CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Sep 1897, p. 4

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AMe a WOOOItA1. Pliaêeref. autéivl at thé Post-officée t Libfftyville. 1î1lnoié.au second-elaee mattér. CATION. Butter ou thé Elgîna Board of Tradé Moeday vas Bran. Thére vere nuoeal miles, 18je being réfuééd for théeoe j ,ict offered. Floor sale, répoited laIe, ve é155 tubs etl7je; llttyttibé eti1me. Butter let weék éold for 17c: a Séar aga Ibo. To amstilupioseciiug vlolatora 0f thé anti-clai butterine law, thé board appiaprlated $250. Président MclXiney rétaîined ta Wahngtou Moddsy for thé purpusé ut holding a Cabinet meeting, discusalug Cuban matters vlth Cunsul Généralc Lee, and dlsposlng of snone pressingc publie businée, et ter which'hé vilI go away égaln, pîohably to New Englatnd te reéanUnotil about thé tiret .f Ocobér.t Thé Treamury Départment lé work. ing through ail ot its agente ln that0 »ectton taO koep Arericané tramc véturlug luto théeKlondike gold réglons, util after travél opens oexl spriug, lu aider ta Have thei tram Certain staiavatluaa thét will swait1 many at theai who sue,îeed lu getting8 ln Ibis feul. t Thé suit toi an uijuîuctlouu toprevént thé Pastmanter t(aenerai tram rédaîeiîij an employé ot hie départmoant was arguéd befaîre Jadge <'01, of ti Suprême Counrt of the District of Counmbia oui Sattirday. The îndge, took thé paperN and tated ftiit le vodI-4éan*-bis alcielon lu a té, - days. It l ib elievéd thatlhé wIl sustain thé right of the fiéad ut aepartmenit tu change ar remiovée au 0f thé émployes et hie diseretion, hi * refualug the tnjîuettlauî ekd for. Wbaléver thé deciion, tue case wili lieé appealédan sd aarruéd tithéeU. S. Suprême (Couit. Accrding ta réturaîei fromt tirty af thé largéat poetofie, thé busiesséoai which hbu been 'regerdèd am c trust- varlhy barométer of thé général busi- néess conditions ut the country, thingi are gettlng e déclded mave on théni and thé cuutry ha. oromeéd thé hua vhicb separatéd l froni pîoépeîty. The business of thèse lblrty pontofilces, vas elghl per cent gréaler lu Anuguâl 1897, than It wusé luthe, sainiemont! lest yéar.. A comparison uf 1817 viti 1896 shows, in Jenuaory, a décioésea of S.5%; tu Fbruary, a uecese of 4. 5%; March, au n lcréasé ut2. 21 ApîilIau incrésé 0f 5%; May, an iucreasé of 7,%Y; Jue an iucîéa.é of F.y4; aud J uly, 0i 3ý, Thé iuaip to a cleu u 8 lucrasie lu Auguat lé coaîiaered cime- tIng éxtreurdinary. Considérable gossip bas haen eaansed lin paliticel ciclea y thée tatemént th&& énator Banna ln uslng théeaionéy sud Influence of théeItépublican Nationail CuumlItteé, ot whilhiesi Chalrniau, mucli more treiy tu aid bis a oua Senetoris.l apirations than lhé la deung ta hell ieisparty lunathér tetea which boid lectlone thie yeur. Wthlle tht. May Lot hé coucldeied éxactly thé fair thiug eu do, i11Ifsjut about uhat thé aVeregé ama lwsys doe, whé hée ha. a chance. Mi. iiannsu aturally hma a gréater personal internet lu carrylng Ohio snd gtting hlinréli e léctèed tu thé Sexiste thau lie bas lu lis pary carrying any ther tate. Thé poîitllania Whu do not ouok out for Ibeir péreunal inléreete, do nul romain lu kltlcs long. This le <t uitnst as either excusé or defenéme for Seusator Banna, but as a plain tatéuuéu t o * evérYdeY tacts, kiiosenta, overy man vho 18la lanliar eith paltia-al oictlioa tu&Dy Party. Suméshbat oft s eaatlamulu officuai cîrcle. folios cd the report toîegralîheal * rain Chàarleton, s. C. that a Spanish Opy had haeuinwaking sk-tciîee u fth fortillcattine tor thé protection aof Charlue luihrbiar and utfîthéî fotifications ounthe Southoîrn coat, altbouglinou officiai wulli dincuée thé mialter for publication. Athough Congrescashecpruvideal hfnai uout- aider. shah hitéadaiîtted to Uny fortin.