mntoefa arrios intends taillirga session of ire persans vere kilied outrigbt. put, baet lancer lha vms pacitet ohthie Assembly tory soon lu crier ta bave Accuséa, vite, luggage sud ail. neughlrnsei ccnlirmed as dictatcr. If hie ls Ilaourl's Droutb Severe. l Ittli foud of tiuck huntlng, lie nocte fui var ia aimost certain, because Late coi nreur St. Joeepli, Mo., has afaimn o Lake Koehkanong, Uic country viii mot longer sublimit ta his been serlonsly damagel by tlie prilongeti »Wsa for tis klud ot sport. Aroutage oppressiou. If hé is defeateti var ls 3051 dronglit sud Uic crap vili b.enmach shorter 4ff abOt han yeama eg, aud Uiheider ausure, becanse lie canuet afford teolb. than expete. liarIY corn la %sala te b. bocider and alïer to Uic tife offered the lrlveu out of cGee. ot ai dauger, but totmuyfields )f '.%te ému au amanmty cft$400ou conditionucrm yullib. godol for tailler. The -bu *a rania lu Amnerlea. Mna. Ar- OLD CORN 19 DING XKILD. bat, dry veatlier bas asesoinitiredtheu ~taibassiae Ual u a lug hotesNu- fruit cr-rp and pstures are burolîte Up. ýý*b u "ce At ivl in i>ny bse Nbrskaiarer au-t vlemm th stock voter acarce. The drought la M 4 i lortAIi omn, ion Bher md ima A mmencsAennt or Grain. Uie mnat severe for many yeara. bsnM Esl er e oom ima, rn bas Amember of the. Nebrska Board cf blu &Ue twat rlngoserinerandiiiletram-Agriculture, vito bas returnel fromnaWlIr CAsi. 0 etiv a riad eser ter ie acuin eteudati trip Urough the state. maies James IR. Willssl, Elmer Dwlgglus andi but active lutha hvs no li ta acc tethiis report as ta the reaît of bis trip lai Dvlgglus, wbo compose the irm aif «U* M taU trm e r hsaus ot iully.tc anald igure bave beu prepare wblcb show 3 . LWilard & Co., bukersansdlbruitera, «Mtrens hbrter r. tnda aiklyg about iat tuer. are 100,00,000 bushels oaId cith offices lu New York. Buffalo. Wasli- uadr athies man ta kn g ambut ftcaru jet lu Uie bauds cf Uic farmara cof inugat, D. C.; Philadephia and 'Montre&], lellcthetamatteranatsud bu t i teItate; 50,000,000 hochetse l ari t ? asigardta Jamesa L, Ste-boak, vith 'v» deStemater. ud efoeUiey la cribu luthe. State; 250,00)0,000 busbes preferences for $M0000 tc William il. Mt avound lt It death hal l eeder out- of nev corn sale tramn b.d vatbi Or Osterliaut. It le estimateai Uiat their lia- haein, _____front sud assuraI ho Uic producer, vhst- hlitie. viii regch $1,000,000. p*a*.tu etfthie Cice, ever mayliappen to Uic late con; trous____ Vlavlnslah he standing afthie club. 50,00,000 ta M5000,000 buaet oflate eoryTh.î Bld lb. a l ablonOi DsbaUiiLagu: aura, wviel bas becu injurcai te some ex- Colorado Democrate have duaoverel W. U. W. U tout by tic lte bot veather, mucii Of tbat in tbeir haste they nominateti John îajilmore . ..&2 3Brokly.. . .&1 65 whlie. hovever, viii b. saved If rain A. Gordon, a ClevelandiDénoueri, as eau- Me«u. ..8 55 Chcago..53 066tornes ta tic State vithil a tiy dals; dilate for Justice ai the Supremne Court. Iluev York. . .75 41 Plttaburg ...-.50 65 ad 75,000,000 busiels of vheat, rye, Gordocn va. the leader of the botera tant (Ibelanti . .67 49 Philladlphiea .51 07ate, barîey andl lax. This maites a total fait. vho repudiatedth te Chicaga piatforui Cseelmal .. .00 6W Lousville .. .50 70 eof50,000,000 boulsetc grain raîsel by ad Brymu. ____ Wasbigti>u.5(12 S. Lois... .27 91 thi.fermers of Nebraka thîs year, allov- - luf for 25,000,000 busheisaiflata corn Bain* Ratacis Grain Out Veet. Th ia vîns w ai etthe. nmber. ai thé e t.ib.amveil ont of the total acreoge. It Thc Spokemal-eitew tbas vestlieu WWetuLague in summarusd belov: la etimate furtiier tht ofi tus top rop reports tram il sections@airEastern W.LU W. 1. there viii liae cusume lu Nebraska 150, Wahingtn anal Idahoa. Frome neanly ail iuiIanapcII 90 34 Detroit . 