CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Sep 1897, p. 8

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'EaTNT .R.Tw AuLt. abol Moy atiWIUI Blo«. aiIum e n knaee BOs ovu J. W. Torrenus la eaaiga b.hyl o is al.h arn r p m p d e e HaineavfflieandtienIsaMar Eynd yut .a ta*I8 bdJuset olatraa>pl Cîaga u 5 s Fr. et Fort 111iH.n F&a usn a ui r Dtl rami Whtfee se 3 do t5 Min ed"Ch Oarpenterila stlng wlth Veut thi@, la pai eta_;, a tend U ai 09 52 a .31548 Mlr. M. D. Smith andi family, alao Other goae kînti eboald b. roeilati e Lethon sese As 37 a370 Volo friands. t0 reach. Corne with your top buggy, leave Grlake ai:13 â:a a, o'n .1a06@ enr aymond. of Elgin, spent orde andit wll b deiverd th samBol illô81015 5 di 405withbisuabrother A. j. oreran i wllb dlierd hesa eda ad 2'"ia ke '4 '8n Cla1020 Rymondi and f!ernly. wIli net have te rîsk your lîves going by the way 00850 aOUT" Min LidoBausel la at present altb Ott e Mackenzie River or overland route pack trail. *'al 11011Bna.her grandparet ln Wankt-gan andi a ln towns of Lîbertyville and Vernon are &m. am. amn. î.r .m.m. M». Hia enry Rogera and daughter veled fine and Fremont will seon be in good F. r,,,,, -,> ~Be-sile, of Wauktegen, at-rt- vlltlng ka sII&7 0 1943 5Il relatives and frientis ln this viclnity 77 3113,71 1150 4 8 92212 26 aswek Agood large, weil-made itw7Lb8ryrl12Coot02aimlalu6ea2on5t7 Cochength 6 ft.; width 1itka 8 i ozinaany frontVole wili attend andihlp - 28 !inches, beautifully up- 0»n% li:9145 mk taacea -wxgq lnIEPNua T ?j1. olsere ina god rad SaIts ete an Pale hurh. Robert Walton bas et lest auccuedter of the yard et e »oint whicb wil b., o' f Corduroy. Price. only BLIYSEBVIE rn u of 'wrif~ed~ telr ilab.heNew York Tribune gives $6. 5 lrst Ma-se .me.SRE. rejolce aihlma. an lllustraiiad deacription of a Sont! rack. BlhMasa-10:te a. m. The Foreatera, uf Vol elh-d a pîit- e aya : et Liliy Lake ]est Wednt-ay alter- à simple but effectuaI way lu whicb Corne and get prices on largely stinforelP" uth the welI known Standard ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. min Anus Compton, of Elgin, lea tin th orntfa rectanluehm- 'Vl Thistie, Fowier. Imperial, CONOIIEOATIONAL Chant-b Sunder atr vl5tiag ber parents Mm. and li gro" 1I., 0:30e.Lam. and 7. P. .. Prayar RichardCoumpton aso caîîîng un oîi abov lin theont. Tht-m helîht andidis- Richardson, Windsor, meetlag Wedne&acevt-ingm. .. p. .CE. frit-ada andi nelîbora. lano.&part will dataà'mine the Mile and Excelsior, Lakota and mnettiunden eveings at6:44. Janlor C. E. Charte@ Otlek, of (Chicago, @peut oapaclty of tbm rack. Itla lu adviaebie, ai a ociock. Bturday et Huoo»bous enronte front howeve,, te aiake h very wlde-emy mnt ____________Cactus Bicycles. Prices D>AXOND Camp No 412. M. W. Amest Lake Ganeva teChicago wbere hbasve itestat-&@muedifflonlty wcld be wililbe given you as Iow irat and thic.iS..aray ev,,aIi«uf et-hspent ouatmer. *xpueeced ilb. animaie in pqllluî La the lowest anywhere if you want to purchase one. monilî. D. GRIlPrma. Y C. Mr. anti lira. James l<rain spent tht- Ont the bey ifbhunt! oilintelulm e. J0. 