CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Sep 1897, p. 8

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Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean and Lake County I udependent Both One Vear $L.75 This Offer for a Short Time ... FALL SALE 0F FUR NITUREF. AT THE 'Wauconda Furniture Store., fiolii Oak Beid, Dresser wtl, 24x30 Gîneis, andt Consatle, Oney.,, -_. lttit.dPull Sire ...>....... AI-Stoeel Blringg, aîîy ire ...... ...... Handiue Rltaaî Iolters ..... Solid Oak Huiiig Pnnckur'j............. Sewing Talels................. croque.t sets 4<( ih).. Antiquje Fnili DLir ............... $100 00 1.50< 2.upcl Full Line of Undertaking Goods, Always in Stock. First Class Hearse Service. M. W. HUGHES, tuconda, Il lIin -s.1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF QORAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFFS, SI3EDS, ETC. .umber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WE SELL TMEI3WE3BER WAGON, WI4EN YOU WVANT l 8 orA...icuIturalI Inplemots, CALL ON WRIGHT & SON, 4bertyville, - - - - - Illinois- Th WreeyIterepOlcean Spplifth esAlth. N4ews and the best of Current Lterature, It ln Moially Cican, anti as a Panîliy Papeî in Witisuut a P..oi. tthse o te Sst Mag.z.s. à lsVouths' Department ls thse 191 briloga t)the ftininili lth-. Mme et thefintire Worid and vives th. eKt Sudalilal diaiîfni'aifIl 'îîrsl<.rs of the ilay. Vhi iter Octa gives :~2ttsadiiciIt,, 71."rnn',e '1 hm ii,,ile v,,at out he Aleghiany lita. ~OPRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR $.00 Iy @Md BUnduy Pni',e of Dilily mail.. ...........9>, KoPer rear î.ý-f Shu a y<yîui.. ....jePer rear ofthe. Inter Dlilîrarnnday <y mail .a er ar ' ubetof AmIugeaTHE INTER OCEAN CbcgM. Chi arn 26100 im ni whe a 8 t 017 0Ao Atakislc M9 49 se 94 a 20 rarie View .9 ô2 ô690 m â C~3Shon 89 j SOU 00 P810 830 9e01 r R2486 69 9 06 Or& FIIO 803 02 6 7614 9 1101005 810 1583 (X) 07 10 eakyVila 9124 66 7 10910 20 001110 BOUT" -VI,, ...e't Sud I. a Stop oniy on signal. 1.1. .10. am. P.m p.m. aL.n Lakê 'Villa 7 il il 9 413 rl1. Rtollins 7 di 4 911 Grsa Lake 7 57 id148 il de sra o2e ie, 512 12868 12 26 ra o01 @1,3 11, 10. Chicago a Ic30 o 1 10 : 30 Sainte Peter and Paula Church. LIBEEETYVILLK. ILU. S UNDAY HEiVICEII, First Mas-8:0ooa..10. Ilich Mas-î0:ao a. 1M. ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. Ç ONGIEGATIONAL Churcli Bundai cer vice$ 10:30 a. m. andi 7:30 p. m. Pruyer mneeting Wed9ledaî eveninffl. Y. P.. C.E. .est Sunday eVoningsa t :4. Joflor C.pF. at 3 ociock. D AODCmipNo. 414.M.W. A. meet montu. D. Olaima. V C. 00. F. No. 815, me..l second and fourtli Thurcdays ofech imosîli. Gîo A. 002, S:'Cy. WU.L'KNIGOoE. N 0. 0. O.G. T. m,-,et Thursday evenings of each 8wc..k. LIESTEB Btauîca C. T. J OHN 0. IIAGAN Pool O. A. R. me.t kiatîrday night on or belote full moon. i.. Gu.EoAON. C,Mîitr. () E C IIUICHILL, Adit. Mal aolîîgcouth .... 8:048a. m. 922 p. m. Mail goino n,,rth ................. 14,83 a. M. Mail over land bly stage arrives atIo1 a. m. *Jiii tilt a11. 