- cation belOUguug lai thé gîîvérujaont, vîthout ai spécial Permit huom thé offeen lu comailand afi t, liacie ara, accoring tu Aruîiy allicere, vuni- ParativèiY es'uaY as un whac informa- tiasniMay, trom tlima' l iatme, lhé obtenedai aout our iortifllatloo. Congréas iuvariably attachetu ail appropriations lorrhuortiicatuiuns, a tiplation that thé work esîl lhé doué hy eonîrset, ta hé givén tu thé luweet refpoulble bialder, sud sheaiever eny vokitutalié doue upounauîy furtilaa tou, biais havé tu hé amèréd for. Every mm e ho expreses hie ihta-tion lu bld for thé erk, nmueitt e e hréthé Voit lé to hé doué, sud muet havé »csuis tu al thé .plane and mecitica-. tou.. Thut le out uf thé easy uays uf 6"1n«iugot about unr fortifications, * Md thére are others, tue nuniéroné luo t-- Mention. Old Arniy oBitera regard lt sa Impossible lu k"ep sucli thiugs ascre lu thîs couttry, wheu ail thé £Q»opéme ontrie have failed in théir aliempts ta do théeame thiug. They MaY thalOunr War départanénts gets about ail thé lioutation t sanu about thé farîfcations lu othér ula, sud tbéy assumue that thé eemuiea eae do thé sanie about IlA t. a ltogegéhr lkely thent éther counlélea, are cou- ttuai tthinoui fentIlS- Mà asélm. a THE PATENTUEDICINE MAN. ne W~ Msous5ev er scla, % ms vu" Camme WMthaaus. "Iwu nm ethan 20 yéar. agMthat 1 décided thé thing wu ready to hé put e. thé market." saldt thé inveutor of a aepound th"t ha.nov paaid out of Uhn ctégory cf patent nédicinca and .uc. avélUilntraducéd. «"Thé question thal botlaed me vwu bow 10 gelthé stuff 1bPfMm, thémpéople and maké théu péranally acquaintéd vwith Ils qualities, no thal 1 mlght fSM out vhéther- my ove faith and omMedncé in the "Ctle évré juatified. But boy va. 11t gét il lut. peuple'& banda? That vu the question that 1 bad 10 aniver. I vaut tu the vholéaae druggista, sud théy mid Il vould hé u"enastu put Il on their ahelves, as nobody vould bey Il. 1 set il 10 doctors, but that did véry liut1ard (éiting thé article imb ,thé bandsaofthe poplé. I gavéltaveyant taira and thé reaull vau Ihat a amal portion of thé people there gaI néarly aU ef thé stuff, vblle thé othéra vent vllhont any. Plainly Ihat vould ual do. But Ididu't knov yét vhat 1 vonld dn.After avhlé il occuréd 10 me thal 1 vould atari a man lu a buggy drivlng le' a certain direction. Heévae tudis- tributs thé atuif htuevéq7body hé met cn thé rond, sud lu 1he1 vay thé atuif vould flcally gel ine,0 the honds of thé péopl. J1vau going t10 havé relaya énough 10 atrètch a lhué acrose the country and atart a man froin thé veat tu camé easl tbiough thé territory théL other man could mot reach. I1va. going' te sénd thé stuff on ahéad, nthat at différent pointe on thé road theémin would hé auppliéd vilh euough 10 givé avay. *'Thé follow atartéd on bis long trip sud dlatributédthuaanda of package of thé atuff. Other men startéd in différ- ent directions, and there were only a fév thtuly populeted sud reanate corner. of thé country that cuuld ual havé aomé personal expérience 0of ai nvention. Thé men fiuished their tripea ndi I vait- éd. But no reépouse camé. Thé people vhom 1 huid expécted to snswer with a S7y for whal I bad given theni aienoad muté. A year passed, and every cent of availablé capital had gau ne m thé achénié. Thousanda of dollars had zone, aud évidenlly nu more had beén doué tovard creting a demsand thati if thé stuif hcd been loced ila clone& and loft thbre. 