0. F. No, s15. mettsecond and foartit greater part of lent at-tk at Wanconda ter. Set the potst lesaing toweai the _LaTtur'.days of est-h month, bulping t-are for bis sister lilas Maggie conter la aider te mairetae opening GROA.OT.87.WLL'Knioag. N . who la very Ili. We hopeuba il l wider et tbe bottela tian et, f3En A. isi.St-Cacoun recover. Thia aIll plrent biudlag. and in cuma- The Household is the best 10O 0. T. me-t Tturaday evnîngs of est-hi A light relu accumpaziied by a cool queueStae bey ilîl readily aettle m ii machine on earth. itihas a'.et. LEBER aBUanîCK, C. T. wave came Satnrdmy murnlng te ltuhting enten away from helow. Promi ne equalfor durbility.JOHN 0. RAGAN Pest (G. A. u. maet gladdeb tht-ht-artsetfail, alter tht bu 8ict.aOeradt b o noeuifrdrblt. Satur.ley isiglt on or btfore full moon. dreatiful bot at-ather ot thteat a bo iut 18Juesta isegaie. ntu t e op Warranted towear a life- E > ttu.Cmrieevy rein JO mut-h ucete. yhaded tigtlysas time. Ask yeur neighbor 0 E C Hut-ILAt-s t. .jî citemna and at-Ils are dry. Full fet-ti ld igtl, ai it posible for uth.......8:(t L M 1 very pour. meîîy are feýediing theim the anima]la get at tht- bey rmiy et the how she likes the Heuse- tlaiigKolinng«s0ith 8:10:wa.min .. stock espt-t-llly the- dairymn. hottoml. hoid Sewing Mschine. A MfaIloetr lani hy stage arrives a je a. 1M. Tu niake the- aek complo-te, a mange, fulliline cf furniture in d'pat utilîam n GILMER. m"athe ouatructati atirely round the stoc. T e ltes inThrmsing in about rdonc in tIlt-se upright part. This . inmoaa ccmpllgbed stok. he atet I ~partfs. by eetting four short pot aieaorly la undetakng gods al- ROCKFELERteégrounti oppete scornuaMdi undrtkîg oes a- OCEFLL .J. iBt-es wtoto <Chicao via Palatine t- Gb tween a to evAnrmnseuta Ibi ways on hand. Womk f"bas bt-nbeguin on W. L. lestSturday.Par%.w, repressurelinbrougbs t boer,. lt-'bouse,. Misa Lizzie Classenam, o!f('hicago, in b agl adaainadaa Mir. Henry ititzenthait-r was a iitgA. g. Kra ndLe. Aai set e ttom, it l l» prevent a&W- pleasant t-ller in onm town liondey ]ai Lt-t- Amon at-rt-nsuebatsoea atln. ume $bey' are cte. WaII\i.ChcaoMissie r a ant Rsawee nk areUmpbte.a ola colti weatber. Many <l n ,ooý ,glest. ilean" t- ndRs S-ukeaeceiber i a gSatiplan te cuver ema - LylA (nL..