1m. ROCK EFEL.LER. Herman Kublank vas in Chilcago Tipnrsday. Mi. antiMrg. Juhn Rlouae arc lappy over the arrivai of a boy balîy. Wiil Knigge vas among the Chicago visilois fîom Ibis place 'rhurstiay. Mr. A. B. Buck, of Pilsbnrg, Pa., la vislting bis brotber, Mi. (jeu. J. Buck. Frank Thomas, of Gimer, boardeti the train bere Thurstiay for Chicago. Drî. Heigeman andti vie, ut ElmIsurst, ver.' guecta utfItili Knigge lent veek. ChriliHapkc anti a tew fîlentis ut Chicago speol a fe, dsys vitb Mis, C. Hapke thc past veek. lIrs. W. P. Mainvaring, of Bition Harbhor, M ici., la visiting et thie home ut Mi. anti MrK. (jeu. J. Buck. Oui achool upencti Sept. Clis witb an curoliementofut ifty-eighl scbolars lwenty-nine in eacb routa. Mr. N. H.1 Weicb la principalsan ti NasLotîle MeBrlde is teaeher o! the piimary anti intermediate gradua. A pîny belonging tu G. W. liyrlî'k wais toieiîfron hisbarn Tuûsday nigist. Mr. Myrick isci. only latoly piîrcba8ed thc aninmal from partiea ai Wauconda. This la the second boine Mr. MyicItbsîluit tiîring the puât flV veara. Tisere viii b.' services ai tht usual bsouîrg, aIthe Uongregational cliniclà Sunday morning anti esening. Tne Paslor viii preacli aI 10:30 a. m.1 Tlieme i.(unditionai Promises." 11ev. A. Il. Buck, o!fl'îlsbuîrg, Pa., for years engageîi in evangeîictic anti City Missionary vork viii yueacb ai 7:30> p. in.Alil <rucortiially Invlf.ed. -WAU CON DA.t Mia. A. l>aks h, on the mcellist. 1 Chas. Davin veuit tu the City Hatur. day. âtre. (jeu. Jobîîcun vent 10 Chicago Tîiestiay. Carl Eriekeun returne t 10the city Tueaday. Thse chilid of Mr. anti Mrs. W. Wood1 la qîîlte ik. Jan.. OuTord, o! Chicago, waa on unr tîcets Moîîday. Miae% Cors Titimaras rturntti tu Elgin liootay.1 Mr. anti Mis. B. G. Sherman venlt tu Mcilenry Tuestiay. Lewis Groveuor, ut Graylake, va@aa Waueontia viibur Tutatiay. Boun. lu Mr. anti Mia. A. C. Stoien Sunday, Sept. 1i9, a tiaugliler. Iving Dotige, ut Chicago vsaiteti relatives in lisaplace Suntiay. lira. J. P. Diavisu, ut Chicagu, lm tise guat o! Mn. anti Mi@. M. L. Ford. Mia. Sadie Hanlon anti son Tommy are vidillng relatives In tibis place.s- Borni, - tu M. anti Mis. Win. A. Johnsaon Fritiay, Sept. 17. a tieugisler. Miss Geoigiana Smith entertalnedl t,0 lady frienda front Libertyville Sunntay. G. C. Rtoberts, L. C. Puice auti Jas. GainAi vent tu lise city Tucaday on business. Alfredi Nuth, of Indienan avlalîing vl. relatives lu this place aI presenî writing. Mr. andi Mis. Wyman Maille, of Paupav, are viiling aI Mr. antiliMia. Wm. Marbit's. J. F.»Govenior, o!flPrairie View, apent Snuday In Ibis place visiting tientis1 and relatives. ('larence Gaka, ut Chicago, vas the giest utflMr. and lira. S. A. Ford tbe flyi t fhe wcek. 1hu111, ant iHerman Maman wvtl lu Louea liunîay. Thoy expedl lu do1 soune bnning before tliey return. M r. and Mia. Jua Colline anti Mr. anti Mia. Jacîman ut Honda, visited I la- tl'ben in tibis place anti vicinlîy Sunday lent. Mrs. Penn andi lra. McMabon whor have been apendlng theleIsIt ew( months aI tbe Giynebhbouse returnetij ti, the City Tuesday. Tite infant ciati iiflMr. anti Mrs. A. J. l'urnweîl died Tucaday mrning eptenuber 21. Tise tuneral was beiti@ fruon the boume Wednesday toienoon. The