CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Oct 1897, p. 5

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iour ls etingtobeimmense, and we are of the opinion that It is because we handie the famous "Big Jo" Flour. Another carload of "Big Jo" Just Receivedl -BiJO SOLD AT "'Triggs & Taylor' s Libertyville, 111.1 When You Corne to L'bertyv il1e-wý- Drop in and see our Stock of SJEWELRY, WATCHES. CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, #DIAMONDS, PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES, ETC, ETC. We employ an Expert Optician, And have had a very nice business n this department during the past few months. if your eyes trouble you, corne in and consuit Mr. Vuile . .FREE 0F CHARGE. . Libertyville, Il FRED CUOER, TAILOR ADRAPER. CLEANING REPAI RING. OVER BANK~ IIBERTY VILLE, ILL, j PICKED UP HER Local items of 1 nterestt TO CHICAGO. Rtussell &8 5:11 ":557 Wa,15W rth 8:67 .5:20 6:081 ((urne.. ..08 6:2A 511 Warrent.n sa:1 &U1:5145 LxamaT]VIvu.x :30 7:16 lItau 4:66 Rondout 6:3Ni :2& 12'.M 5:10 &.21 yvert 6:44":2 M"2445:47 1:2 m Deerfieid :60 16 812:00 6:66 8:" Sseru.,rvilik, &.418 9.18 =64 :00 6:8H : t]hlcsgo(arrlvteî4:0me8.1 16:11:46 8:58 6:39 FR018 CRICAGO. a.m* a.. . u . p P. pi. a&. Lv.U..Pas.ASo. 7:" *t6:20 58:85 Lv. KirsZW MtL :8 85 libermervills 8#m8I1.:le 4:41 :11 7:231 9:16 Dosrtield 8:361&.22 :0 17 577:27 9:21 Evrstt 8&U l": &U :58 6:87:83 8:2 odut W.48 1I lui8 &, 7:40 7 ras:1 W .46 & 6 ': ' tuselliarrive) U:55la 42 10:00 -denutea dallZ. A denotes ëunday only. Whre nomark appesrstrain@ a&m daily ex. cOOl Snday. SUNDAY TRAINS. Lv.Lihtyvilâe. 4:up.m. Ar. Rondont &:o6p.m. Lv.Lbertyvi île . 815a &m. Ar.Chego îs.42 4:44 Lv.05.oago k:58:am. Ar. Llbortyvilleu.:458.a. Lv.Ctsll!to :45 p. in. Ar.Llbortyviii . 8:85.44.1 No. 13 os i8îî»ndaj, ouly. làngsotb yl stu, un sîsusj asfoilo ws:-At It«u8seA 12:57 t,,I, Waoworh5:17; oursee52:27; Warren-4 *3 o Etl:;vertt1xi2îDeerfleld 12:48.; lh.rnervillk, 12:62: arriv"s ln Chicago vt Train No. ut bas, been iatoiy But on fronu De,,rAild tbChisgo. Loaves i>eulield :00 m. u. iihommrvllio7:04; AMiVOS Chiengo 7:60 9 a. M. NO. m bves Chicago 1110 p. M. arrives Hiermervlble 11:55a. im. D>srfieil Vllageb Offiloeu .......t............ ......Cý. B. Avenui Thon. Kern. 1. J. Hoyt,. Truvie.,e..- James M "(ke E. h. DuBols. iC.1t.stàtura, ut OalioWaY. ... ... ....... W. C. Manborn Tr.,a,........ .......W. C. Trlag P',Uee Magistrat .......... ..W. E. Davis Marssal .................... preaisman LliEI~LLE LOIS&E No. 492 P. A. M. Beouîlar COMMUBMUsto» nd&4itb Haturdapa of each mont. iMtna b#tiM aordi&atAl[vbmed. R. .BLtT.. A CM4E CAMP No. 17e M. W.Of A.. Meeta fis nti Lofi ateda &ehsaismontb mt oodn'* aS v r ~'a hardware. %tomr>. Visiting neAghCors aways vokoins. jas (2&4. usa, Clerk. Wanted-rain. Dld you notice ou! ne. "iseati?" C'. N. Duanda cottage on M Iiiaukee A ve, la Weil under vay. Mr. and lirs. John Astin, Br., are Barringlon vlti:)re Ibis veek. Mir. and Mr%. ('bas. liiaer vlsiled witIs Mr. Kaiers parente in Chicago ant lundsy. Johnu Barber opened a sisoa siop In tise tiaement of J. W. Bîtier'n but'd ing tlite eek and laspreparet to repsir .,Id or huit nev foot vear. C. litehie, viso for yeams lvedl on tise Hougistun farm nour tis Ivillage. I Jtid at bis home In Ivanisoe Wednes- ~*day noorning. Tise romains vere laid Wo rent lu Fmi-mont Ceter î'emetery 'risrsday. 