CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Oct 1897, p. 3

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iTALMAgE A VOUts HKARTYCON. ORECATIONAL SNIO Io Importante ofUSacred Moesuen aMa uofthlie Obtacles to IlaAdvance- âauI-A OflaglusaCiurcb la Aîc-uys a Seaa.tneul One. Our Weekly Brmen. Dr. Talage lu Ibis discourse rallies the ebehe lue murie harty congregallonul magltig, sud ceulîiîuu Instrumntas ut magall Juin lu te pralse ut Gosi.'Thea textinlaIL. Cbroailis v. 13, "ht came mve, te pas., astli t iumpeters andi singersa c-are as one, lu matle une souud lu bc laau-d la paising sud taunuitgae Lord." The templeIv asdoune. It c-ulltahIe i-cp éborus et ailmagnificence aud pomp. Uptaedr crowded agalnst apiendor. Il vaes Ibe dhauonat ceklace outhlreetit. Prisonlthe toge plilars croc-oeil cit louves ansiCloviergs and roc-a utponme-t saanSte c-uought oun la itaiheti metai, dovu aveu lo tte long. snd sotiffers maîde out ut pure goiti, ererylbing c-as us coin- plnte os tha Goal dicactnni arebailel coîhd matll, it. se emesi as if s vision troua beaaven bati aligitteal ou Ibmmounlalnu. The day for dedicalion caime. Tradition »14 taI t era c-eelunanti arounsi abaul lb. temple on taI day 2W(000 silvmn lu-umpetis, 40000 harpa., 40,000 lImbrels aii200,(M0 singera. SuotaI ail moderni deoiutrtlcuotîI)uaaehdrt or Boston saaeuai nthluucompanet iclt ltaI. As <lia gresI aonnd esîrniinnup autîi'tie prerions atones outhlite mple, il muaI bave semmet hile te river ut lite .ehsi- lSU agaînal te arorîbysî ufthIbmcal ut bavuirn. rthe soutnti muse, aud UnS, as1 if lu shoc-taI t e cas c-il pîesoel c-tht te numilc wihbis rbimdreu male lu iii alits duoppet inlto te mids t ite leu-j pie a lond of siorp su oi-ermiwnllîz fanbt thea offcialinu pieta c-en,-oblige t lu11n1) lu tae midet or te services. lTe Birlt ou- Mmic. There tas bren luchtdiscussioni a lu c-brrr rmusic c-as buru. i hioktîhaît ai lte beglinit "-bo Ithe nioroing sairs sang bu-miter aud ail te "so ui it shoulasi for joy," tee anlt thernste ecie. rThe clousi ou chiit te angi-hes stoual tu celebrata te crealion c-us te brtitise ut sous.'Te star@ lit iglut- ter et nigiti are onhp so many keya ut relesllaipeari un wc-betGoda ilugers plsy the music outhlie upherea. ioanimsîe as- taire i fuît ot Goa's stringril sud cloS inatiments. Silner.lîseit perfect ni- icoce-is enlp a musical eatInluGods great aîut ot c-tirsitip. Wiud among tha lestves,losccl horaîmlin Ibsthenmuter air, tha rush et iiinc- upon bracith ie oceas tacout suondinu lse atrcattiiug jamsite boeloton diaeeige utfte rermeI, tequaU whc-tlhng op f ominte gras., are munie. Whitiier.tlug Hisut-- c-ei'as iland 1 illard. cuming frum a ci-u doe of et da nalle Aayium. a tmp axeel Ba, lc-sans mng taieune sc-b utal al beaien asnsd i hava comt a 10beiieve tbal even te deraugesi aud di*.rdered aient&cofu nature wouud male munie lu eureaescifwc-eoniy lbnd acutenells ano,îgh t.limaiea. i supposa liatIeven teesutîruda la sature Ibal are discordant sud nelitil- sire lnmieitscmuuy ila Gdoest. Vin knoc taI pou may crne suanese nu su orc rlalt it e sunod are patrîfai ira srteasi ut piemsursithe. sud i thint fiat ne eand su near den."alaingtrm sund tclgitfuîi chihiud ice rC500t brir taI c-blet matles nu (iodua macud te tîr et the ajîias ahuri'uusa munie de complete us itin Itîreudiuis. 1 It'oe l to -it abolItauremiotoir §ruoabng pouIli uuuptli-o- and t'tt' laialîno tome outhIbm talc u lai d- vascoimnt. %iceS Muict. I drac-te inul argument forthIbmIur- liaace ort anei-muicont tri, Il,tin uut GIulo-umnîuar.Je lu. Tbrttiuhi'uîîlelu- Wala unut, iil i ,î iuile catnit lien i l ot end h)nt1»0 uoîl sîlnttial aisthrumugi Dani-i he crues ont. "Sint )e i, 4<.], al Pc iugduîmns utfte arîh." And tiere areituni,-da ut ofutier passages 1 ittit nanîr, ln x ionIbil i. a.Su Oi lAlu usmatis$ dutytru suasnssii antais don ut tjr tu. In- dccxi I thîî iniu-heerc , u-le iil tuîmîî the u ism'r uta ntýri- mre t- i iii. Goui nmt oi7 oxks fum te m tîuîan ite, bal fir theiiàxtnt uiqî-itm (tf ntiir.le a otx fer 1km cyniii ituuhndn thI lc Iluljnlaîui tht- tfuliett. A n i suiptisei tat Irathetî'i duasurthue -lîmn-iu tihî- litrl. tuetlute-. tîuu truamita înd i t heiîntnuuîctu tunuî lit a iaî i mmccii i-ir litf auditi hie tealer mi tmi"ohiim illhitebnîuuitîliy temir i sîcro andulaiii dutanuil te t--t-t of t lurut aitdIlien sou iuled mini---l chute lm ia C uioit onlien ix 17fr un suif fernit mbîtt.ry. -"'nui e Ite i-,h I'caiae- imIvcil i your r vii--t i'n.