67 62 000,000 buahels, ieavlug 350,000),000 bush- points camet reports a* v.eping akiesaund Coembus .. W C43 Minneapolis .42 90 éis te lb. shippea ontethe ic aie during modacu ils. Ccutlnucairaina are iec- et. Paul. .q 49 Kansas City .40 94 thie ext tarcira monthe. The profit te lu; th-t grain aud Ijurias ic hat lu die UMhiwukee . .78 51 Grnu, Rapidis 36 90 tue ralroads foc movlng dits grain vili abock. ____ b. 1 e UOLli 10,000000. __V_ iva Hundrel IMort DeatIa. Difpltches tram the qoanuntineti city PANIC biZIL ON IMBLAND. àA pcical lisateli tramn Madrid saya « Bilaxi, Mien., nuy that the tro,îble thut liant Moyen, seutil of the Islmnd eo 'videh le becomint unbearsile la tlie tact Repots Tat, iiRetard Crois und lm- Luxon, Philippine Isands, ls lu a state ot tiant dramt stores are montaig out aifraci- pendion, gamine, vicient eruption andl that the striants ao chns and no freigts have becu receitel, A lîspatcli tramn Louais sale: '*àPale lava tlrovn aut by thc eruptionî recn tc alihoagi ordered lit amplîe tirte. Presi- làsspreadlug turoughout Inelanti over tlie the sealiore, a distance af tventy luteu dent Leuiou et the Blaxi board hns irel terrible prospect o e aoppare2tiy coin- Fotei«o sotr Presldent Olipliat, urglug hlm, lu bebsif pise talitre oathte >,rvezt. Reports tramn DaidPrm B l 0fa 'Shaer. t qfii usanity, ta e.efilt requt-ts for- 110 panie prlcsta tramncaunities Chire, herDan Pariell, svilka yngeran es, dana'@hall b. promptly atteudeai ta. Cork, Kerry, Limerick. Tîpperary. Au- neranGbi.Cl, sdu oplo huim, Armagh, Cavan, Derry, Doueaial, tram intesailug cf a mosquito test wcek. %&ys Prsisdent WiU Act. Dovu. Fcrmausgh, Mouaghaunund'ry- MtieCuCrs la Coiauisl.. 1 prominet Wathlngtou politician ae- roue, ail tell the samne pitcaîs st027 of lu San Fraucisco seven persans ven elared lbe bareceirea iloincumlotohit rinaI icpn Ipending destitution sud Injureul ln a collision ef eletrlc artaio lis adminstration linendel ta adap a famineu." Mission treet Thuredoy. vigmrun foreign pollcy witblu tue next nuthi. lHe siI a proclamation whichi gamine Tiratent. u M A OTTINS iwosid biessue lnluOctober concerninq Iluories tbraugiioul IrelanalfuIllicor- liCubn stuation vonlal receire thg, alirat. tie alarmng predlctions of thc b"rty approval oret icjuoie, tellue of thie barvent aud a conseéquent Cicago-c4titie comman ta prime - impiullng foaine. Cries ef variliflita 13.00 te $5.75; lhop, shlppiug grade Dentar l rom Dwigsrini6 nvthe Goverinent are rising lu a crescendo $3.00 ta $4.501; sheep, fuir taedchae, $2.n Dvr;I)lgglns anys lebo a wocleae alprt tIrcio'td. ltram ta$4.501; vieit, No. 2 rea, U&e a tia &ilM nter hal sel counetion viiotover MOuIliMr, ouaeoftheicmaeti prosPi'tt< corn, No. 2, 30c tae132c; cita, No. 2, 1i vltht irm n of J. Et. Wliird & Co.,sed psao i midus. a correspo)ndent loi- ta 21c; rye, No. 2, Ûic te 53c; hutte ibat the ouiy bousin«escounetion lie ever =gr-h!e'ei crops are ntuirtrlevi- Coie creamery. 