momd-.lnmster. la USD OW oU APLUi- bard of Trade Mondsy sud fuse only 107 aies, 67 tube t 22c; Squotation committe. le? laut week 14k; on a company o!1 U. . Set.NIoe sAla Aseka, te »0 property ef gld md Ste&aitlu main- "d ordar< uthe administre- geasdinsiga requaite PraetNaval ptrol ou river, Thmee hings te. ring rindeer oune.] t te beiaken to B. 5h24te i rasport tfo.] .08Y. remieda ona uht ours la a very paterual 0. WOCods the Kentucky deie.] au Injunction ta reunoval from the Lenis- 0.. by J udge Coi, bas M se Ides o! carriug thse U. 8, Bupreme Court, but apersonal appeai te Prost- alay. Jusi ubat bc eau mscob an appesi lenDot elear. The Presîdeut 'Justeas tMr. Woods duos 'he.1p is e an>, as sueillai thse bumblest oba> tIse decislen o! a SinSupet by lihe deecion Gaerai Gary, lua rder W Pli#c intarestinluthei m5f52laving bankao, whicii Sa rongly reeommeud lu geur, hms beau taking tiie àa conidence asete the ut!te moulcaeth ie habit ~ay la is cblîdren aud ciar.-. -To evemy dollar maved mnaa adgrandebildren he Làà provide.] tbey îould esie Ivo dollars lu thse -te remalu untîl tbay tiéeaâge!ci teuiyýone. This -méthod, proi.]..]. the. father sud graudlailier 0s1u mithe ,mono> te hie n.]o!fithebarga nsd eaa guaranist ht luteud- la ithe PostaiSavinga buatresie.]lahaïf m lihersi om era stabra.] tiat no b. a i.Cogrem agalnst -aip" vinga hanka eýb%1 uld tari aff witb MUhS tsaan> otlser baut e bba.asmM&itai about *IVASiîufoIAmasa reui o1 *omfaered b> t&se convention ;Kë a danapois, test Mi bamum. Congrens. d.]nt MiauBle Preeldeta recona- w1w Ébat ha b. authorix..] te r b fica couéilon ta ,tOmsgres ieede.] changea lu - 1 arnys, sud lie objecta inSa5, tth" O-Banster Nl11, t balssrman o!ithe (bm- é modesia aiaienit un te i. Xe mstheiicomssison lase MOVIV Msd pupes tuexairclsa la ije qompose.]of privai.e me, uho o! uhei oun wWMansa *%r axpetasehave coma togeiber »àprpose cf dlscusaiiag au Mey "stemansd the lawa b.aring Màl. iui a vlei te auggeaing te Osée trough thelr rlght 01 a%4My changes u hicli îiey May t.Uoaiu oouandratlel, lini gboabamieflinii. Notuîtistandisui aia.ation, thie Commission bm flhiela..].especialiy by lhe sllve:r visé,dalae liai Il existe fur ni Pu-pome tIh"ate keep alive IIL bo er1h. meetings o! Lht mtission bava beau beld beulu, 04 dou. va -modem Robinson Crnsoa' Sel mo sud- of xcitentu unu f5 ula oaday. Oacar Kaiser aut 9 Las embrted lu au oid cral r Iccua mear Butiners Lake an. aut ashm shiore, uslug a isi iwtS iiai te piopel uba boa muea 111 uy oni tha polo stucl iamu. sud uthe beys uer mi.]tu in.] theeavea fant ii To complicsate, matters th, wams uter au.] suak as th, 101110amdeavoring te trou IL. 1 .v vseSaiEbeded lu the rendsan Melim Iking te a suftclet 80Pisce itheboya lu auy lu ~p4imeer efdrauuiug. Thet tbe0m Sur heip àttrac-tud tha pi Spaties drivlng by on Lait ,I*Drpqxntd eur te tevuspeopi bswere drowulug, nu, a ash fi uthe "aet ?pe ssMand a.]urions hm - anthe truotl-t -. beheid iwo badi yomiba ufttis uuderfi a geamadejecte.] appea -a a siomidistnce fr0i o br f thea labo. Ih vi bwheere uiiey couid ho remete uelimus! expression that ut 4bair & ib.y lanide unie mamualng tu beoi miMe 2 ti.