CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Sep 1897, p. 6

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MAPI etd 7, ahe es$héa. almm- 7lai-s émliélee4lm de isboui w < ~agota tikatrotumiig tto t i lest attlte dea s.thé mnt day. '. ~~ Vsleittiç ms.&@ Sulshing a sketch-& bit - cof parplé moor&n-l mas tstdug mi- *.~r-'.~~-r'-'let aIlt; fon thé hoast ra tehé seat hace to-morros-. When 1I lieba ecugh of MUGD. basting aboi t autet nd eu t étocke ta Ae ' thé bouge. Vaténline bcd net retunuét. g~ ol 1 retn lu anseh 0ai ita. I cotl - 10~rlP~w'Y.Y motutiM ita, Ihere beiag anti- oneépedt ira.n the mca, ta Torwooti. 1 mattet acmmai- loug thé paîle, motif j conftd teeéibère it joluét thé moor. Feeling mnet ta Ltadui zere huetibeeu théetua- Ise, 1 tai- toma on thé ameél, stîrli ýTEE xll-iContî5uetl.) tire wichtil csent Lord totheeti ian- turf maitar fan Valentnete a mke ilsp- pPayne,'" 1 aaid vehe[Dtuli-, dintt Lrouît. trange cotîtrie. andt tapearant'é. "Hure héetornes," 1 ilat, as I havé been nigttiktL It ires ihicle thé public owéd severel of thé sas- s figure camle aven théetidge at thée net li5dy i-eSmér' pieasatet bocksn or trarél even s-rttten. tével eut descend thé petit. N, fi: inmotÀ i fautt ttalk s.. But t I-au Wbtever mgle t he hstaeéonithé rous Valentîné. It jeanau ader tuait, but onougle t b. Rer moittieultilong golden ai thé largé bouse, me bili nough sanng retembttirng hlu faigutre teolhémialaken8 ftmalumtoits ber bat-k, ed ut 's for o ary. wti-,sbth WmAs ugmeoat- for hlm et tht. distance. Wha ia it ct-a se dresche pocéthatentse d in thé eveuîng hi- thé arrivai ai mi- lug dama thé plle mhicb ceaanti- lylead lat Sbe aimai-s drosse.] lu a stylé ait acquelutence, Mr. Blanton, sutd itr-Ourdetateii?t praagla tmi- îeet, rint pet-ller colore, ant 1 mutuel trient, 'lgor. 1 batltrodut-et abadd tmi- yeu mth mi-bndhautnsd a-rt- captait asti ber tthat ai-to thé latter 1teILordi. Bothwell], andi théi-batlhi- beiovtng mi- senns, loohétad lookét ourieb,tuirlfénlethe evening;het-one té vn-frienlly. Staitton 1 bat uat egaîn. Nearen and nearer hé catne, nutti aCwW o. j h1 gh nolle- seen sincé thé yachting épsode.1 ewta1wsmodrmig ht1 ; Vitou e, tbeY s-ère cousina A merrier Parti- nèvérnet roundt a- 15 mot miatahea. Thea. fant au mir WM&is hie. Naicntné wseqtite imacît eguin, limbe coutt teeme, I rau tomardth Iei »d Sir Leurectr oT' anti joineti reatulyin luthe' combat oi mitnew-corner, eut 1 am mot asame te ay ai ue te tcorne te life et lent. hts-écu Sianton anti Vigor. IttheIIfilert lterte vere lu mièY ea sas.lifthee abait sec %oees ort of sisl, but mas ta god spirits, anti bot ou making ai tire éers ait, 1 thré -Yare. a eyblazing. He startet fo: u iilàpée-toe ad1 t round yrtle, and m orts broken hui a 1 *ougletfilet mun der oult ha.] 1 te trouble. littié nmore Ihan thé joy s-ritomet hi. home. atat iglt's mork." troublee of ottîcra" 1 tounti s ttter tnrn (To b. coitinuéti.)t 1Claudine irans-aiting for me irben I an __________ Sfi-cultdont opéneti, andthé nnved t Mirtielti. BLé macwecit, anti shé lout. andt etootin thé port-h lonét me; eai-ar or twoo s-lt800n Pea REMINISCENCES 0F WAR. jbet césar ia bis mouth. ava-i; i- oilreta; lihé mtl sec The 011 Solile, ]Rcatiés eEspérét r ienot opét i SuLauténce er, tort'-ber, acutil iii sliehérlght. ene wth he Au'nî Shée. hlm, but Lt' trute uP tehlm, As enotnuas t fotto a amitable opporti- "hria ara auetbtl h t hlm lun thé fac-I Supoeit-. I toit Lorti Itothweli Of Our iite Télri pitcsos1 utI h tas': rush t ecb othéra Enîmere Court anti the informetion i batl armi-."saîi thé aId saltitén, "mère ton t le oniron 1lel" éxtractei fron, Mrs. Payne. He liieéuéllcsafon bg for me. I mono ixés; mi- Btuicre. bat-k egain eready" isienty. ant ishickinti brus-n ee iokedfirt armi- ehoca mère igts. I diti't itain. ,, -tr vllin e i titiin oti- fae-t' e1t poko. Tbt'rc irs a taeehm tram choite-t a h r tItalu »u utén v.t liaitutu h u earions expreionu est I couit tu aileti. Wémère hélng Mee. in thétît. ittédt n in, endtotafont for tbItirat 'bpet ihe oult have kitîct i bia *Youo livto toltmté More thon Lanreitré ime; that wacs-heu mé mere musteret -iut hélit i ot. Gentltemen e-rer .id, bie saiit. Soulie thio-Bga St-in.uaeutfbbc néquire.] number oi pairs ai iM théincle,. 