-»d FrFmcnk Cr,,..khit, îiii a r-în.,..' ack wiib a shed rof, &usaalweya keap. f0. stcrted this 'setk fer Beloît, te attend w uîr upervîstîr, D). Hontiîîgton, laulte bey dry. Thist-an ha doue wltb ý0kfe1rn i. e.a.otn te Weukt-gan Tiîenduy. VMr little expanse. And., bOlier yet. 1 __________ lra, J, Brlgg8, of Elgin, elle,> on woaîai advins baving a dorant tae front Mm, andi lis. Fed Albrecht art- triendsaiet hîs place eeetoty. etit huibagon bingea, me reprmuted la FA L S LE 0inetangtheir daughttsr front Jo ea Lbetvil Oailouthé illustration, no Cht it couti liele _____________________ ht-Lades id ocity hi old Tht- tilmî-r scho,,l la progreassng hay. This won Id tend teokeep the fotdar mhe sucie et tt-Srt-ient t hld irs. lcy nter tht- care ut Il. Beah. dry, for lte muet purt, inany klad cf ie ca l ttereiec o r. Haitl Ifzeu bumblera given l fre- aîth wmbr JF U R N I T U R E. A. Harden Tuei4_a_ ev______ Se t- at-b peunt o! coltea t A. <0.St-bat-r- AT THE ,auconda Furniture Store. Soliti (ait Bel, Dresser witilt24X:10 GIns'., and c..nmýooUniy ...... 'Besteuala, Ful> Sixe... AI-Steel Springa, aîîy size............. Ilautisomne Iatttu Riot-ert..-n . ..- BRel>Oct Sewing itcenîîs............. Sewiig Tables,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. Croquet Sts 4<( bail) ... . . .. Antique Finlish Dresse-r.......... WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK O0F 7RAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFFS, SEEDS, ETC. lmber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WE SELL THE WEBE3R WAGON, WI4EN YOU WAI4T dus or Agricutural IRmmts, CALL ON ffRIGHT,& SON, ~ViJe, - - - - Illinois- pWeekly Inter Ocean Supplies Al of the WB and the best of Current Literature, ta MOrallY CIeAn, and as a Famlly paper tg Witliout a peer. thhe» 09the est M.aazaunj 5htU0tamîîy leý - af 91.. CtiaWeid and viv.'th. 1ast uI~tilatscon n al u ln. t! >., ...Tbe ImIaOcemagis.- Om On" iet rendleg wrik and kuiag pawb..dla càiçgo ogw d*pW.tisJluthtWc .,-,f4 th.,r, j,l w-.t the, Ail.1ghauy UMia papeM -r. FW~'ICE ONE o R EAR .00 ~p~48u..~j~7 Prlq- 0 >lybml ... 1....... 1 Inter ijr l Oan11151y idi.......... l»er ear AddreTHE INTER OCEAN Chicago. - -o na .mjae mvirng tutu tht- rouis Over tbe hardware store, whIeh acre vet-ateti lest at-tk by John Fat-ht-s, he havlng muveti bat-k te Nexb Sunday tht-rt- ai be preacb- ng et tht- osoal hours, rmoring andI evenlng, by tht- heston, lornlng tht-me '-A Prayer for Llglt. -'Ai> art- t!odially Invîteti. itev, G. B, Spengler preaceed an ext-lIent sermon lest Sabbatb mmiug, teking for bis text, John m: 31-32. 1 '-Tht- Test o! Diaciplesliip.,, In tht- evening Mr. Henry White, uf Lake Fort-st, preaitient of tht- Lake Connty C. E. Union, Mr. W. E. Brandi, of Highland Park, vlce-prt-ident anti Miss Grace Taylor, onty superinten- dent ut tht- junior aoclety at-rt- present anti occupieti tht- boni ettht- evening service. Tht-y ail apoke earoeetly on tht- anbject, -Bible- Instruetion for Practical Living.", GURNEE. F, lins, J, Austin is