bodiy wal nterreti in tle Wancunda cemeteiy.t Thse Waîîcoîîda Inticpendont'a nov hoidth îe dhamplonaisp for tIhesl« nîne lu Lake County. They deteateti lIse Liberlyviibe'a aaely aethloe ooaty MiSr le"tThniaday. Thse snom wu 8stoo. They deteeqthé xtIe UY*# Prilv imtomesbya ene'et * ~ b ï a'. ont4ImeSajob pei bi i o cho. Th ,C.: T. U. wiD menet Withlire. S$ingir uirday sept. 24. The Jé&dieg, Cemelery Aaaociation -IiU met WVih lra. Jud Ainea Thnraday Sept. 23. Thse ennul Christian Endeavor con- ventious viii heleit IIvaubue Balar- day, Sept. 2s. Th. Bond ot Hope will have a dîme aocial et the home of Mra. E. A. Dean Tunday, Sept. 2m. Retreshmens viii Iilbe aerved anti a god progrsma giscu by thse chiltiren. WARRENTON GROVE. Mr@. Fred Qillinga la quile ick willi aquinay sore Ilirual. Mate, P. itafîroe, o! Chicago, la the guest ut hic brother Wm. liis veek., Mi. and Mis. Wm. Gibibons, ot Chicago siaileti relatives.sin Ihia vicinity reeently. James Byn la erecling a nev vinti mili. Wm. Snytier, ut Lake Villa la doing thse wurk. Idis. Harris, of Mllnîn and Miss Eva Haarisa, of Waukegan, are viiting Mria. Pied Gillinga. Misses Rannali Kelly and Nellie Sheridan, ut Chicago, siciteti relatives bore lent veek anti allendoti the fair. LEITHTON. Coin cnlling 1a ln vogue among oui farmer&. H1. A. Mille ta shipping baleti bey 10 Chicago in large quanlilies. Nov thal the Fair te over vo vîli seltie down go business agate. Woîk on thse ne, Woudman hal aI Diamund Lake hms commencoti. TramPs have been numerona in anti aboult mia iucalily duîing the puât weel. Mr. Jas Liii. ut Evanston, vos Ithe guesl ut bis biuliîer. litiAb. LII uring the fair. Mi. Jno. i<inckman and dtauglilor, SIa, vheîo amu<ng Chicago viajikur" lent Thnriiday. The Wlsconaln lcenliai track gang liasinnreaset ixaumen, anotber in- dication .0! prospeiity. Mia. Il. Ml. malin andi famiiy, ut Lake Zurich were vi6llora ut H. Cuon and farlly snth outlovolant Salur- day anti Snnday. VOLO. Mr. John stodliehd viited lu Wau. kegau Munday. Mr. C. D. Smth reluinedti u Oak Park on Thursday ot last veek. Henry Stodtielti, of Wankegan spent Sunday vîtIs bis parenté aI Vol0. Neilie IBbnitis, ut Wankcgan calîcti eI RaugIsI Brus.' Sunday morning. Mr. anti Mr@. imeon ltnsseil, of Waukegan vert Volu cllera on Htur- day. Mr. antibMis. Buchianan vîsitet i wtb A. J. Rtaymondi anti tamiIy several tisys lest veek. Mis. Frank Effinger anti ebiltren, ut Waukegan la viSiting Volo relatives anti tientis. A. V. Smithi. O! Waukegan, apenl guntiay villi is gralutilaients Mr. anti lira. Robert Paddock. Mr. anti Mis. Albert Itauglat anti Miss Mary ltaugbt atlcnded services lu Wanconda on Suntiay. Mr. William WooduoflOakt Park sîent Widncsday ut lait veck villa lra. Robert Paddock anti Iaoiiy. Misse dith Carpenter relurnudti o Eugin Satuiday miorning. altesaenti- ing a te, tiays very pleasently vilts Vulu tiends. Beantitul tali veatber, but dry aund dusty. TVisasection wws sinited iy a ligît front Montiay morîîlng. t'aroj'ra are very liny nov cuttîng corn. Mis. Cniver, Miss Anna Gilibert anti Mra. litilutt Johsnson, of Moîîasile anti MM. Ira Snytier, o!f Lakte