CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Oct 1897, p. 8

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Chicago Weekly inter Ocean, and Lake 1ont I ndependent Both Mne Vear $17.5 This Offer for a Short Time.. FALL SALE 0F FURNITUJ4C. AT 'TIr iuconda Furniture Store. tuolit Oak lied, Dresaer wl tIu 24x3o (linos and Commode, Oney..........:ILC liedteade, Full i 1e ...............20111)p AiI-steel Springs, any ize............. ... 1.601 Randsomne Rattan Rockers ......... . 2.001 up Soald Oa Seving Rockers.............. 1.501 Sevîng Tables....................... .75 Croquet Bets 4<( bail)...................65 .Antique Fiibh Dresser................ . . G.10 Full Line of Undertaking Goods, Always in Stock. First Class Hearse Service. M. W. HUGHES, nda, lliin -is.1 WC CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 0F aRAIN, FLOURM MILL STUFFS, SEI3DS, ETC. Lumber, Coal, Lime, and cernent. WC SELL THE 3WE3BER WAGON, WHEN YOU WANT CALL ON UWuRIGFIT & SON, IL.bertyville, - 7 - - lîlinois, - h.WEEKLYneOcn INTERlIesAofh INews and the best of Current tIterature. hIs te orally Clean, andtai a Famn'hy Papen a i. hlont a Peor. tamnlî t îe Nw ev a .5e ,W d ndalves tuhesib ne mater sacb veek and blfflp.êlffi la CMe.g. the ewo te speopule veato! the Âllegbâauy lits. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A VEAR 81.00 ctflaIlîb ial5.6area o n 4MeuP« eS O a yf W l . C E N T . . R .e , - 79. Wba & 10 13 2 M 7 M , 3 Lakiie 8102 6 4 11 1 Prall eVle 608s 6:1 810 15 8IoI oII 0on 56i-ai. iteteIer 6101 I29 4 33 ill Ê,, 1;75701 616 10 4 93I5 lI t 610161626do1 Le lla 608 3 6 70 1 14 h'" 000 1 10 23T 0 Slainte eterp and Pu'»C. rh 6 U DA SERVICESo.aina Lin. m& 6. vIo 780p.m.Prye meing Wedesd 7 17 n n1. 443 140 aie lo 1 10 661. fint. and PaudBaiilaCtur fch mo UESTYILL. GIIH. V ROCItEFELER SOCIEIE, . 030.i 1.:88. 66.ad1:6 . . ra r m.eeTg edeTaday evening Y.f. .C E ee Sndy voine tz6: . unior C. . JOHN0. . o 51Poset se. dA d mtor Sthurday ni onth.or ul on 1. M. WLELBONoosO Nt0. Mâl onBo th Da . Sc.... : .92 .M O.prt u.t i. m.Tuea veîg !ec Lyan . gola rking Busing .T. ' . . (LEAit . Oo't rlr. tacal ofailo goisouth. 84 .6.03.. bisil oi othrdri..........e..06 . Mi rand hy sagenr rast 0 n.6 L. aHr. Plet e Livteld a arla lson Stille veenk. rvewlh r mtr icato bat ne Hoery ie. baofbeen enteîalns isohere hrduyrepeetng the aslrmk an tr ad taenry BoIr spra tRe. and tirs. Peeruchhleelset Tbde Juor tend evas ! illCe pago aniTheeJunior. of Iaboebeldatjaile meenggaturay.hrh àx ën Jvet liaibjetw, u Waîgeai vlu aBisle N metUae c goal.Initd liev.E . ndrtirs. Bofk re laelecte elegtaines t at tahe Convrention a! ndevheauspice@ obtelY. . 8C.aE. sOct. Tis ete ie n.ra Tmerofte yl ie pret angat îcole m ocnkefnelleanna by the astor.t tiornleg hee*'PMr.lHarriPaplbe." evenlng psubjeetl anTlronhe ame t11e Namele."'Ail arecîlableinstruc. tiovn . A.ariso a!5 Grsadlte, i and1v ensmagelcaenamillsiaepilct Lnoruinmentzwttuatha angtlonues chrda azy nsayaeig c.5 unde theaudic es o te . C. soiety. Ts1 ielrieiran ment. Sermn e kin thi is eer r Rokfeir a.0.dSromanenouis Rayven pbererf. Bars as ben, aie Lor attnd may expeci a sen a evelnglaanPily ad a îesae tMerinreemuofi vinabe i nao Wlion nadision o! 25 ce.adt andof. cent.ofChicagen, yul etandai îlt e oor. iisple W.