1 suppose.Ilt'c durkér, some ié iter. la tht-réetîrh a h ,o sotdass a endly id. perleape. Héehue atonce ftlins na fuît, 1monder, î'bilipl Vatén- as, iaarttszehthentl" Tdfueé en. leugivé fine ment te, l'Jtmere Court onut hnuing eet, tey ad becu cullét o4r1sutâ kisimétton due item anc gentie- il ira isiefaîber's house." te hyle encle vrg éthor' héieii. itoIt bienimore thue I badt oti 'sten- lut-bchtméthére mat nctiing téit amali- it Laureucé. I t-au shoot i-ou tine or Igene ita Mre. Payne'a lest er than élgbta. li heurt, hi- andi hi-; butftnal intutemnent am tu Chebem's huoede oféci*'l dttn't tbiub ilIt oult hé Posstbe itsaýo. 1eraima m 1ttu, St. ir Laurr'ttce's iipe'ding rturu,.4Atttik for me la eursehoe twises.éton big rW bar o meai m clu,' ai fgréaI joy se-épIitahi, face as né for rme. LuI 1 triét a pair au. Théi- s: 'baitr.sumber, E inér, sie heuré me. 1 bad névé,acceu hi, no ex. more brogaus, baving étupas-tth tira Ignés béfore i-on camé ant fietléctet. "Pute!'"h -etid. "Paie! Thé évelets ou eut-b aidé. iscing orér thé tu- i"!etgaeeet momuan -it b nrgTtét, if .éééo.' mît Sir Laurénce, *'an1Ipualnt, b ie f h re ota.a os tep mltb tetber ahoe stalags. They 1é n.'Ibavé né-r e acuin ber Lubnt'a c>es, aeutlhéiiiehéait tio esiugl-, no tiat thés hél eutdaflen - ltno, *eblesiaspperrt Sirthé mont ta ber. Anti nos- ta Bat théeutndpart ai thé ehoe. anti théeacié, ditual eRcliad bis fit@ anti mont a ai the coltandeut trace it bat-k la CLez- shut-bioa thé font. Thé fors-art part after lm; thon lhé etetnod, hmm's vtlltsiy. 1an begining te> gros- airai> foot febl ae thongh Il mère onl- walmIMasta edmfatianmeittienseaupertitiousi, Phiiip, sud ta beteve thal douo, but 1 thoughîl tbèy ratgifita; I tbS iletètésnona grierui-,joand auttatestinetetaunveit thé plt." bal gel la havé a pairaifcaos, a"t i 1 ' hea'd flm mole au 1 se-rer 'How fuan ta iou thiuh s gentleman lookhftlera. u hlsns ol ire. The n ai- toop for Iiseun?" 1 ashe. -j worethosé sbaéa ior mantha, setd :il anmésd mont tc bed." "WbaIdo i-ou neen?" îU -unsbavé e tell?""I bavce noquarrelt ctmiti <hstie.. mth theé grealest coifort. Uleci- mre àWp that 1dilta' Ithi héieen- H« 1,ta aen s-tictaiha of théesa i htfbis nornRotia, onr tici-loohp eto lme. Au boom et Ilait hlé:ilt. Ro youth aith cyiaaiindifférence. If 1Inoan 1as bligatearéur t.he thiebi r: thé morulas, anti thé ther entérfeitéd frientehip for him, amuet behr ai lb.uppera iumpét up liste meIfl atlénmard 1ha1 her lady- trutedt t-goame tdi- gèîting eatles- trombig, rountét itiges, s-IL vaileis-alc 1.à thé OM ttagrtetela, mot ja oatîng remsrk f bis, oult thé -eutweImo cstrosa thé top, giviig ta thé top htiomntoeklugs asther *,r jtiIiy thé mée' - aiofthé shot- a sort oaiOiledéton eorru- Sbéfore, mud abOrtl- alle- Boîbweli iokét et me, eut bts ci-es gatét effert Thèee orrugattamé re- mteorterèdt thesti dnurse mère fulli.1a i tèndruès aiumant vommn- tiat.lIsi- athsmeelogs I boy' thiags reati- for e y. Hé laid bis baud oun.-y aria. i n lasJa h aea oga 1%» ho tréve a-si tIehi.. "Any tîittu u cn duos-th respect to 1 maie thé aLoès. TheY mère nat irbat :oa erhé,tcishtp ad thé Chesltunt, ani-Iint short ai actuel crime.,aoneultal a handgositei, but, Sasi- i- Iy bensélves, ta Lau- wmillho jii*tifiabte. I sati-il tiatioctti-. as I %nid, tbey titti not ebuck anaunt Frontiu Ihaltsi- te tht. I Contefrtt rièutiebip ifi-on t-n; maeomi- frteut an teyws-re mighti coua- » ms ether ai th=. Thé jourmeif a compaulon afithi, cupe ant isi fortiable. a#Pe.l psetf, the tbouse @buttcarouges; toe i-aur moue> ta hlm nt tarts "Bat Il dent foloita cterfthat ~#afB 1510f Iot i eb5'se 1f w Itip&3rthé Iosaea chéénfuli>-; in NbIs laissagao r sgtwirxes ton big for I eu1marriét Jobn,ad cunfidenct'. if i-ou tenu, hi-admirug hie m t:q b.teut dmme diet. sd et *e-it teeds. Tun ilI ée justiiét in me; as a mutèr of fart, 1 idtnt. hut I li lendo «ansbéeure, living bre .h n I iw li,1sya at-vras dt'tgel silo"s pionti- large fan Mg4w«hée rinhva.1thére i rté In this." tuinm;,pleuti-, andtfunelconfort tu méat'- lUr Leurotice tit allot li theut. aftermsrt, but dit net CHAPTER XV. "Bometown me itsed ta tram bénits. hlm fr fli, aItèset" ai me>'pesrapititi- ven one igtteen eclartr-bouts. Au.]Il w-enkitd oaifiou bomitht adwsseorfmouilla orf lite, tioing mhicb ]!ileibas, taget boots c1 enebaer ver s-eiltith R bstixeltht et s-au gtatattcuretla sai-théeetini-Or imyneif tiraI pair ai boots I tréir. 