Dosna talses, but teb praalO~ y sut Dou. Many and mui a tiles deaverbug te maire inn loto une pa ~ - mork tisoroughly. At the Cent t a 11111. mmee andie gaet drai of selt-reapect, 1 feund umslt lu a very short Urne tihe witis me. Ho la Lady Estmseresno. ehesen ceipnlsion und enrade eoh.,-IN CHAPER VI.My athr'slip woked IlwiMmehan. W. dineti together. suppeti togetin- lirs aPT ear XV. y atîer. ipam-rkd. t -a er. Bameîimn..breakfastei togthar. ay irs wnm. earfoî groit inte bet-re bc toundthie powrer et speech. Whera ha met 1meuserglardy tIsaI and ti t solingeh dotk- ."Forbid bhlm the bouse," hee in. c igit. hati buchoetenhavedscardat > tude tm lnthad hok- 1ro-P-41myself aud meft te th e galathat stick of bit luvereluahtit, mbat change the peut tm-o yea te s et aîenîuofHolarnelu vbs ha myeif t. y ttier ooetibeitherusuel suuuy suite on bis fameBd.tim- One Dlgt Chesam ans satMy mroma, bis fat-o aas bronseti.n Igbi atstic paraphernalla "me, tisram te whîch, csrrying ent my sokeme. 1 otea ba&4 let mucb or ils habituel imself ou a garien seat, m-ita I Cau- ntehi.W haplydcreiml '.ut tise face, mitb lies equisite. invitai hlm. Wc hate playeti ecarte hot ;&jOues, m-us the saine as et oltiderdb bu 1ma hmavr t~ profeaseti myseit tireil et tise game the same expression o tiocf n wotan alouer te omre extent. se bai aam'gt ant Sastes. Icoitiouy *Phiip,"hoe saiti, yoD have nome sesis te roos a cessation. We nt taing. leluian ime, t1hai donl ttel] nie.1tiak. Tbe aantirr bas re-..I îsuppose," t1saîi, "yoeaver t stepi binhl sm aifc ionru i 'te the meakneu etfreaily ievlug àa m-u hlmhai a uuh siitsciun 'Yes; sry tather came back jmt nov,aV spu grown-fitteti out-beOme a ne h Pf~~ e msi. ut ~ nepîtdy"A bitter anile curved i.bislip, andi 1 sbeull uset lutse l ho e.' i tliougt BD. h met bint ou the muer. amm- is teeib close. mbat a mch ne ssd. "A dayWheu 1I aavhlm take thse iatis te tise "Xes," he mid. "Once, oniy once, h1vas bat chum! 1 aid "Adaybouse 1 knem- hemunet bo your tather.A Yeilpu moul bave misacilme. efoenu tdoo. vry credilable spectuen, icMIi birn. 1 fuel engb 1 d Il" il yen returu?" umade greht trienils mitbhlm." "TOn1 or ae dneeent"t . Imet te Your rons, and Wi iet bnniuto ietank "Oc I odbaeoueeutsi weredow hee, 0 1ca 91 wa elent ahinkng romthe The aroman i lovai murriati sonen le aedmnbre eici eoroTme. se.She threw me oven, sud 1 smor. te Juinsd our armaeasud waulutd i-n "lin d be'srtrei cniuibe reveugedt. 1 bail revonge." t uite"0f courase, yon bave alreatiy "'Thno uual sort?' *tomad ihobouse, lu de- lniid lti auhe a vat Sm-but aadanaboertla am-aiting "The anas]sort, as Yeu cail I14.Thea e eyIlout Vugaetut1 nk hlm? I suppose bis arrivai wm- h ianges ite basai apoken te ber bubantifote 1 la pur uggae?'I as >'your plans. Ye onu'i cause vils me ta- uore thau neti years."i belkla ondu. Te liho uirruw?ý What'a the matter. PIsUits? I kuca i bati tonobeti the rlght cherd. bih melai Lo to. T ie1U nsbHuajoy*tinken uwuy your beatiful aple- but I reglatereil a Tom- Ibaiif over Chau- me thmerettheI bld Th oaseui ?"hum arere eaI my mercy Iaronlil nt lift s e acras 01 tils em o'aed "No-net joy." BMy accent Catuissed inger te auTo hlm. ishotl bave liked te suae. iovrthe moor more ibintuîy words. Hoelostketi al5aed bave taken hit by the ibroat. anti, it pos- i shedoive bet boe liotur andsudmr;rised. sibl, bave shaken the trulb oui tfhlm, 1 ateysd haveu tu s youuu few h 't nilà mrog? Tell me, Pbilip." 1 noticeti ho placil bis baud on Mb isà a mbl&att ngt, "ngflow1 -My tler. Vuionilue. Hum- Con 1 tellIflpan artgt.& rigtplountit-sPOken sou? lie hila your presenca under hlmif l ur pain.1 skd Whdstalât amuseti me Freatly." etcors. lugedasîrouf objictinable." "laCoreg bu.It' lwah sed w et secontautrse en1hlm nd A %,sud, seei look croased Valeatiu's "Ceaofhl. Heita alarmy bail biheue- of te entrat btwen hi an fae--&loo th co bis mrtott eH venge mheu I feli: but arbat m-s bis te fathe ne ote Pen lu these arbic is ahabitual ithntis ter emine. Wbat a fouil hom-a! What a fuel! aretia net y ften 8 a ep ue i ro sei mbis cha?~ iiip " e sir. H oum-si ou di l e nd im n ?:T 1 vas Me lteraue cgaeat He Hoefi the bouse wtavlb oi aud a merer 1 asketi. "But he-oisi Iotamaire thse peepe ut Northn Devon." s5ilie, ta gay, qpitreitly, uas m-ubsn auscb a fuont fBr anrence? Hom-titi 5aiantaitUicides t Valea- enterai IL. but 1 knem- thalteorue Ma yen makte bittabelleve bis vite mas fend vils a nevslienor. pour- gayely m-sm forcai. 