CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Oct 1897, p. 2

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N STO BLÂME. E.LVANIA SI4ERIFF 1S SE. VERELY CENSURED. jury Deciez thec Kllitng et ý a Lattaser Wa a Unjuatlfaa .'Iued Se KitlNcholas-Blug cmbineaForment. - Verdict en lhe Deatlss ith crener'a jury sicb iuvcstiigoted koati or!te ticar klorminera at i.attl- mit Ps.. arter se iour's dm-imurmuion cen- thelie tlleving verdictE 'Tint tnm * ulrcusncea ut the case mnd lie luceffered, lie sid Clemenl Pill- Salotiera came lu ticir dealth b Me" weumia ou Sept. 10, 1897, at lie M etSheif Jantes Martinm sud hi, ~5.andin tiis wva>' he tcjury du an ve. Put . .Bayle, Tiorian .~ia.Baroa Frens ced Peler Nie- ÇIWetofthis Jury. do turtier Pan>' ta «&ld Clemeut Plalock. iti oierg, Memarchilaipeaceaily andltuarmed on bWdstie blgivsy: liaitic>' vwere inter- = by sad Sieriff Martin and~ hi, , , _ and mercilenal>' -hot lu dati; 44 ve do furtier find thtit tic kiing à ueacesar>'and coutîhavbnnc e-i 4qIlsd itieul serion iniunr> luitier Ém or property. nnd ve ind inall>' Vat làekItlling vas wanlun and mujutiti- r; but tnlhita mme, Gleorge lMaue and1 î acNeal of iis j urs do nul cuecur; WA va lie jury do turtier sa>' tint tiere Ms«Ch treag suspicion utfînaful 99 et tI le bandsetrpe-mue or persns baiavle, lits jury as lu nalle tis lte-j mu nccosary." PLOT TO KILL THE CZAR. logis" Tmuelent Under a Street la warsaw. , li bas eakeal out tronofficiai ereles in Obmwu, ]Roland, in suci a mariner an huu nenoroin ton donit tint tiere vas; e dilà te and determtecd plot agatnst 004@ r Nîchlas antiche imeoet ils e- m triait 10 liai City. lse aueos vwas dd frustratel by accident. Betore tic 0 e Imperia party a numbec Illsmus cnpposed to eoeg le lie lier- eat parI>' uederminocsNora>' =t7, lic pitcipal street le Warsaa, ho. Salcgevernor geiiral'a palace and caile. Tic verk bail spproachi (i@05flpetien vie tic couapiratura be- ~ ppreicasive of a collapse ofthle vs.y, an callenlin several Polisi ~ute bnilld supports. Tic mossons, là" ampîtosiwre arouacil. notified ausi nd a130 erret toîoveil. baU IAnE aUlm A MUEDERER. Ouffecitme.D1hs0lteUngevernable -. Teaspar. ý 8Slac J. Cinistidn, n coniructur aI Ngbbtevn. N. Y. in a fit ut rage over gl tmsanderstanding, Phot ced lu- IMIMU kiled Hrace F. Pritchard ef Iek enChristian turnel is e.Thomas Idannlng, a Constable e1 bu ba t w ce, mortuly ia.Tic crime look place in CbE.n*stn Cotelainthcgrounds M.lvan Connty Club, near Wurts- adbeltrthliecyraoet ils vite. Tic escnae t te c oode ami has me WIEE SCOMBINE. Omlsuioss vittb ic,000.000capital Abouet ta B. LiaIent. , 00OOO corporationfor tieCodue- *e maneufaiacture et plaie sud banb Wie vrc ats lsaon lie point et àiim a ta 14 n ew Yrk, if il basnt ai- heincmpletel. Tic stock oftlits àâmwmd corporation ta te ho lited on tic 5ý_1[tk tock Exchange, wiere il = ta hecome one efthle lealieg le- ipropertles, taklng rankiletot INUa and tobacco. Wce't use 0.11 seuls. 0elv. Lded and other Kansas State oUi. OM eftuscte longer ose gold stels on JiÏedocument. A full auppî>' et siver àlbWU odavd, becauce tic.>' vul Le ÇMO la bau-mon! viti lie piircilîe ot àM lies'campagu. Tic seat ino vilc qR *bfle"uosfe the officiai or geit seul %it08il 4à ia een mante on public docu- t W@bas for years been ut gol leur twIo inciche îin clmeer. Hcretofore Ibce bas been oseil, but this. ton, g lbole sud gol ribion ia umednlt iboicnavi ithte sitrer seuln, makina g M te I cmentat. S1eat by lhe Vatican. Aveiombbsiai>CharlsciHryeiewmieskl, de- »Mili a" oxîlol metrepolitan et Wilea, i 19aPolal. bas beenn pputted au ýiI visiter te lie United States la chougel ii lie speial omission idefmint utloo ndladjusting the celaý '"s et the Poua Catholies le tic Unit- u440n1tete eChurci mnt large. Tic lin- »MtaMof ethiis appointonent Il nI>' ysec- «"te liaIt fCardinal Satllîtinl 82. Fcsndls or thse Club.. UVsling ta lie standing et tic clubs 119à Natienal Bssebaîl League: W.L. iW.L 11111102..l-.0138 Wasington. Ai) 69 Bàhtimre .. .88 38 l'tîtmrg 1i 19M Yok - .-81 47 Ciienu ...7 7 1lseb ti -.74 55 l'iiIadelpmia. M 75 Oe4anI ..-.69> 5t> Loulaville .. 51 Il76 Sossilyn .. .11W (1 si. Louis -... 28 10 Farmer'* Avtal Dccl. Jé Becker, agcd 4-4 year.a. ntended me t tic eburci in Breds, Iowa, SoudYa ftecnuon ili bis tamil>'. epelt '8 evunlng bcodieg uver somne flnauci tIrs. altiengih e vas a vealih- tani fea as evail ocu,, and Rolne uie z atDigt abat ced killed ic vite, bi i* htle cildrea aud humaeit. Mmutapha Bey Ges Haine. COeetalit tic State Deparîtent mil ~1-rg"ten avree -esurlmrncmlIta lecro I-i pfUiate aourea lihaI Moustapin, »Wcte enl>'recaliemi 'Iurkica mi, zz e f~eii on Cmmetanlnule troo New Riiel>' Locie Up. 55t-PMeikconasaJohnumItie-ut>ofm1tt. Loui, c w4ifawdtang tremmamuer outhlicPolie île- IW Associatiosn. %ho ia bien minSing *r tige. vooka, las. tnnendred lu tbe Toeugrsph Operatons Wmgque aMalien auid Claiude Bord. vi., M-tlk«rpobopentora. tenonintteil ficti' le csalaistock ttu-tatioma tron Kna- 1M ty, Kan,. t wu "dyamite" bucinet *s le Kaume isaty. Mo.. have been an- oM n beach warrants and placel un- .fflVouentai.Aizona. iat.seuictka ensaî baud tint à Poan taomvc!o ret ro uilins fie