1 atisinéd hard,. but I neyerà ooufd hear thé voice ut thé public oel- lnig for my invention. Thé ananths vére milsra blé vith suspense snd delapair un- tii auddeniy thé public, lu speek mêe- phoricslly, ioared at aie. Thé rush hed itarted lu e wsy1 could never under- stand. "-New York Suu. The Raglea fliikaet counéreý. Wé believé that thé Engliah, 'Who are le cotinental opiniuu e nation of shop- alPI aép resrDfot by instinct or by aspira- l. ion a trading people at ail, or évén au a industriel ane. Théy are a saaarlug ýtpéopié by teudénoy. sud as thé ses pro. b duces uothing they are compelled 10 htrude, sud ciicnmétsuncés bave driven themint01 thé industriail lité, but their Proclivity t. tavard struggîe of auy kiud, sud Dut, except as su incident in othat truggle, toward the aiakiag ut mnuy. Il vas quite laté lu their bis- tory that they récugnizedalruding as thir vocation, and ranch Inter tîîî that -théy surrendéred thé notion thal te hé a trader, vhether niérchant or enanuteca- turér or dealer in maney, vus te hé cmanpéativéiy a banse persan. Till vith- 1 lu thé ls.t fév yecms ail histoins t lhought eeaaomnamla ther unwuîthy subjects cfi heir pena, anal thé social1 distinction@ dsyn againel indntîy veré ef thé mont gaîliug ohamactér n. hi dééd, lhey have nul diaappeared yét, thé coutémpt vhich vas once féit for thé marchent sud thé banker hing s5h11 eu.- terlained for thé daltributor, tbough hé oflen combine. bth function.. Thé great industriel i. ailhaîdly recitonedi on a par vith thé great egriculturiet,i and thé shcpkeper af suy kinal i. tilî placed far hlow suy sort of profesional.a Money, Il lé true, i. Dow aiment - thé only source of irreeponsibie power, andm thosé Who posseesa il hgin, like thé povérfui iu eh contries sud uges,te10 hé highly regardai, but the grandonu ofa & Tottenhani Court rond peer woulda much rather bis péérage bad béen ac-1 qniréd la battlé or by chicane than outi 0f a &bop, hovéver largé. Even thé cap- tain. ci industny, vho are like thé oldi barons in anany respects, are uaothoughtc 01 s. qulté their equais, sud the greateatt of reilway buiîdera, say thé lete Mr.t l3rasseY, t. not placed ou thé levélofa a greaI agricultuîist, say the late Mr. Coke of Norfok. Thé sateeban honored both, but thé popular sentiment, vhich,1 sud Dt thé taté, setties vhat (Jreekm are lité, condonea, rethér ibsu dèllhtsa lu, the action ai thé stete. The différencey ln disappéaring, but it dies liard. -Loui- don tipectator. Wé have thé phrasé as "tender béart- éd as a chil, " but ln reality uathiuug in »0 bard sud cruél as youtb. le jndg. manta are Inexorable. It coniond thé Riner and thé gin, It la Impatient sud implacable. Only aitér one ha. ilveai sud auffere an sd ban kuovu thé Iemp- tulions andi triais of lité dona une lesin ta déal géutiy vitla théevéatnémmansdf faults af bis brther man and te tbrov about thé wuîld thé tendu r sud énvébop- ttasuandeaifchsrity sud .ympathy. Surely thiui broader oconprehénica sud sympalhy la acmé compensation for growiug ola. To il may hé addéd thé tact ut alvays spprecited-thatamoné grova aIder one anjoy4 vith a cultivat- éd sensé msuy thinga of vhlcb youth t. prctouudly ignorant. Thé young devour ail pléssure