16e te 18c;; cge', frest vl i ilsnepevsa itatthej vera bdeyd-aroci Xi viiim upossibue for 12e ta 13;e;n, pointue, 50te t60lc pi et anctfinte in he us iero. He ie nov bth armera ta maka anything of their boabel. prnetet tfic Storm Laite (foire> In- nceisthiltjour, asuitey are qnlckly rat- Indlanspoiis-Cettle, sblpplng, $3.00t "estiment Comtpany. tlug. Projcts for fuinenîliter ar-e ce-$5.50; bots, Chele light, 13.00 ta $45C citaI" PFrom Ccuuty Wertorti, notd as aeep, commaen ta cholce, $3.00 ta 94.0( Kilie laInasWrc.Lone cf tue riehimtlal the contry, Utce vbéat, No. 2, 96e ta 08c; cora, N. Severi mnurtve.kileut and si injurid aiilings are: "Thesg-cen rop mal iebde- wvitelle Scta 32e; net, No. 2 white, 21 luatreet wht vk Oittie iraitMoutain criboal as a glgantie fllur ln Couuty te2e U lti Rtra>, 1. T. AIl thie i- Wextond this jour. Thi greater part 0o et. Lous-cattle, $3.00 ta 1$5.75; lioj -llus vire stimtlung a rie lua acar. tub ptate crop hJeh ntu tofe Zi ali i 30 t 45;*ep,1.0t 4 tice" rom Fermange la later, à a fl acen0;-epP0 t 40 .par.tour OR Imdbitdes responlent télégraphe: "At a moulu vent, No. 2, 11.00 ta $1.01; crn, Ne. - _ - . .egs -ur et187_pse- elli.. t_ --.-at o ardutinlu *. eliew, 29e to 31c; est@, No. 2 white, 21 RI010 QUARIANTINE lm SOUTH-t EIN TOWN&. IaerwMViabEu Hforesl vî u G...if nceegr-omrae s VmhiAtt Ps.. #tsTrslm-Daausr uiisithe. Pesti- Poietiltanthe Psan.. a Tte breakins oit fYelIov fevernta Ocian Sprinse, Iss. New Orleans andI otherplaces bas canseil a ey ialespreal alerailu the South. irartieaîly ca-en>' city and toulunAlabama bas estai-1 fbsimaltue mest igual quaratite agaînit Oeeas Springs, New Orleans anal othar rongor fever ltectel pointa, antd mont pinces a sbolgun quarmtîne is tue crder of tua dur.' This i. vlrtualitruc of Mobile. viere the offciai. puulciy prociimel tiat tie regultitons voul bo entoredet athe poit of gun.. Trains fr-ont the South anal Bcthhva.t oni li rairoads pasni turongi u, part or ithe BiaIs ar-c bordl1 hi dclcnmlucd alhlcens licoili armaI, and ne ue trian ivere nean the iîîtected districts in pernîltiel ta icone the car-a. At s nulubec etrsnall tovna guands lino thie epot platot-nis osnoaeli as tue trinas. Mauî Aisientiaus suntuneriix et Gualf coast retonts are shut out entireli trot thie ceai f tha vorl, as trains betvecam Mobile sud Nev Oreans nov non pea ou stations vîtimoul stalqutue Ilt ear-el thal tie delay ofettlhe ati atiarilles ln proclaimhug the disease yeiiav terer viii recui dlsathrousiy, andIt vnuid b. nu surpris. shoulsi it breakoet aivarions Souliernupointa at any moment. For turc. vieke peut people tram nl oven luis sud nelgibornuS ttates bore been icaving Oecu Springs in friglit be- cause, as tiey said, s peenilar eptidemie wvus pretaling e ataplace. Those vho thugsset avai beteore lhe yeliav ferer commeaicedaremnnov scattereai ton anal vil., and irelu teshie greteat Iangen. The Fiorila lStte Boardl or Healti lbas la Do dbittuahîat ndtk M linl, atu'je ltahlé onsta la JuusUld in lit ADu- 0l0potIee 0f tedoues. Tb@ Pbeis are0 a bay te theWst. Ieesa1ldonet t bellev, hieca la an idiI.Manu tt tthe1 miesuippI vb. vaats voek.' 0 Mr. wilson pretilehel a 9MIlifurtuer ail- vmuceelu the prie of viiom, due to tue tact tuat the"e la net onlu a short eraPC ibrosti. but ais. because oethte tact tint, accorllug te bie obsertatLon. the nOMP WU, net b. nu extensive IntiIs country teaIs a generaiiy liccu autlelpatad. "Wltli the lmProtemenujt tic times.'. ha mald. "tii average Amecla leI.gclugS tahaise ail td i eurbis fantlhY eau cr-n- sume. aveu îieugh ha mal have te puy a8 little more for It I belleve taa even1 viticut the shoshage lunthi. tarigu craPs the conditions lu ibis cou"tey osilihaa for-ced viat te 0 1 a busi. I Bt," ha adîel, "the Improred condition 01f Uic tarmer la du uet Alose te the enisuiel prîte In vieat. Thece lias ieen a cotrne- %poiuing impruvemntutil ail farin pr-ad- LUETG<-RT'8 LETTERS. Misives Whicb Tend t40 tailisha *Urder motive. Wlien Luetgert, the allegeal Ciica vite mur-lecer, enii Jadge 'fuîhtl's ceurtroaiao Tuesalai La suniland sol tilic at tic Jury, but lic talledt la xtnd the sneep ut ils salutation ta the erevai. Tic ir-t business taken aîP vas the reodiaig of translationis ut leters vrittpn hy the Iceudant te Mns.Gbcitstf.,îe Feidt. 