1 vaikai by bis aide oet yen?' vlava lu bis loquent may te acros *,b garden, and, happening te txe He lueked i u me baît-azaei. tbeeu, 7 Wbse 5mevtwlee as naucb as ho titiround,' I Amvtisai MY tather mas vatchinu an effort, recovered iebisstraylng usemai. sabJeet under Uie sun. frein bis m-ndow Uic deiarture or h a aat i adoe l yumi 5usd thireugb thistealensd mguenti. hmur bave beau mrug, but 1 H rusedu biscair. erbtsin& UMsd hatie astealahai velcome t mas determineti taebsowhlien m-s nt "ouermbmky'har tou yby t.He spokie te tkem klntily, ubameti et my friand, seuI1 lipeti imi shall Se talins nonsense if I take amy 4M OlM ia M, me atereti the afin aitectifonatly Urougb Valentlmes mors.Goued nigit," *"I'di tat tel lmentisaItisaeYoung sand ns e mealkai together iy thse pls shbsa dmnts laosdvl *aS, bIs gMuan ad my friand. 1tevard thf lmuer. We salti littls te uns aHeeble goeatheîsppoitanaut andosit It veulil le an armmng nSuee anotiser. Whsu m-a reaseai the a fam m-satiselinge r at i hl. But tu islou »wdl -bg, Vslestimse. mlIS pint'scosd theserevices et a herse Sid wi*Up1bid learermat ILadyBaEram-s upssll amlther«Ceseriez. Cie. 1. drova Valentine te unhsa, as 1 expeclt .thse vytuetseataiit hanuadiebouta s as is m-h'« e cal veugeul pl t bsa nioniletruinsi Ilo d t'lk. Ater b "Thib m-lji maks ne differeuca istweau * raemieti ploeforths t ae1 ueomassa ha bai made ther. ur ?"iatikai, m-sttully. t eduleut befotstheptbai meaud as eb aig veicome. We. Valeutine luoe ai etme ratIner ndi. f (Tis ohan, h ltinua> e l% Sàe lbre"y. My fatiser lir. "Net as fer as friamdshlp goea; but 1 arn(Ta______________ la 2a"cear. 1Icet -bsie «tis afanti lmuIluour Iutercounea. Be- sutefaisiout bis baud andt lu e s IEaOlittn? Toibava totl M. er- AT SE^ IN A COFFIN. ris ot Your engagement?" aî bySmrEsPdisfl me ili te ses me bac, nsy ili bave." eotdbSarmMei dl gs1 ".And ha approva t it ?" i> epStulebrat t'aneba. -huat m-astee fuit for words. -.1 i au afraiti he didti l Sncb rousvicils Conuhe inymofath 11199. more tissu iransahl* baud. "For tise sanmareason mbicS mate iFenhl cadtis onviesY hlat arenien bUY&M. tW el meuaail about peurseit," objec te my rompany't" dteSf4 saneaegvnb I -.90W b ava yoa beau gettinu i havai sy bout. '"Oh. Vaentine, Paul Mimante bn a volume visbi h h MY friand!" h criai. "Spare me--upare bsmt publiahed ln Paris, antitleil ivirng hlm tise intomation 1 your@eIt hiunet I lme oui igt by 6Focatae i Prerts." Ater deselts- 'aui l'ikenaua trom sy treasi sud by!" log aU thte Moslt amotus Criminel» I it te hlm. He looketi ai h ai-_ "Lotthilugs roue right or stop vrong," presont lu the pona ceoles, tise au- beauifa, vry eauifu. T a ere Vblentlue's lent vorda. "isai là thor doaswltis murvelious escapes aud b bauttut vey eaaltu. TatouIY suOtisorinsuit for vblcb some day attemptsteosp. - isseing pour nature. Now 1 h aail cai luaccount thai uma etua esnlasee beur ail about ho. Wbere Maay father-Sir Laurence Estiner." hsali ia t ieassi1ui herr'AsuI1tirove aiom-Iy back lu Torvood,ti, v il w antat of thn assassinHo mas- Seta.soee of sy dearet liopeti ilt itise fter anti son might wag et gelsema nuallita n H te ,n - Wal Btere'a." As h mention- nover uteet. gdtgeso nltaaWCto. 'ama amre my tather start- andi une danS uuht bh o guinlaie nscot- Chaobir. Olaudiue'a portrait t For CHAPTER XVII. in shed..lHe elcteil a fine, esihanssd . iau&ianti 1 beard tise glass lau tis dys I taYeti ou ai Torvooti seawentity coffin, tautene tise Ii, lu or- --p stueS tise polahati fleuer. Hoevithout eternug upen the, dehatable der te turn lh bte a deck, beavibua mvrue, aMdigrampei uy selier greunu ti m-ty fatiser. 1 toit sureis pt ulilu l nai hm t ~ymbismas pstiveIy paierai. wbeu me nexit ilseusametithe affalr, a Ol5 ccawltlu Hocîk teea le isa oitea Iaryen arigistPbilip? flid luns>' te vouiti ha nt baud. 1 approatS- call.H akd& h onea < aY Itamere, onaetfyour dear- e hlm the foiluvînu eveniug, but ho re- m-ell as ha culd. anti mheu Ibis work imaineil inexorable. He tolil me I1m-aetr was finlabeil hc made a pain et patdies ~aa. ,tise bitternes sebtbrom- lto uge antibchocudtit nlintentera milh me eut outwlae îlanks. Thon ho bneugbt ot hatsentensce matie my heurti»k *S if I chose lu marry Misa Neville, but trou bis cratt with great precaution, Wtis- fatyiltotal me that the cruel ithtiti be anti h vouiti bcstraugera. A eut match duilfculI>' ho reccite w a- thât ebi de tenhlm u bistom- ilsys latI eft hlm te rotunste ter'. odge. Thera ho iauncited bis barl tisi S bi Jtiatiani funi tm-. mbte aoter painful tank layhe anti cnamieai on boaurdt. Acalteti by tise 1 e0culti net speak, Iely bot fore me-tisaI et lelling Caudine anti ltake et assent, Lady Estuene m-ai bal ocurret, as tîde, ha paldo bis mi-tucbraemlcaf. kuom- m-b Lady Esisere in, insuc as I coniti tell. SilentlY sut slearIy he o m edd, lu tise le eallmuet. "Do yon Sioar h ouiti nul help teeling thaltishere mas hope of eachîng eltiten Venezuela or ilabouea amonu aoinn. at s lttie change lu Lady Etiera's manner Britisht Guinea. duove ber trou his aide for tom-nid me. Thismsay bave been but Nom-. 