frp11fî4 VlV.N.5.Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. September 24. 1897. $1.50 a Year in Advance. Dr. Charles Calloway, office oveor Love I'sDrugStore NMOURJa TROU 1 TO 3ANtI) rT'45f8P. M. Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trigice & Taylor's 1 Le i10 M. ni. 2t',, d andui . t', , n. X lei ei on irtadwuy «ii> riM t,'l Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. NOUBII1TILL 8f A. M. à TO 3 ANI) 7 TO M Il. I #Upeciai attention pui tri the treatment of ClirîI)I' «Rbllmtti:n Rockefeller. - Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. Gurnee-- - ------inois. Dr. E. H. Smith, D[NTIST. Office over J. W. Butler'& b!dg Libertyville, 111. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. - OFFICE HOUIîS - Grayslake - Illinois. W. B. SCHAEFF'ER'S NURSERY. Ont 1-0 , ' .,iutfL,i ir,, I. 0.. k, vin". sudMl tîîl Fruit.. O. F. Butterfield M. D. C. VICTEkiINA&IIY fIUltEON ANDDEI I PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attoritey andoti în,.elr ut Lasi. NOTARY PUBLIC sperial %atýtPl,Iî f(i'. ,Ii "iei, Llbertyville, Illinois. Difing-rm nService lir,.t (iass. TILLOTSON & PURNEF, P--- ~4J5RTVVILE. - LLINOIS. W. H. MILLER, TON'SOII L AlIlh 18, Wjei 'îyou Wnit a <'kaj 'bavc 1or a gtuoi liair v tlit ilv.1 J -,u . WRIEN INM', u.i t : 4i AN (,ETl A 0001> FUJLL MEAL, a n.- ii a l i t, ;-ipi .. FOR 25 CENT S King's Restaurant MO y. ~ aesi. W A U KEGA N, Unedoor nurih,"',l 0 <.1iL L. ti, for 081 n . C t, 'N obl su,. A.'l,' J. J. LoNuAnauosm. Grayalake, Ilinois. »N ~ IHumY[N AI ORKER. Mandcsma fîi a ' il a ! i aI. j Swltch Making a SpecWaty with lier. Iger liir ,,r î,t a tiis 'ila, l ' M n. john Boyserr, Libertyville Semer Ooods. SNets and Dusters at a Iscount to make ro Wfor lakes SCHAS. KAISER, ýbrtyviIIe, - I. ~COUNTY S BANK .... right, Parkhurst & Co. Liberiy'ville, Illinoig. Issues lnterest-Bearing SCertlficates Payable 1ý on Demand. Wanted-Azpiea.. t01proprieo of Hall id rh mi a mu er ky ng ud Ay Cet D. fe. ed Ot Waukegaân vs Chicago. mia harnou r RE-POt-À 7LL TiiOTTIN0 The,, i Illr (Idf lamet *l iAlI~ ~ ri< BenIil 21 BMîînîay n msîieukilîg <f Wukegan bliea 111RV ..o.sVida1 tbis te May <f Lak' efîtys uIiimty - ltty B . me'nt tîîwîî PropitioUs Weathemr Bringe 2ii'23l33~ 4',. 2 25. - ilîikuegali Witte 111<1041 iîlihtants, Out Thousands of People. FiE.ORALM'% iiflfU asîiirî's te rmival'Cicag,,wth l.f55fl<lsI. Iiîi,, It 14fuit <iit,' mitt onAthei uf rettiemt GOOD RACING PROGRA M. iLi,,I,'- Ii'.i 'Il tifîie:g thie Jake allure, whera e ery(welintg looka tint feve.r file Ima- lisii ~'xoaeifLaeMiuchigani. it in notHarîoy Jack Made a Mile ln 2:13Ti -r. satisl,'1IIhavbue.'the Wuxislîi,îîmu & -Fakirs Were Much ln EvIdence inu the 2:30btrot Maggie E. 0oui kMouiwire' Iat'try, the T'i ieuax bras. Society Makes Money-Speciailiaecaue numanagatble ln thte f(linn andi i rialf f<iuîry, thef' aite'tStatuebatasgikiaohrhm n stiîr,'t ai'tUr ierli a duizn