Cboelt. Mountans et ,A-T.'Te ruW&ithere la 0*0P misailiand peopli a m op *t irve licesteel V-e l. ti e poace "the BMM& nEpubute Thc politteal horizon la the bisai repub- lie 4Hati)l saaan beeomlsg very cioly. Under lie regmae ofHyppelyte, tie. Ite prealdemt. vie ralent viti a firme but scnsTpbrutal ban&itic aneacy spiits vere iept le tome entent la ceck, aldsuspecte wers ellier punisiel b>' lmpiseement or t once exilen. The omer premident, Tirestas Augustine Simon Sai, la miel a man et lie saine celier, etier MentallY or physically, as is preleceor.ald lic consant dlsagreements vitieiamis- 1r@,,the uninît and corrnpt administra- tien et ils depeuments. and, aboie ailt the terrible lepression froux vilci tiec cun- try bas been snffenlng Inrini tic asit tvolve mentis, have combinel te rouese lie populace Jteale sate o eirmelit, vilciunies pomptiy quelled vîti have serions resulli. WRECKED SAILORS RETUENI. £aeewo t dWbaler 1Breugit Bac trous Jupm.. Tic Amerin schooner rrouress ar- rivednt aIPort Towneeel.Wash., tliuy- Ive days frein Yokohama, havlng on board miue incmber, et lie crev et the America viser hark Cape Hemn Pigeon, vilci vms recked on a cocky ceast eugh' teen miles troon Hskodalticth nigit ut Jul>' 1. Tic Cape Heu-n Pigeon, Cap- laie Seliton, leftISaun Francisco eccl>'ita the seanon for a vhaltng voyage le Japut- oeeatnera. Tic tirst part et tic ucasea waa succemiul nd tsol ilthe bark vas mreckeml sic iad 1,000 barrets et sPeron oil al a lot et viatebone le ber hold. Her oumeersanmid crev e8capel ie amatI hontI,, iti ne effecîs save lie cloties omn ticir bmcke. SIIORTAGE OF RUSSIAN VJHEAT. Be Buai lstic Crep that Thcre WIII BIe Noue for Expert. But litle vicat yull be shippel frein Russis, during the seacon et 1897-98 toc tic sinmple manne tint tiers te little avaîil- aile for expert Tic failure et tic vient cropa ta Auairo-Hiungary, Rounanla and Bulgaria bas irougit Loyers lo i Rssis troon Ihoso countieisud tic vicat will go te thein by rail. Boy muci ot thii vient Russa cee sford te lcI go is s question nov bing ie dsaent. Wblle biais are tirova eut that tic expert et coroala mn>' be atogetier prebibitel, it la belleved liese have no tonndati<oald tiat thre Itsin Geverninest wyul never- &gain maie tic mstakeIlcit hIin lie famine >ear ef prohlhltîuexporta. MBUSTZ organluatlen viti s Catpital etf020,- 000,01)0 Beinu Pertecteni, Represeatatives et viedow glauo nanu- facturera trein ail parta ot tiecocunIr>' ave been in session at Pitchburg fer tic urpoise et completing a plan b>' vici tic indev glass manufacturer, ot tic comm- try vilI ho tornied lato one organisation, wchi ill ho nova as tic Aincrican Wlalov Glass Association. The nov conobinatlon represents a capital ut $W,- 000, and Includes atl oethti principal lants ot tic United Statcs. Tirelutput ofth tcconsolileted ceecern e Istîincted at $10,0W0000 orti o! glassama >ean. Wes ta e.Usent tor Patienta, Emfiient vuek b>' the Nev Orteans lire lepertont te face of lie attacllsetofa nob enabled tic Iepnntmeot 10 save tic este portion oethticBeauregard school uilding. OnI>' the annexes et tic strmc- tune vere nelucel te asics. The alarmi s-as sunedl t 12:30 s. im. Atter a mnaamoeeting et citizen, iclWenesdaY nigit a rietous crevî gaticred areunl tie building ad opent>' tireatenel tiat uith tL iret epportuaity tbey voulî lire Il. Sister Agnes and a aumber et %inter@ et -imarit>', together witih elp frein tibos- lutai, bal hoco petthigtic building l or- der ton tic recepton et ycliow tever Pa- tient@. Tic sebool board, meantime, hal reonovel troua the butldhng every desiad otier article et turleuesald the 'iospital people bcd mevelit tei building cots aol etier necessar>' adjuacts. Surgeon Bloom 0f the hoipital, lie simIens and uiiens bal been maarnel tint tic>' voutid mtter Icave tie building. TirydiI se, ald tirealoni their vay tinough a dense crovd et paolc-strlcken citizens. Tien a umali terce et police vas orderel te tic accue. But tic moi, Lent on Incendier- an. vas siarper linlie guards, and vile tic police vers engageni te attempt- ang to quell the tntons crovl le front et tie building mina ithli fe-galton cn ut oIl proceetemite the rear and soon bcd lic beuding le Samies. Au OMeicaI Stalensent, An offletal staemmmt has been tasuel In Madcisiovîng lic oumbers f et oncecd lie quaniîeset o unitionsioet vsaet te Cuba and tic Pilippine Inands duc- lui; tie insurrections vbich are in prorena ln tiose quartera. Betveee November. 1891', and Ma>' 1807, tic SpanihGovero- ment seet le Cuba 181,738 selliers and 6,261 offm-crs. et vioin torty vore gle- ,ats; 212,542 gnu, 3'20,406 kilogrammesi et powîen, 92,088,0-à0 cartrilges, 16,712 avarIa, 91 cannon@. 12 mitralleuses and 29,500&ble. Since tic outbrenk et tie preseat revolution ta tic Philippines lia gns'eranent bas sent 27,6W 1sellier, mied Ml1 efficer,, et viom 9 vere renenata: 43, 100 guns, 24 cannons. 24,910 kilogrammes et powder. 