Villa, viaileet a auglîl Bros. on Friiiay. Volo vas vel rulresented ati te Lii,- erlyvîlle fair on Prlday anti we Iound tbeiethIis Jear, a good diisllsy in tise main building, amung ulher thinga lu numoroun lu mention, many beau- lifuil pioces of neetile work whicb voe greatly adiiet. aliio Commodorie Foute ant ingiser bolli brighl and Intel. Igentuilne people. Outie wu tounti excellent munic toîniobeti by the Anti- och band, an lntoreaîlng base bal anti Polo <Mme vblch vas sumtbing 1ev anti nuvel lu many, a tine diunnr in tht dlnining hall, good racing la tht afteînoun in vhicb Happy Jack vas the favorite ut ail anti von great pramse. Amung other attractiona the tearu merry-go-rund, the petrilleti man, Ihe triplet calvea, Dr. Bropbysiline'dis- play utfisurmen, seseral îotreahmenî standsa anti an immence ciovil ut peu- Ple. Wu iccognizeti a goutily number ut olti nttlhbors anti trientis. Aund ve lnally on unr retuin home con. cîndeti tht Libertyville Fair foi ninoty seven vWaal a aiIlCei. MILLBURN. Mr. Emerson Ingalis i..i hoee from Virgina. The ftain vas llluliy atiîi,ly citizens ut liuliburn. Mr. anti lira. 'ody, o! NovwYYork, oie vitil1g ai James Pollock n John Thain recelvedti tn î'niniuîms upon eleven cattie aetishe fair. Misses Pavor, ut Chicaguo, are visît- ing Ibeir grandl parents Mr. andi Mia. iotub. Strang. Tise anniversary utf1ev. Harris, vedtiing vas tise occasion of a large reception anti a guod time generly WOekly CnOP Bulletin. For nortbein Illinois fur week end.- Ing Soeptember 20: Temperaluire averageti frir 3 tlur, tiegrestialiy aluove normal, the tirst1 blai!o! tht week being extremneIy bott and lest bail cool. with liglit front on SatUrtiay anti londay morning Little damage resuitetias ail but very latentfileldis ut coin are beyunt Ilnjîîry. Biain came In gooti abovers on the Icîli,1 reaching 2 1X) Inches ai Monimouthanti( amuunting tu .25 or more oser tlej entire section. A large &Mount ot thet curn la cut anti shueked anti only1 lateat ilda eau receive aid trom lIse1 rein or Injury from final; tIse yield la0 given Ès fair lu gound. Plowtng hmas been reaumeti; pasturas are slighllyt revived;; utIle or no seetiiog au bean doune; pulatuesb ing dug wilb pour1 yieiti; app0les taig atly. It Save$ th. Croupy Chiltiren. Sesvltw. Va.- We hase a splendid1 sale on Chamboîlain's 000gb Bemetiy, andi oui costumera cuming from ftai antinear, speakofut i n the biglical ternms. Many bave aid tleaI Iheir chiltiren woulti bave lIed ut croup if C~hamberlain'@ Cough IteredY hati nul been gseu-Reflam à1 Ourren. Thse 26 anti 50 cent ass olm esby V. B. Lovur.., Lih.styvil, J. 1. Batamm, aux"e a L l. 2!oms, boite. teau. A. N. Itickkio, ot Mlwaukee, vsiieti Libertyville tairlast week. Krai. H. J. Patay entertainedth le W. 8i . luat Wednesday, Sept. 22. Chas. Pelerson, ot Chicago, vas a guesl of E. J. 0Grimthlest Salilà. Mis. George V.R enleilai e rela- Ltivea trom near Kli un CIty, WIs., re- îMia. N. Y. Vose anti,,Mia MarW E Voae are bolli qnite pouaiiy, the -effects 0f ths ntden change ln the vealhei. UmssLeurs Seylator oltiesîtiaughler of Joe Blyster of turnes, la very Ill. We hope for lier speetiy recuvciy. 