îlB. Mchz ve nt ta J. e ly Tea- daey. vstr atra at H. . Moldlingvent 10îecand lait B.o. rernan ViMoent taModilenr vsti. ndM. d Bs. L. heran ent t CilNrhcagola o a ecusin Mnaylopre, uticin, viag on oisieastrindl aucnalu.ek Un.i. Lohs and M Hrisaon veni to ath city la uv Fr heid tyny. Man.ond visiir laday.ig ih r Prdoi. . Meeo adhîago, peent yu is it n htglae -, niependnt dotee" the nPart aine at Lista Zurich ithe voite. The score la th. binanngvwon 15tta16 in lavon O! 40femon Part's. The. Wancondaa iteir lent bat. TIare vear bd. on bas ies yBouSesor tabas. Tvo oiand te tIra. balla vers cahiet ou luim. Pour balla ver. calleti vIen the Jeffeisoix Part's bogan iticitlug anti claimuot tha;t but tva balla liaed bean cilleti belaie. The wrangleg vent an for fiiteeminutes andtihîe mpîre decharedth îe Sama 9 ta 0 le favor ofthie Wauconda Independent's. VOLO. Nick Frost, <of Menoalia, iiihuome for a 1ev days viiting lis parente. ltira. Puant Effiger andd cldren, of Waukefsn, returneti bome Monday. A number tramn Vola vent ta Joliet an the Tiethaîn excuîrsion lait Thurs- day. Mis. C. D. Smith and Mater Paul Avery visibeti Wantegan au Tuosday and Wednesday. 11ev. Mr. Cat and vifs Oui pastar tramn McHafnny are calleg an friande ai Vola santi vcinbty. Hickory eut. are verypientituj ihis yaar and iRe boys and guis are laylng1 joily urnes gathening tRam. Um Anna Comeptan returnoti ta Elgin ast veet sitar sendiug a couple a! vees eamong relatives anti fionda ai Volo. We vonld ativisa ail oui tîlentis and nelgbbors vbo ial ta tata a gondi couety papier ta aubacribe toi tle Laite Mr. A. V. Smith, ai Waokegan, aid Mr. Robent Smith, of Oak Part, vbsted thelr giantiparants tir, anti ti. Robent Paddock lait Tiiursday. liasMinule Benveil, o! Morton Pat and ltirs. Gerard Benjamin, ut Chicago, speet a couple ai days thle tais part ai lest veet vîi ti r, anti lira. Ciria Dillon anti tamily. Bag choiera or sjneoiing ilIte Illiai mate iet appeaance amang thlinga In aur viiniy. Last sccouai tMr. Esale Fisher liad hst tauty andi BonHiler tourteau, Mi. Gardifier alaq laitonea. Mis. Beneohisud tianghier Miese Ouate, of Norton Park. Mis. Thompson and tirs. Porie anti]litI@ dauglitr anti tir. and Mis. Hatigean. a! Buffalo, N. Y., oglt Saiurday anti Sueday wyul tir. anti Mr@..ChIeDillon anti tamliy anti tr. George Benveil anti tamlly ai île aId home. lionday lire. Henvel vas calbng onoutlti rientis anti neughibors. Arrangement. bava beau matie vlth 1ev. Harris, af Grayalaite, for an ententalnmeni vîtil lis liageiscope,i wblchl vlibe gsen lor the benefIt o! the Vola N. E. clurcil, Tbursday even- log Ct. 7. This enterlalumeet cames vitLi the higîest recommendatiaes vhere l bai beau given. The tiagni- ecope aboya fuIlifs aie pictuies of selmalal, machines, vaisi aed people In actual motion as roai aislite, ant ini trniy a marval o! île âge. A ins stereapticonuaîsng algbt lundreti canise paver lugît yl be shave in connection wyul pictures. Lai ovsry oua makte smont f aisIoppartueity. Ramembai ilie dais, Thirsday Oct. 7, ai the Vola M. B. churcl. Tickets 25 cents. Children îînder twehve years o! age I10 cents. WARRENTON