15() nullesîmles lu a eonf ii tsuoy, but if te differeuce mas thora it net cousîift!ne s very tenptlng enter- laaieftrd the taie. Sir Laurence -rore off lu a very ahort tise, ati ber pise, but Lupi mas fuletf coufidence. entuairae been mati te laysucsnb moril ansd mnnuer are asaeet sud Slnd A iaputulr l~ace icv 1 s11ý1AWalion ounis v ite. Sec ber, au nmasever. 1 at beide ber, but fer a feu, Arti tha eit b ma sIt alt'g.Ni>Sat ha sens bar, ai dyon m-unitscout the momentsta titint apeak. e tah wsmsigNobubd of etSucS a ttiug! floie day 1 "Tour tather bas eturnetir' sasit. baen taken away. The hot% are al- ~'~ï ssu etpreinu î, Iso h îî~ "Yes; but is returu bas net matis me vtys m-al guardeti, sud noboiy evet' Il- isc oun toing it be!' ty sahppy as 1 expecteti. Ha bas taken dreameai tor'a mument ihat any man 'î' a armly sanwtis conviction.-nomte airante prejatiice lu my marrlage vut ot o uacil.h a «.sa;.Z7-aSi-e ----thMIL0kou n y fth- sailb CIa utilte. lutact.ilear Lady lEai- tbought tîmt bhai uter comsttted . tbe;.ts expresion lu bis ores. ît more, he8o hatitoY ieeines te recelve ber or coucoeaid lei itslosm- set sunom--t m-s Dot suger-i a a s a dauter.' rtr nu y 111W, ae mvwtheoastonlahinoni anîtîcu Lady Etîmere lookeil ut me. There m-s.weena y f MY lacsandu, turnlng "ide, aalked no auger ln ber eresnothing but sympa Fortunaioly, un unfortunattoi, for -*'6e vlntiev. As h recaill iis scne i1 tby. Site tidti niereusaStseemhatore.Lupi, tiese lamler Abeille, retut-ning venier tist thse mnith itinet rost t e sonu sy tther gave for bis exiruoilury trou the Antilles, off Para-maribo, ý 9Ra s&"den revelstion. But thon, it ta conuict. case close lu is. Thte captaimi totiei Mýe te explain thinsiaga -bouil i l ean Iittmti e o? b akt an u bJect hat looket 1k a piecaet rnuPw5s8 thtie tratsmas aithoit frein "DO! 1h on u ny do oeething. h muont areekagearaounu ibch aa dock etfsea- , 3.te abigiser purpose, for tino morkiug sarrY Caudinu, anti trust te ime ta guhta mena circblng sud acramln. Nat- «e ~5tmu neuti. I foilovatimy tather change hlm!" ual ia xie i tate.H ~ m-ado-. ilue bisbau, hilay I apure te routier the iloigbit oui teeradtheis bottIn the direction efthtie là -la uiios. repontiiug net ta tise meeting. OulY astuY lips set Claunle's, bJect. As ha cama close to Il bic curi- s"e " ao l quairel on Uie day ot yonîber glati tfareee glom-uing m-'ils hesu ntiDlywsInrae.Te hn 11M " 1 pleaied. "Anti let Lady Eai. haauty, 1Sucar tisai I couiti nt realgu bar ai irai ha teok tu ebai piece of mreck- Mmbeail Fy e Isive, that cannat affect love, even Iboug Is ls prica muet bha ~agle lurneti out te Sa a efui, and bu ad- IIJ t ie1. ftier'safsfection. 1 tutti ber of my ftIS'dition te Ils Dosy miuged asconl il va» 0u turnet On me Hi& face mas pale, cr's Objections, anti me inaiy aured te accomparniati b>' la u am'tathat trav- lugm""ea. posîpoun our utarrage fer s pear or tva. elet on lter aidaeo t Il ikin rnead *VbIip" be -id, "yun are et mg. andlOne ting migits aoten tise Probatiou. escorta at tstehsesuanoffcel icm- --I con tint, but, m-rita wmycusntu Laime hualte menus Ot Previrng Lady rdage. These lare guartu m-e or.s c~ e u t nee t ds h a y a v om an lu R am eres inn.oce ce; let in e ring b er m enas aiarks , m -o a. w m a t d o tu i fi ni m-y euled -la oIyBu re rociehushanti te ber teel, ersving rmUetdîesne ttocth " hamvie iallitnuleefrouttise Pardon for the mroug bh htidosa br'. uUn 0 un emud etui h Set maen vise brougit ber hua- sud thon, croit sy tsîser's fai-tateisdai ids oethtie box. The captalu of the = te abuse!"' - ejctleus sueItfait lu the grount, asti Abettie ti>ed tise vassal ind ortiat'a i, ____ ve er. bard wurds, but i muet heur I sheuiti enter into possession ot my kinu' a bot te ha leuncheti sud mauttet *808 Jeui cruais dom-n the bot reort dom, This vas the tbongit wviicisilleti mheu tise boat approacisa theis comal _ 1 mYaeemia > miasti mhe, atter having bInesthe blets t'otinued tuo iser a ee vIý sa PtPODethe discussion for te- Cltantine adieu, h1maketatoiiy ebauhera. -bt tiseaarks m-nt doan. Tise men, la 4.JIas RsSai' ueams-United C ~~vs CouarauE IteahatTm-o CI ,Pâb*m-The Oldt IMaso.