witb thé iudiacrimlnating appelite ci thé faimâ lahcrer. Thé eider persan choos varly, . suanpcure seloceiamanng thé di" eaci a féast. Perbapa thé panorama Of lité mact lèe u eutiful te thé nId lb.. th. Ycung. Oly thé pleture la changeai. lb léêio longer à candi chrome, but su étching. -Phlldlmlul Times. PROFIT 1IN BQUABs. PIgm a Vreàw uglor tbé mm*m q P. RK Kohélu01Amilyvîlla. Lms Ildd.bégan raialequabe for markt 1Six yam ago vlth 700 breédng pigeon t é novM bes2.,000.'Por thé aosmedi l ien cf thés. 9.01A pigeons ho hms bal t.. Pens ef viré néttng, ea"bPen IC te" long end 12 féélvwide. Theyvau tuehélghtfrhm 19216lOfest ad lan a"d by aidé and are formed by dividin me venéaI ire roatdeo nloeure loto t. part.. There am in the peau a ft perche@ plaéd nam eight of about elgt fte" fer thé pigeons te roca« upon. Thér are t.uPigeon bouses, one for snob peu In buYlng stock, for breédinig Mi Kélobani proie=. Antwérpa., but Il 1 dlcjult t1 0e fougb of thém. and a hé bu s oed Antvéipa vlth good larg summnum bird.. Pigeons lay Ivo éggs aucath, gcod; bIrds layiug ton mantha1L thé Year, tram Navétaber 10 August, lu élusivé. Thom thé birda mol#, and i Novémber thé tonales bégin lsalnj ainu Whére a large nugubér cf pI geonaare kséIthers vil! hbusmmiétlb viU mla 11111e ont or sason.a thal thera vifll héeanme éggs andwSom squahé thé year around, Whlé thé pignc onoses are oday> képlI s.Meafn aU théy can -hé vithol dialurbing the pigeons. cly advanlagu la taken cf thé molting ééaaa for j Ihorough cléanlug,àA Utile stock a tobéco ins la placed luathé corneS ci mah boom for materlal, sud ficin thît thé bird. build théir Doues thé maie bina Caïryingr thé matérlal, etiav by atrav, fin thé feniai., vhch stands aI thé boit and arangea thé mnt Whou thé femalé ha. bégun laylng agale, il lays ils Ivo eggs on sucessive days, and at intervais ci 28 4a"m4 ce pcmlibly lem Ou lAYingthée rdiegg il béglusa.itting aitonce, thé maIe bird alteruating vith IL Thé égge are halch- éd inufiom 1410o17 day., Thé aquaba mayhéi2àveeks or lem. old when thé mother bird bégins slttiug on another pair of eggs. Thé Young pigeon@ vould Dot le thé ardinary course of évents lééve thé uet-st10 iyutil they vére 4 or à weéka olal. If It baid but onnemnt tié anoýter bird woold la ita éggs and begin ta hatch thoanluinhe miné emin vith lie haIt grovu aquab. At thé éa- tahlishmeut déacibéd héré tva boxé., on r provided for éaoh pair ai birds, oa that thé temale that ha blf grovu aquaba l ine mntmay bavé an- tber neat ln vbich 10 déposit lit éggg, By tbis arrangement Ibère ilelm.danger of théeéggm hing luokén. Food ia pkovidéd le thé peu. Ivice a day, in tionghis and on thé giound, le quanti ty suflIlolnt tu matisfy thé pigeons' bouger sud 10 provide theta vltb pick- ugaN n that they may aupply théir youug. Water lsuppid l inai, shal- Loy tank.. Thé pigeons are grau drinir. lisandthey bâthé oftén. Apigéanis likeyt10 aite a bath évéry Ivo day.. T'he principal food .upplied 10 then la cractiedicoin sud vhole vhéal. luthé rail, lu thé molting @canon, pleuty uf bémp séea ilagivén 10 Ihem, vbich belpa them to moltsud t.nusta maké tbém béglu layiug agalu quioker. While thesé mr thé principal articles oftftod bère are ted 10 thé pigeons aI interivsas they may réquire thét ansd in llmlted qnantitie. ther Ihingsan- a sort utfri. Joad suo keep thé bird.' appetitu good and thé birds thénselvea in good condi- tion. Wbal thémé alhér thingsamar thé Pigeon breéder. do mot diencea. Thé