CURIOUS DIPLOMACY. OUIQULAR PROCEEDING ON 1141 PART 0F GREAT URiTAIN. £ Iapetei lntended for tise Blte 8ujrtmseut et Washington la.Pub- 11.1.4inu lie NewapapCTU Befors iesucmasnlit Detinaàtiou. Vioisted tise Parie Awarde. Tb@ publication by the Brtish Goveru- Met ofthtie bne book on the fur seai eouferenc2 bas greati>' antioyed the StatO »fflrtment , nt Washington because, ,while Mr. Ch.amberliiua dispatch in an- gver to 'tr. Sherman@ eelebrated dis- patcb oftNiey 10 in given 1îbiciy, the ,&Drt)Mni: t pluthistitewhas 'lot re- Me 4a cp-, or this dîspateit. and ducs »t nom to knuw of itg existensce except tbrongb the neivapapera. Inasmucis as Ie Britis prebs has sa freely critscisod wht it bas been pleassd ta c.11i 'shirt- MecTo diplomary.' anid han rend the State 11»purtment man) a homily on the neces- ulty of oberving diplomatie proprieties, the departmnent thinka it curlous. 10 557 tl. tt that«a dspatch should bc made public befre it bas been reived bY tbe goyernrnent to which it is addressed. But tàs in fot the leagt curioua thing about tis diplomatie eplisodle. lu the finI plae, lla uDusuil. flot ta0,07irregular. that Ia dispstch addresaed by the State flepart- mnet 10 the foreigo offce (lthe0111Y me- dicua uf communication between the two governments) abold bc answered by the ailoulanoce. State Departmnent offciais umdertand why Lord Saltsbury bas flot yiiihed to Mr. Bherman's diipatch. Borne f1.. &go a New York piper gave whît parported to be the toit uf that disfpalcis. bust which were reaily merely tise con- chutions tcum a recilal of the tacts. Theie conclusively that Great Brit- "i bas peristently and wilitully violated th irit an1 d ltent ot the Paris award. Mdi consûttethe ilcongest Indietnaont ever drawn. by one nation agaînit ait- ether. This ls the reuion, a Washington-. esmupoWn esars, wby Lrd Salsbury bus neveï-answered excepst "by anticipa- tisa" lM. Shermans dispatcis. EXPODE ABoMB. IffeetnsutfTw@ Kuiporers Marrefi by Hostile Deusoustratlon. Ecmpecor William ut Gersnany bas ar- eh'qulau Budapet and was welcomed by Uberor Fran :la Joseph, the cabinet min- aeu nd the clvi and miitary authori- tics. It la Raid as Emporor William und îbuwrrFrancis Joseph vrece leuving lb. station a sharp delonation was hourd, 'wblcb vs follawred by a thick loud of dmien and amoke. The crowd took tright. bak h otungh the mlltary cordon sud owaauaed around the imperlal carrnages. »apecor Fmetnla .Joeph wus greatly agi- flS ad siouttou the poice tu keep the peuple huc. borne urresîs are rePorted, bu« owing tu the silence maintained by Cb ofliers It la dîficul to aseetain de- taIl et te affal. The Noue Wiener Jornal as eonfisted this evening foi pubUIasng tlegras as ta the uccur- ptentuc 09uthe .Clubs. V.OWlnIg la lhe standing t the club et the National Basebaîl League: W. L. W. L SaUmure . .87 35 Brooklyn ... .57 esi Bouton . B. 8887Pittahrg ....55 #1 àk-w York..Iâ 45 Chicago..55 08 Cincinati . .0-83 Philadelphie .538 7 (]Wftlaad . ..64 60 lAuisvle ... 51 7- Wublattoa .57 65 Bt. Lonis. . 27 BE s i. I I B lIýe aioving af the ucahors et the Wmum nLeague la au arai] hbovu WL W.L. Vilumapolila.98 87 Deroit.72 66 Odmalobus . ..80 47 b1lnncapsois ..44 901 SI. Pauni.6 51 Kansas Cily.40 100 Mwanbee . .85 &2 Grnd Ilapids.3 100 Bis] e oOfetExistence. Unt.d States Disticit Jo]ge Pumer ut Tape". a, s., muad su-weping deiston wb.u ho dichired thec organisation kuowu an lb. KansaCty LIve Stock Associa- liceu illegal inider tise pousiuns outhtie enti-trots lau-. The exehange Je au or- amnsustiuu ut cnsisitua men. u-io c-n- troi lise a:le ut lve stock lu Kansa Ciy. Jndge Poster enjoins the commsis- aifra duluabusiness. Buasumeta Protact Tiscu. Tise mteonpt lu rerume vork t Par- dees Lattmer, Pa., aines vaa o nueîî- «enfi culy 300onutf1.300 mon show- lmg untfor von. Ttec lis are giain tbauloung trouble. At Bckley visen atemplo] ta peuvent tse missors Ihere f romi goina ltocSr, Cumpanies C and M o% tise Fondis Itogimeul gave tise '.uui-be vorkers protection. Caadof Crîppes T'he leet national convention utftrip- Vies vIi ho ebel] lu St. Louiaslunlise Ex- positionuBuilding snd il in expecte] taI tisait yl ho tuliy 1,000 deloçtes in at- tendanee thon te meeting in cille] le eidrer very msn utftisua yl hocrlp- pied lu; saine manner or oIson. If bc la nul be wvll nultho otitie] tu a set In the bail. loris hie HatDatte. Brituits Iroopa suiffese] serere lnesIt a bultle vit thtie rebellions Mohmands. One hbanrd]an] fonly lunlIse Second brigade ut General Sic Bindon Blaods dl viasio euelîhter SuIe] or vounded. The Mobumun]Imm vas sonbous-y, but llampossible lu taelt l u-al extent tie ,ebIlous native@s usere]. WIlIid-1et lamEtMiempolil. Minneiapolis u-s ciosen as theo place foi building lb. ogt unnuil convention ut iS Wtieal AtRocidon ut Underuriters. cherchses Leu] AI]. Mi ofutthoe utubes lui Pueblo. col., Smmm&y nlghtl touS up collections for lbt eu.fering col minera ut the Eail. Red] up a conga-oassn. Onugresamasa Btters-rtt ut Oblo ta wi up for purposes ut rohhory at At lte Cily, N. J. lndeed, ho vas robise te is uîteh au] a inut ormouey, afle] - maiug a tahisora reitanelu the higis -vayman, hfore lise arrivai oethlie police pt lthe rumfans io IlilgI. Iusproued Fever Situation. Ib7e Nov Orleans tevur sitution Ji ga.utiy improviml iy s malerlally lovei usutit-rature. If the preacit coul iue aeutluoes cinniions promise stea]tly t Mmv htter. IPauSmaîAvrtluune&l Tise ha] baruest affects scuenleen Rus- mua provinces an] itla leare] ilt williilsc be fei lin 18911,as the drougit ha ro. vented ovbng violer theal In a large are. Thc Immense reserve stocke tiil preane u famine, but thc peasanli ari ViaiS ter e eaub earat. 