-go imit. thair oeie.r laomically siopped. I7 -H1¶SAIIO- T1 ý UJohn Weddrburn, the coriginatar ofthe.Examiner ClaiesBureau. The ' A RZ W OCA NEW . Pr..n d aims Compauy, tbotta detaiet, UiO5 rTU AYIEARAS ~u . UUMA'Il . Lord fditor. sudI the bod of the exteusively WITIi IMEIR FI818. 6 advertisel businesa o! John Wedder. )Ire. 8bermaun Is nthorlzed to re" Ive svnhsript oie and ai-rt l4lsint baun & Co., tSolicitors of Patente, lm* ViVa' SDI.Cams et rrffle-mu- for tis Ie llîrvNT n atl oderfor Joil.printilg. Cali (on ber fuor rates. r.lmnd tu believe Sti i ntii contrent- pie Thintes@tin lthe gel mmESdi bos444444444é4444*44444l ed with the decision of the Com- Iriser M»% n b.otie-Utrd cern- OAILK 8CEIS r ia hrao hrevl mimdoiser o! Patents to dishair John batantes «l OuesaL.dd.. RV AK SOITE.r.iasBemno!iemervile Wedderburn & (Co. fromr practice The reguiatton sgsluat figting ap r laRi oMUN Lodas No. lisiA. F. & A. N. bas fannlu (irsysiake severai dsys beforethe, Vlted gaine agentapere,1 'g d mrelr commeunlceatlon, Ssturday this week, sbowiug the formur% a mii befoe ti. iuied late PaentOffcebop@ the dendeat of ail naval regula. levoa Dui on or before fulliieo. S.LITwILER. W.M. potatoe diggar for wblcb loelis agent. for franduient practices la the coudUnet taonq, it la impossile of enforcernent. J . J. LoN(5AuOU. Sey.He. olil neyerai dnring Ie ts>y. of their husainess. The order of If fi were enormait ta the lester. PrettY SOBosîS Caîe. .ordar Eastern Clias TJIC)IPýnW ot hcg disaberment ii] beoffically aunouuced nsl ilbusamn h mafr tar mn-,t Ir. a rd Tu,-adar ,.v.uîuu'oniI otoCic VII. E. B. SHaMiIN. W. id. next Mondsivta)tiis bis coure.ln next week. This 18 no more thau Johu ward would bie n the. "brig" f--m -ae11R». A. M. WHaITS Seci. Ptssriîacy Kt tile. Chicago Colloge cf Weddeburn & Co. doserve, but hIs layer'aeed ta the ciller. Fighting id J-..AYSLA . E Camp o si.W. A.meuet ]P .îarnsscy, ellih sna anigete a littie bad on a Ernat many îîewé- practically a necesma vil smong nmen: ,i.-ond sand f ît urdlaî-eissaito u-nbi. h papler men wuc allowed themmelves ta) uho wear thir coutr'@ ndifre for eeh olth EETTN YLIIt .,. i biago Ituîv r iiy. ho Inveigled tt exubangug advértii-, a llvehihood. Oflicoesci experlenee Gzomos BaoisK,. Clerk. Mr. aud %msJ.. S. Sherman Who dci. ing apaetfor certificats of stock lu bink asil1. Tbey know the. b.d. coi. MIZPAH Camp> No. m.E.N.A.met second toida lmnotlii uitbtheir datîglter lu tIetcoceu;itconsclerrtpoeti;e ntiîifg te iternb.w is]fort ubardnlgssCi rale iusth *reor,-] e irysak lidi.l Inventors who have paldt the sou.tfila pairocibluejacketa under thiefornons, 1 iit. maziali. tac. day. Mn,. E J..Higley ansoen, How- b. dlsbarred concerto advaue feemSI They have learned tha t It i.etter fiIJNGREUiATIONýL Cbtreh allealier- ardl sc.