mneagoat Paures Are pood. lct iniglI nta iri i îialîîiiit,îituring esMline W Wbub 'lie, fir of '97 waa a pronotunced uverturning bar sulky. L. H. lias, It wunts As ti, Loke thie' place cf JC&cao sicenn An ave!! wmy. Ais alîl holier driver wuasthrown violétl te tbt aa su ipp,îg point anti telbatlle ail odbtecp aymiuI *theIe i'ghttoîthiconiîtinent'fit Ilion, mîted hly the tablle of r'caipts hlos' <jrun, Tectaedboane rou 111)' and iitîidîwn J'le icigan, ~ifront a ilaneial tiffdpeint lifbar-kcigadbeinele0th iy bl,îîîîme'nt 'r aeNt. pamssa a bliin previcum yeuro, antid se nibeklguecftesl 'l'ATilsIN f's-tifiY tAi îlaime'ilfor N% unîke- i wlie tm (fepn r eels ruanaronudfiti'atrck twice and lguinettînly iîy ith iipîeopîle, luit iyv1 ietu tm texameaeafier liaving brokepoaaiée, frttath uarîî,' ,I tiie' slir.'s,,,t I iiteN t.'In iiero)i, anti cusidtrabl a sa pent sulky and auceaeding 4du damollabing and capltmimst, ! îlfi' Ungîi accolan,' mt 1la bldiing nuts talîs, panting buiitlie iresah a rnli eas ',fIsg'guiy Wlii RitefAts"ti ai' lingo, Iîiproving ftle main hall, etce., ster hby en tholdi bng plinankdi@tu Ilutff, there are ' iglt.dNI, ,f malle] lie'ytteeuli sbpa i tl ymnhligàPakdrcl twei'-fi tuelii tft, alîil'iît,' iîîke, whAi c tlrt iIni s ipaith l ront ofber. but bafore site could cienteete ofr. tiilve miles ,te,,thilii'il'it ibalancc te lift the NM.'iiftys hbea aeured alme rau thr.ugb 11Cie gaut fiîrtbwiil ul ire lIi me î,places eft tit'ii'l ' l temiizetl receipts leadirig from tracki and s'as ut fitde lanw]ttb. i<'y ar e or,' ibarreufs were: ant i liîîuî,iîks sin, aîî nd î,upiîrt toppeti util ah, had gotfan a cout "ia<ei u, "eaî,i Lîkri ,'iruAnl,1Iti .,,i~adeabl'e distance from the groundi. doiii on Cl tient Ir,,,iîth(! IalIaece.',smc l'rei' 46 The borne wuauas & turt, and startaf litif. a htrstig.r w',nitiîiak NatIure N..,ri t Zlttt, ~IOi20 th m e,î,rli tilit . ..... 'ýIi eagaiu Au tAie luat and potpouad haet fitI madie u te"take li t'rei-itig tcm at'in,. t' -f. . tis 9 Far uînay yeur. tliy acre regurîletiua. Mtiis. ...... *62 8 trottad Saufrday niorniug, gettluj j. ,,rflieai l w' ser, "'Ild dirt i'i.eap te '> irl'g.. ....... . ............. MG '.y third place. aiytioîiy tIbat wuteil t113cm Other ,'îu. .. ... - «' ' 35.,2WM0 'ni, ,,Wàm thelicrtraaitetlixever Tti «.-.-...........'.flic li TeLiberal ArCa Hall wswseuil ied, »ticir vinei t 14fi<t eusy te)fuiy, tint Ilie Asli fr uttru*tifis thias thera ni thie large crowd n that building hliiir înay bel'ng tg,, salîiel Wi. Aller- were mêËuY tel pieuse the attendantsi. front openiangotaclealug bonzeammai. toi or t,, Dîîiii)stuitîî. %Wbat tb,'V IenhihHappy Jack, theln ae oldte ne ' et h eeal titioeil s'as tilatî,n thema aunil flatte slelu aerfseifi.neaufl.Teeaau it wss limille tii),'fIi,trrict barber. reived the bulk cf favorable exhibi 'au good. wshlle the autrnei, îîîî, docks 4,f uny desireîl cItent sud tfcomment fuir bis intelligent