- A Msn XiÏieb Y ui n IBlecte-le hok. ai Knihîsti Sa jabsions Iembauti. At thc litte village ut Ogienby, a aîtb- atS et La Balie, Audria RoItuis m-mauur-la dereti hy Charles Giticuu, a Belgiai ouitC miner. Riatoura n hualsît t'utpttyeticas hl a blacksinitis by the Ogtesby ('estCuom- pany n>'sd iasetiarmk ltttls bop mheu lu Gitiaou crept up balesithil>' bobina ihm andttiA abaot baslu tise barik. The bîackanmth bl taggereti a tom-parils tndithon <tllouil ni vîttoul ttering na urti. Gideon matie bis escape, hut attor îu lotng bunt aras Cap- p tureti lu a cern fid ah umlt gaoaimlles frein st visera tis ehoatnong oeimnteîi, bat oui> af- te tt aàisard fletin luwhieb noveraI abta IB lier ld, noue taSiti-ý, ef0cct, boarever. Thse cMme @BfitttBluhave luocu the ont- C comae o ft ofl et loutor, (<hltt'n -Ii- lag iset Bela bt beon tanîttiar aitit bis P neite. Wheu siresoteti (Eidebain aklod: "ha Pl et Relis deati?" Being tltiat hoem-us iso expreasetisatisfactiomu. Pans Mines Shut Dem-is. 8a For ttienirai tin lu oiors tht-fIrce-or iader 1h bllesof utthele Pnwei'oI Cti!c Company's plant aI Patta are dram-n )tt and entire sausson i b:teon dulet'leî for su indltblte lîcioti.%In. Penareil, j, the presaitent, ecinlie ho taumoîlastht- g Springfield ecouvenîiuuî -a,' andt.ratlier ji than bave bis men iuauurttrati ait uni P detotred fruits tht-m r-uîk by tht- miner* a vino are tnt, eltsi otiib-t. Ail the nii'-al tisera have ludelimiteir timleided ail uop- aratilos, even for localt trip. ait out :1mn ton of rlCai b c ho an-ouî ur nay a tr- no pose. Coal aili have tut te supply tUe local matrket. tlu Nmlsing TaIles's ltoy Votand, th Lavin B. 11111, toler ut thoe 1.ltiçt 2 Square hanS ut Biifitto. N. Y., dillap- paurailfrtnBuitttii auuîiety une moi-S NI &go. Thse mystery tautin ratittbing m-as vas-y grant, lhaimilwa-ttirotaitroi gmeter Wp tise iudlug ut bis body lun behîck hl waters ut the Chluzagu rivr. Noibinu Ce about te bodly ltot] od oaMi. IlIIl a eamle te his ileats, lnulesa the oruberi>' cui- dition ofthisbaitinx andthie preseaceofu iss mon"y sut jomelr ns- e Pitiemicea IbaitB Ile tlltI lto the river hy baiciint. Nu signe ut vieleoce or nuibery appeas . The lod. ihal evideail>' bot-én luthe vater oaev- n eral daym. lni M.uoia. iWoeducn PluPl Thse Mode-ruWuoduieu ut America ne saovai figt Railît ion. 'r'ite i-edtral cort I deuloti an Injnction lto ltito urestesln ec Beck Isdtenantomomvinu Head l Cerk ae Raves' olflce ta Ihat City', andte e.dt day Jutige OGlofetlttokIslaindi Sii luh- nla junction No. 5, Issuotiby »dater lu Chan-b ery MePheren, Tise latter iminadlate- ly imural injonction No. 6 on h,'baif oet t Fulton against hRock Isand. Thtisna- IV imiietes maitlera somi-arbat anti mises a C tire question ut lia. aon ou Sept. 4 Jîtigeoi GebaI ojoluet Masllerla CisamseM ry-I- Pherson troin ierfertng lu the removl ut case, t Tm-o MiniatmExpelat. Atthoe(Rock IRiver dinîrtet cotilerenýee efthIe Unitedl Beenthrven Cburh ai Fuir-i recaton, 1ev. Mn. liiiiiîio, ltly utf etiPI ton, m-as etîetietiaitil hit créel-mtinîs re-R Volkieai. I-é- raiee cot fronm t 'ent Vin- r glnia an iud tolaivure r-trenleulé ite bs sekr as a onglst'aclait,.whia-h. itli.a aetit-otC la untrue, anti sa-asoundlittiruit fgu-t- t arnal terepltlt. t-a-. W. F. lrhîrl ri.fuir- lt sorti of C'omptmtomn. manwtax tana o sir i bis cat-uiptiauuî m- theiii iaitrt-tt ofur mailing untrue uatlanienms alout lfiancest, etc. Giron'. sîrauga Dealis. Carleotn E. f<ilit, samescaltat- sad loau braiSer ulof t-aiur. wsi-sa Stitetilir t eetrir- abusk latha mît- iirîigb toinfui-i noser.lie' 'Atut itthe- turtlet-e iiix i t ire. A tigb-teuaio i -ra iaduit1 itt -omtiin- t ueoied ai-il lita sin'ru aurtutti gîa-t- lua io andti îtterftutu tint i thlis tu-it a ft'w inlohîa mait tht'eir ]Ybt- lt îullinî u it - 5warthiyer t-i-kiau-ký o itnt t-vrnui limes. (.iten w-au itketuuataiix nd duidc lu abotl uîait hbui.i ColorcilMue-d.e-r ls Caplureil. 'lhe polai- oftutSmuitttr Valley vitititrcI tht-toi-nirr (tut SIt fýicili .w but was t- cu-tilîtiil i luttai -'l'lienaineîîor mu th nrdonur n Ma rtlHionnts i ' t gravli- ing a miuit- rtnt t he t iti- tiy. Il;inrituiti'- Y Ssîtmii'tgt-a tusguili - Theta utnt-n taut col blîtuti u. Ilatyi.iP it l!]-ut Vieilliu w îlet mnatiarutaits on-apénii tiatthet-uietr N itotme, mhe -elo *cas tsrîuluiîg. tt w tîaagi. Er-aiton lia (lient '>tnsol. Tbe'îuu -u !hiatiif nttith, nuluta.i iu'nsl notî'tf thbe ltît- it-s tnuant-osttt.Y J. D. ENoter is bis nineuut. Evasutionat ctlmuns bis ?iM.ui -ii îuîuiuuun litatl isuse ut wiliiaeiî Il. StoteI1 -tu u!it lî' uuu Cauin .. N. Stoîte tf Nýeoti. Vt,, a it haro hùoiatui t te thetranuî. Five Meni Mccl iitth. ity aiexplosionti ufbittitu titi otailutthe WitttautabliCiaunt>- touituutui.t -a tn 1juluîutotî City, flac mot-t sitru-kilttuîiautit sert-rat tallera sutlerotl mut tou rntiitsantit bnuim-n. !l'h.