CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Sep 1897, p. 5

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Plour is getting to be immense, and we are of the opinion that it is because we handie the famous "Big Jo" Flour. Another carload of "Big Jo" Just Received! SOLD AT Trriggs & Taylor's Libertyville, Ili. When You Corne to Libertyvi1I1e--ý-- Drop in and see our Stock of I JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCK S, SIL VER WARE, DIA MON DS,, PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES, ETC, ETC. We employ an Expert Optician, And have had a very nice business in this ciepartrnent during the past few months. if your eyes trouble you, corne in and consuit Mr. Vuille FREE 0F CHARGE. C. R. SliERIAN, LibertyvilIe, II. Vanteul: Your Patronage I HAVE SOME BARGAINS IN Pants ANSUitS My Pribes Defy Competition: Workmanship Considered. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING. ----SCeIOOL NOraS. W e o ~e * PICK RD UP HERE AND THERE. 1latn Staples and Lea, LoftusT.. __________ * e~~ommencM ed ,cool bere lat M.,a *Local items of 1Interest to Lîbertyville Readers. *Alil nf the acholars are iack in tîjeir I ~,.. ~places and dolng latter w<rk becanse I ~ 4'<'444 4Q44 444 "44'Géé é4êe 4 oi the threp d,5,s vacation fast week. C. T. lu . R. R. Ti ma TABLE. "In Ja almosi an nuknown qnanity. Principal Stoops rides a new like, TO CHICAGO.1 It la néeded and needed baîily. seventy-Ilve minutes being too short a.m. a.m. a.m. v.m. rfan. A Par irad of macbinery arrived lah a tUnie for bJi to walk tii his boarding Russell':2 .1 48 Wadsworth m:57 5:2 &su the Thomns factoy Wsslnesday. constart- place, est bis iinner snd retnrn. Ourn,,0:ou r < 1 Warrsnt,,nLl.. 5:3i14 log 0f latheao, a planer, forge, tîxîls, Th literv rirar nmo rîa jdoR8Tl fE5:> 711 112:3N539621 ec. tO qul tb.4r machine soa s NfoiiowsaDeantoGog Dsrî,îiî ~ 7.4 <51:., .:.4 hie ewpîîîier iîîîîîsfor tii,. dec- L,îsk, Iva Saliîîîti, Jo .îhn gSuydatii;1 heag,,îrv,.î :50,4 l:161.:45 5o :1m e liglit <,.I8 patî iomploted, the Reading, Pearl Fitler, Lottie Lee; FWJM (CHICAGO. lioller la set and the engine yl ho in EasY, Cleve PriVe; Mîîgic, Emmia L..Ps.ta.m . n, k. . lii rIlo place and rutiaing lîy the tiret of nezî Borden, Essie Triggm. The question ?V.n«amh a 7â i:46 6:20 84:8< week. for debato ia -Are Publiec or l'ttvate Lv. izis. se 8L Bvi,. 521<8 :141 78181 ebools to bo Preferred.' witb Clara P"rl J" S:6st 1:282 1:47 6@:1, 7:237:21 Hàppy Jack, the fline pa<.er eut a Boîioe and ('urroiliGridlev on the vrtt »:« 10:29 4 88 8:26 7:83 89:7half mile a lit heInudiens lStat, Fair at Itaniout 8M:48 îss6:03u 6:40 1:40 :811aflîrinative side and Mande Wheeier LJUITYvILLI Io:" &U4:60 . U Evanavilltt iamt Wedaiesday, lu 1:01- and Roy rgto h eaIe 8:"T55t11 9:39 Hie sét tinie on the Litwrtyville track yWigaontengaie 9:res 800 :11 842 Wai.Iawrtl, 9:14 :24 9<81 for a hall mii wau 1:03. C. N. Durand hlas solil bis property ItussllarrIv.-l :1. :42 180:0 4io tett ").tct n d.lot.