>, l ie, n eo Ie bu al ol bic sd onidnc te higsond b. fougt out sud doue 1 l. isi a .Pe ue.u>'~tlOl i< .mîis' but al gol bric and onfidceaIigo .8.C Lmet iintil neIt dey. wth than that dosns aof men aboutidt. ha aîeesigsS Lp. M. aciiemes are bard Ou thelr victim% dr ju hâa a,1aff,.g t f sd_________________ I lie follîîwîug gle sr.gimt..îud ai John Wedderburn k Co. sialopliihilibgrowa unies the. bestio! t labrokesa Orayalake Vllame Officers.. tile (iraysiaias l.otc-l the pont vsek. the National Recorder, which the. Post by a decisve baffle betweelithe two -en Presdeut................... E. B. Shiruiai P. M. Ellott,, Irit.., Osar Mort-. Office authoritie, have lotte askedlfi) wbo have beau snarling dit ench other. 3; . ir. 0. liarron. ernai, ltoouigton, Win., <>scnr Ander- plc po h rad]etadmtatotPeople who bave made comu voyaUK«Trsau, .D'atrais al. . esks olae ptte maia. tan] lî>t ohm ndweli upam tii emriem wh"c i.liB 5rdi>oi. c. B. Harv.y. soun a, Win., .1. M. Care.y, (loin of the .................... H. N.-viIle Je., Wis., ()scaer Fn-h..rg and Jamais - hmsovercoe thei t the ight of rPollue Magistrale ................. C. Mornse arinta, iHighsland Paria,<tisa. W. Obituary. fello vovygra, one e nmdMarsl......................A. N.Miiieàu nie ElgI, in rs. 1. Il. Witmor,' John Johnson vuse îrn anChicago, the sdao! a psrnga Tisi tseis ........................... E hàl,al. July 6, 1869> sud died Sept. 14, 1(J7 .at vhlcb itagarvated a tboumafld .anad Mi,. Cornllartois Iicucock, Wis., Denver, Colorado, of quick connusnpl- muid the nncomtortabiegrosdng f eLdes . Ald lSociety ulîl meut L. 0. Liissîrt oi J.].ante.s Milieu-, Kea,.)- a war vmga' forecaste. the. hnniel »ha, 1ssiil.. Walaiditt, V.. E. Hleurt, tion, sged tueuty-eight yuara, tWo ofocuants of vhicb are obligé to bc Witte Mr". Wili Edwsrds Wedssusday, Ch am lironîs,, j,, Parke-r, (10, montbez nd elgbt daym. Beeeas.d ivas cet&ntly togther for front, on. tae Oct. (;th-, i.. ttai,I, C. Il. Ford, W. A. maried go Miss Mattie Gleasou ot Hatitrtisee years. Eoch mmun becomes thor- Mtr, sued Mre. Semberg, Wouilesn-t Jon, C, .. .<iîîCT . .Ilitrows, tC. Day, Ill., Doc. 12, 1892, sud 1,ave, ongblY awnare of ail bis mates' littia the sommier caniplug ut (ia5>-s Lake. H. V,rglî,, A. E. Brown, F. A. Itetî-vuil,, survivtng bim a ife adchid, palrents, cbarcteristics, audaseter awbile. vheth. bave returu...]t) the û>]y. It. W. itarit, .1. M. Wîîvoi allai E. E. oee sister and tbree brotles.r, wuleor these charactoristicsa re galod or bad. r idMsEr edNel usNw-iItr hvg n ilrt nmw eourn las untimly nd.tiiey jsr ripou hlm, if oly oun aont rudtrEa Mii]putltN'w-i-r4lî>5lr îuulr muta is ardtie bea teen.r ., . o! tbetr maotony. Thou friction in'ek vl.tlug fries luInChiceagoi and frot, îî,rcr bins. Whou love bas bond tll e onte.]a, snd if tn fo this reom Iithat the MeHiiry. Tiuyrttiu.>iW.dn..sday. R LIS Mis iard. a" bard tuso ;iaktIh- ,l- crev of a ma-!w5 aist returiied ta Dr. icey liait c,î,iilnîîeîope-ra- RLIS Dest oe neuwrhelaid tt.the United Statstter &aSiliee year tîiîons uitin nupu os..blend.ex. Miss Attele I>sEly, uoLa ptuVillaR, inuftle pea.