pigeon grova rapidly, sud In thréé or four vééka il in ready ta itilI as à àquab, Ilquabo of good breed veigb men or elght poundita thé dusn. PI- geons hégin lu lay vhén lhéy are tram 4 to 6 monthé aId sud continué 10 lay for la yésr. Pigeona once matai f not éparatéd, romain mated alvay. lu thé breediug séaison thé pigeon riser goéa thraugh thé pigeon ham nsl winter tva or thieé ties a véék and iu mommer about évery day and selecta th équshé that are of thé right age sud se 10 kill. Thé aumhér varies tin weèk ta véèk. Therare an me aquahé obtaluablé thé year round. Mr. Kétcham cid that lu livé yèars lhé bail nat mmi àveek ilu shipping nme, though le Rme mautha thé snpply le very lighl. lé ahip@ansuaverage ni 200 aquahé a weoit for éigbt to t«n mathein the yéar ud altagether hélveén 7,000 and 8,000 oqabe a yèam, et an average wholeaaîe pros ao about 80 cent. This, of cour.e, la uoal 1 profit Thére la ta hédédncléd the cost of cm end food and oi marktet- Ig, tomgay uothing of thé original cuit Dplant iu pens andl houses and of stock, but vheu mich renit. au thèse are at- Wiued thére in la thé business what in éscri boit ne a"good, fair profit."1 A gréaI many more squsha than pi. sons are sold. Pucoes aienov géneially <vwer than éver on aceount of thé éz- tndéd facilitlea for carrying stock lu Dd storage. Uquahé have boomn aId reu agaait retail as 11gb na 87 a dose. rhé average retail pucoe nov is about Plàdosen. It may lie 4 or $5in in. an sud 08.80 lu summer. Dark skinnéd luabs are varth $1 lés& 5*5 Il ~5 * étart Cure two years &go, For thé ea W l i i i _ pear the bas bée fiee faim thé troublé't Mlifl . Dr. Mile' Iemedléa are aold liy ai drug. Haviîîg 1usd yearu experience in glaté naer a positive guarani«e, Ora homte the eil iggng bsinss. ambéasta or money retunded. Book oe Béart tlîe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~" WelDgigmuioeî r atrvéemset fret 10 s&i applcante. prepared ta do this work on shart DE. MILES MEDICAL CO.. ElkharI6 leu& notice. WVîite me for rates and estimate . . ERVOUS Troubles are due to lmnpnvériahed blood. Hood's Sac- HOMER FELTON, saparille le thé One Trué Blood Libertyville, - Illinois: Purifier and NERVE TONIc. Sanborn & GO., GROAYSLAKE SOCUETIEU. E <FEEDC R. U7 -E , REDCOS dRIhING SUN Lodie Na>. li A. F. & A. ssHold reguar eoanmuufloatioues turday SneQu..r Ep.wlece m lathe Pabue evenng o orbefué I.LITWILZB. W.M. Deeer. 1Mvbh YW J. J. LoNOAIaÂuoU. ltcy. Thé least hop@ of any change lu 1h11 ht SORtOSI8 Chapter. U. D. Order Estern sharity t10 &HlPOlicY ià vith lhose dia- Ir me tlrstéand tlird Tu-eéday even' e pensrie@ %bat are bountlfully endoved. RL 215MA.M. .HI E B. Siéaà.w The leuding institution of this cdae in Ir. New York city in located on the wa in CRAY1LANECampNo. 1341M. W. A*meut eZeod and f,,urth ésturds>' eveiellgé utf ade. end, lu view of it. dellént abus. ' eh montb. EVEéETT NEVILLE. V. C. of ail kinde of médical clharity, hms geGZO&GE BaGozo. Clerk. mmred fer Iteelf thé unenviable sobi.- 1 a .quetlof theé1'dlamnond dispenar." It Endfouth uemlayovntrétomff mntiaa snscb a high réputation fer the nun. Mas. W. Hàiivué rauiela ber and péouniary ability cf il@ patienta laMas. OnnanAN. Rec. thât IL vould appéar Co be ralliera sa ONOEATIONAL Churela Sunday 5ir- crédit than adsrcst esleIaot wra siom> a. m.. aud 1:â p. am. Prayer mcl- adarc 0rolelaot là iua ednéeway éreniu. YJ. P. il. C. E. muet rageongly, miedirected charity. Snob et et Ouaday evenîngé ai :65P. nm. leamt in the inévitable conclusion tbat oo mal ha baued upon the large average of ,. G,-ayaiake Village Officers., Wel te do people vho claire daily the Presldent................... E. B. Shermana benefita 01 fr@e médical treatanent ao ruF. C. Wllbur. 