1Mre. Chas. A. Gartiner, of Paradens, iCalitornia, la the <0.51 of A, L. Wibui and family ant i viiiviait uthei rois. tiv-s s eîe before ber relurn. Floyd Monroe, uf Garne., has heen ln Ibis localty of laie tioing the coin tielis viit hia ne, Deering binder anti al are veli pleasedti vi fa ork. We notice Ihal oui neiglibor H. E. Flood, uf Ournee, matie a fine abcowing1 ut the fair again thia yeai willi hie Cihester white awine. Tliey vere atne lot. Miss Hope Klllogg. turmeîiy ut Warren anti later ut Grand Ciualng, CookCou., la apending aeverai muntha ln Vinelanti, New Jersey, villi ler ageti amut, Mis. Foutla Gage. Baverai ut oui fermera have piurcbaa- cd ne, coin bIudera rcconlly o! thse Osborn make. Thoe machines arc a great assistance lu the farmere wbu bave a large acreage ut coin. Mira. Fred Geilings se Lanra Barrils, ut Wàrrenton Grove la sufering sever- eiy viihquinzy. lier mother, Mira. Davidi Harrbe, was villi ber Iwo or Ihre dlaya, the early part ufthIis veek. Beedt Co., of Oîayalake, have jîîatt llnialhed a weii for A. L. Wiibur 14(1 letdeetep, pienly ot walei anti excellent qnanily. Tbene mon nove? do thlngs lîy haiven luot atay l'y a job unlil It la s anoccesa. Miss Loi& Sheparti starîrd Tueaday toi a 1900 weeks vsit, wlth relativea in Elkboîn, Win. Mr. anti lre. Henry Shopard contemplat diving lu Elk. bairn next veek, anti take lu the EIIt- houm tair, vhilo sisiling &hier irnonda. Mr. and Mrs. Chalta Lamb @pont Sunntay vilh Charles VandemnarkaH tamily near Spring Bluff, tuvu of lien. Ion. Mi. Vadenark.ihàL-a recenti, ault i@isfarm anti expecla lu take a tripu lu Vrginia next monîi, tuloo(1k aI faim pioperty lu that state witb a Pusalbility of iocating there. Kin E!iey anti tamiiy earted fui Reece, G.ieenwood Co., Ransas, about 190 yods a&go. Tliey are drivIug throngli anhlezpoct tu bc on the road about thoe eeoka. Thier fîtentis bc"r trom them often as they are traveling anti they are bsvlng a ploasant trip. Expeol luo.cross Ithe Mnainaippi river et Quincy, the Mo. river at Kansas City. DIAMONIJ LAKE. Il. anderson anti party, of Chicagoî, apent gundtay at Hariy Blovis. ('harles Billa,,îî,f tilvenmisaîcavisit- cd bis lithctr-Jl acsanîl atUt.Isî ithei f air. The fair vat Iioiouiiiî.d a miiîecesa anti vas atteutid Iîhy iany ofthle yuîung peuple. Mis. Buruis'Manou,o!ell'aiîkegan, violtet fi iouis in tisis vi.'înîty ilurîig tise veek. Mis. Nksai,i aiiglitir, i.! <)age, Iowa, lana'litiiog ,elativetianti tienîla in Ibis lot aiity. There wilil le a aociable aIibehehomne o! hlm. Btouse, l.iamnnd Laite neit W4etinday tvc.ning hept. 29. Tvo yeuarsmaeiSept.'iule 21uir 22. wî' hiatithe iraI geniral tfront thuaIcaiîgh many acres iof fodlîkr and sorglin, IbisSean oii min iil 1,e imtiy iintheu shuck t'y tisaI tinte. Clem i snuali -eu olbave bhein vry f,,tntae vithluhima .