-s &Iily. sm ilrnîtem lt,,alaonir. l'roacbilngattb,! Preslîyterian ,-linrieb 1, , i vsndstrtta lt i.iît Hcttawji Wb.,r,. rio mark Silsiars etralssllex- next Snnday mcrning aîîan vigut yl e aidrtw, iîncitl ei,t hîniar. ,vling bild ta bonne to tout on Milwaukee M UNDAY TEAINS. 10:Siland 7:310 respectlvely. Mrrninig Ave.adjointivg J. E. Sauniers8 proper- Lv.LIIsýrtyvtfle 4:p.m. Ar.BRondont .a4P.M. 1sub Jeei 'What ha the Gospel." In the,. Lvll1îryvie.îsag.mAr.Chleaom itam evenlng "1A Mauly Ciristatiîty.' i ty. The lot piîrcbhaaed liy tir. Scott ~~ i lncluds5t feot fronîtage. MIr. Dîîragnu Lv CIicau1o834à i,. m. Ar.LIb.rtrvils 8<& The Lake<î,,,nty (lood TenîPlurs reserviiig the corner Iota oi. Milwati- Ntoî. 30 rai Blial s ly w s.- S uth. il Il] ol tbir Ileit conventionii ut kee Ave. und DJiminStreet. lThe Waawrth1:17: Ojurne-,, 12: Warren- Rockefeller, Saturday, Sepit. 25. A c,,îîid.ratl,î foir tiibiîî and i li loi 188<;i(o'liut1280~; Everettî8<4 Dssrfi Isd I±1.lbrmrvll. 812arrlvs la Chîsagoatgoiel lterary andl musicailîprlgrani IN sold tir. Seiitt was lmii 1.48 p. , arrangeit tor te opsu nmeetinîg ln the Train No. bsh e .lteyput on froin , as.u. o v 8 or i. i I a. m Shrmsri ls 704; rri,,s ( oo7:80 48<1 p. iM., Village Officiers, .........t................ C. B. Awirlil Tîiî....Jaines 'rgr E. L. DuB,,A, ti.t8bra amuI oalowar. t'bt... ............ W. C. Saniior. Tr.iur"r,. .......... .....W. C. Trigué l'olli.,.MagItrat .. ......... W. E. Davis j Mrobal...«.................. M. Freshinan iL BEM~VILLE LODOE, No. 492 F. & éturdaYs of each mnh.Vlltng,.: c,ýrdIaLUreicoied. B. W. BULILRIT. W.X. CECAMP. No. j7. X. W. of A.. meet. A lrtand third Baturda f haoh t at no'm',,, ailove rshardware <liAs. KÀszg. Clerk. Mb. L. C. Duhiiis, of Elgin. Ill., la vimiting ber chilitren bers. Mi. M. C. Proctor, of Springfield Ill. lu viaitng relatives bere. The lprairie c-hicken law expiredt Wieuenay, September 13, W4»rt aid Clark Wright have returneit t., 11l,lt, Win., tio rehunie their mtîtdieâ. The 1tùtaI recel pis at tbia yearm fuir wele S5,190.94. N-t 8o b.d for a "blard tirnes" yeat. M ilasLucy Harvey, o! Jcetlsrsiui Park, js visYitlng Job,,i Austin. Sr., anit wife tble proent week. Mrm. F. L. Larie, îof Sîîringtiielt, caine Ill t., attend ei t',, c .4 nty fuir and i vlt ((>I 41 i iiuîslara wiii givi. a .iim,* u. 1î t tlii, b. ,îe 1,1 bImq J,.,1,1 le r.,'l i re'.ay . rs, g, sîît. 2xth. it.,i. ri-uiiiiitît hsgî.i ii', îl f i'î,,î,îE,,,.lir ,f 11gb wa v% ivt 1<,liii.v ni nIig and lz R%%. s bîrîna,,j t', M liiilb,. Oaeay. Jinu.. W %a%-hosubulas îîîaîle vIII, bis boule the- Jast fi vi utlsretiriiiAd tu bis hi melun <,ahlrlrK, tlîihStâto, this week, oni bit Muuel. tr. Warreîiniade nisny frlenulsmu4uîrig9bis stay lijir,sain re-gret li., ulpatture. (',iioî,î 1,<te aul Qlenie N#stei attratel nuevh attention ai the tailt groui u q at week aitdlany puîr- Cubaseul hto.îgratiis wbicb theoufred, 1. r Nalu'or thbe aSm 11 1h-uik ienîri p- t iv su' ut uîir l eu-s. E eeryîîua wa>4 (le- lu9it, , lt.uivl ytii jrq- urteuîi. aund ivît- lu. lriviuuuus Ye-ars the sluntraite liîl<',iu suitbiiig eurnuusdurnuig litir see.Nît ho tlils year. Neifier 14 ti,- siul-uuu,v lit anYtliîug 1k,.the (uu,fî ut businui4 ,fuir wliicl tlîvuy bail fr pnî. u it i nsîîî'hnmore orderiv urii1 ius re on tIi,-trv'ets ilurîng the t'vo.utllgm tlîauu Iu.former year-., in 1- L ci am a atryiîug ou,. fur îtei F *. 