viiting relatives. in i<cnsaa City. v lira. Lors Weîch, of Chîcag<î, visiti hem Parents lit-e lest atetk (). J. Ormmby anti tamily are enter , taining relatives fom Delten, VIl.. i Wm. Lange, 'slîowas recently lu- jure,> cool ent t» Miulwaukeet, i.. lualy H lt np r o v u îg , u lima. .1. W, Gray entertaine> rt-la-ir tives front Chicago lu e ttk. Tht-y H r,-tîtidto the, city Sunnt>y evening. Mns. N. F. Xos returnet> lant Smtur an day -vî-ning fm.,m a visit luni<ansss witb p( friettît. andi relatives. tI Tht- C. F. SoietY Presentet> Mis,. C'e-la Stafutd, tht-un preaident, alth a au biblst Sonday t-e<-ing after t-hart,»op servtc,-a IVANHOE . Miss Etta (Gmjii,-in tteniîng st-houl eit ircItîts Nelit-Hatîný. s st-houl ini Waîîk..geo tiis y,,,. lins. J. B. Dyke.-'. ut Missa Eva at-ni lîoekt-Illî-r call,-ns lest 'ihiiadcy, "htlie hr,-h îa re.c.ivittg ac lit-acoat o! pint. E. 1--. S1.tllîisntoing tht WîIl RenlIl atlid tIie nlatortane te eprein l'mbis nit quite se'.-trly ont- day recenîtly, Thbe eiie-e-fattony lias atey btenl iln.pruvet bY tht- addititon ut a ut-w '.mokt hck. Wallon Sbninaîi O! OrosasPark, et- b-uldd-I clîtînoh I.t-,béat Hunday, ahile On a visît te frit-mî> ibotkfellr AlbertI Bitta left tht-at-Partsrallier sudtlenly es"T ilrday.lie la guilty, o! d n u ur mittieioely, at-tbiik, de- ecitetu t go tu K Iomdyke. kira. Iuenbos)tel lias returtiedtu behtr bîoule luii bacaftem s lpeiting tht- grea'ter Paref tlie ht- untr ait» frit-ut> and> relatives in Freýmout. e]Rt-.K1. S.Bat-k, of It1eckefeller. ne- ed t-Itht-e ngt<tinîpulpit Int uut>ey ntorniitg. A large eougr@ga- tienIlistent-t> to 8, fine seruion. Sarely Ounr ister t-hlirt-hmay bo t-îugralulatt-d onu set-uniiîg 5<>cbIe c pester Il Save$ the Craupy ChIltiren. éSeeviea, Va.-Wt- have a spliendid sale On Chambrlaîns Cougb itemedy, antI our entomere comlug tfaim fer andi atar, apt-k of it lu Usa higheet (tenta. lauy hava aald th&%t hei chltIren aenlti bave dieti o!fcrou1p if Chamberlan-.§Cougb EemetiY bad Une bot-n glvtn-.elem & Ourren. The- 25 andi 50 cetniee for sala by F. B. Lo'.'ELL,1 Llbertyvîlle, j. il. BeAcxxa, Gurnet- anti L. H. Lirrcsviax>», Iche- feller. The Sales of Ilodt>eSeapari% 1 are tiselangst lu te world bt-causei tht- curas by lloot»s Saneaparilla are Woa8derfnl, perfect, perumeant MoodlpPil èrethe beutt aIll lma. BoIts andi lis. Ht-ud-t, of Fremont, calet> (>0 Martin More lon day afternoon. Faninie and Zoc Morse w-nt te Normal lest Setur>ay to ette-nd st-boul for ona more year. Mm. and lirs. D>. F. W'heeler, of 1Libertyvill-, viaited et their son's, A. P. Wheeer's aubtt t-tk. John Blacm, tht- Giluîir t-ht-t-e anti ibutter maker anti R. 1). Ctooki totît c trip t Chicago Tueat>ay. A viry large congregation et sYnipebblzing nelghlîor8 ajitifrienda ttendet> tht- fnt-ai o!fM..Peter Nlsktsy lest lionday et Fa>nli-ltI. DE EHRFIELD. Joîhn Wosodman teutl it 0,r,-iativ,a heme lest Snndey, Mm. and lins. Nelsow lare gTu<stm of E. BlI.