0. Barron, laviahly and iudiacrlminately furu~ahébd STrustes F. D. Battermbsll, J. Wlekm, te ail Who apply. Mny of thé.. visiteis 1O(, l&khardson. C. B. Harin>'. auroonoftw îri ndil goTroesurer. ..................... H. Nedile Ofr52otftvudsic.adii Polce agletreete ................, morne p"7 aevérai dollar. for car tare, vill aak ! ach.........A etlc for a vruttéu diagnousi ftheir dîséas DfClerk....................... Dr E* Stiaffer. and an extra prescription, and will thon camjalalu if théy ar e pi waiting bé- Dr. sud Mis. 0J. C. Whitmure tipent yond the Uise for their ret r rin Monday with thier parent.. The examiuing docto, is content Co ride Sobool opénéd lest wéek Monday ta thé dispenssry in a houe car; thé pa- with a fulil atteudénce in both rounié. tient cornes and rétama la a cab. lé t. Gea iRichardson wén under the wea- no longer a jokie1te rifer te the dlsplay ,ther the pont wee3k, but Io again et of diainonda or thé number of vomen 1work. .clad lunséalokine lu thé patienta' wat- it r. ticey ilî était et once to bull1 ing roorn or dcoa@fitappéar t bé:un- d outhe ot i ccelitly palIacbaed 0lk htýi h e future, oen 9John Wicks. lencea vili flot ie required for chécklug 0Mr. Abliett, of lvanbae, bolds uay lu bicycle.sud diatributiug carniage num- in l the upper rouai. Miss Mj,ît,of ber, in thé aider of thé différent ar- 1rMithurn, lu the lower,riasluti oncoth iow il Mr. aud Mra. Torreuc, ee, . inrjscrip tion uénacyton thé nolthe aWîe., weie the guestii of Mr. Duiiîl,nkl itg entfptanh aneyitue iu thé 4and daughter lest wéok. viestig uaa bsdipnaymyh Thé ladies Aid Society will t"e recepg. rcul d about 200 wlth Mia. Parer, of liainla 11e otj a ie àiid a ure vy Wedneeday, thé J2nd imet.Ail mni-,taim.Nbd treawy ibers arec ordially iniaVted to lie preh- Fully 80 lper cent of thé applicants vere eut. Weil dreased, and 10 pér cent of théin 1, Miss Sarahi Aiteeanal Mr. Johu Slekm, woré iely dreaaéd. Thiéeevamen vore f o Deerflelai, draîve o >raytlaake Isét furi ots thât bâti nul beeM handed fSnuday sud Vlne-d E. B. Slieranu dowu f>nai aomtbady lue. There wu and wife. Tluiy retaurijed the mesau a attractive diplay ut finé millinéry, day. and the men, more) thon hait ut thew, r Mr. Jacobnon, of Weakegan, bas boie ua évidences ut puverty. but âaI pureîhasod the lut Jielixmek ut Mr. obtaiud fiéeu treatnient suppoaed tu hé kMorrîléi's lîl and will pot up a plan- given 1W paupera-'poar pernan. 1'" ,lug Mill et <once. We are glaul te, Sel- Sncb inistance» un thé tulloywinàg carry corne hlmii lu Ouiruilet. wlth themâ their own moral: Mi. aud bits. E. B. Sheranilok a "Dung thé ezsination of a dis- trip sa-rus Lake Micehigae btai"St.)e a-Pen"ar patient a roil of billa drouiped aind BieutuiHarbor lest Tllînie ai fen iruudt Tedctrpckdi l'ildsy. 