1 thinle 1 ulla tatev irtthéhat at a tièrsof s-hum 1 write. l Invptué oftîelîperits ap i 11e mattirér eort of ý», servonte." ein thé tnlienét gênerais, Caudine bas béen truc mai-. thouib uaotsagout-h smi, ether) taimi med. lu ber s-ont. Shé nnLa, e-é, more about a 1 titti ith mmi-mi reed tops Sthré malt sevate lie- beautitni then erer; mi- tare for bier irbea 1 mua a boy. Ta gel on à pair uf ensé zanti mj'ef, mati ber t au-edI t-rt c. el - u @one nt fe]carîiboatasort 0ofnuade a mas foot kà- ltanui- a Maitbomse,afio alc caene1cfage. anti hon guartiant, s lttie bit lesm Ithé a piatiingI lfantri-- her aals aid naines-tItimililari- ézettuésanti promptitude, nDanud .à tttie more htekéàacavatri-- bot tad-onl ait'snane!rcaeeétup iaccount. eut ieit ber eh- mat;,il gave im a sort ofaehomeranti sai-lIat out:~ saite misînea s o icuthtlug onér s thon- caLer tout-b. But Ihia mas moly as ho l s a mabonrune, 1 bave sntuia r. s-alkét tas-n the compan>' treét afler 7à gtbor behé,fars--shle Aises! lu face ai the promise 1 madte tdtras-lai thé bootta ramthe quartei-- is& 1a. thiel. But abcr hues-Lard iBothwe'l, eutthé ia 1pieuIfrni-Th etdyonpctte its. bNe Mie es, exceeçt et. hom ittit' 1 bavé eccu chibe ta de. àM imier.Tienxta-onpctth ot os-s conusci, sut shoutd hapo attst.rming ometbing out 0fr<'hem-boutas-ère about théeaMme tu Lt. as rés uu. ai,.if i-au bat ai hnha rut hi- auj ancensbeeu reutizeti. ebaeu -tiulti Lave bren. Wmusl-nlt au Master Vaientine's Truc, t bave tot i-t bu.]lta fir chantc, as -'81111. there mené men s-ha preferret ow-irslt huas. 1 bave aérer thé rague tbns ben in Estgland ont> a foc 'bots anti las-a-etres- hootas-wheu iSbal siéer." tay i-ceitthattexcurion of miné la thé îhéy couiti gel thetu. But for myaetf1 'te haeDos.lire. Paynet. Nor1. Ifotîi inte enoutgh turing ic lîttet séebe ttér. A inounte. matt, ai ýou bell-éLatdy Ectacréfor-'short at-jrtumake a Cirirelmnniwsicourse. meat anas.bolutcodntet W buohmntia lave endi thée - u rnce,, t tee: a littie. 1nIttranch. n.oî,ci -bell ab bis mité for sute t in:il.ith xrtt .uktvtt'tani m-notaonthé muetttoforable thiag éCadmT' mntt.It. tl htttl a tîittu10 folios- bin, ion an Infantri- soldien to meu n taa 0 talai oé s-at 1I aair but. rEý-uuiing the rtoutter,. uiddtui agondi,ioc.>' chocthat t-au ho maté *p restos ta hélitéelthatltildy enit hi-t r. trt. i t ouAs yetbthisa uennnougb acmés-hère cnutfinalb Ma nover dcpotlok illCe ahrond batl n.t ttiru la-e. ithtotgh 1i . n-el-wa't ebuch urountion the fot." sT ha oo atbol llr e forniet hL.-uiglt Leb Ladbefore the au- »jý idonat Bt h tulon. Fichiai Darés. jrIl oeo't Btt he cepitain It n-ucnabout t his Cutithat Vitir-tine 'The Amerit-An tialint- vesse]% are $ehétd. wikét man. IThatevor feul ittloe. lie Ncdhuhâti.d0su, eooitne- cchounra. YOUu teltltte bè h-thé !ixéelgbont furyslavet bmu."o th sgne.] Claudine tu tit,.f 11 ar ittilatto thé dorien wieh. irben Dn u n eu r sur lfrluén br" tendter pasgnion ne t-rîititt-i- el t ina mi- 'eted" set une lmette the ottr-o lg?" i fuie ta dtitisItu -tolce w-ttc thiri"ieg eck. Au ai-dinary' aiips bout unuaiti- te- e Ioe. ea ntgd uh nough luot.cnr c,,nîîuiou îc tb uuî-ont'- sea ring lu thé hum and ti aru.t , abr ne Itmia ait braken Cleutin,,of nctont-e. cxcrpted. She wsi j' lie met Sir Lauréat-e, iet le thé titutteior aa mn .tfgotet intîi- w-ict-bhIenattes b hi -Lth lI is tel qd IdaimOtifor Il hi- rminima ber. sa -i t utîr.îl .Ltle.Nceetor achné] ai.Lcrr ". lié stoat sI thal wiudos- ibb -M lof atpoda uie.Nee-aor r oke.Adrhwvr ps-lahâtS Iuirt Lauréoce might rc- theléssa, ,leutii xvon it butver, anti an- as a long e>'e lu thé Palmter thé nopé motacut"onunet bic heuipitîes te hisii, nuait thé Loir>, anti lu Ibo steru a t'héckel" Ales! il wsca e hort-iirtti iise. Afrevv -a lop formed bhi-pcsslng a ropé 0 fl istLées- owthat? Wea Sir cecha aefeticlingbis tcuisent, Mr. Mo- Ibrougîtlira ohaies. t N.