îo' unî c-tht atrnmmîd uinuuenté and vit or- gaits I1 dnsu-antter rirguntullforte ruit rý tuii"er u itis exent-ie, frene,lie itîtp - mu- nivelle.% omîthue t-ut'ci.m- oit kuiuv 'i thiit tifmI l h tai ýlro- InMIniu x- ituix ila e -h 11 Sou Looiuim ihaut ea l inoti.llti rloîmi goetîu-î1.tai, i h ul l iln litu-nîtuet, upon xx hile g-î-utila iuuuuiulu naslurul ait- us (inttlue4)») menau a standing i rmy. 'lcre ,mmaî- u tii- i th Ib ha Ille x ui- me Ittrea i i. l th ssuN arist- nta, h le î-trhîu riIt fîlurciii c-ar t.- gvf iinoeltir.itoe icmmn enlise i. Iliiiido etuicbandil uanup ut Ilurti ux-'--eo-n lemmî t e uthelb, ti'ltrali iii te ariu>- stuit:xx md latu %%iuiiîîu0tcm "SYun ale tîittuili ilvery gnm'ttitik. sua-- alitut iack i a uîimîthîukVt bave nuot eîîuîugh tunr." i lîmhane luir-Il ou lhat nu i on ofhu t t iîn-it cula ufford t0 ex eru-Iy e-nlmlin iiiiiin:m'. WIiy s-itiibil- i nulhic prtinmeg ot c-oridiy gui> 'Iy i miuu e lin- o rîny am- prupiale saumaniud tmu-a ;t11tuuml u ur oc-n dalsa tIl as tlhat inauimiie-unt c- bericof ut itimc îomhîîî,l eiri tas coie dumivufragranie uitite deemtiona ut elitmr gel(tiiuluu--tiiueg inu mreîînr -n ont ttn wic-l,et ur gret-iraiifatiiers elintieibp> 11)oiletin urinuthe -bilre-h 1us- te gioi 3 Da l ,eut it1 mmî-.hum tbep nîu'uh E- teasis! Attd in thlýe mit,> xtht-ne cere c mjtaio ties nmrio'd lu certlin hyniris, r- ana i te haieve eil lunitea" s gneaîc-bile, thaselune-ol0d pepclie. atsndme itavnou ight te divot-cethier. Bonri us cm ihave liccn cami Iis greul vmlIth utofrcit miuait-, auguiîeti up te ce-mluuititins ut snisîs Ila OurdîîY, n-e ugitl ont tubctic rplet eulote bmsîtitre ufChitianîn, hroy anIn>- la tusert oueonuct-rahmd soueda. lil la absuci for ai tullionuirelu ami. A S.cred Son«. - - i h or ut 3unmie illuxtnîttionîn ut chat asacacd sous cain do..'d'tnuugh il you lie>'de iisef t.u,-1ti. h, l e bas bsvn, sud, latead of jolihg au oI aU iriusiale .pucenl Luthier',sermons ruoes lai the prais. oft $be malt hlgb GO& bave befut orgtten, but is' J aigaient delcgsllog perbape to uncunseerated men Hyma sius@on thogb te sues and mxili "ilsd countraIis mont solcan and mont keep ouniatgutil thebeui t fthe delgitîtul service. archangel'a ri allaistahbring abot prlalBniu thattt r day wtiti Ibth ymn celebralea. Moeotb ursfrtlieadec Bous wor lsalitnan 0 ul lk un'like Ibe wuter front a rock-lbrigitt. sungaut savatin as itenlit~a f;îî i aorkling. If ailtlthe other part ufthlie hesycu, for jutatlis cenîuiîly as tbe nir hurb service in dutl, do nul have the hrogî tfood tu, Elijah tîy Ibe br-,.,k tmsic ibl. Wilb su uîany lbrillint bingn- Cheniit sumi tbene w ingel ha rmonties 1"teu rin sm ' oul. awsy witb ail drawling aud sent are ilyiug tt,youn soi illi the bniad mi auîi T h rere la uolhiag matles mte au ut lite-. open pour Inotiîuband take it.t0 orons us ta it lu a pulpit sud lotk off 1 havye tm icijabowr!f nved1oun naudlience witb thecir Ips IIalmuat mi br- ceule peuratio n.pxxcru na ml nitt iluumblig theier[nies tif I d.IDur- IRtono' hrsole liert itla riîm t ma uy mtr- i Ino ;DY receit labsnce 1i preni-heni ltaa havecIm luber"citt agrea nîny Itnîîrg, uulîîe-enui atial the mugîic lbcy imeulgansd aux hiltes. 3,t perili-pitn l i lra li' toigetbcr tid itot equa I une akylanli. aluginu OfthIbmftnat 1lîuyo,îîu ilot thet" 't-îmî,îe do net !eep ut a cononati.n. lDo ail. Son have niadi the liii u le if i'luil, out let us alep hen Ive couiclu aa sud bots, hetriand ndoîi ony d b,w iaviîrs .roi-aing. lu urder lu s propen the boy I>avid cae ti rnd playt'd th" duchange uft Ibis dutîy iei us stand op, cvii spirit oul of hlm. A speq1îish rnig savias au-e or wceakuess or fatigue ex- c-us me-iarîcholy. 