1-neulSe-dum batStwoflingera ou bisa rugb iAau. badly erusisedin thse gear ung of a jack eoimneted v i 'der presu tiAs eek. Thse linjury vas a painil niue, snd Fred is abouît tuvus wsth islmisband bandageti np msoit r-si-su. 1,1- a taile "f Cotton. C. fi. Sisermanu andi famiiy aie loi-at.. e A tem.pîrarily under Ed. Butterielils siseitu-rilg roof. Mn. Shserman viii uscve ilut,.tise boines o<.upied sy Bobt. Scott visei naine Ae vaeated. Mm. Scotviso purebaseti tiseiboîume ocns pied tiy tr. Shernan ts maksing exten- sive repaira on same, putting i l c- trie liglita ,etc., whicb accouitÈ#for blh .XJs.sade l. .'Are yoîs. Young man, doing mn possible for yournelf'u You expect muccesa; are yoîs preparlng fur AI? write tuu tise Metropolltan Business Collegi of C'hicago for catakoun and uosike arrauugetsent,, ti> vcure a tiuîrtugis iauess education. TisaI As thesofusudatîon of sîlecese. J..B. Aliaumnso ansd vite relisrsed SaturdaLy nugist frous an exteutied viit vAlu iusâtives in Ni-v 1York stata. rbey ver>- iilseut tisree usonis suant repuort s&umon ut nyable tume. iMr. Gi-u.G(idl-y ansd fansiiy vis, bave 1 ucupled Mn. Alausoo'a bouse duriusg liseur absence bave' returîsed 10 tiseir rrasîe sv. A -&vilage sale" la a ni-v acqîuistion tu tise uerks office. It lm, a com- niellons, ire proof affair, for whi"L tbe board paild $70, and affordm a long ueeded protection for papi-r, sud ilocîsuente iseoging 1te evillage. fit vs thongist bost for couveuience of ivie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u et ** f 1~' ~ ~ ~ ~ :nmctizeos to place t lu theselork',, offce, nalead of tise village hall, as GO TO LVL' RG* R FOR in ted. Dru M d c n sC e n ca s Pý progressive an'd energetie. A tran. # + chise bas been granted the( Banington Z PIERFUMERY. SOAPS, COM B y Electmicpole& an BDrusie, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Fancy and electrAcaioudutoma Asu tise streets F'oilut Articles, Bookus anîd Stationery, Dye Stuffs, Glass, Puty,$ andtu t operate and maintain an eieu> trical plsnt. A committee huas been PA lT , Ol LS, VARN ISIlES. $ appointed by tise board to procure tise 44:nocessary plans and specl!lcations for PATENT MEDICINES. 1 a ,,ystem 0of vater ivorks to cool;SWI2, bp 1t<g, to be paid for by borrovlog money Famiy Mdicnesand Phyicins'Precritios creflly andt iug b is t pay thse samo and I'>ailyMedcina ad Piysiiuie' reuriptonscarful7 ~ by goneral andi speclal aissessmente. eonlpoUnded at al lionne. hatm tie malter vitis Llbertyvilie? ýj Thora vas a marked Improveent 'Goods Carefully Seiected. OnIy the Best. in MianAlie Davis' caste s fora part j.14 .'j4 ÏI«4 >'1ý 14*14 ê481 4 è1] .14 l* e ojtf tiss eek, allison ut lproeuet -- riting thse conditions for ber recovory are 001 as favorable,.bise vas pro. WFÎEN YOU'RE IN NEED OF uounced "-ont of danger" at one tino, and tise apparent satisfaction viso Note Heads hinformaton of ierlImprov.d condition Statemrents iseemme current là evidonce o! tise J E nvelopes biat ski lie physicians and nourses e-au C rs or anud tise prevaiiing impression seeins toulue tisaî.he yull recover, aithougis Stto eyof frosm autisenti