6111.M0Ofer ZRe Aisfi. Ybsi AWm kienneo etaIPMIsidet"b te bis ser«117 laHxlbuteul Xdl.. d VOUES noet» 7200mOOfa eutenu Dow@ au lmine« yul M.- ensd Clubs.1 Faiaj t Eameto, Pa.,opened, w;tb .efomolaet the b.audquarters t the IbirdBrigade and ia the valuisoiceiP& At n «rly bhune smessage re*ebadGin- trat Gobin that there was mere trouble et Audenreld. The attack mode by te women Thnrsday. which resulted in dfiv- Lag the minera at those collierles ont, wvos repeated wben unother atteifpt 1 ta.itrt up tbe coilleriezs aade liriday. Over one hundred men ropoted for ivurk Ot th Monarch washery, when tise bnd ot amons, armed with sticks and atones, swooped down upon them. Sorne ot theîr Bombsier agnin statioued theinselves 0on top ut a canbank, rdy lu pelI the mon, but violence tasa uvolded by the mon pcomptly golng out. At the Star4 washery about une bundred ot the IR5 1 men returned tus nork, but the wumen1 determined lu drive them out. No nt- temPt vas made ta resue nt thse tarsmî wisbery. As sonon as tbe repo)rta ofthtie dîsturbance reachrd CloueraI Gobin bc sont oa quad or the Covernr's Troup bu lthe setne. When tle covlry rearbeil there ail attempts of violence baid ceased, but the vomen tlluwed the troupe about the etzeet. hooting and curlinfg them. A. turekeeper nt Audenrelîl dcaied tisat bie entiro stock t revolvers hadloon sold derlng the lait feu- days. Reprts trua Cranberry cunfirmildtIse tîrtr tlat the powdcr-house or ltdsvrd Tuesb.ich liait been broken tt by strikera, Abo had itolen a quanîity ut dynamite. B110 COMBINE 0F BAKE& ?hree Large ConcernaenFter the Stronn Cosiution. A ggantie bakery combination ls "id lu bo among lthe probabilities ut the n-or tutaie. The consolidation, if carried ont on te linos reported, wil include the titre gret companies, whlclî nusevIr- tnallyý control the situation in thelr re- spective trritories-the American Biscuit Compeny. the New York Biscuit Oom- pany and tbe United Sttes Biscuit cor- poration. TIse capital stock wilI ho $30,- 000000 and the bunded indebteîiues $3,- 000,000. The corporations mentioned op- erate nt-me 150 ut the largest bakeries ln te world, the American Iaving Ms terri- tori in tho West, tho Newe York in the Mliddle section, and in the East, aud the Unted States In tIse Bo4thrn-iliddle States. A feu- days aga ilIt ecae aP- parent that aoaelhlng vas up in thse worl.l ut biscuits andibuna. Stock ut thse New York company made n aharp gain te $M,and Wednesday tuuched $60, ielilng Thuradayat $W ns abar. There 'were large buylng orders front the vory bnst financial Interests, and while there was nou confirmation ut the cssmored consoili- dation. brukera on thse exciange gave it more thon credence. The coimaunles have aIl hein loslng munoy througb te ilasis- Ing ui pricea, and te stuekisolders hithe great corporations bave demnidod ia ces- sation utfte vue. GREAT DISMAL 8WAMP 19AFIIE. FourHadre] -quure Elies ot Fiama Caua] btisahe rouabLl The Great Dismal Su-amp of Virgissia and North Carolina, covriug au area ut perisapu 400 square miles, is afire froMi uneen olulie oon, temut fanunu- preceuenle] ]rongist inn]excessirely bt veuthtr. Nuoune Inhbile the svaapl but vil] animis, thoretore nu altempt vu ae ti] u checkithelislames. Heur, vlideals, deer und reptiles led hotore the imes, an] Ibeir cries as tbey ver. ire- mte] file]te heart& ut relrnt! passen- gera vitb terror. The*moite innoesueoa tist tise ccv au] passenbera on a train veu neiriy esîlle]. Columai f utlme tronst tirty lu fity teet in biegt entend tfoe les. Wbon ttc greit su-umpa gel 'ils. thic te &aut once nu es-y savon 0 oret rece a un gigl sjnrg 11edetho urny ura nitahbiunt. k ra LitsSlKybu e Dy. At e e c y t eee m ohn rutS, del'sa"ut - t u - ce n , 0 0 a" u ] 1 ,0 0 0 mi n c rd o i n" t hU T i s n r d a b - - d ne , iM u r 5 h e- a i t i o n min de iyigxibt-ise Vproiiîsu te searlt 5 seulsaote] Lil Comab- buswe r1000ainder8,ut0 ier,00aiinthe uittIelaburg distr t risa *5u00.00 luroa I7n0,0.0f< acr a unthltise actiosn miatsabout 32,50,00in thepoges.ionso tearle of65ncents. DtdetArl v lntnu aid e uasesaitherocthe2n,00miner p caesnt utthir tae s lu etay tsede pses et iso oplog dpetse uigitheî oll oS-henPtraeIbudetrictrntîisrOutgis 1h. ik stthenDginuligs wili]oninule pneilyiarraementsu-a ttc Leig man] tu asesa te Compauy mule ruv5opr cen]. fIheir mploes. an] aviugesp-a peillnsoaf ecgtse fl; 10,000 e- Lmhedstrit.therignialupaus ud nthli Middle col fiels, Iis trille bas been eue outhtIe muaI pecular crer Inotugneai- o] ainth lIe ngtou. The vinore bave nuour ginization. lInyurinstances tliey do nul isnuu- ezctly tocrvisaItisey sImdck aexcet tisît tisoy feel thît lhey bave he 1untairly trealo] an]dlisal bey vaut moue 'tpsy. Iu 50 per cent ofthlie idIe rlliente cthoy are eta olo osey hou- mach tise wînt, and ln sucS cases ttey have qui Vues tithont even asing fus-an u iceis- %. Touuh un tlen Tick."1 d Atter man]! monlisa ut effort an] oe 1- peale experiments a cure for caie ft 1.ver ba been founu]. Dr. V. A. Norgan'd t Denver. Iotise discoverer. 