-ntehl this at-tk. Ch"s. Blinoake, of Amîingtini Heighta, Waa c visihr bt-rt- ast Sîîxs(litv, L. 4). Brookay, sf!, &Peut S<tnday aith W, H. Wllmio. St-boul close-t> Wt-stîslewy asud Thure- la8Y, te alloss tht sclolens 101attend the- lmas. W. Smnt-zvl, of <'iî'g ml tiaitiig lber istiîr, lira. 'iod, itis Rtichtardî Adtis lias set-und a xi tIon in tht- notion bose of Buîtle-r Bron, Chicago. Miss Belle Bedemst,-ad, Chas. andl Herry LeCIta n> Roy Parsons, graîl- otites f oîr pubio scb<al let t,-mî,, me nOw attî-nt>ing tthe MugI> Sthotl et Highland> Part, Geo. ltothenlatk inten>s t, aidd anther buildingt,t thct totn 1)y hv- lng a bouse coniitrut*te> un hi.. lot o)- Posîte the ltpot, Womk on tht- fotia- loni bas almeady bot-n bogun. Peter Duffy han rt-turie>froîuî ant- as'city andîn l yî,aorking asmîîight (ptraton n M. gSimîcys plu,-eut sintbont, Mm. Sltmnîî-y havilng g'îit. to Nintut-ka oaect-ouîtt >!t t-, iîît,-ss o! las moth<r. Wt- are gte< bu rt-port that -lut, ilte asrciciî ttni ht-ueiîiiti,îiiiî son ahl-àl-lias"'au ffemed for moule~ u., anti hope lie ail i soon le ahi,' t,, l'lie- sîclable fie-ldIet E. Mlîiikt,s ast Frit>e'veîîing wam wail )Y tige Youîng fuilit. About flfitt-i ilers as realize, aiih ail>la-, ied tuarol uildingae sit>eaalk trotst .ie PretabYt4o-nian clurcli 1<> tht- corner. i fIL S te ll b g re ci-v e t>a e a rlo a ti o f til t- ) S *ý i h ý u u t Vthis week. Herls'rt fuories, 'oftIh, Cook PilîshIi Our merchent, Mr. Ost, nuloeded e emîctienre lBEl-nisa tu àr carload if sait tiis at-ik. i M b Be W liD Mrs. Hunît ail> mor- to pleasant Mn. Ch<'be,.."-l-eund ethihir.-n, also Praiie, ear er od hoe. ra. Jo»,. týinhle-nst4oek Vîsîtetifriendls Prairi, ut-r hemoid hnte.tu Rocktefelleîr r-eitly. CJorn i.. b.-ng eut rapidly in tîjiesec- lr.Mt tcmîn-¶att<>t- tiOn. A fuir cmop la repe)rteti. frn aaata.oi ng àas t-r lrt AI en t h-Fair t>is week, tihe wili î(intem th.- 111gi st-hou> for e touîr mont pleasant semson of the- yeux. yî-ars t-ours.,, tliose Arnold basa dun@ mut-h to) abat,- tht- wed uiante bY bunil,g ove Mr- and> 1rs. J. Il. S'lterdig ut tht- right-of-acy uf tht- E. J. a E. dalighter vlait.-,l frie-nlifi] Evenitot and Ch'iîcego ]les t-gck, rg-tirntng homet ira. Goodmau rcturued Fridey froint Moncly evpenbtg. Ioa, ahere ahe bas bt-en caring for hier father, who la rt-porte,> butter. Il. iftaliau lies e lareng. sUak of ne'., Meuars. Mitchell and Townt-mhbey fait go<ala et the low,-st posibtle prite., bt-eu lhuproving theîr prelnlîea >t- Evprytsalylinvitf-d b tel>. A bargii thorougiY grave)ilig the saks ei d' sale tht- lrst otvry nonth. drive.. about their bornes.Jif.Jil. Lt-ytiet- --cvd a 1<ltgrant Owlng to rush this ,-.k, we leeve P.'leY alànon,.cîîîlg tht- lîatlî of lits. out coirreap(îndent'a article oi -CIrcum1-ir brter, Wliî. tLsAnigoe, Cal., etautiel Evitîence. - It sill aPptar a !orr r >idn f Plutin.. under Dialuontl Lake ie&(d next a.