reports thereilanothlng towarata aatemesil favorable or othàervlaas to.her ustimate Yeovoi7. E'~~nfliersa. . la44eriliamiailioum ; ÀK isolons life tuIlive# and that is but tirif ut bamt. Takse a littis comfurt and pli-aure as yon go aiong day by day and try to do a Uttile good fuir eacis otiser. Wealtis alone viii nover keap your nsemory green alter you are gone 10 tise undisoovered coulntry. Tise Waukega, Dmaiy Regîsîer says pf thse business aIt the fai'torieu tu t'sat city: 'Tise Waisbumn and Moen pay roSi is probably as large today as t Las Les since tise company came tî tiss city. Tise lrake Beans Works is ovir 1,tlOIteind lu ordoris, and thse Brase Worts IAs a perfect boa hAve, tioing compeled tu vork a night force. Tise. are certainly evidences of prooperty tisat f nily warrant a ,topplng of ail calarity slk. If the donistoms voniti only make a tour of tise factonles, ail tiseir doubla wonld be speedily veil renderoed consldering tise sisort tino tise participants isad to prepare . IL. The question for debale -"Âne Public or Privata Scisools to ho Preferred" vas docideJi in favor o! tise amfrmatlvo nîsci to tise sati8faetion of tis e bator,,. Tise programma for Fridusy vili con. slot o! declamation by Gertie Sherman and James Kingaley; reading isy Rosa Triggs and Edîtis Ridley; music by Jenole Vnilie and Editis Colby; ossay, Ethel Wisner; dialogue, Alice Suydam and Josie Wood. Tise uAIîi-tioO for debale viii be Renolvei. "-That Frankln vas a Grenter Man Tissu Washington" vlsb Mattie Wrighst andi Clifton Gage on tho affirmative and Beasie Bond sud Earnost Cage on lise negativo. removet." 11ANTED -Oir,l t*ke -"are or ehàire vv ai saSai n hOîssevOnt. J. A. FoLE.av ABaptist association at Coluîmbi, LitertyVile. Mo., bias adoptat a novel plan for raia-,- ng cisurcis Isnds. At an agreed dt tise mentions of oacis uuchisîli hoe LIBERTYVI LE MARKET. aakod to contribîste a certain prupor. : Gorm'tuI lu the Ilerclunlu'e., ry Ttuursduay. tionof he rodue o tbirfarme o tr Butt"r-('ruarnry.... ... _$ riuet#2 lio o!tis podue o thrButtur-<2h.oS"" Duiry.. .........i00 14 gansions, vegetatiles, stock, grain, 0e. Eggs.perdouesu........ ......i14 4 î1 Commlttees viii be appointo 1 bu take Potata'a. leur t:uahi,-.........65 4 75 change of and ssii tisspn>.dîce. It s : Woud-dry, uc-r cord ... ...... i 50 Si 8 lU Coai-Harul. Permton....... e 7ô (4 7 (oe expectedt tiat mucis more vilS tie reisii. tjoa-mot. sper t,,n ý..... 4N)4 41l ed Aistlis eway tissu if monoy vas ast- tCorn. ser busi ilI,', . N8 30l ed. Tisebaptistsclaimutisat tiî Atishe Ots. ser bushel.,..... ........ 19(4 19 O'ound F-1 ................... ta(% bible metisot of ralsing clunreisfundauk Bran. per ton....... .......... 9 01)(4 1000 and f tise gondi descons viso comprise Mid>iiiig. Sa.r ton...... ..... vie* i1058 thLe comnitbees la diapoe" of lise pro.'i Con bal, Per ton ........_.. 4% 0 .Idol b o sarw k hobeew Mmlt, Ros. ler ;lt.............. tiuele __7 tes prIBh...... 