2_%726,585 cartrilges and 30,- 604 &belle. San Franumacela WeilFortified. The United States cagineers in change ef the fortificatioes et San Francisco ane dincctng aancure>'ofethe shere lhue un the soiisaide ofthle La>' and Golden Cati frein Black Poinite oPeint Lobos. Tii purpose ut lie aurve>' is te accurate>' le cale tie torts fur tic intformation etflthe Wnr Deparimeet. Arn> aund unvy'out ficer tuiktic Lau-bon defensesnu-e nDiw sufflelently -eit advaunced te stand off n>' Ilet liaISpala 'or Jupon cuul put intu action sud tic>' are stroug enuug viiiticthensistance utfleiatinu balleniet et lie Molne>' mind lionaduock type and vîihlie aid eftûrpd.mea l make a spten- diii igil agsinnlticheLest fiaet Emmlai wuuld bc likel>' tendeel bere. seventy Dsrov.ud at Flume A special dispalterbn V jens asy tint sevent>' personu vers drevacilas i renuit oethle collision eaIiume bhlvec the steamer Ika. c local passeaier vessel, and lie Briltihsteamer Tins. ybhici vas lcnvlng that port as tic Ika vas entering. Tic latter suaitinla Io minutes, and lu full viev et thousanla et people vbm crovled te eplers. Os-et surgrical Opuratieus. A vender-tul surinal opernîlon iba bco penterment b>'Drs. Pacsonsaldlic, Caugian t oftic Obtdrens RHepital ai St. Louis upon 9-year-old Lîlle Sicu. eins. Tic>' constcneted tac ber a palatt and s noue and uppen lhp. fier face val deturmed ced tic songeons sav but onc mma>' te reed>' it; ltas Sonan eponation viich vas noue. Germusa Torpedo Boat Biaks, Torpedu boat -No. 261bin capnîaed mod auni mîcar lie first lighîahip off Cuxhaven Eigbl mot ber cnev. inutding ber coni nmndecrDmîke Frederick W'iltiam oi Mecklcnburg-Sciverne, ere dcusvued. lIaI an Own n ie taCiarci. 11ev. C. S., 8apuldiug ut Frankîts Crove, cbsnged vili lie offense et bat iimg min rgan le is churci, vas repri inaudeni b>'tic Ilîlinola Froc Metiodi contecence. Peary'. New pian. TAent v a T fi el it Il et t vrkyUlb tu the attmpt If iatale ive y.«» bic ut1110, complaithii.obicet. Naît auct I1 ao li as Mrvunnel ap te sheren4 O>. bore fjord end make that Place 1110Ybeasu Cl Weather' Favorable te thc la- or supplies. on thc latttip 1 made u«- tt iorceO fBllS- rangements vilithe Arctic hlitlaad-9. L t. fitrcsOa ai BhSc a tribe et Esimos, coaaiutlng of 280 M014 tllled- tatemnct hy Rtrforl yomen enal cilîdren, knoovaas tie muet m the Strlko-ltewait ferAnnatlei northerly tlithoet human beotega e hO earti, ta put la thit ei ouaiinter obtali. lut bear, meal and deer silos for our la et a Mlld Type. clethlns, and la eclrtgail 'tic valrua Thc yellow fever scourge cananetho Ment lier cao fer dos food. I have sin- saI te be spreadleu, bat it dlieu téna- gle eu du yong ca t ~tri, lensly when It once gets a foothold. viti thetr vives, cannes, dois. sîedgeu Ethteiinvcsswrerpre1a and tenta, te accompany me te Sherard New Orleans, but ail are et n milii type. ()@borne fjord, wvIlcils about 300 malles Tic cases at New Orleains nov iumber farther nort lian ticir present abode. 52, hilci la very tew ainong a popula- M(Y Party wîli conclttof a surgoon, possi- tien of 280000. The dealis continue tu bty another white man eand yal. tic shew an extraonduîîcy %mmcli percetaae. rost wilI ho Eskimos. The latter know uniy Ove meatbs having eccurred cnîong bow te drive doge; they cau go hnngv 52 Patients. Or course Ihere la eneugi anI knov hoe te get food. Tic condi- fever la New Orleains lu arouile appre- Itons under wbich I &aal maie tie com- heaston there aed lu continuethIe diinay lot expeditton arceofthtecmont satisfac- la otlier jpartionsaoethIe Souîth. At Mo tory character. The Amîerian Oeograph- ile tic di>ease la quite iigly, 1in; canes ical Socety bas assureni $150,000 te meet being reported on Sstnîrdmmy. 11 ulmSu- ail expenses and 1 have beon given Ove dur, but unir' 2 on Mueda>' becauge tbe years' leave et absence. I chall prohrnbly weatier bas lîkon ni favorable' turc. 'l'le buar a aev siip for neit jear, thouai vo coîl Wave lanlime !<rlwestactns ltaihave mn>' use the Hope agate. Mr@. PcarY spread Ils disîteetiiîg vinga uver tbat will not nccompany ie. I1cam qulte sure cty. Tiere are amu mmc cases ai Oceann 1 &hall succced in reccita the pole." Springs, but the disîregasorthln tbit- 11,niî e Ibatht littIe bnrg' la noce. Theb CHAOS IN GUATEMALA. towe la se Utrlctly qnnnrantincd tint boti food anIniicne are ver>' semrce. Insargents lus Pessensaon of Choe- Catru la recoveriîmg truni ils alîîrîî. Ail Pecen d a Falpe. the local pb>sictann toutîly' miclire Ibat A letter troin thc City etrIGuatemala the imo cuasesntaiticeimarne buapital are has been recelved. The writer declares -ne elvfee-mt >[e î rp that everytite, at the lime et yiitg, malaria[ fever se conmmunou thlic amam was Ila ate et chaos. Barrioa, ho 5gays, amoug boe mm-bulire upoun the sulti- bas lst his Lead frein frtgit. aad la a wetaernriveras. "Tiis 1iîiiî t con- delriuin et terrer hla mpclsoebmî andti rmeni b> aubseqîîeimtevein. yuwl muei siuoting ail wie evlace the lightest Ican- out Dr. Guileras ut 1'ennnylvaeiq, wiuun bug toward the Insurgent cause. Lons the gorerament bsd enipiuyemlai et evy ans colected by force and deati la tichex«Pease as lie greatent yellow t,'ver ex- penalty tor retusiag financlal assistaace peit letie Unitîed States. Dr. (uerast ote idctator. Barries humaIt lu le ls nul tie firsi expert w- aIme asound constant tear et assassieatlen. Two bina- imeit minus b>' anbequcut mlvelnîp- dredn sldiers leep latich palace day cnd