-ek. Mr. and lima. IL. i. Lt-ýytle asut Meusr. Mitchell and Henry ost have in',thock acre gîlista of lira. Edwin purehaaed Mr. Gorbans suear,- of tht- (',ak,-ut lfilertyvifle We(t-tNdey fattory stock antI ail> take liossesaoil and l 'h'ursea.le The'ii, other re-- thet- irat of the mjouth. Mir. (lonbaîn iined for e longt-m visît with bt-r bas also sl lis prol.erty et Rocke- daugliter.________ feller, intenting to<ove tu sethert Cabfoýrnia. A Cur, for Billous CoUIc. Tht- camper@andeut>somer huakitr.. Resource, Screven Co., 0e.-I bave bave about ail neturneti to the tity. bt-en ubject to ttacks uof bilions colle Iti la tatedl that l)iabeond Lakte bas for several yearta. (Jamberlalu'a Colle, ret-elved more than tht-nuue patron- ChoIera and> Diarrboea Reimety la the- age thia a-eo». May fit lie salit that only Bore iellet. It at-ta Hire a cbarma. Lo'r Wil gravelled re$abO btn nOe dose of It givea relief wben ocher anitherefore lent hi hnet ieby Y. B. Lova", LibertyviUe, J. B.1 dLabution o01 hne ba0asfo.BRACHUE, GUra.. andi L. X. LITB. Hý Ni hi Ai Il. nil laf by ns A PAL.ATINE. l'-il'nvg.-',îutlliesti'îs,'ivii 0 Mn. Env s'.i n liigileitl l'tti mî-t-ently.* Iun,- li'rv îgider ,11-7- a>gallo, à IfL. P'ek',.. lirs.ijuste'ii. jo vîtiugliter xsîb'n 1 Lloyd fotms on~f l;>tr j îîgtî..î, wu in rtan Thuînsle'. lttii and V eniet-So.l i iiare vus îtiîsl ,f n-mm att in Chîs-agoî Fn-il St-p, of Lat,- Ztirit'li, si, e.lativesmit,-r,-'lue-sduv. lira. liamtitlge -t'tn.'r ri iobermtî& ielîllm ha-I ja -attl. Kaet Long Lakt,- ntttly. W lî,n y. 'o are os ne'i of null' flîît,t-al ,on scilin, rs. lira, Alitney-'. osf l'Ion. ini(o'., s-aleld-'o n tri,' nde bs-r,'Fruhv. lira. E. C. i,-isîî ., 1îisnîrvi àuie iMn, ati ,'.. i,,'.et-îtetinv frit-noie froiln [tiailît,'itilLakte Sonday. Sueis Suti,'rhiîtîl of Nomth iDakt, J18 siaitit ig fmîenils untdre'lative,'..htrt', Miosîser Ilnss. tire l'building eal'arti it] place os>! le ,,î,'il esinoye> l'y tir,-. The perss.iie.-ofSi. f'aui"'sîînluci lsa almosit reasly fetr thtt-11,v. lrd,-r. Hiry Krop cîanî sisten, sof Dt,îyît,îîj Lakte, visite Ptalatine ftlo'î,Is Stnday. Mesdamues Rilttyeîi end LIzer, t,! Ban. ringx.sît, visutted frieii t11, ite n'eettly. Miss.-'.H utI-'ltî 5(,Yt aitl " ofli Barmrsfgtu.y a crtIin Ptltizs-'hu F. Harttauti, of ('>icttgt, bsn, , 'prtd a lsîot adi isot h'q' il] -1. Iayý's îld Mrn. suid Ms.r-u.-n, ott injngtttuî, s'. <-i.- gt--t'.etMalt IJit'i j iiI' 'i it.siay. ThIs.