'stuui Ot ltîurietots ul taxeil F R D C O E TX V~CaIÇîut- x Liuiertyvîiiu Huteî Over Bank, -LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS H55,5 'uue l iimie raiîstn tàge tIi c uu lui cunveileuui v takce iuru of, >14 jf~s 84 j ji N j .eaj jtv h .le t ire. utiN sreNtîîatirat vs v p1lat. Iliz.-, l al tlîroctilays. r ~ GO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR l<ivîîîre iii, l,-i itnuîlîttue înîuîuurv as Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, COM BS. lirusher,, Trutises, Supporters, Siioulder 13res, Fancy 'i oîlu'l Articles, , Iiokuî anud Stntionery, J>ye Staftfs, Glasls, F PAINTS, GILS, VARN1SH ES. PATENTMEDICINES. randt 'ut>', Farnil> Medicinesanard 'hysici:tns' IPrescriptions carefully- compoulided at ali lboilta. ~4ods Carefully Selected. Only the Best. >pïié i WHEN VOURE IN rIEED 0F Note Heads jStatements Envelopes Cards or IStationery of Any kind Cali on fuI ille-rea'. n o!fvelay iie,i luîaîecuîg v. tk un f1: eiîuilditîîga to lie revteii fîîr thi,' l suuil tun1,-e Tool ciuli-. ny. tVe are li ifirreti titere ia a iiiidet. stan'liîîg etuvee l le, euntrciut n l x lv,,ciîtruîîtîursfiut sali 'itii,.voué- pall imlei li) vm tu, ilamr, iîuel that wok 1 s1 1, jult as.,î ii ta malýf4t-tiryarrngiieieitmti ivee'ilail colierne rai beanie. Mrif lira ury ,u'edievi at theî'homoe oh bol],î, Wiun. bleype on tie Jcuhn jamisuin farîuî sî'îtist ,of tuiss uist Suioîlmy îigtt, ingeil 466years. beioaa- oui bauves Jur u'liiluir,.n, tsao alunsandt îtwvî dauglîtera. btu îîrn thi,-t lossi. ithe wusa 8iiiii't estimabîle vNonai), re- aliecteit andt iveitas a neighbinand friénit. The lfuerai saam lielit Wednes. Any- thing to Wear, 0 vies].A Bookc on Poultryi. i Viteîl. Uoîtaining 114) pagesa. bleantif,l Yoi ld in l hr man - tn uithoraphie l~at fa r tipeOfCorne in and see us. W e have a very bis firni on victionteigtient foir ricb ug dravno al s o land 1plete lune, and wiII seil you at Right Pw 1retiirns it was better titan an Aluaean lî emrptos fth reeds,1 g<ld min,. Will t. juat 14 cents sbhy plans foîr îouitry boumes@, how to on the ventîîr. w-bich .is ,ilaeet only mariage an incubator, al about by his large and vaînabie expgrience caponizîng, and the value of dîNferont there acquntred. lîreots. The book wiii bc maiied ta Mrt. John Joîhnson, oi Hâaif Day, died any ofioot. teaders for 15 conta, by addressing the Asociated Fancters, ia Denver September 14. Veceaiieit 400 North Tutu 5Street. Philadelphie, hait gonte te, Cluraek, for bis lieaîtb, Pa. i b avinîg beei iniiiDenver abjouit seven uStr e i u11o G od , and weare weeks at the tinie .of bia,, death. lie 1hait livsd la Half Day for many years. OUTY OF PARENTS. w ____lots of 'em. But, w want to seil mqI, and was well andt favorable known ini~.uds ie. a hYuhWea d i .rIe that loclity. He icaves 8a ite aneit laI l.avinsgCblldh.