**dco. r. étett berlrey, Vsletni'swivibét'for latier-in- Tîtere are rine tories ta thé art-rage uNtir.Heat rnset.Thtieir , s-roté bmiit a e onst'tuézîc O shgvésol, andt t ieu touaatar>-, jsisme gas ilt: meevengo. tAiu8udefat-ta -tilt-h aat theîî.é 10 bi Saiters-mnt John-My- huchent kuos-tétét. hlie utt tont-et l iecegage-_ lxé. b apenatiî ail Me a ctraste thing, s-iclh 1Mnct andI ténit M. Estmene the boune. emutu abourd s-hile théc taries are ont. Ointheuglt is me. luthé mcm - M. Eetmeré or course Kotîgbt an ex- Thé fmIrsthtug thé dorien do lut ta ruu boa Sir Lanreue terteutlie met planetion. sd anti aluonnédtihflitc alun tbéin gar"-eet thoîr trac-le. A res-I jfablhe, &hout threé mtes upon lbée birîL justifie.] Mr. Mobéneit>tn te a éune, about a tile long, iroint ici-t '-je etppel eut ashét htinsacmé-thé catrir.ti lediladoptent. For tbe imie a Ihoantibooks bang hi- amallèr linetç ouat th e rni; thon. ne héesodaeVlniosn e ,ittcé.i ttAt each eut cf thé 1aw-ilIna k bidat. *ý«A lontcu. 'Il yion go np to thé fatuiad Mi fortîerîci- ndae.]lern ult Tht' kege af diffrent vègsels une Idem- ,'eUé them 1 ave chutme getmi md.icîthini untdimailctavecrèr entrinrs,,abu WUi ridé loch to-igt. I allaitbchéhlettewes- a nac axita i er fthene tfé >%tstcieIîtéfaa u a «t 10:30 on Il.' TeFlc man btond.. Victiné t.ouret bits itaucu .tntta mankét mIL tée vese'e Dame. The j* @ uttasgre thé maniose, s'heimnIci ueta hae,,b a- u-a-d nitu ata h III.- eptah. Toemurétia.hit d eg aiée hbîraugbit thi* thin abut- Unituta sbit-b booksarce ttacheéginst Eho e ti bina s-balWir Letureace knit lbétare thé pont hrqugbt Vtién- on théeLtttom. ~*about nturning. cn Cbeht ine hué e ter. A ftéms- int.ning ao: On s fornnonu lu flué mathèr the ta ah i humuetthéhOe Even if a son sîthoks bshi. eie a-h1toris11li"untén-ruit" théeIrmts-witi e o» àé. ba ait hé '10W lin lUTRAN8pffTEO FOR EXPORT TO m9UWmoP la théeBievetormsladit $aeirbai' -Amerada Max' Ex peot 900.0003,000 unahata Durnt 'itéGrain Téur. Dsutdui a sWbé.t Crap- Thées-arlt' a i-e latipan thé United lIste., loaklag fer IlstiraI at ppply, and thons la évery Indlication Ibat -wc w1l bavéeirbéal enougi toa cr11ta mahe uil Ufosl rit-b aut happy-. Laté ta bugust atd lu eptember thebe évi- mavement hégla, anti thèreuiter lh. grain goe ta Europe lu a constant tIrés., amounting l in olunari- i-ars tO about 85,000.000 Lushele, ant i ilba, Mu UP ta 132,80,330 uaheta turing Ibis petiot. Ilmoult flot surprise auy Othmoeexperieneéd s-Lest oper. a or If te United Staté. s-ère cattét aPOn Ibis >'er tasuppi- bte marît iamethlug Ihe 200,000,000 Lulhba sof abeat. At 80 t-enta a huse htiis irautt biasbuta thé countîry8100,00,0000 lu gl or lic équivalent. But-h enarmana aum% , baier,are ual ési-netitbaut tuan noouamaunt oi tabor. Part ai tiIs la thil ai thé fermer, bultnaother Part sut one Ihat forma a large ahane oif thé totat coal luthé bconsumer, te Ihat ai transpoation. Théeirbeat ieltW af Europe fait w fa, abatIoaiféédtug thé peopte about thé. that huntinét.ofai ttllions ai bushels are trann rain souirces tLou- mule@ oi milea tistatThéettre greal ihéat fièltis for this suppti- are our amu. ttuosé i ofntheru Ruasia, Ut Nov us bsoffor 2W citiaa b»ebl Thé car th rua fata the ési- calai« structure thé,. on the ground fluor'. A man wtth a crowbar pries up thé gi-ati door andi théeirbeat cornes ruahlng out andt aîte mbt a pli béside the car. There are irni grattage over thé pit ta keép out course objecta and for the workrn to math upon. Dowu at thé bottom ef the pittla thé opetn end of an trou abaft, tuatié 0of which mortts au entitess belt fat-éd wtth stéel cups set a foot spart. When thé bell tarta thé gratn ta caught up ln the cupa anti detiveréti ln an atinoal nubroken atream et thé top of thé building. wire éthéetcup ttp ové, as thai-atarI to returu. lu balf sn hour a car ta un- tondéti sud thé leat vestiges af grain are amepî ouI sud another car lubies [le ptacé. Ail over théetélvator Soaaaen other cars unloading. No whést la loadéti tirettIirt. the elevatora mb a htpsetaIbarbor, but goes to thé. tu bargea. Béite the elévator lie téeraof veoseta. buitt tke canal bouta. From thé sa-aes thé grain cornes pouring down 100 fest or