'Tiscpan f.i t ealtnc titis the fever is primarîly luo: terminale lise- inset knou-n aas e "tck, u-hicis aboutit!unntever-îlnicken esîlle. '< du tiis tise cattle are force] luosu-in )r thouagh a souuon in a rat. Crude petre oe icum la use]. If thclet, remedy provei lu du &Il lsat loilalme] l eau do, thi catie MiarisetwvîlI eîperence somewhb ut s revolulion, an] about 500,000 bot( -ofu cattle viii ho siippe] uortt cacis yeui le ]un.ugthenov probuiitu] n»&»n, wviî extond front Foi. 15 le Nov. 15.A meeting ut lI States an] Tenilories th, hboie catlel bas iseen cali] tulacet i là Fort Worlh, then il Is expecee]tise nei ucheme ut ]ipplag caIlle asili ho iuv. r Groom KilIllesaitl à- Becose his pasents a i] the voitl oe mit roelue lits Ift othir boule, leo J. Bnnday. a Chicagu iawyer, commitie suicide t te Plankinten Rouie, Milvot lake. Hia bride, visu vas Mis Bianeli -c Warren, le ln a dangeroua condition. hu ýI pisysielans say sellmyr eccuer. Bondil 10an] is e l ouismorphine vilSlise in teton t dying lugoliser. Arreullna bs Whesl. In spite utfte lousit plague the Argen tune visal crup u-th gond lueS viii bcs io groît thai neaciy 2000,000 tous i iib e-exporte]. The locuste are ]cing a lit:i re barmn ln use provinces ut Sauta FPc a ýI te sothera part ut Cordou. re Cristians A r ema ~. Word bas =bierecev et th e Ca:t olie mss"oanles are agalu suffciug t la vers oppression tramntishe Chinseieun yYuo-Plug, lu the distuic t ofu-ai f-Tueg. Nhitta lau floma **ttMeeti .pOtuUluoeUISUUU Y arte .ccsturiu rieur tfi aIit meuttàS and the vithduvui'oIt Wbfflla B«ut .l vitheul conalderuttan.'but. Ai gtnu4Il-ai of sevagl et lb. tuapa iliebei gdo- stuntly streIlgtiled, and l*bs vW4.S of bringtgmusre cavaîey la béIng ufienals]. il vas Raid tutIsit he aldlets are isPt thora mach longer the Sheridan lroop ult Tymone, attache] te the Second brigadle, vili ho ordered out. A caplaisiutOf en- cral Goisîns staff la autisority for the stalemoul flinot au "seay, feeling prevrala ut headiqnarlera lu couseituonce outhlist- le outtreàku oftheitaput tut- di"&anîd the Indication lhey hum] ufth1e undeelying dislorbance. Tise brigade comumander ad- mille. tisaI tho 5ctý.. .uth1e raldlin v0oin vas glviug fhlm mnucis peeleiety. He lues nul cnre lu use force agfainlit tisea an] ha@inaîructed thesaliers -111 case ut aecesoiîy teusne oniY te lIats uf their sabors upun tise ansazona. Te *tuCry rcsehed lise generai ihat Marty Mon were lu the atticking erowds ]ibguised as nomen. FORGXTFULNSSS KILLS VIVE. wreeis @aid tu ia Due I.sun Ralneer'a SiIander. Fire killesi. tbree injure] aund')ne air- rosv ellcule lamlise reîutt of a isead-end coi- lision on the Wisconsin Central Hâilwfty hotu-on tw-u freighl trauina at IIOutiil IVis. TIse freighls vene Nos. 21, vent honnit, Ioaded aiit gesseral merehu'uidiae. and 24, east oaded ehiclltY vils fitur frout Minnenipulia. Ton cari ut treigist, togrelier vrith bots locomuotives, vere deraile] and ditchesi sud more or liens dumoged. Tise tnack wa.s, sinon doere1 utdu-bris .au] nu lhrough trains wuere dolaye]. Thse vest-bouîud freigist. No. 21.,nos siclayedsi ouucshal and iaamd Irvine conalderahîy hoisin] hanie. It la suppnosed ttltlie engineer, hetug bebind, torgot tisaIitsecvas lu Page No. !24rieur tbint point an]dn-as conaequeutbY runtuuit Ibrougis ut the annal speesi. No telegraps orders u-ere invoivesl. ai huIs trais nvoc reguletrs and trahîlmen hadl louîding or- der% regardiug tise passing. Charles Bons. couduce ofutNo. 21. eclaimits aI hoe sîillit an]onmuinute tu îmalletise su-ilci hefoce tise sciseduled lime ot No 24. Train No. 24 huit the rigbl etru-ay auid xas li charge ut Conduclor Washingtonu, ut Min- neapols. ____ AIPFIOVEU OP POSTAL BANKS. Pustatunter O.erls-at Gary sludyu lien Fubject Cas-efully. Postinaster Clouerai Gary is devolifli considerabbe attention theze ]ay tlia investigatiÔn ut tise wuLdoof utestsblisb- ing poaulsavingi houka. Wbcu autisa bent Congres@a abilln-as sent lu 1dm Pro- ui]ing for socis institutions lie d-line] lu indorse il hecauso, as hoe sain],lhubsn nul ho] an opportunily lu invealigate the tsub.let. Ho bas since taken ap is,'le met ton, rendlng âil tise lilerature houîng îîP- ou itl istcoul] procure and acekiug uiepon- InniIy lu discus ilsmerila vilIs thonfta- mliiseRlth il. The resul iis tisaItuhouba hecume couvincesl ut botS the viaduma .nd utilily ut postal sturinga inatitutions .9ns ha@ decided lu bave a bill prepace piro- viding foc Iboir esablishsment san]tu breeomnend ito pasaage by Congfre"i. B UT$ 15,000 ACRES OF COAL LAND. 1]Illuols Central Mines a Big ]Pus-chane In Alabsama. t The Illinois Contrit! Ituilroiid. liscust Pits agents, bas parebaso] 11-tt00 acres of tcont lande lu Marlon sud Waiker Cotn- .ties, Alabama, au] yuli open mines "ullo etem aI oncetor tise porpose ut oblainin. cuntitelu ppiy tte ruo]du-itt fuel. Thi klands are locale] unth lise Ofu the Kan sasu City, Memphis inn]Birmingislmîa uil *rond, about uinety--iire miles tram HouI AuSprngs, Miss., vhere tisaI rond î"'ter rl epli