'rTe wind<iws wece ail ruses us. Seaited binsu easy pew tire cao- ciusmed. lieast lu the (darktma. Noîhinu- rmt do ibis îluty hait augo ilas whcxi up- couild brint lalforth utîtil tecaieli clin' lrgbt c-e Ibrucno ur choie boly imb il. and dia-oursenl miuaic. fî,c Iree or fi)"r Let Our molig lie like sn acclamation or day lu hm. An te foutbdayhe lookeni victocy. You have arigbtt lu snu. Do up and c-cpi andi reoiced, sud lietr ia-Ir- tturrender pour prerogutive. dota ieietitrow open, sud thrat chieh We mc-snt te rouse ail ouir familles open ail tee lleudurs outhIbmcourt couis nulttis aubject. Me wunt acha familly ouOunr do Ibheiiower ut soux accomplisieni. Ifcugregation lu b" s singioz aritool. you Laie auxiety suitl cocimuti4 tcy Childlsh petuliuce, ohduraey atîdi luiaci- titis hc-uvenJy ebacut opeuntemu. IDOt"t ubillty trouli e sourhei if lire ittd mure it duc-n uoit e hati uorthIbeymu. but iuging lunte houaehoid, sud titncu nu pinl, iai frrcdcvil ut cure tosy lbe litîleonues -omid he preparesi toc the uceal brougitt onut ou. congregutiou on Satibatit day, titeir voicesà Tl nlso scouses lu action. Deu net01 lnitîanir b unr volcer a inte praises ut know tai a singîo'clîchit slelw.'Ys fihtie Lord. Afler a uhowen there are trioimphant church.1 Ifrsaroregallun ln scores of streams that coulm du-n te salîut ducînu- the exercises or putially i- mnouatainumiide ilh volesra ippllng sud lent, il la the of destb.. If c-ausiliney, puurlng loto onec river sud dieu te bymo la isîvrfoiipou beir the faint rolliîg ilatrunlird englt lu it e ara. 8o humt of bere and ilir a laillier anid 11101,t 1 i ouid have ail thte familles lu unr ceri lornel, c-hile the vaut inutjorily ire chureit %eud foclt the volcerut prayer andi alent, taI rolister otf<'brit hu anprairie, pouiag itJlmbibhe graItîde ut presidinit needa tul avilivery srnl c,111- l lîîîlic corablp litrailscoll n un tu stiîotiori il hie ducs îot gel the ill%. îlee lply loto thibrrmai, wide hean t odç retis 1netoîîiy the grîie t(if îi, luitI Néeîreau ce have our chîrhRei g i; sIl timvea lite cbalebuî. Tt la aini-ing tmiv onglitountil our familles aigas ticY siu'ie iim îo,eI- ita lis-uigitt. charge ail tiir diut"ienii it Inu. c lhe èii-e c-ljIbe a tireat revoîlion ounbI they conte itu theIbo use ut (;,)i bave oulititujfect in ail ôtîr î-hîîcchms. Oodl clii volce la disecharge titis dxîy. i realiy 1la-'coni,' toxcu by bis aspirit sud couse up thte isc up atd iu-tus t uîht of hint trî ouII ymne and tues ibat have uot bren rite un iO unl, tc.îgbî Ioîtib iog h.1.more titan hait uc-te mer theteime ut domhave Chrimtutair ctgtli î.th, n. e-uw or r udfalhcns. The ésuent pecl lte dom-as histu ole 1-?i Cajî',00. sudchrreiwill break forth loto Inuile, aud "Lu telncolqu tidnteby biseton lu." d, hiutlite couda"lur tlikesbis îplace ounte "Luhercolqueed n b bi sogli Salibstitday there ciii bc s great huai ut Morale of atan.volera rishiti loto, te hacmuuy. MY lBit i mueI 00w speak ut tome ofthlie Christiani trieads, if c-e have no tante for obstacles lli te -spof te advxiiîcmm,-nl ibis service u arlt, -bat c-llvire do lu ut itis saccesi munie, anîd titeliret a intaIbenvrn, c-bcre lhry ail oint, sud mir oirfr- il hasnbren impresrii loto tliteri'iie of ever?1I couid ltaIour iuuiug îu-dsy- salu a m fau rru beiievlng Itiai 'il-migitt b lite te Satucday uliti ce- aie ought l ac t u br positlveiy religloîja. beansai fur te Sshhulh muruing llte Ilieuuart bas uiedplaces where skies, sud c-e migitî helu aote. hy te munieh»basieem earinzed, and iac-tully mirera-it and by te help ut Oud, lu dis- en. 'lAe dnac-lng-cou, lte cuacecl. bcarge a doty wc betnoue ut us han fuiiy te gratification ut puce eIsteansd te pertorurd. AndsnoteWtc-balt mure aru.e production out barioless amusemetanmd priale thinu co I du tiatntluuve ouItte te lrîpruvement ut talent, have hecoîne dozuiogy of te heaveus. "Urito hlmuc-ho very ticecslunte advancémuea tf,îur tat oidus sud cathesi un front our rivilizzi slo.Muiebas astoucit nluht tî tins lu bis nocnbloodt i.lanlmbe ulucy tuc- laugit lu Surrey Ng:trs as Il hrta prfty er' lu St. Pn'.luate kiagdio at ure we bâve te gissi fiing ufthelitetd as OOD NAMES FOR POSTOFFICES. trivi as te long nmdcc lusofuthlit hirs_____ der, but c-ileail ibis la si. every observer A Feo, te, îin 15 .ta. hO« bas ,uu'hced tatiIbis art, citici 4;Adil- Tfanas a Great umber. lerîdel for te iidrticm t u te ur, Thte uoineneiatifre outhttcpostofftce sud lte voice, sud titi-belli. andlte heurt.lib bas olenbei i prý@ess-n 1lite sici l:in theUited Stales tla lnlecestlog. ut crroie. Tartinti, the mrîunical courlpîî.e. very traîe chieb fane-y, local coui dreamed une igbt litaiguaa suari t-llions Or paîclotisut eau Suggeol scruia fromt bis baud au tut crunict lsuditia.ved luhave tbruç- sd. Tc-o codtare tre- Irpon Il sîiitbing %ni-y wct--a dn,-. Iu uently unînitdln spellng, miucit as ta anbu ttîn lien friit-dn ,or iduy. i In u uArkansas sud "itlgbng' lh ite oc nsd te irot r iinn litht ulitlitAioa lrd eocl napnt lu hxvre beeti ievuitexllaChrist cRptu,.q r rzu. 