mare Ibrough chutes whlch endti Il steel tteaésoptc pli"e a foot lu diameter. Theré are, tiro or tbree of the chutes. and tira pipes ta a chuta, and thé pipes are pourtng the grain tuta the haIt af thé barge et evéri- hatchirai. If a man mère to lhaie baraunder one of thosé strééma of grain Il moult ho t-ut off as wtth a MWi. lu èach haeb- wsy of thé barges ta a man wtth lits ta keèp the tioet ouit. Hé Io armet wttb a big irooden butter bowl, mount- cd ou a handile. Tou thtuk aI frnet that hé Io gotng ta abovél théeirbéat ;ed thé newly dévelOeetiOne% Ofh wtt ttn.but ho I-nowe a Itetter trick. flic Argentine llepubltc. Thé total exporta lié plac-e'bthobuttéerItoietunden the thl framn thèse tbrec couirIes letc Yca orfnutibent. andt thtetresu. 1te mère 2-60,000),(«1)00 tîeei. 1h ur grent turnt vtesnohruteiml- i expetégIyesr iW1802asd 1803 cé hail ut the b sht. t. inoff 10 one sie mt Le] croçîs to dram upon ofaI t.000,000 ase a taiat of iîntèr vmoult, anti the ré beshela grown lu 1801 anti W.0000000 trimmer, iti-turuiug thé bail ira. huchets ,grown ln 1892. Lad t.-r aur tite taimte. coude te wbeat irber- crop was 470000.000 h uebete. sud tIbis-erer ho s-ente it. A barge boitte about 1 year Il la béitevod tea tout tu 5M.- 8,0Mo busîtete. Il u ahtotr or tees tflle, 000,000 huchele. la tontièt. andt Ib a toi; telles ber off yFrom the moment tht, crop leaven tte cthip thebu",a etaithé former% Il te thé sut.- A fionttig eleitor lie aongsiette ot jel or thé oprations of al net oi ctéit'r t lutter. The berge lie up hette ttuei men, wbcéé clcuiuttons are matie fioatug s'ioîator. a Icg of aun entités, b, open sut-ltaunaecurate boueathet thé bell la; thruct dointon behobtchirai- r mauner ln which itl at aîeb thte Kea- andi a dozen tmn tot-el thé grain up by board anti thé porta front s-bit-h it 10thé cievatar to keep It soppliét. lu alai hé .btppeil conîti hédetermined nabout aun toîînanti a hitithé berge le hil hi- a dIfferent-..ofi i-16iof a teut a etuptioti Theé elevator does not dé- Ir( huahéi. .tc a resutt tite mtthod of iver the whitat tdire'ct to théetttip. gathering anti forirarding thé grain !.itway la attottier set aif ttetghtng a bas been retinet-é a scie'nce, andi -happerti. atnt It peu-tee throtitb tesew thé caet bac be'n Irought 10 tht' tocont antilte meiglité.]beforce asecond clé- possible figure. i'rrpanattons for boy îvator t-urinsI to a -buté îhich@eénds hb tfi;g thé grain arc bot-un iothe héfore It tuto flt heilte boit. If Ibère ta a w dIl ta cul. Every boyer knoweot ont- dietreîîuucy bein-etn thé railtroati tthé exact acreage ittuntéti luthéesec-- ivighte and ttite flotlng elevator ft lion oi country- irere ho operates. bu, iwetghte. thie raiirouti paye lu cash ion to alleothé entire atrenge tt moutti héliotn- 1-%%bat teitsho.rt or collecte ta cash for siblé le peut tbcre. Fruta weék to 1mitat t-t uitr. A mecs of ttore than two e éék,.ase thé crop nînture, bc etet te'.- tuselet to a tiî,unani i;outd. however, hb ' graphtc rcports of lb. condittiotn, 1utItr-tieuelitnin e ben Il le reetiy tf i t héllc lainform e.]9a 10 th hour [ %'Oman ad thé Camera. Farmerty thé operatone mere oftt'tt ise l-roncesn BenjattintîJoliînto0, hamperéti for cura luns-bict-h retciveé lt iooonttt rtIet, irrites,,lu thé ri thé grain, ant illthi te nso sOfltlotsatt- Ladties' Hotme'Jout-nal, ou*What a di tiéa'yét. but within a féir ycîrp I hère, Wotttuu Ctin Do W~ith a Camera.' tell- havé spi-ung up thotiusîtieor ai îl et,-- îug the requisites far artititc anti fleuait-ae valets Ihtckty tiottltîg évery - iwder, .,a-t iat eutcees luate pusuits uiflîbotugra- U 'e ii las thé main rutironttifint's lu tith. n as aprofession. "Ilt Ie a proies- grain regiona. Borné ai thès e e rm- iIon.", ahbc trongly contendg, "thul tl 'eronaiide bheua iréréthé fermer Inay-. boutt iwpat particularlyte wa omen. ri rdrive up upon an Incline anti ahonc-l andt.] Inf thére aro gi-est oppartuuite I *O bis toad. out, but tuuny ai thon, hare for a goot-paiing builus-hul anti- t- s capuciti- ai 30,01)0 ta 40,000 huchet, inier nery mèi-teiinéd conditions. i iu antibure an endlese bell levator, htns The- prime requteiléce--natitottietiup Ilus, I for différent qualitfieai