the Illinois Conîral, an] an filera Il ea velu ut roslitru tisee ta tour fol Ibm-ik, The deai involves about $100,1000 Grean stesmm Coéiuga. n The Secretary ufthtie Treasnry au] fis r-Postster Clouerai. atter o e-,uiouîttu-f nu-itt ftht Preaideul, have decide] Il change lise coiorutfthecaent nî2-cet postage stamp troma carmine lu greena tise shrde nu- use] ou governacul notes p-TIse 10-cent postage stnmP. sviicb la nu' ieprinte] lu green. wviI hcanzed le som ukliser color, psbibiy carmaine. Il nthough ie tI green bs a more desirnbi r-colon than carmine. hoaldeasavlngth tegovorno-ent about 111000 lu lie differ tf ence in csp ontbtu-nlie tu-o inks. rs Accident lin a CORiIMin-. tl Tise cage lu visich len mon n-ore boit I> lower- I mb baft NO. 2 uftheti.Ade le COaI Company at Naulicoke, Pa., ho' )0 donly druppe] ltiste bottuautftise si-ai ruEigisI ufthe mon veco sererely inurec me an]dlthé injuries ut tour may liruve tata ae Tise mine in 580 telt deep. The cage lia s gtarteni dovu the shafl. and, thse est r rieer luaingcontratolfuthlie mebinerY. 1- uloppe] ta the bolloun aI terrific speed. ut Lynches-s :50 en. e "The ilayeof thtie men are unkuovis 'r Tis i lthe eoncIu]ing sentence ut tise -i ir diet ut tise curanera jury wviinlvest i gaten] the lynching ufthtie ire men uit Vs il sailles, luit. The verdict pli-ties, tiso oi n-bu jisvlty the isangiuugouthlie quinteu n On lIse oliser hand, tiscetts have hei t- made-or cnrrently reporte] lu bave b-t e- ma]e--by trionds ut tise vicellas ll o bloc] toc bleuid. n ]Peace Irian la Airreed Tu. ie il ta %taled lisat tise pua-crs hire ae copte] lusula.proposit tIsaIlise evacu yieofutTheaialy sabol hgin one mon lt atter tise trealy of ponire la uo-i. se. aIAllla*" IITTIr5 te- Chleugo-Calîle commun tu Pria e- $3.111>tlu$5.50; hogs, usipping gem]i rd, 3.00 te $4.50; abeep, fair lu ciseice, $2. fo te $4.50; visoat, No. 2 ced, I92c lu W e- corn, No. 2, 28e la *-,e; enta, No. 2. Il W'te 20c; rye, No. 2, 419e lu 50c; butt To cisoire cresmery, 17e tluIlle; eggs, frez ïm 12e ta 14c; acier poplaluies, 45e te 110p o- buahel. 55 ndlsnapulis-Cattle, saipping, 33.00 se $5.50; hileg, (eboice ligbl, $3.0)0 tu $4.ù ba sheep, comun itoeboice, $3.00 te $4.t s] wheat, Ne. 2. Di3e lu 94c; crnm, Nu. tr whtite, 3lc ta 33c; cela, Nu. 2 white, . A St. Loula--Catl, 33.00 lu $5.50; hol bat 33.00 tu *4.50; sheep, 33.00 lu $4Xt id u-heal, No. 2, Dite tu 98c; corn, No. sixTy IOumTùN4FUNTÉRa RE. tUSI4 PROM DYMA hue Dtscumging ]Repors sor ltse Conditio 1Affarem on lise Traits Over tisa- Bvide-Cosupan, lua siàp ]loge te Alas. etqoerBouleTataAlasksa. Blzty footne-huinters who wece en- gaÏed iluais lneffeeluml attenipt lu criie5 the divide trtam Dyea and SkaguftY ittO tis allobn gold fields via the White and Cblkooîsaes returned lu Seattle un th. steataillpa Rosalie aud WillaaottO. Tbey tert la distresaing tateorutaffaira alug theltraie. Lesthun lMo o the7,001 persans vbo soughet lu go over these routes have been Sueceastul. Among the It lsesseagers wn-aS yvester SCO- vol. He bA is vite encamped oet Litke Lindemran. In a few tiers Mr. Scovel. wbo, witb the assistance uf a NovwYYork paier.bas*bliera asisting the minera lu put the traitlnla btteir condition, vili ce- tarteltaSltagnay and punihon bu Daw. ui City. MHimission hack. hoe SUYs, itgii conter vith bis palier relative lu mottera of a private nature.' Mer. Scuvel ilutftthe opinion tisaItlise Bbagttay trait cotenenver be mode a Prce licable route. Il in nov in soi-h a cuidi- lion that pussibly 2,000) persuns will get asccusa, but nul in oî;vane ofuthtie freelte- upat lb.heYukon. Tbey iili endeavor lu spas tbe viuer on the lakea,, 50 as 50 .malle a rush 4«'r the Klondike district ns 1early os poiiiblc in the spriug. The hoavier onîfits are going uvor the %Vbte patte, the total cot ut pocking belug abmuft r t)()cent., a pouud. Itorses n-hlch vece 8o gvaluable tpr packing parleuses, the re,- itnruiîug gold-deekers report, have cuise et, ho a drng an te suarket.Many are iii- lng troat strvration. their owners refus- lefo a baln ted aI thse exurbitant liricea. Beais Oold ln Copper River. 1Onrit te muit inleresliig e'tpedililuns 3thal have yet gone tu the gld fields ut IlAlaskn or thse Norbvest brrit-,ry left Port Town-niit asntn-ek lue o tu-nu'> ton %choner cuiled tise Jaunei, liiedeidi- rect for the Coppor iRiver counîtry. 'J'le party la lie charge ut a mon aauîied George J. itinnocksa. vho bas spcîît aIl uttive years iu the Copper River country and bas brosîghl 0ont large suins ut mnev antlit- t ernit limes, sggregating fîtly $*2M).000 The other members ut the tsxpedition &ire eaoatly Clifurnlanis. The party la lie- eorporotedoas lise -Oaklaind Miiiing tend Tradint; Conian," nudit arta ont iitir a coparlnerahip agreemient that lil'îis etisein ltoremîin together ftluo m-crs. -Tisei- schooner was purchosî.d aI a euat ofu $1500. and tbey put on huard $2.91X.) worth ot proviisions aud aupplies. In ad- dition lu Ibis eachwnn issupplie.] nilI twu repeoliug ridles sud 500 rounds ut ammunnlion; also tu-o revolvers. elThe schonrer .Janus is beadesi dire-I for -Port Hidalgo laguon. whicis la a rolte tor enteing Alaskas, !le Jarîiq part>- hclng the nIrtuitgo in Ibis wa '. A lîînding ill lhomadent .I9poilt calll