- inuebiiutury out hue hattwaai bath5 rureoked. statu Neyas e-mret. lo a. Tanne'r buis npxuitled M. Zl(tu ut Sghetluon chier grain luuuîtector aItat place. Presîdeut McKinley bhis% sitll Willis K. Item-ogoutIlilinois cotnstutut Zitlan, Oeriiatiy. Tradie ou tise hinllisC'entrai]wait blocS- ed luy o heu-outil coilisi.ttitr wotufregbi t-aisal i alt Rrkfori. Tisetrowssar- edt tiemnelves b> 'loomnping. A Consmltmeof uttbree uegroes truinthie Colorai Club (4!'toi, lais coltitimhldrit Senator John M. Paloter a-nil reaineîl bis services in tise court pnuc-edlanstisai m-il hae brouginlugant th'e in it-ra ut the H oaidof utEtaianduiotliolasoutAittn. laArthur Martin,. 18 yt-sns nid. inhuin 4hume lusaupposeil u o aintCanîuin.titet a at the Soitlh Clîlenguo police station trais ,tinjuries receivel l inheyardls tf the Lake Shore Rond. The roîmin axn ot iek -y a -itatibisL-11ti_-tr- m-uý_ v. soumuftà« . M11of than twenty-ave thousani pet- mu vWated the new Chicago publie Wl-8 briBoudai. William Seberer, 23 yenIB of mgo aud ngle, was @hot' and kitied by John Me- Creary, colored. nt Peoris. -MeCreary A elatns self-degense. Ale-xander Anderson. ox-deputy ahçrlif and pûotilctan. of Chicago. was tbrowu un- er an Mitwaukee su d St. Paul frt'tght trin fromt bis buggyend killed. Neur Broctun, Stîntord MeNutt, un old sodli'r sud proprietor of the Brocton bc City botl, et, ti ndor the wboels ot a te ettry wagon. He dieti a baif-hour inter. 21 Ume ut gasollune iu the attie utf'q4 Hirt' Igs strret. Chicago causpdib te denth ot I Anule Wiîslcc. 3 years oui, anti aevereIY urueli Mia. Auguâtn Vitzke, the chitd's mtiser. ra George Bart, Peter Bitteuger and JE Peter Hanaon were rowving lu the river en ti Elgin, wbv heltir boat capaireti. BIt- It te6ger and Hannon were rescued, but tII Bart was drowned.W The cerner atone of St. Andrews, Pl bhurch was laid at Tparia, with thse ho.-hb aslng eeremony of the Protestant Epiace- hl pa Chnrch. Reverai clergymeu were pros- fn ut train other citlez.,It The Woman'a Christian Teinperaui'e in Uniou conventiou ufthtie Elgbth Congres- ec lomait district at Elgila luissymposium sg on tentperauce teaohtug iu the publice e schoole opposeti the use ortotbacco. lit l'pou the teatiutony ut Alderman Maug- ai er, corroboratei by A. J. 'Brockrnmn. t John Z. Vogeisngnud Eddie Kobin. theT rand jury ut Chicago votedte to ldiet v Jacob L. Kesuer, manager ut the Fuir de- T artint store. en the charge ot uffering 'T tbribe a city oiialt. hb Hl. F. Egnai, a ste-nîiftter. wbo. for lack bl tf work at bis trade. bas biera tureete t l serve an a waiter lut a ('hiengo resiîîuraunt, ai wn tuund deudi l bis rotin. lie biadt ituruetiou three unit jets and tbia tuwuen i te bied. Tht- îodor of e.t'aping rat. aused b th dixeovéry ot the rt-mains. Esaii was f( 15 years uid. bi l'le ariditor f utltic accounts bas i- la noti a perlait for thet' îrgauitntiuu utf the i Duraud State Biank. nt Itursuil. tor tbe urposeof ttrsar-ing s gelierut bîtukLinlla' business nder the taws ut Illinuois. The capital stock la $25.(N sund tbe organisera re Ueorge M., Haines. IDaniel Daibson. I C. A. Star,. William M. Sie('uiiosgb, A. J.Barrlugbam, F. A. Youe and B. P.u liet. I Aunles Meier, the 10-yper-old datnubter 1. f Josa'ph Meier, a weli to-do fariner liv- t Int aouth ut Jonemboro, dieti trom bydro- IL hottia atter sufferiu two dayR. Two tl w'eks axeo*sbe waxplaying m-li a dog 4" belonglug to tbe family sud the latter m-as a caressing ber with its tongue. There m-as nu abranion ut the skin aud tbe diseaso Ce- nilteti frein that. Tbe dot bad betrayeda no sympttema ufthe diseane aut iat tlrne. but dieti Inter, Simon 'okagou. chief ot tbe Pottawa' I tie trîhe ut Indienssud Lawye le-a- ails,. ut Hartford. MIcb.. h ave been is Il Chicago mu interview W. H. C~or. sa'hi- cago eapilalist, lui retation te a clamth2t i the l'ottasatiniotribe bout.. iu 130i acre il tf innd lutbe heurt of Chieage, whi'h i. laud la tuostly i lu ot-essîou ot %Ir. Coli.J Acrording t. tbhe luthina, the itl i be namp tht-irs b.- irtiiteoft-% troaty exeut.'dJ in 1833 h etween the ftirr 'r tihe pr..e-Yt bhief aud tbe git-rnineut. This 130 0 aores, as otalueed. formiel] part of un lu-1 ten>e terrltory wbicb tbe Itidians lifter- is rdaraid. I tLai*.t1ateîl itt lien Mr. ('ex atteulipteid to procu're an uliat Cnet te hi land lbe otansîady tht- .'overn- mnt tbnt the pria nty tanpart ot the tiitawntntuiot rail. 'Ii i aii ireigiî grand tuilge otf i)il l-- arts aint Is esktin iiSpriugtileil eectedi Boton-ittti as,., ns the ilaIi' tor holding he text normal m tîee'ting. 'T iei miber. if the- suveroigu grand lidg,' were givonP il siroot-tar ride tie the Suite fuir irrontiaà anîd Linoln moniumentîi iî tthe ctltsetif the s'saiuu. A t t hie'liat t-rlaice 5 tîiruiriatef xpt-otits wtri. madle hy leputy traud f tires A. 9l. lintkertont. JaonC. 