'Tie rendlng of tue fond mIssives sent hy Luetgert te the Wllov occuPiel mur-b tinte. sererai bint ver>' lengtliy. Whie Assistant Stale'. Attotruey Mr- Even cenI the epistues the. jury ilyienî-d eiretoliy. Tic resaler n-as trafui t'a place due entpltmls on each endeaar-ng vanî on phrase anal le tuliy einpliaslze ail retereuce ta the tact thai thaeasg sau- sage manufactuirer vas Rasnxs for lie unie ho cine vben ho voold b. frcee la vel thie abject aitbis affections. MWhen those portions of the letters contaiiig reteen-u te Lnehget'a trouble inii a-'- lue au attoneayver. reasi oioud It cvi- deitly entianasseul tic prisoner. COAST ALONG WHICU TELLOW lEVER L4 BBPOIITED. State au parnonssu bossage fron théi îîllcv fever infectaI pote lu LjonisLtjui and Mîissippiunuies ccompmnled by a certilîcate tuat tua penea hbas flot beeti cîposel tothe ic sette vithin Ottecu lai. tramn tue tîme cf departure. Tbe sait vater relorts btveu Mobile muid Nev Orleans-aeagotin.Scranton. Bihexl, Ocean Sprinus. Bal St. Louisà, page Christian, Wavciaud, tue Sotlern Methodisi Association camp grouit and LI ail vIi aions on thc Mississippi sounti coasi-coutalu ea his scason teus oet limon- mindscf visitera trams ail sartions of the Scuth. Mabile nov bas represeniatives bi hundreda at Scrantan, Bilozl. Ocemun Sprngsansd ti, camp grounds. Tics. people, slnce tue tever panie beétaihae been vildazi xius btuci t oteïcr homes. rseoai Autbasitica Act. The généralt oatcrmonh viii rendes, aIl assistance inLuilspowcer te check hei pcead et yelLcv lever. Thia wili e dane mammli thbrogiithe. ageuciai thie Marine lIa- pliai Sei-vice. Dr. Walter WYmans. the. beal cf tic bueau,iba ratunitho Wasb- Intala ud assauneul active charge in tii- ractin thie vokn luasins the State afficg orc Mississippi lu their efforts to coufine tic dàacese te i lcltyvhîr. if appeara hi> hmve tartel. Dr. Wtmau sales hiat tsyei le bosnDo opinou te, ex- pncaa wihet rtue discase ls remil>' îellov lever, ationgiha eadmîta h blots ocni suspicions. Thc preeutionarY uessOnet he bas taitcu are baseal entireli on tic déclaration f et icState Board cf Heulth or LoAuîslaailutue Gelpi casme, vhith vas flint thiedieese front vlich the -,aie- sou bal lied vas yeihov fever. Dr. WY- Manu »ie the situation ai Océan tSprings L l etirlî lu tue baude eftuaheState Board 1cf Bealth, wvile tic Marine Hospital Bu- ireau le loins averytblig possible ta sulst. .Dr. Wymen ha. vireti thc physictau inb echarge aI Océan Springs s copi ofthtei teasuny regulatiens relating ta tue pré- veution cf Uic spreaa cf épidémie discase tram anc Stahte unotiicn. Tiese régula- -tiens preseribe lic mannen et sunveli- -lance te be establiabeti ovin rairoad trains fcoming fronsthte ifeceuhdistrict ant i gie mrilesfoarthie Isolation cf bte-tcti passan- garsansd lic diufectlos ef their bsggage. -The Marin, Hosptal Service bas ample camp materiai on baud. Tic aplenîli cul- ft wvicb bas been at (inliville. Ga., bals heucsent ho Uic vieliiyof Océan Springs, anal if a camp of déetion lu tounuceesri tue cuifit vîli bc used au occasion mai requise. Ti bureau also se teeps portabie apparatus ah Savanntah, la Ga., lutendeut for une li épdémies. il rouillassocimachines for liainfechin ad fanîigating purpesmes. They bave alt bicu set te tua viciskit>' ciOcéan Springs. -' EUROPE NEEDS WrIEAT. jAgent Abvei Bande a Reporit t th StaOe Depaerîmant. W. p. Avahi. commercial agint ai tha <United Statsit a iobaix, France, g-d tuthe icShate Departmenft a report on the ,r short vheat cncp lu France. 