- ia'. lm nte-gî se ai, îoee <-ricans s,,î-îal t, li-r v'.uitg lrie-ls F. F. Fn,"., 'ofSi. PîJj. - it t i., anîd Ilite, o o ti us'..'t iut iuly lut Lajke-Zui it. lis.' o. NM'îls,1îîotft'lîisagtî, t, s-aiilitg miîtr,'ie,' uîkîld Ild fntiid lis-r,, thi. at-st If lt' la-st nnuil's faillit e ni -. nteu sis lli'm.' iaî-lie s 'ot ii ,rew Itis J'at sVe'r t11.4s-s',-. ili lit it Auction sales. PEOPLESP COLUMVN. allfction on111the- w n. fItol'. farin., oon. 't t r i W 1'. 15 .0 ln lis haif imil.-nortb h iaof ) U n l aitý e un.I I t. ý (MI, lts.. --l i,,J C d. o two utilels-a oth-wet of l-,,; i ~<'r j- --u. ,~f... -. '- :g Tut-aday, Ostober 5. 1>07, t'ou1eî Fim 'gIl' oiILlO >N 3} ':'l-..iisi ut 1I"oelocit P. M. ti4 .- ol wing 1 l-,'i i .i.wtîH..t-s, s'. PrOPertY out lDavid (1 n ii tii, I .-c.-a-ul j'.'LI .5-IIr-t ~ Ti .-, c.lysdeadal.- stalli)o. Soung hing Nu. F il hI i.> 4.5 rI go 3340; l'lytieNtlal,- stal ion. Champion o r'.' O. 0. oT, 5- , F..t 5 Bllly, NI). 7141; clyd.-s.Iiu maitln ,î ;;r 1.r,-, Il.'. e - o'.i Chamupion Boy, NI,. 7:142,, le mare, Finira, No. é;:11 I (linclIe nmare- 1 .1. i ~ TJ.10 i, II," I' Natice, No. 74Ml9; (y esli, 0c, I il*s . " T., hi 'i. fral '-r 1to ha O- 1! I t r oadm (-arts. tw ,, <s] r r- ' 'I ' J~ ~ T ~ . .î * 1 sing e h rne es;te,, s..t of holp i..; II, nets, brf.lels, b s k - s i t ', < . T E " l 0'.r ~ ,r .T i 'o TERms or SA 1 i tl s o i "O ~ ti r h. - i.. 4 1 and puntier c-,.sh. hIll ,'ut .%s tr F lIS 11-1 'i ioei' f -i. $11) a t-redit of onet- N s-ar M ill .4 . il 11 1 ý i',.j >'.,, j'. 4 , beggvptenonood itankli.- I-'t'a-a ar r Tt'* 1-1:- "il-, w j; , 'r it,î,î reimoved until lttl-dl 1,,r.'T 'liii W. il. AI-PLY, Atittii,,îo-er. 49:1 '(Ot. iii.'Jorh'IJrugr Hall 4 O n te v o t i n t o f q i - i i i e o f r! y w i f , F >1' l ~ 4 j u, I l ý a j ý , t A hbave tlecided tu .quit fcirninug and move aooth, and aMil eil ut public 'laiction without rt-serve, o Lite benhon i arm, one mile etiast of Gageâ .,(orneir, *and two miles at-st of Silerman,li FOR _____________ Corners on the- nid plank roc, .munday Otbr4, 1>97, .-onîoi-reluîg et iJ * ,'clock a. m. the 1t- liîg properti Furniu e If tu ait 18 tchoht-,' t-oa, 3 i .th clve-, by ie, 5 nea njhel, alancet-givILg mailk snd apringere; :i yearling bh efers. Undera i g 2 hettler calvets. 1 yearling Devon bull, l 0e f matched grays, 7 yrs " id Pa t weight 2M0; good road hors,- 7 years a n s oIt>, team mules, 2 siet double fiarn.-ss, ut&ally nea; 2 set of single harem s, uecrly nea; 2 fat hogs, 2 brumotif, suws, with piga; 60 chickeus, muilk wagon, Ols !amlly wagon, truck Wagon,r'e t-art, buggy, pair bobialeds, cutter, 301 milk cana, 2 dragil, sulky -ulltivat'îr, Varnish-es, 'IIIvel pîn, ingle cultivat>,r, nea O>sborne mower, 2 bey rac-ks, t-oolînag ina tank, sulky haty rake, caîdron ketti, ,a s 1004 bushls abuwhte focts., 5f) bîish,-l liotatoosm, 50 h bela coru it- nrbS P t r tons taim.