-.efui graves embrae- ct7iein iiforeigu waters id ge ily -et aei onltdi-oewi-visiteil r..lii.v.s hure la.d isut. But tii menory illi bu ..luris e-.,l a"cbaBonr lookiug lot, aveu mIconcene pti rs. Walter StickIffl i.n ou r.sle, Ti e soe.tii euaveilr ta. the aoliersa-fit, Who becoratae quito am ter. rnelbstneV ) ihliait-Dr. Shaensf-r wuita cl..] i î Mothar.îlo!ts eh otlier asdo tii.mmifr is s ete]bs.a8t.(.Siih Walter Nobl,tt an.] frisait rous A tribute lnu memryof Mn... l'e-tr vii..wil haveatuctioias aie oi bas oebut Nimageamu. HIldy a day pantis filttthore a, nnot Wedueaday, Ct., <tb. $ce .. uIsfr adCiab~gi1n Mother amed ueituaseart an.>.- u aa n mmpou board mnt mou- f.iriier nutice. Miss Liliiau Aingsiliy. cf l)lam.nd Tu resti nte heu vtIi..nllal,.f-var. vitb the promise o! s hmavlor r irySmtbolcevr 11LkIihegexoferrimàdMS, inth omwe onor lmortelsuda.- .. battie ta follow. A blnejacket aitnu <eySîlbsLors Cremul ibrtnrt Whî iv fcter, ov an mite.*es W ith psienu.ouisa, but ut present la Ad tlutichepanes of rief ýai, ce unanotltera dtty box, sud, ceonue Cbarley Hlets.,>of Waikteaii, slwut And seaiiitearsaio b lnm mv -r.. beiug roughly ordered by thse boi's vury ich Improve. MINS euî e., v..raldays lant ue.-t vatiig bis Happforio 1beîoud tali e. alrovune ta vaoete% barefuste. and con-. l>ykes la stupP1ila i uilaber for ftue frimat.]Lnule iarwoodut Rounud Lak. But thse word'*mothr' lm a n.- 'signis thse owuer ta a mutcht las. moisi presehit. Mns. Leii, u eideriy lady living Of tnr fou fetlnnate love.. place than Bavy Jones' liceker.The. Mr. C. D. Snmith hlise rted lus faytru er Aniioc-ii usalirlant lu tile Avon The tiougtstof wlh i00nw .-ia, Cannot rortear mi .spirt tu Il- vo.- mon corne tegether, tva or tirce. blown for 5 yant oetSrbu rM,_Cue a utr rdy n ec That nain.,.l Esic enter of ail Msrel abUgodsud thon, as bY coMMnuniasenil u ei .gbty.folîr yesrs Mld udis Whihlst mat ali ,lldb(ond asu i-ar. consent, ce ieau driv a vy botlaburu, sud uilinmove to,(rayslitatî S5sKiater to Mir. Il.C. Bruy <if ibis Ta the meniori ih.-uwe rucali hfieuwmedleLk Tii. love,.udi attult villb a tear. feeling tIsai theise ly legs" (i.t. slon asea fui chanuge@ cui>t(>4. made oueplace.TI-f s-riiatidlLk- MyLfootat.eps weru totilng aud weàk, the master ai arma) la not fa: distant bis re4ldenc oe. Villa eiiureb. w iiîn aae¶ld lWttetheue hi m alla. and neither curig for atictk inthei. ____ Wth lisug telongue 1 trie.] to steak, lu boti ton vert evr mi guid.. "brig."Hvngtsbcoatovd Aund uben tiien groin to rifler ruaci. Iln the minor fntte a o!met e ite PLTNS O ANE.NCRNACCORDONS TO MARIA D lient frou parents. ri,is and] h.nuî-. dec tetw iearetam ffut P o LI EB NTW NE.MCRN PRATO. Tu ,cooci. my motiers partlng ta-ara. clatbttheblet»eetsareithed e Mo v.u . mon IR *eet msac-aroni, you cnetsotiy %aimier Fille.] my memory îwî en on.. 4y the atire ahiasComany tta bins "euhnd . e& luaaeory bouillon ii o. not-fisaid moi- Then the welcomu ilen home nt.riî.l îjài