meuîs. Nvril'sCiuvl mta nigit, and bhols cestanly atteaded b>' a peautNs agalen Cibe >-elo it noce guard ut pickeol-men. ticreture Il has quaramttned airainu A pluky Wman.Louisian, Alabauma. cnd Mississippi. Te An PlSmai!Woan.h wdw f The South expeeli lu vail for tie Dr. RizaI, thc masscred leader ef theaie rn eoete elwfvrl hr Philippine revil, vas ln Philadelphie ar- eugily n.lnmpodl out, botut I iarmliy ranglag a filibustering expedltion, creatint probable liat a sharp trust vili ho toIt widespread intersst ameag Cuba, pa- below tie Tennesese lin@ betore tic leat triats. GeneralEmuIle Nuais. vien seca of Nevember. Tii' postoffice departineet a tev heursfter i arriven theiccity, t.le na quaedsry. lice>'oetthe loves fi miing -n-cstlfilbutëriai oex le inte GuIt States have qunrantineni pmocttton te Cuba, spoi entiuslticnill againat ail mail nnatlcr; ecaca attr il et tic conrageoos vomna vieplans sys- han beco tumigaled. 'Tbis show@ lie tenealme çatrlottc support vti a degîre for eunditionofutalurne vin-bprevatîs in revente et ber husianîs deti. General maey section ottic South. Nov and Nuteza sali: "Dr. Rtizal vas a veederful lien aneIncident in puîilisbieml hi-h tenmdn man, vîti great Intellectuealabilit>, coin- tu aiow ' luithle velluv tever cari Le blnenthtith i hgit coureige and pa- triotlsm. He vas tie lite and sont et thre Philippine revolutloa. ls Inception vas bis vork andl lieactive calopalsa vas under i, immediate direction. Grave misiakea vere mcde ait iret frein a mis- lakea Ien tiat tie Spaniards ceillI bc met le plîcied open batile. Advices vere ff sent frein Cuba upen guerrilla vartare. , î - sed ticy are nov tn a fuir va>' te vin their struggle." Ilss f«ss aneusembllga e l. cpital or the ballis people froissaait the Islangis. end tie social afieof the republise vas at lits bist Au ssoon as the tact vas made knoov thal the Sonate lied agreed ta the rati- fication tlnere vas great eethostaam aIl througi the city. litboat been planned ta make the occasion the excuse for tie mont elaborate ceremoames tiat bave been car- ried out since tie repeblte came loto power. There:vas nothing lsckiog to the appropriate celebratlon and the people jont-cl n the ceremontes and Jollmfication f reol>'. __ ____ SECTION 22 US KILI.ED. Attorney Gouenral eKeaun BoalsoIt ta Be Inopertatlve. The long opinion of tice attorney gen- eral jipon thc ouîration ot section 22 of lie tariff laiwvas made uiemlcTuesday aler being consldered for a second turne b>' tbe Preident and lits cabinet, and aler Sentur Eikins of West Virgiaa and Mir. Itichand C. Kercu uf t S. Louis boitmade a mont mlcermicenlbut futile effort lu persuade the Presndent and the attornmey gn-nnm'rml te nccept tir conastrue- tion ut the ii w. 'The attornime ererai consîruca tbe sec- tion asnalît lnipnaing ci discriieinatimng muty uion tnreigts inecbnilse Imported ini bond troung conliguimus coiitrie., andl bolds tint ieln 42-14 ut lie revlxscd statuten Las nult tmeorepented. There- ture. gouda puirîlîimed aîîroad snd in portedl in bond by wanif>' u Cnadla or casa- Iimg t purtsaouthIe Uufited Statles i nis- lsi Lot toits viii mt Le sujiet tu s dis- crinilissiing mlmty ut 10 lier cent. Tic opinion insi mdismaimitiemmt tu some uwner fA ut Atiai ni-nimrbmînt venset and tu lioe liilere',ted ini tbe lraeus'mnin- enulIraitronils outhicUnitted States. Thcre ta no dnuht Ibat It was lhe inten- tion ut tbe tramera out secîlun 2'2 ns il Le caine a Inv tu diserinmmlce agiest tbî, Canadian ralirotîds anmd furcigu chips. Sénator Eikinâ. ms-buelnis ta Le pîrlty resîonibie for the added vurds whicb caitei forth tbe opinioni, adroits as morth. anmd exerlcd bis Influenîce tu tic usinat ta convince the 'rcidemnt and tbe ailnr îîsey general ttiat aoucbs, as tbe intention or C'ongres. The miîcîods adopted by tbe adrocates et the di.meriumimaiimmcioies are salidtoale ta a way reqpunsible for their faiure. l"*earlng ta maire ticir object lac plain white tie tarif bllI as natter discussion the>' tramed a lause wbicb tbey Lelieved would have thg mesircd effeel andl lieu bad Il inisec-te Ibe nertin whiie theý mnsure wax n iicontmrpiiei Renntor Elkcins ban for orne lime ad- vo<atcd naLbiltu i aupu i mcriuîiimalnuit diii>' upîmmi ierbandu..' ini vi- 54-1, utrturm'isureginlter. mmhi. j* lnî Fatal Firesin Teroanto. ----2.-- - 4 !3 White lice vas loslreylng the bacc Ticater at Toronto, Ont., a enain etf horses attachel t. a largc lre engine tIci frigit an uava'l i tictheengîne, vti UNITED) STATES bARLSE IHOSPITAL AT NEW ORLEANS. fatal reauts. The cotue vas getting cemmonelated tirougi lie mail. It a n uenu ge sand bumtd ni, thc Aîunrieani aiti steancaldvas ibicil>' surroundel >' relaîed liaI miapensmmn in Moubile ncelve merchantmaronine. ltealiziug nula ii i people. Tiec bores pluael madl>'letoa letton tu-on a tiendIn leOcece Springs. messure couli nI mlui îmanaedtalenu1 tic rovl, klllng one boyald Injuring Tie ler vas vitlen ln a coon aicre session iLe endenivored t) inna-eunplish illii tee pergnse.ume et lieu poostly 'tanlly. a yellov tever patient wvasn teid, end l ubjeet b>'iavinc lhe minmstaînm-e utbisn Tic Saine@ mde rnptnt ealvandl be- tic persanwvi eneeirnl ticeIler vasai- bill incuu-pired