1Irider- utauil tf Keuttti-li autidC.SIl. Buasier î,f Nortbh(srî,lina. A tenture tif thtsssiton t ais tlî' tîiutrriig tif thtei-grand d lerceptif -liiralry iii frottof tht- State captl. Thet -bt-s-lii'rnandti ttiekabail-iiattl ere: Coli. T. T. ['armn.i. t. LtîaMai. 5-tit hViutr.iw, Chic-ago: [ietnt. C'ol. G. 1'. Dol aunesdSIlaj. C. <is rreî i. Coluîmbaîî%, Oi t' i rx. Getrtrudeit. 'urnli.Y. P1 'i-u-i,L; %Irs. Mlattipe ttiueiii I lt-tttr, Ill.;j Stlrn. A. S. Estey, Bton, Iu. Sse fcu. Ellat -tt îîri-aiii-tit Ilrat irizes tanthi- ian- lotix frntNliiibtii-, lad., antdiTI- rrî- Ilaute, ltadi., ilthe couiptii un- drillx. Vîîitirs te the Illinut,, Statt'Fair tif I !I1t; ,ili rittiîiner ihe latrge- antiiet' ii'itiotialiy iîliI.niaiîillg î-libt, . in the' xieittîeitii'rii wiig tirtht- I )tiî i- ldtîing t . lirouglit troi i ilrttitts ot Ne-brîaska by ilte tortf her entiririsiue tairtuinrs. With ils great t-ara tif o rit. spiitititlient. t tand aitllit> -itfalta * a iiiîry, ugar t-iotsantititct stigîtr, utand iîntîtta ad- Ait' îtiîplay ut fruit. tii s Ni-brît8ka oex- hbit ta titis nIt î i-euh-Ir ut iii tirent thîtt thii (air litag mnt'uii îskî'd tut taveit re- ta'aiod.anîd an i-tiire.- wig, iiit he o rtb- w-estconetr oftifhe (Pune tbutilding. Retoudi m-iiir, Miamengage(t fîîr tht- useutfthe Né- turîtsiaîpeopl>e iniff11). Th!@ 3t-'sr a doizent tarnra. rtormeri-sitteutsut Iltinotis.,s% b huve ronde foîr ttiot-isi.evetii-tvbohitilt Nt-braska, 'A ii uring tiisexhiltit, utitits logt ut two cartuatîstif almotI crrtlling ihat Stato prouces. There wllit-ha'ua atjiiîditttee tf beuttiful frittant ikat-u aud barreis utfatîgar. nmalle front iteetm, by the twu large tiiotorien tocitteal nt Granud Iland anti Norfotk. On une ut the lin- cipa! days ut the fuir 5,000 souîvenir barreotsutNe'brasa nsugar m-ii ho dia- lrllîttd inth e. faeraer suad farnera' wl-es ut Illtiois. Wbuever gues lu Sptring- fid ib!s year und ecerytitdy abouîtdtgo aud set th iteta îtr grouind and the grestest Stale fair lu the tUnited Statea, sbud nettfat Iou isit lthe Nebramka ox- lîlîit au4 tnik otittilte stitrly Muna uttoit artîi tent tramin bis S14mb lu getlàa oboaper boulte îand n btgger tarnt just beyuud the MI'issur'iRiver. Tite Kaukakea' Muutmtaclurlug Coin- liau,'m plant nantmftetturlng refrtgerutors and ittrcle. a. basieen i osetiltîn aain- ERIOUS SUBIEOTSO ARIEFUiLLY CONSIDIERRIX A Ocbalaa'ly Expostition oft ts asesi --Theagista Wemthi, oetCCales Relea' îles-Malt an Bltese tiadi et'tsa Scripturea-Tuma Wetil&peut. Lasosne-orOctobar Il. Gotlden Tei-"I nsm reutiy nulto lio honslni>'nl, but miso ut it- t Ji'rtisilem fon lthenaine ut the Loard J.ioua.' Aclti t1: 1:1. "Te stmhjtct outftta bagoula llm's Las. ounncy le Jernalin, Acta 21: 1-15. Aflerbisew-cate eEphesian citera ti Mitetua, Paul sartadilnmmetilattiy fait Jerumlcea. Inii bis besson m-c hata'me- airdai by Luko tise stuofit ljoune>'. tf ln net an eupecially eventîml une, but th neouni le m-oit morth slnd>', " te arore gutten trou thens:" The ex- ression iniples the tilhlculies tUmI Peut ai la partiraitfions the men m-ho crom-ted rounîl hlm on the bencb, roluctant ta let lin dopart. TIsera m-as no attela provision anr Itenger transportation lna acient inie,%ais vo bava nom-. Treveleru muai milke Ibeir sva jounuya effiler ln nier- haut vescels or lu abipa helonginu lu lise overnseut. Wheit theaships vere coaust- ra, tiiturhing 51toe>' port. progrnwm-s uccettlarhil slow-. Paul w-as tortunate lit unling t atîten a i-sai bound uiirectiy for 'ryre. "Ditaoe-eiî ('prats" flint ln, sighite'i Il. They mailtai paI tssutheru sh-,rý'. 'ibs voyage ufthtie apostie froua Milttloto Tyre iurohnbly ocrupiei about nia tisys. 'yre w-au a greet commercil l itY. Il ail litI onething ut it# anent gloia. buniamui tant a largo traIe. eaupu-ciaitY i the exîsîri t olise fumons Tjiclan paurisa tid tut glfanem suft-lrtue. D>.ing tii' er-nemiklaya oei'-tpi'-I hYth@I tuoloalîng ut the shma. P'aul mttei l'Iatise huntutit up fit ht('tistiaus lu iii" -tir, snd oulnt i uî itungfilenit 1inphets waimîtruaru<', him ut trouble awslting hbitu; i'-eruA.îittm. But these aunnga balâti-Dt-titXinîle tebuai bina. l'la-ntulî. a large tutan thint>' miles nautlitutif 'yre. Ifsu-euietumanom-as tt-î'o tîriig the studIoagu'n il as cilli It. -a d-x 'Acre,sandif m- es tcsaeue ut iassus grent intites trou tho crmmbe tom-ut lu NapuIfeon. lat-sares. Ihiri>'mles monuft fPtole- maia br land. Titis masu»the me outoe whontm-e baveht-tom-e rend ef, Pihillp Use 1-vangelittanaidescot, tineofutthe saveut mn ai-pointai b>' tise Jenumalemchurcs ln lis a r-t' btor>' tu distributo aima: anti ise manmeneîm-bnbatl met tise Rthiopian -uuen un tteeteucil rond and lirai hm te i kuutilealge ut Christ. These tour tsugbitera et Pbiiipbist tins tit ut itretultee. ufitilha, Ucntorsuce et messages front a