8as. su - r 11001 E.LS INNKEEPERST er Un»an - ataeàue. to Libertyvllàteaders. If 70nr pocketbook aUloffl or fat* or Yt ntu romaint in Englsad, th 1 a are' Tise akoale Coret a7AmfleoiaMOfl ît ent 8atimfaction and ai gret ex. s a wiii mnt vitis M% n. k Dymsk .Pense Mosiing could h osre beautiful Fiday afternoon at 2.30. (et. lut. tisaisth insdIands. luveijer tiss thse Mis, tisl libon sso e'A'.'l~ Ondntios tisat surround Louidon but e bll.nEbel Gison, wd. a Wstwardgo no faniser thalistlo diplî,ma aithtie Libersyville sbool last Trui'o nortisward tisan Chester, .voud-a n c Jtali', lm attending tise \..mwg Ladies ing Mancieter-tlsaq la iul nyoil Iiemioary a, Lake Forest. fiseanIo 1gostill farthor norti uSento. Thero neple iesotset1 agl iliibc a regniar meeting o ' pian he as tisuest lm rgsy yourfor Goods ati thse W. C. T. U. itatnrday th-t. 2n., ut bn avold"d Corsîali and Devon bav price, that wiII theo homeofcd lra. Muisiard on ('doù tisavoret roads in civilixed Europe-in Averine. Everybody velconue. tact. the ronds and inne explain tis AKanuas City vuinaus lm iookiiag for ciVili"i n >the oDdns yo ao ofeu( iv tihe tomS, 0of Adams. ShAe desîres 10 urealed au an intruder, and sornetines ve S I *4 place a doyer on tise grave of a 50831 cheaâted in a fasision tisat vould bring viso took tise advice of Lis vile, a biuaisto the heek of a Swimu landiord, H. J. Caler, Loy Schaneck, W. F. for tise emptinees of tise larder tise bill Davin, John Limbeslry, Mriu. H. Ji. upinlâviàsineo.-Tiereisard. Vie have a full st Calerand dngistrand 'ai - aen llîs asythmng tu i-at save cressu, but for ar alnd dngter8ad lfatir a SpruM tisat and salt bacyý,asd aneet eggs that wilI do this, b ~~~~~~~~~~04are asgteSaefi tSr g o naked to pay as mucis as fora fid tlste ei. good 4inneratbeCsLfehoyaL. Tise"I- attention especial Preacising attise Presyteriale euiri- keepers are mainly boots. by Miev. G. iD. Houver at 03 li73. Aifrterne hyg strnight t u stock of Morning alsbject. --The tiîad '1 icliin sthse top of ail tise bille, as ussooipro-i rnisingiy as tise ronds of Bobentia. thon Of thse GoRpel." Evening mouje't <droit down tise otiser mile and are unrxd. ~ K'ling Saui aod tise Mvii Spirit. able in bots directionds. Wheu not A Cisarilo Smiths vrole $12,11d5liseur- climinsg procipitately, tisey lie buried ance on buildings and contents ait tue aItishe bottons ot a diteis. They are AND0 W/3 County Pétrin tiis eek. As tsi-ne aiadeleu and nninseresting, rarely ap- note nusmerous bids for tise bussînesa. proacising tiese Secoit or pasaing fleur Smt oi iteoeoehmm a uaYtimg tiat in Worth looking ut, and UNL Snslh fels ultetaed oer is ward 70250kllow Etli-nen wiso are pro- A medical journal bits i1 ssgist in toundly imnpressed witistise bellojthtia To our usual lar rensarkingtbiat paper in, an .fvectl'.e tlsey aretise best la Eslglaisd, ansd tisere. agency in keeping a person varnu. fore la tise wvend. Tise roadgln" %ad have this week We have Enown a tlsree-liiie notice t4; lakepers of Sotland are la every way make some people oweat, lustise dead o fbtter, but thse tact tisat tise avarffla bought directly violer. fr1105 spenda ill holiday m tise conti. Mev D. acso, is pesdag idrDent visan ho ocm proves not only tiss Manufacturers, Rev.Dr.Jacson th prmitsngeld.rho vanite get thore, but aiso tisat ha wiii presai thîe Metbodlust Episcopai la driven troin s ovn connu, by tise the mnost com piel Cisurcis eil Sunday snorning.. At Shftlgbt-dleS5of tise people viso keep tise close ofthtie preacaing service-, lisinn» andlook alter leroe