iffais' tea a tlsfaciry conlusion. In v¶1 of te . ttiet he oe » oi.. Taibuthe lhlumpl esonllbrt-il Th. moreexebange o! grovwIlsb.tweom ... Th«.abiendd (hâte .noteeof auto and Toimuet ticuanal MY native- an I. thse tva men doen'i go "Pipe dovu m mel am lYvi le relin And wuben lifes dules , onesî(,a j tiiete, yoeaue-f-un c"wan ad uetie aeuuiy tovenbUrdened vith 110- Thé cih-, la spriaklrd-pa-mnasbS Led ame roof ale. tetigrh,"i h gedrmz ioos ro deM o h ulc inn" î ÀAmother's bessinas uer.. tiven aiîO i.tsnrgt, ath aaa eaklse.o cnieats o lepb ic, gmyo~ergâ. suf ad abonner. lier gIn.ubç W-i t -r W.nI i ¶ d tt11 1 U adsWout" thse complaint rae.ntly mad.ett tie i Theli 5iiir. aca , ucCympny nuslw Bo. isoti;v, hw.. o t ni eluettisor onte ilndaet ýwordsiîbey sieevator mmn»amus r.mark- At t ser e'd g î.ireiisniephoiy rnesy., Wo directs our Infantile ways, ansd te ilemur vbo la madsde.]ta It Wva lege.] ibat the m m a à Wl ired tsuato uacn. fur.a rimmer. unitl fouethe living ash,.. sçtic. file agguaeved mmin ata ache.] caraully 1'oSsci frsefy l h m h use uambiasathât the, goda invet And detb ta.-nuibrui ed i.,iv, 1es.i amMs n runiayw55 the subjeci o! lb. compltent dAd For feaita Oyiatn. eruwaud mal=etIr-. Tlsî tesetlingu to me nu -a lbum-. 1t vbfh mîr@ a rlidm wat huadredu o! elevatar mou do irca. gon beatuifullî trus..and ou ture. encves tovard arrangtng a regetar it lL Wiu i.eevtrftett GatJpie iisl a i r Wii stand the tra r eks of tfIie,.hou Hoealmosi siwya domthegrequn rea J d>.r iniis. ye e ras An.] lIving, doss, ulli h thealsud.endJ-un watr.-.eieI Wie~mi the, bs ~ d>~ ~Neariy ail the regular figlits betwaa loothlee, odctr t Ma Rutsii axairnto! DeuLsfiL od adpaofudoths 5oni>5 Whoulmavfitis valls-i ,u I b.-. tluejackets iaboardabip are pul.ed off h n e<tavh !fel it uto ih .u. u itaa ne T») eve Iblonsda liter ui fti ir. dv eo aceo iafirerooma or ~ wi eii alsno aN, etlu Thouli poinnte o themaketiid maout ae hll gzon.bBig. niae"i. Tho'i pin m t ywa a 1lnasu empry bunker. Theauapty bunker mThe thcIlmntr tathe hl ie For deti tuous ait l lîl icînu i.hiraao tre abouts "Go- The spi-it of fil ele ilnamole.] by To clouse thilaotr arttily ai re.-r. la preferred on ctao o l» (agrlaer gup"tthpeleomnltoheJnBnynitemdtao'ifh Au.]talle untuo n'r fatiers lbusc>-. 1 teolation. Wben s figt ta ta conate Lnd i"thei eaple cmng tashlaJohnisBandsDrainheudbitaso- O! t To thaer.usrd for amet lier.-. hlOuffaelvto au'ansk Brs u Din, n i -BotFr Adieu, adieu. cor i-mu love.] n- , betveen lue blujackeis beiowv Uaicei ftecg nipltl àà i osadGrs r onr hut o The est i la 0cr tiir ifeli.