'l'bey ietuiued Ssturday asu, titand be ake Théodemt icedin report a dolîghttîîl ttuue. n u eireMdm h.l Mr. Oîdalu, tie caudy mnan, M ufIree dispéuieary, and as yeuonr able tu the Libertyville Fuir thih weu-k anskiuig psy a fée four médical edvice 1 muat de- caudy. -Whena hé rétiruîé hé wîîlé1)ecliné,te treat you hère. ' Well,'ireplied euiployed lîy Meilleu & Fritschb to thé wamanu, 'that Dmaney la for ome- niaké cauidy for tbeaui. %ewé i8s thé thing eeu o are paid by the ity igentlemen seei-me lu tliir uernanwsd muai preacrîhé for me.' On bellig venture. aufured that thé doctor recel ed no mal- A. J. Leord uioved his fuily to Ary frin aiy source, thé patient bécame Elgini lant'ineéday. aud Geu Frd-îlîindignant and pruteatéd thât ahé vas leka. will nove hie fsniilY flîtu the low- entitled teaéttention équally vith thé or rouis out M. Léoiursid ù( l>se. 'lady' Who bad precéded her sud tious l'is emusa.won lmade so Mr. Leoilard vhomshaie ad rented a hanse thé veek coude] pa-nd moreliane with his fainî"Y' héforé."-Dr. George . Shrady iu se the territory thugh wlic lha' travele lé priiuclpally in the vieaultty toruin ol Elgin. . very voman aséda Dr. Mlles'PeainPille. ' GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. L Ms Sherman la autbarized ta reeélvé subseriptIonsanaa dvertisinta for thé INDEIC'aIDENT aléa ordérs tai job printlng. Cal ou ber for ratés. ealOfter: 19 lb.f Grenuuated Sugar ................. Maêioneo Fruit Jars, Pintéatloz............ Quîarta j Galbai l>îz._ .. Cen Tope for Masou Jarst ...... "tubéi-s ............ - . . 4 Doaubîle <heetoS ticky Fly Paper. A. s. Llpuid Stové Paîlieli .... 4 Ibo enoeuueheCracere....... C<tton-warp Strav Mttlng val... Ladies' Shirt Walict. i25patteruî,e, ci. Staideral Piaut@ per yd _,,,._., Meulis 50ke Qulity 1tuiicerwa-ar TERMS CASH: F'. D. BATTERSHALL. f This uheél le one of théel-mt rnde ia haaIa lq u enarkat aundl ellé Capt. Jas. A. I)uifley, Dr. 0. B. Howe utaeprne'wltlulu the rce,f a il. -l lue great tuuanlle lu thé plîue ,f OF TOLEDO.O.HIO. 'iruate eeleuîlncally anad suca'eaai4ly Cyc'les has hriuigbt tlîhufaîîlsaaaîa-nia-bine a îlîMt>ithe ea-zaad- The oret RallvaviDOtitv.TéIs What Or. hy thé latet approveat nièthodé, &aIl lugly laiu priv-a-0'f$39a1.00aaMea-ll itaîoyl Ara-hi <r'wn, éanlaea Mtus'RemedIes éaveDon@ . arounîrdiseuase tthe lungs, ha-rt, i tilalulig, fnely aî an d ,iauaI'iLudies iiaLin,,atlae for Nimeif MdW illé. thraîat, car, nuise, eitonacb, user.kli- neye, hais élm, womancd eexual airgaus.f Skmn diésans. eczémna, ehînglea, sait SOME RARE BARGAINS IN LADIES' WHEELS. rhéuai, ecal libeat, tétter. poorlanse____________ eaîîîtle, peorîseis sycoaalebaibers lteh, * rînguoran. herpeai, zaier, sud ail fornme utrcuîtaueouus ériîpliaun, btehe, tlai-k- HAVE VOUR EVES TESTED FREE. heada, etc., aured îîermaaently. Ni. Vutîle, tilé optil-lan %holiiin eptIng ulth mitilî pMoles sud ésupéril nous heu renvedinas-uaiaaeetruaguitti'aaut sull hi- bere wlrbiiut pain hy éleetrolyeie. FI-îîiday, Aîag. 27, sand w51111<. plaeiei ta Inteltail wuo are - fDistaneés ot thé nérvoalé systei, truublilda îti, tlia-h éyaeigbt sud malle a thuraîîugh ex- nieurasthénie. bocoanolor ataxie, pro- amination fre ut charge. Wé ca-Il you thé gîasîes lie - gressive paraiyée, beadacbe, erli St. Vitua dance, sciatic lasoninîs, épi- iécoaiméuis etreasouiéhlépria-a-. lépey, cureai hy Gérman méthod andl electrolimu. s-ie rIclr ae E B. Sherînan, culai, inllanîuîaory, and irlueumelic golît posltlsély cureai hy a uîew aud GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS* lucceestul priiaeee. ETECTIVE voila réqulrea constant 0. B. HOW' E, M.- D., vgig le ady nervea a cer Office et Hotel Wooda:ock; Suite COM BUNATO N bailad adllvébiaî.A yèera%.x' 28 anal 29.A uriteCap.Duffy,uuof 3rcjuard St., 1 WOQDSTOCK. - ILLINOIS. F E . . . . do, Oh"io.