GROVE. Thon. Dunne. ai Laite Forest, calieti on frIande bore usaiSuuday. MieAmanda Miuegm. o! Waukegayi, visîteti lier parent. bore tilaveat. tir, anti lire. Oea. Kneealy are ne- joicing over the arrivai o! a ton paunut boy. John Austin, of Libertyville. tran. secteti business le tilavlciiy lion- day. Wm. Suydeur, ut Laite Villa. ie drill- ing a tlnee inch tubular voîl for tir. Houles. Patrickt Devine lbai retixrned train Ioaa viere ile bas been vielilng a aister tle Pal monil. Misses Ellen Bracten anti Lena. Flnney, a! Chicago, epeet lait veet lois as île gueste of tir, anti tre. Eti. Oibsun. MAIN ESVILL E. Winele Fritseh spent Frlday lu Clii. cago vîth irleetis. J. J. tiller, of Waodtoct, wasaa phaeant caller Suntiay. TomGoarmey t. visitlng tricutmin b Hainîville ai prenant vriting. tir. and tira W.. Wedge caleti ou trianda lu Bainovîlle Sunday. tirs. Rendes la yulé ber daugîter, tira. Bîlggs At presant vritlng. Mis. Gorman bas been spendiug a fev tisys tn Clîcago cauubng-o 0d fr1- endis. tir, anti lre. Eddy stientiedth e tuneral oft tîsr dangliter lu Chicao Frbday. tir, anti tira. Rugene Meical!, of Gomiese, $peut Snnday ai Charles Wasbburnes . Tommy Dytes hati the miatortuna teu have his leg badiy cul vith a corn teite, but in able ta use ih agalu. tir@. Weyfortil andi tamehy lave m. turneti ta their home lu Chicago, alter spentilng a moetta iii Buvihhe. lira. Diethorne la îawiy Improving tramn ber i111e.,.Weare aligiait repart ilal Jacobl Vs la gainteg. lira Aens raturneti ta Bainavihîs Sa" dae amelti dby lier fieeti MiaSaheant amlybut returneti ta tle city lianday. DIAMOND LAKE. tir. George Oat visltad Chicago au Tueday. Oui laveI. quit., but Mir. Ost re. part. ilat ratinl gond anti that pros. periy bas. returnee. At a isceet meeting of the sciiaoi Board Il vas vatedtâtlai the uev vooi shedi sboult ile buttlumedisaly, andi a new gravai valt le laid. As thare bas bsnu aome iequbry n~~Uao r4i andcmm JleJabPenser,. lÏà» hiday vomi le tle bicycle race ai Wauen at Saturday atarnooin. Dr. »Il lire O. V. Youneg, o! Rose- ani, ware calions le ]bat Priday. tibi abile Backtîa, a! Wankegan, apeni soveral tsys tat wveak vth irienda haie. J. W. Smith, C. M. Brovn and W. D. Waihbnre atteeded the Elithore. Win.,1 Pair tua vweet. Mr. andi trs. Henry Fant are rejoin- lng aver the arrivai o! a son ln ibeir homo, Viicil occnred lasi liatnrtiay.1 Baverai ai our Christian Endeavor yaung people are arraeglng ta attend tle convention te Chicagoauneit eet. Bnrr E. Joues arrivedi n aur taVin lasi Tiursdsy vhere lie viii moake lis future lame. lia vile vili coma about Novemiler lot. Mise Pearl Smith eetertained a ricm- ber of blende sottlber home ait veek Wedneeday eveniog îhe occtsion ils' beg bier biilday and the geernis comn. bng as a suprise ta lier. Ai enjoyud a lunch and pieaaant evening. IVANHOE. Engene Smitha eorghum Mill la ln foli aperatian ai île aid stand West ut tovo. The Ladies' CeîReery Asociation viii meet yulti rs. Delos Ailnes on Tlorsoday, OCt. 7. The borne sheds on the cdurch loi bave baen moved iromn the vesi ide la île neuî th îe cncirl vwhlcl laa docidet Iimprovemeni. The Ladies' Cemetery Aasociation lava engagad Boy. E. A. Harris ta give s