demeaénor. among cattle and ilormes sere larger uriîvrcqiireti deptb tà timlprttivaly Heapaceti a mile in 213 Friday alter. Chan aver befere luthie lilstory of tbf trilîrîg ei'<, t id tbat it woiil efirl htoheenwelal wmbn rnuefi clmeper tfor ,'iîîîîs lirligieg Doon, tile bent record ever matie on uX ' Issmi wabul IrmAiit cdown the tille te, iald it ut the Llbertys'le course. andlie tit IfAtu uccommodâte th. auexpectea lerge thele(e oks andiaeril IlL Y 1theElgin 'Atbhont a ékAp or taise stefl. uie numbur 0ofanesi. '7o mention euhi Jliet &l Eateru liilroad tel thetb performance wsa.marvelons. elelting partAcniar autry disserving of favorablf C'hicago, raliroud I lnsthun te carry ilt woldreenclorenir If mp the Riiag iver f bey n<tle ' ns applauee from t, t grand commentwol 'qAe urnts aiC hat the Munie reab'ning upplie t tnd ba s'a,ét led pant (on bis returu Paýper, ieuca s'ae forebesr. V" f'<)Urel reiglit. ---- glt,, te table. The polo gameu PrAday A notAabie anti unique feature Alu Tiue ',icfIf ,th11e artile Mfutruoiih cen rfet.wa a dvertAalg ug sthag o! Alleu B. V,'r',' tIliti tii,reid in'g sam 1,111 ',slewu ft uO 1,th ce er ild » a raeatyv eufr,,.g l amnkgfta> mu1elte'iihltlfn of darAng and akilîtul hra.Nrimîcya Co. Olti Country Boaili, whleii a, lis'aauli sIilliîg tliueIt od Iiifiip ablih as witneatèi a itb concern hal a repreléeulative on ithe 'à rige flit' k 'or juer rîîmiiiîug onitIte llretlielu iterest. 'T'Ae laebal grounues durlîg antIme fair loolAna the 'lake, lit the crut <f slii'i.1à'Ibe,orîrs a1reitentartalimant for levers (ifater theAr nterestis and d.sributing i11til tri land a littie innîler anti coia e BitîIwîig ti, ('baugea litbe draft ,if that sPort ultleugbtl h@ Wucouda thaeir proues whicli js ailthe meln.- vemei.i, thlhl traite bas long sinc.eUe"en lndepeudaut's s'on holiers easîîy, facturera dlaim for Ati. lesqt. sfut iI:,,u. rier iiky earn there has TAey bient the Libert3-ville team by . The fakiraï, genaral stand sud ope"la ie it'e- fi lît Ut i, unîî the' dock In score et 32 te 6 ou Thnruday alter_ privilega men s'are out bsnd la large ii ît 4 ikgu and lt hil 11tiimi,ilà flig iîinr 511I)<'bgtfi e tii U'iai n oant ilAs 'afttrnoon Wonîrntîîem twri and tiespite the exeeiltonal îiinuI-r aîîd nîanîy ',tîer (fi-î,,, t le Lvertt'a the score estandifig 22 gU,3. large atteudauce fait MaR& MW*e th" revti', tritn tithe luke, iteaalif A îbtree.iuii! ic îiycl,. ra'e î'riiîuy expaubes shula noua palle the usual fr, 'ii libiI'. andi <ithe,' avlîîg iiiile.. tt"rnoou rsitu u itîy ,praidtsi, wbicli ea u oezplairied oniy rrî n',,, tii' iriu't"'a li',10, îe %%alter Boy, il Nortb Ci"g, 513e frOni the taut that money ls 'elosae i " tillii 'r- , ' ier -th', il- 'îîJ,t, e irîlnrNt mort ey, Edi ie I !Mi.(UV'a d ep le are nfl o j ig usm fretly 'iii t, i1,' ss'i ii," a.ili j, ut,' 1 c Ili l..igi, s" oîî ni %I. J. B ni elef'ueley I yeaui,. ttî ~ ~ ~ tié .V..rf' irtai in"i ai,,' j~Ma'ilr.tbrt. Win. Elims.o! Spect. 