Turnigar. nt tsehead ofthie lagoon, il *place ahere nu huaI bas yet landed. alis, e -hictt in realiiy bas uno officiaI itnie. lie order tu re:îcb Ihis laguou it is necesvazry lu osal iroîigis bbe naccow painge le- tu-cen Sentitrocks and Cape Hiînebiiî- l-brook--n dîngerona ondertînkinz oi ae- 'acouent ut the shoalia ndittreaciscraux n-îr- renta. This passage leudes ttuinsce SWilliam aound, titIs open-s-ea siling aln- te tiI Snng Corner cuve is rearhed. nisco a-another narrow body utfmator minsIlho 1-uliesi Ibrougis. vilh llligh'n s lalnd noithe y left. Hero the tatgoon lae nlered and el- rjoîîrney lu Turnigar is eontinu-'d. This tg lagoon là,a narutw neck ut n--ler, ai et places veru ahalot, vhicb malien it it 0. Icîlt ut navijatiua. Tise Jaus pacly expecîs lu reseth Turnigar wiltiin bhirty days. Ou the way le nurit the achoiier sili cati fnt Juneau anti In Billkslu take on board thicty loge ienta ta viilho neodluatransport the supplies avec- t land tloue Tucaîigar etctise Copîr River, of bwieb vill ho reached ntaI apoint mai 'e ahuve Beaver Rtiver. iFrom thia iplace the w genes-ol direction outhIe river vil ie ho ti- [la lowed norbvard, and it wilI lie crisses] le lisee timostte final dstntin fthe e memtccs ut thse pacty vilI ho leftI ir r-'onsina creek, whore Itinnaci's parîner, Michael ODonnell, la now holding lseir talims and doing montîe nork, -andîthl othallersanill lho sent castu-ard 10 a tribu- en tary ut the Whîite River, vIsere it i% ai laimed iethat loca iuî oneii îîadle ihat vii ull only rival but surpasa tise tamouu A K ondli e. couper ÈitIer ]Indiens. id Van Burin, a seoundl prtier of Rire- Z-nacks',ganys the IninaOs ouîd tinrtih moulu tif Coppor iRiver are p-rri-- i harsili-sg, but those tound et little toril, , ni, are iîîarreIsoaîoand iiggce-iive. il, lairn stisaI tiescheme lu «Peud au arIuî a"force ut mineraltIse Coplier Rtiver fi, set the librposeofutilrivins out ttheIniidini s ii- inîprr.ctieable. The Indiîîns, le oire Pr- themas-iv« es l ritied. lu liegin scili ise asd are guods hotse. They occbîpy- iii] et. torsiditle positions in the deelu g;orges înu and nravinez blrutîgl i -shle Ctîiiîer on Rtiver rnis tisaI lhey could slîy aninlyn veof ut be meti, nu liatter how velI qrnliel, by rolling rocks anîd howîdera dtuwîîoi their heads front aisîve lie uny .,neot i isaît-durea pusses tibat iiitiistlie goît le C-tirougis lu golug up tise river. ua- -Thle la-rest trikes madîe tîy My p1r:- "hnet. ODoîuell. and myseit, iaid Mc. R11h atesle,"were ilu, placer diggiiigteîîîon i bell river, Alla reek, Iteaver river -lu Tauina creek. The laigeaI dean-op made liune day waosalt ionia cneet-I me, n-hen $3,100 wa:s ashen] out. One pie les, yielîled e3'10. I do lut cire to tâtse o ý.01 much ne ihave laken out uftht!e Coppet 3e; river country altogether. Yoleclnilliil 1'e dovis nl $2W0100. 1Ilbave wiis melbei( tr, papers and receipti shonltîg tisatitilvai %I, aItenast tisaI micb." pt PLAYiINO WITH OEATH. e t Enigland Irritated by lheBa td Man- 110;ugemeut ln]LIa SPopulsc irritation increases in Enal:ran 2 avec tise couduet urthîe cnmpaign agîulîs dcthe Icisoate l lainb.There hla icri toc sucli tenoiblr man as Lord Roberts o >99, Kandahar lu crsh the gro-iiîg revoit -; lu government circles lIbre lrevîils I ,2 feeling of gratitude that parliaînent l 22e nul l sesioun. Tbey kuou thuil embaross ing questions would holie iesi touchii be a mnto qumtien. l'hurs eertalaly la good grotnd fero icou ttlthb.Czar an& the amen are *v.rkag s»estly agabuat Bnti Influence. 'lhe Bnglich publie aeanwhile la sbuwlng a savage ten»ser over thse ribellon, whloh, if nt speedlr qnelled,mamy creale grave Iruo for the Sllsbnry govocament. Further lois ut diplomatie and mlltary prestige ln this emcrgeucy would bo tatal. PASTOR WILL 811K GOLO. 11ev. Frank IP. Vrooms.uiTred of Mie- lotry, Wil lo teo ldhla. Bey. Frank 1iallngton h)ni a- s aitant pastor ot thse Pcoples Churrh. Chicagu. has eontirnîed the report that ho wili go lu the Klondike. 11l bs decid- ed tu, leave the miniatry of the gospel Po a* lu h. able lu devute bis entîre urne tu thse race atter Manmmon. As nue of thea pruoeîtirs of a cuuslîstîW0the-eapitàiseid for $10000,000, the pfftaeber recoutly usîsuu utto si t . îîtta i o îrep ire fur an expet-lliitutto the YIukoun. lu InaliI ug t hi- dut. utif - à 'l i ceeur froulits i, t-et tiIr. V nioitna tu-oýttîc -P- 1iitillurîmant oison uhe uuirciu- usesaivi* e-icîs tlIse piof.essiItiilPi e l s- iuug . liaî> sthaistte rtet- cil d nli;1M from filei-ple s chîruh ls tfiluie lis servi-lil. it. lilabis opiniob n t tîci u à cîer.ynunuila 1t-caepunaise us lisouin toi fim oui] le lu t ieduif il. NM.-- iuisi' cotroe rn7 vilufle l'resisYieriail '1--nore au]dlui.s se-opane-outlis( position -if os- mstsliut tu lDn. 'Thomas are wattl- ofule oentlhisalur>. COMMISSIONERS ACCEPaT.ý files-cralplans Offeulfer Solution of t'insscisl Prohiens. Ail ot iblie atîil t-t'a ut tise somali mtîuî y eommiission buii igtilfieul ict-ictu --liu-.tS i-nuitluthinxun bl ie ici-un]; lucen Prt-isreilfor sutiiiisi-buti li te vi-i. mitssionu. Onte- tifilin-i- liutsfi ili- crl-ire- aita th ie gr-u:il. uugugg.-ý-l iu Sn.îretnr; 1 ,s liid&a hl,t urepuort. e-' n i-u otisen lin effiet tu nretire atal linutle: titilleir $.