éd Uslai. and i ons.. c+ fSs.A4 Fair Prc baby surviving bleu. lberemua* , "Theré ta something pathetic la the q ar were intererd in Vernon cemetry the struggle of the chiid tu cast a"de its and Square Deal ' fsru*ii tiret o! this week. child ntr and put on the nature of dn wal inebuu n teFo t.'for anytrîung, vvO wtth Internet amouting to ceM4ti n ome Cosupanion «He te beset inter- litteit by the fair association, beaides 1 ally by xnsgivings even wbile ho in shali do IL. carrent éxpensea for thia yoar's fait, I rged on by ambition H-e Vanta ho wbich are beary. ItwiUlnot bskn<,wn ecarce knows what, bat sonietbing nov wbether it "ili possible to lift thei and nover before posessei Pi-riîaps, ia eutire debt Irons thia yéar's receijîta or à nutahel, the gréat deatre of bis soui BOL until atter auditinjg dey. lu ontrila to hé left solnewbat ta bînîseif, yet 5 neitisae w hoe tahé nfonuet ~ with sympathy within cail. and tot be J ' net euewehil tre u ome s e.ILli.a raiutevîdeace aitact M B. CO LBY & C( as ta) stâte autboratlvely what the net now for the mother or father ta gay, balance le. vitb a kind amIe: 'Do what yon thilik D aesi v rti Ounr hardware dealers are ltooding 1béalt about tht. matter, auy son You D aesi v rtlg the ownwit uniue dvetiseent amoldenougb tc judge vbat us rlght' the ownwit [iiqu sdértaemntaHappy r8oriFibilityl Delghtful confi- inevery coacelvable forme, for the dencel Ites aeî ovrsrngrta vrIon ineaottovosbandled bytheni,. whn I t e mslightly tato thé Libertyville, IIinoils. udtheir dlemnto o e h akrud evn t betapparent- st,îve trade at home bas, reaiîltéd l nse. [y frea. A gond deal le said nowaitays ~________ iiiriiig a large stock of modiern heaters about thé oxtraotinary freedom nt u W and, ranges froîm wîiil lit), select, al; ahilitren have. Seeniingly IL la so. but bnwsrs.Tbeir pricîîa are rîiît looking horesieîd there an observer .â.1 l E U E I M . arjl pîrbasrv an ., î,tr iy stage peuple. ruuniziiig Ourli'i deuler., tbitii t>3 "A young fricnd of mine viosé lili iuig tel (hicago>. happy married lite basnflot yet driven ..fter a ber,îeir iittle wsitl the frotterser memory a cranppd anîd lin-(jr t1> bitrdyontlb confiidin nie thent thé jury litalle, we ar-- lj,,«furnîcîl tiiie ofoneidesfn tha a.itesl ber troin 8to18pants guiniK i f.reis tlat Mims.Alie Davis was tint of ruminig away fruont homeo auat sîiicîînti. few hi,iirs. Lber phy. U shte 1utd been lescony'ientious, a lit-FO NE EC ON -'e mselana biaving gîvej i)'h&ailhope, of itic mors rsckles, what a golf o! muin seN EICO L.. . li-r reciuvery. Dir. Knigbt waa calleit bu' innocent teet aîight have pluagei $ 2.50 Derby Hats for........ ......... I in cuinîutatiuinîwitb Drt. Taylor Into ta Caape thé intolerable naggingop I 01,, tVîeinesvlay nîight, sud aller a carefal an.d interference the wa& sabject to in 2.25 ...........".1 diagnosis of ber casi,. pronotînced IL ber fathers honnet 3.00 ............. 9 j 'Wé littie know vhat ufféct atur typhold lever in a conîplicateit for"n, thoughtleuls andt meani.ngiau vords of 2.00 Fedora ............. .79 altboagbi of a very obscure nature. comment ad cbiding for every amali 1.50 Il p ...... Tii ber leglon of frienuis the sait mattér ti gong vrong producé upon P Intelligence ,of ber precarlous condi. the haIf gravu girl ad boy. They are 1.00c " ........sS tion cornes unasa bock wbich ail are apt ta o eerveitand tota ecome mlle35 a tfo .