grain. anibgInytniatélogeprncsud t thapper seutes for mlghIng If. Il la 1 thouh-uré tesé: Thé moraan ir tg chiefli- tram thèsne vmaisite storehouses uMalles pioanphi- profitable muet fi - fihet thé grain finde liraYi tbthé havé, ne 10 perttonai qualifies. goodtit - onormaus elevauore aI Chienge. Du. common sensé. unirntet patience ta il i luth, Supèriar. Bt. PaulI, Buffato anti carry ber tbrougli éntlites fautteti, te otIte, rlroat ceutere on théeirai-ta oqualli- nlmlttd tact. godfateat.i lth sb eabourti, eaus or eouth. quit-k oye, a talent for dtail, andi n tg Tebiggést elevat,'rsare thoce eti 1gentlua for bard irore. Iluadtiîtont,eshe Chcago anti Buffalo, anti thé gréateel t-cdu tral.ulng. experieuice. same capt- aeio attl grain routes Ia that over thé tel.iln i lditet exploit. Thts Mai-j tl gréat lakés to Buffato. IFrocs Buffalo -eétu et final glance, an appalling itet.1 IA heu a tozen lrunk ine reloetc carry but if le tucotuplété rallier then éxag-1 11 thé crop ta thé ses. lu adItIon la New fgralted:aititougîs ta an citrgetit-, arn-1 t York wireatlaluahippeti ira. Boston, bions vmaman. wtitb ocu aordirnari- 1 te Phiadelphie, Balttimore, Newport portunittes. lauceela in aapoasihle.1 te Néwsa, Norfolk, Newr Oreas andl anti hard. Intelligent aut consciatiow 1 se Calvétan. At ecth port are elévatare mark aeltiom fallu ttu cneop oeibu e' laus-bit-h thé grain la received, gradé.]. gtnngs tutu large recuIts. aloi-éd, anti tinali- îannéd ouIt théfle "(ot ark abotilticonmmandi gondi oblige mhtcbluaie il at-rasatée at-le. prit-es. ant fiwlqe is mamn witplacé ui Wheut lta ehippeti lu cuti-one btindofai paylug valuetîpot.liter bhétlefforts. n car-thé box cen-for If muet net hé If la a mtstakien btinessa polit-y ta tri- in- exposei ta thé céather. 'Te standard ant igildtiup Irade i.>'doint-oenlg ti- aise boita 1.000 b.tehets or 00,000 bittli- ctttaper theti soinehodi- elsé. As r- poituti. A fowc ti'eare mie shici tai-aur itersonai attitude, hoc-ttusiness- ey bolti 80000 pounos. BaguIer grain liké tn ail yotr méthode; cultinaté tact. le tarasthare an tuniei door of UgbI pistîk- an affable mriner, nu.] nu uuialttug t! lng, irtilci, ta ug ou bluffes Ihat Mille Icourtèsi-. It cote uotbtlr but a lit- -d tain rodutie lnl téet-ar, oue ou est-t, le 'self-control anti determintlontu t àa aie af thée dontini-. Vshén thla icor lbe pattent andi goati-natured utnter la ual lu uneI a t a ruectetathé celtîtti. mont cirellrnstatnce. A pîecaul. ai> whené If liefitanedtla bookéd fact. ltging anti hueiues-tthè heartug mil id Wheu the tar ta ta b.s losilét l la rueon ten prove ltée most Important part of id alongatie e grain bl n sd a telescopît- a clever wmran'a capital." nu Chut, la lowret tlonse tooraYi. WK Thé grain doars are c»eét.a -voivere a Itoeemittab MtttatStMoi. 0'4 @» e a n d u the-gSMIl pe1 Mtlont I A*eeullrng te tii.pre»st tubs et the Mg a!Uu t 1 400*hm l4ivlsim et tb- ' ha' nlote orPr mUfltu* wiae t m une U am. "u 1h1 mach ora coteI la preglénteti thé Unted t taijt5 mitls (Jifford Rvward, on 'Dèstreliag a Mil- lion Dotarsa aDay," IDlb.theLadies' Home Journal, *'twtIll ow thé botter one-bahf thé face vatue aofl, wibi three-iiftha of a notea mît hé redeernét for fuit valué. 0 ourue. Ibère am-eoc-- casianal exceptons ta IMearute. "Borne lime lanceéEa Man from Now Engtand forwardeti e hunch oa igolal oreti paper monai- that hé Lad found buriet lu a field. Il Lad laid ln thé ground aa jong a ttrné, sud bat beén so géneraunhi- featéti upos hi- ormla, thel itlleu 10pièces as accuea, tI ma touchet. Il moult bave beén uttérlY - impossihle for ani- one nuacqualateti mille thé secret mark$ tlItIthé gav- éruént paces ou lesbille ta galber thés. décayat piesof aiuney togfeîher lu their proper order; but nome af thé clerbi a l thé rédemption division af thé treasuri- are tiartictlarlY expet lu earting sud dectpbertng biteaof malt- laleti money, andt trougb long Years aif expérienre are abte ta, tell lu an Iu- stant ta irbat perttcutar noté or ktnt ai note a certain sctrap bélouga. When thé pteces colatuéti lu thia Lunch af olti rnney more tnItI- sY Ortét mut mountét il waa.fotut that wirbit Ibre mas ual one couttileté noté rernlIng (Dot