1Be sais tha crop li France andlnlutact lunmai Europe hs f alleit maci belov the average, ana to tisi it ls estimatel that thie Unitedi States à; Lnd Canada vil be called lup-an taexporl traIm 20,00,000 te 1W,000,000 busheli 2more tiatanhiciexportaI toE u-onasi Le Isar. France yul require about 60,000, il 0 huues te mat tic deiceerluthi Consut Heenan aItGaessa bas mal. si 2 extensive report te iesStata Depai-imanl emeoueflinthie falura ai thecerop lu Rn, " .lia mut districts it bas bien thi ~ ettinse rgasever kuovus, and grain hi 0. beau Issiropsl b>'bol rain adbail 2 M" iort hie semIs as mot vortb thce e Oe geuiaI blalias. lis vinht reeived as oocssa isai tvar7 infeeiorqua tJ. Tl 04 eu at lutt hvit viii lm 0; iug roan sisIdus ugtic seamo 2 o T <4 - la lithis availableIot le ths purpose, thie olti stocks being pesie Uchlîexiausted and telimenvcroit Ilibi >; more titan assoientm for tue homle de c; Theil as» of thc vbeat erop ln Aui tl-Hansart, Boncanla and Bulgi ne Causal icausu acontinues, blsbrouel io bayra fron t hie.countries loto Rassio le sud viieat vlich would ordinaril>' liav sa, Odessa by steamers le destiaeal to go i rail tieonthei terlorlt. thie coantria ,9 name. da; SecemayWilson vaset bis laskituh K0- AareultuerL Depsniomenh lu Wailmlugtî lte Tuefdt for thee ral lm for a mont] Ins flratamml itm bis tour cetIû ans. hlslplStatua. lHe ve s tg Ml xm a ,ai hteia lilt«P V'incent, smiled and the prioner vinibly wlnced vheu the sentence won heord lu vhich Attorney Vincent was termedt "grmely." 1%e letter vent on to statet that Luetgert lntended to releuse Attir- ney Vincent, as lie dld flot consildr hlm0 ablei.to bondie au Important a cane. lau another letter Lurtgert vrote to the c4- feet that on the ir-it day of the triar therc vwo to bce a greut surprise for the police end the Stute. An :ttriiey of vorid-vlde famne von ta lbeen;-atd. «aid when *"tii.dogs of polie" Liv vho it wu@ thcy vouid quail witli fear. Thijs as yet unknown lavyer. Luetgert rit- tiuued. wa» to supeisede Attorney Vin- cent and then the case would b. proverly coucted. Attorney 'Vncent sbook wltli suent laugliter several doume duriug the abo<ve and similar references. île seemt4l ta re- gard the motter as a hute joke. Luetgert, whcee chance, for lit e 'ere sa considerahly reduced by the introduc- tIon or the lettere as evidence, rocked to and tri> lu hie chair, and ac.uionaliy toreed a slckly amele, duriug the enuaring pauagelu the letters. He evidently diii not enjoy the publie exposition of bis lutory ccrrespoudence. A;tt»r the letters were al rend the r.- elpicat. Mne. Christine Feldt, a miîddle- aged wudow, won called to the w inens chair for the vurpose otflnlsbing lier tes- tlmony for the State. Wheu Mr@. Feldt was calIld b tht- stand her former lover, to whoue cqse th. Zzsi~*r< he employîelMas daiuni lthi aneagtae- ysdMil, t0t Zb. bel sen Ur. entgr fcaer bis ftouy about Il o'clora onstbu nishtet the sari-li. 