'oianjlcsl uI frottirhe citurcit sud aiîiii-n l the par- ollice at ilunuinosee' snd Kentucky ln Poses% ut in. 'iuîil,rem -, JlrtowO' la lockridlu .tuîtbmr itpsle bsha-t-wn un iuiîrilin il,- tt-ne, Itesai lin hie Iudian Terri- feu r if i ritul-isii. 'ie vaiiiî l.itri i t ton-. I-or a long l ietere xvins ouly t-iilairrin ihuili -Il11-uer tlti' nte- Trilby ituoli le,. almlya l'ion- bodly PueeluobheurIlieil)smrie. l-, rylm ,Ida oflu iilig tt a intetas turti Up. ln c-aitîingc furr ,.I,,Id'etoumiiih l tlm ay a-dox-riIà on unis IbmSt. Sellat- duty. If s,- ail saug. lië,emiti- a -ra- ,ic don lit ria ar'-e i' î iIo i 1i , -1tilîu river, luit theii uuaîuie country. il ,viirul lie droi, ,,cd iilil . imia L - i t-, 11m1n a svetugtli militaire.Li.ttlie Bli(e snd l,, an.. ci 15-, itIl o a. anidit lýiuif .11 --t TieTy sîreeta anti I-a ddlue. 'ol Ibm xx iýluîg 1îtrlî inrki-c, io i,t ni.-he (iuli-h' l;a astatiivn luArizona. wil t1.rvieinys iti-eiy-tthlici,.îr Tliiirmare- 7-4 -14,t av III inte 'non. antIif thetAn- -0,'I-llilullamîtllu' toii nmwt. aAti- its c iii nultlsîî'ift)ouil siulomp ui lll gî îrt uOtt l.î te l pince t inte Inuiim-ale o - i mne i nt gurerrîvr, i'lngr-. 'riiere une 116 te!me a buir b,-hîîîd. Titi--. lin- t .i o-- u mruv e ll ue lu Cle-velanditicourtY, N. sc.î,aîls f ilgingo. 1im ouinl mie i '-~ t --*à.()Ind" lu a poslalitation la Cuti- rîutai l'iul,ihii-ltaiiîî co n di.-.luli.ut ornu.itttd leuwyitc3lx axl. and i 'tn- l'nc uchoul itifimîiligiir. NS-. 1 - iuild Imk in lu lul Nort h CI ona itand i kmr mua] um iiii loati 1b o it.tîî eu-111,'ier c- iu fie t-bail if lii-The itvoici-.m-t a -iirri-. i .Tlee ie eeuo lruki-il imeat. utilmý,ighil iurv ot liev. tit- rarmcd .I'Illvmr urand one iti New Je-rsey t'pîtan huiîm aiturton i.roî. ilula t-i- r knouuaun-Little Slilxe' iliu.i t ulPar t han ithe iu-t artiu,-luc- Tiresourt hlu rclrenî-nted hi- sncb lirfc)rlimuîîîfe i l-othe heuîîîrt a iiiut u nainjes u, grt. N-goura.'Ne- (»drl.,li). ou i,- i.ttle."lr iiýd"ua*Negrubill. "Y. ung rite' ut ulsitîl u itrai-it ui, n'à.] me unuilllit - louirllito litI india naeanti rît tui le -bebiîud ti-allie and theie tu-li Attahac a g'ong. M lutivitîn. Ze,-lutiK- ti-k-ad AilrSi on. loisi, uIînd l t i Notrt h I>a kola. 'H1ea Anoîher lmtîitc- ii- a,î itlii-nm î t o f i* I r's' Is lun Keni lim "1Inluit tim mcl ha% o tiit(.ic mrnînt-ui ntiir mn I nte- In T-i,'-ti ai"i 'lni1u taI ttispat oItll-e-rn c e uli ie.,-.un-i aat'iLOuiulitim <rt-gon a nild V il îîee-I by dei,-ga t mui. i lircti hlii . mt.'I rglula liave ltIiliuî.,l lite n a ut -O hu t tai lue> yt illir ie 4vil i t-c- lut -and-*I'ti liîme"'N lu nd onu- lit Thliîiiiolen xi li lIi th- îînî-îtmimîn -m '-ir ;oa-,,]ia. els ith îere lunut- tiirchomi xili iii the iii- num uu, ianil%%e i-ili hi-î uting t ltu.--Aiit i umîîkîuix u. n 's' 01011. m ln"lu "I ennui * y axîli as i thaI rî-re :ri r untuiltiul 0l-tkiiiitt. litliirli-lu urt tît abtnii itîlinuitiri't iîulîlml x (itrt taroilui uand WuiloO Ln'anti tire' îpeupîle ire nolitîîîî-ilu i uf.9~- i h, rt liît ie-lîuiluu-ulu diffei xI hile xi cmii i- duneit-hOdelîgiumîtftfoummr tuilce. 'hi~l lu nrx liîtî-oilty,ticur- tir sor !cilcri nIiitsu. antttli-itti-l i, ni- -I-i îtm Uot t S 0js lcut3 siifint. ltmui miclîtrchlit S%~>rat-une airl' -r-(- i itu1111) sclu TYn oliii! ldi-n îîenxîxe-ml itri ning. f,,tlani r su \l xi-oli m. . C- 1? l Tn choiîr î 1,inied a vmuitîmlî ti--tuogoînîan 1, tie't,'l-I n leXaiu. -- lit lun Wst i-litnif Il,--n itl iltîîtp. Yoti ktîuîîcv i lt lJoiY-'n lîîI'àîl, 'Joilytuxxtî' tir l uin any ciurt imt'othe rhumir are r -i-t. lul'mnii-l n uii *' iltowuxv n luAlh tucteil lu lu ail tht' sîmîg. i .aîl te gmnrt :laanîtd ~~ulin lî Idina. inaut of u t iepeptl- e reiwmtelube i- If'rit, mnd it ymo titir yuiir voit-t- 3-ultare îrîtt-rfm-irîg. luthtbulihurt-blà lm-y stmîrd. TholariTtieIlWVaRCounlaeft.ei tiefont. 'wtuit pr-i gimue- an litiu ml A Ilostont milkm-aen nuy expr- Ilîcin aide, iiging limicitoftAgi-s, cleft u'nm'etl stillltit utoa turprine ut te ftrînctii-' x ititheb, 0 ite alup t itaI li te lian:dm ot n lin vlitutn moll1,-titre (eii tit(- tmigt- tht-3-imuk lui-i c lit-r tuxîi nullu a [li îk pneu dctin laiantrIhe "Grnde I)ucbeose" un 100 àN,î-uNc>oirl. 