*... ...... boath to credit. J unti in the prime o! under restraints they dialiké, and vhen3.0P tsfr . . . . . . lite. beluivei by h.,r laasocites in ahi. salienu attitude once nota in e may3.00 9 ................ 2.7 cbuih,,,t îuia 11,. aniiedfr er. 'y t dewlltauail1onfdentlal inter. talents anit ~ ~ cursehetvéén parent andt cbild. To 27 . . . . . 25 tlnsudremoliîte licrsoniallty, ItLià avert scb an evil vé vwiii do vel ta 2.50 9- .............2 ef witlî ijtene regret andn feelings of apply all ont povers of tact and kind- atinceret i nîlathy for thoas ijear andnesno. Let un avoid arouslng the spirit PANTS AT YOUR OWN PRICIÉ. deur to tient Ie jîlat watilg. that ber Ci por'vraméaothat stirs inevery young1 frieauts and aequaîîtanes revognîze ersature at thie perto ir le, and, hy A lot of Men's Boys' and ,Youthe' Overcoate the settoiisnexa o! ber condition, aud Ir énlarging bie oppottnities for action big reduction. praer aia.lî,ittlna orberretîîs s uis ambition oxtenda, soothe any huit. tionrfu tolîie i ail rbers will s-die olui a ideas and inspire la Corne in and see what we have before uyingj a apely recovory. faltbouîgb utIs10henevoience that vill tas hie mfeguars w here, and be convînced. iîopi,îg agitinst bope tii beaeeeh of vhen ho neéda advIcé and assistance, Providenîce s deviatîuîn ftoin wbat is§ for youth nover stands in deéper nesit seemiagly deuoreei tnu be, aîîd i. for the OfIrviae guidancetilanulat this ti.mevbén bea8t, aalGîîî la ail Wise. thora la a desfire ta dispens ith it.F ee ir ! ý __________But thé guidancé muethé na ville, ona aietLîéaMn. tactul, o geatie. that aven thé mont Butler Bldg. i« " e TakeIL lic a an. independent young mul 04111 féel that There wuas a ilea,'î,iîeinà certain lové, and not force, ia thé motive power fnrcbà, iîitiivbo,e pew one' Suuilay a that draws bu tavard vhat la heai, irujîkei fmien staggorevl aîî.i sat down. and tient he in restrainoit hy nothing et. The piteacher was li'nýiurlnig abouit cept bis own hoanir and tralind sensé F A R the preluemtlui pulal sVices. Sooîn heof rlght."_________ %V sl,,l"<her,. lm the druankard?' IiasartleMt,,.ON F L O D T'he druinke,î muran u., ît fir enongh Moatamho 0cmoîtova tiiué u tetink the rematk îîersonal, ascb as coulit only have heen pursueit riln eaul o allgoer b>' a chîli of gouine. He would rusn Chiidren's Fleece-lineit SeanilesHomeé..... 8.AR tiigbaiyb mi:- e1a a riy ,lét a héarty breakfast andi then Hables' Fleece-lined Undershîrta_.. suit reniaiued standing wbtle théesiroil for aéveral bonze in a forest noir Ail.Wool liait Shawls Large Site ....... drunkards@ characler and fats wore hé- hie home, where, inaplred b>' natur'. Ladies'Extra ltervy Bibbed Vests and Pointse 3 .ing eloqîîeutly portrîuyed. A few Lin,. beantiés, heaveni>' nelodies came tr*oup Men's Heavy Ribbéd Cnitersblgas Site f54.8 , nitesa iftrward the prescléer reacbod ing tbraugb bis brain. tepairing ta hie Extra-Heavy Undarwear.. ........ .51.' inother beail of bis tItilim ntesd atottagé, bh o old snnmon bis vite, uked: '-Where is thle hypocrite_' avery witty womnan, and bld ber éil 50c Ail-Wool Bicycle Rose...........3 (<enly niîdging bis îîeigbbor, the hlmu statiea He would thon mournt hie 25e sudt 35e Chilitren's AII-Wool Home ...15&.* high tool and proceed te, commit thun One lot of Mlissési' Be&vY Fieece-liried drqîui]Ékrd sut ieail audlible wisuier: inspirations ta piper, bie vile tellîng Drawers. Thé 35e kind ............ ... .1 Standni)îî(l eat-mn andt takOIL i like, a hlm jouilée andi fanny starlea wbîlé hé Cotton Blanketa per pair .................. 40 Ile uteî, J'ast as f <li. It siil<îoYeîu vrote. Thon ho enjoyed iminensél>, Héavy Flannelette per yd ... .. . mi toi.fréquently intertapting ber with hearty C.ooi Creau Shaker-Flannel per yd. ...... .09' harsts of laagbter ad sometinies éven $.0By'Kc iat . ....... 1 " Supervîsors li. Session. falling frotte the stool 'andt rolling on enb e avwîys' neé I ii .. . . 0 The our (etSuprviormiHreleifloor Battordnid- ail thia hilarity and i lbéavylinidDîlet Coatea.... .... L saa,î tiiswes, iavng8,11<uitiei ii pruar the flow of music vbicb v.. tuetibrlnd hc ot . sesionths wek hain adounedtomove the vont vwent steaily on. Hle Extra-Heavv 75c Ovéradlla..... A ttendl tiie Fair last week. productions Vers wrought without the Saxony Yuru ail colore par skeli...... ____- léast thoagbt or atudy>, bat camne almoat Chilitrena AII.wool Miute ..... ..... unbidden "direct frotti beaven -Like Mens Ali-wool Sweters, --e............U LI BERTYV I LE MARKET. Shakespeare. beys.@ purely thé i71*t1lré Boys' Fine Cotton Sweaters..... ..............3 ,orreeutvd by ti.. Mert'iuuuiuv every Thursda>'. ofi nspiration, a genins of the higbeaa utter-('reanrsrs . ........ lmiepS i2oorder.--C. C. Hieatt la Hoasekeéper. Das. l'rorn...... .......0 4 i Ens-r. per uo r ............ ilu4, (4 1 Thé Its et...t. DON T rFORGEirT T AT Potaým.L.rtýuhý. ... ts 76 "It bas long heen supposoi," sys Wmddyptord...... 0«; 7 5 heOutlook, 'that thé mont tWtjing ~L p ton........... 4e,,vt,, 26getnéalogical dami.tethat of thé neffus E L 'Oro. lier luush.-i. sIi-Iu-1...... of ~Abysainia. wboin sista that bis dé- ts. Ler bustieL.. ..........u lm La. 19 béat bas heén un a straigbt lino front round Foéd................ 6 5 9 thé union o!filolomon vtth thé qaeen 0f ýran, Lier tan ..... .. ......... 9 0(q 128 Co Shéha, but bona one bas dlscooréia Utidlaa. r rto)n........... 11 0 ni50mnble fuil a France, thé ennut ie fv Josàe irtan ............. (0I1248 l<oé, Who uDat cmi>' elim N<lh as théir îo é«le bo.,.......... a se4, mbaffobut abov où tialfarn T .es@ s a day, initeruit leiiig in iti urfielil coin- eter.v. C- CuugrgtosniaîîGeo. Ldmuîîîîi Fos., anid Bu wlfe attendlsithte fair, iîuing gucata ni U A. Bt. Cooîk Tbîîrsitay unit Friday o! 1< les4t wook Mr. Foss is of a pecaliarl>' c genlli iispositlia andl seonîcitpleamoitC witb hi.. Infirmai andt hearty velcome Co Iîy bis contltvîents at the fuir, Who 01 sere 1 lnîunpleasdt tO reut 'tbélr O POnulr Young cangreenman." Mr. ai Fou madamay friands amang LaeIce coma y pésusie Who had nayoe baga" I . e-.- ý ýl" q'! a

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