smtîernatum-5l mourre, nul mea'essm-lly or always the prealiction oftu-n unte oaomît*. If la qulto likeis, hovever, that Lia thîs fintance tht-y dit! preuihet tise 'itininu leuprni ent oft[b'ni, li tîvamco ut tise munis xpîlehi t dcaratien ot Aga- bus. Il[s@m-sanut tise liraitfisie Agates b.d forettril dianter. Nuutice hîs prophecy et tho gmest famine thirteon peur. hacore tAtaIt: L'île-mi-aillthe rua, fnom mutii'nfaim-tise pumrp>taof ut 'anig î'aul igaintultise idanger titat as-aito bis ai It tiwk ftit rentkn-Ietrut fth t ie stute af fee-ling etit-rtunalt-uatu protlit ihat Panuul -ulluIe inipriauuiiiitht-e"ut hoemer- %iimeulilufottiw-iuit bis usîstl iouurne tut preliit. An lutu-rî-atiug qi-filon arises ic tua as it-lur At in ua lurtutiblis mas- uni't tiibifain n,-*Imtiuitîility, tir ru-ether h.- tii-i asha , Ituubt,- tu-î iia ire,'utîltîdivui moitili1 u-t-miita hi- tituînt I'ui'a antd tîitti. lAtf itatiuuixb mut atm-tis tht' trist tht-, lturtu u irit ut niemt. hîîit hotiuiter- siauuii undt i-ui.uui-u. Tho>' muisauîtl l hv on faili mtu -Iuntliai-k tut tha tut% t au bat i t-r mi nîaloi fbai-nett -iii h truuuîu,(ii iiirus anta t-taiou-et sai-,- ti I i- tua lituui ha b-qt uiet tuhruuuu s lait- s-, fai.t usul If i-it ;nia t utîti'u'a utuuuuî in bil tutalilti.ihuir eft- u iiit-ratu. tutlatn a fi t it-i in n-e ail>to u .'la-Thewutllutthe Itirtil»- tîu-'If i hi; liait fn- lt ut ay u tht irait jilsie, tt-ritatus lii-y iaaulihave nasoul ihi-ir orgiutrutàt. Teachlsttflint.. A liîrixtn trunelîn fIiulxmut-b lu bis joîurnai a hit is linvisiltu i; hi' ct i-ii'ss gtut'm. IraI Iisquetîtnuia ,'e frits tblilttîs tut i'îtestin(î. ii'uîl uîbtiu-xn bal hui uuu tuti tl o f ty tliitttirhu ai-i rrt-at uti-irea fuir ttth*-utltu i it ie ii at't mth tato t y.uluiru hi tuta î i f-îtî u' u tpltant ai('hni,iau luttii- tutt, -a uuuceiize t'>p1s t hn . buM utiltriuut-nut-n ta it 'lia tiîiittly ltutti rtir u -"î î in n ltu itant ui5taw .i . t i b is iui M tiuuii gît laiktlu Iiniaj.t t ii i hi- tuit uatutaijutur- :it-y- Ai Tyru tusi.ihîtuganalità w ld lut- tt.ty wit tb h - graind.ul. autitay trolou;s.ofutEsc- l.ui lantiti Iiiiiuli, u ii iii Il- 5itilt 5 uttult- ashu-tulii, tituuundui o tf ('tuithîtit iiîît hi otîîui.t tiei-i'wotutti be uubuu- taut-mi Liti.1u iimtytititig litîintuitut:tht' -117y andtul i.îaisu iug tt-utu t s u f i itt-îut Emi-aru item--the itutrai luatutuit îhsfia ntmui'rr itnd tht- huittutu ut l-'t -if uhe ctie isa iti utttries a-ilnc-a-tb>' hui' uta uau('trisîlanîtatao h'ttiateri-atea ii i tactf- uot dan- gi-r ruaiitiids uts tutunimtii>tut t Chitat;ur- itig thuina' dam-k ftisa(tuftuelc reun tmitais- un>. wliou thteauuaýw futhlii- arosa anaai- rouir fuitlita tuilsamit faii. uttiid t'e tiubofu iht' ma-t-rut w-eigi'd tii-uavilis uîutauîisspirit. liSe ('hnitt, P'uuist-t bis.tfauc e ilfut tu goatu Jeinlitni. ieraum ho titIhat luty os heu haumthtituur.lit-lieiorgthit tutt-ienruoruts objîc, iehot-tothiug sauit mui theo ay utfin& ttitutedal çemplleb- hfinlanuit atm-are anlong anti quiet ICIu ftais la lh- trimîtfor eahu i l ie h'suil bal bien btsnu inetuns atuions lu (lie tir iu natter liîpriniiuut't, fuir ho ban s grat tam-rk tu ucîunutism. Ereti m10%, liew feirthfit tht onS mas tam- fros lin inbed. Butie Suii ww-oitftiat If tue abouti aliritu nour front this a-lait lu .berîîsatm tromua sallie ho etes'uInucni. th, reetalection o ut enohlinîiîily w-outld hart nua unir hia ri'putationtuwlîh frieadsau onme, itîm bs.m-taitîr o.This m-tsi Thsae oal >session et Se me grand W.lot napnist Oi hI'aIlo-s5 mas helti Mondt mea-ISI bu Repraentatlves' EaU, Sprngael& .I, anti m-as ntroduetim-lb apoyle eeremnues, taktug tisa forats s pbli receptlon, lunm-ici theba ospiallibas «e Sîste, cip sund tbe grand boies eof(M Vaem-s oftIllibnis verseeulti edb>' ISsu pruper represeutalia-es. Ueo. Alfredi Or- endoi, pont grand iepreneatlvaetf I1- unota, calieti the meting te ertier. Seatat upon tise speaker' platturu m-re Gov. Tanner, Mayor Wheater, Grand Rapte- %,rotative J. 011, Huspbrey, Grand ie Fred Canleton ut Austin, Texan; Grant Master (George C. isukin f otMnrout) Ill.; Grand Palrinnrcb J. D. Muzrphy et Bushneil; andtiMia. May 1D. Stone et Van- daima, Piosîdent or tha Illinois htabokai aisnbty.1 (loy. 'launer mas the firispeaker. 