'ri(- tationaml binîXu ner- Giovarîoîi." l uii-4Otr 1_C'hr(binîian fnieun, hvbacc xv- s lî "Icleve, Ii timu. l hsa 0< T uev lu delegati- li b ut,- dio-lîtrge ut Ilile -ileb are Ii lifter belnîg ogm.f duty citicit (bd dt-riiilo utf is.' Suppomse ger-eoun prvIlent gatve une of lui-au trit tfour inciniuiluliu'i îro.niln- ri doiilt I obeixt l 1b ixIfte. andlsiue 1nulil Ibm slnginlg xollae btnitmi î iumy txho- ie t-anlf tel n ilee tur iiultiu. woiods rire rnéiiiiratith iil viei . Tt la Aftec mutklng mOitie Ini ilu~ uon-' Iai tesingiug mîthlie tîîrmt. Letlaitl olterutteileiun-ele'xvb'hI voii-s kmep Irum lhulimtin, lt,îhly litteou- teberkitot-e ire knn cissorsal flotîr anthe!i luon cmlithti,-retile.llI iit il lu ie cu.'yyi.-idteruun 1 ctisn îoces IitîrâlenI3t Hit-, l, ui thueiio tmî of t>yui li.hieroî.tàoadcl uibiy ni Wity. Cul ntIi cornitutm itaIformat off a bill. sud look op amunli-lhaut-irntuffb ibme Theito nul.-icmIcuerlnt ist retiuii olix-es,and i le xx mlill ix îixm ta bnd attd upi. i"Le vetiit it ialuthlI îlitelu neclx-m uet muuey frontmi nuOpent :1 BEffr DlOM FORUS« IN 14E KLONDIKE COUNTRY. Thosandsof rmnim prpgnedwithte Klvudike Cold fever are now seriously dincuiljuit the mmnos 0e transportation te, the Alakau treagtire fields. witb a seope of iLoire ag lu tient tout ive powvecring betwce,î bornes. mules. reindeïëV-y doge. Hlorses have been t rird snd fauud wanting, heing unable to stanîd the rigori Of . frigid climat,'. wbile mules, iltlias heem as- îertalucd. are lit a deoided diuadvantage with their amal detin-ut boots ,il the bard] trimer, land.s of the fer nouch. Hein- cirer arc good, servicelible branle, but the aupply la nul rîquul to tbe dernaud. iuiking te lrice of puri-base to high for the averige prospeclor. N,,îwithstandin.- these proventacta.many adventurers -ljI une borne. mille 'mi ceindeer. ne tancy or accident Influences biuu. rhe wise prunpertor, however. will cbhone doga. Thear animais ;lave liera trled, an(] their value fully proven by cu nant use for centuries among the Enkimus sud Indiana ofthlie front-bittvn regions. snd by traders, aud the hardy pioncer chu underlakes the terrible overland trip with sncb Intelligent guiden, ciii taiîd thie bent sbow ut pniling trongit. A capable dog t the Eskimo varieiy cao drain beary sienigea nt a npeed xo'1 for a lenglh outlime simply marvelous. Ile lrows ni) among !ce oand anow. Piles ut fur sud bales ut bide. tili he halearinem his lesaîoby ryesight before aàitaruesla atiacheni lu hlm. lic in a shirk. mind halu l'e wbipps-d op;, lireis not it.lgo.bc la treacherous and vicious. but hie Cau do the work. Kindriesa bas no effeet. lie must have s steru mouler, and tonal know tat bc bas one. Titen be duos bis wurk .lavlnbly. i-i truc. but well. Other varie-lies ot doge are 00w udfr di%,mosion for Klondike une. The 8t. Bernard la a caid cesther dog snd laevy"' &agacionsa, but be inas large ester. The otd Enirlisit abeep dus conuld l'e readily tralurd. sud la powerful. stcoug-limbed and cspable ur gresl endurance. Thte Newtooundlaud la dying ont, but croies bave bene tained, sud ibis breed wiii certsiniy be utilliaed. Scotch rllies are alceady lu service'In Alaka. sud moite excellent drafî animais. The Russian wulf-holland le prubably the animal bient adapleni for Ibm oxerla service. Ils speesi espabilitie. are large. and it wuuld requine uai fod a lowancre. TI-ens ara oumerous other doge thut may bule tried, but they should i bve a train of une or the other of lte breedâ meutiored. Even bulidugse may bc tuond to fliil te bill. AI ail eveuis. pour prospect- ors, wlththem eyes luwacds Kiondik", sbuuld arIlle ou bese anais as thein bragts ut burden. sud coulsi duoc-eU tetata IL tesatou their uc-n. lhereby saviug great auxiety snd expense. Ten drupseoutlincînre uftIrou la wa- ter, latro titcougit a glass tube afler measa clii prove a specifle toc chroole ca&es utfnamflblecai. 'Te acomathe aprup ot rhiubarb la a goosi cemetlp foc buves lunhidren, A tesspuuntui sîtouis be- gi-en ei-ert' iee huons, as cequnres. oume of lte pleasaul-tiai-urd puy- tIersijurlte leelt. lucase utfedoubât, yoît cunnul do bilter thaunue lte plain nmixture ut Englinit preelplaled citait anîxeul si-ltpondered orna roul. F'ut- yelsnl'cp, a pitysut-an reo mn odu ne siclîtofutpoindeced duos- nuon, mixmtic-It a tee- drops ut csîen lu make imoa aiul. 