Magnièccape enert.lnment ai the chlurefn nionday aveeling (Oci. 4t1. Came ail and spenti a pleasant eVcning and yan vili no& regret il. Rî'member the date (ctober 49hi. Tile semi-annual conventionu ai tic Y. P. S. C. E. of Lakte County vas beld at lvauboe Satnrday Sept. 25th anti vas a dacideti auccs. Haverai bram Highhand Park, Lake Farest, Wauko- gin anti other places vers prosent. Prof. Mouulg, o! Chicago, conducetid the ainglng vuiich lail anjoyed. Thle ezarcîsea vers ail goondanti profitable anti 'a general Suod soctal feeling prevalati. lilne Alice lSmiilVWho iu aeclreiary came fotra oieholuili Volîu 10 attend. GILM ER. NIfo tui in tbese parts ye. Corn lis mostly eut lu thce w.parte. Henry Kllipp 11a baving a veil put divin. show me t ilojun visho ys tilati Nl not dry. Mir. Keeue vilii mîve loto F. Teisesm hanse Ociaber lot. W. F. Hall antitauily talli- is 11Zuinci frbentistlai Snnday- Fred Taise is pnttilng a nu-v ou! uon the aId Baker bouse. A. G. Scîvermnan tuokaitiIp ta Waukegan Saiurday. John anîd WiIIliBeese are outi frun C'hicago ta viait their parenia. PA LATIN E. J. Jappa vas in Laketuriich Wednjes. day. Herbent tilbatet lavimitiiîg tientis ilere. t'. lS. îttting vam lIinhitr viclity ru-. cently. G.. Hiratman vasit n Lakte i.trici lianday. Mise Belie Taylor visiteti fienta il i Chicaga Tueaday. Mai Muilt irom Wbeelluug viaiteti Lia laîiirSatnrtiay. li" Keasier. o! Chicago vaa a guîi at H. C. Bîeaso tuis veet. tir, anti trs. Henry Itoper visîtc'd trionds ln Palatine aver ibuntiay. Mis. Fiury anti danglier Mollie vluit- cd fblendtuInBarriegton Tueaday. J. W. Bell, of Deilaina, the tait bicycle rider, Va In tasn Hunday. Mir. and tira. Valentine are vlsitlng at tirs. Coopera ai presont vriting. Misa Aima Schierding la spendlng a few days yulh T. Catiows lu Evanstan. Charles Garrîson and famlly tboni Elgbn visiied witil relatives bore Trurs- da.y. H. C. Hetierman la preponltig Di place a aitone ctirblng aountibla brick biock. Mr. and tirs. Evaneton, of Wett c. Heery visiied i vth relatives botre over Soetiay. tirs. Buteer gave île mleionary addrosa lu tle M. E- Churcies aitlHe- bran anti Aien Hntiay. Mr. G. Horstiman blas the contract tor buiding a îev reAlience fuir Lounbs Schultz near Laite Z urich. Boam Savyer reiurned to île North. western Uelverely at Evansiîn Alun. day ta resumo bis studies. lira. Buichor andi tra Warren Tay. lor atondedth Oe missiouary meeting ai Aringtoe Hightis Sunday. Ouar towu le piaspering ulccly wyul a quiet stteady building boumi andtihie new buildings are large and Modern. tir, anti lrs B. C. Maiber anti trs. Brockway andthîeMisses Naaisci vieil ed 1fr. and tirs. Rielaner arileir home lu Richmond, Ill., Thnrsday. The tuai bah teain remambered tMr. and lire. Charleas feip vbtb a beanti- lui vîsail ai Bavwera ai tle burbal ut their lutile tiaugîler laitWedneastay. illion Fostet reiuined home Sun- day. alter a monih s plesure trip through tle eastern stateavisltingrea tires und vieving the besutifuil s<esu. ouy. Mir. sud lir. Hermon Thomuas cois. bratedtiRusîlver vaddlug aunnver- eay ai thair lame tva miles vest of Palatine Suetiay atternoon anti even- JUS. List yaur praperty with me and 1 vill ftnd you a eustoîner st reasonable rateg. Among numeouif clîace bitigains 1 halve the followibg: Lake Counoty Farms For Sale. Gravalake. Pour farmns ln Vernon Townshipî. Fan SALI-A choic loitl4% by 177 fil l'riu.o $1591 cash. 160 afre improvecî foaranla1jacinîit toTIblrtl feir hleaitnsl Avon Townaabu i Lake. Liberal termei. Teuhl A splendid taimn 130 ommo, tiajacent toa ilmablin rmone Mile ort1à oforaLaW e. a Taylor lake. lv'iiai ll int ratmu 1ou0ail ilî,.il. nîw f1, a Oil...1. 