'ROSPSCTUP ONOWINO OROPU. rare tontCotton U0fsee.blî ARetel ti tête Westeh.5 Ce.Iitten. Tii. voesur bureau, lu Ils'reporh aif nop coudîiins fer thi e eksmys: "In the ceutral vailcys anal Souhecu htales lb.he eebas sot becu favorable, vling te geucrs] absence ot rab cAnl prev- siene et higli iemperatunes. Hat, drylug cuins bave proved injurions ln the St..tes ot tue Lover Misaouri anal Ceutral MI*- *ssppi trallissuad ,raius, unusunîly cmavi for tie season. lu Oregon andi Wamshiington luterferel vitu liarveuting sudl traublug in thase States, but ransteu na serious lnjury ta graiu. "Corn ha. been very unfavonabl- af- fecheil hy the vealier conîliloas ufthe iont weck lu tic principal corn prouClng Slutes. Hijuf teoapcrmture anîi absence tif nana-h net-deu nain bove cheekol grovwh if the laie a-rap andl connei preniature ni- fflung, vhle the eak-alnce 'af haot vinds have cuuseal lujnrf, pertilcaiy l ilth tates oftheicL«sver Missouri Valliey. lu lova inal Missouîri much corn la paisthlîep and viii lie r-tIfur toalder. Thîe conil- tions. haavr, Juive tie.-îniore f-avorable lit corn iib the Jike neglon, t<îiîaor 0111o Valley iusiNevw enlaitd, anal an the Mlii- le Atlantic States the crpoi.ineneraliy "The general condiitianlof aiton la Isles$ favorable thin t he lireiý, vet, and uver liardionsuu fthecmidle au-i magtarn wr-ions ut the cotion htac-t ere liai liai atda deier-àuratlon. Absence of rein laits caiiseilI httipcîi capidly aîîalt-a salie eIté-il pri-mnîona-ly. lia portins or %utîh said Sautivest 'Tex-as showi-,-. Iîiiiprorei laie cotton uaiudîte 'tep' roita, bu'. )ar the nonîhenu pontioin ofthe ic tote andai ven the. ca-utrsi and al asern pairtousafahe cuttnllt tisa conditionsavue lie uan- favisrtîie, eceapt for picklng vbîibhas progreiised r-ialy. --ne iuik o eto. lrscaraap lbus hao rui saïlihoa, gena-raDinlug-,d coîndi- tion, excet lu Keutuckyanul Tennesiee, ailerc the.croit promises ta bu- tary shatni pimrticixiatli n tth i O niaîtd Siate.- SIX PERSONS ARE KILLED. Tarhl xsala.ou of Nilnoiclîeenin eh Ceunimt, Ohln. A tirritale explosion of nitnogiyrerbu or- cr-1 t-iaiCygit, Ohio,wvi-h rettailied in tliai deutli ut ut liat six peraaai. 'fli expliuon ocurci-alnt î;rumî va-l, 1-acateil ut tic rasr oft tua National Saîppiy Cstm- ponys oütlle buildingr. in the viliagi- limite. Thiis n-eU isaljuot béen asiat by Mtnt Bharber. lhe sbaaalcr far the Ohio sand In- danoa Taris-do Compiiany. The wr--llvan a gasser. taind wen thc 120 aîarts ut gi>-ci-r-la Iciilaan atarao tiec n-a-Ifl-11aloc lb,- gas lguitead itîlia t-malrisice lta- iaaneu msuat igi nabite e cru,. A.s atin as the l*illernmsas hv fîmesc seni-nai cllaalad hlo ttlr--r-iý-L 'ai a ai off ice go*, but tiaey lau1 uiordly faai'tn iLs-eevia-n th-re wna stcrilia axiallit. 'The iiiiciaag gaz badita.rtedth te r-cumin- ing tly-arinith îe cmpty rats rianling lia awnatgon sean the de-rrick. lutiiuthcr nagoni aneflay nene soutre cscut.iitn aur-lier 12W-iquarts ofthile Mtu ni itis va tarted Iay aie force ofthtic irai expia- Rion. The second wo.ntaleudel valihtue Onrt lin a mlghily nr uaid the"tovn and saîrrounians coutry tor ny <nil-s tr-- bled ftram lie shasck. BIglilbuildings tir a taotal urecitasd msuy <ailers lamageat. The1-aonlias a populatinn of utiont 1.2fiO. Maitr'bystanlens vere voititiea. COSTS TEN MILLIONS. Extensive Ceal i ek.Proves Exlpe..- nive for theMiNse,. it Ios hiugb t ib e minera' stnike miii snon cend. It Je undersaaud that the n- tionali alaliof tic miners'on i ar-s vithane ta sacept thaoper-alars' aiffer ot a compromise ut 64 cents, un advance or Ih ceuts, alîbougib te str-lkers vantel 09 ceuts. The battis lias been a costly ana ifor tié striikcrs. acunding ta eshanostel miaude ay tîrir asyn affchai. The stnikeru have tlst lu vaife. $lJ1.)Oia». liiea- timatteit that lu tic bltumnias rnt i ls- t if the ceuniry. lucludinai Peniqyl- STRIXERS' CAMP -NEAR DE A#M1T5 MINE. thsi d do Iueagouelsdamage, et.ed aiâtan, Oie. West Vîrginia, Ilans, 1I1 te glasnee lu hec direction,.lRe tvisted nais, lova sud otiter States, 12,000 me unsas11inluhi& chir, ad lieu eanels-ira 111de. The average scar.