9'I l'laîi, Mi,rh 'lave.ffii%1.t.4iiiL's',rq i.ifnitiiiîrmg inm" li. i aec Mut ic situIi"f a erlene, M'ahava matie arrang2r1mmt.,tibAy ii,"n' ~ , il ,n',rlfii tetcuigugelàrils'aara enaluietigoe ofer the H'el'f ,'s,'rî fall iem'~niifdI"j,îîî ,î"r mît IXUl), a'eremiy fiir wbeelmemî ee Iîco'a i MOiF3DNoeys tii il'r l.ti I'nr.< ,ite 1 suit ,t anlirlimeu1bailm.i"llrfor $1,75, payatile n utivance. This fi .. ofelfr applies t', old aubscribars vrill ii ill pi iniF Ifili, i iIi"O , Sani'y boîy, ,,s.ii',i he fic<>ks'ootsul rraue ndayuinavn ti"j'.'t , îfuînrtait., ,i iiI liiesgi, lltiu'k limuune ctiuniexhubition luilePUar'aueaniayrAntvmc. iîs ' T fip e :1n' ,,' i, ,'s , oa 'ii5 Fri-layî t, tirfiuoo ti 2:i15j, tiierel."_________ lii ra <'iîiiiii',,.i~,le'. th~ ecr tighie hlircas truck laing l'en Dollars a Weekc for Elght. lail j'it no-t of ii. fiai-rth rci-il.It dees nof seent, possible tbhefIlie air. i,1 5,I0ý o,'tiraf<fthe glverrî syls iii >î t' ly flUan lIz, îno Iitiiit. a i'trî,t îg r,îme 8i p fri ni w I uile fier aigbt People ciu ha provideti tli- nd Ifth, ltyefr iit it by G. A. Volu it f t"r'uv<r, "s, fier telletidollars u week. Brit Mi,,. anaîîite', the vicîiit',of et A traeksj. l,,sered miea trotting truack record tif Brai,, the mont lamons ceok n t lie dirft 'if tlie,'o,"vents a easy te 2.11 forneriY belti îy LUIForenst, Aeiu aa Icnb1en.Sala -. A.-"ia',us large. silimpti Mh Afîuylthhe2'5caag.tga tei A y ant n.he rouesier frigiît trr1the Mest eau land thbeir i niA:2i,'sm gi r. u dt nd '2n <eprve le a'i' i e atilkI.gaun,tiiey rillidoîme, iIl- 220 case lu The Ladie's Home Journal for andî Nt"«i,t i'îî 4eisb fy the Elgîn. The laies ail thrtee atisy are If a Octoliar, ihe gîveatwanby.ona muentis 1,0,1 ýI UN', m iat silil b,. ani; igh ,tanrîruf nexcellenîce, theii'"ui'covaring a weak'm meuleanMti gve 9, of"ia 'i itiit <ie afiil Iieey. ani leuatswoninAuvari,îîa lamse, beîgfilttcldreiosb hcian If th-ese thiughts were, i,îedti, tl,'.i4 iecin il hc ny tli, biriuits'Iftbe 'nW"xkegon peupjle. ~,jii'fellenawemn eau maile as attbractive meuaa t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ioniglt ti alle ,'rl,'itî' 'rî<î'i,.lams-ra ILerai, explains tor thi, aal ti'g3 .iniollridl. li tbhetr,îtiîl ii Wii.' 3 i r rsaut if tîru dollars. tlîm'ylirf' fi'ig pondeilrfI ,'t'y 3~ig I ,li ...1i i ' ii'i iii f yfi u ti' nlteil st.tif! }'iî.2,i il3 giuV'fiilti, 'ti, 'îîn iiitt.if n Cen.i- isnr . 1s 1Il linlois ltaI. Pair. gmesiliOil'iitite, lîî,k ftie C'ountry i""lr' i, ô 11 f<rty.fonnth mannuelI tate fir, 'user fier the Ical ai te fi,r aitarmer Liît j ,ii,:'$.tii5.'4 If; ' it.etier the auspices ef the State Hourdj platetîîmiury luokeul nîîre enionioly Mb Clarî"l, iilft7i'-iJofetAgriculture, aHilha lbelli ut foîr thîe reasîn that itti, barhiir antI dî' a", 'I Springlield, September 27-October 2, îiîîek psrulbe sOetofrethle "i,- 2f . .Illiiîloia htate tsira have, since tAie "Ilt'ric go. 5i'fment ci l,' llugi i GAleinas the mspectiir ofet ti3:00 T RnOTING'~..organization 0f thie Bourd nmnailt iiarlor lit Waikegan, anti licusgrîot KingC H"iiîîî 1 èmeng thie hast Of isncbexhublth le giViig tflic ss,'rm bis attentionr uiy and Mît"E i1c:) I*À ULnited lStèles, aud At gos a ithout iigut fi r uîithiilrg. J11l,, I I .3i2t:Il" " ' Grand Jury. h- Gr'iandfI . nr,îrm foi, the O,'tîuif'i lii tioif rt lhast' lc'<i elli'tt'i and NcssliirI -<ieîîmgî'A, Sivînr. .1 ni ti-i - .T. '1 Whi'îtu', i iîmrPl'A 'me. GrauntfT. J. (iabalîî, A s",n-Ii. a. NeVille. %%'arelî William nA. Knox. Mu aîkegsn-'IiinSîelimn, william lilloiliuuI Jr., Thom,ira Limdsay, Arcb IMuA-t lu nr. Slilit'-Wt. H. Andcnt<on, Edward clve.'t. I.ibu'ýrtYviiie.--WiiiiaiiE. lînvi., I'nerninîtIl. 1c. l'ayiul'. WiiiiiiE. it'. li. LaI iiito'îo'i.Ilibbad1'm. 1 Cularf.i(i " fai, Alý 'tuuu,",î-,,jjfmuir' 'nu "lfoulu, 1;&Y a ith lis fia-]uil uly ii,'f'mtu'ulami u a"img nd ufiouing groat pain., 'UY-,Mm, E. J. s!bulj isih Meyer irns.' i irîi Co ,.S t. Loumî, Mo, "I drtieaen iop uicwumi, u i ul i lîti<'amnfeluin 's l'îonîilliuutnely. Alil painiceuiscul aloi i lu i Y,'ii8utnv het tifuc it beoleti itiiuiitif ig a i.,'ir. lFor %seiyuuti pi ii' , f'lligs and it min'n tmnî,uln, I of 1 n ilmedniniA ieo'rumpmecniîn q uai Ou it. Iftfuiiuleiifi l iluOaiiuu ,c'.,i 'l'ine 2., amui 5"1 "cet sîle 11-r ',îîm' ly F. It. L'uvrLL, Lilortyvilie. jý H.I:I HEm, ,I <irue afitiL. I. i i .ilto,'ktf'lIen, MIi.KERS AND SPRINUIIRS. yo Ca u'ltm oays gel theini o!tu, and tbey arý,bhehast Miler, Haubyu ~ete'Vt'.'4yyieIl i aiail',t 2 35Trui'îu '<irlu t',"u,',2 : 2 3 STAKEliAi.nV. Star Oniari d Nell"Mse, 3 2 2i 'I'5i'"' '484 a'i :43.i,2:40'1, 2:43%,. (ieorg,. H r t t May 2 4 3 iir' ,'î .'y 'i a 2:45 meTîTiN.. .'mitti.' 1iE 3. 'il 2 :1 2 2 2 (MOI. :u'OîJ-- 1 mi1t,;it,, Liîîîl,'îîL ly i2r1'2 ','ai'i'i"4 V t..lil,', Ii3 'i j 2:35 iA'Ni t<tritii,,ii' 43 i1 i2 Sîîîui i4 441 2:40< muT'Ni Bt, itAui,ii 811-ur Wii("'s 3 M j',riiî flou AIiiv iir. iluinii 'ln-zi.2 3ta4. 2 2:300 Tie'T'fINi.. magiuit E ,-', itiii 4411 1i14 miae sias 5555 4 i s s'uyînlg tiiat Ibeir influence ha. been hi 4biy benleticli ansd far-rnteiug. TiteBoard ls compriseti ot men especi. miiY er'tiippad tonrlAie work tu lie doue -8oune o! them baving baan mambers of t At lice ils Aueption, and imest of them turing the3euptsîIifteeîi on tweuty ytars, bl, acquilnng an ex. periene f the bigliest value ln tAie til.charga cfitetrust condlnltted te Ibair hande. home yeasa mgo Ilie Legislalfira locatei lie state fi, par. mauu'ntly ut SPringlleld, and i sue the groundéa were aucureti the Boardai cuideavors hava beau directed toarard mailng belfi grounuta auti buildings nOlt bbc higliet requiremenîs <of ils atinualasbows. The reanîlsaraemîrniant- lyý grall!ying. filain eldtba13ftiihea fuir grounda ara hilrîî,t plîtinrejue andi beamaiful An lIhe t , iitei States, andt Iat theluildings mara, as a