in sectioni22 fore tlie nvasgel unlor central lie tecked b>' lie trier. Att thelie tact"mineT ic'Fliic c rmilneoad ald iînit(un-, mli- Muette, or Bijou, Theuater. viers lie an'eoîetauthenticaîrml, but iheir pîbliclIien irIng lu lavrt ti imaltes tii'bnndcnl tors vere preparing te Siae aa enleriain- wvudeni tic dismemanmid Itedu te mie ticemerciandise huleuîded tfîr lie United ment, vus coopltsly lestroied. Itog- people beieve lialite yctlosv lever love States nov carried oeretle Candin ers' tunature vareros und faeryacd- aboulai lie tuentelnth le outeats o e l 'acidec raiimînmd ae ancctedlualiereapmunsn- oinînu vere damaged. Tiecleus vilI ha vorld. bIc oton limler ne-a- iorda in tie seelimn. about ff0.000 _____Aecording te lie sialenents ut a pi>'- llaving taiteil te iepri'nn tînir vim'ssm Brtih Victory Assurent. nichitn shu iad experience Ie lie plagumietuthle neuning euthle la-a- mmmthi lie.c- Accordlog te specta dispatchans frent 1878. vie front inet>' te 100 pensons idlent mid lie allurne>'genilth lin't-u Siel, tic Bu-tisi, vie capturonl Bal- died cacu->'day ton mouilia, lime teer lesinte resîs mmlI carry lie qîeniior i mmm'mIi- mrel pas, balb>'lie Hammiai Mullah, lItet nienet>' seo degerous ms tic Painlgrenu, andl yul nîte-nptlitmlthe ieit sei-n wltti n large forceetfMuimandi anmira- wvilciaccumpmrisiet. If tic peuple lu baie liiiterif toms oiinemniinl Sunas tn, ira varia, have puaient on trountihepas, aed would nmmtî heoine lvereoume b>' testmore cuu-pnrati' lii' iriiiiimtnt im& turm-s tue> wilieut eppoilion have occupied Juirobi, outhlenm vîuldbcLeic. lie sgays lat -deire. Il iu tindi-nalunl mltîm'th(- rpiil thc village and Leaiqtuantens ofthle lIaI- proinil>' 1i) per cent, ut ailt hune tibu mt nie :ttonnmey lgimmerimin a 'mnireiy cti. lai Mulah, vie bas ta hoieved bave lie dimmse mre likel>' tea uccutub frytnî-uîr' thlie l'riminitn md tic Secre- tint thc capture ef tie village aldtice Inn lie tever itacî, t. nîhven lie plegmie Ilî>ofuthle 'l'eoemry. lhit o eicpriant: vril]break lie baci ef ta accomîmauied ciii excileonent aed partec the opposition ofet tic tiomen le lie lie demtlm rate flics up lu 30 on 4h) lier ENDO0F THE GENERAL STRIKE. tutier alvance et lic British. cent, ut att thune vio show tir syniptunis _____n t att. Pimentaient Ratcitord Reve thv%'lei- teamer Eticlg.ala SaîcuL W irhmen eoplehave beone inmtred 1tele atur>'eittr e cI hMiners. Neya bas been reclvel len Nev Yenk ceeues outhticdisease mind detiand can M. 1D.litmt-Itmnndl, 'eeidet t min- et lie saving ot the Britis steel steamner look npneli en wit-iiut a tfeelinget paneUnimentMine %Vmrkers urt anîirîc. as m Etheluonla, wvilc ventsoionthticor allumatxcitemeiit.1Ilm r eacIr part ut irî'n ouItitufoluvnog outhorzen nuIre- barbon et St. Lucha, West Imdicn, lest lie danger tîosm'n ava>', and se itinhallaIt ment: Jone. Tie Eticlgenla ilau 2,100-ton vec- ufler an>' cuemmeril> bas cxpcienced dis- About 75.000 enners han-e régim(nînI s.- se, and altietint*ece thle accident vs an e ufr n shunttfiietlie ravages arr intrihe bltunimiinoumu m-umm ac tasnttnheniii-. bounl tronBuecos Aires viti 4.000 miumte. It. mihen lIe final sympluemsa p- nîntes. Tic tnike gî-nernîtly linos eiiem bales et vool eomnel te Betos mer- peue, tic patientln gie fibol tout bth i tamno. te nitiatntie tlimettttim veci ut chaula. The vesecînvs puttingtale St. aud a alrueg dose ot canton oul ndtî I dnmrarnnmn. c intnnmnsatira tt IInianni Lucia ter ceai tie attemnoon et June 4, lu lient vIere be camnseal ont lielpointai, eimlin 'ti-tnexl yi'mlC et hil inn-.,mm .. vie asie ran on lie rocks and waî tie garetlchancea arc tha inhe yl rcoe inî 1 table lte m a-tteI- sucedilteem-es-. abandenerl. inummnee.lil nd iti nlinîthelie meesa r àt - mihie a short limte. 'rie i.ein aut linsienhke. Washington Mrtrage Law la Voîl. bruigt ine daya latter tiedlia t mpîims Ih ns sein mndrsinod aatheliclghîuttil Tie Sopreme Court et Wa'shington appear. ammd anlmîsruli mie r-emori ueIrtneeilm net Site bai handd devu a ment Important 'ie presence ut yelov JackIn le.vor- tliaemcm. Tii- gecoenltetrolne %,IIIli e leciaioe, declatng liat lie aew mertgage Ians andi lie onnerIueut qunrantime la fonnurn laWeit Vîrniîtal mad aniorilui ,ut ..wv 1n i IIII sm asiîinlmm'tnmm.ioî,ese. - abat lwpasaed by lie ItantLoglatture la u-killnng the nstmies outalaIt cil>'novtle pnudomers l tiose fieldastît m'lmicrual constitutîna This is junt the %cann outhne viile >'i'OCta tle chIange andmlatn teiîr ni. lintinters Witt Wnt lPrinc.e .teviazy. vien the aiipping traie ismml ils helgit lion..b'Fatalu t uIlta. se nIs-ihi Si munimn Tic unnounacementat lMu-u.Li>' i.e-andteeatoso tebat dpr year, fut wvil imeé rî ln alod attela- put-cani iry amlmare>' PinceEuerki? tg co- t ocr i alîtlbeca crusing btlo ti e inter- veutmrscls ait enpire. firmes! esta cuthec oerehants. 