- fo,:u. bauds knov Il about it. <f roto ts ag n pbtuâcklbsaitn-(rs;o.C>uty tyie Tii yvoie, ia mute,. thrstpirit aune ingtemse imii .si,~ pas.engmste "atep l." vhile lie re- Ctildren, - publialbl i 68.O0f tise Totin aktblan heeIgtheisul e liertbrntaito"o rn b Ins"¢he otouleuntil thesmarter geuaille Christian bue mys, inter al": IIE crTRla.i. v ae fo!the Smn, uni^e hin-aout' -L righil" Thonen haietabis Lai drammers bhm$ thsa charge or ibai tisey ulttios e 1. rsy Tier taotraoaasentence short, stops lute the cage, utl. luttimaesto! the oosal.Tanei otaneisens t- h elevator sud lains the dor Tbw'll nous thma, face tiienti ent,(befirpaces TELLS ALONG STORY. ilnuabunker for more tbmanaf a doute fe h mn mbgu ai *friends O! nleamn, and even vit is Mon5t erise@tpin" whe asked-Notesansd Queries, AL Cnata Menusest a5Atietatan lia- Iainber the sactoiratieh teruona "stoplnlu" ubenbtasked _____aman____ main lu ani HiBlte"l. i Witb a second mcli sud a gefersean te o nelf but cccaionlraeusth do Inmre ports o! South Afrlca riucls MaMorKiagsbury but a dsughtre s agreed gtiaon ty bott. tbe mma, siippui suandeye e te sef ama.mer ati rfsthe doaidanaage ta doue by balonse, wbtch go Weiliaai tbe aso elleu t Autietsmn. aaked te thse vaist. go et il Teflghta ai. sudgeee o! Ibatpaatieade tiue Ver- i The daugiitar marrie.] Snice Bolivar are not a! the roungbasud] tamble trdr.plaint. Th.ea whitousitou nthe ele- agedm&dn atist rbgr Buckuer of Kentucky soreafinie before T e moniglit aoeording ta, reguuiar ator mam being in tise car before liho ______________ thievar. Wh. eertal Buckuer decided prise ringrunie.,asd thier ahipeates ilg n el Mill okdreoeb h te go with the Couieduracy, the danger &a re Jafet gote ueglial; the mies amre " o ma y lamsud day. as foolla-rs ae te of conâiaatice a! bis vite', Itaerentinlucomplied vitb. As rmuy se 50 rounds iy carefai, but 'onera o! buildiugs hoMvitet Ete rthe Chicago estate confronte.] hamn A aire semetintes fongisi. Ordinarily oneearelàl respousible for the m!ety of OF IUsouAI, r failycomcilremtedin he rauer f c tie m u ges under by thiie te h beir tenants vbile riding lu the eleva laes red of lmaurt DélsasfiefDr. Mmse 9 ira. Buchers property to lber brother. tentla round in cailu. .If the men areo i ladt etemtriu e er a* D Colonel Kingsbury fel iaubtille vita. unequaly matches!d n o! tfiet in hispoint.If may look veli for aunul- I ont lmavlng a vili ta protect bi" sieîer's getting palpably thae vorat o!i t. aU famne.meau ta step a amda andI s-le the y itoeritance. Wbeu the war close.]. the bauds in lie bunker agreii the.pamugers in pruceda hubienuII the aie- Iretiurt o!ftM-m Bukers interest in ber tbing aboul.] stop, and if dc.« otop. i vator cage, but eany persans viii agrea fathera estate wu saked for in behisaithie cotetantaare about o! % sort, the viti theemau uhl o mde liee cmpliai; o! etber ciildren. tirà. Ringsbuny d-Ifgilaorifc e iem na il tas it tna sCaao! pelitenens wbieb chalndta coucede il She claimied ail kuockout blow la plantedt by cnee o! alouid ho disoouraged- lu the iâteronti cf Ir lth uha. emnlu!ft lu ber busand' Shem, or botte are fo0 vusk ta go on. saety.-New York Tribune. mnnefor bier sou sud hersif, Litigas- At the conclusion o! the lgbtt ha on- nSien folloee.ansd drigged aicng for looker qietly depart frocs the bunker He» modal MuSais le yemra Major Kingabury's 40 acres were sudssanomltai the dock by different mi- "Miling full ise.] modela o! herses à lu the beuri 01 Chicago when the lire gin. roana laddordoan auas nt ta ttraci la quite a dlstluct an.] weli paid bat- occurre.]