'rate Il uuroing and evmoinit, walulng duon itlIta nnoutittul of culer. T'here t'emuu lulie only ounesuce c-sp ot erntl-lung mxarts. ans is ianb l ,.uflmn tbm xcre'tue -e chobt caten. itrteet Ibm surrotnding skin cullu mtasd une amail cake ut catie soSp cnt lu amaili peces. limne la ut piysicai training direction adapteS lu moat individual charactenla- lies: Sieep ainebhutrs nut fbmheIcen- ly-four, aheIntielu oiticaec, exerelse fi-e minutes duihy with llghl duait teils, drink s cup ut botl Uquid bietone breakfast, %pendi baîf su itour evecp day In ouldour ezercise, mate te brai uf buS bargalu.sud aic-ays keep jonc lamper. Evcrp sessont iere la a greatluiqniry for lte famous choiera mixture c-blet la su rilabie.'Te prescription, ch la s gond une lu preserie, lm as toi- hoc-s. bolutooloul te put up bp a stilleul dnngglâî. oueltI nuantliesmap ynul br excessive: Equal parla of tinctune ut opium. tioclune utfnitubarh, thuctune ut rosi pepper, spirits ut camîtitr and es- asereutfpeppermint. Ilualies v ho hune ou a bualadoi tilet uearly aie-opa lîave heiîvy hairt- l au adi-auerl age. n-ile Iti-offle e-ho luni-itanti dine o nîmal nncelyliai-eartt mn25 ZA i-r ciever and wxe-i-knoxvn docior cluima tul mo-ut ralng unul bolduc.a go hugether. ainsi le tus otlu- checkeel canes u fting lmain by tuoi binlng cith local tneatmmnuilan Sud ut milk, eggs ansi fruit. vaunseitntI nhxvloy btonuoff ten-art 1l1 cases ut acarlet fmi-cc, ahe mtIne wiilllunaIr erînti-. ubodypout huepatient altoulilte t-arefnhi>- Many Infants are troubleti mit nîtooged win ut i'xann c-nter tli-ema t'tzu'nuuofuthte ilii An excellent cemn- day, cure bIng laten, immnver. lu un- eul> foi' <lie-e troubhi-aunne Minut.e c ui-ec oly taI portion outIle hodp xxhile uiniuilt.umu a nutking outheliteo-alp ctiehlmhabeing bahîieel. After et uImlly. wiîtu a inuulturv ot equailiai-taut ojuOulng1, sOiniteOIiy substance, suclu au (*isutue jaîi mth-nd u.Vmaseline or giyot'rflu, ansi coîsi ro'nm %N'leu gllitt('« ges ito he ye ndune Part Iluelgitt shuonhulte tocoughuhp %N 111 nul eluoiolgi alîli- several dmî>-. rbe aatemi.Ti rcdr rnumnltg of lttma t ngli . c- ut UI t oiui>'relira- e b"ItehIatitandl hun tIht iifeeled uitiubt-r xxit min eyec-up hIlb"Il Pru'eîeihuil, ,e aini thIle (t- i-dry I hit--tu'luuiro ilth a salunoutt-d agin. soutiuuon uof lm'Ie c hi. MImaI tle manonfutolu apneembsmont. 'l'i n c l r e o f r1 0 I s o n e on Ih eiilu licOo tin a g Y t' Iir ii itl il . uurn Iid miesIl liurt-uuttmiîru-ndio-n.and l pe-l î t t reuh iar li isls îngs. Ilu alieunlulxn,olui' ko L-h Ilut hooi ln]tNjII mouinul ut a qînrtlrity f ioletiît t t'X'iIn drv aiy n. sd at hut lt-am(q i-nlatx emi k foîr severalh iou-o nuîuulurntion. ux Ilnr-ri, athe l t inltfti I d ienesIo]at t rah ut mail uinm-nhn. naumurî cru. rîthîl. satndlrigl. u ndît al iglit. Anud ifthIIe sxînmttî mhno seindutsamauelii S-lleping uni a nulrntîxi. lidlmtuil a0W 011o alu rnu gtt i-tIng out ilartoîhum î-mnoiuht-ued -tl euîîeîiuvu, taia guuul igure,: ît oll n o iOiii'Ivsudî memtmte ilii iomî u ix t>- moIti- ciluit l eut-o nnul uîî'(eîîlY, and i1gu-I the lear Intuber. mile evu-x-nycurItt lhoux - ifmii >oulaore pruînlr- ixolinhave lii Iew s rrng i a nulv igor. hotu ftrIuduui fi-uni îîîi uhîuulde i,'mndanil ueonn lu- reedui nn îach es unul uîuîîiîhî'chimie. Mu, iuvoisuiinim-e gîI ig pimn aii il erlu-n- tt-e i-m umennueu tt i t.Tes es a arluc bsf st Ttisluout geni-t i>- k noixntI lîit I9o egu ni ylu>tlt i ngan o ui iking leo,'ndo o nlu itarlu gradeuui' i I bh lie wxilleta utaki-lnu nitc-llu -xet-u- ino s aile, uitmi tgxxiiItithtmu t'teti lto-,'rt-h ci-enai ng il gi-nduîIllip eloy lu>-dii> vig plîio >0 lInnui-trîttartl InIitor- iutnteor. fîu ttth. satiresn, hurent belina. uuu-ul lu-n. siho-ntinîlirelcouî Arums- mgien. veinui-elîle-rie,. llben. nulle lvii 'mmc>'uî itluuu(mitut ftue I iîrOut, arou. ail tteu. Briati siuhl IN, ata-n mnîin isîthite ultiu . lu omont oltlauioue11 Oe ii titSeuion. andtul tne un luatleu. lîîmileallu toc a I oi. AI uceto ar'e ttmlilddmu, lul> A hnnn-hag l.4omît' ut the nuotgri- ruasteS or hulle ic îeatslstken luncnud- fui ut ahi tuilut iuc-u'res-. Il lu erîuîhoîî,cii pilin hourd l green ceî-unlng lu thueskam.ansi vmcp vmutîtatuhec, map b te, alma fru itî- iu-tî'-hing. Il Nlu rîlhe b lu>iitg a tnias- uipes anti urulgeg. esperiail>'. (ultuone unii Ting wili twohum u»tgtofuTirait, one hi-rIes înd ecrants are getuel c-in l ounce ut occus roui, onue ouie alinuid menuion. antI tuc drink take limnoundu- uuswemtened, c-rakteles.andi bite ouf' Here la a c-oualcnul developes for c-est armesanal vus: Ga around billet ut vouS, luparlng, If possible, trom tc-o luches ln dianeer a tlu<he- quarter. of