rtral Lake Cou nty tise saceranlant of Thse Lords Béupper Md MmPennelIl nFortuigistlyleew wi.t hoamnibr Tise Love ANCIENT MEDICAL METrHODS D f' Excavation for tise toue abutments ' t he Nasa., .6 8 ent s ".sla4es forth îebridge 10 ho erected on Rock- C ig u onevll'sexposition of' land road viii ho cornenced Moîsday. ths eisod of holdlag a discuns, 25e nicodw a Crit Fisiser and Ben hiutleriield find bis description aimoet a Uo 0 f! ni odw ah forfeited their contract for mason Wbarnigt take place today. , Fiàst " w tou1ar work owaing su a mrnunderstassdiiug. ho Wu. " 5e ahould laquire into tise Tise company building bridge vili also nature ofthtis disease, examlalag care. corne i n and let do tise mason work. fuly ansd feeling, because tise diagnosis Il navel kov la tla tie ins inade by touciinawitiste hand andr with somnethingi It a aWei knwntac Qu; te wntob.orvlng vitis tise oe. Al tise xmault- In fer more productive of veaistisas>an &neengage la turu in tise ea."tic&. tise Obamt, and ye1t the saviog,, bankre of Theu. if tise case demande il, they maire New Hamnpsire bauve lncreasd tiseir & nsv exfaination mil togetier, point. lotas in tise veet %bl,500,000 ln tise last lig out tu ome anotiser tise symptom of twoYeas. tmust ho tisaI western diiess Md tiese pecla.l or ftmarkable M . B . C O pepe aevhoato speara. t.-Irfeatures eitiser la tise patientertis. dia. poe opie hveotieart f edio t mm ne.Thon cme et thein, tiseiigisesinli monydontpereclon rMI-Ys o tise patient ,'Bir, ve par- Dealers in E Wn. Pester, viso bas been workilsg Onaïve y clearly whiat in tise malter for hie brother Mat tise pont fi-w veeku, 25111 you. aud you onght tu have ful has urcasedof Win.Tidarmt, 1ditnfldiacelau n in behgla ttat ter o a n mayofunhman schdS»-Libertyville, Wauconda his blackzisa bup al'd usongi for a king-and tu bellee tisa gu'od-vill and viSA massumne charge of lise yonngeslu0funa ta competent tu pres- thse business neit IMouday. He im a samibe snd carr on yonr tusatnent and compelent workman and demerving of bslag t 1in:apgod 5r55>jt*' Thils n.hl suceasa A bis venture. terrogates tisa patient abdout tise cArra s m i John Miller, of Bewkiey '""nity. W'*. diapleaoed or taRe i11111. but when diti Va., bas jumt soid bis asipie irop for a your illuesa begin?' follovissg Ibis vitS littie more tisanis 52>5.51l'bis, in tise j1nany otier queutions, tisa ansrwers to produetof thirty-fonr si-rev :,f!r viicisare rcorded as indications ur- m<orstailnd]ou, tise assssed vaiue 4f aRObth ie patient. viseisiieuatisau $3 per sure. An a "Wisen ail tise questions called for Sq tho asbave bei-n asked, tisa con. ski isu tm.MuAe raize Setee mtants retire to assotherrmun, visere ..........FOR ONE WE $3.011» and $4.158> ffromiSsipieuS 'r.tisey viii ho îalonc, for l il I cnulta- Dont hlet'@ ail go 10 Klonudike. tions theo mastrs dispute vitis one n 25 eb asfr Tise electrîs' ligito *'we lt out':;ilerin ordsr tisebetter tu discîssathe $ .0D ryH t o Moda ngh ndth vlag ws ntruth, sud somenunses tisey corne te a 2.25 " " lioda iigstar<itie ilag vs iiPau la tis eist of discussion visicis 3.00 " darkness. Tisere vere nulmerons vould cause étrangers vltnessing tisir "tAicka" of varions proportion., but tise proceedtng tomsuppose tberevWera diécont 2.00 Fedora " " compsny promise goud service sfter»ant sife.