îi l»it..ut lise fuir lakinig i'iesc-Ilpnînni oins, i ie is.iîig takî'îî ounbis pure hlniil ,aîî,i bia bogs. T'fli .t in as tî,ilnîwn irt îon botini, ue ycaî 011; firmt and i econd ou îrexling fsoya uver une .yeai, Hfi n 1 littie pigs, irai andi secoîndl ,nou si, untier six monilis. fintat nd seconîd on liossuntior ix .oth one ilist ou coirn, anti two irs on potatoea, Alexandergsuani Rural Ne o ukers. lie aise rmade four mseontrounbis droseofu hiuga viile et the tair. oin Hturdsy as our town1poople vert abuout lu ait down lu tIli dinur. tiseir attention w'tt attiactuti ty large choudti o! damnes anîl amuke îullîng up ii tise direction nof Long (jiove. it mes lbain. ed tisaI Long Gruve cheene !actury vais <un lie anti voulti soon bo a mamssot ruin, as no earthly power couiti save a burning building turing lise higis vindti tisauva thon bioving. Tise tacluîy anti adjoining pioperty vils thîe boe, harnesata, etc.. wcre con- suinet. Tise ovoora ut the borans are Mesra. Clianamltb, H. Ernegvr anti (jeo. Queuntin. Tite total logais taru- purtedt u bo about $3,000, lhe Insurance about 12,000. Tiscie haa been mucli argument in oui town outelainrelativelM, tise Luetgeit muider triai being beld in Ciicgo, andth ie conconnsus ,f opinion as expîeaaoti is againat iaaiging on circunjtantial evidencu,. 'Te scrle nluitos tise !uuIuing paiagrapisa troin Amduisns Dictti y o! Law as pertinent anti lerlng out lis tisooîy thait tise ezîroînes penalty us uftentine.s jusi anti varrantoti by circunstautiai evitience: nCiecumstantiaî evidoîjuelis prou! o! a sotnes ofut uier tacuttan thse tact ai issue wlilch iîy experiene have bocu tountinoau aaociatea villahith tact, tisat in the relation cauae anti effect,tisey ieadlu a certain antisalin. fatauluy Coiclualun, as fouI puntIts iua rodent anov." ..Thse ativantage oif dircncntantial evîicuice tl ata uasil comununly cnnes front difforent aources a cbain ut cii- cuinatancea la tenu likely lu hue talaely prepereti anti falsehoot I inmoielilkely lu boctiotected. Crimes are secre.t. Diriecteimîîny las otten vanting. Tise lava o! nature ad tihie relation ot thinga lu eacb tîther are su linketi anti cumbinoti lugeiber as lu turnial a mediumn ut prot as aînîung as direct Ieatlmuny. A bodty ut tacîs înay bo proveti ut au conclusive a character as tu variant a ftrm bellot ut tact, an strong as that oni vhich diacreet men are accustemedtu luot inuirelation tu Ibeir muet Importent concerne." uiCicumeatial esidence ie otten more cunvioeing than direct testim<îny. À number ut concurrenltcts like the raya oftIhe sun. ail copvtrging lu tht conter, may lbrow nul uniy a citai lfgbl but proslnce abrigcu --Actiof ut aocint ten:ht u suapendi a man unay he tormeti ut threada." The Sales of llood'a SarsaparIila are thîe langeai EIn dme vend because thle cores by Hood'a rejrlaai wooderfal, e~'liS4 List your pioperty with me Isnd I will findyou a customer ot remsonable rates. Among numerous choice baîgaina 1 bav~e the f ollowing. Lakte County Ferme For Sale. Riaila far oeMilenorlh et Grayaa. do âre imîîroved faim on banke etoaeawi an, iltld uc eicaajl eliu IZ. 7 in 02m f1. oeil w. Le.Price'Mo per amre part cash. b)alii sa iW hl elistern; 1oung orehaird and surc long lIme at lb, ratq 0! InLorest. fruit. rich sol . idendid location i 14Z areImproveti faimtadjacent te Tlnlrd Lae.Liberai terDs. 140 acres on Mlwiiokàe mail, houam,,large bans. god felacs, 29 gd oiid ,lI. gio,,od r Lasi, 29 aumegtimber.i'i, 6pnLI-.