-, auîitstutitlg inta.d mili-. stilt o îtbîr lproposit litn utloo-i)a gr:iui uua tex- tiigil-itniiutf flicntaonîmal ,lIt. ahirl iuig naî-u.ud ftisnt lsut gv.rt aiu-a Iislorizc the' îîga ninti lui ,f'ut ii luis batiks, thsesigtue tii dotosil a sn'i,(luî il I. leir capîital istoin lu g oIrun itir. Chîsilousflîtnunsa t5:uin îlîlzis 9 geaI ionns lerondîe 1t-itie -,iUliliiii, Inn it- inug tt-au-tu cimreful î-îîîîsîîefaulin. as in fie btnlulnra ionuofthite ti)ruluotel ue, filns Y.~I"sunlu er-y ai-nus siuîîd lh eniitiuyelî lu drite tiaoMthinga utui, Il ail coousin-nd itselt flu publie coîufiîlew v. BOYCOTT THE POSTMASTER. Hog.asivillee Gs.. Citais eFin] lhe NestruHcke] by thea La-. Tise ruc-t hoisong ut this ,,0pust- railt-rut Ilogsnsville, (Ga.,iisreâteis ti cotaitîlnu en] tot trouble fur tise lenuse 0i iith tava. ItIsa tisteu ltiattI S ftuteu mnt 1sîulsineînt business mn litunthe lusv n-lIl ho tu rnie" on uilargi'ofut l tonlit fn uir n snniste l ie 1potina.uter. Tise peupleofuttise tutu have tever ju patrmiulie] Ille negro pouiliater diririeti tise oui poltlslcc.IlardOva. ululut:'ii uig bisgI plýs(tlI- au] se-diuî for nad 1iihiaintug luntutuk th-mil itit-cforurIL busin lhit-e1strors. Tise i&pWssieair n-it o îribc citufor Ibis. Wisîn thl i eutiuso autsîiIe-l ifss-daýe ao i b i citizeuus eiuueeived fl(-lplas uf i ii g tt.el uat ilseut toluthei. ut I ns-îurd-lt olul Inl sendhmux ut carnier fîur il. [lin; .1I uuuîss l it] tisIiis satidibsi usviola tion0i thei Ilsv ahish îuîniuiu uuuîy tlis e u t mentlt lu-inuiasliu il post rutei. GOV. MOUNT IN DEAD EARNEST Hu-s1e WIII uil on lise Indicîmnen ufthelise <gouil Lyncher». Govs. lotiiut us nisuuiis i uit if Isle pre -ov Ilti-y t'ouuty grandtu]juiryfaitis lin I iVtttu-un .5 hvio pliit iia ue iii tise%'P nu is lt> tli-l g. lie as il ntuiAtturn, I -î--iKu-ti-Iiztusi oIl tlue îiuly tu cIl r luiel uîautintîtul r)lefoic i lin djury-. Tise . Mi l lue iu i-laiouin uit effort, ie-Ys~ e notuil fsite y tii-li.nnshave it-utv iiisi 'Tu-eîuîs-îruîîr su> sIlui- stili llis -iilie ini ui,- 1res-uiljuiny. lit liv- usi.hti-it lin a ursîîfu lin t Ilue ta î-ls;i n Ino ienti rlîsis ieffurt f,)na ve tbî(- 13tui ho-o put uiahn y A lli uv-b fronîuîuOsguuiî o> v ou 1.pirmotslihavo simuioi ia ue ident ri: l t ît u n a un] lei- îuî î - piii îîvuu a h01 u11 Ille ingli-utril.ic lt1>ichsl e , i i arditho Stil i ît- ns sn u l'a i->-un, filait the gi-utndi]juin)-Ius iluis t fer Lulu. mitg fi lemraTolkcs. Enitu nul,, Volmsie, ,-chierut oi toic d Ciit r lie.iît. CabrIi-io, t-it!gij d Cilerf utdeiectii t ad omna; îl(uuu iiud 1, auîro S1suit-iez ut-rt- unrusteil and]takS iltu prnlu nuîd îloteîîini olltary conuii Iv nment by orîlîr if te Ifit h cniuului-l ju]: ,r lu svtuoi Istîdi slcou entutnît osen tu-i it ty-ooni' 1ikers sirrnu's n-nirtoneurimg th ýc ninieiut:il Iuilidliuion fle niglit ut tiser 18 ceuilyniiasorutftle mnî nho uîttct l'reottI-ulitDas-.. If tule polilce atithorities aire pnuis crimiuîniîy lit-gligent in gîîsrdiuug lthe în liners tu; ulwli undotîbtill; li e ocer' puiislneal. ound wobver louis tart fl k; Id insu tise lîisuier miie hoIelul for msu 8t dies-. oru if lisey vere înerelY Paussir. ,y actinîg ami viestigîstomrs utlis- crime. )f t. Chicago Criminel Arreste]. a lIas-r> NMoinoe, alias "Fnesi.hy Nie sn oinus. svhou nissaccusue] lin Seatle. o. I l l. 8istsilusy liut euîîîîelious misisa $10,1* Ig dininund nîbery;,Ih neilikisuan I li ge Chilcago police. .Michael Eran.n-utul a, te bInnscuoriutlfiltrtionntaIi-i.Ila ., iauui nstrpeel ihcet %lotion, bliutvoslui as lise msn n-ho tservi.] accorail tnsnlu f . joliet ptulntenîfn for site rohiery. Cottide Nein SI. Loula Depul. li A collision usetrro] oel tise union t lion lu SI. Louis belsoocu lie -îitga orWabtnis issecottr train an] uns In-omi ait Mt. Lous. Kansas City na] Colona, W-train. 'l'ise WI b olt riine wnis lise te rous flnotrucis, ovetrlsning andn]part -y iî,tuiolissel. Coutuor Chartes WVillial -n telsthil-uuly ue n-ho ecire] serions1 juries. k Wrock uI Mil-anice. 114r uite musn ws atntllii uintuan] to las ut mu-n srliieoîy iojuurn-îfl aii i occioi t n. Ciltlto and]Nortiwstvaenus lt-ut] ln t e- n-onkee. A frelghi ruauilu(,oapasxens ilt ruici. The pwuasneusn ere liscomoît in ,er a un suie isy tise colllsi, bat as the p ut su-uger traian-wai. ualy enuoiuig naI lie noîciof sl mlltes au Sous- noue out Il r- vas iijasetu. - i-t h c uq o -».pM Tijr et un Extaaded Oorie" et crim- inai Acte-Gev. Mount litdiaat -Des] asIntus-id-ab. The iynehing outithte Sue Osgeud nies ut Versaililcu, the connty seat ut Ripler Counlty, bas, pecisîpe. au panallel lu titi1 issory ut Indias. Tise pritniers tiece confine] ln tis e unaly jolI un thvisenebg ot birglary. They il ceatid]iluthe luvu ut Ougoosi, an]dvareetppose a bts eio lu an orgualsi han] uft tiseves and higis- waytusen ohicis Sabeen roisisnu as] tee- corriunsu lie eltisieus ut ilipley Ccualy for a nunnbeof ut rac. Tisy e; ec oaltini trial ftruen ituunsuatteîuîleut to bre4i lo tise genonal alone ut Wuoley Brus. ai Cor- cecI Salurday nigisl. (;ordiureant] An- drews n-en captuiredetuthlie lietatev a runnnugfigist.und]retrer corcles su] been severl; s-uîun]eal. Th, utiser prisuners vitre deiaina-s.onu tise harge ou istrns- assiute in latise uiltuslteul brgl-ury. an] woso guiit sa-eusse,) evident. Public feel- ing haed bei-n irouiseil aguinat the pria- oners beatise thn; tnd su utten esce]te ttc Itautlintieof Ile- lau-. Slirif lîin; Bushuîug andl vite vore aa-s; ruishote. le bail ben baîhtY tonniledil-ie trybus lu capture tise mon sotu.u-lay nitist, suiul the jaili tit in charte utflis brenuiier-iulo tsv.W. T. j<cuneti. turnku-;.andl Wiliaa IBlscks. At 12:45 o'cluueis they vont aroosoal by the rtng;iug ufthtie louir bell. Kennon andi ilIsektircnt (laiterie nu] tpenes irtIe dote. Tice masis- een-n illu a revotiter ln cie bond Con- fconlcd lsei. 