îitgsutfil over to Attorney Vincent ald aconsulta- mes is put et $1.40 a day. Il vili t-o! tloa vas heiti. * MevnuhsAssistant tva years et teadiyacok fonrithe stnikei State's Atloruei MeBven proceedel te necorer vliat tbcy have loat. vli th tdirect axaminahict, wvicia eait Althougi tbe strikers tir-e ta>'ftrnIl isigeli vith thei Onauclal relations be- heittiestlilsers, te operanis cdaimia h ivecu Luctgert ant i lis. Felîl. Tie tici. toc, bure losi. or raîtier-ii lauo latter adeahtte lisatiug reeived funa s$1.,000l. Thc capialors ii that up1 truim Luehgeri prior ta bi@ enreet, andi date tua-y have luist noe motiay, cr-at said thaI sic liaI vithdrava tiec msnîci Uic>'hare licou able ta sel at fancy priei ah hi& demant f rom a àsaiety lepoet'il atlImmensePilies of lack anti mitierefis, for hils tse. Thi suoshsu al vitb-tat la ordintîrlli orthbnothi-ii. Bi drwvuail Iifferent tinte, fonesl up 14,000, Utheatnce oftIl cents pnouio-eah oiii a the entire amcunt vich sic liaI reciveul. suit Ln ibeir Ohms uuaa i-mhr o aiIa Sie assertiti 1cr gnoranee of bey Cilsacontracta et a iota, and for- liis lucre moeci as used hi tic prissnen but al- n nianti tilinm-contracta aie misa mittel tuai portions of lit bol lien re- The openotamra suny thare la butstlt,0,X,) tatnal hi ber on hil& crdeertanthec cre of -tcua t ta le silpped tath iies aauni, hiW cilden. BSua sisotestified asu10In thecontr-srt, but h te>'areafar-ail ia-ywilils: sutbstance of thc letten sund ssserted that le blho sa gel il out lu tinte. hecause the tihe ldrefuacalto lenialLuetgert ber owu vil bc a shortaceet cacra just nos scau monai ugc thie remnesta vichie lalidte minora -resuitué 'ork.- beevltou. hnla tuhie tetters, BSbc tsstISti *e batiW ereelv.tu asa uatoïdet- o0f iii dias&Drin Marching Miners Bt0y Sut, by Depuies. OVER A SCORE KILLED Dead and Dying Coat Delvers Fali Like Ten Pins. Onlahirts of tieLitls Town of làtts mer, lu ah. Great Pennsylvanie Danl District, the sCeee f a Dleolp ianghter-Siong no edta 10NMe* Baau Withhat IProvocoation and Ne- venuefmi Cries Arise-Troapu Areà CaltitdOnite r rebervc Onder. Tneîîty-two astrîkîrs ver-e ililel, hile- Ici-ut ttsiy iiiur-a" aiail tctti Ciii sixl une, seve.cty iioreln lies iîjared i-ar Ham- sietaili, l'a.,l-rida>-, l'y a--tiuty ashenlhls nu- die a -aîuaîasîd oair ia' art ini, anal. the dispat-ieaasa»Y,' ntltaut suilieent pr-,aruaaiionu i m nlîrraînt ca-en a cllilu;. 'Tiai- siine ru-vin la willly e-tted over the affili. mald ctiaren ort ail clauses aire talkiziai ut viol îhcy c-aaialir- a terribleli,,ttnatce. An ùn- .ilgitLit fltii--lag 01- tldat gigi, .îua (ioverauar llisiii;r is bt-an sakeu aor- ai-r u lxv-,tlti,,ria. nd in a liaziettlne ta place tieconralt andaioafthelie htieailai oli-r sadsit llait timu tloKi-ril Matibu. T[he citiz-us al.a. ,k iliai ithe al,îtiy ier- Ifse ciiiî-i-r-ii,- n thi-- iifaimr be dix,r-laiixtf frnatiautl.itnl na iaa-n a.They gay tr -as lc-t .ri r-ila;<lite .-Qm- itînt t, tikea-iar- ft- <i- t rié-M -rIf onY r-all'id oit the- TIir-al lriad.-,- f the ate ntiliiia lu arder tasl)ievi-it furibeilelo- Vl'-luain-,r hi-ir C-ni-rai cttotn, the laîr-iairs -sifibl- i* >u i.ciu<5u joîîa . r i-halia ihea-liati.iî-îîaca-. Tli-mien wr-r-e i war-k ti,-rttit -ci. tîceult. quilt.