more than Imo or titreesearps lu saine InstanCt-ce i nitîfut ownnr mes entitiédt b a redtption of four hua- tired dollars. I'nfortunaely for thé man Whrbfoundi théernone-, le ,'auld uot prove his owîînhp. bpnor couldhé make alfidavit ne ta mitat lied hécome ai thé miesing Portions af the nOt. ConaéqncnlY, .thée[Unitedi Slte, Wall àe gainer lu tini. t-nti' A-tdonta of tao nature ut-t' hi-no .n,'atîerare. aa 4ettectéti hi the nuttilr of boxces ain ar-éd renaînte uoftîtout'v -tut-b are td -pI ernong thé rutrlotî n ne-uisof thé tit'nîîtiou dIvtnIoti' t Things W. Onght ta Kaow a Thut mater to purtieti Iti-boilig. t That olive ailla a geutte laxative antib houtti héfrooti- usc<t. 11 TItt oa] ilteratut-, ebouiti hé plenti- tIi-y pt-ovde] fur the bo)yâ. That ail chitdren. girt-tasta etl aa r i-a., chouit hé tatîglt self-reiiau-è. That epritine mai- hé gréaItl- retièvé ) thé use ai poulticea of hope on tausi-. Thet evéri- kitchen about.] Lave a igh atoon o s-it-h one t-an oit irhèut rouing. That evèri- houneliolti eboutitipoges tpair of fur t-iultxttg lstip Tbot there te no hétter moiI-le for biiioua pereone thau lemon Jules anti water. Thut bot. tr- fianoot.If if pl4iodta thé race anti net-k. miilr,'ilere Jumping tmbat-he. Thul Ir an trou la ontce uttoue.] ta hé- 1 cored hot Itl ii niver netnin thé eut go Weil tgau. That thé "future teatini- of thé chitti." gae Napoléon, "le etc ytii-eIb ork oi lié mother." Thal a roon, mny ho swePt iithoul rainint- eduat hi- ecattring ecrupe tof damp neieppet' arounri. ThaItu canntng or prcet-t'vng fruits utd vegétublea ilt18alaia-amost co- nomical la choose thé heat anti freabest. Thut s'hen putting airai-thé store- pipe for thé sommer il abonit hé rubbed mith binseeéti ail eut tln a dry place. Thet thé nubhér rings for fruit jura c'heu etîfféneti. mai- hé néstorét hi- soaklng thé. lnu mIen ta rbicli am- nanDla bas Leen stitié. Thet thé glIdlng on taruicheti pictunée i-rn es mai- hé restomét hi-géutli- ash- ingi wIt mlWamrn wmern, tis-It-h an >uion has een boilét. spesd ia Wslklng. "Trhere's no eut of percous," attia mani sho meibis a gréa:t eel htrnceli, .tWho think e hicoult malle four mités su bour, anti van- liketi- thèy rouit, but lhey moult havé ta move along ver- brnlckli-ta tao It As Ia matter ai fac-t, Yen- fewIr tueétdo math four muilesansubour; ibréé rniiè a ta avery fair gaît, eutdirben one extcéedathat hé le beglnnin ta math fast. If mi- récallectîcu serves thé ait comman tirne lu thé armi- curriet a-man lira anti givéetghths tulées au baun. Thé dis- tant-es ieb the solitr t-avers la se liaur have nom tucréaseti samembal hi- slightli- increnalntitho lengtb i o i@ stepe, but mi- ttnîre.slon in Ibat the commrnn tîme rémuint under titrée tmiles un hour. Cet-tnil ti-trcc miles moult hé gond, fuir walking. andt fu!i- up to an'usaverage spot-.]Nus- Yank Evénin. Sun. Canada'@ Unéxpioréd Teraitor-. Thé uncxplotred uréenof Caiit Is tes- tilualt et 1.000,000 square, miles. A quarter cf Ibis s-Ill hé oxplaréti uext ye-ar lu thé senrch for gosd. coutin aï-ermanisse-Apllyins IOUGHTB WORT4Y 0F OARLM FttLECTION. ive Lesolon, end Wi'é liIllMai19s '.n.ud-,& Learsen sd Césci» lie- Vient of the anoe. aculsfor'Salptéibser 24-Onsc'terlg lievlew. 1. JuIy 4. Firat Couverte in Etirope,. et lui: 0-1. 2. Juiy 1l. Paut and the Piffippn ier. Aeta l1t: 22-34. 3. Jly 18. l'eut ai Theecainlic andi eri. Acte 17: 1-12. 4. .lly 25. l'nul Prechinq in A*then.l eta 17: 22-34. 5Ang. 1. Peul'â MInistry in Corinth. til 18: 1-11. 0AUS. 11. Worktug and Waiting for neit. 1 Thes. 4: 9 ta 5: 2. 7. Aug. 15. Aitatning fur ih-' Bile of ber,. 1 Cor. 8: 1-13. ' SAng. 22. The Exceitence of ('hWittan ove. 1 <Cor. 131: 1-13. 9.Aug. 21). l'eut Opposed 'It Ephenui. ta 19: 21-34., 10. Sept. 5. c;cn'tlea Chliing for .lcwlel riatitu. 2 Cor. 9, 1-11. Il. i'cpt. 12. Christian Living. IL-tnt e: à2l. 12. Sepit. 10. Pair. Addrocc to the phenIdn Eiders. ActN 20: 22-35. 13. S(Pt. 2#1 lcrwiw. The quarter'e bausons ,'over the- aor.n(I il third ntinary JiîtieYveoft l'il. ten.ting front 54) toZ)î inii, hbby tthe mlnt Iutîtrtîitt work tif hi% r., andtIltle wrIinée rtf Itht- eidgt.'.tathe îsneouiane, Cnriititt.în. <liiti',t n i lttîi)ntu. The l'trevie u...iy 'lti . 