1 am w sI elîsOcia a ith lic agreemîent _____________________and fec I tial il In the creimmeu vintry gedOc rai>'tune unionmaferr3eneu MU kI r uuAneiOmSCALE IS ADOPTED. ortcorae. thlimevm-iy n er u inf the i-nilunum. N'ln Ime>' havem'mdune ltn Iiate Convention etfItliie Mine areilngrait-oe munisnn nuit cnmmtnleîl mut. nm Clmireaazo-CIlle prive. Wonkeu-aTaile Action, liae amiplo ni(. hdeml iini'ttntyuc iin $3.00 Ite 8..4>. ars. ShiP XTic-Il inuîmînSînle consventionîorîthti a c a nelne>'teeur ogafflii a-ittnnu- mmmiii n- $J.001te $4-W; slorm, IOP. f5114 I'-9e)1aited %Mine 1W'mrker-n ai Springfild coinneran>'y pa tcmtlauruitme. mmnd misve mnt oum lu 845(3; viet N,,.2 eni. rv4, t', ,>f ria-indu a 0have Imtaemimnteutem1nabat corn. No. z2 e t, z/.: i . s, , Zlt pwlte-to I iiaînee mmIImdjourmmî'm. A Illetatbiu ietrmuen' mi, u- amm ounrs. i tee; ta2e iNe. Z4mr *>; i-mo ie w uandoltlcnl b'tîe convenion m -r>' grail fur tnnthelie titmu-m cri-m 10 2e; crynm, 2> le21,, xv fdn 5tîd i *i t b nts.cur i mi e Anerft-ni:edleratinnofmtiamoc andîl mii c3,ite l;lafr oees.u 1 >ait-dmumers a ii'he îmte. T'ruecute in ty %I. (;onmpc amiitichumeieofeu iu t 13., t Ln.iO otSme,11tl 18ru baý ne thein ic ttnlug ea'tememt scalpe cccîneC-uMmiu - aisoialm8eL ci*Or rA ,,*oi iiinait6 lier cenît. blîmîrtle octale 8 b(, his. .en"e I>I.,8' aîcmieiy tie conmvenntioin iclit iiAugumt. *he.c',tzmui-î î ...e le , n.5' A rnidsutuiu mmas adoliienl b>' tic cou- ~ arbeat, Nu. , 9fr e b emidw%4N4. 2 1ru-nOiio s, bmt-i gvea attilmena lihe auttant- white, 30)c tu =t,; c«ta. N, 2 white, 22e il>' te reluirn e tiwmrk nnum solin as lie eler- t. 2-l~~. alors *grece lu înm, lie ,mtt. This reaulu- .l te 4. Lei-easp' ,gjnî inn aise prmvilenta lat mîlers a-ho ne- ( 800tu ism. ellarel, 8PK) g 4-2 lurneteasmork ai the seule prîce citaIt con- ~ j - whical, N. 2, SIIIIc te 81MO1; ",mNu. tnilule 10 per cen't. oet hein viaffltae c 'The ri~ ~4'~~~ yemtev, rie ta 29c; cets, NO.'2 mwhile, 21c minOns net wor-kirmg. Anulien r elvinthm~ tu 23c; rie, No. . Z45e te47e. v.sadupteniail i-icensuren thticposttion Ciecinaasl-CattSte." tu $-0;8. or es, the eppcalora et tic Sînte Ladll aken liti imnriff Matiiinumnd <leimral Wî-ytcr unti $3.00 le $4W; esbcup$250 tu 04.25; nt meeting wat theticinmera le effect n fer truie the nonne dtaeasm'. Tliey rem alîcat, No. 2 MCe tu, Me; ccu.No. 12 settîeneut ftic stike le Illinois. "unaumn." intxco, 30e te 3 ctani, Ne. 2 mixent, 2lc A ttortle vilci veigin 775 potinadiand to 22c; ry, Ne. 2. 46e 10u46e. TREATY RATIFIE06 In'209) yeanta oint ln exm'itiumg tmeiWomner- Detrol-OCattle, $2.50 te 85.50; bise aîlof et ihltmdeîîmillus b>'lit spahedi. 83.00 t $4,50 îb1ep,82.50 a23 enastoAdopte Annexation Queen 1Victoria ilaîmi luli' t-mactn-le vicat, No. 2, MSe teuOSe; corn,.No. 2 ThMray0 ueatin wt te i yellow, Sic te 32c; auto,,No.2 wville, 23eUitreSat>'es bas etînv ienertfe nsa-m.t alci ha liet tnmie âatlu enm. fnixt 10 2c; rie, 48v te 49C. Ule tae a anrtlei uai i n m-nm' Ie unnr lîtni mx Toleo-Wheal, No. 2 roI, 95e te 06C.moosi> b>' lie HBaen Seate, slîtîeg 8 -graie con, N. 2mIxntSOcle 2e;oal,,Nu lu extmroninan se» . Tiers vosu@Lut Ifr esta'ns 'rlena lelt'rmiv î9 Pla e m 2 a-hile, 19e ito21c; rie, Ne. 2, 48e te 49e ; OeeOpinion On lcali-l n i entcerî s- ot-is u l Wotr nth Einii In io etover sel, $3.83 te 13.45. vatn i el nlertihel a er mhi-miendike l ith3ne ii uneii t' Milwaue-Wheat. No. 2 spring, iOriuentatins. l i lnieliti'anii te~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~M 'J'aurN.c,2e e11e ms.N ire umis neyer n>'differecre of optu- TIhe >imieîis utMobhile llNi-mm lI- 2 Wh-ite, 22e te 24c; rie,. No. 1, 48 e a5ac Ion as te vint lm eimi vudd. 'îu emThaibsal'eirmin ma.ttmi. tu No. , 4e lu45c pun, mlibonI>' msas elentedliftier lIme rernlnlomi fev'v'r nhnîrr-cen. mci ii hi 't miol> nimi Ne.2,40tte45;',rk ms, ii lIe oeie ha utfm-iriing ten lie smiii-,,i mtOtfi lth II hunimi itinm f n:m- ptr iluttato-Caille, 13.00 tu $550; hogi eaino h sad eteU e n h ete $3.00 le $4.75; aieep, 83.00 te $5.00; Sîtts. Front lIe tinte iun1.803, mven lihe 'Thuo- ndnmrep ensmm mIrm r- irbeat, N.2w er G a9c;crN.queco -as detirounId, liere ia Leitnuo ilute ilriretion lti t ndilitiraintin- mi1.mum N elo. 2 v&terc;conNo witeer , ae. bject nmmiei ticre wmvaneanin- uitn- cnmn hit I îlat mmamntirne vmien ontîmir- m 2 ~eluv 33ete 4e; sta No.2 vlle,îty andi tire hb mm moody viti more wmsi mîgîîy neutanmmd ticem'nrr'.utniuieiita 25ee lu 27c. Ifethîe feelte ingta tic Seale. vere nlanvin«. New Yok-Cattle, 1.00 te $5.W0;hbus, j0'1The metng i ut ilcitic ratificaton ANemi York tian vie lnlcd le commrit $3.50 te 85.00; ahee, 13.00 te 84.50*1h et the treuil, Ici place vas lie mont auicidieeue al lnteei mrineia vicet, N. 2 retac e n81.00; eun, I uatiteîy atîcnleofetan>'la tie ilator>' et yllow lie negt. lit lu strange tint ta No.'2Z8ne10te U"t,, Ne. 2 wie'v ii t goeimeat, not ezeepting tic te>i _ tssuWojiet prosperity an>' imnahaunUl lise-,nomqr.1t te; a4llant g -qgl k , selVs - hi4 - - i vu coe Cmaimg tousfrem .linou v4ae et Ardmore, .I. Judge 0. Bockler lgore, en-cntre@& mn fron Teimu.. died Set Ardmere, 1. T.. atter à short ilinenu. lMr. lolgre vas born la Newman.,tCa., Feb. 20, 188. la 18403 he rcmoved. e itb hle parents, te Ruak County, Texas, where hé reclivsd a common-schooi educattea. 