- ey, lot mshovls anlifîtrk t'., lS .141 grain bugs, parlir -t of Spht-'. t-enter table, t-hanler sot, bureýau w glana, sewing Dnihine, :1aMMll t . burteus, lounge, 5 ib,-dsteaim, : set bed sîtringR, nea 12 ft extension table, ni,w G t No. 9 cooking stovi-, 2 a'.ol.l iîctînig Go stoves, cuhatst chairs, 2 wamh tusktiesandpt-humn, lot of ditihea, lot of lampa, lot smeli furnitîîre, inJlk pal>., 2 ntrainers, 4S cool ing <at, S A ES N elock., and many other artit-les tt,ISACH ATH & S N niumemous to mention.1 Tgsas OF SALE: -Ail snm o! $101 andi Libertyville. 1 llinols. under cash. Ai>lsanma over siU0at-redit Of ont- year aili be give-î.onu Rod bankialîle no<tes lwecriîîg fi per cent interit. 2 pe-r cent tliscoint for cash on urisslaver $If). N.> jroperty, memioved ikfiti ettleti for. ANloel.w HFisA, Pro.p.I W. H. APLEY, AIIttileer.F A R T W mK.Adugltol. Manufacturer 01 * >e Lake County Âcadè Monday, November 15,1897. Wlth a corps-cf Competent Instruictors. Business ('Iît- Busoiness Cours.' .l1irng wat(totrnialîlint-Iade bt-slit- Couee. the Cornuil Englisîti'.t-hs, l<k-ktioping, Peniîîauoahip, , iialîî,-ss Aithmnt-eti. sim.rtihaîjîl a,>trpi-anwiting. RATES 0F TUITION: ail> Tt-rn-lîî wekaligh Stuo>i, S(1.50; (iraînina,&r St-hOtu1. 85<5, lier term. WiUtem Tt-mnt 15 woe't-t-ineas $12. Rugi, Scltasl,$101. fiannmir, $7.60." CALE14DAR. Fail Term op3ensi Monday, Sept. 20,'97. Wlnto-r'Terîtî iittaFmiday, lier. , , Pal> Term t-nde Priticy, Nov, 26, '97. SpringTermu><t-nslont>eyAml4i Wlntem Tenuz opens Mondcy, No~v. 29,'97. Spring Te-ni eînd» Prldcy, June 10, vti. HOLIDAY VAC'ATION4 Special 'Term-Te-etro' Nommnai Dm1ll, Bt-gins 11.c. 24, '97; art> enlts Jan .3,'98. lOve at-tk'.. Jîly il, bu Aug. 12, '9t. For f urther paticulars acidress Keystone Corn Husker and Shredder. 44Husks cern and makes hay of the stalks. le The Sterling Snapper and Shredder, 4Alo osakea hay ai the atalks.9 4 Humnmer Sulky Plows. 4 Brabley's X Rays Sulky Plows. Bradiey's and Deere's Walking Plows.i :BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. * 6* Lumiber --- Coal. SALT, CEMENT and TILE, Rope, Twine, Etc. G.H.Schanckç & Son,1 LIE4VLE ILNIJ Extculars,Notice. p UHIC N TIC iv ,.'--hy uitrît itf WIii~ ~~~~~' sîs 'semnt! 'W. -Ba't. sNUCà0 A tis- Cosr Hs' ls WeIrS 'If en i., miii .,cl s t geý-rit,stkuai'ýtl 1897 e.- s.iii a- Admintrators Nt~a(~OICiE IN h.-n,' Pl.ClisZ5trar Outlober arenati W&a» 9Notice.' l'y l(i.t-isamis.'. er 1.-ra tit-ror ' is.- n, Wea,gcnlt Granite M oi ui ini e nts. CEMETEBY WORK of EVEIRY DESCRIPTION Carrepondene r oflelit4.' Sas 204up 1.50 .75 Fui] Line cf Undertaking Goods, Always in Stock. First Class Hearse Service. Me W. HUGHES, mconda, - - - - Illinois. 1 John 1 Court be h h ln Oal. Ad dd 1 1 l Un .t Of Ade dd marble Libertyville, ill.

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