1 7rtmboua-.,bari eillR Wanted Several lutait tb nL. Aijîly wit 00 bIl C'lLern: ro.titE iîiard sadasia2% teroa anit îîartlî'îîiars t, il. c. i m'A..tfrit îtlsîl. Siîîîîlotl ocationfer Ru-si Mati..Ag-nt. Oir iInnl. lmpr elFarin. Chol,. liargaàlit. 10ars Libertyville City Property. adjau ent týas Win. Cenitral Il. If. Station,, ut Hait acq'ii lot sithi lght ront odem bouffe Mnost reanonabb, terni.. id wvuli. "etoitrn. stie.anîi .]fruit tmoles. 100 acre lm:irovtcilltart on banii of 11040.5 .ifiai, for cah. tr on rcatonalile ftoas. Lake. Prlcît 5Mo fier nore,.lPart eail. Itisiane, For aul.-, nu-w lotîllliig nio e, tilesop for long unieuai lusraie 0f intimrit. Oi 150 acres on Mllvauiku-u- Chot:. î,to1011 fitaifroin hm taouR bar uns,gooii tîtîîos. j KOitli !ln.autel 'M".at, s!. teru.2 30acres tilotber. lni68lr i er acrta WANT T, Tai)-Cholîtiiacre coomer lot lu eash, balance Out tluuta i r o tni Lixrtyîîllt tor a sunail luoprovîtd foam 140tu *1, Seacetin vîtitîn thn.,u niltut offle B . . nacrses) nario- MiisorNiwaukt. . BIM stations affoler fhlh tati, ut eulilatlin it. lii toi iatimllfiruî thoroughîly iil(d, large, nt.w @-rocou houa'. neyer tallîng Weil. utt",iiiWi s tue lt,-A 1.u-' thrte flowinu sîîrlngs: ttue rî aonahit,. ThJ.M.Prcetain are ~J4.Subscription News Agent saîiceAve.. 114 mi- 4outh of ltortyvl;iit.:AD 100 acres ton tati sittif rttati anti sau acri LIFE IN SURANCE AGENT. JMitermarîia tht, rivir. M'l) 11ttI ltli tr ft t t ait vîtt orîtt. r ýt't îW; t. rfti tlitiîîi.If n l it tii iiuy, Seoi.tient or Traite Real EsMfiti Iwi ta y,.t H. Ce PADDOCK, LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS Keystone. Corn Husker. and Shredder .5 H Husks corn and makes hay of the stalks. The Sterling Snapper and Shredder,t Aloo makes bey of the eailks. 44 Hummner Sulky Plows. 4 Brabley's X Rays Sulky Plows. 4Bradley's and -Deere's Walking Plows. SBUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS. Lumnber --ci Coal. SALT, CEMENT and TILE, Rope, Twine, Etc. I*G.H.Schanckç & Son, 0 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 5 The llederoilgned ViII *1 llînpll l-'PEOPL.ES' COLUMN. auction on the Win.Rle.ns tarot, ouei hall mile îuîrth tif lianioniiLakte sitdiAtltVliTIHKENTA-Wii 1t. la tt two billes îiiutîib.est ofitotcki'tt'lliîr, 3 ot..t, 'tt,iii. Aotitili 1m.ra.i voiS nes Tuesday, Oilmmlir 5,lIM7, t'itumuv.iiiug t* iiit-t wotrr t haCtt.lai cnt itm Word aiI clocit P. il. the ttillowlngir tialilîtîlIei. property tut Davi Griffithî, deceascil f-P,1i>)Ut IHî,lS TEETJi-.Ned fixing Cîjoidestiale stallloiu. Yl'u.inigXug, Nuo. ,h iurmtatittt..ibasViZ.Cio W yFourni 3W44; Clydendale lotalîjuni. Champioin sl tirtislttttiit liilly, Na. 7341; Clytiestlaletotal iiun, F A~ji.oe;&tru7~rogtu Cbamplum