1Ha aimeS. mu the higisautprassof Otit-tel- lum-shlp andi baie the vicltoru a heait>' vwelconie 10 the cty and State, Ma&yor Wheeiar apoka brlally, exeudlug a beart>' vuicoênieaubebaif ofthtie ciy. anti OrsnC- Ilatriaîoh J. 1). Murphy tulioeea. Grand Monter (ieorge C. liankin spokae for the Otil Feltuas ut Illinoiusaid Ma. Msay D. Stone gave velotîni in mie naine etftta Ilehakaha. Ilesponse te Ibese m-ras matie ny Grand Rire Fred Carleton,.vm-loepull rbulc te thc Sîste ofut iiiltits greatitas a a proulur-er utfmeità, a tncuer et popula- tien, eduemllon andtiebtiuner Stata ut Odd-Pello-ainip. Ho nansedth ie grest inumho hailile the Sîte ilnstnloua. The geans et Odti.iu'llom-si inla Ual m biod aSIl races sud creeusatugether. The Grand Rire outil that leiwum-asnul tise frai ilme Ibis boudy bt beau velcoetaneib>'the Governur outla Stale. but nt m-sa the irai tune SIl iat beanvecleuldb>' s Gever- uer as.a brothler Oddltcliow. Thea iguniar scssiou ut tIse severelga grand Wle ra mm nca econvoitai b, Grand Sire Cek'leton. The spntatltlveiaiuivirs eut comiteées tere usiý nai iàualarge semu- ber ot nslulaons pr~snteil suai reterreti vîithont reai-sln«. lu tbe afterisueithtIe Ion-ali itohah Indges gave a ver>' largel>' altu'ntlat rou's'honlu hoor utflte visît- Ing Reellraitldogme mîibërs sud the surereigu grand ttg- Tueuuia>' atterrtion a lânepanade ut Otit I"eiitim- rua givnnîlor -Tunuait of Gent-rat J3IP. Etînotttuof rcst ons- emantderin uchiefothie l'aîrlsrî-bs Miii- fat(e ndsial.onuilpitg aithlie IttiiesaNa- tiol-tui imard. tammaud.t. cantons ut Ps- triaru-ha Miltsitn nuit auilom-illîte an- oetr.pnîu-ta anti loges osoantilig tiserap- renattalves totu hei- trrtigi -aniInfdxe. FItat,tsi tututhin suis s itriz.' dmill ut i-- arrhn Mililtanut. C'aton Mauie'i. No. 4. et Mtituîie. lI., wotn tht- tirect prux'. 1$M)1, ln n]an»At. andl ('unioîn NlaKeet. No. 28, et 'rrielIaute, luat.. m-un fitle irai prime, îric ii nissa IB. TrIt-y bailtuaocnipeti- lors. At tuluhi the peti grand ir-pr.'untsttvsa btil a iuîlinl te irst lethodit ViittiutI 'iuru-h. n tbt h aluros wm-i- e u hé, is trauiiidleprpseuiativee ' C'. N i., ou itnn Ptu Télla ui-i ita Ili.-Fuil- lt-i.o tifitnain. ('un.: sud Stitimni-ti iU. Ituit-Il. utfIlîtilacé.'Fein. HITS BOARDS 0F TRADE. Posible lafféetof ethlie l>euiun Made by uds JutaIn ter. Juge l"ustt-a ndeiitelin tu he United StatosIl rttourt ut 'rais-Sa. lu ahibi he hli that tht- Kutitin('Lsive StucS -rlaiut mIs I mui,.,uraiqillu inviole- ttiitIti' ité. ltt'ruuttuiutuinuit hiero. uay réýi tt iltu -tu au uta util luT-h lii'e toit..grain ai ,f oiittlttititehé,-u-tiîtry. lT-é, î-auîî.f til i. îîîuhî.lui 1,3 titi' Su- trîite Courn t o h t ho itt utti aeut, et au lit-b tl ili luta î~ît- î.wilI*hofaithtis ttttt upuntitti ut t or i ili&*i-att8ai elt-Ilas gi-aSa uhiti ut- mati. n iiIýl tan tise maunt'itu-s laé,t i N anm 'iuy anaitu- tItiasiii tiutit:fi utitta inîta 0retraint Wtshiuigiuîu triit-ya ureiineortait as tolu titi atitu-uif thtutIlittutu. fuir the rea- sau t bat fler.- 'Tutti sliii- lita-làut ie pen- tiarit> itîuuttiltu-iruta ndtto nulet- -- tais téiîhî- Kntanast'ityls .re StucS El' ubstîto aubloti,, aî,t uuttutî tt taimler ex- - t-hng(g-.A%% il is ttitnuihum-ov,, Ibis exib.ingt la ainilar taLtthuearun hicb 'Irentm,'k, grainu. t ftlifrum, prolui'e andi l1ttleunut ieuIt-tutuin. utnd iif te Stpremus (Inai, oftufiho I - aulîlSta tes ebtutululupholti Judr nîlo 'untr'a defiion tthi'aO institutlins aumtihar,'lu tîtutheir lustra or chanîge thîi organinatian tai Somthuila. MAY CRITICISE TH'E JUOGL, Wisoeisiit Court lIants IOvrta Bd- ien Ataiut Juge HiaiIey. 1 Jîîsiicr J. IB. WlN'iuss utthe Wiscon. inumîîeme Court haîsilaidom-n a &de- rnatout thal e it fpîritulor interesa l 1v' yîrs nuit noansîuupen putllnhors. The opinioun la ia the came outihe procmahuis - ton conlt torfncourt b> Jutige W. F, Butter, ut EautCl'aire allaitat H. C. AsIs- lstglt atnit I. A. I>ooitlio. The court Î we amo ut-lt pirnaed ithat nucearsper colulnen*auentes laiaaliy at-idet pion le thte pubt ation I ot i i t ut litît it'uuta tm,i cmli. Laietounleuuut. 'frutr. il miti hoa travhia end seigiasttsity %ru-l-i -utl itatita aul arttmrsi r ia.'-aitwslieiy asracint- .ate frfuuit-telotil,,,tIi t inci jteg sud jury, antitny witltiî a fe o Ialiapan. ta is oîtt.u- tttyiitritutuiiieut. If timrseau4 lie ý1amalmtro ,'itt-luatt%"t"u>tu ttLIT&pl-cua sua nitbv,,t treeuiotf sp"éî, sIe udo Bot Situ e bre turi iIf Fiee-ce Flrbtinluititil' Simla, iti" Io ay Ifiaitheb Ilta Matttth. ru ih ai aruttut n'l i urgaitie forte Itftauiei riî-uuu.ttturkeai ri ie é-lip tuf Uc. smit Iittudtt Rtlo. lettýigtit ut. wbit-hlaitutfisc bomms, tîttîîlloe. G(luit. tuVitotutau' .bs-a seierai>' ywouuuîtni Dm. Iluanter la Acumtitesi. '-Ihe jury Itutilo - ai-s utflin. W. Goal- tnt-r Ili ttr, u- uîgn-uutn Jobn nHenry W'tsi, t- E. 'T. 1-rAtks antdiCuipt Naît- (;tituu-s, îîcutaît IIl o tutplrucy le lrilue memhu-ra urtihé, Kentucoky LagisIa. 4. titra', bmugbt lutt airîlitutftLot uly. Inu 1876 there wore 13,7e8 pbrslcianç ,qla. thelrmauit empire, ho 1582 thes m-sa 1,),824, analld 8 ln m-e ws 4bu, 24,0(e. auo ffciaI cotbhas e, mi ines 1lui.