* ovéiuorked myseit . u 'JEInLI . smcb a condtin é. als aImposible. I1a _______ aOeroaîoîdo IOIR:li a,12A M.I a 3sdSli WE 0F FER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY ,le nbd; my arn. 8 a-. m. EV EH DAY EXCEîPT OSN- audIlimbe twItcbéd D AY. THE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND ancmysitiebaeated. May hé coneuita-d Suanalsys tram 8t t LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ... 1 héganu uieg IDr. 10 e. . anud 3(tai6 p. ni.ut.ent e Cottage, At thé fallowlag iemarkably lau figuréeulion -clnbbéd" or orderéd lagéther,' MIlé'Nervlneénd he Waaîa-ondîa, 111 Weekly Inter Océan and Indepéndént, 1 yecr, ..-........ I.. 196 tcurth liottle réatorèdil 1 ."........." I......4 70 me te héilb. Mis Dally sud Sanday Inter Océan and Inaiependent I yeaî-------------------O00 Defé su fori éghteon peau wsh brtlumbai tried évery remédj wllb -_______________________1______________________ o2n avUuntil silo toola Dr. miles' Newu1 ..-. Leading Tailors The lUDAL BLUE FlLAME STOVES are the Drettiest, neatest to operate, use the Ieast ail and oh, so handy'I Try one a week and you would flot be without it. Same i9 true of top buggies and surries, as weiI as ail kinds of hay toole such as mowers, rakes an dtedders. We wiII seil for Iess than cost now, Can't afford to use an oid mower when we can put you in a new one for about: what the two slckles are worth. Cause: We have more than we want. -**bIoents.Furnishers Call in and see us next week. while attend ing BNsoese< iras ai I I ~lvbJI éd - __ j.I ..THE FAIR1J Kaiser 'B!~,. LIbsIjyllt or 0G a1etaIWougucnda. le IMMU m s.of old, Wa- cannaI refrain f rauncalllng yOur Attentciu to thé fact thal se3 éel aine- hast se hava the. pretlest louking. uMast udurableé sud oeaiuaalaBILD PLAME OtL COOK. SEoVEfi on Cha~ mnarket snah ans][déml, Paritas an4 Natioauml, snd et prîe sItua rmeéaic o aIl, as se sill agréé tat uiinlah, vhilà - they la.4t, auta-Itber Lihértyvîllé, or Wasieiaidaa, or mhili yuîau airect on or.der I couîpla-té l(IauFlâe améave and aveu,,'r récîly tu gel ainner wlth, for onlySp.85. Tha-y aIl prauce a bluéeifanie wlth thb. sainieail yîî lit yaur lampe andi doîa otear sanéll oa,îbit moté. Cual-ail la cheap, handy and mast the ighl length lu burn. Vouai loi-el dealeri ayey lagIthe- sud la-avé thé aven aIl. Langli et hlm. Wé ouly charge $2.76 sithout oveu. WVa haiy oui étuve lnthe came toua wlîerue e téal<aur bIack sud thu bota anda 41)(018- wlîiclu arc contluuaily arrlv- ing et Liliorlyvillé snd WaucuuaA We Joad if yaaa plesea'naît tallas, lu quai- itY and Phri0..,Lalle'laie stylé band ttres(]aleileamoéleblacksansBd gens tram 6oSa. lii $1.75. Large lîne otrament baoyésud mlea commun sud niais - shnès clîesp. Barb vire, wvvn viré - nals, hardwsare, auru planter. cuItk*. vaor, ats, m iévré arla vBROU@, bicycl1es andi curries creu tblng you ne. I on théelx' éla bo.. Uianau se ?o esai Grayslake Worth Looking Into! 'I hi ié a cîPlurta U, l'blUV~ geai ggacc is, ei YOU Caa bly thleaaî riglat. Pircearce a dowii on thé t, iei55--t Ir)lia-r i-cii 1Piuauîpkiiu par .asi,... .. . .. . Spua',-l htr(Iiiai-S.. ... ... Sw --t l isiait limI akiig P iI ér 2-zir 4itia- a uuai ýExtra-.t Wil Cll1-ha-ry I jl,Jlý~..le-a at Hlii<es lta-ut liear <iaué lilaiaî luS#.-r il,,it- Grain hageq .. dni BR)laabriggaa, t u,-I--rwa-ur... .... 4c ]le F. H. Kuebker, The Wond of etheo Srnon. $30.00 PROGRESS BICYCLES $30.09 at 1 Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOISm

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