1 Deertît v.sym. Tilei,'ti.rr ti-tof tlhe o jurîUt'e itutay lit' aitttjly -iti ivtng atitntion ta ,,the routt-and 1,cI vet,, crheb hapitee ti -l'tîItliî. saet inthé utoat u.t tue îplan.tand prit, ily th( portî. oîgh in x.ljlhîiliildoi tît Illtenid tof a mnp, it mn> ttienmodet-;t trctie r,- 'ro otiter platn%.oe,. tr.'t. ggeâed, an f,,iow.: 1) tii A e'n.rof tut', t-baratter. ne rertýai-ti n ttexe Ile- on&ae , "iriet', thaaîtr tu hb' VorttL' (2), A tudy or itt lit itoit - bel ý-ars, "3arly Centera of Chriatians- [At-taon I.- Paul wn mnolulirtettetît- ,n ou the lendinir or th' divritne Spirit. lu :tnnng hi@ sec'tndl lourney ht' iiter'UîY opeti about. Dt t kowint Whdther tu ri. unei etntlent the' sorticamtta robinl moas, "Corne ovt-r tutu MAt-inie tltd tep ttc." Aa Ch'rit. ambaseati ir. Pîtti es wic Iu chnoaing hicetdienoc. 'lilu- tieutitireanita ahuwed thte wixdn tof ai tieciattîn. liai n 2.-luItîtuitu hIe ctotratge andit .eertulnea a erked tChrist' .embnama(l(r 'e, ttodpr aovtre trial. 'titil) tilt lbitirpian Joi Pauttiuantilita *ýit imisos tu (bd. Atwn> a readY, w-an t'oui*» otto. týn..nn At Tren.nt anti Herpe atul. tht' aitaantttr of C'hrist. at-r 1e varIt'd fortune% thet bitemoater hatl trmattc- oi dtty wne ich et e ttilt. lecaton4.-A&a Christ', a uîtatr Paut (ttptuyed st Aillent the' tmott .t tte tant. routhi tîti wtth ai.,eitte nit.t - iy-qual ities, ae'dnnt f.îtuttt. in Iomîtu. An apt'tlaattr nif(Chriatt-att lot if ,r, toLecar.Ftbtt.g ete, it. gt.-i ey cor- 1t'aitin 5.Ai Corinithe îtf Ilte Irt-ut city andth te Inonnute iîrttgit1-i" laen ttd Tînttthy frum Mucéttoula-etît Ji Pl'îi ta'x'îtjreaat'ttitthe *.pirit. r. a.thte rer iati'l rtrsiotn has tt, "t-i.ttri..îr. td t, tht- word."* Lt'e.o,î O.-ln lisa lett" e-r the .-Tlieta- loioux, l'ntul dt-lit-rx joat tht' wt-eein't cette.! sud no, more. An ntntniadîtr dle out treveil t in whoiele.iniu tt t l- c Lt-tun 7. lor the ale of bic.uîn,. tnat Lr' teratttt'eeuftilydr-tir-r tut.itîti sge tt wt-ak men îtrti iitttt.. Pi. h.' n ot î.,trrf ('hHrItt- âlt?-. *,tfrttt bhing, l'ermite. tt int'ntt-ist-nit]tex- borte.t other.t..tirdo lit-e- ftîr t citi lr e'ut. Thin nîtrt tf u it. t ti t h 'sttl exercisotdiNi. -.sttitatu t, ty troc settiug fort h tf I tn.t 1ttt tut.,. ni-it.lthe Oit t c poarrttf Litlifr-. t he k-y-ntetofîtlitx ireat-hig itît i bs t-tntt-,,. tex C'triatimt. ut o tf tlu- high tîtrt ni" ..t whi-thebc rote ttt tht- C',r.ititia ns.t-t ae the' cet-er rtf the' Itienonafttr tite tuar- ér. I.,"- on 9 A piret Ptt,,gmut-wge tmet n th titpttcit itîn arigttgfrottt - ttti n grt-t'.]anti f. tivich. t ti. go. -rOrluI tay. - 'v..r,-n itere thte('h r,ý-.s.t I.:.t-ht-r gutto c. he ttatiti.sttrt.rtttt , - ' I l mpîtit tnv l'ustneas.",lunhic enr.-.îplt- tition t,, thix cîî Pt-etîttat- of trunh. J'nul ehoted ii .tIt tf ra mat~n ttf,,r, nii-Ptarttttot.. wt.rk in 1 t- it itîtîtfttr ti'th1 rotf -;lut - httrt t r. i.r-al-t tL-r-r> ctitr.-h itittrc hi- hatl tet-itr nd'eut.i itcr - ht- atnd tait dnner..îs tt-rmou. ururxi lt- ;. t-r- Diiattt mto ut'long andinnriî-îi'. furit it)- rîti tüt dtp t. tre.of gra-tt' tu bli lightly paed o.ttic.- Butt .01 tht- dotctritte te.t ut. ,.nt rali1 tt plai, i..pritiattr I t- lottin% onta Chritian iii mg, %n irh ho deired as heoutli- couitt. Leanon 12.-Peut théenu.b.anî-toir. ttit work front a mere î.t.t.i.ennt- of dtity. or en frot atir gec"il nd !nîtis- critoinue regurtdfttr htiiîtîttity. lie tovort mien. the mou with whom bh adl tir-.]; hc tort'.]thtm-rwitb genuine je-moneaifa- tectiot.. anti wbeu ho must part frottn thcm the grief wres muttiet. Thua Petut show. cd himeif duriîttithe"et' yet'ac ooud ambaador vi Jeetia Christ; au;.' ,t hi, coumlsu.iou, monter of bit mteag,cen- vent of ht@ bréibren, anti patient towari hic enemica. le deccr-oti itetil tlt'ré- ward whtctt coune telln t-are er, chen hc ona coet]tita report hic étuhitai-et tht' biglicourt or henvon. NeetLau-Pt iaLad t uueny té Jeruec.etn." Acta 21: 1-15. The Power Whtch fl,:v.a. Jeans titi nI create gootineas-her fair iorm hebatéen atreedy cut,'èd tn white merble hi- austére banda. Hia ;;;;M- Zt'-= ýlq»e 1«4010 le qk,

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