'Tie leader sali: 'Bol] ai op y. ands! ii me ilernsan] tise es ou Ibie jtil." lKeuniin liioke] iislu tisema- - ellesoutsit ces-ion, oui] atter soute re- ilsaoce wvas taln u t, lIse kîlvisco an] tunnel tlise"y. Ku-muen anal Black ver. Iockeuoilin a reil ii]siede"enouvilaro- voIn-r sîmade lIseur ns;lhrouub lise gril- tluandi tlisranu i dSth ie pioners, ILwh ilt ia]ail netincul. r l ir ls on-ir ceslîonu vire conflue] 4Levi. Sisuler an] Jenklus, sun] lisarethe vii.ors priiceededt inal. le-i vus irst aa ieul. uatdiretaudi;ng lu heut UP bis -bands aI lise ncunuouuîîofuthlieleader, tlu-o plalol schutasn-r. ieard. andilhe feulu ottise floue pitres.] lu Ibei eurt. Shuki-r. lyiug un hiiseul, refuse] bu gtelp. bat hogged for bis lite. A sît- uuriolu tise bous] frinta ,fa buas; stick-isslu-ui-(- ien, liand lite rule] lu tise Suit-u. Jciiiu' ftecnutis imilar. an tn he tierce bodies vene corrne tu theI misn corruior, utedtise lynt-huorsa tiul y thein va; ulutusîrsu, isece Gordon sent -AndrPesmstefoirail. l'heY. luiin nsu n-uuu- -d ouI uutiesl itiuuîstniih effotrt. Tisu sbonus vire ttidla-him] tisanuips vu-e - jlocei aroin] their iito-La asidt--; sere s rnggt-îldon ustise stîirosa; nhi-ne heir I compileurionsu lay. ituipo ecia-nt plie- ,. sirotnt] thi- neurisaoutal tie urder vas la giveu, l'uli ou tIse nopest, boys, and Sos-ny L_ np.l à- a"ngeaul îu ltns .Tu-ns. al Tu-o squares unth ot tise lail on ttc La bluff neer tise tamouis "Goîr]îuns Leeap" viaresfîtindihan ol] ohintIree, an] lui ius e-togisuiculliaha vere hneuirdtieatul- a-e] ani iutise oulhuies uit thtefive :urlsoera. in naises un] ghassll. 'l'bcseeewuas ap W palliag, an] tise hodles acre Pouetul A ]dteawndn rtce ] eunder the blendeofuthIe ill trep. vaied thlise--tctise foi- bu-mîtsisais]andhardI> a Issis Ifthlie ol] ci i uutsii.Iaving bheu cuiriet su-ay by tise curounLieontu. A mass ns meut lonuatellr a couple of teeki aga lia]tgis-en d thp lu, thi- oii officiaIs. and ibruth bienth ie nien vers cautehi. lie salt îey met aud.] utuite] 'et Jeuins hbone, an] hi eiJtsuti u utie ulnlîlet-tiera oeiaI nt Aissile,hu un bou- mucis. if au. lbî-y sacre iatuIii-iled nt lîl nos-t-e nowuu, uie% ; o-ere rivera nu hcet lii dour ulfen] ilom.elvsc Oigouid hal grtisn nolunlous lise lan' et lu-o yeusnon iacuotetnt ut the mny higle- u-. ay rutihoiei anîîîuldm]upu camuitîcu îdthene. ILoat nîter an agesîd utît-l a n]d s.iiniirsg-living nons th' bu-io tere ltorul dantI robhied wnhile selure a ls their hotme. The ngisl of Apnul 1 Mr. so mund Mrs. Baîullkeaun. living six inîllos trotsr ir Osgcud. aorc-turturî-]b; thierce asiset aeu-ne. ssto di-minde] Ibeir mitir y.They ýre made- tise Id lady, vl.uI a-as quiue intene, u- alis oct-n re-oui us oos lu tel nisoce hie 7.mont yn-as. 'lbeyygui uoting hot a gil sud a feu IitIe*'lunotiler lastIOuttlb mniesourtirs M.n.doui] l. Kîutitunuoiio r. Milaieu -eehi-al-il luie eimilir U1.uuser b; moisi-ilminus'liscl, o lDn. .buaha if nt Oagouui place n-ee uru-ale]. ebirriolith the nobluon;, lenI pros-id ' iul il1-1onr sn. acqiteul oiiiont trouubtc. ]Moul bav in- bot-us bu-d up on tise stri-cs and]bouses r- itisuut nîumhuen hruuincnltthlie laîi-iw ey ;ear.ulni il sc-nmuai as Ihouistise guil usl- uneuociul nu-s nr hocotughi. Iluowniaie ! serhosv litîltise eemeatn eeuarlicater s, in tisese nubhoiea nia;lni-rn-r bu- un-Ow. M]. Los-gest IsNshcn Ev..- Lvnched. ce Tieh ausuluuis nahIltounlise naune of uin Ilipcy Couuut; Il Jla tise laiîinuitoh in ever bouge] ata Iylncîuinin -lilebruote] ouI; the secoindl noîne escutii-iii or ni tnlie esîniy. T'rnet; >i-uut- go -fut By Bu> ru Miores 1Billn-btoui iiilejuillfor ils cuuamiltisig an oanitît. n-os vishieul hlu; ý11 moh unul sevenîcen buliet ahI tutuitieien, id but notuîiîssuhis ee-narnuethsl ie eoid] liSe Ibis trogesYl'clopile drive luto Ver- siailli-s trous ail osver lise coiunty aud ut groupa istood i ontusut] ssinsu it. Su-honl lute edismiautet]ud idsusinu- t, lita t a iuu tu tili. 'lise fanimies ort iiieiime n e atinoI [feu insane froinitis e aoc. The tiis Nssci lu- takr oluOëuguosiansudeici e] tu hls g0- severai tbonuls. ,r-The sIsîriff recireul a messagete rouautIl tho Gocennon to use teliI usennsli hia ps-ver ti ce- apturuisnul tise umen consîosin thtie iSSu ki Hunes er, il seeigtisaI lieserniff h pou- cica@. as nuoseana ut identificatiioun it vê sligle mou liase tnenistaisucu. Tire (lu i@. erutur. cellume ltisaan] also usaI tise sYr cly pnthits ut tise coasunil; si-em-t.] ill jjj. theo lyncisors, seul Mecrili Moori, d]ct Or- attorney general1. lu tieselee ruthI ol yneihiiu. vlth Instructions luIsinise a fi investigation an] repave nu exptnse I brincing tIse lynchsera lu justice. The (juvernnor ondemne] the l>uciing ln tIl ch- tronireat ternea.le fuinthuer.saild un bi @1,otina et visera. Tise action ot the Pusse aie#a .i bien crttnlnalli pi-eipitate.