-mmagtissas.This i sje- il they are bocated lu tior ovisquarters., imes tis am.."-"Fourteent Century Tiseir supply of vater las not adequate Dotttors I" by Mx I. Nicale, is Popular 1.00 " otisa deand at Scsanc'sa miii, science montly. 3.50 Pants for....... ~hi causes, mucis annoyatsce. Boy.SHO NrS .0 ... +~r Tneaday nîgist tise trobe2 hiSHO QBU .0 ' tu eth ie 'pump" giving out. e Wun dwien Weiis oommenced sciso>A2.75 ..... Amove in being maute iy nome u [u Monday. 2-50 .... dise basebail entbîums8ats 'of MüReusry We aIl regret tise depaitture of Couusty tu brlug the Algounquin Indiansa, Carroll Grley fromouot mîdat. PANTS AT YOU I tise champions of Muienry county. Tise zoology elas5 bave licousaie 10 A lot of Men's Boys' and and thse Waàneonda liudependeis, tise olitain al few specimens lately of tisebgrdi cisampions of Lske county togetiser ut solinsca and eruistacta classes. bgrd Woodsitock for tise ubampionsilp of For operiîg exerelisen atpresent we Corne in and see what we Il tise tvooutles. No defluate arrange- are liAteulng tu tise stey enittled where, and be are Wviliing 10 play. If a gauleue au h Cary Egglestuu. arranged il viii bie an ezcitlog content__ IfYo bvea ic lttefrmorhui- Mise Geisirugo, Myrtie tloyt, Elle F. C e SM lT ît ou av a icelltieammortiusAMînuiels.Prof. Wattera, Rari Dymond nea, or teady employment, sud dire and Stuart Paddock vere amoog tise Butler Bidg. out of debt, do Dlot fret and wotry isjtit o f lasI week. your,îelt aîd wife mb tiste grave for______________ tise makle of rnaking money. Von Ahave Tise prograun of last Prlday vas very - - -- a reasonable isfactionl. ;tock in ail uines but we caîl your iIly this week to LL VTEI? D3R WI3AR. irge stock, we added a line if rom Eastern making ours Bteline in cen- y ,wait ir cacthes you, Inderwear, but us f it you out warm, aBY & CO.. Everything. Illinois, Great Hat and Pants Sale PEEK ONLV- . .........$2.19 .... .... ... 1.99 ...........2.49 .... ...1... 1.79 .... .. . .. . 89 - ...........3.29 ..........2.79 ..........2.50 ..........2.25 IR OWN PRICE. 1Youths' Overcoats at a .iction. have before buying else- , convinced. 7H & SONO Libertyvillé, Illinois. FAIR PRICES ON F'ALL GOODS Cliltren', Fleece-lineti Searnim sHoso-ý- $ 10 Bablos' Flee-lined t'ndersiirte ...... 1:I AiI-Wool Koit SRis .Largo e z...... Ladies' Extra Mervy Ribot Voesasud Paotu .M ien'. Heavy ibbed Undermhiits Bute -14.3>4 . .5 Extra-Heavy Underveaf. .... .38 &.45 M>e AiA.Wooi Bicycle Hose, .. ...... .25 25e sud :35c Children',, AiI-Wooi He ...... .15 &.25 One lot of Mdisses' Heavy Fleerpe.iieu Dravers. Tise 35e kint ....... - .19 Cotton Blankots per pair ..................411 & .50 Heavy Flan nelotte par yd ...u...... .7à Good Oream Shaker-Fiannel pi-r yd .05 $2.00> Boys' Kuee Huit, i.. 146 ifesvy Liused Duck Coat ......95 Rubber-Uned Dnck Coats .. ..... 45A Eitra.Heavv 75e Overals 55.ý . .... J gazony Tarn alilcolora per skein .....-. .0 Cisiltrens Ai-vool luitta. ..... .....10 &.15 Mens Ai-vool Sveaters .. ...... 14 Boys' FAne Cotton livesters.... .............. .32 DQN'Tr FORGET THAT WE SIEL LADIES- AND SELZGENTOI S.O.S. 1, 'l le o. R. SHERIIAN,

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