-IFr-onti lia-r,-th<laiirchn as takLen up te iatîiiéer. lia- Men-ta Illie vthoaut bod r i tMatin-afil I<i: 4rýea irid. Thuy ni-re alaaî,-îil'y lIai-r- -a---,itdiiinlg fot in,n i it tiiiIli,a-na-cx a-i tbeir fiý-i iig "r-if Nalaiau. aaaat-Jsiniitlir m iiitahy far- ili- isr- a. al oute- wtaa irai-i-li ni. Tlh.r.aithe nicu tr-, - -as i-th illp-bli zaa y An t hI- cr ,ied h,-,l îiaa at tarit4 fthe' niuaitîaaaavlll. r e li araiters n arý--n I<,at 1 aIaaa ai.)f - lai-,auher Shia rIl. r-lii.. ha-y s-r-Ili.,- 11*4901 kisaiut llitI-u . îaan taii la i',<ul Of wnri. Th -air-ire -a n --r aI- I 1 i l- t jiaîna <Ia ial, ar'aaala'-.kr- - tuin'. NXiql IiII.l,<--r.ai"<a l>k-pt n aliie. nia1ýi[ ar-rg aft -ai-i iiliate hO<.-aly " fan. ut <i - a <I offiýar- h;aî .--l iIri' l,- aia- l r- a. !' L nk ai tihe Mai-.r-. l a.i tic:. ilftr- a falliade. ThIi-niand-Iia a ii, ai a--' arl'aithea voille-y liai-a ila-it, r- 1-c,. lO-o ter-i i dedr-ailathîe lu-at ially. 11, hriiai cria..thnt ladnar aaîdf-iariunrte nieiîiy *anar-k. -rai" nife iiftc-%'. 'The uiiir t-r- alaîd i-r-rit-l-a f,r-ia ini , th le hei-a-m lul iaalaa a<îtheIr coin- rae. A fr-s- hwata n re i r-.-l bâlk. VInait, yilling axial.a-yiug, tr-y lbri@ anal ran fur- thesasda. Tli- - a-ailar out ui, mtiir-a rdid uanetop" tii- iriat,. As»lb,->'lied-l i cr- -anthe do-p- uitaesar-itai ah. i. ,-.- i-.-iiiiaalY Pi--k- lui; ilitslutin, andhot Iiiibc<la,- I--igaurame àThetsike'ltas ,ilga-ri-Itiafi-Il lai eey dir-I-aan. Mit,'s th<ia-kilIl loy bie»' and tirnîu the roai aadiluthc ditedW pitus (cries iii fnrî-ign ca'is almai e tronmt laeiijut-I a-'i ,îti if h.ii v.ra a vithl ' y r-iiIgxI,aritai a h,--t--r. Pleal- Rga inthe lia-ailiitat iin t'airng sail- grle,a lîli the-a-iri .f-ra tI le iea% injuteul. '[hi xjîîr-ad litii ittas ain cr-awlel na' ti si r.-ly. W iîa-the lu- aI-ki:r-hlas tz- buaIiaii'iithe nat.aî,tiaiaaaf ahir-riete i ca ilriîag aail1 aanii tari-J hratli en- tiai totheili- viulialiaixta cirrelmon>' ot tii-an anlali.. la-r-a- ihi.' ---a ailie.nietra raanUr'ar-al-ly iaTx-I.'iai- alitiilA'aseun- a-aitil' ta-r-r-air- .iriaian ai tuhaeJdadly ex- t-o<<iaai ihýi--r g-.g Thaeîs-aale <et laîtixaer- rila-il peli-meul, ti thua salie. bthe <lia-ia-sof th* wo,a<iîýiliras <a-- ill ic% r-,-t thile 3.m- liathiilng mtaidliat -rar-aa i.îbiutlAi, isu-an aSttiia-th "fi. al.ia< lieebe lisal-iaaîtht-r-,ea s":-le ar-aitia.1"tbý inlu la-niltifs ii ra -,r- i<a-re blocit v litaa -l alieI. 'fr-lb-yaara on tht Lai alie i,-h i-e"r,- ar-it 1'i the cette. ai th i li11 ire. a l lai ar- nidalcl,-rg-tyttt iIII0 Oaaatli livra iaut]i- la> lte ia warh 1a.<a, - dtaiir l--i. ohs hait aa0.ora taaiaa iyaaa. On thle theli Filthe ntluicnnrail t >xira bodîles lai <Ptla' îcîia-aahita l. h ai a-itî'aofu.ta leaila.r-,aire hi ali(t1it. aai.i Theit- aillt" naiiilial ara-r-a- «u-aiMa r-ca.lie plcehiil lix is 1atltl- id it-on ta urnesi -ainaiiii'lliiecn I tal Iitai tie vagial Al---aKti ,laai ith'eiware ftoual iolai r--aiiaai' tnaainltheticld. MaIl utiari woa ii haila-cii aarr-jr-ai a aditapeý Craula i l aafinild. - (liaij. iat l,- trika-rs.In big, ing sa nia l ai i ita i tta It ua-ir- e ar-a lt) v eiiîa suîc- aiîy laial iiatig ithe marîhr-, for ise i-a.viaac litilrw<aiI ltiti-e rir ua <tentsi nwaiiut iiiiaii aMetin ig çiantbliadm resa tiotia litui-ai faîr-Iidigangtii> ~r-mti ho OU r-y ar-a <aurni. Xhlm at ras verbafl no ia Iiilla ty n-eanil.a on ib.tsa o-Ir-e illeul air viatndeal. The 1.51 -v, sieurabed anni)n- a'ttat are fouinqi tua-m. Sharf Martin it ai ut-tall si*i iiai-nt aof tdie affair adalts that 'te jise 1 conituaad lu ire. Toalà.lu Ia-Feu Li., - PrincehBismtar-ck là. uffcingtfrantal l- raliialit tue taire.i eni Iotat A . N inee , n a b be kr ia a . :li Whot lires tia-ir- st. Matthiasma, in.,tori ,k r-oIîia'aiut 11,50 . ý At iihenMeeting of theBoard ait liN