. tise attention o! tli. office: o! tise dock ne-, the modela for the whiole won.] lunte yem simmxediat ly foilcvtng Both meu generally got pretty thor- almat biâg made iu Londton." cal.] tise wunWasbingtou ha.] !ev ilm o gtiy niauleansd bruise.] up lu thonsetise mnger Of a grmâ trin cf carniage morUe talke.] about fian tIse biatiful bunker figists, aund vben the battisala hulaid-sil Long Acre. r idova, lira. Becky Joues and] tra. o-rer tbey jump frgot uir uniforma sund There id aarceiy a cousiderabla car- id Kingubry. ltae nieces o!fu ex-premi- repait, te aick bey te gei thenuseives nagel builder or dealer anyvhsure Wbo t dent o! tise Unttedi Statea. trs. Kings- patcied up Wîittandes, court planter, bas not lu bts abop or warulionse oee î~~ I heury beecsxue the vite o! (llattu Lau- ae. Thte aurgeon kuova ut a glace or more full aise.]modela of bouses fie-- bh radis, .sou o! ounetfthe welthipst imittails ataemt, but fer theoRaiso!sud sntme otiier firmes. have respectiveiy M1W11 KATIE 2'l'hlili e tus In i. manufacturera luRhode llaiu.. ( ala- o anskaliena uhat the trouble la. s@"amimstcbh oesnwy) iib ~ lsatN, uMrii.'u kl tn Lawrence a.] choeea sdiplonitic Thy bave boti filettedowua alider. fo ly uaedas a mure attraction, but yuars agu 1Ivasaseveroly trouuled areaIs, blngmo-abe. ut ist difer atIs My stomaci ad lduea's. and a arumt e a MrH s entotmie tMa c liiai1hmameieeNoysr1lie>aafilctiosi se quanrvalime that ni, condition nministe:. We ersi uksce>feUldôvu diffaent lad.]ara. "Tlat's ueu.nt cala o! aint, eas ta slo'ctm- ha Maalaruly ictogapshui dih the(c atlibail n great sensation ove: Inousi-" miururathe surgeon, vita aamin boy a complote tirnout viii look aprmbnp-scnanacsuain 9 the talk o! s duel hitieunMinister anti. and a famaa>look in bis eye, "Thon, &gain, extra goed modela arusiiebrosulied la no tinent. 1 vent %o .e IA"u and Cultaine von der lisa o! aoiblilng an accoat o! thetu injuries muode for exhititiotis, shows anid tite b a angoel limte wiliaut e the. Belgia legtionco i.suse of the cap- la bis record. and] thonlb. ordure the liMe. sud mauy of th bout baruem eak- lit, uase begât Lt t"l'o attenatices teithe beautiful )r spouisecry toi dram their und.- e in ail oairtes houp thiin t ttber : lhckioAtehisouben. " Lawrence. Tise Belgian ,ailtd frE- Washinlgton star. ehs iifor trytug on pumposeaennuie worked uiti me >~rope Ho did Mmira lsnce. 1alai "have given as mxtch ai 60 su 7 d - agi: and day tu kéepa Lawrence foilovu.]. Therua a duel 1 a-oa wait. utama for a god modlt buto! courase riendstbre. My- heart and] thoa adivorce case. Von .durIiumss! "Granpahou oid are you?" th srmto!cithea. thl cs 0>51fer -- berame ne baid tiat mie 12 lbs Rolled Oats ................. 2 " Roasted Coffee .............. 1 Good Broom ..................... Sweet Biscuit Baklng ýPowder. 5 Gallons Stove Gasolene..... Tuhular Lanterns ................. 