su Inchit u lte amalleapor- tion, Altita a m&u UnlIe or reps ta one. euS ofut i ald mn Ibis roe sbp a umail pulîey su thai tp hu-ulag tbe billet or collet t ofuS lte rope c-ili rn ovr te pnlhcy. Attacit a veigiti uf Ors poonsslute eend utflte nope anS mil up ihm welght bp tuniug lte ruiler of Wood. As pou gel aluouger lteoly limaIrno thIe coller wcetla the toast ho dlameter. Waob vrs. Locoamotive. Vcny tcv otf te millions of peupla c-ho curry valcites cealla.sluec-but a wontientul mtent lubrlcatiun la dcccl- opeilandml c-at an xtraurdlouu-p onu- bero una te balance c-bcd makes c-it uone oillug. A Citesînul alu-elt watehmaker, c-buse kuoxcicage otfltme isîudenful pieces ut mecttitam ls nul exceeotldby auy otan lu titis city, bas made up an Inleresllng table ut coin- îrlsun lu show- lte perfection utfluni- eation lu a calch. A nittelit -l uncioun une oling trom nu yeaî' lu a yenn sud a huit. Evmry minutue te balance wheel turns on ils axis 450 Unmes. anS 21,000 Unes ln su boui. AccepIng Ibe yeux as te lime lte ordhuary catch ixill rua c-Itote oliig lhum lods Ihu If lte driver ut a locomoîtîiec-as ns c-mil '4'd as lte bai- lino-e iiitemiot a catch Il ougit tolu cii slxlp miles su bouc day sud olgitt for ti-S ujiys, or c-mil ou lu lwo peau-m cit.b une uiling. lltaIlIieelil c-uniStra- verse s distance eqoal tu nmunip tour lînues lte cîrcouateruce outhebc arlt. Invilew utfltefeltattuat lu rcily frî locunmutives Wittl mn one day vhthout neuiing. lte maintains ltai Ibm waleh- tinken lias dsuwiopmd i is au-t lu a fur grn-ter degrer titan lte locomotive bliden has pet bren ablertlu reacit,- 'hladelibhla RecorS, He Want. Mur OSpesl. A Wasilngton correspondent telle ut a 'sterna Cougrmsaan whm lit e once himmrol declaimlng la a Ws~ashitngton ho- tel about thue nec- uniy: *'sse muet lave speesi la urînec- stIpe," lhe saait '-ut It sdny mn-spabout lt wr c-uniS neyer bil!d anuter cuiser tit coutl sailIesa titan tu-euh fatouts au tour!'t A Quee Epîlapit. lu a cemmeterp ho Suiomota Ciy, Kan. ltere le a sînahi lombâtone eeceîd oere a childs grave, seemlngiy by Ils pa- rents, wn-beuars titis moat sloguiar Inscriptiuo: 'A lutIle veaum-facesi baby, bmusi 100 big foc lis body; tc-o grn t-a snlg rpî'u seeming lu couder xxby Il cas boni." Att-hilton hull itimîers are brcomhug alcuet); î~tiey o-uil practice "culiears- LARGEST STEAMSHIP IN THE WOIRLD. lii' sm lonW itubtl itr tioiii-t' he lNuit ut I ctniil ruloyd, the Ileto tatieupinîthIbm mx, rul ecenuly sailimi rout iir-nmî-î-ouîulierii' miiiii iiuz,. uI li- i-,i-ttlic umilîhra m. nuîtîkîîîtu' hitu miiil e îrecoird luîeake' lu the ue aI'r mîf et-Io' a x%%-Il meI e, Ilis i imtu- t r it-r I fu-ix triphuuî-eIitmtiiixilliiie -u-h -aihy In in-o- 11>. l'his mou- icihi u1tIl,-au-i uI;ilt;t-u u-uIi lti iîuîî.4:1 tu-ut du 1111 lois a arr i-înug vi'ut-ily o tfIliMSîtitoiaans an eldiiaiie tt ot "'.imi tu In. Sîmu- xi maluit miil .rdiiumie i lit-eî-uuîIli r,-uî-uta uitiheuitituu'-ri-ti C('rmîîîîîînu", demictt-it, tntd i case ut xi u muIl lue irtu-tNilxthtgutil and î utexi uaie n. niu-.Sue hmnlxi I tuipii-e î-sîuunuîuuuetuiies, çeuritxtikintg unmtounr cranta uuiu-.l i, tt-bt-al'tit. Thii i- eîîî.Il re îttthuru- huiuu,l feeitu-- :u itîmin luduiuîktî,-,%Nxit a pieu-b ot 32 fret 10 hoches. 'rii uni itthloft bronuze antI ai-t x'iigi-u Int> six tuosl. Bilge ltu-t-hi tlmîit-i 3Ia r, ite ulon boiud"sutflte vessel acs expeild luedun- ite rohing motuinîort lte menel lu a mnimnuem. A îimîuuîcure ftnumni hm!odela la made b intae arrangemnent ton IraI cailla paso-ngîns. tîteir rootnîs lîiLnîeniy ail plat-drd ipounthe ripper ansi te promenade deeka. Tte diug-,ees le siluateil amidsbips onu the maiu deet, ltes up lt"eful l it utolte sbip sud gs a340 peraons. Thelra arc e tur m a dlnin~u-oomis. Four cabine de lit ellae a sîltiatoruon, iedirom 111.5 vilh trous bells, sud a batbrei. Kalaev Wuial <bder Grosse tuabu-ra 4M0.Sie 'eau scqemuedn 4Q ot-e>au P-ss reuens08nG us m .u Comd.gut Wt -u There i. terrIbl E sdn~t wInIers aettlog lu. 'Thé prix ailmdtece taltc-euh s. se, t rpu alte Kola s »é 5r sa îler, miahong te cay'N iti mitto esirmprovialol art I.