îar cash, lnceo e 10 ô 1per cent. lmproved Faim, Choioe'Baigl le U wwaire adjacent lo aWin. C.,ntriIB. il. ltno ai mont reasonabi, terme. Four farins ln V.,,rn Tîjwnsbliî. Ileveral cholce farmae ln Avon Townsip ntan Omaysiake. A splendid tarri 120 macs adjacent to Tay lor laI,.I etgt llsr.~ iean Wanl tii rînlt a g.,od lecinie aniLlairye le Ltiirt y vlb.. The J. M. Priesferre. iM acres on Mi]- waukee Av..., lx m1gh,,c outi: or nIetvi loi acres <, aeh ad,,iof roiaiiand ai acres iuerm arosLb.' rive-r.* Wili-11ii whol,' or Orayallce. f cosWast t', FOR HAM9-A choice lot 65I by 177 fIL.liuîy, Sel. Itent or Trade Iloal Esaog Priee $15(L canh. , IL wiii 'aey y..u. i oioiil H. C. PADDOCK, LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS' 1 i1rueu, Dg. libertyvIie City Proptrty. liaif ace l,ltwilb l.iit rom Modern hoe@a t oodi vo..lii, r heladle anid fruit tLm*. cheiai.for ca!".),r or nasonale b trms. 9 'or SaII, WWs'11w l,,Iiiîlug22140 f-iel. îheap for choi,,lt. &)slIIIl&)fn-t at from 9ti tlm WANT T'Tong(lii anra <1083er lot le aarsînearl.lisrtyvl. ',r Nilwaukem R. R. Subscription News Agent Keystone Corn Husker and Shredder ...... *Husks corn and makes hay of the stalks. The Sterling Snapper and Shredder, 4 Alhw makes hay 0f1the ataîks. 4 - Hummer Sulky Plows. 4. Brabley's X Rays Sulky Plows. &Bradley's and Deere's Walking Plows. a BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. Lumber -No Coal. 2 SALT, CEMENT and TILE, Rope, Twine. Etc. SG.H.Schanlck & Son, ~.LIBERTYVILLE, ILLI NOIS@ Auction Sales. PEOPLES' COLUMN. The lluorigntd ill o1 wli at pubie b:A[l lT iM'Tr-,1. isreii aneiln îîîlb m.Iu " trio ne. h'i, I iAu -p w,. r iii lot.. l'20->-t>, t.,..eîî,AIdli.,salw ord, ni. lait mili îrtb 0fr Moto i l .tkii ain, i .r.l e s... liait .-nt j~f Word lwu miles auutb-west t i'01 fi,' w. îiTl.n1..(Ir"( Tnday, Itl.tbr ,5.077, ecmmue iuig I 1il I liI 'l;mo1i.-N..... fi-iN. at 1 <iclock P. loi. lhe toi,w iiig [i .. r 'o n, i: w l,.(.iny a prolierty iof iDavid iî lnItiih, d.-~aàoi i I:i, .rT.l.,T Clyadewdale taijiiîn, 1 'lonuîg K iigN.,. i lM A LE la* tg ilîly, No. 7.141; Clydesdale autlion, , I *.,.od.,., i. l.'i'., ... Utr Champion Boy, No. 7.342; Clytiesulatle " 1.*,'0f 6Tr.s«u .ld mare, Firs, No. 611;Clydecdaie mare, m ,,.I,. bu. ii. .,g~ îLong Natice, Nio. liS'>; Clyiisdaie mulre, Ii, ij~T. . ,,. r. (il,r. lif ltimy, Ni). 7790; 150, rituels ia tat alogi. iaruiemaîa, 1w,,set o pif e.. F'1 i 0 Mi k. ENi:FT -A o..tlditeylai.fait. nets, brld.ein, llankets, girtii., i'tî. , . . iî...,, , e ,l I.Utaton TEOMa 0toiS.sî,g 0lI mclionaift î Ailo A O . 'o tmî r 8. and tulitleî î90b. Ail hauie lier ~Oj .in.1,.50.3 11) a credit of îîîîî. yi'ar LE - 1HAl.0Ii , j, .ne.arviaî b.' gIvnoun good l.atkaiiii, îlî,t,x-ciar-~ » iilii.l, lnirll.1- ing 6 i er ceont intorent. Ni, l.roie-rtY J [ <Ilî....- oh.~wIhu renioved unjl stlled tfr. T',, iîyT r,Lit,- W. D. GRIFFITHo.Exetcutora foi! s Àî.ýE -A -.,ii,. sut W.Ai. Aio'i.Eu, Auctiorieer. 49-3 i.:rîî.g rro î.,'îî&i. ildre». J. (lu 9cecunt of alckni)s,. .of nuy wlte. f'l' HI4_ bavé declied lu quît tarinag anti Fc1 < .