abolt, [l eqflaleti unywhfrre in t13e îcuntry. lu al'if ita arrangementE anti appoint. nîcats lAie IlIinuoix tate lFair iAs unsmr. pafiaati, ifauualetuyir, imu tm, aaislton te tai, purpones, Auction slaie uI. F armera wlie contemplale bavlng fom hlls.Vie Pli iltthem imutly anti allAi dispstcli anti unr prîces are the lowst, Personsalimvirîg anction hille Prnnl et t Iis offce aill racalva free mention of mâie aud a liai o! articles unit property aril lie plibliale.Inlu tce C011111118s0ethie INi>EiaNhlTq', s'hicli base a lurger circulation amoug farmnera tian auy other Lake Connty publics« tîn. If For Sale or Rent. à songliun iAli t n An Unlust Crltlclsm. Long Orove, Il., Sept 14. EDITOit INIEPENI)E7<T: 'The 1Wiîakepau Gazette o! Sept. il, 1897. cu'ntaina au article regardig a letter wrttetî lîy a Constablf' freni thii ienti of the f'ourity to a certain Jnstii'e. èOif thie' fm,'a,' ut Waikagan. Whilc umo eone colîibaive ammy nbjef'tiii10tu e rocipiemit oif tiîab letter afti bis e'imen friands liaving a (quet hlifgb ut the expeuse etfticeitritar, stil tera are many wbo 'hlnk it shows vary 1usd &"Ste on the part ut lia gentlemnan sWho receive theflecltter, as Wei us the puIs1har oit the paper wb,î permitteti bi14 columna tf l'aumetfothe1,f'purpofie of ridielcng a Constable Imoini sîîther tos'a, fer the educational disativaulages 1e bas liait te cuntend i sll. Dos'n asitis endoth Ae Pcuuufy wa do notelet Conatables te write gAt edged lettelrs. 'J'bc gentlenmen opj nortli1maY pouss8as asupernliundaree of iterary talent sard arae'atîcome 10 il, but'ieu if conîte uperformlng tha dtiles ef the ofice idl dl ha fouud that our coustables ai compara very Iavorably s'ith èny An the counuby There neeti ha no teax <if sh.otiug cffraya Ocenrring dn court on account of thé negiigeuce <ot ,iur M'fficnl falling te searcli and diisurm prlaonei,, arnesitet by thî'm. FAIRi PLAY. le FOXLAKE. es Miss Magale KirilsAi is sltiil vî'y Br slick, le Miss Amnie Galiger A% visiting Mrs. 19 B. Toarseuti e lKra, E. Snyder, of Foi Lake, la on Ilite sick 11,1. le A. Tweed of Ibis place arent te the ýeCity Tuesday, Tyler Gilbert's eldêsî daugliter li111e Lons As quite sicli, Missées Anule sud May (ialhger wree LMonday cahiers et Ira ftmuth's. à ime@ Amuie Giblart antiBlanche re Culver calleiton UliaIra Sm"Shmeh.tirat 9cf th3e week. 9 The Lake Ceuuty fuir aras lmrgely Atteildeti by the Fox Lake people on 1-Thnirsdy aud Fritiay Miss AJice Graugar, o! Dightan, also Misses limes Of that place s'ara Chics- <o vistera on Tuesday. a Mrs. H. Calva gsud son llmnd Mise Anni Gilbert viailtid friands ut Bitl L Saturdsly. The Fort Mil l Sunday sebol ai Ycommence t tIl o'elock ili the forenoon eu Stunday iaitbe fumture. yDi,. J. E, Cohenonnr bshian eluibigeti tc gira up lis duties as pes4terif Auioehand Fiat HAll Chrnstiaiî chiurnlfes nou accrint 0113b,é#eitth. y LAKCE VILLA. V W. T. Kerr ia on lb, aftidmam. r Miss Alia Darby la sowly