-Now g Herald. The sherif mad bis depullesa a ilu~ lilvé bien demaa] dby oa-~ Trauscript. Il la awuu. A tromendous nseis14 anal e howon for sncb a mordorons00, der, -Piltsburg PusI. - Sheriff Martin bas inangnrnted ail11W burrora ut martial liv vithout sunr qait excuse.-Bao» Trsveier..Ï The creunalnces did net Jusi I I whuleaule elaugblor. Tise abobtiigvil couardly.-Blcmlngham (Ala.) Neya. 1 Itlal an unneeeaaary sîsugister. Tt lu i mont deplorable bîsînder. Even lte 11 nmenl t fthcsheriff dues nul excuse 1h Loulss 11e PuaI. Bock ut Il ai luI a damnable 5.1 whecehy lIse courts, through uneomt tionai injunctions, home the oppresa-q ut the ueak.-Omaba World-Herld. Thse itpîalling lrogedy vaýs tise 1gl otgronth ut conditions wlîlhthav bolerutedtlin aulne ot unr miuig toc somDe yen ce past-Plladelphi* IU Tieseoa luneathtiai lis facrcii] amiîtioîs an] If the abeniff exeftod autiiunity bhe should hli(-citI ils la aniîma~-fia~se.-ibugEveunag ii mal. Evec>thlng pointe tlutlis uspicion t Shcrttt Martin lnut boa] sndnd %b4 aud ordeîd tise desî-ut-tion ut lite vil nu rosIneceýasiîy fur il had arisen.-iNq troit Nca-s. Il IsnlIse tru-t exhibition ut race Ici-il suddishnilicol tory ut an ai force, venteo un sunuarnîoi procosiff thut oser occurresi lu ounr -Qu..ry.--CbA tanouOgîs Timea. Assiimlng tIsaIlIse tacts ver e asIt have bien reported. thte bili sud b deputlei nere utîerly in-.spoetmi gullty ut cou-srdiy sud criiosaly CuM les eunduct.-Buffalo Courie-Itecoaed.. hute] omlcially and absatllu tise ba-à Duesnything appe-ar lu the atucy ut l tcsgeniv lu gir. the asilgitedttpruvuoeut for tIis horrible Maunder. lisa te]ll -rime, tIs officiaI murder?-Toiede li ThIebooting utfunsed men ounmIii rvtatufor vmerelyInaistiong upa îarchiiig peaeuhly sboug s public ii .ny, l.ii àvecy serions motter sad] M -ud lulIse gravent eo)nseloeeei.-MiUi inuis Timues. Thi ce i% nourroua for cte slkilebi bbec t he]lStait-s. Ticre la nu plac s c-îîohllc ut free-mu-n f,r the punla melit of en unuscertained .itsllJ-n, vbàe le th..- ultînuale gosl of gî,vernsîîent bil junetioli. St. Paul <Glube. Wiien à iera pussneean-u ArIce t ccî,îv]outseveral isunured Penusryvai îniîîîcs irioutittsng an America. là psublicoungis t lu nre a alcuirdes ut ci ot tise primue eiuaes ut lahîuc troubles1 If tise sheriPo winlcmcnt la truc, aI ve du onulsec that itLla crenibly conti dicted, his firing upuin the a,,b soemas have bi en a necesaiby lu sanso Ibis usyn t a n d th e li e s o u t o I so n a n m o u c l lu ai tain tIse iaw.-'biladelpbia Times. Forltfnlneiofuthlie renilchararter4 unr citiren-soidiers lu a i te botton t t heaitaucy and delay aboutI calliîa ouI -M troolps'* that la continualir leadisg le ji f uci t dpiorahle cesulla as this HaiS siaugher.-lioehester Democrat 0. -Chronici. Il Lu Penaslvania Whe vE i jnarching ha] a rigisî tu thal islgbv it They vere injuriât nu unes P=sp Il Tise sisenif u-hu ordered the dlpati.s 0ire on Ibis unacines crovd of ci a a ply ordt-re] thons lu commit misado i Peoc.i lecaid. 1-This outrage sisould nenve oves-y Am d nan heurt tu support hi, aitl egîl met r. the suppression urt itis iuiqoily ut govii m tent by inunuction. This un-Amseutai It înievlaze].un-Christlau sYateui unit r. if the lihorlies aecuced for us sy Oune fo il thers are t0 Se preservon.-ladins ,d lis , hetinel. 'y TIeste 1m viiebbai COlleeol ut ignorant ind excîtable votsU stâte ut exasperatioll nords tetocat Bul Ibis country yl nul ho vortht- )fing lu If tise fiot ur an excite] aj> r verride tIse commanda ufthtie legai tborillres ithoul sufferiug turIl.-P1 ve Eveu the dasaardly sud cowardijl r. aI wfubosorderemlbis Posse to ice isad coonaittesl nu overt nets uti Wi- ,hne"s. 1ie il a murderer,.Lsnd bis~ -dare nuidîcrs. m ad îcb utofthev a s ho tried and punisise] for the cosl ufthttc iigist critmeo uov lta elua Kansas City Tfimes. of If the shertif vas indiscreet, If lie or I liste crovd vilisout duePprou r lise dî-maud foc bis puniihmont v ta iummacy. if, un lise tter band. or jouud tlsat hoactcd îtrictly vitbiu Ueofbsduly, ho ssill fnot lackID n lie commendalion sud auppunt, le tîme legililoni. mine uperaînîra. and.S r- i-c* i ilgnou- more thuugittaL-M ad Telegr pis. lAS It 1squestionable visether nndî d- lau- bie attemPl tu Interfore vltbh ât peaceable marcbing ut the strIig re tise tnghw as nulOut fitàelt a l- r the la, ls tise ]uty ut the ilei. ail peace olicers ta pruleet the Mls tu maintil lau- aîd urder sud preei b. legs trtsnpas* open privaI. preu w- is netîer their duty non Iber a MuIeS .peuple IsAsaifl uver tise « 0- u-ays oven tbuuîgis tiey may ho - - a- o u uawtttl lutntu.--OmuaDue., thlT la a noliceable tact thal the nMu ty gelieseiOves up in this maltes 50 lbe cntitutod aîhorities vee lu1 ersaudts]lie narrezsouth tuaw lu ilsd and vonude] sbou-tise bcT ilvibivli Worththe hI.- bcanthorilles In maklng lb. lu vicis iuât ueestarill ho had, te Shou- tir thc trouble visicb he nIe] auterribly vas due lu ih. ly mixture ut the toreigu elemesIt ,MI tIse minersa nd]hou- tarounr immu lau-s are resposiile.-Detrolt Urnes a TblsandTbl