-. move aotith, mand 9011 sou i tpu llic -YL1Li PLT i-,yil.4. soutilon witlioul re8erve, ou thbe Bngou J'Eli-o. (é .staron. ln fWoorr farim, une mile cent of tiagesi Cornersan . >' mifgodabt andtwo 10miles 90651 of iithrman iiltl,îsiii iLii fi~. t!. Corners on the olti plqink roua, Monday October 4, 1M97, commencing at if) R______________ o'ciock a. m0. the fliuing propî.rty __FOR -_______ le>.wit:i18 cb'ilc ,cowu. 3 wilii ialvei, milk and âpringers; 3 yearling helfeîii, Fur iu e 2 heiler cailvea, 1 yearUJng Devonu boit1, tena uf maleheti grays, 7 yîs o id weighl 26W0; god ruandborse 7 Jears U d ra i oli, team mulea, 2 sel double barneos, uearly new; 2 @et ot aingle liarues, neariy new; 2 fat belge, 2 brood moites, Pai uts, wilh pige; 60 chiekeuis, milIt wagon, tamils wagon, truck wagon, ruiai carl, buggy, pair bobaloeda, cutter. O 30 mllk cane, 2 draga, sulky cullvatlr, is aliovel piow, single cullivalor, ne, Osburne mower, 2 liay racks, 0.83111.g tank, sulky liay rake, caidron kelîle, Va rnu.snes, 41A< tubaelwhite uBlo, 50> bîîsielit ptolatoes, 50 Ihuajbels coruin iicriib,, tous lamle hay, lot abovelh 011<1forkNs OIass, 40> grain bagoi. parlorr&out 01 à picceh, conter table, chamber set, bureau witli glas@, sewing machine, 3 saii Pu tty, bureaus, lutinge, fi bede1teais, :3 net lied springa, new 12 fI extension table, iiew, Et Nu. H coooking utove, 2 woollîcaàting' tc, aloses, cupboard, net chairs, 2 waahi tube kelîles and ebur», lot ot dishes J'! lit of lampa, lot aimail f irnituie, 3 ro to mllk patte, 2 trainera, 5 clooiing caion, dlocks. and many oother articles lu.' * 10eou e mention,.nt ISAAC HEATH & SONS TzBun 0F SÀui:-AII aîîms of$10an under cah. Ail snms ovor $10 acredit; LibertyvieIlli1nois. ut one year vill be given 0ia gondj bankable notes heaîiing 6 per cent1 intereal. 2 per cent diticoiîiît for cadi -- un asumaoser $11). No propc.rty * ~ I U ~ ~ A reimoved until aeltied for. rF. DM1 IS IT . T ANDRCEw HEIVA, I'rolî. W. H. Aîî'oEY, Auctioneer. Matoiîlfaetuirîr ot TheuînderBigned vili sei aI îpublie aliction 0on thei: rem iseoi, I .ui ýi j' soulli ut Long Gr<îvi, Monîlay, Se'pt. 27, 197>7, eummencing lot 1 oeloc*k1). rua,î tiue foluvwing properly lo.vit. 4 and uone with cal! by ber aide, balane oant eoming ln acon; 2 lcierai, li yeara -l0ira.1;t 2 boitera. 6 and Milmonths n id;, 3 I)rm aowse, 1 boa?, 4 shoats,,atime corn. inM on umie ntsa. abocks, 4 Ions bay In barn, gririel @&one, 3 avarme bees, 1 ebuîro, few corde ouf wood ln poles, smime tîîrreia CEMETERY anti kega, single buîggy, mettîlragsR lounge, movable etiphoardsh, 2,,k Ot aloses, 3 tables, lot of neîw wiili, baskets, ail sises; lot 0<4 loîuii'lîiîiîi of gouda andi tilnilure ant i llier arlielesx ton nîîmeîoua tlu mentionu. eIVERY Tga.tuga oi HALE-AIl statue 0f $101 anti underecah. Ailasuma over $11 a reditî DES~CRIPTION ~ of one year vili be gisenuon Xeoet baukable noIes bearing 6 por oent Internat. No properîy reminocu mli ftii orsondSlailS aesled for. MaID un Guit . Pîop. ., p-as» STAIEL Aiiclioneer. De. maw m" n'mm ..hVUMR0uea. J1M à-,P.i Worren

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