HBoy, No. 73142; Clyuiedale iun-r. ',ruuu.sudl lianîî'ulars atirmesaor mare, Fliuru, Nuo. 631; t'lydemdale Mare, etailotn C. Lory, us. lu Nance, No. 79I.t; Ciyiiemdalî. mare, 1.ijt;y'j laruu ttf 4diat «(". gîtai ld. Rosty, Na. 7911t);iw ronads (*aris. ; v liugaî,d t l.i tieBtiu'N'tLO single larnesses; two net utfltupple tr,,î--t. Atir ytauO'. iGrosi, Jr. . , ir I netis, brithelai, llanketa, girtbut, .ii. - Taaaa 0FSAl~ II stua ti tîi Fîfts4 ()Iil IE.T-A «goittl ry faca TEU o iAz-tisftifsiove ,o'. olo2tiRti 3tat bSit wgai, u iufi and affoler cash. .111 Nl" vrI aý.0 il.'?iîuotr.attti ilnouur Siaio. $111 a creolît ot une ycar viiiA1jîy t,A . lii' 1er î,tiIiceor 0a. w be given on gooti liankable notes bicar. tl Lt' Oli .try w mailot.aan ieg 6 per cesont intcrebt Nu prtupertv jF(< .,. c. c, co Sîtti. suii. riaian0- removeti untîl seitls'd fîîr. OtÂt.lrlvi.86 WU.. Roi or. Tif'ctorv T-ttt« hiou situant W . . ( ie n r z i i i Eto r sii A ii , ttt , 3 1 .4 .H . 1. 'a i d o t:k . l . W. il. Ari'LEY, Alrtioteer. 49_.3 t."--u-n ýi.lw eo On baccaunniof slckneslutfmy svite, IF Il. yno;lo 1- aIl.ttW. ls otiu 7 hasva decided ta quit farmlng anti Auttmîr ', .tmeeo maya soutil. and wviiteli ai public FUi Sl E--îîti.gsluegn.Ap- auction vlthoui reaferve, on thelienson IY 1-1Ent. APPtLICYLlburiyvlll. 4a fatam, ona mile essi ut Gages corners INAN:Dlolî nf ainlein rY and talmles vesi itf Shermana ireîti, 04îo is o te abl cornersaun the olti plank roua, tionday oÀlt yu rota îîtvaitt flu f October 4, 1897, ceomrneuig ai III oclacit a. M. the folovlng properiy to.vii. DI chuinee covai, 3 vith cîves, C" by side, 5 nev Tilich, balance glvingr mutk and spriegers; 3 yearling lielters, 2 boeiter estives, I yearling Devon Ituli: tenai o! matched grays, 7 yratiti Fu*rnitu re,i veiglit 2600ff; gaad rusd hurne 7 yeua olti, team moles, 2 set doubîle haro t's neaîiy neVi; 2 set ai single Lournent, Un aertaking, nearly test; 2 fat hage, i brooti cuve vih pigei; <Il chîckens, mllk wagonit, Paln s tamlly vagon, truckt wagon, rimondEL~ cart, buggy, pair bobsleds, cutier, 30 faili;cins, 2 tirage, sulky î'iîtlvatr siiovel pluw, single cuiivitiir, inos UiIS, tOsborne maver, à bay rocks, i'oullng1 tank, sulky liay rak,, taltirtiou le,' 4004 butibelaswhite laits, 511 bîttiu-N Varn ishes, Pitte,50 I)iNbels col lb cr11),, to)us taeeay, lot iu,îvu-lo anti tioN 40 grain longs, parlur ofîit5spîiee, Glass, conter table, eblamber st't, btureau sit gluas, seclng machline, 3 inii bureaus, foulage, 6 beltealila, 3ieu-iliedt sprlngs, nov 12 tt extensionî table,, îîew ty No. i9 coakleg stuve, 2 Wooud Itatiliff elaves, cuiboarti, set chair», 2 vas h Et , tubs ketile@ansd chuta, loti tif disbes, Et . lçot 01 lamps, lot simail furniture ' 3 mikpatte, 2 altraliere, 5 eooling cn, G t clocks., and many ailier articles titi numerîlua lu Mention. Ticfia oP SALA: -Ail atîluts tif $10 nti unier cashi. Ail suma uvtr$igin eredît ISAAC HEATH & SONS' a! aoeyeur yl lic giviit ogoond bantabie notea hieanlng 6 lier cent Libertyville, Illinois. luteresi. 2 per centt tibacîîit for casilh on 611660 ovur $11) . No pro perty iemoved jîntil settied fo<r. AýNDIIÈW Hl.,., ,. 9 P -- %%

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