1Ho servcd en tieCo(nîinelente ni -in>. tirat un lîrlvale, ainn b>' sn mveasipcromotnis rean-hcuthe grade et anijînnnt innnermI. lic vas wouinleslant inicinnauina, nad nîli I8W1 as cuniiiunu m iapran-rin Fort Dela- waiii. line mmniamlmnniit( ta thélnbac after lie vnmr, armlnd in 1 c n ant in-mtnirofuthe Texas eoutilmmrnnalcomnventi-nn. [le vai i prenldeeîtil(!m-ctnnr ini V84mon the flan- nînci anIdhiEnlixl t -k-i. 1ni1(1nni je1,8-I as elteI u theliStar tmmenmne tor tnur meare. iand in lie tnnl ln)mntnm en rwms -n n nii lpres- idenn t tiatlbonny ftlmo ycirs. lievas uleî nlImtate "ifttnh, 'itty-ttrnt and pifty-e-onnl (*ouligr(.m.iin asn i l Peocrat. '*Bon-i lg.&'rm.mnu-m nreatuca. le a irecle nigînt vîmilei-ni ('nimigrm.s Ly kick- inu don the ditrr mhnmi-1nnaker lIed mmmd cantàMn Io lu l Imen t n ul e <'mmii rimaI broticit bilaun iémnni-uniIlnrlely and iltmnse lpniln rit>' mn îtne I emocratlc %!de ufthe buge. FATAL MINE EXPLOSION. rive Men Kîllel and MunyI lnjed at Johnoui City', I11. Il>'an expuiumin t of lack nismp tn the ITtllantion ('niltîy nnnnnmijan, tucaleu aI Joinwn City<'I> II,- iriînu>' ernnx. lite na mre kiilet aundl everal olîneru strifereml p.îinmunnron al nd rnrînmn. Tie lmchnecry ofthlin'init man imaiiy vrn- n'nl. A qnnti>-ty c a n lîm il i-munited inn miencur>'2<11 )arniaenmmtîîut rIm& bis smîn fImirirnu tîne mn gitnt.adnl ulnhI- ar- rEvai ot Ilne mnin mmiiimi cccmil wirk aI limaI partlimnlr Inlinni'il %as. ns mmmcfr-un tlnm-liaînn, nte min> t m inn unira mtiglon theit canle. itinrti) antnr itheî-en--mtt o fitrI- fsc men Inito tré-nit il mu rrrihi- explninî oceurreni. blinuinn e m'-finne thnt itus 'a-t I:-Kn t Illie hmnt tIn o f th..n,-lîft h tty tn-el ,j ns nrd sud a m v.Jn imnunmnm nt sofimmmnn mmcm gm-ius it- îhnirinnnand bnurlîng omut ornthulm oît it rIlme xsin t.Ilint] tunnînumî ait mî tlln- im n in lnr>' mss, tlhited. A signal truen i utthne i ln-bcmloin ihd the englacer imintI mier- e ru- mqeel eov aime acre nninjmret. The ssnrk mot ces- ruinthe linlmpîiinie.lnrmitnat aInne. Near>' aIl tie Aeneriranx n, ffnllnyemJ le the mine did cIi-Ignî I.isî nt I timruning. bar- hIc micoldentlu ta ttendIa pi, nie. Bolttnmr Ibisi tactthle micoîi1icI Msould bave hotu muni grenier. AMAZON OF THE COAL FIELDS mms.Murti.n>tccrone, a flenoîne efthi Pcsuseyivsnla Ceai htrlke. irs. 3Martin Nm'nnn lte igenersl et tic Aarmazom fonces. ashIn- aueverel>' trnu- bled ticelmnnnps -ahi-n ibm led ber trme suaiut limn, im ticlmmrmine ointhle big canl atrike e n>l ais. Mu-. Mr- Orome sloi e vinnnof nîtanIrnaîn muiner and elie knlnmvs ait abnnutîl arikea. Sic passed ibrnugli mie cri-ni ntrikn- t 1S77 amnd un- dî'rmuntuin iow lu get ltme mmienut outhle rainesandi- linkm-u;I ilimint. NI ra.M c- Onon e betievîs ilînî l le e nsi methomi ut auvn-eiing lainn i imne men teutrîke lhi ton lhe wilvenil)mmmaadme lietme tiemntdi *hmne tleni imb jînunînnmc lie muvennient.1 She han ber on id Il, aiabunt cuercieni. Sie saysliat as itim"ns iite Incpe," or liose ami o n lenk Enmciab, murat sua- asie nlahat ii n nýeair>'. On torelgu- crs slic vouhue tforcem. "Younhave lu tientlitI m b inimmnomrli-tonne hein," mie euh-el>' scyn. lier tii- oumisit ofnt tirt>' vunnen, Irini mlnnî Welunb, sa iiarn' wect driltmnd. "ipeetarn' -ftecn e-eittrced b>' llmtngariarm ocîl lIshi i-iimen, ahio, siiie mt unîcrmtnmniiit %, mintis gcmnuk tuea-en. are rend>' ta lecd ninir mtreîgii te lhe cause blinnit>. POSTOFFICE SAFE BLOWN. Michigana IobbereaSecuire 01,5W 0and Somc Btaniou It 0-er. A psrly ut iilnti; Iliearnt> iomr Fila>' murnulnt llew i-n tlhe ou nte pontoufice mnt <ien. Mmic., anmdcaried c-c>'ashunt $1,70") un inmnîenand a quinn- tii>' of tnnipi and %m inîmîn -pnpcrs. Tic neiben>' octrred imn t-vm minuties alter lie vitlagc nici l sutimnmni totnipiaeithe buildîing in mi in Lttlm nvulc la lec'nted. AI tint lime bhilnltWemn mminlng oumnnnl, bel abolit tsvmnty mnnutes lamer be iran startled li'an uti eexlosion in lime di- necîlue efthIe potullîe. Tîme nois w> e s uerîl h>'ther iizcas, and tic>' hurrienît>' manIe mIeir mma>'laie the building. 'rIe lîmn'niur omthticoffice van itterel mil i te runs ontihesanti and pairs. Bu quit>' mhd lin' r-miLlers vork- cd hiat aviexni pemuln-im'nrrivednt ethmexsm-cee et tie rulihen>' Iii->' huitmiellytv ai.iaei. Entrance inttiw bli, ldîmingmc d -en ef- tîcteml b>' înyinm<lmIne Iiidour vil chiiela. Sporftia trontlicWir, lira. NurninnJ. t'mm!nnn. w fn (,fNon- umnni J. (ulmtof m\iu.innmYutAgri. eîîitmr'. l m li tmlt in,- fammil) r-c.i-cc ai St. loui. NIPi riml. mn-min-. 'n 1t tle mont autne] ment oiEntiti- M Ji Nizii:tnIl)a mini lie Nnrtim nîca, diied -immiýlultniLn Luhoe Itla t eportn'd i'nnt Jmnlmn Cudnil', lie mionaeiteînrk inicier mut Chicago,. vie la oasuer oet aveu-aI lnumnannnocres ut land oer Florence, les Angeles Connty, bas la coutrptiottet mirietoft hielani; tau frem oea explceon if ganmeiLls pérmais ver. ma"s besolms. àAs square ent..Dt gmeut et tiche ubq bi""- ions., eerlbandassesul Icocul itic Methodiat Chuârci vas m- treir destreyed. Thc ire tartd la a bam a ithe star et Pommela Broyas morial store. by lv. lb- tIc boys wvie ve.pisyli v iti git mnatches. Thce îanac sproad rapW700111 communacatel îi tic hematsa builtaus. E Beardleîy@ drug store adjotlin a vaenat ails:. andlvillathlilmitent m«a»sat band fer igiti Or* il passel cli boisa" and became unecotrollable. la ticeulma" eof lhe excteicaet a terrible explosion ,. curred lu thicdrug store. manIdlMt. eds