lmiprov. Aug. A. Mctiougah s'as on or streets $un. day. Mr#s. B. Hamliu was An lie Henry test Saturday, D. H uk, of Haiuesville, aras Au Lake Villa bmturday, Miss Cors Wallis arili go te Erauston 1Au tAie near future. . Suvaral Lake Villa peopleasttaudeti ithe fuir thia yaar. A u umber front Ibis place took lu Chicago lasi Suuday, Mise Lydia Lifitiler lias returneti from bler vieit An Me Henry. F. L. Bouteli Aias retunuat ehis bornetfrom Cleveandut, Ohio. Mitr. H. J. Nelson anti daugliter Olive acre lu Grayslata last Thuîréay. limr. H. Richards speut a tes' dayu et lasbt acek arillirelatives ut Wiimot. Mi,, ant in.Beu RumIAn spaut ASun- dasY M . C. Litilar's, of itound Lake. Wmn. Pester wrili go to Libert;vlà, ahana ha rili resumne bits oldti rade blacksmithlug, Mr@,. Payne-lias ret'fnrned te ber bome InuIoa ulter spouding a tes' areka aili Mr&. F. L. Beutareil. Born-Srinday Sept. 1111h. le if s. MrTyMcDougal nee Mary Allen, uit WAlmnot. a ton ponnd baby boy, 8cAicol close tw so days lutI 'ek le giva the chultireni unopportmanity touat- tend thie fair aI Llbertyville. Rey Wirshlng former paston cf flic Lake Villa Clinrch, arilI ocnpy the paîl. pit Suutiay eveuiug Bapt 26th. Mr. J. Pester moved back te Lakq Villa 1lut aaak. Josepli can not flni any place Iliat suite hlm butter than the li111e tos'n of Lake Villa. WHEELING. Diti yen take lu the County Fuir? Thlenlat pieute sud dance nt Bruisn'a Groea aru arly Weil attendait, Jack Frost viaiteti lis ttunday and Moutiay niglite, slowiug that arluter walBilonu bceutband. Misses Etiitb anti Mary Ituittle left Tuastiay for a Ilircee atka' trip ta Ioaé anti Nebrasha, visittng reataivai. Last Meuday eveuing lie Christiau Buideavor hlt a social et Lieo. Staugen's. A good utieajeuraponteti. Montiay aftrnoen oeu'cureil the fumnerai ef unothen uilîlpio)neer motf Wbeeliuig, CoinnradZiiumer, ugati Hf)a years sîîui 8 menîba, lsaitc anti Getorge' Hanson natie thaîn wn'ekly trip le Wleellng Satnrday evenrmg, returning tif Chic'agoi Meutay J nioirning, ware tbey oparate a tiraI- Ai e.l"&ssatore aI 350 ilwrauikee'Ave a tiiva thoaî a trial anti ne Coutiltlihey t ahIl please yen, t Tue»day atternoon the tumerai of!Ib John Johuson took place UI Hall Day, hl Decaseti dieti o! conulutptîon. He Il hllt gene teoulorado tare montheafuo, liuping ta regain hbiohullb, but died tbare anti aas brongbt iîuck Satnrtiay. n Ha belongudti te the Indepantiant th Order ot Fereatea, Conrt 1791, of Ibis Il place, ant he ftrnenul aras nilr il. auspiara. - --o - ïï - --- A Cure fo ilun Colic. Ilesource, licraven Ce., Us«-I have ta beau subject 10 attacks of billons celle a for several years. Olimuberlaiii'scolle, Choiera andi Diarrhoes Bemedy lathe el y sure à elier. It act like a cbarm. fî De dose of Il alves relief uhea o6hif reme4le mii. . 1. Ilazp. Vor,* AT WYMNNI%ýI FaIl Niillinery Opening-- Saturd--y Sept. 25, 1897. Also Special Opening Sale of Ladies' Fali Jackets Sataarday, SePt. 25, 1897. Special Sale now going on of Ladies' Black Kib Gloves $1,50 quality, called Mended Gloves. 