-et x itscuccmly nougi dvÏ atoitltt-r inei a d ilhounlft~ , tura home. P Psegrs whe Tii--rouioun te City 01ut uel ni.,iiiilZ eoiuîjtetr ltIthere aitoo to ,HX titra od mnIbe tc-o t-alils ide lit rtherinris lu porcitasa ie"a lu l'migeî oundi. Their st&lme ctrilurit'yupilees reWIVelWuuf - st(i-:tauiiri-r. A amal oumboe t nîm,-y f iildc-ockt aiSkagusa, > lte gnt-îîî mauîriîp Ihere c-til It t,, tIiot fotnîît.Munofut l *» 13' eîlimipît,l li taaund te v#*tb*, now t lkiîiing. cicit rang" B UnE sîtînt rtîirothe bmcoat ltuateaul ,i te nItitit.'imîriver sla aragiugs<s imîg-rîtîr mînli. and c-herever <bac. gmîi, tibm- mls 00W linrtemdeep3. àMU nmlurnet- uikagiray jint tbefure tfia fittî ni oluluo- thIeiteiloc-s W" don n anti n pî as îtey reiated <14 ot them nilatuntunen. An old US j Iii'î-hbiw ant i bisonuitoaILs rî îc--tinî tli te c-sp over Laite wbentheir line borfs e -e sO vild pîtetuipu on te meadoc-a be. sutitîof Skaguap trail sudd ie&, abair lmmd but a tec- dollars lefI, ai u,itlîer lin> tore hunses nor ptekb fit r t,'e ake. Esnip tantl c-cath c-t-e mtî desîair, andi tbm atorlu c-k loweîti nptiledthem provlalosu, i li-axirig hîntbloekatird. lThe dhUé natioînî îttthoe aI Dyea IF"d Staa etoitasizesi bp lte tact ltaI <hO itîî,ieiiui'igb mone a u bnpaaai oui Ihe City- ut Seattle consider liai veny Ilitciy. emm tboughitlhay k" $*15Il, to$ýl4J0ach sud tort talu sixte c-tîn. Au iminom" nîeqanllp ty fpeorisls been u],,tr.yedi hy lte sturms. 'Tb c-bu îrrivt-d humesauj ltaI fo.ut 1 bous. apples andid tiel fI' tiitiltered uonu- bot riss tall- îouuîstîsd Ibmaumi. Tatel ('siltornia c-orkedbadpack t fils Over, butnI 1teuSf lv gsve up ounlte xmi.Tcu slresdy desîroyeti part or th.Iroip SIZES UP OUR PUTUOIX Fou-alruCompictemteàtKee Som fuepM - "Foreigo affale., oit che em uccupy te attention of is ea lau tbc remainder Out meKJ istraion," asitiCongreaus Ia iltun Lewis, lte flue siver De the Slale ut Waaiton te aa correspondent lte olber dl.8 added, I amn firmni'cnlcit ldons ut internatlial et ata Pj Ounrattenultue acc«..M ye«. Haw-aii sud Cuba c-Dl baa r.. up te larg-ct. ahane outhliadiaeum neuotiatluo.m but I incaine .re triief ltaI t hre vili ha tfteet Aasatan boundaey qulle likdytt. iu as ierce s contention s a he e JAMES UtAMITON Lîvia. four forly or flght' coatrovrsy. inuit for un xling inelalcat ta aahs1 ut t»inuytnndoubleal deslgpaa-uê îausrssoo t Sunom Sie bau94sg isheni these tiesigu. analos lru'ia>- cionorSEsiba 81 uae. 't'hihu' tdo nul thinktu lJas îît ut caîrsiog tusserion.- e luithmn i. su lit. 11eempIel unechieten vietuny omen Chas, * qînit- ahile oueuos sonoyane, ta xcino tonr il@te u u cyr on ber. foini'giqiiestlios n'lii devehop oites ' a Il iu ben-tuse uofrap blrit uI mlta ncetat t corifileotip asy Ibat nffirs c-liloveratadoc- ltee mu- aI eime for soute pear. lu coe.,- BANDITS ROB A TRAIN. Hold Up a Northeen PacfellaPqaMl Crec ia Mlnueuota. The Nuctbea'u Pacifie pasaaauaaa *ql lth- ceunt cas briS J n~<sd eobiei uc t Sîuday morulug about lire 1 easî ut Moorbeasi, Mina . eeagliqi*p maiîl car cme lu alune sad hi eqî n-purIn ltaI te bstibemn ozàepdi leave teruýt outhIbmtrain. Th'e nobbecy wc-ase ibe ealu.4 erimirîml c-orn th distoer utrImev ley. Engttner flubker, Just afler p ouiî utftlyntiltn, notireal a masted u the' front platfeora ofuthlitamail ose. AM miomenmts ler lte man ciaited er«,e tender utfte magine nter covrnet t revulve-rs. île veroplellieou. miel)Ithe train, lbnrnlanlus le the" ml no-tusd. Sî'veraîi ntîtes afleevunul ihae *MW niasted mnu came lu dthetu-ontend <I traini xiit Couduetor Coreecau -de irîuenon. AIlinere coautnidte Ï ttc -ntgine anti Iuglue e obhea p-4 dcccii tu openu lte thittie. 1 i - Theie no clIrevolvers asIle tiemU ut te tenduer andi c-it lte esp N ihîi ungu'd the uluer le Interegigni thitrul.'Nut niail dia train ruadeS d itentîl an 1ht noc-n llte e cv rew etuginie anîd mail car baS bren ce Q* tiii otite-rsetionuf lte train, Tb*' ain a nui mt profitable lu the a'ebberé,T 1îîîî ccldeîîîhp Intrutied te tale tiaî pt-ss car. but ililnul cul deep ~ in the tran. WN'eu aaifp c-as seu-îre lte plumiler tlaer et tbi. uinoeuxei-thelbmisaite. anSdiuy tti->-liaileftIlte expr'ess car e l riutilnirs tuderu-sitlb mail me Aut< i-ar anud e-eut ilrougi thlitaui. BERRIZ ORDERS A SLAýJOHI*ï Te SpumulaitConsslaI Sanda Iue.a'ý Col. Burîz, for c-hem Eruelhm~ nie lalu lnjail. ordmi'al nu-vnIa lue itmuithildnu'ar BIjleind.a 1s the sou ut Ge.. l)kqo. Acuusta, tite'Cabhan lead«l 11, ansi hatsnue t em caplugd, ri. l'i' taucy c-s, liai ru l"ruday, juat us ltse Cîocito c-sa heavlng 115v polic'e inspeteruofutv truru Ibm ehiet t of lm Pd te boat, asi,. te, it s~.-

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