1-bushel Corn Baskets............. Racine Stave Baskets .............. 1-bushel Oak Stave Baskets........ 1.1-bushel " go 0. . .... Sisal Rope per pound .............. 25Bc I Oc I Oc I5C 35c sec I Oc I 9c 2 2c 2 5c 5c TERMS CASH: F. D. BATTERSHALL Grayslake - - - - Illinois. 1 t You Kmo A Cid T« UhN yo$88t lere are a iot of <J od Thingu, sud yabi canuot ailord to I t thix olq i rtiiinty pas-an oppottunity t seur,. y tir Fl Dre (t .odm and Fo<twear, at sud beiow Colt V.ihg tar.mince uiy stock. before movIzig, 1 willl "'.Il K nd I l Iw amtUàl c0t My entire lno of Breff. i i . li e i >Shom. me are the followiug; (ik iinhoiee FIgure.] Black lieurietta that was 75e per y.] ut ilanBliack Heurietta tbal wax rs- per yd. ai Fasi.y Figurei sud Colored wunol dincs gooda al deslrsle riom wue 2.5eper yd. at .... wam 450cper ys. alt.... .... wax 5xb e pr y..nt...... SeIz $3 Ladies ahee-s ani .- Sels $2.50 LadIes chos alt.. Laies, Tau, (Jxbloudl and choc- In pur etnt beinu ai-tuaI coat You make a mistake in flot buying. TERMS:- CASH. Fn Ha Kuebker, Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. The Wuiduîof àb Sua. $30.00 PROGRESS BICYCLES $30.00 l'bis îhe i ne of.utthe rmaie ubelsutis te market aud Asella at s prs itil tb. h. restets cf aul. Ise greai inushsia in tise pnica of cycles Lia bri.iiglit this bnsune tmachine dovu t>, the excea.]- ingiy loi prie-oîf $31 <Mi Made,. ith iRoyal Arch Crou, seanaies SOME RARE BARGAINS IN LADIES' WHEELS. HAVE VOUR EVES TESTED FREE. Mir. Vuill-, tise uplitian ubi, ls Meeting ulhb lucis i>ana,-ihs uci-esa ibu.,rugliosst the- couuty ulli lie baie Fi iiay, Aiig. 27, andsill to1 i picase.]ti t imuaith utq re trusaliil uitu tiieir eyessgttesd mate a tiî.rough emx. aininatitsi frue cf i-barge. We swil yon the glanses ha ruconm.nds at ressoumbie pmicî-s. E. B. Sherman, GRAYSLAKE. I LLI NOIS. Sanborn & Co., Leading Tailors :,,:Gents Furnishers. Kaiser Block, LIBERTY VILLE, - - - ILLINOIS. Auction Sales. WellDigging. auctioli on the Robmert Liii farm, one- Mlle norili est of 1iamodLn sd Having had years experiende in one mfle outh of liockefeUer, tr day. Octaber 2, 11497, commencing at the Weil Digging b.usiness. I &Mn 1 e'elock p. ni. the folltufi Propet. prepared to do this work on short. to-wtt: il cows, giving nhilk: i pair 4 year "Id mares, weighiiig 24001; 21 notice. Write me foir rîîtes and lce shoath, 20010118IuLOel..ear coru 111estimîittes. crilh. 30 acres fodder et-ru,. weil uared Il sokwas uot eth ush n n OMER FELTON, bounil lu i nli i h l o, tul.,er articles, to u eol t4)umention,. Liberty ville lios TRais o0F SALE-Ali sUIn, f ni il u e lios 01 o!sne year will be gives n t jgoM: ---- baukabe notes lieariug C, per cent speciai Offe.. juterent. 2 per cent dlsc<iiiiit for catit W'e have msde arrangements wheraby on &,Imm ove: $Io1. No property r..- ý moved uutl selltied for. welare euabledl to oiter the Weehty .H.FRANK WLMEINGOoN, Pro>. lInter Ose sud INDaemoeauxou. yen jWH.APPLBT. Auctioneer, for $1.75. Payable in adym-a.8. TISa