ley, vlan vas inside endeavoring 1te0M» sinsetfbils proerty. lest bis lit. a ine rmi. Ris brotber-ln-iav, Thomas. Hi #ins, vie vonttlubils rescue, vas anable te voteut, and vas burneelteuécatis vile sveral otiors vece more or teni la- lared, but noue tataîl>'. Tiere lNva a bard wind bloving vital tannent tic Slainestegreater tory. amI gettleg a treshaie îrt froinlie burai cils11 and ciemnical inte cwreckeni îrog store, tic Oire leapen f rom bouse lu bouse unalil vam eviment tintthlie înlire lova vas doinen. A message vas sent te Warll and te Chilîlicoie ssmitîg tor nid. snd Loti lire deparlineuts pruiopti>' reqipce& Tiche tin t cînt!d bLe doue vas te Pris- vent th i lIrsntdbtimg coanmmoocatel te tie otiepr squares cend tic laines W.,, seon unîler conîrel. Bol Ive bouses vois loft stan.ding on lie square. Tb@ mi- mated loïsi s la~ it MISSING CASIIIER. Fred Meçonsseil"sho Looelc tête Fr t intil rotibent-,hieBank ef Ambia, led.. ut 810,000 and dia>pcare&. Wbitlicr he bas gene no uone kîiiiv. lictla a bandine ma,26 yponnd. ami vas' poputar vili a vide nrircle nof acqjofilt- aeecs In Aruîlia aed olIer Inina stowm viere bc land livcd. 1hls nýirInu vwas auch thaI Le inspiredntg.erai confidence la a&D Wh.m'znme imte Ulunesacontact viti him. 'l'ree yeari &go Le vent te Aqbla nd usî-red as Iboakeoper i thc Fanumnîra' elevaler. uvnesib>'K . Ma-11, r-ati) sucONe1- i.1. un. amusie batik lernnlct A year nterI lie bimnl-9eanî mimer of th-- batik and vas umau-ri'd tle inis Suit>'lion, ariose par- cma iai utlomii,. lnmî. MeC(urie psu-enta are immummrcîl eaiiî t MIkhigau CiIty. ' the- lonmk,. " Lave- tigàtel b>' Blair limai Exainer lUt ken. showua i th e alaI mmInnm.t axea b>' MrC'onsell aincash van*$9,279>, ald cer,' #.a- nuaandion micunuua un vich lie in smîppogu.s te Lite omade collection@ vibai mm alt i eb e eaaoa, es- bigit. ai igia 155 pomuauaunit à falrcette- pleiuit-4. SAY STRIKERS WERE UNARMED. Es-Idenu t lis Coro.ner'* laquent ta the Latithuer Affaîr. (" M.erId laee et Iiietim, Pu. Tim rnî> iy ttermnonbs-ca mithinimiuest In- ln mmme lentnsfuthlie ncoreofut sriking minera in ao% Peecib.> n ai.-Pin .1eetaber- hffa. deîumt:n', nit Iattiner. A lîso heur,' acsai,,mm anis viii, dormir wasiii h a score et -aiti-im-s si'erm'eaulmnenl. District AI- lnnmmmîy I). A.- t"i-l mît'n mi-ils tCouuily vas miner,. mmnad IL A. Fuler aîmîiwi-md tue thé cnruner. 1Sumie Ciaicman Can.rai, Johna SîcCireni anmd Ii. I. I.aimhiu fmnr the Mi-îmon'iu tîn. amuiGeorge il. 'lrnmn oirm îmzeii fur thc lcputy aber-nf,. lor. Tbmurmidounui. iloînremur>' 0 mie Ausîtro imnmnariani uieiilîtPhilo' d,1lhia. aund IL. l). Cmiii. artorney' for thc, iver(- Mou gremiiit. Nmnrty milthtc ettuon>'adduiîccilwva a rein-ii mmfm mît blrounghm t mlut e h hcarinng ort une depuniienet %Wnlkes-Barre.- Mosit of thIe wvîî,mbeaas -a-ina- ontga atrnkera vii wrrin tle mardi haltes b>' lie depntnra' memil>' tmmnllnuie. AIl de- ctars'ul liaI ense outhlec trikens vas armmid; tluat l(iiriif Marinu mitei a ce- rmnivî-r un mcn. bultmeomine cteumpîd te laine ilt roinuim; tiol nu violence bal inemen offercu t lat alniln md liat tic mIni-rn sd nu Intntion or umekiuau n- tawtuli enmniisrni<n. TO WORK FOR TH-E GOOD OF ALL. Edmuunla TnIlkaeofthtic Obocte of thc ltnnetary Comm imious. The tonctar>Yu iainmresumel lia sessions in IVamshinglamu 'limunâa>, 4ti ex-Sm'mmtu- torFnusdpreoniig. Scierai ufthe mmi -adînsm e hecommission, un linîmeiml Immîien. Tlice mdiscussions vtiâ be priutie. aselima>'are m.iiny fthle pur- pose etfliringinx out cicr>' phase et the nonetary qluestion. En S&iate)r Edmunds said corcerning lie scupe cnl purposes of tic commission: "-Naiu-atI>' and eccesennil> It mal bo supponeil liaI nu paclicîtlar plana os- chancesinte llcs voutd et pressat etlicr lic agrrecl upon or even paropose&, but ratier thal tie liraI lahons et the cuit- Mission would ho devoeOlte cscrrteaing tir cxistuug conidition iutflthisi, t afctl- lng ail inleresta etf lic people, andl viat rails on danecrs niov exial. Tic people-ý> et tic viole comintry mn>' teel tic commission vii ledonotiieg andl r..-& ommeal noîbimu tiat le Inlended te a&. tance au>' inlerest or clasut lic expease ot sol etier, wvbatcvcr mmi>'c hoeicpoib.- lic oplinion le respiecet ofth ic -slm et vbst tic commission mc>' bnal>' sugte« te hoe donc." WAR SHIPS FOR H'AWAII. United Staten Preparel te Chucimete Amy Mevo Iby li.. r.acle Saien dors net mztead te be canuit mapnptng in Havait. NotwlitstmL.. 1cm the deninis unt Jamagmie oflicalas, hq admnistrlatiun la saqiionn ibat the vil>' lapa neditaeae RMP St n acoup. Thers Ina afeeliag te Wasingtonmuitaitic Juge' dca>' tue s igînrouni>' and îrutesl ton muci<. At miity raute, or-dera a Ivre ci-ut te the cîmîilînnni Wlie-tim t. Ilanre Islad, t.ý tîrmi-n'ed îiîluunt deîn'Y luIlmOOtmle. Tbc 1Yorbitonnilanmnnied>'oun ber va>' te "-' 1 li mlin capnjitnal. Il iliumoriginala-W etemîld liaI ltme cruiser î'IdlmilelpbJ almînnîhîletnre li lie Untedl Sintes " - iuuno, but now thlicuniieratandlng lta 92 ther l'hitadelpbtiai ibe kepi miet titi lie Japanese croiser NmntIwe, athal port fer iJané as t-la - in abo.snutou., JOi Zsin ý 1 #oltmmo A Wl-iDow

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