6sc A Pair, AT WVYNN'S,, Co.Gencie and Washington Ste., WAUKEGAN. The Lake County Academy Wili Open at Libertyville, Illinois, Mfonday., October 25, 1897. With a corps of Competent Instructors. Business The ifemsu Course durug witer tan *111 inelude b aud. urses thef, Cuofun Englisti branches, liook-keaepiug, Penmaaahip Business Arithînetiti ShortliMnd andi Typewrltiug. RAT93 0F TUITION: %Niinter "orRm-2weeks-Bua1 y$15. i gk BScool, $13 G<irammar,$0.9 iprlimg Ternm-i0 w@eeký AG eol $~i;(rarrimar Sehool, $5. per t«rni. Winter Terni opeus Monday, Oct. 25,'97. Spring Term opena Moniday, Ajril. .,Dt HOLIDAY VACATION 1 Spring Terni ends Friday, Juil, 10, W. Begins Dec. 24, '9l7; andi and& Jan. 3, '9J3. Specia Term-Toaebera' Normai Dril3 Wnter Te'rni ends !riday, Mar. 25, 'U8 Ave weeks, July 11, to Aug.i,'l ' For further paticulars adclress H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, Libertyvîlli.I. NEW STOCK STOVES. CalI and Examine before Buying. Heati ng and Cook Stovei that rcan't b. beat for Pricqand Du rability. M. C-- m LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. P. S. When you corne to the Fair, corne in and iec my fine of Stoves. HALF DAY GAGES "I.AK. Quito a change la ithe weatlier. is$ MAcO Glhaore vWtod b ler asun Most of oui, people attended the fuir. An Cb"ca0 laat SUintY, J. T. Ayru goa aronnd town wAth a Mimm Maii!iJeftera cuient ai wesk 'nry amillng countenauce tbose days, wit Wauiîkegau friands. and ail bacause lin l papa taO a littué Mr. Frund lichen, o! Cicao gm iaby daug13ter wblch arrivetilalent SI'ndaY wltli Ueo. Jamer. og.a~a lfinday. Mr. and lira.Tiqu. Phelpg, oS Geh. Lent Tîiaaday the funerl lof Mr. cago, are viltiulg micildb li. John Johuson was bl aut the eiirîb lMr. Walter Se.îvéy, of ChIigo qesa bore. He vont witli lis ister LiudiiA ate,.wday with lMr. *fferaslat WÏ4* about two Mentha &go to Denver, Cul., Mr. Rtobert Rogers, ci Chou6. vmu t try to regainlis healtli, and At vas calling onu inonda pal w.*. thought for a tAme lie was improving, MI"s Lottie chard and aslady là meS but Iliat di'ead disoas@ conaumaption o1 Chica«>. SPeut SBndmy vIlli ber p». bad taken Auchi a etroug iiold that lie unIsliera. Passed away Sept. Id. Ras'. Lee, of LAbertyvi île, ofilceiated at the obsaquies Mr. DoIPlI Chard and "Ae,.cifCli. 'lierea aconcoursa of frianda and s'1.ivtOd friendt lMIer. Iama eighbora gatlierad tb psy theirlast attended the Pafr. ribute of respect. He van laid t0rosi teYi val servie«sr arehng *WMm i Venon. day oveiitgaait the ami* %W Strayed orStolon. Vlia.D. L. joueas d ugl A bayptuy m re, black magu , And foyd of W a uk gn « il anti white atrlp lu forehebd. Ss, i.LlI ed or taken from My bers TuoDq' Aiglt september 211L a. imsb1ee fr returu orAi tmereto. J. W. 9 t f ti IH p b : 41 4ý11 ý Àah ...... . . . . . . . .